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The Relationship Between Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP) and White Matter Abnormalities

  • Institute of Ortophonology, Rome, Italy
  • Istituto di ortofonologia Roma
  • Istituto di Ortofonologia

Abstract and Figures

Background: The Regulatory-Sensory Processing Disorder (RSPD), defined on the diagnostic manual DC: 0-3 R as "the child's difficulties to regulate his own behaviour, his physiological, sensory, attention, motor or affective processes and difficulties in organizing a state of calm, of alert or a positive affective state", is a neurodevelopmental disorder of the early infancy for which it has not yet been determined a clear etiopathology. Clinical practice has led us to hypothesize an association between "minor" injuries of the white matter, in particular periventricular hyperyntensities (PVHs) and RSPD. Method: We conducted a prospective clinical and neuroradiological study of 20 children aged between 2 and 4 years; the sample was divided into children with RDSP (N = 10) and healthy children (N = 10). Findings: The MRI revealed the presence of a low-grade non-cystic diffuse hyperintensity of the periventricular white matter in 8 of the 10 children with RSPD. In none of the healthy children these anomalies were found. Conclusion: The findings of our study revealed that the RSPD may be associated with periventricular hyperyntensities (PVHs), so demonstrating a probable neurobiological origin of the disorder. An interesting fact is that in the children with RSPD we analyzed, we found a posterior-anterior gradient in the localization of the altered PVWM areas, in two cases with involvement of the deep WM of temporal and parietal areas, and this seems to be in accordance with the estimated dysfunction of the associative posterior and limbic areas, with an inevitable impact on the child's emotional sphere too. However, further studies will be necessary to define the specificity of those neuroimaging findings that can be used as RSPD markers.
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The Relaonship Between Regulaon Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP)
and White Maer Abnormalies
Vanadia E1, Di Renzo M1, Trapolino D2, Racinaro L1 and Rea M1
1Instute of Ortofonologia (IdO), Via Tagliamento Salaria, Rome, Italy
2Child Neuropsychiatry School, University of Palermo, Piazza Nicola Leoa, 4, 90127 Palermo, Italy
Corresponding author: Elena Vanadia, Instute of Ortofonologia (IdO), Via Tagliamento Salaria 30, 00198, Rome, Italy, Tel: 0039-068542038;
Fax: 0039-3281421235; E-mail:
Received: Apr 30, 2016; Accepted: May 30, 2016; Published: June 02, 2016
Background: The Regulatory-Sensory Processing Disorder
(RSPD), dened on the diagnosc manual DC: 0-3 R as
"the child's dicules to regulate his own behaviour, his
physiological, sensory, aenon, motor or aecve
processes and dicules in organizing a state of calm, of
alert or a posive aecve state", is a
neurodevelopmental disorder of the early infancy for
which it has not yet been determined a clear eo-
pathology. Clinical pracce has led us to hypothesize an
associaon between "minor" injuries of the white maer,
in parcular periventricular hyperyntensies (PVHs) and
Method: We conducted a prospecve clinical and
neuroradiological study of 20 children aged between 2
and 4 years; the sample was divided into children with
RDSP (N = 10) and healthy children (N = 10).
Findings: The MRI revealed the presence of a low-grade
non-cysc diuse hyperintensity of the periventricular
white maer in 8 of the 10 children with RSPD. In none of
the healthy children these anomalies were found.
Conclusion: The ndings of our study revealed that the
RSPD may be associated with periventricular
hyperyntensies (PVHs), so demonstrang a probable
neurobiological origin of the disorder. An interesng fact
is that in the children with RSPD we analyzed, we found a
posterior-anterior gradient in the localizaon of the
altered PVWM areas, in two cases with involvement of
the deep WM of temporal and parietal areas, and this
seems to be in accordance with the esmated dysfuncon
of the associave posterior and limbic areas, with an
inevitable impact on the child's emoonal sphere too.
However, further studies will be necessary to dene the
specicity of those neuroimaging ndings that can be
used as RSPD markers.
Keywords: Regulaon disorders of sensory processing;
Periventricular hyperyntensies; Neurodevelopmental
disorder; Child neurological dysfuncons
In developmental neuroscience, the most recent ndings
conrm the wide plascity of the nervous system in the early
years of life, both in the case of typical development and in the
presence of genec abnormalies or lesions. The plascity is
greater during the so-called "crical periods" in which the
environment has a beer chance to play a posive inuence,
but also potenally negave ("maladapve plascity") on the
development of the nervous system [1]. As regards the scope
of clinical research and healthcare organizaon, these
discoveries make it increasingly important the weight of early
diagnosis and mely treatment of developmental disabilies,
starng from psychomotor and sensory disorders ll to those
mental and relaonal.
Research in the eld of child mental health has led to an
important transformaon in the knowledge of early
psychopathological disorders.
At the same me, great aenon has been paid to the so-
called “minor” disorders of perceptual-motor development
such as the Developmental Coordinaon Disorder (DCD) and
the disorders of “new denion” such as the Decit in
Aenon, Motor control and Percepon (DAMP) and the
Regulaon Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP),
aributable in most, if not in all cases, to a dysfuncon in the
processing and/or integraon of sensory-percepve
informaon [2]. This aspect refers to the concepts of
"connecvity" and "system", to the extent that it does not
require a macroscopic lesion to the onset of the disorders, but
it is quite conceivable a malfuncon of circuits and bundles of
intra- and interhemispheric bers that underlie them [3].
In 2002, Hadders-Algra’s team published an interesng work
on minor neurological dysfuncons asserng the certain
existence of a correlaon between these and adverse perinatal
factors, the descripon of which, however, remained
unspecic [4].
The current hypothesis is that a minimal brain damage
origins the minimum brain dysfuncon that determines the
minor neurological dysfuncon. The quesons that remain
unresolved are: what is meant by minimal brain damage
and/or dysfuncon? How much the individual vulnerability,
presumably genec, it is crucial in the presentaon of a clinical
Case Report
ISSN 2171-6625 Vol.7 No.3:108
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framework rather than another for the same period of onset
and topography of the lesion? Moreover, how much the
environment aects through epigenec mechanisms?
Currently the majority of neuroradiological and clinical
neuropsychiatric studies are aimed at idenfying
intensiometric and morphological features which allow to
associate specic neuroimaging characteriscs to certain
developmental disorders, with the ulmate goal of increasing
the predictability of injuries and the ancipate both diagnosis
and therapy [5-7]. At the same me great aenon is paid to
the research of the so-called "suscepbility genes" that are
typical of certain diseases [8]. In the context of
neurodevelopmental disorders lies a clinical framework whose
diagnosis is steadily increasing, that is the Regulaon Disorders
As part of neurodevelopmental disorders, there is another
disorder of early childhood, the Regulatory-Sensory Processing
Disorder (RSPD) dened on the diagnosc manual DC: 0-3R as
"the child's dicules to regulate his own behaviour, his
physiological, sensory, aenonal, motor or aecve
processes and dicules in organizing a state of calm, of alert
or a posive aecve state". For the diagnosis must be present
sensory processing and motor dicules and a specic paern
of behaviour, characteriscs that allow the denion of the
"type" hypersensive, hyposensive (with the relave
subtypes) or impulsive/disorganized [10].
At the base of the RSPD denion, there are the works of Dr.
Anne Jean Ayres, an occupaonal therapist with a PhD in
developmental psychology, who had always worked at the
Brain Research Instute at the University of California in Los
Angeles. In the course of her research at this instuon, she
coined the term "sensory integraon dysfuncon" to describe
what she considered the basis of learning disabilies of which
she was dealing. These works precisely inuenced the sort of
the publishing of the diagnosc manual DC: 0-3 and then of its
review DC: 03R in which the regulaon disorders clearly refer
to the abnormal processing and sensory integraon. Another
sphere of inuence concerns the presence and nature of
sensory percepon disorders in ausm spectrum as well as on
the development of dierent methods of treatment of
children "with special needs" [11].
Clinical pracce has led us to hypothesize an associaon
between "minor" injuries of the white maer (WM) and
neurodevelopmental disorders with early onset, which will be
the object of the research detailed below.
The main goal of our work was to demonstrate the
associaon between low grade non-cysc diuse lesions of the
periventricular white maer (PVWM) presumably aributable
to a prenatal onset and specic neuropsychiatric paerns with
onset in early childhood.
The hypothesis is that these abnormalies of the PVWM can
determine an alteraon in brain connecvity systems with a
pathogenic role in certain neurodevelopmental disorders with
onset in the rst years of life, parcularly in RDSP. In favour of
this hypothesis, there are many scienc works that, through
the use of neuroimaging techniques, such as the high-
resoluon MRI and tractography, show the existence of a
dense network of intracerebral bers and alteraons of traits
or bundles of bers corresponding to convenonal MRI
pictures as diuse hyperintensity of the PVWM in FLAIR
sequences (Fluid Aenuated Inversion Recovery). FLAIR is a
pulse sequence used in MRI that allow to visualize the brain in
T2 weighted images and to suppress cerebrospinal uid eects
on the images, so it is used to bring out the periventricular
hyperintense lesions.
It also seems interesng to speculate that early insults,
presumably hypoxic / ischemic, borne by the subplate can
determine not so much macroscopical alteraons but rather
funconal, aecng mulple neural circuits that in the
subplate neurons nd an important relay point between
thalamic, brainstem and subcorcal aerent bers and mainly
directed to the cortex eerent bers.
We conducted a prospecve clinical and neuroradiological
study of 20 children (15 males and 5 females) aged between 2
and 4 years (mean = 25.5; SD = 6.5). The sample was divided
into children with RDSP (N = 10) and healthy children (N = 10).
All children were born between the 37th and 40th gestaonal
week, with a birth weight appropriate for gestaonal age.
None of the children had a documented perinatal distress,
with an Apgar index ranging from 8 to 10 at the rst and the
h minute.
The diagnosis of RDSP was formulated according to the DC:
0-3R, by excluding specic visual or hearing pathologies in
accordance with the inclusion criteria; the clinical evaluaon
was integrated with neurophysiological tests: the visual and
acousc Evoked Potenals (EP) of the sperimental group of
children resulted aected in most cases by a modest increase
of latencies, while in only 1 child epilepform EEG
abnormalies were present. In healthy children no
neurophysiological anomaly was found.
All the MRI analyses were performed using the RM Philips
Full 1.5 T equipment; the images were acquired in SE technical
(spin-echo) and FAST-SE with mulplanar axial, sagial and
coronal weighngs in T1 and T2, with and without infusion of
paramagnec contrast.
As shown in Table 1, in 8 of the 10 children with RDSP the
MRI revealed the presence of a low grade non-cysc diuse
hyperintensity of the periventricular white maer typically
noceable in FLAIR sequences, not associated with
ISSN 2171-6625 Vol.7 No.3:108
2This article is available from:
morphological and structural abnormalies of the lateral
ventricles (LV); this value was signicantly higher than that
found in the group of healthy children (p<0.001). In 5 of the 8
children the PVHs showed a posterior-anterior grading, with
involvement of the deep temporo-parietal area in 2 of them; in
6 of the 8 children with posive MRI, the PVHs was associated
with hypoplasia of the corpus callosum. In none of the healthy
children these anomalies were found. In Table 1 the
informaon of both groups are shown.
Table 1 MRI normal and pathologic ndings of the sample, with the specic typology of pathologic ndings.
RDSP children Healthy children
MRI Normal Findings N = 2 N = 10
MRI Pathologic Findings N = 8 N = 0
Typology of MRI Pathologic Findings
Patient 1
PVH (> post.); CCH
Patient 2 PVH (> ant.); CCH
Patient 3 PVH (> temporo-parietal)
Patient 4 PVH (ant.)
Patient 5 PVH; CCH
Patient 6 PVH (> temporo-parietal); CCH
Patient 7 PVH (> post.); CCH
Patient 8 PVH (> post.); CCH
RDSP: Regulation Disorders of the Sensory Processing; PVH: Periventricular Hyperintensity; CCH: Corpus Callosum Hypoplasia.
Figures 1 to 4, show some of the ndings highlighted in 3
children of the RDSP group and in 1 of the control group
children (Figure 4).
Figure 1 Paent 1: Hyperintense aspect of the PVWM and in parcular of the back secons. Hypoplasc CC.
ISSN 2171-6625 Vol.7 No.3:108
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Figure 2 Paent 2: Mild hyperintensity of the PVWM adjacent to the frontal horns of LV. Modestly hypoplasc CC.
Figure 3 Paent 3: Hyperintensity of the PVWM and parcularly deep temporo-parietal. Mild hypoplasia of the posterior
poron of the CC.
ISSN 2171-6625 Vol.7 No.3:108
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Figure 4 Paent 9: Normal MRI aspect.
The RDSP is a neurodevelopmental disorder with onset in
early childhood. In literature, there is only one study [12] in
which the associaon between the RDSP and neuroimaging is
invesgated. Owen and colleagues explored the role of white
maer microstructural abnormalies in Sensory Processing
Disorders (SPD) using Diusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), nding a
signicant decrease in Fraconal Anisotropy (FA) and increase
in Mean Diusivity (MD) and Radial Diusivity (RD) in the SPD
cohort compared to controls, primarily involving posterior
white maer including the posterior corpus callosum,
posterior corona radiata and posterior thalamic radiaons.
These ndings were correlated with stascal signicance with
behavioural measures, parcularly with auditory, mulsensory
and inaenon scores.
These data are in line with what we found through MRI
pictures and the hypotheses about anatomical and funconal
correlaons that will be stated below. Compared with Owen’s
work, whose sample consists of children aged 8 to 11 years,
our study focuses on pre-school children, according to the
concepts of early diagnosis and plascity. To have found a
stascal signicance between behavioral paern aributable
to RSPD and neuroimaging data is, in our view, an important
starng point for further studies on the possible
neurobiological or epigenec vulnerabilies of some children
respect to RSPDs but, in terms of development, especially on
the posive eects of a therapy centered on the specic needs
of each child.
Therefore only few data concerning the neuroanatomical
and neurofunconal basis of the disorder are currently
Recent studies related to other neurodevelopmental
pathologies, such as Ausm Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and
intellectual disabilies of genec origin, have shown the
presence of alteraons in the neural connecvity systems
[13,14], as was the case in the epileptologic eld with the new
denion of “system epilepsy” (SystE) [15].
The ndings of our study revealed that the RDSP may be
associated with periventricular hyperyntensies (PVHs), and in
our sample this happens in the 80% of cases. According to the
results of the research in eld of neuroscience and
neuropathology about the relaon between psychiatric
diseases and PVHs, it is hypothesized that PVHs could be due
to one of the three main causes: ependymal loss, diering
degrees of myelinaon in adjacent bre tracts and cerebral
ischaemia with associated demyelinaon [16].
A more accurate analysis of the topography of the WM next
to LV paves the way for anatomical and funconal correlaon
studies in our opinion very interesng:
The lateral poron of the frontal horn of LV is covered by
inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) that ‘can be
considered as a “mul-funcon” bundle, with each
anatomical subcomponent subserving dierent brain
processing The supercial layer and the posterior
component of the deep layer, which connects the occipital
extra-striate, temporo-basal and inferior frontal corces,
might subserve semanc processing. The middle
component of the deep layer could play a role in
mulmodal sensory–motor integraon. Finally, the anterior
component of the deep layer might be involved in
emoonal and behavioural aspects’ [17];
The upper poron of the frontal horn of LV is covered by
the corpus callosum (CC), that is the major neural pathway
that connects homologous corcal areas of the two
cerebral hemispheres [18];
The body of the LV is laterally covered by the bers of the
internal capsule formed by bundles of bers called
“projecon bers” because they start from or arrive to the
cortex, leading informaons from thalamus and basal
ganglia, with the funcon to control the voluntary motor
skills and receive the sensivity of the body, and from the
arcuate fasciculus, which connects the areas of Broca and
ISSN 2171-6625 Vol.7 No.3:108
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Wernike and transmits auditory-verbal messages aer they
have reached the associave parietal-temporal-occipital
area; frontal-subcorcal cognive and limbic feedback
loops modulate higher cognive funconing [19];
The lower poron of the LV is in relaon to the body of
fornix, which is an interhemispheric commissural formaon
in the shape of a "C" that puts the hippocampus in
communion with the mammillary bodies and then with the
thalamic nuclei and the cingulate gyrus (posterior bers)
and the amygdala (anterior bers); it is involved in
cognive funcons such as memory and complex visual
The temporal horn of LV is covered by opcal radiaon in
the depths of the middle temporal gyrus. The auditory
radiaons cross the opcal radiaons to the level of the
roof of the lower horn.
It therefore seems clear the importance of the bundles of
periventricular, associave and commissural bers in sensory-
perceptual processing and integraon, that is the basis for
mulple funcons including learning, visual-spaal, motor
planning, social behaviour and language.
The second interesng fact is that in children with RDSP we
analysed, we found a posterior-anterior gradient in the
localizaon of the altered PVWM areas, in two cases with
involvement of the deep WM of temporal and parietal areas,
and this seems to be in accordance with the esmated
dysfuncon of the associave posterior and limbic areas, with
an inevitable impact on the child's emoonal sphere too [20].
Moreover, the fact that the widespread periventricular
hyperintensity was not associated with morphological and
structural abnormalies of the LV gives evidence of a prenatal
origin of the damage, in accordance with the hypothesis that
intrauterine repeated insults in early gestaonal ages can
determine a damage to the WM (being aected the precursors
of oligodendrocytes and potenally the IVZ) of subplate and
neural circuits that depend on it [21].
In parcular, the intensiometric characteriscs (non-cysc
widespread hyperintensity of the PVWM in FLAIR images) lay
for glioc lesions with loss of oligodendrocytes and axonal
It should also be remembered that the neurons of the
subplate show both glutamatergic and GABAergic acvity and
are involved in the early formaon of funconal circuits not
only at a local level of the subplate itself, but also at a distance
with cortex and thalamus.
Although the subplate is a transional structure, which will
gradually disappear aer the birth, its role is crucial as it forms
a hub between aerent projecons from the brainstem, the
thalamus and subcorcal nuclei and eerent projecons
mainly addressed to the thalamus, the cortex and the spinal
cord; however, most of the thalamic axons not establish
synapses at the level of subplate, remaining "on hold" to enter
the corcal plate around the 24th GW [22].
A very interesng fact is that some thalamocorcal bers
move to the level of corcal plaque in the visual,
somatosensory, auditory and associave areas constung a
connecvity "sensory-driven" framework, while others remain
engaged in the formaon of endogenous circuits at the level of
the subplate. The laer undergoes to a gradual disappearance
around the 36th GW; however, it is present as a band below
the corcal VI layer and represents an important indicator of
the growth of corcocorcal and callosal circuits [23].
It seems plausible to assume that insults to the subplate can
thus determine an alteraon in the formaon of mulple
neural circuits that remain over its disappearance.
Finally also the nding of hypoplasia of the corpus callosum,
and in parcular of the posterior third, is in accordance with
the clinical presentaon of our paents, as in the Witelson
division [24], it would contain the connecng bers between
the upper temporal, parietal and occipital regions closely
related with auditory-verbal and visual-perceptual funcons.
Our hypothesis, which deserves funconal neuroimaging
and ber tracking invesgaons, then is that intensiometric
alteraons of the WM, and in parcular the non-cysc
periventricular leukomalacia should be underpinned by
abnormalies borne by the intra and interhemispheric
connecon bers so determining the formaon of dis-
funconal circuits which above all alter the percepon and
sensory integraon processes. This leads to the inevitable
consequences on motor planning and control, but also and
especially on the behaviour on the relaonship and emoon.
In fact, complex cognive-emoonal behaviours have their
basis in dynamic coalions of networks of brain areas, none of
which should be conceptualized as specically aecve or
cognive. ‘Central to cognive-emoonal interacons are
brain areas with a high degree of connecvity, called hubs,
which are crical for regulang the ow and integraon of
informaon between regions [25].
The future perspecve is to integrate the instrumental
studies with single-voxel spectroscopy evaluaon and with the
applicaon of the diusion ber tracking tensor in order to
idenfy quantave and quality changes of bundles of bers
and of the specic areas aected by the damage in relaon to
the clinical presentaon and as markers that support the
diagnosis [26].
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... Związek pomiędzy zaburzeniami sensorycznymi a jakością chodu najprawdopodobniej wynika z zaburzeń schematu ciała i orientacji przestrzennej, o czym świadczą inne badania [21,22]. W badaniach neurofizjologicznych wykazano ponadto związek RDSP z anomaliami funkcji aksonów w korze mózgowej [23]. ...
... The relationship between sensory disturbances and gait quality most likely results from disturbances in the body schema and spatial orientation, as evidenced by other studies [21,22]. Moreover, neurophysiological studies have shown a relationship between RDSP and abnormalities of axonal function in the cerebral cortex [23]. ...
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1. These results correlate with the outcomes of other studies on the relationship between sensory impairment and motor skills. 2. The study may contribute to the identification of more predictors of the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients with CP, which can be used in the longer term to forecast the effects of therapy and the development of personalized medicine, as manifested in comprehensive therapeutic approaches (e.g. supplemented with sensory integration therapy).
... This represents a confirmation of how much metacognitive abilities are impaired in autism spectrum disorders and shows how the presence of mannerisms, stereotypies and sensory seeking behaviors are connected both to the flexibility of the mental strategies, and communication and social responsivity [13][14][15]. Other results confirmed the relationship between executive functioning and metacognitive skills in autism, although not through the use of the BRIEF-P [16] highlighting difficulties in executive functions also in neurodevelopmental disorders [17,18], but emphasizing the importance of considering the individual differences and the child's level of functioning and adaptation in everyday situations [19], considering that complex cognitiveemotional behaviours have their basis in dynamic coalitions of networks of brain areas, none of which should be conceptualized as specifically affective or cognitive [20]. ...
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This study examines the context of executive functioning in preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and verifies the degree of agreement between the compilation of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functions-Preschool Version (BRIEF-P) by parents and therapists. To this end, parents and professionals of 46 ASD children aged between 24 and 71 months completed the BRIEF-P in order to highlight the level of agreement between these two different evaluators and then investigate the correlations between executive functions impairment, the degree of autistic symptomatology, the level of cognitive development, the chronological age and the therapy duration. The results showed that parents tend to underestimate the impairment of executive functions in ASD children compared to what estimated by specialized operators. A low level of agreement was found between the two evaluators. Moreover, both for parents and professionals, the EF impairment was not related to the severity of autistic symptoms, assessed with the ADOS-2, while it was correlated to cognitive development in professional evaluations, and to chronological age and therapy duration in parental evaluations. These results indicate that, even if among the pathogenic assumptions about ASDs there has been included also that of the EF impairment, this, if present, does not correlate with the severity of autistic symptoms. With regard to cognitive development, the greater correlation between cognitive and executive impairment seems to be rather obvious. The use of the BRIEF-P completed by parents allows them a greater awareness but does not add clinical data to the diagnosis.
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Infancy is a critical and immensely important period in human brain development. Subtle changes during this stage may be greatly amplified with the unfolding of different developmental processes, exerting far-reaching consequences. Studies of the structure and behavioral manifestations of the infant brain are fruitful. However, the specific functional brain mechanisms that enable the execution of different behaviors remained elusive until the advent of functional connectivity fMRI (fcMRI), which provides an unprecedented opportunity to probe the infant functional brain development in vivo. Since its inception, a burgeoning field of infant brain functional connectivity study has emerged and thrived during the past decade. In this review, we describe (1) findings of normal development of functional connectivity networks and their relationships to behaviors and (2) disruptions of the normative functional connectivity development due to identifiable genetic and/or environmental risk factors during the first 2 years of human life. Technical considerations of infant fcMRI are also provided. It is our hope to consolidate previous findings so that the field can move forward with a clearer picture toward the ultimate goal of fcMRI-based objective methods for early diagnosis/identification of risks and evaluation of early interventions to optimize developing functional connectivity networks in this critical developmental window.
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Studies of periventricular white matter injury (PWMI) in preterm infants suggest the involvement of the transient cortical subplate zone. We studied the cortical wall of non-cystic (18) and cystic (7) PWMI cases and controls (10). Non-cystic PWMI corresponded to diffuse white matter lesions, the predominant injury currently detected by imaging. Glial cell populations were analyzed in postmortem human frontal lobes from very preterm (24-29 postconceptional-pcw) and preterm infants (30-34 pcw) using immunohistochemistry for GFAP, MonoCarboxylate Transporter-MCT1, Iba-1, CD68 and Olig2. Glial activation extended into the subplate in non-cystic PWMI, but was restricted to the white matter in cystic PWMI. Two major age-related and laminar differences were observed in non-cystic PWMI: in very preterm cases, activated microglial cells were increased and extended into the subplate adjacent to the lesion while in preterm cases, an astroglial reaction was seen not only in the subplate, but throughout the cortical plate. There were no differences in Olig2-positive pre-oligodendrocytes in the subplate in PWMI cases compared to controls. The involvement of gliosis in the deep subplate supports the concept of the complex cellular vulnerability of the subplate zone during the preterm period and may explain widespread changes in magnetic resonance signal intensity in early PWMI.
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Accounts of the effect of emotional information on behavioral response and current models of emotion regulation are based on two opposed but interacting processes: automatic bottom-up processes (triggered by emotionally arousing stimuli) and top-down control processes (mapped to prefrontal cortical areas). Data on the existence of a third attentional network operating without recourse to limited-capacity processes but influencing response raise the issue of how it is integrated in emotion regulation. We summarize here data from attention to emotion, voluntary emotion regulation, and on the origin of biases against negative content suggesting that the ventral network is modulated by exposure to emotional stimuli when the task does not constrain the handling of emotional content. In the parietal lobes, preferential activation of ventral areas associated with “bottom-up” attention by ventral network theorists is strongest in studies of cognitive reappraisal. In conditions when no explicit instruction is given to change one's response to emotional stimuli, control of emotionally arousing stimuli is observed without concomitant activation of the dorsal attentional network, replaced by a shift of activation toward ventral areas. In contrast, in studies where emotional stimuli are placed in the role of distracter, the observed deactivation of these ventral semantic association areas is consistent with the existence of proactive control on the role emotional representations are allowed to take in generating response. It is here argued that attentional orienting mechanisms located in the ventral network constitute an intermediate kind of process, with features only partially in common with effortful and automatic processes, which plays an important role in handling emotion by conveying the influence of semantic networks, with which the ventral network is co-localized. Current neuroimaging work in emotion regulation has neglected this system by focusing on a bottom-up/top-down dichotomy of attentional control.
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Sensory processing disorders (SPD) affect 5-16% of school-aged children and can cause long-term deficits in intellectual and social development. Current theories of SPD implicate primary sensory cortical areas and higher-order multisensory integration (MSI) cortical regions. We investigate the role of white matter microstructural abnormalities in SPD using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). DTI was acquired in 16 boys, 8-11 years old, with SPD and 24 age-, gender-, handedness- and IQ-matched neurotypical controls. Behavior was characterized using a parent report sensory behavior measure, the Sensory Profile. Fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD) and radial diffusivity (RD) were calculated. Tract-based spatial statistics were used to detect significant group differences in white matter integrity and to determine if microstructural parameters were significantly correlated with behavioral measures. Significant decreases in FA and increases in MD and RD were found in the SPD cohort compared to controls, primarily involving posterior white matter including the posterior corpus callosum, posterior corona radiata and posterior thalamic radiations. Strong positive correlations were observed between FA of these posterior tracts and auditory, multisensory, and inattention scores (r = 0.51-0.78; p < 0.001) with strong negative correlations between RD and multisensory and inattention scores (r = - 0.61-0.71; p < 0.001). To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate reduced white matter microstructural integrity in children with SPD. We find that the disrupted white matter microstructure predominantly involves posterior cerebral tracts and correlates strongly with atypical unimodal and multisensory integration behavior. These findings suggest abnormal white matter as a biological basis for SPD and may also distinguish SPD from overlapping clinical conditions such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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The anatomy and functional role of the inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF) remain poorly known. We accurately analyze its course and the anatomical distribution of its frontal terminations. We propose a classification of the IFOF in different subcomponents. Ten hemispheres (5 left, 5 right) were dissected with Klingler's technique. In addition to the IFOF dissection, we performed a 4-T diffusion tensor imaging study on a single healthy subject. We identified two layers of IFOF. The first one is superficial and antero-superiorly directed, terminating in the inferior frontal gyrus. The second is deeper and consists of three portions: posterior, middle and anterior. The posterior component terminates in the middle frontal gyrus (MFG) and dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex. The middle component terminates in the MFG and lateral orbito-frontal cortex. The anterior one is directed to the orbito-frontal cortex and frontal pole. In vivo tractography study confirmed these anatomical findings. We suggest that the distribution of IFOF fibers within the frontal lobe corresponds to a fine functional segmentation. IFOF can be considered as a "multi-function" bundle, with each anatomical subcomponent subserving different brain processing. The superficial layer and the posterior component of the deep layer, which connects the occipital extrastriate, temporo-basal and inferior frontal cortices, might subserve semantic processing. The middle component of the deep layer could play a role in a multimodal sensory-motor integration. Finally, the anterior component of the deep layer might be involved in emotional and behavioral aspects.
White matter microstructure forms a complex and dynamical system that is critical for efficient and synchronized brain function. Neuroimaging findings in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) suggest this condition is associated with altered white matter microstructure, which may lead to atypical macroscale brain connectivity. In the present study, we used diffusion tensor imaging measures to examine the extent that white matter tracts are interrelated within ASD and typical development. We assessed the strength of inter-regional white matter correlations between typically developing and ASD diagnosed individuals. Using hierarchical clustering analysis, clustering patterns of the pairwise white matter correlations were constructed and revealed to be different between the two groups. Additionally, we explored the use of graph theory analysis to examine the characteristics of the patterns formed by inter-regional white matter correlations and compared these properties between ASD and typical development. We demonstrate that the ASD sample has significantly less coherence in white matter microstructure across the brain compared to that in the typical development sample. The ASD group also presented altered topological characteristics, which may implicate less efficient brain networking in ASD. These findings highlight the potential of graph theory based network characteristics to describe the underlying networks as measured by diffusion MRI and furthermore indicates that ASD may be associated with altered brain network characteristics. Our findings are consistent with those of a growing number of studies and hypotheses that have suggested disrupted brain connectivity in ASD.
The objective of this study was to determine if symptoms of regulatory disorder (RD) during infancy were related to clinical status at three years. Two age-matched RD groups based on severity (N = 10 in mild RD group; N = 22 in moderate–severe RD group) and an age-matched control group (N = 38) were evaluated at 7 and 30 months. A fourth group with pervasive developmental disorders (N = 18) also were tested. Problems with self-regulation, including sleep, feeding, state control, self-calming, sensory reactivity, mood regulation, and emotional and behavioral control, were documented during infancy. Children were retested at 36 months in their development, behavior, and play. Two child psychiatrists unfamiliar with the subjects' diagnostic classification during infancy provided diagnoses at 36 months. At 36 months, 60% of children with mild regulatory disorders did not meet criteria for any disorders, while 95% of infants with moderate regulatory disorders had diagnoses that fell into two diagnostic clusters: (1) delays in motor, language, and cognitive development and (2) parent–child relational problems. Most toddlers in the pervasive developmental disorder group were diagnosed as having PDD or autism with mental retardation or borderline intelligence at 36 months. Early symptoms are discussed as they relate to later diagnostic outcomes for the clinical samples. © 2000 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
We postulate that "system epilepsies" (SystE) are due to an enduring propensity to generate seizures of functionally characterized brain systems. Data supporting this hypothesis-that some types of epilepsy depend on the dysfunction of specific neural systems-are reviewed. The SystE hypothesis may drive pathophysiologic and clinical studies that can advance our understanding of epilepsies and can open up new therapeutic perspectives.