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Determinants of Gold Reserves: An Empirical Analysis for G-7 Countries


Abstract and Figures

In this article, we explore the determinants of gold reserves by central banks of Group of Seven (G-7) countries. They are also the suppliers of key currencies. We analyse a sample spanning 24 years period from 1990 to 2014, using panel regression model. Firstly, we compare the patterns of gold reserves in the central banks of G7 with the determinants of their central banks’ total reserves, and also with non-gold international reserves. We find that the factors that affect gold reserves are utterly different from other two models. Secondly, we show that an increase in G-7 countries’ GDP, and also in their exports of goods and services, have positive and significant effects on gold reserves, while Population, Net FDI Liabilities, and Current Account Balance have negative effects on it. Finally, we predict that high economic growth and rising exports and services of G-7 are more likely to lead to an increase in their gold reserves which are effecting 64% of net global wealth.
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Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
2212-5671 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of ICEF 2015.
doi: 10.1016/S2212-5671(16)30172-1
Available online at
Istanbul Conference of Economics and Finance, ICEF 2015, 22-23 October 2015, Istanbul,
Determinants of Gold Reserves: An Empirical Analysis for
G-7 Countries
Beyza OKTAYa
, Hakan ÖZTUNÇb, Z. Vildan SERİNc
aBeyza OKTAY, Fatih University, 34500, Istanbul, Turkey
bHakan Öztunç, Fatih University, 34500, Istanbul, Turkey
cZ. Vildan SERİN, Fatih University, 34500, Istanbul, Turkey
In this article, we explore the determinants of gold reserves by central banks of Group of Seven (G-7) countries. They are also the
suppliers of key currencies. We analyse a sample spanning 24 years period from 1990 to 2014, using panel regression model.
Firstly, we compare the patterns of gold reserves in the central banks of G7 with the determinants of their central banks’ total
reserves, and also with non-gold international reserves. We find that the factors that affect gold reserves are utterly different from
other two models. Secondly, we show that an increase in G-7 countries’ GDP, and also in their exports of goods and services,
have positive and significant effects on gold reserves, while Population, Net FDI Liabilities, and Current Account
Balance have negative effects on it. Finally, we predict that high economic growth and rising exports and services of G-7 are
more likely to lead to an increase in their gold reserves which are effecting 64% of net global wealth.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Strategic Management Conference.
Keywords: Gold Reserve; G-7; Panel Regression; Central Banks; international reserves.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of ICEF 2015.
Beyza Oktay et al. / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
1. Introduction
Historically gold is accepted as safe haven by investors, households and governments during the economic crises.
According to the World Gold Council, there are multiple different reasons why central banks invest in gold: (1)
Gold acts as a hedge against inflation. (2) Central banks get income from leasing gold. (3) Gold offers worldwide
confidence. (4) Gold offers a diversification benefit. (5) Changes in the world monetary system do not affect gold.
(6) Gold provides physical safety in case other assets are blocked on accounts. (7) The price of gold is unaffected by
bad government decisions, unlike currencies that are prone to bad decisions made by governments (Bernard
Dierinck, 2012) (
In the aftermath of global crisis, the focus shifts into financial assets those can be considered as safe heavens. In
2015, the United States’ central bank kept almost 72 percent of its total monetary holdings as gold reserves. ( ). Gold could help
investors to suffer losses from inflation (Bolgorian & Gharli, 2010). Gold reserve positions come into light in those
traumatic times. According to Parisi and Diaz (2007), gold had proved to be the most effective commodity for cash
return during the stock exchange crisis in year 1987 and Asian Crisis in 1997. From the perspective of investors and
central banks gold positions and gold reserves are still significant and debatable issues. Yet, it is commonly seen that
after the critical phases of crisis, gold prices are affected negatively - it falls. This issue brings up some questions:
Do central banks affect gold prices?”, “Are they hidden actors?”
Central banks do some interventions in the financial markets since 1990s by gold sales and gold lending to
manipulate gold prices (Speck 2013). Beside the fact that gold reserve levels increase and existence of various
studies about the factors affecting gold reserve, there is still a gap of agreement about those mentioned factors. Still,
it is a common acceptance that, at the times of global turbulence, gold is seen as a safe investment, a potential
hedge. (Aizenman and Inoue 2013) Many from Marx and Nietzsche to Jack Kemp and Ronald Reagan have seen
gold as a secure anchor and insisted on its role as a foundation of a stable economy. Furthermore Marx had a fear if
gold disappears and money loses weight, there would be destabilizing effect on economy (Taylor 2008).
There are many studies analysing the factors affecting the demand for the international reserves for many different
sample of countries and for many different time periods. Literature review section aims to create an empirical
perspective to the subject. With the light of all these past literature, it is aimed to analyse the factors affecting gold
reserve levels of central banks of the G-7 (Group 7 countries).
2. Literature Review
The increase in the gold reserve positions of key economies is an ongoing and crucial debate. Some economies have
a tendency to make gold stocks either openly or in strict confidence. The numbers given in the literature about the
gold reserve holdings of central banks are corroborative in this content. Kazakhstan’s gold moves, Germany’s recall
for its gold reserves abroad, Mexico’s and Thailand’s action to buy gold are all worth to take attention. Gold is
considered as a very strong competitor to the euro and dollar for being the second biggest reserve instrument.
While the gold is gaining that much importance, there is little consensus in the literature on what factors affects the
countries’ gold reserves. Most of the studies are related with the international reserve levels in general. According to
Cheung, financial crisis is another significant determinant that affects of international reserves (Cheung and Ito
10 Beyza Oktay et al. / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
Another research by Aizenman and Lee (2005) is concluded with the support of the idea that precautionary demand
is more important in international reserve hoarding behaviour than the mercantilist view.
Also another comparison is made between the small island economies and emerging market economies, and
questioned whether reserves are too low in the small island economies or is it too high in the developing economies
by the study of Mwase (2012). It is briefly mentioned that the economies with relatively high import shares tend to
hold more reserves since the vulnerability to current account shocks can be considered as an important determinant.
Aizenman and Sun (2009) explains the depletion of international reserves for the period between 2008 and 2009.
Olokoyo, Osabuohien and Salami (2009) analysed foreign reserve and some macro econometric variables in Nigeria
in the period of 1970 and 2007 with annual data. Further empirical studies are done about 10 Asian economies for
the period of 1980 to 2004 with annual data in order to analyze the demand for international reserves. The
explanatory variables were per capita GDP in log, average propensity to import, Exchange rate volatility, volatility
of international reserve holding and financial openness. Panel based regression for these variables is run by Cheung
and Qian (2007). The results were telling that beside the psychological reasons, it is good to hold more reserves in
order to decrease vulnerabilities to speculative attacks and also to enhance growth.
The most inspirational study for our analysis is about central banks tendency to report international reserves
valuation excluding gold positions. Gold holding intensity is seen correlated with “global power”. Additionally, it is
concluded that central banks under-report their gold positions matched with their loss aversion and their wish to
maintain sizeable gold position when gold prices decrease (Aizenman and Inoue 2013)
3. Panel Data Analysis
In panel data the same cross-sectional unit is surveyed over time. Panel data enrich empirical analysis in ways that
might not be possible if it is used cross-section or time-series data. The two types of panel data are generally used
for econometric analyses: fixed effects and random effects panel data models. Both of them can be represented as
௜௧ ൌߚ
௜௧൅ߚ௜௧ܺ௜௧ ൅ߚ
௜௧ܺ௜௧ ൅ڮ൅ߚ
௞௜௧ܺ௞௜௧ ൅݁
௜௧ǡ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡǥǡܰǢݐ ൌ ͳǡʹǡǥǡܶͳ
Where N is the number of individuals, T is the number of time period. Each element has two subscripts in equation
(1); i stand for group identifier and t refers to tth time period. This property provides to obtain different types of
models in panel data. Fixed effects (FE) assumes that individual group / time have different intercept in the
regression equation (1), while random effects (RE) have the hypothesis that individual group /time have difference
disturbance. In FE, it is suggested that the intercepts of the individuals might be different and these differences could
be due to special features of each individual. FE assumes the coefficients of the repressors’ do not vary across over
time. If both FE and RE turn out significant this is whether to use as a model prototype, then Hausman test is needed
to make a decision for the model. Therefore, there would be two scenarios in the Hausman test: (1) if both FE and
RE models generate consistent point estimates of the slope parameters, they will not differ meaningfully. (2) If the
Beyza Oktay et al. / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
orthogonality assumption is violated, the inconsistent RE estimates will significantly differ from their FE
counterparts (Baum, 2006; Hausman & Taylor, 1981). The Hausman test uses as a -statistic with degrees of freedom
k where k is dimensionality of the estimators.
3.1. Method
A panel regression is based on combination of time series and cross-section data that in this study reveals the link
between the gold reserves and economic indicators. A balanced panel of 175 observations from 7 countries over the
19902014 time-span periods (25 years) is used in this study. The sample of the countries represents major
industrial economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and USA. There are several
estimation techniques in panel data regression, however the two most remarkable are fixed and random effects in a
panel regression; we use and determine only fixed effects. The data were obtained annually from databank of the
World Bank.
The reserves will be used as dependent factors while macro-economic variables, trade related variables and financial
related variables will be used as independent factors of the reserves. The effects of these independent variables on
the reserves are studied using the following equations:
Model 1: ܴܶ௜௧ ൌߚ
௜௧൅ߚ௜௧ܺ௜௧ ൅ߚ
௜௧ܺ௜௧ ൅ߚ
௜௧ ܺ௜௧ ൅݁
௜௧ǡ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡǥǡܰǢݐ ൌ ͳǡʹǡǥǡܶ
Model 2: ܶܩ௜௧ ൌߙ
௜௧൅ߙ௜௧ ܺ௜௧ ൅ߙ
௜௧ܺ௜௧ ൅ߙ
௜௧ܺ௜௧ ൅ݑ
௜௧ǡ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡǥǡܰǢݐ ൌ ͳǡʹǡǥǡܶ
Model 3: ܩ௜௧ ൌߛ
௜௧൅ߛ௜௧ ܺ௜௧ ൅ߛ
௜௧ܺ௜௧ ൅ߛ
௜௧ܺ௜௧ ൅݉
௜௧ǡ݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡǥǡܰǢݐ ൌ ͳǡʹǡǥǡܶ
Where ߚ௜௧ǡߙ
௜௧ are constant terms; ߚ௜௧ ǡߚ
௜௧ are coefficient vectors;
௜௧ǡ݉௜௧ are the error terms. ܴܶ௜௧ǡܶܩ௜௧ and ܩ௜௧ are dependent variables for each model is as Total Reserves, Total
reserves without gold and gold reserves, respectively. The macro economic variables are selected as GDP (as current
USD) and population which are represented as ܺ௜௧ in the equations. The trade related variables are imports of goods
and services, and exports goods and services which are denoted as ܺ௜௧ in the equations. The financial related
variables are selected as net foreign direct investment (FDI) liabilities, financial openness index, current account
balance and private capital flows which are embedded as ܺ௜௧ in the equations.
12 Beyza Oktay et al. / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Beyza Oktay et al. / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
3.2. Finding and discussions
The descriptive statistics and regression and post estimation results are provided by the construction of the FE
model. Stata 13.1 software program was used to compile data for the panel regression analysis.
The descriptive statistics are shown in Table 1. The analysis started with finding means and standard deviations for
cross-sectional time series data. The variations could be seen between and within countries.
According to test results in Table 2, our three models can be constructed significantly. On the other hand, some
differences seem in the significance of the independent variables in the models. In model 1, the six variables; GDP
current USD, Population, Imports of Goods and Services, Net FDI Liabilities, Financial Openness Index, and
Private Capital Flows are found to be significant for all countries in the study. The variables explain approximately
65% of variations in total reserves of our selected 7 countries. The results for Exports of Goods and Services and
Current Account Balance are found to be insignificant in explaining the first dependent variable the total reserves of
these countries. Population, Imports of Goods and Services and GDP current USD are found to be significant with
the values (p=0.099, p=0.036, and p=0.093, respectively) and have positive effects on these countries’ total reserves.
Net FDI Liabilities, Private Capital Flows and Financial Openness Index are also found to be significant with the
values (p=0.000), (p=0.014), (p=0.050), respectively. However, their signs of coefficient estimates reveal that they
affect the total reserves negatively.
In model 2, the five variables; Population, Imports of Goods and Services, Net FDI Liabilities, Financial Openness
Index, and Private Capital Flows are found to be significant for all countries in the study. Approximately 43%of
variations in Total reserves without gold can be explained by the independent variables. On the other side, GDP
current USD, Exports of Goods and Services, and Current Account Balance do not make any effects on the Total
reserves without gold. Population, Imports of Goods and Services have positive effects on these countries’ total
reserves without gold while Net FDI Liabilities, Financial Openness Index and Private Capital Flows have negative
In model 3, the five variables; GDP current USD, Population, Exports of Goods and Services, Net FDI Liabilities,
Current Account Balance are found to be significant for the countries in the study. These variables explain
14 Beyza Oktay et al. / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
approximately 46% of variations in gold reserves of our selected 7 countries. Significance and insignificance of
variables in model 3 are utterly different from other two models. Imports of Goods and Services, Financial
Openness Index and Private Capital Flows reveal insignificant results while they are all significant in other two
models. GDP current USD and Exports of Goods and Services are found to be significant with the values (p=0.001)
and (p=0.020), respectively. However the signs of estimates show that GDP current USD and Exports of Goods and
Services affect Gold reserves growth positively while Population, Net FDI Liabilities, and Current Account Balance
have negative effects on it. Population, Net FDI Liabilities, and Current Account Balance are also found to be
significant with the values (p=0.001), (p=0.003), and (p=0.001), respectively. Population has an inverse relationship
to gold reserves, and its effectiveness rate is very high.
Table 2. Model Estimation Results for Countries
Model 1: Total Reserves
Model 2: Total Reserves
without Gold
Model 3: Gold Reserves
Independent Variables
GDP current USD
Imports of Goods and Services
Exports of Goods and Services
Net FDI Liabilities
Financial Openness Index
Current Account Balance
Private Capital Flows
Number of Observations
Adjusted R-square
From Table 3, F tests (F (8, 24) =132.68, p=0.000<0.01, F (8, 24) =164.87, p=0.000<0.01, F (8, 24) =49.51,
p=0.000<0.01) are for fixed effects and LM tests (X2=0.000, p=1.000>0.1, same for three models) are for random
effects. As a double check to decide for fixed effects model, Hausman tests are performed for each models and the
null hypothesis of the Hausman tests are not rejected. Then the preference would be for the fixed effects model for
all three models.
Beyza Oktay et al. / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
Table 3. The Fixed Model Tests for Countries
Model 1: Total Reserves
Model 2: Total Reserves
without Gold
Model 3: Gold Reserves
Test Name
Test Statistics
Prob. Values
Test Statistics
Prob. Values
Test Statistics
Prob. Values
LM ( Var (u)=0,Lambda=0)
Serial Correlation :
Modified Wald test for group wise
Modified Bhargava et al. Durbin-
Baltagi-Wu LBI
Breusch-Pagan LM test of
For testing the heteroscedasticity and auto correlation assumptions in Fixed Effects, Modified Wald test and
Modified Bhargava et al. Durbin Watson (Baltagi-Wu LBI) tests are used. Modified Wald tests show
heteroscedasticity. Both Modified Bhargava et al. Durbin Watson and Baltagi-Wu LBI test values are below 2 in all
models. This means that autocorrelations exist in our three models. Also Breusch-Pagan LM test results show that
the correlation between countries exists. To overcome these problems, Driscoll-Kraay fixed effects model is
appropriate that Table 2 is shaped according to this model results.
Table 4 gives the rankings of countries, from high to low, based on the models’ fixed effect values. The countries’
total reserve fixed effect values in ranking according to Driscoll-Kraay fixed effects model. Based on the first
model’s results; Canada has the most fixed effect value of the total reserves where USA has the least. Model 2 gives
very similar results for total reserves without gold with Model 1. Even there would be slightly differences in
ranking, the top and the bottom of the list is the same as the first model. The last model reveals very dissimilar
results with the previous two tables. It gives nearly reverse results with the others. This time USA is at the top of the
list but Canada is at the end.
Table 4. Ranking of the Countries According to Models
Model 1
Fixed Effects
Model 2
Fixed Effects
Model 3
Fixed Effects
16 Beyza Oktay et al. / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 ( 2016 ) 8 – 16
4. Conclusion
G-7 has been focused initially on macroeconomic policy coordination and transnational issues since 1975. The
central banks of G7 turned net buyers of gold since 2010. Therefore, we explored the determinants of gold holdings
of G-7 for a sample spanning a 24 years period from 1990 to 2014. Firstly we found that the factors that impact on
gold reserves were different from that other total international reserve and also non-gold international reserve
holdings. Not just gold but also other international reserve levels tend to move along the results of the crises. In
order to explain for total reserve these six variables are tested: GDP current USD, population, imports of goods and
services, net FDI liabilities, financial openness index, and private capital flows. All of the G-7 countries are found
significant in this research. The variables explain approximately 65% of variations in total reserves of our selected
seven major industrial countries. Precautionary motive forces central banks to accumulate reserves but mercantilist
approach is another reason which holds sizable portion of the literature. Reserves are mostly seen as a buffer stock
or a hedge to the crisis’ effects. Besides, gold has a power to stabilize economies. Secondly our results indicate that
both increase GDP current USD and exports of goods and services affect an increase in gold reserves while
population, net FDI liabilities, and current account balance have negative effects on it. These findings are consistent
with the previous literature. There is strong relationship between gold reserves and state power. That’s why gold is
accepted as a safe haven and strategic asset by the countries during the financial crises. Finally the countries are
ranked using the results of the fixed effects model. The findings show USA has the most fixed effect value of the
total reserves where Canada has the least. We predict that high economic growth and rising exports and services of
G-7 are more likely to lead to an increase in their gold reserves which are affecting 64% of net global wealth.
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... Direct warnings about the prevailing role of geopolitical motives are presented in the work of Bahrami Moghadam and Baghernia (2020). The historical role of the demand for gold as part of the reserves also depends on the economic power of the countries, in particular due to the significant volumes of exports (Aizenman & Inoue, 2012;Barros, 2020;Oktay et al., 2016). A survey of gold reserve managers also showed that geopolitical motives are important to a third of central banks (Carver & Pringle, 2020). ...
... At the same time, the analysis of gold reserves is often carried out either in terms of tons (Aizenman & Inoue, 2012;Barros, 2020;Oktay et al., 2016) or specific groups of countries (Aizenman & Inoue, 2012;Oktay et al., 2016). Also, geopolitical motives may be important for some countries (Koziuk, 2022;Barros, 2020), but not for others. ...
... At the same time, the analysis of gold reserves is often carried out either in terms of tons (Aizenman & Inoue, 2012;Barros, 2020;Oktay et al., 2016) or specific groups of countries (Aizenman & Inoue, 2012;Oktay et al., 2016). Also, geopolitical motives may be important for some countries (Koziuk, 2022;Barros, 2020), but not for others. ...
Over the last 20 years, central banks have exhibited both declining demand for gold and tendency to substantially expand gold holdings. At the same time, the aggregate share of gold in global exchange reserves remains considerably volatile. Growing political and military instability in the world is a strong argument in favour of central banks’ renewed interest in gold holdings. This is confirmed by the actions that some states take. However, on the aggregate level, the positive relationship between geopolitical risks and rising share of gold in exchange reserves is not evident. The same is true for the diversification towards gold from the viewpoint of large exchange reserves hoarding. The uncertainty factor and the benefit of holding / opportunity costs factor play a key role in determining the aggregate share of gold in global exchange reserves. Moreover, gold prices, provided their trend is predictable, better explain the growing share of gold in the exchange reserves than interest rates on the US market. This is due to the growing complexity of the global monetary conditions, which are sensitive to historical context and expectations when it comes to the choice of reserve assets.
... Gold has historically been recognized as a safe haven asset during economic crises by investors, households, and governments alike (Baur and McDermott, 2016). Gold plays a crucial role in financial stability and resource management strategies due to several major reasons pointed out by The World Gold Council and other research papers (Oktay et al., 2016). Firstly, gold serves as a hedge against inflation, preserving value even when the purchasing power of fiat currencies declines (Shafiee and Topal, 2010). ...
... Lastly, physical safety is provided by gold, which offers a resource that is still accessible even when other resources are blocked or restricted. (Baur and McDermott, 2016;Oktay et al., 2016). ...
This study explores the influence of geopolitical risks on national reserves and resource management strategies across 108 countries from 1990 to 2021. Using the Geopolitical Risk (GPR) index and major geopolitical events, and applying a two-step system GMM approach, we find that geopolitical risks adversely influence a country's ability to accumulate total reserves relative to its external debt. This indicates considerable challenges in resource management amid geopolitical instability. We also find that the role of different types of reserves varies, with gold serving as a safe haven and financial and other reserves being used to meet immediate economic needs. Additionally, the role of natural resources like oil emerges as an alternative revenue stream in geopolitically risky contexts. Our findings underscore the necessity for flexible and robust economic policies to mitigate the impacts of geopolitical risks on national reserves and resource management.
... This is evidenced by the usefulness of gold in the economic, industrial, and public sectors. In the economic sector, gold acts as a safe-haven for governments around the world [12]. In the industrial sector, gold is a commodity for the production of information technology devices [13]. ...
... The global approach toward growth and development of industries is driving the increase in demand for precious metals such as gold (Street et al. 2015;Qin et al. 2023). Furthermore, the global gold reserves of ore types that can be processed more facilely are becoming exhausted (Oktay et al. 2016). Complex ore deposits or abandoned mine waste piles and other residues have all received a lot of attention recently in this context toward enhanced recovery (Schneider and Greenberg 2023). ...
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In mining industries, biomining (comprising biooxidation and bioleaching) is implemented to extract metals from specific ores and waste streams with less environmental effect and expense. Usually, micron-sized gold particles are held in a crystal lattice of iron sulfide minerals and expensively extracted using common approaches. Researchers and industries are interested in developing recent technology and biologically sustainable methods in both pretreatment and further extraction steps for extracting this valuable metal from ores. Diverse studies in biooxidation, as a conventional pretreatment, and biocyanidation, as a new proposed biotechnological method in the downstream gold extraction step, have addressed scientific and technological issues in the extraction of this metal. These two methods have become economically practical by merging high-throughput microbiological data, extraction and recovery process knowledge, and theory validation. However, there is still a gap in the implementation of both the pretreatment method and extraction method due to the consistency and their compatibility with operational recovery conditions. This review brings out the recent biooxidation and biocyanidation improvements, innovation, industry and academic research, and obstacles to gold extraction with a brief explanation to address the recent developments.
... 9 Jing, Kaempfer, and Lowenberg (2003) find that sanctions' likelihood of success is positively correlated with the intensity of prior relations between the sanctioning and sanctioned 6 They also report some evidence that the effect is larger for countries with open capital accounts, and smaller for countries that are more open to trade. Several studies analyze the determinants of the level of gold reserves as opposed to the share of gold in total reserves (e.g., Oktay, Oztunc and Serin (2016) for G7 countries; Oztunc, Hakan and Orhan (2021) for a larger sample). 7 There is also the interesting question of whether the reserve portfolio or the overall central bank balance sheet is relevant for these allocation decisions, since some central banks have been accumulating substantial sums of longer-duration securities through their asset purchase programs. ...
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This study provides a comparative analysis of gold and foreign exchange (FX) reserves in selected countries United from Q1 2022 to Q2 2024. The research examines the fluctuations in these reserves, the proportion of gold relative to total reserves, and the impact of significant global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, on reserve management strategies. The results from the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and ARIMA model analysis reveal that the fluctuations in gold reserves across the selected countries are largely random, with no significant changes influenced by specific economic or policy factors. Similarly, the proportion of gold relative to total reserves has remained stable, indicating that the allocation towards gold as a reserve asset is unaffected by global economic conditions. However, the FX reserves of the United States and Japan exhibit signs of non-random changes, suggesting a possible impact of global events on their reserve management strategies. In contrast, Germany, Italy, and India show no significant influence from external factors on their FX reserves. The study concludes that while some countries adjusted their reserve strategies in response to global events, others maintained stable and unaffected reserve levels, reflecting diverse approaches to reserve management during the analyzed period.
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The main aim of this research paper is to establish the relationship between foreign exchange reserves (Forex) measured in terms of Special Drawing Rights (SDR), Gold Reserves (GR), and Net Exports and the Macroeconomic Indicator of the economy, the Gross Domestic Product. Secondary Data has been collected on various forex variables. The paper has made use of a double-log regression model to achieve the results of the study. Before applying regression, various assumptions of the Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRM) were also tested. By doing the regression analysis, we found that all the forex variables have a significant relationship with the GDP. Holding foreign exchange reserves is very crucial for any economy as it helps to withstand the external pressure phased by the economy. It acts as buffer money for the country when the country encounters adversity. The policymakers should keep in mind that foreign exchange reserves are international assets of the nation and increasing that reserve is important for the upward growth trajectory of every country so expanding those reserves for the rainy season should be the topmost priority.
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Gold holdings increased during recent time. Geopolitical factors could be responsible for such shift taking into account rising number of conflicts in the world since 2014. However, optimal share for gold in external assets is still disputable. The paper provides empirical tests to identify political economy factors of central bank’s gold holdings. The paper imply two empirical approaches: analysis of how gold reserves in tones and as a share of reserves distributed among the countries with different political regimes; logit regression to identify role of political economy factors that may push countries’ switch to gold. Results of empirical analysis shows that political regime itself is not obvious driving force of gold share. Excluding developed countries, it is possible to see that autocracies do not outperform democracies in terms of mean and median share of gold systematically. Countries demonstrated shifts toward gold early then reference point of 2014 year despite political regime. Logit regression also helps to see that countries heavily have being exposing to gold are more likely hoarding large exchange reserves and politically stable. Proxies of geopolitical aggressiveness are valid with some covenants. While Global Peace Index is well proxy to identify geopolitical preconditions of countries’ switch to gold, military expenditures are not. This means that geopolitical motives of gold hoarding probably work directly and indirectly through exchange reserves accumulation and supportive political stability. Geopolitical aggressiveness that coincides with only large military expenditures but not with reserves accumulation is likely to stand on weak economic ground.
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Bu çalışmada Türkiye ekonomisinde 1994: Q1 ile 2020: Q4 arası dönem için altın ve petrol fiyatları ile döviz kurunun BİST100 üzerindeki etkisi NARDL modelleri ve ilgili sınır testleri kullanılarak kısa ve uzun dönem ilişkisi araştırılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkinin analizi için WinRats 8.1 programı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda tüm değişkenler ADF, PP ve KPSS birim kök test sonuçlarına göre I(1) düzeyinde durağan hale gelmektedirler. Yapısal kırılmayı dikkate alan Perron birim kök test sonuçlarına göre ise Bist100, Altın fiyatı, Petrol fiyatı Döviz kuru değişkenleri sırasıyla 2000, 2014 ve 2005 yıllarında yapısal kırılmaya uğradığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca yapısal kırılma olmadan serilerde birim kökün varlığını gösteren temel hipotez reddedilmiş ve dolayısıyla yapısal kırılma olmadan seride birim kökün varlığını gösteren temel hipotez kabul edilmiştir. Perron birim kök testine göre BIST100, AF, PF ve DK değişkenlerinde histeri etkisine rastlanmıştır. NARDL testi sonucuna göre, AF, PF ve DK değişkenlerinin BİST100 endeksi üzerinde uzun ve kısa dönemde asimetrik etkisi vardır. Bir başka ifade ile, AF, PF ve DK değişkenlerinde gerçekleşen pozitif ve negatif şokların etki büyüklüğü bir birine eşit değildir. Uzun dönemli model sonuçlarına göre, altın, petrol ve döviz kuru değişkenlerinin pozitif şokları BİST100 üzerinde analamlı etkiye sahip iken, negatif şoklar istatisiksel açıdan anlamlı etkiye sahip değilir. Kısa dönemli model sonuçlarına göre, şoklar nedeni ile değişkenler arasındaki uzundönemli denge değerinden sapmalar yaklaşık 1.2 dönem sonra tekrar uzun dönem denge değerine dönecektir. Kısa dönemli model sonuçlarına dayanarak bağımsız değişkenlerde gerçekleşen pozitif ve negatif şokların BİST100 üzerindeki nedensel etkileri incelendiğinde, altın, petrol ve döviz kuru değişkenlerinde gerçekleşen pozitif şoklardan BİST100 endeksine doğru nedensel etki varken, altın, petrol ve döviz kuru değişkenlerinde gerçekleşen negatif şokların BİST100 endeksi üzerinde nedensel etkisi olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
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Countries are showing interest in accumulating foreign reserves to ensure macroeconomic stability. There has been some debate whether to beef up the level of nations' foreign reserves or make it lower, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. Whereas some argue that the foreign reserve determines the country's rating in the global market, others hold opposing views. In this light, this paper examined the interactive influence of foreign reserve (FRS) on some macroeconomic variables such as: economic size (GDP); trade; level of capital inflows (KFL); exchange rate (EXR); and inflation. Analyzing secondary data from CBN statistical bulletins (1970–2007), the econometric results obtained from cointegration test, vector error correction (VEC) within the framework of autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) revealed the following: (1) existence of a long-run relationship between the variables and two cointegrating equations; (2) possibility of convergence of the variables from the short run to the long run with slow speed of adjustment. It is thus the conclusion of this paper that accumulation of large foreign reserves is not very productive in Nigeria due to its inability to induce some of the macroeconomic variables.
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Using data from more than 100 economies for the period of 1975 to 2005, we conduct an extensive empirical analysis of the determinants of international reserve holdings. Four groups of determinants, namely, traditional macro variables, financial variables, institutional variables, and dummy variables that control for individual economies' characteristics are considered. We find that the relationship between international reserves and their determinants is significantly different between developed and developing economies and is not stable over time. The estimation results indicate that, especially during the recent period, a developed economy tends to hold a lower level of international reserves than a developing one. Furthermore, there is only limited evidence that East Asian economies including China and Japan are accumulating an excessive amount of international reserves.
To begin with: gold is not a good investment. Over many decades its price remains the same, while real estate, bonds and stocks yield income or rise in price. Even in times of moderate inflation, contrary to conventional wisdom, gold often does not protect against losses in real terms. It is quite different when there are substantial risks to monetary stability. That is when gold’s safe haven function comes to the fore, as it is neither dependent on a promise to pay, nor possible to inflate away. Gold, therefore, provides protection in financial crises harbouring rising default risks and when money is debased markedly. This has also been examined statistically in the context of past events.3
It is a well-established fact that gold has many economic functions including hedging against inflation and providing economic and physical safety. For this it is very important to know the nature of fluctuations in gold prices. In this paper, applying the Multifractal Detrended Fluc-tuation Analysis (MF-DFA) for the world gold price data for over 40-year period from 1968 to 2010, the multifractal properties and scaling behavior of gold price time series is numerically investigated. The scaling exponents, generalized Hurst exponents, generalized fractal dimensions and singularity spectrum are derived. Furthermore, impact of two major sources of mul-tifractality, i.e. fat-tailed probability distributions and nonlinear temporal correlations are also examined. Our findings suggest that multifractality in gold price is mainly due to the temporal correlation.
This paper investigates the drivers of reserves in emerging markets (EMs) and small island (SIs) and develops an operational metric for estimating reserves in SIs taking into account their unique characteristics. It uses quantile regression techniques to allow the estimated factors driving reserves holdings to vary along the reserves’ holding distribution and tests for equality among the slope coefficients of the various quantile regressions and the overall models. F-tests comparing the inter-quantile differences could not reject the null that the models for the different quantiles of SIs reserve distribution were similar but this was rejected for EMs distribution suggesting that models explaining drivers of reserve holdings should take into account the country’s reserve holdings. Empirical analysis suggests that the metric performs better than existing metrics in reducing crisis probabilities in SIs.
We study the curious patterns of gold holding and trading by central banks during 1979-2010. With the exception of several discrete step adjustments, central banks keep maintaining passive stocks of gold, independently of the patterns of the real price of gold. We also observe the synchronization of gold sales by central banks, as most reduced their positions in tandem, and their tendency to report international reserves valuation excluding gold positions. Our analysis suggests that the intensity of holding gold is correlated with ‘global power’ – by the history of being a past empire, or by the sheer size of a country, especially by countries that are or were the suppliers of key currencies. These results are consistent with the view that central bank’s gold position signals economic might, and that gold retains the stature of a ‘safe haven’ asset at times of global turbulence. The under-reporting of gold positions in the international reserve/GDP statistics is consistent with loss aversion, wishing to maintain a sizeable gold position, while minimizing the criticism that may occur at a time when the price of gold declines.Institutional subscribers to the NBER working paper series, and residents of developing countries may download this paper without additional charge at
Motivated by the observed international reserve hoarding behavior in the post-1997 crisis period, we explore the Mrs Machlup's Wardrobe hypothesis and the related keeping up with the Joneses argument. It is conceived that, in addition to psychological reasons, holding a relatively high level of international reserves reduces the vulnerability to speculative attacks and promotes growth. A stylized model is constructed to illustrate this type of hoarding behavior. The relevance of the keeping up with the Joneses effect is examined using a few plausible empirical specifications and data from 10 East Asian economies. Panel-based regression results are suggestive of the presence of the Joneses effect, especially in the post-1997 crisis period.
This paper analyzes recursive and rolling neural network models to forecast one-step-ahead sign variations in gold price. Different combinations of techniques and sample sizes are studied for feed forward and ward neural networks. The results shows the rolling ward networks exceed the recursive ward networks and feed forward networks in forecasting gold price sign variation. The results support the use of neural networks with a dynamic framework to forecast the gold price sign variations, recalculating the weights of the network on a period-by-period basis, through a rolling process. Our results are validated using the block bootstrap methodology with an average sign prediction of 60.68% with a standard deviation of 2.82% for the rolling ward net.
We introduce adaptive learning behavior into a general-equilibrium life-cycle economy with capital accumulation. Agents form forecasts of the rate of return to capital assets using least-squares autoregressions on past data. We show that, in contrast to the perfect-foresight dynamics, the dynamical system under learning possesses equilibria that are characterized by persistent excess volatility in returns to capital. We explore a quantitative case for theselearning equilibria. We use an evolutionary search algorithm to calibrate a version of the system under learning and show that this system can generate data that matches some features of the time-series data for U.S. stock returns and per-capita consumption. We argue that this finding provides support for the hypothesis that the observed excess volatility of asset returns can be explained by changes in investor expectations against a background of relatively small changes in fundamental factors.