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Lately, with the information technology improvements and broad band internet service spreading, speed of access to shopping sites get high. Because of these changes, companies unavoidably entered to digital environment. Thus, while communication rules change, field and definition of marketing changes too. With the development of IT technologies, traditional marketing methods leave sits place to digital day by day. Companies which follow technology can easily communicate with customers interactively while providing products or services. Like in the traditional marketing, in digital marketing, building well communication with customers, determining their needs and requests are crucial. While companies using digital marketing make difference with dual communication, others who don’t get involved in this race, become distanced from competition gradually. The biggest advantage of digital marketing is reaching the target audience in right way with using social media and search engines. This study tries to explain digital marketing periods and advantages, experienced transition and difference between traditional and digital marketing.
© 2016. Yakup Durmaz & Ibrahim Halil Efendioglu. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E
Volume 16 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2016
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853
Travel from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing
By Yakup Durmaz & Ibrahim Halil Efendioglu
Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey
Abstract- Lately, with the information technology improvements and broad band internet service
spreading, speed of access to shopping sites get high. Because of these changes, companies
unavoidably entered to digital environment. Thus, while communication rules change, field and
definition of marketing changes too. With the development of IT technologies, traditional
marketing methods leave sits place to digital day by day. Companies which follow technology
can easily communicate with customers interactively while providing products or services. Like in
the traditional marketing, in digital marketing, building well communication with customers, deter
mining their needs and requests are crucial. While companies using digital marketing make
difference with dual communication, others who don’t get involved in this race, become
distanced from competition gradually. The biggest advantage of digital marketing is reaching the
target audience in right way with using social media and search engines. This study tries to
explain digital marketing periods and advantages, experienced transition and difference between
traditional and digital marketing.
Keywords: digital marketing, search engine marketing, social marketing, online marketing, pay
per click, search engine optimization, SEO, SEM, PPC.
GJMBR - E Classification : JEL Code : M39
Strictly as per the compliance and regulations of:
©2016 Global Journals Inc. (US)
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XVI Issue II Version I Year
( ) 2016
Travel from Traditional Marketing to Digital
Yakup Durmaz α& Ibrahim Halil Efendioglu σ
Lately, with the information technology improvements
and broad band internet service spreading, speed of access
to shopping sites get high. Because of these changes,
companies unavoidably entered to digital environment. Thus,
while communication rules change, field and definition of
marketing changes too. With the development of IT
technologies, traditional marketing methodsleave sits place to
digital day by day. Companies which follow technology can
easily communicate with customers interactively while
providing products or services. Like in the traditional
marketing, in digital marketing, building well communication
with customers, deter mining their needs and requests are
crucial. While companies using digital marketing make
difference with dual communication, others who don’t get
involved in this race, become distanced from competition
gradually. The biggest advantage of digital marketing is
reaching the target audience in right way with using social
media and search engines. This study tries to explain digital
marketing periods and advantages, experienced transition and
difference between traditional and digital marketing.
Keywords: digital marketing, search engine marketing,
social marketing,online marketing, pay per click, search
engine optimization, SEO, SEM, PPC .
I. Introduction
n the past century, companies have made a great
effort to leave their rivals behind throughout the
process of globalization and branding. Companies
follow various strategies in order to adopt to the
competition and make a difference. Additionally,
meeting and satisfying customer needs have become
much more difficult since customer demands have
increased. Moreover, since the beginning of the 21st
century, technology have been improving drastically,
causing changes in each and every part of our lives.
Companies have inevitably been affected by these
changes and have started to use information and
communication technologies more and more in the
One of the advantages the Internet provides is
that daily problems can be solved easily and quickly. In
addition to this, consumer awareness takes a different
shape with the advances in technology. Consumers now
can find various products and services and make a
comparison between them, especially with the help of
social media. Furthermore, companies are able to
Author α:Assist. Prof., Dr. Hasan Kalyoncu University, Department of
Marketing. e-mails:,
Author σ:Instructor, Gaziantep University, Department of Informatics.
analyze the behaviors and habits of consumers better
with the help of social media. Companies which are
properly and constantly making editions and
optimizations on their web pages are one step ahead in
digital marketing. It has become crucial to know the type
of search engines consumers use and whether they are
able to find certain companies on search engine maps.
Advertisements, which were once famous on
newspapers, have been replaced with the ones on the
In this study, you will be given conceptual
information about the stages of digital marketing in the
beginning. Then the digital marketing advertisements
and the traditional ads will be compared in terms of
measurability. Finally, advantages of interactive media
will be evaluated.
II. Traditional Marketing
In consequence of two world wars, countries
strived to revive their economies. However, in this
transition process product and service demands
couldn’t meet the needs of consumers. Since the
production was limited, companies were able to sell
every piece of their products. After some years, welfare
level escalated and astability was reached in
economics. Then, with the entrance of TV in western
societies, the world has got a brand new perspective
about everything. Since the balance of power has
shifted from suppliers to consumers due to the changes
in market share, suppliers begun to use various
promises in an effort of attracting and persuading
customers. This situation caused customers to question
a product or a service before buying it (Karahasan,
2013:15). Fiercely increasing conditions of competition
added to the popularity of the concepts ‘’brand’’ and
‘’advertisement’’ while introducing new concepts. And
this was when the concept of marketing was introduced.
Products of mass production have become widespread.
With this new understanding of marketing, companies
had to change their point of view and put consumers in
the center to meet their needs in maximum.
Companies which adopt the understanding of
traditional marketing cared more about customers rather
than their own structure and tried to satisfy customers’
needs (İslamoğlu, 2013:18). The value of marketing
program from the viewpoint of customers can be seen in
the positive difference between the benefit provided by
customers when they consume products and the
The aim of traditional marketing is to provide
time, place and possession utility. Therefore, the
essence of marketing consists of creating a value for
customers and motivate them to buy it. In other words,
the purpose is to change the perception of customers.
Digital Marketing
Companies have been through a lot of changes
in a very short period of time since the beginning of the
21st century thanks to the opportunities provided by the
advances in technology. The usage of information and
communication technologies have increased day by day
by companies for the purpose of introducing their
products and getting to know their customers. This
increase was linear throughout the years (Tan et al.,
2004:83). Moreover, companies have been using IT in
the trade with other companies. In this system which is
called ‘’business to business’’ (B2B) electronic
infrastructure is used (İnan, 2002:124).
In order leave their rivals behind, companies
use electronic trade and digital marketing actively (Bulut
et al., 2006). In this way, a two-sided connection is
established between the customers and the companies.
Digital marketing, in fact, is very much different from the
traditional marketing (Varnalı, 2012:39). Since the
conditions of digital marketing is different, brands which
cannot be rivals under normal conditions can be rivals to
one another. Digital marketing aims to serve customers
as quickly as possible and expects guidance from
customers instead of trying to change their perception
like traditional marketing.
Through digital marketing, customers can easily
and quickly reach products and services and have an
opinion about them by comparing similar products, and
therefore, speed up the purchasing process. Also, the
time spent while shopping is normally seen as a big
problem, but now with the online shopping this problem
seems to be out of the way (Cop &Oyan, 2010:100). The
main objective of online marketing is to use existing
infrastructure to make profit. Development, pricing,
promotion and distribution of goods are also done
online. The benefits that digital marketing provides can
be considered as a revolution for the marketing world
(Karaca, 2012:40).
IV. Stages of Digital Marketing
a) Acquiring Customers
The first thing to do at this stage is to attract
customers and followers to the web site. There are a lot
of techniques to acquire customers (Hoffman and
Novak, 2000). Some of the most used techniques are:
search engine optimizations, search engine ads, e-mail
marketing, social network marketing, mobile marketing,
viral marketing and revenue partnership.
The purpose of Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) is to bring together the target audience and the
web page through search engines. In other words, it has
to do with the being on top of the list of search results.
The majority of the search engine income is met via SEO
in online advertisement sector. Investments in
optimization provides companies with quick profitability.
In short, SEO helps listing search engine results and
attaining the position on the top of the list (Xing and Ain,
In a type of search engine advertising system
known as Pay Per Click (PPC), users pay search
engines a certain fee. The logic is to pay money per
click. Web pages only make the payment when their ads
are clicked and the users are directed to their pages.
Search engine marketing (SEM) uses PPC (Chen et al.,
E-mail marketing is a type of marketing in which
customers are contacted via e-mails to be given
information about certain products and services
(Korkmaz, 2002:38).The length and the subject of e-mail
with the images used are very important in this type of
marketing (Chittenden and Rattie, 2003:203).
Social network marketing is the process of
attracting customers to related web site s by using
social media items. The main purpose of this type of
marketing is to make advertisement of the brands,
products and services by having the opinions and
suggestions of customers (De Vries et al., 2012:84).
Recently, social networks have been used as a
marketing channel frequently. Marketers are also
interested in these networks which involves personal
information about users.
Revenue partnership is based on the fact that
companies make payment per product or service they
sell online (Duffy, 2005:162).
Viral marketing is, on the other hand, sharing
information or ideas about products or services with
your friends on a volunteer basis via e-mails
(Richardson and Domingos, 2002:2).Viral marketing
also saves time by affecting purchasing decisions of
customers. Viral marketing has been increasing
gradually, especially when visuality is in the forefront
(Argen and Tokay, 2006:232-233). There are 6 factors to
viral marketing that are listed below (Wilson, 2000:1-2):
Free service
Easy advertising
Established network
Quick transfer
Intriguing growth
Other infrastructures
The concept ‘’mobile’’ has also undergone
some changes with technological developments. Moblie
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XVI Issue II Version I Year
( ) 2016
Travel from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing
16 Global Journals Inc. (US)1
difficulties they face in the meantime. This gave a way to
the emergence of consumer satisfaction (Aksoy,
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Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XVI Issue II Version I Year
( ) 2016
Travel from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing
used to refer to cell phones only in the past; however,
now the word ‘’mobile’’ also means smartphones,
tablets, smart watches together with other wearable
technological devices. Companies and customers who
use this hardware are now much closer to digital media
thanks to the Internet. Therefore, mobile devices with the
Internet connection are preferred today. In this way,
marketing strategies in mobile media differs from
traditional methods.
Mobile marketing covers all marketing activities
that are created by using mobile devices. These are:
SMS, MMS, mobile applications, QR codes and location
services (Açıkel and Çelikol, 2012:52). Most of the
consumers seem to have a bright view of mobile
advertising (Bauer et al., 2005:189). Consumers now
want to be able to reach the web sites through mobile
phones, tablets and PC. In this regard, most of the web
pages have mobile applications nowadays.
b) Converting Customers
This process involves the activities done in the
purpose of reaching the sales target of a web site. E-
trade pages should be designed so that it can attract
enough customers (Korkmaz, 2002:37). Advertising is
also important in this process (Okumuş et al.,
2010:106). Moreover, to make shopping much more
easier for customers, different payment choices product
search section should be added to the home page of
the web site.
c) Measurement and Optimization of the Media
upmost importance. Web pages with a good search
engine optimization can take their place among the
search result lists without even making any payment
(Özmen, 2012). There are a lot of tools for measurement
and optimization. By simply making these tools private
page traffic can be measurement (Plaza, 2011:477). The
purpose of the optimization is to test the performance of
the page and assess the results. These analyses help
detecting mistakes and comparing the website with
others so that weaknesses can be spotted and
overcome. With the help of online activities, a test
setting can be formed in the site in order to determine
the problems. Visitors decide what to do and what not to
do in the site very quickly; hence, to increase the
conversion rate it is necessary to optimize the
d) Satisfying Customers
The reason why a customer prefers to use the
same website again and again depends mostly on the
advantages and benefits with which that certain site
provides customers. In this way, customer loyalty is
achieved along with the financial profit for the company
(Singh and Sirdeshmukh, 2000:150). Most of the profit
companies make is provided by regular customers.
Primary goal at this stage is to satisfy current customers
to make them regular customers.
V. Common Digital Marketing
a) Digital Marketing via Social Media
Social networks are online communities in
which members can communicate and share things with
each other. Since interaction among members is very
easy, social networks are the most popular
phenomenon of 21st century. These formations are also
very good opportunities for digital marketing (Akar,
2010:119). Through social networks websites may
increase the awareness of their brands, decrease
communication expanses and form new collaborations.
However, these producers occur in stages. Objectives
and activities are determined first and then the social
media is monitored and measured.
Social relations are also reflected on the social
media. People join the groups in which they share
common ideas and beliefs. In other words, communities
are formed around common interests and needs.
Thanks to social networks like Facebook, Google +,
Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, daily lives of members
are recorded in the digital world. People now share the
things they used to tell their close friends in person via
social media (Karahasan, 2013:62-65).
b) Digital Marketing via Search Engines
Some of the world’s famous search engines, as
you all know, are Google, Yahoo and Bing. Search
engines function by indexing web pages. Indexing
algorithms run at the background, recording necessary
Search engine marketing is a part of digital
marketing in which the aim is to provide the top position
of the search engine results. Increasing the search
engine visibility depends on a proper organization of
websites and a good key words analysis (Açıkel and
Çelikol, 2012: 27-37).
Search engines first appeared in the 90s and
have increased its influence ever since. In the beginning
of 2000s, per-per click (PPC) service was initiated. The
leader of world search engine marketing is Google at
the moment. It is followed by Microsoft (Bing), and
Yahoo ( Search engine market differs based
on language differences. For example, people use
Baidu in China, Yandex in Russia and Tımway in Hong
Kong. These search engines have a big market share in
the local markets. The key feature which separates the
search engine market from other marketing techniques
is that it really aims to help users sincerely instead of
trying to attract their attention of randomly influence
c) Digital Marketing via Viral Applications
Since customers’ frequency rate of using the
internet and e-mails are different from each other, viral
marketing has two parts which are called low and high
Using proper keywords for the page is of
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XVI Issue II Version I Year
( ) 2016
Travel from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing
participation strategies. The example for low
participation strategy would be customers’ usage of the
links that are placed below the articles to share them.
High participation strategy involves a more proactive
approach by using social networks like Facebook of
Twitter (Ünal, 2011:75-76). Also known as Word of
Mouth Marketing, viral marketing is based on opinion
sharing about certain products. Starting point is a wide
spreading online message. Furthermore, the cost of this
marketing technique is little if any. Also, the fact that
customers consult the people they trust about the
products speeds up the purchasing process.
VI. Digital Marketing and Measurability
Digital ads have different parameters compared
to the ones in traditional marketing. Traditional ads are
measured by using methods like Gross Rating Point
(GRP). On the other hand, for the ads in digital media,
more distinctive methods, such as CPM (Cost Per Mile),
CPC (Cost Per Click), are used (Açıkel and Çelikol,
2012:13). With regards to advertising companies, the
Internet comes up with realistic values then it comes to
Advertising gains more importance with every
passing day since it is used to reach customers by
giving information about the products. Advertisements
help form a positive perception about the products and,
therefore, gain customers’ loyalty and commitment.
Customers, on the other hand, have the opportunity to
make healthy decisions thanks to detailed information
regarding products and services in ads (Gökaliler and
Sabuncuğlu, 2008:1314-17).
In this way, companies get measurable
feedbacks in return for the ads in digital media. What’s
more, it is much more efficient to advertise in digital
media in comparison to traditional ads. This leads a way
for digital marketing industry to grow in high speed. In
accordance with the advances in technology, we may
encounter new ways of advertising method each day.
The fact that band capacity have enhanced and that the
technology is easily affordable nowadays make it easier
to reach the target audience with the help of video ads.
VII. Advantages of Digital Media
The biggest advantage of digital marketing is to
be able to reach the target audience by using ınteractive
media. Certain models have been developed to have
the most efficient results from digital marketing. The
moment when customer needs and requests are met
properly is also the moment when customer satisfaction
and the loyalty is achieved (Molla and Licker, 2001:136).
Moreover, the researches show that companies
efficiently using online marketing cares deeply about
mutual communication in an aim of increasing customer
loyalty and commitment (Srinivasan et al., 2002). In
addition to all these, digital media provides advantage in
competition, decreases personnel expanse and
advertising cost.
Nowadays, customers have all the information
they need about the products or services at their feet
thanks to the Internet. As a result of this fact, they can
easily compare products and services and therefore
reach a quick decision about which ads to purchase.
Search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask are
available 24/7. Online shopping sites have drastically
increased in number. Furthermore, basic problems such
as distribution, storage, payment and security have
been overcome now. Delivery systems have been
developed with the infrastructure investments. Shipping
and cargo transactions are now being handled
smoothly. Banks, financial institutions and retailers
together have been developing return policies along
with the precautions against payment frauds. Most
companies make a great deal of investment in purpose
of forming a proper basis for a secure shopping
(Karahasan, 2013:62-65).
With increasing rate of technological
developments, tablets, smart phones and other
electronic devices have become common everyday
items. Correspondingly, people who use social networks
and e-mails have been using digital media for shopping.
Search engines make web surfing much easier for
people. Additionally, the process of decision making in
purchasing has become much less difficult for
promotional videos and comments about the products
help customers decide. The most important difference
between digital and traditional marketing is that in digital
marketing the data is used properly.
IX. Discussion
SEM and SEO are considered to be the two
most important bases for digital marketing. Although
establishing SEO infrastructure takes long time, it is
more permanent and pays attention to reputation
management and brand perception. On the other hand,
if companies want to spread in a limited period of time
SEM would be what they need in that sense. All the
operations in social media are tracked by search engine
algorithms. The more active the companies are in the
social media, the higher they get on the search engine
lists. It is possible to reach large target audiences via
digital media. In this regard, companies can measure
their advertisement and marketing performances
through large target audience.
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16 Global Journals Inc. (US)1
... Το ψηφιακό μάρκετινγκ επιτρέπει λοιπόν την ακριβή στόχευση συγκεκριμένων δημογραφικών στοιχείων, ενδιαφερόντων και συμπεριφορών. Έχει επίσης αποδειχθεί ότι οι διαφημιστές έχουν τη δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιούν πληροφορίες που βασίζονται σε δεδομένα προκειμένου να προσαρμόσουν τα μηνύματά τους ώστε να στοχεύουν εκείνους που έχουν μεγαλύτερη πιθανότητα να εμπλακούν και τελικά να μετατραπούν σε πελάτες (Durmaz & Efendioglu, 2016). Η χρήση αυτής της εστιασμένης στρατηγικής βελτιώνει την απόδοση της επένδυσης και κατ' επέκταση των προσπαθειών μάρκετινγκ. ...
... Η δυνατότητα μέτρησης των δεδομένων είναι υψίστης σημασίας για την ακαδημαϊκή έρευνα και ανάλυση, καθώς συνεπάγονται την ικανότητα ποσοτικοποίησης και αξιολόγησης διαφόρων μεταβλητών και φαινομένων, αλλά και την εξαγωγή ουσιαστικών γνώσεων από τα δεδομένα που συλλέγονται (Durmaz & Efendioglu, 2016). Με τη χρήση αυστηρών τεχνικών μέτρησης και στατιστικής στα πλαίσια του ψηφιακού μάρκετινγκ δίνεται η δυνατότητα ακριβούς αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας μιας καμπάνιας. ...
... Η εκθετική πρόοδος της τεχνολογίας έχει κάνει αναπόφευκτη τη μετάβαση προς το ψηφιακό μάρκετινγκ, ενώ προκειμένου να διατηρήσουν τη βιωσιμότητα τους, οι οργανισμοί πρέπει να προσαρμοστούν στις μεταβαλλόμενες προτιμήσεις των καταναλωτών, καθώς αυτοί χρησιμοποιούν νέα εργαλεία (Todor, 2016). Επίσης, η χρήση του μάρκετινγκ για έξυπνα κινητά τηλέφωνα έχει καταστεί ζωτικής σημασίας για την αποτελεσματική προσέλκυση πελατών (Durmaz & Efendioglu, 2016 (Hartemo, 2016). ...
... Web sitelerinde sürekli güncelleme ve düzenleme yapan şirketler, dijital pazarlama alanında rekabet avantajına sahip olmaktadır. Tüketiciler tarafından kullanılan belirli arama motorlarını ve belirli firmaları arama motoru haritalarında bulma yeteneklerini anlamak çok önemli bir husus olarak ortaya çıkmıştır (Durmaz ve Efendioglu, 2016). Dijital ortam, pazarlama eylemlerine yönelik tüketici tepkileri, işbirlikçileri ve rakipler hakkındaki bilgiler, tıklama akışı verileri, müşteri değerlendirmeleri ve derecelendirmeleri, blog gönderileri, etiketler ve sosyal etkileşim dahil olmak üzere çok miktarda veri üretmektedir. ...
... The practical ability to use internet banking has not been as easily achieved as has the successful use of digital advertising, which did not need to change consumers' perceptions and feelings about traditional advertising methods [21]. Digital banking takes time for users to familiarize themselves with the application before deciding to use it. ...
Financial technology improvements have simplified personal banking, allowing a range of services to be accessed anytime and anywhere. But the impact of digital financial technology on the use by consumers of digital personal banking in developing economies has been little researched. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to examine the link between the use of digital personal banking by consumers and the various drivers of digital banking use in a developing economy, namely South Africa. An online survey of 400 digital banking users in the iLembe district of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, was used to collect data. Of the eight drivers identified initially from extant literature, Online service quality, Usability, and Branch service quality were the most important, with Usability and Online service quality having the greatest positive influence, and Branch service quality having a large negative influence, on use of digital banking by the respondents.
... Kotler & Armstrong'a (1993) göre pazarlama, genel olarak bireylerin ve grupların ürün ve değer oluşturma süreci ile istek ve gereksinimlerini tatmin etmelerini içeren sosyal ve yönetilmesi gereken bir süreçtir. Pazarlamanın tarihsel gelişimi genellikle geleneksel ve dijital pazarlama başlıkları altında incelenmektedir (Durmaz & Efendioğlu, 2016;Shaw & Jones, 2005). Geleneksel pazarlama, genellikle hedef odaklı uygulamaları içermekteyken dijital pazarlama kavramı, tüketici merkezli yaklaşımları değerlendirmektedir (Kaya & Ündil, 2022: 110). ...
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, sosyal medyanın destinasyon tanıtımındaki önemini belirlemek ve Alanya destinasyonunun Instagram üzerinden nasıl tanıtıldığını değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada, içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmış olup, @alanya_turkey hesabındaki paylaşımların belirli kategorilere göre analiz edilebilmesi için kavramlar tanımlanmış ve analiz birimleri belirlenmiştir. Kodlama süreci, içerik öğelerinin belirlenen şemaya uygun olarak kodlanması veya içerik doğrultusunda ortaya çıkan verilere dayalı olarak sistematik bir veri setinin oluşturulmasıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen kodlanmış veriler, içerik analizi aşamasında detaylı bir incelemeye tabi tutularak temel istatistiksel veriler, temalar ve eğilimler değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, kullanılan kelimelerin sıklıklarının belirlenmesi amacıyla MAXQDA programı kullanılarak kelime frekans analizi ve kelime bulutu frekans analizi de gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, hesabın pazarlama stratejisi, büyük ölçüde kullanıcı tarafından üretilen içeriklere dayanmaktadır. Ancak, bu içeriklerin sürekliliği ve tutarlılığı konusunda daha etkin bir planlama yapılması gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu bulgular, sosyal medyanın destinasyon pazarlamasındaki önemini vurgulamakta ve gelecekteki çalışmalar için değerli öneriler sunmaktadır.
... The transition from traditional to digital marketing has underscored the need for more sophisticated analytical tools. Durmaz and Efendioglu (2016) discuss how digital marketing offers new opportunities for businesses to engage with consumers, necessitating the adoption of advanced methods like A/B testing to stay competitive [3]. However, the success of A/B testing depends not only on the ability to generate insights but also on the rigorous application of statistical principles. ...
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The increasing complexity of consumer behavior in the digital age has necessitated more sophisticated methods for evaluating marketing strategies. A/B testing has emerged as a powerful tool in marketing analytics, enabling data-driven decision-making through controlled experimentation. This paper explores the critical role of A/B testing in advancing marketing analytics, providing a systematic approach to designing, executing, and interpreting A/B tests. By comparing variations of marketing elements-such as email campaigns, website layouts, and product offerings-businesses can identify the most effective strategies for enhancing customer engagement and driving conversions. The paper discusses best practices for conducting A/B tests, including the importance of randomization, appropriate sample sizes, and statistical significance. Additionally, it addresses common challenges such as confounding variables and the risk of false positives, offering solutions to mitigate these issues. Through case studies and practical examples, the paper illustrates how A/B testing can be leveraged to optimize marketing campaigns, increase ROI, and ultimately foster a more personalized and effective customer experience. This systematic approach underscores A/B testing's essential role in the evolving landscape of marketing analytics.
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Women are the target group for marketing purposes in the emphasis of this work. The purpose of marketing is to persuade the customer to make a purchase, and in order to do this, the customer must first identify their needs and wants before the product can be defined and placed. Digital marketing is inevitably brought up while discussing marketing in the modern day, particularly when it comes to target marketing. Digital marketing is a non-traditional marketing approach that involves advertising using digital platforms including social media, websites, search engines, and so on. However, identifying your target audience is the most crucial step in creating a high-quality marketing strategy. Even with superior quality, a product cannot succeed unless it is marketed to the appropriate audience. Pricing, product distribution, and promotion are all made simpler and more profitable by targeted marketing. Men and women alike are said to favor advertisements that cater to their individual needs or societal positions in marketing literature. Finding out how women feel about ads and marketing campaigns targeted at them is the focus of the study. The paper's objective is to shed light on respondents' perceptions of products that are suggested to them and marketing efforts that target them. The survey questionnaire was conducted online, in the period from September 4th to 7th, 2023. There was a total of 196 respondents who filled out the survey questionnaire completely.
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In today's digital age, it is crucial to seamlessly blend technology with marketing in order to effectively connect and captivate tech-savvy customers on their terms. This comprehensive paper delves into the realm of cutting-edge digital marketing practices and strategically ranks these strategies within the sales funnel using the See-Think-Do-Care model. The in-depth discussion encompasses the various opportunities and challenges associated with leveraging digital marketing, including the utilization of powerful tools, such as video marketing and remarketing. This paper is a valuable addition to the current online marketing literature. It provides insights that can assist marketers in effectively prioritizing their digital marketing strategies. This research offers practical guidance for optimizing online campaigns. By incorporating these strategies, marketers can enhance their online presence and drive better results.
One of the most dispersed topics in marketing and consumer behavior literature is impulsive buying behavior. Several scholars have investigated and analyzed the influence of various factors on impulse buying behavior. The primary goal of this review article is to comprehend and gather many research papers in the subject of retailing in impulsive behavior via offline retail establishments, and therefore conduct a study on the factors that consumer impulse buying behavior in the kingdom of Bahrain due to the recent and ongoing growth in the population, as well as the growth in the country’s economy and retail markets. This review study will be highly beneficial to researchers working to better understand consumer impulse buying in retail.
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In the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) business environment of today, online marketing has become crucial for connecting with customers and the community. Organisations leverage online marketing to retain and grow their customer base by fostering engagement and building strong community ties. This study explores how start - up leaders utilise onli ne marketing systems to achieve these benefits. Targeting successful small retail business owners in India, the research involved semi - structured and face - to - face interviews, while other data sources include reviews of public documents, company websites, a nd social media sites. The findings reveal the strategies that start - ups use to boost sales through digital marketing. Four key themes emerged from data collection and analysis: (a) social media platforms and strategies; (b) online marketing strategies and challenges; (c) online content strategies; and (d) follow - up strategies. These findings expounded upon the digital marketing techniques employed by business organisers to increase sales, build strong customer relationships, and promote community developme nt. The study recommended that start - ups should enhance the use of social media platforms, refining online content to better engage target audiences, address the challenges inherent in online marketing, and develop robust follow - up strategies to maintain c ustomer relationships. The study highlights how these businesses would enhance brand recognition, drive progress, and maintain sustainability by utilising various communication networks to advance and promote products and services in the retail industry
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Özet:İnternet kullanımının artması sonucunda önemi artansosyal paylaşım siteleri ile ilginç iletilerin kişiler ya da gruplararasında paylaşımından yararlanan “viral pazarlama”pazarlama literatürüne giren yeni kavramlar arasındadır.Tüketiciler, genellikle arkadaşlarından gelen bir elektronikposta mesajını en güvenilir kaynak olarak gördüklerindenviral kampanyaların sosyal paylaşım sitelerindeki dolaşımıkolaylaşmaktadır. Viral pazarlama, ağızdan ağza iletişiminelektronik şekli olarak tanımlanabilir. Dijital teknolojininyararları sonucunda gelişmiş ve ağızdan ağza iletişimin kritikbir elektronik versiyonu olarak da adlandırılabilir.Bu çalışmanın ana amacı viral pazarlama uygulamalarınınetkinliğini ölçmektir. Araştırma İzmir ili içerisinde çeşitli yaş,meslek ve gelir grubundaki 236 kişi üzerinde viral pazarlamauygulamalarına yönelik yüz yüze anket çalışması ilegerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan araştırma sonucundakatılımcıların sosyal paylaşım siteleri içerisinde en çokfacebook ve msn’i kullandıkları, viral kampanyalar içindekomik şakalardan daha fazla etkilendikleri görülmüştür.Ayrıca katılımcıların yaklaşık %64’ünün viralkampanyalardan etkilenerek alışveriş yapması ve %72’sinin debu kampanyaları başkaları ile paylaşmaları araştırmasonucunda elde edilen önemli bir bulgudur. Yapılanistatistiksel analiz sonuçlarına göre, 18-28 yaş dilimindekikatılımcıların, meslek dilimlerinden öğrenci ve serbest meslekgruplarının ve gelir dilimleri daha yüksek olan bireylerin diğergruplara kıyasla e-postalardan daha fazla etkilenerek alışverişyaptıkları saptanmıştır. Kısacası, belirli gruplar için viralpazarlama uygulamalarının oldukça uygun olabileceğiaraştırma sonucunda elde edilen bir bulgudur. Sosyalpaylaşım sitelerinin Türkiye’de kullanımı giderek yaygınlaştığıiçin, viral pazarlama daha etkili bir pazarlama çeşidi olarakkarşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle araştırma sonucunda eldeedilen bulguların, Türk firmalarının pazarlamafaaliyetlerindeki etkinliğini arttırmaları konusunda bir rehberolabileceği düşünülmektedir.Abstract:“Viral marketing” which benefits from the socialnetworking sites the importance of which has increased as aresult of the increase in internet usage and which benefitsfrom the fact that the interesting messages are shared betweenpeople or groups is among the new terms entering themarketing literature. As the consumers regard an e-mail sentto them by their friends as the most reliable source, thecirculation of the viral campaigns in social networking sites ismade easy. Viral marketing can be defined as the electronicform of word-of-mouth communication. It can be described asa critical electronic form of word-of-mouth communicationand it can be accepted to have been an improved as a result ofthe benefits of digital technology. The main purpose of thisresearch is to measure the efficiency of viral marketingpractices. The research has been carried out on 236 peoplefrom different age, occupation and income groups in theprovince of Izmir with face-to-face questionnaire relating toviral marketing practices. As a result of the researchconducted, it is seen that among the social networking sites theparticipants used facebook and msn the most and among viralcampaigns they were affected by funny jokes more. Also it is asignificant finding obtained out of the research that around 64% of the participants were affected by viral campaigns and didshopping and that 72 % of the participants share thesecampaigns with others. According to the results of thestatistical analysis performed, the participants who are on the18-28 age group, the students & the self-employed and thosewho have higher incomes have been determined to doshopping by being more influenced by e-mails compared toother groups. In short, it is a finding obtained from theresearch that viral marketing applications could be verysuitable for certain groups. As the usage of social networkingsites is becoming more and more widespread in Turkey, viralmarketing is emerging as a more influential marketing type.For this reason, it is thought that the findings obtained out ofthe research could be a guide in increasing the efficiency ofTurkish firms in marketing activities.
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ZET: Gerek altyapı ve yatırımların yetersizliği, gerekse maliyetlerin yüksekliği ve yetişmiş insan gücünün bulunmaması elektronik ticaretin hızını yavaşlatmaktadır. Ticaret boyutuna bakıldığı zaman, işten işe elektronik ticaret hacmi, işletmeden tüketiciye olan ticaret hacminden çok daha önemlidir. Çalışmanın amacı, büyük bir sanayi şehri olan İstanbul ili sınırları içerisindeki KOBİ'ler arasında elektronik ticaret kullanım sıklığını ve düzeyini, hangi amaçla yapıldığını, bu tür ticari faaliyetlerden beklenen faydaları ve karşılaşılan zorlukları ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın ilk bölümünde literatür taramasına yer yerilmiş, ikinci bölümde ise, KOBİ'lerde elektronik ticaret kullanımını araştırmak amacıyla İstanbul ili sınırları içerisindeki KOBİ'lere uygulanan anket çalışmasının sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: KOBİ, Elektronik Ticaret, B2B. ABSTRACT: The speed of electronic commerce's spread is being hindered due not only to insufficiency of required infrastructure and investment but also high cost and lack of qualified personnel. Looking from the trade perspective, the volume of B2B electronic commerce is much more important than that of B2C electronic commerce. The aim of this study is to find out the usage frequency and level of electronic commerce, its reason of existence, expected benefits and encountered difficulties from these kinds of commercial activities between SMEs operating in Istanbul, which is a big industrial city. In accordance with this aim, at the first section of the study there exists literature review, and in the second section the results of the questionnaire which has been applied to the SMEs in Istanbul in order to investigate the usage of electronic commerce in SMEs are presented.
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Social media outlets constitute excellent vehicles for fostering relationships with customers. One specific way to do this is to create brand fan pages on social networking sites. Companies can place brand posts (containing videos, messages, quizzes, information, and other material) on these brand fan pages. Customers can become fans of these brand fan pages, and subsequently indicate that they like the brand post or comment on it. This liking and commenting on brand posts reflects brand post popularity. In this article, we determine possible drivers for brand post popularity. We analyze 355 brand posts from 11 international brands spread across six product categories. Results show that positioning the brand post on top of the brand fan page enhances brand post popularity. But the findings also indicate that different drivers influence the number of likes and the number of comments. Namely, vivid and interactive brand post characteristics enhance the number of likes. Moreover, the share of positive comments on a brand post is positively related to the number of likes. The number of comments can be enhanced by the interactive brand post characteristic, a question. The shares of both positive and negative comments are positively related to the number of comments. Managers of brands that operate brand fan pages can be guided by our research with regards to deciding which characteristics or content to place at brand posts.
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The authors propose a framework for understanding key mechanisms that shape satisfaction in individual encounters, and loyalty across ongoing exchanges. In particular, the framework draws together two distinct approaches: (1) agency theory, rooted in the economic approach, that views relational exchanges as encounters between principals (consumers) and agents (service providers) and (2) trust research that adopts a psychological approach toward consumer-provider relationships. In so doing, the authors specify how trust mechanisms cooperate and compete with agency mechanisms to affect satisfaction in individual encounters and influence loyalty in the long run. Because a multidimensional conceptualization of trust is used, the hypothesized framework offers a fine-grained understanding of the interrelated mechanisms. The high level of specificity allows extraction of multiple propositions, facilitates empirical testing, and encourages theoretical development of the proposed model. Several directions to guide future research are provided.
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Electronic trade has a strategic importance in terms of economic development in the global world economy. Especially development occurred in the last decade has support this inclination. Although there are different predictions in various sources, electronic trade is doubled every passing year. This research was conducted to investigate the tendencies of internet usage for marketing facilities of the organizations placed in the city of Kahramanmaraş. It was found that only a small part of the organizations has a WEB page. The great amount of the organizations, which have a WEB page, use the WEB page for the purposes of communication. WEB pages are not used for the purposes of the selling the goods and the conducting customer relationships. However, it was perceived that in the near future, operations in Kahramanaraş are planing to have WEB page and trade over the internet.
Performance measurement of tourism websites is becoming a critical issue for effective online marketing. The aim of this article is to analyse the effectiveness of entries (visit behaviour and length of sessions) depending on their traffic source: direct visit, in-link entries (for instance,, and search engine visits (for example, Google). For this purpose, time series analysis of Google Analytics data is made use of. This method could be interesting for any tourism website optimizer.
Purpose – This article seeks to explore the inner workings of affiliate marketing. Design/methodology/approach – Defines the affiliate marketing marketplace including some of the participants and explores the characteristics of a successful long‐term relationship. Findings – The key to successful affiliate marketing lies in the construction of a win‐win relationship between the advertiser and the affiliate. Affiliate marketing is likely to become the principal mainstream marketing strategy for e‐commerce businesses in the future. Originality/value – Looks at the inner workings of affiliate marketing, defines the affiliate marketing marketplace including some of the participants and explores the characteristics of a successful long‐term relationship.
With the rise of internet, internet marketing has become an important issue, for increasing internet business competitiveness. Recently, SEO (search engine optimization) techniques have become one important technique for improving website ranking. Meanwhile, social networking sites are getting more and more popular. Using keywords effectively can secure a higher ranking website, and increase site traffic and popularity. In this paper, knowing how to implement the web site SEO actions effectively and use the power of internet community to enhance the site's visibility and exposure can help the internet business marketing. Using the SEO, supported by social networking sites, can contribute to the overall site traffic and improve interaction with customers.