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Abstract and Figures

In Brazil, wood is a material which has been used for years in different purposes. The variety of Brazilian tropical wood species is expressive, nonetheless only a few of them are considered in structural design. Taking in account possibility of eventual shortages of these well-known wood species, characterization of alternative essences is presented as fundamental for maintenance of wood supply for civil construction. In Brazil, the structural dimensioning and timber characterization are specified by ABNT NBR 7190:1997 (Timber structures design), in its Annex B. This work aimed, with the aid of Brazilian Code, determining physical (4) and mechanical (13) properties of Angelim Saia (Vatairea sp.). Besides, with regression model (linear, exponential, geometric and logarithmic) based in analysis of variance (ANOVA), it was aimed to estimate resistance values and stiffness in function of the density, once this is an easy-obtainable property for wood. From a set of twelve aleatory pieces, twelve specimens were produced for each test type, totalizing 204 experimental measurements. Results of mechanical properties showed compatible performance with other species already established for use in structure, which shows the potential of Angelim Saia for structural purposes. From regression models for estimate strength and stiffness values, it was possible conclude that not all properties can be estimate by density. Better results were showed by the geometric model in estimation of hardness parallel to grain, who provided determination coefficient (R²) close to 70%.
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International Journal of Materials Engineering 2016, 6(3): 92-96
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijme.20160603.05
Full Characterization of Vatairea sp Wood Specie
Francisco A. Rocco Lahr1, Bruno H. C. Aftimus2, Felipe N. Arroyo3, Diego H. De Almeida4,
André L. Christoforo3,*, Eduardo Chahud5, Luiz A. M. Nunes Branco6
1Department of Structural Engineering (SET), São Paulo University (EESC/USP), São Carlos, Brazil
2Department of Civil Engineering, University Center of Educational Foundation of Barretos (UNIFEB), Barretos, Brazil
3Centre for Innovation and Technology in Composites - CITeC , Department of Civil Engineering (DECiv), Federal University of São
Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil
4Department of Engineering, Pitágoras College, Poços de Caldas, Brazil
5Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil
6Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, FUMEC University, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Abstract In Brazil, wood is a material which has been used for years in different purposes. The variety of Brazilian
tropical wood species is expressive, nonetheless only a few of them are considered in structural design. Taking in account
possibility of eventual shortages of these well-known wood species, characterization of alternative essences is presented as
fundamental for maintenance of wood supply for civil construction. In Brazil, the structural dimensioning and timber
characterization are specified by ABNT NBR 7190:1997 (Timber structures design), in its Annex B. This work aimed, with
the aid of Brazilian Code, determining physical (4) and mechanical (13) properties of Angelim Saia (Vatairea sp.). Besides,
with regression model (linear, exponential, geometric and logarithmic) based in analysis of variance (ANOVA), it was aimed
to estimate resistance values and stiffness in function of the density, once this is an easy-obtainable property for wood. From
a set of twelve aleatory pieces, twelve specimens were produced for each test type, totalizing 204 experimental measurements.
Results of mechanical properties showed compatible performance with other species already established for use in structure,
which shows the potential of Angelim Saia for structural purposes. From regression models for estimate strength and stiffness
values, it was possible conclude that not all properties can be estimate by density. Better results were showed by the
geometric model in estimation of hardness parallel to grain, who provided determination coefficient (R²) close to 70%.
Keywords Vatairea sp., Characterization, Density, Regression model
1. Introduction
Employing wood in construction is a practice carried out
for many years by humanity, since the necessity of store food,
overcoming obstacles, until the construction of shelters [1].
Initially, exploration of Amazon Tropical Forest was
selective and predatory, once demand concentrated once
only a few well-known wood species were extracted. This
undesirable exploitation led those species (already
completely characterized) to almost exhaustion, imposing to
the market improve receptivity for new species not yet with a
wide application [2].
Due to this high demand and few options, the prices of
used species increase, give a new moment to Brazilian
timber sector, being necessary define which new species can
substitute the traditional used species in construction [3, 4].
In addition, with the growing awareness of population
the use of materials which cause the minimum damage to the
* Corresponding author: (André L. Christoforo)
Published online at
Copyright © 2016 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved
environment, timber originates from planted forests becomes
also a building material to be widely considerable [5].
As such, Vatairea sp. is an interesting possibility, once
this species occurs in several Brazilian regions, including
Tocantins, Goiás and Bahia until São Paulo states. It is a very
tall tree, with middle-heavy wood and potential satisfactory
mechanical properties [6, 7].
However, before the using of a new species in any
situation, be in roofs, bridges, silos or any others, it is
necessary to determine its physical and mechanical
properties, thus promoting a better condition to use [5].
Full characterization of wood species involves
determination of their physical and mechanical properties,
obeying requirements of normative Codes. In Brazil, is the
NBR 7190 [8] who sets parameters for this characterization.
However, the inconvenience of several of these tests and
necessity of using heavy equipments, increase costs and
make fundamental rely this work to research centers [8].
By other side, a physical property easily determined in
usual experimental procedures is the apparent density (or
simply density), set by ratio between mass and volume a
12% of moisture content (as referenced in Annex B, NBR
7190:1997). As density is a basic physical property, their
International Journal of Materials Engineering 2016, 6(3): 92-96 93
values can, eventually, allow establish an adequate estimate
of the mechanical wood properties [9, 10].
Therefore, the aim of this work is determinate the physical
and mechanical properties of Vatairea sp. according to
pre-defined indications of Brazilian Code, as well as
research the possibility of estimating of mechanical
properties in function of density.
2. Material and Methods
In order to reach proper conditions to get the specimens,
Vatairea sp wood pieces were duly stored, until showing
moisture content by 12%, reference adopted by NBR
7190:1997 [8].
Mechanical tests were carried out in Wood and Timber
Structures Laboratory (LaMEM), Department of Structural
Engineering (SET), School of Engineering of São Carlos
(EESC), University of São Paulo (USP). Physical tests were
conducted in Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
and FUMEC University laboratories. Statistical procedures
were processed in Federal University of São Carlos
Physical and mechanical properties were obtained under
the requirements of test methods proposed by the Brazilian
Code [8], in its Annex B (Determination of timber properties
for structural purposes). The number of experimental
determinations is introduced in Table 1, for each property,
and it should be noted that, in total, 204 determinations were
To estimate mechanical properties by density, regression
models (Expressions 1 to 4), reasoned on analysis of
variance (ANOVA), have been tested in order to establish
best fit between and each mechanical property investigated,
in a way to establish mathematical reasons among them
Y ab
= +⋅
[Lin - linear] (1)
Y ae
[Exp - exponential] (2)
Y a b Ln
= +⋅
[Log - logarithmic] (3)
[Geo - geometric] (4)
ANOVA regression model was considered at confidence
level (α) 5%. Null hypothesis formulated consisted in the
non-representativeness of the tested models (H0: β=0) and as
alternative hypothesis (H1: β≠0) was taken their
representativeness. P-value upper than significance level
adopted implies accepting H0 (model tested is not
representative, i.e. variations in ρ12 are unable to explain
variations of the property), refuting it to otherwise (tested
model is representative), being Y the dependent variable
(value of properties studied).
Beyond use of ANOVA, that allows accepting or not the
representativeness of models tested, the values of
determination coefficient (R²) were obtained as way to
evaluate the capacity of variations ρ12 to explain the variable
analyzed. This enables, among the models considered
significant, elect the one of better fit.
Table 1. Physical and mechanical properties of Vatairea sp
Properties Abbreviation No Determinations
Density ρ12 12
Total radial shrinkage RRT 12
Total tangential shrinkage RTT 12
Strength in compression
parallel to the grain fc0 12
Strength in tension parallel to
the grain ft0 12
Strength in tension normal to
the grain ft90 12
Shear strength parallel to the
grain fv0 12
Cracking fs0 12
Conventional strength in static
bending fm 12
Longitudinal modulus of
elasticity in compression
parallel to the grain
Ec0 12
Longitudinal modulus of
elasticity in tension parallel to
the grain
Et0 12
Conventional modulus of
elasticity in static bending Em 12
Hardness parallel to the grain fH0 12
Hardness normal to the grain fH90 12
Toughness W 12
Strength in compression
normal to the grain fc90 12
Modulus of elasticity in
compression normal to the
Ec90 12
3. Results and Discussion
Tables 2 and 3 present means (
), variation coefficients
(Cv), smallest (Min) and largest (Max) values for physical
and mechanical properties, respectively.
The obtained mean value for fc0 (64.2 MPa) is very close
to that of Protium heptaphyllum (59 MPa) [11]. According to
the authors, this permits utilization in all kinds of structures,
for their high strength, far larger than obtained to the Paricá
(Schizolobium amazonicum) - 24 MPa [9], Toona ciliate (27
MPa) and Eucalyptus benthamii (37 MPa) [13], proper for
light structures.
Table 2. Results obtained of physical properties of Vatairea sp
Stat. ρ12
(kg/m3) RRT (%) RTT
760 4.24 8.20
Cv 0.08 0.19 0.11
Mín 0.68 3.19 6.15
Máx 0.88 5.50 8.90
94 Francisco A. Rocco Lahr et al.: Full Characterization of Vatairea sp Wood Specie
Table 3. Results obtained of mechanical properties of Vatairea sp
Stat. fc0 (MPa) ft0 (MPa) ft90 (MPa) fv0 (MPa) fs0 (MPa) fm (MPa) Ec0 (MPa) Et0 (MPa)
64.2 96 3.0 15 0.8 113 19748 20214
Mín 46.7 33 1.9 12 0.6 76.6 13274 16037
Stat. Em (MPa) fH0 (MPa) fH90 (MPa) W (J) fc90 (MPa)
According to Brazilian Code, from the obtained value for
strength in compression parallel to the grain (fc0), Vatairea sp
be categorized as class C40 (dicotyledonous), presenting
characteristic value 51 MPa for that property.
The mean density (0.760 g/cm³) classifies Vatairea sp. as
a heavy timber [14], same characteristic of Minquartia
guianensis, Lecythis poiteaui, Mezilaurus itauba, Manilkara
huberi e Brosimum rubescens [10]. However, it must be
pointed out that density of these wood species varies
between 0.835 to 0.904 g/cm³, and they are widely applied in
heavy structures.
Density of Vatairea sp. is higher comparing with
Liquidambar sp. [15], Tectona grandis [9], Cedrela fissilis
and Hovenia dulcis [16], whose densities range between
0.478 to 0.577g/cm³; and naturally more dense that Toona
ciliata [12], Schizolobium amazonicum [5] e Gallesia
integrifolia [16], which presented density varying between
0.318 to 0.370g/cm³ and, under certain conditions, can be
employed in light structures.
Brazilian Code NBR 7190:1997 stipulates maximum
values for variation coefficient, so that the characterization
be qualified as compatible, being 18% for normal strengths
and 28% for tangential efforts. All properties attended these
parameters, except strength in tension parallel to the grain (ft0)
that exceeded the limit, presenting Cv 32%. Despite this
point, this characterization can be here considered as
obeying the normative requirements.
Table 4 and 5 show ANOVA results of the regression
Table 4. Regression models obtained for strength properties of Vatairea sp
Exp 0.0031 15.1567 0.0019 60.01%
Geo 0.0023 0.0042 1.4483 62.15%
Models P-value a b R
Lin 0.5216 169.7591 -0.0965 4.23%
Log 0.5156 595.2275 -75.2330 4.35%
Exp 0.8284 3.5100 -0.0002 0.49%
Geo 0.8203 10.5414 -0.1934 0.54%
Models P-value a b R
Lin 0.1788 4.7696 0.0128 17.29%
Log 0.1742 -51.5459 9.9656 17.62%
Exp 0.0388 0.2352 0.0017 36.09%
Geo 0.0360 0.0002 1.2841 36.94%
Models P-value a b R
Lin 0.5497 161.0765 -0.0673 3.69%
Log 0.5803 427.3822 -47.8819 3.16%
Exp 0.0009 27.4957 0.0015 68.54%
Geo 0.0007 0.0460 1.1315 69.74%
Models P-value a b R
Lin 0.0014 -27.1222 0.1168 65.38%
Log 0.0011 -542.3691 91.1028 67.28%
Exp 0.6584 35.1095 0.3274 2.03%
Geo 0.6345 48.5297 0.2703 2.35%
Models P-value a b R
Lin 0.1817 0.7530 0.0013 17.08%
Log 0.1655 -5.3329 1.0724 18.29%
International Journal of Materials Engineering 2016, 6(3): 92-96 95
Table 5. Regression models obtained for stiffness properties of Vatairea sp
Models P-value a b R
Lin 0.1572 1055.7369 -1.1937 18.95%
Log 0.1410 6452.3906 -950.7389 20.35%
Exp 0.0095 4228.4203 0.0020 50.60%
Geo 0.0072 0.5677 1.5738 53.08%
Models P-value a b R
Lin 0.1593 6137.6575 18.4202 18.78%
Log 0.1512 -75390.5941 14407.4663 19.45%
Exp 0.0352 8094.3915 0.0011 37.20%
Geo 0.0310 67.9929 0.8445 38.59%
Figure 1. Regression models: relation between density and strength in
compression parallel to the grain (a); density and hardness parallel to the
grain (b); density and hardness normal to the grain (c)
P-values obtained for fc0, fs0, Ec0, Em, fH0 and fH90 were
lower than 0.05. This implies that the obtained settings for
these properties are significant. The determination
coefficients (R²) vary from 34 to 69%. Estimative of fH0, fH90
e fc0 in function of density reached R² upper than 60%, what
implies a satisfactory quality of the proposed adjustments
The geometric model provided the higher values of R²,
emphasizing that to fourteen of the mechanical properties
estimated by density, only 6 provided significant
adjustments, and of these six properties, only three showed
coefficient R² higher to 60% (fH0, fH90 and fc0).
Figure 1 presents the better settings of tested models
(Table 4).
4. Conclusions
The results obtained of this research allow concluding
- Based on the variation coefficient, Vatairea sp.
characterization can be considered according to the
required by Brazilian standard;
- Following the premises of Brazilian Code, Vatairea sp.
is categorized as C40 (dicotyledonous), by presenting a
characteristic value of strength in compression parallel
to the grain (fc0,k) 51 MPa, indicating a potential good
performance for light and heavy structures;
- The regression models presented significant estimates
and good quality in adjusting (R² bigger than 60%)
only for three among the fourteen mechanical
properties investigated: strength in compression
parallel to the grain, hardness parallel to the grain and
hardness normal to the grain;
- The regression models geometric presented the better
settings, followed by logarithmic models.
By all support provided, the authors are grateful to Higher
Education Improvement Coordination (CAPES); National
Council for Scientific and Technological Development
(CNPq); and to the four Universities involved.
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... It can be seen that the f c0 values (Figure 2) can be almost classified into pairs: cumaru and tatajuba (more than 80 MPa), roxinho and sucupira (60 -70 MPa), cupiuba, cedroarana, cajueiro and cambara (40 -50 MPa) and caixeta and cedro (30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40). There are four groups for f t0 : cumaru and roxinho (100 -120 MPa), cajueiro and tatajuba (80 -100 MPa), cedro, cupiuba and sucupira (60 -80 MPa) and cedroarana, caixeta and cambara . ...
... For the f h0 and f h90. the results are similar as cumaru, roxinho and tatajuba have the highest values, cupiuba and sucupira are in the middle and cedroarana, cedro, caixeta, cajueiro and cambara are the lowest values. Moreover, there is a density relationship that influences these properties ( Figure 3) due to the species with the highest resistance values which were the most dense, similarly obtained in other studies 31,32 . ...
... Several authors from different areas of wood engineering observed that the apparent density is a physical property of wood correlated to a strong influence on mechanical properties. For example: as demonstrated by Burdzik and Nkwera 28 in the study on transverse vibration tests to predict stiffness and strength properties of full size Eucalyptus grandis; Logsdon et al. 29 in the characterization of cambara's wood; Icimoto et al. 30 researched the influence of lamellar thickness on strength and stiffness of glued laminated timber beams of Pinus oocarpa; Rocco Lahr et al. 32 tried to discover the influence of moisture on the strength and stiffness properties of the wood and carryied out the complete characterization of the Vatairea sp. wood species. ...
Full-text available
Wood offers a good combination of high strength and low density, but its complete characterization takes a long time. This study aimed to correlate apparent density, chemical component and porosity parameters with the physical and mechanical properties of the wood as an alternative route to reduce the time spent proposing equations to estimate each mechanical property. Ten tropical wood species were characterized in accordance with Brazilian Standards and chemical components were determined by the Klason method, and the porosity using mercury intrusion. Multivariate regression models were applied to the results of each species to find the relationships. Good results were obtained, such as the coefficient of determination and the analysis of variance, which indicated that the equations for 10 out of the 16 properties are significant. Therefore, the apparent density, chemical component and porosity parameters used reduce the time intervals much lower than the time test stipulated by the standard.
... A specimen was taken from each of the beams to obtain each of the properties of interest, Source: Authors (2023) The analysis of parts with structural dimensions using the transverse vibration method was carried out using the equipment Transverse Vibration E-Computer, model 340 from Metriguard. This equipment consists of an electronic interface unit, two sets of tripods, a calibration weight, a software module on disk, a load cell, and the necessary connection cables. ...
... Source: Authors (2023) In Figure 2, the Anderson-Darling test on the ANOVA residuals of the regression models showed normality in all cases (p-value > 0.05), which validates the results of the analysis of variance. Even though the correlations were significant, the adjusted coefficient of determination varied from 28.10% to 54.80%, and this implies inaccurate models to be used in estimating the aforementioned properties. ...
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Wood has several properties that make it attractive when compared to other materials, however, for its use, it is necessary to know the values of resistance and stiffness. In this sense, the use of non-destructive techniques adds to the process. Among the non-destructive techniques of mechanical evaluation, we highlight those that use the natural frequencies of vibration whose results can be repeated and compared over time. This research aimed to relate the physical and mechanical properties of cajueiro wood [Anacardium sp], with the apparent density and with the natural frequency of the transversal vibration test, through regression models. Twenty-four transverse vibration tests and 204 experimental determinations were performed. Linear regression models were then generated as a function of apparent density and transverse vibration frequency, as well as quadratic multivariable regression models, to estimate wood properties. From the linear regression models, weak correlations were noted between density and natural frequency with the physico-mechanical properties evaluated, resulting in low precision estimates. Regarding the multivariable regression models, quadratic adjusted coefficients of determination (R²aj) higher than 80% were verified for 03 models of the 16 evaluated. Keywords Anacardium ; Wood characterization; Regression models; Coefficient of determinati
... The apparent density is a property that is easily determined experimentally, defined by the ratio between the mass and the volume of the sample at 12% humidity, as indicated in the 1997 standard, ABNT NBR 7190 (Pigozzo et al. 2018c). Thus, the estimation of other wood properties with just one simple test is extremely valuable Wolenski et al. 2020;Almeida et al. 2020), allowing the engineer to carry out structural design easily and effectively (Lahr et al. 2016). ...
... There are several reports using apparent density as an estimator of physical and mechanical properties of wood from native Brazilian forests (Lahr et al. 2016;Almeida et al. 2017;Christoforo et al. 2017). However, few studies that have considered the number of species (72) evaluated in the present research, which makes it possible to effectively verify the accuracy and generality of the use of apparent density, via regression models, in the estimation of the strength to parallel compression (fc0) and its associated characteristic value (fc0,k). ...
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As wood is an orthotropic and natural material, there are several properties required for its use in civil construction. The apparent density has been used to estimate physical and mechanical properties of wood, as it is easy to determine experimentally, unlike other determinations, which involve the use of equipment available only in large research centers. Using the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190 and linear and non-linear regression models, this research aimed to evaluate their accuracy in estimating the compressive strength parallel to the fibers (fc0) as well as their characteristic value (fc0,k). This study considered 72 tropical wood species from native forests that were divided into the 4 strength classes of this standard. For the set formed by all species, the linear polynomial model was the best fit, resulting in a determination coefficient of just over 70%.
... The apparent density is a property that is easily determined experimentally, defined by the ratio between the mass and the volume of the sample at 12% humidity, as indicated in the 1997 standard, ABNT NBR 7190 (Pigozzo et al. 2018c). Thus, the estimation of other wood properties with just one simple test is extremely valuable Wolenski et al. 2020;Almeida et al. 2020), allowing the engineer to carry out structural design easily and effectively (Lahr et al. 2016). ...
... There are several reports using apparent density as an estimator of physical and mechanical properties of wood from native Brazilian forests (Lahr et al. 2016;Almeida et al. 2017;Christoforo et al. 2017). However, few studies that have considered the number of species (72) evaluated in the present research, which makes it possible to effectively verify the accuracy and generality of the use of apparent density, via regression models, in the estimation of the strength to parallel compression (fc0) and its associated characteristic value (fc0,k). ...
Full-text available
As wood is an orthotropic and natural material, there are several properties required for its use in civil construction. The apparent density has been used to estimate physical and mechanical properties of wood, for being easy to determine experimentally, unlike other determinations, which involve the use of equipment available only in large research centers. Using the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190 and linear and non-linear regression models, this research aimed to evaluate their accuracy in estimating the compressive strength parallel to the fibers (fc0) as well as their characteristic value (fc0,k), considering 72 tropical wood species from native forests and divided into the 4 resistance classes of this standard. For the set formed by all species, the linear polynomial model was the best fit, resulting in a determination coefficient of just over 70%.
... The high demand for wood by the various sectors of the industry led to selective and predatory extraction of species known to the construction market, thus leading to an increase in prices of these wood species. Thus, it is necessary to characterize and evaluate new wood species for structural use (Lahr et al., 2016a;Cavalheiro et al., 2016;Silva et al., 2018). The use of wood species Peltophorum vogelianum Benth. ...
... [R 2 = 63.57%] (Lahr et al., 2016a), and Castelo [R 2 = 52.84%] , different from that found for Guarucaia in the present study. ...
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Wood is a material used for various purposes since ancient times and is mainly used in civil and rural construction and industry. Due to the predatory exploitation of known trees, it is necessary to characterize new species for use in urban and rural structures as alternatives of species commonly used. This study aimed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of Guarucaia wood (Peltophorum vogelianum Benth.) based on the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190 (1997) and estimate the strength and stiffness as a function of apparent density using the analysis of variance and also estimate stiffness as a function of its strength. The mechanical properties of P. vogelianum were considered compatible for structural use when compared with others used for the same purpose, being classified in the class C50 of dicotyledon species and evidencing the possibility of its use for structural purposes. According to the results of the poor quality in the fit of regression models in the statistical analysis, the strength and stiffness could not be estimated as a function of apparent density nor stiffness properties as a function of their respective strengths.
... Aumentos nos valores da densidade implicam em aumentos nas propriedades mecânicas. Estudos na literatura também encontraram boas correlações entre a densidade e a as propriedades mecânicas de várias espécies de madeiras [15,17,[44][45][46][47][48]. ...
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Characterization of construction materials is a piece of essential knowledge to ensure the structural stability and strength of any building. The strength of materials is an effective prediction prescribed by technical standards, which delimit the resistive behaviors in different conditions. Physical-mechanical properties of timber allow the rational application of this bioresource in structural projects. However, tests to determine mechanical properties require large equipment and a skilled workforce, found in few institutions and specific research centers. The microscopy and regression models may establish an alternative to understanding the properties of wood. The present paper aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of estimating the mechanical properties of Eucalyptus wood as a function of its anatomical characteristics and apparent density. Ten batches of different eucalypt species were selected to predict the tensile strength parallel to the grain, tensile strength normal to grain, and modulus of elasticity in tensile parallel to the grain, as well as three different anatomical parameters (fibers, vessels, and rays) of the wood samples according to two Brazilian standard documents. In practice, the proposed regression models were excellent, as the R² values were equal to 90.55, 86.55, and 67.95% for estimating Et0, ft0, and ft90, respectively. Keywords Eucalyptus; mechanical properties; regression models; anatomy; apparent density
... Thus, as in the study by Lahr et al. (2016b), there was no possibility of estimating physical and mechanical properties of Cambará by empirical modelling. Christoforo et al. (2017a) evaluated the relationship between the apparent density and the physical and mechanical properties of the wood species Calycophyllum multiflorum and found relationships with good quality in the adjustment (R² > 70 %), as well as Lahr et al. (2016c) for wood species Vatairea sp. However, did not find relations between apparent density and physical and mechanical properties of Copaifera sp., as well as Christoforo et al. (2017b) for the wood specie Anadenanthera colubrina. ...
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This research intends to evaluate the relation, aided by the Brazilian Standard and statistical analysis (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and bootstrap technique), between physical and mechanical properties of Cambará-Rosa wood harvested from three different regions: Vera, Mucajaí and South Rondonia. In addition, the possibility to estimate (regression models) physical and mechanical properties in function of apparent density was analyzed. Different climate and soil conditions which tree thrives may influence its growth and, consequently, its properties values. The results of ANOVA indicated an elevated equivalence index for all three regions. The bootstrap technique led to similar results for Vera and Mucajai regions, and for South Rondonia region, equivalence index equals to 89 %. The ANOVA results to estimate physical and mechanical properties in function of apparent density indicated that it is not possible to perform such estimates for Cambará-Rosa wood species.
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There is a perceptible opportunity to utilize eucalypts in value-added wooden products with structural features for construction. But, tests to determine the wood properties require specific equipment and technical training. As alternative, the study utilized optical microscopy to measure some anatomical elements of 10 eucalypt varieties to estimate their mechanical properties in line with anatomical parameters and bulk densities using regression models. Eight anatomical properties about constituent sizes and six mechanical properties about compression behaviors were evaluated. Regression models were positively conclusive, as R² values were 94.15, 92.95 and 77.77 for the modulus of elasticity in compression parallel, compression parallel strength and shear stress parallel to the grain, respectively.
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This research aimed to characterize the wood species Goiabão (Planchonella pachycarpa), following the precepts set forth in the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190, as well as to evaluate the possibility of estimating physical and mechanical properties, using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) as a function of apparent density, and also to estimate the stiffness properties as a function of the respective strength property. The physical and mechanical properties were considered adequate for the use of this wood for structural purposes, being classified in class C40. According to the results of the regression models, it is possible to estimate the tensile strength parallel to the fibers as a function of the apparent density. It was also possible to estimate the longitudinal elastic modulus in the compression parallel to the fibers as a function of the compressive strength parallel to the fibers.
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Connections are the points with higher stress concentrations in wood structures. For the design of this fasteners two parameter are used: tensile strength of the steel and the embedment strength of the wood member. The aim of this study was to compare the testing methods and design criteria of different normative documents (NBR 7190, EN 383, ASTM D-5764, EUROCODE 5 and NDS) to determine the wood embedment strength perpendicular to the grain. Six species of wood (Schizolobium amazonicum, Pinus elliottii var. elliottii, Pinus oocarpa Shiede, Hymenaea sp, Lyptus (Eucalyptus grandis/Eucalyptus urophylla) and Goupia glabra and four metal dower diameters (8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm and 16 mm) were used in the tests. In all cases, the average value of the experimental results of embedment strength to the grain obtained from the EN 383 standard were the highest; the limit slip of 5 mm between metal dowel and wood member never was reached in tests performed according to this standard. The experimental results obtained in this case presented good agreement with the values calculated according to the design criteria of NBR 7190. It was not possible to carry out the tests according to the NBR 7190 method because of the difficulty to obtain the dimensions required for the specimen in perpendicular direction.
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a madeira de árvores de Toona ciliata (cedro australiano) aos 6, 12 e 18 anos de idade, provenientes de um plantio florestal na região de Venda Nova do Imigrante, ES. Foram avaliadas as propriedades físicas quanto à densidade básica e à retratibilidade e as propriedades mecânicas quanto à resistência à compressão axial e ao módulo de ruptura e módulo de elasticidade à flexão estática da madeira. Foram utilizadas três árvores para cada idade, das quais foram retiradas toras, que foram desdobradas em pranchas radiais para retirada de corpos de prova, ensaiados de acordo com as normas MB 26/40 (ABNT, 1940) e NBR 7190 (1997). Observou-se o aumento da densidade básica e a redução das contrações tangencial e volumétrica e do fator anisotrópico em função do aumento da idade. O uso da madeira deve ser limitado em situações que exijam elevada resistência mecânica e na fabricação de produtos com elevada estabilidade dimensional. Deve-se optar por árvores com idades superiores, viabilizando a aplicabilidade da madeira com qualidade para diversos fins.Palavras-chave: Cedro australiano; resistência da madeira; estabilidade dimensional. AbstractPhysical and mechanical properties of wood of Toona ciliata at different ages. The objective of the present study was to characterize the wood of trees Toona ciliata at 6, 12 and 18 years old, coming from forest plantations in the region of Venda Nova do Imigrante at Espírito Santo State in Brazil. We evaluated the physical properties as the specific gravity and shrinkage, and the mechanical parameters in relation to the compressive strength and modulus of rupture and elasticity in static bending. We use tree logs that were sawed and prepared the samples for analysis according to standards MB 26/40 (ABNT, 1940) e NBR 7190 (1997). We observed an increase in specific gravity and decrease of tangential and volumetric shrinkages and the anisotropic factor with the increase for the age. The use of this wood should be limited in situations which high mechanical strength is required and manufacture of products with high dimensional stability. We should opt for more aged trees, allowing the applicability of quality wood for various purposes.Keywords: Australian cedar; wood resistance; dimensional stability.
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Brazil is one of the countries with the largest reserves of tropical forests. Their rational use ensures sustainability in actions developed by extractive companies. However, for this, to know wood properties of species harvested from these reserves is very important. This research aims to the determination of strength in compression parallel to grain; shear strength and density for (Pouteria sp.), vulgarly called Pariri, a wood from a Northern Brazilian legal reserve. Tests were carried out in accordance with Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190: 1997. Results obtained in this study permit to concluded that Pariri Wood presents compatible physical and mechanical properties for use in structural purposes.
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O conhecimento das relações existentes entre a estrutura anatômica da madeira com suas propriedades físicas ou mecânicas é importante para seu uso adequado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a anatomia microscópica e propriedades físicas da madeira de quatro diferentes espécies florestais. A madeira estudada foi proveniente das seguintes espécies: Cedrela fissilis (Cedro), Híbrido clonal Eucalyptus urophylla × Eucalyptus grandis (Eucalipto urograndis), Hovenia dulcis (Uva do Japão) e Gallesia integrifolia (Pau d’alho). Para a determinação da retratibilidade, utilizou-se a norma MB26/40 da ABNT (1940); as dimensões lineares foram obtidas com palmer, precisão de 0,001mm. O estudo da anatomia da madeira seguiu as recomendações da norma de procedimento em estudos de anatomia de madeira, da COPANT (1974) e também da IAWA (1989). Os caracteres anatômicos avaliados foram: diâmetro tangencial (µm) e frequência de vasos (n o mm -2 ); comprimento de fibra (µm), diâmetro de lume (µm) e espessura de parede de fi bra (µm); altura (µm), largura (µm) e frequência de raios (n o mm -1 ). Os valores do coeficiente anisotrópico foram de 1,16; 1,77; 1,81 e 1,84 para a madeira de C. fi ssilis, H. dulcis, Híbrido clonal e G. integrifolia, respectivamente, demonstrando que a madeira de C. fi ssilis possui elevada estabilidade dimensional e as demais madeiras, valores aceitáveis para esse coefiiente.
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The knowledge on the behavior of wood in situations of short load contributes to the development of a safer structural design. However, toughness is not part of the mechanical properties commonly investigated in the characterization of this material. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate, the possibility to estimate the toughness with the knowledge of the apparent density of 6 Brazilian tropical wooden species (Angico, Eucalyptus, Jatobá, Paricá, Pine and Teak), by using linear, quadratic and cubic polynomial regression models. The results highlighted the significance and representation of all adjustments investigated, and the cubic polynomial was the most efficient for estimating the wood toughness.
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A espécie amazônica Paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Herb) apresenta rápidos incrementos em altura e diâmetro em poucos anos de cultivo e desenvolve uma madeira com pequena quantidade de nós e defeitos, característica fundamental na sua utilização para fins estruturais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as propriedades de resistência e rigidez de peças da madeira Paricá em dimensões estruturais, de acordo com a norma ABNT NBR 7190: 2011, bem como realizar a classificação visual das peças para determinação de defeitos como: nós, inclinação de fibras, empenamentos, rachas e fendas. Conclui-se que a madeira de Paricá é classificada como classe C 20 das dicotiledôneas e possui baixa densidade, boa resistência à compressão paralela, grande potencial de utilização na construção civil quando comparada com outras espécies e, em relação à classificação visual, poucos nós, grã direita e poucos empenamentos e distorções.
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The wood is one of the most applicable materials in industrial activit ies due to its availability allied to its satisfactory mechanical properties, presenting a good strength/density relation. Its versatility is fundamental for the large expansion of its use on structure building. The explorat ion, init ially selective, turned to be selective and also predatory, what lead to a shortage, raising systematically the prices until the moment where it was not anymore probable to use it on the quantities registered until then. The solution was to define species, between more than 5.000 variet ies in AmazonicaTropical Forest, which could substitute the 100 commercially used ones. However, due to technical limitations, these species cannot be completely characterized, what leads to a misusing of timber, once its behaviour is not known completely when it is under mechanical stresses. This research presents some results of the characterizat ion of the following timber species: Canelão, Envira Branca, Guarajá, Quaruba Rosinha and Breu Vermelho. These species are found close to Sinop (Mato Grosso - Brazil), and the results obtained reveal clearly the potential of each species under mechanical stresses, showing that some of them can be good substitutes to the commonly wood species used.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar as propriedades físicas e mecânicas da madeira de Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden et Cambage. Foram determinadas as seguintes propriedades físicas: massa específica aparente a 12 e 0% de umidade, massa específica aparente básica e os coeficientes de contração, além das propriedades mecânicas, por meio dos ensaios de flexão estática, compressão paralela às fibras, cisalhamento e dureza, para a idade de seis anos. Com base nos resultados obtidos na determinação das propriedades físicas, a madeira de E. benthamii, na idade estudada, pode ser classificada como moderadamente pesada e dimensionalmente instável. Em relação às propriedades mecânicas, de modo geral, a espécie apresentou baixa resistência, o que possivelmente está relacionado com a grande proporção de madeira juvenil presente no material estudado.
Classes de densidade de madeira para a Amazônia brasileira
  • J E Melo
  • V T R Coradin
  • J C Mendes
Melo, J. E.; Coradin, V. T. R.; Mendes, J. C. Classes de densidade de madeira para a Amazônia brasileira. In: Anais do Congresso Florestal brasileiro 6:695-699. São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 1990.
  • D H Almeida
  • R M Scaliante
  • L B Macedo
  • A N Macêdo
  • A A Dias
  • A L Christoforo
  • C A Junior
Almeida, D. H.; Scaliante, R. M.; Macedo, L. B.; Macêdo, A. N.; Dias, A. A.; Christoforo, A. L.; Junior, C. A. Caracterização completa da madeira da espécie amazônica Paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum HERB) em peças de dimensões estruturais, Revista Árvore, Viçosa-MG, v.37, n.6, p.1175-1181, 2013.