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Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, a new labrid fish (Teleostei: Labridae) from the western Indian Ocean


Abstract and Figures

The new labrid fish species, Pseudojuloides labyrinthus n. sp., is described from three specimens obtained via the aquarium trade from Kenya, in the western Indian Ocean. The species is similar in appearance to other Indo-Pacific Pseudojuloides in the P. severnsi complex, distinguished mainly by the markings of the terminal-phase male, which includes a maze of lines on the head and three thicker blue stripes along the rear body. Despite the similarity in appearance, the new species is 9.66% divergent in the sequence of the mtDNA barcode marker COI (minimum interspecific divergence, pairwise; 10.54% K2P distance) from its nearest relative, P. edwardi, also found in Kenya. A neighbor-joining tree and genetic distance matrix is presented for 12 of the 14 known species in the genus Pseudojuloides.
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Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, a new labrid sh (Teleostei: Labridae)
from the western Indian Ocean
Ocean Science Foundation, 4051 Glenwood, Irvine, CA 92604, USA
and Guy Harvey Research Institute, Nova Southeastern University,
8000 North Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, FL 33004, USA
E-mail: ben@coralreef
Greenwich Aquaria, 1064 E Putnam Ave, Riverside, CT 06878, USA
The new labrid sh species, Pseudojuloides labyrinthus n. sp., is described from three specimens obtained via
the aquarium trade from Kenya, in the western Indian Ocean. The species is similar in appearance to other Indo-
Pacic Pseudojuloides in the P. severnsi complex, distinguished mainly by the markings of the terminal-phase
male, which includes a maze of lines on the head and three thicker blue stripes along the rear body. Despite the
similarity in appearance, the new species is 9.66% divergent in the sequence of the mtDNA barcode marker COI
(minimum interspecic divergence, pairwise; 10.54% K2P distance) from its nearest relative, P. edwardi, also
found in Kenya. A neighbor-joining tree and genetic distance matrix is presented for 12 of the 14 known species
in the genus Pseudojuloides.
Key words: coral reef shes, ichthyology, new species, taxonomy, systematics, Kenya, Africa, DNA barcoding.
Citation: Victor, B.C. & Edward, J.M.B. (2016) Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, a new labrid sh (Teleostei: Labridae)
from the western Indian Ocean. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 21, 58–70.
Date of publication of this version of record: 15 June, 2016
The labrid genus Pseudojuloides Fowler was revised by Randall & Randall (1981), who recognized eight
species in the genus, ve of which were new. Since then, ve additional new species have been described from
various locations in the Indo-Pacic Ocean, including P. kaleidos by Kuiter & Randall (1995) from the Maldives
and Indonesia; P. severnsi by Bellwood & Randall (2000), from the Maldives to the W. Pacic; P. edwardi and
Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 21, 58–70 (2016)
P. polackorum from the southwest Indian Ocean (Victor & Randall 2014, Connell et al. 2015); and the deep-reef
species P. zeus from Micronesia (Victor & Edward 2015). The genus comprises a set of small fast-swimming
wrasses, typically found on deeper slopes and in habitats dominated by rubble rather than live coral. They are
distinguished morphologically by having chisel-like incisiform side teeth (unusual among the labrids) and
fusiform bodies with relatively large scales. Terminal-phase (TP) males are large, brightly colored individuals,
while smaller initial-phase (IP) sh, usually females, are reddish orange. We describe here a new species from
the African coast in the western Indian Ocean, the fourth species of the genus from that location, and compare its
barcode mtDNA COI sequence to 11 of the 13 described species in the genus (all except for P. argyreogaster and
P. erythrops).
Materials and Methods
Specimens have been examined from the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu (BPBM). In addition, ethanol-
preserved specimens of comparison species were collected for DNA sequencing from Bali (Indonesia), Moorea
and the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia), Cook Islands, New Caledonia, and Hawai‘i in the Pacic Ocean,
and South Africa in the Indian Ocean, as well as obtained via the aquarium trade from the Philippines, Indonesia,
Vanuatu, and Micronesia in the Pacic Ocean and Kenya and Mauritius in the Indian Ocean (Appendix 1).
DNA extractions were performed with the NucleoSpin96 (Machery-Nagel) kit according to manufacturer
specications under automation with a Biomek NX liquid-handling station (Beckman-Coulter) equipped with a
ltration manifold. A 652-bp segment was amplied from the 5′ region of the mitochondrial COI gene using a
variety of primers (Ivanova et al. 2007). PCR amplications were performed in 12.5 µl volume including 6.25 µl
of 10% trehalose, 2 µl of ultra pure water, 1.25 µl of 10× PCR buffer (10mM KCl, 10mM (NH4)2SO4, 20mM Tris-
HCl (pH8.8), 2mM MgSO4, 0.1% Triton X-100), 0.625 µl of MgCl2 (50mM), 0.125 µl of each primer (0.01mM),
0.0625 µl of each dNTP (10mM), 0.0625 µl of Taq DNA polymerase (New England Biolabs), and 2 µl of template
DNA. The PCR conditions consisted of 94°C for 2 min., 35 cycles of 94°C for 30 sec., 52°C for 40 sec., and 72°C
for 1 min., with a nal extension at 72°C for 10 min. Specimen information and barcode sequence data from this
study were compiled using the Barcode of Life Data Systems (Ratnasingham & Hebert 2007). The sequence data
is publicly accessible on BOLD and GenBank.
Sequence divergences were calculated using BOLD with the Kimura 2-parameter (K2P) model generating a
mid-point rooted neighbor-joining (NJ) phenogram to provide a graphic representation of the species’ sequence
divergence. Genetic distances were calculated by the BOLD algorithm, both as uncorrected p-distances and as
K2P distances.
The length of specimens is given as standard length (SL), measured from the median anterior end of the upper
lip to the base of the caudal n (posterior end of the hypural plate); body depth is the greatest depth from the base
of the dorsal-n spines to the ventral edge of the abdomen (correcting for any malformation of preservation); body
width is measured just posterior to the gill opening; head length from the front of the upper lip or anterior upper
teeth (whichever is most anterior) to the posterior end of the opercular ap; orbit diameter is the greatest eshy
diameter of the orbital rim, and interorbital width the least bony width; snout length is measured from the median
anterior point of the upper lip to the nearest eshy rim of the orbit; caudal-peduncle depth is the least depth, and
caudal-peduncle length the horizontal distance between verticals at the rear base of the anal n and the caudal-n
base; predorsal, prepelvic and preanal lengths are angular measurements; lengths of spines and rays are measured
to their extreme bases; caudal-n and pectoral-n lengths are the length of the longest ray; pelvic-n length is
measured from the base of the pelvic spine to the tip of the longest soft ray. Morphometric data are presented as
percentages of the standard length. Proportional measurements in the text are rounded to the nearest 0.05.
The upper rudimentary pectoral-n ray is included in the count. Lateral-line scale counts include the last
pored scale that overlaps the end of the hypural plate as +1; scales above the lateral line are counted in an oblique
row from the pored scales under the mid-spinous dorsal n, the much smaller scale abutting the base of the n is
counted as 0.5 scales. The count of gill rakers is made on the rst gill arch and includes all rudiments. The counts
and measurements for the larger paratype (>50 mm SL) is shown in parentheses following data for the holotype
(not listed if damaged). Proportional morphological measurements are presented in Table 1.
Figure 1. Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, BPBM 41257, TP male holotype, 65 mm SL, Kenya via aquarium trade (B.C. Victor).
Figure 2. Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, BPBM 41257, TP male holotype, 65 mm SL, Kenya via aquarium trade (M. Stern).
Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, n. sp.
Labyrinth Pencil Wrasse
Figures 1–6, Table 1.
Holotype. BPBM 41257, 65.0 mm SL, TP male, Mombasa region, Kenya, aquarium-trade, about April 9, 2015.
Paratypes. BPBM 41258, (2) 43.0 & 60.6 mm SL, IP females, same collection data, about May 8, 2014.
Diagnosis. Dorsal-n rays IX,11; anal-n rays III,12; pectoral-n rays 13; lateral-line scales 27 (+1 on caudal-
n base); no scales on head; gill rakers 14; a single pair of large, projecting, and slightly recurved canine teeth
anteriorly in each jaw, the upper pair slightly out-aring, the lowers curving forward and tting between uppers
when mouth closed; a short irregular row of 3–7 chisel-like incisiform teeth on each side of upper and lower jaws,
no canine posteriorly at corner of mouth; elongate body, body depth 5.0–5.4 in SL; only slightly compressed,
body width 1.7 in depth; caudal n slightly rounded in initial phase, truncate in terminal-phase male; initial phase
reddish orange to pink, often with more yellow tint anteriorly and grading to white ventrally on the head and
abdomen, a band of bright reective white running from tip of upper jaw back to under posterior orbit; terminal-
phase male in life greenish yellow with three bright blue stripes along posterior half of body, head and anterior
body often abruptly darker, with maze of lines, thinner and ranging from bright blue to reddish on head, wider
(about one scale high) and bright blue on anterior body; dorsal and anal ns with broad yellow bands bordered
above and below with blue stripes, upper and lower margin of caudal n banded with yellow; iris red.
Description. Dorsal-n rays IX,11; anal-n rays III,12, all soft dorsal and anal-n segmented rays branched,
last split to base; pectoral-n rays 13, the rst rudimentary, the second unbranched; pelvic-n rays I,5; principal
caudal-n rays 14, the upper and lower unbranched; upper and lower procurrent caudal-n rays 6; pored lateral-
line scales 27 (+1 on caudal-n base); scales above lateral line to origin of dorsal n 4.5; scales below lateral line
to origin of anal n 8; median predorsal scales about 7–10; gill rakers 14.
Body elongate, the depth 5.0 (5.4) in SL, and only slightly compressed, the width 1.7 (1.7) in depth; head
length 3.1 (3.0) in SL; dorsal prole of head nearly straight on snout, forming low angle of about 20° to horizontal
axis of body, and slightly convex on nape; snout sharply pointed, its length 3.7 (3.8) in HL; orbit relatively small,
diameter 5.1 (4.7) in HL; interorbital space broadly convex, the least bony width 4.2 (4.8) in HL; caudal peduncle
short and narrow, the least depth 3.5 in HL, caudal-peduncle length 3.0 in HL.
Figure 4. Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, BPBM 41258, IP paratype, 60.6 mm SL, Kenya via aquarium trade (B.C. Victor).
Figure 3. Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, BPBM 41258, IP paratype, 43 mm SL, Kenya via aquarium trade (V. Altamirano).
Proportional measurements of type specimens of Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, n. sp.
as percentages of the standard length
holotype paratypes
41257 41258 41258
Standard length (mm) 65.0 60.6 43.0
Body depth 19.8 18.5 19.5
Body width 11.8 11.1 11.9
Head length 32.0 33.2 33.7
Snout length 8.8 8.7 8.8
Orbit diameter 6.3 7.1 8.1
Interorbital width 7.7 6.9 7.0
Caudal-peduncle depth 9.2 - 10.0
Caudal-peduncle length 10.6 - 9.8
Predorsal length 29.4 29.9 33.0
Preanal length 56.6 58.4 58.1
Prepelvic length 35.5 36.0 35.6
Base of dorsal n 56.0 - 55.1
First dorsal-n spine 6.2 6.6 7.0
Ninth dorsal-n spine 8.6 - 9.8
Longest dorsal-n ray 11.1 - 12.8
Base of anal n 34.0 - 31.2
First anal-n spine 2.6 3.1 3.3
Second anal-n spine 5.7 6.9 4.9
Third anal-n spine 7.2 7.9 7.7
Longest anal-n ray 9.8 - 11.6
Caudal-n length 16.5 - 21.9
Pectoral-n length 15.4 15.8 18.1
Pelvic-spine length 9.4 10.1 11.2
Pelvic-n length 14.9 13.5 15.6
Mouth very small, terminal, the corner of gape with closed jaws well anterior to anterior nostril; end of maxilla
buried, even when jaws gape. Lips moderately thick, the upper puffed with striations on the underside, the lower
lip with prominent ventral-projecting ap along side of jaw. A pair of large, moderately projecting, and slightly
recurved canine teeth anteriorly in each jaw, the upper pair slightly out-aring, the lowers curving forward and
tting between uppers when mouth closed; a short row of 3–7 irregularly placed chisel-like incisiform teeth along
each side of upper and lower jaw; no canine tooth posteriorly on upper jaw. Upper preopercular margin free nearly
to level of lower edge of orbit; lower margin free anterior to a vertical through anterior nostril. Gill rakers short,
the longest on rst arch (at angle) about one-fth to one-tenth length of longest gill lament. Nostrils small, in
front of upper edge of orbit, the anterior in a short membranous tube elevated posteriorly, the posterior in advance
of a vertical through front of orbit by a distance slightly less than internarial space. Pores on lower half of head
comprise one over rear maxilla, then two anterior to orbit, followed by a curving suborbital series (counting up to
rear mid-eye level) numbering 5–7 in single series; preopercular pores in a curved series after start of free edge
near mandible, numbering 9 or 10 along free margin of preopercle, plus 1 or 2 more up to rear mid-eye level, in a
single series at distal tips of canals.
Scales thin and cycloid; scales on side of thorax less than half as high as largest scales on side of body, becoming
still smaller ventroanteriorly; head naked except for small partially embedded scales on nape in irregular rows;
median predorsal scales extending forward to slightly posterior to a vertical through upper free end of preopercular
margin; ns naked except for several progressively smaller scales on basal region of caudal n and mid-ventral
scale projecting posteriorly from base of pelvic ns. Lateral line continuous, nearly following contour of back
to 18th pored scale, below base of eighth dorsal soft ray, where deected sharply ventrally to straight peduncular
portion, single small pore per scale, last pored scale on caudal-n base. Origin of dorsal n above anterior edge of
second lateral-line scale; dorsal-n spines progressively longer, the rst 5.2 (5.0) and the ninth 3.7 in HL; longest
dorsal-n soft ray 2.9 in HL; origin of anal n below base of last dorsal-n spine; rst anal-n spine very short,
12.2 (10.6) in HL; second anal-n spine 5.6 (4.8) in HL; third anal-n spine 4.4 (4.2) in HL; longest anal-n soft
ray 3.3 in HL; caudal n with slightly extended upper and lower lobes in terminal-phase males, caudal-n length
1.9 in HL; third pectoral-n ray longest, 2.1 (2.1) in HL; pelvic ns short, 2.1 (2.5) in HL.
Color in life. Based on two TP male individuals (holotype and one living non-type)(Figs. 1,2 & 5 top), head
and body greenish yellow grading to white ventrally, one specimen with anterior body and head abruptly darker,
sparing ventral abdomen and thorax; head with reticulated pattern of thin lines, colored bright blue to red (in same
male holotype) to purplish; maze of lines on head continuing onto anterior body and partially breaking up into
spots, then transitioning at mid-body to form three distinct stripes ending near base of caudal n, body spots and
stripes bright blue and wider than head stripes, about one scale wide. Dorsal and anal ns with a broad yellow
band over a narrow blue stripe near base of n, n edged with a thin blue margin; caudal n with thick yellow
bands along the upper and lower margins also edged with a thin bluish line, central portion of n translucent;
pelvic and pectoral ns translucent. Iris reddish orange. IP individuals reddish to pinkish or orange (Figs. 3,4 &
6), lighter ventrally, white on lower half of head and thorax; a continuous band of brighter, reective, pearly white
from tip of upper jaw back to below rear orbital margin. Fins translucent. Iris orange to bright red.
The living holotype had a scattering of black pinpoint spots over the head and body; it is unclear if these are
pathological or parasitic. They do not persist on the preserved specimen.
Color in alcohol. TP male uniform grey brown dorsally grading to white ventrally, except for some residual
blue in stripes. Fins are translucent. IP sh are uniform yellowish with no markings.
Etymology. Named for the maze-like pattern of lines on the head and body. The specic epithet is a noun in
Distribution. The new species is described from specimens from the coast of Kenya. A record of P. erythrops
from Seychelles (Randall & van Egmond 1994) is a 57-mm SL initial-phase specimen that is indistinguishable
from P. labyrinthus: given the distance of Seychelles from the type location of P. erythrops in Mauritius, the
record is more likely P. labyrinthus. Interestingly, the east African coast now has more sympatric species of
Pseudojuloides than any other location, i.e. four species: the new species plus P. edwardi, P. polackorum, and the
elusive P. argyreogaster.
Figure 5. TP male colors in aquaria top: Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, non-type, Kenya (T.J. Engels); upper middle: P.
erythrops, Mauritius (J.E. Randall); lower middle: P. severnsi, Japan (K. Nishiyama); bottom: P. edwardi, Kenya (V. Altamirano).
Barcode DNA sequence. A 652-nucleotide sequence of the segment of the mitochondrial COI gene used
for barcoding by the BOLD informatics database (Ratnasingham & Hebert 2007) was obtained for the holotype.
Following the database management recommendation of the BOLD, the sequence of the holotype (GenBank
accession number KT352046) is presented here as well:
Comparisons. Among the Pseudojuloides, P. labyrinthus most closely resembles the P. severnsi species
complex in basic marking patterns on the TP male, i.e. an abruptly darker head and anterior body, reticulated
lines on the head, and blue stripes along the body (Fig. 5). The new species differs by having a third blue stripe
along the posterior half of the body (vs. two), the third running well below the lateral midline. The TP male of P.
erythrops also differs from P. labyrinthus in having the light ventrum ending abruptly at mid-abdomen, blue spots
and reticulations against a dark background on the anterior abdomen, and only a single stripe across the upper
head (vs. a maze). TP males of both P. edwardi and P. severnsi are missing the maze of lines on the upper head
and upper anterior body. The initial-phase specimens of the entire genus are very similar and mostly non-descript
and reddish orange; however, IP P. labyrinthus have the prominent reective white stripe below the eye extending
in a complete wide band from the tip of the upper jaw to past the orbit, while those of the other species have the
reective white more limited to the maxilla, or maxilla and separately under the eye, not forming a continuous
streak (Fig. 6; and see Victor & Edward 2015).
Figure 6. Pseudojuloides edwardi vs. labyrinthus, initial phase, (identications by DNA barcode): P. edwardi at left, P.
labyrinthus paratype, 43 mm SL, at right; Kenya via aquarium trade (J.M.B. Edward).
Morphometrics (>50 mm SL) are similar to other congeners, although the new species is more elongate than
most, with body depth 18.5–19.8% SL, less than the P. cerasinus complex and P. atavai (23 to 25% SL; Randall
& Randall 1981, Connell et al. 2015) and P. edwardi and P. severnsi (19% to 23% SL; Victor & Randall 2014);
about the same as P. erythrops (18.6% to 19.6% SL; Randall & Randall 1981); and slightly wider than P. zeus and
P. mesostigma (less than 18% from Victor & Edward [2015]).
DNA Comparisons. The neighbor-joining phenetic tree based on the COI mtDNA sequences of 12 of the 14
known Pseudojuloides species, following the Kimura two-parameter model (K2P) generated by BOLD (Barcode
of Life Database), shows deep divergences between species and relatively small differences within species, except
for the P. edwardi and P. severnsi sequences, which are very close (Fig. 7). As a broad generality, among most reef
K2P distances for mtDNA COI sequences of 12 species of Pseudojuloides
Minimum Interspecic and Maximum Intraspecic Distances (%)
ata cer edw elo kal lab mes pol pyr sev xan zeu
P. atavai 0
P. cerasinus 19.32 0.18
P. edwardi 17.97 16.06 0.31
P. elongatus 17.78 18.8 15.81 0.62
P. kaleidos 16.61 10.4 15.9 19.6 NA
P. labyrinthus 20.19 16.63 10.54 17.54 15.9 0.31
P. mesostigma 6.89 17.64 9.07 17.5 16.49 11.78 0.93
P. polackorum 14.83 9.47 14.58 18.69 8.42 16.37 14.83 0.31
P. pyrius 18.57 3.5 15.27 20.38 10.71 16.89 16.76 9.47 NA
P. severnsi 17.76 16.34 0.46 16.14 15.83 10.75 9.3 14.34 15.61 0.93
P. xanthomos 16.22 11.34 15.51 19.16 4.48 16.52 15.08 7.5 11.23 15.45 NA
P. zeus 18.2 17.49 9.29 17.94 17.51 12.0 5.31 17.09 17.23 8.61 16.28 NA
P-distances (uncorrected pairwise) for mtDNA COI sequences
of 12 species of Pseudojuloides
Minimum Interspecic and Maximum Intraspecic Distances (%)
ata cer edw elo kal lab mes pol pyr sev xan zeu
P. atavai 0
P. cerasinus 16.5 0.18
P. edwardi 15.67 14.12 0.31
P. elongatus 15.67 16.41 14.17 0.61
P. kaleidos 14.59 9.55 14.02 17.05 NA
P. labyrinthus 17.36 14.68 9.66 15.51 14.13
P. mesostigma 14.9 15.37 8.41 15.51 14.44 10.75 0.92
P. polackorum 13.21 8.74 12.93 16.28 7.83 14.44 13.21 0.31
P. pyrius 15.98 3.4 13.55 17.51 9.83 14.9 14.75 8.76 NA
P. severnsi 15.51 14.34 0.46 14.44 13.98 9.83 8.6 12.75 13.82 0.92
P. xanthomos 14.29 10.36 13.71 16.74 4.3 14.59 13.36 7.07 10.29 13.67 NA
P. zeus 15.82 15.2 8.57 15.82 15.21 10.91 5.07 14.9 15.05 7.99 14.29 NA
P. severnsi
New Caledonia
P. edwardi
New Caledonia
P. elongatus
P. cerasinus
Marquesas Islands P. pyrius
P. xanthomos
Bali, Indonesia Leptojulis cyanopleura
New Caledonia
New Caledonia
Vanuatu P. mesostigma
P. kaleidos
South Africa
South Africa
South Africa
P. polackorum
New Caledonia
New Caledonia
Cook Islands
Fr. Polynesia
Fr. Polynesia
Fr. Polynesia
P. atavai
Micronesia P. zeus
P. labyrinthus, n. sp.
Figure 7. The neighbor-joining phenetic tree of Pseudojuloides following the Kimura two-parameter model (K2P) generated
by BOLD (Barcode of Life Database). The scale bar at left represents a 2% sequence difference. Collection locations for
specimens are indicated, and Leptojulis cyanopleura is used as an outgroup. The “aqua” label indicates an aquarium-trade
specimen of unknown provenance. GenBank accession numbers and collection data for the sequences in the tree are listed
in Appendix 1.
shes the minimum interspecic distance between close congeners is often up to an order of magnitude greater
than the maximum intraspecic distance, which is precisely what makes the barcode database particularly useful.
It appears that the majority of reef sh species (with many exceptions) differ by more than 2% from their nearest
relatives (Steinke et al. 2009, Ward et al. 2009, Victor 2015). Our genetic results show that P. labyrinthus falls in
a broad clade made up of P. severnsi/edwardi and P. zeus and P. mesostigma. The nearest-neighbor sequence to
P. labyrinthus is P. edwardi, which differs by 9.66% in COI sequence (uncorrected pairwise distance; 10.54% by
K2P). The divergence is on a similar scale to that from the remaining species in the complex, i.e. P. severnsi, P.
zeus, and P. mesostigma. It is somewhat unexpected that P. labyrinthus is more distant from P. severnsi than are P.
zeus and P. mesostigma, since the TP males of P. labyrinthus share the basic marking patterns of P. severnsi and
P. edwardi and appear quite different from P. zeus and P. mesostigma. Interestingly, in this case, the initial-phase
marking differences (although slight) may be more reective of the genetic relationship than the TP male pattern.
Genetic divergences within the genus Pseudojuloides vary widely (Table 2). For all but one pair, minimum
interspecic distances range from 3.4% to 17.51% (uncorrected pairwise; 3.5% to 20.38% by K2P). The maximum
intraspecic distances range from 0 to 0.92% (uncorrected pairwise; 0 to 0.93% by K2P), showing a clear “barcode
gap” between species. The exception is the species pair of P. edwardi and P. severnsi, which diverge by only 0.46%
(three nucleotides of the 652-bp barcode segment), and may be an example of phenotypic differences outpacing
the rate of neutral substitutions in the mitochondrial COI DNA sequence early in the process of speciation (Victor
& Randall 2014, Allen et al. 2015).
We thank Loreen R. O’Hara and Arnold Suzumoto of the Bishop Museum for curatorial assistance, and Vincent
Altamirano, T.J. Engels, Kazuhiko Nishiyama (Kazu), and Michael Stern for graciously providing photographs.
Comparison sequences on the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) were provided by Serge Planes of the Centre
National de la Recherche Scientique and Jeff Williams of the U.S. National Museum of Natural History, via
CRIOBE (Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l’Environnement CNRS-EPHE), BIOCODE (Moore
Foundation), CORALSPOT (MEDDE, ANR, Polynésie), and the LABEX “CORAIL”; as well as by David Carlon
of the Bowdoin Marine Laboratory, Brunswick, Maine and the University of Hawaiʻi and Anuschka Faucci of the
University of Hawaiʻi. The assistance of Michael Stern of NY Aquatics is appreciated. Comparison specimens/
tissues were provided by David Bellwood, Alonso Gonzalez Cabello, the late Allan Connell, Arie deJong of De
Jong Marinelife of the Netherlands, and Antoine Teitelbaum. George Walsh and Walsh Paper Distribution, Inc. of
Westminster, CA sponsored preparation and publication of the project. The DNA barcoding was performed at the
Biodiversity Institute of Ontario with the support of Robert Hanner and the team at BOLD. DNA barcoding was
supported by the International Barcode of Life Project ( with funding from the Government of Canada
via the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding, as well as from the Ontario Genomics Institute (2008-OGI-ICI-03),
Genome Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation, and the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada. The manuscript was reviewed by John E. Randall and Helen A. Randall.
Allen, G.R., Erdmann, M.V. & Dailami, M. (2015) Cirrhilabrus marinda, a new species of wrasse (Pisces:
Labridae) from eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation,
15, 1–13.
Bellwood, D.R. & Randall, J.E. (2000) Pseudojuloides severnsi, a new species of wrasse from Indonesia and Sri
Lanka (Perciformes: Labridae). Journal of South Asian Natural History, 5(1), 1–5.
Connell, A.D., Victor, B.C. & Randall, J.E. (2015) A new species of Pseudojuloides (Perciformes: Labridae) from
the south-western Indian Ocean. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 14, 49–56.
Ivanova, N.V., Zemlak, T.S., Hanner, R.H. & Hebert, P.D.N. (2007) Universal primer cocktails for sh DNA
barcoding. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7, 544–548.
Kuiter, R.H. & Randall, J.E. (1995) Four new Indo-Pacic wrasses (Perciformes: Labridae). Revue française
d’Aquariologie Herpétologie, 21, 107–118.
Randall, J.E. & Randall, H.A. (1981) A revision of the labrid sh genus Pseudojuloides, with descriptions of ve
new species. Pacic Science, 35, 51–74.
Randall, J.E. & van Egmond, J. (1994) Marine shes from the Seychelles: 108 new records. Zoologische
Verhandelingen, 297, 43–83.
Ratnasingham, S. & Hebert, P.D.N. (2007) BOLD: The Barcode of Life Data System (
Molecular Ecology Notes, 7(3), 355–364.
Steinke, D., Zemlak, T.S., & Hebert, P.D.N. (2009) Barcoding Nemo: DNA-Based Identications for the
Ornamental Fish Trade. PLoS ONE 4(7) e6300.
Victor, B.C. (2015) How many coral reef sh species are there? Cryptic diversity and the new molecular
taxonomy. In: Mora, C. (Ed.) Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
United Kingdom, pp. 76–87.
Victor, B.C. & Randall, J.E. (2014) Pseudojuloides edwardi, n. sp. (Perciformes: Labridae): an example of
evolution of male-display phenotype outpacing divergence in mitochondrial genotype. Journal of the Ocean
Science Foundation, 11, 1–12.
Victor, B.C. & Edward, J.M.B. (2015) Pseudojuloides zeus, a new deep-reef wrasse (Perciformes: Labridae) from
Micronesia in the western Pacic Ocean. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 15, 41–52.
Ward, R.D., Hanner, R. & Hebert, P.D.N. (2009) The campaign to DNA barcode all shes, FISH-BOL. Journal
of Fish Biology, 74, 329–356.
Genus species Collection site Voucher GenBank # Collector/Source
Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, n. sp. Mombasa, Kenya BPBM 41258 (43.0) KP975975 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, n. sp. Mombasa, Kenya BPBM 41257 KT352046 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides labyrinthus, n. sp. Mombasa, Kenya BPBM 41258 (60.6) KT352050 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides zeus Majuro, Marshall Islands BPBM 41215 KJ591656 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides mesostigma Vanuatu BPBM 41216 60.6 KP975989 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides mesostigma Vanuatu BPBM 41216 60.9 KP975968 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides edwardi Mombasa, Kenya BPBM 41172 KJ591643 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides edwardi Mombasa, Kenya je14pe1 KP975964 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides edwardi Mombasa, Kenya BPBM 41173 63.4 KJ591642 A. DeJong/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides edwardi Mombasa, Kenya BPBM 41173 70.6 KJ591644 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides severnsi Philippines BPBM 41174 72.3 KJ591652 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides severnsi New Caledonia BPBM 41175 55.4 KJ591651 A. Teitelbaum
Pseudojuloides severnsi Philippines M1496 JQ839573 D. Bellwood, JCU
Pseudojuloides severnsi New Caledonia BPBM 41175 70.1 KJ591655 A. Teitelbaum
Pseudojuloides severnsi Indonesia je13ps KJ591653 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides severnsi New Caledonia qm14ps2 KJ591654 A. Teitelbaum
Pseudojuloides severnsi Philippines BPBM 41174 79.8 JQ839574 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides kaleidos aquarium trade je14pk610 KP975974 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides xanthomos Mauritius dej13px360 KJ591657 A. DeJong/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides polackorum South Africa DSFSG592-11 KF489719 A. Connell/ SAIAB
Pseudojuloides polackorum South Africa DSFSG925-13 KP975998 A. Connell/ SAIAB
Pseudojuloides polackorum Kenya BPBM 41207 KP975967 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides polackorum Kenya BPBM 41208 KP975996 J. Edward/aq. trade
Pseudojuloides polackorum South Africa ac13pc KP975978 A. Connell/ SAIAB
Pseudojuloides pyrius Marquesas Islands MARQ-424 KJ591650 J. Williams/S. Planes
Pseudojuloides cerasinus Hawai‘i FLHI398-09 KJ591646 D. Carlon/A. Faucci
Pseudojuloides cerasinus Hawai‘i h83pc370 JQ839570 B. Victor
Pseudojuloides cerasinus Hawai‘i FLHI318-09 KJ591645 D. Carlon/A. Faucci
Pseudojuloides cerasinus Hawai‘i h83pc260 JQ839571 B. Victor
Pseudojuloides elongatus New Caledonia jr14pe3 KJ591647 A. Teitelbaum
Pseudojuloides elongatus New Caledonia jr14pe2 KJ591649 A. Teitelbaum
Pseudojuloides elongatus New Caledonia jr14pe1 KJ591648 A. Teitelbaum
Pseudojuloides atavai Rarotonga, Cook Islands ck98425pa210 JQ839568 B. Victor
Pseudojuloides atavai Moorea, French Polynesia MBIO1549 JF435150 S. Planes/J. Williams
Pseudojuloides atavai Moorea, French Polynesia M106 JQ839569 D. Bellwood, JCU
Pseudojuloides atavai Moorea, French Polynesia MBIO1289 JF435151 S. Planes/J. Williams
Leptojulis cyanopleura Bali, Indonesia bal11700px124 JQ839546 B. Victor
Appendix 1. Specimen data and GenBank accession numbers for the mtDNA COI barcode sequences used to generate the
phenogram in Fig. 7, following the order in the tree. Holotype in bold.
... Randall (1995) listed five nominal species occurring in the western Indian Ocean-Cirrhilabrus exqusitus Smith (1957), C. blatteus Springer & Randall (1974), C. rubriventralis Springer & Randall (1974), C. rubrisquamis Randall & Emery (1983) and C. sanguineus Cornic (1987). Two other species from the region have been described since: Cirrhilabrus africanus Victor (2016) and C. rubeus Victor (2016), bringing the current nominal species occurring in the western Indian Ocean to seven-just slightly over ten percent of the genus. ...
... Randall (1995) listed five nominal species occurring in the western Indian Ocean-Cirrhilabrus exqusitus Smith (1957), C. blatteus Springer & Randall (1974), C. rubriventralis Springer & Randall (1974), C. rubrisquamis Randall & Emery (1983) and C. sanguineus Cornic (1987). Two other species from the region have been described since: Cirrhilabrus africanus Victor (2016) and C. rubeus Victor (2016), bringing the current nominal species occurring in the western Indian Ocean to seven-just slightly over ten percent of the genus. ...
... Nonetheless, we present the first molecular phylogeny which includes 38 of the 59 valid species of Cirrhilabrus. Previous estimates have relied on neighbor-joining as the primary method for phylogenetic inference, with a focus on specific lineages as opposed to evolutionary relationships at the generic level (Allen et al. 2015;Tea et al. 2016;Victor 2016). Although some of the relationships at deeper nodes were not retrieved with strong support, the relationships within the C. jordani complex were well resolved, and while we expect relationships amongst lineages to change with increased sampling, our analysis provides a framework for further studies. ...
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The labrid fish Cirrhilabrus sanguineus Cornic is redescribed on the basis of the neotype, two male specimens, and an additional female specimen recently collected from the northern coast of Mauritius. We provide new live and nuptial colouration descriptions, as well as the first documented female specimen for the species. we also include a molecular phylogenetic analysis of related species, with brief comments on phylogenetic interpretation of putative relationships amongst members of the genus Cirrhilabrus.
... Allen et al. (2015) listed 51 valid species in the genus. Seven other species have subsequently been described: Cirrhilabrus isosceles Tea et al. (2016), C. hygroxerus Allen & Hammer (2016), C. rubeus Victor (2016), C. africanus Victor (2016), C. efatensis Walsh et al. (2017), C. shutmani Tea & Gill (2017) and C. greeni Allen & Hammer (2017) bringing the valid species count to 58. Klausewitz (1976) erected the genus Cirrhilabrichthys to accommodate the placement of his new species, C. filamentosus. ...
... Allen et al. (2015) listed 51 valid species in the genus. Seven other species have subsequently been described: Cirrhilabrus isosceles Tea et al. (2016), C. hygroxerus Allen & Hammer (2016), C. rubeus Victor (2016), C. africanus Victor (2016), C. efatensis Walsh et al. (2017), C. shutmani Tea & Gill (2017) and C. greeni Allen & Hammer (2017) bringing the valid species count to 58. Klausewitz (1976) erected the genus Cirrhilabrichthys to accommodate the placement of his new species, C. filamentosus. ...
... In his original description, Klausewitz made reference to the close relationship that C. filamentosus might have to Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis Springer & Randall (1974), based in part on the presence of a single row of cheek scales (versus the usual two). This apomorphic character is now known from several additional Cirrhilabrus species: C. rubripinnis Randall & Carpenter (1980), C. condei Allen & Randall (1996), C. morrisoni Allen (1999), C. tonozukai Allen & Kuiter (1999), C. joanallenae Allen (2000), C. walshi Randall & Pyle (2001), C. naokoae Randall & Tanaka (2009), C. humanni Allen & Erdmann (2012), C. marinda Allen, Erdmann & Dailami (2015), C. africanus Victor (2016), C. rubeus Victor (2016), C. hygroxerus Allen & Hammer (2016), and C. greeni Allen & Hammer (2017). Further study is required to determine whether this feature is synapomorphic, and thus diagnostic for Cirrhilabrichthys. ...
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Cirrhilabrus cyanogularis, sp. nov., is described on the basis of the holotype and three paratypes from Banguingui Island, Sulu Archipelago, Philippines, and a paratype from Sulawesi, Indonesia. The new species belongs to a complex consisting of C. filamentosus (Klausewitz), C. rubripinnis Randall & Carpenter, and C. tonozukai Allen & Kuiter. Aside from similar nuptial male coloration, the four species share the following character combination: a single row of cheek scales; dorsal-fin spines taller than dorsal-fin rays (slightly incised between spinuous and soft dorsal fin in C. rubripinnis and C. cyanogularis; last three dorsal-fin spines converging to form a single filament in C. tonozukai and C. filamentosus); relatively long pelvic fins (reaching past anal-fin origin); and isthmus and breast blue. The new species differs from the other members of the complex in lacking a dorsal filament, as well as possessing six predorsal scales, more extensive blue coloration on the isthmus, lower head and breast, and a soft dorsal fin with narrow black, medial stripe. The status of Klausewitz’s Cirrhilabrichthys is briefly discussed.
... Allen et al. (2015) listed 51 nominal species in the genus. Five other species have been described since: Cirrhilabrus isosceles Tea et al. (2016), C. hygroxerus Allen & Hammer (2016), C. rubeus Victor (2016), C. africanus Victor (2016), and C. efatensis Walsh et al. (2017), bringing the current nominal species count to 56. Increased deepwater exploration and aquarium fish collection has allowed for the discovery of several new species, as well as the expansion of previously documented geographical distributions of various species. ...
... Allen et al. (2015) listed 51 nominal species in the genus. Five other species have been described since: Cirrhilabrus isosceles Tea et al. (2016), C. hygroxerus Allen & Hammer (2016), C. rubeus Victor (2016), C. africanus Victor (2016), and C. efatensis Walsh et al. (2017), bringing the current nominal species count to 56. Increased deepwater exploration and aquarium fish collection has allowed for the discovery of several new species, as well as the expansion of previously documented geographical distributions of various species. ...
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Cirrhilabrus shutmani, new species, is described on the basis of four specimens from Didicas Volcano, Babuyan Islands, Cagayan province, northern Philippines. The holotype and three paratypes were collected at a depth of 50-70 m, along denuded rubble slopes. The new species belong to a complex consisting of C. blatteus, C. claire, C. earlei, C. jordani, C. lanceolatus, C. roseafascia, C. rubrisquamis and C. sanguineus. Aside from similar nuptial male colouration, the nine species share the following character combination: relatively short pelvic fins (not or barely reaching anal-fin origin, except for C. claire with relatively long pelvic fins); a pair of stripes on head (in both sexes); and, dorsal and anal fins without obvious stripes or spots. It differs from the other members of its group in lacking any stripes on the upper and lower body, and in having the following live colouration details: upper part of nape dusky red; dorsal and anal fin bright red with dusky markings; pelvic fins bright red, dusky anteriorly; caudal fin bright yellow basally with distal half bright red. We also present new distribution records for C. claire, C. earlei and C. lanceolatus, as well as a brief mention of a possibly new, related species from the Ogasawara Islands.
... Our examined specimens of Pseudojuloides crux, P. elongatus, and P. paradiseus agree well with this diagnosis. Previous molecular phylogenetic studies of the genus based on mitochondrial COI suggest that P. elongatus is fairly divergent from the other species of Pseudojuloides, occupying a separate lineage from the other more tropical species (Victor and Edward, 2016). Our results indicate that Pseudojuloides elongatus, P. crux, and P. paradiseus are likely to form a monophyletic group, hereafter referred to as the Pseudojuloides elongatus complex. ...
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The anti-equatorial labrid Pseudojuloides elongatus has a wide but disjunct distribution across the Western Pacific and Eastern Indian Oceans, with populations occurring in Western Australia, southern Japan, and the southwest Pacific Ocean. Principal component analysis of morphological characters and coalescent-based species-tree estimates of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers suggest that these populations are under incipient stages of divergence. The three allopatric populations differ strongly in coloration patterns of both sexes, particularly in terminal males, suggestive of reproductive isolation. We redescribe Pseudojuloides elongatus on the basis of nine paratypes and two additional specimens from eastern Australia and Norfolk Island, and describe two new species, Pseudojuloides crux, new species, from Western Australia, and P. paradiseus, new species, from southern Japan. The complex is distinguished from other members of the genus in sharing the following combination of characters: body elongate; dorsal-fin rays IX,12; pectoral-fin rays 12; no median predorsal scales; and usually 27 lateral-line scales. We briefly comment on anti- equatorial biogeographical patterns and Pseudojuloides argyreogaster from the Western Indian Ocean.
... Among Labridae, taxonomic identification may be even more challenging, given body coloration lability, ontogenetic variations and morphological similarities (Rocha 2004). As such, a growing number of descriptions of new wrasses species (e.g., Victor & Edward 2016;Victor 2016) and identification of cryptic diversity in other fish groups (Miya et al. 2015;Lima-Filho et al. 2016) have been reinforced on interspecific genetic divergences. ...
Bodianus constitutes a marine fish group of particular interest due to its trophic interactions with reef environments. Knowledge of phylogenetic relationships of this genus have been improved by shared advances of classical and genetic approaches. However, some of its species have yet to be compared regarding its genetic patterns. Morphological variations in body shape and color patterns during the course of ontogenetic development, in addition to recurring sex reversal in species of this genus, make its taxonomy challenging. In the Atlantic Ocean five species have been described: B. scrofa and B. speciosus (Eastern Atlantic), B. rufus (Western Atlantic), B. pulchellus (Western Atlantic and Eastern Atlantic Islands) and B. insularis (Mid-Atlantic islands). The phylogenetic relationships of the last species could not be resolved using genetic analyses. With a very restrict geographic distribution, B. insularis deserves high attention regarding its taxonomic and evolutionary aspects. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA sequences (COI and 16S rRNA) and nuclear analyses (rhodopsin) to assess the genetic divergence of B. insularis in relation to other Atlantic species and clarify its phylogenetic relationships. Bodianus pulchellus and B. insularis were not genetically distinct and are grouped with B. rufus, forming a sister clade of B. speciosus, while B. scrofa is more related to Pacific species. DNA-based and morphological traits are very similar between B. insularis and B. pulchellus, whose most obvious difference is their color pattern. The actual reinterpretation of ecological and biogeographic contexts allows to suggest that B. insularis is most likely a synonym of B. pulchellus, constituting a population enclave of this species.
... Uncorrected pairwise genetic distances at the COI marker were up to 2.8%, between specimens from East Asia and the southwest Pacific. These distances are greater than those observed in other related species of coral reef fishes, which usually exceed 2% between closely related sister species (Steinke, Zemlak, & Hebert, 2009;Victor & Edward, 2016;Ward, Hanner, & Hebert, 2009). The largest uncorrected pairwise distances were observed in the control region, with specimens from Western Australia and the southwest Pacific differing by up to 14.6%. ...
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The geographic distributions of marine fishes have been shaped by ancient vicariance and ongoing dispersal events. Some species exhibit anti‐equatorial distributions, inhabiting temperate regions on both sides of the tropics while being absent from equatorial latitudes. The perciform fish Microcanthus strigatus (the stripey) exhibits such a distribution, with disjunct populations occurring in East Asia, Hawaii, Western Australia, and the southwest Pacific. Here we examine the historical biogeography and evolutionary history of M. strigatus, based on more than 80 specimens sampled from the four major populations. We analyse 36 morphological characters, three mitochondrial markers, and two sets of 7120 and 12,771 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms from the nuclear genome. Our results suggest that M. strigatus represents a cryptic species complex comprising at least two genetically distinct populations worthy of species‐level recognition, with one population exhibiting strong genetic structuring but with intermittent, historical gene flow. We provide evidence for a southwest Pacific origin for the ancestral Microcanthus and explain how past connectivity between these regions might have given rise to the relationships observed in present‐day marine fauna. Our ancestral range reconstructions and molecular‐clock analyses support a southwest Pacific centre of origin for Microcanthus, with subsequent colonization of Western Australia through the Bass Strait followed by trans‐equatorial dispersals to the Northern Hemisphere during the Pleistocene. Our results detail an anti‐tropical dispersal pattern that is highly unusual and previously undocumented, thereby emphasizing the importance of integrative systematics in the evaluation of widespread species. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... The terminal male (photographed) is characterised by a maze of blue lines on the head and three blue stripes along the body. Only previously known from the aquarium trade in Kenya approximately 2000 km west of Seychelles (Victor and Edward 2016). ...
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BackgroundA rapid marine fish biodiversity assessment and subsequent surveys were conducted at D’Arros Island and St. Joseph Atoll, Amirantes, Republic of Seychelles. ResultsDive surveys recorded the first national occurrence of 16 reef associated fish species. Ten species had regionally cosmopolitan distributions in the West Indian Ocean and their occurrence in Seychelles was expected and confirmed. The occurrence of an additional six species represented range extensions of between approximately 2000 and 4300 km further than previously reported. Conclusions The results of this assessment suggest that the current ichthyofaunal diversity of the Amirantes Island group in the Republic of Seychelles may be underestimated and future surveys are likely to reveal the presence of additional species.
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A new species of labrid, Cirrhilabrus marinda, is described from 29 type specimens, 17.4–45.9 mm SL, collected at Ayau Atoll, West Papua Province, Indonesia and 7 non-type specimens, 32.0–67.0 mm SL, from Halmahera, Indonesia and the vicinity of Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu. The new taxon is closely related to Cirrhilabrus condei of Indonesia (West Papua), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Coral Sea, and the northern Great Barrier Reef, mainly differing in the shape and colouration of the male dorsal fin. The spinous dorsal fin of C. marinda is mostly black and noticeably taller than the soft portion in comparison with C. condei, which has a more uniform fin profile with black colouration restricted to the outer fin margin. The population of C. marinda from Ayau Atoll differs from conspecific populations in other regions and from C. condei in having an exceptionally small maximum size of approximately 46 mm SL, with mature females as small as 30.4 mm SL. The two species are broadly sympatric, but do not share the same habitat; C. marinda prefer deeper offshore sand habitats. The barcode (COI) mitochondrial DNA sequences of the new species are the same as C. condei, apparently a case of phenotypic divergence outpacing changes in mitochondrial genotype. As in other reported cases of this phenomenon, the phenotypic differences are in the male mating display, which would be expected in the early stages of species divergence.
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The new species, Pseudojuloides zeus, is described from two specimens obtained from Majuro Atoll in the Marshall Islands and Palau in Micronesia, western Pacific Ocean. The species is distinguished by two prominent jagged blue stripes along the body and a dark spot at the base of the mid-dorsal fin. P. zeus is a rarely seen fish, found only on particularly deep reefs and, thus far, from only two locations. The single paratype from Palau was collected at about 80m during the 1997 'Twilight Zone' Expedition by the Bishop Museum and, since then, a series of specimens have been collected for the aquarium trade from similarly deep reefs at Majuro. The nearest relative is P. mesostigma, from Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Vanuatu, Tonga, and the Great Barrier Reef, which shares the very slender body and has a dark area on the mid-dorsal fin and body, but does not have the distinctive two blue stripes. The barcode mtDNA COI sequence of the new species is 5.3% different from the sequence of P. mesostigma (minimum interspecific distance, K2P model). A neighbor-joining tree and genetic distance matrix is presented for 11 of the 13 known species in the genus Pseudojuloides.
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The new species Pseudojuloides polackorum is described from seven specimens collected off the east coast of South Africa and from near Mombasa, Kenya. The species closely resembles the widespread Indo-Pacific congener P. cerasinus Snyder 1904 and replaces it along the continental southwestern Indian Ocean, including Madagascar. The new species is distinguished from P. cerasinus by the absence of a blue stripe behind the eye, a salmon-tinged lower half of the head, a wider orange band along the body (vs. narrower and yellow), and a narrower blue lateral stripe along the body above the band with linear projections into the band. In addition to the color differences, there is a 9.48% divergence in the barcode DNA sequence COI from P. cerasinus from Hawaii, the type location of the species (minimum interspecific distance by K2P; 8.74% divergence pairwise).
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Pseudo juloides sevemsi n. sp. is described from 11 specimens 50.7 -91.5 mm SL: 9 from Indonesia, 2 from Sri Lanka. It is distinguished from other members of the genus by the following characters: Terminal Phase with large blue-margined black patch covering the posteriodorsal region of the head and the dorsal anterior third if the body, an orange submarginal line along the length of the dorsal fin, and upper and lower rays of the caudal fin forming dark lobes which protrude beyond the medial caudal margin.
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The new species Pseudojuloides edwardi is described from aquarium-trade specimens obtained from the African coast near Mombasa, Kenya. The species is distinguished from its two sibling species, P. severnsi (from the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, New Caledonia, and Sri Lanka) and P. erythrops (from Mauritius), by a spectacular yellow-on-magenta reticulum on the head and forebody of the terminal-phase male and other details of the markings and color patterns. Despite the arresting color differences, the barcode COI mtDNA sequences for specimens of P. edwardi are very close to the P. severnsi clade, differing by 3 base pairs out of 652, well within the intraspecific range of variation. The two species likely represent a case of evolution of reproductive isolating mechanisms outpacing the accumulation of neutral mutations in mitochondrial DNA sequences. As in a number of other examples of shared mitochondrial sequences between recently diverged reef fish species, the phenotypic differences are primarily in color patterns on the head, the focus of mating displays for species recognition in many coral reef fishes.
The local diversity and global richness of coral reef fishes, along with the diversity manifested in their morphology, behaviour and ecology, provides fascinating and diverse opportunities for study. Reflecting the very latest research in a broad and ever-growing field, this comprehensive guide is a must-read for anyone interested in the ecology of fishes on coral reefs. Featuring contributions from leaders in the field, the 36 chapters cover the full spectrum of current research. They are presented in five parts, considering coral reef fishes in the context of ecology; patterns and processes; human intervention and impacts; conservation; and past and current debates. Beautifully illustrated in full-colour, this book is designed to summarise and help build upon current knowledge and to facilitate further research. It is an ideal resource for those new to the field as well as for experienced researchers.
The following 108 species of fishes are recorded for the first time from the Seychelles: Himantura granulata, Gymnothorax breedeni, G. chilospilus, G. fimbriatus, G. melatremus, G. nudivomer, G. zonipectis, Rhinomuraena quaesita, Uropterygius macrocephalus, Kaupichthys diodontus, Synodus binotatus, S. jaculum, Trachinocephalus myops, Ophidion smithi, Carapus mourlani, Brosmophyciops pautzkei, Antennarius hispidus, Myripristis berndti, M. melanosticta, Eurypegasus draconis, Cosmocampus banneri, Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus, Hippocampus histrix, H. whitei, Inimicus filamentosus, Cephalopholis sexmaculata, Pseudanthias cooperi, P. pulcherrimus, Variola albimarginata, Cyprinocirrhites polyactis, Oxycirrhites typus, Apogon evermanni, Apogon punctatus, Fowleria abocellata,, Pseudamia tarri, Siphamia mossambica, Caranx lugubris, Lutjanus bengalensis, Pterocaesio marri, Parupeneus jansenii, P. pleurostigma, Parapriacanthus ransonneti, Pempheris schwenkii, Platax orbicularis, Centropyge acanthops, Chromis analis, C. atripectoralis, C. lepidolepis, C. xutha, Teixeirichthys jordani, Anampses lineatus, Cheilinus bimaculatus, Cirrhilabrus exquisitus, Halichoeres cosmetus, H. trispilus, Hologymnosus annulatus, Labropsis xanthonota, Macropharyngodon bipartitus, Paracheilinus mccoskeri, Pseudocoris heteroptera, Pseudojuloides argyreogaster, P. erythrops, Thalassoma genivittatum, T. quinquevittatum, Uranoscopas archionema, Limnichthys nitidus, Trichonotus marleyi, Parapercis schauinslandii, Cirripectes auritus, Enneapterygius abeli, Callionymus persicus, Synchiropus stellatus, Amblygobius tekomaji, Asterropteryx spinosus, Bathygobius cocosensis, B. crassiceps, Bryaninops natans, Callogobius sclateri, Ctenogobiops maculosus, Eviota guttata, E. sebreei, Feia nympha, Hetereleotris tentaculatus, Istigobius decoratus, Kelloggella quindecimfasciata, Lubricogobius pumilis, Paragobiodon modestus, P. xanthosoma, Pleurosicya boldinghi, P. plicata, Stonogobiops nematodes, Trimma haima, T. sheppardi, Valenciennea helsdingenii, V. puellaris, V. wardii, Nemateleotris magnifica, Acanthurus auranticavus, Ctenochaetus binotatus, Bothus mancus, Samariscus triocellatus, Pseudobalistes fuscus, Paramonacanthus nematophorus, Canthigaster smithae, C. tyleri, Torquigener flavimaculosus, Diodon liturosus, and Masturus lanceolatus.
Reliable recovery of the 5'''' region of the cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) gene is critical for the ongoing effort to gather DNA barcodes for all fish species. In this study, we develop and test primer cocktails with a view towards increasing the efficiency of barcode recovery. Specifically, we evaluate the success of polymerase chain reaction amplification and the quality of resultant sequences using three primer cocktails on DNA extracts from repre- sentatives of 94 fish families. Our results show that M13-tailed primer cocktails are more effective than conventional degenerate primers, allowing barcode work on taxonomically diverse samples to be carried out in a high-throughput fashion.
FISH-BOL, the Fish Barcode of Life campaign, is an international research collaboration that is assembling a standardized reference DNA sequence library for all fishes. Analysis is targeting a 648 base pair region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. More than 5000 species have already been DNA barcoded, with an average of five specimens per species, typically vouchers with authoritative identifications. The barcode sequence from any fish, fillet, fin, egg or larva can be matched against these reference sequences using BOLD; the Barcode of Life Data System ( The benefits of barcoding fishes include facilitating species identification, highlighting cases of range expansion for known species, flagging previously overlooked species and enabling identifications where traditional methods cannot be applied. Results thus far indicate that barcodes separate c. 98 and 93% of already described marine and freshwater fish species, respectively. Several specimens with divergent barcode sequences have been confirmed by integrative taxonomic analysis as new species. Past concerns in relation to the use of fish barcoding for species discrimination are discussed. These include hybridization, recent radiations, regional differentiation in barcode sequences and nuclear copies of the barcode region. However, current results indicate these issues are of little concern for the great majority of specimens.
The Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Pseudojuloides Fowler is characterized chiefly by a slender body (depth usually 4-5 in standard length) , IX,1l or 12 dorsal rays, a single pair of canine teeth anteriorly in jaws followed by incisiform teeth, and a small truncate or near-truncate caudal fin. Eight species are recognized: P. cerasinus (Snyder), ranging widely from East Africa to eastern Polynesia; P. argyreogaster (Gunther) from the western Indian Ocean; the related P. elongatus Ayling and Russell, which exhibits an anti tropical distribution in the western Pacific (Japan, Australia, and New Zealand); and the five new species P. atavai from southeast Oceania, P. pyrius from the Marquesas Islands, P. mesostigma from the Philippine Islands, and P. xanthomos and P. erythrops from Mauritius. These fishes are small (only two species are known to exceed 100 mm standard length) , bottom-dwelling (frequently on rubble or weedy substrata), and most often found at depths of about 10 to 60 m. All appear to be sexually dichromatic (xanthomos is known only from a single male specimen); the females of five of the species are uniform light red and difficult to distinguish from one another.