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Syllabus: Q Methodology in Assessment and Research



Syllabus for summer workshop, Kent State University, May 2016
Summer Intersession Workshop (23-27 May 2016)
EVAL 5/70093 (CRN 14599/14600)
9:00 am-4:00 pm, 100 White Hall
Q Methodology in Assessment and Research
Steven R. Brown
Program in Evaluation and Measurement
School of Foundations, Leadership, and Administration
329 White Hall, mobile 330/524-6117,
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce statistical and methodological principles associated
with the use of Q method in the study of subjectivity and to locate Q methodology within the
framework of contemporary science. Q methodology evolved from factor-analytic theory in the
1930s, and since that time has been applied in the systematic study of a wide range of subject
matters in psychology, political science, communication, the health sciences, education, and the
behavioral and human sciences more generally. Attention will focus initially on historical and
methodological developments, with special emphasis on factor-analytic and epistemological
foundations, and on the fundamental importance of subjectivity in all human action. Subse-
quently, the seminar will move to applications in substantive areas of particular interest to partic-
The course objectives include the following: To provide workshop members with [1] an un-
derstanding of the historical roots and conceptual principles of Q methodology, [2] an acquain-
tance with the mechanics of Q-sample design and the application of the Q-sort technique, [3] a
minimal mastery of the statistical methods (correlation, factor analysis, factor rotation, and cal-
culation of factor scores) essential for the analysis of data acquired through the application of Q
technique, [4] experience in using the PQMethod software package for Q data, and [5] opportu-
nities to interpret the results of Q studies. As a general learning outcome, students who complete
the workshop will be expected to be able, with minimal guidance, to apply Q methodology to
their research topics of interest and to defend the various methodological decisions that will be
required in the process.
Students with Disabilities
University policy 3342-3-01.3 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations
to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations,
please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjust -
ments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Accessibility Services (contact
330-672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).
Brown, S.R. (1980). Political subjectivity. New Haven: Yale University Press. (Available in
pdf format at
McKeown, B.F. & Thomas, D.B. (2013). Q methodology (Quantitative Applications in the So-
cial Sciences series, Vol. 66, 2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Brown, S.R. (1968). Bibliography on Q technique and its methodology. Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 26, 587-613.
Brown, S.R. (1977). Q bibliographic update: A continuation of "Bibliography on Q Technique
and Its Methodology." Operant Subjectivity, 1, 17-26 (continued in subsequent issues). (searchable bibliography).
Q methodology website:
Q methodology e-mail discussion list: Send the command “subscribe Q-Method <your name>”
(without quotations or brackets) to
QMethod (computer freeware):
PCQ (computer software):
Ken-Q Analysis (beta version software):
Operant Subjectivity, quarterly journal of the International Society for the Scientific Study of
Subjectivity, accessible at; contact Mark Popovich <mpopovic@g->, ISSSS Treasurer: $50 ISSSS membership, journal included; $20 students.
Q-Methodology and Theory, annual Korean-language journal of the Korean Society for the
Scientific Study of Subjectivity.
Journal of Human Subjectivity, semi-annual English-language journal published by the Ko-
rean Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity; produced and distributed by Com-
munication Books. (no longer published)
Stephenson, W. (1988). Dr. William Stephenson interview [8 hours]. Videocassette: Kent State
University Audio-Visual Services (in four cassettes, numbered 50-3842, 50-3843, 50-3844,
Brown, S.R. (1996). Workshop on Q methodology [3 hours]. Available via streaming at Q
methodology website.
32nd annual meeting, International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity, September 7-
10, 2016, New Orleans, LA. (33rd annual meeting, 2017, Glasgow, Scotland.)
Methodological Topics
History and Principles
Brown, Political Subjectivity, Part 1.
McKeown & Thomas, Q methodology.
Brown, S.R. (1972). A fundamental incommensurability between objectivity and subjectivity.
In S.R. Brown & D.J. Brenner (Eds.), Science, psychology, and communication (pp. 57-94) .
New York: Teachers College Press.
Brown, S.R. (1993). A primer on Q methodology. Operant Subjectivity, 16, 91-138. (Cf. Q
methodological tutorial.
Brown, S.R. (1994-1995). Q methodology as the foundation for a science of subjectivity. Oper-
ant Subjectivity, 18, 1-16.
Brown, S.R. (1997). The history and principles of Q methodology in psychology and the social
sciences. British Psychological Society symposium on “A Quest for a Science of Subjectiv-
ity: The Lifework of William Stephenson,” University of London; and conference on “A Cel-
ebration of the Life and Work of William Stephenson (1902-1989),” University of Durham,
Brown, S.R. (1998). Subjective science: Normal and abnormal (continued). Operant Subjectiv-
ity, 21, 92-111.
Brown, S.R. (2002). Subjective behavior analysis. Operant Subjectivity, 25, 148-163.
Brown, S.R. (2005). The science of subjectivity: Methodology, identity, and deep structures. Q
Methodology and Theory, 11, 5-31.
Brown, S.R. (2006). Q methodology and naturalistic subjectivity. In B. Midgley & E. Morris
(Eds.), Modern perspectives on J.R. Kantor and interbehaviorism (pp. 251-268). Reno, NV:
Context Press.
Good, J.M.M. (2010). Introduction to William Stephenson’s quest for a science of subjectivity.
Psychoanalysis and History, 12, 211-243.
Hurd, R., & Brown, S.R. (2005). The future of the Q methodology movement. Operant Subjec-
tivity, 28, 58-75.
Stephenson, W.(1935). Technique of factor analysis. Nature, 136, 297. (Reprinted in Brown,
Political subjectivity, pp. 9-10.)
Stephenson, W. (1935). Correlating persons instead of tests. Character and Personality, 4,
Stephenson, W. (1936). The foundations of psychometry: Four factor systems. Psychometrika,
1, 195-209.
Stephenson, W. (1936). A new application of correlation to averages. British Journal of Educa-
tional Psychology, 6, 43-57.
Stephenson, W. (1936). Introduction to inverted factor analysis, with some applications to stud-
ies in orexis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 27, 353-367.
Stephenson, W. (1953). The study of behavior: Q- technique and its methodology. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press. (Chaps 1, 3, 5)
Stephenson, W. (1967). The play theory of mass communication. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. (Chap 2)
Thorsen, A.A. (2006). A pathway to understanding Q-methodology. Journal of Human Subjec-
tivity, 4(2), 33-53.
Consciring and Concourse Theory
Said, G., & Stricklin, M. (2014). Dialogism: A philosophical contribution to understanding con-
course and consciring. Operant Subjectivity, 37(3), 21-37.
Stephenson, W. (1978). Concourse theory of communication. Communication, 3, 21-40.
Stephenson, W. (1980). Consciring: A general theory for subjective communicability. In D.
Nimmo (Ed.), Communication yearbook 4 (pp. 7-36). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Stephenson, W. (1986). Protoconcursus: The concourse theory of communication. Operant
Subjectivity, 9, 37-58, 73-96.
Representativeness: Q-sample and P-set Structure
Brown, S.R. (1970). On the use of variance designs in Q methodology. Psychological Record,
20, 179-189.
Brown, S.R. & Ungs, T.D. (1970). Representativeness and the study of political behavior: An
application of Q technique to reactions to the Kent State incident. Social Science Quarterly,
51, 514-526.
Paige, J.B., & Morin, K.H. (2015). Q-sample construction: A critical step for a Q-method-
ological study. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38, 96-110.
Kinsey, D. & Kelly, T.C. (1989). Mixing methodologies: An aid in developing Q samples. Op-
erant Subjectivity, 12, 98-102.
Stephenson, W. (1953). The study of behavior. Chap 4.
Stephenson, W. (1993-94). Introduction to Q-methodology. Operant Subjectivity, 17, 1-13.
Propositional Sets, Conditions of Instruction, and Q Sorting
Bolland, J.M. (1985). The search for structure: An alternative to the forced Q-sort technique.
Political Methodology, 11, 91-107. (Cf. Comment by S.R. Brown and response by Bolland.)
Brown, S.R. (1993-94). The structure and form of subjectivity in political theory and behavior.
Operant Subjectivity, 17, 30-48.
Stephenson, W. (1953). The study of behavior. Chap 2.
Stephenson, W. (1963). Independency and operationism in Q-sorting. Psychological Record,
13, 269-272.
Ten Klooster, P.M., Visser, M., & De Jong, M.D.T. (2008). Comparing two image research in-
struments: The Q-sort method versus the Likert attitude questionnaire. Food Quality and
Preference, 19, 511–518.
Van Tubergen, G.N. & Olins, R.A. (1979). Mail vs personal interview administration for Q
sorts: A comparative study. Operant Subjectivity, 2, 51-59.
Brown, Political Subjectivity, Part 2
Cohen, J. (1957). An aid in the computation of correlations based on Q sorts. Psychological
Bulletin, 54, 138-139.
Factor Analysis
Brown, S.R. (2006). A match made in heaven: A marginalized methodology for studying the
marginalized. Quality & Quantity, 40, 361-382.
Expositor (1992). A note on measuring changes in Q factor loadings. Operant Subjectivity, 15,
Stephenson, W. (1953). The study of behavior. Chap 2.
Stephenson, W. (1977). Factors as operant subjectivity. Operant Subjectivity, 1, 3-16.
Stephenson, W. (1980). Factor analysis. Operant Subjectivity, 3, 38-57.
Stephenson, W. (1990). Fifty years of exclusionary psychometrics: I. Q technique. Operant Sub-
jectivity, 13, 105-120.
Stephenson, W. (1990). Fifty years of exclusionary psychometrics: II. Developments. Operant
Subjectivity, 13, 141-162.
Factor Rotation
Brown, S.R., & Robyn, R. (2004). Reserving a key place for reality: Philosophical foundations
of theoretical rotation. Operant Subjectivity, 27, 104-124.
Creaser, J.W. (1978). The factor-wheel method of rotation for Q-technique research. Operant
Subjectivity, 1, 70-77.
D'Agostino, B. (1984). Replicability of results with theoretical rotation. Operant Subjectivity, 7,
81-87. (Cf. Stephenson's response.)
Kramer, B., & Gravina, V. (2004). Theoretical rotation as a tool for identifying points of lever-
age in people’s perspectives for program improvement. Operant Subjectivity, 27, 125-144.
Ramlo, S. (2016). Centroid and theoretical rotation: Justification for their use in Q methodology
research. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 28(1), 72-91.
Stricklin, M. (2005). Eight quantum realities redux: Finding David Bohm. Operant Subjectivity,
28, 145-166.
Thompson, J.W. (1962). Meaningful and unmeaningful rotation of factors. Psychological Bul-
letin, 59, 211-223.
Factor Scores
Creaser, J.W. (1955). An aid in calculating Q-sort factor arrays. Journal of Clinical Psychol-
ogy, 11, 195-196.
Stephenson, W. (1978). A note on estimating standard errors of factor scores in Q method. Op-
erant Subjectivity, 1, 29-37.
Brown, S.R. (1999). On the taking of averages: Variance and factor analyses compared. Oper-
ant Subjectivity, 22, 31-37.
Goldman, I. (1999). Q methodology as process and context in interpretivism, communication,
and psychoanalytic psychotherapy research. Psychological Record, 49, 589-604.
McKeown, B.F. (1998). Circles: Q methodology and hermeneutical science. Operant Subjectiv-
ity, 21, 112-138.
Stephenson, W. (1962). A note on the methodology of clinical explanation. Psychological
Record, 12, 101-103.
Stephenson, W. (1983). Against interpretation. Operant Subjectivity, 6, 73-103, 109-125.
Wolf, A. (2014). The interview in Q methodology: Readiness to adopt sustainable responses to
climate change. SAGE Research Methods Cases [online]. London: Sage.
Billard, S. (1999). How Q methodology can be democratized. Feminism & Psychology,
9, 357-366.
Cattell, R.B. (1951). On the disuse and misuse of P, Q, Qs and O techniques in clinical psychol-
ogy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 7, 203-214.
Stephenson, W. (1952). A note on Professor R.B. Cattell’s methodological adumbrations.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8, 206-207.
Cronbach, L.J., & Gleser, G.C. (1954). Review of The Study of Behavior: Q- technique and Its
Methodology, by W. Stephenson. Psychometrika, 19, 327-330.
Stephenson, W. (1954). Comments on Cronbach and Gleser’s review of: The study of be-
havior: Q-technique and its methodology. Psychometrika, 19, 331-333.
Dziopa, F., & Ahern, K. (2011). A systematic literature review of the applications of Q-tech-
nique and its methodology. Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the
Behavioral and Social Sciences, 7(2), 39-55.
Kampen, J.K., & Tamás, P. (2014). Overly ambitious: Contributions and current status of Q
methodology. Quality & Quantity, 48, 3109-3126.
Brown, S.R., Danielson, S., & van Exel, J. (2015). Overly ambitious critics and the Medici
Effect: A reply to Kampen and Tamás. Quality & Quantity, 49, 523-537.
Tamás, P.A., & Kampen, J.K. (2015). Heresy and the church of Q: A reply. Quality &
Quantity, 49, 539-540.
Phillips, E.L., Raiford, A., & El–Batrawi, S. (1965). The Q sort reevaluated. Journal of Con-
sulting Psychology, 29, 422-425.
Sundland, D.M. (1962). The construction of Q-sorts: A criticism. Psychological Review, 69,62-
Stephenson, W. (1963). Independency and operationism in Q-sorting. Psychological
Record, 13, 269-272.
Wittenborn, J.R. (1961). Contributions and current status of Q methodology. Psychological
Bulletin, 58, 132-142.
Recent Applications
Akanbang, B.A.A., Darko-Osei, R., & Atengdem, P. (2013). Programme implementers’ experi-
ences of process use types in three evaluation contexts in Northern Ghana. Operant Subjec-
tivity, 36, 297-319.
Akhtar-Danesh, N., Baumann, A., Kolotylo, C., Lawlor, Y., Tompkins, C., & Lee, R. (2013).
Perceptions of professionalism among nursing faculty and nursing students. Western Jour-
nal of Nursing Research, 35, 248-271.
Akhtar-Danesh, N., Valaitis, R., O’Mara, L., Austin, P., & Munroe, V. (2013). Viewpoints
about collaboration between primary care and public health in Canada. BMC Health Service
Research, 13, 311.
Albizua, A., & Zografos, C. (2014). A values-based approach to vulnerability and adaptation to
climate change: Applying Q methodology in the Ebro Delta, Spain. Environmental Policy
and Governance, 24(6), 405-422. doi: 10.1002/eet.1658
Alderson, S.L., Foy, R., & House, A. (2015). Understanding depression associated with chronic
physical illness: A Q-methodology study in primary care. British Journal of General Prac-
tice, 65(635), e401-408.
Armadas, C.A., Venn, T.J., & Watson, A.E. (2014). Applying Q-methodology to select and de-
fine attributes for non-market valuation: A case study from Northwest Wyoming, United
States. Ecological Economics, 107, 447-456.
Baas, L.R., Rhoads, J.C., & Thomas, D.B. (2016). Are quests for a “culture of assessment”
mired in a “culture war” over assessment? A Q-methodological inquiry. SAGE Open, 6(1),
17 pp. doi: 10.1177/2158244015623591 (accessible:
Baker, R., Wildman, J., Mason, H., & Donaldson, C. (2014). Q-ing for health—A new approach
to eliciting the public's views on health care resource allocation. Health Economics, 23, 283-
Baltrinic, E.C., Burkholder, D., Brown, S.R., Janson, C., & Waugh, J.A. (2013). Reflections on
parallel studies of doctoral student completion. Operant Subjectivity, 36, 288-296.
Baltrinic, E.C., Waugh, J.A., & Brown, S.R. (2013). Faculty and student perspectives on what
helps counselor education doctoral students towards program completion. Operant Subjec-
tivity, 36, 253-271.
Bang, H., & Kim, J. (2016,). Korean and American teachers’ praising styles and teaching prac-
tices. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 28(1), 3-29.
Bang, H., & Montgomery, D. (2013). Understanding international graduate students’ accultura-
tion using Q methodology. Journal of College Student Development, 54, 343-360.
Barr, K., Ormrod, J., & Dudley, R. (2015). An exploration of what service users value
about early intervention in psychosis services. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 88, 468-480.
Bashatah, L. (2014). Saudi researchers’ perspectives on the ethics of children’s participation in
research: An exploration using Q-methodology. Journal of Research in Humanities and So-
cial Science [on-line], 2(7), 86-93. Open access at
Berghout, M., van Exel, J., Leensvaart, L., & Gramm, J.M. (2015). Healthcare professionals'
views on patient-centered care in hospitals. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 385. doi:
10.1186/s12913-015-1049-z) (Accessible:
Black, C. (2013). Q methodology. Approach, April 10, 4-5. Available at http://www.ip-
Bond, J.L. (2016). Extension agents and conflict narratives: A case of Laikipia County, Kenya.
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 22(1), 81-96.
Botor, N.J.B. (2013). How do distance learners like to learn? Shared learning preferences in dis-
tance education. ASEAN Journal of Open Distance Learning, 5(1), 10-27.
Bredin, Y.K., Lindhjem, H., van Dijk, J., & Linnell, J.D.C. (2015). Mapping value plurality to-
wards ecosystem services in the case of Norwegian wildlife management: A Q analysis.
Ecological Economics, 118, 198-206. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.07.005
Bröer, C., & Heerings, M. (2013). Neurobiology in public and private discourse: The case of
adults with ADHD. Sociology of Health & Illness, 35, 49-65.
Brown, S.R., Danielson, S., & van Exel, J. (2015). Overly ambitious critics and the Medici Ef-
fect: A reply to Kampen and Tamás. Quality & Quantity, 49, 523-537. doi: 10.1007/s11135-
Burke, L.E.C-A. (2014). Post-colonial science education: The challenge of negotiating re-
searcher positioning. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 37, 242-
255. doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2013.824776
Burke, L.E.C-A. (2015). Exploiting the qualitative potential of Q methodology in a post-colonial
critical discourse analysis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 14, 65-79.
Burkholder, D., & Janson, C. (2013). Supporting PhD completion: Student and faculty perspec-
tives. Operant Subjectivity, 36, 272-287.
Cairns, R., Sallu, S.M., & Goodman, S. (2014). Questioning calls to consensus in conservation:
A Q study of conservation discourses on Galápagos. Environmental Conservation, 41, 13-
Cairns, R., & Stirling, A. (2014). ‘Maintaining planetary systems’ or ‘concentrating global
power?’ High stakes in contending framings of climate geoengineering. Global Environ-
mental Change, 28, 25-38.
Cerrone, K., Nicholas, J.B., & Ramlo, S. (2013). Perspectives contributing to early college high
school students’ persistence. Operant Subjectivity, 36, 342-352.
Chandran, R., Hoppe, R., De Vries, W.T., & Georgiadou, Y. (2015). Conflicting policy beliefs
and informational complexities in designing a transboundary enforcement monitoring sys-
tem. Journal of Cleaner Production, 105, 447-460.
Chen, S-Y., & Hsu, H-C. (2015). Nurses’ reflections on good nurse traits: Implications for im-
proving care quality. Nursing Ethics, 22, 790-802.
Ching, L., & Mukherjee, M. (2015). Managing the socio-ecology of very large rivers: Collective
choice rules in IWRM narratives. Global Environmental Change, 34, 172-184.
Collins, L., & Angelova, M. (2015). What helps TESOL methods students learn: Using Q
methodology to investigate students’ views of a graduate TESOL methods class. Interna-
tional Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 27, 247-260.
Cotton, M.D., & Mahroos-Alsaiari, A.A. (2015). Key actor perspectives on stakeholder engage-
ment in Omani Environmental Impact Assessment: An application of Q-methodology. Jour-
nal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58, 91-112.
Churruca, K., Perz, J., & Ussher, J.M. (2014). Uncontrollable behavior or mental illness? Ex-
ploring constructions of bulimia using Q methodology. Journal of Eating Disorders, 2(22).
Open access, doi:10.1186/s40337-014-0022-2
Clare, S., Krogman, N., & Caine, K.J. (2013). The ‘‘balance discourse’’: A case study of power
and wetland management. Geoforum, 49, 40-49.
Clarke, D.J., & Holt, J. (2015). Understanding nursing practice in stroke units: A Q-method-
ological study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 37, 1870-1880.
Cotton, M.D., & Mahroos-Alsaiari, A.A. (2015). Key actor perspectives on stakeholder engage-
ment in Omani Environmental Impact Assessment: An application of Q-methodology. Jour-
nal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58, 91-112.
Courtois, C., Schrøder, K., & Kobbernagel, C. (2015). Exploring landscapes of news comsump-
tion cross-nationally The use of Q methodology to fuse quantitative and qualitative ap-
proaches for increased explanatory power in comparative research. In F. Zeller, C. Ponte, &
B. O’Neill (Eds.), Revitalising audience research: Innovations in European audience re-
search (pp. 123-142). New York: Routledge.
Cuppen, E. (2013). Q methodology to support the design and evaluation of stakeholder dialogue.
Operant Subjectivity, 36, 135-161.
Curry, R., Barry, J., & McClenaghan, A. (2013). Northern visions? Applying Q methodology to
understand stakeholder views on the environmental and resource dimensions of sustainabil-
ity. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56, 624-649.
Dafermos, G., & Van Eeten, M.J.G. (2014). Images of innovation in discourses of free and open
source software. First Monday, 19(12), online publication. (Accessible
Dahlberg, U.E., & Aune, I. (2013). The woman’s birth experience—The effect of interpersonal
relationships and continuity of care. Midwifery, 29, 407-415.
Davis, C.H., Michelle, C., Hardy, A., & Hight, C. (2014). Framing audience prefigurations of
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: The roles of fandom, politics and idealized intertexts.
Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 11(1), 50-87.
Deignan, Tim, & Brown, S. (2015). Educator perspectives on the use of alternative assessment
methods within taught masters programmes: An exploratory study using activity theory and
Q methodology. Educational Review. (DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2015.1090399) ePublication
prior to print.
Di Giuseppe, M., Perry, J.C., Petraglia, J., Janzen, J., & Lingiardi, V. (2014). Development of a
Q-sort version of the defense mechanism rating scales (DMRS-Q) for clinical use. Journal
of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 70, 452-465.
Dickinson, H., Jeffares, S., Nicholds, A., & Glasby, J. (2014). Beyond the Berlin Wall? Inves-
tigating joint commissioning and its various meanings using a Q methodology approach.
Public Management Review, 16, 830-851.
Dostál, J. (2015). The draft of the Competencial Model of the teacher in the context of the in-
quiry-based instruction. Procedia—Social and Behavioral Sciences, 186, 998-1006.
Dryzek, J.S., & Kanra, B. (2014). Australian Muslims' orientations to secular society: Empirical
exploration of theoretical classifications. Journal of Sociology, 50, 182-198.
Dryzek, J.S., & Kanra, B. (2014). Muslims and the mainstream in Australia: Polarisation or en-
gagement? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40, 1236-1253.
Durose, C., Van Hulst, M., Jeffares, S., Escobar, O., Agger, A., & de Graaf, L. (2015). Five
ways to make a difference: Perceptions of practitioners working in urban neighborhoods.
Public Administration Review (ePublication prior to print).
Ellingsen, I.T., Thorsen, A.A., & Størksen, I. (2014). Revealing children’s experiences and emo-
tions through Q methodology. Child Development Research, art. 910529, 9 pp. (Accessible:
Erhardt, I., Levy, R.A., Ablon, J.A., Ackerman, J.A., Seybert, C., Voßhagen, I., & Kächele, H.
(2014). Amalie Xs Musterstunde: Analysiert mit dem Psychotherapie Prozess Q-Set [Amalie
X’s specimen case Analyzed with the Psychotherapy Process Q-set]. Forum der Psycho-
analyse, 30(4), 441-458. (Text in German)
Evelina, B.C., & Camelia Nadia, B. (2014). The Q-sort technique used in identifying the level of
methodological skills of the prospective teachers. Procedia—Social and Behavioral Sci-
ences, 128, 60-65.
Eyvindson, K., Kangas, A., Hujala, T., & Leskinen, P. (2015). Likert versus Q-approaches in
survey methodologies: Discrepancies in results with same respondents. Quality & Quantity,
49, 509-522.
Flurey, C.A., Morris, M., Pollock, J., Richards, P., Hughes, R., & Hewlett, S. (2014). A Q-
methodology study of flare help-seeking behaviours and different experiences of daily life in
rheumatoid arthritis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, 364. (Provisional pdf view-
Forrester, J., Cook, B., Bracken, L., Cinderby, S., & Donaldson, A. (2015). Combining partici-
patory mapping with Q-methodology to map stakeholder perceptions of complex environ-
mental problems. Applied Geography, 56, 199-208.
Franz, A., Worrell, M., & Vögele, C. (2013). Integrating mixed method data in psychological re-
search: Combining Q methodology and questionnaires in a study investigating cultural and
psychological influences on adolescent sexual behavior. Journal of Mixed Methods Re-
search, 7, 370-389.
Fraser, J., Gupta, R., & Krasny, M.E. (2015). Practitioners’ perspectives on the purpose of envi-
ronmental education. Environmental Education Research, 21(5), 777-800.
Fluckinger, C.D., & Brodke, M.R.H. (2013). Positive reactions to a Q sort for personality as-
sessment. Operant Subjectivity, 36, 335-341.
Gauzente, C. (2013). Une invitation illustrée à utiliser la Q-method dans les recherches en sys-
tèmes d’information [An illustrated invitation to use Q-method in research in information
systems]. Systèmes d'Information et Management, 18(2), 69-109.
Gauzente, C. (2014). Digging into the subjectivity of mobile apps “non-users” A single case
study approach. Operant Subjectivity, 37(4), 41-55.
Gaynor, T.S. (2013). Building democracy: Community development corporations’ influence on
democratic participation in Newark, New Jersey. Operant Subjectivity, 36, 93-113
Godor, B.P. (2016). Moving beyond the deep and surface dichotomy; Using Q methodology to
explore students’ approaches to studying. Teaching in Higher Education. (ePublication prior
to print)
Goodman, G., Midgley, N., & Schneider, C. (2015). Expert clinicians’ prototypes of an ideal
child treatment in psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral therapy: Is mentalization seen as
a common process factor? Psychotherapy Research. (Published online before print)
Gough, H., Tweed, A., & Sorensen, J. (2014). Priorities of staff and service users in mental
health assessment: A Q methodological study. Operant Subjectivity, 37(4), 23-40.
Ha, E.H. (2014). Attitudes toward video-assisted debriefing after simulation in undergraduate
nursing students: An application of Q methodology. Nurse Education Today, 34, 978-984.
Grijpma, J.W., Tielen, M., van Staa, A., Maasdam, L., van Gelder, T., Berger, S.P., Busschbach,
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thesis (Architecture), Cardiff University, UK.
Beck, P.D. (2014). Fourth-grade students' subjective interactions with the seven elements of art:
An exploratory case study using Q-methodology. Doctoral dissertation (Interdisciplinary Ed-
ucational Studies), Long Island University, C. W. Post Center.
Behn, D.F. (2013). A theory of configurative fairness for evolving legal orders: Linking the sci-
entific study of subjectivity to jurisprudential thought. Doctoral thesis, Public International
Law, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee
(Scotland, UK).
Bicking, C.J. (2015). Toyota Production System (TPS) theories-in-action and lean implementa-
tion theories-in-action: A contrast in maximization of human potential. Doctoral disserta-
tion, Human and Organization Development, Fielding Graduate University.
Boden, Z.V.R. (2013). Mapping the multiple-dimensions of men’s guilt-experiences: Feelings,
temporality, narrative. Doctoral thesis, University of London, Birkbeck College, UK.
Boesch, J.A. (2014). Expanded learning (afterschool) leaders' perceptions regarding most im-
portant elements for program quality and use of self-assessment tools for continuous im-
provement. Doctoral dissertation (Educational Leadership), California State University,
Bond, J.L. (2013). Human (in)security at the livestock-crop-wildlife nexus: The case of Laikipia
County, Kenya. Doctoral thesis (Food and Resource Economics), University of Copenhagen,
Brandling, J. L. (2014). Young people's cultural discourses on alcohol: A Q methodological en-
quiry. Doctoral thesis (Health & Social Sciences), University of the West of England, Bris-
tol, UK.
Brown, C.L. (2013). What works? Principals' perceptions of professional development. Doc-
toral dissertation (Educational Leadership), North Carolina State University.
Brown, Z. (2013). ‘We just have to get on with it’: Inclusive teaching in a standards driven sys-
tem. Doctoral thesis (Education), Wolverhampton University, Wolverhampton, UK.
Burke, L.E.C-A. (2014). Western teachers of science or teachers of Western science: On the in-
fluence of Western modern science in a post-colonial context. Doctoral dissertation (Curricu-
lum, Teaching and Learning), University of Toronto.
Chiu, C–H. (2013). Verification of theory based design features for designing online instruction
for students with learning disabilities and other struggling learners. Doctoral dissertation
(Educational Leadership and Policy Studies), University of Kansas.
Cochran, G.L. (2013). A Q-methodology approach to investigating the relationship between
level of reflection and typologies among prospective teachers in the Physics Learning Assis-
tant Program at Florida International University. Doctoral dissertation (Curriculum and In-
struction), Florida International University.
Coladonato, J.A. (2013). Attitudes about second-career teachers: An exploratory Q study of
school administrators and classroom teachers. Doctoral dissertation (Education, Informa-
tion, and Technology), Long Island University, C.W. Post Center, NY.
Collum, T.L. (2014). Conceptualization of effective leadership indicators among university fe-
male leaders. Doctoral dissertation (Education), North Carolina State University.
Culpepper, E.L. (2015). Exploring teachers' beliefs about reading standards: A Q-methodology
study. Doctoral dissertation (Education), North Carolina State University.
Damio, S.M. (2013). Seeking Malay trainee English teachers' perceptions of autonomy in lan-
guage learning using Q methodology. Doctoral thesis, University of Nottingham, UK.
Davis, B.B. (2014). Why do you want your child to have braces? Investigating the motivations
of Hispanic/Latino and Caucasian parents. Doctoral dissertation (Orthodontics), University
of Washington.
Dos Santos, R.C. (2015). Health program evaluating the effectiveness of the school in relation
to oral health in basic education schools- Q-methodology. Master’s thesis, Federal Univer-
siae, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Elston, F. (2014). Doing well by doing good: A mixed methods inquiry into the experiences of
well-being and what contributes to it. Doctoral thesis, University of East London (School of
Fikse, C. (2013). From self-actualization to co-actualization within leadership. Norwegian Uni-
versity of Science and Technology (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet).
Ford, E.J. (2014). Quality of life after stroke and aphasia: stroke survivors' and spouses’ per-
spectives. Doctoral thesis (Clinical Psychology), Staffordshire University, UK.
Forister, J.G. (2015). Novice physician assistant transfer of learning during the transition to
clinical practice: A mixed interpretive study. Doctoral dissertation (Educational Administra-
tion and Human Resource Development), Texas A&M University.
Frayne, D. (2014). Nonprofit leader perceptions of effective organizational performance mea-
surement: A Q methodology study. Doctoral dissertation (Management), University of
Frearson, A.E. (2013). A Q-methodological study to explore Muslim girls’ viewpoints around
how a secondary school setting can promote and support their inclusion. Research thesis
(Educational and Child Psychology), Department of Educational Studies, University of
Sheffield, UK.
Ghali, M. (2015). Factors underlying counselor educators’ perspectives on spiritual issues in
counseling in non-faith-based CACREP-accredited training programs. Doctoral dissertation
(Counselor Education and Supervision), Kent State University.
Gower, B.S. (2015). Why do individuals volunteer at foodbanks? Master’s thesis, School of
Public Policy, University College, London.
Greenblott, J.M. (2013). Quantitative analysis of regulatory discourses on agricultural genetic
engineering: An exploration and empirical application of critical theory. Doctoral disserta-
tion (Environmental Science and Public Policy), George Mason University.
Gudurić, I. (2013). The perception of decision-makers to climate change adaptation in urban
and peri-urban forests of Belgrade. Master's thesis (European Forestry), Department of For-
est and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
Hiatt, A.C. (2013). Development and evaluation of the EvoDevoCI: An evolutionary develop-
mental biology conceptual inventory. Doctoral dissertation (Zoology), Oklahoma State Uni-
Hilburn, A.M. (2014). Garbage, society, and environment in a Mexican municipio: The case of
Coxcatlan, Puebla, Mexico. Doctoral dissertation( Geography), University of Kansas.
Hill, K. (2014). Understanding and preventing alcohol misuse in young people: Affordances
and an ecological approach to cognition. Doctoral thesis (School of Social Sciences), Ox-
ford Brookes University, UK.
Holding, J. (2014). Beliefs about psychological therapy for psychosis. Doctoral thesis (Clinical
Psychology), University of Manchester, UK.
Hollingsworth, A. (2013). Q methodology as a needs assessment tool for biology graduate
teaching assistants participating in an instructional training program. Doctoral dissertation,
Akron University.
Holmes, T.S. (2013). Exploration of antecedents of environmentally responsible behavior by
stakeholders in Grand Lake watershed. Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University
(Environmental Education).
Hurt, K.M. (2015). Graduate counseling students' preferences for counselor educators' teaching
dispositions, orientations, and behaviors: A Q methodology inquiry. Doctoral dissertation
(Counseling and Higher Education), University of North Texas.
Jackson, K.L.T. (2014). Connecting expectations and values: Students' perceptions of develop-
mental mathematics in a computer-based learning environment. Doctoral dissertation (Lead-
ership, Policy, and Adult and Higher Education), North Carolina State University.
Kenjarski, M.R. (2015). Defining teacher leadership: Elementary teachers' perceptions of
teacher leadership and the conditions which influence its development. Doctoral dissertation
(Education), North Carolina State University.
Kivits, R.A. (2013). Multi-dimensional stakeholder analysis: A methodology applied to Aus-
tralian capital city airports. Doctoral thesis (Business), Southern Cross University, Lismore,
NSW, Australia.
Kobbernagel, C. (2013). Students’ learning experiences in digital workshops: A thesis of en-
quiry into learning and communication and methodological explorations using Q methodol-
ogy and structural equation modeling in the field of art gallery education. Doctoral disserta-
tion, Department of Communication, Roskilde University, Denmark.
Lee, K.R. (2014). Child-centered play therapy parent services: A Q-methodological investiga-
tion. Doctoral dissertation (Education), University of North Texas.
Lopienski, S.A. (2016). How do educational leaders understand career readiness: A Q-method-
ological study. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Educational Studies, Ohio University.
Lu, J. (2014). The perceptions of college students regarding microaggressions toward people
with disabilities. Doctoral dissertation (Rehabilitation and Counselor Education), University
of Iowa.
Lynch, H. (2014). Passivhaus in the UK: The challenges of an emerging market: A case study of
innovation using mixed methods research. Doctoral thesis (Built Environment), University
of London, University College London, UK.
Mandolesi, S. (2014). Innovative applications of Q methodology in socio-economic and envi-
ronmental research. Doctoral thesis, Doctoral School of Engineering Sciences, Università
Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Manouvrier, L. (2014). Attitudes of Hispanic parents toward the visual arts in the curriculum.
Doctoral dissertation (Education), Long Island University, C. W. Post Center.
McDonald-Morken, C.A. (2014). Mainstreaming critical disability studies: Towards undoing
the last prejudice. Doctoral dissertation (Education), North Dakota State University.
McFarland, E.S. (2014). Teachers' perceptions of professional development: What do teachers
really want that makes them willing to change professional practice? Doctoral dissertation
(Education), North Carolina State University.
Meier, I. (2015). Giving voice and choice to children: Q methodology as a capability measure.
Doctoral dissertation (Childhood Studies), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—
Merrill, K. (2015). Dedicated to infringement: The politics of intermediary enforcement in on-
line advertising. Doctoral dissertation (Media Studies), Syracuse University.
Michaud-Letourneau, I. (2014). Operationalizing multisectoral nutrition in Mozambique: The
role of strategic system thinking "strategies and insights from a complexity perspective."
Doctoral dissertation (Nutrition), Cornell University.
Mitchell, M.P. (2015). Factors influencing prospective African American doctoral students se-
lection of for-profit institutions. Doctoral dissertation (Adult and Community College Edu-
cation), North Carolina State University.
Moate, R.M. (2014). Novice professional counselors’ perceptions of what was most helpful to
them about their teachers in didactic classes during their master’s program. Doctoral disser-
tation, College and Graduate School of Education, Health, and Human Services (Counseling
and Human Development Services), Kent State University.
Morera, T. (2014). Psychosocial recovery and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for psy-
chosis. Doctoral thesis (Clinical Psychology), University of Manchester, UK.
Ormerod, K.J. (2015). Governing risk, reuse, and reclamation: Water pollution control and new
water resources in the southwestern United States. Doctoral dissertation (Geography), Uni-
versity of Arizona.
Orchard, L.J. (2013). Personality as a predictor of Facebook engagement. Doctoral thesis (Psy-
chology), University of Wolverhampton, UK.
Øverland, K. (2013). Children of divorce in daycare: Exploring subjective experiences among
daycare staff and children using Q methodology. Doctoral thesis, Norwegian Centre for
Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education, University of Stavanger,
Padmanabhan, P. (2013). Software quality perceptions of stakeholders involved in the software
development process. Doctoral dissertation (Information Systems & Technology Manage-
ment), University of Texas at San Antonio.
Paige, J.B. (2013). Simulation design characteristics: Perspectives held by nurse educators and
nursing students. Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Nursing).
Parker, J.H., IV. (2015). Middle school educators' perceptions of student backgrounds affecting
student academic outcomes in rural coastal North Carolina. Doctoral dissertation (Educa-
tion), North Carolina State University.
Parker, T.W. (2015). Understanding the private school choice decision process: A Q-methodol-
ogy study. Doctoral dissertation (Educational Administration and Supervision), North Car-
olina State University.
Payne, L.B. (2015). Transitioning to sustainability through transdisciplinary knowledge pro-
duction models. Doctoral dissertation (Ecological Sciences and Engineering), Purdue Uni-
Pelenur, M. (2014). Retrofitting the domestic built environment: investigating household per-
spectives towards energy efficiency technologies and behavior. Doctoral thesis, University
of Cambridge (Department of Engineering).
Perron, N.C.D. (2015). International counseling traits: Identifying counseling traits ranked
most important by international counseling professionals through Q sort analysis. Doctoral
dissertation (Counseling, Adult and Higher Education), Northern Illinois University.
Phelan, C.J. (2014). Understanding the farmer: An analysis of the entrepreneurial competencies
required for diversification to farm tourism. Doctoral thesis (School of Sport and
Wellbeing), University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Plastow, N.A. (2014). Food activities and the maintenance of identity in later life. Doctoral the-
sis (Health and Life Sciences), Brunel University, UK.
Pulkkinen, S. (2014). Yliopistokoulutuksen maksullisuuspuhe: Q-metodologinen tutkimus politi-
ikan toimlioiden suhtautumistavoista koulutuksen maksullisuuteen [Discourse of university
tuition fees. Q-methodological approach to policy agents viewpoints in education fees].
Master’s thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Rastogi, A. (2013). Understanding the social dimensions of tiger conservation in India. Doc-
toral thesis (Natural Resource Sciences), McGill University, Montréal, CN.
Redwine, T.D. (2014). A model of global learning: How students change through international
high-impact experiences. Doctoral dissertation (Agricultural Leadership, Education, and
Communications), Texas A&M University.
Reed, E.M. (2015). Perceived differences in employment opportunities between officers and en-
listed military after retirement by human resource managers and recruiters. Doctoral disser-
tation (School of Business and Technology), Capella University.
Reid, K.J. (2013). The experience of patients diagnosed and treated for head and neck cancer.
Doctoral thesis (Health and Population Sciences), University of Birmingham, UK.
Restrepo-Osorio, D.L. (2014). Defining perceptions of watershed management in a Great
Plains and in an Andean watershed. Doctoral dissertation (Latin American Studies), Univer-
sity of Kansas.
Richardson, L.A. (2016). Weightism: An exploration of university exercise science students’
views of obesity. Doctoral dissertation (Curricular and Instructional Studies), University of
Rigbye, J.L. (2013). Barriers to treatment access for young problem gamblers. Doctoral thesis
(School of Social Sciences), Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Robinson, K.D. (2013). Deciding the future: Informing the development of a decision support
system for water resource management by Great Lakes region land use planners. Doctoral
dissertation (Forestry and Natural Resources), Purdue University.
Rutherford, S.E. (2014). Teaching and learning jazz music improvisation: An investigation of
approaches using Q methodology. Doctoral thesis (Education), Simon Fraser University,
Sartori, A. (2013). Perceptions of EFL students and teachers on vocabulary acquisition: A Q
study. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Applied Linguistics, Language Studies Institute
(IEL), University of Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil.
Schall, D.M. (2014). The chickens' grain: Understanding contestations around land-use best
practices on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Doctoral dissertation (Geography and Environmen-
tal Systems), University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Scudder, T.J. (2013). Personality types in relationship awareness theory: The validation of
Freud's libidinal types and explication of Porter's motivational typology. Doctoral disserta-
tion (School of Human and Organization Development), Fielding Graduate University.
Serrano, A.F. (2014). Financial literacy instructors working in community-based programs:
Their narratives and efforts interrupting the status quo. Doctoral dissertation (Counseling,
Leadership, Adult Education and School Psychology), Texas State University - San Marcos.
Shirley, M. (2013). Engaging with parents in decision making processes: A three phase study il-
luminating teachers' viewpoints and parents' perceptions to explore a school's approach.
Doctoral thesis (Applied Psychology), University of Nottingham, UK.
Siddiqui, S. (2014). Recovery in people with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.
Doctoral thesis (Clinical Psychology), University of Manchester, UK.
Sisneros, C. (2015). Understanding Westerners' relationship with public lands and federal land
managers through attachment to public lands. Doctoral dissertation, Sociology, Social Work
and Anthropology, Utah State University.
Sklarwitz, S.R. (2015). Perspectives on global citizenship: Q methodology in the classroom.
Doctoral dissertation (Curriculum & Teaching), Boston University.
Sommers-Barnett, P.A. (2015). Vocational college instructors' perceptions of students' study
skills. Doctoral dissertation (Education), University of Phoenix.
Sparks, K.M. (2013). Student conceptions of learning and the approaches to learning adopted
in an introductory science course: A Q methodology study. Doctoral dissertation (Science
Education), Western Michigan University.
Spurgeon, L.C. (2013). The psychological sequelae of transient ischaemic attack: The develop-
ment of a preliminary screening tool. Doctoral thesis (Health and Population Sciences), Uni-
versity of Birmingham, UK.
Stollery, R.L. (2013). A Q methodological study of the support valued by students with English
as an additional language. Doctoral thesis (Educational and Child Psychology), University
of Sheffield, UK.
Sturrock, L. (2013). Q methodological exploration of caregivers' beliefs regarding their child's
Asperger’s syndrome. Doctoral thesis (Clinical Psychology), University of Edinburgh, UK.
Sykova, V. (2013). Herbal supplements in women of childbearing age: Patterns of use, beliefs,
and effects on pregnancy. Doctoral dissertation (Nutritional Science), Oklahoma State Uni-
Vahey, C.A. (2013). Use of Q-methodology to identify clinical psychologists' attitudes towards
genetic research affecting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Doctoral
thesis (Clinical Psychology), University of Manchester, UK.
Wagstaff, P. (2015). The motivations of landowners in upland Scotland: Exploring challenges
to sustainability. Doctoral thesis (Centre for Mountain Studies), University of Aberdeen,
Welham, G.C. (2015). Prescriber perceptions while managing pain. Doctoral dissertation, So-
cial and Administrative Science in Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Wijngaarden, V. (2014). Persistent images of 'the other' in cultural tourism: The interplay be-
tween Maasai's and tourists' imaginations and their face-to-face encounters. Doctoral thesis,
Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Ger-
Willette, S.E. (2014). A Q methodology study of complex adaptive system emergence in the de-
fense acquisition structure. Doctoral dissertation (Applied Management and Decision Sci-
ences), Walden University.
Wint, F.E. (2013). “Am I bothered?”—Using Q-methodology to explore what bothers young
people on Facebook. Doctoral thesis (Educational and Child Psychology), University of
Sheffield, UK.
Wirth, J. (2014). Perceptions of secondary mathematics teachers concerning influences on ped-
agogical practice. Doctoral dissertation (Education), North Dakota State University.
Wottawa, R.J., II. (2016). Expert advice from mentor teachers to improve first-year teachers'
teaching and first-year experience. Doctoral dissertation (Interdisciplinary Educational Stud-
ies), Long Island University, C. W. Post Center.
Zabala Aizpuru, A. (2015). Motivations and incentives for pro-environmental behaviour: The
case of silvopasture adoption in the tropical forest frontier. Doctoral thesis, Department of
Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK.
Selected Bibliography on Q Methodology
Books on Q Technique and Methodology
Block, J. (1961). The Q- sort method in personality assessment and psychiatric research.
Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. (Republished: Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists
Press, 1978.)
Block, J. (2008). The Q-sort in character appraisal: Encoding subjective impressions of persons
quantitatively. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Brown, S.R. & Brenner, D.J. (Eds.) (1972). Science, psychology, and communication: Essays
honoring William Stephenson. New York: Teachers College Press.
Brown, S.R. (1980). Political subjectivity: Applications of Q methodology in political science.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Iliescu, D. (2005). Metodologia Q. Budapest: [Romanian]
Khoshgooyanfard, A-R. (2008). Q-methodology. Tehran: Research Center of IRIB [Islamic Re-
public of Iran Broadcasting] Publication. [Persian]
Kim, H.K. (2008). Q methodology: Philosophy of science, theories, analysis, and application.
Seoul: CommunicationBooks. [Korean]
Kim, S.E. (2007). Q methodology and social sciences. Busan, Korea: Goldwell Publishing, Inc.
McKeown, B.F. & D.B. Thomas (2013). Q methodology (Quantitative Applications in the So-
cial Sciences series, Vol. 66, 2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. (1st ed., 1988)
(See review by William Stephenson and rejoinder by McKeown and Thomas, Operant Sub-
jectivity, 1989, 12, 103-109.)
Prasith-rathsint, S., & Sookasame, K. (2007). Variety of innovative research methods: Q
methodology: A scientific study of subjectivity (Concepts, theory and application). Bangkok:
Samlada. [Thai].
Said, G., & Stricklin, M. (Orgs. and Eds.) (2013). Anais da 1o conferência internacional sobre
metodologia Q: Análises qualitative e quantitative na pesquisa científica [Annals of the 1st
international conference on Q methodology: Qualitative and quantitative analyses in scien-
tific research]. Teresina, Piauí, Brazil: EDUFPI [Universidade Federal do Piauí].
Stephenson, W. (1953). The study of behavior: Q- technique and its methodology. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press. (Republished: Midway Edition, University of Chicago Press,
Stephenson, W. (1967). The play theory of mass communication. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. (Republished: New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1988.)
Stephenson, W. (1994). Quantum theory of advertising. Columbia: School of Journalism, Uni-
versity of Missouri.
Chapters on Q Technique and Methodology
Addams, H. (2000). Q methodology. In H. Addams & J. Proops (Eds.), Social discourse and en-
vironmental policy: An application of Q methodology (pp.14-40). Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Brooks, W.D. (1970). Q-sort technique. In P. Emmert & W.D. Brooks (Eds.), Methods of re-
search in communication. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Brown, S.R. (1986). Q technique and method: Principles and procedures. In W.D. Berry & M.S.
Lewis-Beck (Eds.), New tools for social scientists: Advances and applications in research
methods (pp. 57-76). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Brown, S.R. (1999). Psicología política desde el punto de vista de la subjetividad natural [Politi-
cal psychology from the standpoint of naturalistic subjectivity]. In G.A. Mota Botello (Ed.),
Psicología política del nuevo siglo (pp. 37-54). Mexico City: Sociedad Mexicana de Psi-
cología Social.
Brown, S.R. (2003). Preconception and realisation: A constant conjunction of theory and mea-
surement. In R.M. Lipgar & M. Pines (Eds.), Building on Bion: Branches. Contemporary
developments and applications of Bion’s contributions to theory and practice (pp. 285-301).
London: Jessica Kingsley.
Brown, S.R. (2005). Applying Q methodology to empowerment. In D. Narayan (Ed.), Measur-
ing empowerment: Cross-disciplinary perspectives (pp. 197-215). Washington, DC: The
World Bank.
Brown, S.R. (2006). Q methodology and naturalistic subjectivity. In B. Midgley & E. Morris
(Eds.), Modern perspectives on J.R. Kantor and interbehaviorism (pp. 251-268). Reno, NV:
Context Press.
Brown, S.R., Durning, D.W. & Selden, S.C. (1999). Q methodology. In G.R. Miller & M.L.
Whicker (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in public administration (pp. 599-637). New
York: Marcel Dekker.
Brown, S.R., Durning, D.W., & Selden, S.C. (2008). Q methodology. In K. Yang & G.R. Miller
(Eds.), Handbook of research methods in public administration (2nd ed., pp. 721-763). New
York: Taylor & Francis.
Dennis, K. (1988). Q-methodology: New perspectives on estimating reliability and validity. In
O.L. Strickland & C.F. Waltz (Eds.), Measurement of nursing outcomes. Vol. 2. Measuring
nursing performance: Practice, education, and research (pp. 409-419). New York: Springer.
Donner, J.C. (2001). Using Q-sorts in participatory processes: An introduction to the methodol-
ogy. In R.A. Krueger, M.A. Casey, J. Donner, S. Kirsch, & J.N. Maack, Social analysis: Se-
lected tools and techniques (Social Development Papers, No. 36, pp. 24-49). Washington,
DC: Social Development Department, The World Bank. Available:
Dryzek, J.S. (1990). Discursive democracy: Politics, policy and science. London: Cambridge
University Press. (Chapter 9, "The Measure of Political Man—and Woman," pp. 173-189.)
Durning, D.W., & Brown, S.R. (2007). Q methodology and decision making. In G. Morçöl
(Ed.), Handbook of decision making (pp. 537-563). New York: CRC Press (Taylor & Fran-
cis Group).
Febbraro, A.R. (1995). On the epistemology, metatheory, and ideology of Q methodology: A
critical analysis. In I. Lubek, R. van Hezewijk, G. Pheterson, & C.W. Tolman (Eds.), Trends
and issues in theoretical psychology (pp. 144-150). New York: Springer.
Gallivan, J. (1994). Subjectivity and the psychology of gender: Q as a feminist methodology. In
J. Gallivan, S.D. Crozier & V.M. Lalande (Eds.), Women, girls, and achievement (pp. 29-36).
Toronto: Captus University Publications.
Gauzente, C. (2005). La méthodologie Q et l’étude de la subjectivité [Q methodology and the
study of subjectivity]. In P. Roussel & F. Wacheux (Eds.), Management des ressources hu-
maines: Méthodes de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales [Methods of research for
management sciences and applications in human resource management] (pp. 177-206).
Brussels: De Boeck.
Giles, D.C. (2002). Q methodology. In Advanced research methods in psychology (pp. 238-
246). Hove, East Sussex, UK: Routledge.
Gopoian, J.D. & S.R. Brown (1989). Public opinion and campaign strategy. In S. Long (Ed.),
Political behavior annual (Vol. 2, pp. 103-124). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Kerlinger, F.N. (1972). Q methodology in behavioral research. In S.R. Brown & D.J. Brenner
(Eds.), Science, psychology, and communication (pp. 3-38) . New York: Teachers College
Kerlinger, F.N. (1986). Foundations of behavioral research (3rd ed.). New York: Holt, Rine-
hart, and Winston. (Chapter on "Q Methodology")
Kinsey, D.F. (2009). Public relations research. In S. Zhou & W.D. Sloan (Eds.), Research meth-
ods in communication (pp. 361-374). Northport, AL: Vision Press.
Kitzinger, C. (1986). Introducing and developing Q as a feminist methodology: A study of ac-
counts of lesbianism. In S. Wilkinson (Ed.), Feminist social psychology: Developing theory
and practice (pp. 151-172). Milton Keynes, England, and Philadelphia: Open University
Lou, S.M. (1981). Q technique. In K.S. Yang, C. Wen, C.S. Wu, & I. Lee (Eds.), Research
methods for social and behavioral sciences (4th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 741-757). Taipei: Tung
Huang Book. (Chinese)
Mowrer, O.H. (1953). "Q-technique"—description, history, and critique. In O.H. Mowrer (Ed.),
Psychotherapy (pp. 316-375). New York: Ronald.
Nekola, M. (2011). Metoda Q ve veřejné politice [Q-methodology in public policy]. In M.
Nekola, H. Geissler, & M. Mouralová (Eds.), Současné metodologické otázky veřejné poli-
tiky [Contemporary methodological issues of public policy] (pp. 136-169). Prague:
Karolinum Press.
Newman, I., & Ramlo, S. (2010). Using Q methodology and Q factor analysis in mixed methods
research. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social and
behavioral research (2nd ed., pp. 505-530). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Nunnally, J.C., Jr. (1978). Psychometric theory (2nd ed., pp. 613-625). New York: Mc-
Ozer, D.J. (1993). The Q-sort method and the study of personality development. In D.C. Fun-
der, R.D. Parke, C. Tomlinson-Keasey, & K. Widaman (Eds.), Studying lives through time:
Personality and development (pp. 147-168). Washington, DC: American Psychological As-
Rhoads, J.C. (2014). Q methodology. SAGE Research Methods Cases. London: Sage.
Robyn, R. (2005). Methodology. In R. Robyn (Ed.), The changing face of European identity: A
seven-nation study of (supra)national attachments (pp. 17-36). London: Routledge.
Senn, C.Y. (1996). Q-methodology as feminist methodology: Women’s views and experiences
of pornography. In S. Wilkinson (Ed.), Feminist social psychologies: International perspec-
tives (pp. 201-217). Buckingham, UK; Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Smith, N.W. (2001). Current systems in psychology: History, theory, research, and applica-
tions. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Chapter 11, “Operant subjectivity: Ob-
jectivity of subjectivity,” pp. 319-343.
Smith, N.W. & Smith, L.L. (1993). Field theory in science: Its role as a necessary and sufficient
condition in psychology. In N.W. Smith, Greek and interbehavioral psychology: Selected
and revised papers of Noel W. Smith (pp. 213-228). Lanham, MD: University Press of
America. (Republished with revisions: Psychological Record, 1996, 46, 3-19.)
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Encyclopedia Entries
Bambery, M. & Porcerelli, J. (2010). Q-methodology. In I.B. Weiner & W.E. Craighead (Eds.),
The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology (4th ed., Vol. 3, pp. 1401-1403). New York: John
Brown, S.R. (2004). Q methodology. In M.S. Lewis-Beck, A. Bryman, & T.F. Liao (Eds.), The
SAGE encyclopedia of social science research methods (Vol. 3, pp. 887-888). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage.
Brown, S.R. (2008). Q methodology. In L.M. Given (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of qualita-
tive research methods (Vol. 2, pp. 699-702). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Brown, S.R., & Good, J.M.M. (2010). Q methodology. In N.J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
research design (Vol. 3, pp. 1149-1155). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Durning, D.W. (2008). Q methodology. In E.M. Berman & J. Rabin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of
public administration and public policy (2nd ed., pp. 1678-1681). New York: Taylor &
Good, J.M.M. (2005). Stephenson, William (1902-1989). In J.R. Shook (General Ed.), Dictio-
nary of modern American philosophers (Vol. 4, pp. 2322-2323). Bristol, UK: Thoemmes
Good, J.M.M. (2005). Stephenson, William. In B.S. Everitt & D.C. Howell (Eds.), Encyclope-
dia of Statistics in Behavioral Science (Vol. 4, pp. 1898-1900). Chichester, UK: John Wiley.
Ozer, D.J. 2001. Q-sort technique. In W.E. Craighead and C.B. Nemeroff (Eds.), The Corsini
encyclopedia of psychology and behavioral science (3rd ed., pp. 1359-1360). New York:
Rhoads, J.C. (2007). Q methodology. In N.J. Salkind (Ed.) & K. Rasmussen (Managing Ed.),
Encyclopedia of measurement and statistics (Vol. 3, pp. 799-802). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Robbins, P. (2005). Q methodology. In K. Kempf-Leonard (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social mea-
surement (Vol. 3, pp. 209-215). San Diego: Elsevier.
Tuler, S., & Webler, T. (2008). Q methodology. In L. Kalof, A. Dan, & T. Dietz (Eds.), Essen-
tials of social research (pp. 137-138). Berkshire, UK: Open University Press/McGraw Hill.
Books Utilizing Q Technique and Methodology
Aalto, P. (2003). Constructing post-Soviet geopolitics in Estonia. London & Portland, OR:
Frank Cass.
Aalto, P. (2006). European Union and the making of a wider Northern Europe. London: Rout-
Abraham, A. (1972). Le monde intérieur des enseignants [The interior world of teachers].
Paris: Epi.
Addams, H., & Proops, J. (Eds.) (2000). Social discourse and environmental policy: An appli-
cation of Q methodology. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
Barry, J., & Proops, J. (2000). Citizenship, sustainability, and environmental research: Q
methodology and local exchange trading systems. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Ed-
ward Elgar.
Beck, S.J. (1954). The six schizophrenias: Reaction patterns in children and adults (Research
Monograph No. 6). Chicago: American Orthopsychiatric Association.
Beck, S.J. (1965). Psychological processes in the schizophrenic adaptation. New York: Grune
and Stratton.
Block, J., with Haan, N. (1971). Lives through time. Berkeley, CA: Bancroft.
Cragan, J.F. & Shields, D.C. (Eds.) (1981). Applied communication research. Prospect Heights,
IL: Waveland Press.
Cuppen, E. (2011). Putting perspectives into participation. Oisterwijk, The Netherlands: BOX
Curt, B.C. (pseud.) (1994). Textuality and tectonics: Troubling social and psychological sci-
ence. Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press.
de Graaf, G. (2003). Tractable morality: Customer discourses of bankers, veterinarians and
charity workers (ERIM Ph.D. Series Research in Management). Rotterdam: Erasmus Re-
search Institute of Management, Erasmus University.
Driver, D.W. (2009). Sparta in Babylon: Case studies in the public philosophy of soldiers and
civilians. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Publishing.
Dryzek, J., & Holmes, L.T. (2002). Post-communist democratization: Political discourses
across thirteen countries. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Eichorn, D.H., Clausen, J.A., Haan, N., Honzik, M.P., & Mussen, P.H. (Eds.) (1981). Present
and past in middle life. New York: Academic Press.
Friedenberg, E.Z. (1965). Coming of age in America: Growth and acquiescence. New York:
Random House.
Friedenberg, E.Z. (1965). The dignity of youth and other atavisms. Boston: Beacon Press.
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and unsuccessful graduate students (Supplementary Educational Monographs No. 80).
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Gayer, C.M. (2012). Gendered intractability: National identity constructions and gender in the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Publisher.
Gillespie, J.D. (1993). Politics at the periphery: Third parties in "two- party America." Colum-
bia: University of South Carolina Press.
Grinker, R.R., Miller, J., Sabshin, M., Nunn, R., & Nunnally, J.C. (1961). The phenomena of
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Haan, N. (1977). Coping and defending: Processes of self-environment organization. New
York: Academic Press.
Hamilton, H.D. & Cohen, S.H. (1974). Policy making by plebiscite: School referenda. Lexing-
ton, MA: Lexington Books.
Hauser, S.T. (1971). Black and white identity formation: Studies in the psychosocial develop-
ment of lower socioeconomic class adolescent boys. New York: Wiley-Interscience. (2nd
ed., with E. Kasendorf. Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger, 1983.)
Hill, S. (1992). Democratic values and technological choices. Stanford, CA: Stanford Univer-
sity Press.
Jeffares, S. (2014). Interpreting hashtag politics: Policy ideas in an era of social media. Lon-
don: Palgrave Macmillan.
John-Steiner, V. (2000). Creative collaboration. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kanra, B. (2009). Islam, democracy and dialogue in Turkey: Deliberating in divided societies.
Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
Kerlinger, F.N. (1984). Liberalism and conservatism: The nature and structure of social atti-
tudes. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Kitzinger, Celia. (1987). The social construction of lesbianism (Inquiries in Social Construction
series). London: Sage Publications. (American ed., 1988). [See special issue reappraisal of
this book in Feminism & Psychology, 2004 (November), 14(4), 485-534.]
Klickperová-Baker, M. (Ed.) (1999). Ready for democracy? Civic culture and civility with a fo-
cus on Czech society. Prague: Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Knight, M. & Doan, R. (1994). The stories we tell ourselves: Ispi: A technique for narrative
assessment. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.
Kroth, R.L. (1975). Communicating with parents of exceptional children: Improving par-
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vestigating the diversity of ex-smokers` experiences of quitting smoking and perceptions of
their identity). Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag.
Lieberman, M.A. & Tobin, S.S. (1983). The experience of old age: Stress, coping, and survival.
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Lionberger, H.F., Pope, L.A., & Reddy, B.A. (1979). Information development and flow: A
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Experiment Station.
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Maas, H.S. & Kuypers, J.A. (1974). From thirty to seventy: A forty-year longitudinal study of
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McNaught, A.J. (2010). A death of one’s own. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic
Murstein, B.I. (1976). Who will marry whom? Theories and research in marital choice. New
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case of Kenya. Saarbrücken, DE: Lambert Academic.
Nimmo, D.D. & Savage, R.L. (1976). Candidates and their images: Concepts, methods, and
findings. Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear.
Nordstrom, C., Friedenberg, E.Z., & Gold, H.A. (1967). Society’s children: A study of ressenti-
ment in the secondary school. New York: Random House.
Peritore, N.P. (1990). Socialism, communism, and liberation theology in Brazil: An opinion sur-
vey using Q-methodology. (Monographs in International Studies, Latin America Series, No.
15.) Athens: Ohio University Press.
Peritore, N.P. (1999). Third World environmentalism: Case studies from the Global South.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
Reiss, D. (1981). The family's construction of reality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univer-
sity Press.
Robyn, R. (Ed.) (2005). The changing face of European identity: A seven-nation study of
(supra)national attachments. London: Routledge.
Robyn, R. Introduction: National versus supranational identity in Europe (pp. 1-16).
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Schrøder, K.C., & Hansen, S.E. Beyond duality: Danes’ views on Denmark and the European Union 2001 (pp.
McCormack, U. Being in Europe: Pluralism and patriotism in England and Scotland (pp. 64-90).
Robyn, R. Supranational identity emerging in France: Nationalism submergent (pp. 91-114).
Colegrove, D.W. Steadfastly European? German (supra)national identity in a rapidly changing Europe (pp.
Pitasi, A., Marchionni, M., & Massoni, M.F. Italian multiple identities: The Italian perception of national and
European belonging (pp. 140-158).
De Landtsheer, C., Carroll, C., & Hekscher, R. European identity frames in the Netherlands (pp. 159-185).
Barry, J. Northern Ireland, identities and Europe (pp. 186-206).
Silander, D., & Wallin, C. Being a Swede in a transforming European setting: The structures of an emerging
Swedish supranational identity in the twenty-first century (pp. 207-226).
Robyn, R. Conclusion (pp. 227-235).
Schutz, W.C. (1958). FIRO: A three-dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior. New York:
Rinehart. (Reprinted: The interpersonal underworld. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior
Books, 1966.)
Skelcher, C., Sullivan, H., & Jeffares, S. (2013). Hybrid governance in European cities: Neigh-
bourhood, migration and democracy. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Spotts, J.V. & Shontz, F.C. (1980). Cocaine users: A representative case approach. New York:
Free Press.
Stainton Rogers, W. (1991). Explaining health and illness: An exploration of diversity. Exeter,
UK: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Stock, D. & Thelen, H.A. (1958). Emotional dynamics and group culture: Experimental studies
of individual and group behavior. New York: New York University Press.
Stone, J.C. (1969). Teachers for the disadvantaged. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sylvester, J.L. (1998). Directing health messages toward African Americans: Attitudes toward
health care and the mass media. New York: Garland.
Thorsen, A.A., & Allgood, E. (Eds.) (2010). Q-metodologi: En velegnet måte å utforske subjek-
tivitet [Q methodology: A well-suited approach to the study of subjectivity]. Trondheim, Nor-
way: Tapir Academic Press.
Steven R. Brown. Foreword (in English).
Thorsen, A.A., & Allgood, E. Introduksjon til Q-boken og begrepsavklaring (Introduction to the Q book and
explanation of concepts)
Wolf, A. Subjektivitet i Q-metodologi (Subjectivity in Q methodology)
Allgood, E., & Kvalsund, R. Q-metodologi, rådgivningsfeltet, delt subjektivitet og personer i relasjoner (Q
methodology, the counseling field, shared subjectivity, and persons-in-relation)
Kvalsund, R., & Allgood, E. Kommunikasjon som subjektivitet i en skoleorganisasjon (Communication as sub-
jectivity in a school organization)
Størksen, I., & Thorsen, A.A.. Små barns deltakelse i en Q-studie med visuelle kort (Young children’s partici-
pation in a Q study with visual images)
Ellingsen, I.T.. Erfaringer fra ungdommers deltakelse i Q-studie: Utarbeidelse av utsagn og gjennomføring av
Q-sortering med ungdom under barnevernets omsorg (Experiences of adolescents’ participation in a Q
study: Development of the Q sample and implementation of the Q sorting with adolescents in foster care)
Fristedt, S., & Wretstrand, A. Äldre mäns och kvinnors perspektiv på mobilitet och delaktighet (Mobility and
participation from the perspectives of elderly men and women)
Oterkiil, C. Q-studie av skoleansattes opplevelse og behov tilknyttet ledelse (A Q study among school staff of
their experiences and needs in relation to leadership)
Øverland, K. Barnehageansattes følelser og opplevelser i forbindelse med samlivsbrudd i barnehagen, studert
ved hjelp av Q-metodologi (Daycare staff’s subjective experiences with young children of divorce through
a Q methodology study)
Kobbernagel, C. Q-metodologi i forberedelser af skalakonstruktion (Q methodology in preparation of scale
Berner, D. Bruk av Q-metodologi i en mastergradstudie (Using Q-methodology in a master’s study)
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Wessman, A.E. & Ricks, D.F. (1966). Mood and personality. New York: Holt, Rinehart and
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Zenor, J. (Ed.) (2015). Parasocial politics: Audiences, pop culture, and politics. Lanham, MD:
Kent State University Dissertations
Baas, L.R. (1976). The Constitution and the public mind.
Baptiste, L.J.C. (2010). Process use across evaluation approaches: An application of Q method-
ology in program evaluation.
Beaver, A.M. (2001). Women leaders in academic medicine: A Q analysis of leader profiles
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Bedrosian, W.K. (2004). Teacher decision making in the stage manager role: A Q method
Bissler, J.V. (2002). Identification of processes that have been helpful during the bereavement
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Cohen, S.H . (1971). Voting behavior in school referenda: An investigation of attitudes and
other determinants by Q technique and survey research.
Crawford, G.M. (2002). Family mediators' perceptions of the behaviors and personal charac-
teristics that help them to be effective: A Q-methodological study.
Daily, J.H. (1973). Dimensions of political attitudes: A Q technique study of public reactions to
the Calley verdict.
Davis, T.C. (1997). The subjectivity of national identity: A Q- methodological study of individ-
ual attachment to the Basque nation.
Dean, E.P. (2006). Characteristics of a healthy woman: Perceptions of professional counselors
and lesbian women as an element of satisfaction in counseling.
Dobbs, S.E. (1991). Conceptions of giftedness and talent: A Q- methodological study.
Ghali, M. (2015). Factors underlying counselor educators’ perspectives on spiritual issues in
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Goodman, G.D. (2000). Factors that influence post-secondary students with disabilities to
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Harris-Williams, C. (2011). African American college students' perceptions of valuable
college experiences relative to academic performance.
Hinkel, P.L. (2008). Perspectives on educating students with emotional-behavioral disorders.
Hiruy, M. (1987). Exploring the perspectives of ethics: The case of public administrators in the
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Hurd, R.C. (1996). Adults view their childhood bereavement experiences: An application of Q
Janson, C.A. (2007). High school counselors’ perceptions of their educational leadership be-
haviors: A Q methodology study.
Jevnikar, L.J. (2007). Ways of coping of parents with a child with mental retardation.
Kim, S.E. (1991). Factors affecting implementation effectiveness: A study of Community Devel-
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Kissinger, D.M. (2009). Clinicians’ beliefs regarding variables that contribute to the honest dis-
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Parker, K.R. (1984). Storylistener subjectivity: A Q methodological exploration.
Peets, T.J. (2004). Single mothers' perceptions of what is important in their lives as they transi-
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Perrin, G.R. (1977). On the development of a birth order theory using Q-methodology.
Quillin, A.B. (2004). Perceptions of the spiritual: An assessment of master's level student coun-
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Rhoads, J.C., Jr. (1997). The authoritarian personality revisited: Toward an alternative method-
Rickel, T.A. (2000). High school seniors' perceptions about the achievement gap between black
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Caucasian interracial marriages: A Q-methodological study.
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Taylor, T.L. (2005). Parental perceptions of encouragers and discouragers of involvement with
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Thomas, D.B. (1975). On the psychological substructure of ideology: A Q-technique study of
personality and politics.
Tolymbek, A.K. (2007). Political leadership style in Kazakhstan.
Townsend-Green, F.M. (2009). Perceptions of African American college students relative to the
helpful behaviors of peer mentors who assisted them during freshman year college adjust-
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Trepal, H.C. (2004). Adolescents’ perceptions of their pregnancy: A Q-methodological study.
Vernon, D.A. (2003). An investigation of members' perceptions of Yalom's therapeutic factors
in single-session group counseling for first year students.
Wagner, Laurie M. (2008). College students’ perceptions of healthy sexuality: A Q methodolog-
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Wanjau Mutai, F. Wairimu (2007). Perceptions of current and prospective Kenyan interna-
tional students of the Kenyan international student lifestyle in the United States.
Ward, T.A. (2005). Does context matter? Internet adoption in public and private spaces.
Special Issues
Goldman, I. & Brown, S.R. (Eds.) (1990). Q methodology and communication: Theory and ap-
plications. Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication,
1(1), special issue. (
McKeown, B.F. Q methodology, communication, and the behavioral text.
Goldman, I. Abductory inference, communication theory and subjective science.
Sanders, K.P. & Morris, D.N. Combining research approaches: The Anvil writers revisited.
Brown, S.R. & Mathieson, M. The operantcy of practical criticism.
Stainton Rogers, R. & Stainton Rogers, W. What the Brits got out of the Q: And why their work may not line
up with the American way of getting into it!
Iliescu, D. (Ed.). (2005). Special issue on Q methodology. Human Resources Psychology, 5
Brown, S.R. What’s past is prologue.
Lipgar, R.M., Bair, J.P., & Fichtner, C.G. Integrating research with conference learning: 10 years of Q method-
ology studies exploring experiential learning in the Tavistock tradition.
Bimler, D., & Kirkland, J. From circumplex to sphere: Perceptions of vocational activities, explored and ap-
Iliescu, D., & Boroş, S. An alternative to mapping organizational identification: Q-sort.
Selected Writings of William Stephenson
About William Stephenson
Avery, D.R. (1990). The methodologists. In W.D. Sloan (Ed.), Makers of the media mind:
Journalism educators and their ideas (pp. 287-329). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (See section on
William Stephenson, pp. 302-306.)
Barchak, L.J. (1991). A biographical sketch of William Stephenson. Mass Comm Review, 18,
Brown, S.R. (1991). William Stephenson (1902-1989). American Psychologist, 46, 244.
Brown, S.R. (2002). Maimie Stephenson, 31 March 1904-18 December 2001. Operant Subjec-
tivity, 26, 53-57.
Brown, S.R. (2003). Preconception and realisation: A constant conjunction of theory and mea-
surement. In R.M. Lipgar & M. Pines (Eds.), Building on Bion: Branches. Contemporary
developments and applications of Bion’s contributions to theory and practice (pp. 285-301).
London: Jessica Kingsley.
Esrock, S.L. (2005). William Stephenson: Traveling an unorthodox path to mass communication
discovery. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 49, 244-250.
Good, J.M.M. (1998). William Stephenson and the quest for a science of subjectivity. Revista
de Historia de la Psicología, 19, 431-439.
Good, J.M.M. (2000). William Stephenson and the post World War II bifurcation of British psy-
chology. Operant Subjectivity, 23, 116-130.
Good, J.M.M. (2003). William Stephenson, quantum theory, and Q methodology. Operant Sub-
jectivity, 26, 142-156.
Good, J.M.M. (2004). Q-methodology and probabilistic functionalism: Exploring the personal
and intellectual links between William Stephenson and Egon Brunswik. The Brunswik Soci-
ety Newsletter, pp. 9-10.
Good, J.M.M. (2005). Stephenson, William (1902-1989). In J.R. Shook (General Ed.), Dictio-
nary of modern American philosophers (Vol. 4, pp. 2322-2323). Bristol, UK: Thoemmes
Good, J.M.M. (2010). Introduction to William Stephenson’s quest for a science of subjectivity.
Psychoanalysis and History, 12, 211-243.
Grosswiler, P. (1994). The convergence of William Stephenson’s and Marshall McLuhan’s
communication theories. Operant Subjectivity, 17, 2-16.
Lipgar, R.M. (1995). William Stephenson at the University of Chicago: Subjectivity/objectivity
revisited. Operant Subjectivity, 18, 86-93.
Logan, R.A. (1991). Complementarity, self and mass communication: The contributions of
William Stephenson, 1902-1989. Mass Comm Review, 18, 27-39.
Logan, R.A. (2003). Stephenson, MacLean & qualitative mass communication research. Jour-
nal of Human Subjectivity, 1(2), 4-30.
Midgley, B.D., & Morris, E.K. (2002). Subjectivity and behaviorism: Skinner, Kantor, and
Stephenson. Operant Subjectivity, 25, 127-138.
Morrell, J. (1997). Science at Oxford 1914-1939: Transforming an arts university (pp. 90-92).
Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.
Sanders, K.P. (1974). William Stephenson: The study of (his) behavior. Mass Communication
Review, 2, 9-16.
In Memoriam: William Stephenson, 1902-1989. Operant Subjectivity, 13, entire issue.
Methodological Foundations
(1935). Technique of factor analysis. Nature, 136, 297. (Reprinted in Brown, Political subjec-
tivity, pp. 9-10.)
(1935). Correlating persons instead of tests. Character and Personality, 4, 17-24.
Stricklin, M. (2005). Correlating persons instead of tests: My favorite Stephenson article. Operant Subjectiv-
ity, 28, 177-180.
(1936). The foundations of psychometry: Four factor systems. Psychometrika, 1, 195-209.
(1939). (with C. Burt). Alternative views on correlations between persons. Psychometrika, 4,
(1952). A note on Professor R.B. Cattell's methodological adumbrations. Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 8, 206-207.
(1952). Some observations on Q technique. Psychological Bulletin, 49, 483-498.
(1953). The study of behavior: Q- technique and its methodology. (Republished: Midway edi-
tion, University of Chicago Press, 1975.)
(1977). Factors as operant subjectivity. Operant Subjectivity, 1, 3-16.
(1990). Fifty years of exclusionary psychometrics: I. Q technique. Operant Subjectivity, 13,
(1990). Fifty years of exclusionary psychometrics: II. Developments. Operant Subjectivity, 13,
(1993-94). Introduction to Q-methodology. Operant Subjectivity, 17, 1-13.
Philosophical Contributions
(1953). Postulates of behaviorism. Philosophy of Science, 20, 110-120.
Midgley, B.D. (2005/2006). Unacknowledged behaviorist: An appreciation of William Stephenson’s “Postu-
lates of Behaviorism.” Operant Subjectivity, 29, 87-93.
(1961). Scientific creed—1961: Philosophical credo. Psychological Record, 11, 1-8.
(1961). Scientific creed—1961: Abductory principles. Psychological Record, 11, 9-17.
(1961). Scientific creed—1961: The centrality of self. Psychological Record, 11, 18-25.
(1962). "Ideal" types. Psychological Record, 12, 9-16.
(1962). A note on the methodology of clinical explanation. Psychological Record, 12, 101-103.
(1963). Independency and operationism in Q-sorting. Psychological Record, 13, 269-272.
(1968). Consciousness out—subjectivity in. Psychological Record, 18, 499-501.
(1974). Methodology of single case studies. Journal of Operational Psychiatry, 5(2), 3-16.
(1978). The shame of science. Ethics in Science & Medicine, 5, 25-38.
(1980). Michael Polanyi, science and belief. Ethics in Science & Medicine, 7, 97-110.
(1981). Principles for the study of subjectivity. Operant Subjectivity, 4, 37-53.
(1983). Against interpretation. Operant Subjectivity, 6, 73-103, 109-125.
(1987). The science of ethics: I. The single case. Operant Subjectivity, 11, 10-31.
(1988). The science of ethics: II. Ethical judgment. Operant Subjectivity, 11, 37-52.
Communication Theory
(1960). Principles of selection of news pictures. Journalism Quarterly, 37, 61-68.
(1963). The "infantile" vs. the "sublime" in advertisements. Journalism Quarterly, 39, 181-186.
(1963). Public images of public utilities. Journal of Advertising Research, 3(4), 34-39.
(1964). The ludenic theory of newsreading. Journalism Quarterly, 41, 367-374.
(1967). The play theory of mass communication. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Re-
published: New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.) (Cf. Wilkerson, K.E. (1982). Media ludentia.
Operant Subjectivity, 6, 1-14; cf. Stephenson's response.)
(1969). Foundations of communication theory. Psychological Record, 19, 65-82.
(1969). Evaluation of public relations programs. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche
e Commerciali, 16, 166-184.
(1972). Applications of communication theory: I. The substructure of science. Psychological
Record, 22, 17-36.
(1972). Applications of communication theory: II—Interpretations of Keats' "Ode on a Grecian
Urn." Psychological Record, 22, 177-192.
(1973). Applications of communication theory: III. Intelligence and multivalued choice. Psy-
chological Record, 23, 17-32.
(1976). Q-methodology: Conceptualization and measurement of operant effects of television
viewing. JCATS: Journal of the Centre for Advanced Television Studies, 4, 17-18.
(1978). Applications of communication theory: IV. Immediate experience of movies. Operant
Subjectivity, 1, 96-116.
(1978). Concourse theory of communication. Communication, 3, 21-40. (Cf. Protoconcursus:
The concourse theory of communication. Operant Subjectivity, 1986, 9, 37-58, 73-96.)
(1979). The communicability and operantcy of self. Operant Subjectivity, 3, 2-14.
(1979). Homo ludens: The play theory of advertising. Revista Internazionale di Scienze Eco-
nomiche e Commerciali, 26, 634-653.
(1980). Applications of communication theory: V. Play-theoretical aspects of science. Operant
Subjectivity, 4, 2-16.
(1980). Consciring: A general theory for subjective communicability. In D. Nimmo (Ed.),
Communication yearbook 4 (pp. 7-36). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. Reprinted: Oper-
ant Subjectivity, 2007, 30, 89-136.
(1984). The primary function of human communicability: Testimony to Dr. H.C.J. Duijker. Op-
erant Subjectivity, 7, 73-80.
(1984). Perspectives on Q methodology: II. Monistic protopostulate of communicability. Oper-
ant Subjectivity, 8, 2-5.
(1995-1996). Quantum theory media research: I. Reception analysis. Operant Subjectivity, 19,
(1998). Quantum theory media research: II. Intentionality and acculturation. Operant Subjec-
tivity, 21, 73-91.
(2014). General theory of communication. Operant Subjectivity, 37(3), 38-56.
Newton’s Fifth Rule
(1975-76). Newton's Fifth Rule: An exposition of Q pro re theologica pro re scientia. (Unpub-
lished manuscript.)
(1978). Substructure of science and Newton's Fifth Rule. Operant Subjectivity, 2, 4-16.
(1979). Q methodology and Newton's Fifth Rule. American Psychologist, 34, 354-357.
(1980). Newton's Fifth Rule and Q methodology: Application to educational psychology.
American Psychologist, 35, 882-889.
Knight, M. (2005). Prepared minds: Reflections on Stephenson’s article Newton’s Fifth Rule. Operant Subjec-
tivity, 28, 172-176.
(1982). Newton's Fifth Rule and Q methodology: Application to self psychology. Operant Sub-
jectivity, 5, 37-57.
(1982). Newton's Fifth Rule and Q methodology: Application to psychoanalysis. Operant Sub-
jectivity, 5, 127-147.
Brown, S.R. (1979). Perspective, transfiguration, and equivalence in communication theory: Review and com-
mentary. In D. Nimmo (Ed.), Communication yearbook 3 (pp. 51-65). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Brown, S.R. (2002, September). Newton’s Fifth Rule and political theory. Read at a meeting of the
International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity, University of Durham, England.
Quantum Theory
(1981). Cyril Burt, quantum theory, and Q: Historical note. Operant Subjectivity, 4, 120-134.
(1982). Q-methodology, interbehavioral psychology, and quantum theory. Psychological
Record, 32, 235-248.
(1983). Quantum theory and Q-methodology: Fictionalistic and probabilistic theories con-
joined. Psychological Record, 33, 213-230.
(1985). Perspectives in psychology: Integration in clinical psychology. Psychological Record,
35, 41-48.
(1986). William James, Niels Bohr, and complementarity: I—Concepts. Psychological Record,
36, 519-527.
(1986). William James, Niels Bohr, and complementarity: II—Pragmatics of a thought. Psy-
chological Record, 36, 529-543.
(1986). In the shadow of Marshall McLuhan. Nordicom Review of Nordic Mass Communica-
tion Research, No. 2, 20-27.
(1987). How to make a good cup of tea. Operant Subjectivity, 10, 37-57.
(1987). William James, Niels Bohr, and complementarity: III—Schrodinger's cat. Psychologi-
cal Record, 37, 523-544.
(1987). Q-methodology: Interbehavioral and quantum theoretical connections in clinical psy-
chology. In D.H. Ruben & D.J. Delprato (Eds.), New ideas in therapy: Introduction to an in-
terdisciplinary approach (pp. 95-106). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Smith, N.W. (2005). Combining Q with interbehavioral concepts for clinical application. Operant Subjectivity,
28, 167-171.
(1988). William James, Niels Bohr, and complementarity: IV—The significance of time. Psy-
chological Record, 38, 19-35.
(1988). William James, Niels Bohr and complementarity: V—Phenomenology of subjectivity.
Psychological Record, 38, 203-219.
(1988). Quantum theory of subjectivity. Integrative Psychiatry, 6, 180-187. (With commentary
by S.R. Brown, L. Dossey, M. Schwartz, and F.A. Wolf.)
(1988/1989). The quantumization of psychological events. Operant Subjectivity, 12, 1-23.
(1991). Ulysses and Finnegans Wake: A Q-methodological look at profundity (Part I: Ulysses).
Operant Subjectivity, 14, 89-105.
(1991). Ulysses and Finnegans Wake: A Q-methodological look at profundity (Part II:
Finnegans Wake). Operant Subjectivity, 14, 133-152.
(1994). Quantum theory of advertising. Columbia: Stephenson Research Center, University of
(2005). A sentence from B.F. Skinner. Operant Subjectivity, 28, 97-115.
Theme issue: Q methodology, quantum theory, and psychology. Operant Subjectivity, 2003, 26, entire issue.
Ramlo, S. (2005/2006). A physicist’s reflection on Q methodology, quantum mechanics & Stephenson. Oper-
ant Subjectivity, 29, 81-86.
Stricklin, M. (2005). Eight quantum realities redux: Finding David Bohm. Operant Subjectivity, 28, 145-166.
(1964). Application of Q method to the measurement of public opinion. Psychological Record,
14, 265-273.
(1964). Application of the Thompson schema to the current controversy over Cuba. Psycholog-
ical Record, 14, 275-290.
(1964). Operational study of an occasional paper on the Kennedy-Nixon television debates.
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(1965). Definition of opinion, attitude and belief. Psychological Record, 15, 281-288.
(1968). The contribution of Q to attitude research. In L. Adler & I. Crespi (Eds.), Attitude re-
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(1980). Quiddity College: Thomas Jefferson's legacy. (Unpublished manuscript)
(1980). Q methodology and the subjectivity of literature. Operant Subjectivity, 3, 111-133.
(1981). Principles for the study of subjectivity. Operant Subjectivity, 4, 37-53.
(1987). Sir Geoffrey Vickers and the art of judgment. American Psychologist, 42, 518-520.
(1988). Falsification and credulity for psychoanalytic doctrine. Operant Subjectivity, 11, 73-97.
(1990). My self in 1980: A study of culture. Operant Subjectivity, 14, 1-19.
(1992). Self in everyday life. Operant Subjectivity, 15, 29-55.
(1993). Intentionality: Or how to buy a loaf of bread. Operant Subjectivity, 16, 69-90.
(Reprinted: Operant Subjectivity, 29, 122-137.)
(2004-2005). Theory and methodology for esthetics. Operant Subjectivity, 28, 13-32.
(2005). A sentence from B.F. Skinner. Operant Subjectivity, 28, 97-115.
(2006). Tribute to Melanie Klein. Operant Subjectivity, 29, 95-121. Reprinted: Psychoanalysis
and History, 12, 245-271.
(2011). Old age research. Operant Subjectivity, 34, 217-233.
Fundamentals of Q Technique and Methodology
Q and R Methodologies
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Block, J. (1955). The difference between Q and R. Psychological Review, 62, 356-358.
Brown, S.R. & Ungs, T.D. (1970). Representativeness and the study of political behavior: An
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Brown, S.R. (1972). A fundamental incommensurability between objectivity and subjectivity.
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Cronbach, L.J. & Gleser, G.C. (1954). Review of The Study of Behavior: Q- technique and Its
Methodology, by W. Stephenson. Psychometrika, 19, 327-330. (Cf. response by Stephen-
Duijker, H.C.J. (1979). Mind and meaning. Operant Subjectivity, 3, 15-31.
Gould, P. (1985). A new Q too? Operant Subjectivity, 8, 42-53. (Cf. Brown's response)
Haas, M. (1969). Toward the study of biopolitics: A cross-sectional analysis of mortality rates.
Behavioral Science, 14, 257-280.
Karim, K. (2001). Q methodologyadvantages and the disadvantages of this research method.
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Kim, H-K. (1996). [A study of the utility of Q methodology.] Q-Methodology and Theory, 1,
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Lichtenstein, P.E. (1988). Interbehavioral psychology and Q methodology. Operant Subjectiv-
ity, 11, 53-61.
Mrtek, R.G., Tafesse, E., & Wigger, U. (1996). Q-methodology and subjective research. Jour-
nal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 13(2), 54-64.
O'Brien, P. (1985). Against misinterpretation: Some philosophical roots of Q. Read at the First
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Schlinger, M.J. (1969). Cues on Q-technique. Journal of Advertising Research, 9(3), 53-60.
Schwartz, S.H. (1978). Reflections on a Q dissertation and its opposition. Operant Subjectivity,
1, 78-84.
Sell, D.K. & Brown, S.R. (1984). Q methodology as a bridge between qualitative and quantita-
tive research: Application to the analysis of attitude change in foreign study program partici-
pants. In J.L. Vacca & H.A. Johnson (Eds.), Qualitative research in education (pp. 79-87).
Kent, OH: Bureau of Educational Research and Services, Kent State University.
Smith, N.W. (2001). Centrisms, noncentrisms, and universal Q. Operant Subjectivity, 24, 52-
Smith, N.W. & Smith, L.L. (1996). Field theory in science: Its role as a necessary and sufficient
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Thompson, A.W., Dumyahn, S., Prokopy, L.S., Amberg, S., Baumgart-Getz, A., Jackson-Tyree,
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Wang, K-L. (1993). Brief introduction of Q method. Journal of Chinese Industry and Com-
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Methodology and Theory, 7, 4-26. (Korean)
Wittenborn, J.R. (1961). Contributions and current status of Q methodology. Psychological
Bulletin, 58, 132-142.
Factor Analysis
Brown, S.R. (1978). The importance of factors in Q methodology: Statistical and theoretical
considerations. Operant Subjectivity, 1, 117-124.
Brown, S.R. (1999). On the taking of averages: Variance and factor analyses compared. Oper-
ant Subjectivity, 22, 31-37.
Carr, S.C. (1992). A primer on the use of Q-technique factor analysis. Measurement and Evalu-
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Creaser, J.W. (1978). The factor-wheel method of rotation for Q-technique research. Operant
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Sneath, P.H.A. & Sokal, R.R. (1973). Numerical taxonomy: The principles and practice of nu-
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Structuring Q Samples
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Grosswiler, P. (1992). Some methodological considerations on the use of multimedia Q-sample
items. Operant Subjectivity, 15, 65-80.
Kinsey, D. & Kelly, T.C. (1989). Mixing methodologies: An aid in developing Q samples. Op-
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Nahinsky, I.D. (1967). A Q sort analysis of variance involving the dimensions of sorts, groups,
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Paige, J.B., & Morin, K.H. (2015). Q-sample construction: A critical step for a Q-methodo-
logical study. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38, 96-110.
Non-Language Q Samples
Allgood, E., & Svennungsen, H.O. (2008). Toward an articulation of trauma using the creative
arts and Q-methodology: A single case study. Journal of Human Subjectivity, 6(1), 5-24.
Brown, S.R. (1979). Perspective, transfiguration, and equivalence in communication theory: Re-
view and commentary. In D. Nimmo (Ed.), Communication yearbook 3 (pp. 51-65). New
Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Castañeda, L. (1974). Media images for Guatemala’s culture: A Q-study involving Indian sub-
jects. Master’s thesis, University of Missouri.
Castañeda de León, L. (1983). Correlación entre privación temprana y conducta asocial:
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Combes, H., Hardy, G., & Buchan, L. (2004). Using Q-methodology to involve people with in-
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Fairweather, John R. & Simon R. Swaffield. (2000). Q method using photographs to study per-
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Intensive Analysis (Single Cases)
Allgood, E., & Svennungsen, H.O. (2008). Toward an articulation of trauma using the creative
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... Therefore, Q's best applications occur when researchers desire to understand a group's collective points of view, articulate similarities and differences in perspectives, or reject the mind-body dualism, i.e., that an individual's internal sphere can be accessed by measuring their behavior (Brown, 1980). Although traditional quantitative research collects and analyzes data about a phenomenon through numeric data, Q challenges participants to communicate their subjective perspectives using self-referent meanings (Brown, 2000). To accomplish such, Q draws on the philosophical underpinnings of both quantitative and qualitative paradigms (Watts & Stenner, 2013). ...
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Ensuring that marginalized populations become empowered in agriculture is vital to the success of global agricultural development goals. However, these populations have reported lacking access, power, and voice. Perhaps one strategy researchers can use to address this issue is through visual Q methodology. In this methodological paper, I argue that by combining the tenets of Q and visual methodologies, researchers can offer empirically grounded findings that evoke powerful, rich insight into the perspectives of marginalized populations in agriculture who may lack the communication skills to articulate their perspectives through words. To this point, however, the approach has lacked clear guidance, which has led to diminished quality in the published literature on visual Q methodology. In response, I offer six principles to guide visual Q methodological studies moving forward: (a) relationship-building with participants, (b) participant training, (c) concourse development, (d) Q set sampling, (e) data collection, and (f) data analysis and interpretation.
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