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Abstract and Figures

Several basic and clinical disciplines are interested in the quantitative assessment of the dimensions of human facial soft-tissue structures (eyes, nose, mouth and lips, chin, ears), and of their reciprocal spatial positions and relative proportions. Anatomical and anthropometric descriptions, medical evaluations (genetics; maxillo-facial, plastic and esthetic surgery; dentistry), forensic medicine, they all need reference three-dimensional data collected on healthy, normal individuals selected for sex, age, ethnic group, to be compared to those obtained on the single patient. Data collection should be made non-invasively, rapidly, simply, directly on the subjects using low-cost instruments. All data should be digital, thus entering computerized data bases that can be used to visualize and simulate treatment. Currently, in clinical investigations and research classic direct anthropometry is being replaced with various three-dimensional image analyzers. Optical, non-contact digitizers (mainly, laser scanners and stereophotogrammetric devices) perform a fast digitization of the face, providing a detailed analysis of the soft-tissue surface. Contact instruments (electromagnetic and electromechanic digitizers) digitize discrete soft-tissue facial landmarks. Subsequently, landmark coordinates are used into mathematical and geometric models of the face, and angles, distances and ratios similar to those measured in conventional anthropometry can be obtained. Additionally, multivariate methods of analysis, obtained either from geometric morphometry or from other analytical methods, could be used. Overall, computerized instruments seem sufficiently reliable, simple and fast to be used also within clinical contexts, thus providing useful quantitative information to allow a better patient care, without submitting the subjects to potentially harmful procedures.
Content may be subject to copyright.
V.R. Preedy (ed.), Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures
of Human Form in Health and Disease, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1788-1_32,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
Abstract Several basic and clinical disciplines are interested in the quantitative assessment of the
dimensions of human facial soft-tissue structures (eyes, nose, mouth and lips, chin, ears), and of their
reciprocal spatial positions and relative proportions. Anatomical and anthropometric descriptions,
medical evaluations (genetics; maxillo-facial, plastic and esthetic surgery; dentistry), forensic medi-
cine, they all need reference three-dimensional data collected on healthy, normal individuals selected
for sex, age, ethnic group, to be compared to those obtained on the single patient. Data collection
should be made non-invasively, rapidly, simply, directly on the subjects using low-cost instruments.
All data should be digital, thus entering computerized data bases that can be used to visualize and
simulate treatment. Currently, in clinical investigations and research classic direct anthropometry is
being replaced with various three-dimensional image analyzers. Optical, non-contact digitizers
(mainly, laser scanners and stereophotogrammetric devices) perform a fast digitization of the face,
providing a detailed analysis of the soft-tissue surface. Contact instruments (electromagnetic and
electromechanic digitizers) digitize discrete soft-tissue facial landmarks. Subsequently, landmark
coordinates are used into mathematical and geometric models of the face, and angles, distances and
ratios similar to those measured in conventional anthropometry can be obtained. Additionally, mul-
tivariate methods of analysis, obtained either from geometric morphometry or from other analytical
methods, could be used. Overall, computerized instruments seem suffi ciently reliable, simple and
fast to be used also within clinical contexts, thus providing useful quantitative information to allow
a better patient care, without submitting the subjects to potentially harmful procedures.
3D Three-dimensional
SD Standard deviation
CAD Computer aided design
CAM Computer aided machinery
Chapter 32
Three-Dimensional Facial Morphometry:
From Anthropometry to Digital Morphology
Chiarella Sforza , Claudia Dellavia , Marcio De Menezes , Riccardo Rosati , and Virgilio F. Ferrario
C. Sforza ()
Functional Anatomy Research Center (FARC), Laboratorio di Anatomia Funzionale dell’Apparato
Stomatognatico (LAFAS), Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana e Scienze Biomediche “Città Studi,
Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Milano , via Mangiagalli 31 ,
I-20133 Milano , Italy
612 C. Sforza et al.
32.1 Introduction
In man, the head is the most complex structure of the body. It accommodates the central nervous
system, the eyes and ear structures, and the fi rst parts of the digestive and respiratory apparatuses. It
is characterized by the face. Communication and interaction with the environment, as well as per-
sonal identifi cation, all depend on the face (Sforza and Ferrario 2006 ; DeAngelis et al. 2009 ) .
Anthroposcopy (observation) and anthropometry (measurement) are currently used to analyze
facial morphology in several basic and applied fi elds that cover a wide range of life and medical
sciences (Sforza and Ferrario 2006 ) . Both play an important role in the diagnosis of several dys-
morphic syndromes, especially for the assessment of borderline patients (Douglas et al. 2003 ;
Hammond et al. 2004 ; Dellavia et al. 2008 ; Maal et al. 2008 ; Fang et al. 2008 ; Schwenzer-Zimmerer
et al. 2008 ) .
Apart from expert observation of facial characteristics, quantitative assessments of the dimen-
sions of facial soft-tissue structures (such as eyes, nose, mouth and lips, chin, and ears), their recipro-
cal spatial positions and relative proportions are important components in the clinical analysis of
patients with facial alterations and deformities, as well as in treatment planning, and in the fi nal
evaluation of results (Yamada et al.
2002 ; Hajeer et al. 2004 ; Hammond et al. 2004 ; White et al.
2004 ; Dellavia et al. 2008 ; Maal et al. 2008 ) .
Indeed, a global, three-dimensional, quantitative assessment of craniofacial characteristics may
help in clinical diagnosis. This analysis should consider both the hard- and the soft-tissue structures.
Clinical assessments for surgical (maxillo-facial, plastic, and esthetic) or dental (orthodontics and
prostheses) treatments should combine the conventional radiographic analyses of the skeleton with
evaluations of the soft-tissue structures, thus providing a complete evaluation of any patient. At all
occasions, patient data should be compared to those of healthy subjects of the same age, sex, race,
and ethnic group.
Classic direct anthropometry has greatly helped clinicians in the past (Farkas, 1994 ) , but, pres-
ently, the advent of digital techniques for the imaging of the facial skeleton should be combined by
some new methods for soft-tissue facial imaging and measurement (Table 32.1 ).
Currently, in clinical investigations and research, classic direct anthropometry is being coupled
and even replaced with various three-dimensional image analyzers. These instruments can be divided
into two main categories: optical, non-contact digitizers, and contact instruments. In the current
chapter, classic anthropometry will be reviewed, and advantages and limitations of the modern facial
digitizers will be presented and discussed.
Table 32.1 Key points: conventional anthropometry versus digital instruments
Digital instruments
anthropometry Optical Contact
Cost Negligible Expensive (8–10 times higher than
contact instruments)
Patient time Long Negligible Limited
Off-line operator time Negligible Long Negligible
Setting Everywhere Often laboratory or clinic only Easy transport
Information content Low High Medium to low
Adding new measurements,
correcting errors
Impossible Easy Diffi cult
Assessment of anatomical
Direct (inspection/
Digital (inspection only) Direct (inspection/
The main differences between conventional anthropometry and digital instruments are listed
61332 Three-Dimensional Facial Morphometry: From Anthropometry to Digital Morphology
32.2 Direct Facial Anthropometry
Direct anthropometry has been the fi rst method for the in vivo, quantitative, three-dimensional
assessment of the human face, and it still continues to be used in several basic and applied fi elds that
cover a wide range of life and medical sciences (Farkas 1994 ) . Conventional, direct anthropometry
is currently considered the gold standard for in vivo assessments: it is simple and low cost; it is non-
invasive; and it does not require complex instrumentation (Farkas 1994 ; Zankl et al. 2002 ) .
A further advantage of conventional anthropometry is the existence of normal databases for
almost all craniofacial measurements, at least for white Caucasians (Farkas 1994 ; Zankl et al. 2002 ) ,
whereas norms for other ethnicities are more scanty (Farkas 1994 ; Farkas et al. 2005 ) .
At the same time, direct anthropometry is time consuming, it necessitates very well trained and
experienced examiners, and it is very demanding for both the clinician and the patient (Douglas et al.
2003 ; White et al. 2004 ) . Each facial measurement (linear distance or angle) is taken individually, a
long procedure prone to error (Aldridge et al. 2005 ) , and no permanent record of the facial arrange-
ment is maintained. Therefore, missing values, miscalculations, or reading errors cannot be cor-
rected once the subject has been released.
Furthermore, direct anthropometry does not provide digital coordinate data that could be used to
measure new features, or to extract more complex calculations (surface and volume estimations,
analyses of symmetry, and form and shape quantifi cation) (Shaner et al. 2000 ; Douglas et al. 2003 ;
Ferrario et al. 2003 ; Hammond et al. 2004 ; White et al. 2004 ; Mori et al. 2005 ; Fang et al. 2008 ;
Schwenzer-Zimmerer et al. 2008 ) .
An ideal method for the quantitative evaluation of the patients should combine:
Non-invasive, low-cost instruments that could directly be carried off-site to meet the patients
A fast, simple, data-collection technique that provides three-dimensional digital data and a per-
manent record of the facial morphology
Computerized reference databases collected from healthy, normal individuals of same sex, age,
and ethnic group as the patients
The use of computerized techniques for visualization, simulation, and quantitative assessment of
the treatment
Most of these requirements are currently met by digital, computerized anthropometry. At the
same time, several investigations performed both in vivo and on inanimate models also compare
conventional and computerized anthropometric data to assess if they could be, at least in part,
exchanged, thus opening new possibilities to basic researchers and clinicians (Sforza and Ferrario
2006 ) . Good results have been obtained for both global facial analyses, and for the assessment of
selected parts of the face (e.g., soft-tissue orbital features, facial profi le measurements, and mouth
and nasal dimensions) (Sforza and Ferrario 2006 ; Weinberg et al. 2006 ; Ghoddousi et al. 2007 ;
Wong et al.
2008 ; Ozsoy et al. 2009 ; Plooij et al. 2009 ) . Overall, the conventional anthropometric
and digital data seem suffi ciently interchangeable, at least from a practical, clinical point of view.
32.3 Instruments for Three-Dimensional Digital Morphometry
Two main groups of instruments can currently be used for computerized, soft-tissue three-dimensional
facial anthropometry: optical, non-contact instruments (laser scanners, three-dimensional range
cameras, optoelectronic instruments, stereophotogrammetry, and Moiré topography) and contact
instruments (electromagnetic and electromechanical digitizers and ultrasound probes).
614 C. Sforza et al.
All these instruments are non-invasive, not potentially harmful (apart from some limitations for
laser light, but that seem to have been overcome in the last generation of laser scanners), and do not
provoke pain or discomfort to the subjects.
Both kinds of instruments have advantages and limitations that should be considered according to
the investigated problem and the human resources (Table 32.2 ).
32.3.1 Optical Instruments
The most used instruments of this category are laser scanners and stereophotogrammetric systems.
Laser scanners illuminate the face with a laser light source, and digital cameras capture the refl ected
light; the depth information is obtained by triangulation geometry (Majid et al. 2005 ; Hennessy et al.
2006 ; Schwenzer-Zimmerer et al. 2008 ) . During data acquisition, either the face (with a rotating
stool) or the laser light moves to scan the entire surface. In the fi rst scanners, the laser light was not
safe for the eyes, but current instruments are stated to be not dangerous. Accuracy and resolution are
reported between 0.5 and 1 mm, and approximately 10 s are necessary for a complete scan. Critical
parts of the face are the ears, the nostrils, and the chin. Shadows, local facial characteristics (hairs
and nevi), and a dark complexion may hamper the digitization (Majid et al. 2005 ) .
Stereophotogrammetry uses a light source (either patterned or conventional) to illuminate the face,
and two or more coordinated cameras record images from different points of view (Fig. 32.1 ) (Majid
et al. 2005 ; Ghoddousi et al. 2007 ; Sawyer et al. 2009 ; Wong et al. 2008 ; Plooij et al. 2009 ) . A previ-
ous calibration, made with objects with known geometric characteristics, supplies the mathematical
information to obtain a stereoscopic reconstruction of the face (Fig. 32.2 ). The system can also record
facial texture, and combines the three-dimensional information with an accurate reproduction of all
facial characteristics (Fig. 32.3 ). Accuracy and resolution are around 0.5 mm, and 2 ms can be suffi -
cient for a facial scan. Surface artifacts, limited lateral coverage, and shadows effects are limitations
that stereophotogrammetry shares with laser scanning, but they seem of relatively less importance.
Figure 32.4 shows an example of facial reconstruction by stereophotogrammetry. The fi ner the
mesh is the better is the reconstruction. Some artifacts (low-resolution scan) can be found under the
chin and the ear, and inside the nostrils.
Both these methods supply a wealth of data for each face (typically, laser scanning can describe
the face with approximately 80,000 points, Hennessy et al. 2006 , whereas stereophotogrammetry
can obtain 300,000–450,000 surface points, Weinberg et al. 2004 ) , thus allowing a complete assess-
ment of both qualitative and quantitative features that are permanently recorded into the computer.
Also, the time necessary to obtain a complete facial scan is negligible, thus reducing or abolishing
motion artifacts, a feature particularly important for the assessment of children and disabled persons.
In this aspect, stereophotogrammetry performs better than laser scanning, with appreciably faster
scan times.
Both instruments have relatively lengthy post-processing times because the different facial pic-
tures must be mathematically combined to obtain the three-dimensional surface. This time strictly
depends on the host computer. Another limitation of these optical methods is the cost of the instru-
mentation, and, in some instances, the dimensions and need for special settings that cannot be taken
away to meet the patients at other locations. Portable stereophotogrammetric instruments and hand-
held laser scanners have been developed, and used for facial analysis outside laboratory or clinical
facilities (Douglas et al. 2003 ; Schwenzer-Zimmerer et al. 2008 ) . Resolution and accuracy are around
1 mm, and are considered adequate for basic and clinical studies (Hennessy et al. 2006 ) , even if
motion artifacts may often limit their use.
61532 Three-Dimensional Facial Morphometry: From Anthropometry to Digital Morphology
Table 32.2 Principal characteristics of currently used computerized, three-dimensional, soft-tissue facial digitizers
Motion artifacts Post processing Landmarks Information Critical parts of face Dimensions Cost
Optical scanners
Laser scan Limited (approx.
scan time 2 s)
(it depends on
the host
Identifi ed only on the
digital image; no
physical compression
All surface Imaging hairs impossible;
diffi cult imaging of
nostrils, ears, and
Transportable Expensive
Negligible (approx.
scan time 10 ms)
(it depends on
the host
Identifi ed on both the
digital image and
directly on the skin; no
physical compression
All surface
and texture
Potential problems with
hairs; diffi cult
imaging of ears
Often bulky but
Contact instruments
Present (approx. scan
time for 50
landmarks 60 s)
Fast Directly identifi ed on
the skin; possible
physical compression
Only selected
Potential problems with
metal and electromag-
netic fi elds (orthodon-
tic brackets)
Movable with
Present (approx. scan
time for 50
landmarks 60 s)
Fast Directly identifi ed on the
skin; possible physical
Only selected
Movable with
The main differences between the most used digital instruments for facial anthropometry are listed
616 C. Sforza et al.
Although the optical instruments supply a detailed recording of the soft-tissue facial characteris-
tics based on a large quantity of soft-tissue points, they do not individualize single anatomical land-
marks. Landmarks are recognized on the digital reconstructions of the face, using all computer tools
of zoom, rotation, and translation (of the image) (Hammond et al. 2004 ; White et al. 2004 ) . This
procedure can result in some discrepancies between the actual anatomical landmarks and their digi-
tal counterparts because some landmarks cannot be obtained by simple inspection, and only facial
palpation allows their identifi cation (for instance, gonion). Therefore, a number of standard land-
marks (and subsequent measurements) should be excluded from the analysis (Weinberg et al.
2004 ;
White et al.
2004 ) .
Fig. 32.1 Schematic
diagram of a stereophoto-
grammetric set. The main
components of a stereophoto-
grammetric instrument are
Fig. 32.2 Example of facial
reconstruction made by
Surface rendering of a
three-dimensional facial
reconstruction made by
61732 Three-Dimensional Facial Morphometry: From Anthropometry to Digital Morphology
Considering that stereophotogrammetry also collects the soft-tissue texture, for this technique
some landmarks can be directly labeled on the face before data acquisition (Fig. 32.3 ) (Weinberg
et al. 2004 ) . Unfortunately, the procedure cannot be undertaken with most laser scanning systems
because the ink used for the mark is not digitized by the scanner. Previous labeling also improves
accuracy in landmark recognition (Weinberg et al. 2004 ) .
The optical instruments need no physical contact with the skin, thus eliminating the risk of cuta-
neous compression, and of potential injuries during measurements (Douglas et al. 2003 ; Majid et al.
2005 ; Sawyer et al. 2009 ) .
32.3.2 Contact Instruments
Ultrasound probes, and electromagnetic and electromechanic digitizers are among the most used
contact instruments. They digitize single, selected, facial landmarks, thus reducing the information
obtained from each face, but providing the coordinates of facial features that directly correspond to
anatomical and anthropometric structures (Ferrario et al. 1998, 2003 ; Sforza et al. 2007, 2009 ;
Dellavia et al. 2008 ; Ozsoy et al. 2009 ) .
Fig. 32.3 Facial reconstruc-
tion made by stereophoto-
grammetry with the relevant
facial texture. A set of
soft-tissue facial landmarks
is also identifi ed. The fi nal
image produced by
is shown
618 C. Sforza et al.
Ultrasound probes use acoustic waves in the megahertz frequency domain, whereas electromag-
netic and electromechanic digitizers are based on electromagnetic waves. The instruments have no
invasiveness and pose no biological hazard.
For the face, ultrasound images the skeletal surface and its soft-tissue cover (Sforza and Ferrario
2006 ) . While the method is widely used for prenatal, intrauterine imaging and diagnosis, and three-
dimensional reconstructions of the fetal face are a current clinical practice, its application for post-
natal facial morphometrics is limited. Currently, it is used only for the in vivo measurement of the
thickness of facial soft-tissue cover.
Electromagnetic and electromechanic digitizers provide the three-dimensional coordinates of
landmarks that are actually touched one by one by the instrument’s stylus (Ferrario et al. 1998, 2003 ;
Sforza et al.
2007, 2009 ; Dellavia et al. 2008 ; Ozsoy et al. 2009 ) . The eld of the electromag-
netic digitizer used in our laboratory (3Draw, Polhemus Inc., Colchester, VT) provides a three-
dimensional working volume (three spatial coordinates) of approximately 30 × 30 × 76 cm; it has a
resolution of 0.005 mm/mm range, and an accuracy of 0.08 mm. The electromechanical digitizer
(Microscribe G2, Immersion Corporation, San Jose, CA) is a multi-joint-arm digitizer, with an accu-
racy of 0.38 mm in a 127-cm workspace. Within each joint, an optical encoder works with a micro-
chip to send the joint angle to a host computer; the three-dimensional coordinates of the stylus are
therefore provided.
A set of facial landmarks is previously marked on the face of the subject; landmarks are identifi ed
by inspection or palpation (as in conventional anthropometry), and are marked with a small black
dot. Subsequently, the subject is positioned within the working volume of the instrument, and asked
to stay motionless, while the operator gently touches the facial landmarks one by one using a stylus
Fig. 32.4 Facial reconstruc-
tion made by stereophoto-
grammetry with mesh
rendering. Under the chin, a
small-size defect in the mesh
reconstruction can be seen
61932 Three-Dimensional Facial Morphometry: From Anthropometry to Digital Morphology
connected to the digitizer. With both instruments, data collection for a set of 50 landmarks needs
50–60 s for each subject (Ferrario et al. 1998 ) , and motion artifacts could occur.
The principal limitations of the instruments are the reduction of information, and the time neces-
sary for data acquisition. The acquisition of only single, selected landmarks impedes the production
of lifelike facial models (Fig. 32.5 ) (Ferrario et al. 1998 ) , and the application of the method as a com-
munication tool is diffi cult, in particular with the patients (Hajeer et al. 2004 ) . Also, no permanent
records of the facial appearance are obtained, and it is not possible to correct the position of a land-
mark off-line, or to introduce new landmarks.
Data acquisition time is extremely long when compared to that necessary for an optical facial
scan (even if it is remarkably short when compared to conventional anthropometry, Farkas
1994 ;
Douglas et al.
2003 ) , and movements of facial muscles (especially around mouth and eyes), as well
as global head movements, may occur during digitization.
The calibration of the electromagnetic instrument can be altered by electromagnetic interferences
and metal objects. To avoid interferences with the electromagnetic fi eld, data collection should be
performed in a controlled environment, with all electromagnetic devices (e.g., computers, video
recorder, power supply of the digitizer, and mobile telephones) and metal objects positioned at a
minimum of 2 m from the digitizer (Ferrario et al. 1998 ) . Also, the subject should not wear a metallic
object on the head (for instance, voluminous earrings), and the operator should not wear a metallic
object or a watch on the arm that uses the stylus.
In contrast, the electromechanic instrument does not need any special environment for
Fig. 32.5 Example of facial
reconstruction made by
contact instruments. All
nodes of the image corre-
spond to facial landmarks and
some of them are labeled for
clarity (tr, trichion; ex,
exocanthion; n, nasion; prn,
pronasale; ala, ala nasi; sn,
subnasale; ch, cheilion; sl,
sublabiale; go, gonion; pg,
pogonion). A schematic
facial diagram obtained from
a 50-landmark digitization
620 C. Sforza et al.
Both instruments provide the fi les of the three-dimensional ( x , y , z ) coordinates of the facial
landmarks, and computer programs devised in the laboratory are used for all the subsequent off-line
calculations. Using both digitizers, Ferrario and co-workers (Ferrario et al. 1998, 2003 ; Sforza et al.
2007, 2009 ; Dellavia et al. 2008 ) have analyzed more than 1,000 faces of healthy, normal persons
from childhood to old age, together with a 100 faces of disabled or diseased persons; overall, the
method seemed suffi ciently reliable for anatomical and clinical investigations of selected facial
characteristics. Some applications of their method are shown in other chapters of the current book.
In their investigations, Ferrario and co-workers (Ferrario et al., 2003 ; Sforza et al. 2007, 2009 ;
Dellavia et al. 2008 ) focused on the analysis of facial measurements similar to those obtained by
conventional anthropometry (linear distances and angles), as well as on estimates of the volumes
and surface areas of selected parts of the face (mouth and lips, nose, eyes, and ears). Additionally,
they provided quantitative evaluations of facial symmetry and shape, independently from size
(Sforza and Ferrario 2006 ) .
In general, contact instruments are less expensive than optical ones (approximately 8–10 times
less), and they can be moved with ease from the laboratory to meet the subjects at alternative loca-
tions; additionally, they directly provide the three-dimensional coordinates of the anatomical land-
marks of interest, without any additional off-line calculations (Ozsoy et al. 2009 ) .
32.4 From Anatomical Landmarks to Digital Morphology
Landmarks represent the link between conventional and digital anthropometry (Sforza and
Ferrario 2006 ) : conventional anthropometry identifi es soft-tissue landmarks, and places some
instrument (calipers or protractors) over them. Distances are obtained between a pair of land-
marks; angles are comprised among three landmarks (Farkas 1994 ) . The entire surface comprised
between the landmarks is neglected, apart from observation of specifi c features (anthroposcopy).
Fundamentally, digital anthropometry collects a set of digital landmarks from the soft-tissue sur-
face, and uses their spatial x , y , z coordinates as endpoints for calculations based on Euclidean
geometry: linear distances and angles similar to those provided by conventional anthropometry
are computed.
Together with these classic measurements, mathematics and geometry allow the assessment of
more complex characteristics from the same set of landmarks used by conventional anthropometry:
estimations of volumes and surfaces, analyses of symmetry, and detailed assessments of shape inde-
pendently from size (Ferrario et al. 1998, 2003 ; Shaner et al. 2000 ; Douglas et al. 2003 ; Hajeer et al.
2004 ; Aldridge et al. 2005 ; Mori et al. 2005 ; Sforza et al. 2007, 2009 ; Dellavia et al. 2008 ; Fang et al.
2008 ; Sawyer et al. 2009 ; Schwenzer-Zimmerer et al. 2008 ) .
Additionally, the enormous amount of data collected by some of the digitizers allows detailed
assessments of all inter-landmark surfaces, for instance, with the development of pattern recognition
algorithms (Hammond et al. 2004 ; Hennessy et al. 2006 ) .
In our laboratory, we currently identify 50 soft-tissue landmarks on each face (Ferrario et al.
1998 ) . The landmarks are located on the forehead, eyes, nose, lips and mouth, chin, ears, and lateral
facial surface (Table 32.3 , Fig. 32.3 ). Twelve of them are on the midline, whereas 19 are identifi ed
on each hemi-half of the face. This set of landmarks was chosen to be used with the contact instru-
ments, and it is a good compromise between a suffi ciently detailed individuation of the anatomical
characteristics of the face and digitization time. Currently, the use of an optical, stereophotogram-
metric instrument allows the selection of an even wider set of landmarks, according to the problem
being investigated. Nevertheless, the use of a standard set of landmarks allows the consistent assess-
ment of subjects in both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies.
62132 Three-Dimensional Facial Morphometry: From Anthropometry to Digital Morphology
32.5 Applications to Other Areas of Health and Disease
Basic human research has obtained valuable results using three-dimensional anthropometry, and
several anatomical studies have quantitatively described normal facial growth, development, and
aging, allowing the creation of databases that could be used for the quantitative assessment of patients
(Zankl et al. 2002 ; Douglas et al. 2003 ; White et al. 2004 ; Mori et al. 2005 ; Dellavia et al. 2008 ; Maal
et al. 2008 ; Sawyer et al. 2009 ; Sforza et al. 2009 ) .
Clinicians working with the head and face (maxillo-facial, plastic, and esthetic surgeons; and
orthodontists and prosthodontists) are those mostly interested in this three-dimensional information
(Zankl et al. 2002 ; Ferrario et al. 2003 ; Hajeer et al. 2004 ; Sforza et al. 2007 ; Dellavia et al. 2008 ;
Maal et al. 2008 ; Sawyer et al. 2009 ; Schwenzer-Zimmerer et al. 2008 ; Ozsoy et al. 2009 ; Plooij
et al. 2009 ) . Indeed, current non-invasive diagnostic methods could reduce the biological burden of
repeated examinations for patient assessment, treatment planning, and evaluation of results. This is
particularly important for those children whose malformations cannot be corrected in a single
episode, but require several surgical, orthopedic, and orthodontic interventions between birth and
Table 32.3 Set of 50 facial landmarks currently digitized with contact instruments.
The landmarks are shown in Fig.
Midline Paired
Forehead tr Trichion
g Glabella
Eyes ex Exocanthion
en Endocanthion
os Orbitale superius
or Orbitale
Nose n Nasion
prn Pronasale
c ¢ Columella
sn Subnasale
al Alare
ac Nasal alar crest
itn Inferior point of the nostril axis
stn Superior point of the nostril axis
Mouth and lips ls Labiale superius
sto Stomion
li Labiale inferius
sl Sublabiale
chp Crista philtri
ch Cheilion
Chin pg Pogonion
me Menton
Lateral part of the face ft Frontotemporale
chk Cheek
zy Zygion
go Gonion
Ears t Tragion
pra Preaurale
sa Superaurale
pa Postaurale
sba Subaurale
The set of 50 landmarks currently used in our laboratory is listed
622 C. Sforza et al.
adult life (White et al. 2004 ; Dellavia et al. 2008 ; Schwenzer-Zimmerer et al. 2008 ; Plooij et al.
2009 ) . Also, the use of a piece of three-dimensional information that considers both the underlying
skeletal structure and the overlying soft-tissue cover is valuable in the global assessment of the
patient (Maal et al. 2008 ; Plooij et al. 2009 ) .
The three-dimensional digitization of craniofacial characteristics is also widely used for the man-
ufacturing of individualized ortheses, prostheses, and safety headgears: the imaged part of the body
is used as a CAD (computer-aided design) source, and via CAM (computer aided machinery) tech-
nology, the artifi cial manufact is produced, with a reduction in time, costs, and patient discomfort.
Along with these classical fi elds, internal medicine that deals with general diseases is currently
investigating possible associations between variations in facial morphology and body disorders: the
search for low cost, fast, and non-invasive markers of more complex diseases has been particularly
important in the metabolic fi eld. Rapid screening, standardization of functional examinations, pro-
gression of disease, and quantifi cation of side effects can all benefi t from specifi c markers that can be
longitudinally repeated with minimal discomfort to the patient, and a reduced monetary cost. In par-
ticular, applications in uremic patients on chronic dialysis, in patients with undiagnosed celiac disease,
in obese adolescents, and in HIV-infected patients, have been proposed (Sforza and Ferrario 2006 ) .
Hypotheses about the relationships between facial shape and asymmetry, and aspects of cognition
that involve the anterior brain, are currently tested with investigations on three-dimensional facial
morphology. Indeed, during early fetal life, there is a strict relationship between face and anterior
brain: the localization of facial alterations, together with the known timing of their embryological
development, may offer more insights into brain development and its alterations (Shaner et al. 2000 ;
Hennessy et al. 2006 ; Sforza and Ferrario 2006 ) .
Three-dimensional assessments of facial morphology are also used for low-cost screening of
neurodevelopmental alterations such as the fetal alcohol syndrome that involve characteristics facial
alterations. Borderline patients or gene carriers could also be screened using quantitative tools
assessing selected facial features (Douglas et al. 2003 ; Fang et al. 2008 ) . The development of cost-
effective methods for fi eld screening seems particularly important in low-income countries and
areas, where the patients cannot be offered all the opportunities which are available in more devel-
oped parts of the world (Douglas et al. 2003 ) .
Together with the direct assessment of the living, digital facial morphology is currently success-
fully applied into several forensic fi elds (DeAngelis et al. 2009 ) : for instance, all techniques for
facial reconstruction from skeletal remnants need three-dimensional sex-, age-, and ethnic-based
normal databases that should be renewed considering the secular trends in body dimensions. Three-
dimensional data are also necessary to artifi cially “age” facial images of kidnapped children, as well
as to give an age to victims of pornography and pedopornography.
Forensic, commercial, and security identifi cation of persons is increasingly using virtual images,
and three-dimensional digital images should be used instead of conventional anthropometry
(DeAngelis et al. 2009 ) to determine the identity of probands.
Virtual applications are also usefully employed in computerized simulations for the entertainment
arena: television, cinema, virtual reality, and computer games all use digital three-dimensional
sources obtained non-invasively from both humans and animals.
32.6 Conclusions
In conclusion, digital, computerized, non-invasive instruments for three-dimensional facial anthro-
pometry appear to offer new possibilities for both basic investigators and clinicians. Detailed quan-
titative (and often also qualitative) information about the facial soft tissues of a given patient may
62332 Three-Dimensional Facial Morphometry: From Anthropometry to Digital Morphology
allow a better and faster diagnosis, especially when the relevant reference values (selected for age,
sex, and ethnic origin) are available.
Maxillo-facial, plastic, and esthetic surgery, as well as orthodontics and dental prostheses, may
usefully apply this information.
Computerized tools may also permit to simulate treatment, and to provide an approximate idea of
the fi nal outcome, thus facilitating the process of informed consent. Longitudinal assessments can
offer a quantitative evaluation of the post-treatment results, with concomitant evaluations of the pos-
sible relapse.
At the same time, the same clinical reasoning used for conventional anthropometry can be used,
via the maintenance of landmark-based measurements.
Summary Points and Practical Methods
A global, three-dimensional, quantitative assessment of the craniofacial characteristics may help
in clinical diagnosis.
Together with conventional radiographic analyses of the skeleton, the soft-tissue structures should
also be analyzed to provide a complete evaluation of any patient, and should be compared to those
of healthy subjects of the same age, sex, race, and ethnic group.
Both contact and optical computerized instruments can be used for the three-dimensional analysis
of facial soft tissues.
Contact instruments allow the assessment of selected facial landmarks with a reduced monetary price.
Optical instruments allow a detailed record of all facial surfaces, but they are more expensive.
Three-dimensional virtual facial reconstructions are currently used in several medical, forensic,
and industrial fi elds.
Acknowledgments We are deeply indebted to all the subjects who served as volunteers in our laboratory. The pre-
cious work of staff and students, who helped in data collection and analysis, is also gratefully acknowledged.
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... All these features can be appreciated using anthropometry, that allows the not-invasive, threedimensional study of facial morphology in vivo. Classic anthropometry (using callipers and protractors) has been successfully replaced by digital anthropometry, where various optical instruments can detect and record the facial characteristics without submitting the subjects to painful and potentially dangerous examinations [11,12,[20][21][22][23]. A quantitative assessment of the facial characteristics of a given patient relative to those of a group of control subjects matched for sex, age and ethnicity, can offer valuable information that can direct the clinician towards more complex, expensive and invasive evaluations. ...
... Before the stereophotogrammetric acquisition of the face, an experienced operator marked the face of all patients and reference subjects with a set of 50 standardized landmarks (1 mm diameter). Landmarks were drawn with a washable and skin-compatible make up eyeliner and were distributed on the face, orbits, nose, lips and mouth [22,23]. During the procedure, the subjects sat relaxed and in a position suitable for facial landmarks identification. ...
... All landmarks were identified on the three-dimensional reconstruction of the face, their coordinates were extracted and a set of measurements was calculated [24]. Landmarks used in this study and their description are reported in Table 2, while Figure 1 shows their position on the face [22]. For each subject a set of nine linear distances, one linear distances ratio and nine angular measurements was considered. ...
... Three-dimensional optical facial scanning methods are represented by the laser scanning, structured light projection, stereophotogrammetry, and 3D facial morphometry [14][15][16][17][18][19]. Each of them comes with its own specifics of accuracy and reliability, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and costs [20][21][22][23][24]. ...
The human face as a three-dimensional (3D) object and its morphology are a very dynamic field of clinical research. The ongoing and advancing shift of imaging from the classical two-dimensional (2D) methods to the sophisticated 3D techniques has facilitated the usage of 3D digital surface images for a detailed representation of the external soft tissues of craniofacial structures which can noninvasively be acquired by 3D facial surface imaging technology or facial scanning. The integration of noninvasive 3D facial scanning in planning, treatment, and clinical prognosis has led to the improved accuracy, efficiency, and predictability of growth and treatment outcomes in the craniofacial region. This chapter provides an in-depth practical understanding of the principles of various noninvasive 3D facial scanning methods for 3D digital surface data acquisition and their craniofacial and dental applications.
... Earlier studies used 2D images and relied on planar distances or 2D angularity to identify features that account for BMI variations [87,89,[92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99]. Recent studies have explored the use of 3D meshes for more detailed geometric modeling of faces using tools such as 3D scanners or stereophotogrammetry [86,[100][101][102]. However, these technologies require a specialized setup, and individuals must be physically present for the scans to be conducted, thus limiting the number of individuals that can be recruited. ...
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Undiagnosed malnutrition is a significant problem in high-income countries, which can reduce the quality of life of many individuals, particularly of older adults. Moreover, it can also inflate the costs of existing health care systems because of the many metabolic complications that it can cause. The current methods for assessing malnutrition can be cumbersome. A trained practitioner must be present to conduct an assessment, or patients must travel to facilities with specialized equipment to obtain their measurements. Therefore, digital health care is a possible way of closing this gap as it is rapidly gaining traction as a scalable means of improving efficiency in the health care system. It allows for the remote monitoring of nutritional status without requiring the physical presence of practitioners or the use of advanced medical equipment. As such, there is an increasing interest in expanding the range of digital applications to facilitate remote monitoring and management of health issues. In this study, we discuss the feasibility of a novel digital remote method for diagnosing malnutrition using facial morphometrics. Many malnutrition screening assessments include subjective assessments of the head and the face. Facial appearance is often used by clinicians as the first point of qualitative indication of health status. Hence, there may be merit in quantifying these subtle but observable changes using facial morphometrics. Modern advancements in artificial intelligence, data science, sensors, and computing technologies allow facial features to be accurately digitized, which could potentially allow these previously intuitive assessments to be quantified. This study aims to stimulate further discussion and discourse on how this emerging technology can be used to provide real-time access to nutritional status. The use of facial morphometrics extends the use of currently available technology and may provide a scalable, easily deployable solution for nutritional status to be monitored in real time. This will enable clinicians and dietitians to keep track of patients remotely and provide the necessary intervention measures as required, as well as providing health care institutions and policy makers with essential information that can be used to inform and enable targeted public health approaches within affected populations.
... Особенно активно такие направления исследований используются среди медиков, генетиков [DiLiberti, Olson, 1991;Allanson et al., 1993], пластических хирургов [Yamada et al., 2002;Zacharopoulos et al., 2016] и челюстно-лицевых хирургов [Guyot et al., 2003;Naini et al., 2017;Villanueva-Bonilla et al, 2018]. Бóльшая часть работ по оценке возможности использования компьютерного анализа 3D изображений показывают их неоспоримую работоспособность и статистически незначительное отличие от измерений, полученных классическим путем [Ghoddousi et al., 2007;Sforza et al, 2012;Villanueva-Bonilla et al, 2018]. ...
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Three samples were analyzed – the population of central Chile (175 men and 55 women), the indigenous population of Altai (38 men and 67 women) and the Russians of Altai (52 men and 42 women). The collection of material took place in two stages: working directly with the subject and working with photographs. Measurements of the parameters of the head and face of the subjects in the field in both cases were carried out according to the classical method of V.V. Bunak, adopted in the Russian anthropometric school. Photographing in portrait and in profile was carried out taking into account the recommendations for the production of anthropological photographs. Further, the dimensions in pixels were calculated from the photographs, and converted into mm using one indicator, which was measured both in the field and from a photograph (the distance between the canines for the Chilean sample, and the width of the nose for the Altai ones). Results and discussion. The sizes obtained in the field were compared with their counterparts obtained from photographs. For these dimensions, regression equations were obtained, allowing to most accurately translate the dimensions obtained from photographs into real dimensions. It was found that in the event that the thickness of soft tissues above the bone base is insignificant or the size does not depend on the bone base, the difference in measurements on the subject and in the photograph is within the boundaries of acceptable discrepancies between researchers. In this case, the performance of the equations will depend on the scale of the element used for recalculation – the larger it is, the smaller the error. Regression equations were obtained on three samples, allowing one to compare the linear dimensions obtained in the analysis of photographic images with the dimensions obtained in the field. However, it should be emphasized that only the mean values obtained using the regression equations should be used, since in this way individual variability is leveled.
... A value close to zero shows that there is a high degree of similarity in long bone ratios between the compared populations. The Euclidean distances are broadly used for such comparisons in physical anthropology (Gordon et al. 2008;Justice et al. 2010;Lubsen & Corruccini 2011;Sforza et al. 2012;DiGangi & Hefner 2013;Pilloud & Hefner 2016;Nikita 2017: 178-180) and forensics (Urbanová & Ross 2016;Lucas & Henneberg 2017). The correlation between the distances and the accuracy of the estimates as %PE and total %PE was computed as non-parametric correlation coefficient τ after Kendall. ...
Stature is a key concept in the study of human past since along with the biological information it provides overall trends about the standards of living. However, stature data on historic and prehistoric populations are still limited, especially for key temporospatial settings of antiquity such as ancient Greece. We collected osteometric data from 35 male and 33 female individuals (n = 68) from a Roman Period necropolis (146 BC-330 AD) in northern Greece and we applied the anatomical stature estimation method (Raxter et al. 2006). We compared this estimation with the results of 20 regression equations (both ordinary least squares and reduced major axis methods) and we examined the factors that affect their accuracy such as body proportions and the chronology and geography of reference series. For our analyses, we calculated the percent prediction error (%PE) produced by each regression equation for males and females separately. We introduced the total %PE to evaluate each equation's effectiveness on both sexes simultaneously. We calculated long bone ratios and the Euclidean distance between the Greek dataset and the reference series. According to the anatomical method, males from Northern Greece had a mean stature value of 168.2 cm ± 5.38 and females of 156.9 cm ± 5.27. The regression equations of Vercellotti et al. (2009) provided the best estimations in both sexes. Estimation errors (%PE) were not statistically different between the ordinary least squares and reduced major axis equations. The chronological affinity in body proportions between the target population and the reference series could provide significant evidence for the prediction of the optimal regression formulae. With this paper we provide the first osteometric dataset for the anatomical stature estimation method from ancient Greece and we suggest the most suitable regression equations for this key region of the ancient World.
... The recognition of dysmorphic facial traits in MFS may improve the early diagnosis of the disease, since the sign of MFS are variable and modify with time, and somatic alterations are usually the first to occur in affected patients [18]. Among different instruments allowing an accurate both qualitative and quantitative assessment of 3D craniofacial morphology [19], stereophotogrammetry is not invasive and significantly improve the cost-benefit ratio of clinical analyses [20]. The morphometric facial analysis through stereophotogrammetry may highlight alterations of facial parameters which may be not detected by an impressive clinical examination of the patients. ...
Three-dimensional facial images are becoming more and more widespread. As such images provide more information about facial morphology than 2D imagery, they show great promise for use in future forensic applications, including age estimation and verification. This paper proposes an approach using random forests, a machine learning method, to develop and test models for classification of legal age thresholds (15 years and 18 years) using 3D facial landmarks. Our approach was developed on a set of 3D facial scans from 394 Czech individuals (194 males and 200 females) aged between 10 and 25 years. The dataset was retrieved from a sizable database of Central European faces – The FIDENTIS 3D Face Database. Three main types of input variables were processed using random forests: I) shape (size-invariant) coordinates of 3D landmarks, II) size and shape coordinates of 3D landmarks, and III) inter-landmark distances, angles and indices. The performance rates for the combinations of variables and age threshold were expressed in terms of sensitivity and specificity. The overall accuracy rates varied from 71.4%–91.5% (when the male and female samples were pooled). In general, higher accuracy was achieved for the age limit of 18 years than for 15 years. Whereas size-variant variables showed a better performance rate for the age limit of 15 years, the size-invariant variables (i.e., shape variables) were better for classifying individuals under 18 years. The verification models grounded on traditional variables (distances, angles, indices) yielded consistently higher performance rates on females than on males, whereas the inverse trend was observed for the models built on 3D coordinates. The results indicate that age verification based on 3D facial data with processing by the random forests method has high potential for further forensic or biometric applications.
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It is examined how to use digital facial anthropometry for scientific and practical problems; from biometry up to its different applications including medicine, biology, genetics, pattern recognition, and criminalistics. The presented review includes a brief history of anthropometry (as a descriptive and comparative science, the subject of investigation of which is Homo sapiens) and its transformation into modern computer methods for facial anthropometry. Concepts on face morphotype and phenotype; problems on morphology and morphometry as a basic means of facial digital anthropometry; quantitative and qualitative methods for estimating facial characteristics and parameters; problems for searching for associations between gene patterns in the genome and a man’s facial features; problems for estimating facial attractiveness; correlation between facial anthropometry and “Chernov’s faces” and with cognitive computer graphics used in practical medicine; human facial phenomenon and the problems with emotions, sex, and psychical type recognition; special cases for recognizing facial images (FIs), and methods for their solutions in the frames of digital facial anthropometry and examples of its solution are presented in the paper. The prediction on the close correlation between facial anthropometry and the Internet of Things as a modern world surrounded by a person in the 21st century is determined.
Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is a malformation of the brain, occurring during the first weeks of pregnancy, that may be associated with several craniofacial alterations and different pathological conditions.The authors describe a 2-year-old girl with lobar HPE, epilepsy, but with a roughly normal face. Despite the macroscopic, clinical appearance, a facial morphometric analysis, performed through a stereophotogrammetric system, showed features that diverge from reference subjects and that are considered typical of HPE.This study highlights how a digital anthropometric facial assessment through stereophotogrammetry can be a useful and noninvasive instrument to investigate the facial features of HPE, especially in the presence of an apparently normal facial aspect. Additionally, it can provide the bases for future insights about the relationship between embryological facial and cerebral development, the time of the occurred defect and, in the end, enrich basic scientific knowledge.
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The orbital region plays a predominant role in the evaluation of the craniofacial complex. In the current study information about normal sex-related dimensions of the orbital region, and growth, development and aging, were provided. The three-dimensional coordinates of several soft-tissue landmarks on the orbits and face were obtained by a non-invasive, computerized electromagnetic digitizer in 531 male and 357 female healthy subjects aged 4-73 years. From the landmarks, biocular and intercanthal widths, paired height and inclination of the orbit relative to both the true horizontal (head in natural head position) and Frankfurt plane, length and inclination of the eye fissure, the relevant ratios, soft-tissue orbital area, were calculated, and averaged for age and sex. Comparisons were performed by factorial analysis of variance. Biocular and intercanthal widths, length of the eye fissure, soft-tissue orbital area, and the inclination of the orbit relative to the true horizontal, were significantly larger in men than in women (p<0.01), with a significant effect of age (p<0.001), and significant agexsex interactions (p<0.001). Orbital height, and the height-to-width ratio increased as a function of age (p<0.001), but without gender-related differences. The inclination of the orbit relative to Frankfurt plane, and the inclination of the eye fissure did not differ between men and women, but modified as a function of age (p<0.001), with different sex-related patterns (sexxage interaction, p<0.001). On average, the paired measurements were symmetric, with similar values within each sex and age group. Overall, when compared to literature data, some differences were found due to both ethnicity, and different instruments. Nevertheless, during childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, the age-related trends for linear dimensions were similar to those found in previous studies, while no previous data exist for older adults. During aging an increment in soft-tissue orbital area was found, with a progressive downward shift of landmark orbitale. Data collected in the present investigation could serve as a data base for the quantitative description of human orbital morphology during normal growth, development and aging. Forensic applications (evaluations of traumas, craniofacial alterations, teratogenic-induced conditions, facial reconstruction, aging of living and dead persons, personal identification) may also benefit from age- and sex-based data banks.
Objective This study presents an analysis of three-dimensional facial forms of normal Japanese children. Design and Setting Cross-sectional data (n = 247) were available from the Ikeda Public Health Center. Patients and Participants Three groups of children (ninety-seven 4-month-old infants, fifty-four 1.5-year-old children, and eighty 3.5-year-old children) were analyzed using a three-dimensional anthropometric technique. Main Outcome Measures Three-dimensional coordinates of facial landmarks were extracted automatically from XYZ data sets and photo images of an optical surface scanner. Results Only minor gender differences were noted. Lip height was not correlated with other facial dimensions. There was a significant correlation between upper face, nose, and mouth widths. Compared with adults, the upper face width was larger (approximately 70% to 80% of adults) than the middle and lower parts of the face. Width ratios were greater than height and depth ratios. The lip height ratio, however, was larger than the lip width ratio, and the angle of the cupid's bow was more acute in children. The angle of the nose was more obtuse, particularly in the axial plane. Conclusions In cleft lip surgery involving young children, there may be no need to consider gender differences. Some characteristic differences exist between children and adults, however, and normal standards for children would be helpful in plastic surgery.
Photogrammetry is a non‐contact, high‐accuracy, practical and cost‐effective technique for a large number of medical applications. Lately, three‐dimensional (3D) laser scanning and digital imaging technology have raised the importance of digital photogrammetry technology to a new height in craniofacial mapping. Under the support of the Eighth Malaysian Development Plan, the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (MOSTE) Malaysia allocated a grant to establish procedures for the development of a national craniofacial spatial database to assist the medical profession to provide better health services to the public. To populate the database with normal and abnormal (malformation, diseased and trauma and burn victims) craniofacial information, it is necessary to evaluate the technology needed to capture the essential data of craniofacial features. The paper provides a discussion on the basic features of the spatial data and the data capture techniques. Both are needed for the establishment of a national spatial craniofacial database. The discussion includes a brief review of the current status of two selected high‐accuracy craniofacial spatial data capture techniques, namely, digital photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning. The paper highlights a system which has been developed for a Malaysian craniofacial mapping project. Laboratory tests with mannequins showed that the photogrammetric and 3D laser scanning system could achieve an accuracy exceeding the design specification of ±0·7 mm (one standard deviation) for all the measured craniofacial distances. However, tests with two living subjects showed that the accuracy was in the order of ±1·2 mm because of facial movement during data capture.
We investigated soft tissue facial asymmetry in normal and syndrome-affected individuals ranging in age from 1 year to adulthood. The purposes of our study were to determine if facial asymmetry was greater in syndrome-affected individuals than in normal individuals and, if true, to distinguish those measurements that could be used in routine screening to identify the presence of syndromes in uncertain patients and, lastly, to investigate the causes of measurement asymmetry at the level of the landmarks. The last purpose was possible because we used a stereophotogrammetric method with which the three-dimensional (3D) landmark positions were obtained. In the statistically significantly different measurements, those from the right side were dominant, with one exception in each group, except normal males. In all groups the landmark analyses demonstrated the same trends, and while there was far less patterning in the 3D coordinates, these results were also consistent between the four groups. We compared the statistical findings of the 3D coordinates and measurements and found that there was no predictable relationship between significant findings in the landmarks and the measurements. In particular, we noted that statistical differences in measurements did not infer significant differences in the positions of the landmarks between the right and left sides of the face. Both the normal and syndrome-affected groups appeared to be equally canalized and similarly affected by developmental noise: When the bilateral measurement differences of each syndrome-affected subject were compared to the limits of normal asymmetry, less than 10% of the comparisons exceeded the norms. Am. J. Med. Genet. 93:143–154, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Treatment of the craniofacial malformations is a primary goal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgeons. Surgical treatment of these malformations requires accurate data. Accuracy of measurement should be a priority of scientists to prevent statistical errors and therefore to promote the comparison of the results obtained from various research groups. In the present study, we aimed to compare three different measurement techniques, which were used frequently in craniofacial measurements. A total number of 35 female and 35 male volunteer adults were included to the study. Two-dimensional (2D) photogrammetry, three-dimensional (3D) digitization and manual anthropometry methods were used for the present study. Measurements were obtained from the ear, eye, nose and face. By comparing three methods, our findings revealed that 3D digitization method is an easy, robust, and sensitive method to obtain the data. We think that 3D digitization method is accurate, and it can be applied to both clinical practice and research. Advantages and disadvantages of three methods are discussed with the relevant literature.
In 3D photographs the bony structures are neither available nor palpable, therefore, the bone-related landmarks, such as the soft tissue gonion, need to be redefined. The purpose of this study was to determine the reproducibility and reliability of 49 soft tissue landmarks, including newly defined 3D bone-related soft tissue landmarks with the use of 3D stereophotogrammetric images. Two observers carried out soft-tissue analysis on 3D photographs twice for 20 patients. A reference frame and 49 landmarks were identified on each 3D photograph. Paired Student's t-test was used to test the reproducibility and Pearson's correlation coefficient to determine the reliability of the landmark identification. Intra- and interobserver reproducibility of the landmarks were high. The study showed a high reliability coefficient for intraobserver (0.97 (0.90 - 0.99)) and interobserver reliability (0.94 (0.69 - 0.99)). Identification of the landmarks in the midline was more precise than identification of the paired landmarks. In conclusion, the redefinition of bone-related soft tissue 3D landmarks in combination with the 3D photograph reference system resulted in an accurate and reliable 3D photograph based soft tissue analysis. This shows that hard tissue data are not needed to perform accurate soft tissue analysis.
The paper describes a procedure aimed at identification from two-dimensional (2D) images (video-surveillance tapes, for example) by comparison with a three-dimensional (3D) facial model of a suspect. The application is intended to provide a tool which can help in analyzing compatibility or incompatibility between a criminal and a suspect's facial traits. The authors apply the concept of "geometrically compatible images". The idea is to use a scanner to reconstruct a 3D facial model of a suspect and to compare it to a frame extracted from the video-surveillance sequence which shows the face of the perpetrator. Repositioning and reorientation of the 3D model according to subject's face framed in the crime scene photo are manually accomplished, after automatic resizing. Repositioning and reorientation are performed in correspondence of anthropometric landmarks, distinctive for that person and detected both on the 2D face and on the 3D model. In this way, the superimposition between the original two-dimensional facial image and the three-dimensional one is obtained and a judgment is formulated by an expert on the basis of the fit between the anatomical facial districts of the two subjects. The procedure reduces the influence of face orientation and may be a useful tool in identification.
Use three-dimensional (3D) facial laser scanned images from children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and controls to develop an automated diagnosis technique that can reliably and accurately identify individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol. A detailed dysmorphology evaluation, history of prenatal alcohol exposure, and 3D facial laser scans were obtained from 149 individuals (86 FAS; 63 Control) recruited from two study sites (Cape Town, South Africa and Helsinki, Finland). Computer graphics, machine learning, and pattern recognition techniques were used to automatically identify a set of facial features that best discriminated individuals with FAS from controls in each sample. An automated feature detection and analysis technique was developed and applied to the two study populations. A unique set of facial regions and features were identified for each population that accurately discriminated FAS and control faces without any human intervention. Our results demonstrate that computer algorithms can be used to automatically detect facial features that can discriminate FAS and control faces.