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CASH NOT CARE: ~ the planned demolition of the UK welfare state A detailed research text by



manipulated the British public by making unsubstantiated claims that later proved to be unfounded. Despite Duncan Smith's constant accusations there is not, nor has there ever been, any evidence of vast numbers of chronically sick and disabled people enjoying a life of idleness on long-term benefit because they are too idle to find work. The most recent DWP figures identify no more than 0.7% of ESA claimants as being fraudulent, with DWP errors being much higher. The WCA was significantly altered by the Coalition government in 2010 to make it much more difficult to qualify for the ESA benefit. By totally disregarding diagnosis and prognosis, desperately ill people have been prevented access to ESA because they were physically capable of collecting a pen from the floor, when using the fatally flawed WCA functional assessment model of disability that removes all credibility from occupational medicine. Enforced destitution was inevitable as claimants were refused access to the ESA but were also deemed too ill to work, and so were prevented access to Unemployment Benefit by the Job Centres. Death totals were always guaranteed to soar as a British government now starve to death some of the most vulnerable people in the UK. As a former healthcare professional, and following six years of research, I can confirm that the WCA has no clinical credibility and it is demonstrated to be a dangerous assessment model, disregarding diagnosis and prognosis and using unqualified basic grade DWP 'Decision
~ the planned demolition of the UK welfare state
A detailed research text by
Mo Stewart
Cash Not Care ~ the planned demolition of the UK welfare state’ will be published in
September 2016 by New Generation Publishing.
The book is a research text and is the culmination of six years of self-funded, independent
research into the background of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA), introduced in 2008
by the New Labour government, as claimants of Incapacity Benefit were to be migrated to the
new Employment and Support Allowance. (ESA) The ESA is an income replacement benefit,
acknowledged as the long-term sickness benefit, and used to fund benefit claimants who are
unfit to work.
The WCA is used by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to resist funding the ESA
for the chronically sick and disabled community, aided and abetted by extreme comments by
the right wing press and ably assisted by Iain Duncan Smith MP who, as the Secretary of State
for Work and Pensions until March 2016, successfully manipulated the British public by
making unsubstantiated claims that later proved to be unfounded. Despite Duncan Smiths
constant accusations there is not, nor has there ever been, any evidence of vast numbers of
chronically sick and disabled people enjoying a life of idleness on long-term benefit because
they are too idle to find work. The most recent DWP figures identify no more than 0.7% of
ESA claimants as being fraudulent, with DWP errors being much higher.
The WCA was significantly altered by the Coalition government in 2010 to make it much more
difficult to qualify for the ESA benefit. By totally disregarding diagnosis and prognosis,
desperately ill people have been prevented access to ESA because they were physically capable
of collecting a pen from the floor, when using the fatally flawed WCA functional assessment
model of disability that removes all credibility from occupational medicine.
Enforced destitution was inevitable as claimants were refused access to the ESA but were also
deemed too ill to work, and so were prevented access to Unemployment Benefit by the Job
Centres. Death totals were always guaranteed to soar as a British government now starve to
death some of the most vulnerable people in the UK.
As a former healthcare professional, and following six years of research, I can confirm that the
WCA has no clinical credibility and it is demonstrated to be a dangerous assessment model,
disregarding diagnosis and prognosis and using unqualified basic grade DWP Decision
Makers who disregard all medical evidence provided by claimants to support any conclusions
of the WCA, which is nothing more than a compromised computer assessment.
The WCA was co-designed by UnumProvident Insurance, now known as UNUM Insurance,
an American healthcare insurance giant who were identified in 2005 as an outlaw company
by the California Department of Insurance Commissioner, John Garamandi. By 2007, the
American Association of Justice identified UNUM Insurance as the second worst insurance
company in the US’ and BBC News identified the British government as consulting with an
American insurance company with a history of racketeering.
This disturbing past history failed to prevent the DWP from using the expertise of UNUM
Insurance when designing the WCA which, since its introduction, has proven to be catastrophic
for countless numbers of genuine chronically sick and disabled people in the UK, with deaths
related to the WCA now very close to 100,000 people as of August 2015. Destitution is now
an expectation as ESA benefits can be sanction, which means totally removed, because a
claimant is unable to keep an appointment due to ill health, which DWP staff disregard.
Regardless of a long list of detailed academic research from a variety of universities, exposing
the inevitable harm of the WCA, the assessment system uses a discredited functional
assessment model and was supported by the Coalition government, and by the new
Conservative government since 2015, despite the WCA being demonstrated to be causing
preventable harm, and death, for those for whom the disability benefits system was originally
designed to protect.
It is confirmed that successive British governments have adopted American style social
security policies, which means that many who need the regular income of the ESA will not
receive the financial help needed to survive.
CASH NOT CARE ~ the planned demolition of the UK welfare state will be available from
September 2016 and contains the research evidence that the Cabinet Office attempted and
failed to stop.
ISBN 978-1-78507-783-8 [paperback]
ISBN 978-1-78507-784-5 [hardback]
ISBN 978-1-78507-785-2 [eBook]
Mo Stewart
1st June 2016
... Following in Thatcher's footsteps, neoliberalism would be increasingly used to negatively impact on the welfare and, ultimately, on the physical and financial survival of chronically ill and disabled people who are unfit to work (Jolly, 2012;Monbiot, 2016). Adopting neoliberal politics, every UK government since Thatcher has worked towards the eventual removal of the welfare state, to be replaced by private healthcare insurance, as increasingly authoritarian social policies were introduced with resulting catastrophic human consequences for many (Stewart, 2016a(Stewart, , 2017a(Stewart, , 2018a. Monbiot (2016: para 27-29, 31) observed: "Neoliberal policies are everywhere beset by market failure. ...
... Legislation introduced by the right-leaning New Labour government in 2006: 'A New Deal for Welfare: Empowering People to Work', (DWP, 2006), was adopted and guaranteed the beginning of the end for the UK welfare state as it used neoliberal politics to justify the reform of welfare funding, which really meant 'the planned demolition of the UK welfare state' (Stewart, 2016a). Daguerre (2004) identified the policy transfer of US social and labour market policies by New Labour, with the Blair government adopting 'New Deal' as its major programme, 'at the heart of British activation programmes for the unemployed' (Daguerre, 2004). ...
... The 2005 DWP commissioned research (Waddell & Aylward, 2005) was adopted by New Labour in October 2008 to justify the use of the new WCA for all ESA applicants; which guaranteed that many chronically ill and disabled people would be refused access to long-term sickness benefit because the WCA uses the fatally flawed Waddell-Aylward BPS model (Shakespeare et al., 2017;Stewart, 2016a). The WCA is identified by the DWP as a nonmedical functional assessment, which justifies the fact that regardless of diagnosis, prognosis or consultant medical opinion, the ESA claimant can be declared 'fit for work' by the DWP, which has led to many unnecessary deaths when, as I term it, 'killed by the State' (Stewart 2018a;Elward, 2016). ...
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Neoliberal politics is the politics of greed. A philosophy that 'the market' must take priority, regardless of human consequences, has taken over political life in most of the western world and was especially noted in the United Kingdom following the 2008 banking crash, the election of the Coalition government in 2010 and the adoption of austerity measures; which were always destined to hit the poorest in society the hardest. Led by the Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron the Coalition government decided that the long-term sick and disabled community, who are dependent upon welfare benefit for their financial survival, should be incentivised to return to work which, when influenced by corporate America, was always destined to lead to a human catastrophe.
... Following in Thatcher's footsteps, in 1992 the John Major Conservative government invited the American corporate giant UnumProvident TM Insurance to consult, with reference to future welfare claims management (Stewart, 2016). By 1994, the company were appointed as official government advisers. ...
... The authors were sponsored at the Centre with £1.6 million by UnumProvident TM Insurance (Cover, 2004). The company fully expected to gain from the UK welfare reforms, and the planned future reduction of the numbers eligible for State funded welfare support for sickness and disability (Stewart, 2016;Rutherford, 2007). ...
... Of course, the medical model of assessment also acknowledged medical opinion, so it was time to change to using the BPS model of assessment, which disregards medical opinion in order to limit the possible number of future claimants. This was a replica of the BPS assessment model successfully introduced by UnumProvident TM Insurance in America to limit access to healthcare insurance claims, and to guarantee future profits (Stewart, 2016;Rutherford, 2007). ...
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In the UK there are three words that identify the government enforced suffering of sick and disabled people, and they are: Work Capability Assessment (WCA). This report identifies the influence of a corporate healthcare insurance giant with successive UK governments since 1992, the influence of a former government Chief Medical Officer and the use of the WCA, conducted by the private sector, as the government permit state crime by proxy when justified as welfare reform.
... I have described the research as my 'personal voyage of research discovery'. What began in early 2009 as a personal battle with the Service Personnel and Veterans' Agency (SPVA) became an all-consuming mission to expose the atrocities of the UK government -as the DWP adopted dangerous social security policies regardless of how much preventable harm they would create, and regardless of how many people were destined to die when, quite literally, killed by the State (Stewart, 2016a;Elward, 2016). ...
... The 2006 Green Paper (DWP, 2006) demonstrated that Blair was continuing with the 'Thatcher Legacy', which was the eventual removal of the UK welfare state (Stewart, 2016a). Although New Labour introduced the WCA in October 2008, it was the 2010 David Cameron Conservative-led Coalition government which significantly increased the preventable harm it was always destined to create. ...
... It is shocking for most people when they learn of the levels of death, despair and preventable harm created by successive UK governments in order to demolish the welfare state (Stewart, 2016a), as identified as possible crimes against humanity (Stewart, 2016b). However, since the national press will not report this reality to the British public, most people don't know about it. ...
... Discrediting chronically ill and disabled people who were unable to work was very easy to achieve, was guaranteed to negatively impact on public mental health (Beresford, 2016;Garthwaite, 2014) and was necessary to remove the psychological security provided by the welfare state, on route to its eventual total demolition (Stewart, 2016). There would be grave human consequences to this removal of guaranteed financial support by the state for those in greatest need. ...
... The influence of corporate America on future UK welfare reforms has been ongoing since 1994 when UnumProvident Insurance became official government advisors for welfare claims management, and successive UK governments have successfully manipulated the British public on route to the future demolition of the UK welfare state, (Stewart, 2016). The identified preventable harm created by various DWP policies to make this political ambition happen is totally disregarded, and chronically ill and disabled people who are unable to work feel persecuted. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the preventable harm created by the adoption of austerity measures in 2010, added to the welfare reforms introduced in 2008 which, collectively, have negative implications for population mental health in the UK. Design/methodology/approach A critical reflection of published research papers and key policy documents in this area. Findings Negative mental health consequences of the combined impact of welfare reforms and austerity measures in the UK since 2010 are identified when relating to disability benefit assessments, and to the increased punitive conditionality applied to disability benefit claimants, as those in greatest need now live in fear of making a claim for financial support from the state or of losing benefits to which they are entitled. Research limitations/implications This paper identifies the creation of preventable harm by social policy reforms, commonly known as “welfare reforms”. The implications for social scientists are the disregard of academic peer-reviewed social policy research by policymakers, and the adoption of critically challenged policy-based research as used to justify political objectives. Practical implications The negative mental health impact of UK government social policy reforms has been identified and highlights the human consequences of the adoption of the biopsychosocial model of assessment. Social implications Reducing the numbers of sick and disabled people claiming long-term disability benefit has increased the numbers claiming unemployment benefit, with no notable increase in the numbers of disabled people in paid employment and with many service users in greatest need living in fear of the next enforced disability assessment. Originality/value This paper demonstrates the preventable harm created by the use of a flawed disability assessment model, together with the adoption of punitive conditionality and the increased suicides linked to UK welfare reforms which are influenced by American social policies.
... Introduced by the New Labour government, the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) long-term sickness and disability benefit was adopted in the UK by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in October 2008. Since then, a great deal has been researched and written about the identified preventable harm created by the introduction of the work capability assessment (WCA), as used by the DWP to assess ESA claimants and to restrict access to the benefit (W&P 2014, Garthwaite 2014, Warren et al 2014, Ryan 2015, Barr et al 2015, Patrick 2016, Stewart 2016, Geiger 2017. ...
... No other academic since Rutherford (2007;2008; has identified the influence of a corporate American healthcare insurance giant with future UK welfare reforms since 1992 (Stewart, 2016). This American corporate influence with future UK social welfare policies enabled the DWP to introduce the WCA by adopting the fatally flawed biopsychosocial (BPS) assessment (Stewart, 2018a), as recommended by DWP commissioned research ( Waddell and Aylward, 2005) when funded by the same American corporate giant when known as UnumProvident TM Insurance. ...
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Influenced by corporate America with an alternative agenda, the ongoing welfare reforms have created preventable harm and psychological tyranny for those too ill to work KEY WORDS: work capability assessment, employment and support allowance © Stewart
... In October 2018 it will be ten years since the DWP replaced Incapacity Benefit with the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), adopted the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) to be conducted by an unaccountable private contractor to resist funding the ESA, and guaranteed that GP opinion would be rendered meaningless for chronically ill patients in need of financial support by the DWP (Stewart 2016). ...
... Significant academic papers and research reports, which identified the ESA assessment process using the WCA as being linked to deaths (Elward 2016), despair, an increase in mental health problems(Barr et al 2015, O'Hara 2015 andpreventable harm on a vast scale(Stewart 2016(Stewart , 2017, were totally disregarded by successive governments, whose social welfare policies have 'blamed the victim and justified restriction to entitlements' (Shakespeare et al 2016, p1).A weakened Conservative government, who lost their large majority and all credibility in the 2017 UK general election should be relentlessly challenged. What authority do they have to justify disregarding the copious amount of very detailed independent research evidence exposing the preventable harm created by the continued use of the WCA, in favour of discredited DWP commissioned research? ...
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The preventable harm created by ongoing welfare reforms is identified by Coroners as being linked to the fatally flawed work capability assessment (WCA), used to resist funding the Employment and Support Allowance. Select Committees and the President of the Appeal Tribunal for Social Security have identified the WCA as being unfit for purpose. The same discredited biopsychosocial (BPS) model of assessment is used to resist funding related disability benefits.
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The adoption of neoliberal politics, together with American social and labour market policies, guaranteed the creation of the preventable harm of the UK disabled community who are unfit to work.
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The onslaught of neoliberalism, austerity measures and cuts, impact of climate change, protracted conflicts and ongoing refugee crisis, rise of far right and populist movements have all negatively impacted on disability. Yet, disabled people and their allies are fighting back and we urgently need to understand how, where and what they are doing, what they feel their challenges are and what their future needs will be. This comprehensive handbook emphasizes the importance of everyday disability activism and how activists across the world bring together a wide range of activism tactics and strategies. It also challenges the activist movements, transnational and emancipatory politics, as well as providing future directions for disability activism. With contributions from senior and emerging disability activists, academics, students and practitioners from around the globe, this handbook covers the following broad themes: • Contextualising disability activism in global activism • Neoliberalism and austerity in the global North • Rights, embodied resistance and disability activism • Belonging, identity and values: how to create diverse coalitions for rights • Reclaiming social positions, places and spaces • Social media, support and activism • Campus activism in higher education • Inclusive pedagogies, evidence and activist practices • Enabling human rights and policy • Challenges facing disability activism The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism provides disability activists, students, academics, practitioners, development partners and policy makers with an authoritative framework for disability activism. Taylor & Francis 2019 Outstanding Handbook - Social Sciences - Award Winner
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