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Effect of Different Levels of Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Cotton under Different Tillage Operations of Raja Plough (MB Plow)

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Abstract and Figures

In this research an experiment was conducted at Rajput Farm, Tando Allahyar Sindh, Pakistan; to study the effect of different tillage intensity and fertilizer dosage on yield of cotton crop. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The tillage and fertilizers treatments include T1 = 1 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow), T2 = 2 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow), T3 = 3 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow), (F1=control, F2 = 50:25, F3 = 100:50, F4 = 125:75, and F5 = 150:100) respectively. Data analysis and statistical analysis were done through ANOVA procedure. The statistical data showed that the tillage treatment T3 for all levels of fertilizers doses demonstrated better performance as compared to the other tillage treatments. The T1 treatments showed less effective results regarding all the parameters. The highest plant height (160.244 cm), number of sympodial branches per plant (19.16), number of productive bolls per plant (68.22), seed cotton yield per plant (124.51 g), GOT % (33.45 %), staple length (26.48 mm), and seed cotton yield (2357.10 kg ha-1) were recorded in T3F5 tillage and fertilizer treatment followed by (T3F4) respectively. The data indicate that the tillage treatment T3 and fertilizer dosage F5 is recommended for getting maximum yield of cotton under agro-ecological conditions of Rajput farm, Tando Allahyar, Sindh.
Content may be subject to copyright. Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
Effect of Different Levels of Fertilizers on the
Growth and Yield of Cotton under Different Tillage
Operations of Raja Plough (MB Plow)
Engr. Imran Arshad
Abu Dhabi Farmers’ Services Centre (ADFSC), Department of Quality Control & Assurance, Abu Dhabi – Western Region (MZ),
Abstract— In this research an experiment was conducted at Rajput Farm, Tando Allahyar Sindh, Pakistan; to study the effect of
different tillage intensity and fertilizer dosage on yield of cotton crop. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete
block design (RCBD) with three replications. The tillage and fertilizers treatments include T1 = 1 crosswise passing of a Raja
Plough (MB Plow), T2 = 2 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow), T3 = 3 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB
Plow), (F1=control, F2 = 50:25, F3 = 100:50, F4 = 125:75, and F5 = 150:100) respectively. Data analysis and statistical analysis
were done through ANOVA procedure. The statistical data showed that the tillage treatment T3 for all levels of fertilizers doses
demonstrated better performance as compared to the other tillage treatments. The T1 treatments showed less effective results
regarding all the parameters. The highest plant height (160.244 cm), number of sympodial branches per plant (19.16), number
of productive bolls per plant (68.22), seed cotton yield per plant (124.51 g), GOT % (33.45 %), staple length (26.48 mm), and seed
cotton yield (2357.10 kg ha-1) were recorded in T3F5 tillage and fertilizer treatment followed by (T3F4) respectively. The data
indicate that the tillage treatment T3 and fertilizer dosage F5 is recommended for getting maximum yield of cotton under agro-
ecological conditions of Rajput farm, Tando Allahyar, Sindh.
Keywords— Cotton, Agriculture, Tillage, MB Plow, Tando Allahyar, Fertilizer, Soil, Furrow, GOT %, Staple Length, Sindh.
Pakistan is a country which is rich in natural resources of every shape and form. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is the most
important, indeterminate non-food cash crop and a significant source of foreign exchange earnings for Pakistan. The crop generally
sown over 7 to 8 million acres per year in Pakistan. Pakistan is the fourth largest producer of cotton in the world and third largest
exporter of raw cotton. Cotton accounts for 7.3% of the value added in agriculture and about 1.6% in GDP for Pakistan. However,
with the passage of time, cotton production has faced multiple problems due to energy shortfall, inflation and high-cost of
production. The per acre cotton yield in Pakistan is very low as compared to the other countries i.e. China, USA, India, Brazil,
Turkey, Egypt and Iran. [1].
Among the four provinces Punjab is the leading cotton growing province (2143 thousand hectares with 7950 thousand bales),
followed by Sindh (509 thousand hectares with 2000 thousand bales), while the rest of two provinces (NWFP and Balochistan)
posses the negligible area under cotton crop. As far as yield ha-1 is concerned Sindh province has proved to be more productive than
other province [2]. Ecological factors strongly influence cotton yield, particularly GOT % and staple length, which depend on
appropriate irrigation and fertilizers dosage and its distribution during the growing season. Production and yield of cotton depend on
climatic condition, variety, tillage practices etc [3].
Tillage operations are necessary to remove weeds and prevent crust formation. The advantages of different tillage systems are
moisture conservation, reduction of soil erosion, less labour and energy requirement, more timely planting of crops and increased
intensity of land use [4]. Proper fertilizer dosage and good tillage practices would be quite promising not only in providing greater
stability in production, but also in maintaining higher soil fertility status [5]. Thus we need to prepare our land as per standard
quality by using available resources and use fertilizer with proper dosage in order to obtain economically profitable crop yields
without affecting soil fertility.
Considering the above facts, the present investigation was taken under involving tillage intensity, and fertilizers dozes to investigate
the effect of tillage intensity, and fertilizers dozes on the yield contributing characters and yield of cotton.
A. Location Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
The experiment was carried out at Rajput Farm, Tando Allahyar Sindh, Pakistan during the kharif season of the year 2013-2014.
The study was performed to investigate the effect of tillage intensity, and fertilizers dozes on the yield contributing characters and
yield of cotton.
B. Background of the Study Area
The total farm area was comprised of about 224 acres and which is split into 14 big blocks i.e. 1 big block is equal to 16 acres
(Figure: 1). The soil of the experimental site was sandy loam in texture having particle density 2.49 g/cm3, moderately well drained
and kept fallow since many years. During initial survey of the farm, it had been observed that the topographic condition of the farm
is varying due to uneven slopes. The soil condition is fertile and good for agricultural purpose. As the land kept fallow for a long
time therefore, with the mutual understanding of agricultural expert and grower it has been decided that some part of his farm will
used for traditional cotton cultivation and some will be used for a short term study for future interest.
Fig: 1(a) Command Plan of Rajput Farm
In order to achieve the objectives of the study the out of 224 acres of land one big block i.e. 16 acres was selected for experiment.
The main block was divided into three sub-blocks i.e. 5 acre each and the power tillage treatments for each 5 acres were provided
which include T1 = 1 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow), T2 = 2 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow), and T3
= 3 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow) accordingly. After the completion of tillage operations, the three sub blocks were
divided into several small plots to analyze the effect of different dozes of fertilizers on the cotton crop. In order to prepare the land
(seed bed) the disk harrow operation to eradicate the weeds, supplement with two crosswise operations of normal cultivator and
rotavator operations to pulverize the land accordingly. With the objective of uniform distribution of irrigation water land was
leveled by laser leveler. Finally, a good seed bed (furrows and ridges) was prepared accordingly. Figure 2(a) 2(f) describes the
overall land preparation operations which were studied during this research study.
Fig: 2(a) Power Tillage Treatment by Raja Plough (MB Plow) Operation Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
Fig: 2(b) Raja Plough Operation Side View
Fig: 2(c) Soil Pulverization by Cultivator Operation
Fig: 2(d) Soil Pulverization by Rotavator Operation
Fig: 2(e) Laser Land Leveling Operation Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
Fig: 2(f) Ready Furrows and Ridges for Cotton Sowing
The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Homogenous seeds of cotton
variety i.e. Shahbaz were sown for five different NP levels. Sowing was done manually by arranging the row to row distance of 2.5
ft, plant to plant distance was kept 1 ft and seed depth 2 – 2.5 inch. The treatments composed of five different fertilization doses for
NP i.e. (F1=control, F2 = 50:25, F3 = 100:50, F4 = 125:75, and F5 = 150:100). The total amount of phosphorous was applied in the
form of DAP at the time of seed bed preparation (sowing). While nitrogen in the form of Urea was applied in split dozes at different
crop development stages i.e. 1/3 of the nitrogen fertilizer doze was applied at first irrigation and remaining dozes of the nitrogen
fertilizer was applied before flowering and boll formation accordingly.
The required irrigation water was applied on the basis of ET calculated from climatically parameters. A soaking dose of 100 mm
was applied and the subsequent irrigations were based on 60% soil moisture depletion. The first irrigation after soaking dose was
provided after 4 weeks and the remaining 5 subsequent irrigations were given after 3 weeks of interval accordingly. In each
subsequent irrigation the applied water was kept at 75mm per acre accordingly. Figure 2(g) – 2(i) describes the different irrigation
stages of the subject research study.
Fig: 2(g) First Irrigation during Sowing
Fig: 2(h) Subsequent Irrigation after Germination and Shoot Development Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
Fig: 2(i) Front View of Branch Watercourse Used for Irrigation Purpose
Different intercultural operations such as irrigation, weeding, pest control etc. were done in all plots throughout the growing period
accordingly. For recording observations on different parameters, 100 plants from each plot were selected randomly and tagged. The
quantitative and economic parameters studied during the subject study was Plant height (cm), number of sympodial branches per
plant, number of productive bolls per plant, seed cotton yield per plant (g), ginning outturn (%), staple length (mm), and seed cotton
yield kg / ha. Finally, data analysis and statistical analysis were done through ANOVA procedure to analysis of variance and to test
the superiority of treatment mean LSD test accordingly. Figure 2(j) – 2(k) describes the different stages of cotton development
studied during this research study.
Fig: 2(j) 60% of Cotton is ready for Picking
Fig: 2(k) Cotton Picking Operation in Late Morning
The subject research was carried out to evaluate the effect of tillage intensity of Raja Plough (MB Plow), and different doses of NP
fertilizers on the yield contributing characters and yield of cotton. The outcome of the study revealed that cotton plant height (cm),
number of sympodial branches per plant, number of productive bolls per plant, seed cotton yield per plant (g), ginning outturn (%),
staple length (mm), and seed cotton yield kg / ha differed very significantly between application of different rates of NP fertilizer
supplemented with different tillage operation intensity as shown in Table: 01 - Table 07 accordingly. The critical gathered
observations and data for the above discussed parameters during the research period are appended below:
A. Quantitative Parameters Studied for Cotton
1) Plant height (cm): The results revealed that plant height affected significantly by the NP levels and tillage treatments, while
their interaction was non-significant statistically (Table 1). The lowest plant height was observed in T1F1 (116.16 cm) and the
highest plant height was attained in T3F5 (160.24 cm). Similar results were also reported by the Sial et al. [6] for the cotton plant Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
Table: 01. Effect of tillage intensity and different levels of NP application and their interactions on Plant Height.
NP levels
Kg / ha
No of Power Tiller Passing (Raja Plough)
One Passing Two Passing
Plant Height (cm)
= 0
0 (Control)
2 d
= 50:25 NP
130.01 c
= 100
50 NP
136.11 b
= 125
75 NP
141.90 a
= 150
100 NP
144.12 a
125.70 c
130.46 b
149.42 a
Tillage Intensity (T) Fertilizer Dosage (F)
Interaction (T x F)
S.E 1.89 2.45
Cdi = at P<0.05 3.83 4.94
Cdi = at P<0.01 5.11 6.60
Means followed by common letters do not differ significantly at 5% level.
B. Number of sympodial branches per plant
It was observed that number of sympodial branches per plant varied significantly between the NP levels and tillage treatments,
whereas no significant difference was observed in the interaction of NP levels and tillage treatments (Table 02). Cotton treated with
T3F5 produced maximum number of sympodial (19.16 per plant) and T1F1 produced minimum number of sympodial (5.57 per plant).
These results of variation are confirmed by the Qaimkhani. [7], who also found significant differences among the cotton Shahbaz
variety for the sympodial branches per plant.
Table: 02. Effect of tillage intensity and different levels of NP application and their interactions on Number of sympodial branches
per plant.
NP levels
Kg / ha
No of Power Tiller Passing (Raja Plough) Mean
One Passing
Two Passing
Three Passing
Number of Sympodial Branches per plant
F1= 0-0 (Control) 5.57 7.12 8.09 6.93 d
F2= 50:25 NP 8.65 9.91 12.37 10.31 c
F3= 100-50 NP 11.40 12.37 14.34 12.70 b
F4= 125-75 NP 13.53 14.98 17.65 15.38 a
F5= 150-100 NP 14.47 16.34 19.16 16.65 a
Mean 10.73 c 12.14 b 14.32 a --
Tillage Intensity
Fertilizer Dosage
Interaction (T x F)
S.E 0.49 0.64 1.10
Cdi = at P<0.05 1.00 1.28 --
Cdi = at P<0.01 1.33 1.72 --
Means followed by common letters do not differ significantly at 5% level. Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
The results revealed that number of productive bolls per plant affected significantly by the NP levels, tillage treatments and their
interaction (Table 03). The lowest number of bolls per plant was observed for T1F1 (19.54). The highest number of bolls per plant
was observed for T3F5 (68.22) followed by T3F4 (66.44). These results were according to the observation of the Sial et al. [6], who
also observed the variation in cotton cultivars for the number of bolls per plant.
Table: 03. Effect of tillage intensity and different levels of NP application and their interactions on Number of productive bolls per
NP levels
Kg / ha
No of Power Tiller Passing (Raja Plough) Mean
One Passing
Two Passing
Three Passing
Number of Productive Bolls Per Plant
= 0
0 (Control)
26.23 d
F2= 50:25 NP
36.37 c
F3= 100-50 NP
41.23 b
F4= 125-75 NP
51.20 a
F5= 150-100 NP
55.06 a
31.28 c
41.54 b
53.21 a
Tillage Intensity
Fertilizer Dosage
Interaction (T x F)
S.E 1.50 1.93 3.34
Cdi = at P<0.05 3.02 3.90 6.75
Cdi = at P<0.01 4.04 5.21 9.03
Means followed by common letters do not differ significantly at 5% level.
Analysis of variance of different economic character viz, seed cotton yield per plant (g), ginning outturn (%), staple length (mm),
and seed cotton yield kg / ha differed very significantly between application of different rates of NP fertilizer supplemented with
different tillage operation intensity as shown in Table: 04 – Table: 07.
A. Seed cotton yield per plant (g)
It was found that seed cotton yield of individual plant was changed significantly among the NP levels and tillage treatments while
their interaction was non-significant statistically (Table: 04). Maximum and minimum seed cotton yield was recorded in case of
T3F5 (124.51 g per plant), and T1F1 (31.18 g per plant) respectively. Similar results were also reported by the Qaimkhani, [7] for the
seed cotton yield per plant.
Table: 04. Effect of tillage intensity and different levels of NP application and their interactions on Seed cotton yield per plant (g)
NP levels
Kg / ha
No of Power Tiller Passing (Raja Plough) Mean
One Passing
Two Passing
Three Passing
Seed Cotton Yield per Plant (g)
= 0
0 (Control)
123.82 d
= 50:25 NP
130.01 c
= 100
50 NP
136.11 b
= 125
75 NP
141.90 a
= 150
100 NP
144.12 a
57.25 c
68.62 b
96.63 a
Tillage Intensity
Fertilizer Dosage
(T x F)
3.94 Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
Cdi = at P<0.05
Cdi = at P<0.01
Means followed by common letters do not differ significantly at 5% level.
The Analysis of variance indicated that the differences in ginning outturn percentage among the NP levels and tillage intensities
were highly significant; however, their interaction was non-significant (Table 5). The results indicated that individually, higher
G.O.T was observed in case of T3F5 and T3F4 (33.45% or 33.37%), and the lower G.O.T was observed in case of T1F1 (29.82 %).
These results were entirely according to the observation of the Iqbal et al. [8].
Table: 05. Effect of tillage intensity and different levels of NP application and their interactions on Ginning Outturn Percentage
(GOT %).
NP levels
Kg / ha
No of Power Tiller Passing (Raja Plough) Mean
T1= T2= T3=
One Passing Two Passing Three Passing
Ginning Outturn Percentage (GOT %)
F1= 0-0 (Control) 29.82 30.50 31.37 30.56 c
F2= 50:25 NP 31.13 31.36 32.74 31.75 b
F3= 100-50 NP 31.28 31.96 32.79 32.01 ab
F4= 125-75 NP 31.81 32.68 33.37 32.62 a
F5= 150-100 NP 32.01 32.78 33.45 32.75 a
Mean 31.21 c 31.86 b 32.73 a --
Tillage Intensity
(T) Fertilizer Dosage
(F) Interaction (T x F)
S.E 0.33 0.42 0.73
Cdi = at P<0.05 0.36 0.85 --
Cdi = at P<0.01 0.88 1.13 --
Means followed by common letters do not differ significantly at 5% level.
The results revealed that staple length affected significantly by the NP levels and tillage intensities, while the interaction of fertilizer
levels and tillage intensities was non-significant statistically (Table 6). The results indicated that maximum staple length was
observed in case of T3F5 and T3F4 (26.48 mm or 26.19 mm), and the minimum staple length was observed in case of T1F1 (22.98
mm) respectively.
Table: 06. Effect of tillage intensity and different levels of NP application and their interactions on Staple Length (mm)
NP levels
Kg / ha
No of Power Tiller Passing (Raja Plough) Mean
One Passing
Two Passing
Three Passing
Staple Length (mm)
= 0
0 (Control)
23.68 c
= 50:25 NP
24.79 b
= 100
50 NP
25.19 ab
= 125
75 N
25.53 ab
= 150
100 NP
25.74 a
24.33 c
24.98 b
25.77 a
Tillage Intensity
Fertilizer Dosage
Interaction (T x F)
S.E 0.32 0.41 0.74 Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
Cdi = at P<0.05
Cdi = at P<0.01 0.85 1.11 --
Means followed by common letters do not differ significantly at 5% level.
It was observed that the differences in the seed cotton yield between the NP levels and tillage intensities were highly significant,
whereas the interaction among NP levels and varieties were non-significant (Table: 07). The maximum seed cotton yield per hectare
was observed for treatment T3F5 (2357.10 kg/ha), while the lowest seed cotton yield per hectare was observed for treatment T1F1
(906.95 kg/ha). Similar results were also reported by the Latif et al. [9].
Table: 07. Effect of tillage intensity and different levels of NP application and their interactions on Seed Cotton Yield Kg / ha.
NP levels
Kg / ha
No of Power Tiller Passing (Raja Plough) Mean
T1= T2= T3=
One Passing Two Passing Three Passing
Seed Cotton Yield Kg / Ha
F1= 0-0 (Control) 906.95 989.41 1193.10 1030.14 d
F2= 50:25 NP 1212.51 1377.45 1930.30 1506.41 c
F3= 100-50 NP 1455.03 1726.67 2037.00 1739.21 b
F4= 125-75 NP 1697.51 1920.68 2274.65 1954.55 a
F5= 150-100 NP 1833.31 2066.11 2357.10 2085.50 a
Mean 1421.05 c 1610.2 b 1958.43 a --
Tillage Intensity
(T) Fertilizer Dosage
(F) Interaction (T x F)
S.E 50.73 65.50 113.44
Cdi = at P<0.05 102.48 132.30 --
Cdi = at P<0.01 136.98 176.84 --
Means followed by common letters do not differ significantly at 5% level.
As a consequence of subject study it can be concluded that different levels of NP fertilizers under different tillage systems had a
significant effect on growth and the higher yield of Cotton (Shahbaz). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block
design (RCBD) with three replications. The tillage and fertilizers treatments include T1 = 1 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB
Plow), T2 = 2 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow), T3 = 3 crosswise passing of a Raja Plough (MB Plow), (F1=control, F2
= 50:25, F3 = 100:50, F4 = 125:75, and F5 = 150:100) respectively. Data analysis and statistical analysis were done through ANOVA
procedure. The statistical data showed that the tillage treatment T3 for all levels of fertilizers doses demonstrated better performance
as compared to the other tillage treatments. The T1 treatments showed less effective results regarding all the parameters.
The highest plant height (160.244 cm), number of sympodial branches per plant (19.16), number of productive bolls per plant
(68.22), seed cotton yield per plant (124.51 g), GOT % (33.45 %), staple length (26.48 mm), and seed cotton yield (2357.10 kg ha-
1) were recorded in T3F5 tillage and fertilizer treatment followed by (T3F4) respectively. The data indicate that the tillage treatment
T3 and fertilizer dosage F5 is recommended for getting maximum yield of cotton under agro-ecological conditions of Rajput farm,
Tando Allahyar, Sindh. Furthermore, as the area under study was sandy loam; therefore these suggestions and working methodology
are only applicable for sandy loam soils while the results may vary for other types of soil.
In the light of present research study carried out it is suggested to all the cotton crop growers that cotton yield can be increased by
managing critical stages properly i.e. Land selection and preparation, soil sampling / testing and seed selection and variety,
appropriate sowing, fertilizers, irrigation, weed removal, pesticides application, and picking operations etc. For the cultivation of
cotton crop fertile clay soils, with good levelling and drainage is required. Saline, Sodic, Saline Sodic, water logged, and poor Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
©IJRASET 2015: All Rights are Reserved
drainage soils are not suitable for cotton cultivation. For uniform irrigation the land must leveled.
As the roots of cotton crop penetrate straight in to the soil i.e. 3 – 4 ft in one complete season therefore, it is necessary to perform a
chisel plow and Raja plough operation in to the soil. It will not only open the hard pan of the soil but also enhance the water
movement and retention into the soil. The cultivator operations may be increase or decrease depending upon the soil conditions. The
seed bed must be prepared according to the conditions of ecological zone, soil texture and structure.
Cotton picking is an important operation, if its picking or storage is not up to the mark so there will be a decrease in its quality.
Picking operation must done when the crop is fully ready and dry. After picking it should to be placed on dry and clean place.
Always choose those bolls which are fully developed. Don’t pick cotton during heavy dust climatic conditions. Place different
varieties of cotton in different warehouses in order to protect the fibre and seed quality. After final picking of cotton release the
cattle in the field so that they may eat the remains of cotton crop i.e. bolls and leaves.
The author expresses profound unprecedented gratitude to Rajput Farm, Tando Allahyar farm owner Mr. Muhammed Shahzain
Rajput, to the farm manager Mr. Lala Ansaar Khan for his kind assistance throughout the research work and all other individuals
who have been source of help throughout the research period.
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[8] Iqbal, R.M.S., M.B. Chaudry, M. Aslam and A.A. Bandesha, 1994. Development of a high yielding cotton mutant, NIAB-78 through the use of induced
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Cottons., 38(2): 99-104. AUTHOR PROFILE
Engr. Imran Arshad currently works at Abu Dhabi Farmers’ Services Centre (ADFSC), Abu Dhabi –
Western Region (MZ), UAE, as an Agriculture Engineer for past two years. He is a Post Graduate -
Agriculture Engineer with strong technical background and five years of working experience in the
Agriculture, Irrigation, Agricultural Soil Analysis and Sampling, Agricultural Land Survey (Periodic
Monitoring), Research & Development, Saline Soil Reclamation and Social sector studies. He acquired
his M.E degree in Hydraulics and Irrigation from IWREM, Mehran University of Engineering and
Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan and his B.E degree from Sindh Agriculture University, (SAU) Tando
Jam, Pakistan. These studies include Soil Survey, Agronomy, Farm Machinery, Soil Science, Saline
Sodic & Waterlogged Soils, Farm Irrigation Systems, Water Quality, Irrigation Engineering, Post
Harvest Technology, Open Channel Flow, Drainage Engineering, Computational Hydraulics, Design of
Hydraulic Structures, Seepage & Ground Water Flow, Finite Element Modeling, Operational Research, Hydrology, Irrigation &
Water Management, Farm Management, and Water Resource Technology.
... This allows the roots to penetrate deep into the soil. The process of losing and turning the soil is called tilling or ploughing (Arshad, 2015c). ...
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Fertilizers application plays a pivotal role in the production of vegetables and fruits. Too low or high fertilizers levels can reduce the growth and development process of plants which may affect the crop yield. To investigate the fact, a field experiment was carried out to check the growth and yield of radish on a sandy soil, under desert climatic conditions by using drip irrigation system. The field study was carried out on a randomized complete block design (RCBD) having nine different rates of water soluble NPK(20-20-20) fertilizer, i.e. (T1 = control, T2 = 0.25, T3 = 0.50, T4 = 0.75, T5 = 1.00, T6 = 1.25, T7 = 1.50, T8 = 1.75, and T9 = 2.00) grams plant-1 fertigation-1 respectively. The results revealed that NPK(20-20-20) fertilizers with different rates brought a positive effect in radish cultivation. Amongst all the treatments, T6 was observed to be more suitable and economical dose as it took the tallest radish plants (38.83 cm), highest number of leaves (20.74), highest leaves weight (260.12 g), highest root length (32.62 cm), maximum root diameter (11.06 cm), highest root weight (198.80 g), maximum total biomass (458.91 g) and maximum root yield (76.23 t/ha) respectively. However, control plots showed inadequate results regarding all the parameters. The application of NPK(20-20-20) (T6 = 1.25 grams plant-1 fertigation-1) was found suitable for the best possible growth and yield of radish under desert conditions. Application of fertilizers beyond this level seems to be an uneconomical and wasteful practice.
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A three-year experiment comparing five tillage methods with chemical and green manure fertilizer and two levels of water application of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) are reported in this article. Results showed that conventional tillage had the second best emergence rate and the best flowers and boll numbers and yields. Heavy and rotary cultivators gave similar yields (lower than conventional) although rotary cultivator had the best emergence rate. Disk harrow gave an emergence rate similar to the heavy cultivator but lower yield. Finally no-tillage had the lowest emergence rates and yield. Chemical fertilization gave better yield than green manure but the difference was not significant. Different application rates of irrigation water had negligible effect on yields. An economic analysis of the tillage treatments based on contractor prices, but not considering possible long-term effects on environment and soil fertility showed that farmer margins are best for conventional tillage, followed by the cultivator treatments. The results indicate that green manure can be used instead of chemical fertilizers without considerable income loss for the farmers, but with benefits to the environment and soil. Energy consumption was higher for conventional tillage and rotary cultivator followed by heavy cultivator, disk harrow, and no-tillage.
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Cotton is the backbone of agro-based Pakistan’s economy. Mostly foreign exchange linked with cotton production. An experiment was conducted in the Central Cotton Research Institute Sakrand Sindh to determine the best suited cultivar in its climatic zone. Analysis of Variance showed that commercial cultivars were significantly varied from each other for seedcotton yield and other recorded characters. The cultivar CRIS-342 produced highest (3134.7 Kg) seed cotton yield per hectare. The maximum ginning out turn (40.26%) was observed for the cultivar CIM-534 and the highest boll weight (3.63g) was observed for the cultivar BH-160.
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The adoption of conservation management system and succession of crops after green manures aim at preserving the environment and soil quality, without dispensing the largest cash crop yield. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of soil management systems and green manures on cotton yield (Gossypium hirsutumL.). The experiment was carried out in a Typic Hapludox, covered by Savannah vegetation. The experimental design used was that of randomized blocks, in a split plot scheme, with four replications. In plots, four green manures were used: black velvet bean, pigeon pea, sunn hemp, millet and fallow area (spontaneous vegetation). In subplots, two managament soil systems were used: no-tillage and conventional tillage (one disk harrow + two levelling harrow). Soil management systems do not affect cotton yield. Previously green manures do not affect cotton yield grown in succession, both in no-tillage and conventional tillage systems.
Economic Survey. Government of Pakistan, Finance Division, Economic Advisor's wing
Federal Bureau of Statistics, 2014. Economic Survey. Government of Pakistan, Finance Division, Economic Advisor's wing, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Overview of the University of Arkansas cotton breeding program
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Bourland, F.M., 2004. Overview of the University of Arkansas cotton breeding program. In: Proceedings, Belt wide Cotton Prod. Res. Conf. San Antonio, Tex. National Cotton Council, Memphis, Tenn.
Effect of cotton variety and their fibre parameter on mill performance and product quality. The Pak
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  • A Rashid
Ahmad M., M. Sulman, and A. Rashid, 1993. Effect of cotton variety and their fibre parameter on mill performance and product quality. The Pak. Cottons, 40(11): 16-17.
Development of a high yielding cotton mutant, NIAB-78 through the use of induced mutations
  • R M S Iqbal
  • M B Chaudry
  • M Aslam
  • A A Bandesha
Iqbal, R.M.S., M.B. Chaudry, M. Aslam and A.A. Bandesha, 1994. Development of a high yielding cotton mutant, NIAB-78 through the use of induced mutations. Pak. J. Bot., 26 (1): 99-104.
Effect of rate of N application along with P on yield and quality of cotton NIAB-78 and NIAB-86. The Pak
  • K Latif
  • A R Soomro
  • M H Arain
Latif, K., A.R. Soomro and M.H. Arain, 1994. Effect of rate of N application along with P on yield and quality of cotton NIAB-78 and NIAB-86. The Pak. Cottons., 38(2): 99-104. AUTHOR PROFILE
Effect of Varying Levels of Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Cotton. M.Sc (Agronomy) thesis submitted to the department of agronomy faculty of crop production, to SAU
  • A A Qaimkhani
Qaimkhani A. A., 2008. Effect of Varying Levels of Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Cotton. M.Sc (Agronomy) thesis submitted to the department of agronomy faculty of crop production, to SAU, Tandojam.
Soil tillage, irrigation and fertilization effects in cotton crops
  • T A Gemotos
  • A Alexandrou
  • D Pateras
Gemotos, T. A., A. Alexandrou, and D. Pateras. 2002. Soil tillage, irrigation and fertilization effects in cotton crops. Applied Engineering in Agri. 18(3): 269-276.