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Burnout and health behaviors in health professionals from seven European countries

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Objectives Within an underlying health-impairing process, work stressors exhaust employees’ mental and physical resources and lead to exhaustion/burnout and to health problems, with health-impairing behaviors being one of the potential mechanisms, linking burnout to ill health. The study aims to explore the associations between burnout and fast food consumption, exercise, alcohol consumption and painkiller use in a multinational sample of 2623 doctors, nurses and residents from Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Croatia and Macedonia, adopting a cross-national approach. Methods Data are part of the international cross-sectional quantitative ORCAB survey. The measures included the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Health Behaviors Questionnaire. Results Burnout was significantly positively associated with higher fast food consumption, infrequent exercise, higher alcohol consumption and more frequent painkiller use in the full sample, and these associations remained significant after the inclusion of individual differences factors and country of residence. Cross-national comparisons showed significant differences in burnout and health behaviors, and some differences in the statistical significance and magnitude (but not the direction) of the associations between them. Health professionals from Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria reported the most unfavorable experiences. Conclusions Burnout and risk health behaviors among health professionals are important both in the context of health professionals’ health and well-being and as factors contributing to medical errors and inadequate patient safety. Organizational interventions should incorporate early identification of such behaviors together with programs promoting health and aimed at the reduction of burnout and work-related stress.
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Int Arch Occup Environ Health (2016) 89:1059–1075
DOI 10.1007/s00420-016-1143-5
Burnout and health behaviors in health professionals from seven
European countries
Anna Alexandrova‑Karamanova1,2 · Irina Todorova1 · Anthony Montgomery3 ·
Efharis Panagopoulou4 · Patricia Costa5 · Adriana Baban6 · Asli Davas7 ·
Milan Milosevic8 · Dragan Mijakoski9
Received: 12 November 2015 / Accepted: 18 May 2016 / Published online: 1 June 2016
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
use in the full sample, and these associations remained
significant after the inclusion of individual differences fac-
tors and country of residence. Cross-national comparisons
showed significant differences in burnout and health behav-
iors, and some differences in the statistical significance
and magnitude (but not the direction) of the associations
between them. Health professionals from Turkey, Greece
and Bulgaria reported the most unfavorable experiences.
Conclusions Burnout and risk health behaviors among
health professionals are important both in the context of
health professionals’ health and well-being and as fac-
tors contributing to medical errors and inadequate patient
safety. Organizational interventions should incorporate
early identification of such behaviors together with pro-
grams promoting health and aimed at the reduction of burn-
out and work-related stress.
Keywords Burnout · Health behaviors · Health
professionals · Cross-national
Objectives Within an underlying health-impairing pro-
cess, work stressors exhaust employees’ mental and physi-
cal resources and lead to exhaustion/burnout and to health
problems, with health-impairing behaviors being one of
the potential mechanisms, linking burnout to ill health.
The study aims to explore the associations between burn-
out and fast food consumption, exercise, alcohol consump-
tion and painkiller use in a multinational sample of 2623
doctors, nurses and residents from Greece, Portugal, Bul-
garia, Romania, Turkey, Croatia and Macedonia, adopting a
cross-national approach.
Methods Data are part of the international cross-sectional
quantitative ORCAB survey. The measures included the
Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Health Behaviors
Results Burnout was significantly positively associated
with higher fast food consumption, infrequent exercise,
higher alcohol consumption and more frequent painkiller
* Anna Alexandrova-Karamanova
1 Health Psychology Research Center, PO Box 238,
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
2 Department of Psychology, Institute for Population
and Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad.
G. Bonchev Street, bl. 6, fl. 5/6, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
3 Department of Education and Social Policy, University
of Macedonia, 156 Egnatia Street, 540 06 Thessaloniki,
4 Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
5 Business Research Unit - Instituto Universitário de
Lisboa, Av. das Forças Armadas, Edificio ISCTE-IUL,
1649-026 Lisbon, Portugal
6 Department of Psychology, Babes Bolyai University, 37
Republicii Street, 400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
7 Department of Public Health, Ege University, Halk Sagligi
AD, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
8 School of Medicine, Andrija Stampar School of Public
Health, University of Zagreb, Rockefellerova 4,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
9 Institute of Occupational Health of RM, WHO Collaborating
Center, II Makedonska Brigada 43, Skopje, Republic
of Macedonia
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... On the other hand, burnout in nursing professionals has been related to negative repercussions, such as a higher rate of headaches and dizziness 5 and ergonomic changes 6 , in addition to behavioral issues such as less healthy habits, high fast food consumption, low physical exercise frequency, higher alcoholic beverage consumption, and more frequent analgesic medication use 7 . Furthermore, studies point to the influence of burnout as a mediator of depressive symptoms 8,9 . ...
... Burnout affects nursing workers, with negative repercussions on their physical [5][6][7]25 and mental 8,9 health. This phenomenon additionally affects healthcare organizations, causing more absences, absenteeism 25 and turnover, and even increasing personnel costs 26 . ...
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Objective: to analyze the professional quality of life of nursing workers and identify its association with sociodemographic and professional variables. Method: this is a quantitative, cross-sectional study conducted with 180 nursing workers from a public hospital by applying a sociodemographic and professional questionnaire and the Professional Quality of Life Scale 4-Brazilian version. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, association and correlation tests. Results: a higher frequency of compassion satisfaction and a lower frequency of secondary traumatic stress were evidenced. Compassion satisfaction showed a negative correlation with burnout (r=-0.21; p<0.01) and secondary traumatic stress (r=-0.23; p<0.01), while these showed a positive correlation with each other (r=0.43; p<0.001). The type of employment relationship was associated with burnout (p<0.001), the work shift with secondary traumatic stress (p=0.02), and the workplace with the three scale components (p<0.05). Conclusion: high employee satisfaction is a protective factor. Interventions for burnout and secondary traumatic stress are necessary and may be based on associated factors. Descriptors: Nurse Practitioners; Work Engagement; Compassion Fatigue; Burnout, Professional. RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a qualidade de vida profissional de trabalhadores de enfermagem e identificar sua associação com variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais. Método: estudo quantitativo, transversal, realizado com 180 trabalhadores de Enfermagem de um hospital público, com aplicação de questionário sóciodemográfico e profissional e da Professional Quality of Life Scale 4-versão brasileira. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva, testes de associação e de correlação. Resultados: evidenciou-se maior frequência de satisfação por compaixão e menor de estresse traumático. A satisfação por compaixão apresentou correlação negativa com burnout (r=-0,21; p<0,01)) e estresse traumático (r=-0,23; p<0,01), enquanto estes apresentaram correlação positiva entre si (r=0,43; p<0,001). O tipo de vínculo esteve associado ao burnout (p<0,001), o turno de trabalho ao estresse traumático (p=0,02), e o local de trabalho aos três componentes da escala (p<0,05). Conclusão: a elevada satisfação nos trabalhadores configura-se como um fator protetivo. Intervenções para o burnout e estresse traumático são necessárias, podendo basear-se nos fatores associados. Descritores: Profissionais de Enfermagem; Engajamento no Trabalho; Fadiga por Compaixão; Esgotamento Profissional. RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la calidad de vida profesional de trabajadores de enfermería e identificar su asociación con variables sociodemográficas y profesionales. Método: estudio cuantitativo, transversal, realizado con 180 trabajadores de enfermería de un hospital público, mediante aplicación de un cuestionario sociodemográfico y profesional, y la Professional Quality of Life Scale 4-versión brasileña. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, pruebas de asociación y de correlación. Resultados: se evidenció mayor frecuencia de satisfacción por compasión y menor de estrés traumático. La satisfacción por compasión mostró correlación negativa con el burnout (r=-0,21; p<0,01) y el estrés traumático (r=-0,23; p<0,01), mientras que estos presentaron una correlación positiva entre sí (r=0,43; p<0,001). Tipo de vínculo laboral se asoció con burnout (p<0,001), turno de trabajo con estrés traumático (p=0,02) y lugar de trabajo con los tres componentes de la escala (p<0,05). Conclusión: la elevada satisfacción de los trabajadores configura factor protector. Se necesitan intervenciones para el burnout y el estrés traumático, las cuales pueden basarse en los factores asociados.
... Por outro lado, o burnout nos profissionais de enfermagem tem sido relacionado às repercussões negativas, como maior índice de cefaleias e tonturas 5 e alterações ergonômicas 6 , além de questões comportamentais, como hábitos menos saudáveis, consumo elevado de fast food, baixa frequência de exercícios físicos, maior consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e o uso mais frequente de medicações analgésicas 7 . Ainda, estudos apontam para a influência do burnout como um mediador de sintomas depressivos 8,9 . ...
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Objetivo: analisar a qualidade de vida profissional de trabalhadores de enfermagem e identificar sua associação com variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais. Método: estudo quantitativo, transversal, realizado com 180 trabalhadores de Enfermagem de um hospital público, com aplicação de questionário sóciodemográfico e profissional e da Professional Quality of Life Scale 4 - versão brasileira. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva, testes de associação e de correlação. Resultados: evidenciou-se maior frequência de satisfação por compaixão e menor de estresse traumático. A satisfação por compaixão apresentou correlação negativa com burnout (r=-0,21; p<0,01)) e estresse traumático (r=-0,23; p<0,01), enquanto estes apresentaram correlação positiva entre si (r=0,43; p<0,001). O tipo de vínculo esteve associado ao burnout (p<0,001), o turno de trabalho ao estresse traumático (p=0,02), e o local de trabalho aos três componentes da escala (p<0,05). Conclusão: a elevada satisfação nos trabalhadores configura-se como um fator protetivo. Intervenções para o burnout e estresse traumático são necessárias, podendo basear-se nos fatores associados.
... Por otro lado, el burnout en los profesionales de enfermería se ha relacionado con repercusiones negativas como mayor incidencia de cefaleas y mareos 5 , problemas ergonómicos 6 y comportamientos poco saludables, como consumo elevado de comida rápida, baja frecuencia de ejercicio físico, mayor ingesta de alcohol y uso frecuente de analgésicos 7 . Además, estudios señalan que el burnout puede mediar en la aparición de síntomas depresivos 8,9 . ...
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RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la calidad de vida profesional de trabajadores de enfermería e identificar su asociación con variables sociodemográficas y profesionales. Método: estudio cuantitativo, transversal, realizado con 180 trabajadores de enfermería de un hospital público, mediante aplicación de un cuestionario sociodemográfico y profesional, y la Professional Quality of Life Scale 4-versión brasileña. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, pruebas de asociación y de correlación. Resultados: se evidenció mayor frecuencia de satisfacción por compasión y menor de estrés traumático. La satisfacción por compasión mostró correlación negativa con el burnout (r=-0,21; p<0,01) y el estrés traumático (r=-0,23; p<0,01), mientras que estos presentaron una correlación positiva entre sí (r=0,43; p<0,001). Tipo de vínculo laboral se asoció con burnout (p<0,001), turno de trabajo con estrés traumático (p=0,02) y lugar de trabajo con los tres componentes de la escala (p<0,05). Conclusión: la elevada satisfacción de los trabajadores configura factor protector. Se necesitan intervenciones para el burnout y el estrés traumático, las cuales pueden basarse en los factores asociados. Descriptores: Enfermeras Practicantes; Compromiso Laboral; Desgaste por Empatía; Agotamiento Profesional. RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a qualidade de vida profissional de trabalhadores de enfermagem e identificar sua associação com variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais. Método: estudo quantitativo, transversal, realizado com 180 trabalhadores de Enfermagem de um hospital público, com aplicação de questionário sóciodemográfico e profissional e da Professional Quality of Life Scale 4-versão brasileira. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva, testes de associação e de correlação. Resultados: evidenciou-se maior frequência de satisfação por compaixão e menor de estresse traumático. A satisfação por compaixão apresentou correlação negativa com burnout (r=-0,21; p<0,01)) e estresse traumático (r=-0,23; p<0,01), enquanto estes apresentaram correlação positiva entre si (r=0,43; p<0,001). O tipo de vínculo esteve associado ao burnout (p<0,001), o turno de trabalho ao estresse traumático (p=0,02), e o local de trabalho aos três componentes da escala (p<0,05). Conclusão: a elevada satisfação nos trabalhadores configura-se como um fator protetivo. Intervenções para o burnout e estresse traumático são necessárias, podendo basear-se nos fatores associados. Descritores: Profissionais de Enfermagem; Engajamento no Trabalho; Fadiga por Compaixão; Esgotamento Profissional. ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the professional quality of life of nursing workers and identify its association with sociodemographic and professional variables. Method: this is a quantitative, cross-sectional study conducted with 180 nursing workers from a public hospital by applying a sociodemographic and professional questionnaire and the Professional Quality of Life Scale 4-Brazilian version. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, association and correlation tests. Results: a higher frequency of compassion satisfaction and a lower frequency of secondary traumatic stress were evidenced. Compassion satisfaction showed a negative correlation with burnout (r=-0.21; p<0.01) and secondary traumatic stress (r=-0.23; p<0.01), while these showed a positive correlation with each other (r=0.43; p<0.001). The type of employment relationship was associated with burnout (p<0.001), the work shift with secondary traumatic stress (p=0.02), and the workplace with the three scale components (p<0.05). Conclusion: high employee satisfaction is a protective factor. Interventions for burnout and secondary traumatic stress are necessary and may be based on associated factors.
... A study by Alexandrova-Karamanova et al. in 2016 (11) highlighted the impact of burnout on healthcare professionals and its potential role in medical errors. The study emphasised addressing burnout and related health behaviours to prevent medical errors. ...
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When a medical error occurs, the instinct to blame healthcare professionals may seems like a way to ensure they learn from their mistakes. However, in today’s healthcare landscape, the blame culture, coupled with the fear of litigation, proves detrimental to improving patient care. This culture fosters a reluctance among healthcare professionals to openly disclose mistakes, depriving them of valuable learning opportunities. These professionals, often referred to as second victims, deserve as much attention and support as the patients who are affected by the errors. Given that medical errors are inevitable, it becomes imperative to effectively manage the aftermath to ensure all parties involved are adequately supported and shielded from adverse consequences. This article delves into the ethical complexities of medical errors, advocating for a shift from a blame-centric culture to one that prioritises support for second victims. The aim of this article is to underscore the crucial importance of addressing medical errors within the healthcare sector by fostering an environment that promotes learning and growth post-error.
... There is a dearth of research on job burnout associated with healthcare workers (HCW) especially medical doctors working in Malaysian public hospitals (Chow et al., 2021;Fauzi et al., 2020;Ismail, Lee, Tanjung, Jelani, & Latiff, 2021;Lau, Hadi, Marzuki, Ismail, & Che Ismail, 2024;Leong, 2023). Generally, literature is abundant on employee well-being such as job satisfaction (Chew, Ramli, Omar, & Ismail, 2013;Dousin, Collins, & Kler, 2019;Ramlan, Rugayah, & Zarul Zafuan, 2014;Roslan, Noor Hazilah, Nor Filzatun, & Azahadi, 2014), health behaviors (Alexandra-Karamanova et al., 2016), and absenteeism (Danna & Griffin, 1999) in the context of health care professional. Thus, there is a need to do a more in-depth study on nurses' support of medical doctors' job burnout as the amount of research done focusing on this matter is scarce, and the generalizability of this study is limited. ...
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Job burnout in employees is caused by individual factors, including demographic characteristics and nurses’ support. This study analyzed the relationship between nurses’ support and job burnout among medical doctors in Malaysian public hospitals. This research was a correlational study with a cross-sectional design. The research sample was 471 employees, using the non-probability sampling method with the purposive and quota sampling techniques. Data collection used the Abbreviated Maslach Burnout Inventory (aMBI) and nurses’ support items. The data in this study were analyzed using the Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS) and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) software. Findings suggest that 77 medical doctors who participated in the study were from Hospital Pulau Pinang, from the Emergency Department, mostly female, ranging from 24-56 years old, single, and have an MBBS education level. The study assessed the measurement model’s loading, average variance extracted (AVE), and composite reliability (CR) where the loadings were above 0.60. AVEs were greater than 0.50 and CRs were greater than 0.708. Additionally, the bootstrap BCI LL (-0.079) and UL (-0.002) for nurses’ support and job burnout were not straddled a 0 in between. Job burnout had a negative association with nurses’ support. In particular, nurses’ support towards medical doctors lowers their risk of job burnout, which has a substantial impact on medical doctors’ overall well-being. The findings indicated that medical doctors who had complete support from their nurses performed their jobs more efficiently, displayed good task performance, and experienced less job burnout.
... Likevel strever stadig flere spesialiteter med å beholde ansatte (6). Kolleger blir utbrente og sykemeldte, og mange fatter ikke hvordan de skal holde ut et langt yrkesliv i helsevesenet (7). Mange opplever stor arbeidsbelastning og liten innflytelse på egen arbeidshverdag (5). ...
... Alongside physical activity, eating behaviours have been identified as an important health behaviour, relating to higher levels of self-efficacy and lower levels of psychological distress (Głąbska et al., 2020). Healthy eating practices are particularly important for buffering the impact of stressors on well-being and have been linked to lower levels of burnout, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, independently (Alexandrova-Karamanova et al., 2016;Hall et al., 2015;Luong et al., 2021). However, evidence suggests that nurses tend to turn to unhealthy eating behaviours to cope with feelings of stress and accommodate the shift-work nature of the role (Almajwal, 2016). ...
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Background Clinical decision-making is an essential part of the nursing role and has implications for both patient care and nurses’ well-being. Aim This study aimed to explore the relationship between nurses’ perceptions of clinical decision-making ability and moral distress across a nursing population, and the potential link to self-compassion and health-promoting behaviours. Methods A self-report questionnaire was distributed to a sample of nurses ( N = 152) from April to September 2022. The survey explored nurses’ perceptions of clinical decision-making ability, moral distress, physical activity, grazing, stress-eating, burnout and self-compassion. Results Perceived clinical decision-making ability was associated with moral distress experience, and both self-compassion and grazing moderated this relationship, independently. Conclusion Findings highlight the link between nurses’ perceptions of clinical decision-making ability and moral distress experience. Both eating behaviours and self-compassion influence the relationship between these two factors and identify potential areas that may support (and hinder) nurses’ well-being through clinical decision-making. These findings reinforce the importance of healthy eating habits and being self-compassionate to prevent moral distress arising as a result of clinical decision-making.
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Introducción: La pandemia por Covid-19 trajo muchos retos en salud mental de los profesionales de salud, y el síndrome de burnout (SB) fue uno de los padecimientos con mayor prevalencia en los trabajadores de la salud. Así mismo, durante este periodo se pudo observar un aumento del consumo de alcohol y/o cannabis para afrontar las dificultades ocasionadas por la pandemia. Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia del SB y el consumo de alcohol y cannabis y la relación entre el SB y los tipos de consumo de alcohol después del Covid-19 en trabajadores de la salud. Materiales y métodos: El diseño de este estudio fue descriptivo correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 84 trabajadores de salud elegidos por un muestreo por conveniencia. El análisis de los datos se realizó a través de proporciones, intervalos de Confianza del 95 %, Chi² de Pearson y correlación de Spearman. Resultados: Se encontró que los trabajadores de salud presentaron niveles moderados altos de síndrome de Burnout; el trabajador que laboró en área Covid-19 presentó porcentajes mayores en las categorías del SB; el 31 % presentó un nivel de cansancio emocional alto; el 20.2 % un nivel de despersonalización alto y el 25 % un nivel bajo de realización personal. Respecto al uso de sustancias psicoactivas, tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas, no obstante que los trabajadores que estuvieron en área Covid-19, el 64.3 % refirieron consumir alcohol y el 33.3 % cannabis. En cuanto al tipo de consumo de alcohol, se encontró que el 36.9 % presentó un consumo sensato, el 26.2 % un consumo dependiente y el 36.9 % un consumo perjudicial. Así también el tipo de consumo de alcohol perjudicial se correlacionó significativamente con el nivel de cansancio emocional (p >.05). Conclusiones: lo cual indica que los trabajadores que tienen un mayor cansancio emocional, también tiene un tipo de consumo de alcohol perjudicial.
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Background: Job dissatisfaction in healthcare facilities can increase medical errors. In order to reduce the medical errors, hospitals must focus on employee job satisfaction. In this case, both stress and burnout can lower job satisfaction. Aims: This research was conducted to analyze the internal factors that affect the level of job satisfaction of employees in health facilities. Methods: The method applied is the PRISMA framework, which consists of five stages, namely eligibility criteria, information sources, study selection, data collection process, and data items. Results: Systematic review was done on 34 quantitative studies about the factors that influence job satisfaction. Based on the review, the internal factors known are demographic and personal factors. In this case, demographic factors mostly do not affect employee job satisfaction, one of which is salary. Meanwhile, the most researched personal factor and the biggest influence is burnout. Conclusion: Based on the systematic review, it is known that the internal factors affecting employees’ job satisfaction include demographic and personal factors. The demographic factor that has a significant effect is salary, while the most researched individual factor is burnout. Working in the health sector requires caution so as not to cause medical errors. Health workers who experience burnout are at risk of causing medical errors. For that we need a strategy to overcome burnout so as to increase job satisfaction. Keywords: burnout, healthcare, internal factor, job satisfaction, PRISMA
Objective This article introduces the general principles of assessing, diagnosing, and managing pain relevant to neurologic practice. Latest Developments Scientific understanding of and clinical practices related to pain and pain management are advancing. The field is remarkable for the diversity of health professions engaged in this effort, including physicians, scientists, psychologists, pharmacists, and many others. Pain classification is transforming with pending changes to the International Classification of Diseases diagnostic coding system, and pain assessment has moved toward consistent application of the biopsychosocial model. The diagnosis of pain has continued to become more sophisticated with the development of additional testing modalities, clearer classification systems, and diagnostic criteria. Pain management requires both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic elements; systematic review evidence for both of these and interventional and surgical management are increasingly available. The context of treatment remains important given the impact of social determinants of health and limitations of access to diagnostic and treatment resources. Due to global and interprofessional collaborations as well as new research funding, the outlook is positive. Essential Points Pain is a protean experience for humans; functional MRI (fMRI) and other research modalities show that pain perception is highly multifocal, and modulation occurs at many nervous system levels. Neurologists bring special skills to pain evaluation and management, are well equipped to appreciate both the focal and diffuse nature of pain, and can envision how pain attenuates sleep, cognitive function, mobility, motivation, and social connection. By operationalizing expert knowledge of the nervous system, implementing relevant therapies, and collaborating with diverse health professions to manage pain, neurologists can succeed at and find meaning in optimizing patient outcomes.
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Introduction: Burnout is a psychological syndrome, characterized by a state of high emotional exhaustion, high depersonalization and low personal accomplishment, which leads to erosion of personal, professional and health values. This study reports the incidence of burnout in Portuguese Healthcare professionals. Material and methods: Burnout in Portugal's health professionals was assessed with the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey, using a zero (never) to six (always) ordinal scale, on a sample of 1 262 nurses and 466 physicians with mean age of 36.8 year (SD = 12.2) and 38.7 (SD = 11.0), respectively. Participants came from all national districts (35% Lisbon, 18% Oporto, 6% Aveiro, 6% Setúbal, 5% Coimbra, 5% Azores and Madeira), working in hospitals (54%), Families' Health Units (30%), Personalized Health Units (8%) and other public or private institutions (8%). Results: Analysis of MBI-HSS scores, stratified by district, revealed that both types of professionals had moderate to high levels of burnout (M = 3.0, SD = 1.7) with no significant differences between the two groups. Vila Real (M = 3.8, SD = 1.7) and Madeira (M = 2.5, SD = 1.5) were the regions where burnout levels were higher and lower, respectively. Burnout levels did not differ significantly between Hospital, Personalized Health Units and Families' Health Centers. Professionals with more years in the function were less affected by Burnout (r = -0.15). No significant association was observed with the duration of the working day (r = 0.04). The strongest predictor of burnout was the perceived quality of working conditions (r = -0.35). Discussion: The occurrence of the burnout syndrome in Portuguese health professionals is frequent, being associated with a poor working conditions perception and reduced professional experience. The incidence of the burnout syndrome shows regional differences which may be associated with different and suboptimal conditions for health care delivery. Results suggest the need for interventions aimed at improving working conditions and initial job training of health professionals, as requisites for a good professional practice and personal well-being. Conclusions: At the national level, between 2011 and 2013, 21.6% of healthcare professionals showed moderate burnout and 47.8% showed high burnout. The perception of poor working conditions was the main predictor of burnout occurrence among the Portuguese health professionals.
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Introduction: Consumption of meals eaten away from home, especially from fast-food restaurants, has increased in the United States since the 1970s. The main objective of this study was to examine the frequency and characteristics of fast-food consumption among adults in Michigan and obesity prevalence. Methods: We analyzed data from 12 questions about fast-food consumption that were included on the 2005 Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Survey, a population-based telephone survey of Michigan adults, using univariate and bivariate analyses and multivariate logistic regression, and compared these data with data on Michigan obesity prevalence. Results: Approximately 80% of Michigan adults went to fast-food restaurants at least once per month and 28% went regularly (≥2 times/wk). Regular fast-food consumption was higher among younger adults (mostly men) but was not significantly associated with household income, education, race, or urbanicity (in a multivariate framework). The prevalence of obesity increased consistently with frequenting fast-food restaurants, from 24% of those going less than once a week to 33% of those going 3 or more times per week. The predominant reason for choosing fast food was convenience. Although hypothetically 68% of adults who go to fast-food restaurants would choose healthier fast-food items when available, only 16% said they ever use nutritional information when ordering. Conclusion: The prevalence of fast-food consumption is high in Michigan across education, income, and racial groups and is strongly associated with obesity. Making nutritional information at fast-food restaurants more readily available and easier to use may help consumers to order more healthful or lower-calorie items.
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The aim of this study was to estimate the short term consequences of job insecurity associated with a newly introduced mobility framework in Greece. In specific, the study examined the impact of job insecurity on anxiety, depression, and psychosomatic and musculoskeletal symptoms, two months after the announcement of the mobility framework. In addition the study also examined the " spill over " effects of job insecurity on employees not directly affected by the mobility framework. Personal interviews using a structured questionnaire were conducted for 36 university administrative employees awaiting repositioning, 36 coworkers not at risk, and 28 administrative employees of a local hospital not at risk. Compared to both control groups the employees in the anticipation phase of labor mobility had significantly worse scores for perceived stress, anxiety, depression, positive affect, negative affect, social support, marital discord, common somatic symptoms, and frequency of musculoskeletal pain. This study highlights the immediate detrimental effects of job insecurity on the physical, psychological, and social functioning of employees. There is a need for the development of front line interventions to prevent these effects from developing into chronic conditions with considerable cost for the individual and society in general.
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Objective: Burnout syndrome is a work-related professional distress. Palliative care physicians often have to deal with complex end-of-life situations and are at risk of presenting with burnout syndrome, which has been little studied in this population. Our study aims to identify the impact of clinical settings (in a palliative care unit (PCU) or on a palliative care mobile team (PCMT)) on palliative care physicians. Method: We undertook a cross-sectional study using a questionnaire that included the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), and we gathered sociodemographic and professional data. The questionnaire was sent to all 590 physicians working in palliative care in France between July of 2012 and February of 2013. Results: The response rate was 61, 8% after three reminders. Some 27 (9%) participants showed high emotional exhaustion, 12 (4%) suffered from a high degree of depersonalization, and 71 (18%) had feelings of low personal accomplishment. Physicians working on a PCMT tended (p = 0.051) to be more likely to suffer from emotional exhaustion than their colleagues. Physicians working on a PCMT worked on smaller teams (fewer physicians, p < 0.001; fewer nonphysicians, p < 0.001). They spent less time doing research (p = 0.019), had fewer resources (p = 0.004), and their expertise seemed to be underrecognized by their colleagues (p = 0.023). Significance of results: The prevalence of burnout in palliative care physicians was low and in fact lower than that reported in other populations (e.g., oncologists). Working on a palliative care mobile team can be a more risky situation, associated with a lack of medical and paramedical staff.
The human body is designed for activity. For most of our history, physical activity was required for survival, but technological advances have eliminated much of the need for hard physical labor. As our activity levels have dropped, it has become clear that a physically inactive lifestyle can lead to a host of health problems. Physical Activity and Health, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive treatment of the research on the benefits of a physically active lifestyle in comparison with the harmful consequences of physical inactivity.
Aim: To evaluate burnout syndrome and related factors among psychiatry residents in 24 countries worldwide. We report data from Croatia and France, the first two to complete the study. Methods: The BoSS online questionnaire collects data on demographics, education, work circumstances, The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-GS), The Areas of Worklife Survey, The Patient Health Questionnaire and The Suicide Ideation and Behaviour Questionnaire. Results: Study sample consists of 224 residents – 54 from Croatia (54% response rate) and 136 from France (34.1%). They both showed moderate level of burnout syndrome, while the Croats had significantly stronger feelings of professional efficacy. Being single, fewer weekly working hours and vacation days, and higher workload significantly predicted higher emotional exhaustion and higher cynicism. Conclusion: Our findings indicate moderate level of burnout among psychiatry residents and its strong association with inadequate working conditions.
Two surveys were conducted to examine the prevalence and severity of burnout in physicians. In the first survey, a total of 1,161 Alberta physicians responded to a series of demographic questions and 4 burnout measures, including a modified Maslach Burnout Inventory (MMBI). In the second survey, a total of 2,251 Canadian physicians completed the Boudreau Burnout Questionnaire (BBQ) as part of the Canadian Medical Association Physician Resource Questionnaire. Using these measures of burnout and the Phase Model approach, physician burnout levels were identified. Overall, 45.7% of Canadian physicians and 48.6 to 55.5% of Alberta physicians were classified as being in the advanced phases of burnout.