
Impact des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols sur le rendement du sorgho au centre-nord du Burkina Faso

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Works of conservation of water and grounds and sorghum output in the Northern Center of Burkina FasoFace to the degradation of their vital spaces, the populations of Burkina Faso in general, area of Dem in particular became aware of the need for damming up the plague. They have, only or with the support of techniques of the State, the projects and ONG, undertaken work of conservation of water and grounds as well as the agroforestery. After more than two decades of practices, the agrarian landscape of the area of Dem still presents non made-up sectors; those arranged are it by various techniques: stony cords, cords of Andropogon gayanus, mulching, zaï. During the crop year 2002, measurements were taken on the growth and the output of the sorghum according to installations carried out. All the fields were selected on bottom glacis. The results obtained make it possible to affirm that the techniques of conservation of water and the grounds practised in the area of Dem are beneficial for the cultures and leaving for the populations. Indeed, the outputs are better with the practice of the zaï (1,730 t/ha), because this technique combines fertilization of the ground by contribution of compost or manure and conservation of moisture for one longer period after each rain. Even the mulching which, among the various techniques applied, gives the results low (0,77 t/ha), offers outputs six times higher than those of the pieces without installation (0,12 t/ha) on bottom glacis. The positive impact of the techniques of conservation of water and the grounds on the output of the sorghum shows the possibility to increase in the agricultural production, for little that the populations are sensitised and that these techniques are improved for a broad diffusion near the peasants exploiting the same types of grounds and under the same climate.

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... The most common practices are stone cordons, manual zaï and half-moons [20]. We also note the presence of Andropogon gayanus or Euphorbia balsamifera strips and mulching [21]. These techniques are fairly widespread in this region (26.5% compared to 17.5% for the national average). ...
... As a result, dry spells strongly affect cereal crop yields [23,24,10]. Several studies also showed that the use of WSC techniques combined with organic manure and improved varieties significantly increase cereal yields in this zone [25,21,26]. The causal relationships between the intra-seasonal distribution of rainfall and the variation in yields have been put into perspective by means of simple correlation tests. ...
... Consequently, yields increases are likely related to the use of more droughtresistant varieties and SWC/SDR practices. These practices have been shown to be effective in improving runoff collection and maintaining soil fertility [21]. In the Central Plateau of the country, farmers have adopted short-cycle (50-70 days) and drought-resistant cereal varieties [56]. ...
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West African Sahel is one of the most exposed areas to the adverse effects of climate variability. All the agricultural production systems are affected, exposing local populations to food insecurity and poverty. This study aimed to assess the impacts of intra-seasonal rainfall variability and cropping practices on cereal yields in the North Central region of Burkina Faso. Daily rainfall data covering the 1984-2015 period were collected from eleven stations across the region. The agro-climatic parameters such as the onset and the end of the rainy season, its length, seasonal rainfall amount, rainy days and long dry spells in the rainy months were determined. Annual cereal yields statistics (sorghum, millet and maize) (1984-2015) were used. Data on cropping practices were taken into account in this study. The statistical methods for trends and breaks were applied to data series. Simple correlation tests were used to assess the impacts of agro-climatic parameters on cereal yields. The results showed that the North Central region of Burkina Faso experienced extreme rainfall events such as "false starts" of rainy seasons, long dry spells and early rainfall cessation. The onset of the rainy season and the long dry spells in July (duration ≥ 8 days) and August (≥ 6 days) months had negative impacts on cereal yields in the region. The results also highlighted an increase in rainfall since the 1990s and 2000s. Increased rainfall and the positive effects of changes in cropping practices affected cereal yields, which increased significantly (44 to 72%) since that period. Dissemination of climate information, adoption of improved cropping technics and supplemental irrigation are innovating practices that could increase cereal yields in North Central Burkina Faso.
... Au Burkina Faso, l'objectif d'accroitre les productions agricoles pour nourrir une population de plus en plus croissante parait très ambitieux en raison de ce phénomène de dégradation des sols. Le sol naturellement pauvre se dégrade continuellement (Da, 2008). Les terres les plus dégradées se rencontrent dans les régions du Sahel (57%), du Nord (29%) et du Centre Nord (29%) (CILSS-CSAO, 2008). ...
... Pour ce faire, plusieurs techniques ont donc été adoptées dans les différentes régions du pays afin d'assurer une production agricole durable. Par exemple, dans la région du Centre Nord, la technique du Zaï combiné à l'usage de la matière organique est l'une des principales voies choisies par les producteurs (Da, 2008). Par ailleurs, dans un contexte de changement climatique et dans l'optique de la séquestration du carbone, l'utilisation du biocharbon, technique ancestrale, découvert en Amazonie pour son aptitude à augmenter le stock de carbone dans le sol et à accroitre la productivité des sols serait donc une voie à explorer. ...
Objectifs : L’une des contraintes majeures des systèmes de production agricole au Burkina Faso demeure la dégradation des sols. La présente étude menée à Kongoussi (Burkina Faso) avait pour objectif de déterminer les effets du Biocharbon utilisé comme amendement sur le sol et les paramètres agronomiques du mil. Méthodologie et résultats : Un dispositif en blocs simple comportant 3 traitements en 5 répétitions a été utilisé. Les traitements comprenaient T0= Fumier + NPK, T1= Biocharbon + Fumier + NPK, T2= Biocharbon + NPK. Les matières fertilisantes ont induit une amélioration des paramètres chimiques du sol. Les meilleurs paramètres chimiques du sol ont été observés avec T1 (Biocharbon + Fumier + NPK) qui a permis l’obtention du plus grand rendement grains du mil comparativement à ceux obtenus avec les traitements T0 (Fumier + NPK) et T2 (Biocharbon + NPK) qui étaient statistiquement équivalents. Conclusions and application des résultats : La combinaison du biocharbon au fumier améliore la fertilité du sol et le rendement du mil. Cela constitue une solution intéressante en vue restaurer et ou maintenir la fertilité des sols, accroitre les rendements des cultures tout en réduisant les effets néfastes des changements climatiques à travers la séquestration du carbone dans le sol. La technologie du Biocharbon constitue une alternative intéressante pour la valorisation des résidus culturaux peu ou pas exploités pour améliorer durablement la qualité des sols et assurer la sécurité alimentaire tout en protégeant l’environnement. Mots-clés : fertilité des sols ; Biocharbon ; amendement organique ; séquestration du carbone, ABSTRACT Combined effects of biocharbon and manure on physico-chemical properties of a tropical ferruginous soil under millet cultivation in the semi-arid zone of Burkina Faso Objectives: One of the major constraints of agricultural production systems in Burkina Faso is the low soil fertility. The objective of this study conducted in Kongoussi (Burkina Faso) was to determine the effects of Biochar used as soil amendment in combination with manure on soil fertility and some agronomic parameters of millet. Methodology and results: A simple block disign with 3 treatments in 5 replicates was used. The randomly distributed treatments included T0= Manure + NPK, T1= Biochar + Manure + NPK, T2= Biochar + NPK. The Lompo et al., J. Appl. Biosci. 2021 Effets combinés du biocharbon et du fumier sur les propriétés physico-chimiques d’un sol ferrugineux tropical sous culture de mil en zone semi-aride du Burkina Faso. 16173 applied fertilizers improved some soil chemical parameters. The best soil chemical parameters were observed with T1 (Biochar + Manure + NPK), which induced the highest millet grain yield as compared to those obtained with T0 (Manure + NPK) and T2 (Biochar + NPK), which were statistically equivalent. Conclusions and application of findings : The combination of biochar with manure improves soil fertility and millet yield. This is an interesting solution to restore and/or maintain soil fertility, to increase crop yields while reducing the adverse effects of climate change through carbon sequestration into the soil. The Biochar technology is an interesting alternative for the valorization of crop residues little or not well exploited in order to sustainably improve soil quality and food security while protecting the environment. Keywords: Crop production ; Soil fertility ; Biochar ; organic amendment, carbon sequestration.
... La constitution de l'échantillon a nécessité la mobilisation des approches d'évaluation d'impact. L'évaluation de l'incidence de ces technologies exogènes peut se faire à l'aide des approches expérimentales (aléatoires) et quasi-expérimentales (non aléatoires) (Da, 2008). La première approche appelée approche «avec-sans» consiste à comparer les groupes témoins (n'ayant pas bénéficié de ces stratégies) aux groupes bénéficiaires. ...
... Ce ralentissement contribue à l'amélioration ou la préservation de la fertilité des sols. C'est le cas d'Androgopon gayanus et le zaï utilisé au Burkina-Faso (Da, 2008). L'utilisation de ces techniques ont permis aux producteurs du centre-nord du pays d'améliorer le rendement du sorgho (supérieur à 1.250 kg/ha). ...
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This study analyzes the economic impact of water and soil conservation strategies on households in northwestern Benin. It was conducted in Ouaké and Boukombé municipalities. Thus 90 farmers per municipality were selected and surveyed randomly. The reasons of land degradation, water and soil conservation strategies, production, price selling and costs on maize were collected during group and individual interviews. Perceptions of the causes of land degradation, strategies and their origin were analyzed using discourse and content analysis. Parameters (yield, gross margin and ratio benefit/cost) were estimated and compared between beneficiaries of exogenous strategies and non-beneficiaries using the Student t test. Exogenous strategies improved the income of maize production. Key words: Strategies, water and soil conservation, impact, income, northwestern Benin.
... Gautier et al. (1998) rapportent qu'une modification du régime pluviométrique s'est manifestée dès 1966 dans plusieurs pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest dont le Burkina Faso. D'autres auteurs ont déjà évoqué cette baisse des précipitations dans le Centre-Nord (Zombré, 2006 ;Da, 2008 ;West et al., 2008 ;Sarr et al., 2015). Cependant, leurs travaux ne mettent pas en évidence les ruptures de tendance pluviométrique au moyen de tests statistiques. ...
... La baisse des pluies est accompagnée d'une réduction significative du nombre annuel de jours pluvieux avec une période de rupture située entre 1965 et 1984. A Kaya, le nombre annuel de jours de pluie a plutôt connu une baisse sensible entre 1960et 2002(Da, 2008. La modification du régime des pluies journalières résulte d'une baisse de la fréquence des pluies de 10 mm, de 50 mm, des pluies intenses et des pluies extrêmes de 1961 à 1990, avec une période de rupture se situant entre 1963 et 1978. ...
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Cette étude a pour but de caractériser la variabilité climatique dans le Centre-Nord du Burkina Faso. L’économie de cette région est particulièrement vulnérable au changement climatique. Les données collectées à cette fin concernent la pluviométrie journalière enregistrée dans onze stations et couvrant la période 1961-2015. L’indice pluviométrique standardisé a été utilisé pour déterminer les périodes sèches et humides. Des tests statistiques ont été appliqués pour analyser la variabilité pluviométrique. Les indices ETCCDMI ont permis de caractériser les extrêmes pluviométriques. Les résultats montrent que la période 1961-2015 est caractérisée par une alternance de phases humides et sèches avec une tendance générale à la baisse des précipitations annuelles. La région a connu une modification de son régime pluviométrique depuis la fin des années 1960. Cette modification s’est traduite par une période de baisse des cumuls pluviométriques et des pluies journalières. Cependant, la pluviométrie régionale a amorcé un retour vers des périodes plus humides depuis la fin des années 1980 et les décennies 1990 et 2000. La reprise est plus prononcée dans la zone sahélienne que dans l’espace soudano-sahélien. Cette étude montre une forte disparité spatiale dans la répartition des jours pluvieux durant ces décennies. En effet, le nombre annuel de jours pluvieux est en hausse dans cinq localités tandis qu’il est en baisse dans les six autres localités. La fréquence des pluies de 50 mm, des pluies intenses et des pluies extrêmes est en hausse depuis la fin des années 1980 et les décennies 1990 et 2000. Le retour des pluies est plutôt lié à une fréquence élevée des évènements de forte intensité pluviométrique qu’à une augmentation des jours pluvieux. Malgré cette évolution, on note une persistance de la sécheresse dans certaines localités du Centre-Nord notamment depuis 2005 à Kongoussi et 2010 à Bouroum.
... The application of soil management that improves soil moisture (Oduor et al., 2021) including but not limited to the techniques of soil and water conservation (Da, 2008) for improving sorghum productivity in agroforestry parklands systems with V. paradoxa and P. biglobosa when rainfall decreased with climate change could be recommended. ...
Cereal crops biomass and grain yield generally reduced under trees canopy, are also improved depending on trees species and structure in agroforestry parklands suggesting complex interactions in these systems. This research investigated the relationship between soil chemical properties and sorghum biomass and grain yield in agroforestry parklands for recommendations to maintain or improve sorghum productivity under climate change. Studied parklands consisted of Vitellaria paradoxa C. F Gaertn and Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth in association with sorghum in three climatic zones. Soil chemical parameters were measured using the spectrophotometry infrared method and sorghum biomass and grain yield were calculated by dividing their weight with the area of production. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and potassium (K) had a positive effect on sorghum biomass and grain yield when rainfall decreased suggesting the application of management options improving soil carbon and moisture to increase sorghum productivity with reduced rainfall due to climate change. CEC had a negative effect on sorghum biomass and in association with P. biglobosa when rainfall increased suggesting the optimisation of mineral fertilisers use and tree pruning to increase sorghum productivity when rainfall increased due to climate change. Further research is required to assess the effects of these recommended management options.
... Among the strategies adopted are the works of CES/DRS including the zai technique. Thus, numerous research studies contribute to show the effects of these CES/DRS techniques (Ibrahim and Nomao, 2004;Ganaba, 2005;Abdoulaye and Ibro, 2006;Da, 2008;Dabré et al., 2017;Nyamekye et al., 2018;Coulibaly et al., 2022). ...
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Purpose: Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) is one of the most widely cultivated food crops in Niger, but Niger's agriculture remains dependent on agro-climatic and edaphic conditions. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the combined effect of zai and the number of plants per crop on cowpea growth and yield parameters. Methodology: Two (2) factors were studied: the zaï’s factor (A) and the number of plants per crop factor (B). The experimental design used is a total randomization device with three (3) repetitions. Findings: The results showed that the A2B2 treatment is characterized by the variables, good yield of pods, seeds, biomass and dry matter. A2B2 treatment had the best grain yield compared to A2B1. The average grain yield ranges from 173.3±68.1 to 1250±720 (kg/ha). However, there is no significant difference between the different treatments on the parameter of biomass. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: In this study, the best performance is obtained with two (2) plants per crop without zai techniques.
... Les sécheresses successives de 1950, de 1968 à 1973 et de 1984 ainsi que les activités anthropiques ont engendré une forte mortalité de la végétation, une baisse importante de la nappe phréatique et une dénudation excessive des sols principalement dans la partie sahélienne du pays. Ces sols dénudés sont devenus très vulnérables aux ruissellements intenses qui créent des rigoles, des ravines et aux vents violents qui emportent les éléments fins (matière organique, éléments nutritifs) laissant à la surface du sol des matériaux grossiers (MECV, 2006 ;Da, 2008 ;Brou, 2009). ...
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Agriculture, which is dependent on soil fertility, rainfall and demographic pressure, contributes to the degradation of natural resources and the creation of an imbalance between cultivated areas and natural vegetation. The expansion of fruit growing has changed the landscape of the commune of Orodara. This study assesses the vulnerability of natural formations to fruit growing. The use of multi-date satellite images (1991 to 2018) provided information on the dynamics of land use. This information was used to estimate the average annual rate of spatial expansion and to calculate the vulnerability of natural formations. The results show a production system with fruit trees in association with cereal crops. While less than half of the area of the municipality was occupied by cultivated areas in 1971, they were divided between annual (56%) and permanent (4%) crops in 1991. Between 2002 and 2018, occupying even more space, the cultivated areas spread over 71% with a development of the combination of fruit and cereal crops (39%). This induced a regression of shrub and tree savannahs, and an increase in gallery forest and cultivated areas. This confirms the high vulnerability of natural formations where gallery forest is very vulnerable to change with a ratio of 11% to 12% from 1991 to 2018. All of which degrades biological diversity in the commune of Orodara.
... The best known are the adoption of CES/DRS techniques, the irrigation, the possession of manure pits and varietal adaptation [25,8]. In each socio-professional group, it is imperative to identify adaptation practices and priority actions to be taken [6,26,27,28]. ...
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The main objective of this study is to identify the perceptions, impacts and practices of four socio professional groups at the western part of Burkina Faso. Specifically, it aims to list the key events of the last thirty years ; to characterize the perceptions of producers ; to identify the main adaptation practices. For this purpose, interviews were conducted in ten villages. The interview investigation focused on the objectives of the study. The interviews involved 180 producers, including 82 farmers, 37 livestock breeders, 31 market gardeners, 30 agricultural therapists and 64 sellers of agroforestry products. The data collected on significant events were processed with ArcGIS 10.3. The statistical processing of the data was done with R software version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10) ; perceptions were subjected to the Chi-square test of homogeneity to assess the variations in of responses using the chisq test function. The severity indices of Smith and his colleagues (2001) were calculated for each shock perceived by the producers. The results indicate five main events : the disruption of precipitation over 36.7% of the study period ; temperature (23.33%) ; biodiversity decline (20%) ; upsurges of violent winds (16.67%) and parasitic invasions (13.33%).-16 For the perceptions, seven main ones were identified, the most severe characterized by low severity indices are rainfall disturbances (1.00) ; Seasonal disturbances (1.23) ; Parasitic attacks (1.47). A inventory of 31 adaptation practices corresponding to 35 impacts in the five socio-professional groups was established. These endogenous and modern practices require technical support for producers.
... Many studies have raised that the adoption of new resistant and shortcycle varieties guarantees household food security and income (Bertrand and Richard, 2012). Similarly, the main adaptation strategies are water and soil conservation techniques, the use of organic manure, supplemental irrigation and the use of adapted varieties (Kabore et al., 2019;Da, 2008). Consequently, the results showed that the practice of crops rotation and association, the practice of zaï, the technique of water management, the development of grassy strips and stone bunds are appropriate to improve sorghum yields. ...
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Addressing climate variability in Sub-Saharan Africa and particularly in Burkina Faso is a big challenge. This article aimed at proposing cropping approaches for sorghum and maize to address climate variability and pedological constraints in Plateau Central region. The study was conducted on a sample of two hundred forty (240) maize and sorghum farmers were randomly selected. Data of socio-economic characterization of the farmers, their opinions on climate events, the commonly used adaptation methods and their recommendations were collected and process using the descriptive statistics. Concerning the process of building the resilient agriculture, the Clim Prospect method was also used. The results showed that only the combination of different methods can efficiently address the issues related to climatic variability and soil constraints. Therefore, three options of adaptation measures to climate variabilities taking to account farmer’s financial capacity were proposed. These approaches are the optimum, medium and minimum options. The decision-making to building the resilience of rain-fed agriculture must be based on recurrent diagnosis of the impacts and vulnerability for each case of a risk occurring. The investigations showed that crops production should shift from rainfed to irrigation. For reaching a percentage of population cereals need ≥ 120, support for maize and sorghum producers in the construction of water harvesting structures for supplementary irrigation, access to fertilizers, subsidies for production equipment, subsidies for agricultural inputs, the use of adapted seeds varieties and capacity building are essential. Keywords: Climate variability, Option of adaptation measures, Rainfed sorghum and Maize agriculture, Plateau Central, Burkina Faso
... The common SWC techniques in Burkina Faso include Zaï pits, mulching, rock bunds, half-moons, and hedgerows. The literature shows that these CS techniques have the potential in protecting land from further degradation and recover land that has already been degraded in the context of climate change (Da, 2008;Kinané et al., 2007). ...
Agriculture in developing countries is being threatened by climate change. Large-scale farmers can mitigate the effects of climate change by adopting appropriate technology. However, the majority of vulnerable smallholders cannot afford new technologies. This study looks at a particular case, cotton production in Burkina Faso, by asking whether a better vertical integration can help the individual, small farms in mitigating risk. We argue that the cotton ginning firms, which are situated downstream of the chain, would gain by helping out farmers to adapt to climate change. Using the Maximum Simulated likelihood method on the probit model with sample selection to investigate the effect of the cotton firms’ actions in the form of the provision of quality advisory services, our study confirms that such action has a positive effect on farmers’ adoption of soil and water conservation techniques, a subset of climate-smart technologies. Keywords: climate change; soil and water conservation; climate-smart technology; value chain coordination; cotton; Burkina Faso
... The common SWC techniques in Burkina Faso include Zaï pits, mulching, rock bunds, half-moons, and hedgerows. The literature shows that these CS techniques have the potential in protecting land from further degradation and recover land that has already been degraded in the context of climate change (Da, 2008;Kinané et al., 2007). ...
... Ces indicateurs ont permis de voir si les différentes stratégies diffusées ont permis aux ménages d'avoir le maïs disponible, accessible de façon à l'utiliser pour satisfaire en permanence leurs besoins alimentaires. L'appréhension de l'incidence de ces stratégies exogènes a été basée sur l'approche expérimentale « avec -sans » (Da, 2008). L'approche « avec -sans » compare le groupe témoin (constitué des ménages qui utilisent uniquement les stratégies endogènes) au groupe de traitement (constitué des ménages qui utilisent les stratégies exogènes). ...
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Résumé En Afrique subsaharienne, les nouveaux dispositifs de vulgarisation basés sur des approches participatives promus par les structures publiques et privées jouent un rôle clé dans l’amélioration de la productivité et de la sécurité alimentaire des exploitations agricoles familiales. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer le rôle des dispositifs d’appui-conseil étudiés dans l’accompagnement des femmes en vue d’améliorer la sécurité alimentaire des ménages ruraux. L’étude s’est appuyée sur l’approche genre et le concept de sécurité alimentaire. Le dispositif d’appui-conseil à l’exploitation a servi de cadre d’analyse. Notre échantillon stratifié regroupait 19 conseillers, et les 192 productrices. Les femmes rurales interrogées et ayant participé aux activités de conseil à l’exploitation familiale (CEF) mises en œuvre par les trois dispositifs ont déclaré avoir acquis les notions essentielles pour la gestion de la sécurité alimentaire de leurs ménages. Elles ont valorisé leurs savoir-faire en matière de dynamisme, de transformation des produits locaux et d’adoption des innovations malgré leur faible niveau de scolarisation. L’étude confirme le rôle moteur des femmes rurales dans la production et la transformation des denrées. La politique alimentaire du Cameroun peut s’appuyer sur le dynamisme de celles-ci pour booster son développement et atteindre son objectif d’autosuffisance alimentaire d’ici 2035. Contribution of rural women to food security in Cameroon: what role of advisory services? In sub-saharan Africa, the new extension devices based on participatory approaches, plays a key role in the improvement of the productivity of family farming. The exclusion of women in the access of rural services, has maintained Cameroon in a stagnant situation of food insecurity. Agricultural advisory services (AAS) experienced in Cameroon since 1998 by both private and public organizations have proved its efficacy concerning the implication of rural women in its strategy of reducing food insecurity. The main objective of this study was to determine the role played by AAS in improving women capacity in food security. Gender and development, food security and extension device where used as theoretical framework. Our stratified sample was focus on advisers and rural women. All the 192 women interviewed declared that they have participated to AAS and acquired basic knowledge to the management of food security in their respective households. Due to the financial assistance given by the device, women have valorized their local knowledge concerning their dynamism, transformation of local products and adoption of innovations based on their needs in spite their low school level. According to the fact that it is recognized that rural women play a key role in food production, Cameroonian food policy can take advantage for their dynamism to boost its development and achieve its main goal of food self-sufficiency in 2035.
... Ces indicateurs ont permis de voir si les différentes stratégies diffusées ont permis aux ménages d'avoir le maïs disponible, accessible de façon à l'utiliser pour satisfaire en permanence leurs besoins alimentaires. L'appréhension de l'incidence de ces stratégies exogènes a été basée sur l'approche expérimentale « avec -sans » (Da, 2008). L'approche « avec -sans » compare le groupe témoin (constitué des ménages qui utilisent uniquement les stratégies endogènes) au groupe de traitement (constitué des ménages qui utilisent les stratégies exogènes). ...
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Le manioc fait partie des racines et tubercules les plus cultivés, consommés et commercialisés au Cameroun. Sa transformation en produits dérivés (fufu, cossette, tapioca, miondo, etc.) est la forme la mieux consommée par la population. Mais le Groupe d’Initiative Commune pour la Sécurité Alimentaire du Cameroun (GIC SAC), a proposé une gamme de produits dérivés du manioc autres que ceux couramment consommés dans l’optique de contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire. Cette étude avait pour objectif d’analyser les forces et faiblesses du GIC SAC ainsi que leur contribution à la sécurité alimentaire des populations. L’étude s’est appuyée sur le concept d’innovation pour atteindre ces objectifs. Le logiciel Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) a été utilisé pour l’analyse des données de l’enquête. L’interprétation a été facilitée par l’analyse documentaire et l’analyse des fréquences. Il ressort de ces analyses que le GIC présente quatre produits innovants à savoir la pâte alimentaire «miondonini», le jus de semoule de tapioca « gari light», le kit alimentaire «gari plus», et le tapioca conditionné « gari show». Tous ces produits ont pour matière première la farine de manioc ou le tapioca. La capacité de production est encore très faible pour satisfaire la demande de plus en plus forte des populations. Néanmoins, les enquêtés ont apprécié positivement la qualité et le prix des produits. Il faudra que la recherche, le gouvernement et les autres partenaires au développement accompagnent le groupe pour combler ses lacunes et passer à une production industrielle afin de satisfaire les besoins croissants des populations
... Several other studies in West Africa have shown the same results as ours, pointing out that bare soils appear when fields, which have become unproductive due to erosion and reduced fertility, are abandoned without conservation measures. These studies support that the extension of bare soils, gravelly soils, and erosion Issue 2, December 2020, 1-19, 9 gullies cause a decrease in cultivable areas and grazing areas (Da et al., 2008;Zombré, 2006;Sawadogo et al., 2008). ...
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This study aimed to analyze farmers' and breeders' perceptions of climate change impacts on the environment and production (agricultural and livestock) in Ruzizi to understand these communities' strategies and practices in the face of climate change for the local adaptation. The study used a cross-sectional design, and 300 farmers, including market gardeners and agro-pastoralists from four groups in the Ruzizi zone, were selected. These four groups' choice was considering the criteria of rainfall variability and vulnerability to climate change. The mean and frequencies and binary logistic regressions were used to analyze the data. The level of education of local communities influenced their perception of changes in rainfall and household size, significantly influencing local perceptions of the decline and late start of the season. In the Ruzizi plain's community, to adapt to the recent adverse effects of climate change, producers have implemented strategies and practices such as adopting agricultural techniques, irrigation, and possession of pits manure / composting and varietal adaptation. Recurrent droughts and deforestation have caused a reduction in plant cover, exposing soils to water and wind erosion. The peasants responded by adopting stone bunds and zaï and practicing organic manure/compost to restore the fertility of degraded soils to increase agricultural production. The possession of small agricultural tools significantly influenced zaï, stone bunds, and manure/compost pits. Pickaxes and hoes have remained socioeconomic determinants of adaptation to climate change to reclaim degraded land in the Ruzizi plain. The producers who have plots in developed marshes and lowlands have been the most influenced by irrigation, which is one of the very promising adaptation strategies to climate change. The local communities who took part in this study perceive climate change through the drop-in rains, the increases in temperature, and the winds' violence. These climatic hazards harm the biophysical environment with repercussions on agricultural production. This study also showed that households' socioeconomic characteristics influence local perceptions of climate change and adaptation practice adoption. The main adaptation strategies remained essentially adopting new agricultural techniques, irrigation, the possession of manure/compost pits, and varietal adaptation.
... La constitution de l'échantillon a nécessité la mobilisation des approches d'évaluation d'impact. L'évaluation de l'incidence de ces technologies exogènes peut se faire à l'aide des approches expérimentales (aléatoires) (Da, 2008 Au total, les trois types d'entretiens suivants ont été conduits. ...
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L’étude aborde la dynamique de l’évolution des emblavures, de la production et l’incidence des activités agricoles sur les conditions de vie des populations. L’objectif global était, d’évaluer les incidences socio-environnementales et économiques des activités agricoles dans le département de l’Atacora au nord-ouest du Bénin. Les méthodes utilisées étaient les enquêtes exploratoires, les diagnostics participatifs, les sondages d’opinion et les analyses des changements sociaux. Ainsi, 400 chefs d’exploitations sélectionnés au hasard ont été interrogés dans huit villages des quatre communes du département. Les résultats ont montré que, les impacts étaient négatifs sur les sols, le rendement et les revenus annuels des populations. Les principales cultures qui ont contribué aux revenus annuels des ménages étaient le sorgho (20,26%), le coton (18,95%), le maïs (13,07%), l’igname (9,47%), le riz (7,19%), le soja (6,54%) et dans une moindre mesure le maraîchage (3,27% à 5, 88%) avec une prééminence des céréales (52%). Les impacts de la production agricole se traduisent par la disparition du couvert végétal et la baisse de la fertilité des sols. L’utilisation des engrais chimiques et les feux de végétation ont résolu d’une manière ponctuelle certains problèmes comme l’amélioration des rendements agricoles et l’augmentation des revenus, mais ils n’ont pas duré dans le temps. Ces activités ont influencé le milieu et les conditions de vie des populations en les mettant dans un appauvrissement social très critique. L’intensification agricole basée sur l’adoption des technologies plus productives et respectueuses de l’environnement, demeure l’une des stratégies pour garantir une utilisation durable des ressources naturelles. Mots clés: Atacora, activités agricoles, impacts, revenus annuels
... La constitution de l'échantillon a nécessité la mobilisation des approches d'évaluation d'impact. L'évaluation de l'incidence de ces technologies exogènes peut se faire à l'aide des approches expérimentales (aléatoires) (Da, 2008 Au total, les trois types d'entretiens suivants ont été conduits. ...
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L’étude aborde la dynamique de l’évolution des emblavures, de la production et l’incidence des activités agricoles sur les conditions de vie des populations. L’objectif global était, d’évaluer les incidences socio-environnementales et économiques des activités agricoles dans le département de l’Atacora au nord-ouest du Bénin. Les méthodes utilisées étaient les enquêtes exploratoires, les diagnostics participatifs, les sondages d’opinion et les analyses des changements sociaux. Ainsi, 400 chefs d’exploitations sélectionnés au hasard ont été interrogés dans huit villages des quatre communes du département. Les résultats ont montré que, les impacts étaient négatifs sur les sols, le rendement et les revenus annuels des populations. Les principales cultures qui ont contribué aux revenus annuels des ménages étaient le sorgho (20,26%), le coton (18,95%), le maïs (13,07%), l’igname (9,47%), le riz (7,19%), le soja (6,54%) et dans une moindre mesure le maraîchage (3,27% à 5, 88%) avec une prééminence des céréales (52%). Les impacts de la production agricole se traduisent par la disparition du couvert végétal et la baisse de la fertilité des sols. L’utilisation des engrais chimiques et les feux de végétation ont résolu d’une manière ponctuelle certains problèmes comme l’amélioration des rendements agricoles et l’augmentation des revenus, mais ils n’ont pas duré dans le temps. Ces activités ont influencé le milieu et les conditions de vie des populations en les mettant dans un appauvrissement social très critique. L’intensification agricole basée sur l’adoption des technologies plus productives et respectueuses de l’environnement, demeure l’une des stratégies pour garantir une utilisation durable des ressources naturelles. Mots clés: Atacora, activités agricoles, impacts, revenus annuels
... The constitution of the sample required the mobilization of impact assessment approaches. The assessment of the impact of these exogenous technologies can be done using experimental (random) approaches [15].The following data collection tools in chronological order of use have been selected: a notebook, card holders, pencil, ballpoint pen; a camera for possible illustrations; a Garmin GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver to record the geographic coordinates of the villages; a questionnaire to conduct surveys of producers and other actors involved in the agricultural sector of the Study Municipality. ...
This study addresses the specificities of soils in low-income countries. These infertile soils are characterized by low levels of agricultural productivity and the disappearance of long-term fallow, which is gradually giving way to shorter-term fallow and sedentary agriculture. The overall objective was to assess the physico-chemical characteristics of the soils of the Boukombe watersheds in the north-west of Atacora in Benin. Soil studies of 15 farm sites from which soils were sampled at the [0-20] cm horizon with 30 composite samples and statistical analyzes were performed. The results of particle size analysis showed predominance (68%) of a textural dimorphism with a sandy loam character and a relatively stable structure. The soils are generally acidic (pH ≤ 5), sodium in places and poor in Organic Matter (0.3%), particularly in the plateau. Mountain lands have soils richer in OM (4%), but poor in nitrogen with a content of between [0.02-0.14%], the C / N ratio at 3% lower than 12. The contents nutrients and minerals are accumulated at the bottom of slopes (2.23% carbon, 0.14% nitrogen) and at the top of slopes (14ppm of phosphorus) under Fonio. These soils remain in a fragile state, subjecting them to the process of intense erosion. The degradation, silting up and progressive acidification of soils constitute the main constraints of agricultural production, the solution of which is based on restoring their fertility by rehabilitating dikes and removing silt.
... Néanmoins, elles posent selon l'auteur, le problème de la répartition des eaux de ruissellement entre les exploitants des versants et leurs collègues d'aval exploitant l'eau des barrages et des nappes phréatiques des vallées. Au centre-nord du Burkina Faso, les producteurs utilisent les cordons enherbés d'Andropogon gayanus ou Euphorbia balsamifera qui sont semblables aux ados utilisés par les producteurs de Ouaké et de Boukombé(Da, 2008). Au Nord-ouest du Bénin, les ados sont renforcés par les vétivers. ...
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This study aims to analyze the perceptions and determinants of water and soil conservation techniques (WSC) in North Benin. In total, 180 producers were surveyed in the communes of Boukombe and Ouaké. The methodological approach has been plural combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. WSC techniques, perceptions of these techniques and socioeconomic characteristics were collected during focus groups and semi-structured individual interviews. The perceptions and determinants of WSC techniques were analyzed respectively using speech analysis and the Logit binomial model. The individual techniques of WSC (stony cord, ridges perpendicular to the slope, partitioned ridges, honeycombs and contoured ridges) are more oriented towards maintaining soil fertility. The collective techniques (benches and teens) play more the role of maintaining moisture and soil protection in Boukombe and that of maintaining soil fertility in Ouaké. The use of the stony cord is mainly influenced by the contact with the extensionist, the number of years of experience and the level of education. The use of partitioned ridges and contoured ridges is positively influenced by the contact with the extension agent in Boukombe and the number of years of experience in Ouake. The use of the ridges perpendicular to the slope is positively influenced by the area available in the household in Ouake and negatively by the age at Boukombe. Taking into account the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of farmers is therefore essential in popularizing innovations in North Benin.
... Ces indicateurs ont permis de voir si les différentes stratégies diffusées ont permis aux ménages d 'avoir le maïs disponible, accessible de façon à l'utiliser pour satisfaire en permanence leurs besoins alimentaires. L'appréhension de l 'incidence de ces stratégies exogènes a été basée sur l'approche expérimentale « avec -sans » (Da, 2008). L'approche « avec -sans » compare le groupe témoin (constitué des ménages qui utilisent uniquement les stratégies endogènes) au groupe de traitement (constitué des ménages qui utilisent les stratégies exogènes). ...
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L’étude vise à analyser l’incidence des stratégies de conservation de l’eau et des sols sur la sécurité alimentaire des ménages du nord-ouest du Bénin. Elle a été réalisée dans les communes de Boukombé et de Ouaké. Trois villages par commune ont été étudiés. Les facteurs de dégradation, les stratégies de CES, la réserve alimentaire disponible et la fréquence de consommation alimentaire ont été collectés auprès de 180 ménages. Les facteurs de dégradation ont été analysés à l’aide d’analyse de discours et hiérarchisés à l’aide du test de Friedman. La réserve alimentaire et la fréquence de consommation ont été comparées à l’aide du test t de Student entre les ménages qui ont utilisé les stratégies exogènes et les ménages qui ont utilisé les stratégies endogènes. La dégradation des sols est plus causée par des facteurs anthropiques (surexploitation des terres, la coupe d’arbres, feux de brousse tardifs, etc.) que naturels (forte pluie et forte pente des sols). La réserve alimentaire avant les nouvelles récoltes n’a pas été affectée par les stratégies exogènes. Mais, la fréquence de consommation alimentaire a été plus améliorée statistiquement dans les ménages qui ont utilisé les stratégies exogènes que dans les ménages qui ont utilisé les stratégies endogènes.
... The apprehension of the impact of these exogenous strategies was based on the experimental (random) and quasi-experimental (non random) conceptions (Da, 2008). The first conception, based on the approach "withwithout", compares the control group (composed of the households who did not benefit from the exogenous strategies) to the experimental group (households having benefited from these strategies). ...
... Bien que le potentiel agronomique de ces technologies soit démontré 2 , les taux d'adoption sont en deçà des attentes (Ouédraogo, 1. Les techniques de CES sont les technologies qui récupèrent l'eau de pluie ou réduisent sa vitesse d'écoulement (FAO, 2011). 2. Voir les études de : Zougmoré et al. (2003) ; Zougmoré et al. (2004a) ; Zougmoré et al. (2005) ; Sawadogo (2006) ; Aune et al. (2007) ; Da (2008) ; Sawadogo et al. (2008) ; Palé et al. (2009) ; Koulibaly et al. (2010) ; Bakayoko et al. (2011) ; Kaho et al. (2011) ; Ballot et al. (2016) ; Camara et al. (2017) ; Yabi et al. (2017) ; Traoré et al. (2018). 2005 ; Ouédraogo et al., 2010 ;Traoré, 2013 ;CRDI, 2014 ;Abate et al., 2015 ;Traoré et al., 2018). ...
... After decades of SWC practice, the impact of these different techniques in terms of the level of adoption by farmers and the effects on crop yields and livestock production merit study. Literature indicated that little work has been done to assess the economic performance of the SWC techniques in the country (Da, 2008). Therefore, a study on the influence of these anti-erosion techniques on crop yields in Northern Burkina Faso particularly in the Yatenga Province was needed. ...
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The continuous degradation of agroecosystems is a major concern for Sub-Saharan African countries, particularly Burkina Faso. To fight against this problem, various research projects and programs have implemented Soil and Water Conservation practices (SWC) in Northern Burkina Faso. The objective of this study was to assess the economic performance of stone rows, grass strips, zaï, filtering dikes, half-moons and agroforestry on agricultural production in this part of Burkina Faso. Stochastic Frontier Analysis was used to estimate SWC's technical efficiency. Results indicated that the cost for SWC construction did not influence white sorghum and pearl millet yield. However, an increase of 1% in the investment for SWC implementation results in a 0.42% increase in groundnut yield and 0.19% in cowpea yield. Although, the half-moon technique had a positive effect on the farmer's technical efficiency, the effects of stone rows, filtering dikes, zaï and grass strips were not significant. Given the tremendous efforts that farmers develop to implement these anti-erosion practices, one recommendation is that policy makers strengthen the technical, financial and equipment supports to farmers for efficient implementation of SWC techniques to ensure sustainability of agricultural production systems in Northern Burkina Faso.
... In Burkina Faso, soil erosion is a global constraint in agricultural lands and, in the Sahelian zones farmers have developed the settlement of stone bunds to address the issue since 1988. The use of stone bunds to control soil erosion and its adverse effects on soil nutrients (N, P and K) and carbon balance have been widely investigated [9,10]. However, in the Sudanese zone (cotton production area), there are few integrations of stone bunds into soil fertility management packages despite the high risk of soil erosion. ...
... After decades of SWC practice, the impact of these different techniques in terms of the level of adoption by farmers and the effects on crop yields and livestock production merit study. Literature indicated that little work has been done to assess the economic performance of the SWC techniques in the country (Da, 2008). Therefore, a study on the influence of these anti-erosion techniques on crop yields in Northern Burkina Faso particularly in the Yatenga Province was needed. ...
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The continuous degradation of agroecosystems is a major concern for Sub-Saharan African countries, particularly Burkina Faso. To fight against this problem, various research projects and programs have implemented Soil and Water Conservation practices (SWC) in Northern Burkina Faso. The objective of this study was to assess the economic performance of stone rows, grass strips, zaï, filtering dikes, half-moons and agroforestry on agricultural production in this part of Burkina Faso. Stochastic Frontier Analysis was used to estimate SWC’s technical efficiency. Results indicated that the cost for SWC construction did not influence white sorghum and pearl millet yield. However, an increase of 1% in the investment for SWC implementation results in a 0.42% increase in groundnut yield and 0.19% in cowpea yield. Although, the half-moon technique had a positive effect on the farmer’s technical efficiency, the effects of stone rows, filtering dikes, zaï and grass strips were not significant. Given the tremendous efforts that farmers develop to implement these anti-erosion practices, one recommendation is that policy makers strengthen the technical, financial and equipment supports to farmers for efficient implementation of SWC techniques to ensure sustainability of agricultural production systems in Northern Burkina Faso.
... Source: FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [11] Past researches on SWC practices that largely focused on field experimentations have been conducted by Brasser and Vlaar [12]; Maré [13]; Zougmoré [14]; Zougmoré, et al. [15]; Ganaba [4]; Karen, et al. [16]; Kiema, et al. [17]; Köhlin, et al. [18] and Yougbaré [19] with conclusions indicating beneficial effects of these anti-erosion practices on field productivity. Literature indicated that no studies have focused on surveys to understand farmers" perceptions of the effects of SWC practices on their natural resources such as soils, crops, livestock and vegetation [20]. ...
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The continuous degradation of agroecosystem is a major concern for Sub-Saharan African countries, particularly Burkina Faso. To fight against this agroecosystem degradation, SWC such as stone rows, grass strips, zaï, filtering dikes, half-moons and agroforestry had been introduced in the Yatenga Province in Northern Burkina Faso several decades ago. Decades after introduction of SWC practices, a survey was conducted with 120 farmers equally distributed in four villages in the region to learn the farmers’ perceptions of the effects of these practices on their farms. Results revealed a higher proportion of men in the study sites (63%) compared to women. The largest difference in proportions between surveyed men and women was observed in Bogoya where only 22% of the surveyed persons were women. The average years of the respondents across villages was 53 years with 57% of farmers being members of at least one farmer organization. The proportion of educated farmers was 73% and those who received training in SWC techniques represented 36%. Results indicated that white grain sorghum and pearl millet were the main crops produced by 95% of farmers and stone rows and zaï were the dominant SWC techniques used by 77-80% of farmers. Data from the survey indicated a fairly high proportion of big ruminant breeders and small ruminant breeders as well. In fact, 79% of farmers bred big ruminants and 78% bred small ruminants. The main beneficial and direct effects of SWC techniques perceived by farmers was their capacity to improve soil fertility, recover soil, reduce water run-off, and allow good water infiltration in the field, thus improving soil productivity. Farmers pointed out indirect effects of SWC practices on livestock by the regeneration and increase of grass, tree and small shrub biomass available to improve animal growth and health. However, some farmers commented that the long-term use of zaï could lead to soil degradation. The study showed that farmers did perceive the beneficial effects of SWC practices and that greater extension and adoption will only be achieved if they could still receive training, financial and equipment supports.
... Elle permet de stimuler l'activité des termites qui vont casser la croûte superficielle du sol en creusant des galeries sous les paillis. Il s'est avéré que cette technique donne des rendements en sorgho inferieurs par rapport aux autres techniques (Zai et autres) mais nettement supérieurs aux parcelles témoins (sans paillage, ni aménagements CES/DRS) dans les mêmes conditions (Da, 2008). Toutes ces techniques améliorent ainsi l'infiltration et la rétention de l'eau (CARI, 2008). ...
L’effet des pratiques agroécologiques traditionnelles et innovantes sur les paramètres de fertilité des sols agricoles cultivés en grande culture a été étudié. L’étude a été réalisée en milieu paysan dans la zone agricole de Sampieri à l’Est du Burkina Faso en milieu soudano-sahélien sur des lixisols. La perception des agriculteurs sur la dégradation des sols et la pratique de l’agroécologie, les déterminants de l’adoption des pratiques agroécologiques et l'effet de ces pratiques sur les paramètres physiques, chimiques et microbiologiques ont été déterminés pour des parcelles sous pratiques agroécologiques, versus traditionnelles, comparés aux sols témoins. L’effet de ces pratiques sur le rendement (grains et pailles) du sorgho a également été évalué. L’étude a montré que les pratiques traditionnelles dans la zone sont progressivement remplacées par des pratiques de culture agroécologiques qui ont été enseignées aux producteurs par les partenaires intervenants dans la zone.Les déterminants de l'adoption de ces pratiques sont entre autres l'augmentation des rendements des cultures, l'amélioration du revenu des producteurs, la fourniture ou non de ressources matérielles et humaines et la formation des acteurs. On note également que les agriculteurs ont des indicateurs qui leur sont spécifiques pour apprécier et décrire la fertilité de leurs sols. L’effet des pratiques a été plus significatif pour la plupart des paramètres chimiques (C, N, CE,…) surtout pour la couche 0-10 cm.Les pratiques agroécologiques ont un effet significativement positif sur l'activité minéralisatrice des microorganismes du sol. En outre, il existait une corrélation entre la superficie des parcelles aménagées en cordon pierreux et la plupart des paramètres de fertilité du sol. Par contre aucun gradient de fertilité des sols n’apparait en fonction de la pente lorsqu’on s’éloigne de la première ligne de cordon pierreux.
... Many scientific studies regarding farming practices are available, but they are mostly focused on cereal yield (Da, 2008;Danjuma and Mohammed, 2015), on their potentiel for soil restoration or on their impact on the local economic income (Zougmoré et al., 2005;Zongo, 2016). However, there is little literature on the changes induced by these practices on the water regime and hydrological processes (Duponnois and Dia, 2013).These techniques involve significant alterations of the surface topography, thus strongly affecting the hydrological dynamics by providing an intermediate retention volume, hence avoiding rapid losses through runoff and increasing infiltration. ...
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In the Sahel region, farmers have adopted various farming practices to improve agricultural yields in order to offset an increasingly variable climate regime and the extension of degraded land. This study analyses the functional behaviour of such three selected water-harvesting techniques (stone rows, zaï and half-moon) as compared to the traditional tillage method through a comprehensive experimental setup monitored during three consecutive growing seasons (2015–2017). The results indicate that these farming practices allow a runoff reduction by 25 to 100%. We propose a continuous model simulating the hydrological dynamics of the farming techniques at plot scale. This model is able to reproduce accurately the observed runoff (R2=0.73−0.95), and gives an insight of the variability of the water storage for each type of techniques in response to the rainfall regime. It appears in particular that zaï and half-moons are able to mitigate the effect of dry spells by sustaining available water for crops over extended periods up to three weeks, whereas the direct seeding and stone row techniques rapidly leads to plant water deficit after five days. Even though water infiltration is essentially fostered by surface water retention during rainfall events, our observations suggest that the changes induced to the hydrological dynamics by farming practices also affect soil physical, chemical and biological properties. These effects help completing the explanation of crop yield improvements, but raise some questions of soil evolution and farming practice performances in the long run.
... En effet, le secteur cotonnier de Kongoussi figurait parmi les plus performants de la Compagnie Française de Développement des Textiles (CFDT) [20]. Selon la référence [21] [23]). La référence [25] évoque une extension des sols nus et une réduction des formations naturelles qui se dégradent. ...
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The food cereals production increased strongly in the North-Central region of Burkina Faso between 1984 and 2013. However, the driving factors of this trend are not well known. This work aims to identify and analyze the main environmental and human factors that favor the cereals production increase. The hypothesis of this study states that the rainfall, the extent of cultivated areas and the yields influence strongly the cerealsproduction. The methodological approach consisted to collect and analyze data of monthly rainfall from eleven stations and agricultural statistics of sorghum, millet and maize from the region. Statistical analysis consisted in trends assessment, ruptures detection and simple correlations performing between factors. The results showed that the annual cultivated area of sorghum and maize increased ; whereas the annual area of millet declined. The annual productions of sorghum, millet and maize increased. The annual yields of three cerealsincreased. The rainfall (63,4%), yields (83%) and cultivated areas (77,5%) were the strong driving factors of the annual production increase of sorghum. However, the annual production increase of millet were favored by rainfall (69,3%) and yields (77,2%). Similarly, rainfall (69,5%) and yields (82,5%) have strongly influenced the annual production increase of maize. These results encourage promoting and developing further sustainable agriculture in the North-central region of Burkina Faso.
... The apprehension of the impact of these exogenous strategies was based on the experimental (random) and quasi-experimental (non random) conceptions (Da, 2008). The first conception, based on the approach "withwithout", compares the control group (composed of the households who did not benefit from the exogenous strategies) to the experimental group (households having benefited from these strategies). ...
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This study aims at analyzing the impact of water and soil conservation strategies on households’ food security in the North-western part of Benin. It was conducted in the municipalities of Boukombé and Ouaké. Three villages were studied. From random way, 180 producers were investigated. The causes of soil degradation, water and soil conservation strategies, available food supply and food consumption frequency were collected. Degradation factors were analyzed using discourse analysis and prioritized using the Friedman test. Food supply and frequency of consumption were compared between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the projects using the Student t test. Land degradation is caused by socio-cultural factors (overexploitation of lands, trees’ cutting, late bush fires, grazing, agroforestry and monoculture) and natural factors (heavy rains and steep gradient of the soils). The first three factors are respectively the exploitation of land, trees’ cutting and late bush fires practice in both towns. Food reserves before the new crops were not affected by exogenous strategies released by the erosion control projects. But the frequency of food consumption is improved statistically among project beneficiaries than non-beneficiaries. This confirms the theory of Boserup. Key words: Soil degradation, water and soils conservation strategies, impact, food security, North-west of Benin.
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The aim of this study is to analyse the evolutionary trajectories of these agroforestry systems in order to identify the main drivers of change that influence their resilient and sustainable management in the Sudanian zone of Togo. Specifically, the aim is to: analyse the main changes that have occurred since 1960; characterise the evolutionary trajectories; and determine the drivers of change that could help to understand the evolution of these systems. The data were collected using a retrospective and prospective diagnostic survey of a sample of farmers, including resource persons, following the Historical-Sociological Investigation Method by means of semi-structured interviews. A Principal Component Analysis coupled with an Ascending Hierarchical Classification was used to study the main stages in the development of these systems. Despite having adopted various measures to promote their adaptability, profound changes have marked the evolution of these systems, testing their limits in the face of these challenges. In this context of adaptability, the results reveal two major transition models: a ‘model of transition from indigenous agricultural systems to extensive and sustainable systems’, dominant in ecological zone I with 47.44% of the systems surveyed, and an ‘agro-ecological transition model towards sustainable, innovative and resilient systems’, dominant in ecological zone II with 52.56% of the said systems. In this duality of agroforestry system management models, it is essential to analyse the evolutionary trajectories and drivers of change in order to draw up appropriate agricultural and environmental policies, with a view to the possible transplantation of these trajectories for sustainable and resilient agriculture both within and between ecological zones.
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This study examines the factors influencing women farmers’ choice of adaptation strategies to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and the effects of these strategies on household income and food insecurity. A field survey was conducted among 426 women farmers in the Center-North region, which covers 7% of Burkina Faso territory. Descriptive statistics, a multinomial logit model, and a propensity score matching model were used to analyze the data collected. The results of the econometric analysis show that high domestic tasks, type of climate shocks experienced, membership in women’s group, and financial constraints are important determinants of adaptation decisions. Adaptation strategies are also found to have a positive impact on income and a negative impact on household food insecurity. These different findings highlight the need to prioritize flexible adaptation options to improve women farmers’ resilience to climate change, rather than generic solutions.
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L’Afrique sahélienne connait une baisse de la capacité productive de la ressource sol depuis les années 1970. Pour y faire face, des ouvrages de conservation des eaux et des sols et de défense et restauration des sols (CES/DRS), sont diffusés auprès des producteurs. Cette étude vise à déterminer les ouvrages les plus importants en matière de production agricole selon la perception des producteurs. La méthode a consisté à une collecte de données auprès de 194 exploitations agricoles (EA) dont 134 EA au Niger et 60 EA au Burkina Faso, à travers des questionnaires et des entretiens. Les variables collectées ont porté sur les caractéristiques socio-démographiques des EA et sur les 6 ouvrages les plus importants et les 6 ouvrages les moins importants, sur un total de 18 ouvrages CES/DRS. Les résultats indiquent que la superficie des champs en CES/DRS est significativement corrélée (R2 = 0,66) avec la surface totale des champs de l’EA. La perception des producteurs indique 4 ouvrages CES/DRS les plus importants. Il s’agit de l’apport de fumure organique (poids = 0,16), le Zaï (poids = 0,16), les cordons pierreux (poids = 0,12) et la demi-lune conventionnelle (poids = 0,09). Les ouvrages CES/DRS les moins importants pour les producteurs, sont les digues filtrantes (poids = -0,10), les périmètres irrigués villageois (poids = -0,09), les micro�barrages (poids = -0,08) et le reboisement (poids = -0,07). Cette étude suggère donc que les intervenants dans le domaine de la récupération des terres dégradées au sahel, doivent focaliser leurs investissements sur la mise à échelle des ouvrages traditionnels, car mieux connus par les producteurs et présentant un intérêt pour eux.
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Le nord-ouest du Togo, est caractérisé par une forte pression sur les sols, entrainant une régression de parcs agroforestiers et une diminution rendements agricoles. Dans un tel milieu, l’appréciation des producteurs de ces changements ainsi que les méthodes qu’ils adoptent pour y faire face restent moins connus. C’est pour cet objectif qu’une enquête socio-économique a été menée auprès des producteurs pour évaluer leurs perceptions sur la dégradation des sols et les changements climatiques afin d’identifier puis retenir les pratiques originales d’adaptation pouvant faire objet de diffusion. L’enquête menée sur un échantillon raisonné de 216 producteurs des deux sexes a montré que : 98,10% des enquêtés sont conscients de la dégradation de leurs sols tandis que 99,50% ressentent les effets des changements climatiques qui se manifestent en termes de longues sécheresses, de retards de pluies, de pluies violentes, abondantes et variable et d’augmentation de température. Les causes des changements évoquées par les producteurs sont : les pluies diluviennes (26,85%), les mauvaises pratiques culturales (62,50%), l’intensification agricole (46,76%), le surpâturage (2,78%), l’usage abusif de pesticides (20,37%), l’augmentation de la population (12,96%), la déforestation (21,76%) et les feux de brousse (6,48%). Globalement, les 98,6% des enquêtés ont abandonné 63 ha de sol devenus irrécupérables. Les producteurs adoptent des mesures d’adaptation telles que l’apport de fumure organique, les rotations et associations culturales, la construction de bandes enherbées, de cordons pierreux et de diguettes, et le reboisement pour protéger et restaurer leurs champs. Plusieurs espèces de plantes désirées par les producteurs pour leur vertu sont en voie de disparition. La perception par les paysans des cas de longue sécheresse sont expliqués par les variables « âge du paysan », « la pratique de l’élevage », « l’accès aux services de vulgarisation » et « la pratique de l’agriculture ». Il est nécessaire de prendre ces variables en compte dans les projets et programmes de luttes contre la sécheresse dans le milieu. Les variables « âge du paysan », « mauvaises pratiques culturales », et « déforestation » influençant également la perception des paysans de dégradation des sols, doivent être également considérés dans les programmes et projets de restauration des sols dégradés dans le milieu. Il est important d’étudier les effets The north-west of Togo is characterized by strong pressure on the soil, leading to a decline in agroforestry parks and a reduction in agricultural yields. In such an environment, producers' appreciation of these changes and the methods they adopt to deal with them remain less well known. It is for this purpose that a socioeconomic survey was conducted among producers to assess their perceptions of soil degradation and climate change to identify and then retain original adaptation practices that can be disseminated. The survey carried out on a purposely selected sample of 216 producers from both sexes. The results showed that: 98, 10% of respondents are aware of the degradation of their soils while 99,50% feel the effects of climate change which are manifested as long droughts, delayed rains, heavy rains and temperature rise. The causes of the changes mentioned by the producers are: torrential rains (26,85%), bad cultivation practices (62,50%), agricultural intensification (46,76%), overgrazing (2,78%) , the abusive use of pesticides (20,37%), the increase in population (12,96%), deforestation (21,76%) and bush fires (6,48%). Globally, 98,6% of those surveyed abandoned 63 ha of land that had become irrecoverable. Producers adopt resilience measures such as providing organic manure, crop rotations and associations, the establishment of grass strips and stone bunds, bunds and reforestation to protect and restore their plots. Producers adopt adaptation measures such as adding organic manure, crop rotations and associations, construction of grass strips, stone bunds, bunds, and reforestation to protect and restore their fields. Several species of plants desired by producers for their virtue are endangered. The farmers' perception of cases of long drought are explained by the variables "age of the farmer", "the practice of animal husbandry", "access to extension services" and "the practice of agriculture". It is necessary to take these variables into account in projects and programs to fight against drought in the area. The variables "farmer's age «,» bad cultivation practices” and "deforestation" also influencing farmers' perception of soil degradation, must also be considered in programs and projects for the restoration of degraded soils in the area. It is important to study the effects of these practices on soil restoration and crop yields.
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The Sahel is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world, strongly affected by climate disturbances and anthropogenic pressure. This leads to soil degradation and negatively affect the livelihood and economy of the Sahelian population, which are largely based on rain-fed agriculture. As a result, the population has widely adopted innovative farming practices to improve crop production since 1980s. Despite the associated benefits in terms of crop production and soil rehabilitation, impacts of these farming practices on hydrological processes still remain poorly studied. The current study, conducted in the Sahelian part of Burkina Faso aimed at evaluating the hydrological performance of the water harvesting techniques implemented on degraded soil to propose more resilient farming practices against climate variability. The methodological approach is divided into 3 main steps. Firstly, the hydrodynamic properties and runoff response of water harvesting techniques implemented on a degraded soil were experimentally determined. The experimental setup consisted of two replicates of a complete Fisher block, with each block being composed of four identical plots of 200 m² implemented with zaï, half-moon, stone row and direct seeding (as control). Hydrometeorological monitoring was carried out on the experimental setup for 3 consecutive years (2015, 2016 and 2017). Secondly, a conceptual model, based on the SCS-CN (Soil Conservation Service Curve Number) method was developed, including some modifications to account for the soil surface storage effect induced by the different techniques. The new model was then used to study the effects of water harvesting techniques on soil water storage under various rainfall and climate patterns. Lastly, historical (1961-2005) and projected (2006-2099) climate data derived from 25 climates models corrected through the AMMA-2050 project were compared with observed data to find the best models which simulate climate. Thus, data from 3 climate models were used to study the resilience of farming practices in order to identify suitable technology against actual and future climate. The results clearly showed different hydrological performances between farming practices after 3 years of operation. The water harvesting techniques significantly modified soil surface hydraulic properties. Comparatively, saturated hydraulic conductivity increased on zaï plots (7.1 cm/h), relative to that of the control and stone row plots with a slight variation of 4.7 and 3.8 cm/h respectively. In contrast, saturated hydraulic conductivity on half-moons considerably decreased to a minimum of 1.2 cm/h. These farming practices proved their performance at reducing runoff and increasing soil water storage to support plant water demand. They allowed a runoff reduction by 24-39%, 50-56% and 95-97%, respectively, on stone row, zaï and half-moon plots as compared to the control. Runoff was found to be very low on half-moon plots for rainfall events below 50 mm. The developed model reproduced satisfactory observed runoff values (R²=0.73−0.95) and gave over the long term (1961-2009) a clear insight of the variability of the water storage for each technique in response to the rainfall pattern. It appears in particular that, zaï and half-moons are able to mitigate the effect of dry spells by sustaining available water for crops over extended periods up to three weeks, whereas the direct seeding and stone row techniques rapidly leads to plant water deficit after a dry spell of one week. Regarding climate projections, on the basis of observed climate analysis, it appears that zaï with design characteristics of 40 cm diameter, 80x80 cm spacing, 10 cm depth would have helped ensure the millet’s water demand for 9 years out of 10 with a satisfactory crop yield. Future projection thus revealed that, the periods between 2006 and 2050, will have the zaï been adequate to support millet water demand for 7 years out of 10 the years. However, the period 2051 to 2099, will have the water demand been sustained for 3 years out of 10 in which agricultural yield could be affected. For greater resilience of farmers to climate change, more effective adaptation measures need to be implemented.
Climate change represents a major potential threat to the viability of rural households in sub-Saharan Africa who live mainly from the exploitation of natural resources. The purpose of this study is to analyze farmers’ perceptions of climate change, its environmental impacts, coping strategies and the relationships between them. Surveys were conducted through group discussions and an individual questionnaire administered to 300 households in north-central Burkina Faso. A Logit binary model identified factors that influence local perceptions of climate change and the choice of adaptation strategies. The study shows that farmers perceive a decrease in rainfall (76.7 %), a rise in temperatures (97 %) and strong winds (98.7 %). The determinant factors of this perception are education level of the household head, household size, belonging to a peasant organization and number of cattle. Land degradation mainly results in bare soils, reduced woody vegetation and low agricultural yields. The main adaptation strategies are the adoption of water and soil conservation techniques (WSCT), possession of manure pits, irrigation and the use of adapted varieties. The determining factors of this adaptation are the availability of picks and shovels, belonging to a peasant organization, training in agricultural technologies and access to credit. The adoption of an adaptation strategy by a farmer depends of his perception of climate change and its causes, its negative impacts on the environment and the means available to provide solutions.
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Les plateaux de la rive occidentale du fleuve Niger sont recouverts de lignes et de tas de pierres sèches alors que ces surfaces tabulaires sont aujourd'hui dépourvues de toutes cultures. Le sol du plateau est constitué d'un horizon argilo-sableux visible uniquement dans la zone où ces structures sont présentes. Elles témoigneraient d'un épierrage pour faciliter le travail agricole du sol. Les matériaux extraits ont été disposés en ligne puis en tas si la quantité de blocs était trop élevée. Ce parcellaire pourrait être contemporain de l'activité métallurgique située au pied des plateaux et datée de la deuxième moitié du premier millénaire.
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Objectif : Cette etude examine les meilleures especes vegetales et les techniques d’amenagement et de conservation des eaux et sols (CES) utilisables pour elaborer les meilleures strategies de rehabilitation des ecosystemes soudano-saheliens degrades au Nord-Benin. Methodologie et resultats : Pendant 105 jours, un essai multifactoriel a ete execute suivant un dispositif Split plot a trois facteurs en trois repetitions: 5 especes ( Khaya senegalensis (Cailcedrat), J atropha curcas (Pourghere), Moringa oleifera (Pois quenique), Parkia biglobosa ( Nere), Balanites aegyptiaca (Dattier du desert)) choisies suivant leur valeur economique et socioculturelle, cultivees sous trois traitements definis par deux techniques CES (le Zai, la demi-lune) et leur temoin sur dans les dongas et sur les versants. Apres quatorze semaines, les taux de survie sont plus eleves sur le versant (88,9% versus 74,8 %) avec la plus forte chez Jatropha curcas. Ce taux est le plus eleve chez Balanites aegyptiaca dans le donga (88,9%) et plus faible sur versant (68,5%). La vitesse de croissance en diametre, plus faible chez Parkia biglobosa est plus elevee chez Jatropha curcas (0,34 versus 1,62 mm/semaine). La vitesse de croissance en hauteur varie entre 1,69 et 4,51 mm.sem. -1 avec la valeur la plus elevee chez Balanites aegyptiaca (4,51 mm.sem -1 ). Conclusions et applications : Jatropha curcas et Balanites aegyptiaca croissent plus vite en diametre et en hauteur au stade juvenile dans les demi-lunes et le Zai aussi bien sur dongas que sur versants. Parmi les techniques d’amenagement et de conservation des eaux et sols testees, seul le zai est facilement realisable au niveau paysan. Ces plantes bioenergetique et fruitiere sauvage deja domestiquees pour leurs contributions substantielles au revenu et bien etre socioculturel des paysans, conviendraient dans une large mesure a l’elaboration de strategies durables de restauration des zones soudano-saheliennes degradees. Toutefois, des donnees de saison seche aideront a conclure definitivement sur le long terme. Mots cles: Especes ligneuses, Erosion, Donga, Zai, Demi-lune, Parc National du W
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