... low numbers should encompass every individual, along with the preservation and enhancement of their habitat, including the potential habitats and ecosystems that might be critical for the species' survival (MacMillan,Moore, Augé, & Chilvers, 2016;Reeves, 2008;Reeves & Reijnders, 2002). Relict subpopulations across a species' range mighthave an important role by which severely depleted populations can recover (Bonin, Goebel, Forcada, Burton, & Hoffman, 2013; Notarbartolo di Sciara & Kotomatas, 2016); in this context, LDAs may play an important role in the survival, recovery, and the overall distribution of the Mediterranean monk seal.Examples of recovery and recolonization of former habitat by pinniped species are widely acknowledged(Bonin et al., 2013;Cammen et al., 2018;Grandi et al., 2018;Hoelzel, Fleischer, Campagna, Le Boeuf, & Alvord, 2002;Kirkwood, Warneke, & Arnould, 2009;MacMillan et al., 2016;Pyle, Long, Shonewald, Jones, & Roletto, 2001;Reijnders, van Dijk, & Kuiper, 1995). In addition, temporarymigration and the occurrence of transient or visitor animals may have important implications for conservation of the populations and groups of many endangered marine mammals ranging across borders of different countries (Bearzi, Bonizzoni, & Gonzalvo, 2011; Genov et al., 2016; Stern, 2009). ...