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From Good Intentions to Healthy Habits: Towards Integrated Computational Models of Goal Striving and Habit Formation


Abstract and Figures

Computational models were developed in the ACT-R neurocognitive architecture to address some aspects of the dynamics of behavior change. The simulations aim to address the day-today goal achievement data available from mobile health systems. The models refine current psychological theories of self-efficacy, intended effort, and habit formation, and provide an account for the mechanisms by which goal personalization, implementation intentions, and remindings work.
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Abstract Computational models were developed in the
ACT-R neurocognitive architecture to address some aspects of
the dynamics of behavior change. The simulations aim to
address the day-to-day goal achievement data available from
mobile health systems. The models refine current psychological
theories of self-efficacy, intended effort, and habit formation,
and provide an account for the mechanisms by which goal
personalization, implementation intentions, and remindings
Smartphone platforms provide an opportunity for
projecting behavior change techniques into everyday life and
for collecting rich, fine-grained data necessary for
understanding and predicting day-to-day behavior change
dynamics. The challenge posed by these opportunities for
detailed measurement and intervention is that current theory
about individual health behavior change is not equally fine-
grained and predictive, and does not provide an integrated
account of the many mechanisms involved [1]. In this paper,
I present a theoretical approach and two models that attempt
to provide an integrated account of multiple psychological
mechanisms associated with goal striving and long-term habit
It is now widely recognized that a major driver of health
care costs are unhealthy behaviors such as physical inactivity,
increased food intake, and unhealthful food choices [2]. An
unhealthy lifestyle can be viewed, in part, as a complex set of
interrelated habits that need to be switched out for healthy
ones [3], a few tiny habits at a time [4]. To illustrate this
complexity, it has been estimated that people mindlessly
make 200 food decisions per day [5], and each of those
habitual decisions needs to be re-learned. Commercial and
health-care provider weight loss programs can often involve
months to years of counseling (and can still be regarded as
too short), which suggests thousands to tens of thousands of
elementary habits being acquired [6]. The working
assumption for our own mobile health (mHealth) research is
that to master the complex fabric of a new healthy lifestyle,
one must master and weave together a new set of elementary
This paper presents two predictive, computational
models, both of which are implemented in a unified
neurocognitive modeling framework called ACT-R [7, 8].
The first model, presented in detail in Pirolli [9], refines the
psychological constructs of perceived goal difficulty, self-
efficacy [10, 11] and intended effort (a kind of motivation)
*Research supported by National Science Foundation Grant No.
1346066 to Peter Pirolli and Michael Youngblood.
Peter Pirolli is at PARC, 3333 Coyote Hill Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304; e-
[12] to provide day-by-day predictions of adherence to
exercise goals. The second model is an attempt to provide a
plausible account of how intentions can lead to the initial
effortful striving to carry out goals, how repeated execution
of behaviors can become automated habits, and how
intervention techniques such as implementation intentions
[13, 14] and reminders [15, 16] can support the development
of habits. Together the models map a trajectory from initial
effortful pursuit of a behavior-change goal to new stable
habits. The motivation for developing these ACT-R models is
that they may possibly lead to the development of mHealth
algorithms that can personalize the selection of behavior-
change goals and personalize the selection and intensity of
interventions so that people optimally progress from the
achievement of “easy” habits to more “difficult” ones.
ACT-R [7, 8] is a unified theory of how the structure and
dynamics of the brain give rise to the functioning of the
mind. The ACT-R simulation environment is a computational
architecture that supports the development of models.
A. Modules and Buffers
ACT-R is composed of modules, processing different
kinds of content, which are coordinated through a centralized
production module. Each module corresponds to a brain
region. Each module is assumed to access and deposit
information into buffers associated with the module, and the
central production module can only respond to the contents
of the buffers.
The modules and buffers relevant to this paper include:
Production module (basal ganglia), which matches
the contents of other module buffers and coordinates
their activity. The production module stores
production rules. A production rule is a formal
specification of the flow of information from buffers
in the cortex to the basal ganglia and back again.
Productions have a utility property that is used to
select the single rule that is executed.
Goal buffer (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex), which
keeps track of the goals and internal state of the
system. The goal buffer stores and retrieves
information that represents the internal intention of
the system and provides local coherence to behavior.
Declarative module (temporal lobe; hippocampus),
retrieval buffer, and blending buffer (ventrolateral
prefrontal cortex), associated with the retrieval of
knowledge and past experiences from long-term
declarative memory.
From Good Intentions to Healthy Habits: Towards Integrated
Computational Models of Goal Striving and Habit Formation
Peter Pirolli
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.
Preprint submitted to 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Received March 14, 2016.
Knowledge in the declarative and goal modules is
represented formally in terms of chunks [17, 18]. Each
module is limited to placing a single chunk in a buffer.
Chunks have activation levels that determine the probability
and time course of chunk retrieval into a buffer.
B. Subsymbolic Mechanisms
Production utilities and chunk activations are real-valued
quantities produced by subsymbolic mechanisms in ACT-R.
These subsymbolic mechanisms reflect neural-like processes
that determine the time course and probability of cognitive
activity and behavioral performance. The dynamics of
declarative memory retrieval and production selection are
determined by these subsymbolic mechanisms.
Table I presents a subset of the ACT-R subsymbolic
mechanisms relevant to the current models. The first three
equations in Table I define how the level of activation of
chunks in memory relates to the probability of their retrieval
at any given time. The fourth equation defines how activation
levels are increased by repeated experiences, or decay with
time (forgetting). These first four subsymbolic mechanisms
are crucial to the ACT-R model of self-efficacy. The last two
equations in Table I define utility learning, and the relation of
utility to the probabilistic choice of production rules to
execute. These utility mechanisms are crucial to ACT-R
model of habit formation.
C. Production Compilation
Also important in the ACT-R model of habit formation is
the mechanism of production compilation [7, 19, 20], by
which new production rules are acquired. A new production
rule is generated every time two production rules are
executed in sequence. The mechanism works to create new
rules that eliminate internal cognitive processing, such as the
need to retrieve information from the declarative module or
set and maintain sequences of goals.
Self-efficacy [10] predicts that goals that are perceived as
too difficult are unlikely to be attempted. Self-efficacy is an
individual’s belief that he or she is capable of performing a
behavioral goal. In general, greater levels of self-efficacy
lead to greater likelihoods of achieving a goal. The
Attributional Theory of Performance [12] proposes that the
level of intended effort motivating a performance will
increase with the difference between self-efficacy and the
perceived difficulty of achieving a goal.
Figure 1. Summary data on achievement of exercise goals from the
Konrad et al. mHealth study [21]. In the Easy condition participants were
presented with a fixed schedule of exercise goals that had small daily
increments in difficulty, the Difficult condition presented a fixed schedule
with large increments in difficulty, and the DStress condition was
personalized based on past success or failure.
Pirolli [9] presented a model for a mHealth study [21]
that contrasted a personalization algorithm for daily exercise
goals with non-personalized exercise programs delivered by
the same system (Figure 1). The personalized programs
implemented a form of guided enactive mastery in which
individuals were supported in achieving progressively
difficult goals [10]. The personalization algorithm was indeed
𝑉= 𝑚𝑖𝑛 !𝑃
Pi: Probability of declarative retrieval
Sim(V,Vi) Similarity between compromise value V and retrieved value Vi
Probability 𝑃
Pi: The probability that chunk i will be recalled
Ai: Activation strength of chunk i
Aj: Activation strength of all of eligible chunks j
s: Chunk activation noise
Activation 𝐴!= 𝐵!+ Ɛ!
Bi: Base-level activation reflects the recency and frequency of use of chunk i
i: Random noise value
Base Level
n: The number of experiences for chunk i
tj: The time since the jth presentation
d: A decay rate
i: A constant offset
Utility Learning
Ui(n-1): Utility of production i after its n-1st application
Ri (n): Reward production receives for its nth application
Ui(n): Utility of production i after its nth application
Pi: Probability that production i will be selected
Ui: Expected uti lity of the production determined by the utility equation above
Uj: is the expected utility of the competing productions j
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.
Preprint submitted to 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Received March 14, 2016.
found to increase goal adherence [21] even when exercises
were more difficult: In Figure 1, the estimated difficulty of
exercises in the DStress condition are greater than the
estimated exercise difficulties in the Easy condition.
A. Process Model
The ACT-R model assumes that self-efficacy and
intended effort are fundamentally the result of memory
processes. Past experiences of efficacy at behaviors similar to
a target goal are retrieved and blended together to produce
assessments of self-efficacy and intended effort for the new
goal. Consequently, the dynamics of self-efficacy and
performance exhibit the dynamics of the underlying memory
mechanisms, and exhibit well-known memory phenomena.
In outline, the model involves the following steps:
A behavioral goal is considered for doing one or
more activities that are believed to have some level
of difficulty to being performed
Blended memory retrieval to form an assessment of
self-efficacy. Successful experiences are recalled
involving activities similar to the behavioral goal
activities. This process blends the difficulty levels of
those past experiences into a composite assessment
of the difficulty levels achieved in past experiences,
and this is mapped directly to set an assessment of
Blended memory retrieval to form an intended effort
level. Experiences are recalled with similar levels of
self-efficacy and perceived goal difficulty. This
process blends an assessment of intended effort
levels that had been required to achieve success in
those past experiences.
Predicting success. Based on the goal difficulty,
perceived self-efficacy, and intended effort, the
model makes a prediction about the likelihood of
Choose to do it (or not). If the expected probability
of success is above a threshold it is attempted.
Store new experiences. If the activity is attempted,
the experience is stored in memory and influences
future attempts.
B. Impulse-like Dynamics of Self-Efficacy
Figure 2 illustrates the basic dynamics of the ACT-R
model of self-efficacy. The model can be viewed as an
“impulse model” in which each impulse of positive self-
efficacy decays with time, and impulses add to prior ones.
We define stress as the difference between current self-
efficacy level and the perceived difficulty of a new behavior
change goal. Larger degrees of stress produce larger
impulses, and positive impulses at high frequency and low
temporal lags build up rapidly. Positive experiences at
behavior change build up self-efficacy, but those can decay
with time, and substantial achievements produce bigger
boosts in self-efficacy. It is worth noting that this “impulse
modelof self-efficacy is very similar in spirit to the Banister
Impulse-Response Training model [22].
Figure 2. (Bottom) A hypothetical set of successful goal achievements
over days for behaviors at different levels of stress (difference between self-
efficacy and perceived goal difficulty) and different inter-day lags. (Top)
The resultant gains and decays in self-efficacy. All scales in arbitrary units.
Figure 3. Intended effort (motivation) data sampled from simulations
involving different levels of stress (difference between goal difficulty and
self-efficacy). Scales in arbitrary units.
C. Intended Effort v. Goal Difficulty
Figure 3 depicts the general relation in the model between
degree-of-difficulty of a goal relative to the current level of
self-efficacy. Up to a point, increasing goal difficulty leads
the model to assign higher levels of intended effort. This is
consistent with Goal Setting Theory [23]. If, however, the
goal difficulty becomes too difficult, the simulation will
predict such a low expectation of success that it will not
choose to do the goal. In general the model exhibits a
discontinuous nonmonotonic relationship between self-
efficacy and intended effort [24].
Habits are typically described as behaviors that have been
gradually acquired through repetitive association of
behavioral responses to cues in some set of performance
contexts (e.g., physical settings, preceding actions) [25]. In
the beginning, behaviors are typically directed by goals that
require cognitive effort. After much repetition, the behavior
may come to be automated such that the habit is triggered by
the contextual cues without mediating goals and cognitive
effort. Evidence suggests that goal-driven behaviors involve
different neural circuitry than habitual behaviors [26]. The
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
2.0 2.5 3.0
Goal Stress
Intended Effort
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.
Preprint submitted to 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Received March 14, 2016.
ACT-R model presented here initially involves complex
sequences of goal setting, recall of intentions and plans, and
thinking about those plans to perform actions but, with
repeated practice, mechanisms of production compilation and
utility learning produce efficient productions that are cued by
the environment, require little internal cogitation, and are
Figure 4. Summary of ACT-R performance and habit formation. Time
progresses from top to bottom. Middle columns depict processing in
different modules or buffers.
A. Illustration: Habit Formation Task with Prospective
Memory, Implementation Intentions, and Reminders
Two examples from the literature illustrate common
approaches to establishing new habits. Tobias [15] describes
a real-world multi-week intervention using reminders
(pamphlets and personal visits) to promote recycling, along
with an agent-based model that provides good fits to the
recycling behavior of the individuals involved. The
intervention and model assume that people have a
prospective memory to recycle. Prospective memory involves
remembering to perform some goal or action in some future
context [27]. Unfortunately, people often forget their
intentions. Tobias’ [15] data and model showed how
reminders strengthened prospective memory and lead to the
execution of behavior, but also how the impact of reminders
could decay over time if behaviors had not been repeated
enough to become durable habits. Prestwich et al. [16] in an
mHealth intervention to promote physical activity used SMS
messaging as reminders, in combination with implementation
intentions [13, 14]. Implementation intentions are declarative
“if-then” plans that are committed to memory that concretely
spell out how to achieve a goal, and using them is a
surprisingly effective technique.
Figure 4 presents a schematic summary of the ACT-R
model’s performance and habit formation for the illustrative
problem of becoming a consistent trash recycler. Time
progresses from top to bottom in Figure 4. The leftmost
column captures cues and events that occur in the world, the
rightmost column captures actions (behaviors) in the world,
and the middle columns each capture processing that occurs
in the core ACT-R modules.
Before intervention (top Figure 4), there are well-
established habits for taking the out the trash “as usual”,
without recycling: “Do Trash” production rules in the
production module are directly triggered by perception of
environmental trigger cues that typically initiate taking out
the trash. The intervention involves reminder events that
strengthen a prospective memory to sort the trash next time,
through base-level learning (Table I). As the intention to sort
is strengthened, it triggers a set of general production rules
that strive to achieve those intentions. In Figure 4, the
“Request Intention” production rule recalls the intention
(indicated by the “?” in the retrieval buffer column), the
intention is recalled, then a “Retrieve Intention” production
rule sets the intention as an active goal in the goal buffer.
Implementation intentions are also stored in declarative
memory as sequences of operators that need to be carried out
to achieve the goal. A sequence of production rules execute
to recall the steps, set new subgoals, and execute actions,
eventually resulting in the external behaviors of sorting the
Every execution of the new behavior leads to the
compilation of new production rules. Over many repetitions,
there are new production rules that are triggered by the
external cues to take out the trash that lead directly to the
actions to sort the trash first. These new rules compete with
the old “task-out-the-trash-as-usual” productions, but with
repetition and consistent rewards, the new ones will dominate
the old ones.
B. Effects of Remindings on Prospective Memory
Figure 5 reveals some of the underlying dynamics of the
ACT-R habit model. In this simulation, daily remindings
occur on alternate weeks (and are absent otherwise). Figure 5
plots the activation levels of chunks associated with
intentions to take out the trash as usual (old intention), or the
new intention to sort and recycle (new intention). Old
intentions have high activation because they have a high
frequency of past use, however, remindings prime even
higher activation to the new intentions (because of the
recency of the reminding). Unfortunately, new intentions
decay rapidly without the additional priming from the
Figure 5. Model’s simulated activation levels of an old intention (trash-
intention) and a new intention (recycle-intention). Reminding of the new
intention occurs on alternate weeks
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.
Preprint submitted to 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Received March 14, 2016.
C. Length of Sustained Remindings and Habit Formation
The general phenomena, then, are that persistent
remindings are required until new production rules are
compiled and gain sufficient utility to dominate old intentions
and production rules. Figure 6 presents data from the same
simulation model illustrating these phenomena. In this case,
the simulation was presented with daily reminders for n
weeks (n = 1...12) then the reminders were absent for 10 days
of sampling. During the daily reminder period, the simulation
always performs the new behaviors (sorting the trash). Figure
6 presents the probability of simulated recycling over the 10-
day sample period following removal of the reminders. Two
weeks of remindings produce no sustained new behaviors,
but somewhere between 6-8 weeks the new habits are being
invoked about 90% of the days.
Figure 6. Model predictions of probability of recycling after different
sustained spans of daily remindings.
The complexity of the literature on behavior change
techniques and theories is evident in the efforts of the
Behavior Change Techniques and Theory Project at the
University College London [28], which has documented
upwards of 93 intervention techniques, 83 theories of
behavior change, collectively composed of 1725 constructs
[29]. The models in this paper tackle only a tiny fraction of
this space, but the hope is that the approach illustrates a
potential path to some theoretical integration and unification.
Thanks to Shiwali Mohan for comments on this paper.
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CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.
Preprint submitted to 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Received March 14, 2016.
... Computational predictive models of self-efficacy (or PBC) have been developed based on dynamical control principles [33] and on cognitive theory [34]. In this paper, we extend the model of Pirolli [35] to provide a computational account of the mechanisms involved in intention-to-behavior processes [16] that are hypothesized to be improved by implementation intentions, reminders, and habit learning. The model presented here is based on the ACT-R theory [7] including recent extensions [30,36]. ...
... As was summarized in Pirolli [35], ACT-R [7,20] is a unified theory of how the structure and dynamics of the brain give rise to the functioning of the mind. The ACT-R simulation environment is a computational architecture that supports the development of models. ...
... Pirolli [35] presented an ACT-R model motivated by Tobias [41], that is modified slightly here to suit the current experiment. The model includes the following components:  Goal intentions: A goal-like representation that is stored in declarative memory as a kind of prospective memory [42,43] to be turned into a goal in response to the right context  Implementation intentions Plan-like representations are also stored in declarative memory to be turned into concrete behaviors by production rules  Reminders strengthen the activation of implementation intentions through base-level learning mechanisms so that they are more likely to be retrieved in the right context  Habit compilation (knowledge compilation): Execution of complex sequences of steps (multiple production rules, multiple memory retrievals) produce new, simpler production rules that require less cognition the next time around  Utility learning: New habits are rewarded and slowly come to dominate over the old habits Figure 1 presents a schematic summary of the ACT-R model's performance and habit formation for the illustrative problem of adding two servings of vegetables to a meal. ...
BACKGROUND Implementation intentions are mental representations of simple plans to translate goal intentions into behavior under specific conditions. Studies show implementation intentions can produce moderate to large improvements in behavioral goal achievement. Human associative memory mechanisms have been implicated in the processes by which implementation intentions produce effects. On the basis of the adaptive control of thought-rational (ACT-R) theory of cognition, we hypothesized that the strength of implementation intention effect could be manipulated in predictable ways using reminders delivered by a mobile health (mHealth) app. OBJECTIVE The aim of this experiment was to manipulate the effects of implementation intentions on daily behavioral goal success in ways predicted by the ACT-R theory concerning mHealth reminder scheduling. METHODS An incomplete factorial design was used in this mHealth study. All participants were asked to choose a healthy behavior goal associated with eat slowly, walking, or eating more vegetables and were asked to set implementation intentions. N=64 adult participants were in the study for 28 days. Participants were stratified by self-efficacy and assigned to one of two reminder conditions: reminders-presented versus reminders-absent. Self-efficacy and reminder conditions were crossed. Nested within the reminders-presented condition was a crossing of frequency of reminders sent (high, low) by distribution of reminders sent (distributed, massed). Participants in the low frequency condition got 7 reminders over 28 days; those in the high frequency condition were sent 14. Participants in the distributed conditions were sent reminders at uniform intervals. Participants in the massed distribution conditions were sent reminders in clusters. RESULTS There was a significant overall effect of reminders on achieving a daily behavioral goal (coefficient=2.018, standard error [SE]=0.572, odds ratio [OR]=7.52, 95% CI 0.9037-3.2594, P<.001). As predicted by ACT-R, using default theoretical parameters, there was an interaction of reminder frequency by distribution on daily goal success (coefficient=0.7994, SE=0.2215, OR=2.2242, 95% CI 0.3656-1.2341, P<.001). The total number of times a reminder was acknowledged as received by a participant had a marginal effect on daily goal success (coefficient=0.0694, SE=0.0410, OR=1.0717, 95% CI −0.01116 to 0.1505, P=.09), and the time since acknowledging receipt of a reminder was highly significant (coefficient=−0.0490, SE=0.0104, OR=0.9522, 95% CI −0.0700 to −0.2852], P<.001). A dual system ACT-R mathematical model was fit to individuals’ daily goal successes and reminder acknowledgments: a goal-striving system dependent on declarative memory plus a habit-forming system that acquires automatic procedures for performance of behavioral goals. CONCLUSIONS Computational cognitive theory such as ACT-R can be used to make precise quantitative predictions concerning daily health behavior goal success in response to implementation intentions and the dosing schedules of reminders.
... Computational predictive models of self-efficacy (or PBC) have been developed based on dynamical control principles [33] and on cognitive theory [34]. In this paper, we extend the model of Pirolli [35] to provide a computational account of the mechanisms involved in intention-to-behavior processes [17] that are hypothesized to be improved by implementation intentions, reminders, and habit learning. The model presented here is based on the ACT-R theory [7], including recent extensions [36,37]. ...
... As was summarized in Pirolli [35], ACT-R [7,21] is a unified theory of how the structure and dynamics of the brain give rise to the functioning of the mind. The ACT-R simulation environment is a computational architecture that supports the development of models. ...
... Pirolli [35] presented an ACT-R model motivated by Tobias [40] that is modified slightly here to suit the current experiment. The model includes the following components: ...
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Background Implementation intentions are mental representations of simple plans to translate goal intentions into behavior under specific conditions. Studies show implementation intentions can produce moderate to large improvements in behavioral goal achievement. Human associative memory mechanisms have been implicated in the processes by which implementation intentions produce effects. On the basis of the adaptive control of thought-rational (ACT-R) theory of cognition, we hypothesized that the strength of implementation intention effect could be manipulated in predictable ways using reminders delivered by a mobile health (mHealth) app. Objective The aim of this experiment was to manipulate the effects of implementation intentions on daily behavioral goal success in ways predicted by the ACT-R theory concerning mHealth reminder scheduling. Methods An incomplete factorial design was used in this mHealth study. All participants were asked to choose a healthy behavior goal associated with eat slowly, walking, or eating more vegetables and were asked to set implementation intentions. N=64 adult participants were in the study for 28 days. Participants were stratified by self-efficacy and assigned to one of two reminder conditions: reminders-presented versus reminders-absent. Self-efficacy and reminder conditions were crossed. Nested within the reminders-presented condition was a crossing of frequency of reminders sent (high, low) by distribution of reminders sent (distributed, massed). Participants in the low frequency condition got 7 reminders over 28 days; those in the high frequency condition were sent 14. Participants in the distributed conditions were sent reminders at uniform intervals. Participants in the massed distribution conditions were sent reminders in clusters. Results There was a significant overall effect of reminders on achieving a daily behavioral goal (coefficient=2.018, standard error [SE]=0.572, odds ratio [OR]=7.52, 95% CI 0.9037-3.2594, P<.001). As predicted by ACT-R, using default theoretical parameters, there was an interaction of reminder frequency by distribution on daily goal success (coefficient=0.7994, SE=0.2215, OR=2.2242, 95% CI 0.3656-1.2341, P<.001). The total number of times a reminder was acknowledged as received by a participant had a marginal effect on daily goal success (coefficient=0.0694, SE=0.0410, OR=1.0717, 95% CI −0.01116 to 0.1505, P=.09), and the time since acknowledging receipt of a reminder was highly significant (coefficient=−0.0490, SE=0.0104, OR=0.9522, 95% CI −0.0700 to −0.2852], P<.001). A dual system ACT-R mathematical model was fit to individuals’ daily goal successes and reminder acknowledgments: a goal-striving system dependent on declarative memory plus a habit-forming system that acquires automatic procedures for performance of behavioral goals. Conclusions Computational cognitive theory such as ACT-R can be used to make precise quantitative predictions concerning daily health behavior goal success in response to implementation intentions and the dosing schedules of reminders.
... The literature on behavior change is extensive, lacks coherence, and needs mechanistic theory. Preliminary integrative models of behavior change have been developed in ACT-R (Pirolli, 2016a;Pirolli et al., 2018), which provide some promise of their utility to modeling behavior change during a pandemic. ACT-R is composed of modules, processing different kinds of content, which are coordinated through a centralized procedural module. ...
... How ACT-R integrates self-efficacy and motivation intensity theories can be illustrated with another synthetic example about mask wearing. The ACT-R theory (Pirolli, 2016b) assumes that when mask wearing is judged as having a difficulty, δ, a selfefficacy θ(t) at time t, and the individual engages with motivation intensity τ(t), then the probability of engaging in the behavior will be another variation of Luce's Choice Axiom: As described by Pirolli (2016a) this ACT-R model assumes that self-efficacy and intended effort are fundamentally the result of memory processes. Past experiences of efficacy at behaviors similar to a target goal are retrieved and blended together to produce assessments of self-efficacy and intended effort for the new goal. ...
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We present a computational cognitive model that incorporates and formalizes aspects of theories of individual-level behavior change and present simulations of COVID-19 behavioral response that modulates transmission rates. This formalization includes addressing the psychological constructs of attitudes, self-efficacy, and motivational intensity. The model yields signature phenomena that appear in the oscillating dynamics of mask wearing and the effective reproduction number, as well as the overall increase of rates of mask-wearing in response to awareness of an ongoing pandemic.
... The literature on behavior change is extensive, lacks coherence, and needs mechanistic theory. Preliminary integrative models of behavior change have been developed in ACT-R 35,40 , which provide some promise of their utility to modeling behavior change during a pandemic. ACT-R can integrate self-efficacy and motivation intensity theories 8,41 . ...
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Regional Psychologically Valid Agents (R-PVAs) are computational models representing cognition and behavior of regional populations. R-PVAs are developed using ACT-R—a computational implementation of the Common Model of Cognition. We developed R-PVAs to model mask-wearing behavior in the U.S. over the pre-vaccination phase of COVID-19 using regionally organized demographic, psychographic, epidemiological, information diet, and behavioral data. An R-PVA using a set of five regional predictors selected by stepwise regression, a psychological self-efficacy process, and context-awareness of the effective transmission number, Rt, yields good fits to the observed proportion of the population wearing masks in 50 U.S. states [R² = 0.92]. An R-PVA based on regional Big 5 personality traits yields strong fits [R² = 0.83]. R-PVAs can be probed with combinations of population traits and time-varying context to predict behavior. R-PVAs are a novel technique to understand dynamical, nonlinear relations amongst context, traits, states, and behavior based on cognitive modeling.
... It is unknown to what degree these models are relevant for real-world behaviors and decisions that are social in nature and relevant for infectious disease dynamics. There exist sporadic calls in the public health literature for the integration of behavior change theory with computational psychology in public health (Orr et al., 2013(Orr et al., , 2019Orr and Plaut, 2014;Pirolli, 2016;) but these suffer from similar issues to those found in the social psychological literature. A more domain-general approach is needed. ...
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There is little significant work at the intersection of mathematical and computational epidemiology and detailed psychological processes, representations, and mechanisms. This is true despite general agreement in the scientific community and the general public that human behavior in its seemingly infinite variation and heterogeneity, susceptibility to bias, context, and habit is an integral if not fundamental component of what drives the dynamics of infectious disease. The COVID-19 pandemic serves as a close and poignant reminder. We offer a 10-year prospectus of kinds that centers around an unprecedented scientific approach: the integration of detailed psychological models into rigorous mathematical and computational epidemiological frameworks in a way that pushes the boundaries of both psychological science and population models of behavior.
Background High automaticity in healthy nutrition behaviors is related to long-term maintenance of these behaviors. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks of habit formation, proposed antecedents such as intrinsic reward, anticipated regret, and self-efficacy are important correlates of automaticity, but not much is known about their day-by-day relationships with automaticity in healthy nutrition behaviors. This study tested previous-day within-person (i.e., from one day to the next) and same-day within-person associations of intrinsic reward, anticipated regret, and self-efficacy with automaticity of a healthy nutrition behavior, for which participants attempted to form a new habit. Methods Secondary analyses of a randomized controlled trial with two planning intervention conditions including a longitudinal sample of n = 135 participants (age: M = 24.82 years; SD = 7.27) are reported. Participants formed a plan on a self-selected healthy nutrition behavior to become a new habit and were followed up over 12 weeks assessing daily levels of plan-specific intrinsic reward, anticipated regret, self-efficacy, and automaticity. Lagged multilevel models with 84 study days nested in participants estimated previous-day within-person, same-day within-person, and between-person relationships of intrinsic reward, anticipated regret, and self-efficacy with automaticity. Findings Regarding within-level relationships, higher-than-usual levels of intrinsic reward, anticipated regret, and self-efficacy of the same day but not of the previous day were associated with higher within-person automaticity. With respect to between-level relationships, higher between-levels (i.e., higher person mean levels across the study period) of intrinsic reward, anticipated regret, and self-efficacy were linked with higher automaticity. Discussion Findings point towards the potential to intervene on intrinsic reward, anticipated regret, and self-efficacy when aiming to promote a new healthy nutrition habit.
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We present a series of mHealth applications and studies pursued as part of the Fittle+ project. This program of research has the dual aims of (1) bringing scalable evidence-based behavior-change interventions to mHealth and evaluating them and (2) developing theoretically based predictive models to better understand the dynamics of the impact of these interventions on achieving behavior-change goals. Our approach in the Fittle+ systems rests on the idea that to master the complex fabric of a new healthy lifestyle, one must weave together a new set of healthy habits that over-ride the old unhealthy habits. To achieve these aims, we have developed a series of mHealth platforms that provide scaffolding interventions: Behavior-change techniques and associated mHealth interactions (e.g., SMS reminders; chatbot dialogs; user interface functionality; etc.) that provide additional support to the acquisition and maintenance of healthy habits. We present experimental evidence collected so far for statistically significant improvements in behavior change in eating, exercise, and physical activity for the following scaffolding interventions: guided mastery, teaming, self-affirmation, and implementation intentions. We also present predictive computational ACT-R models of daily individual behavior goal success for data collected in guided mastery and implementation intention studies that address goal-striving and habit formation mechanisms.
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Presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of personal efficacy determine whether coping behavior will be initiated, how much effort will be expended, and how long it will be sustained in the face of obstacles and aversive experiences. Persistence in activities that are subjectively threatening but in fact relatively safe produces, through experiences of mastery, further enhancement of self-efficacy and corresponding reductions in defensive behavior. In the proposed model, expectations of personal efficacy are derived from 4 principal sources of information: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. Factors influencing the cognitive processing of efficacy information arise from enactive, vicarious, exhortative, and emotive sources. The differential power of diverse therapeutic procedures is analyzed in terms of the postulated cognitive mechanism of operation. Findings are reported from microanalyses of enactive, vicarious, and emotive modes of treatment that support the hypothesized relationship between perceived self-efficacy and behavioral changes. (21/2 p ref)
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Mobile health (mHealth) applications provide an excellent opportunity for collecting rich, fine-grained data necessary for understanding and predicting day-to-day health behavior change dynamics. A computational predictive model (ACT-R-DStress) is presented and fit to individual daily adherence in 28-day mHealth exercise programs. The ACT-R-DStress model refines the psychological construct of self-efficacy. To explain and predict the dynamics of self-efficacy and predict individual performance of targeted behaviors, the self-efficacy construct is implemented as a theory-based neurocognitive simulation of the interaction of behavioral goals, memories of past experiences, and behavioral performance.
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Forgetting to perform intended actions can have major consequences, including loss of life in some situations. Laboratory research on prospective memory—remembering (and sometimes forgetting) to perform deferred intentions—is growing rapidly, thanks to new laboratory paradigms that are being used to uncover underlying cognitive mechanisms. Everyday situations and workplace situations in fields such as aviation and medicine, which have been studied less extensively, reveal aspects of prospective remembering that have both practical and theoretical implications, which are discussed here. Several types of situations in which individuals are vulnerable to forgetting intentions, but which have not been studied extensively in laboratory research, are described, and ways to reduce vulnerability to forgetting are suggested.
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The authors summarize 35 years of empirical research on goal-setting theory. They describe the core findings of the theory, the mechanisms by which goals operate, moderators of goal effects, the relation of goals and satisfaction, and the role of goals as mediators of incentives. The external validity and practical significance of goal-setting theory are explained, and new directions in goal-setting research are discussed. The relationships of goal setting to other theories are described as are the theory’s limitations.
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Background: CONSORT guidelines call for precise reporting of behavior change interventions: we need rigorous methods of characterizing active content of interventions with precision and specificity. Objectives: The objective of this study is to develop an extensive, consensually agreed hierarchically structured taxonomy of techniques [behavior change techniques (BCTs)] used in behavior change interventions. Methods: In a Delphi-type exercise, 14 experts rated labels and definitions of 124 BCTs from six published classification systems. Another 18 experts grouped BCTs according to similarity of active ingredients in an open-sort task. Inter-rater agreement amongst six researchers coding 85 intervention descriptions by BCTs was assessed. Results: This resulted in 93 BCTs clustered into 16 groups. Of the 26 BCTs occurring at least five times, 23 had adjusted kappas of 0.60 or above. Conclusions: "BCT taxonomy v1," an extensive taxonomy of 93 consensually agreed, distinct BCTs, offers a step change as a method for specifying interventions, but we anticipate further development and evaluation based on international, interdisciplinary consensus.
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Automated coaching systems offer a convenient, cost-effective way to reduce stress, which can be a serious health issue. However, one concern with such systems is compliance; users fail to achieve daily stress reduction goals because goals are too easy or too difficult. To address this, we built DStress (Design for Stress), a theoretically grounded system that sets adaptive goals in three coaching dimensions: Exercise, Meditation and Accessibility. DStress modifies goal-difficulty based on the individual's immediately previous performance. In a 28-day deployment with 65 users, DStress reduced scores on one direct measure of stress almost in half, significantly more than two other non-adaptive coaching strategies. However, on a second direct stress measure, no improvement was found. There were also no improvements on other indirect stress measures. Analysis of 2842 user-generated reports suggests our findings were the result of DStress balancing compliance against the degree of challenge of the goals it would set.
By combining data from several experiments, a basic human memory unit can be identified and measured.