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Assessment of Functional EST-SSR Markers (Sugarcane) in Cross-Species Transferability, Genetic Diversity among Poaceae Plants, and Bulk Segregation Analysis


Abstract and Figures

Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are important resource for gene discovery, gene expression and its regulation, molecular marker development, and comparative genomics. We procured 10000 ESTs and analyzed 267 EST-SSRs markers through computational approach. The average density was one SSR/10.45 kb or 6.4% frequency, wherein trinucleotide repeats (66.74%) were the most abundant followed by di- (26.10%), tetra- (4.67%), penta- (1.5%), and hexanucleotide (1.2%) repeats. Functional annotations were done and after-effect newly developed 63 EST-SSRs were used for cross transferability, genetic diversity, and bulk segregation analysis (BSA). Out of 63 EST-SSRs, 42 markers were identified owing to their expansion genetics across 20 different plants which amplified 519 alleles at 180 loci with an average of 2.88 alleles/locus and the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.51 to 0.93 with an average of 0.83. The cross transferability ranged from 25% for wheat to 97.22% for Schlerostachya , with an average of 55.86%, and genetic relationships were established based on diversification among them. Moreover, 10 EST-SSRs were recognized as important markers between bulks of pooled DNA of sugarcane cultivars through BSA. This study highlights the employability of the markers in transferability, genetic diversity in grass species, and distinguished sugarcane bulks.
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Research Article
Assessment of Functional EST-SSR Markers
(Sugarcane) in Cross-Species Transferability, Genetic Diversity
among Poaceae Plants, and Bulk Segregation Analysis
Shamshad Ul Haq,1,2,3 Pradeep Kumar,1,4 R. K. Singh,1Kumar Sambhav Verma,5
Ritika Bhatt,2,3 Meenakshi Sharma,3Sumita Kachhwaha,3and S. L. Kothari2,3,5
1Biotechnology Division, UP Council of Sugarcane Research, Shahjahanpur 242001, India
2Interdisciplinary Programme of Life Science for Advance Research and Education, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302004, India
3Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302015, India
4School of Biotechnology, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 712-749, Republic of Korea
5Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur 302006, India
Correspondence should be addressed to Shamshad Ul Haq;
Received  November ; Revised  April ; Accepted  April 
Academic Editor: Norman A. Doggett
Copyright ©  Shamshad Ul Haq et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are important resource for gene discovery, gene expression and its regulation, molecular marker
development, and comparative genomics. We procured  ESTs and analyzed  EST-SSRs markers through computational
approach. e average density was one SSR/.kb or .% frequency, wherein trinucleotide repeats (.%) were the most
abundant followed by di- (.%), tetra- (.%), penta- (.%), and hexanucleotide (.%) repeats. Functional annotations were
done and aer-eect newly developed  EST-SSRs were used for cross transferability, genetic diversity, and bulk segregation
analysis (BSA). Out of  EST-SSRs,  markers were identied owing to their expansion genetics across  dierent plants which
amplied  alleles at  loci with an average of . alleles/locus and the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from
. to . with an average of .. e cross transferability ranged from % for wheat to .% for Schlerostachya, with an average
of .%, and genetic relationships were established based on diversication among them. Moreover,  EST-SSRs were recognized
as important markers between bulks of pooled DNA of sugarcane cultivars through BSA. is study highlights the employability
of the markers in transferability, genetic diversity in grass species, and distinguished sugarcane bulks.
1. Introduction
Sugarcane is a bioenergy crop belonging to the genus Sac-
charum L. of the tribe Andropogoneae (family: Poaceae).
is tribe comprises grass species which have high eco-
nomic value. e noble sugarcane varieties are developed
from interspecic hybridization of Saccharum ocinarum L.
(2𝑛 = ) which has high sugar content with less disease
tolerance and Saccharum spontaneum (2𝑛 =to)which
provides stress, disease tolerance, and high ber content for
biomass. e taxonomy and genetic constitution of sugarcane
are complicated due to complex interspecic aneupolyploid
genome which makes chromosome numbers range from 
to  []. Moreover, six Saccharum spp. (S. spontaneum, S.
ocinarum,S. robustum,S. edule,S. barberi, and S. sinense)
and four Saccharum related genera (Erianthus, Miscanthus,
Sclerostachya, and Narenga) have purportedly undergone
interbreeding, forming the “Saccharum complex” [, ]. e
interbreeding has made their genome more complex and
added to multigenic and/or multiallelic nature for most agro-
nomic traits that made sugarcane breeding a more dicult
task [].
A vast array of genomic tools has been developed which
has opened new ways to dene the genetic architecture of
sugarcane and helped to explore its functional system [,
]. Among the molecular markers, microsatellites are most
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Genetics Research International
Volume 2016, Article ID 7052323, 16 pages
Genetics Research International
favored for a variety of genetic applications due to their
multiallelic nature, high reproducibility, cross transferability,
codominant inheritance, abundance, and extensive genome
coverage [–]. Microsatellites or simple sequences repeats
(SSRs) are monotonous repetitions of very short (one to
six) nucleotide motifs, which occur as interspersed repet-
itive elements in all eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes.
However, transcribed regions of the genome also contain
enormous range of microsatellites that correspond to genic
microsatellites or EST-SSRs. erefore, expressed sequence
tags (ESTs) are the short transcribed portions and involved
in the variety of metabolic functions. e presence of the
microsatellites in genes as well as ESTs unveils the biological
signicance of SSR distribution, expansion, and contraction
on the function of the genes themselves [].
Presently, huge amounts of expressed sequence tags
have been deposited in public database (NCBI). In silico
approaches to retrieve EST sequences from NCBI and func-
tional annotations provide more constructive EST-SSRs or
gene-based SSR (genic SSRs) marker development besides
own EST libraries development. is method of the EST-SSR
markers development provides the easiest way to reduce cost,
time, and labours along with more meaningful marker iden-
tications []. e presence of microsatellites in the genic
region is found to be more conserved due to which they pos-
sess high reproducibility and high interspecic/intraspecic
transferability. Hence, EST-SSR could be used for polymor-
phism, genetic diversity, cross transferability, and compara-
tive mapping in dierent plant species. Accordingly, several
genetic studies were done on sugarcane using microsatellite
markers to decipher polymorphism, cross transferability,
genetic diversity, informative marker detection through bulk
segregation analysis (BSA), and comparative genomics [,
–]. e objective of the present study was to retrieve
EST sequences for more informative EST-SSR development
through cross transferability, genetic relationships, and bulk
segregation analysis.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. EST Sequences Retrieving, ESTs Assembling, and
Microsatellites Identication. Total  EST sequences of
the Saccharum spp. were downloaded in Fasta format from
National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) for
microsatellites deciphering. Further, ESTs assembling was
carried out using CAP programme (http://mobyle.pasteur
.fr/cgi-bin/forms::cap) for minimization of se-
quences redundancy. Microsatellite identication was carried
out using MISA soware (
misa/) and the criteria for SSR detection were , , , ,
and  repeat units for di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexanu-
cleotides, respectively. SSR primer pairs (forward and
reverse) were designed for the selected EST sequences having
microsatellites using online web tool, batch primer  pipeline
2.2. EST-SSR Sequences Annotation. Assessment of EST
sequences having SSR was done through blastn/blastx
analysis for homology search and against nonredundant (nr)
protein at the NCBI. Furthermore, functional annotation
pipeline was also run at online tool for gene ontology (GO)
which was intended for dierent GO functional classes
like biological process, cellular component, and molecular
function [].
2.3. PCR Amplication and Electrophoresis. PCR reactions
were carried out in a total of  𝜇L volume containing  ng
template DNA, . 𝜇L(pmol/𝜇L) of each forward and
reverse primer,  mM of dNTPs, . U of Ta q DNA poly-
merase, and . 𝜇L of x PCR buer with .mM of MgCl2.
Amplication was performed in a thermal cycler (Bio-Rad)
in the following conditions: initial denaturation at Cfor
 min followed by  amplication cycles of denaturation for
min at 
C followed by annealing temperature (𝑇𝑎)for
 min and then extension for  min at C; nal extension at
C for  min was allowed. e PCR conditions particularly
the annealing temperatures (varying from Cto
C) for
each primer were standardized and amplied products were
stored at C.ePCRproductswereanalyzedona%
native PAGE in vertical gel electrophoresis unit (Bangalore
Genei) using TBE buer. e sizes of amplied fragments
were estimated using  bp DNA ladder (Fermentas). Gels
were documented using ethidium bromide (EtBr) stained
2.4. Evaluation of Saccharum EST-SSR across the Taxa through
Cross Transferability. e cross transferability of Saccharum
derived EST-SSR markers was evaluated among the 
accessions comprising seven cereals (wheat, maize, barley,
rice,pearlmillet,oat,andSorghum), four Saccharum related
genera (Erianthus,Miscanthus,Narenga,andSclerostachya),
three Saccharum species (NG (S. robustum), N (S.
spontaneum), and two clones of S. ocinarum (Bandjermasin
Hitam and Gunjera)), and ve Saccharum commercial culti-
vars (CoS , CoS , UP , CoS , and CoS
). All genotypes were collected from the Sugarcane
Research Institute Farm, UPCSR, Shahjahanpur, India. Fur-
thermore, genomic DNA from young juvenile, disease-free,
immature leaves was isolated for each genotype using CTAB
(cetyl trimethylammonium bromide) method []. Isolated
DNA samples were treated with RNAase for  h at Cand
puried by phenol extraction ( phenol :  chloroform : 
isoamyl alcohol, v/v/v) followed by ethanol precipitation []
and stored at C. DNA was quantied on .% agarose gel
and the working concentration of  ng/𝜇Lwasobtainedby
making nal adjustment in  mM TE buer.
2.5. Genetic Diversity Analysis. e assessment of EST-SSRs
in genetic diversity analysis was done among  plants
belonging to distinct groups comprising cereals, Saccharum
related genera, Saccharum species, and Saccharum cultivars.
e allelic data of  EST-SSR primers were used to ascertain
the genetic relationships between  genotypes by clustering
analysis. Amplied bands were scored as binary data in the
form of present () or absent (). Dendrogram was con-
structed by neighbour-joining and Jaccard’s algorithm using
Genetics Research International
FreeTree and TreeView soware [, ]. e polymorphic
information content (PIC) values were calculated for each
primer by using the online resource of PIC Calculator (http://
2.6. Informative Assessment of Functional EST-SSR Markers
between Bulks. Plant materials were used as F mapping pop-
ulation comprising  genotypes of the sugarcane cultivars
which were developed from cross between CoS  (Parent;
CoS  ×Co ) with CoS  (Parent; MS / ×
Co ) from September to March (-). Grouping
of genotypes was done according to their stem diameter
(contrasting high and low stem diameter genotypes) into
two sets. DNA extractions were carried out from both sets
and equal quantities of genomic DNA from  extreme high
stem diameter and  extreme low stem diameter genotypes
were pooled into two bulks. PCR amplication was done
in both bulks with newly developed EST-SSR primers for
informative markers identications through bulk segregation
analysis (BSA) [].
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Mining of Microsatellites in EST Sequences and SSRs
Characterization. Total , EST sequences related to
Saccharum spp. were examined from NCBI for the simple
sequence repeat (SSR) identication and characterization
using computational approach. Prior to the marker decipher-
ing, sequence assembly was performed and  ( kb)
nonredundant sequences were detected comprising 
contigs and  singlets, wherein  SSRs were identied
with  perfect SSRs and  sequences containing more
than  SSR and  SSRs in compound formation. ere-
fore, computational and experimental approach to ascertain
microsatellites in EST libraries from public database (NCBI)
turned to be very cost eective and reduces time and labour
besides expense of own libraries development. EST-SSRs are
a more preferable DNA marker in the variety of genetic
analysis and found to be more conserved as present in the
transcribed region of the genome. ese were found to be
more transferable across the taxonomic boundaries and could
be evaluated as most informative markers for variety of
genomics applications [, ]. ese are more adapted in
plants comparative genetic analysis for gene identication,
gene mapping, marker-assisted-selection, transferability, and
genetic diversity [, –]. Also, a variety of studies have
been reported on sugarcane using EST-SSR markers for
desired genetic analysis [, , , ].
e frequency of SSR in EST sequences was .% includ-
ing all the repeats except mononucleotide repeats. is result
is comparatively higher compared to previous studies on
sugarcane [, –]. Contrary to this, Singh et al. []
reported higher frequency (.%) in sugarcane. Kumpatla
and Mukhopadhyay [] also observed high range (.% to
.%) of SSR frequency in dierent plant species. In general,
in many plant species []. ese variations in microsatellite
frequency could be attributed to the “search criteria” used,
type of SSR motif, size of sequence data, and the mining tools
used [, ]. In other words, the density of the microsatellites
was one SSR per . kb which is closely comparable to
earlier studies in sugarcane with densities  SSR/. kb []
and / kb SSR [].
Analysis revealed that trinucleotide repeats (.%)
were found to be more frequent followed by di- (.%),
tetra- (.%), penta- (.%), and hexanucleotide (.%)
repeats. Our observation of high frequency of trinu-
cleotide repeats is in agreement with previous reports on
sugarcane [, , –, ]. Several other studies have
also represented high frequency of trinucleotide repeats
in dierent plant species [, , –]. A total of 
dierent types of motifs were identied of which four
belonged to dinucleotide, eight belonged to trinucleotides,
twelve belonged to tetranucleotide, ve belonged to pen-
tanucleotide, and two belonged to hexanucleotide repeats
(Figure ). We observed that motifs AG/CT and AT/AT
were more frequent in dinucleotide repeat followed by
motifs CCG/CGG, AGC/CTG, AGG/CCT, and ACG/CGT in
trinucleotide repeat, motif AAAG/CTTT in tetranucleotide
repeats, motif ACAGG/CCTGT in pentanucleotide repeats,
and AACACC/GGTGTT in hexanucleotide repeats. e
presence of motif CCG/CGG was also observed in sugarcane
by dierent authors [, ]. Kantety et al. [] also reported
CCG/CGG motif as most abundant in wheat and Sorghum.
Similarly, both Lawson and Zhang [] and Da Maia et
al. [] also observed abundance of motif CCG/CGG in
dierent member of the grass family. Victoria et al. [] also
decoded motif CCG/CGG in the lower plants (C. reinhardtii
and P. p a t e n s ). us, this predominance of CCG/CGG motif
frequency has been related to a high GC-content []. Some
motifs which are responsible for making unusual DNA
folding structure (hairpin formed, bipartite triplex formed,
and simple loop folding) also have eect on gene expressions
and regulations mechanism, namely, CCT/AGG, CCG/GGC,
GGA/TTC, and GAA/TTC motifs [, ]. Moreover, the
presence of trinucleotide repeats in the coding region formed
a distinct group and encoded amino acid tracts within the
peptide []. We also observed predictable twenty dierent
types of amino acids including stop codon. Alanine, arginine,
glycine, proline, and serine were most frequent (Figure ).
dierent plant species [, , ].
3.2. Expressed Sequence Tags Annotation and Primers
Development. All EST sequences having SSRs were examined
by functional annotation (blastn, blastx, and gene ontology).
Aer-eect, sixty-three ESTs having SSRs were successfully
identied on the basis of their involvement in the various
metabolic processes (Figure ). Aer-eect, sixty-three
EST-SSRs primer pairs were designed for polymorphic
nature, cross transferability, bulk segregation analysis, and
genetic diversity in the test plants (Table ). ese selected
EST-SSRs comprised all types of repeat motifs (excluding
mononucleotide repeat), and among trinucleotide repeats
they were highly frequent with GCT/CGA, TCC/AGG,
and GGT/CCA repeat motifs. Similarly, Sharma et al. []
also used functional annotation pipelines for the more
prominent molecular markers development related to gene
Genetics Research International
T : Details of selected  EST-SSR primer pairs used for cross transferability, genetic diversity, and bulks segregation analysis.
number Ty p e Primer sequence Annealing
temperature SSR motif PIC value 𝐸-value Putative identities
SYMS F GCGTCAGAGTGTTAAAACAAG  (GCT)4. .E Protein transport protein
Sec beta
SYMS F GGGCAAGCAAGAAACCAC  (TCC)4. .E Protein translation factor
SYMS F GCGTCAGAGTGTTAAAACAAG  (GCT)4. .E Preprotein translocase Sec
SYMS F GAAGCTCCCAAGCTGCTA  (AGCT)3. .E Predicted:uncharacterized
SYMS F TGCACTAACATGGTTGATGT  (GAAG)3. .E Hypothetical protein
SORBIDRAFT g
SYMS F GTTAATGGTGGTTCCGTTC  (GGC)6. E Predicted:uncharacterized
protein LOC
SYMS F GCGTCAGAGTGTTAAAACAAG  (GCT)4. .E Preprotein translocase
SYMS F GGACTGTACAAGGACGACAG  (GCT)4. .E Protein transport protein
Sec beta subunit
SYMS F AAGAAGGATGCAAAGAAGAAG  (GAT)4. .E Hypothetical protein
SORBIDRAFT g
SYMS F AAGAAGGATGCAAAGAAGAAG  (AGA)4. .E Hypothetical protein
4—.E Protein transport protein
4—.E Preprotein translocase
4—.E Protein transport protein
Sec beta subunit
4—.E Jasmonate-induced protein
SYMS F CCACACAAGCAAGAAATAAAC — (GGT)4— .E Di rige nt-like protein
4—.E Homeodomain-like
transcription factor
SYMS F GCGTCAGAGTGTTAAAACAAG  (GCT)4. .E Protein transport protein
Genetics Research International
T  : C ontinu e d .
number Ty p e Primer sequence Annealing
temperature SSR motif PIC value 𝐸-value Putative identities
SYMS F AGCTATCTTTAGTGGGGACAT  (CGT)4. .E Hypothetical protein
SORBIDRAFT g
SYMS F AGGTCGTTTTAATTCCTTCC  (GTTTT)3. .E Preprotein translocase Sec
SYMS F AGGTCGTTTTAATTCCTTCC  (TTTA)6. .E TPA: hypothetical protein
Zinc nger A and AN
10 — .E TPA: seed maturation
4—.E Hypothetical protein
4—.E V-type proton ATPase
 kDa proteolipid subunit
transcription factor
superfamily protein
SYMS F CAACTCGACTCTTTTCTCTCA — (CTC)5— .E Protein transport protein
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
4— .E
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
6—.E Caltractin
Zinc nger A and AN
SYMS F CTCCCCCATTTCTCTTCC  (GCAGCC)6. .E Predicted: reticulon-like
protein B
SYMS F CTTTTCCCTCTTCCTCTCTC — (CCG)5—.E Predicted:uncharacterized
tRNA-binding protein
SYMS F CCCTCTCCCTGCTCTTTC  (TCC)5. .E Actin-depolymerizing
factor 
Genetics Research International
T  : C ontinu e d .
number Ty p e Primer sequence Annealing
temperature SSR motif PIC value 𝐸-value Putative identities
SYMS F ACAACTCTTCAGTCTTCACGA  (CAAC)3. .E Truncated alcohol
SYMS F GCACGGTGAAGTTCTAGTTC  (TCGAT)4. .E Hypothetical protein
SORBIDRAFT g
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
SYMS F AACACAAGCAAGAAATAAACG  (GGT)4. .E Dirigent-like protein
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
SYMS F TCTCTCTGAAGATGATGCTTT  (AAG)5. .E Hypothetical protein
SORBIDRAFT g
enzyme family
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
SYMS F AACACAAGCAAGAAATAAACG  (GGT)4. .E Putative dirigent protein
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
SYMS F CCCTCTCCCTGCTCTTTC  (TCC)4. .E Actin-depolymerizing
factor 
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
SYMS F GGACTGTACAAGGACGACAG  (GCT)4. .E Preprotein translocase Sec
SYMS F GCACCCCCAATTCGAACG  (ACG)3. .E TPA: general regulatory
factor 
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
SYMS F CACGCAACGCAAGCACAG  (CCAT)3. .E Hypothetical protein
SORBIDRAFT g
Genetics Research International
T  : C ontinu e d .
number Ty p e Primer sequence Annealing
temperature SSR motif PIC value 𝐸-value Putative identities
protein alpha subunit
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
enzyme E
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
SYMS F TATCAACAAGCCTTCCATTC  (GTG)4. .E Glycine-rich RNA-binding
protein 
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
SYMS F GGGCAAGCAAGAAACCAC  (TCC)4. .E TPA: translation initiation
factor 
4—.E Protein transport protein
Sec beta subunit
4—.E Hypothetical protein
SORBIDRAFT g
domain-containing protein
Protein transport protein
Sec subunit beta-like
Genetics Research International
Types of motifs
F : Details of  dierent types of nucleotide repeat motifs belonging to di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexanucleotide repeat motifs with
sequence complementarity.
Types of amino acids
F : Details of dierent types of predicted amino acids encoded by trinucleotide repeat motifs.
transcripts. Selected EST-SSRs were associated with various
pathways of metabolic process, namely, GO: DNA
repair, GO: postreplication repair, GO:
RNA metabolic process, GO: RNA metabolic
process, GO: regulation of translational initiation,
GO: ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport,
GO: lipid metabolic process, GO: protein
transport, GO: transcription factor complex,
GO: microtubule organizing centre, GO:
translation initiation factor activity, GO: 󸀠-
tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase activity, GO: actin
lament depolymerization, and GO: hydrogen ion
transmembrane transporter activity, and so forth (see the
complete details of the most promising hits of gene ontology
of EST-SSRs in the supplementary table available online at.//).
3.3. Assessment of EST-SSR Marker in Selected Plants. Aset
of  EST-SSR primers were evaluated for PCR optimization,
polymorphism, and cross amplication in twenty genotypes
belonging to cereals plants and Saccharum related genera and
Saccharum species and their commercial cultivars, of which
 EST-SSR primers produced successful amplications with
both expected and unexpected sizes (Figure ). Among 
EST-SSRs, twenty-eight belonged to trinucleotide repeats
with then seven of tetra-, three of penta-, three of hexa-, and
one of dinucleotide repeats. Meanwhile, PCR amplications
produced  alleles (expected size) at  loci with an average
studies that reported on various plant species, namely, .
alleles/locus in rice varieties [], . to . alleles per locus
in maize [], and . alleles/locus in rye []. However,
our result of alleles per locus is lower compared to previous
studies that reported on sugarcane, that is, . alleles/locus
[], . alleles/locus [], and . alleles/locus []. e
polymorphic information content (PIC) was extended from
. to . with an average of .. It could be encompassed
that low and high range of allelic amplications with EST-
SSRs correspond to marker polymorphism and low level
of polymorphism from EST-SSRs might be due to possible
selection against alterations in the conserved sequences of
EST-SSRs [, ].
3.4. Cross Transferability. e potentials of EST-SSR primers
were examined for cross transferability among  plant
species belonging to cereals and Saccharum related genera
and Saccharum species and their cultivars under the same
PCR conditions. However,  EST-SSRs showed successful
amplications among all the selected plants. e cross trans-
ferability was estimated to be .% in wheat, .% in
maize, .% in barely, .% in rice, .% in pearl millet,
.% in oat, .% in Sorghum, .% in Narenga, .%
in Sclerostachya, .% in Erianthus, .% in Miscanthus,
.% in Bandjermasin Hitam,.%inGunjera,.%in
Genetics Research International
Primary metabolic process
Cellular metabolic process
Response to stress
Macromolecule metabolic process
Cellular response to stimulus
Tra nsp o rt
Response to other organisms
Response to biotic stimulus
Establishment of protein localization
Response to abiotic stimulus
Immune response
Response to chemical stimulus
Regulation of biological process
Cellular component organization
Cellular component organization or
biogenesis at cellular level
Nitrogen compound metabolic process
Small molecule metabolic process
Catabolic process
Oxidation-reduction process
Establishment of localization in cell
Biosynthetic process
Anatomical structure morphogenesis
Actin lament-based process
Cell cycle process
Vesicle-mediated transport
Post-embryonic development
Interspecies interaction between organisms
Developmental process involved in reproduction
Cellular developmental process
Activation of immune response
Cell growth
Regulation of biological quality
Immune eector process
Modication of morphology or
physiology of other organism
Secondary metabolic process
Embryo development
Cellular localization
Seed germination
Multicellular organismal reproductive process
Anatomical structure formation
involved in morphogenesis
Transmembrane transport
Dormancy process
Cellular component movement
Cell division
Response to endogenous stimulus
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.00.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Biological_process of GO Iv3
F : Continued.
 Genetics Research International
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Cellular_component of GO Iv3 1.0
0.0 0.5
External encapsulating structure
Cell-cell junction
Membrane part
Ribonucleoprotein complex
Protein complex
Organelle membrane
Non-membrane-bounded organelle
Intracellular organelle part
Membrane-bounded organelle
Intracellular organelle
Intracellular part
0.80.7 0.9 1.00.5 0.4
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Molecular_function of GO Iv3
transcription factor activity
Sequence-specic DNA binding
Transmembrane transporter activity
Tetrapyrrole binding
Oxidoreductase activity
Ligase activity
Nucleotide binding
Hydrolase activity
Ion binding
Protein binding
Nucleic acid binding
Substrate-specic transporter activity
F : Most promising results of gene ontology (GO) as horizontal bar graphs. ese graphs represent the distribution of GO terms
categorized as a biological process (a), cellular component (b), and molecular function (c).
NG, .% in N, .% in CoS , .% in CoS
, .% in UP , .% in CoS , and .%
in CoS . Meanwhile, the frequency distributions of cross
transferability of EST-SSRs ranged from .% for Sorghum
to .% for Sclerostachya,withanaverageof.%
(Table ). Saccharum related genera (.%) and Saccharum
species (.%) showed high rate of cross transferability
compared to other groups. is is in agreement with previous
studies reported on Saccharum species and Saccharum related
genera [, , ]. Several earlier studies related to cross
from dierent families using EST-SSRs markers [, , ].
is suggests that transferring ability of genic markers makes
it compatible to determine genetic studies across the taxa for
utilization in mapping of genes from related species along
with genera and identication of suspended hybridization.
is can also aid vigilance of the introgression of genetic
entity from wild relatives to cultivated, comparative mapping
and establishing evolutionary relationship between them.
us, microsatellites derived from expressed region of the
genome are expected to be more conserved and more trans-
ferable across taxa.
3.5. Genetic Diversity Analysis by EST-SSRs. In order to
evaluate the potential of EST-SSRs, the genetic analysis was
done among  genotypes belonging to  cereals (wheat,
maize, barley, rice, pearl millet, oat, and Sorghum),  Sac-
charum related genera (Erianthus,Miscanthus,Narenga,and
Sclerostachya),  Saccharum species (NG (S. robustum),
N (S. spontaneum), and two of S. ocinarum clones
(Gunjera and Bandjermasin Hitam)), and  sugarcane com-
mercial cultivars (CoS , CoS , CoS , UP ,
and CoS ). e generated allelic data were used for
genetic relationships analysis by making dendrogram based
on Jaccards and neighbour-joining algorithm using FreeTree
and TreeView soware. e dendrogram fell into three major
clusters with several edges, cluster I with eight genotypes
comprising most of Saccharum species and their commercial
cultivars, cluster II encompassing six genotypes of most of
cereals species, and cluster III with six species comprising
Genetics Research International 
T : Details of cross transferability of  EST-SSR markers in twenty genotypes belonging to cereals and Saccharum related genera and Saccharum speciesandtheircultivars.Lanesto
 represent number of bands produced in wheat, maize, barley, rice, pearl millet, oat, Sorghum,Narenga,Sclerostachya,Erianthus,Miscanthus,Bandjermasin Hitam,Gunjera, NG, N,
CoS , CoS , UP , CoS , and CoS , respectively.
S. number/lane         Primer
polymorphism (%)
SY   
SY        
SY   
SY    
SY              
SY   
SY              
SY             
SY              
SY   
SY             
SY        
SY   
SY   
SY          
SY          
SY    
SY        
SY       
SY   
SY            
SY        
SY        
SY             
SY              
SY         
SY          
SY         
SY               
SY        
SY        
SY                
SY          
SY         
SY                 
SY         
SY       
SY              
SY         
 Genetics Research International
T  : C ontinu e d .
S. number/lane Primer
polymorphism (%)
SY  
SY          
SY        
Ave rage of
transferability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Genetics Research International 
50 bp
100 bp
200 bp
300 bp
400 bp
600 bp
1050 bp
1350 bp
F : e gel represents PCR amplication prole with SYMS
primer among twenty dierent plant species. Lanes:  wheat,maize,
barley,rice,pearl millet,oat,Sorghum,Narenga,
Schlerostachya,Erianthus,Miscanthus,Bandjermasin Hitam,
 Gunjera,51NG56,N58,CoS 92423,CoS 88230,UP
9530,CoS 91230,andCoS 8436.
CoS 92423
Bandjermasin Hitam
CoS 88230
UP 9530
CoS 8436
CoS 91230
Pearl millet
Sorghum Erianthus
F : Dend rogram is constructed b ased on allelic data produ ced
from  EST-SSR markers using FreeTree and TreeView soware.
most of the Saccharum related genera along with some
interventions (Figure ). is relationship is in agreement
with previous studies reported by other authors [, , , ].
Our EST-SSRs markers showed close syntenic relationship
and their evolutionary nature among the  genotypes
into three major clusters with some genotypes divergence.
ese relationships have resulted from the expansion and
contraction of SSRs in conserved EST sequences within the
same group of plant species along with some variation having
resulted from higher evolutionary divergence among them.
Several earlier studies also reported on genetic diversity
analysis within and across the plant taxa using molecular
distinguished all the genotypes to certain extent and also
provided the realistic estimate of genetic diversity among
3.6. Bulk Segregation Analysis (BSA) in Sugarcane. All the
F : e gel represents polymorphism and discrimination
between bulks of pooled DNA with contrasting high and low plant
diameter through bulk segregation analysis.
of contrasting trait of sugarcane cultivars (CoS  (CoS
 ×Co ) cross with CoS  (MS / ×Co ))
for the identication of reporter EST-SSR markers based
on their allelic dierences between them. Interestingly, 
markers showed polymorphic nature and apparently dis-
criminating potential between bulks through bulk segrega-
tion analysis (Figure ). Among these, markers SYMS,
SYMS, SYMS, and SYMS showed a better response to
discriminating the bulks. BSA is the strategy that involves
the identication of genetic markers associated with char-
acter or trait which are based on their allelic dierences
between bulks []. Earlier studies have been established
in sugarcane for the most prominent molecular markers
detection linked to desirable traits through BSA. For example,
molecular markers apparently linked to high ber content in
Saccharum species [–] and molecular markers used for
QTL analysis and utilized for generating genetic maps around
resistance genes in sugarcane against diseases and pests
through BSA [, , ]. Several other studies also reported
on selection of dierent agronomic traits in sugarcane for
breeding programme with the development of molecular
markers through BSA [, –]. Alternatively, BSA approach
has been recently used for various purposes against the
identication of dierential expressed gene associated with
both qualitative and quantitative using of the cDNA-AFLP
approach [–]. us, BSA approach provides the easiest
way in the direction of trait linked marker identication and
also makes it possible to select informative markers beside
 Genetics Research International
4. Conclusion
e present study was intended for identication and char-
acterization of SSR in Saccharum spp. expressed sequence
tag which is retrieved from public database (NCBI). Further,
functional annotation was feasible to identify the most emi-
nent EST-SSR markers selection. erefore, this is the bypass
way for EST-SSR markers development which reduces cost
and time and provides an ecient way to analyze the tran-
scribed portion of genome besides expense of own libraries
development. A total of  EST-SSR markers were developed
and experimentally validated for cross transferability along
with their genetic relationships and also used for dieren-
tiation between pooled DNA bulks of Saccharum cultivars.
ese markers showed successful transferability rate among
the twenty genotypes and established genetic diversity among
cereals, Saccharum species/cultivars, and Saccharum related
genera with some inconsistency. Further, some prominent
marker also distinguished pooled DNA bulks of sugarcane
cultivars based on stem diameter. Consequently, these EST-
SSR markers were found to be more convenient which made
it easy for us to use them as informative markers in further
genetic studies in sugarcane breeding programme.
Competing Interests
e authors declare that there is no conict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
Authors are highly grateful to the Division of Biotechnol-
ogy, UP Council of Sugarcane Research, for providing an
opportunity and facilities for research works. Authors are
also grateful to Director, UP Council of Sugarcane Research,
Shahjahanpur, UP, India for their moral support. Authors
also acknowledge University of Rajasthan for providing DBT-
IPLS and DBT-BIF facilities.
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... In this study, we have selected 12 polymorphic and easily scorable microsatellites to evaluate the genetic diversity in sugarcane germplasm collections. The average allele number of these markers was 14.25 per locus, which is comparable to or more than that of most microsatellites used in accessing genetic diversity in sugarcane germplasm, clones, and varieties (Chandra et al. 2014;Ul Haq et al. 2016), but lower than that reported in a previous study (Fickett et al. 2020). PIC values of the 12 microsatellites selected in this study ranged from 0748 to 0.944, which are higher than those reported in previous studies (Chandra et al. 2014;Fickett et al. 2020;Ul Haq et al. 2016). ...
... The average allele number of these markers was 14.25 per locus, which is comparable to or more than that of most microsatellites used in accessing genetic diversity in sugarcane germplasm, clones, and varieties (Chandra et al. 2014;Ul Haq et al. 2016), but lower than that reported in a previous study (Fickett et al. 2020). PIC values of the 12 microsatellites selected in this study ranged from 0748 to 0.944, which are higher than those reported in previous studies (Chandra et al. 2014;Fickett et al. 2020;Ul Haq et al. 2016). In addition, these microsatellites could be easily amplified with normal PCR and scored with the GeneMa-pper™ Software v4.1. ...
... This information about allelic diversity in each of the 1027 accessions is useful in analysing the genetic relationships among these accessions. The allelic diversity at the 12 microsatellites is higher than that of many studies (Ali et al. 2019;Chandra et al. 2014;Ul Haq et al. 2016), similar to that of some studies (Pan 2006), while it is lower than that in a few studies (Fickett et al. 2020;Xiong et al. 2022), suggesting that the germplasm collection, including the 1027 accessions, contains sufficient amount of allelic diversity for further genetic improvement of important traits. However, this comparison of allelic diversity in different studies may not make sense because different microsatellites and different sample sizes were used in different studies. ...
Genetic diversity is the foundation for genetic improvement in any plant breeding programme. Understanding genetic diversity and relationships in germplasm collections is critically important for improving desired traits. However, in sugarcane breeding, breeders often select parental accessions based mainly on phenotypes without knowledge of their genetic relationships. In this study, 12 polymorphic microsatellites were selected and used to analyse the genetic relationships between 1027 sugarcane accessions collected in Indonesia using an automated DNA sequencer ABI3730xl. A total of 171 alleles were detected at 12 microsatellite loci. The genetic similarities between accessions ranged from 0.55 to 0.99. The principal coordinate analysis showed that some accessions were closely related while others were genetically quite different. These data suggest that there are substantial genetic variations in the 1027 accessions. A matrix of genetic similarities was obtained for all 1027 sugarcane accessions. A phylogenetic tree based on the genetic similarities was constructed for the 1027 accessions. Taken together, these data obtained in the present study, especially the matrix of genetic similarities and the phylogenetic tree, can be used to guide the setup of breeding programmes to accelerate genetic improvement.
... Presence of SSRs in expressed regions or ESTs are found to be more conserved, important and more transferable across taxonomic boundaries than anonymous SSRs (Pashley et al. 2006;Ellis and Burke 2007;Haq et al. 2014). SSRs or microsatellites are DNA sequences ranging from 1 to 6 nucleotides long, tandemly repeated sequences, and dispersed randomly and ubiquitously throughout the genomes including both coding and non-coding regions of genome (Ellegren 2004;Haq et al. 2016Haq et al. , 2021. EST-SSRs are more preferred molecular marker in various plant genomic investigations such as in evaluating genetic polymorphism, genetic diversity, population genetics, biodiversity, high resolution genetic maps, gene mapping, QTL (quantitative trait locus), germplasm characterization, cultivar identification, paternity analyses, marker assisted breeding taxonomical, and comparative genomic studies (Kantety et al. 2002;Eujayl et al. 2004;Varshney et al. 2007b;Ukoskit et al. 2018;Haq et al. 2021). ...
... The efficiency of EST-SSR markers was measured by polymorphism information content (PIC), marker index (MI) and discriminating power (DP) using iMEC platform (Amiryousefi et al. 2018). Marker effectiveness was further measured through relative primer polymorphisms and cross-transferability within and across different chilli accessions (Haq et al. 2016). The data of cross amplifications were employed to develop a gradient polar graph based on Euclidean distance methods using TBtools software (Chen et al. 2020). ...
... Notably, ESTs are most important genomic resources for SSR development, serving as molecular marker (EST-SSR) and are useful in variety of genetic applications. Among the other marker system, EST-SSRs marker are more favored in plant genetics due to their multiallelic nature, high reproducibility, cross transferability, codominant inheritance, and extensive genome coverage (Haq et al. 2016). Hence, EST-SSR markers have been used for varieties of genetic applications such as, germplasm characterization, cross transferability, cultivar identification, population genetics, gene mapping, QTL (quantitative trait locus) and marker assisted breeding (Eujayl et al. 2004;Varshney et al. 2007a;Haq et al. 2014Haq et al. , 2021Ukoskit et al. 2018;Singh et al. 2020). ...
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Gene encoding enzyme based EST–SSR markers are more potent or functional marker system to evaluate astounding genetic and structural differentiation in plants. It is very useful in shaping divergences in metabolic fingerprinting, ecological interactions, conservation and adaptation among plants. Therefore, gene encoding enzyme mediated EST–SSR markers system were used presently to evaluate genetic and population structure among 48 Capsicum accessions. Total of 35 gene encoding enzyme based EST–SSR markers was used and generated 184 alleles at 35 loci with an average of 5.25 alleles per locus. The average value of polymorphic information content, marker index and discriminating power was 0.40, 0.232, and 0.216 respectively which revealed noteworthy degree of marker efficacy and their competency was further supported by primer polymorphism (93.57%) and cross transferability (44.52%). A significant genetic variability (Na = 1.249, Ne = 1.269, I = 0.247, He = 0.163, and uHe = 0.183) was identified among the Capsicum accession using EST–SSR markers. The mean value for Nei gene diversity, total species diversity (Ht), and diversity within population (Hs) were 0.277, 0.240 and 0.170 respectively. The coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) was 0.296 indicating significant genetic differentiation within the population and Gene flow (Nm) was 1.189, which reflect a constant gene flow among populations. AMOVA revealed more genetic differentiation within the population which is similarly supported by principal coordinate analysis among the different Capsicum population. Thus, gene encoding enzyme based EST–SSR markers represent a potent system for estimation of genetic and structural relationship and is helpful for estimation of relationships or variations studies in plants.
... Although single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers are best for understanding trait architecture [70], simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers and other genes/length polymorphism-based markers are preferable for breeding applications. Comparable to what was described in previous plant research [71,72], the preponderance of SSRs identified in doum palms were dinucleotides (41.28%), followed by mononucleotides (34.1%). Our findings are consistent with [73] de novo transcriptome assembly and gene quantification investigation in several moth bean tissues (Vigna aconitifolia Jacq.). ...
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Background Doum palms (Hyphaene compressa) perform a crucial starring role in the lives of Kenya’s arid and semi-arid people for empowerment and sustenance. Despite the crop’s potential for economic gain, there is a lack of genetic resources and detailed information about its domestication at the molecular level. Given the doum palm’s vast potential as a widely distributed plant in semi-arid and arid climates and a source of many applications, coupled with the current changing climate scenario, it is essential to understand the molecular processes that provide drought resistance to this plant. Results Assembly of the first transcriptome of doum palms subjected to water stress generated about 39.97 Gb of RNA-Seq data. The assembled transcriptome revealed 193,167 unigenes with an average length of 1655 bp, with 128,708 (66.63%) successfully annotated in seven public databases. Unigenes exhibited significant differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in well-watered and stressed-treated plants, with 45071 and 42457 accounting for up-regulated and down-regulated DEGs, respectively. GO term, KEGG, and KOG analysis showed that DEGs were functionally enriched cellular processes, metabolic processes, cellular and catalytic activity, metabolism, genetic information processing, signal transduction mechanisms, and posttranslational modification pathways. Transcription factors (TF), such as the MYB, WRKY, NAC family, FAR1, B3, bHLH, and bZIP, were the prominent TF families identified as doum palm DEGs encoding drought stress tolerance. Conclusions This study provides a complete understanding of DEGs involved in drought stress at the transcriptome level in doum palms. This research is, therefore, the foundation for the characterization of potential genes, leading to a clear understanding of its drought stress responses and providing resources for improved genetic modification.
... It also saves time, reduces the greenhouse space and work load during the generation of mutant plant populations, and ensures high mutagenesis rates. Among molecular markers, simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are important due to their high polymorphism, co-dominant inheritance, extensive genome coverage, high reproducibility, and ease of use (Haq-UI et al. 2016). Khalil et al. (2018) carried out EMS (0.1%) induced in vitro mutagenesis in sugarcane cv. ...
Several abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, heat, flooding, ion toxicity, and radiation, are the most important constraints to agricultural practice. The understanding of the molecular basis of plant response to these various environmental factors has been a main concentration of research in the last few decades. Several genes/pathways and regulatory networks involved in stress responses are figured out employing various different approaches. In tropical countries, sugarcane is an important crop in the terms of sugar and ethanol production because it is increasing its area of cultivation and biomass yield is increasing. Water is the one of the major abiotic stresses affecting sugarcane productivity. The development of a drought-tolerant cultivar of sugarcane is one an important goal for all key sugarcane-producing countries. Genome-editing technology is used routinely to modify plant genomes by targeted alteration/editing of specific genes, and it provides a method for introducing targeted mutation, insertion/deletion (indel), and precise sequence modification using customized nucleases during a big variety of organisms. Most regularly used genome-editing tools are transcriptional activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-Cas9 (CRISPR-associated nuclease 9), and zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs). In general, these sequence-specific nucleases cause double-strand breaks (DSBs) at the target genomic locus/loci, which is/are repaired by the intracellular repair pathways, nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ), or homology-directed repair (HDR). NHEJ results in the introduction of indels and HDR are often wont to introduce specific point mutations or insertion of desired sequences (such as tags or new domains) via recombination. Simple designing and cloning methods were involved in CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, with the same Cas9 being potentially available for use with different guide RNAs for targeting multiple sites in the genome. In this chapter, we emphasize on methodologies to improve genome-editing technology (CRISPR-Cas9 system) to increase abiotic stress tolerance/resistance in sugarcane and summarize the process used to generate new mutant alleles of environmental stress response genes in sugarcane. Such studies suggest further applications in molecular breeding to enhance plant function using optimized plant gene-editing systems.
... It also saves time, reduces the greenhouse space and work load during the generation of mutant plant populations, and ensures high mutagenesis rates. Among molecular markers, simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are important due to their high polymorphism, co-dominant inheritance, extensive genome coverage, high reproducibility, and ease of use (Haq-UI et al. 2016). Khalil et al. (2018) carried out EMS (0.1%) induced in vitro mutagenesis in sugarcane cv. ...
Molecular markers have become one of the most important genomic tools and are being used extensively for crop breeding and improvement programs. Genomics research is giving new insights into statistical approaches that can be used in breeding programs, increasing efficiency and precision. Techniques like Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Simple-Sequence Repeats (SSRs), Sequence-Tagged Sites (STSs) account for the reliability of marker-assisted selection (MAS) of agronomically important traits. Genetic variations can be harnessed from cultivars and wild species using recent genetic approaches like Advanced-Backcross QTL (AB-QTL) analysis, Introgression Libraries (ILs), and Multi-Parent Advanced Generation Intercross (MAGIC) populations. These variations or genes of interest can be introduced through breeding approaches such as Marker Assisted Recurrent Selection (MARS) or Marker Assisted Back Crossing (MABC). This chapter provides an introduction to some recent advancements in biotechnology and the use of molecular marker-based approaches for crop selection and improvement.
Mulberry (Morus L.) is an important crop for the sericulture industry, serving as the primary food source for the silkworm Bombyx mori L. Thailand has a long history of practicing sericulture and has imported and improved upon many indigenous cultivars to create new hybrid offspring. It is crucial to understand the genetic divergence of these accessions for their conservation and utilization in selection and breeding. In this study, 85 representative mulberry accessions in Thailand were observed morphology and analyzed for their genetic relationships using SRAP and EST-SSR markers. The findings indicate that the morphological traits of Thai mulberry are distinctive enough to differentiate between M. macroura Miq. and wild hybrid mulberry, and a group consisting of M. alba L. and M. australis Poir., and their hybrids. 12 SRAP primer combinations produced 193 polymorphic amplicons with an average of 17.0 bands per primer set, and the mean of PIC was 0.259. Eleven novel EST-SSR primers generated 35 amplicons with an average of 3.2 alleles per primer set, and the average PIC was 0.139. The dendrogram obtained using the UPGMA algorithm in R studio showed that the wild and wild hybrid mulberry were genetically distant from the domesticated species studied here. These findings have important implications for the characterization, improvement, molecular systematics, and conservation of Thai mulberry germplasm.
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Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is a worldwide acclaimed important agricultural crop used primarily for sugar production and biofuel. Sugarcane’s genetic complexity, aneuploidy, and extreme heterozygosity make it a challenging crop in developing improved varieties. The molecular breeding programs promise to develop nutritionally improved varieties for both direct consumption and commercial application. Therefore, to address these challenges, the development of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) has been proven to be a powerful molecular tool in sugarcane. This study involved the collection of 285216 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from sugarcane, resulting in 23666 unigenes, including 4547 contigs. Our analysis identified 4120 unigenes containing a total of 4960 SSRs, with the most abundant repeat types being monomeric (44.33%), dimeric (13.10%), and trimeric (39.68%). We further chose 173 primers to analyze the banding pattern in 10 sugarcane accessions by PAGE analysis. Additionally, functional annotation analysis showed that 71.07%, 53.6%, and 10.3% unigenes were annotated by Uniport, GO, and KEGG, respectively. GO annotations and KEGG pathways were distributed across three functional categories: molecular (46.46%), cellular (33.94%), and biological pathways (19.6%). The cluster analysis indicated the formation of four distinct clusters among selected sugarcane accessions, with maximum genetic distance observed among the varieties. We believe that these EST-SSR markers will serve as valuable references for future genetic characterization, species identification, and breeding efforts in sugarcane.
Vanda stangeana Rchb. f. is an endemic species of Manipur, India. Its flowers are greenish-yellow, 5 cm in size with a pink mid-lobe, tessellated in chestnut brown color and tough texture with a long shelf life. Phalaenopsis hygrochila J.M.H. Shaw is a large-sized, hot to cool growing, epiphytic orchid with sturdy, 20 to 40 cm, more or less flattened stem with elliptic-oblong leaves. The flowers are fragrant, pale greenish yellow, more or less dotted with brown or brown-red, with a whitish or white base, waxy, long-lasting, up to 6 cm in diameter, column white, labellum slightly purplish purple, paler towards the margins. Both plants are included under CITES' Appendix II. The current study concentrates on a hybridization program involving two vandaceous orchid genera, namely Vanda stangeana and Phalaenopsis hygrochila to investigate their cross-ability and molecular confirmation of the synthesized hybrid using SSR and SCoT marker system. MS medium at half-strength enriched with 0.5 mg/L NAA + 0.5 mg/L Kn was the optimal medium for the development of the synthesized hybrid seedlings with the longest shoot (2.6 cm), the maximum number of leaves (4.5), leaf length (2.5 cm) and highest number of root (4.4) after 150 days of culture on the medium. In total, 65 amplified bands were revealed by seven SCoT primers (SCoT4, SCoT6, SCoT9, SCoT10, SCoT34, SCoT35 and SCoT36), of which 38 (58.46%) were polymorphic with the percentage ranging from 22.22% to 85.75%, thereby convincingly demonstrated the hybridity. Out of 8 pairs of SSR primers used, 3 primers (C106, MOK26 and C268) showed complementary banding patterns. Our study demonstrated that an intergeneric hybrid can be successfully produced by the hybridization of vandaceous orchids belonging to two different genera.
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SSR (simple sequence repeat) DNA markers are widely used for genotype DNA identification, QTL mapping, and analyzing genetic biodiversity. However, SSRs in grapes are still in their early stages, with a few primer pairs accessible. With the whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of several grape varieties, characterization of grape SSR changed to be necessary not only to genomics but to also help SSR development and utility. Based on this, we identified the whole-genome SSR of nine grape cultivars (‘PN40024’, ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’, ‘Carménère’, ‘Chardonnay’, ‘Merlot’, ‘Riesling’, ‘Zinfandel’, ‘Shine Muscat’, and ‘Muscat Hamburg’) with whole-genome sequences released publicly and found that there are great differences in the distribution of SSR loci in different varieties. According to the difference in genome size, the number of SSRs ranged from 267,385 (Cabernet Sauvignon) to 627,429 (Carménère), the density of the SSR locus in the genome of nine cultivars was generally 1 per Kb. SSR motif distribution characteristic analysis of these grape cultivars showed that the distribution patterns among grape cultivars were conservative, mainly enriched in A/T. However, there are some differences in motif types (especially tetranucleotides, pentanucleotides, and hexanucleotides), quantity, total length, and average length in different varieties, which might be related to the size of the assembled genome or the specificity of variety domestication. The distribution characteristics of SSRs were revealed by whole-genome analysis of simple repeats of grape varieties. In this study, 32 pairs of primers with lower polymorphism have been screened, which provided an important research foundation for the development of molecular markers of grape variety identification and the construction of linkage maps of important agronomic traits for crop improvement.
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Availability of molecular markers has proven to be an efficient tool in facilitating progress in plant breeding, which is particularly important in the case of less researched crops such as cotton. Considering the obvious advantages of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion-deletion polymorphisms (InDels), expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were analyzed in silico to identify SNPs and InDels in this study, aiming to develop more molecular markers in cotton. A total of 1,349 EST-based SNP and InDel markers were developed by comparing ESTs between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense, mining G. hirsutum unigenes, and analyzing 3[prime] untranslated region (3[prime]UTR) sequences. The marker polymorphisms were investigated using the two parents of the mapping population based on the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Of all the markers, 137 (10.16%) were polymorphic, and revealed 142 loci. Linkage analysis using a BC1 population mapped 133 loci on the 26 chromosomes. Statistical analysis of base variations in SNPs showed that base transitions accounted for 55.78% of the total base variations and gene ontology indicated that cotton genes varied greatly in harboring SNPs ranging from 1.00 to 24.00 SNPs per gene. Sanger sequencing of three randomly selected SNP markers revealed discrepancy between the in silico predicted sequences and the actual sequencing results. In silico analysis is a double-edged blade to develop EST-SNP/InDel markers. On the one hand, the designed markers can be well used in tetraploid cotton genetic mapping. And it plays a certain role in revealing transition preference and SNP frequency of cotton genes. On the other hand, the developmental efficiency of markers and polymorphism of designed primers are comparatively low.
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Expressed sequence tags (EST) are potential source for the development of genic microsatellite markers, gene discovery, comparative genomics, and other genomic studies. In the present study, 7630 ESTs were examined from NCBI for SSR identification and characterization. A total of 263 SSRs were identified with an average density of one SSR/4.2 kb (3.4% frequency). Analysis revealed that trinucleotide repeats (47.52%) were most abundant followed by tetranucleotide (19.77%), dinucleotide (19.01%), pentanucleotide (9.12%), and hexanucleotide repeats (4.56%). Functional annotation was done through homology search and gene ontology, and 35 EST-SSRs were selected. Primer pairs were designed for evaluation of cross transferability and polymorphism among 11 plants belonging to five different families. Total 402 alleles were generated at 155 loci with an average of 2.6 alleles/locus and the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.15 to 0.92 with an average of 0.75. The cross transferability ranged from 34.84% to 98.06% in different plants, with an average of 67.86%. Thus, the validation study of annotated 35 EST-SSR markers which correspond to particular metabolic activity revealed polymorphism and evolutionary nature in different families of Angiospermic plants.
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Inheritance of resistance to rust was investigated in the self progeny of the sugarcane cultivar 'R570' also used to build a RFLP genetic map. Resistance was evaluated through both field and controlled greenhouse trials. A clear-cut 3 (resistant) ∶ 1 (susceptible) segregation indicative of a probable dominant resistant gene was observed. This is the first documented report of a monogenic inheritance for disease resistance in sugarcane. This gene was found linked at 10 cM with an RFLP marker revealed by probe CDSR29. Other minor factors involved in the resistance were also detected.
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Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers are very informative for various applications in genetics and breeding. Information obtained with these markers has contributed to a better understanding of evolution and the complexity of the sugarcane genome. With the objective of identifying a large set of polymorphic microsatellite markers designated as Unigene derived Sugarcane Microsatellite (UGSM) and Sugarcane Enriched Genomic Microsatellite (SEGMS), 351 UGSM and 36 SEGMS were tested to find out informative SSRs marker for sugar content. These markers were screened and validated for their use in genetic diversity, cross transferability and comparative linkage potential in high and low sugar bulk of two segregating progenies and twenty each, cultivated high and low sugar cultivars. 158 (40.83%) of the microsatellite markers (144-UGSM: 14-SEGMS) were found to be highly robust and polymorphic. Cross amplification was estimated among nineteen accessions of six sugarcane cultivars, one inter specific hybrids, five related species, four related genera, and three divergent genera by using 27 UGSM primers. Analysis of 388 alleles, amplified by these markers, indicated the high number of observed allele ranged from 2 to 26, with an average of 14.37 alleles detected per locus. High level of polymorphism detected by these markers among sugarcane species, genera and cultivars was 96.3%, while cross-transferability rate was 98.0% within Saccharum complex and 88.27% to cereals. Wide range of genetic diversity (0.33–0.79 with an average of 0.56) assayed with UGSM markers suggested their importance in various genotypic applications in sugarcane.
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Melon is one of the most important horticultural crops in Iran. There are a few studies on the genetic structure of Iranian melon. A set of 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primer pairs were used to assess the genetic diversity in a collection of 24 melon accessions representing different botanical groups of Iranian cultivated melons (vars. inodorus, cantalupensis and dudaim), along with 28 reference accessions from diverse geographic origin. All studied SSR loci were polymorphic that confirmed their usefulness for genetic analysis of melons. A total number of 141 alleles were detected, with an average of 7.8 alleles per locus for reference genotypes and 4.38 alleles per locus for Iranian accessions. The low variability within Iranian melon accessions is reflected by the low values of the observed heterozygosity (with an average of 0.119), indicating lack of intercrossing between accessions or a high rate of self-pollination. Values of observed homozygosity for “Suski-e-Sabz” and “Khatouni”, as the most cultivated melon in Iran, were 0.98 and 0.99, respectively. Cluster analysis divided Iranian accessions into two major groups. The highest level of polymorphism was detected among the dudaim group. The analysis of molecular variance indicated that the majority of variation (87 %) was due to the difference within accessions. The average pairwise genetic distance among Iranian accessions was 0.674. Our results showed a distinct separation of dudaim group from the rest of Iranian accessions, even separated two different groups of var. dudaim with different traits. There was a wide genetic distance between Honey Dew, as the most popular member of inodorus group worldwide and “Khatouni”, a major Iranian winter melon (GD = 0.809). This genetic distance shows the importance of Iranian accessions for conservation and use in breeding programs.
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Generating genomic resources in terms of molecular markers is imperative in molecular breeding for crop improvement. Though development and application of microsatellite markers in large-scale was reported in the model crop foxtail millet, no such large-scale study was conducted for intron length polymorphic (ILP) markers. Considering this, we developed 5123 ILP markers, of which 4049 were physically mapped onto nine chromosomes of foxtail millet. The BLAST analysis of 5123 EST sequences suggested the function for about 71.5% ESTs and grouped them into 5 different functional categories. About 440 selected primer pairs representing the foxtail millet genome and the different functional groups showed high-level of cross-genera amplification at an average of ~85% in eight millets and five non-millet species. The efficacy of the ILP markers for distinguishing the foxtail millet is demonstrated by observed heterozygosity (0.20) and Nei’s average gene diversity (0.22). In silico comparative mapping of physically mapped ILP markers demonstrated substantial percentage of sequence-based orthology and syntenic relationship between foxtail millet chromosomes and sorghum (~50%), maize (~46%), rice (~21%) and Brachypodium (~21%) chromosomes. Hence, for the first time we had developed large-scale ILP markers in foxtail millet and demonstrated their utility in germplasm characterization, transferability, phylogenetics and comparative mapping studies in millets and bioenergy grass species.
Molecular genetic markers represent one of the most powerful tools for the analysis of genomes and enable the association of heritable traits with underlying genomic variation. Molecular marker technology has developed rapidly over the last decade and two forms of sequence based marker, Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), also known as microsatellites, and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) now predominate applications in modern genetic analysis. The reducing cost of DNA sequencing has led to the availability of large sequence data sets derived from whole genome sequencing and large scale Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) discovery that enable the mining of SSRs and SNPs, which may then be applied to diversity analysis, genetic trait mapping, association studies, and marker assisted selection. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with annotated genes. Here we review automated methods for the discovery of SSRs and SNPs and provide an overview of the diverse applications of these markers.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with arbitrarily selected primers has been established as an efficient method to generate fingerprints that are useful in genetic mapping and genomic fingerprinting. To further increase the productivity of mapping and fingerprinting efforts, we have altered existing protocols to include the use of the Stoffel fragment, which is derived from genetically engineered Taq polymerase. We also optimized the thermal profile of the reaction to increase the number of useful primers. In mapping of the genome of Saccharum spontaneum 'SES 208', a polyploid wild relative of sugarcane, these modifications allowed for an increase of 30% in the number of loci screened per primer, and an 80% increase in the number of polymorphisms per primer. Furthermore, the enzyme cost per reaction was decreased approximately 1.6-fold. Finally, there was an increase from about 70% to about 97% in the number of primers that were useful (i.e., gave a reproducible fingerprint) using our protocol. We have placed some of these markers into linkage groups.