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Content uploaded by Kermit George Davis
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All content in this area was uploaded by Kermit George Davis on Jul 19, 2016
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Content uploaded by Kermit George Davis
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Kermit George Davis on Jun 24, 2016
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Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers
Kermit G Davis1*
Angela C Wills ,
1 and Susan E Kotowski2
1Low Back Biomechanics and Workplace Stress Laboratory, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
2College of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
*Corresponding author: Kermit G Davis, Low Back Biomechanics and W orkplace Stress Laboratory , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, T el:
+513-558-2809; E-mail:
Received date: March 1, 2016; Accepted date: May 25, 2016; Published date: May 31, 2016
Copyright: ©
use distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Musculoskeletal disorders have the potential to impact a tremendous number of waitresses and waiters in the
United States, yet very little is known about the ergonomic risk factors that these workers routinely encounter. The
objective of the study was to document the potential ergonomic stressors that restaurant servers are exposed to
during a typical shift. During a typical work shift, the following data was collected on twenty servers from three
different restaurants: the weight and frequency of trays transferred as well as postures adopted when serving by
direct observation; amount of time sitting, standing and walking by an ActivPal activity device; and workload
perception and current discomforts by survey. Observations revealed that servers carried 16.4 kg per hour or 6.3 kg
per tray. More than 90% of the servers reported spending between 5 and 8 hours standing during their shift.
Objective measures confirmed spending a large amount of time on their feet (76% of time standing or walking). At
the end of the shift, the body region with the greatest end of the shift discomfort was the upper back (55%), followed
by the neck (45%) and lower back (50%) regions. In all, the current study provides a glimpse into the demands on
the servers. All indications were the current results were lower than normal shifts. The bottom line was that the
weight of the tray transferred, time spent standing and walking, and the awkward postures adopted by servers
increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). However, no direct link to MSDs can be drawn from the
current study. In general, while the weight or number of trays served per hour was not particularly high, the load
lifted represented a risk to the servers, especially when peak times require many more trays served.
Keywords: Waitress; Liing; Standing; Musculoskeletal disorders
In 2011, the total number of waitresses and waiters employed in the
United States was 2.2 million [1]. Further, the number of servers is
expected to grow by about 10% between 2006 and 2016 [1]. Full-
service restaurants (e.g. sit down facilities) represent approximately
40% of all restaurants in the industry. As such, these full-service
establishments employ about 900,000 servers [1].e typical worker
has traditionally been young, low education and oentimes in
transitional employment.
While musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) appear to be substantial
for wait sta with incidence rate of 9.8 per 10,000 servers [2], little is
known about the actual ergonomic stressors that servers are exposed to
during their typical work shi. rough casual observation, one can
see many factors present for servers that have traditionally been
associated with MSDs such as amount of weight lied and carried,
awkward postures including forward or side bending, extended
reaching, repetitive liing of heavy and awkward loads, and prolonged
e amount of weight that servers carry constantly changes with
every order, but appears to be signicant. A server can have just a soup
and salad for one order, but the next order may be multiple entrée
plates on a tray. Food can be carried by hand or by tray. While there
has been no studies actually quantifying the weight that servers li and
carry, weight has been identied as a risk factor for low back injuries in
other industries [3]. e critical value identied seems to be 11.4 kg for
low back injuries [3-5]. In a study by Marras and associates [6], the
average weight handled by high risk jobs was 11.4 kg as compared to
8.3 kg for low risk jobs. Further, Neumann et al. [7] reported increased
risk for 12 kg weights. Bottom line, the amount of weight lied is
potential a risk factor for low back injuries and potentially shoulder
injuries and needs to quantied.
Another potential important ergonomic risk factor for servers is
task repetition. e servers are constantly serving plates and trays of
food. However, the exact number of times a server lis and carries of
food, drinks, and trays is unknown. Based on previous research,
repetitive liing has been found to be associated with low back and
shoulder injuries when liing weight above 11.4 kg [5,8]. Ferguson and
Marras [9] reported 62% of the studies that investigated li rate
reported a positive association with low back disorders.
Wait sta routinely face situations that require them to work around
dierent obstacles such as reaching around individuals while serving,
reaching across tables to place or pick up plates or glasses, or having to
hold plates or glasses away from the body because multiple plates are
staged on the server’s arm. ese situations impact the moment arm
between the low back to the object in the hand. Several previous
studies focusing on material handing have found an increased risk of
low back pain (LBP) as the horizontal distance increases Marras et al
Servers are required to perform many dierent activities that may
produce awkward postures: preparing for a meal to be brought out
from the kitchen; reaching into the windows in the kitchen to get the
plates of food; reaching for a tray jack; picking up and carrying the
food; holding trays above the shoulders and head; placing the trays
down on the jack or table; bending down to pick up the dishes of tray
Journal of Ergonomics Wills AC, J Ergonomics 2016, Open Access 6: 3
Research Article JER, an open access journal
J Ergonomics
ISSN:2165-7556 ${journalCode} Volume Open Access • Issue 3 • 1000166
2016 Wills AC et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
or table; and reaching across table or around people to serve their food.
Flexion or extension of various body regions (e.g. trunk, shoulders,
etc.) individually, or in combination with twisting are factors known to
increase LBP [3,8,9,12-15]. However, actual postures during serving
have yet to be quantied.
Serving jobs require long periods of being on your feet without
frequent breaks. Two reasons for infrequent breaks are: 1) servers are
not given the opportunity by management and 2) servers do not want
to miss out on the potential opportunity to make money while on a
break. Along with standing, severs are constantly walking around the
restaurant assisting customers or performing serving duties. Walking
and standing for long durations have been related to low back pain and
lower extremity disorders. Researchers have identied prolonged
standing and walking with many dierent negative health outcomes
such as chronic venous insuciency [16-19], varicose veins [20]
symptom free venous reux [21], hip osteoarthritis [22], and leg and
foot pain [23]. A strong relationship has been found for prolonged
occupational standing and low back pain [23-26]. As with the other
potential risk factors, prolonged standing and long periods of being of
their feet (e.g. walking) appear to plague servers on their jobs but there
has been no actual measurement.
While there is ample support of the risk factors commonly seen for
servers, less than a handful of studies exist which focus specically on
restaurant service sta. Dempsey and Filiaggi [27] studied the job
demands among 100 servers in 10 casual dining areas using a cross-
sectional survey provided to the servers. e survey documented the
servers’ musculoskeletal discomfort attributed to work. e top two
body regions suering pain were low back (28%) and shoulder (11%)
[27]. Jones and associates [28] examined the physical demands of
occupational tasks in neighborhood pubs in British Columbia, Canada.
ese investigators looked at three specic tasks in relation to servers
using RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment): carrying task, tray
liing task and stoop-to-serve task, with all three tasks being deemed
to be a signicant risk to the servers based on RULA. Another group
looked into training techniques that focused on safe tray carrying
among cocktail servers [29]. However, it appeared that training was
not a viable intervention for servers.
From the summary of the limited studies that have investigated the
potential risk factors that servers may be exposed to while serving
customers as well as casual observation, there is a need for direct
quantication of the ergonomic risk factors for servers. e objective
of this research study was to determine the exposure to ergonomic risk
factors for servers (waitresses and waiters) in restaurant settings.
Additionally, the study will document the discomfort that resulted
from a single shi.
Materials and Methods
Study Overview
A research team observed and measured the ergonomic stressors for
servers at three dierent restaurant locations in a Midwest
metropolitan area. An entire shi was observed for each server as they
performed their normal job duties. Ergonomic stressors were directly
assessed by either observation (e.g. postural demands, frequency of
events, etc) or quantitative measures such as weight of the trays being
transferred to and from the tables. Two surveys were completed by the
servers to document current perceived demands and discomfort
symptoms in specic body regions.
Study Sites
All three of the restaurant locations specialized in their own style of
cuisine. ey were all full-service restaurants and open 7 days a week.
Restaurants 1 and 2 were privately owned while restaurant 3 was a
Restaurant 1 specialized in American-style bar food (burgers, wings,
pretzels, salads, etc.). Restaurant 1 had a large semi-circular bar in the
middle of the restaurant, a large kitchen area, and three dining
locations. e restaurant had a total of 13 servers and 3 bartenders,
where one server also worked as a bartender on certain nights. During
a typical night shi 4 to 6 servers would be working, while aernoon
shis usually had 2 to 3 servers.
Restaurant 2 specialized in hamburgers (burgers and salads).
Restaurant 2 had a small square bar in the middle of the restaurant, a
large kitchen behind the bar, and a dining area that completely
surrounded the bar area. is location had a total of 12 servers and 3
bartenders. e typical lunch shi would have 3 to 4 servers while
dinner shis had 5 to 6 servers.
Restaurant 3 specialized in Italian cuisine (pastas, pizza, calzones,
salads, etc). Restaurant 3 had a large kitchen with a relatively small
dining area and no bar. It also had a small area to serve take-out
orders. is location employed 7 servers and no bartenders. A typical
dinner shi had 5 severs while the typical lunch shi had 3 servers.
A total of 20 wait sta (5 males and 15 females) were recruited from
one of the three restaurant settings in a large Midwest metropolitan
area. Inclusion criteria for participation were the following: at least 2 or
more years of experience serving (total), serving at current location for
more than 6 months, no major surgeries within the last 2 years, not
currently pregnant, and being older than the age of 18 (which was for
convenience for consent but was not an issue given all three restaurants
served alcohol and required servers to be at least 18 years old).
Experimental Design
e design of the study was a cross-sectional observational study
where one member of the research team quantied the stressors of
each of the waitresses/waiters over their entire shi. At each of the
restaurants, there were multiple shis observed including day (lunch)
and night (dinner) and a mix of both shis. A typical day shi at all
three locations started between 10:30-11:00 am and went till
2:00-3:00pm. e dinner shi started between 4-5pm and would last
till 9-10 pm. e hour between 3-4 pm was designated for shi change,
clean up and restocking of the plates, drinking cups and food. e
breakdown of the observed shis for this study includes 9 day shis
and 11 night shis.
Assessment Techniques
Observation worksheet
Frequency of tray carrying and postures of specic body joints were
recorded by one of the researchers through data worksheets. e
worksheet had checklist entries that recorded the number of times a
tray was transferred, what was being carried, and poor postures for the
neck, shoulders, hands and wrists, elbows, upper back, lower back,
hips, knees and lower legs and feet. e types of poor postures were
Citation: Wills AC, Devis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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J Ergonomics
ISSN:2165-7556 ${journalCode} Volume Open Access • Issue 3 • 1000166
based on RULA categories [30]. e following adverse posture
categories were used: Neck (exion > 20o, lateral extension > 30o,
extension > 30o, rotation > 70o); Trunk (exion > 60o, rotation < 30o ,
lateral exion > 15o, extension > 25o); Shoulder (forward exion >
180o, abduction > 180o, external rotation > 90o); Elbow (exion <
145o), Upper arms (exion > 20o, extension > 90o); Lower arms
(exion < 60o or > 100o); Wrist (exion and extension > 45o , radial/
ulnar deviation > 30o). For each li, carry, or transfer of the trays, a
research team member marked down the body posture relating to each
specic body region.
Additional information including observation of how each server
carried trays of food or held the food with their hands was recorded.
ere were six categories of how the tray was carried: 1) in front of the
server, 2) on the shoulder, 3) on the nger tips, 4) with a at palm, 5)
above the shoulder in the air, and 6) number of hands (e.g. using one
hand versus two hands). For any served tray, there could have been a
combination of any of the 6 categories at one time. For example, a
server could carry the tray of food on their shoulder with a at palm or
on their ngertips with one hand with or without support of the
second hand. Lastly, the type of tray jack used when setting down trays
was recorded. ere are four tray jack categories: 1) waist high tray
jack, 2) mid-thigh high tray jack, 3) holding the tray while serving, and
4) placing the tray on a table surface.
Data were gathered about the number of plates/glasses on the tray.
e categories of number of glasses were: 1) bar glasses which were full
of liquid, 2) plastic cups lled with liquid and 3) empty glasses, ether
plastic or glass. e categories for the number of plates handled were:
1) full plates of food, 2) empty plates of food and 3) plates that still had
some food remaining on them. For each of the glass and plate
categories, a total number was recorded for each tray handled.
Tray weight
e tray weight was measured by having the server step on a scale
located in a convenient position near the kitchen. e weight of the
server and tray was recorded and then converted into tray weight later
by subtracting the weight of the server. is method allowed for quick
measurement without compromising the food safety and quality.
Physical activity
e amount of time sitting, standing and walking was captured by a
physical activity logging device known as ActivPALTM (PAL
Technologies Limited, United Kingdom). e ActivPalTM device was
placed on upper thigh of the server prior to the beginning of each
observed shi. e ActivPALTM is lightweight (15 grams) and small (7
mm thick) rectangular device capable of acquiring activity for 7 days
and downloaded to a personal computer for further processing. e
ActivPALTM was used to document the amount of time spent sitting,
walking and standing as well as number of steps taken and energy
expenditure. e amount of time spent in the dierent categories was
converted into percentage of time per hour while the number of steps
taken was calculated per hour of each shi. e validity of
ActivPALTM has been shown to be strong by Aminian and Hinkson
[31], with correlations between ActivPalTM and actual observation to
be above 99% (r=0.99 ± 0.01). ese researchers also reported that
there was no misclassication of leg dgeting to actual walking steps.
Current symptom survey
Participants completed a Current Symptom Survey at the start and
end of the observed shis. e Current Symptom Survey assessed
current discomfort in various body regions on a numeric analogue
scale of 0 to 10; 0 being no pain experienced, 3 mild pain, 5 moderate
pain, and 10 severe pain. e 9 body regions were neck, shoulders,
elbows, hands/wrists, upper back, low back, hip, knees and lower legs,
and feet. e numerical analogue discomfort scale has been widely
utilized by many elds to document pain reliably and accurately for
pain attributable to cancer, musculoskeletal, rheumatic, and surgical
Workload perception survey
e Workload Perception Survey assessed whether the server felt
the observed shi was typical of the work demands for their restaurant
for the given day and shi. e survey was composed of 7 questions
that ask about 1) how the typical shi was relative to the current one
being observed, 2) how many people they serve per hour on a normal
day, 3) how many tables they would normally serve, 4) how many
hours a week do they work, 5) how long they believe they stand, 6)
how oen they get to take breaks, and 7) what days do they normally
work in a week.
Experimental procedures
Upon arriving at each of the restaurant locations, the logistics of the
study were explained verbally to all of the participants (on a one-on-
one basis) by the Primary Investigator (PI). Once any questions or
concerns were addressed, the consent process was completed
(approved by the Institutional Review Board) that included reading
and signing the consent form. Next, each participant completed a
Current Symptom Survey and the ActivPALTM was attached to upper
thigh (via of the participants which included two sided tape and a self-
adhesive bandage wrap). e ActivPal device was worn for the entire
duration of the shi. Next, body weight was measured on a digital scale
and recorded (fully clothed and wearing shoes). At this point, the
servers started their shi with the research team member observing
their postures and measuring the loads of the trays being carried..
Shis were observed based on each server’s normal working shis and
day which included all days of the week, peak and slow periods, and
multiple restaurants. When the server had a tray of food that needed to
be served, the individual stepped on the scale while holding the tray of
food so the weight of the tray and body were recorded. e weight of
the tray and food was determined by taking total weight and
subtracting the body weight.
At the end of the observed shi, the ActivPalTM was removed from
the subject with the ActivPalTM being placed in a horizontal position
to signal the stop in recording of the physical activity. e data was
later transferred onto a computer for subsequent analyses. Next, the
subjects completed the second of the two Current Symptom Surveys
and the Workload Perception Survey. Aer the nal two surveys were
collected, the subjects were paid a small token of appreciation ($20.00)
for their participation.
Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis (means, standard deviations,
frequencies, etc.) was used to determine estimates of the exposures for
servers. In general, summary tables provided means or frequencies of
events for the dierent ergonomic stressors. Given the nature of the
Citation: Wills AC,Devis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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J Ergonomics
ISSN:2165-7556 ${journalCode} Volume Open Access • Issue 3 • 1000166
study was observational and exploratory with limited subjects, no
statistical analyses were deemed appropriate. As a result, summary
data of the observations were provided in table format.
Overall Hours Collected and Demographics
e total amount of time the servers were observed was 68.9 hours.
e demographic data are summarized in Table 1. Restaurant 1 was
observed for 30.35 hours, restaurant 2 for 15.4 hours, and restaurant 3
for 23.15 hours. Of the 20 servers observed, there were 5 males (25%)
and 15 females (75%) with 2 males and 6 females for restaurant 1, 2
males and 3 females for restaurant 2, and 1 male and 6 females for
restaurant 3. e average age for all 20 servers was 26 years. For servers
working at restaurant 1, the average age was 26.4 years, restaurant 2
was 23.8 year, and restaurant 3 was 27 years. e height and weight of
the servers at the three restaurants were similar to that of a typical
working population (Table 1).
Restaurant Age
Height (cm)
Body Weight
Total Experience
Observation Time
Total Time
1 26.4 (6.8) 168.0 (6.3) 72.8 (25.8) 5.0
2 23.8 (2.9) 170.2 (8.6) 68.7 (20.1) 3.0
3 27.0 (3.5) 169.5 (7.1) 76.3 (20.3) 4.7
ALL 26.0 (4.9) 169.0 (6.9) 73.0 (21.7) 4.4
Restaurant Gender TOTAL Shift Type
Male Female Lunch Dinner
1 2 6 8 2 6
2 2 3 5 3 2
3 1 6 7 4 3
ALL 5 15 20 9 11
Table 1: Demographic data, observation time and restaurant breakdown for the three restaurants (average and standard deviation).
Overall, the average length of experience was 4.4 years of total years
in serving (Table 1). Restaurant 1 had slightly more years of experience
(5 years) with restaurant 2 having less (3 years). Restaurant 3 had
about the overall average with 4.7 years of experience in serving. e
breakdown of shis (Table 1) was the following: Lunch shi had 9
servers (45%) with restaurant 1 having 2 servers, restaurant 2 having 3
servers, and restaurant 3 having 4 servers and Dinner shi had 11
servers (55%) with restaurant 1 having 6 servers, restaurant 2 having 2
servers, and restaurant 3 having 3 servers.
Workload perception
e results from the Workload Perception Survey indicated that
only 40% of the servers felt the observed shi was a typical shi while
the remaining 60% thought it was lighter than usual (40% lighter and
20% lightly lighter) (Table 2). e number of people typically served
during a normal shi reported by the servers had 5% reporting 1 to 3
people, 25% reporting 7 to 9 people, 30% reporting 10-12 people, and
40% reporting 12 or more people. e number of tables served per
hour was reported by 5% as 1 to 2 tables, 40% as 3 to 4 tables, 35% as 5
to 6 tables, and 20% as 9 or more tables per hour. e number of hours
worked in a week was reported to be less than 20 hours a week by 10%
of the servers with 50% of the servers being part time, 35% of servers
being full time (40 hours per week) and 5% of the servers working
more than 40 hours a week. A small percentage of servers (5%)
reported standing more than 2 hours but less than 5 hours while 90%
of severs reported standing more than 5 hours but less than 8 hours.
About 5% of the servers actually felt they stood more than 8 hours.
When asked about the perceptions of breaks, 10% indicated that they
took a break once an hour, 40% indicated once a shi, 35% said
whenever they wanted, and 15% never took a break.
Finally, when asked what days they normally work, 60% of the
servers indicated that they mixed days, 5% said only weekends, 15%
said only weekdays, 5% only mornings, and 15% only nights.
Would you describe today's shift as FREQ %
Significantly lighter than normal 8 40
Citation: Wills AC, Devis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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ISSN:2165-7556 ${journalCode} Volume Open Access • Issue 3 • 1000166
Slightly lighter than normal 4 20
Typical of normal 8 40
Slightly heavier than normal 0 0
Significantly heavier than normal 0 0
How many people do you serve per hour on a normal day? FREQ %
1 to 3 people 1 5
4 to 6 people 0 0
7 to 9 people 5 25
10 to 12 people 6 30
12 or more people 8 40
On your typical shift, how many tables would you serve per hour? FREQ %
1 to 2 tables per hour 1 5
3 to 4 tables per hour 8 40
5 to 6 tables per hour 7 35
7 to 8 tables per hour 0 0
9 or more tables per hour 4 20
On average how many hours a week do you work? FREQ %
Less than part time (less than 20 hours a week) 2 10
Part time (20 hours a week) 10 50
Full time (40 hours a week) 7 35
More than 40 hours a week 1 5
On average how long do you stand while working your normal shift? FREQ %
Less than an hour 0 0
Greater than an hour but less than 2 hours 0 0
Greater than 2 hours but less than 5 hours 1 5
Greater than 5 hours but less than 8 hours 18 90
Greater than 8 hours 1 5
How often do you get to take a break? FREQ %
Once an hour 2 10
Once a shift 8 40
Whenever you want 7 35
Never 3 15
What days do you normally work within a week? FREQ %
Mixed 12 60
Only Weekends 1 5
Only Weekdays 3 15
Citation: Wills AC, Devis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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ISSN:2165-7556 ${journalCode} Volume Open Access • Issue 3 • 1000166
Only Mornings 1 5
Only Nights 3 15
Table 2: Server perception of their typical workload based on Workload Perception Survey.
Current symptoms before and aer shi
ere was a general trend of increased pain at the end of the shi.
e largest increase in pain for any of the body regions occurred in the
upper back of 0.80 (55%). e other regions with increased pain at the
end of the shi were neck (increased by 0.65 or 45%), lower back
(increased by 0.60 or 50%), hand/wrist (increased by 0.45 or 35%), and
leg/foot (increased by 0.40 or 60%). e body regions that had little
increase in pain at the end of the shi were the hips with an increase of
0.20 (15%) and the elbows with an increase of 0.10 (15%). Two of the
body regions actually had a decrease in pain between the end and start
of the shi: shoulders had an average decrease of 0.10 (45%) and knees
had a decrease of 0.05 (30%). Figures 1 shows how many of the body
regions had a greater number of individuals with discomfort at the end
of the shi than the start, specically neck, shoulder, elbow, hand/
wrist, upper back, and leg/foot.
Percentage of Servers with Discomfort (%)
Body Region
Before After
Figure 1: Percentage of servers in the study that had discomfort at the start and end of the shi being observed.
Weight lied and transferred
e average amount of weight per hour lied for all servers was 16.4
kg (see Table 3 for summary of the weights). While the average weight
and total number of trays carried varied across the restaurants, the
total weight per hour was 16.4 kg, average amount of weight per tray
was 6.3 kg and number of tray carried per hour was 2.7. e total
amount of weight per hour for lunch service was 16.3 kg in relation to
the amount of weight per hour during the dinner service which was
16.6 kg. e amount of weight per tray for lunch service versus dinner
service was 7.1kg and 5.8 kg, respectfully. Finally, the number of trays
that were carried between the two shis was 2.5 kg for the lunch shi
and 2.9 kg for the dinner shi.
e averaged total amount of weight over shi for tray holding
postures was 15.6 kg when using combination of transfers, 13.2 kg
when transferring using ngers to support the tray, 16.8 kg when the
tray is held in front of body, and 15.2 kg when transferring the tray on
the shoulder. e amount of weight averaged per tray was: 5.5 kg for
the combination transfer, 5.7 kg when using ngers technique to
transfer the tray, 6.7 kg when the server held tray in front of body, and
6.8 kg when server carried the tray on the shoulder.
Restaurant Total Weight Per
Hour (kg)
Weight Per
Number of Trays
Carried Per Hour
1 13.1
2 15.3
3 21.2 6.3 3.6
Citation: Wills AC, Devis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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J Ergonomics
ISSN:2165-7556 ${journalCode} Volume Open Access • Issue 3 • 1000166
(12.6) (2.4) (2.0)
All 16.4
Carrying Style
Combo 15.6
Finger 13.2
Front 16.8
Shoulder 15.2
Shift Type
Lunch 16.3
Dinner 16.6
Table 3: Amount of weight carried (per hour and per tray) and number
of trays as a function of restaurant, carrying style and shi type
(average and standard deviation).
Transfer technique and usage of tray jacks.
e frequency of the usage of the dierent tray transfer techniques
is summarized in Table 4. For all 3 restaurants, there were a total of 133
tray transfers. ere were 93 trays (69.9%) that were carried in front of
the servers. On the other hand, the shoulder and hand at techniques
were used less frequent, 23 (17.3%) and 10 (7.5%), respectively. Finally,
few transfers were observed to use the ngertip method (around 5% of
observed transfers). During the lunch shi at all of the restaurants
combined, 18% (24 times) of the servers carried the tray in front of
themselves, 10.5% (14 times) on their shoulders, and 4.5% (6 times) on
their ngertips and there were no servers who carried the tray with a
at palm. During the dinner service, 51.9% (69 times) of the servers
carried the tray of food in front of their bodies, 6.8% (9 times) on their
shoulders, 7.5% (10 times) carried the tray with a at palm, and 0.8%
(1 time) used their ngertips. Lunch and dinner servers seemed to
prefer carrying the trays in front of their body as opposed to any other
form of tray transfer. ere were 4 dierent ways the trays could have
been placed when serving the food. For all servers, there were a total of
124 tray jacks used.
Tray Jack
at Waist
Tray Jack at
Thigh Level
Set on
All 14 (10.5%) 9 (6.8%) 26 (19.5%) 84 (63.2%) 133
Shift Type
Lunch 9 (6.8%) 9 (6.8%) 6 (4.5%) 22 (16.5%) 46
Dinner 5 (3.8%) 0 (0.0%) 20 (15.0%) 62 (46.6%) 87
1 0 (0.0%) 9 (6.8%) 12 (9.0%) 12 (9.0%) 52
2 14 (10.5%) 0 (0.0%) 5 (3.8%) 5 (3.8%) 24
3 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 9 (6.8%) 48 (36.1%) 57
Carrying Style
In Front On Shoulder Flat Palm Finger Tips Total
All 93 (69.9%) 23 (17.3%) 10 (7.5%) 7 (5.3%) 133
Shift Type
Lunch 24 (18.0%) 14 (10.5%) 0 (0.0%) 6 (4.5%) 44
Dinner 69 (51.9%) 9 (6.8%) 10 (7.5%) 1 (0.8%) 89
1 28 (21.1%) 11 (8.3%) 10 (7.5%) 3 (2.3%) 54
2 12 (9.0%) 8 (6.0%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (3.0%) 24
3 53 (39.8%) 4 (3.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 57
Table 4: Frequency of the number (percentage of total) of times a tray
was placed at table and style of carrying tray.
Transfer of Trays
Overall, the prevalence of carrying tray methods was 93 in front of
server (23.25 trays/hour), 23 on the shoulders (65 adverse postures/
hour), 10 at palm (7.5 trays/hour), and 7 on their ngertips (5.3 trays/
hour). During the lunch shi, there were a total of 24 (18.0%) times
where the servers carried the tray in front of them, 14 (10.5%) carried
the trays on their shoulders, 6 (4.5%) carried the trays of their
ngertips, and no one carried them with a at palm. During dinner
shis, it was observed that a total of 69 (51.9%) times where the server
carried the trays in front of them, 9 (6.8%) times where the server
carried the trays on their shoulders, 10 (7.5%) times where they carried
trays with a at palm and 1 (0.8%) time where a server used ngertips
to carry the tray.
Table 5 provides a summary of the awkward postures for the
dierent body regions. A total of 260 poor postures were recorded
during the observations. Several body regions were observed to have
the greatest number of poor posture including elbow exion, shoulder
abduction, wrist extension, and neck side bending. For all three of the
restaurants, there were a total of 85 observed instances of elbow
exion, the leading body region for poor postures: restaurants 1, 2 and
3 had 32, 20, and 33 awkward elbow postures, respectively. Neck side
bending was the 2nd most occurring posture for all three restaurants
with a total of 55 occurrences. Adverse shoulder abduction was
observed a total of 30 incidences. Finally, another routinely observed
poor posture occurred for wrist extension, which was observed a total
of 29 times.
Citation: Wills AC, Devis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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J Ergonomics
ISSN:2165-7556 ${journalCode} Volume Open Access • Issue 3 • 1000166
Wrist Extension Neck Side
Back Extension Back Side
All 85 (32.7%) 17
Shift Type
Lunch 33 (12.7%) 6
20 (7.7%) 11
Dinner 52
14 (5.4%) 8
35 (13.5%) 0
12 (4.6%) 141
132 (12.3%) 12
Table 5: Number (Percentage of total number) of postures identied as awkward during serving.
Drinks carried
e total amount of drinks that were dropped o full and picked up
empty was 571 glasses or 167.9 glasses per hour. e plastic glasses
weighed 0.91 kg when full and 0.61 kg when empty. e bar glasses
weighed 1.14 kg when full and 0.92 kg when empty. e total amount
of full bar glasses was 178 (52.35 glasses/hour) for all three restaurants,
with restaurants 1, 2, and 3 serving 99 glasses (26.05 glasses/hour), 73
glasses (23.54 glasses/hour) and 6 glasses (1.81 glasses/hour),
respectively. e total number of plastics cups was 232 (68.23 glasses/
hour) for all three restaurants.
Physical activity
Servers at all three restaurants spent a total of 24.5% (25.5% per
hour) sitting while being observed performing their tasks, 30.9%
(13.9% per hour) of their time walking, while standing 44.6% (16.7%
per hour) of the time, according to ActivPAL. e total number of
steps per hour for all three restaurants was 609.8 steps. During the
lunch service there were a total of 609.8 steps per hour and during
dinner service there were 606.5 steps per hour. Restaurant 2 had the
most total number of steps walked at 1,327.7 steps (690.3 steps per
hour). e amount of energy expended during the working shis was
1.5 or 0.5 MET per hour, dinner shis had 0.1 MET per hour more
than the lunch shi at 0.4 MET per hour, and the dierence between
all three restaurants was 0.1 MET per hour between restaurant 3 (0.6
MET per hour) and 1(0.5 MET per hour) or 2 (0.5 MET per hour).
% of Time Sitting % of Time Standing % of Time Walking Total Number of Steps Energy Expenditure
All 24.5
Shift Type
Lunch 15.3
Dinner 33.6
219.2 45.0 35.8 1327.7 1.7
Citation: Wills AC, Devis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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(23.1) (12.0) (13.8) (690.3) (0.5)
Table 6: Physical activity for servers working as a function of overall, restaurant, and shi type (average and standard deviation).
e current study represents one of the few studies to investigate the
ergonomic stressors for servers in restaurants. Previous research has
concentrated on musculoskeletal symptoms for servers [27] and semi-
quantitative whole body assessments like RULA [28]. e current
study adopted an observational design where servers were followed
through the entirety of their shi with objective measurement of
weight carried on trays, frequency of carrying trays, and observed
transfer technique, including awkward postures. e results showed
that when servers transferred trays, the weight carried was signicant,
averaging 6.3 kg per tray. e amount of weight per tray represents
about 73% of the average weight that has been reported for high risk
jobs in industry [6]. us, the amount of weight lied and carried
routinely by servers potentially poses signicant risk for the low back
injuries and likely shoulder problems.
Overall, the number of trays carried by the servers was about 3 per
hour, carrying 16.3 kg per hour. On the surface, this frequency seemed
to be low but maybe more reective that the observation dates were on
slow activity shis. More than half (60%) of the servers indicated that
the observed days were less busy than their typical work days. As a
result, the observed number of trays and weight carried may be
signicantly lower than typically seen for servers.
Servers spend a large percentage of their time on their feet, either
standing (45%) or walking (31%). With most of the standing and
walking occurring on hard oors either wood or concrete, long-term
detrimental eects may occur in the lower extremities and lower back
including: chronic venous insuciency [16,17], varicose veins [18,19],
low back pain [23,24] symptom free venous reux [25], hip
osteoarthritis [22], and leg and foot pain [24]. e perceptions also
support a large portion of the time spent standing or walking with 90%
of the servers indicating they stand between 5 and 8 hours per shi.
e amount of walking translated into about 1000 steps per hour.
During the observation, it is clear that the servers have frequent
periods of motion where servers are constantly running around the
restaurant getting drinks, taking orders, bringing out food, grabbing
things (e.g. ketchup or other condiments), and cashing out the bill.
Basically, the objective and subjective assessments of the standing and
walking indicate a very dynamic and physical job.
One of the main mismatches between observed and preserved
outcomes was for the amount of breaks. Based on the ActivPAL,
servers sat down about 25% of the time which would be in direct
contrast to the perceptions that indicated 55% of the servers had less
than 1 break per shi. Limited breaks could further enhance the
adverse eects of the high physical demands and being constantly on
their feet.
e other main ergonomic risk would be how the trays are handled
when delivering and returning food and dishes to the tables. e most
widely used technique to transfer the trays was holding tray directly in
front (70% of the trays transferred used the front technique). e other
two commonly observed techniques were on the shoulder (17%) and
holding hand at (7.5%). e placement of the tray at the table also
plays a role in the demands on the server. In general, servers set the
trays the majority of the time on a table (63%) or on a tray jack (17%).
Only a small portion of the trays were held throughout the serving
(20%). e use of trays or tables would certainly minimize the physical
demands on the servers with respect to holding the weight of the tray,
food and dishes.
ere may be several reasons why a server used a table instead of
the tray jacks: 1) table was more stable when setting down a tray full of
food; 2) the server was unable to grab a tray jack; and 3) transferring
the trays in front of them would make it impossible to set-up a tray
jack. Handling of the trays with food and/or dishes as well as other
activities that the servers routinely did appeared to produce awkward
postures in many of the body regions. Poor elbow postures were the
most prevalent (33% of the awkward postures) with other regions of
concern being neck (side bending-21%), wrist extension (11%), and
shoulder abduction (12%). Many of these observed awkward postures
were potentially linked to carrying and placing the trays, specically
the technique utilized. Overall, the frequency of the awkward postures
were surprising low over the observed shis, indicating that the weight
being transferred is probably a larger issue than the postures adopted
when transferring the trays and food, although the combination is the
true risk to the servers.
e physical demands of serving appeared to adversely impact the
discomfort that developed during the shis. Relatively, there were
increases in pain at the end of the shi as compared to the start in the
upper back (by 55%), neck (by 45%), lower back (by 50%), hand/wrist
(by 35%), and leg/foot ( by 60%). e increase in the pain for the
majority of the body regions appears to be linked to the physical
demands of the job such as walking/standing, frequency and weight
carried on the trays, and poor postures when handling the trays. One
of the more surprising results was the actual decrease in pain in two
regions: shoulders (by 45%) and knees (by 30%). is decrease in pain
was particularly surprising given the prevalence of holding the trays on
shoulders (relating to shoulder pain) and the extensiveness of the
standing and walking (relating to knee pain).
ere were several limitations to the study that need to be
considered when interpreting the results. First, the study was a
descriptive cross-sectional study, which limits the causal inference that
could be drawn. e observational study was also a preliminary
investigation into the demands on the servers in restaurants for a
single shi. As such, statistics were limited to descriptive statistics with
examples: 1) means per hour and 2) frequencies of events. e study
aimed to describe the potential demands, not compare between groups
such as types of restaurants, expertise, or other groupings.
Second, the study evaluated a low number of servers (n=20), each
with only one shi of observation. e main driver for the low number
of participants was the amount of time that the observations required
as a member of the research team had to directly follow the server the
entire shi. Further, several servers at the restaurants refused to
Citation: Wills AC, Devis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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J Ergonomics
ISSN:2165-7556 ${journalCode} Volume Open Access • Issue 3 • 1000166
participate, limiting the potential sample population. In the perfect
world, the research team would like to have had more subjects from a
more diverse group of restaurants.
ird, the number of restaurants was limited to 3 places that had
very diverse cuisine and environments. A total of 13 restaurants were
contacted with 10 refusing to allow the research team to observe. e
main concerns were the potential impact on service and the safety of
the food during observation. While methods minimized both of these,
these restaurant owners decided not to participate. In general, the
results were consistent between the dierent restaurants as well as
between lunch and dinner service, indicating that the results appear to
be robust and applicable to the broader restaurant industry. However,
the demands, liing techniques and exposures may be linked to these
restaurants and may be dierent in other facilities.
Fourth, the study only evaluated one shi per person, which
neglected variability for daily or seasonal variation. Every attempt to
minimize this biased was done by sampling on dierent days and at
dierent shis (e.g. lunch vs. dinner). e research team observed over
the entire shi, and thus, likely captured an accurate representation of
the demands on servers, although they may be under-representative of
the typical demands. e perceptions of the servers would support this
as many of the servers indicated the observed shi was less demanding
than normal.
Fih, the study population was not diverse with respect to
minorities and gender. e entire observed population was Caucasians
but we would not expect any dierence due to race. Further, the
majority of the servers were female (75%) with an average age of 26
years. us, the study population was young and relatively experienced
(averaged 4.4 years of experience). e younger population may have
reected the type of restaurants, location, or potentially the
demographic that is in this industry. A younger workforce likely
reects the typical exibility and educational level of individuals are
servers as oentimes these jobs are stepping stones to other jobs.
Sixth, the ergonomic stressors were evaluated by observations and
not directly measured by sensors or goniometers. It was not feasible to
use these more quantitative measures given the safety concerns and
time sensitive nature of serving. Observations allowed the research
team to not interfere with the servers and elevate all concerns with
food safety. Future studies need to investigate actual measurement with
devices that can be easily used and eliminate safety concerns. Further,
when a study is done, reecting oen allows you to identify things that
could have been better measured. One item that the research team has
identied as a key item was the table height when the trays where
placed on them
Seventh, the study was also evaluated in relation to pain and not
actual injuries, which requires long-term assessment. Pain provides a
short-term assessment of the negative impact of the stressors. As
indicated by Ferguson and Marras [11], musculoskeletal disorders
happen in a spectrum starting with pain and continuing to reported
injury to disability. Future studies need to look at servers longitudinally
to identify the prevalence of injuries and disabilities, thus identifying
the long-term eects.
While the study has many concerns with regard to sample size,
study design and observation methods, the study was the rst step into
understanding of demands on servers during their shis. To date, there
has been little research completed investigating the demands and
musculoskeletal disorders for servers [27,28]. Given the large number
of servers currently employed in the United States, the research
provides some insight into the weight lied and the awkward postures
adopted when serving food to the customers. Future research will need
to concentrate on better methods to more accurately capture the
physical and postural demands for servers in many dierent types of
restaurants. e bottom line is that larger and more robust studies are
needed to better understand the ergonomic and physical demands for
servers in the vast variety of restaurant environments [33-38].
e most notable result from the study was amount of weight lied
and carried regularly by servers (16.4 kg per hour or 6.3 kg per tray),
which theoretically poses signicant risk for the low musculoskeletal
problems. However, there are some indications that the observed
demands were below expected as more than half of the servers
indicated that the observed days were less busy than their typical work
days. us, the observed number of trays carried may be signicantly
lower than typically seen for servers impacting the servers more on
busier days. Additionally, there was a large portion of the time spent
standing or walking with 90% of the servers indicating they stand
between 5 and 8 hours per shi. Based on the ActivPAL, servers sat
down about 25% of the time which would be in direct contrast to the
perceptions that indicated 55% of the servers had less than 1 break per
shi. Limited breaks could further enhance the adverse eects of the
high physical demands and being constantly on their feet. e most
widely used technique to transfer the trays was holding tray directly in
front of the server, potentially being the more demanding tray carrying
technique. e use of trays or tables would undoubtedly minimize the
physical demands on the servers with respect to holding the weight of
the tray, food and dishes. e physical demands of serving appeared to
adversely impact the discomfort that developed during the shis.
ese awkward postures, heavy trays of food, and long periods of time
standing may take a toll on the servers. Since this is an initial study
investigating the demands of servers, there still needs more research in
order to better understand the demands required.
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Citation: Wills AC, Davis KG, Kotowski SE (2016) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers . J Ergonomics Open Access:
166. doi:10.4172/2165-7556.1000166
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