Content uploaded by Stephen Cox
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All content in this area was uploaded by Stephen Cox on Jun 02, 2016
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Topics in Electrical Engineering Reading List, May 2016
Stephen Cox,
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, Valencia College, Orlando, Florida, USA
BS Mathematics, University of Central Florida, 2014
Electric Load Forecasting 2
Fault Current Limiter 122
Regenerative Braking 163
Semiconductor Topology 277
Survey of Circuit Lithography 387
Survey of Semiconductors 506
Transformer Voltage 515
Transistor Logic 634
Transmission Loss Minimization 718
Ultra Low Power Integrated Circuit 740
Wireless Power 856
Electric Load Forecasting 2
Electric Load Forecasting
13 lucky tips to juggle the analytics of forecasting, T Hong - 2014 -
A Combined Model Based on Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Electrical Load
Forecasting, EH Chang, GN Zhu, JW Chen - Applied Mechanics and Materials,
2015 - Trans Tech Publ
A combined model based on data pre-analysis and weight coefficients optimization
for electrical load forecasting, L Xiao, J Wang, R Hou, J Wu - Energy, 2015 –
A combined model based on multiple seasonal patterns and modified firefly
algorithm for electrical load forecasting, L Xiao, W Shao, T Liang, C Wang -
Applied Energy, 2016 – Elsevier
A comparative study of electric load curve changes in an urban low-voltage
substation in Spain during the economic crisis (2008–2013), PM Lara-Santillán, M
Mendoza-Villena… - The Scientific World …, 2014 -
A comprehensive study on low-carbon impact of distributed generations on
regional power grids: A case of Jiangxi provincial power grid in China, Y Cao, X
Wang, Y Li, Y Tan, J Xing, R Fan - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2016 –
A comprehensive survey: artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm and applications,
D Karaboga, B Gorkemli, C Ozturk… - Artificial Intelligence …, 2014 – Springer
Electric Load Forecasting 3
A context vector regression based approach for demand forecasting in district
heating networks, S Rongali, AR Choudhury… - … -Asia (ISGT ASIA), …, 2015
A contribution to the load forecast of price elastic consumption behaviour, S
Klaiber, P Bretschneider, S Waczowicz… - PowerTech, 2015 …, 2015 -
A corrected hybrid approach for electricity demand forecasting, T Zhao - Big Data
and Cloud Computing (BDCloud), 2015 IEEE …, 2015 -
A data-driven approach for characterising the charging demand of electric
vehicles: A UK case study, E Xydas, C Marmaras, LM Cipcigan, N Jenkins… -
Applied Energy, 2016 – Elsevier
A data-driven approach to identify households with plug-in electrical vehicles
(PEVs), A Verma, A Asadi, K Yang, S Tyagi - Applied Energy, 2015 – Elsevier
A Data-Driven Hybrid Optimization Model for Short-Term Residential Load
Forecasting, X Cao, S Dong, Z Wu, Y Jing - Computer and Information …, 2015 -
A Distributed Load Forecasting Algorithm Based on Cloud Computing and
Extreme Learning Machine, B WANG, S ZHAO, S ZHANG - Power System
Technology, 2014 -
A distribution loads forecast methodology based on transmission grid substations
SCADA Data, B Couraud, R Roche - Innovative Smart Grid Technologies- …,
2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 4
A dynamic forecasting method for small scale residential electrical demand, A
Marinescu, I Dusparic, C Harris… - … Joint Conference on, 2014 -
A fast and stable forecasting model to forecast power load, LZ Tan, AJ Ouyang,
XY Peng, EX Li… - International Journal of …, 2015 - World Scientific
A Forecasting Method of Short-Term Electric Power Load Based on BP Neural
Network, H Bin, YX Zu, C Zhang - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 -
Trans Tech Publ
A fuzzy-stochastic simulation-optimization model for planning electric power
systems with considering peak-electricity demand: A case study of Qingdao,
China, L Yu, YP Li, GH Huang - Energy, 2016 – Elsevier
A General Variable Neighborhood Search heuristic for short term load forecasting
in Smart Grids environment, M Almassalkhi, B Simon, A Gupta - Power Systems
Conference …, 2014 -
A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Adjusting Time Series Based Load Prediction,
R Alkharboush, RE De Grande… - Parallel and Distributed …, 2015 -
A Gray RBF Model Improved by Genetic Algorithm for Short-Term Load
Forecasting, Y ZHANG, S JIANG, Z LI - Electrical Measurement &
Instrumentation, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 5
A hybrid application algorithm based on the support vector machine and artificial
intelligence: An example of electric load forecasting, Y Chen, Y Yang, C Liu, C
Li, L Li - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015 – Elsevier
A hybrid approach to very small scale electrical demand forecasting, A Marinescu,
C Harris, I Dusparic… - Innovative Smart Grid …, 2014 -
A hybrid artificial-based model for accurate short term electric load prediction, S
Saleh, S Mohammadi, MA Rostami… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2014 -
A hybrid dynamic and fuzzy time series model for mid-term power load
forecasting, WJ Lee, J Hong - International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy
…, 2015 – Elsevier
A hybrid economic indices based short-term load forecasting system, CT Lin, LD
Chou, YM Chen, LM Tseng - International Journal of Electrical …, 2014 –
A hybrid forecasting model with parameter optimization for short-term load
forecasting of micro-grids, N Liu, Q Tang, J Zhang, W Fan, J Liu - Applied
Energy, 2014 – Elsevier
A hybrid intelligent approach for modeling nonlinear complex data: A case study,
prediction, Southwest Iran, R Khorramnia, MK Jahromi, E Karimi… - Journal of
Intelligent …, 2015 -
A hybrid intelligent-based linear-nonlinear model for accurate daily peak load
forecasting, MS Sadeghi - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 6
A hybrid method based on wavelet, ANN and ARIMA model for short-term load
forecasting, AK Fard, MR Akbari-Zadeh - Journal of Experimental & Theoretical
…, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
A hybrid model based on data preprocessing for electrical power forecasting, L
Xiao, J Wang, X Yang, L Xiao - International Journal of Electrical Power & …,
2015 – Elsevier
A hybrid model for daily peak load power forecasting based on SAMBA and
neural network, MB Germi, M Mirjavadi, ASS Namin… - Journal of Intelligent &
…, 2014 -
A Hybrid Model for Electrical Load Forecasting-a New Approach Integrating
Data-Mining with Physics-Based Models, Z Li, PE Rolando Vega PhD - ASHRAE
Transactions, 2015 -
A hybrid model for integrated day-ahead electricity price and load forecasting in
smart grid, L Wu, M Shahidehpour - Generation, Transmission & …, 2014 -
A Hybrid Model of Wavelet and Neural Network for Short Term Load
Forecasting, S Gupta, V Singh, AP Mittal, A Rani - International Journal of …,
2014 -
A Hybrid Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Based Model for Short Term
Load Forecast, B Islam, Z Baharudin, Q Raza, P Nallagownden - 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 7
A Hybrid Sales Forecasting Scheme by Combining Independent Component
Analysis with K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Regression, CJ Lu, CC
Chang - The Scientific World Journal, 2014 -
A hybrid self-adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization–Genetic Algorithm–Radial
Basis Function model for annual electricity demand prediction, S Yu, K Wang,
YM Wei - Energy Conversion and Management, 2015 – Elsevier
A hybrid short-term load forecasting method based on improved ensemble
empirical mode decomposition and back propagation neural network, Y YU, LI
Wei, D SHENG, J CHEN - Journal of Zhejiang University …, 2015 -
A hybrid short-term load forecasting with a new data preprocessing framework, M
Ghayekhloo, MB Menhaj, M Ghofrani - Electric Power Systems Research, 2015 –
A hybrid short-term load forecasting with a new input selection framework, M
Ghofrani, M Ghayekhloo, A Arabali, A Ghayekhloo - Energy, 2015 – Elsevier
A Hybrid Short-Term Power Load Forecasting Model Based on the Singular
Spectrum Analysis and Autoregressive Model, H Li, L Cui, S Guo - Advances in
Electrical Engineering, 2014 -
A load predictive energy management system for supercapacitor-battery hybrid
energy storage system in solar application using the Support Vector Machine, YY
Chia, LH Lee, N Shafiabady, D Isa - Applied Energy, 2015 – Elsevier
A load profile prediction model for residential consumers in South Africa, S
Heunis, M Dekenah - Domestic Use of Energy (DUE), 2014 …, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 8
A Load Scheduling Strategy for Electric Vehicles Charging System, Z Wang, X
Wu, H Zhao - Software Security and Reliability- …, 2014 -
A Long Term Load Forecasting of an Indian Grid for Power System Planning, R
Behera, BB Pati, BP Panigrahi - Journal of The Institution of Engineers …, 2014 –
A Method Based on the Savitzky-Golay Filter to Deal with Short-Term Load
Forecasting of Impact Load, J ZHOU, L SHI - Electrical Measurement &
Instrumentation, 2014 -
A Method Based on Wavelet Neural Network for Power System Short Term Load
Forecasting, HM Zhong, J Liu, QF Chen, N Liu - Applied Mechanics and …, 2014
- Trans Tech Publ
A method for evaluating reserve capacity in middle and long term electric power
balance, Y Zhang, Z Bie, C Xia, Y Lin, Y Gao… - Power and Energy …, 2014 -
A method for forecasting the spatial and temporal distribution of PEV charging
load, H Zhang, W Tang, Z Hu, Y Song, Z Xu… - PES General Meeting| …, 2014 -
A Method of Charging Load Forecast Based on Electric Vehicle Time-Space
Characteristics, Y ZHANG, X SU, X YAN, M LI, D LI - Electric Power
Construction, 2015 -
Electric Load Forecasting 9
A methodology for short term load forecasting based on wavelet filters, S
Gopinathan, S Annamareddy - International Journal of Energy …, 2014 - World
A model for electric vehicle charging load forecasting based on trip chains, L
Chen, Y Nie, Q Zhong - Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions …, 2015 -
A model for the effect of aggregation on short term load forecasting, RA Sevlian,
R Rajagopal - PES General Meeting| Conference & …, 2014 -
A model predictive approach for community battery energy storage system
optimization, H Pezeshki, P Wolfs, G Ledwich - PES General Meeting| …, 2014 -
A Modified Cost Function Generalized Neuron for Electricity Price Forecasting in
Deregulated Power Markets, N Singh, S Tiwari, SR Mohanty, D Yadav -
Proceedings of the Sixth …, 2015 -
A Multi Time Scale Wind Power Forecasting Model of a Chaotic Echo State
Network Based on a Hybrid Algorithm of Particle Swarm Optimization and Tabu
…, X Xu, D Niu, M Fu, H Xia, H Wu - Energies, 2015 -
A Multi-Dimensional Method for Nodal Load Forecasting, ZY Pan, CN Liu, J
Wang, Y Wang - Advanced Materials Research, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
A Neural Approach to Electricity Demand Forecasting, O Motlagh, G Grozev, EI
Papageorgiou - Artificial Neural Network …, 2016 – Springer
Electric Load Forecasting 10
A New Approach to Detection of Systematic Errors in Secondary Substation
Monitoring Equipment Based on Short Term Load Forecasting, J Moriano, FJ
Rodríguez, P Martín, JA Jiménez… - Sensors, 2016 -
A new error measure for forecasts of household-level, high resolution electrical
energy consumption, S Haben, J Ward, DV Greetham, C Singleton… - … Journal
of Forecasting, 2014 – Elsevier
A New Hybrid Forecasting Strategy Applied to Mean Hourly Wind Speed Time
Series, SS Pappas, DC Karamousantas… - Journal of Wind …, 2014 -
A new hybrid modified firefly algorithm and support vector regression model for
accurate short term load forecasting, A Kavousi-Fard, H Samet, F Marzbani -
Expert systems with applications, 2014 – Elsevier
A new linguistic out-sample approach of fuzzy time series for daily forecasting of
Malaysian electricity load demand, R Efendi, Z Ismail, MM Deris - Applied Soft
Computing, 2015 – Elsevier
A new method for short-term load forecasting based on fractal interpretation and
wavelet analysis, MY Zhai - International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy
…, 2015 – Elsevier
A New Method of Power System Load Forecasting Based on Intelligent
Optimization Algorithm, ZX Cong, PC Li, JX Ou, ZW Peng - Advanced Materials
Research, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Electric Load Forecasting 11
A New Model for Optimal Deployment of Electric Vehicle Charging and Battery
Swapping Stations, C Chen, G Hua - International Journal of Control &
Automation, 2014 -
A New Model for Short-Term Power System Load Forecasting Using Wavelet
Transform Fuzzy RBF Neural Network, J Dong, C Xia, W Zhang - Computer
Engineering and Networking, 2014 – Springer
A new short-term load forecast method based on neuro-evolutionary algorithm and
chaotic feature selection, S Kouhi, F Keynia, SN Ravadanegh - … Journal of
Electrical Power & Energy …, 2014 – Elsevier
A New Short-Term Load Forecasting in Power Systems, H Li, HB Sun - Applied
Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
A new short-term load forecasting method based on distance vector method, Z
Liao, Y Chen - … Conference (APPEEC), 2014 IEEE PES Asia- …, 2014 -
A new short-term load forecasting method of power system based on EEMD and
SS-PSO, Z Liu, W Sun, J Zeng - Neural Computing and Applications, 2014 –
A Nine Zone Electric Power Market Test System Based on Data from the
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, DY Heo - Available at SSRN
2638355, 2015 -
A novel approach for electricity demand forecasting, C Li, S Mu, J Wang, Y Yang,
L Li - Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 12
A Novel Electricity Sales Forecasting Method Based on Clustering, Regression
and Time-series Analysis, J Zhao, W Tang, X Fang, J Wang, J Liu, H Ouyang… -
2015 -
A novel forecasting algorithm for electric vehicle charging stations, M Majidpour,
C Qiu, P Chu, R Gadh… - … Vehicles and Expo …, 2014 -
A novel fuzzy multi-objective framework to construct optimal prediction intervals
for wind power forecast, A Kavousi-Fard, A Khosravi… - Neural Networks
(IJCNN …, 2014 -
A novel hybrid model for bi-objective short-term electric load forecasting, JX Che
- International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy …, 2014 – Elsevier
A novel improved data-driven subspace algorithm for power load forecasting in
iron and steel enterprise, T Huixin, Y Jiaxin - Control and Decision Conference
(CCDC), …, 2015 -
A novel information technology of load events detection for the energy
management information systems, HH Chang, CL Lin - Information Systems and
e-Business Management, 2015 – Springer
A novel random fuzzy neural networks for tackling uncertainties of electric load
forecasting, CW Lou, MC Dong - International Journal of Electrical Power &
Energy …, 2015 – Elsevier
Electric Load Forecasting 13
A Novel RBF Training Algorithm for Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting and
Comparative Studies, C Cecati, J Kolbusz, P Rozycki, P Siano… - Industrial
Electronics …, 2015 -
A novel ultra-short term load forecasting method based on load trend and fuzzy c-
means clustering algorithm, Z Yi, Z Feng, Z Bingquan - Power System
Technology …, 2014 -
A Partitioning Method to Enhance Accommodation Capability of Power Network
With Balanced Region of Wind Power, T YUAN, C PENG, S MEI, J CHEN, R
TAO… - Power System …, 2015 -
A personalized load forecasting enhanced by activity information, Y Ding, MA
Neumann, E Stamm, M Beigl… - … (ISC2), 2015 IEEE …, 2015 -
Power Plant Control: …, 2014
A prediction method for electric vehicle charging load considering spatial and
temporal distribution, HC Zhang, ZC Hu, YH Song, Z XU… - Automat Electr
Power Syst, 2014 -
A prediction model based on neural networks for the energy consumption of a
bioclimatic building, R Mena, F Rodríguez, M Castilla, MR Arahal - Energy and
Buildings, 2014 – Elsevier
Electric Load Forecasting 14
A profile of charging/discharging loads on the grid due to electric vehicles under
different price mechanisms, M Li, B Zou - … and Electrical Engineering:
Proceedings of the …, 2015
A PSO-SVM-based 24 Hours Power Load Forecasting Model, X Yu, H Ji -
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2015 -
A refined parametric model for short term load forecasting, N Charlton, C
Singleton - International Journal of Forecasting, 2014 - Elsevier
A Relationship between Daily Load and Meteorological Factors for Zaozhuang
Power Network and Forecasting, C LU, L ZHANG, L CHEN, L ZHANG… -
China Population, 2014 -
A reserve forecast-based approach to determining credit collateral requirements in
electricity markets, S Chang, L Xie, J Dumas - Power & Energy Society General
…, 2015 -
A reversal model of fuzzy time series in regional load forecasting, R Efendi, Z
Ismail, NH Sarmin… - International Journal of …, 2015 - World Scientific
A review of datasets and load forecasting techniques for smart natural gas and
water grids: Analysis and experiments, M Fagiani, S Squartini, L Gabrielli, S
Spinsante… - Neurocomputing, 2015 – Elsevier
A Review of Distribution Network Planning with Large-Scale Intermittent
Renewable Energy Access to Distribution Network, XD Song, NH Yu, JJ Liang,
CJ Xia - Advanced Materials Research, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Electric Load Forecasting 15
A review of energy management systems for smart grids, H Yenginer, C Cetiz, E
Dursun - Smart Grid Congress and Fair …, 2015 -
A Review of Price Forecasting Problem and Techniques in Deregulated Electricity
Markets, N Singh, SR Mohanty - Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2015 -
A Review of Short Term Load Forecasting using Artificial Neural Network
Models, A Baliyan, K Gaurav, SK Mishra - Procedia Computer Science, 2015 –
A review on applications of ANN and SVM for building electrical energy
consumption forecasting, AS Ahmad, MY Hassan, MP Abdullah… - … and
Sustainable Energy …, 2014 – Elsevier
A review on artificial intelligence based load demand forecasting techniques for
smart grid and buildings, MQ Raza, A Khosravi - Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, 2015 – Elsevier
A Robust Weighted Combination Forecasting Method Based on Forecast Model
Filtering and Adaptive Variable Weight Determination, L Li, C Mu, S Ding, Z
Wang, R Mo, Y Song - Energies, 2015 -
A scalable stochastic model for the electricity demand of electric and plug-in
hybrid vehicles, M Alizadeh, A Scaglione, J Davies… - Smart Grid, IEEE …,
2014 -
A scenario of vehicle-to-grid implementation and its double-layer optimal charging
strategy for minimizing load variance within regional smart grids, L Jian, X Zhu, Z
Shao, S Niu, CC Chan - Energy Conversion and …, 2014 – Elsevier
Electric Load Forecasting 16
A self-adaptive evolutionary fuzzy model for load forecasting problems on smart
grid environment, VN Coelho, IM Coelho, BN Coelho, AJR Reis… - Applied
Energy, 2016 – Elsevier
A self-similar local neuro-fuzzy model for short-term demand forecasting, H
Hassani, M Abdollahzadeh, H Iranmanesh… - Journal of Systems …, 2014 –
A Short-Term Distributed Load Forecasting Algorithm Based on Spark and
IPPSO_LSSVM, BY Wang, DY Wang, SM Zhang - Applied Mechanics and
Materials, 2015 - Trans Tech Publ
A Short-term Load Forecasting Based on Support Vector Regression, L Yu - 2015
A short-term load forecasting model for demand response applications, J
Schachter, P Mancarella - European Energy Market (EEM), …, 2014 -
A short-term load forecasting model of natural gas based on optimized genetic
algorithm and improved BP neural network, F Yu, X Xu - Applied Energy, 2014 –
A Short-Term Power Load Forecasting Method Based on BP Neural Network, LJ
Li, W Huang - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Electric Load Forecasting 17
A simplified short term load forecasting method based on sequential patterns, K
Kouzelis, B Bak-Jensen, P Mahat… - Innovative Smart Grid …, 2014 -
A smart energy management system for electric city bus battery swap station, Q
Dai, T Cai, S Duan, W Zhang… - … Electrification Asia-Pacific …, 2014 -
A SOM clustering pattern sequence-based next symbol prediction method for day-
ahead direct electricity load and price forecasting, CH Jin, G Pok, Y Lee, HW
Park, KD Kim, U Yun… - Energy Conversion and …, 2015 – Elsevier
A sparse heteroscedastic model for the probabilistic load forecasting in energy-
intensive enterprises, P Kou, F Gao - International Journal of Electrical Power &
Energy …, 2014 – Elsevier
A Statistical modelling and analysis of residential electric vehicles' charging
demand in smart grids, F Rassaei, WS Soh, KC Chua - Innovative Smart Grid …,
2015 -
A Stochastic Transmission Planning Model With Dependent Load and Wind
Forecasts, H Park, R Baldick, DP Morton - Power Systems, IEEE …, 2015 -
A Study on Mobility Loads and the Deployment Patterns for the Development of
Smart Place Load Model, SW Hwang, IK Song, JH Kim - … of the Korean
Institute of Electrical …, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 18
A study on short-term electric load forecasting using wavelet transform, BG Koo,
H Lee, J Park - … Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2014 IEEE PES, 2014 -
A Study on the Control Strategy for the Islanded Operation of the Charge-
discharge-storage Integrated Station, Y LOU, Y JIA, J FENG, D XIE, Y
ZHANG… - Electrical …, 2014 -
A study on the electric power load of Beijing and its relationships with
meteorological factors during summer and winter, ZY Zhang, DY Gong, JJ Ma -
Meteorological Applications, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
A Study on the Summer and Winter Load Forecasting by using the Characteristics
of Temperature Changes in Korean Power System, JM Cha, BH Ku - Journal of
International Council on Electrical …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
A Survey on Data Mining Techniques Applied to Electricity-Related Time Series
Forecasting, F Martínez-Álvarez, A Troncoso, G Asencio-Cortés… - Energies,
2015 -
A survey on electric power demand forecasting: future trends in smart grids,
microgrids and smart buildings, L Hernandez, C Baladron, JM Aguiar… - …
Surveys & Tutorials, 2014 -
A trend-oriented power system security analysis method based on load profile, A
Mao, MR Iravani - Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 19
A type-2 fuzzy intelligent agent based on sparse kernel machines for reducing
bullwhip effect in supply chain, R Gamasaee, MH Fazel Zarandi… - … Society
(NAFIPS) held …, 2015 -
A Unified Inverse Modeling Framework for Whole-Building Energy Interval Data:
Daily and Hourly Baseline Modeling and Short-Term Load Forecasting, S Jalori,
PE T Agami Reddy PhD - ASHRAE Transactions, 2015 -
A variance inflation factor and backward elimination based robust regression
model for forecasting monthly electricity demand using climatic variables, DH Vu,
KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar - Applied Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
A wavelet‐nearest neighbor model for short‐term load forecasting, G Sudheer, A
Suseelatha - Energy Science & Engineering, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
A weighted LS-SVM based learning system for time series forecasting, TT Chen,
SJ Lee - Information Sciences, 2015 - Elsevier
Tanidir, OB Tör - Neural Network World, 2015 -
Accurate and efficient selection of the best consumption prediction method in
smart grids, M Frincu, C Chelmis, MU Noor… - Big Data (Big Data), …, 2014 -
Accurate Natural Gas Load Hourly Forecasting Using ANN Model Trained with
Multiple Parameters, D Qian, PH Fox, BL See - PSIG Annual Meeting, 2015 -
Electric Load Forecasting 20
Adaptability verification and application of the t-distribution in short-term load
forecasting error analysis, X Tong, Q Chen, J Fan, Q Yan… - Power System …,
2014 -
Adaptive control for energy storage systems in households with photovoltaic
modules, Y Wang, X Lin, M Pedram - Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, 2014 -
Adaptive electric load forecaster, M Dong, C Lou - Tsinghua Science and
Technology, 2015 -
Adaptive scheme for local prediction of post-contingency power system frequency,
M Alizadeh, T Amraee - Electric Power Systems Research, 2014 - Elsevier
Add a New Input to Neural Network with Genetic Learning Algorithm to Improve
Short-Term Load Forecasting, V Miryazdi, M Ghasemzadeh… - International
Journal of …, 2015 -
Additive models and robust aggregation for GEFCom2014 probabilistic electric
load and electricity price forecasting, P Gaillard, Y Goude, R Nedellec -
International Journal of Forecasting, 2016 - Elsevier
AGC signal modeling for energy storage operations, J Donadee, J Wang - Power
Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2014 -
Aggregate Load Forecast with Payback Model of the Electric Water Heaters for a
Direct Load Control Program, M Shaad, R Errouissi, CP Diduch… - Electrical
Power and …, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 21
AMI/GIS based distribution system load flow for extended situational awareness, P
Balakrishna, K Rajagopal… - … (NPSC), 2014 Eighteenth …, 2014 -
An accurate hybrid intelligent approach for forecasting flicker severity caused by
electric arc furnaces, GW Chang, HJ Lu, CS Chuang - Electric Power Systems
Research, 2015 - Elsevier
An Adaptive Charging Algorithm for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids, A Bilh, K
Naik, R El-Shatshat - … Technology Conference (VTC …, 2015 -
An adaptive load dispatching and forecasting strategy for a virtual power plant
including renewable energy conversion units, A Tascikaraoglu, O Erdinc, M
Uzunoglu, A Karakas - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
An advanced data driven model for residential electric vehicle charging demand, X
Zhang, S Grijalva - Power & Energy Society General Meeting, …, 2015 -
An Algorithm for Distribution of On-Grid Bidding Contract Electricity Quantity in
Power Plant Unit on Generation Side, L Wu, S Gu, Y Liu - LISS 2014, 2015 -
An Application of Nonlinear Filter in the Feed-forward Control of Coordinated
Control System, W Tong, T Liang - Electric Power Science and Engineering, 2015
Electric Load Forecasting 22
An arch model the electric power of extra high voltage (ehv) transmission
substation forecasting in cawang, jakarta, indonesia, US Pasaribu, S Setiyowati… -
… Agents, Networks and …, 2014 -
An econometric model for annual peak demand for small utilities, AM Mirlatifi, F
Egelioglu, U Atikol - Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
An efficient model based on artificial bee colony optimization algorithm with
Neural Networks for electric load forecasting, SM Awan, M Aslam, ZA Khan, H
Saeed - Neural Computing and …, 2014 - Springer
An EMD-ANN based prediction methodology for DR driven smart household load
demand, A Tascikaraoglu, NG Paterakis… - … Application to Power …, 2015 -
An estimation method for daily charging load of electric taxis, Y Li, M Huang, W
Zhang - Autom. Electr. Power Syst, 2014 -
An evaluation of conventional and computational intelligence methods for medium
and long-term load forecasting in Algeria, A Laouafi, M Mordjaoui… - Control,
Engineering & …, 2015 -
An evolutionary‐based adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference system for intelligent
short‐term load forecasting, SMR Kazemi, S Hoseini, M Meisam… -
International …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
An expert system for short term load forecasting by fuzzy decision, Y Park, J Park
- Power Systems and Power Plant Control 1989: …, 2014
Electric Load Forecasting 23
An Improved Load Forecasting Method Based on Optimal Weighted Combination,
C Zhang, F Li, H Mei - International Conference on Logistics …, 2014 - atlantis-
An Improved Method for the Short-Term Forecasting of Electric Power Market
Performance with Increased Penetration of Renewable Energy, DY Heo -
Available at SSRN 2638216, 2015 -
An Improved Prediction Model Based on Grey Clustering Analysis Method and its
Application in Power Load Forecasting, W Ya - International Journal of Control
and Automation, 2015 -
An Improved RBF Neural Network for Short Term Load Forecasting, C Li, Z
Liang, M Chen - Advanced Materials Research, 2014 -
An in-depth study of forecasting household electricity demand using realistic
datasets, CY Kuo, MF Lee, CL Fu, YH Ho, LJ Chen - Proceedings of the 5th …,
2014 -
An innovative integrated model using the singular spectrum analysis and nonlinear
multi-layer perceptron network optimized by hybrid intelligent algorithm for short-
term load forecasting, M Niu, S Sun, J Wu, L Yu, J Wang - Applied Mathematical
Modelling, 2015 - Elsevier
An intelligent solar powered battery buffered EV charging station with solar
electricity forecasting and EV charging load projection functions, H Zhao, A Burke
- Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), 2014 …, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 24
An intra-hour control strategy for aggregated electric storage space heating load, A
Alahäivälä, M Ali, M Lehtonen, J Jokisalo - International Journal of …, 2015 -
An investigation into using neuro-evolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT)
for short term load forecasting (STFL), CS Özveren, AT Sapeluk… - …
Conference (UPEC), 2014 …, 2014 -
An overview of AMI data preprocessing to enhance the performance of load
forecasting, FL Quilumba, WJ Lee, H Huang… - … Meeting, 2014 IEEE, 2014 -
Analysis and comparison of various methods available for load forecasting: An
overview, S Khatoon, AK Singh - … on Power, Energy and Controls with …,
2014 -
Analysis of electric vehicle charge scheduling and effects on electricity demand
costs, N Jewell, L Bai, J Naber, ML McIntyre - Energy Systems, 2014 - Springer
Kulshrestha, MK Saxena - Futuristic Trends in Engineering, 2016 -
Analysis of electricity consumption under a photovoltaic micro-grid system in
India, T Kobayakawa, TC Kandpal - Solar Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
Analysis of the relationship between load profile and weather condition, D Shi, R
Li, R Shi, F Li - PES General Meeting| Conference & …, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 25
Analysis on Power Grid Investment Base on Cointegration Theory and VAR
Model, GJ Deng, ZL Mao, K Sun, H Zhou… - Applied Mechanics and …, 2014 -
Trans Tech Publ
Analyzing the impact of smart grids on load profiles using multiple regression, E
Klaassen, J Frunt, H Slootweg - … Conference (UPEC), 2015 …, 2015 -
ANN-based scenario generation methodology for stochastic variables of electric
power systems, SI Vagropoulos, EG Kardakos, CK Simoglou… - Electric Power
Systems …, 2016 - Elsevier
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ANOVA Method Applied to PEMFC Ageing Forecasting Using an Echo State
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Applicability of load forecasting techniques for customer energy storage control
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Application in Power Load Forecasting Based on an Improved Combination Grey
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Application of artificial neural networks for electric load forecasting on railway
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Application of clustering technique to electricity customer classification for load
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Application of Data Mining and Enhanced Bee Swarm Optimal Support Vector
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Application of deep belief network in fault indicator detection, W YANG, Q LI, J
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Application of extreme learning machine with kernels model based on iterative
error correction in short term electricity load forecasting, K LANG, M ZHANG, Y
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Application of fuzzy cognitive maps to electricity consumption prediction, EI
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Application of Fuzzy Time Series Approach in Electric Load Forecasting, Z
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Application of hybrid computational intelligence models in short-term bus load
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Application of improved artificial neural networks in short-term power load
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Application of Improved Particle Swarm Optimization-Neural Network in Long-
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Application of Improved Principal Component Analysis in Comprehensive
Assessment on Thermal Power Generation Units, L Shang, S Wang - Power
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Application of LS-SVM in the Short-term Power Load Forecasting Based on
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Application of Neurofuzzy in Power System for Short Term Load Forecasting, S
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Application of nusupport vector regression in short-term load forecasting, A
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Application of Regression Analysis in Power System Load Forecasting, C Chen,
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Application of Seasonal SVR Model with Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search on
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Application of short term energy consumption forecasting for household energy
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Application of SOM Feature Extraction and ELM in Power Load Forecasting, M
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Application of SVR with chaotic GASA algorithm to forecast Taiwanese 3G
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Application of the k-means clustering algorithm to predict load shedding of the
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Application of the load profiling methodology in short-term bus load forecasting,
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Application of time-series and Artificial Neural Network models in short term load
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Applying Different Independent Component Analysis Algorithms and Support
Vector Regression for IT Chain Store Sales Forecasting, W Dai, JY Wu, CJ Lu -
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Applying the ensemble artificial neural network-based hybrid data-driven model to
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ARIMA-based demand forecasting method considering probabilistic model of
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Artificial Neural Network and ANFIS Based Short Term Load Forecasting in Real
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Artificial neural network for short-term load forecasting in distribution systems, L
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Artificial neural network model for forecasting sub-hourly electricity usage in
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Artificial neural networks for short-term load forecasting in microgrids
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Assessment of Electric Load Demand and Prediction of Future Load Demand: A
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Assessment of some methods for short-term load forecasting, P Koponen, A
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Automated measurement and verification: Performance of public domain whole-
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Back propagation neural network with adaptive differential evolution algorithm for
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Based on Energy Saving Thermal Power Plant Design and Application of
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Based on Partial Least Squares Linear Regression and the Improved Grey
Prediction Model of Monthly Load Forecasting in Power System Applications, ZJ
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Big data driven smart energy management: From big data to big insights, K Zhou,
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Building power demand forecasting, O Valgaev, F Kupzog - it-Information
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Bus load forecasting via a combination of machine learning algorithms, IP
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Calculation method and application of customer baseline load in demand response
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Central Heating System Load Prediction Based on ARMAX Model, Y WEI, H
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Characteristic Analysis and Forecasting Method for Daily Peak Load, MA Li-xin,
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Charging Control Strategy to reduce the remaining capacity of electric buses, Y
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Charging Load Forecasting for Electric Vehicles Based on Fuzzy Inference, Y
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Clustering-based improvement of nonparametric functional time series forecasting:
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Co-simulation of detailed whole building with the power system to study smart
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Combined modeling for electrical load forecasting with particle swarm
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Combined particle swarm optimization and heuristic fuzzy inference systems for a
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Combining forecasts of electricity consumption in China with time-varying
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Comparative performance analysis of fruit fly optimisation algorithm for multi-
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Comparative Study of Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting, B Koo, S Lee, W
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Comparison between wind power prediction models based on wavelet
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Comparison of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems and Echo State Networks
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Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization based memetic algorithm for
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Computational Intelligence Applications in Modeling and Control, AT Azar, S
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Connection Number Power Flow Containing Distributed Generation Random
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Considering the load uncertainty for solving security constrained unit commitment
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Control of Electricity Loads in Future Electric Energy Systems, H Madsen, J
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Cooperative home energy management using batteries for a photovoltaic system
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Correlation and instance based feature selection for electricity load forecasting, I
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Credibility forecasting in short-term load forecasting and its application, C Li, Y
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Crossroads of Power: Coordinating Electricity and Natural Gas Infrastructures in
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CRPSO-based automatic TSK fuzzy model extraction for one hour ahead load
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Daily Load Forecasting Based on RBF-ARX Model, HL Hou, J Chen, MP Sun, BJ
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Daily load forecasting based on SVM for electric bus charging station, W LIU, X
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Daily Nigerian peak load forecasting using artificial neural network with seasonal
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Daily peak electricity demand forecasting based on an adaptive hybrid two-stage
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Daily Power Load Forecasting Using the Differential Polynomial Neural Network,
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Data enabled predictive energy management of a PV-battery smart home nanogrid,
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Data issues in spatial electric load forecasting, JD Melo, A Padilha-Feltrin… - PES
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Day-Ahead Electricity Demand Forecasting Using a Hybrid Method, Z Li, X
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Day-ahead load forecast using random forest and expert input selection, A
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Day-Ahead Power Output Forecasting for Small-Scale Solar Photovoltaic
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Day-ahead predictions of electricity consumption in a Swedish office building
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Defending against load monitoring in smart metering data through noise addition,
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Demand forecasting associated with electric vehicle penetration on distribution
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Demand forecasting in smart grids, P Mirowski, S Chen, T Kam Ho… - Bell Labs
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Demand responce through interactive incorporation of plug-in electric vehicles, E
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Demand response driven load pattern elasticity analysis for smart households, NG
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Density prediction and dimensionality reduction of mid-term electricity demand in
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Design & Implementation of Energy Forecasting Using Regression Analysis &
Curve Fitting, M Singh, K Sharma, D Kumar - 2014 -
Design and load control strategy of smart domestic electric system, D Li, X Liu, S
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Design of Sampled Data Nonlinear Observers-Alternative Approaches in the
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Determining spatial resolution in spatial load forecasting using a grid-based model,
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Detrending daily natural gas consumption series to improve short-term forecasts,
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Development of a Novel Approach for Electricity Forecasting, MK Moghaddam,
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Development of an optimiser for a simulator of an electric utility: Challenges and
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Development of prediction models for next-day building energy consumption and
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Distributed HS-ARTMAP and its forecasting model for electricity load, X Lu, J
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Do Day-Ahead Electricity Prices Reflect Economic Fundamentals? Evidence from
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Domestic load forecasting using neural network and its use for missing data
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Dynamic Dispatch of Multi-microgrid for Neighboring Islands Based on MCS-
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Dynamic load profiling in a power network, DR McMullin - US Patent 8,712,595,
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Dynamic State Estimation Under Communication Failure Using Kriging Based
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Dynamic thermal state forecasting of distribution network components: For
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Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Grid Impacts Analysis, T Markel, A Meintz, J
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Echo State Network with Bayesian Regularization for Forecasting Short-Term
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Economical and coordinated dispatch of CHP based microgrid with renewable
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Effect of Demand-Side Management in Electricity Price/Load Forecasting in Smart
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Effect of load forecasting uncertainties on the reliability of North American Bulk
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Effects of various factors on electric load forecasting: An overview, S Khatoon,
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Efficiency of Using Artificial Neural Network for Short-Term Load Forecasting, S
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Efficient modeling and forecasting of electricity spot prices, F Ziel, R Steinert, S
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Efficient resources provisioning based on load forecasting in cloud, R Hu, J Jiang,
G Liu, L Wang - The Scientific World Journal, 2014 -
Electric Energy Management Modeling for Kingdom of Bahrain, IS Qamber, MY
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Electric Load Forecast Using Combined Models with HP Filter-SARIMA and
ARMAX Optimized by Regression Analysis Algorithm, C Herui, P Xu, M Yupei -
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Electric Load Forecasting Based on a Least Squares Support Vector Machine with
Fuzzy Time Series and Global Harmony Search Algorithm, YH Chen, WC Hong,
W Shen, NN Huang - Energies, 2016 -
Electric load forecasting by the SVR model with differential empirical mode
decomposition and auto regression, GF Fan, LL Peng, WC Hong, F Sun -
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Electric Load Forecasting of Electric Vehicles in Charging, W Liu, T Wei, MX
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Electric load forecasting using wavelet transform and extreme learning machine, S
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Electric load forecasting with recency effect: A big data approach, P Wang, B Liu,
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Electric Load Movement Evaluation and Forecasting Based on the Fourier-Series
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Automation and Electrical Systems, 2015 - Springer
Electric Load Movement Forecasting Based on the DFT Interpolation with
Periodic Extension, ZC Yang - Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2015 -
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Electric power distribution engineering, T Gonen - 2014
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Electric Vehicles Load Forecasting Model Based on Monte Carlo Simulation, L
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Electrical consumption forecasting in hospital facilities: An application case, A
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Electricity Consumption Forecasting in Thailand Using an Artificial Neural
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Electricity Demand Forecasting by Multi-Task Learning, JB Fiot, F Dinuzzo -
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Mongolia in China, H Zhao, Z Ma, N Li - International Journal of Smart Home,
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Electricity demand forecasting in Turkey and Indonesia using linear and nonlinear
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Electricity demand forecasting of Rajshahi city in Bangladesh using fuzzy linear
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Electricity Demand Modelling with Genetic Programming, L Vanneschi - Progress
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Electricity Load Forecasting in Smart Grid Based on Residual GM (1, 1) Model, J
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Electricity load modeling: an application to Italian market, G Masala, S Marica -
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Electricity price forecasting using generalized regression neural network (GRNN)
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Enabling consumer behavior modification through real time energy pricing, X
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Enabling coupled models to predict the business impact of weather on electric
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Energy Consumption Forecast Procedure for an Industrial Facility, TA Barbasova,
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Energy Consumption Forecasting for Smart Meters, A Bansal, SK Rompikuntla, J
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Energy consumption forecasting using semantic-based genetic programming with
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Energy economy in enterprises, K Berk - Modeling and Forecasting Electricity
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Energy Management for a Grid-Tied Photovoltaic-Wind-Storage System: Part I—
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Energy-saving power generation dispatching in China: Regulations, pilot projects
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Enhanced nationwide wind-electric power monitoring and forecast system, E
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Enhancing the performance of Feed-Forward Neural Networks in the bus short-
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Ensemble deep learning for regression and time series forecasting, X Qiu, L
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Ensemble re-forecasting methods for enhanced power load prediction, A Kaur,
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Environment Modelling for Spatial Load Forecasting, A Pijoan, O Kamara-
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Error analysis of hybrid photovoltaic power forecasting models: A case study of
mediterranean climate, MG De Giorgi, PM Congedo, M Malvoni… - Energy
Conversion and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Estimating the Value of Service Using Load Forecasting Models, R Stevie, J
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Estimation of a preference map of new consumers for spatial load forecasting
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Padilha-Feltrin - International Journal of Electrical …, 2015 - Elsevier
Evaluation of a PV Powered EV Charging Station and its Buffer Battery, H Zhao,
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Evaluation of distributed building thermal energy storage in conjunction with wind
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Evaluation of Forecasting Methods for Very Small-Scale Networks, J Cavallo, A
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Evaluation of Four Possible Load Shifting Strategies for Electric Vehicles
Utilizing Autoregressive Moving Average Methods for Electricity Price
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Evaluation of Short-Term Load Forecasting Techniques Applied for Smart Micro
Grids, X Hu, E Ferrera, R Tomasi, C Pastrone - Evaluation, 2014 -
Evolving smart meter data driven model for short-term forecasting of electric
loads, H Niska, P Koponen, A Mutanen - Intelligent Sensors, Sensor …, 2015 -
Examining performance of aggregation algorithms for neural network-based
electricity demand forecasting, S Hassan, A Khosravi, J Jaafar - International
Journal of Electrical Power & …, 2015 - Elsevier
Exploiting road traffic data for Very short term load forecasting in Smart Grids, J
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Exploring smart grid and data center interactions for electric power load balancing,
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Factor Affecting Short Term Load Forecasting, MU Fahad, N Arbab - Journal of
Clean Energy Technologies, 2014 -
Fast Bus Load Forecasting for Smart Distribution System, Y Zhu, B Xue, Z Xu -
2015 International Industrial Informatics and …, 2015 -
Fast demand forecast of electric vehicle charging stations for cell phone
application, M Majidpour, C Qiu, CY Chung, P Chu… - … & Exposition, 2014
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Fast fashion sales forecasting with limited data and time, TM Choi, CL Hui, N Liu,
SF Ng, Y Yu - Decision Support Systems, 2014 - Elsevier
Feature extraction based hellinger distance algorithm for non-intrusive aging load
identification in residential buildings, HH Chang, MC Lee, N Chen… - … Annual
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Feature selection for daily peak load forecasting using a neuro-fuzzy system, SY
Son, SH Lee, K Chung, JS Lim - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015 -
Feedback modification of predicted demand information for power balancing
control, Y Minami, S Azuma - … of Instrument and Control Engineers of …, 2015
Field Programmable Gate Array based Smart System for Short Term Electric Load
Forecasting and Load Scheduling for Smart Grid Applications, V Ramchandani,
SR Chowdhury - International Journal of …, 2014 -
Financially optimized scheduling of electric energy storage in presence of
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Flexibility and Availability: Can the Natural Gas Supply Support These Needs?, R
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Forecasting and monitoring wet-snow sleeve on overhead power lines in Italy, M
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Forecasting day-ahead electricity load using a multiple equation time series
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Forecasting demand of public electric vehicle charging infrastructure, J Sears, K
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Forecasting diurnal cooling energy load for institutional buildings using Artificial
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Forecasting Electric Power Demand in Shanghai Based on Co-integration and
Grey System Theory, X CI, Z HUANG - Journal of Shanghai University of
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Forecasting Electrical Load for Home Appliances using Genetic Algorithm based
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Forecasting electricity consumption in Pakistan: the way forward, A Hussain, M
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Forecasting electricity price and demand using a hybrid approach based on wavelet
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Forecasting energy consumption of multi-family residential buildings using
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Forecasting for dynamic line rating, A Michiorri, HM Nguyen, S Alessandrini… -
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Forecasting methods for balancing energy market in Poland, T Popławski, G
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Forecasting plug-in electric vehicle sales and the diurnal recharging load curve, Z
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Forecasting plug-in electric vehicles load profile using artificial neural networks, D
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Forecasting residential air conditioning loads, S Horowitz, B Mauch, F Sowell -
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Forward and Backward Forecasting Ensembles for the Estimation of Time Series
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Four best practices of load forecasting for electric cooperatives, T Hong, TD
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From Load Forecasting to Demand Response-A Web of Things Use Case, Y Ding,
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Future residential load profiles: Scenario-based analysis of high penetration of
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Fuzzy clustering algorithm-based classification of daily electrical load patterns, Y
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Fuzzy clustering and prediction of electricity demand based on household
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Fuzzy prediction interval models for forecasting renewable resources and loads in
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Gated ensemble learning method for demand-side electricity load forecasting, EM
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forecast combination and residual simulation, J Xie, T Hong - International Journal
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GEFCom2014 probabilistic solar power forecasting based on k-nearest neighbor
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Gene expression programming as a basis for new generation of electricity demand
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Generation of synthetic benchmark electrical load profiles using publicly available
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Global energy forecasting competition 2012, T Hong, P Pinson, S Fan -
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Globalized Nelder Mead Trained Artificial Neural Networks for Short Term Load
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GM (1, 1) Model Application in Power Load Forecasting Based on Sliding
Average Method, LZ Song - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech
Grey Support Vector Regression Model with Applications to China Tourists
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Grid Knowledge Collaborative Discovery Strategy Research, XL Guo, X Han -
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Grid‐based simulation method for spatial electric load forecasting using power‐
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Guest editorial: Special section on analytics for energy forecasting with
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H-∞ Filter‐Based Short‐Term Electric Load Prediction Considering
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Half hourly electricity load prediction using echo state network, S Varshney, T
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Heating, cooling, and electrical load forecasting for a large-scale district energy
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Hierarchical Load Hindcasting Using Reanalysis Weather, JD Black, WLW
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Hierarchical management for integrated community energy systems, X Xu, X Jin,
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Hierarchical Time Series Forecast in Electrical Grids, V Almeida, R Ribeiro, J
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Home appliance load modeling from aggregated smart meter data, Z Guo, ZJ
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weighted least squares regression, Y Guo, E Nazarian, J Ko, K Rajurkar - Energy
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Hourly electric load forecasting using Nonlinear AutoRegressive with eXogenous
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Hourly electrical power consumption prediction for New Zealand residential
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Hourly load and price forecasting using ANN and fourier analysis, A Agarwal, A
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Household electricity demand forecast based on context information and user daily
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Household electricity demand forecasting: benchmarking state-of-the-art methods,
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Hybrid computational intelligence model for Short-Term bus load forecasting, IP
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Hybrid learning algorithm based neural networks for short-term load forecasting, S
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Hybrid methodologies for electricity load forecasting: Entropy-based feature
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Hybrid PSO–SVM method for short-term load forecasting during periods with
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Hybrid time series-bayesian neural network short-term load forecasting with a new
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Hybrid wind speed forecasting model study based on SSA and intelligent
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Hybrid WT-PSO based Neural Networks for Single Step-Ahead Wind Power
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Hybridization of seasonal chaotic cloud simulated annealing algorithm in a SVR-
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Impact Analysis of EV Charging with Mixed Control Strategy, D Wu, H Zeng, B
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Impact of Demand and Price Uncertainties on Customer-side Energy Storage
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Impact of electric energy storage scheduling on reliability of distribution system, A
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Impact of electric vehicles on household voltage profiles and possible mitigation
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Impact of HP, CHP, PV and EVs on households' electric load profiles, D Fischer, J
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Implementation of Artificial Neural Network for Short Term Load Forecasting, A
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Implementation of Power Load Forecasting Based on the Improved Neural
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Implementing support vector regression with differential evolution to forecast
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Improved Electric Power Demand Forecasting by adapting the Weighted Average
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Improved Neural Networks with Random Weights for Short-Term Load
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Improved Short Term Energy Load Forecasting Using Web-Based Social
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Networking, 2015 -
Improved short-term load forecasting using bagged neural networks, AS Khwaja,
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Improved time series business expansion combination forecasting model, X Xu, Z
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Improved unbiased grey model for prediction of gas supplies, J YANG, W WENG
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Improving accuracy of energy forecasting through the presence of an electric
vehicle fleet, D Ilić, S Karnouskos, M Beigl - Electric Power Systems Research,
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Improving load forecast accuracy by clustering consumers using smart meter data,
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Improving short term load forecast accuracy via combining sister forecasts, J
Nowotarski, B Liu, R Weron, T Hong - 2015 -
Improving the Quality of Load Forecasts Using Smart Meter Data, A Shahzadeh,
A Khosravi, S Nahavandi - Neural Information Processing, 2015 - Springer
Including forecasting error of renewable generation on the optimal load dispatch,
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Incomplete data in smart grid: Treatment of missing values in electric vehicle
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Incorporating energy efficiency into electric power transmission planning: A
western United States case study, GL Barbose, AH Sanstad, CA Goldman - Energy
Policy, 2014 - Elsevier
Increasing self-sustainability in micro grids using load prioritization and
forecasting mechanisms, R Silva, A Ferreira, A Ferreira… - Industrial Electronics
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Increasing the Installation Capacity of PV with PEMFC Backup within a
Residential Community, Y Han, I Beausoleil-Morrison, X Wang - Energy
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Individual, Aggregate, and Cluster-based Aggregate Forecasting of Residential
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Inferring appliance load profiles from measurements, G Horn, S Venticinque, A
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Innovations-based Neural Network Seasonal Day-ahead Marginal Price
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Insurance strategy for mitigating power system operational risk introduced by wind
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Integrated distribution system optimization, MJ Krok, JW Black, S Genc,
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Integrated energy management of a plug-in electric vehicle in residential
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Integration of photovoltaic solar power-The quest towards dispatchability, JHR
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Intelli-grid: Moving towards automation of electric grid in India, J Thakur, B
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Intelligent Forecasting Algorithm for Photovoltaic Power Generation, Z CHENG,
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Intelligent optimized combined model based on GARCH and SVM for forecasting
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Interaction between urban microclimate and electric air-conditioning energy
consumption during high temperature season, C Li, J Zhou, Y Cao, J Zhong, Y
Liu, C Kang, Y Tan - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Interval forecasting of electricity demand: a novel bivariate EMD-based support
vector regression modeling framework, T Xiong, Y Bao, Z Hu - International
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Introduction to Electric Load Forecasting Methods, M Alkhathami - Journal of
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Investigation of the Promotion of Wind Power Consumption Using the Thermal-
Electric Decoupling Techniques, S Rong, Z Li, W Li - Energies, 2015 -
Iraqi Short Term Electrical Load Forecasting Based On Interval Type-2 Fuzzy
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Key Technology Analysis and Study for Charging and Swapping Service Network
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Layer Recurrent Neural Network based Power System Load Forecasting, N Nittal,
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Least square regression based integrated multi-parameteric demand modeling for
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Least-squares support vector machine based on improved imperialist competitive
algorithm in a short-term load forecasting model, W Sun, Y Liang - Journal of
Energy Engineering, 2014 -
Linear and non-linear methods for prediction of peak load at University of São
Paulo, JRG Sarduy, KG Di Santo, MA Saidel - Measurement, 2016 - Elsevier
Load commitment of distribution grid with high penetration of photovoltaics (PV)
using hybrid series-parallel prediction algorithm and storage, E Reihani, R
Ghorbani - Electric Power Systems Research, 2016 - Elsevier
Load decomposition at smart meters level using eigenloads approach, H Ahmadi,
JR Marti - Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2015 -
Load Decomposition Method for Non-intrusive Household System, J LOU, H YU,
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Load Estimation for War-Ships Based on Pattern Recognition Methods, G
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Load forecast on intelligent buildings based on temporary occupancy monitoring,
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Load Forecasting and Dynamic Pricing based Energy Management in Smart Grid-
A Review, RK Ahsan, M Anzar, S Awais, AK Zafar… - IMTIC 2015, Mehran …,
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Load forecasting and operation strategy design for CCHP systems using forecasted
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Load forecasting based on multi-variable LS-SVM and fuzzy recursive inference
system, S HU, D LUO, S YANG, J YANG - Journal of Computer Applications,
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Load forecasting based on self-organizing map and support vector machines, F
Ren, C Hu, Z Tang, T Peng - Intelligent Control and …, 2014 -
Load Forecasting for Economic Power Generation and Distribution in Smart Grid
Environment, ABBV Sastry, SN Kumar, CR Manjunath… - Compusoft, 2014 -
Load Forecasting of Charging and Swapping in Large-Scale Electric Vehicle, JC
Ye, YL Li, DL Zhang, XJ Zhu… - Applied Mechanics and …, 2014 - Trans Tech
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Load forecasting using interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems: Optimal type
reduction, A Khosravi, S Nahavandi - Industrial Informatics, IEEE …, 2014 -
Load forecasting utilizing an improved Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) model, Q
Ou - Journal of Computational Science & Engineering, 2014 -
Load forecasting, dynamic pricing and DSM in smart grid: A review, AR Khan, A
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Load Frequency Control Considering Very Short-term Load Prediction and
Economic Load Dispatch Using Neural Network and Its Application, K Chatterjee,
R Shankar, TK Chatterjee - Systems Thinking Approach for …, 2015 - Springer
Load Modeling and Identification Based on Ant Colony Algorithms for EV
Charging Stations, S Yang, M Wu, X Yao, J Jiang - Power Systems, IEEE …,
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Load peak shaving and power smoothing of a distribution grid with high renewable
energy penetration, E Reihani, M Motalleb, R Ghorbani, LS Saoud - Renewable
Energy, 2016 - Elsevier
Load profiling and its application to demand response: A review, Y Wang, Q
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Load Scheduling Based on an Advanced Real-Time Price Forecasting Model, X
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Load scheduling with price uncertainty and temporally-coupled constraints in
smart grids, R Deng, Z Yang, J Chen… - Power Systems, IEEE …, 2014 -
Local short and middle term electricity load forecasting with semi-parametric
additive models, Y Goude, R Nedellec, N Kong - Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions
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Location-based forecasting of vehicular charging load on the distribution system,
N Ghiasnezhad Omran… - Smart Grid, IEEE …, 2014 -
Long term electricity demand forecasting using autoregressive integrated moving
average model: Case study of Morocco, N Citroen, M Ouassaid… - Electrical and
Information …, 2015 -
Long Term Electricity Forecast: A Systematic Review, GRT Esteves, BQ Bastos,
FL Cyrino, RF Calili… - Procedia Computer …, 2015 - Elsevier
Long term individual load forecast under different electrical vehicles uptake
scenarios, A Poghosyan, DV Greetham, S Haben, T Lee - Applied Energy, 2015 -
Long Term Load Forecasting in Tamil Nadu Using Fuzzy-Neural Technology,
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EXPANSION PLANNING, G Srinivasulu, B Subramanyam… - International
Journal of …, 2015 -
Long term peak load forecasting in Thailand using multiple kernel Gaussian
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Long term probabilistic load forecasting and normalization with hourly
information, T Hong, J Wilson, J Xie - Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, 2014 -
Long-Term Development Scale and Charging Load Forecasting of Electric
Vehicle, ZL Cai, HC Shu - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech
Long-term electric load forecasting: A torus-based approach, A Guerini, G De
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Long-term electrical energy consumption forecasting for developing and
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types, FJ Ardakani, MM Ardehali - Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Long-term forecasting of electrical energy using ANN and HSA, K Jayaraman, G
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Long-term forecasting of energy, electricity and active power demand–Bosnia and
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Long-Term Load Forecasting of Southern Governorates of Jordan Distribution
Electric System, AA Arfoa - Energy and Power Engineering, 2015 -
Long-term retail energy forecasting with consideration of residential customer
attrition, J Xie, T Hong, J Stroud - Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, 2015 -
Machine Learning Approach Applied in Electricity Load Forecasting: Within
Residential Houses Context, SMM Rahman… - ASHRAE Transactions, 2015 -
Maintenance Scheduling of Volt-VAR Control Assets in Smart Distribution
Networks Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure, M Manbachi, H Farhangi, A
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Managing the charging of electrical vehicles: impacts on the electrical grid and on
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Markov Chain-Based Modeling of Electric Vehicle Power Consumption, NGY Ng
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Massive-Scale simulation of electrical load in smart grids using generalized
additive models, P Pompey, A Bondu, Y Goude, M Sinn - … Forecasting in High
Dimensions, 2015 - Springer
Matlab Application of Kohonen Self-organizing Map to Classify Consumers' Load
Profiles, OE Dragomir, F Dragomir, M Radulescu - Procedia Computer Science,
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Measurements on vehicle to grid application in industrial power grid for peak load
reduction: Robust bidirectional charger for series production electric and plug-in
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Medium and long term load forecasting method for distribution network with high
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Medium and Long Term Load Forecasting of Power System Based on Interval
Taylor Model Arithmetic, ZJ Zheng, SX Wang, Y Wang, L Zhao… - Advanced
Materials …, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Medium and long term power load forecasting using CPSO-GM model, G Pan, A
Ouyang - Journal of Networks, 2014 -
Medium and Long-Term Load Forecasting Using Grey Theory Based on Rough
Sets, H Zhang, ZG Lei, Y Cheng, YM Wang - Applied Mechanics and …, 2014 -
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Medium term electricity load forecasting based on CEEMDAN-permutation
entropy and ESN with leaky integrator neurons, J LI, Q LI - Electric Machines and
Control, 2015 -
Medium term load forecasting in distribution systems based on multi linear
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Medium-term load forecasting of covenant university using the regression analysis
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Memetic Type-2 Fuzzy System Learning for Load Forecasting, ICLPC Taylor -
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Meteorological time series forecasting with pruned multi-layer perceptron and two-
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Method for evaluating smart grid concepts and pilots, EAM Klaassen, J Frunt, JG
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Method for forecasting medium and long-term power loads based on the chaotic
CPSO-GM, L Hao, A Ouyang, L Liu - Bio-Inspired Computing-Theories and …,
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Method of multilevel rationing and optimal forecasting of volumes of electric-
energy consumption by an industrial enterprise, LS Kazarinov, TA Barbasova, OV
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Methodology for the calculation of the factor of priority for smart grid
implantation using fuzzy logic, MNQ Macedo, JJM Galo, LAL Almeida… -
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Methods and instruments for power consumption forecasting in electric power
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Methods and research development of cooling and heating load predication for
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Micro-grid energy dispatch optimization and predictive control algorithms; A UC
Irvine case study, D McLarty, CC Sabate, J Brouwer, F Jabbari - International
Journal of …, 2015 - Elsevier
Mid-long term load forecasting based on a new combined forecasting model, Y
Chao - Energy Science and Applied Technology: Proceedings …, 2015
Mid-long term load forecasting based on weighted partial least squares regression,
S CHEN, J YAO, L GONG - Power Demand Side Management, 2014 -
Mid-term forecasting of urban electricity load to isolate air-conditioning impact, L
Friedrich, P Armstrong, A Afshari - Energy and Buildings, 2014 - Elsevier
Mid-term interval load forecasting using multi-output support vector regression
with a memetic algorithm for feature selection, Z Hu, Y Bao, R Chiong, T Xiong -
Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
Model for electric load profiles with high time resolution for German households,
D Fischer, A Härtl, B Wille-Haussmann - Energy and Buildings, 2015 - Elsevier
Model predictive control-based power dispatch for distribution system considering
plug-in electric vehicle uncertainty, W Su, J Wang, K Zhang, AQ Huang - Electric
Power Systems Research, 2014 - Elsevier
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Modeling an aggressive energy-efficiency scenario in long-range load forecasting
for electric power transmission planning, AH Sanstad, S McMenamin, A Sukenik,
GL Barbose… - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Modeling and Empirical Evaluation of Machine Learning Based Load Forecasting
Models for Pakistan, SM Awan, M Aslam, ZA Khan, A Saleem - Nucleus, 2014 -
Modeling and forecasting energy consumption for heterogeneous buildings using a
physical–statistical approach, X Lü, T Lu, CJ Kibert, M Viljanen - Applied
Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
Modeling and forecasting monthly movement of annual average solar insolation
based on the least-squares Fourier-model, ZC Yang - Energy Conversion and
Management, 2014 - Elsevier
Modeling and Forecasting Monthly Passenger-Load Movement Based on the
Elliptic Orbit Algorithmic Model, Z Yang - Journal of Computing in Civil
Engineering, 2014 -
Modeling and forecasting of cooling and electricity load demand, A Vaghefi, MA
Jafari, E Bisse, Y Lu, J Brouwer - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Modeling and Forecasting Self-Similar Power Load Due to EV Fast Chargers, N
Korolko, Z Sahinoglu, D Nikovski - 2015 -
Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimensions, A
Antoniadis, JM Poggi, X Brossat - 2015 - Springer
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Modeling and Validation of Electrical Load Profiling in Residential Buildings in
Singapore, L Chuan, A Ukil - Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2015 -
Modeling and Voltage Stability Computation of Power Systems with High
Penetration of Wind Power, Electric Vehicles and Air Conditioners, A Tian, W Li,
J Yu, R Liu, J Qu - Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and …, 2014 - Springer
Modelling and forecasting daily electricity load via curve linear regression, H Cho,
Y Goude, X Brossat, Q Yao - … Stochastic Learning for Forecasting …, 2015 -
Modelling and forecasting of electric daily peak load movement based on the
elliptic-orbit model with weekly periodic extension: a case study, Y Zong-chang -
Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET, 2014 -
Modelling carbon emissions in electric systems, ET Lau, Q Yang, AB Forbes, P
Wright… - Energy Conversion and …, 2014 - Elsevier
Modelling of changes in electricity end-use and their impacts on electricity
distribution, J Tuunanen - Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis, 2015 -
Modelling self-optimised short term load forecasting for medium voltage loads
using tunning fuzzy systems and Artificial Neural Networks, TS Mahmoud, D
Habibi, MY Hassan, O Bass - Energy Conversion and …, 2015 - Elsevier
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Models and Techniques for Electric Load Forecasting in the Presence of Demand
Response, A Garulli, S Paoletti, A Vicino - Control Systems Technology, …, 2015
Models for generating place and time dependent urban energy demand profiles, J
Mikkola, PD Lund - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Modification method to deal with the accumulation effects for summer daily
electric load forecasting, Y Li, YQ Bao, B Yang, C Chen, W Ruan - International
Journal of Electrical …, 2015 - Elsevier
Modified parallel cat swarm optimization in SVM modeling for short-term cooling
load forecasting, Y Wen, Y Chen - Journal of Software, 2014 -
Modified pattern sequence-based forecasting for electric vehicle charging stations,
M Majidpour, C Qiu, P Chu, R Gadh… - … 2014 IEEE International …, 2014 -
Monthly Electric Energy Consumption Forecasting Using Multiwindow Moving
Average and Hybrid Growth Models, M Meng, W Shang, D Niu - Journal of
Applied Mathematics, 2014 -
Monthly Energy Consumption Forecasting Based On Windowed Momentum
Neural Network, S Mishra, VK Singh - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2015 - Elsevier
Monthly Load Combined Forecasting Model of Power System Based on Influences
of Social Economic Factors, Z LIU, Z YANG, R HUANG - 2014 -
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Monthly load forecasting using kernel based gaussian process regression, M
Alamaniotis, S Chatzidakis, LH Tsoukalas - 2014 -
Multi-agent control system to coordinate optimal electric vehicles charging and
demand response actions in active distribution networks, S Mocci, N Natale, F
Pilo… - … Conference (RPG 2014), …, 2014 -
Multi-agent GIS system for improved spatial load forecasting, CE Borges, O
Kamara Esteban, A Pijoan… - Proceedings of the 2014 …, 2014 -
Multi-step forecasting of wave power using a nonlinear recurrent neural network,
K Hatalis, P Pradhan, S Kishore… - … & Exposition, 2014 …, 2014 -
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of electric load series, X Yuan, B Ji, Y
Yuan, Y Huang, X Li, W Li - Fractals, 2015 - World Scientific
Multivariate statistical and similarity measure based semiparametric modeling of
the probability distribution: A novel approach to the case study of mid-long term
electricity consumption forecasting in China, Z Shao, F Gao, Q Zhang, SL Yang -
Applied Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
Neighborhood level network aware electric vehicle charging management with
mixed control strategy, D Wu, H Zeng, B Boulet - Electric Vehicle Conference
(IEVC), …, 2014 -
Neural Network Based Early Warning System for an Emerging Blackout in Smart
Grid Power Networks, S Gupta, F Kazi, S Wagh, R Kambli - Intelligent
Distributed Computing, 2015 - Springer
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Neural network based on dynamic multi-swarm particle Swarm optimizer for ultra-
short-term load forecasting, JJ Liang, H Song, B Qu, W Liu, AK Qin - Advances
in Swarm Intelligence, 2014 - Springer
Neural network based on self-adaptive differential evolution for ultra-short-term
power load forecasting, W Liu, H Song, JJ Liang, B Qu, AK Qin - Intelligent
Computing in …, 2014 - Springer
Neural Network Based Short Term Forecasting Engine to Optimize Energy and
Big Data Storage Resources of Wireless Sensor Networks, Y Prasad, R
Pachamuthu - Computer Software and …, 2015 -
Neural Network-Based Model Design for Short-Term Load Forecast in
Distribution Systems, N Ding, C Benoit, G Foggia… - Power Systems, IEEE …,
2016 -
Neural Networks in Electric Load Forecasting: A Comprehensive Survey, V
Mansouri - Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical …, 2014 - jaiee.iau-
Next day electric load forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks, LCP Velasco,
CR Villezas… - Humanoid, …, 2015 -
Next-day MV/LV substation load forecaster using time series method, N Ding, Y
Bésanger, F Wurtz - Electric Power Systems Research, 2015 - Elsevier
Nonlinear Predictive Energy Management of Residential Buildings with
Photovoltaics & Batteries, C Sun, F Sun, SJ Moura - 2015 -
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Novel hybrid market price forecasting method with data clustering techniques for
EV charging station application, P Sarikprueck, WJ Lee… - Industry Applications
…, 2015 -
Novel procedure to formulate load profiles for off-grid rural areas, S Mandelli, M
Merlo, E Colombo - Energy for Sustainable Development, 2016 - Elsevier
Oil demand forecasting for India using artificial neural network, S Jebaraj, S
Iniyan - International Journal of Global Energy …, 2015 -
On accuracy of demand forecasting and its extension to demand composition
forecasting using artificial intelligence based methods, Y Xu, J Cai, JV Milanovic -
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2014 -
On comparison of two strategies in net demand forecasting using Wavelet Neural
Network, H Shaker, H Chitsaz, H Zareipour… - North American Power …, 2014 -
On Normality Assumption in Residual Simulation for Probabilistic Load
Forecasting, J Xie, T Hong, T Laing, C Kang - 2015 -
On optimal multistage electric power distribution networks expansion planning,
SN Ravadanegh, RG Roshanagh - … Journal of Electrical Power & Energy …,
2014 - Elsevier
On Relationship between Electricity grid system load and meteorological
conditions in Suzhou and Forecasting System Design, W Ying, SM Bureau -
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2014 -
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On the Viability Analysis of HVDC Light for Electrification of Mafia Island by
National Grid, BMM Mwinyiwiwa, S Gabriel, MJ Manyahi - 2015 -
One-Day-Ahead Hourly Load Forecasting of Smart Building Using a Hybrid
Approach, CM Huang, HT Yang, YC Huang, KY Huang - Proceedings of the 2nd
…, 2014 - Springer
One-day-ahead load forecast using an adaptive approach, X Xia, X Rui, X Bai, H
Wang, F Jin, W Yin… - … and Logistics, and …, 2014 -
One-hour ahead electric load and wind-solar power generation forecasting using
artificial neural network, A Laouafi, M Mordjaoui, D Dib - Renewable Energy
Congress …, 2015 -
One-Hour Ahead Electric Load Forecasting Using Neuro-fuzzy System in a
Parallel Approach, A Laouafi, M Mordjaoui, D Dib - Computational Intelligence
Applications in …, 2015 - Springer
One-Hour Ahead Load Forecasting Based on Wavelet Neural Networks, N
Sovann, P Nallagownden… - Applied Mechanics and …, 2015 - Trans Tech Publ
Open Problems of Energy Management in Microgrids, Y Wang, S Mao, RM
Nelms - … Algorithms for Optimal Energy Distribution in …, 2015 - Springer
Optimal Allocation of Thermal-Electric Decoupling Systems Based on the
National Economy by an Improved Conjugate Gradient Method, S Rong, W Li, Z
Li, Y Sun, T Zheng - Energies, 2015 -
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Optimal charging of plug-in electric vehicles for a car-park infrastructure, T Ma,
OA Mohammed - Industry Applications, IEEE …, 2014 -
Optimal Charging Strategies of Plug-in Electric Vehicles for Minimizing Load
Variance Within Smart Grids, L Jian, G Xu, CC Chan - Plug In Electric Vehicles
in Smart Grids, 2015 - Springer
Optimal Configuration of the CHP System Using Stochastic Programming, MR
Benam, SS Madani, SM Alavi… - Power Delivery, IEEE …, 2015 -
Optimal demand-side management and power generation scheduling in an all-
electric ship, FD Kanellos, GJ Tsekouras… - … , IEEE Transactions on, 2014 -
Optimal design of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system using genetic algorithm
for electricity demand forecasting in Iranian industry, S Mollaiy-Berneti - Soft
Computing, 2015 - Springer
Optimal dispatch strategy of a virtual power plant containing battery switch
stations in a unified electricity market, H Bai, S Miao, X Ran, C Ye - Energies,
2015 -
Optimal integration of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in microgrids, C Chen, S
Duan - Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on, 2014 -
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Optimal load sharing strategy for a wind/diesel/battery hybrid power system based
on imperialist competitive neural network algorithm, M Safari, M Sarvi -
Renewable Power Generation, IET, 2014 -
Optimal scheduling for vehicle-to-grid operation with stochastic connection of
plug-in electric vehicles to smart grid, L Jian, Y Zheng, X Xiao, CC Chan -
Applied Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
Optimal Scheduling of a Battery Energy Storage System with Electric Vehicles'
Auxiliary for a Distribution Network with Renewable Energy Integration, Y Yang,
W Zhang, J Jiang, M Huang, L Niu - Energies, 2015 -
Optimal Sizing and Allocation of Fixed Reactive Power Compensation, B Qu, X
Zhuan, X Cui - World Congress, 2014 -
Optimal Two-Tier Forecasting Power Generation Model in Smart Grids, KG
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Optimization of neural network architecture using genetic algorithm for load
forecasting, BU Islam, Z Baharudin, MQ Raza… - … (ICIAS), 2014 5th …, 2014 -
Optimization of short load forecasting in electricity market of Iran using artificial
neural networks, A Azadeh, SF Ghaderi, M Sheikhalishahi… - Optimization and
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Optimizing electric vehicle users' charging behavior in battery swapping mode, R
Rao, X Zhang, J Xie, L Ju - Applied Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
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Participatory learning in the neurofuzzy short-term load forecasting, M Hell, P
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Particle swarm optimisation aided least-square support vector machine for load
forecast with spikes, WM Lin, CS Tu, RF Yang, MT Tsai - IET Generation,
Transmission & Distribution, 2016 - IET
Pattern recognition as a tool to support decision making in the management of the
electric sector. Part II: A new method based on clustering of multivariate time
series, AMS Ferreira, CH de Oliveira Fontes… - International Journal of …, 2015
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Pattern similarity-based methods for short-term load forecasting–Part 1: Principles,
G Dudek - Applied Soft Computing, 2015 - Elsevier
Pattern similarity-based methods for short-term load forecasting–part 2: models, G
Dudek - Applied Soft Computing, 2015 - Elsevier
Pattern-based local linear regression models for short-term load forecasting, G
Dudek - Electric Power Systems Research, 2016 - Elsevier
Peak load forecasting of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand by Gaussian
Process, T Ploysuwan, P Atsawathawichok… - Electrical Engineering …, 2014 -
Performance Evaluation of New and Advanced Neural Networks for Short Term
Load Forecasting, ST Mehmood, M El-Hawary - Electrical Power and Energy …,
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Photovoltaic System Output Power Forecasting Based on Weather Type Clustering
and LS-SVM, Z Huabin, Y Mingyu - Electric Power Science and Engineering,
2014 -
Plug In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids: Integration Techniques, S Rajakaruna, F
Shahnia, A Ghosh - 2014
Port throughput forecasting by MARS-RSVR with chaotic simulated annealing
particle swarm optimization algorithm, J Geng, MW Li, ZH Dong, YS Liao -
Neurocomputing, 2015 - Elsevier
Power curve correlation system, JL McDonald, WM Alderson, A Grey - US Patent
9,118,182, 2015 - Google Patents
Power load forecasting based on multi-task gaussian process, Y Zhang, G Luo, F
Pu - Proceedings of the IFAC 19th World Congress, 2014 -
Power Load Forecasting Based on Parallel Shared Mining Algorithm, W ZHAO, P
XIE, Y WANG, Y LI… - Computer & Digital …, 2015 -
Power load forecasting Based on PSO-SVM, Y Le, M Jiang - Programmable
Controller & Factory Automation, 2014 -
Power Load Prediction Based on Fractal Theory, L Jian-Kai, C Cattani, S Wan-
Qing - Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2015 -
Power Management for Electric Tugboats Through Operating Load Estimation, TL
Vu, AA Ayu, JS Dhupia, L Kennedy… - … IEEE Transactions on, 2015 -
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Power quality considering the forecasting of quantities applied to interactive
volt/VAR control, ED Garcia, LN Canha… - … Conference (UPEC), 2015 -
Power Supply Capacity Calculation for Urban Distribution Network Based on
Load Forecast, J LIU, Y GAO, H LIANG, J ZHANG - East China Electric Power,
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Power System Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Levenberg-Marquardt
Algorithm BP Neural Network, J LIU, X CHEN, X LI - Journal of Quantitative
Economics, 2015 -
Pre-processing Methods of Data Mining, A Saleem, KH Asif, A Ali, SM Awan… -
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Predicting the response of electricity load to climate change, P Sullivan, J Colman,
E Kalendra - 2015 -
Predicting the Solar Resource and Power Load, D Sehloff, C Torres - 2015 -
Prediction interval modeling tuned by an improved teaching learning algorithm
applied to load forecasting in microgrids, F Veltman, LG Marin, D Saez… - …
Symposium Series on, 2015 -
Prediction intervals for electric load forecast: Evaluation for different profiles, V
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Prediction Method of Short-Term Load in Holidays Based on Improved Multiple
Proportions Smoothing Method, W SHI, J WANG, T SHENG, R BIAN - Electric
Power Construction, 2014 -
Prediction of building energy consumption using an improved real coded genetic
algorithm based least squares support vector machine approach, HC Jung, JS Kim,
H Heo - Energy and Buildings, 2015 - Elsevier
Prediction of full load electrical power output of a base load operated combined
cycle power plant using machine learning methods, P Tüfekci - International
Journal of Electrical Power & Energy …, 2014 - Elsevier
Prediction on Medium-Long Term Electricity Load of Principal Component
Regression, Partial Least Squares Regression and Coupled Neural Network, J
Huifeng - Journal of Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College, 2014 -
Prediction-based manufacturing center self-adaptive demand side energy
optimization in cyber physical systems, X Sun, X Wang, J Wu, Y Liu - Chinese
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014 - Springer
Predictive models for building's energy consumption: An Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) approach, S Ferlito, M Atrigna, G Graditi, S De Vito… - AISEM
Annual …, 2015 -
Price forecasting and validation in the Spanish electricity market using forecasts as
input data, M Ortiz, O Ukar, F Azevedo, A Múgica - International Journal of
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Probabilistic anomaly detection in natural gas time series data, HN Akouemo, RJ
Povinelli - International Journal of Forecasting, 2015 - Elsevier
Probabilistic demand forecasting to minimize overtaking the transmission contract,
M Sperandio, DP Bernardon, G Bordin… - Electric Power Systems …, 2014 -
Probabilistic electric load forecasting: A tutorial review, T Hong, S Fan -
International Journal of Forecasting, 2016 - Elsevier
Probabilistic electricity price forecasting with variational heteroscedastic Gaussian
process and active learning, P Kou, D Liang, L Gao, J Lou - Energy Conversion
and Management, 2015 - Elsevier
Probabilistic generation of time-coupled aggregate residential demand patterns, IA
Sajjad, G Chicco, R Napoli - Generation, Transmission & …, 2015 -
Probabilistic load forecasting via Quantile Regression Averaging of independent
expert forecasts, T Hong, K Maciejowska, J Nowotarski, R Weron - 2014 -
Probabilistic load forecasting via Quantile Regression Averaging on sister
forecasts, B Liu, J Nowotarski, T Hong, R Weron - 2015 -
Probabilistic Modeling and Statistical Analysis of Aggregated Electric Vehicle
Charging Station Load, HM Louie - Electric Power Components and Systems,
2015 - Taylor & Francis
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Probabilistic optimal robust multistage feeder routing under load forecasting
uncertainty, H Khatami, S Najafi Ravadanegh - Generation, Transmission & …,
2015 -
Probabilistic time series forecasting with boosted additive models: an application
to smart meter data, SB Taieb, R Huser, RJ Hyndman, MG Genton - 2015 -
PSO optimized radial basis function neural network based electric load forecasting
model, N Kumar Singh, A Kumar Singh… - Power Engineering …, 2014 -
Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Temperature and Power Load,
JL Zhong, B Zhao, D Zhang, H Bao - Advanced Materials Research, 2014 - Trans
Tech Publ
Quasi-Real Time Individual Customer Based Forecasting of Energy Load Demand
Using In Memory Computing–Project Report, W Abramowicz, M Kaczmarek, T
Rudny… - … Berichte des Hasso- …, 2015
Random extreme learning machines to predict electric load in buildings, G
Vergara, JI Alonso-Barba, E Soria-Olivas… - Progress in Artificial …, 2016 -
Random vector functional link network for short-term electricity load demand
forecasting, Y Ren, PN Suganthan, N Srikanth, G Amaratunga - Information
Sciences, 2016 - Elsevier
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Real-time cooling load forecasting using a hierarchical multi-class SVDD, J Yu,
BB Lee, DH Park - Multimedia tools and applications, 2014 - Springer
Real-time load elasticity tracking and pricing for electric vehicle charging, NY
Soltani, SJ Kim… - Smart Grid, IEEE …, 2015 -
Real-Time Modeling and Control of Electric Vehicles Charging Processes, G
Benetti, M Delfanti, T Facchinetti… - Smart Grid, IEEE …, 2015 -
Reallocating Charging Loads of Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks, MJM
Al Essa, LM Cipcigan - Applied Sciences, 2016 -
Recent results on the integration of variable renewable electric power into the US
grid, J Apt - MRS Energy & Sustainability, 2015 - Cambridge Univ Press
Recent trends in variable generation forecasting and its value to the power system,
KD Orwig, ML Ahlstrom… - Sustainable Energy, …, 2015 -
Regional Power Production and Consumption Forecast Solutions, T Gao, X Yang,
C Cui, Z Zhu, W Liu, S Wang… - Low-carbon City and …, 2015 - Springer
Relevance Vector Machine with compounded kernels for regression and
classification in power systems forecasting, Q Duan, WX Sheng, Y Ma - Fuzzy
Systems and Knowledge …, 2015 -
Reliability based power systems planning and operation with wind power
integration: A review to models, algorithms and applications, J Lin, L Cheng, Y
Chang, K Zhang, B Shu… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2014 - Elsevier
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ZH Bohari, HS Azemy, MNM NASIR… - … of Theoretical & …, 2015 -
Research and application of climatic sensitive short-term load forecasting, K Li, N
Tai, S Zhang - Power & Energy Society General Meeting …, 2015 -
Research and Application of Data Mining and NARX Neural Networks in Load
forecasting, L Xiaofeng, Y Chunshan - International Journal Of …, 2014 -
Research for Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Linearization Meteorological
Factors, SH Zhang - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Research of Combined Optimum Grey Model to Mid and Long Term Electric
Load Forecasting, XS He, L Yang, XN Yu - Advanced Materials Research, 2014 -
Trans Tech Publ
Research of least squares support vector regression based on differential evolution
algorithm in short-term load forecasting model, W Sun, Y Liang - Journal of
Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2014 -
Research of power load curve clustering algorithm based on cloud computing and
quantum particle swarm optimization, S ZHANG, S ZHAO, B WANG - 2014 -
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Research on a feature selection method based on median impact value for
modeling in thermal power plants, M Qi, Z Fu, F Chen - Applied Thermal
Engineering, 2016 - Elsevier
Research on Assistant System of Electric Power Distribution Planning Based on
GIS, D Heng, X Zhang, S Li, L Zhang - 2015 -
Research on distribution network planning model based on credibility theory, X
Liu, H Zheng, H Xu, P Liu, S Song… - … (CICED), 2014 China …, 2014 -
Research on Electric Power with Development and Application of Line Loss Rate
Forecasting Software Based on MLRM-GM, WD Liu, TJ Zeng, T Jun, LL Shang
Guan… - Advanced Materials …, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Research on electric vehicle orderly charging and discharging considering unit
running cost and effectiveness of power system operation, Q Wang, Y Gao, J
Zhang - Power System Technology …, 2014 -
Research on electricity consumption prediction with the algebraic polynomial
model, L SHENG, Z ZENG, S LI - Journal of Electric Power Science and …, 2015
Research on Level Effect-Based Electrical Load Forecast Method, FC Li, S Liu -
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Research on Mid-Long Term Load Forecasting Based on Gray Fourier Series
Residual Correction Model, DX Niu, P Wang, Q Wang, BY Liu… - Applied
Mechanics …, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
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Research on Network Security of Electric Power Dispatching Automation, J Wang,
S Yan, H Fang, Q Liu - 2015 -
Research on Short-term Holiday Load Forecasting Based on Filter Algorithms, C
Heng, W Ke, C Lihua - Electrical Engineering, 2014 -
Research on Short-term Load Forecasting Approach Based on Weather and
Product Information, H Bo, W Nan, SYZJ Di Feng - 2014 -
Research on Short-Term Load Prediction Including the Photovoltaic System, Y
Lei, SP Zhou, YJ Xia, G Hu, X Shu - Advanced Materials …, 2014 - Trans Tech
Research on Short-term Output Power Prediction of Photovoltaic Generators in
Microgrids, J LAI, H ZHOU, W HU - 2014 -
Research on Smart Grid Load Forecasting Platform Based on Cloud Computing, X
Chen, B Chen, X Cui, L Liu - 2015 -
Research on the Capability in Absorbing Electric Vehicles in Beijing Grid, BB
Huang - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Research on the Methods of Low-voltage Distribution Network Planning, L Wang,
C Li, Y Li, Q Zhang - 2015 -
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Research on the optimization of combined heat and power microgrids with
renewable energy, F Wu, Q Guo, H Sun, Z Pan - Power and Energy Engineering
…, 2014 -
Research on the Short-Term Load Forecast Based on the Improved SVM, Y
WANG, D LI - Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation, 2014 -
Research on the Ultra-Short-Term Bus Load Forecasting Method Considering
Meteorological Mutation, DX Niu, BJ Li, Y Lu, Z Chen, JK Liu - Applied
Mechanics and …, 2015 - Trans Tech Publ
Residential electric load curve profile based on fuzzy systems, T Abreu, UNLT
Alves, CR Minussi… - … Latin America, ISGT …, 2015 -
Residential load forecasting under a demand response program based on economic
incentives, N Ruiz, B Claessens, J Jimeno… - … on Electrical Energy …, 2015 -
Wiley Online Library
Residential power load forecasting, P Day, M Fabian, D Noble, G Ruwisch… -
Procedia Computer …, 2014 - Elsevier
Retail energy forecasting, J Xie - 2015 -
Retail Pricing and Day-Ahead Demand Response in Smart Distribution Networks,
S Yousefi, GR Yousefi - Intelligent Systems in Electrical Engineering, 2014 -
Review of energy models to the development of an efficient industrial energy
model, OA Olanrewaju, AA Jimoh - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
2014 - Elsevier
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Risk adjusted forecasting of electric power load, S Shenoy, D Gorinevsky -
American Control Conference (ACC) …, 2014 -
RNN NARX Model Based Demand Management for Smart Grid, SH Lee, P Dae-
Won, KI Moon - International Journal of Advanced …, 2014 -
Roadmap of Automotive Logistics Industry in Hubei Province, S JIANG, Z SHEN,
A ZHOU - Logistics Sci-Tech, 2015 -
Robust electricity consumption modeling of Turkey using singular value
decomposition, K Kavaklioglu - International Journal of Electrical Power &
Energy …, 2014 - Elsevier
Robust SCUC with load and wind uncertain intervals, B Hu, L Wu - PES General
Meeting Conference & Exposition, …, 2014 -
Role of Vehicle-to-grid Systems for Electric Load Shifting and Integration of
Intermittent Sources in Latvian Power System, L Udrene, G Bazbauers - Energy
Procedia, 2015 - Elsevier
European Scientific Journal, 2014 -
Rural Power System Load Forecast Based on Principal Component Analysis, F
Jun-long, X Yu, F Yu, X Yang, L Guo-liang - Journal of Northeast …, 2015 -
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Saturated Load Forecasting Based on Nonlinear System Dynamics, H Bian, X
Wang - Proceedings of the Second International Conference …, 2015 - Springer
Selection of significant input variables for time series forecasting, HD Tran, N
Muttil, BJC Perera - Environmental Modelling & Software, 2015 - Elsevier
Self-forecasting energy-load stakeholders, D Ilic, S Karnouskos, S Detzler -
Electric Vehicle Conference …, 2014 -
Semiparametric density forecasting of electricity load for smart charging of electric
vehicles, C Bikcora, L Verheijen… - Control Applications (CCA), …, 2015 -
Sequence of nonparametric models for GEFCom2014 probabilistic electric load
forecasting, E Mangalova, O Shesterneva - International Journal of Forecasting,
2016 - Elsevier
Sequential pattern mining, A study to understand daily activity patterns for load
forecasting enhancement, Y Ding, J Borges, MA Neumann… - Smart Cities
Conference …, 2015 -
Short Term Electric Load Forecasting based on Artificial Neural Networks for
Weekends of Baghdad Power Grid, IK Ibraheem, MO Ali - International Journal of
Computer …, 2014 -
Short term electric load forecasting by wavelet transform and grey model improved
by PSO (particle swarm optimization) algorithm, S Bahrami, RA Hooshmand, M
Parastegari - Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Electric Load Forecasting 96
Short Term Electric Load Forecasting of 132/33KV Maiduguri Transmission
Substation using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), IO Harrison,
B Ishaku - International Journal of Computer …, 2014 -
Short Term Electric Load Forecasting with Back Propagation Neural Network and
Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm, Z Baharudin, P Nallagownden - Applied
Mechanics and …, 2015 - Trans Tech Publ
Short term electrical load forecasting using back propagation neural networks, SS
Reddy, JA Momoh - North American Power Symposium …, 2014 -
Short term electricity forecasting using individual smart meter data, K
Gajowniczek, T Ząbkowski - Procedia Computer Science, 2014 - Elsevier
Short term electricity load forecasting on varying levels of aggregation, R Sevlian,
R Rajagopal - 2014 -
Short term electricity load forecasting: A case study of electric utility market in
Turkey, MY Ishik, T Goze, I Ozcan, VC Gungor… - Smart Grid Congress …,
2015 -
Short term load forecast using fuzzy logic and wavelet transform integrated
generalized neural network, DK Chaturvedi, AP Sinha, OP Malik - … Journal of
Electrical Power & Energy …, 2015 - Elsevier
Short Term Load Forecasting based on BPL Neural Network with Weather
Factors, D Kown, M Kim, C Hong, S Cho - International Journal of Multimedia
and …, 2014 -
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Short term load forecasting based on ESPRIT integrated algorithm, MA Zhe, SHU
Qin - 2015 -
Short Term Load Forecasting Based on Fuzzy Clustering, YJ Wang, C Lu, DW Li
- Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Short Term Load Forecasting Based on Hybrid ANN and PSO, E Banda, KA Folly
- Advances in Swarm and Computational Intelligence, 2015 - Springer
Short term load forecasting by means of neural networks and programmable logic
devices for new high electrical energy users, G Manuel - 2014 -
Short Term Load Forecasting by Using Data Mining Techniques, M Shelke, PD
Thakare - Int. J. Sci. Res, 2014 -
Short Term Load Forecasting for Uttarakhand using neural network and time series
models, GL Prakash, K Sambasivarao… - … (ICRITO) Trends and …, 2014 -
Short Term Load Forecasting in Electric Power Systems with Artificial Neural
Networks, GJ Tsekouras, FD Kanellos, N Mastorakis - Computational Problems in
…, 2015 - Springer
Short term load forecasting in power systems using a hybrid approach based on
SVR technique, R Khoram-Nia… - Journal of Intelligent & …, 2015 -
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Short term load forecasting in the industry for establishing consumption baselines:
A French case, J Blancarte, M Batton-Hubert, X Bay, MA Girard… - … Learning
for Forecasting …, 2015 - Springer
Short term load forecasting method based on auto-regressive conditional density
model, C Hao, W Qiulan, W Yurong - Journal of Southeast University …, 2014 -
Short Term Load Forecasting OF 132/33Kv Maiduguri Transmission Substation
Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), I Harrison, P Dibal, I Bello - IJRCCT,
2015 -
Short term load forecasting of distribution systems by a new hybrid modified FA-
backpropagation method, A Kavousi-Fard, T Niknam… - Journal of Intelligent &
…, 2014 -
VECTOR KERNEL METHODS, L Hussain, MS Nadeem… - International
Journal of …, 2014 -
Short term load forecasting using a hybrid intelligent method, A Abdoos, M
Hemmati, AA Abdoos - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015 - Elsevier
Short Term Load Forecasting using genetically optimized Radial Basis Function
Neural Network, NK Singh, AK Singh, M Tripathy - … Conference (AUPEC),
2014 …, 2014 -
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Short term load forecasting using wavelet transform combined with Holt–Winters
and weighted nearest neighbor models, G Sudheer, A Suseelatha - International
Journal of Electrical Power & …, 2015 - Elsevier
Short term photovoltaic power generation forecasting using RBF neural network, Z
Li, YL Zhou, C Cheng, Y Li… - Control and Decision …, 2014 -
Short Term-Load Forecasting Based on Meteorological Correcting Grey Model, R
Jiao, C Su, B Lin, R Mo - Unifying Electrical Engineering and Electronics …,
2014 - Springer
Short-term Electric Load Forecasting Based on Wavelet Transform and GMDH,
BG Koo, HS Lee, J Park - Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2015 -
Short-Term Electric Load Forecasting Using Echo State Networks and PCA
Decomposition, FM Bianchi, E De Santis, A Rizzi, A Sadeghian - Access, IEEE,
2015 -
Short-term electrical load forecasting for Iraqi power system based on Multiple
Linear Regression method, FM Tuaimah, HMA Abass - International Journal of
Computer …, 2014 -
Short-term electricity load forecasting of buildings in microgrids, H Chitsaz, H
Shaker, H Zareipour, D Wood… - Energy and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Short-term feeder load forecasting: An expert system using fuzzy logic, GL Torres,
B Valiquette… - Power Systems and …, 2014
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Short-term forecast technology in load of electrified railway based on wavelet-
extreme learning machine, W Zhang, W Zhao, X Du - Journal of Networks, 2014 -
Short-term forecasting of electricity demand for the residential sector using
weather and social variables, H Son, C Kim - Resources, Conservation and
Recycling, 2016 - Elsevier
Short-term forecasting of residential building load for distributed energy
management, Y Iwafune, Y Yagita, T Ikegami… - … , 2014 IEEE International,
2014 -
Short-Term Forecasting of Temperature Driven Electricity Load Using Time
Series and Neural Network Model, N Liu, V Babushkin, A Afshari - Journal of
Clean Energy technologies, 2014 -
Short-term Forecasting of the Abu Dhabi Electricity Load Using Multiple Weather
Variables, L Friedrich, A Afshari - Energy Procedia, 2015 - Elsevier
Short-term Holiday Load Forecasting Based on Kalman Filter, W Ke, C Lihua -
Electrical Engineering, 2014 -
Short-term hourly load forecasting using PSO-based AR model, J Yu, H Lee, Y
Jeong, S Kim - Soft Computing and Intelligent …, 2014 -
Short-term load and wind power forecasting using neural network-based prediction
intervals, H Quan, D Srinivasan… - Neural Networks and …, 2014 -
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Short-term load cross-forecasting using pattern-based neural models, G Dudek -
Electric Power Engineering (EPE), 2015 16th …, 2015 -
Short-term load demand forecasting in Smart Grids using support vector
regression, M Pellegrini - Research and Technologies for Society and …, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting algorithm and optimization in smart grid operations
and planning, S Skolthanarat, U Lewlomphaisarl… - … (SusTech), 2014 IEEE …,
2014 -
Short-term load forecasting at the local level using smart meter data, B Hayes, J
Gruber, M Prodanovic - PowerTech, 2015 IEEE …, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting based on big data technologies, P Zhang, X Wu, X
Wang, S Bi - Power and Energy Systems, …, 2015 -
Short-term Load Forecasting Based on Big Data Technologies, X Zhang, M
Cheng, Y Liu, D Li… - Applied Mechanics & …, 2014 -
Short-term Load Forecasting Based on Competitive ISPO and Twin Support
Vector Regression, X PENG, H WANG - Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA, 2014 -
Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis Similar Days, L
Yu, Y Zheng, X Wang, L Li, G Yao, H Chen - … Electrical Engineering and …,
2014 - Springer
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Short-term Load Forecasting Based on Kernel Principle Component Analysis and
Optimized LSSVR due to CSM-PSCO, J SUN, X CHANG - Guangdong Electric
Power, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting based on local wave method and LSSVM, H Yang, C
Xianrong - Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation, 2015 -
Short-term Load Forecasting Based on Main Attribute-component Heuristic
Algorithm, M Lixin, Z Xiaodong, Y Jingjing - Electric Power Science and …,
2015 -
Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Sequential Relevance Vector Machine, Y
Jang - Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 2015 -
Short-term Load Forecasting Based on VPSO-Elman Neural Network, B Chen, X
Cui, L Yuan, X Chen - 2015 -
Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Wavelet Transform and Least Squares
Support Vector Machine Optimized by Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm, W Sun,
M Ye - Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting by wavelet transform and evolutionary extreme
learning machine, S Li, P Wang, L Goel - Electric Power Systems Research, 2015
- Elsevier
Short-term load forecasting for smart water and gas grids: A comparative
evaluation, M Fagiani, S Squartini, R Bonfigli… - … (EEEIC), 2015 IEEE …,
2015 -
Electric Load Forecasting 103
Short-term load forecasting for the electric bus station based on GRA-DE-SVR, X
Xiaobo, W Liu, Z Xi, Z Tianyang - Innovative Smart Grid …, 2014 -
Short-term load forecasting in a non-residential building contrasting models and
attributes, J Massana, C Pous, L Burgas, J Melendez… - Energy and …, 2015 -
Short-term Load Forecasting of Distribution Feeders with Renewable Energy
Generation by Using Artificial Neural Networks, JK Huang - 2015 -
Short-Term Load Forecasting of LSSVM Based on Improved PSO Algorithm, Q
Gong, W Lu, W Gong, X Wang - Pattern Recognition, 2014 - Springer
Short-term Load Forecasting of Microgrid Based on Wavelet Transform and
Support Vector Machines, Z YANG, T XIANG, D ZHENG - Modern Electric
Power, 2014 -
Short-term load forecasting of UPPCL using ANN, AK Pandey, KB Sahay, MM
Tripathi… - … (PIICON), 2014 6th …, 2014 -
Short-term load forecasting using a hybrid model with a refined exponentially
weighted fuzzy time series and an improved harmony search, HJ Sadaei, R
Enayatifar, AH Abdullah… - International Journal of …, 2014 - Elsevier
Short-term load forecasting using a kernel-based support vector regression
combination model, JX Che, JZ Wang - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Electric Load Forecasting 104
Short-term load forecasting using Cartesian Genetic Programming: An efficient
evolutive strategy: Case: Australian electricity market, F Giacometto, E Sala… -
… Society, IECON 2015 …, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting using fuzzy logic and ANFIS, HH Çevik, M Çunkaş -
Neural Computing and Applications, 2015 - Springer
Short-term load forecasting using mixed lazy learning method, SM Barakati, AA
Gharaveisi… - Turkish Journal of …, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting using neural network for future smart grid application,
JJ Zheng - 2014 -
Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network, WY
Chang - Journal of Computer and Communications, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting using random forests, G Dudek - Intelligent Systems'
2014, 2015 - Springer
Short-term load forecasting using regression based moving windows with
adjustable window-sizes, DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar - 2014 -
Short-term load forecasting using support vector machine optimized by the
improved fruit fly algorithm and the similar day method, A Jiang, N Liang -
Electricity Distribution (CICED), 2014 China …, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 105
Short-term load forecasting using Support Vector Regression-based Local
Predictor, MS Li, JL Wu, TY Ji, QH Wu… - Power & Energy Society …, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting with Radial Basis Functions and Singular Spectrum
Analysis for residential Electric Vehicles recharging control, X Hu, E Ferrera, R
Tomasi… - … (EEEIC), 2015 IEEE 15th …, 2015 -
Short-Term Load Forecasting With Seasonal Decomposition Using Evolution for
Parameter Tuning, BA Hoverstad, A Tidemann… - Smart Grid, IEEE …, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting without meteorological data using AI-based structures,
İI ESENER, T YÜKSEL… - Turkish Journal of Electrical …, 2015 -
Short-term load forecasting: A power-regression approach, G De Nicolao, M
Pozzi, E Soda… - … Methods Applied to …, 2014 -
Short-term load/price forecasting in deregulated electric environment using
ELMAN neural network, NK Singh, AK Singh, M Tripathy - Energy Economics
and …, 2015 -
Short-term net feeder load forecasting of microgrid considering weather
conditions, L Jin, D Cong, L Guangyi, Y Jilai - … (ENERGYCON), 2014 IEEE
…, 2014 -
Short-term operational planning and state estimation in power distribution
networks, B Hayes, M Prodanovic - CIRED 2014 Workshop, …, 2014 -
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Short-term Power Load Forecast in Electric Companies, C Liu - Advanced
Materials Research, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Short-term power load forecasting based on improved PSO-SVM, W Yijun, L
Dianwen, G Chao… - Electrical Measurement & …, 2015 -
Short-Term Power Load Forecasting Based on the Combination of Improved
Neural Network Model and Fuzzy Decision Model, JM Li, P Li - Applied
Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Short-Term Power Load Point Prediction Based on the Sharp Degree and Chaotic
RBF Neural Network, D Niu, Y Lu, X Xu, B Li - Mathematical Problems in
Engineering, 2015 -
Short-term price forecasting of Nordic power market by combination Levenberg–
Marquardt and Cuckoo search algorithms, MK Kim - Generation, Transmission &
Distribution, IET, 2015 -
Short-term residential electric load forecasting: A compressive spatio-temporal
approach, A Tascikaraoglu, BM Sanandaji - Energy and Buildings, 2016 - Elsevier
Short-term wind power completing and forecasting based on Rough Set and BP
neural network, YF Zeng, BH Zhang, JL Wu, BJ Jin, M Li… - Power and Energy:
…, 2015
Short-term wind power prediction based on adaptive Elman neural network, L
XIAO, Y LI - Journal of Xi'an University of Technology, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 107
Short-term wind speed forecasting based on spectral clustering and optimised echo
state networks, D Liu, J Wang, H Wang - Renewable Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
Short-term wind speed forecasting using Elman neural network based on rough set
theory and principal components analysis, DY Yin, YF Sheng, MJ Jiang, YS Li…
- Power System Protection …, 2014 -
Short-Term Wind Speed Hybrid Forecasting Model Based on Bias Correcting
Study and Its Application, M Niu, S Sun, J Wu, Y Zhang - Mathematical Problems
in Engineering, 2015 -
Short‐term electricity load and price forecasting based on clustering and next
symbol prediction, CH Jin, G Pok, I Paik, KH Ryu - IEEJ Transactions on
Electrical …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Short‐term load forecast of electrical power system by radial basis function neural
network and new stochastic search algorithm, O Abedinia, N Amjady -
International Transactions on Electrical …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Short‐term load forecasting based on support vector regression and load profiling,
JC Sousa, HM Jorge, LP Neves - International Journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online
Simulation of disaggregated load profiles and development of a proxy microgrid
for modelling purposes, M Zeyringer, D Andrews, E Schmid… - … Journal of
Energy …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
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Simultaneous day-ahead forecasting of electricity price and load in smart grids, H
Shayeghi, A Ghasemi, M Moradzadeh… - Energy Conversion and …, 2015 -
Sister models for load forecast combination, B Liu, J Liu, T Hong - 2015 -
Sizing the battery energy storage system on a university campus with prediction of
load and photovoltaic generation, BR Ke, TT Ku, YL Ke, CY Chuang… -
Industrial & Commercial …, 2015 -
Smart distribution grid multistage expansion planning under load forecasting
uncertainty, SN Ravadanegh, N Jahanyari, A Amini… - IET Generation, …, 2016
Smart grid and the prospects of electricity demand forecast in Brazilian distribution
system, NK Neto, IC Figueiro, AR Abaide… - … (UPEC), 2014 49th …, 2014 -
Smart Houses in the Smart Grid: Developing an interactive network, A Dimeas, S
Drenkard, N Hatziargyriou… - Electrification …, 2014 -
Smart management of PEV charging enhanced by PEV load forecasting, E Xydas,
C Marmaras, LM Cipcigan… - … Electric Vehicles in Smart …, 2015 - Springer
Smart measurement techniques for efficient operation of smart grid, SB Shinde,
PK Katti - Circuit, Power and Computing …, 2015 -
Electric Load Forecasting 109
Soft computing application for electrical short term load forecasting, A Jain, SK
Kukkadapu - Water and Energy International, 2014 -
Solar power forecasting using artificial neural networks, M Abuella, B Chowdhury
- North American Power Symposium …, 2015 -
Solar power probabilistic forecasting by using multiple linear regression analysis,
M Abuella, B Chowdhury - SoutheastCon 2015, 2015 -
Spatial Electric Load Forecasting Based on Least Squares Support Vector, YB Li,
Y Li, L Cao, WG Li - Advanced Materials Research, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Spatial Load Forecasting Based on Load Forecasting Reliability, B Xiao, H Wang,
G Mu - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Spatial load forecasting with communication failure using time-forward kriging, G
Chaojun, D Yang, P Jirutitijaroen… - Power Systems, …, 2014 -
Spatial pattern recognition of urban sprawl using a geographically weighted
regression for spatial electric load forecasting, JD Melo, A Padilha-Feltrin… - …
System Application to …, 2015 -
Spatial-temporal simulation to estimate the load demand of battery electric
vehicles charging in small residential areas, JD Melo, EM Carreno, A Padilha-
Feltrin - Journal of Control, Automation …, 2014 - Springer
Electric Load Forecasting 110
Spatio-temporal modelling of electric vehicle charging demand and impacts on
peak household electrical load, P Paevere, A Higgins, Z Ren, M Horn, G Grozev…
- Sustainability …, 2014 - Springer
Statistical analysis of driving factors of residential energy demand in the greater
Sydney region, Australia, H Fan, IF MacGill, AB Sproul - Energy and Buildings,
2015 - Elsevier
Statistical analysis of power systems and application to load forecasting, Y
Loewenstern, L Katzir… - Electrical & Electronics …, 2014 -
Statistical modeling of aggregated electricity consumption and distributed wind
generation in distribution systems using AMR data, M Koivisto, M Degefa, M Ali,
J Ekström, J Millar… - Electric Power Systems …, 2015 - Elsevier
Stochastic hourly load forecasting for smart grids in Korea using NARX model, S
Muralidharan, A Roy… - … Convergence (ICTC), 2014 …, 2014 -
Stochastic midterm coordination of hydro and natural gas flexibilities for wind
energy integration, S Kamalinia, L Wu… - Sustainable Energy, IEEE …, 2014 -
Stochastic modeling and forecasting of load demand for electric bus battery-swap
station, Q Dai, T Cai, S Duan, F Zhao - Power Delivery, IEEE …, 2014 -
Stochastic optimization for economic operation of plug-in electric vehicle charging
stations at a municipal parking deck integrated with on-site renewable energy …,
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Y Guo, J Hu, W Su - … Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2014 IEEE, 2014 -
Strategic scheduling of energy storage for load serving entities in locational
marginal pricing market, X Fang, F Li, Y Wei, H Cui - IET Generation,
Transmission & Distribution, 2016 - IET
Structured Dimensionality Reduction for Additive Model Regression, A Fawzi, JB
Fiot, B Chen, M Sinn, P Frossard - 2015 -
Studding the Load Frequency Behavior in Power Systems via Using Expert
Techniques, MI El-Sayed - Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning,
2015 -
Studies on electric power markets: preparing for the penetration of renewable
resources, DYY Heo - 2015 -
Study of Charging Station Short-Term Load Forecast Based on Wavelet Neural
Networks for Electric Buses, Z Lei, H Chun, Y Haoming - Pattern Recognition,
2014 - Springer
Study of Super Short-Term Bus Load Forecasting Model Based on Similar Ranges,
DX Niu, YC Chen, J Fan, QG Ma… - Applied Mechanics and …, 2014 - Trans
Tech Publ
Study of the Cost Early-warning Index System Based on the Grey Relation
Analysis, M Xiao-lu, Q Rui - Science Technology and Industry, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 112
Study on Power Load Forecasting Method Based on Ant Colony Optimization, YY
Fu, L Xu - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Study on the Method of Enterprise Short-term Load Forecasting Considering
Weather and Product Information, H Bo, W Nan, D Feng, S Yundong… -
International Journal of …, 2015 -
Support Vector Machine based on Invasive Weed Optimization to Power Load
Forecasting, P Shengyu, T Lang - Electronics World, 2014 -
Suspicious Electric Consumption Detection Based on Multi-Profiling Using Live
Machine Learning, T Hartmann, A Moawad, F Fouquet… - 2015 IEEE
International …, 2015 -
Swarm Intelligence-Based Hybrid Models for Short-Term Power Load Prediction,
J Wang, S Jin, S Qin, H Jiang - Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014 -
Synthesising electrical demand profiles for UK dwellings, DP Jenkins, S Patidar,
SA Simpson - Energy and Buildings, 2014 - Elsevier
System and method for phase balancing in a power distribution system, JW Black,
KN Tinnium, RR Larson, X Wang… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
Targeted residual analysis for improving electric load forecasting, S Alfeld, P
Barford - Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014 …, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 113
Techniques of applying wavelet de-noising into a combined model for short-term
load forecasting, J Wang, J Wang, Y Li, S Zhu, J Zhao - … Journal of Electrical
Power & Energy …, 2014 - Elsevier
The analysis of power deploy in holidays, L Wang, N Lin, T Huang, T Xia, Y
Dong… - … CICED, 2014 China …, 2014 -
The Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Meteorological Mutation
Identification of Load Forecasting, DX Niu, HH Qin, BJ Li - Applied Mechanics
and Materials, 2015 - Trans Tech Publ
The Application of Improved Genetic Algorithm Optimized by Radial Basis
Function in Electric Power System, Y Zhao, H Hu, Y Zhang - Mechatronics and
Automatic Control Systems, 2014 - Springer
The application of multiple classifier system in microgrid's short term load
forecasting, Y CUI, M REN - Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology,
2014 -
The Autonomous Electrical Power System of Crete Island A Review, YL Karnavas
- International Journal of Management-Theory …, 2014 -
The daily and hourly energy consumption and load forecasting using artificial
neural network method: a case study using a set of 93 households in Portugal, F
Rodrigues, C Cardeira, JMF Calado - Energy Procedia, 2014 - Elsevier
The design of Intelligent Generation Control system based on intraday rolling
schedule, Y Zhang, F Zhang, Z Xiang, B Zhu… - … Congress (CAC), 2015, 2015
Electric Load Forecasting 114
The effect of cooling loads management on electric power supply system of
Kerman province by the year 2031, MA Mahmoudi, M Kharazmi… -
Environmental …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The effect of system characteristics on very-short-term load forecasting, Y
Loewenstern, L Katzir… - … 2015 International School …, 2015 -
The Electrical Load Forecasting Base on an Optimal Selection Method of Multiple
Models in DSM, G Zheng, L Zhang - International Journal of Online …, 2015 -
The Factors Affecting Accuracy Rate of Power Load Forecasting in Summer, YP
Chen, YL Chang - Advanced Materials Research, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
The Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Station on the Grid, Q Liu, H Fang, J
Wang, S Yan - 2015 -
The Improvement of Education Management for “Power Load Forecasting
Technology” Curriculum, Y Wang, L Fan, D Niu - 2016 -
The influence of meteorological variability on the mid-term evolution of the
electricity load, MJ OrtizBeviá, A RuizdeElvira, FJ Alvarez-García - Energy, 2014
- Elsevier
The Load Forecasting of Rural Power System——Based on Excel Regression
Model, Z Yulin, G Ying - Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2014 -
Electric Load Forecasting 115
The medium and long term power load forecasting model based on PCA-SVM, Z
Changjie, Z Buxiang - Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation, 2015 -
The Method of Wind Farm Power Forecast Based on Chaotic Time Series, Y Li, P
Zhang, Z Xing - Scientific Journal of Control Engineering, 2015 -
The regulate and control method research of wind acceptance regarding power
peak adjustment, T Zhang, J Sun, C Wang, Q Zhang… - Advances in Energy, …,
The Research of Fuzzy Power Load Forecasting Method, H LI, H WANG, P FAN,
W DENG… - Science & Technology …, 2014 -
The research of grid short-term load forecasting considering with air quality index,
J Li, Y Gao, J Liu, W Ji, N Wang - Power System Technology …, 2014 -
The risk-based assessment of static voltage stability issues with consideration of
load and wind power uncertainties, W Deng, B Zhang, H Ding - Power Systems
Conference (PSC), …, 2015 -
The shape of future electricity demand: Exploring load curves in 2050s Germany
and Britain, T Boßmann, I Staffell - Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
The short-term load forecasting of electric power system based on combination
forecast model, P Xiuyan, Z Biao, C Yanqing - Control and Decision …, 2015 -
Electric Load Forecasting 116
The Study of Long-term Electricity Load Forecasting Based on Improved Grey
Prediction, H Wang, K Yang, L Xue, S Liu - … of the 21st International
Conference on …, 2015 - Springer
The study of method of electric demand prediction for liberalized household
electricity market, Y Kobayashi, R Abe, K Tanaka - Renewable Power Generation
…, 2014 -
The study of methods of grouping electricity users for the precise prediction of
demands, I Matsumoto, R Abe, K Tanaka - Renewable Power Generation …, 2014
The study on distribution network and use-mode of clean energy in the process of
new-type urbanization, S Wang, Y Su, C Fang, Y Wu - Electricity Distribution
(CICED), …, 2014 -
The Summary of Load Forecasting Method Based on Power Demand Side
Management, JJ Cao, LJ Qin - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans
Tech Publ
Three papers on inverse optimization algorithms, PEV sales forecasting, and PEVs'
potential impact on power systems, Z Duan - 2014 -
Time series dynamics representation model of power consumption in electric load
forecasting system, ES Filatova, DM Filatov, AD Stotckaia… - … in Electrical and
…, 2015 -
Electric Load Forecasting 117
Time series forecasting with a neuro-fuzzy modeling scheme, HW Peng, SF Wu,
CC Wei, SJ Lee - Applied Soft Computing, 2015 - Elsevier
Time series outlier detection and imputation, HN Akouemo, RJ Povinelli - PES
General Meeting| Conference …, 2014 -
Time Series Pattern Learning and Forecasting for Long-Term Peak Electricity by
Spectral Mixture Gaussian Kernel, T Ploysuwan, P Teekaput… - Applied
Mechanics and …, 2015 - Trans Tech Publ
Time-Varying Characteristic Based Load Forecasting Method for Distribution
Network with DGs, MX Zhao, Y Li, H Chen, W Liu… - Applied Mechanics and
…, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Toward scalable stochastic unit commitment. Part 1: load scenario generation, Y
Feng, I Rios, SM Ryan, K Spürkel, JP Watson… - Energy Systems, 2015 -
Towards estimation of electricity demand utilizing a robust multi-gene genetic
programming technique, SM Mousavi, ES Mostafavi, F Hosseinpour - Energy
Efficiency, 2015 - Springer
Towards smart energy systems: application of kernel machine regression for
medium term electricity load forecasting, M Alamaniotis, D Bargiotas, LH
Tsoukalas - SpringerPlus, 2016 - Springer
Towards statistical modeling and machine learning based energy usage forecasting
in smart grid, W Yu, D An, D Griffith, Q Yang, G Xu - ACM SIGAPP Applied
Computing …, 2015 -
Electric Load Forecasting 118
Training of interval type-2 fuzzy logic system using extreme learning machine for
load forecasting, S Hassan, A Khosravi, J Jaafar - … of the 9th International
Conference on …, 2015 -
Trend analysis and evolution of Short Term Load Forecasting Techniques, S
Takiyar, V Singh - … (Trends and Future Directions), 2015 4th …, 2015 -
Ultra-short-term load forecasting based on EEMD-LSSVM, X WANG, L MENG -
2015 -
Uncertainty handling using neural network-based prediction intervals for electrical
load forecasting, H Quan, D Srinivasan, A Khosravi - Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Unsupervised energy prediction in a Smart Grid context using reinforcement cross-
building transfer learning, E Mocanu, PH Nguyen, WL Kling, M Gibescu - Energy
and Buildings, 2016 - Elsevier
Urban saturated power load analysis based on a novel combined forecasting model,
H Zhao, S Guo, W Xue - Information, 2015 -
Use of day-ahead load forecasting for predicted cable rating, R Huang, JA Pilgrim,
PL Lewin, D Scott… - Innovative Smart Grid …, 2014 -
Use of Demand Response (DR) and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to
mitigate the impact of Variable Energy Resources (VER) in Power System
Operation, G Irisarri, S Mokhtari, A Ipakchi, A Rahimi… - US Patent App. 14/ …,
2014 - Google Patents
Electric Load Forecasting 119
Use of Near Real-Time and Delayed Smart Meter Data for Distribution System
Load and State Estimation, TC Xygkis, GD Karlis, IK Siderakis, GN Korres -
Parameters, 2014 -
Using a Combined Method to Forecasting Electricity Demand, XQ Gui, L Li, PS
Xie, J Cao - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
Using Current Transformer and Three-phase Watt Hour Meter to Design of High
Voltage Power Metering System, D Li, H Guo - 2015 -
Using fuzzy logic to model the behavior of residential electrical utility customers,
KV Zuniga, I Castilla, RM Aguilar - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
Using GM (1, 1) Optimized by MFO with Rolling Mechanism to Forecast the
Electricity Consumption of Inner Mongolia, H Zhao, H Zhao, S Guo - Applied
Sciences, 2016 -
Using neural networks and extreme value distributions to model electricity pool
prices: Evidence from the Australian National Electricity Market 1998–2013, P
Dev, MA Martin - Energy Conversion and Management, 2014 - Elsevier
Using smart meter data to improve the accuracy of intraday load forecasting
considering customer behavior similarities, FL Quilumba, WJ Lee, H Huang… -
Smart Grid, IEEE …, 2015 -
Utilization of electric vehicles and their used batteries for peak-load shifting, M
Aziz, T Oda, T Mitani, Y Watanabe, T Kashiwagi - Energies, 2015 -
Electric Load Forecasting 120
Value of price responsive load for wind integration in unit commitment, C De
Jonghe, BF Hobbs… - Power Systems, IEEE …, 2014 -
Variability and uncertainty of wind power in the California electric power system,
ED Stoutenburg, N Jenkins, MZ Jacobson - Wind Energy, 2014 - Wiley Online
Very short-term electricity demand forecasting using adaptive exponential
smoothing methods, L Abderrezak, M Mourad… - Sciences and Techniques …,
2014 -
Very short-term load forecasting based on NARX recurrent neural networks, LCM
de Andrade, M Oleskovicz… - … & Exposition, 2014 …, 2014 -
Very Short‐Term Electric Load Forecasting Considering Climate and Temporal
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A 4 kV Silicon Carbide solid-state fault current limiter, OS Saadeh, ED Johnson,
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A comprehensive review of low voltage ride through of doubly fed induction wind
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A Comprehensive Review on Superconducting Fault Current Limiters in Electrical
Utility Network, CV Chaudhary, GK Mahajan, AP Chaudhari - International
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A Current Limiting Strategy to Improve Fault Ride-Through of Inverter Interfaced
Autonomous Microgrids, I Sadeghkhani, M Esmail Hamedani Golshan… - IEEE
Transactions on …, 2016 -
A DC circuit breaker based on superconducting current-limiting technology, B
Xiang, K Yang, Y Tan, L Zhang, Z Liu… - … (ICEPE-ST), 2015 …, 2015 -
A dual-functional bridge type FCL to restore PCC voltage, M Firouzi, GB
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A Fuzzy Logic Controlled Bridge Type Fault Current Limiter for Transient
Stability Augmentation of Multi-Machine Power System, MAH Sadi, M Ali - 2015
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A Method to Fast Recognize Short-Circuit Fault Based on Curvature of Line
Current Waveform, S YANG, S WU, C DAI - Power System Technology, 2013 -
A modified bridge-type fault current limiter for fault ride-through capacity
enhancement of fixed speed wind generator, G Rashid, MH Ali - Energy
Conversion, IEEE Transactions on, 2014 -
A Multiagent-Based Fault-Current Limiting Scheme for the Microgrids, T
Ghanbari, E Farjah - Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on, 2014 -
A neodymium hybrid fault current limiter, JR Prigmore, JA Mendoza… - …
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A Neodymium permanent magnet fault current limiter for use in the FREEDM
project, GG Karady, JR Prigmore… - Innovative Smart Grid …, 2012 -
A new approach to eliminating of chaotic ferroresonant in power transformer
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A new topology of bridge-type Non-Superconducting Fault Current Limiter, S
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A non-superconducting fault current limiter (NSFCL), S Chen - 2014
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A novel 7.2 kV fault current limiter for use in the FREEDM Project, J Prigmore, G
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A Novel Bridge-Type Hybrid Saturated-Core Fault Current Limiter Based on
Permanent Magnets, J Yuan, Y Lei, L Wei, C Tian, B Chen… - … , IEEE
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A Novel Bridge-Type Solid-State Fault Current Limiter Based on Limiting
Reactance Current Control, Y FAN, D JIANG, W Lü - Power System Technology,
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A Review on Development and Operational Strategy of Fault Current Limiters,
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A review on Microgrid protection, NK Choudhary, SR Mohanty… - Electrical
Engineering …, 2014 -
A sic SGTO/PIN diode power electronic module for a fault current limiter, H
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A silicon carbide fault current limiter for distribution systems, Y Liu, C Farnell, H
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A Study on Characteristics of Flux-offset-type Fault Current limiter according to
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A Study on the Application of a Superconducting Fault Current Limiter for Energy
Storage Protection in a Power Distribution System, WS Moon, JN Won, JS Huh…
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A Type of Depth Fault Current Limiter Based on Fast Switch and its Experimental
Research, LJ Qin, XT Wu - Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014 - Trans Tech
AC Loss and Magnetic Shielding Measurements on 2GHTS Inductive Fault
Current Limiter Prototype Modules, J Kvitkovic, SV Pamidi, L Graber… - Applied
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Active current surge limiters with disturbance sensor and multistage current
limiting, DM Divan - US Patent 8,582,262, 2013 - Google Patents
American Superconductor: Second Generation Superconductor Wire—From
Research to Power Grid Applications, S Sathyamurthy, C Thieme, MW Rupich -
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Ampacity project-worldwide first superconducting cable and fault current limiter
installation in a German city center, M Stemmle, F Merschel, M Noe, A Hobl -
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AmpaCity. Superconducting cables and fault current limiters for the energy supply
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An Economical Fault Current Limiter and Its Control Strategy, GOU Lin, CAI
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An ETO-based AC buck-type fault current limiter for use in the FREEDM project,
J Prigmore, G Karady - Applied Power Electronics Conference …, 2012 -
An Optimal Configuration Scheme for Ultra-high Voltage Short-circuit Current
Limiter in Guangdong Power Grid, L Ying, J Wang, X Chen, W Sun - Automation
of Electric Power …, 2012 -
Analysis of a Switched Impedance Transformer-Type Nonsuperconducting Fault
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Analysis of interaction between unified power flow controller module and fault
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Analysis of reactance-type superconducting fault current limiter to the transient
stability of power system with two machine system, AH Li, QL Sun, XH Liu, ZL
Yang - 2013 IEEE International Conference on …, 2013 -
Analysis of the influence of the normal zone propagation velocity on the design of
resistive fault current limiters, D Colangelo, B Dutoit - Superconductor Science
and Technology, 2014 -
Analysis of the Operation Characteristics of the Flux Offset-Type Fault Current
Limiter for Reinforcing the Safety of an Electric System, HW Choi, BI Jung, HS
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Analysis on Bus Voltage Sag in Power Distribution System with SFCL according
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Analysis on conditions for saturated iron-core fault current limiter to match with
reclosure of circuit breakers, S Yuwei, G Weizhi, Z Jingyin - Power System
Technology, 2012
Analytical nonlinear reluctance model of a single-phase saturated core fault current
limiter, P Commins, JW Moscrop - Power Delivery, IEEE …, 2013 -
Applicability of nonlinear reluctance model to a closed core Fault Current Limiter,
SM Gunawardana, PA Commins… - PowerTech, 2015 …, 2015 -
Application of a modified flux-coupling type superconducting fault current limiter
to transient performance enhancement of micro-grid, L Chen, F Zheng, C Deng, S
Li, M Li, H Liu… - … and its Applications, 2015 – Elsevier
Application of fault current limiter in 22.9 kV KEPCO grid, MJ Kim, K Park, KY
Ahn, YG Kim… - … Technology (ICEPE-ST) …, 2015 -
Application of fault current limiter to limit distributed generation effect on distance
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Application of fault current limiter to looped distribution network, Y Suzuki, J
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Application of multi-level spark gaps in resonant-type fault current limiter, C
Zhang, J Zheng, Z Hou, L Xie - Electrical Insulation and …, 2012 -
Application of solid state fault current limiter on express feeder for voltage sag
mitigation, JP Sharma, V Chauhan - Computational Intelligence and …, 2014 -
Application of thyristor-controlled series reactor for fault current limitation and
power system stability enhancement, BI Kang, JD Park - International Journal of
Electrical Power & Energy …, 2014 – Elsevier
Applications of solid-state fault current limiters for transient stability enhancement
of wind power generation systems, MB Subramani, CC Chu, LY Lu… - …
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Assessment on the influence of resistive superconducting fault current limiter in
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Bridge-Type Fault Current Limiter Is Used For Fault Ride Through In Fixed-Speed
Wind Turbine, I Ahmad, P Khampariya - International Journal of Technology …,
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Bridge-type superconducting fault current limiter effect on distance relay
characteristics, M Firouzi, GB Gharehpetian, B Mozafari - International Journal of
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Carbon doping of precursor boron powder for control of normal resistance of
MgB2 bulks for specific use in fault current limiter applications, J Archer, ALL
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Cognition on the Current-Limiting Effect of Saturated-Core Superconducting Fault
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Comparison among series compensators for transient stability enhancement of
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Comparison of current-limiting strategies during fault ride-through of inverters to
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Conceptual design of a 24 kV, 1 kA resistive superconducting fault current limiter,
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Conceptual design study of an air coil fault current limiter, O Nackel, M Noe -
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Conditional Value-at-Risk-Based Method for Evaluating the Economic Risk of
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Contribution of fault current sources in multiterminal HVDC cable networks, MK
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Cost reduction of distribution network protection in presence of distributed
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Current limiting performance test of 3-phase tri-axial transformer-type SFCL with
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Current limiting protection in spacecraft power system, H Shi, C Zhao, Y Jin, Y
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DC fault protection structures at a DC-link node in a radial multi-terminal high-
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Decision Making on Bus Splitting Locations Using a Modified Fault Current
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Decision of optimal insertion resistance of superconducting fault current limiter for
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Demonstration of a superconducting fault current limiter in a real grid, HR Kim,
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Design and application of a superconducting fault current limiter in DC systems, Y
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Design and production of the ECCOFLOW resistive fault current limiter, A Hobl,
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Design and Research of a Novel Unified Power Flow Controller With Fault
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Design and test of an air coil superconducting fault current limiter demonstrator, O
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Design and tests of coreless inductive superconducting fault current limiter, J
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Design and tests of prototype hybrid superconducting fault current limiter with fast
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Design of protection schemes for multi-terminal HVDC systems, S Le Blond, R
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Design of the Electromagnetic Repulsion Mechanism and the Low-Inductive Coil
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Design of unified power flow controller with fault current limiting, B Yan, D
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Design, fabrication, and operation of the cryogenic system for a 220 kV/300 MVA
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JB Cui, B Tian… - Applied …, 2014 -
Development and test of a small resistive fault current limiting device based on
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Development and test of resistive superconducting fault current limiter; acting time
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Development of a 220 kV/300 MVA superconductive fault current limiter, Y Xin,
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Development of a Combined YBCO/Bi2223 Coils for a Model Fault Current
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Development of a fault current limiter for 22.9 kV distribution power line, MJ
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Development of a high-performance bridge-type fault current limiter, T Ghanbari,
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Development of a Simulink Model of a Saturated Cores Superconducting Fault
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Development of an efficient solid-state fault current limiter for microgrid, T
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Development, testing and installation of a Superconducting Fault Current Limiter
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Development, Updating and Long-Term Operations of a 10.5 kV HTS Fault
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Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Restoration by Reducing Minimum
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Distance relay's fault detection in presence of resistive fault current limiter using
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Double storey three phase saturated cores fault current limiter, Y Wolfus, Y
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Durability Test of Fault Current Limiter Made of 2G Wire Having Stainless Steel
as a Stabilization Layer Taking Into Account Fault Angle, HI Du, TM Kim, BS
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Dynamic analysis and experiment of unified power flow controller with fault
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Dynamic inductance in saturated cores fault current limiters, Y Nikulshin, Y
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Effect of Peak Current Limiting in Series-Connection SFCL With Two
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Effect on Current-Limiting Performance of Combining Condition YBCO Thin-
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Effects of a flux-coupling type superconducting fault current limiter on the surge
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Effects of the Current Limiter on Short-Line Fault Circuit Breaker in 220kV
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Electrical and Thermal Characterization of YBCO Coated Conductors for Resistive
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Electromagnetic dc pulse power system including integrated fault limiter, SB
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Electrothermal modeling of coated conductor for a resistive superconducting fault-
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Enhancing low-voltage ride-through capability and smoothing output power of
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ENSYSTROB–Design, manufacturing and test of a 3-phase resistive fault current
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Estimation of Dynamic Resistance Variations in YBCO Thin Film for
Optimization Design of Superconducting Fault Current Limiter, K Hattori, J Baba,
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Experiment of a MOSFETs-based bridge type fault current limiter prototype, L
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Experimental and numerical study of co-ordination of resistive-type
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Experimental Investigation of a Model of a Transformer-Type Superconducting
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Experimental Research and Analysis of a Novel Liquid Metal Fault Current
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Experimental research on the current limiting performance of liquid metal current
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Experimental Studies of the Resistive Superconducting Fault Current Limiter
Based on Double-Sided YBCO Thin Films, ZX Gui, Y Wang, ZM Yan, WB
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Experimental Study on Vaporization of Subcooled Liquid Nitrogen by
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Factory and field tests of a 220 kV/300 MVA statured iron-core superconducting
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Fast Switch Fault Current Limiter, KD Tekletsadik, CL Stanley - US Patent App.
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FAST SWITCH, GH Lee, JW Sim, HY Park - US Patent 20,150,332,884, 2015 -
Fault Current and Overvoltage Limitation in a Distribution Network with
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Fault current limiter with a plurality of superconducting elements having insulated,
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Fault current limiter with a plurality of superconductiong elements, at least one of
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Ground fault circuit interrupter and method, RD Beck, KD Layton, MA Tyler, SR
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Hysteretic Dependence of Magnetic Flux Density on Primary AC Current in Flat-
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Implementation of Fault Current Limiter for Voltage SAG Compensation at Point
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Improvement in operational characteristics of KEPCO's line-commutation-type
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Improving fault ride-through capability of DFIG-based wind turbine using
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Improving fault ride-through capability of fixed-speed wind turbine by using
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Improving fault ride-through of three phase voltage source inverter during
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Improving performance of multi-infeed HVDC systems using grid dynamic
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Improving the Performance of Saturated Cores Fault Current Limiters by Varying
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Influence Factors Analysis on Short-Circuit Current under 750~ 220kV System
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Influence of a Flux-Coupling Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter on
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Instantaneous fault current limiter for PWM-controlled Voltage Source Converters,
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Insulation supporter selection for winding in superconducting fault current limiter,
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Integrated generation capacity and transmission network expansion planning with
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Integration of unique switch type Fault Current Limiter to mitigate the power
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Investigation on the development of a resistive superconducting fault current
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Limiter type air circuit breaker with blow open arrangement, MJ Rane, S Das, GC
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Limiter type blow open air circuit breaker, S Das, MJ Rane, GC Sisson… - US
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Limiting characteristics of the superconducting fault current limiter applied to the
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Line commutation type fault current limiter, OB Hyun, SW Yim, H Kim - US
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Live-grid installation and field testing of the first Italian superconducting fault
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Magnetic topology modeling and experimental study of permanent-magnet-biased
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Mathematical Model Analysis of a New Saturated Core Fault Current Limiter and
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Mitigation of Fault in 5 Bus System with Switch Type Voltage Controlled FCL, P
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GRID APPLICATION, SS Mohite, RS Desai - IJCER, 2015 -
Modeling the Non Linear Behavior of a Magnetic Fault Current Limiter, PR
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Modeling, simulation and hardware implementation of fault current limiter in
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Multicell fault current limiter, W Guo, L Xiao, S Dai, Z Zhang, T Ma… - … ,
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MV power grids integration of a resistive fault current limiter based on HTS-CCs,
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Novel and simple scheme for Micro-Grid protection by connecting its loads neutral
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Novel high performance DC reactor type fault current limiter, H Radmanesh, SH
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Optimal Allocation of Fault Current Limiters and Distributed Generations in the
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Optimal design of a medium voltage hybrid fault current limiter, J Magnusson, J
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Optimal power flow considering fault current level constraints and fault current
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Optimization Analysis of Relay Protection of Distribution Network Which
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Overcurrent protection coordination in a power distribution network with the
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Performance analysis of a saturated iron core superconducting fault current limiter
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Performance analysis of saturated iron core superconducting fault current limiter
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Performance Investigation of a Novel Permanent Magnet-Biased Fault-Current
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Performance of LR-type solid-state fault current limiter in improving power
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