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Journal of
Plant Science & Research Open Science Publications
01 ISSN: 2349-2805
Herbs have high medicinal value in Indian homes. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is one of the most promising medicinal herbs and having
nutritional value found on the continents of Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. It is traditional remedy for treatment of various diseases. After various studies
on its chemical constituents the therapeutic importance of fenugreek are known. Seeds provide the dietary bres because of high bre content. Fenugreek
contains the gum, bre, alkaloid, avonoids, saponin and volatile contents. It has various therapeutic applications like antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic,
hypocholesterolemia and antioxidant, antibacterial agent, hypoglycemia, gastric stimulant, and anti-anorexia agent etc. This review article summarizes the
scientic literature from the databases and published experimental research. The results of this paper showed the various the therapeutic importance of
Keywords: Trigonella foenum-graecum; Therapeutic; Hypocholesterolemic; Flavonoids.
contains a variety of components i.e. alkaloids, glycoside, polyphenols,
steroids, amino acids and volatile components. In various medicinal
applications, it works as antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic, remedy for
hypoglycemia and hypocholesterolemia, antioxidant, antibacterial
agent, gastric stimulant, and anti-anorexia agent.e seeds are hot,
with a sharp bitter taste; tonic, antipyretic, anthelmentic, increase
the apetite, astringent to the bowels, cure leprosy, “vata”, vomiting,
bronchitis, piles; remove bad taste from the mouth, useful in heart
disease [4]. Fenugreek as a chemurgic crop has a wide use for
industrial purposes. Its seeds are source of a steroid diosgenin, which
is used in pharmaceutical industry.
Health benets of fenugreek
Fenugreek seeds are used as a preservative as they are rich in
vitamin E which is an antioxidant. Vitamin E protects body tissue
from damage caused by substances called free radicals which can
harm cells, tissue and organs. For treatment of indigestion, atulence
Trigonella foenum - graecum (L.) belonging to the family
Fabaceae. It is commonly known as Fenugreek. It is native to an area
extending from Iran to northern India. Fenugreek is widely cultivated
in China, India, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, Ukraine, Greece, Turkey,
etc. [1]. India is the largest producer of fenugreek in the world. Total
fenugreek production in India was 113 thousand MT in the year 2012-
13 [2]. It is a owering annual plant, with autogamous owers. It is an
aromatic, annual herb, cultivated throughout the country [3]. It is 30-
60 cm tall plant, appearance of seed solid- rhomboidal, 3 to 5 cm long,
2 nm thick, hard and pebble like. Colour of seed is yellowish brown to
light brown with little spicy and bitter- mucilaginous odour and taste
respectively. Fenugreek is as one of the oldest cultivated medicinal
plants. Many studies showed that it acquire anti-oxidant properties in
seeds and leaves. It is also known as Methi. It is used as an Ayurvedic
medicines in the treatment of abscesses, wounds, arthritis, bronchitis,
and digestive disorders. Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) plant
Volume 3, Issue 1 - 2016
© Belge SA 2016
erapeutic Importance of Fenugreek (Trigonella
foenum-graecum L.): A Review
Review article
Aher RR1, Belge SA1*, Kadam SR1, Kharade SS1, Misal AV2 and Yeole PT1
1KK Wagh College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Panchavati, Nashik, India
2PDVVPF’s College of Pharmacy, Ahmednagar, India
*Corresponding author: SA Belge, KK Wagh College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Panchavati, Nashik, India
Copyright: © 2016 Aher RR et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Article Information: Submission: 16/05/2016; Accepted: 06/06/2016; Published: 11/06/2016
Citation: Aher RR, Belge SA, Kadam SR, Kharade SS, Misal AV, et al. Therapeutic Importance of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.): A Review.
J Plant Sci Res. 2016;3(1): 152.
and a sluggish liver fresh leaves are used. Also the dried leaves used
for avour and for recurrent mouth ulcers the infusion of leaves are
used as a gargle. For hair therapy, the fresh leaves paste is used by
applying it over the scalp. It helps to hair grow, keeps natural color,
makes hair silky and remove dandru. Fenugreek seeds made in gruel
and given to nursing mothers. It helps to increase the ow of milk.
For skin treatment, the gelatinous texture of fenugreek seed is used to
soothing the skin which is irritated by eczema in this the skin patches
become rough and inames with blisters which cause bleeding and
itching. In kidney stones problem, the seeds reduce the amount
of calcium oxalate. To relieve muscle aches and gout pain warm
poultice/cataplasm of fenugreek is used. Fenugreek seeds help in
reducing the amount of calcium oxalate in the kidneys which causes
kidney stones. Now a day’s fenugreek is used as source of the steroid
diosgenin, one of its active constituents from which other steroids can
be synthesized.
erapeutic importance of fenugreek
Fenugreek in the Treatment of Diabetes
In animal and human trials, fenugreek seeds have been found
to lower fasting serum glucose levels. Fenugreek also to be used as
antidiabetic remedy for both type I and II diabetes. Saponins and
diosgenin present in fenugreek are responsible for hypolipidemic
and anti-diabetic action [5-7]. Fenugreek is described as an
antihyperglycemic herb in humans and laboratory animal [8,9].
Fenugreek in cancer therapy
Fenugreek is a medicinal herb for therapy in cancer patients
under chemotherapeutic interventions. Fenugreek extract shows
a protective eect by modifying the cyclophosphamide induced
apoptosis and free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in the urinary
bladder of mice.It has been found to be potentially important in
cancer treatment [5]. Flavonoids and catechins were rst shown
to be apoptotic in human carcinoma cells. Diosgenin present in
fenugreek prevents cell growth and induced apoptosis in the H-29
human colon cancer cell line [10]. Fenugreek seed was found to have
hepatoprotective properties. Polyphenolic extract of fenugreek seed
acts as a protective agent against ethanol induced abnormalities in
the liver [11].
Fenugreek as antioxidant
Fenugreek has a property as an antioxidant because of the
presence of Flavenoids and polyphenols [12,13]. Fenugreek seeds
rich in polyphenol which showed protective eects against hydrogen
peroxide-induced oxidation by protecting the erythrocytes from
haemolysis and lipid peroxidation [14]. A recent in vitro study has
reported that the fenugreek extract has shown and by inhibiting the
γ-radiation induced strand break formation in plasmid pBR322 DNA
Fenugreek effect in cholesterol lowering
e abnormal deciency of cholesterol level in the blood is
known as hypocholesterolemic problem. Fenugreek increased the
fecal bile acid and cholesterol excretion. It may be secondary to a
reaction between the bile acids and saponins causing the formation
of micelles too large for the digestive tract to absorb. Another eect
is that, the ber-rich gum portion of the seed that reduces the rate
of hepatic synthesis of cholesterol. Both this mechanism contributes
to cholesterol lowering. Fenugreek seeds have hypocholesterolemic
eects [15]. Hence fenugreek seeds have lowered serum cholesterol,
triglyceride [16,17].
Fenugreek in anthelmintic activity
Seeds of fenugreek showed mark and potent anthelmintic
activity. In this the alcoholic extracts showed promising results as
anthelmintic activity. Besides it water extract show lesser activity [18].
Fenugreek in antibacterial activity
e seed extracts are eective against Escherichia coli, Salmonella
typhi and Staphylococus aureus. To make this aqueous extract seeds
are boiled in water [18]. Fenugreek has antibacterial activity that,
these plants kill bacteria according to reports [19,20]. e synthetic
α-glucosidases inhibitors such as acarbose can cause adverse
side eects on abdomen such as abdominal distention because of
excessive inhibition of pancreatic enzymes which results in the
abnormal bacterial fermentation undigested carbohydrates in the
colon. erefore research on the development and utilization of anti-
diabetic plants with mild inhibition of pancreatic enzymes is benecial
[21,22]. e glycolytic activity of α-amylase may occur through the
direct blockage of the active center at several subsites of the enzyme
as also suggested for other inhibitors [21]. e fenugreek extract
contains α-amylase inhibitory factors which probably interact with
the active sites of the enzyme in a substrate specic manner. To
inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas spp., E. coli, Shigella dysentiriae,
and Salmonella typhi, fenugreek is eective [23,24].
Fenugreek in obesity
Obesity is one of the major risk factor for morbidity and mortality.
It may be dened as abnormal growth of adipose tissue [25]. In some
research’s it’s indicated that fenugreek seed extract supplementation
reduces the body and adipose tissue weight [26]. e probable
mechanism of fenugreek decreasing the total body and adipose
tissue weight may be that fenugreek ushes out the carbohydrates
from the body before they enter the blood stream resulting in
weight loss and fenugreek seeds contain a high proportion (40%)
of soluble ber. ese bers forms a gelatinous structure which may
have eects on slowing the digestion and absorption of food from
the intestine and create a sense of fullness in the abdomen, thus
suppresses appetite and promotes weight loss [25]. Hence fenugreek
is eective on blood lipids and sugar and on some bacterial strains,
Sr. No. Components Property Reference
1. Diosgenin
Hypolipidemic and Anti-dia-
betic action Chemotherapeu-
tic activity
[2, 38,39]
2. Saponins Hypocholesterolemic activity [16]
3. Flavenoids Antioxidant activity [40,41]
4. Polyphenols Antioxidant activity [40,41]
5. Galactoman-
nan Anti-diabetic activity [42]
Table 1: Chemical components present in fenugreek and their properties.
Citation: Aher RR, Belge SA, Kadam SR, Kharade SS, Misal AV, et al. Therapeutic Importance of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.): A Review.
J Plant Sci Res. 2016;3(1): 152.
antioxidant activity of fenugreek causing protective of organs and
inhibition of entrance diseases to body, too decreases body fats and is
eective on obesity.
Fenugreek in Gastro protection
e fenugreek seeds are eective on gastric ulcer. e aqueous
extract and a gel fraction isolated from the seeds of fenugreek showed
signicant ulcer protective eects. e cytoprotective eect of the
seeds is due to the anti-secretory action and eects on mucosal
glycoproteins. e rise in lipid peroxidation induced by ethanol is
also prevented by fenugreek seeds. e mechanism besides it that it
enhances the antioxidant potential of the gastric mucosa hence it can
lowers mucosal injury. By various researches it can revealed that the
soluble gel fraction derived from the seeds was more eective than
omeprazole in preventing lesion formation. ese observations show
that fenugreek seeds possess antiulcer potential [22,27].
Fenugreek inuence in Digestion
Spices consumed in diet inuenced the pancreatic digestive
enzymes.Fenugreek prominently enhanced pancreatic lipase activity
with the help of feeding rats with spicy diets for eight weeks [28].
High bre of fenugreek helps in relieving constipation ailments.
Fenugreek in Inammation
e 100 and 200 mg/kg dose of fenugreek reduced carragenean-
induced paw edema in rats [29]. Fenugreek extract contains the
alkaloid and it has been reported that to produce anti-inammatory
property by reducing formalin-induced edema in rat and antipyretic
property by signicantly reducing hyperthermia induced by Brewer’s
Yeast this alkaloids are essential [30]. e anti-inammatory
property of fenugreek is probably due to the presence of saponins and
avonoid. Flavonoids act as antioxidant and potential inhibitors of
cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, and nitric oxide synthase [26,31-33].
Fenugreek in Hypertension
Endothelial dysfunction is a devastating condition which is
associated to induce various disorders such as atherosclerosis,
hypertension, diabetes mellitus etc. [34]. e essential oil obtained
from fenugreek in combination with other essential oils has been
employed to reduce systolic blood pressure in spontaneously
hypertensive rat [35]. e aqueous and benzene extract of fenugreek
has been found to show diuretic activity in a dose dependent manner
by increasing the volume of urine and naliuretic activity by increasing
the levels of Na+/K+ ions ratio in Wistar rats; which can be employed
to treat hypertension [36,37].
e Present review shows the dierent therapeutic applications
of fenugreek. e major health benecial properties of fenugreek,
which can give promising therapeutic application has been discussed
in this review article. Antidiabetic, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic,
anthelmintic, hypocholesterolemic, antibacterial activities are the
major medicinal properties of the fenugreek demonstrated in various
studies. High bre content, gummy nature and chemical constituents
present in it make it a naturally health promoting herb. By studying
these observations fenugreek is recommended as a safe and can be
used in daily diet.
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