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Towards an Ontology-Driven Adaptive Dialogue
Georgios Meditskos
Information Technologies
Institute, CERTH, Greece
Stamatia Dasiopoulou
Department of Information
and Communication
Technologies, UPF, Spain
Louisa Pragst
Institute of Communications
Engineering, Ulm University,
Stefan Ultes
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge, UK
Stefanos Vrochidis,
Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Information Technologies
Institute, CERTH, Greece
{stefanos, ikom}
Leo Wanner
Department of Information
and Communication
Technologies, UPF, Spain
In this paper, we describe the principles and technologies
that underpin the development of an adaptive dialogue man-
ager framework, tailored to carrying out human-agent con-
versations in a natural, robust and flexible manner. Our re-
search focus is twofold. First, the investigation of dialogue
strategies that can handle dynamically created user and sys-
tem actions, while still enabling the agent to adapt its ac-
tions to various and possibly changing contexts. Second, the
utilisation of rich semantic annotations for capturing back-
ground knowledge, as well as conversation topics and seman-
tics of user utterances extracted through language analysis.
The resulting annotations comprise the situational descrip-
tions upon which reasoning takes place to recognise the con-
versation context and compile appropriate responses.
Dialogue systems, language analysis, question answering,
A key prerequisite in dialogue systems is to afford effec-
tive strategies for tailoring system behaviour to user actions
and ensuring meaningful and coherent interactions. Cur-
rent dialogue managers (e.g. [19]), however, often restrict
their scope to predefined sets of possible user and system
actions, severely undermining thereby flexibility and robust-
ness. The latter depend largely on bridging the gap between
the users’ perception of the domain of discourse and the
way domain knowledge is captured. Towards this direction,
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-2138-9.
DOI: 10.1145/1235
there have been important advances recently in semantic
search and Question Answering (QA) over structured data
[13], exploiting ontological relationships to understand and
disambiguate a query. However, most of the existing ap-
proaches consider syntactic relations (e.g. subject and ob-
ject dependencies) rather than semantic ones, thus capturing
only partially the underlying language semantics.
In this work, extending the proposal presented in [17], we
combine advanced techniques in the fields of language anal-
ysis (LA), dialogue management, knowledge representation
and reasoning to support an adaptive dialogue flow and re-
act flexibly to user input without restricting the wording or
the way questions are formulated. More specifically:
•We delineate a semantic language analysis framework
that allows to abstract away from syntactic variations
and formalise user utterances in OWL.
•We present a context-aware query answering algorithm
that combines OWL 2 ontologies and rules to feed the
dialogue agent with ongoing situational information.
•We introduce a dialogue management approach that
handles dynamically created user and system actions,
utilising general dialogue acts combined with ontology
semantics to determine the system’s behaviour.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents related work in the domains of QA, LA, and DM.
Section 3 describes the architecture of the framework, elabo-
rating on the provided functionality and component interac-
tions. Section 4 presents an example use case, while Section
5 concludes our work.
2.1 Capturing Language Semantics
Several works have investigated knowledge extraction from
natural language text and its capturing into Semantic Web
compliant representations using deep parsing to abstract
away from syntactic variations, predicate-argument resources
(e.g. FrameNet1) for semantic role labelling, and respective
mapping rules for their formalisation [16, 2, 18]. The id-
iosyncrasies of deep parsing approaches in combination with
the non-trivial decisions involved in re-engineering the lin-
guistic rather than ontological considerations underlying the
extracted data, impact accordingly the resulting ontological
representations; for instance, in [18], only verbal events are
considered, while the use of blank nodes in [2] hinders sub-
sequent reasoning tasks.
In the context of DM and QA though, user utterance se-
mantics tend to be considered in a less comprehensive man-
ner. DM systems often rely on restricted, domain-tailored
lexical to semantics bindings in order to contextualise and in-
terpret user utterances (e.g. [19, 14]); in contrast, ontology-
based question answering approaches tend to allow overall
for a greater flexibility, by employing dependency parsing
in order to transform user queries into some intermediate
structured representation [13]; however, as the deployed de-
pendency parsers address primarily syntactic rather than
semantic dependencies, the resulting representations do not
effectively capture the wealth of user query semantics (e.g.
n-ary relations, events and participant roles).
2.2 Ontology-based Question Answering
Several approaches have been proposed in the literature
[13] to enrich QA with ontologies. PowerAqua [12] allows
users to choose an ontology and then ask queries relevant
to the vocabulary. The results are transformed into triples,
which are further annotated with ontology resources. The
triples are translated into logical queries that retrieve an-
swers from the knowledge sources. NLP-Reduce [11] pro-
cesses queries as bags of words, employing stemming and
synonym expansion. It attempts to match the parsed ques-
tion words to the synonym-enhanced triples stored in the
lexicon generated from a knowledge base and expanded with
WordNet synonyms, generating SPARQL statements for the
matches. FREyA [9] is an interactive Natural Language In-
terface for querying ontologies. It combines syntactic pars-
ing with ontology-based lookup in an attempt to answer
questions. In [10] RDF ontologies are used to populate a KB
with product descriptions, while SPARQL queries are gen-
erated taking into account domain and range restrictions.
Other systems, such as [1, 20], follow a different approach.
Instead of generating SPARQL queries, QA is reduced to a
subgraph matching problem. Either way, the focus is mainly
put on retrieving answers, without supporting further in-
teraction with the users. Interactivity is often limited to
solving disambiguation problems (e.g. in FREyA) and re-
questing clarifications from users. The possibility to adapt
the dialogue strategy to the user is usually not given.
2.3 Dialogue Management
There have been efforts to separate the domain model of
the DM, and thereby the available system and user actions,
from the dialogue flow control. The RavenClaw DM [5]
consists of a Dialog Task Specification layer, which models
domain and domain-specific dialogue logic, and a domain-
independent Dialog Engine. The Dialog Task Specification
Layer is realised as hierarchical structure of tasks to be ac-
complished in the dialogue. The Dialog Engine incorporates
various domain independent conversational strategies, such
as turn-taking behaviour or help and repeat actions.
Nothdurft et al. [15] proposed an architecture, in which
a DM and a reasoner worked together to provide explana-
tions for the system’s proposed course of action and thereby
sustain the user’s trust. By comparing a Finite State Ma-
chine with a decision tree resulting from a POMDP, po-
tential points of distrust are identified and the DM inserts
an explanation for the system’s proposal. In [14], the au-
thors use OWL ontologies to model information regarding
the digital TV subscription domain. However, no further
details are provided regarding the way ontology reasoning is
used to support the dialogue management tasks.
The proposed framework, which aims to address the de-
scribed challenges, is structured around three pillars:
Semantic language analysis: Semantic analysis of the
natural language user input to extract and formalise the
underlying semantics (in terms of the pertinent entities and
their interrelations) as ontological representations so that
the user input can be interpreted against the KB.
Question answering and feedback: Semantic process-
ing of the LA results to identify conversation topics and to
provide a context-aware representation of the situation that
drives the query answering and feedback tasks.
Dialogue management: Selection of an appropriate
system reaction considering the dialogue state as well as
the feedback of QA. This decision process can be further
adapted, e.g. to the user’s emotion or culture.
Figure 1: Adaptive DM framework architecture.
Figure 1 illustrates the logical architecture, while the tasks
involved in each pillar are described in the following.
3.1 Semantic Language Analysis
In order to capture and formalise the natural language
user utterances in OWL, the proposed semantic language
analysis framework uses shallow semantic parsing, FrameNet-
based role labelling and the design principles underpinning
DUL2’s Description and Situation (DnS) pattern.
3.1.1 FrameNet-based structure extraction
Advancing beyond the current DM and QA practices of
syntactic dependency-based analysis, the user input is anal-
ysed in terms of semantic dependencies, through the use of
graph transducers [3] that allow its encoding in predicate-
argument structures that abstract away from language-speci-
fic idiosyncrasies. The extracted predicate-argument struc-
tures are subsequently further enhanced with frame and cor-
responding frame elements annotations using a frame se-
mantics parser3. Frames are linguistically-grounded concep-
tual structures that describe particular types of relational
contexts along with the semantic roles of the pertinent enti-
ties. For example the Ingestion frame describes a situation
involving a Ingestor and some Ingestibles, and is evoked by
words such as “drink”, “nibble”, “eat”, “devour”, etc.; the
roles are called frame elements and the frame-evoking words
lexical units (LUs). For example, in the sentence “Elif drinks
coffee”, “drinks” is the lexical unit that evokes the Ingestion
frame, while “Elif” and “coffee” would be annotated as the
frame elements Ingestor and Ingestibles respectively.
3.1.2 DnS-based ontological translation
To formalise the extracted FrameNet-based structures and
map them into corresponding ontological representations,
frame patterns are considered as specialisations of the DnS
pattern: frames are interpreted as dul:Descriptions, frame
elements as dul:Concepts that determine how the involved
entities should be interpreted, while the extracted frame oc-
currences correspond to dul:Situations. In addition, each
frame-based situation is annotated with its corresponding
dialogue acts, e.g. request and statement.
To account for the disparate semantics that the various
frame categories admit to, we distinguish between frames
that denote event situations (e.g. Ingestion, Grooming),
frames that are related to attributes (e.g. Age, Usefulness),
and frames that relate to objects (e.g. Containers, Food).
More specifically, event frame situations specify the class
EventFrameSituation defined as follows:
EventFrameSituation SubClassOf (
dul:Situation and
dul:satisfies some EventFrameDescription )
EventFrameDescription SubClassOf (
dul:Description and
dul:defines some InvolvedEvent )
For each extracted event frame occurrence, an individ-
ual of the respective frame situation class is introduced and
linked with the individuals corresponding to the participat-
ing entities and the lexical unit that evoked the frame; the
latter is further typed as a subclass of dul:Event. Thus,
for example, the sentence “Elif drinks coffee” would result
among others in the assertions:
:IngestionFrame rdfs:subClassOf dul:Situation .
:ingestion1 rdf:type :IngestionFrame;
dul:satisfies :description1.
:desciption1 rdf:type dul:Description;
dul:defines [dul:classifies :drink1]
:Drink rdfs:subClassOf dul:Event .
:drink1 rdf:type :Drink.
Likewise the classes AttributeFrameSituation vFrame-
Situation and AttributeFrameDescription vFrameDe-
scription are introduced to capture attributive frames, while
respective specialisations allow distinguishing between rela-
tive and absolute attribute descriptions. For example, abso-
lute attribute descriptions specialise the following definition:
AbsoluteAttributeDescription SubClassOf (
dul:Description and
dul:defined some InvolvedAttribute and
dul:defines some dul:Region and
dul:defines some dul:UnitType )
Lacking the descriptive contexts pertinent to event and
attribute frames, frames related to objects are interpreted
as specialisations of the class dul:Entity.
3.2 Domain Modelling and Reasoning
A number of ontologies have been developed to support
context abstraction, reasoning and feedback. These include
a) Ontologies that capture the various types of background
knowledge involved (user profile, medical information, etc.)
in compiling appropriate system responses, and b) Mapping
and interpretation models that abstract incoming informa-
tion into topics, enabling the derivation of situations of in-
terest, answers and feedback.
Regarding the modelling of domain information, the frame-
work does not impose any restriction on the vocabularies
used to capture background knowledge. As such, existing
foundational ontologies (e.g. DUL), design patterns and vo-
cabularies (e.g. MeSH) can be used to capture knowledge.
The remainder of this section describes the mapping and
interpretation of models and rules that enable the recog-
nition of conversation contexts and their further coupling
with background knowledge. The objective is to support the
derivation of abstract conceptualisations about conversation
topics that designate the reasoning task to be triggered to
generate meaningful responses to user input.
3.2.1 Context ontology
The context ontology defines the semantics of conversa-
tion topics. It is used to abstract detected frames into higher
level situations, capitalising on the OWL semantics for defin-
ing multi-level concept hierarchies. The ontology defines a
hierarchy of topics extending the dul:Situation concept.
The current implementation supports two contexts: Bio-
graphical context, which captures information regarding bi-
ographical attributes, such as age, birthdate, etc., and Be-
haviour context, which captures user routines and prefer-
ences (e.g. daily water intake). As an example, we present
the semantics of the complex class description that recog-
nises routine conversation contexts based on the recognition
of routine-related events by LA4.
RoutineContext EquivalentTo dul:Situation and
(dul:satisfies some (dul:defines some
(dul:classifies some ent:RoutineEvent)))
This abstract context can be further specialised to capture
concrete routine contexts. For example, the DrinkingContext,
which captures conversation context relevant to drinking
routines, is defined with the following two axioms:
DrinkingContext EquivalentTo core:IngestionFrame
and (dul:includesEvent some ent:Drink) .
DrinkingContext SubClassOf
fluid some owl:Thing, period some :Period .
4The example uses the Manchester OWL Syntax.
Each frame relevant to ingestion is classified as drinking,
provided that the frame also includes a routine-related event
(in this example, drinking). In addition, the drinking con-
text is associated with property assertions that characterize
the drinking element (fluid) and period (e.g. daily, weekly).
3.2.2 Rule-based mapping
Despite the fact that OWL 2 ontologies support a rich set
of semantics, there are still certain expressive limitations.
For example, the native semantics of OWL 2 does not al-
low the dynamic generation of new individuals. In order
to overcome OWL 2 reasoning shortcomings, we follow a
hybrid context interpretation approach, complementing the
ontology-based mapping with rules. More precisely, we use
SPARQL construct graph patterns, enabling property value
propagation and instance generation. The core idea is to
associate each context concept with one or more SPARQL
rules that address specific mapping tasks, e.g. the mapping
of property values between frames and the context ontology.
As an example, we present the mapping rule we have de-
fined to populate the DrinkingContexts presented in Section
3.2.1 with information about the ingestible (e.g. the fluid).
CONSTRUCT {?this :fluid ?fluid}
?this a :DrinkingContext;
dul:satisfies [dul:defines ?c] .
?c a core:Ingestibles.ingestion .
?c dul:classifies ?fluid .
Having mapped the frames into the contextual hierarchy,
the last step is to query the KB and retrieve the results. This
is achieved by a set of domain-dependent SPARQL queries
that are attached to context concepts. We present examples
of such SPARQL queries in Section 4.2.
3.3 Adaptive Dialogue Management
The task of the DM is to determine an appropriate system
reaction to the user input. This can be realised by a pol-
icy function mapping all combinations of user actions and
dialogue states to system actions. Such a mapping can be
either rule-based or learned from training data. However, in
both approaches a usual assumption is that the system and
user actions are known when defining the policy.
Questions arise if actions are created dynamically after
the policy is defined: unknown system actions do not have a
corresponding mapping to a user action and unknown user
actions would not be chosen as all mappings are already
occupied by existing user actions.
In this work we aim to address the following questions:
- How can user utterances be mapped to user actions with-
out the use of grammars?
- How can unknown user actions be correlated with existing
ones to estimate a good policy?
- How are unknown system actions generated?
- How can unknown system actions be evaluated in regard
to their appropriateness in a given situation?
In order to handle these tasks, we use generalisation. In-
stead of concretely defining all possible actions, we utilise
general dialogue acts [6, 8, 7] and the hierarchical structure
of the ontology to describe them in a more general manner.
More specifically, the LA provides the DM with a classi-
fication of the user utterance in terms of the dialogue acts
request and statement; if applicable, the DM can be fur-
ther refined to more specialised dialogue acts (e.g. confirm,
affirm) by taking into account the dialogue history. In ad-
dition, the semantic content of the user utterance, which is
extracted by the LA, provides its topic. The hierarchy of
the ontology further helps to rank the user action: if a user
action with the topic “medicine for headache” has not been
anticipated the super topic “medicine” can be used instead.
System actions are dynamically generated from the feed-
back of the QA module. Information that is missing to com-
plete a query leads to a request action, while the result of
a query is presented as inform action. Similar to the user
actions, system actions have a topic depending on their se-
mantic content. The hierarchy of the ontology can then be
used to rank unknown system actions.
The appropriateness of a system action is derived consid-
ering its general dialogue act as well as its topic (or a super-
class of it). This way, the policy for known actions can be
extrapolated to unknown actions by shared characteristics.
Studies show [4] that in migration circles, especially of
Turkish origin, there is a low take-up of care services and
the provision system is insufficiently aligned with the needs,
e.g. comprehension problems relevant to the culture and
habits of the care recipient. In such cases, dialogue systems
can act as mediators between migrants and caregivers.
In the considered scenario, Elif is an elderly Turkish mi-
grant in a retirement home in Germany who receives support
by a German caregiver. Information about the habits and
preferences of the care recipient are needed, however, there
may be problems of comprehension concerning the culture
and habits. The required information can be provided to
the dialogue system by Elif, and acquired by the profes-
sional caregiver through interaction with the system. We
demonstrate the functionality of our framework on the basis
of the following example dialogue:
user/caregiver: How much does Elif drink?
system: Elif drinks two glasses of water per day.
4.1 Extracting User Input Semantics
Applying the semantic language analysis described in Sec-
tion 3.1, the user input is mapped to the knowledge graph
depicted in Figure 2. The knowledge graph (DnS pattern)
contains structured information that describes (i) the dia-
logue act (request), (ii) the frame type (ingestion), (iii) the
ingestor (person), and (iv) the event (drink). Note that the
user has not provided information about the ingestible (e.g.
water, beverage) and the period (e.g. daily, weekly).
4.2 Context Recognition and Feedback
4.2.1 User behaviour modelling
Profile information about the drinking routines is cap-
tured through instantiations of the DnS pattern. We define
the Frequency and View concepts for modelling the situation
and description, respectively. The view instance defines two
concepts for modelling the occurrence context and the event
type (Drink). The former encapsulates information about
the period (e.g. daily), while the latter points to the entity
type (e.g. Water). In addition, the occurrence context is as-
sociated with the frequency value, which is defined through
Figure 2: An RDF graph that captures user input.
Figure 3: Modelling the user’s drinking routine.
an instance of muo:QualityValue. This way, we are able
to capture information about the unit of measurement (e.g.
glass). Figure 3 presents an example instantiation (DnS)
that defines the glasses of water the user drinks per day.
4.2.2 Context recognition
Based on the semantics of the drinking context described
in Section 3.2.1, the OWL 2 reasoning process classifies the
IngestionFrame_1Req instance of Figure 2 in the Drinking-
Context class, since all the class restrictions are satisfied.
However, the SPARQL rule described in Section 3.2.2 is not
able to fill in the fluid property of the drinking context,
since no relevant information is provided by the user.
4.2.3 Results and feedback
In order to answer questions about recognised contexts,
we associate each context with SPARQL queries. As such,
the DrinkingContext class is associated with the following
SPARQL query that retrieves the amount, type, unit and
period of the drinking routine (e.g. 2 glasses of water daily).
SELECT ?val ?unit ?period ?stuff
?dc a context:DrinkingContext;
uomvocab:qualityValue [uomvocab:measuredIn ?unit];
context:fluid ?stuff; context:period ?period;
dul:includesEvent ?eventType .
SELECT ?unit ?eventType ?val ?stuff ?period
?p a freq:Frequency ; cp:hasView ?v .
?v dul:defines [dul:classifies ?eventType] .
?v dul:defines [cp:interprets ?stuff ;
freq:period ?period; freq:value [
uomvocab:measuredIn ?unit ;
uomvocab:qualityLiteralValue ?val]]
However, in our example the context does not include any
fluid and period bindings, and therefore the WHERE graph
pattern is not matched. In such cases, we collect the un-
bound variables and try to find resources in the KB that sat-
isfy the semantic restrictions imposed by the ontology. For
example, the context:fluid property has as range the class
Fluid. The system collects all the instances that belong to
the class hierarchy of fluids and periods and selects the most
probable ones, based on information collected from past con-
versation. Assuming that the bindings ?stuff = water and
?period = daily are selected, the SPARQL query success-
fully retrieves the glasses of water the user drinks each day
In addition, DM has to be informed about the feedback
needed regarding the drinking type and period, so as to pro-
vide an alternative response, if needed. This is achieved by
returning to the DM a partial DnS instantiation that cap-
tures missing information. The final response to the DM
contains both the variable bindings of the SPARQL query
and the missing information required.
:ResultContext rdfs:subClassOf dul:Situation .
:result1 rdf:type :ResultContext;
dul:satisfies :description.
:desciption rdf:type dul:Description;
dul:defines [dul:classifies [dul:hasDataValue "2"]]
dul:defines [dul:classifies [muo:measuredIn :glass]]
dul:defines [dul:classifies :daily]
dul:defines [dul:classifies :water]
:MissingContext rdfs:subClassOf dul:Situation .
:missing1 rdf:type :MissingContext
dul:isSettingFor Fluid, Period .
4.3 DM Inference
The DM generates three possible system actions from the
feedback of the QA module: a request action for each miss-
ing information and an inform action for the result of the
query. Which of these actions is selected to be the system
response depends on the dialogue strategy and the dialogue
state, as elaborated in the following examples.
The decision of the DM is influenced by the dialogue his-
tory. If the caregiver and the system have been talking about
the significance of drinking enough water during the day just
before the example dialogue, this information supports the
conclusion of the QA module regarding the type of fluid and
period of time. Therefore, the inform action is selected. On
the other hand, if the caregiver has been talking about the
dangers of drinking too much soft drinks per day, this ren-
ders the concluded type of fluid water unlikely. In this case,
the DM decides to request this missing information from
the caregiver. A further improvement of the cooperation
between DM and QA module can be achieved by integrat-
ing the dialogue history in the reasoning process of the QA.
The previous examples show DM decisions based on the
general dialogue acts of the available system actions. How-
ever, the topic can be of importance as well. Assuming that
the DM decided to schedule a request action, the topic of
the request actions can be utilised in order to decide which
one is better suited in the current situation. The dialogue
history contains as last user action a request with the topic
amount of fluid. The request with the topic kind of fluid is
closely related to that last user action, therefore the dialogue
strategy chooses it as next system action.
Designing a flexible dialogue system involves many non-
trivial decisions. In this paper, we described an approach
to utilise an ontology-based QA module as domain model
of the DM and integrate it into the process of dialogue flow
control. Furthermore, a DnS-based pattern approach is used
to capture and leverage the semantics of the user utterances
with the underlying domain models. As a result, user and
system actions are dynamically generated and the dialogue
strategy does not depend on prior predefined actions.
As a future work, emphasis will be placed on extending
the disambiguation capabilities of LA, incorporating, in ad-
dition to the FN-based annotations, mappings against Ba-
belNet synsets, so as to cater for the development of a semi-
automated rule definition approach that will enable the dy-
namic translation of meta-patterns into queries. In addition,
the incorporation of non-verbal aspects, such as user emo-
tion, in the DM selection strategy will be investigated.
This work has been supported by the H2020-ICT-645012
project KRISTINA: A Knowledge-Based Information Agent
with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities
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