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Soil pH and Carbon at Different Depth in Three Zones of Mangrove Forest in Sarawak, Malaysia


Abstract and Figures

Mangrove forest is one of the potential areas for the carbon storage. A study on carbon storage in soil was carried out in the mangrove forest at Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest Reserve in Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia to compare the carbon storage potential among three different zones (seaward, middleward and landward) and two different soil depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm). Standard procedures were used to determine soil chemical properties. There are significant differences in the carbon storage between the mangrove zones with the middleward zone being more efficient in storing carbon. However, there are no differences in the percentage of carbon stored at different soil depths.
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THE MALAYSIAN FORESTER 2016, 79 (1 &2), 164-173
1 Department of Forest Production, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
2 Department of Forestry Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Universiti Putra
Malaysia Bintulu Campus Sarawak, Malaysia
*Corresponding author:
Email: seca
Abstract: Mangrove forest is one of the potential areas for the carbon storage.
A study on carbon storage in soil was carried out in the mangrove forest at
Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest Reserve in Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia to compare
the carbon storage potential among three different zones (seaward, middleward
and landward) and two different soil depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm). Standard
procedures were used to determine soil chemical properties. There are
significant differences in the carbon storage between the mangrove zones with
the middleward zone being more efficient in storing carbon. However, there
are no differences in the percentage of carbon stored at different soil depths.
Key words: Soil carbon storage, mangrove zonation, soil depth, Sarawak
Mangrove forests are found along sheltered coastlines in the subtropical and tropical
areas. Mangrove forest provides important ecological and socio-economic functions
in the tropical coastal societies. For example, they are natural spawning and living
ground for many species of fish and crustaceans. Mangrove also gives protection
and maintenance of coastal water quality, reduction in severity of storm, wave and
flood damage and also as a nursery and feeding areas for commercial and artisanal
fishery species. In Malaysia, mangrove forest covers 564, 971 hectares of which
57% found in Sabah, 26% in Sarawak and the remaining in Peninsular Malaysia.
Most of the area had been converted to cater for developments such as plantation,
industry, building and aquaculture. All these activities give negative impacts on
mangrove ecosystem functions (Chai 1974).
Mangrove also plays an important role in global carbon cycling, since they
store a large stock of carbon as well as potential carbon sink and source to the
atmosphere (Arianto et al. 2015). A study was undertaken to compare the carbon
storage potential among three different zones; seaward site, middle zone and
landward site at two different soil depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm).
The study was conducted at Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest Reserve, Lawas Sarawak,
Malaysia at the latitude 04º52’2.61”N and longitude 115º13’58.14”E (Figure 1). The
forest is approximately 4.000 ha and located about 2 km from Kg. Awat-Awat, and
35 km from Lawas town in the Limbang Division. One transect line was established
from sea front towards the land. Along the transect line, three zones were identified
as A = seaward site, B = middle site and C = landward site. Six plots of 50 m x 50 m
were established with 2 plots established for each site, and further divided into 5
subplots of 10 m x 10 m; every subplot contained five 1m x1m quadrats (Figure 2).
A GPS Map 76CSx was used to record the coordinates. All dominant species inside
the plot were identified and counted. The frequency of species were calculated using
the formula of Cintron & Schaeffer-Novelli (1984) as follows:
The soil was sampled at two different depths which are D1= 0-20 cm and
D2= 20-40 cm using peat auger in 5 quadrats of 1 m x 1 m. The samples were mixed
to become one sample called bulking sample. Samples were placed into zip lock
plastic bag, labelled and transported to UPMKB soil laboratory for processing. The
samples were air-dried at room temperature, ground using pestle and mortar, sieved
to pass 2 mm sieve for further analysis. The soil pH was determined in distilled
water and 1 M KCl at a ratio of 1:2.5 soil: water or KCl using a glass electrode pH
meter (Peech 1965). Soil CEC was determined using the leaching method (Cottenie
1980) followed by steam distillation (Bramner & Mulvaney 1965). Total carbon was
determined using CHNS Analyzer (TruSpec Micro Elemental Analyzer (NCHS),
LECO, USA). The obtained data was analyzed using analysis of variance to detect
significant differences among factors while Tukey’s test was used to compare means
between zonation, plots and depths. The statistical analysis, Statistical Analysis
System version 9.2 was used (SAS 2008).
Figure 1. Location of study site at Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest Reserve, Lawas
Figure 2. Study plot
Based on zonation, Table 1 shows the taxa composition of the mangrove forest.
Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata dominate the middleward zone
while species of Sonneratia dominate the seaward zone; in the landward zone, both
Lumnitzera littorea and Xylocarpus granatum were found in almost the same
Table 1. Mangrove species in Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest Reserve
Dominant Species
Sonneratia alba
Sonneratia caseolaris
Rhizophora apiculata
Rhizophora mucronata
Lumnitzera littorea
Xylocarpus granatum
Table 2 shows the results of selected chemical properties of different zones
at Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest in Lawas, Sarawak Malaysia. The pH in water
regardless zonation showed significant differences. The highest pH was recorded in
Plot 1 and Plot 2 (5.33a (±0.06)) which were located at seaward zone and dominated
by Sonneratia alba and Sonneratia caseolaris species. The lowest pH was
determined in Plot 3 and 4 (4.05c (±0.04)) which located at middleward zone and
dominated by Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata trees. The similar
result was obtained for pH in 1 M KCl and there were significant differences
irrespective of zonation. Soil CEC at different zonation were significantly different.
The highest CEC was recorded at seaward zone (19.86a (±0.79) Cmol Kg-1) while
the lowest CEC was recorded at landward zone (10.32c (±0.95) Cmol Kg-1). For
carbon content, middleward zone gave the highest value.
Table 2. Selected chemical properties of different zonation at Awat-Awat
Mangrove Forest Reserve
Dominant Species
pH KCl
(Cmol Kg-
C (%)
Sonneratia alba
Lumnitzera littorea
* Different alphabets within a row indicate significant different between mean of
selected chemical properties between zonation and plots using Tukey’s test at
P 0.05. Plus and minus symbols at the beginning of the number represent the
decrease and increase in each items. Values in parenthesis represent standard error
of the mean.
Table 3 shows the selected chemical properties of six different plots with
different dominant species at three mangrove zonation. The pH in water regardless
plot showed significantly differences among plots. Plot 3 and 4 was dominated with
Sonneratia alba and Sonneratia caseolaris at seaward zone obtained the higher pH
compare to other plots. Similar results were recorded on pH in 1 M KCl and showed
the significant difference between plots. Soil CEC was significantly different among
the plots, P4 and P1 recorded the highest of CEC compared to other plots. Soil
carbon content of Plot 4 and Plot 3 which was dominated by Rhizophora mucronata
and Rhizophora apiculata.
Table 4 shows the selected chemical properties of different depths at three
zones in the mangrove forest. Regardless of the zone and plot, pH in water showed
significant differences between depth 1 (0-20 cm) and depth 2 (20-40 cm) except for
middle ward zone. Soil pH in 1 M KCl showed significant differences among the
depths and depth 1 (0-20 cm) gave the highest value compared to depth 2. Soil CEC
at three zones showed no significant differences irrespective of the depth and the
same pattern was also recorded for soil carbon content.
Table 3. Selected chemical properties of different plots at Awat-Awat Mangrove
Dominant Species
pH Water
pH KCl
(Cmol Kg-1)
C %
Sonneratia alba
Sonneratia caseolaris
(± 0.60)
Rhizophora apiculata
Rhizophora mucronata
Lumnitzera Littorea
Xylocarpus granatum
* Different alphabets within a row indicate significant different between mean of
selected chemical properties of different plots using Tukey’s test at P 0.05. Plus
and minus symbols at the beginning of the number represent the decrease and
increase in each items. Values in parenthesis represent standard error of the mean.
(No Tukey test in the Table)
Table 4. Selected chemical properties of different depths at Awat-Awat Mangrove
pH Water
pH KCl
(Cmol (+)/Kg-
C %
(0-20 cm)
(20-40 cm)
(0-20 cm)
(20-40 cm)
(0-20 cm)
(20-40 cm)
* Different alphabets within a row indicate significant different between the mean of
selected chemical properties of different depth using Tukey’s test at P 0.05. Plus
and minus symbols at the beginning of the number represent the decrease and
increase in each item. Values in parenthesis represent standard error of the mean.
(No mention of Tukey test in the Table).
Figure 3 shows the interaction between depth and plot on soil pH in water.
Regardless of the plot, depth 1 (0-20 cm) showed the highest values of pH in water
compared to depth 2 (20-40 cm). The same pattern also was obtained in soil pH in 1
M KCl (Figure 4). The mean depth 2 is more acidic compared to depth 1. Figure 5
shows the interaction between depth and plot on soil CEC. Regardless of plot, depth
1 gave higher value than depth 2 and significantly different among plots except on
soil depth on CEC at plot 3 and plot 5 which showed no significant difference. For
soil carbon content, only soil depth on P1, P2 and P4 differed significantly (Figure
Figure 3. Interaction between depth
and plot on soil pH in water.
Figure 4. Interaction between depth
and plot on soil pH in 1 M
Figure 5. Interaction between depth and
plot on soil CEC
Figure 6. Interaction between depth
and plot on soil carbon
* Different alphabets within a line indicate significant difference between mean of
selected chemical properties between the depths using Tukey’s test at P 0.05.
Figure 7 shows the comparison between zonation (seaward, middleward and
landward) on selected soil chemical properties. Soil pH in water in the seaward zone
was the highest. The same pattern was also recorded for soil pH in 1 M KCl. Soil
CEC seaward also obtained the highest result and significantly different among the
zones. For soil carbon content, middleward zone gave the highest value and
significantly different from landward and seaward zones.
Figure 7. Comparison between zonation (seaward, middleward and landward) on
selected soil chemical properties at mangrove forest.
* Different alphabets within a line indicate significant difference between mean of selected
chemical properties between the depths using Tukey’s test at P 0.05
There are six dominant species of mangrove forest trees belonging to four families
were identified in Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest Reserve along the mangrove
zonation. Those species was dominated at certain zonation of mangrove forest such
as on seaward, middleward and landward zones. Species composition was attributed
to the ability of plant species to tolerate soil salinity, nutrient, wave energy and
flooding conditions that vary within as well as among mangrove zonation (Wibisono
& Sualia 2008).
Soil chemical properties among the zonation showed significant differences
between seaward, middleward and landward zones. Soil pH in water and 1 M KCl
in every zonation of this mangrove forest, were acidic with the range of 4.05 to 5.33
and showed significant difference among the zonations. A similar pattern was
recorded on pH in KCl 3.45 to 4.50. The most acidic one was found in a middleward
zone at plot 3 and 4 where Rhizophora mucronata and Rhizophora apiculata were
dominant. This is because soil pH decreases with increasing distance from the water
edge. In general, the soils of mangrove are neutral to slightly acidic due to sulphur-
reducing bacteria and the presence of acidic clays, but in Malaysia there are
mangroves with very acidic brackish waters due to the aeration of soil sulphates,
forming the sulphuric acid (Arianto et al. 2015). Since seaward zone is nearest to
the sea and situated at a lower level than middleward and landward zones, it is likely
that seaward zone is more affected by seawater than freshwater. Seawater is
probably one of the factors in determining soil pH of the mangrove forest (Chapman
1976). Soil CEC and carbon content also showed a significant difference among the
zonations. The values of CEC and carbon content increasing toward the landward
zonation indicating an increase in organic matter and its decomposition.
Selected soil chemical properties of different plots were different due to the
dominance of different mangrove species. Soil pH in water and 1 M KCl at Plot 1
and Plot 2 were higher compared to other plots ((5.38a(±0.12) and 4.57a(±0.18).
This is due to the high organic matter decomposition processes tends to occur
towards inland since it was occupied with trees and have a favourable condition to
sustain forest communities (Kusamana et al. 1992). The seaward zone which is
easily flooded during tides might have its organic matter being washed away. A high
total CEC and carbon content in soil maybe due to dominant species such as
Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia caseolaris, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora
mucronata, Lumnitzera littorea, and Xylocarpus granatum. These species contribute
high litter falls on the forest floor and the accumulation of these litter falls is
normally trapped by dense and large roots of the species during tidal inundations.
The decomposition processes induced by microorganisms lead to high carbon
accumulation and consequently a greater H+ is generated contributing to soil acidity.
A similar observation was reported by Rambok et al. (2010).
Soil depth shows a significant difference on soil chemical properties between
depth 1 and depth 2. In terms of pH in water and 1 M KCl, depth 1 gave the highest
values and the statistical mean comparison and show the significant difference
between depth 1 and 2 except for pH in water in Plot 2. Soil CEC and carbon
content belong to different depths, depth 1 obtained the higher value and the
statistical mean comparison show there is no significant difference between depth 1
and 2. This is because mangrove ecosystems are typically waterlogged, have little
aeration and a heavy load of organic material decomposing at a slow rate at the
different areas of mangrove (Linn & Doran 1984). However, mangrove soil has a
different profile and it influenced by water levels.
The result of soil chemical properties on mangrove forest revealed that the
soil is acidic and significantly different among all plots. The differences are due to
zonation patterns of the mangrove within the study area. Each area was occupied or
dominated by different species, soil texture, soil organic material and
microorganisms content (Feller & Sitnik 2011). Seaward zone obtained high pH
(water and KCl) and CEC, and these can be attributed to low organic matter present
because of flushing by tides. This also explains why organic matter at the soil
surface (0-20 cm) is lower on the seaward area. As for the landward area, the finding
was contradictory, where the total carbon and CEC were found to be high. These
findings were comparable to other studies by Rambok et al. (2010).
The study showed that the middleward zone and different dominance demonstrates
significant values of selected soil chemical properties (pH, CEC and Carbon)
compared to other zonation at Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest Reserve, Lawas,
Sarawak Malaysia. In term of depths, upper soil (0-20 cm) has the higher value of
pH and CEC compared to the lower soil (20-40 cm). The middleward zone of
mangrove forest has shown signs of storing carbon. But, further studies are needed
to verify mangrove potential as carbon storage as many other factors may also
We wish to thank Universiti Putra Malaysia for funding this project. The
contribution and assistance from the Sarawak Forestry Department, Miri Forestry
Department and all staff of the Department of Forestry Science and Department of
Crop Science are greatly appreciated.
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... The major ecosystem services provided by mangrove habitat are the home for many benthos (especially on-fauna), feeding and breeding ground for them (Alongi & Christoffersen, 1992;Faust & Gulledge, 1996;Beasley et al., 2010). Punang Sari Lawas mangrove habitat is among the mangrove habitat where the seagrass beds and mangroves form unique complex marine ecosystems in this region (Gandaseca et al., 2014Pazi et al., 2016;Al-Asif et al., 2020). Studies suggested nine seagrass species are available on the site (Abu Hena et al., 2016b). ...
... The availability, accumulation, and translocation of heavy metals in some mangrove plants were altered by salinity and pH variations, with the effects being more pronounced when the plants were grown for longer periods (Wakushima et al., 1994;Cabañas-Mendoza et al., 2020). Some studies referred to the average soil pH in mangrove habitats might be towards the acidic level rather the alkaline (Wakushima et al., 1994;Ukpong, 1995;Joshi & Ghose, 2003;Pazi et al., 2016;de Andrade et al., 2018). When exposed to acute salinity stress, mangrove seedlings have increased leaf mortality rates, which are often followed by declines in leaf production rates and biomass production rates, ultimately resulting in the death of the plants (Chen & Ye, 2014;Shiau et al., 2017;Kodikara et al., 2018). ...
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Macrofaunal diversity and composition are essential to understanding the ecosystem structures and functions of mangroves in any dynamic estuarine coast. To understand the temporal distribution of macrofaunal community structures and diversity on the surface sediment in the intertidal mangrove forest next to the seagrass beds, this study was conducted at Punang-Sari-River estuary, Lawas, Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo), South China Sea. Sampling was done during post-monsoon, intermediate-September, premonsoon, and monsoon from July 2019 to February 2020. The mean macrofauna abundance was higher pre-monsoon, while Gastropoda Optediceros breviculum (L. Pfeiffer, 1855) was the most abundant (RA = 0.704). Important species index (ISI = 70.36) and percentage of contribution (64.97%) were also higher of this species than any other records from the site. The ANOSIM (Analysis of Similarity), Jaccard index and SIMPER (Similarity Percentage Analysis) analysis suggested that the highest species abundance similarity was observed between pre-monsoon and monsoon, while the highest dissimilarity was observed between intermediate-September and pre-monsoon (74.67%). Seasonal PCA, nMDS, and cluster analysis revealed that pre-monsoon and monsoon were comparable in species and individual abundance. The dominance (0.85) was found significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in intermediate-September, while Simpson (0.734), Shannon (1.56) and Evenness indices (0.528) were found higher in monsoon, followed by the higher Margalef richness indices (3.21) in post-monsoon. It was observed that the seasonal ecological parameters were found to be significantly (P<0.05) different, including the temperature, salinity, rainfall, pore water nitrogenous compounds (NO2, NO3 and NH3-N), phosphorus compound (PO4) and micro minerals. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) results suggested that ecological factors influenced several species. Considering the few studies on mangrove macrofauna in Malaysian Borneo, further research on their trophic structures and food web interactions is very important to disclose their overall characteristics and ecosystem functions.
... The range is from 3.93 to 5.41. According to Pazi et al. (2016), the presence of both sulfur-reducing bacteria and acidic clays in the mangrove soil is the factor that causes it to have a neutral to the slightly acidic type of soil. However, some mangrove forests in Malaysia have a very acidic brackish water caused by the formation of sulphuric acid that comes from the aeration of soil sulfates (Arianto et al. 2015;Pazi et al. 2016). ...
... According to Pazi et al. (2016), the presence of both sulfur-reducing bacteria and acidic clays in the mangrove soil is the factor that causes it to have a neutral to the slightly acidic type of soil. However, some mangrove forests in Malaysia have a very acidic brackish water caused by the formation of sulphuric acid that comes from the aeration of soil sulfates (Arianto et al. 2015;Pazi et al. 2016). Soil salinity increase through the depth, where 12.7 is the lowest and 22.4 is the highest. ...
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Hatta SM, Salleh E, Suhaili NS, Besar NA. 2022. Estimation of carbon pool at mangrove forest of Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia. Biodiversitas 23: 4601-4608. Mangroves play a significant role in reducing tropical carbon emissions and preventing climate change. This study was carried out in Kudat's Tun Mustapha Park mangrove forest. This research aims to quantify the aboveground, belowground, and soil carbon pools. Nine 125-meter-long transect lines were set up, and every 25 meters, a 7-meter-diameter circle was placed. A forest inventory was conducted to determine the diameter at the breast height of standing trees. For soil analysis and bulk density, soil samples were collected at four different depths (0-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-50 cm, and 50-100 cm). An ICP-OES analyzer was used to determine the value of soil nutrients, and a CHNS analyzer was used to determine the soil carbon concentration. The aboveground and belowground biomass was calculated using the allometric equation, and the carbon stock was estimated at 50% of the total biomass. The outcome showed a 455.87 MgCha-1 total carbon pool. The soil carbon has the highest value with 273.76 MgCha-1 , followed by aboveground carbon (living trees) with 136.58 MgCha-1 and belowground carbon (roots) with 45.53 MgCha-1. This study found that soil carbon stock made up almost 60% of the total carbon stock in the mangrove forest.
... The highest degradation occurs at neutral conditions (around pH 7) (Pawar, 2015). Mangrove forests have pH ranges from 2.87 to 8.22 (Hossain and Nuruddin, 2016), with soil pH varying significantly across different zones, generally acidic inland and alkaline toward the sea (Mohamad Pazi et al., 2016). The highly acidic conditions in mangrove forests may result from anaerobic processes such as methanogenesis (Gatland et al., 2014), and sulfate reduction (Lamit and Tanaka, 2022). ...
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Mangrove ecosystems, characterized by high levels of productivity, are susceptible to anthropogenic activities, notably oil pollution arising from diverse origins including spills, transportation, and industrial effluents. Owing to their role in climate regulation and economic significance, there is a growing interest in developing mangrove conservation strategies. In the Arabian Gulf, mangroves stand as the sole naturally occurring green vegetation due to the region's hot and arid climate. However, they have faced persistent oil pollution for decades. This review focuses on global mangrove distribution, with a specific emphasis on Qatar's mangroves. It highlights the ongoing challenges faced by mangroves, particularly in relation to the oil industry, and the impact of oil pollution on these vital ecosystems. It outlines major oil spill incidents worldwide and the diverse hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial communities within polluted areas, elucidating their potential for bioremediation. The use of symbiotic interactions between mangrove plants and bacteria offers a more sustainable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative. However, the success of these bioremediation strategies depends on a deep understanding of the dynamics of bacterial communities, environmental factors and specific nature of the pollutants.
... The differences in composition might be attributed to the different sources of organic materials, such as tree litter (i.e., leaves, propagules, twigs, and roots) that originated locally (Friesen et al. 2017) and from the nearshore or near ocean areas (Chaikaew and Chavanich 2017). Furthermore, study locations that are characterized by riverine mangroves are sheltered from strong currents, unlike seaward mangroves, which may flush organic materials into the sea, thus reducing the organic matter content (Pazi et al. 2016). In addition, other factors, such as mean particle size, may be crucial in determining the organic matter content of sediments. ...
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Ramli R, Pardi F, Singh HR, Roslani MA, Aziz KNA, Kamaruddin SA. 2024. Spatial variability of organic matter in two mangrove ecosystems in Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. Biodiversitas 25: 329-336. Organic matter is a crucial factor influencing mangroves' structure and species composition. The present study aimed to assess and compare the organic matter content in the sediment of Pulau Dayang Bunting and Sungai Kilim mangroves ecosystem in Langkawi, Kedah. The spatial variation of the organic matter contents was measured from the sediment at different zones in a line transect at each location. The mean of organic matter content recorded in the Pulau Dayang Bunting mangroves community was recorded from 13.67% to 15.74% and 13.06% to 16.57% in the Sungai Kilim mangrove community which were classified in the medium category. Results of Two-way ANOVA analysis revealed significant differences in the organic matter content between mangroves communities and only organic matter content in Station 2 was significantly different at the lower, middle, and upper zones (ANOVA one way, P<0.05). Only salinity has a negative correlation with the organic matter content in the study area (r (34) = [-0.41], p = [0.014]). The upper zones exhibited a greater concentration of organic matter due to enhanced accumulation facilitated by the vertical water mixing. Mangroves age, vegetation density, salinity, and sediment types are also crucial factors in maintaining organic matter content in the mangrove ecosystem.
... Biswas et al., 2017). Additionally, various research has been done on mangrove soils with only three layers of soil depth (Pazi et al., 2016), but relatively little research has been identified with additional layers. In light of the research gaps that currently exist, this research has therefore carried significant weight from a global perspective. ...
Carbon sequestration in mangrove soil has been paid considerable attention in recent decades. However, the study regarding the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on soil organic carbon (SOC) is very limited. Additionally, studying abiotic factors in different soil depths is very important for understanding how the environment affects the soil organic carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems. It allows us to better understand the interaction between abiotic factors (such as soil temperature, moisture, pH, nutrient content, bulk density and soil salinity) and plant growth, which can lead to improved strategies for planting and managing crops. Furthermore, deeper soil depths can provide insight into how microbial communities, which are essential to soil fertility, are distributed in different soils. Therefore, the present study was conducted to know how biotic and abiotic factors affect the soil organic carbon (SOC %) in different soil depths of the mangrove forest ecosystem. The study area of this research work was Sundarbans Mangrove Forest (SMF), located in the south-western region of Bangladesh and 54 sampling sites were selected to study the effects covering 54 compartments of the forest area. Three abiotic (Soil Salinity, soil pH and Soil Bulk Density) and three biotic (Species Abundance, Canopy Openness of Tree and Species Richness) factors were taken into consideration to understand their impact on soil organic carbon (SOC %). The results showed that as for abiotic factors, soil organic carbon (SOC %) was significantly related to soil pH (p=0.013) and soil bulk density (p=0.05). But no significant effect (p=0.12) was found between soil organic carbon (SOC %) and soil salinity (EC). According to the findings, neither species abundance (p= 0.39) nor tree canopy openness (p=0.67) was correlated with soil organic carbon (SOC%), a measure of biotic variables. However, a significant effect (p=0.02) between soil organic carbon (SOC%) and species richness was discovered. This knowledge can be used to improve crop yields and better manage soil resources. The study's conclusions will also assist forest managers and decision-makers in managing the forest for greater biomass output, which can aid in carbon sequestration and the mitigation of climate change.
... Other studies have investigated molluscs (Singh & Baharin 2016;Ismail et al. 2017;Vaezzadeh et al. 2017), horseshoe crabs (Noor Jawahir et al. 2017), mud crabs (Sharif et al. 2016) and diverse fauna 59 (Zahidin et al. 2016) and food webs (Le et al. 2017). Studies on flora and mangrove distribution (Hamzah et al. 2009;Shah et al. 2016), sediment analyses (Mokhtari et al. 2016;Pazi et al. 2016;Atwood et al. 2017;Bakrin Sofawi et al. 2017;Mustapha et al. 2017), organic matter (Hemati et al. 2017) and heavy metals (Baruddin et al. 2017) have also been carried out. In the field of microbiology, studies of the diversity and properties of Actinobacteria (Azman et al. 2016(Azman et al. , 2017Ser et al. 2016Ser et al. , 2017Zainal et al. 2016;Law et al. 2017;Tan et al. 2017), Proteobacteria (Moh et al. 2017) and Firmicutes (Auta et al. 2017) have been conducted. ...
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Cyanobacteria are one of the most important groups of photoautotrophic organisms, contributing to carbon and nitrogen fixation in mangroves worldwide. They also play an important role in soil retention and stabilisation and contribute to high plant productivity through their secretion of plant growth-promoting substances. However, their diversity and distribution in Malaysian mangrove ecosystems have yet to be studied in detail, despite Malaysia hosting a significant element of remaining mangroves globally. In a floristic survey conducted in Penang, peninsular Malaysia, 33 morphospecies of periphytic cyanobacteria were identified and described for the first time from a mangrove ecosystem in Malaysia. Sixteen genera, comprising Aphanocapsa, Chroococcus, Chroococcidiopsis, Cyanobacterium, Desmonostoc, Geitlerinema, Leptolyngbya, Lyngbya, Microcystis, Myxosarcina, Oscillatoria, Phormidium, Pseudanabaena, Spirulina, Trichocoleus and Xenococcus, were obtained from field material growing on diverse natural and artificial substrata. Oscillatoriales was the dominant order with Phormidium the dominant genus at nine of the 15 sampling sites examined. Three of the morphospecies, Aphanocapsa cf. concharum, Xenococcus cf. pallidus and Oscillatoria pseudocurviceps, are rare and poorly known morphospecies worldwide. Chroococcus minutus, Phormidium uncinatum, P. amphigranulata, and some species of Oscillatoriales are considered as pollution indicator species. This study provides important baseline information for further investigation of the cyanobacterial microflora present in other mangrove areas around Malaysia. A complete checklist will enhance understanding of their ecological role and the potential for benefits arising from useful secondary metabolites or threats via toxin production to the ecosystem.
... Salinity and pH fluctuations affected the availability, accumulation, and transport of heavy metals in some mangrove plants; the effects were more significant when the plants were cultivated for longer periods of time (Cabañas- Mendoza et al., 2020;Wakushima et al., 1994). According to some studies, the average soil pH in mangrove habitats may be more acidic than alkaline (de Andrade et al., 2018;Pazi et al., 2016;Joshi and Ghose, 2003;Ukpong, 1995;Wakushima et al., 1994). Salinity, on (2019) and Davidson et al. (2004)) showing the most important infaunal macrobenthic taxa responsible for the highest to the lowest similarity within and dissimilarity between the seasons. ...
The diversity and composition of macrofaunal communities are important components to understand the mangrove ecosystem structures and functions. To understand the seasonal distribution of macro-infaunal community and diversity, this study was conducted from July 2019 to February 2020 in the intertidal mangrove forest of Punang-Sari-River estuary, Lawas, Sarawak. Sampling was carried out during post-monsoon, intermediate-September, pre-monsoon, and monsoon. It was observed that, the seasonal physico-chemical parameters were significantly (P < 0.05) different, including the temperature, salinity, rainfall, pore water nitrogenous compounds (NO2, NO3 and NH3-N), phosphate and micro minerals. A total of 39 infaunal macrobenthos taxa from 27 families were recorded while the mean abundance of infaunal macro benthos was found higher in monsoon (997.29 individuals/m2). The most abundant, the highest important species index and percentage contribution species was Bivalvia Eurytellina lineata (W. Turton, 1819) due to year-round favorable ecological condition. Seasonal faunal grouping suggested post-monsoon, intermediate-September and pre-monsoon were comparable in species and individual abundance. The Simpson, and Shannon indices were found significantly (P < 0.0001) higher in monsoon, while Margalef richness was found higher in pre-monsoon. The soil was sandy loam with major portion of sand, and positively correlated with sand and infaunal abundance in all seasons. The ANOSIM and SIMPER analysis suggested that the highest species abundance similarity was observed between post-monsoon and pre-monsoon, while the highest dissimilarity was observed between intermediate-September and pre-monsoon. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis results suggested, a number of species were influenced by ecological factors, for instance, salinity, soil pH, PO4, micro–macro minerals, water pH, and nitrogenous compounds. The relationship within benthic infaunal abundance in the mangrove ecosystem with their seasonality, ecological variables, and soil properties were established and addressed in this study.
... 1 Most peatlands are characterized by acidic pH values (between pH 4 and pH 6) and show a positive correlation between acidity and organic matter content of the peat. 1 However, depending on the flow rate and chemistry of the groundwater basic pH values have been reported for peatlands (e.g., soda lakes or rich fens), as well. 1, 16 Similar to peatlands, mangrove soils are often tilted toward mild acidity; 17,18 however, the presence of carbonate can cause neutral or basic pH values in these ecosystems. 1, 19−21 The pH values of freshwater marshes generally range from pH 6.0 to pH 9.0, 1 whereas freshwater swamps often show water pH values between pH 6.0 and pH 7.0. ...
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Over the last millennia, wetlands have been sequestering carbon from the atmosphere via photosynthesis at a higher rate than releasing it and, therefore, have globally accumulated 550 × 1015 g of carbon, which is equivalent to 73% of the atmospheric carbon pool. The accumulation of organic carbon in wetlands is effectuated by phenolic compounds, which suppress the degradation of soil organic matter by inhibiting the activity of organic-matter-degrading enzymes. The enzymatic removal of phenolic compounds by bacterial tyrosinases has historically been blocked by anoxic conditions in wetland soils, resulting from waterlogging. Bacterial tyrosinases are a subgroup of oxidoreductases that oxidatively remove phenolic compounds, coupled to the reduction of molecular oxygen to water. The biochemical properties of bacterial tyrosinases have been investigated thoroughly in vitro within recent decades, while investigations focused on carbon fluxes in wetlands on a macroscopic level have remained a thriving yet separated research area so far. In the wake of climate change, however, anoxic conditions in wetland soils are threatened by reduced rainfall and prolonged summer drought. This potentially allows tyrosinase enzymes to reduce the concentration of phenolic compounds, which in turn will increase the release of stored carbon back into the atmosphere. To offer compelling evidence for the novel concept that bacterial tyrosinases are among the key enzymes influencing carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems first, bacterial organisms indigenous to wetland ecosystems that harbor a TYR gene within their respective genome (tyr+) have been identified, which revealed a phylogenetically diverse community of tyr+ bacteria indigenous to wetlands based on genomic sequencing data. Bacterial TYR host organisms covering seven phyla (Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Nitrospirae, Planctomycetes, and Proteobacteria) have been identified within various wetland ecosystems (peatlands, marshes, mangrove forests, bogs, and alkaline soda lakes) which cover a climatic continuum ranging from high arctic to tropic ecosystems. Second, it is demonstrated that (in vitro) bacterial TYR activity is commonly observed at pH values characteristic for wetland ecosystems (ranging from pH 3.5 in peatlands and freshwater swamps to pH 9.0 in soda lakes and freshwater marshes) and toward phenolic compounds naturally present within wetland environments (p-coumaric acid, gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid, catechin, and epicatechin). Third, analyzing the available data confirmed that bacterial host organisms tend to exhibit in vitro growth optima at pH values similar to their respective wetland habitats. Based on these findings, it is concluded that, following increased aeration of previously anoxic wetland soils due to climate change, TYRs are among the enzymes capable of reducing the concentration of phenolic compounds present within wetland ecosystems, which will potentially destabilize vast amounts of carbon stored in these ecosystems. Finally, promising approaches to mitigate the detrimental effects of increased TYR activity in wetland ecosystems and the requirement of future investigations of the abundance and activity of TYRs in an environmental setting are presented.
Mangrove ecosystems, commonly found in tropical states like Indonesia, are famous for their robust root systems that facilitate their survival in tidal habitats. Notwithstanding the importance and variety of mangroves, some 637,000 hectares, or 10-33 percent of Indonesia’s total mangrove area, have seen degradation and alteration in recent decades. The development of effective mangrove forest management strategies requires the backing of precise data and information. This research uses geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies to delineate mangrove forest cover according to stand density. The research site was chosen in Bontang City, East Kalimantan Province, to facilitate the analysis of Sentinel 2 satellite images via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index method. The research findings indicated three NDVI classifications representing mangrove vegetation density: low density including 72,039 hectares (3%), medium density covering 209,044 hectares (9%), and high density spanning 2,119,287 hectares (88%). This study assists policymakers when creating sustainable management and restoration strategies for mangrove forests based on vegetation density.
Quantifying carbon fluxes into and out of coastal soils is critical to meeting greenhouse gas reduction and coastal resiliency goals. Numerous ‘blue carbon’ studies have generated, or benefitted from, synthetic datasets. However, the community those efforts inspired does not have a centralized, standardized database of disaggregated data used to estimate carbon stocks and fluxes. In this paper, we describe a data structure designed to standardize data reporting, maximize reuse, and maintain a chain of credit from synthesis to original source. We introduce version 1.0.0. of the Coastal Carbon Library, a global database of 6723 soil profiles representing blue carbon‐storing systems including marshes, mangroves, tidal freshwater forests, and seagrasses. We also present the Coastal Carbon Atlas, an R‐shiny application that can be used to visualize, query, and download portions of the Coastal Carbon Library. The majority (4815) of entries in the database can be used for carbon stock assessments without the need for interpolating missing soil variables, 533 are available for estimating carbon burial rate, and 326 are useful for fitting dynamic soil formation models. Organic matter density significantly varied by habitat with tidal freshwater forests having the highest density, and seagrasses having the lowest. Future work could involve expansion of the synthesis to include more deep stock assessments, increasing the representation of data outside of the U.S., and increasing the amount of data available for mangroves and seagrasses, especially carbon burial rate data. We present proposed best practices for blue carbon data including an emphasis on disaggregation, data publication, dataset documentation, and use of standardized vocabulary and templates whenever appropriate. To conclude, the Coastal Carbon Library and Atlas serve as a general example of a grassroots F.A.I.R. (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data effort demonstrating how data producers can coordinate to develop tools relevant to policy and decision‐making.
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Carbon storage in forest ecosystems involves inordinate components including plant biomass carbon and soil carbon. Sequestration of carbon along with other aggressive conservation efforts helps to reduce the increasing negative impact of global warming on the environment and mangroves as the coastal forest. The objective of this study was to assess the soil carbon storage of dominant plant species of Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest, Sarawak, Malaysia. A total of 32 soil samples of mangrove forest were collected in nine different plots with different species using a peat auger at a soil depth of 0 to 50 cm. The total C in the soil samples was analyzed using CHNS analyzer (TruSpec Micro Elemental Analyzer (NCHS), LECO, USA). Soil carbon content of mangrove forest was found varies in each plot. The highest soil carbon content in Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest was found for soil under dominance of Rhizophora mucronata (6.24%) whereas the lowest (1.73%) was found for soil under dominated by Sonneratia alba. The soil carbon content of Awat-Awat Mangrove Forest was found to be influenced by the difference in species dominance.
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Above ground tree biomass was estimated in Bruguiera parviflora, B. sexangula, and Rhizophora apiculata communities of a mangrove forest in Talidendang Besar, East Sumatra, Indonesia. The research was carried out from December 1990 to January 1991, and allometric relation method was used to estimate the above ground biomass of tree species having a diameter of 10 cm and over. The above ground biomass in this forest ranged from 42.94 to 89.68 t d.wt/ha in a B. parviflora community; 75.99 to 279.03 t d.wt/ha in a B. sexangula community; and 40.70 t d.wt/ha in a R. apiculata community.
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Problem statement: Despite few studies of forest health and environmental conditions of mangrove forest in Sarawak, the data was not sufficient to facilitate baseline data and direct comparison of mangrove forest health obtained for different location of mangrove forest in Sarawak. On this regard, determination of contemporary mangrove soil condition was essential to addressing mangrove forest for forest health, carbon storage and environmental balance. The study attempts to obtained preliminary database of mangrove forest soil chemical properties and to compare the forest health from two different mangrove forest locations. Approach: Mangrove soil samples were taken from Miri and Limbang Division of Sarawak at 0-30 cm depth. Selected soil chemical properties were determined and data obtained were analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Version 9.2. Results: The soil acidity, total N, total P, CEC and humic acid of both locations were significantly different while in terms of total carbon and organic matter were similar. Conclusion: Regional diversity has significant effects the soil acidity, total N, total P, CEC and yield of the study areas. Data obtained can be useful for further study of carbon stock and nutrient content.
Numbers of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms in surface (0-75 mm) no-till soils averaged 1.35-1.41 and 1.27-1.31 times greater, respectively, than in surface-plowed soils. Bulk density, volumetric water content, water-filled pore space, and water-soluble C and organic C and N values were similarly greater for surface no-till soils compared to conventionally tilled soils. Deeper in the soil (75-300 mm), however, aerobic microbial populations were significantly greater in conventionally tilled soils. Below 150 mm, the numbers of anaerobic micro-organisms differed little between tillage treatments. In no-till soils, however, these organisms comprised a greater proportion of the total bacterial population than in conventionally tilled soils. Denitrifying activity, after irrigation with 15 mm of water, was substantially greater in surface 0- to 75-mm no-till soils than in conventionally tilled soils at all locations. At the 75- to 150-mm soil depth, however, the denitrification potential in conventionally tilled soils was the same or higher than that of no-till soils. In surface no-till soils, increased numbers of anaerobic microorganisms and a substantially greater denitrification potential, following irrigation, indicate the presence of less-aerobic conditions in comparison to conventionally tilled soils. This condition appears to result from greater soil bulk densities and/or water contents of no-till soils, which act to increase water-filled porosity and the potential for water to act as a barrier to the diffusion of oxygen through the soil profile. -from Authors