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Numerical Exploration of the Planktonic to Benthic Primary Production Ratios in Lakes of the Baltic Sea Catchment


Abstract and Figures

Autotrophic structure refers to the partitioning of whole-ecosystem primary production between benthic and planktonic primary producers. Autotrophic structure remains poorly understood especially because of the paucity of estimates regarding benthic primary production. We used a conceptual model for numerically exploring the autotrophic structure of 13 hemiboreal lakes situated in the Baltic Sea catchment. We also used diel variations in primary production profiles to graphically evaluate levels of light and/or nutrient limitation in lakes. The input morphometric data, light extinction coefficients and dissolved carbon parameters were mostly obtained from in situ measurements. Results revealed that cross- and within-lake autotrophic structure varied greatly: one lake was clearly dominated by benthic production, and three lakes by phytoplankton production. In the rest, phytoplankton production was generally dominant but switch to benthic dominance was possible. The modelled primary production profiles varied according to lake water clarity and bathymetry. Our results clearly indicate that the relative contribution of benthic primary production to whole-lake primary production should be taken into account in studies about hemiboreal and boreal lakes.
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Numerical Exploration of the
Planktonic to Benthic Primary
Production Ratios in Lakes of the
Baltic Sea Catchment
Fabien Cremona,
* Alo Laas,
Lauri Arvola,
Don Pierson,
Peeter No
and Tiina No
Centre for Limnology, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 5,
51014 Tartu, Estonia;
Lammi Biological Station, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki,
¨rventie 320, 16900 Lammi, Finland;
Erken Laboratory, Department of Ecology and Genetics, Uppsala University, Norra
¨gen 45, 761 73 Norrta
¨lje, Sweden
Autotrophic structure refers to the partitioning of
whole-ecosystem primary production between
benthic and planktonic primary producers. Auto-
trophic structure remains poorly understood espe-
cially because of the paucity of estimates regarding
benthic primary production. We used a conceptual
model for numerically exploring the autotrophic
structure of 13 hemiboreal lakes situated in the
Baltic Sea catchment. We also used diel variations
in primary production profiles to graphically eval-
uate levels of light and/or nutrient limitation in
lakes. The input morphometric data, light extinc-
tion coefficients and dissolved carbon parameters
were mostly obtained from in situ measurements.
Results revealed that cross- and within-lake auto-
trophic structure varied greatly: one lake was
clearly dominated by benthic production, and three
lakes by phytoplankton production. In the rest,
phytoplankton production was generally dominant
but switch to benthic dominance was possible. The
modelled primary production profiles varied
according to lake water clarity and bathymetry.
Our results clearly indicate that the relative con-
tribution of benthic primary production to whole-
lake primary production should be taken into ac-
count in studies about hemiboreal and boreal lakes.
Key words: primary production; lake bathy-
metry; chlorophyll a; dissolved organic carbon;
light extinction coefficient.
Researching the primary production (PP) of fresh-
water ecosystems has been the cornerstone of
limnological studies for decades (Lindeman 1942).
However, the emphasis has been generally put on
planktonic PP rather than benthic PP (Vadebon-
coeur and others 2002; Liboriussen and Jeppesen
2003). Technical issues related to the difficulty of
quantifying in situ PP of benthos compared to
phytoplankton and a stronger scientific appeal of
planktonic organisms to limnologists (Sand-Jensen
and Borum 1991) may explain the situation. As a
result, benthos contribution to lake PP is still poorly
Received 8 December 2015; accepted 15 April 2016;
Author contributions FC, AL: Conceived of or designed study,
performed research, analysed data, contributed new methods or mod-
els; FC, AL, LA, DP, PN, TN: Wrote the paper.
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
DOI: 10.1007/s10021-016-0006-y
2016 Springer Science+Business Media New York
known (Vadeboncoeur and others 2002), and
consequently, autotrophic structure, that is, how
whole-lake primary production is distributed be-
tween phytoplankton and benthos remains un-
known for the majority of lacustrine systems
(Higgins and others 2014). Albeit new in its formal
description, the concept of autotrophic structure
was already intuitively suggested by Wetzel (1964)
and later by Sand-Jensen and Borum (1991).
It is important to understand the contribution of
benthic and planktonic PP for several reasons.
Firstly, autotrophic structure influences not only
energy pathways in pelagic and benthic zones but
also the food web structure of the lakes (Higgins
and others 2014). Indeed, pelagic- and benthic-
produced organic matters differ in the magnitude of
energy and pollutants they transfer to higher
trophic levels (Hecky and Hesslein 1995; Che
and Amyot 2009; Cremona and others 2010).
Secondly, autotrophic structure provides a more
complete basis for characterizing lake trophic status
and energy fluxes than benthic or planktonic pri-
mary production alone. For example, although
they might exhibit similar absolute values of ben-
thic primary production, a clear oligotrophic lake
and a eutrophic lake may possess different energy
linkages which can only be revealed by partitioning
pelagic and benthic primary production. Thirdly, it
has been demonstrated that autotrophic structure
can be a useful tool for monitoring lake trophic
status changes. Eutrophication, for example, can
lead in some deep lakes to an increase of the
planktonic PP to whole-lake PP (Vadeboncoeur and
others 2003), whereas in shallow lakes the switch
from turbid to clear phase may lead to the opposite
(Jeppesen and others 2014).
From the theoretical point of view, four factors
can be considered as the main drivers of auto-
trophic structure of lakes: availability of light and
nutrients, and bathymetric and morphometric
characteristics of the basin (Vadeboncoeur and
others 2008). In lakes that are light limited because
of turbidity or strong water colouration, rapid light
extinction along the water column should favour
phytoplankton over benthic algae, resulting in a
planktonic to benthic production ratio greater than
1 (Althouse and others 2014).
In nutrient-limited lakes with high water column
transparency nutrient additions could benefit ei-
ther periphyton or phytoplankton, depending on
morphometric and bathymetric factors that influ-
ence the relative surface of the littoral zone.
Transparent shallow lakes should be dominated by
benthos because the littoral zone would be large
relatively to lake surface area size (Sand-Jensen
and Borum 1991). In contrast, nutrient-rich lakes
can be either favourable to phytoplankton and to
macrophytes which constitute the substratum of
epiphytes. On the other hand, planktonic produc-
ers should constitute the majority of the primary
production in deep transparent lakes because of a
much greater volume relative to surface area.
Large lakes should be dominated by phyto-
plankton, whether they are deep or shallow. Deep
large lakes typically have a small fraction of lake
surface area with a well-illuminated littoral zone
(Kalff 2002), whereas shallow large lakes are
unstratified and experience frequent wind-medi-
ated sediment resuspension (Chen and others
2003). Except in lakes with a very delineated
shoreline, planktonic producers should be advan-
taged compared to benthic producers in large lakes.
Lakes within the Baltic Sea catchment are lo-
cated at the boundaries between light- and nutri-
ent-limited zones which is believed to be situated
around 60of north latitude (Lewis 1996;No
and others 2011) making it unclear which param-
eter is the main driver of lake productivity and
hence autotrophic structure. It has been shown
that in small, nutrient poor lakes in Finland and
Sweden, light was often the limiting factor for
primary producers (Karlsson and others 2009), in
agreement with what has been observed in several
Estonian waterbodies (Arst and others 2008).
Strong light attenuation in these lakes irrespective
to trophic state might favour planktonic to benthic
production ratios greater than 1. However, most of
the lakes in the southern Baltic Sea catchment are
relatively shallow (z<5 m), and exhibit a large
euphotic zone relative to lake surface area which
might lead to a ratio smaller than 1. It is thus dif-
ficult to assess autotrophic structure of hemiboreal
lakes based solely on existing literature as limno-
logical parameters lead to contradictory conclu-
The increasing availability of mechanistic, statis-
tical and conceptual models and limnological
monitoring data in large, publicly available data-
bases facilitates the modelling of whole-lake me-
tabolic parameters (Solomon and others 2013;
Cremona and others 2014a,b). It is thus possible to
test the hypothesis of Sand-Jensen and Borum
(1991) that ‘‘the proportions of different pho-
totrophic communities in lakes () are pre-
dictable from the size, morphometry, depth and
nutrient status of the system’’. Vadeboncoeur and
others (2008) published a simple conceptual model
called lake autotrophic structure (LAS) which is
based on a 12-equation chain for assessing whole-
lake primary production in planktonic and benthic
F. Cremona and others
zones across size and nutrient gradients. LAS in-
cludes a limited set of climatic, nutrient and mor-
phometric input parameters that are often
routinely measured during lake monitoring and are
thus easily obtainable for modelling purposes.
Additionally, LAS can be customized with the aim
of modelling across small time steps and depth
increments (Higgins and others 2014). The model
has been designed for a conceptual cross-lake
comparison and for numerically exploring auto-
trophic structure. It can thus be applied along a
wide range of data gradients corresponding to most
of the limnological characteristics of lakes
(Vadeboncoeur and others 2008).
The objective of this study was to use LAS model
for assessing primary production partitioning be-
tween benthos and phytoplankton in a group of
hemiboreal and boreal lakes in Estonia, Finland
and Sweden. Our first working hypothesis was that
lake size is inversely correlated with benthic frac-
tion of PP as larger lakes tend to be phytoplankton
dominated. Our second hypothesis was that ben-
thic and planktonic primary productions of the
study lakes are light limited.
Study Lakes
We selected a group of 11 Estonian lakes repre-
senting more than 95% Estonian inland water
volume, one Finnish lake (Vanajanselka
¨) and one
Swedish lake (Erken). Limnological parameters
(Chl a, TP, DOC, morphometric and bathymetric
data) were obtained from Estonian National Envi-
ronmental Monitoring Program (http://seire. and grant IUT 21-2 for Esto-
nian lakes and from Finnish Environmental Insti-
tute for Lake Vanajanselka
¨. For Lake Erken,
nutrient levels and light extinction are based on a
routine monitoring programme with sampling at
approximately every 2 weeks. As no DOC mea-
surements were available for this lake, we em-
ployed the Asmala and others (2012) model which
is based on in situ values of light absorption at
420 nm. Mixing depths and thermal structure of
Erken are based on a buoy-based automated
monitoring system that provided high-resolution
temperature profiles (0.5 m and 30 min) through-
out the stratified period. Lake size of the sampled
lakes ranged across several orders of magnitude,
from huge Lake Peipsi, which with 2611 km
Europe’s fourth largest lake, to small A
¨ntu Sinija
(2 ha). Besides Peipsi, Lake Vo
¨rv (270 km
and Vanajanselka
¨(103 km
), the majority of the
remaining lakes were relatively small (mean sur-
face: 2.2 km
) and shallow (mean z: 4.35 m). The
depth ratio (DR) which is the quotient of average
by maximum depth and is an indicator of lake
shape varied between 0.75 (flat bottom lake) and
0.3 (steep-sided lake). The trophic state ranged
from oligotrophic to hypertrophic, spanning two
orders of magnitude for chlorophyll a(Chl a) and
one for total phosphorus (P, Table 1). On most of
the lakes catchment forest is the dominant land
use, followed by agriculture and wetlands. Gener-
ally, the lakes were naturally eutrophic which is a
common feature in Estonian water bodies (Ott and
˜iv 1999) and were classified as medium to high
alkalinity lakes according to the European Union
Water Framework Directive (WFD, Ministry of the
Environment 2009).
We used a modified version of LAS model
(Vadeboncoeur and others 2008) to assess lake
primary production and autotrophic structure. An
exhaustive description of the model is available in
the above-mentioned article. In summary, LAS is a
conceptual model based on empirical relationships
that takes into account light attenuation, nutrient
availability and morphometric parameters for cal-
culating whole-lake primary production and its
partitioning between planktonic and benthic pro-
ducers. Here we summarize the main structure of
the model and list the changes we implemented to
the model equations. The water column of each
lake was divided into 0.1-m-thick successive layers
for which plankton and benthic production were
calculated down to lake bottom. In darker lakes,
there was often no production (benthic or plank-
tonic) at all after a few metres deep, and the
modelling was stopped in these lakes as soon as we
reached thermocline. We employed a 1–4 years
average for these parameters calculated from
summer season measurements as nutrient levels
can exhibit a strong temporal variability (Berman
and Pollingher 1976). We made our model calcu-
lations with a 10-min increment for a 15-h period
from dusk to dawn. Lake-specific surface available
for periphyton colonization (A
) in all lakes except
Erastvere, Mullutu and Peipsi were obtained by
actual bathymetric measurements. Value for A
the three mentioned lakes was determined with
equation (1) from Vadeboncoeur and others
Autotrophic Structure of Hemiboreal Lakes
Table 1. Limnological Lake Type and Average Values of Parameters Used for Modelling Lakes Primary Production and Autotrophic Structure with
Lake Trophic status Water framework directive type LA (km
)z(m) z
(m) DR TP (lgl
) DOC (mg l
Antu Sinija
¨rv Oligotrophic Alkalitrophic 0.02 6 8 0.75 9 (6–17) 0.7 (0.2–2) 0.25 4.7 7.6
Erastvere Hypertrophic Light–coloured soft-water 0.16 3.5 9.7 0.36 45 (40–117) 65 (62–67) 2.96 12.3 7.7
Erken Oligo-mesotrophic Stratified with low alkalinity
23.7 9 20.7 0.43 24 (4.9–105) 5 (0.2–33) 0.6 3.4
¨rv Eutrophic Stratified with medium alkalinity 0.86 5.7 14.5 0.39 35 (16–77) 14 (2–60) 0.81 9.6 8.2
Mullutu Eutrophic Coastal lake 4.13 1 1.7 0.58 39 (17–60) 5.4 (3–9) 0.58 18.1 8.9
Peipsi Eutrophic 2611 8.3 12.9 0.64 47 (20–60) 13 (8–28) 1.61 12 8.4
¨rv Mesotrophic Stratified with medium alkalinity 7.24 8 25 0.32 20 (10–30) 5 (1–8) 0.43 9.2 7.9
¨Eutrophic Large moderately humic lake 103 7.7 24 0.32 27 (15–117) 14.5 (5–23) 2.2 9.6 8
Verevi Hypertrophic Stratified with medium alkalinity 0.13 3.6 11 0.32 59 (20–70) 21 (5–43) 1.64 11.9 8.4
Viisjaagu Mesotrophic Alkalitrophic 0.23 7.5 13 0.57 11 (10–33) 3.8 (1–7) 0.86 8.8 8.5
Vissi Mesotrophic Alkalitrophic 0.05 2.5 4.5 0.55 23 (13–34) 10 (2–18) 0.65 8.8 8.2
¨rv Eutrophic 270 2.8 6 0.56 54 (17–750) 51 (31–80) 2.76 12.5 8.5
¨lemiste Eutrophic Non-stratified with medium alkalinity 9.44 2.5 4.2 0.59 48 (22–55) 26 (14–42) 3.50 13.7 8.5
Numbers into brackets represent minimum and maximum summertime daily averages values, respectively.
No WFD type had been designated for Erken. The Estonian classification has been thus employed for assessing limnological type of this lake.
DOC concentration estimated from light absorption data at 420 nm.
F. Cremona and others
where A
is lake surface area, cis a shape factor
(c= DR/(1-DR)) and DR is the depth ratio of mean
and maximum depth (z/z
We considered that lake water column consti-
tuted the main substrate available for phytoplank-
ton colonization. Contrary to the Vadeboncoeur
and others (2008) model, we did not assess lake
volume with the shape factor as there was only a
weak relationship between lake size and depth in
our samples (F. Cremona unpubl.). We instead
calculated lake volume as a succession of truncated
cones (Carpenter 1983):
where A
is the area of the upper surface and A
is the area of the lower surface of the stratum
whose volume is to be calculated.
Diurnal variability in surface irradiance and light
attenuation were calculated as with McBride’s
(1992) description of Beer’s law (Kirk 1994)
(equations (7) and (8) in Vadeboncoeur and others
(2008) article):
I0t¼I0max sin pt
where I
is the surface light (lmol m
) at time
is the surface light at solar noon (set to
1500 lmol m
), tis the number of hours after
sunrise and daylen are hours of daylight (set to
15 h). For light at depth below surface, the fol-
lowing equation was employed:
Izt ¼I0teKdzð4Þ
with K
being the lake-specific light attenuation
coefficient. For the majority of our lakes, this
coefficient was obtained from Paavel and others
(2006) spectrum recreation of Estonia lakes. In
lakes Erken and Vanajanselka
was estimated
from the measured attenuation of PAR made using
a LICOR LI192 underwater PAR sensor. Otherwise,
instead of using an arbitrary method for assessing
we employed the modified empirical relation-
ship from Armengol and others (2003) where
= 1.448/SD with SD being Secchi depth (m).
Phytoplankton maximum productivity PPP
) was calculated from Guildford and
others (1994) using Chl aconcentration as a pre-
dictor of phytoplankton carbon fixation:
PPPmax ¼2:2Chl:ð5Þ
Depth-specific phytoplanktonic production was
determined by Chl a, solar irradiance and mor-
PPPmax tanh Izt=Ik
with Dtbeing the time increment equal to 1/6 h
(that is 10 min), I
being the light intensity at onset
of saturation fixed at 180 lmol m
for phy-
toplankton and D
the depth increment (0.1 m).
To assess whole-lake total PPP, the primary pro-
duction profile time series at different depth inter-
vals obtained from our equation (6) were summed
from surface down to the thermocline (stratified
lakes) or lake bottom (unstratified lakes) depending
on lake type.
For calculating benthic production, we used the
modified relationship from Godwin and others
(2014) where the maximum rate of periphytic
primary production is strongly correlated to light
availability, which is mostly dependent on dissolved
organic carbon concentration (DOC, mg l
). In-
deed, Godwin and others (2014) observed that DOC
was the best predictor of benthic primary production
and also the main driver (66–86%) of light extinc-
tion in northern temperate lakes that exhibited
phosphorus and algal content within the ranges of
TP 6–70 lgl
and chl a2–21 lgl
. We made the
assumption that the same relationship was valid for
our North-European study lakes as they encompass
well these DOC, TP and chl aranges (Table 1).
Maximum benthic primary production (BPP
) is thus a function of DOC:
BPPmax ¼e8:1210:166½DOC
24 ð7Þ
with standard deviation of intercept within the
exponent being 0.574 and that of slope coefficient
being 0.046. Benthic primary production was cal-
culated as a function of incident light and surface
BPPmax tanh Izt=Ik
For I
(light intensity at onset of saturation) va-
lue, we chose Liboriussen and Jeppesen (2006)
value of 100 lmol m
measured for periphy-
ton in Danish shallow lakes. As for planktonic
production, total benthic production was calculated
by summing depth-specific production values from
surface to bottom of lake or thermocline depending
of lake mixing regime. Benthic fraction (BF) was
calculated as the proportion (ranging from 0 to 1)
Autotrophic Structure of Hemiboreal Lakes
of total primary production carried out by benthic
Statistical Analyses
LAS output values of planktonic and benthic pro-
duction were compared with input parameters and
TP by regression analysis. Unlike some other recent
primary production models, for example, BaMM
(Holtgrieve and others 2010; Cremona and others
2014b), the LAS model does not include uncer-
tainty analysis in its core structure. Even though
the model is relying on mechanisms that are (1)
based on empirical relationships which are sup-
ported by literature, and (2) constrained within
realistic values, because we employed mostly data
from in situ measurements, we decided to imple-
ment error calculation for photosynthetic capacity
and BPP
) of the benthic and pelagic
primary producers in order to give a better over-
view of autotrophic structure variability. This was
done with Bayesian methods for PPP
and BPP
(equations (5) and (6)) without considering vol-
ume, surface, light and time increment which are
all constants that is only errors on PPP
were accounted for. WinBUGS 1.4.3 (Lunn
and others 2000) statistical software was employed
for assessing error propagation. In WinBUGS,
and BPP
were designed as stochastic
functions with a normal distribution. For each lake,
upper and lower bounds for PPP
were selected
according to the maximum and minimum values
measured for Chl a(for PPP
) during monitoring
studies and calculated with Eqs. (5)and(6). For
, the error was calculated by assigning the
standard deviations of parameters of equation (7)
and [DOC] value corresponding to the lake. PPP
and BPP
were then calculated as a logical product
of PPP
or BPP
and tanh(I
). The Markov
Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) simulation was run
until convergence (checked graphically) was at-
tained which generally needed less than 5000
iterations. As it is generally recommended, poste-
rior distributions obtained from the simulation are
given here within 95 and 5 credible intervals
(Holtgrieve and others 2010).
Planktonic Primary Production
Pelagic whole-lake primary production of phyto-
plankton (PPP) ranged from 54 mg C m
oligotrophic A
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv to 1503 mg C m
in hypertrophic Lake Erastvere (Figure 1). Mini-
mum and maximum values of modelled PPP ranged
from 41 mg C m
in A
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv to more
than 4200 mg C m
in Karija
¨rv, with usually
one order of magnitude variation within each lake.
There were strong differences in the diurnal
isopleths of PPP among lakes, with the largest effect
apparently being related to lake transparency
(Figure 2). In the very transparent and oligotrophic
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv, PPP at 3 m was still half of its surface
value and in the bottom of the lake PP was only
one order of magnitude lower than on the surface.
In transparent lakes like A
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv and Mul-
lutu, PPP profiles exhibited a flat bottom curve as
nutrients were more limiting than light, meaning
that PPP reached a plateau a few hours after sunrise
and could not increase during the rest of the day.
Conversely in turbid, nutrient-rich lakes (Vo
¨lemiste, Peipsi, Erastvere, Vanajanselka
¨and Ver-
evi) PPP declined from maximum in surface to a
negligible fraction after 1 m. In these lakes where
light is often more limiting than nutrients, PPP
curve is similar to a flat bowl. Indeed, light-satu-
rating conditions appeared to be met only in the
upper part of the epilimnion, even when incident
light was the strongest (that is, noon). A third
category of PPP curve could be observed in inter-
mediate lakes such as Erken, Karija
¨rv, Viisjaagu,
Vissi and Saadja
¨rv which were light and nutrient
limited but with greater transparency than the
turbid lakes. Consequently, the depth distribution
of PPP in these lakes adopted a half-circle shape
Figure 1. Biplot of simulated whole-lake benthic (BPP)
and planktonic (PPP) primary production (mg C m
) in thirteen lakes with the lake autotrophic
structure (LAS) model. Dashed line represents the
PPP:BPP ratio corresponding to 1.
F. Cremona and others
Figure 2. Dynamic profiles of instant planktonic primary production (mg C) as modelled for each lake from sunrise to
sunset. Warmer hues correspond to greater lake-specific planktonic primary production as indicated in legend (Color
figure online).
Autotrophic Structure of Hemiboreal Lakes
with PPP reaching a peak at noon and light pene-
trating deep enough to allow substantial produc-
tion below the surface.
Benthic Primary Production
Benthic production based on LAS averaged from
14 mg C m
in turbid Lake Erastvere to
900 mg C m
in clear and shallow Lake
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv. Eight lakes out of 13 exhibited BPP
values lower than 100, which was especially
noticeable in turbid Peipsi, Vanjanselka
¨, Verevi,
¨rv and U
¨lemiste. Clear but steep-sided Lake
Viisjaagu also exhibited low benthic production as
it offered no suitable substratum for extensive
benthic growth. Minimum and maximum theo-
retical BPP values ranged from 1 mg C m
in Erastvere to close to 3000 mg C m
Mullutu with a variation of two orders of magni-
tude within each lake.
Benthic production profiles were strongly influ-
enced by light conditions (Figure 3). Clear-water
lakes A
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv and Mullutu hosted high PP
from the surface to the bottom. In turbid lakes,
despite more favourable substrate conditions, BPP
rapidly vanished below the surface. Lakes with
relatively steep littoral zones like Viisjaagu and
Vissi exhibited lower BPP below the surface com-
pared to deeper parts of the basin, and lower PP
than expected on the base low water turbidity.
Benthic Fraction
Benthic fraction (BF) ranged from an average 0.01
in Erastvere to 0.94 in A
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv (Table 2). Lake
Mullutu was the only lake with a balanced auto-
trophic structure. When the full range of produc-
tion values was taken into account, only a few
lakes could be categorized: A
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv with a BF
between 0.4 and 1 was clearly dominated by BPP,
and Lake Erastvere with a BF below 0.13 as well as
¨rv, U
¨lemiste and, to a lesser extent, Peipsi
were dominated by PPP. The other lakes exhibited
too large variations of benthic fraction values to
determine conclusively about the resilience of their
autotrophic structure. The high uncertainty signi-
fied that these plankton-dominated lakes (as indi-
cated by their low average BF) might indeed
experience occasional or seasonal switch to peri-
phyton-dominated state in low phytoplankton
(that is, Chl a) biomass, high water transparency
According to the profiles of BF it appeared that
the fraction of BPP increased with depth (Figure 4).
This increase corresponded to larger flat surfaces in
the deeper parts of a lake for BPP relative to the
overlying water volume. The lakes with the flattest
¨ntu Sinija
¨rv, Peipsi and Vissi—also
exhibited the highest benthic fraction increase with
depth and often reached a benthic fraction of 1
close to the sediment where all the production may
be carried out by the epipelic algae. However, it
should be noted that this increase in the benthic
fraction was concurrent to a very large decrease in
total production (Figures 3and 4), meaning that
absolute rates of production at the lake bottom are
several orders of magnitude lower than in the
surface, especially for turbid lakes, and thus did not
contribute substantially to total lake production.
Conversely, in steep-sided lakes like Erastvere and
¨rv benthic fraction remained consistently
marginal and well below 20% of the whole-lake
primary production.
Model Input Values and Autotrophic
Benthic fraction was negatively correlated to light-
and nutrient-connected parameters (Figure 5). The
coefficients of determination were the strongest for
the following parameters: K
= 0.70), Chl a
= 0.67), TP (r
= 0.23) and DOC (r
= 0.15).
The K
threshold beyond which benthic fraction
totalled less than half of the total primary produc-
tion is situated about 0.5 m
. Benthic fraction
was, however, positively correlated to depth ratio
= 0.3), meaning that the flatter lake bottom the
better it was for benthic relative contribution to
whole-lake primary production. Benthic fraction
had no relationship with the surface area of the
lake basins, or their average and maximum depths.
Strong Influence of Light- and Nutrient-
Connected Variables
The results did not support our first hypothesis that
in the study lakes, lake surface area was inversely
correlated with the benthic fraction producer of
primary production. Model simulation demon-
strated that our study lakes, irrespective of their
size, were generally phytoplankton dominated over
BPP. One half of our lakes seemed to be light lim-
ited in agreement with our second hypothesis. In
the rest, PP was light and/or nutrient limited, sug-
gesting that light and nutrients influenced strongly
the autotrophic structure of the lakes and impacted
negatively on the BPP. On the other hand, lake
shape as measured by the depth ratio was positively
F. Cremona and others
Figure 3. Dynamic profiles of instant benthic primary production (mg C) as modelled for each lake from sunrise to sunset.
Warmer hues correspond to greater lake-specific benthic primary production as indicated in legend (Color figure online).
Autotrophic Structure of Hemiboreal Lakes
correlated with the benthic fraction but in many
lakes the direct correlation with light parameter
was stronger than shape. Indeed, turbid, nutrient-
rich flat lakes like Peipsi, Vo
¨rv and U
exhibited very low benthic production and benthic
fraction despite favourable bathymetric conditions.
Steep-sided lakes that were relatively nutrient poor
(like Viisjaagu and Saadja
¨rv) were nevertheless
dominated by phytoplankton. Althouse and others
(2014) observed an increase in planktonic pro-
duction relative to benthic production in nutrient-
rich, turbid zones of Lake Michigan (USA). As
water nutrients have a stronger relationship with
planktonic than benthic production, light has an
opposite relationship (Hecky and others 1993;
Vadeboncoeur and others 2001). The inter-corre-
lated combination of high nutrient content and K
caused a theoretical dominance of phytoplanktonic
producers in most of the lakes that we modelled.
These findings are in agreement with the resource
competition theory between phytoplankton and
benthos (Ja
¨ger and Diehl, 2014) which describes
the negative feedback pelagic and benthic primary
producers have on each other’s growth. Benthic
production reduces nutrient influx from the sedi-
ments to the pelagic habitat, whereas light atten-
uation caused by phytoplankton development
limits benthic algae growth. Some lakes might have
reached the ‘‘nutrient breakpoint’’ described by
¨ger and Diehl (2014) beyond which phyto-
plankton manages to eliminate its benthic com-
petitors. The threshold is lowered in DOC-rich lakes
like the ones in the hemiboreal region because in
those lakes the compensation depth is situated well
above the mean depth. We thus suggest that phy-
toplankton-dominated autotrophic structure is a
common feature of lakes with turbid and nutrient-
rich water in the catchment of the Baltic Sea
(Scheffer and others 1997; Sand-Jensen and Staehr
2007). Despite that phytoplankton contributed the
largest share of whole-lake PP in our lakes, its
importance might not necessarily be reflected in
organic matter fluxes towards higher trophic levels.
A growing corpus of studies have been highlighting
the uncoupling between primary production and
organic matter transfer so that in lakes with
plankton-based autotrophic structure, organic
matter which was transferred to upper trophic le-
vels was mostly periphyton derived (Bertolo and
others 2005; Vander Zanden and others 2011).
Model Sensitivity
In our model simulations, autotrophic structure
was mostly constrained by lake-specific bathymetry
and light availability during a typical sunny day.
However, the variation of natural conditions makes
it difficult to predict the autotrophic structure based
only on these factors. A simple sensitivity analysis
of two important input variables (maximum pri-
mary production for plankton and periphyton)
proved that only four to five lakes could decisively
considered being phytoplankton or periphyton
dominated. It means that the applicability of the
model is lower on lakes that are very heteroge-
neous on some other important model variables
(substrate availability, light extinction), which is
often the case for larger lakes. Although using long-
term averages as input variables to the model
equations resulted in a relatively consistent general
Table 2. Modelled Planktonic (PPP) and Benthic (BPP) Primary Production (mg C m
) and Benthic
Fraction (BF) of the Sample Lakes
¨ntu 54 42–147 898 116–2597 0.94 0.43–0.98
Erastvere 1503 1459–1554 14 1–224 0.01 0–0.13
Erken 544 198–3465 259 38–1095 0.32 0–0.84
¨rv 1065 330–4132 148 15–1293 0.12 0–0.79
Mullutu 106 57–174 92 3–2959 0.46 0.01–0.98
Peipsi 536 336–1101 64 4–692 0.1 0–0.67
¨rv 634 128–983 228 21–1876 0.26 0.02–0.93
¨442 151–679 57 5–454 0.11 0.01–0.75
Verevi 821 212–1620 74 5–1061 0.08 0–0.82
Viisjaagu 301 90–471 46 4–354 0.13 0.01–0.79
Vissi 585 135–1029 337 31–2866 0.36 0.03–0.95
¨rv 1156 721–1782 56 3–656 0.04 0–0.47
¨lemiste 453 282–790 55 1–245 0.1 0–0.46
Each set of two columns corresponds to average value followed by 5 and 95 credible intervals, respectively.
F. Cremona and others
picture of a lake’s autotrophic structure, it is pos-
sible that a lake might undergo occasional or even
regular shifts of autotrophic structure caused by
variability in forcing or anthropogenic pressures.
Episodes of water mixing, increased turbidity and
nutrient resuspension might favour the develop-
Figure 4. Benthic production as a proportion of whole-lake production (benthic fraction). Contour graph of benthic
fraction dynamic profiles were modelled for each lake from sunrise to sunset, down to thermocline for stratified lakes and
to lake bottom for unstratified lakes. Warmer hues correspond to larger benthic fraction as indicated in legend (Color
figure online).
Autotrophic Structure of Hemiboreal Lakes
ment of phytoplankton at the expense of periphy-
ton, whereas windless, calm days might have
opposite effects: increase of water transparency
would favour periphyton growth in the short term
but might trigger also a cyanobacterial bloom in
nutrient-rich lakes like Vanajanselka
¨. Cyanobacte-
ria scum would then reduce light penetration into
the water column (Chen and others 2003). Our
application of the LAS model is realistic because the
range of possible input values and model parame-
ters is already well known and often based on local
measurements. Besides light and nutrient param-
eters, lake morphometry and bathymetry are also
critically important as they define the ratio of
planktonic volume to littoral surface area, that is,
respectively, phytoplankton and periphyton habitat
sizes. We encourage users of LAS to employ mea-
sured lake bathymetric data instead of assessing
lake shape with a shape factor proxy, especially for
groups of lakes that differ little in this aspect.
A Tool for Exploring Theoretical
Autotrophic Structure
Because of the lack of reliable information on the
BPP in lakes, modelling is usually the only way to
Figure 5. Biplots of benthic fraction (BF) values of thirteen hemiboreal lakes calculated with LAS model versus seven
input parameters and TP (mg l
). Equations are given for statistically significant (P<0.05) relationships only. SE
standard error of slope, SE
standard error of intercept.
F. Cremona and others
assess the autotrophic structure of lakes
(Vadeboncoeur and others 2008). It also enables an
assessment of the limiting factors of PP in lakes. To
date, LAS has been a useful tool for this purpose,
driving primary production research from a one-
dimensional plankton-based approach to a two-
dimensional approach that includes benthic pro-
duction. The fact that we modified some of the
input parameters (mainly I
and BPP
) according
to the light and primary production relationships
that are prevailing in the Baltic region improved
the applicability of LAS. However, it should be
specified that the method that we employed for
calculating BPP
is valid essentially for Northern
temperate lakes that have naturally high DOC and
TP and Chl aranging 2–20 and 6–70 lgl
respectively (Godwin and others 2014). In lower
latitude lakes that have often longer growing
periods for phytoplankton and where light extinc-
tion might be essentially caused by particles (Chen
and others 2003), the applicability of the BPP
formula is more questionable, however, has some
drawbacks as well. The first one is that in natural
conditions the peak of primary productivity is often
reached well below the surface because the mixed
layer depth is situated below the lower limit of the
euphotic zone and also considering the harmful
effects of UV radiation on cells in the surface layer
(Thornton and others 1990). However, in the LAS
model neither UV attenuation by water or water
currents nor algae sinking is taken into account.
Secondly, this model does not separate between
different types of benthic microalgae, like epipelon,
epipsammon, epilithon which can display very
different growth rates and requirements. It should,
however, be noted that LAS was developed for a
conceptual analysis of the importance of benthic
primary production in lakes and its primary pur-
pose is that of a comparative tool for cross-LAS
rather than a lake-specific descriptive model.
Numerically exploring theoretical primary produc-
tion partition in a lake is conceptually much dif-
ferent from predicting primary production
dynamics based a mechanistic approach. Thirdly,
LAS would benefit greatly from additional equa-
tions describing primary production of the third
contributor to autotrophy, that is, macrophyte-
specific productivity. Macrophyte production is
included indirectly only as one of the factors that
affect areal periphyton production (Vadeboncoeur
and others 2008). Macrophytes can constitute an
important component in energy fluxes to higher
trophic levels, comparable to phytoplankton and
periphyton (Kalff 2002; Cremona and others 2009),
and underestimation of their contribution to total
primary production could be problematic from a
mass balance perspective. However, the dual pri-
mary producer paradigm, which the model rests
on, falls short of accurately describing a lake type
that is shallow, soft bottomed and relatively poor in
Chl a. This type of lake is often dominated by free
floating (for example, Lemna sp.) or canopy-form-
ing macrophytes such as water lily (Nuphar sp.).
Rapid light extinction below the surface in these
lakes caused by a macrophyte canopy can signifi-
cantly impede phytoplankton and periphyton pro-
duction during the growing season (Sand-Jensen
and Borum 1991). A LAS model user wishing to
assess macrophyte-specific production thus faces a
dilemma. If light values above the macrophyte ca-
nopy are entered as an input value, the modeller
will obtain an overestimated periphyton produc-
tion which might be used as a proxy for macro-
phyte and periphyton production combined, but is
still structurally different. On the other hand, if
below-canopy light values are employed, the
model would give a false picture of lake primary
production as macrophyte productivity is com-
pletely ignored. This issue needs consideration
regarding shallow lakes, especially those that adopt
self-stabilizing steady states dominated alterna-
tively by phytoplankton and macrophyte assem-
blages with periphyton playing a more marginal
role (Liboriussen and Jeppesen 2003). It could be
necessary to incorporate factors into the LAS model
that are crucial requirements for macrophytes such
as substratum structure, shoreline length and
exposure to wind.
The numerical exploration of LAS revealed phyto-
plankton-dominated conditions in the majority of
the study lakes caused by strong light extinction,
and nutrient content, irrespective of lake mor-
phometry. Consequently, lakes from the Baltic Sea
catchment that exhibit the same turbid, nutrient-
rich properties should be commonly dominated by
phytoplankton primary producers as well. As a rule
of thumb, an average light extinction coefficient of
0.5 m
can be considered as the threshold beyond
which a hemiboreal lake primary production will
be phytoplankton dominated. Ideally, the model
should be updated with additional equations so
that an autotrophic structure concept based on
three end members, phytoplankton, periphyton
Autotrophic Structure of Hemiboreal Lakes
and macrophytes, as it was envisioned by many
limnologists, might become quantifiable.
The authors are grateful to Toomas Ko
˜iv, Ingmar
Ott and Pille Meinson for assistance in data ana-
lysing. Sean C. Godwin (Simon Fraser University)
provided great help for the benthic production
calculations. This research was supported by Start-
Up Personal Research Grant PUT 777 to FC and IUT
21-2 of the Estonian Ministry of Education and
Research, Estonian Science Foundation grant
ETF9102, the EU through the European Regional
Development Fund, program ‘‘Research Interna-
tionalisation’’ project LIMNO, the Swiss Grant
‘‘Enhancing public environmental monitoring
capacities’’ and MARS project (Managing Aquatic
ecosystems and water Resources under multiple
Stress) funded under the 7th EU Framework Pro-
gramme, Theme 6 (Environment including Climate
Change), Contract No.: 603378 (http://www.mars-
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Autotrophic Structure of Hemiboreal Lakes
... Macrophytes exhibit their dominance in distinct ecosystems like lakes, wetlands, rivers, reservoirs, streams, and marine environments, including rapids and falls. Macrophytic primary produce exceeds the production of any other primary producers (Cremona et al., 2016;Francoeur et al., 2014). Macrophytes liberate some nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, that are consumed by micro-algae and bacteria, which specifically use organic carbon, which in turn plays a major role in nutrient cycling. ...
... Primary production in the lake is predominantly performed by cyanobacteria (94%) according data of Cremona et al. [38]. The two most abundant cyanobacterial species are non-N 2 -fixing slow-growing and highly shade tolerant Limnothrix planctonica (Wolosz.) ...
Full-text available
Photoautotrophic picoplankton (0.2–2 μm) can be a major contributor to primary production and play a significant part in the ecosystem carbon flow. However, the understanding about the dynamics of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic components of picoplankton in shallow eutrophic freshwater environments is still poor. Very few studies in these ecosystems reveal the taxonomic composition of picoeukaryotes. The main objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal dynamics of phototrophic picoplankton with the emphasis on the eukaryote community composition in a large shallow, eutrophic lake of the northern temperate zone (Lake Võrtsjärv). Phytoplankton pigments were employed to determine the taxonomic composition of photoautotrophic picoplankton. We found out that photoautotrophic picoplankton constitutes an important part of the phytoplankton community in Lake Võrtsjärv and its contribution can be highly variable (from ~9.3% to ~39%) in different years. The eukaryotic photoautotrophic picoplankton was dominated by diatoms followed by chrysophytes and other minor groups. Picoeukaryotes were prevailing in low-light conditions and low temperatures as their predominance in the picoplankton community was tightly linked to the presence or absence of ice cover. Ice cover strongly suppressed the growth of picocyanobacteria. Total phosphorus, turbidity and metazooplankton abundance had a clear relationship with photoautotrophic picoplankton chlorophyll a.
... However, all of the studied lakes were highly productive, according to nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) concentrations and chlorophyll-a values (Table A1). Each of these lakes has been extensively studied and described in detail elsewhere [31][32][33][34]. ...
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Pelagic calcification shapes the carbon budget of lakes and the sensitivity of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) responses to lake metabolism. This process, being tightly linked to primary production, needs to be understood within the context of summer eutrophication which is increasing due to human stressors and global change. Most lake carbon budget models do not account for calcification because the conditions necessary for its occurrence are not well constrained. This study aims at identifying ratios between calcification and primary production and the drivers that control these ratios in freshwater. Using in situ incubations in several European freshwater lakes, we identify a strong relationship between calcite saturation and the ratio between calcification and net ecosystem production (NEP) (p-value < 0.001, R2 = 0.95). NEP-induced calcification is a short-term process that is potentiated by the increase in calcite saturation occurring at longer time scales, usually reaching the highest levels in summer. The resulting summer calcification event has effects on the DIC equilibria, causing deviations from the metabolic 1:1 stoichiometry between DIC and dissolved oxygen (DO). The strong dependency of the ratio between NEP and calcification on calcite saturation can be used to develop a suitable parameterization to account for calcification in lake carbon budgets.
... In this regard, a great role is played by plant pigments as indicators of implemented production of organic matter, unlike the concentration of biogenic elements (the indicators of potential productivity). The quantitative dependences of sedimentary pigments on the Chl concentration in water and on the primary production of phytoplankton show the relationship of the trophy of ecosystem layers (the benthic and pelagic zones) (Sigareva, 2012;Cremona et al., 2016;Guilizzoni et al., 1983;Sigareva and Timofeeva, 2014;Sigareva et al., 2013). Eutrophication leads to an increase in the accumulation of OM at the bottom, leading to the dominance of silts in the bottom complex of highly productive water bodies, as exemplified The materials of this research performed on Lake Nero allowed us to confirm the actual natural eutrophication of the lakes. ...
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This study analyzes the data of spectrophotometric determination of plant pigments in the bottom sediments of Lake Nero based on bottom survey data of 2017. A low variability (Cv = 27–31%) in concentrations of chlorophyll a and phaeopigments over the bottom area and vertically in the sapropel cores is established. The values of pigment concentrations in bottom sediments of the lake belong to the hypertrophic category. The hypertrophic state of the lake with respect to the pigment content (>300 μg/g of dry sediment) is maintained for the period of formation of an 80-cm sapropel layer (~800 years). Trends towards an increase in concentrations of plant pigments from the lower to upper layers of cores are revealed upon a significant relationship with concentrations of organic matter and total nitrogen, which indicates the natural eutrophication of the lake.
... It was observed in less diverse regions under drought effects, in which the available biomass of invaders in intermediate TLs was dominated by tilapia (Bezerra et al. 2018). Cascading effects should be expected with an increase in allochthone detritus and autochthone cycling by microorganisms and benthic invertebrates (Cole et al. 2006), which could be attributed to the biomass production on benthos (Cremona et al. 2016) (Fig. 8). ...
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Several dozen fish species have been introduced into neotropical waters, causing significant biotic changes that include deterministic predation interactions with ecosystem effects. In general, reservoirs are preferred over lakes as places for stocking policies, due to their artificial aspect, consequently promoting fish introductions. In a metanalytic approach, we compared the biomass of plankton-feeding (and top-predators) with bottom-feeding fish species between reservoirs and lakes, considering the influence of invaders and trophic levels. Among the 26 ecosystems (12 reservoirs and 14 lakes), there is a dominance of non-native bottom-feeding species in artificial environments. We revealed a mechanism behind this dominance in a study case, a tendency for trophic downgrading and biotic homogenization based on interactions between an expatriate invasive centrarchid (sunfish family) predator from North America (the largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides) and two omnivorous cichlids from Africa in novel environmental contexts in Brazil (the “benthification” process). Both juvenile and adult largemouth bass are keystone predators in aquatic food webs in both their native and introduced ranges. The omnivore-detritivore tilapiines Oreochromis spp. and the phytophagous-omnivorous Coptodon spp. are species that exhibits strong generalist tendencies. Such species feed on the omnivore and detritivore compartments, enhancing detritus cycling among a large variety of δ13C sources. Since their consumption is disproportionate, facilitation of other species occurs with multiplicative effects in the environment. Interactions between invasive species, i.e., when an invasive predator (bird, fish, or invertebrate) eats an invasive prey (mainly fish and invertebrates), can serve to highlight biotic homogenization on fresh waters.
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Lakes play a crucial role in the nutrient cycling of Earth, despite covering only a small fraction of the planet’s surface. Their interactions with their surrounding catchment areas significantly impact ecosystems and regulatory services. The connection between a lake and its catchment, especially the drainage ratio (catchment area to lake surface area), shapes the characteristics of lakes and their response to catchment processes. Within the catchment area, geological, land cover, and land use factors influence the composition of stream water that flows into the lake. These factors play a role in transporting various substances, both organic and inorganic, to the streams. Lakes act as dynamic filters, altering the chemical composition of water that flows through them. This study aims to investigate how a large, shallow lake impacts the quality of the river water as it passes through. It builds on an analysis of nutrient (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon) fluxes into Lake Võrtsjärv, using six years of monthly monitoring data from five main inflows and the outflow. The research explores how catchment characteristics and hydrology affect nutrient concentrations and loadings into the lake, as well as the retention or release of substances by the lake. Findings reveal that catchment characteristics, such as land use and forest cover, significantly influence water quality parameters. Different inflows showed variations in water quality, and annual variations were observed, largely correlated with precipitation and discharge. Võrtsjärv plays a critical role in retaining or releasing nutrients, with varying impacts depending on the water budget of the lake. In years with a positive water balance, the lake retains all nutrients, whereas in dry years only inflowing N and P loads exceed their outflow. Overall, this study underscores the importance of lakes as integral components of catchment ecosystems, shedding light on their complex interactions with the environment and the implications for water quality. It emphasizes the need for careful consideration of land use and hydrological factors in managing and preserving these vital aquatic systems.
Productivity estimates for phytoplankton, littoral algae, submersed macrophytes and emergent vegetation are assessed for freshwater ecosystems. Largely based on the ecosystem concept, information is gathered from literature and own observations. Methods and techniques for the assessment of production are outlined. Biocenoses living among habitats within ecosystems are contrasted. Total production of freshwater systems is finally exemplified. The productivity estimates for various types of freshwater ecosystems are then linked and controlling factors analyzed. Ecosystem production is also assessed across climatic regions. Global estimates of production are attempted for various ecosystem components of the world based on ground measurements, models and remote sensing. Future developments and improvements are discussed.
Carbon dioxide fixation is one of the most important biogeochemical processes worldwide, but our current understanding of the distribution of microbial autotrophy and its ecological significance in oligotrophic freshwater systems, and particularly in benthic habitats, is poor and limited primarily to photoautotrophic organisms. In this study we investigated the autotrophic microbial communities inhabiting the sediments of a high-elevation, oligotrophic freshwater pond in the north-western Italian Alps. The abundance and distribution of three different forms of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) large-subunit gene (cbbLG, Form I green-like; cbbLR, Form I red-like; cbbM, Form II) were assessed in samples collected at different depths by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR); correlations with sediment geochemical properties and total bacterial abundance were also examined. RuBisCO forms cbbLG, cbbLR and cbbM were all detected, with abundances of 9.13–10.90, 6.93–8.77 and 6.75–7.93 log(copies) g–1 dry weight respectively. For all the RuBisCO genes, interannual variability overcame depth-related variability. The abundance of RuBisCO genes was strongly correlated with total bacterial abundance, and both were positively correlated with Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations. These observations provide some first indications of the distribution of photo- and chemolithoautotrophic bacteria relying on the Calvin–Benson–Bassham cycle for C fixation in alpine pond sediments, and suggest that they may represent an important component of the total benthic microbial community.
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Several findings suggest that CO2 emissions in lakes are not always directly linked to changes in metabolism but can be associated with interactions with the dissolved inorganic carbon equilibrium. Alkalinity has been described as a determining factor in regulating the relative contributions of biological and inorganic processes to carbon dynamics in lakes. Here we analyzed the relationship between metabolic changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) at different timescales in eight lakes covering a wide range in alkalinity. We used high-frequency data from automatic monitoring stations to explore the sensitivity of DIC to metabolic changes inferred from oxygen. To overcome the problem of noisy data, commonly found in high-frequency measurements datasets, we used Singular Spectrum Analysis to enhance the diel signal-to-noise ratio. Our results suggest that in most of the studied lakes, a large part of the measured variability in DO and DIC reflects non-metabolic processes. Furthermore, at low alkalinity, DIC dynamics appear to be mostly driven by aquatic metabolism, but this relationship weakens with increasing alkalinity. The observed deviations from the metabolic 1:1 stoichiometry between DO and DIC were strongly correlated with the deviations expected to occur from calcite precipitation, with a stronger correlation when accounting also for the benthic contribution of calcite precipitation. This highlights the role of calcite precipitation as an important driver of CO2 supersaturation in lakes with alkalinity above 1 meq L⁻¹, which represents 57% of the global area of lakes and reservoirs around the world.
Tropical lakes are less numerous than temperate lakes because of glacial origin are rare in the tropics. Lakes of riverine origin are probably more common than any other type in the tropics. For lakes of a given type and size, latitudinal trends can be traced mainly to latitudinal gradients in minimum monthly solar irradiance. Tropical lakes of moderate to great depth are predominantly warm monomictic, and show great regularity in seasonal mixing, which typically coincides with the hemispheric winter. Stratification is seasonally persistent, but is less stable than at higher latitudes, and the amount of heat exchange required to cause important changes in stability is also smaller than at higher latitudes. Efficiency of nutrient cycling is high at low latitudes because of intraseasonal deep mixing combined with high mean temperatures, which support higher nutrient regeneration rates. Primary production is about twice as high on a given nutrient base as it would be at higher latitudes, primarily because of efficient nutrient cycling combined with higher mean temperatures and greater stability in solar irradiance. Nitrogen is more often a limiting element for autotrophs in the tropics. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthic communities are no more complex at low than at high latitudes. -from Author
A ten-year (1995-2005) research programme SUVI (Suomi-Viro) on the optics of Finnish and Estonian lakes has been completed. The objectives were to examine the light conditions, to map optically active substances (OAS), and to develop remote sensing methods. Altogether 14 Estonian and 7 Finnish lakes representing different types of water, from oligotrophic to hypertrophic and dystrophic were included. We performed extensive analyses of concentrations of three main OAS, light attenuation and Secchi depth. They varied among lakes and with seasons, but no systematic temporal change could be detected during the 10-year period. We studied the underwater light field using a spectrometer and two PAR quantum sensors, and elaborated three versions of optical classification of lake waters based on: (1) apparent optical properties and the amount of OAS, (2) irradiance reflectance spectra, and (3) light attenuation coefficient and the predominant OAS. We developed two models for determining the diffuse attenuation spectra of light, using data for (1) one wavelength and (2) three wavelengths, and elaborated a semiempirical model for quantitative description of the underwater light regime. We developed a bio-optical model for interpretation of remote sensing data that allows simulation of the reflectance spectra based on the concentrations of OAS. Winter expeditions were undertaken to examine the optical properties of ice and snow and the light conditions in the water beneath the ice cover. Gas pockets are the main optically active impurity in snow and ice. The transparency of ice is similar to that of lake water. The ice cover lowers the light level and makes the light more diffuse in the near surface liquid water layer.
Food webs of tropical, temperate, and arctic lakes can be characterized by the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of their constituent organisms. After assigning trophic levels using δ 15N, a broad range of δ 13C is observed at the primary consumer level in nearly all lakes. The range of δ 13C is on the order of 20 ‰ in tropical lakes Kyoga and Malawi and lakes with low dissolved inorganic carbon in temperate Canada, but is narrower in shallow lakes of the Canadian arctic. This broad range exists in ecosystems in which terrestrial inputs and/or aquatic macrophytes are often minimal. The isotopically light end of the range results from phytoplankton photosynthesis whereas the isotopically heavy end represents benthic algae photosynthesizing within an unstirred boundary layer. This range is successfully predicted by an application of a simple isotopic model for photosynthetic fractionation, originally developed for aquatic macrophytes, which uses boundary layer thicknesses reported for benthic algal communities. When benthic photosynthesis becomes light-limited in very turbid lakes of the Mackenzie Delta, then phytoplanktonic carbon dominates the diet of the primary consumers. The organisms on the primary consumer trophic level appear from their δ 13C values to harvest preferentially either planktonic or benthic algal carbon but, in temperate and arctic lakes, higher consumer levels are increasingly omnivorous. Therefore top aquatic predators often have a narrow range of δ 13C. In temperate and arctic lakes these top predators have a δ 13C near the midpoint of the range at the primary consumer level, which would result from nearly equal dependence on planktonic and benthic algal carbon. This equal dependence would not be predicted from the relative magnitude of planktonic and benthic algal photosynthesis as currently estimated in these systems.