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Mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorder: Protocol of a randomized controlled trial

  • Rivierduinen Institute for Mental Health Care

Abstract and Figures

Background Many patients with a non-affective psychotic disorder suffer from impairments in social functioning and social cognition. To target these impairments, mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorder, a psychodynamic treatment rooted in attachment theory, has been developed. It is expected to improve social cognition, and thereby to improve social functioning. The treatment is further expected to increase quality of life and the awareness of having a mental disorder, and to reduce substance abuse, social stress reactivity, positive symptoms, negative, anxious and depressive symptoms. Methods/design The study is a rater-blinded randomized controlled trial. Patients are offered 18 months of therapy and are randomly allocated to mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorders or treatment as usual. Patients are recruited from outpatient departments of the Rivierduinen mental health institute, the Netherlands, and are aged 18 to 55 years and have been diagnosed with a non-affective psychotic disorder. Social functioning, the primary outcome variable, is measured with the social functioning scale. The administration of all tests and questionnaires takes approximately 22 hours. Mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorders adds a total of 60 hours of group therapy and 15 hours of individual therapy to treatment as usual. No known health risks are involved in the study, though it is known that group dynamics can have adverse effects on a psychiatric disorder. Discussion If Mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorders proves to be effective, it could be a useful addition to treatment. Trial registration Dutch Trial Register. NTR4747. Trial registration date 08-19-2014.
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S T U D Y P R O T O C O L Open Access
Mentalization-based treatment for
psychotic disorder: protocol of a
randomized controlled trial
Jonas Weijers
, Coriene ten Kate
, Elisabeth Eurelings-Bontekoe
, Wolfgang Viechtbauer
, Rutger Rampaart
Anthony Bateman
and Jean-Paul Selten
Background: Many patients with a non-affective psychotic disorder suffer from impairments in social functioning and
social cognition. To target these impairments, mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorder, a psychodynamic
treatment rooted in attachment theory, has been developed. It is expected to improve social cognition, and thereby to
improve social functioning. The treatment is further expected to increase quality of life and the awareness of having a
mental disorder, and to reduce substance abuse, social stress reactivity, positive symptoms, negative, anxious and
depressive symptoms.
Methods/design: The study is a rater-blinded randomized controlled trial. Patients are offered 18 months of therapy
and are randomly allocated to mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorders or treatment as usual. Patients
are recruited from outpatient departments of the Rivierduinen mental health institute, the Netherlands, and are aged
18 to 55 years and have been diagnosed with a non-affective psychotic disorder. Social functioning, the primary
outcome variable, is measured with the social functioning scale. The administration of all tests and questionnaires
takes approximately 22 hours. Mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorders adds a total of 60 hours of
group therapy and 15 hours of individual therapy to treatment as usual. No known health risks are involved in the
study, though it is known that group dynamics can have adverse effects on a psychiatric disorder.
Discussion: If Mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorders proves to be effective, it could be a useful
addition to treatment.
Trial registration: Dutch Trial Register. NTR4747. Trial registration date 08-19-2014.
Keywords: Mentalization, Treatment, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Social functioning, Social cognition, Psychotherapy
Background and rationale
Non-affective psychotic disorders (NAPD) like schizo-
phrenia are accountable for a substantial part of the total
burden of disease, constituting the fifth and sixth leading
cause of disability in the world, for men and women re-
spectively [1]. A major contributor to this high level of
disability is thought to be the decline in social functioning
associated with NAPD. Patients with NAPD experience
difficulty communicating [2], and tend to have poor social
problem-solving skills [3]. These social deficits are pre-
dictive of poor vocational outcome [4] and poor quality
of life [5]. It is surprising, therefore, that few treatments
have been developed to effectively target them.
Social cognition defined as the ability to construct
representations of the relation between oneself and
others, and to use those representations flexibly to guide
social behavior[6] has been identified as one of the
strongest predictors of social functioning in patients
with NAPD [7]. Examples of social cognitive impairments
in NAPD include difficulties recognizing emotions [8],
* Correspondence:
Rivierduinen Institute for Mental Health Care, Leiden, The Netherlands
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, South Limburg Mental
Health Research and Teaching Network, EURON, Maastricht University,
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Weijers et al. BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:191
DOI 10.1186/s12888-016-0902-x
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
empathizing [9] taking another persons perspective [10]
and understanding social hints [11]. In recent years just a
few treatments, mostly rooted in cognitive/behavioral
theory [1214], have been developed that target social
cognition. Results, are preliminary, but do suggest that
impaired social cognitive deficits are targetable by psy-
chosocial interventions [1315].
Mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorder
(MBT-P) is based on a manualized psychodynamic
treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
[16]. Recent prospective studies suggest that psycho-
dynamic therapy may improve global functioning in
NAPD [17, 18], although randomized controlled trials
should be conducted to substantiate this claim. Also,
metacognitive psychotherapy [19] which is closely
related to MBT [20] holds promise as a treatment
for patients with schizophrenia [21]. MBT-P was devel-
oped to specifically improve social functioning by tar-
geting the social cognitive process called mentalizing.
Fonagy and colleagues [22] describe mentalizing as
the process by which we implicitly and explicitly
ingful on the basis of intentional mental states.MBT
adheres to a few important principles: (i) The therapist
focuses on the current mental state of the patient to
practice making representations of internal states; (ii)
the therapist focuses on the present as opposed to the
past; (iii) the therapist avoids talking about mental
states that are not linked to subjectively felt reality; (iv)
the therapist avoids talking about complex mental states;
(v) the therapist focuses on recovering mentalizing, not
creating insight [23].
This approach was found to reduce symptoms and
interpersonal distress, and improve social functioning
in patients with BPD [24]. Although BPD and NAPD
may seem qualitatively different disorders, early views
assumed borderline psychopathology occupied an area
between neurosis and psychosis (e.g. Kernberg [25])
and could involve transient psychotic episodes. Since
then, evidence has substantiated psychosis proneness
in BPD. Psychotic symptoms, including hallucinatory
experiences and delusions, occur regularly in patients
with BPD, often persist over time, and are for a large
part already present in early childhood [26]. In a re-
cent study that included patients with either BPD or
Schizophrenia, 17 % of participants met the criteria
for both disorders [27]. Additionally, some NAPD and
BPD patients share a tendency to excessively attribute
incorrect intentions to others, or to hypermentalize
[2830]. Furthermore, disturbances in self-awareness
and self-representation have been suggested to play an
important role in both disorders [31]. Lastly, childhood
trauma has been established as an important factor in the
origins of both disorders [32]. Thus, as has been
suggested earlier [20, 33], MBT may be a similarly suit-
able treatment for NAPD.
Research aims and hypotheses
Primary research aim
The primary aim of this study is to establish whether
mentalization-based treatment for psychotic disorder
(MBT-P) improves self-reported social functioning in
patients with NAPD. We hypothesize that patients who
receive MBT-P will show greater improvements in
social functioning compared to patients who have had
treatment as usual (TAU) only. We also expect that any
difference observed will still be present at a 6 month
Secondary research aims
In addition to the self-reported level of social functioning,
we will also examine global functioning as rated by
researchers. Other outcome measures were chosen with
previous research regarding MBT in mind. According
to Fonagy and Bateman [34], MBTsmechanismof
change is improving patientsmentalizing capacities.
We therefore aim to establish whether MBT-P indeed
increases mentalizing capacity, measuring several di-
mensions of social cognition, and whether this increase
mediates a potential treatment effect. Furthermore, in
earlier studies, Bateman and Fonagy [24] reported a
reduction of anxious and depressive symptoms and of
substance abuse. We expect similar results regarding
NAPD patients. Given the strong relation between
social functioning and quality of life, we assume that
patients receiving MBT-P will report a higher quality of
life. Additionally, based on previous research [35], we
predict that improvement of social cognitive capacity
will also lead to an increased awareness of having a
mental disorder. Furthermore, as Bateman and Fonagy
describe [34] that MBT was designed to improve
emotion regulation in situations of attachment related
(i.e., social) stress. Based on this, we assert that patients
will have less aversive emotional reactions to situations
of social stress as a result of MBT-P. If MBT-P can
reduce patientsemotional reactivity to social stress,
they may also become less prone to develop positive
psychotic symptoms, as social stress reactivity may be
an affective pathway to psychosis [36]. Lastly, because
social functioning and mentalizing ability have been
found to be strongly related to negative symptoms, we
will examine whether MBT-P reduces negative symp-
toms [3739].
Certain potential effect modifiers will be taken into
account. First, adverse childhood experiences such as
neglect or physical, psychological, and sexual abuse have
Weijers et al. BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:191 Page 2 of 10
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been associated with social dysfunction later in life [40].
Second, personality organization (PO) has been shown
to impact psychotherapy treatment response [41] and
the level of social cognition [42]. Five levels of persona-
lity organization (PO) are identified, each characterized
by different levels of anxiety tolerance and different cap-
acities for impulse inhibition or control: Neurotic PO
(good anxiety tolerance, over-control); Borderline PO
(moderate to poor anxiety tolerance, differing levels of
control); Narcissistic Borderline PO (good anxiety tole-
rance, undercontrol); Latent Psychotic PO (moderate
anxiety tolerance, weak control); and Manifest Psychotic
PO (poor anxiety tolerance, weak control). Third, the
awareness of bodily sensations has been regarded as the
first level of emotional awareness [43], which is an es-
sential part of social cognition [44]. Psychopathology
usually is accompanied by (vague) physical complaints,
called somatization. A failure to report physical com-
plaints while suffering (severe) psychopathology may be
indicative of an absence of bodily awareness and there-
fore an impaired social cognitive capacity. Fourth, medi-
cation use can affect social functioning in patients with
NAPD, therefore the type of medication is registered
and adherence to medication is measured. Fifth, MBT
attendance is taken into account, because it is expected
that those who attend more sessions will profit more.
Sixth, baseline measurements of the outcome variables
will be accounted for. Seventh, the duration of illness,
because of its negative impact on functioning; and eighth,
adherence to the MBT model by therapists, because it is
likely to influence treatment outcome.
Trial design/setting
This study is a rater-blinded, randomized controlled trial.
Patients referred to outpatient sites of the Rivierduinen
mental health institute are randomly assigned to Treat-
ment as Usual (TAU) plus MBT-P or TAU only. The
Rivierduinen mental health institute provides in- and
outpatient treatment to thousands of patients with psychi-
atric disorders in the Dutch province of South-Holland
(e.g., Leiden, Gouda). The investigator and patients are
aware of treatment allocation, but all measurements are
performed by researchers blind to treatment allocation.
Social functioning at baseline (t0) and after treatment (t2)
will be compared for both treatment conditions. The pa-
tients are blind to this primary aim.
Participants in the study are patients with NAPD (DSM-
IV criteria [34]): schizophrenia, schizophreniform, or schi-
zoaffective disorder (295.x), delusional disorder (297.1),
brief psychotic disorder (298.8), or psychotic disorder not
otherwise specified (298.9). At least 80 participants will be
included from the Rivierduinen mental health institute.
Inclusion criteria are:
At least 6 months of prior treatment.
No more than 10 years of treatment for NAPD.
Between 18 and 55 years of age.
Exclusion criteria are:
Intellectual disability and/or illiteracy.
A lack of mastery of the Dutch language.
Substance abuse to such an extent that it necessitates
inpatient detoxification. After detoxification the
patient is still eligible for participation in the study.
Patients cannot participate in a session while under
the influence of drugs.
Sample size calculation
The estimated effect size of the current study is based
on two previous studies. A study examining the effect of
MBT on BPD [35] showed moderate to large reductions
of problems relating to interpersonal distress (d = 0.95;
95 %; CI: 0.591.30) and social functioning (d = 0.72;
95 % CI 0.371.06). A study concerning Social Cognition
and Interaction Training (SCIT) a treatment for patients
with schizophrenia that shares many elements with
MBT showed large effects on social engagement (d =
1.77) and interpersonal communication (d= 1.57) on the
Social Functioning Scale [36]. Based on these results, we
expect to find a moderate to large effect of MBT-P on
social cognition (i.e., a Cohens d of at least 0.7).
To calculate the required sample size, G*Power [37]
was used. To obtain a significant difference with power
equal to .80 with an independent samples t-test (for a
true effect size of .7 and alpha = .05), 68 participants
are needed. However, because repeated measurements
(baseline and post-treatment) increase the power de-
pending on the test-retest reliability of the outcome
measure a smaller sample size is required. A formula
has been devised [38] to account for the increased power
when using multiple measurements: n
repeated measures
;whereρis the test-retest reliability of
the scale used. Previous research has shown that the
test-retest reliability of the social functioning scale
after two and a half years is ρ= .40 [39]. Thus we
need: (1-0.4
)*68 58 participants to have 80 % power
to find a significant difference.
It is difficult to predict the amount of drop-out in the
study. In an unpublished pilot study, conducted at the
Rivierduinen mental health institute, the drop-out rate
of MBT-P within a period of 1 year was 10 %. Since the
current RCT combines treatment and measurements, we
estimate that the drop-out rate will be higher. Therefore,
Weijers et al. BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:191 Page 3 of 10
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to be sure, we will recruit at least 40 (TAU) + 40 (TAU
plus MBT-P) = 80 individuals. Even if 25 % of those ini-
tial patients (i.e., 20) drop out, there will be 60 patients
left to detect an effect. Because patients in the MBT-P
condition receive therapy in groups of up to eight per-
sons, five groups will be formed in order to recruit 40
patients in the MBT-P condition.
Psychiatrists, psychologists, or psychiatric nurses will
check their caseload for patients who meet the require-
ments for participation and ascertain whether they are
interested in participating. If this is the case, the re-
searcher will provide an information letter. The patient
will be given 7 days to read the letter and to decide
whether he/she wants to participate. At a second ap-
pointment, the researcher will check whether the patient
has understood the information in the letter. Subse-
quently, both parties sign an informed consent form in
twofold. Randomization is performed by an independent
external agency.
Measurements and instruments
There are four moments of assessment over the course
of 2 years. The baseline assessment takes place before
MBT-P is started. Furthermore, there will be an assess-
ment after 9 months (halfway MBT-P), after 18 months
(directly after MBT-P has ended), and after 24 months
(6 months after MBT-P has ended). See Table 1 for the
specific instruments that are used at each assessment.
All patients are diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria
[45] by a psychiatrist. Prior to participation, this diagnosis
will also be verified using the Comprehensive Assessment
of Symptoms and History (CASH). The CASH is a semi-
structured interview that documents signs, symptoms,
and history of psychotic, manic and depressive syndromes
as well as substance abuse. The instrument has been ex-
tensively tested concerning interrater reliability, test-retest
reliability and validity [46].
Social functioning
Social functioning is measured using the Social Func-
tioning Scale (SFS), a self-report questionnaire. The
SFS has been found to be reliable, valid, sensitive, and
responsive to change [47]. The scale contains seven
dimensions of global social functioning that are espe-
cially pertinent to patients suffering from psychotic disor-
ders. The dimensions are: social withdrawal, interpersonal
communication, independence (competence), independ-
ence (performance), recreational activities, social activities,
and employment.
Secondly, using the modified GAF scale [48], global
functioning will be assessed. The modified GAF scale is
a clinician or researcher-rated instrument, which makes
it a good addition to the self-reported SFS. It has more
detailed criteria and a more structured scoring system
than the original GAF, which is underscored by a high
interrater reliability.
Social cognitive capacity
It has been pointed out that there is to date no agree-
ment on the assessment of social cognition, but there is
a broad consensus that it is a multifaceted construct
[49]. In the current study, social cognition is therefore
assessed with two instruments that measure different as-
pects of social cognition: the Thematic Apperception
Test (TAT) and the hinting task (HT). The TAT [50],
scored with the Social Cognition and Object Relations
System (SCORS) [51], is used to assess four dimensions
of social cognition: complexity of representations of
people and understanding of social causality, which
comprise cognitive aspects of social cognition, and the
affect-tone of relationships and the capacity for emo-
tional investment, comprising affective aspects of social
cognition. Each dimension is scored on a 5-point scale,
with higher scores representing higher social cognitive
functioning in that dimension. Six pictures of the TAT
are used. TAT responses are recorded and transcribed
verbatim. TAT responses, when analyzed with the SCORS,
have been found to be a valid and reliable way to measure
social cognition and object relations [52, 53]. According
to Luyten and colleagues [54], the TAT is one of the
few tests that takes almost all aspects of mentalization
into account, including affective and cognitive aspects.
The HT [37] is used to measure the ability to infer
intentions from others, or Theory of Mind(ToM).
Table 1 Overview of the different instruments at each
measurement moment
Intake T0: Baseline
(0 months)
T1: Halfway
(9 months)
T3: End of
(18 months)
(24 months)
Weijers et al. BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:191 Page 4 of 10
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Patients read extracts that describe an interaction between
two characters in which one character says something
with an implicit message. If the patient infers the implicit
message correctly, two points are scored. If a hint is
needed, a score of 1 is given. When the answer is incor-
rect or the participant does not know, 0 points are scored.
The test comprise ten short passages. The Hinting Task
has very recently been reviewed [55] regarding test-retest
reliability, utility as a repeated measure, relation to func-
tional outcome, and internal consistency and was one of
two tests shown with strong psychometric properties
across all evaluation criteria.
Social stress reactivity
Emotional reactivity to stress in social situations is
measured with an electronic diary using the Experience
Sampling Method(ESM) [56]. ESM is a repeated self-
assessment technique with great ecological validity. Par-
ticipants carry around an ESM device, which facilitates
the monitoring of daily life experiences and behavior. Ten
times daily on five consecutive days, it generates an aud-
ible signal (beep) at unpredictable moments of the day
which participants answer by using the touch screen of
the device. Participants are asked whether they are alone
or in company of others. Then, both the level of social
stress and negative/positive affect are assessed. Social
stress is measured with items such as: I would rather be
aloneand I like the present company(reverse coded).
Negative affect is the averaged score of the mood items
and gloomy. Positive affect will be measured with the
items happy,satisfied,cheerful,relaxed,anden-
thusiastic. All items are scored on a 7-point Likert Scale.
Quality of life
Using the Manchester Short Assessment of quality of life
(MANSA) [57], changes in overall quality of life are
measured. The MANSA is a 16-item, 7-point Likert-
scale self-rating instrument.
Psychotic symptom severity
Interviewers use the Positive and Negative Syndrome
Scale (PANSS) [58] to assess positive (subscale P), nega-
tive (subscale N), anxious (item G2), and depressive
symptoms (item G4). The PANSS is a 30-item, 7-point
Likert-scale rating instrument developed for the assess-
ment of phenomena associated with schizophrenia. A
Dutch version is used [59].
Additionally, the ESM diary is used to measure mo-
mentary psychotic experiences. Seven ESM items are
used: I feel suspicious,I am afraid of losing control,I
feel that others dont like me,I feel that others want to
hurt me,My thoughts are influenced by other people,I
feel unreal, and I hear voices.
Awareness of having a mental disorder
The PANSS (item G12) is used to assess awareness of
having a mental disorder.
Substance abuse
Patients are asked to report substance use on the ESM
device at each beep using categorical questions. Patients
will report whether they have used any substance since
the last beep, including: (1) caffeine, (2) nicotine, (3)
medication, (4) alcohol, (5) cannabis, (6) other drugs, or
(7) none.
Personality organization/somatization of
Assessment of personality organization and the tendency
to somatize severe psychopathology is conducted using
theory driven profiles of the Dutch short Form of the
MMPI (DSFM) [60], an 83-item self-assessment question-
naire. The DSFM measures personality traits on 5 scales:
Extraversion, Psychopathology, Shyness, Somatization,
and Negativism. Using the theory driven profile ap-
proach to the DSFM [6165], five levels of Personality
Organization (PO) are distinguished: Neurotic PO, Bor-
derline PO, Narcissistic Borderline PO, Latent Psychotic
PO and Manifest Psychotic PO. To measure bodily
awareness, the DSFM Somatizationsubscale (20 items)
will be used. This subscale measures the amount and
degree of experienced bodily symptoms, and hence, the
ability to subjectively report, and be aware of bodily
sensations. As described [65] affect regulation through
somatization will be expressed as the relative position of
scores on the subscale somatization to that on the
severe psychopathology subscale.
Childhood trauma
The Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse (CECA)
[66] is a semi-structured interview that aims to assess
details and the time-sequence of traumatic childhood
experiences. It assesses lack of care (neglect, antipathy),
physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse.
Adherence to drug treatment
Each patients medical record is consulted to ascertain
the pharmacotherapy prescribed at t0, t1, t2, and t3. Ad-
herence to the prescribed medication is measured with
the Medication Adherence Questionnaire (MAQ) [67].
Adherence to the MBT-model
Adherence to the MBT model by therapists is rated by
an experienced MBT therapist according to the MBT
adherence and competence scale [68], using footage of
therapy sessions. Therapists are judged on 17 items that
characterize proper MBT treatment.
Weijers et al. BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:191 Page 5 of 10
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Duration of illness
Assessed using the CASH, refers to the period since first
General demographics
The general demographic questionnaire (GDQ) is a
standard instrument used in all ESM studies conducted
at Maastricht University. It documents treatment history,
socio-economic status, educational level, and urbanicity
of the place of residence.
All patients in the current study receive a multifaceted
treatment based on the Functional Assertive Community
Treatment(FACT) model. FACT teams consist of
psychiatric nurses, welfare workers, psychologists,
and at least one psychiatrist. The intervention con-
sists of pharmacotherapy, case-management, psycho-
education, and in some cases cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT). CBT interventions for psychosis usually
take around 20 sessions and are based on the work of
van der Gaag [69, 70]. Whether or not patients have re-
ceived CBT, and how many sessions, will be registered
and taken into account.
Furthermore, all patients will receive supportive-
structuring therapy. Sessions focus on problems patients
may encounter in their social network, work, daily
activities, or medication adherence. Patients meet with
a mental health professional for an average of 30 min
every 2 weeks, with a minimum of 1 meeting of
30 min per month, over 18 months. The total number
of individual sessions is estimated to be around 30
(15 h of individual therapy). Adherence to treatment
sessions is monitored by registering patientspresence
in the sessions.
Patients in the TAU plus MBT-P condition receive the
same treatment mentioned above in combination with
individual and group MBT-P. The key elements of
MBT, shortly described below, provided the basis for
MBT-P [16].
Therapeutic stance
MBT is characterized by the not knowing stancein
which the therapist admits to not knowing what the
patient experiences. By actively asking questions the
therapist cultivates an attitude of sincere interest in the
patient. This gives the patient the experience of being
kept in mindby someone, but also stimulates curiosity
in the patient towards his own mental states.
When applying interventions, it should always be kept
in mind that arousal tends to diminish the capacity to
mentalize. Four stages of intervention can be used in a
step-wise manner, depending on the level of arousal.
At the first level, interventions are aimed at down-
regulating arousal in the patient. These include empathic
validation of the patients feelings and complimenting
good mentalizing. At the second stage the therapist asks
for clarification of a situation or elaboration on the
patients feelings and thoughts. Often the therapist
stops or rewinds the patients narrative to investigate
an aspect of the dialogue. This stage is about making
implicit mentalizing explicit. Often details are investigated
that seem to affect the patient, or should affect the pa-
tient, but do not. This then leads to the next stage, called
mentalized affectivity, which is the activity of reflecting
on emotions, while simultaneously experiencing them. It
is considered to be a crucial aspect of emotion regulation.
The explicit mentalizing of a primary affective experience
gives the patient the opportunity to express (or inhibit)
emotions in a non-automatic manner. At the last stage,
the relationship between therapist and patient or between
patients is mentalized. In this stage, both patient and
therapist reflect on and share their affective experience to
become aware how their relationship is affecting them.
Care should be taken applying this stage of intervention,
as it requires a robust level of mentalizing.
Duration and dose
Compared to original MBT, the length of MBT-P, has
remained unchanged: 18 months. However, the fre-
quency and length of sessions has been reduced. In our
experience, based on a pilot MBT-P intervention, NAPD
is associated with more severe mentalizing deficits than
BPD, as has also been suggested elsewhere [71]. Given,
the danger of overwhelming NAPD patients with menta-
lizing interventions, group therapy is limited to weekly
1-hour sessions, while individual therapy takes place in
biweekly half-hour sessions. We feel this approach is
justified by the low drop-out rate of 10 % in the pilot
MBT-P starts with two sessions of psycho-education, in
which patients are told about the key aspects of MBT,
including the meaning of mentalizing and its sensitivity
to arousal.
Individual therapy
Individual therapy provides an opportunity for intensive
practice in mentalizing. The focus is on establishing a
secure relationship that acts as a safe base from which
failures in mentalizing can be explored. Treatment goals
Weijers et al. BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:191 Page 6 of 10
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on the basis of five problem areas are developed and
routinely reviewed with the patient, including: commit-
ment to treatment, psychiatric symptoms, social inter-
action/relationships, destructive behavior, and community
Group therapy
Since patients with NAPD tend to experience a great deal
of stress in social situations, group therapy provides an op-
portunity to practice mentalizing in a stress-evoking setting.
Group therapy can also generate a sense of belonging and
attachment that help foster mentalizing. The group size is
therapist and one co-therapist present at each session.
Group therapists are experienced and registered MBT
therapists. Individual therapists are mental health profes-
sionals (psychologists, psychiatric nurses or psychia-
trists) who receive training to become MBT-P therapists.
Supervision is provided in weekly sessions of up to 1h,
during which therapists reflect on their interventions
and whether they are faithful to the MBT model.
Statistical analysis
Main effect
The main purpose of the statistical analysis is to com-
pare the overall effect of treatment condition on social
functioning. For this, an ANCOVA will be used with
treatment condition as between-subjects variable, post-
treatment social functioning as dependent variable, and
baseline social functioning as a covariate. Other poten-
tial covariates include childhood trauma, level of PO,
somatization of psychopathology, medication use, at-
tendance of MBT-P sessions, duration of illness and
analyses will be conducted for the secondary outcome
measures (social cognition, quality of life, awareness of
having a mental disorder, anxious, depressive, negative
and positive symptoms and substance abuse).
Since drop-out will undoubtedly result in missing data,
the possibility of attrition-bias is a cause of concern [72].
For example, it is conceivable that those who fare the
worst in therapy tend to drop out, thus creating a biased
sample. Following the advice of Altman [73], the analyses
will therefore be conducted on the basis of intention to
treat(ITT), meaning that they will include all patients
who sign up, regardless of actual participation in the entire
program. Missing data will be handled by means of mul-
tiple imputation (MI) [74]. In the current case missingness
is most likely to be caused by participants dropping out of
their respective treatment programs. Since certain vari-
ables have been found to influence drop-out rates in
patients with NAPD, we cannot assume that the data are
missing at random. A review [75] identified a lack of
insight, poor social functioning, positive symptoms, young
age, male gender, a history of drug abuse, and unemploy-
ment as key predictors of treatment program drop out.
Thus in the current study, these variables will be used to
predict missingness. Additionally, treatment condition will
be used as a predictor as well, because the time investment
differs between conditions. For each analysis, a total of 5
imputed datasets will be created using a fully conditional
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, which will
be combined using standard procedures [76].
We also aim to examine whether changes in various so-
cial cognitive dimensions mediate the potential increase
in social functioning. In order to test this mediational
model, we will carry out a multi-mediator analysis [77].
This allows for a parallel testing of the indirect effects
of several social cognitive dimensions, namely: theory
of mind, complexity of representations, affect-tone of
relationships, capacity for emotional investment and
understanding of social causality (Fig. 1).
Multilevel analysis
Social stress reactivity is measured by ESM. This method
generates data with a multilevel structure because there
are multiple measurements per day for 5 days at a time
for each patient. Since observations within patients tend
to be more similar than observations from different
patients, they are not independent. This necessitates a
different (i.e., multilevel) analysis than the one used for
the other outcome measures. Similar to Myin-Germeys
and colleagues [78], differences in social stress reactivity
between groups will be analyzed using mixed-effects
regression models with treatment condition, the amount
of stress during social situations, and their interaction
term as independent variables, and positive and negative
affect as dependent variables. The model will include
random intercepts and random slopes for the stress
predictor at the patient level, which allows for diffe-
rences in overall levels of positive and negative affect
across patients and for differences in the strength of the
relationship between stress and these outcomes.
There is evidence that MBT improves, among others,
social functioning and interpersonal distress in patients
with BPD (e.g. [24, 79]) and that these effects remain at
follow-up [80]. Given the similarities in both origins and
symptoms of BPD and NAPD, it has previously been
suggested that MBT could be a useful treatment for
NAPD [20, 33]. This randomized controlled trial, will be
the first to examine the effectiveness of MBT as an
adjunct therapy for patients with NAPD. Furthermore,
Weijers et al. BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:191 Page 7 of 10
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we aim to determine a possible mechanism of change
by examining social cognitive capacity as a possible
mediator. By measuring social cognitive capacity with
two instruments, covering a total of five dimensions,
we mean to do justice to its complexity.
(Z)MLK, Abbreviation for the Dutch term (zeer) moeilijk lerende kinderen
meaning: children with (severe) learning disabilities; BPD, borderline
personality disorder; CASH, comprehensive assesment of symptoms and
history; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; CECA, childhood experiences
of care and abuse; DSFM, Dutch short form of the Minnesota Multiphasic
personality inventory; ESM, experience sampling method; GAF, global
assessment of functioning; GDQ, general demographic questionnaire; HT,
hinting task; ITT, Intention to treat; MANSA, Manchester short assessment
of quality of life; MAQ, medication adherence questionnaire; MBT,
mentalization-based treatment (for borderline personality disorder); MBT-P,
mentalization based treatment for psychotic disorders; MCMC, markov chain
monte carlo; MI, multiple imputation; MMRM, mixed model for repeated
measures; MREC/METC, medical research ethics committee (MREC); in Dutch:
medisch ethische toetsing commissie (METC); NAPD, nonaffective psychotic
disorder; PANSS, positive and negative syndrome scale; PO, personality
organization; SCORS, social cognition and object relations system; SFS, social
functioning scale; TAT, thematic apperception test; TAU, treatment as usual
Rivierduinen Institute for Mental Health Care, is funding the costs for this
trial for at least 4 years. The costs include participation fees for up to 80
participants, treatment given, organizational costs and the salaries of
principal investigator Jean-Paul Selten and local investigator Jonas Weijers.
This funding source has no role in the design of this study and will not have
any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, or decision
to submit results. The protocol was not peer-reviewed by this funding body.
Availability of data and materials
Non applicable.
CtK drafted the first version of the manuscript. JW completed the manuscript
with advice from CtK, LEB, WV, RR, AB, and JPS and is the lead author. JW is
also responsible for the collection of data. JPS is principal investigator and
responsible for the coordination of the study. All authors provided comments,
read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Consent for publication
Consent to publish results and store data and materials for a maximum of
15 years will be obtained from all participants. Consent to share raw data
with outside parties will not be obtained. Reporting of data once obtained
will adhere to the CONSORT guidelines [81].
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC) of Maastricht University
in The Netherlands has approved this study, registered under NL47236 068/
METC 13-03-066. Consent to participate will be obtained from all participants.
If no consent is given, the participant will be considered a drop-out.
Administrative information
Protocol identifier: Version 4, date: 02-06-2016
Sponsor: Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Correspondence: D. Op t
Eijnde, P.O. Box 616 (VIJV1), 6200 MD Maastricht T +31 43 388 38 69
Funder: Rivierduinen Institute for Mental Health Care, the Netherlands,
Sandifortdreef 19, 2333 ZZ Leiden.
Trial registration database: Dutch Trial Register
Trial registration: NTR4747
Registration date: 08-19-2014
Author details
Rivierduinen Institute for Mental Health Care, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, South Limburg Mental
Health Research and Teaching Network, EURON, Maastricht University,
Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Department of Clinical Psychology, Health and
Neuropsychology, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands.
MBT Team,
Anna Freud Centre, London, UK.
Psychoanalysis unit, University College
London, London, UK.
Rivierduinen, GGZ Leiden, Sandifortdreef 19, room
A426, 2333 ZZ Leiden, The Netherlands.
Received: 27 August 2015 Accepted: 2 June 2016
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... During the past 15 years, clinicians have attempted to employ the clinical framework of mentalization-based treatment (MBT) to inform the psychotherapeutic treatment of patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders and other psychosis disorders * [1][2][3][4][5]. Clinicians in a number of different countries have tailored their methods to include elements of MBT, and have proposed different ways to provide their patients with MBTinformed therapy for psychosis [5][6][7]. ...
... During the past 15 years, clinicians have attempted to employ the clinical framework of mentalization-based treatment (MBT) to inform the psychotherapeutic treatment of patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders and other psychosis disorders * [1][2][3][4][5]. Clinicians in a number of different countries have tailored their methods to include elements of MBT, and have proposed different ways to provide their patients with MBTinformed therapy for psychosis [5][6][7]. These pioneering strides have been extremely useful in: 1. providing preliminary evidence of the feasibility and acceptability of MBT-informed therapy in patients with psychosis 2. identifying the needs of this patient population, specifically with regard to their clinical profiles and severity of illness 3. promoting the creativity of MBT-trained clinicians in their attempts to alleviate the suffering and alienation that individuals with psychosis experience. ...
Mentalization-based treatment (MBT) for psychosis focuses on the decoupling of bodily and mental experience as well as the stresses of mentalizing during social interaction. In a framework of mentalizing, psychotic phenomena can be represented as severe disturbances to the experience of oneself as a coherent unit. Clinical treatment that aims to increase integration and stability of self-experience is illustrated in this chapter using clinical examples. The first task is to identify treatment objectives and define any obstacles to treatment, working with co-constructed representations of the clinical problem. The second task is to integrate the viewpoints of the patient, the clinical team, and the social care network, and to agree an overall working formulation. This is followed by therapeutic intervention to stabilize self-mentalizing using interventions from the core MBT model.
... Adherence to this structured format has demonstrated associations with symptom reduction and active mentalization in session (Möller et al., 2017). More recent derivations of a mentalization-based approach have been developed for a range of populations, including adolescents (Bevington et al., 2013;Griffiths et al., 2019;Rossouw & Fonagy, 2012), adults with psychotic disorders (Constantinides & Dauphin, 2023;Weijers et al., 2016), and pathological narcissism (Drozek et al., 2023). In addition, the application of a mentalizing approach in various settings, clinical and otherwise, is promising (Blankers et al., 2023;Bleiberg, 2003;Groat & Allen, 2011;Laurenssen et al., 2018;Sharp & Bevington, 2022). ...
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In recent decades, the evidence base for psychodynamic psychotherapy has expanded considerably, allowing for the application of treatments like transference-focused and mentalization-based therapies to a host of psychiatric concerns across a variety of contexts (Bateman & Fonagy, 2004, 2008, 2015, 2016; Constantinides & Dauphin, 2023; Griffiths et al., 2019; Yeomans et al., 2015). As that evidence base expands, we find that these therapies are particularly applicable to individuals with comorbid personality disorders and treatment-resistant depression. We aim in this special section to review the ways this is supported by research, with particular focus on mentalization-based treatment. This section will begin by stating the relevance of mentalizing to good mental health and, further, how comorbid personality pathology and treatment-resistant depression present distinct challenges to mentalizing. Then we elaborate on imbalances in mentalizing, how these difficulties underpin personality pathology, amplify depression, and manifest differently across personality types. This leads to a review of mentalization-based approaches, namely the more structured treatment model and the informal application of a mentalizing framework. To illustrate the effect of a treatment using the mentalizing framework, a case example is offered using a novel method of mentalizing assessment (incomplete sentence task). The use of three regularly administered sentence completion tasks at the beginning, middle, and end of treatment observed linguistic and qualitative changes in the patient’s mentalizing. We close with conclusions about this novel method and the potential for mentalization-based approaches for those with comorbid personality pathology and treatment-resistant depression, with ideas for future directions.
... In addition to paralleling psychodrama, TTRPG therapy groups also share similarities with mentalization-based treatment (MBT). MBT is an effective group treatment for borderline personality disorder (Bateman & Fonagy, 2009 and psychotic disorders (Weijers et al., 2016). MBT is relevant to forensic settings, both because of the association between psychotic disorders and insanity pleas (Roberts & Golding, 1991), and because adults who are involved in the criminal justice system may have elevated rates of borderline personality disorder (Conn et al., 2010). ...
Mental health organizations are increasingly adapting tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) into psychotherapy groups. Existing literature on therapeutic modalities with similar methods and theories of change suggest TTRPGs holds great promise in creating positive change for certain mental health populations, particularly those that have not responded well to traditional psychotherapy formats. At this time, no published, peer-reviewed research has examined TTRPG therapy groups offered to adults. Here we describe the application of one 8-week TTRPG therapy group with seven adults at a forensic facility. In this case study, we also describe the data we gathered and our findings regarding the feasibility, acceptability, and potential benefits of participating in this TTRPG. Our findings provide preliminary support of the feasibility and acceptability of this approach, and offer new directions on how to maximize benefits to group members. Limitations and future directions are discussed.
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Henri Grivois has posited that psychosis involves the subjective experience of oneself as the center or focal point of the world. In this experience, the world that is typically unrelated to oneself becomes incomprehensible, and in its place is the sense that all life events are directly related to oneself or that one is perpetually at the center of all noteworthy activity. We suggest that this experience of centrality can be understood through the lens of the integrated model of metacognition. Specifically, we explore the idea that the metacognitive domain of decentration, or the ability to form ideas about the larger community one is a part of, can be used to operationalize and measure centrality. We propose a three-phase approach to addressing centrality within an integrative psychotherapy focused on subjective and experiential aspects of recovery. These phases focus on the patient’s experience of centrality and include (1) inviting the therapist to join one’s centrality, (2) acknowledging others as different from oneself, and (3) recognizing alternative perspectives in the world. We provide case examples and explore the metacognitive tasks and potential barriers associated with each phase.
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Introduction Childhood adversity is associated with the severity of multiple dimensions of psychosis, but the mechanisms underpinning the close link between the two constructs is unclear. Mentalization may underlie this relationship, as impaired mentalizing is found in various stages of the psychosis continuum. Nonetheless, the differential roles of self- and other-mentalizing in psychosis are not well understood. Methods Parallel multiple mediation was conducted for the relationship between a diverse range of childhood adversity types, including intentional and nonintentional harm, and schizotypy (positive, negative, disorganized), psychotic-like experiences (PLE) and paranoia via self-mentalizing (attention to emotions and emotional clarity) and other-mentalizing in n = 1,156 nonclinically ascertained young adults. Results Significant parallel multiple mediation models were found for all psychotic outcomes except negative schizotypy. The associations between intentionally harmful childhood adversity and psychotic outcomes were significantly mediated by increased attention to emotions for most models and decreased emotional clarity for some models. No significant mediation was found for parental loss. Paternal abuse was only mediated by attention to emotions whereas the effects of maternal abuse were mediated by attention to emotions and emotional clarity. Other-mentalizing only showed mediating effects on one of thirty models tested. Conclusion Results highlight the mediating role of impaired self-mentalizing in the association between childhood adversity and psychosis. This is consistent with disturbances of self-concept and self-boundary characterizing, in particular, the positive dimension of psychosis. Maternal versus paternal figures may contribute differentially to the development of mentalizing. These results could inform future preventative interventions, focusing on the development and maintenance of self-mentalizing.
Objective The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between affective disturbances and aberrant salience in the context of childhood trauma, attachment, and mentalization in an analogue study. Methods Using a cross‐sectional design, an online community sample completed self‐report measures of key variables. Structural equation modelling was used to test childhood trauma's influence on aberrant salience via a set of intermediate risk factors (depression, negative schizotypy, and insecure attachment). These intermediate risk factors were assumed to lead to the proximal risk factors of aberrant salience (i.e., disorganized schizotypy and disorganized attachment) depending on the vulnerability of mentalizing capacity to elevated stress. Results The sample ( N = 1263) was 78% female and aged between 18 and 35 years. The tested models closely fitted the observed data, revealing significant pathways from childhood trauma to aberrant salience via the hypothesized pathways. The direct effect of childhood trauma on aberrant salience was significant. Conclusion Findings suggest that the pathway to aberrant salience may be characterized by disorganization of self‐state and intersubjectivity as a function of diminishment in mentalizing ability. This may relate to changes in attachment organization and socio‐cognitive capacity, which could constitute possible risk factors signalling development of aberrant salience.
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Introduction There is robust evidence that both patients with schizophrenia (SCZ) and borderline personality disorder (BPD) display mentalizing difficulties. Less is known however about differences in the way mentalization based treatment (MBT) impacts mentalizing capacity in SCZ and BPD patients. This study compares the impact of MBT on mentalizing capacity in individuals with SCZ and BPD. Method The thematic apperception test was used to measure mentalizing capacity. It was administered at the beginning and end of treatment to 26 patients with SCZ and 28 patients with BPD who enrolled in an 18-month long MBT program. For comparison a sample of 28 SCZ patients who did not receive MBT was also included. Using the social cognition and object-relations system, these narratives were analyzed and scored. Missing data was imputed and analyzed using intention-to-treat ANCOVAs with post-treatment measures of mentalizing capacity as dependent variables, group type as independent variable and baseline mentalizing capacities as covariates. Results Results showed that patients with BPD showed significantly more improvement on several measures of mentalizing, including complexity of representation (ηp² = 0.50, ppooled < 0.001), understanding of social causality (ηp² = 0.41, ppooled < 0.001) and emotional investment in relationships (ηp² = 0.41, ppooled < 0.001) compared to patients with SCZ who received MBT. No differences were found regarding affect-tone of relationships (ηp² = 0.04, ppooled = 0.36). SCZ patients who received MBT showed greater performance on understanding of social causality (ηp² = 0.12, ppooled = 0.01) compared to SCZ patients who did not receive MBT, but no differences were observed on complexity of representations, capacity for emotional investment or affect-tone of relationships. Discussion Patients with BPD performed better after receiving MBT on three dimensions of mentalizing capacity than SCZ patients who received MBT. Remarkably, SCZ patients who received MBT performed better on one dimension of mentalizing capacity compared to SCZ patients who did not receive MBT. Whereas MBT for BPD clearly involves improvement on most aspects of mentalizing, MBT for SCZ seems to thwart a further decline of other-oriented, cognitive mentalizing. Treatment goals should be adapted toward these disorder-specific characteristics.
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Unlabelled: WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: Mentalizing is the capacity to understand both one's own and other people's behaviour in terms of mental states, such as, for example, desires, feelings and beliefs. The mentalizing capacities of healthcare professionals help to establish effective therapeutic relationships and, in turn, lead to better patient outcomes. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: The personal factors positively associated with the mentalizing capacities of healthcare professionals are being female, greater work experience and having a more secure attachment style. Psychosocial factors are having personal experience with psychotherapy, burnout, and in the case of female students, being able to identify with the female psychotherapist role model during training. There is limited evidence that training programmes can improve mentalizing capacities. Although the mentalization field is gaining importance and research is expanding, the implications for mental health nursing have not been previously reviewed. Mental health nurses are underrepresented in research on the mentalizing capacities of healthcare professionals. This is significant given that mental health nurses work closest to patients and thus are more often confronted with patients' behaviour compared to other health care professionals, and constitute a large part of the workforce in mental healthcare for patients with mental illness. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE?: Given the importance of mentalizing capacity of both the patient and the nurse for a constructive working relationship, it is important that mental health nurses are trained in the basic principles of mentalization. Mental health nurses should be able to recognize situations where patients' lack of ability to mentalize creates difficulties in the interaction. They should also be able to recognize their own difficulties with mentalizing and be sensitive to the communicative implications this may have. Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Mentalizing capacities of clinicians help to build effective therapeutic relationships and lead to better patient outcomes. Few studies have focused on factors associated with clinicians' mentalizing capacities and the intervention strategies to improve them. Aim: Present a systematic review of empirical studies on factors associated with healthcare professionals' mentalizing capacities and the effectiveness of intervention programmes designed to improve these capacities. Method: Following PRISMA-guidelines, a systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library and CINAHL. Results: Out of a systematic search with 1537 hits, 22 studies were included. Personal factors positively associated with mentalizing capacities of healthcare professionals are being female, greater work experience and having a more secure attachment style. Psychosocial factors are having personal experience with psychotherapy, burnout, and in the case of female students, being able to identify with the female psychotherapist role model during training. Evidence that training programmes improve mentalizing capacities is limited. Discussion: Mental health nurses are underrepresented in research on mentalizing capacities of healthcare professionals and training programs to improve these capacities are practically absent. Implications for practice: For mental health nurses, training in basic mentalizing theory and skills will improve their capacities in building effective working relationships with patients.
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Article in Dutch journal “groepen” (“groups”) concerning clinical issues providing MBT group therapy for those with psychotic vulnerabilities.
There are very few less contentious issues than the role of attachment in psychotherapy. Concepts such as the therapeutic alliance speak directly to the importance of activating the attachment system, normally in relation to the therapist in individual therapy and in relation to other family members in family-based intervention, if therapeutic progress is to be made. In group therapy the attachment process may be activated by group membership. The past decade of neuroscientific research has helped us to understand some key processes that attachment entails at brain level. The article outlines this progress and links it to recent findings on the relationship between the neural systems underpinning attachment and other processes such as making of social judgments, theory of mind, and access to long-term memory. These findings allow intriguing speculations, which are currently undergoing empirical tests on the neural basis of individual differences in attachment as well as the nature of psychological disturbances associated with profound disturbances of the attachment system. In this article, we explore the crucial paradoxical brain state created by psychotherapy with powerful clinical implications for the maximization of therapeutic benefit from the talking cure. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Objectives: A considerable body of literature has reported on emotion perception deficits and the relevance to clinical symptoms and social functioning in schizophrenia. Studies published between 1970–2007 were examined regarding emotion perception abilities between patient and control groups and potential methodological, demographic, and clinical moderators. Data Sources and Review: Eighty-six studies were identified through a computerized literature search of the MEDLINE, PsychINFO, and PubMed databases. A quality of reporting of meta-analysis standard was followed in the extraction of relevant studies and data. Data on emotion perception, methodology, demographic and clinical characteristics, and antipsychotic medication status were compiled and analyzed using Comprehensive Meta-analysis Version 2.0 (Borenstein M, Hedges L, Higgins J and Rothstein H. Comprehensive Meta-analysis. 2. Englewood, NJ: Biostat; 2005). Results: The meta-analysis revealed a large deficit in emotion perception in schizophrenia, irrespective of task type, and several factors that moderated the observed impairment. Illness-related factors included current hospitalization and—in part—clinical symptoms and antipsychotic treatment. Demographic factors included patient age and gender in controls but not race. Conclusion: Emotion perception impairment in schizophrenia represents a robust finding in schizophrenia that appears to be moderated by certain clinical and demographic factors. Future directions for research on emotion perception are discussed.
Mentalizing is the process by which we make sense of each other and ourselves, implicitly and explicitly, in terms of subjective states and mental processes. It is a profoundly social construct in the sense that we are attentive to the mental states of those we are with, physically or psychologically. Given the generality of this definition, most mental disorders will inevitably involve some difficulties with mentalization, but it is the application of the concept to the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD), a common psychiatric condition with important implications for public health, that has received the most attention. Patients with BPD show reduced capacities to mentalize, which leads to problems with emotional regulation and difficulties in managing impulsivity, especially in the context of interpersonal interactions. Mentalization based treatment (MBT) is a time-limited treatment which structures interventions that promote the further development of mentalizing. it has been tested in research trials and found to be an effective treatment for BPD when delivered by mental health professionals given limited additional training and with moderate levels of supervision. This supports the general utility of MBT in the treatment of BPD within generic mental health services.
• The Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History was developed for research studies of schizophrenia spectrum conditions and affective spectrum conditions. It is designed to provide a comprehensive information base concerning current and past signs and symptoms, premorbid functioning, cognitive functioning, sociodemographic status, treatment, and course of illness. Because the information base is broad, it is not wedded to a specific diagnostic system but rather permits clinicians and investigators to make diagnoses using a wide range of systems, including Research Diagnostic Criteria, DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and the International Classification of Diseases. Given the fact that disorders in psychiatry are not defined at the etiological or pathophysiological level, diagnostic criteria are prone to ongoing revision as our knowledge base changes. Research strategies suggest that investigators should maintain a flexible database to permit them to adapt to changes in diagnostic systems, to do comparative nosological studies, and, ultimately, to develop new diagnostic systems based on knowledge concerning the underlying neurobiological nature of disorders. Because it provides a comprehensive information base, the Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History facilitates research of this type. Extensive developmental work has been done with the Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History, including interrater and test-retest reliability studies, validity studies, training programs, and data entry programs.
To comprehend the results of a randomized, controlled trial (RCT), readers must understand its design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation. That goal can be achieved only through complete transparency from authors. Despite several decades of educational efforts, the reporting of RCTs needs improvement. Investigators and editors developed the original CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement to help authors improve reporting by using a checklist and flow diagram. The revised CONSORT statement presented in this paper incorporates new evidence and addresses some criticisms of the original statement. The checklist items pertain to the content of the Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The revised checklist includes 22 items selected because empirical evidence indicates that not reporting the information is associated with biased estimates of treatment effect or because the information is essential to judge the reliability or relevance of the findings. We intended the flow diagram to depict the passage of participants through an RCT. The revised flow diagram depicts information from four stages of trial (enrollment, intervention allocation, follow-up, and analysis). The diagram explicitly includes the number of participants, for each intervention group, that are included in the primary data analysis. Inclusion of these numbers allows the reader to judge whether the authors have performed an intention-to-treat analysis. In sum, the CONSORT statement is intended to improve the reporting of an RCT, enabling readers to understand a trial's conduct and to assess the validity of its results.
Measurement of social cognition in treatment trials remains problematic due to poor and limited psychometric data for many tasks. As part of the Social Cognition Psychometric Evaluation (SCOPE) study, the psychometric properties of 8 tasks were assessed. One hundred and seventy-nine stable outpatients with schizophrenia and 104 healthy controls completed the battery at baseline and a 2-4-week retest period at 2 sites. Tasks included the Ambiguous Intentions Hostility Questionnaire (AIHQ), Bell Lysaker Emotion Recognition Task (BLERT), Penn Emotion Recognition Task (ER-40), Relationships Across Domains (RAD), Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task (Eyes), The Awareness of Social Inferences Test (TASIT), Hinting Task, and Trustworthiness Task. Tasks were evaluated on: (i) test-retest reliability, (ii) utility as a repeated measure, (iii) relationship to functional outcome, (iv) practicality and tolerability, (v) sensitivity to group differences, and (vi) internal consistency. The BLERT and Hinting task showed the strongest psychometric properties across all evaluation criteria and are recommended for use in clinical trials. The ER-40, Eyes Task, and TASIT showed somewhat weaker psychometric properties and require further study. The AIHQ, RAD, and Trustworthiness Task showed poorer psychometric properties that suggest caution for their use in clinical trials. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: