
Stability Analysis on the Algorithm of Constitutive Relation in Viscoplastic Materials

  • Institute of Fluid Physics
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The numerical stability of the explicit precise algorithm, which was developed for the viscoplastic materials, was analyzed. It was found that this algorithm is not absolutely stable. A necessary but not sufficient condition for the numerical stability was deduced. It showed that the time step in numerical calculation should be less than a certain value to guarantee the stability of explicit precise algorithm. Through a series of numerical examples, the stability analysis on the explicit precise algorithm was proved to be reliable. At last, an iterative algorithm was presented for viscoplastic materials. Both of the theoretical and numerical results showed that the iterative algorithm is unconditionally stable and its convergence rate is rapid. In practice, the explicit precise algorithm and iterative algorithm can be combined to obtain reliable results with the minimum computing costs.

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a b s t r a c t This paper investigates the computational performance of S-CLAY1S constitutive model by varying its yield function equation. S-CLAY1S is an advanced anisotropic elasto-plastic model that has been developed based on the extension of conventional critical state theory. In addition to modified Cam-Clay's hardening law, S-CLAY1S also accounts for inherent and evolving plastic anisotropy, interparticle bonding and degradation of bonds during plastic straining. A modified Newton–Raphson stress update algorithm has been adopted for the implementation of the model and it was found that the algorithm's convergence performance is sensitive to the expression of the yield function. It is shown that for an elasto-plastic model which is developed based on the critical state theory, it is possible to improve the performance of the numerical implementation by changing the form of the yield function. The results of this work can provide a new perspective for computationally cost-effective implementation of complex constitutive models in finite element analysis that can yield in more efficient boundary value level simulations. & 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
This paper presents a general and systematic study on the thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relations of damaged materials. In the first part, the rigorous proof of the radius-regression method about constitutive calculation is given, and its suitability and limitation are discussed. In the second part, the universal form and computational routine of the incremental thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relation are established, based on the yield function in stress space and Drucker's postulate and by means of the internal variables theory. In the third part, the concrete formula of some very important and useful constitutive forms are derived, and their characteristics and implications are discussed. In the fourth part, with some typical problems of stress wave propagation and impact dynamics as examples the applications and practical effects of our constitutive relation and computational method are shown, and their theoretical value and practical prospects are demonstrated.
We adopt the self-adaptive strategy to update the barrier parameter of a feasible primal-dual interior-point algorithm. We obtain two adaptive updating methods, namely, cheap updates and sharp updates. We compare the effectiveness of the short updates with the adaptive update methods on some benchmark problems. The numerical results show that the sharp updates method is superior to short updates and cheap updates methods.
A stress integration algorithm is provided for a novel homogeneous-yield-function-based anisotropic hardening (HAH) model. The new model is an extension of the original HAH model that describes cross-hardening or softening of a sheet metal under an orthogonal strain path change. A semi-explicit integration scheme for the stress update is utilized to efficiently handle the gradient of the distorted yield surface during complex strain path changes, as originally proposed by Lee et al. (2012). Validations of the algorithm developed were conducted by comparing the predicted stress–strain curves of dual-phase (DP) 780 and extra-deep-drawing-quality (EDDQ) steels with experimental stress–strain responses observed under cross-loading conditions. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed finite element (FE) formulations was assessed by -value prediction and preparation of iso-error maps.
Earlier results [1,2] 2 ^{2} on safe loads for a Prandtl-Reuss material subject to surface tractions or displacements which increase in ratio are here extended to any perfectly plastic material and any history of loading.
This paper develops an efficient return mapping algorithm for implicit integration of general isotropic elastoplastic constitutive equations. A set of three mutually orthogonal unit base tensors in conjunction with a new set of three invariants are employed for the representation of arbitrary isotropic tensor valued and scalar valued functions of the stress tensor involved. The base tensors are constructed from the stress tensor by using the representation theorem and the three invariants are defined by the projection of the stress onto the base tensors. Geometrically, the base tensors are characterized by three mutually orthogonal unit vector and the three invariants are regarded as the components of a vector in principal space. With them, both the elastic constitutive equations and the flow rule of plasticity are represented as simple relationship among vectors in principal space. The return mapping algorithm associated with the representation is formulated in principal space and dimensions of the problem are reduced from six down to three. The explicit computation of the principal directions and the coordinate transformation from the principal reference frame to the global reference frame are omitted. The expressions for the consistent tangent operator for the proposed algorithm are derived in an efficient and closed-form manner. It consists of two parts: one is consistent with the return mapping in the fixed principal stress directions and another reflects the changes in the principal stress directions. Finally, a numerical example demonstrates the performances of the proposed implementation.
This paper presents the exact stress solution of the non-associative Drucker–Prager elastoplastic model governed by linear isotropic hardening rule. The stress integration is performed under constant strain-rate assumption and the derived formulas are valid in the setting of small strain elastoplasticity theory. Based on the time-continuous stress solution, a complete discretized stress updating algorithm is also presented providing the solutions for the special cases when the initial stress state is located in the apex and when the increment produces a stress path through the apex. Explicit expression for the algorithmically consistent tangent tensor is also derived. In addition, a fully analytical strain solution is also derived for the stress-driven case using constant stress-rate assumption. In order to get a deeper understanding of the features of these solutions, two numerical test examples are also presented.
The stress-strain relations for materials and the load-deflection relations for structural elements play corresponding roles in the analysis of three-dimensional continua and of structures, respectively. Mathematically equivalent and phenomenologically quite similar, they are treated simultaneously here. As in previous treatments of stable (rising) plastic stress-strain curves, unstable (falling) curves in simple shear or tension are generalized to all states of stress through the exploration of the work done in a cycle of stress (Drucker) and in a cycle of strain (Ilyushin). The plastic increment of strain is found to be normal to the current yield surface for a wide class of unstable materials in which a continuous variation of strain produces a unique continuous variation of stress and of the shape and position of the yield surface. In the absence of any significant alteration in the (stable) elastic response, each yield surface then is shown to be convex. The degree of concavity possible when the elastic response is stable but is nonlinear and does alter appreciably due to plastic deformation is illustrated by a nonlinear elastic spring and a plastic block in parallel. Such concavity would not be observable in the yield surfaces of common structural metals but might be found for soils, rocks, or concrete and can be quite pronounced for structural elements.
Volume I details a new numerical model for solving multi-material flows which are functions of two space dimensions and time. The program, called HELP, is basically Eulerian but also contains Lagrangian features for the explicit definition of interface positions. The program is general in the sense that any number of materials can be present in a given Eulerian cell and no special difficulties arise for flows involving extreme material distortions. The program is suitable for compressible media with strength dependence. Compressibility is included by an equation of state giving pressure as a function of density and specific internal energy. Strength is included by means of a constitutive equation giving the deviatoric stresses as functions of the elastic and plastic strains. In this Volume I report, the basic equations are developed, the computer program is documented and sample results are given from six applications.
A stress update algorithm for elastoplastic models with nonconvex yield surfaces is presented. An explicit algorithm based on the Runge–Kutta embedded method of second-order accuracy is developed. The crossing of the yield surface is properly taken into account by means of a robust intersection-finding algorithm. This algorithm is based on a simple multiple-root-finding technique, which requires the yield function, evaluated along a given secant stress path, to be continuously differentiable to the second order. The accuracy of the intersection-finding algorithm is illustrated through examples using simple yield functions similar to the ones adopted in models for unsaturated soils and the modified Cam clay model yield surface with a nonconvex Argyris et al. failure criterion. Isoerror surfaces and finite element simulations are used to investigate the accuracy and efficiency of the stress update algorithm. It is observed that although the algorithm for nonconvex surfaces is slower than its equivalent for convex surfaces, the accuracy can be controlled locally by means of specified tolerances. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A stress-update algorithm for the subloading surface Cam-clay model is developed. The model is re-formulated to be compatible with the multiplicative hyperelasto-plasticity for finite strains. The algorithm aims at synthesizing the phenomenological capability of the subloading surface model and the numerical advantage of the return mapping. A closed-form representation of the algorithmic tangent is also derived. The proposed algorithm is implemented into a finite-element code and is shown to be capable of producing accurate results even for large incremental steps. Numerical examples of boundary-value problems demonstrate the robustness of the algorithm.
The finite element analysis of the sheet metal forming process involves various nonlinearities. To predict accurately the final geometry of the sheet blank and the distribution of strain and stress and control various forming defects, such as thinning, wrinkling and springback, etc., the accurate integration of the constitutive laws over the strain path is essential. Our objective in this paper is to develop an effective and accurate stress integration scheme for the analysis of three-dimensional sheet metal forming problems. The proposed algorithm is based on the explicit “substepping” schemes incorporating with the stress correction scheme. The proposed algorithms have been implemented into ABAQUS/Explicit via User Material Subroutine (VUMAT) interface platform. The algorithms are then employed to analyze a typical deep-cup drawing process and the accuracy of these algorithms has been compared with the implicit “return” algorithm and explicit forward algorithm. The results indicate that the explicit schemes with local truncation error control, together with a subsequent check of the consistency conditions, can achieve the same or even better level of accuracy as “return” algorithm does for integrating large plastic problems like sheet metal forming process.
An implicit approach for the incremental analysis of planar anisotropic sheet forming processes is developed based on the incremental deformation theory. The incremental deformation theory based on the minimum plastic work path enables convenient decoupling of deformation and rotation by the polar decomposition. The mathematical description of a constitutive law for the incremental deformation theory is obtained from the flow theory along the minimum plastic work path. The resulting constitutive law is then incorporated in an elasto-plastic finite element analysis code.In the elasto-plastic formulation, continuum based resultant (CBR) shell element is employed. The CBR shell allows large rotation and large membrane/bending strain. The laminar coordinate system is taken to coincide with planar anisotropic material axes. Then, planar anisotropic axes during deformation are updated using a newly developed algorithm based on the polar decomposition. An iterative solving method based on the incremental deformation theory is also developed for an accurate and stable stress integration. The planar anisotropy is incorporated into the formulation for sheet forming by introducing non-quadratic Barlat's yield function.For verification purposes, two examples have been simulated and compared with experimental results. The good verification results show that the present elasto-plastic formulation for planar anisotropic sheet materials can provide a good theoretical basis for more extended analyses of sheet forming processes.
Plastic Constitutive Model with Plastic Strain Rate Potentials for Anisotropic Cubic Metals; citation_author=Ji, H. K.; citation_publication_date=2008; citation_journal_title=International
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