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BirdingASIA 20 (2013): 37–43 37
The significance of the Thai-Malay Peninsula as a
migratory flyway for raptors and other diurnal
migrants has been recognised since at least the mid-
1980s (Melville & Fletcher 1982, Lekagul et al. 1985,
Bildstein & Zalles 1995). Recent studies (DeCandido
et al. 2004a,b, DeCandido & Nualsri 2009) have
focused on intensive monitoring of the numbers
and species composition of raptors and other
diurnal migrants during both spring and autumn
migrations. From 2001 onwards, observations were
made mainly in the coastal plain near Chumphon
town, at Ban U-Tapao, and at nearby Khao Promsri
as well as a further site, Khao Radar, about 100 km
north of Chumphon town, immediately east of
Highway 4, in Bang Saphan Noi district, Prachuap
Khiri Khan province. Observations at the latter site
have been conducted mainly by the Thai Raptor
Group (Lorsunyaluck et al. 2008, DeCandido et al.
Since 2008 Khao Dinso, Pathiu district,
Chumphon (10.633°N 99.283°E) has been
recognised as the best site for monitoring the
southward migration of raptors and other diurnal
migrants (Nualsri & DeCandido 2010). Khao Dinso
is a steep, 356 m hill situated about 1.5 km from
the coast. It is deforested but covered with
secondary, regenerating scrub woodland, and offers
spectacular views of the surrounding lowlands (a
mosaic of rubber and oil-palm plantations) and
adjacent sea coast.
Most observations were conducted at 240–300 m
on an east-west ridge (Figure 1). Raptor migration
starts here in mid-August and continues until mid-
November. In the earlier part of the season (until at
least early October) more than 95% of the
individuals on passage are Japanese Sparrowhawks
Accipiter gularis and Chinese Sparrowhawks A.
soloensis (RD & CN pers. obs.). During that period,
migrating raptors tend to hug the coast, skimming
low over the ridges and using them to reduce the
effect of the prevailing south-west monsoon
By placing mist-nets (usually five 12 m nets)
along the level part of the ridge-top, siting them
where there were gaps in the tree cover, with the
top of the net no more than 4 m above the ground
and perpendicular to the birds’ flight-line, we were
able to catch small numbers of migrating
Ringing migrant sparrowhawks in southern
sparrowhawks. Baiting proved unsuccessful: we
tried small chicks and (for a brief period) Stripe-
throated Bulbuls Pycnonotus finlaysoni suspended
in cages at head-height, but neither appeared to
attract sparrowhawks. All birds trapped were
measured, weighed, examined for moult,
photographed and ringed with numbered metal rings
supplied by the Department of National Parks,
Wildlife and Plants Conservation.
A total of 75 accipiters—48 Japanese
Sparrowhawks (21 adult males, 13 adult females,
10 juvenile males and 4 juvenile females), 26
Chinese Sparrowhawks (10 adult males, 8 adult
females and 8 juvenile males—all the juvenile
Chinese Sparrowhawks were assumed to be males
because their wing-lengths were identical to those
of adult males) and one unsexed juvenile Shikra
Accipiter badius—were trapped during the 2011 and
2012 autumn seasons. Of these, 72 were trapped in
only 10 days (six days in 2011 and four in 2012)
between 19 September and 6 October. Trapping after
the last date was much less successful. Although
Figure 1. Location of Khao Dinso and details of ringing site.
Chumpon Study Centre
Mist-netting area
Observation sala
Walking path
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38 Ringing migrant sparrowhawks in southern Thailand
the overall number and diversity of raptors was
greater at that time, the south-west monsoon
declines in early October and by about 20 October
is replaced by a north-east monsoon tail-wind; the
birds then pass much higher, well beyond the reach
of mist-nets. The numbers of sparrowhawks
passing are much fewer then, and the passage of
other species, especially Black Baza Aviceda
leuphotes and Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus,
The numbers of hawks trapped increased as the
day progressed, peaking during the second half of
the afternoon (Figure 2). Although the reduced
capture frequency in the middle part of the day and
the early afternoon corresponded with fewer
sightings over the coastal ridge, this did not
apparently indicate a real decline in numbers but
rather a shift in flight pattern. As updrafts became
stronger in the hottest part of the day, birds tended
to be higher and were both harder to catch and less
visible, whilst the passage tended to be further to
the west at that time (RD pers. obs., M. Siponen
pers. comm.). Nevertheless, low clouds and sudden
rainstorms brought birds lower, leading to capture
at any time of day.
Adult and second calendar-year males
accounted for 43.8% of Japanese Sparrowhawks
and 38.5% of Chinese Sparrowhawks trapped.
Juvenile male Japanese Sparrowhawks also
outnumbered juvenile females, whilst no juvenile
female Chinese Sparrowhawks were identified.
Sexual size dimorphism was far more obvious in
Japanese than Chinese Sparrowhawks and there
was some overlap in wing-length between the
largest adult males and smallest adult females of
the latter species (Table 1). Since the mean and
standard deviation of the wing length of our
juvenile sample was identical to that of adult males,
we may be reasonably confident that no juvenile
females were overlooked.
Because we were not baiting to attract raptors,
we may assume that the body mass and age
composition of our trapped birds were probably
representative of the migrating population.
Baiting, widely used elsewhere for raptors, in
combination with various other trapping methods,
may have a tendency to bias catches according to
age ratio or physical condition, since lighter or more
emaciated birds may have a greater need to feed
(Nass 1964, Weatherhead & Ankney 1984, Gorbay
& Yom-Tov 1994). Roughly 20% of the Japanese
Sparrowhawks handled had distended crops,
indicating they had recently fed, and they were
occasionally observed harrying and hunting small
birds. We did not observe Chinese Sparrowhawks
actively hunting, although their feeding habits,
which, at least in breeding and wintering areas,
involve short flights to capture frogs or insects from
the ground or wetland margins (Ferguson-Lees &
Christie 2001), may be less easily detected.
Nevertheless, we have once, elsewhere on north-
bound spring migration, observed a Chinese
Sparrowhawk preying on birds. Although we
speculated that Chinese Sparrowhawks might feed
less on migration than Japanese Sparrowhawks,
and rely more on fat reserves to fuel their migration,
we could not detect significantly elevated levels of
body fat among any of the sparrowhawks that we
Chinese Sparrowhawk males were, on average,
about 88% of the body mass of females, while
Japanese Sparrowhawk males were much smaller,
roughly two-thirds the body mass of females (Table
1). Although juveniles tended to be lighter than
Table 1. Wing length and weight of Accipiter species trapped at Khao Dinso during autumn migration in September and
October 2011 and 2012.
Age/sex class Wing (mm) Range (n) Weight Range (n)
A. gularis ad f 194.5 ± 3.00 189–200 (12) 152.2 ± 12.97 115.6–167.8 (13)
A. gularis ad m 167.2 ± 4.06 161–178 (21) 100.9 ± 7.73 88.8–118.4 (21)
A. gularis juv f 190.3 ± 1.71 188–192 (4) 142.8 ± 6.60 135.6–151.3 (4)
A. gularis juv m 165.5 ± 3.75 163–170 (10) 95.3 ± 7.94 84.8–108.1 (10)
A. soloensis ad f 199.4 ± 5.24 190–204 (4) 137.5 ± 8.94 124.9–150.1 (8)
A. soloensis ad m 192.1 ± 4.33 183–199 (10) 121.0 ± 8.21 106.7–138.3 (10)
A. soloensis juv all 192.1 ± 4.33 183–199 (8) 118.0 ± 8.94 105.8–129.5 (8)
Figure 2. Numbers of Japanese Accipiter gularis and Chinese
Sparrowhawks A. soloensis trapped in relation to time of day.
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BirdingASIA 20 (2013) 39
adults of the corresponding sex in both species,
these differences were not statistically significant
Almost all the non-juvenile sparrowhawks
trapped displayed arrested moult, having replaced
some inner primaries. In general, moult (Figure 3)
had progressed further in Chinese Sparrowhawks
(median number of new, moulted primaries = 5,
range 3–10) compared with Japanese Sparrowhawks
(median number of new primaries = 2, range 0–
5). Herremans & Louette (2000) noted arrested moult
in an October-taken Chinese Sparrowhawk
specimen from Thailand.
Male Japanese Sparrowhawks and both sexes
of Chinese Sparrowhawks that were one year old
(second calendar-year birds) could be recognised
because their retained (unmoulted) primaries were
barred, brown juvenile feathers. There was
considerable variation in the iris colour of males.
Japanese Sparrowhawks in apparently definitive
adult male plumage showed irides that ranged from
orange-scarlet to uniform crimson-red, with a
yellowish outer ring (Plates 7 & 8). The iris colour
of adult male Chinese Sparrowhawks was dark
vinous-crimson (Plate 1) but a second calendar-
year male had a red iris with a yellow-flecked outer
ring (Plate 2). Juveniles and females of both species
had yellow irides.
In addition to raptors, Khao Dinso has
significant potential for studying a range of other
migrant species. The most abundant landbird
migrants trapped were Eastern Crowned Warblers
Phylloscopus coronatus and the long-distance
migrant race of Asian Paradise-flycatcher
Terpsiphone paradisi incei. Further ringing activities
have the potential to reveal scarce or little-known
species and add further to knowledge of the
seasonality of migration. We have already trapped
six Alström’s Warblers Seicercus soror, a species
hitherto known from the Thai-Malay Peninsula only
by a single sight record (Wells 2007).
The site is principally productive for monitoring
the southward raptor migration. It is unlikely that
our capture success in early autumn can be
repeated during spring migration since the
northward migratory flight-line largely bypasses
Khao Dinso, being shifted several km to the west.
Northbound migrants are usually assisted by a
south-west tail-wind and are higher and harder to
capture. Nonetheless, it would be desirable to
maintain some ringing and monitoring effort at
Khao Dinso year round, especially for other
landbird migrants.
Ringing and monitoring work will be continued
in future seasons alongside the visual recording of
raptor passage and other diurnal migrants. We will
possibly attempt a greater range of capture
techniques and, if funds allow, fit satellite
transmitters to track the migration of
sparrowhawks. A permanent study centre, intended
as an observatory for study of all avian migrants
Figure 3. Extent of replacement of primaries in adult and
second calendar-year Japanese Accipiter gularis and Chinese
Sparrowhawks A. soloensis.
Plate 1. Adult male Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis
showing dark vinous iris. Note the bright orange-yellow cere
and grey orbital ring which are common to all age/sex classes.
19 September 2012.
Plate 2. Apparent Second calendar-year male Chinese
Sparrowhawk showing bi-coloured iris, 19 September 2012.
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40 Ringing migrant sparrowhawks in southern Thailand
Plate 3. Apparent second calendar-year female Chinese Sparrowhawk ventral view, 22 September 2012.
Plate 4. Apparent second calendar-year female Chinese Sparrowhawk dorsal view. Note retained old, unmoulted two outermost
primaries and some secondaries. The left central tail feather is also old and unmoulted. 22 September 2012
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BirdingASIA 20 (2013) 41
Plate 5. Juvenile Chinese Sparrowhawk. Note the grey orbital ring and bright orange-yellow cere which are shared by all age/sex
classes. 21 September 2012.
Plate 6. Juvenile Japanese Sparrowhawk A. gularis. Note the yellow orbital ring and greenish-yellow cere shown by all age/sex
classes. 21 September 2012.
BirdingAsia20b.p65 2/4/2014, 10:42 AM41
42 Ringing migrant sparrowhawks in southern Thailand
including raptors, was built on the lower slopes of
Khao Dinso in October 2012 by the Pathiu district
administration, with funding from Chumphon
province. Since nature education and awareness
promotion are major goals of the centre, interested
members of the public, school groups, university
undergraduates, etc. may also be invited to observe
the ringing activities in future.
We thank Pinit Charoenpanit, former Chumphon
province governor, Prasit Fugudom, Pathiu district
chief officer and Jareak Kosin, headman and his
assistant in village no. 8, Bangson subdistrict, for
their kind support and assistance. This work was
carried out with permission from the Department
of National Parks, Wildlife and Plants Conservation
who also supplied the bird rings. Wangworn
Sankamethawee and Martti Siponen assisted with
ringing. We thank Keith Bildstein for his helpful
comments and suggestions on our data. We are
grateful for contributions to funding in 2012 made
through Baan Suksabye, continuing a tradition of
giving by Nurak Israsena and Edmund W. Pease.
Perawit Insuan prepared the map. Philip Round is
supported by The Wetland Trust UK.
Bildstein, K. L. & Zalles, J. I. (1995) Raptor migration watch-site manual.
Pennsylvania USA: Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.
DeCandido, R., Kasorndorkbua, C., Nualsri, C., Chinuparawat, C. & Allen,
D. (2008) Raptor migration in Thailand. BirdingASIA 10: 16–22.
DeCandido, R. & Nualsri, C. (2009) Timing and abundance of Grey-faced
Buzzards Butastur indicus and other raptors on northbound
migration in southern Thailand. Forktail 25: 90–95.
DeCandido, R., Nualsri, C., Allen, D. & Bildstein, K. L. (2004a) Autumn 2003
raptor migration at Chumphon, Thailand: a globally significant raptor
migration watch site. Forktail 20: 49–54.
DeCandido, R., Nualsri, C. & Allen, D. (2004b) Migration of Black Drongo
Dicrurus macrocercus in southern Thailand in autumn 2003. Forktail
20: 143–144.
DeCandido, R., Sawasdee, C., Smith, D., Nualsri, C. & Allen, D. (2011)
Observations on the 2009 southbound migration of three bee-eater
species at Radar Hill, Thailand. Forktail 27: 106–108.
Ferguson-Lees, I. J. & Christie, D. A. (2001) Raptors of the world. London:
Christopher Helm.
Gorney, E. & Yom-Tov, Y. (1994) Fat, hydration condition and moult of
Steppe Buzzards Buteo buteo vulpinus on spring migration. Ibis 136:
Herremans, M. & Louette, M. (2000) A partial post-juvenile molt and
transitional plumage in the Shikra (Accipiter badius) and Grey Frog
Hawk (Accipiter soloensis). J. Raptor Res. 34: 249–261.
Lekagul, B., Round, P. D. & Komolphalin, K. (1985) Birdwatching for
Palearctic migrants in Thailand. British Birds 78: 2–39.
Lorsunyaluck, B., Tandavanitj, P. & Kasorndorkbua, C. (2008) Autumn
migration of Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis and Japanese
Sparrowhawk Accipiter gularis at Radar Hill, Prachuap Khiri Khan,
Thailand. J. Wildlife in Thailand 15: 74–79.
Melville, D. S. & Fletcher, W. E. (1982) Diurnal observations of bird
migration in central and western Thailand. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc.
30: 49–50.
Nass, R. D. (1964) Sex and age ratio bias of cannon-netted geese. J. Wildl.
Mgmt. 28: 522–527.
Nualsri, C. & DeCandido, R. (2010) Khao Dinso: the premier site to observe
migrating raptors in the Orient? BirdingASIA 14: 68–72.
Weatherhead, P. J. & Ankney, C. D. (1984) A critical assumption of
band-recovery models may often be violated. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 12:
Wells, D. R. (2007) The birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula, 2. London: A. & C.
Nathung Administrative Organisation, 99 Mu3
Nathung Sub-District
Muang Chumphon 86000, Thailand
Philip D. ROUND
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science
Mahidol University, Rama 6 Road
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Plates 7 & 8. Variation in iris colour in apparent adult male Japanese Sparrowhawks, 19 September 2012 (Plate 7), 25 September
2011 (Plate 8).
BirdingAsia20b.p65 2/4/2014, 10:42 AM42
BirdingASIA 20 (2013) 43
Andrew J. PIERCE
Conservation Ecology Program
School of Bioresources and Technology
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
Bangkhunthien, Bangkok 10150, Thailand
Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Director, Captive Propagation Division
Department of National Parks, Wildlife
and Plants Conservation
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Khlong Saeng Wildlife Research Station
Department of National Parks, Wildlife
and Plants Conservation
P.O. Box 15, Khao Phang, Ban Tha Khun District
Surat Thani 84230, Thailand
Jonathan MURRAY
195 Soi 19 Pradipat Rd, Bangkok 110400, Thailand
1831 Fowler Avenue, The Bronx
New York 10462, USA
BirdingAsia20b.p65 2/4/2014, 10:42 AM43
... Details of the Khao Dinsor site and the raptor ringing activities there have been reported by Nualsri et al. (2013). Working with live birds in the hand during ringing has given insights into morphological and plumage characteristics not necessarily apparent from museum specimens or even from photographs . ...
... Details of the Khao Dinsor site and the raptor ringing activities there have been reported by Nualsri et al. (2013). Working with live birds in the hand during ringing has given insights into morphological and plumage characteristics not necessarily apparent from museum specimens or even from photographs . ...
Full-text available
Understanding the movements and requirements of individual species within bird migration flyways is of crucial conservation importance, especially along the East Asian Flyway considering the immense human pressure on the environment and habitats. We attached satellite transmitters to females of four Chinese Sparrowhawks Accipiter soloensis and four Japanese Sparrowhawks A. gularis mist-netted on their southward passage through Thailand. The Chinese Sparrowhawks wintered across a c. 3000 km-wide longitudinal span from Sumatra to Timor-Leste, spending 84–173 days on their wintering grounds before returning to breeding grounds in south and east China. Two were tracked for complete migration cycles of 14,688 and 9694 km, respectively. Three of four Japanese Sparrowhawks were tracked to wintering grounds in Sabah, Kalimantan, and the Bangka Belitung Islands where they spent 168–173 days before returning north. The Bangka Belitung winterer was tracked to presumed breeding grounds in Amurskiy Oblast, eastern Russia, traveling 7757 km in 53 days. Daily flights varied widely up to c. 800 and 382 km for Chinese and Japanese Sparrowhawk, respectively. With few individuals sampled, no significant differences were found within or between species, in the daily distances flown during southward or northward journeys. However, Japanese Sparrowhawks made fewer stopovers suggesting they traveled faster on northward migration than Chinese Sparrowhawks. Movements during the wintering and nesting periods were mostly confined to areas of less than 23 km², although one wintering Chinese Sparrowhawk used an area of over 600 km². Further work is needed to improve knowledge of the annual cycles of these and other migratory East Asian raptors and how they might differ among age- and sex-classes within species.
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The Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus is a medium- sized passerine of temperate and tropical Asia. It breeds in south-east Iran, Afghanistan, India, south-east Tibet, and from northern China discontinuously south through south-west Thailand, to Bali and Java. Northern populations migrate, wintering at lower altitudes and latitudes, reaching as far south as central India in the west, and Malaysia and Sumatra in the east, where they occur in tropical savanna, grassland and agricultural areas (Jeyarajasingham and Pearson 1999). Little has been published about Black Drongo migration. Historically, the species was considered an 'extremely abundant' migrant in September at Beidaihe, China, occurring in 'huge noisy parties' (La Touche 1920). In an autumn migration survey of the same area from 1986-1990,Williams (2000) counted a maximum of 452 in 1986, but only 196 in 1990. Melville and Fletcher (1982) counted 1,444 flying west in less than two hours of observation on 14 October 1980 near Bangkok, Thailand. Numbers migrating through, and wintering in, Thailand appear to have declined in recent years (P. Round verbally 2003, D. Wells in litt. 2004). As part of a study of raptor migration through southern Thailand in autumn 2003 (DeCandido et al. 2004), we also counted the number of migrant Black Drongos passing the watch site.
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Daily counts of migrating raptors were made on 43 days between 27 September and 9 November 2003 near the city of Chumphon in south-east Thailand. Overall, 170,665 migrating raptors of 15 species were counted during 378 hours of observation (452 birds/hour).The counts of five raptor species (Black Baza Avecida leuphotes ,O riental Honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus, Eastern Marsh Harrier Circus spilonotus, Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis and Grey-faced Buzzard Bustatur indicus) represent some of the highest totals reported to date. Winds from the north to west and cloud cover were positively associated with the number of raptors seen. We recommend that counts be continued at Chumphon in the future and that the site is used to promote raptor conservation in Thailand.
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Thailand is located on the East-Asian Australian flyway. Radar Hill in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province is a newly-established raptor-watch site in Thailand. Radar Hill is adjacent to the shoreline of Gulf of Thailand with a distance of approximately 15 kilometers. In the past three consecutive years, the site has been regularly monitored on weekends from late September to early November to record the number and species of migrating raptors. Nine-hour-long daily counts of migrating Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis and Japanese Sparrowhawk Accipiter gularis, were studied and compared for 3 years on selective dates of the same period, and those were the 24 th -25 th September 2005, 23 rd -24 th September 2006 and 22 nd - 23 rd September 2007. Totals of 3,768 positively-identified Accipiter were counted. The Chinese Sparrowhawk comprised 79.27% of the Accipiter individuals (2,987 birds) that could be identified. The Japanese Sparrowhawk was less in number, comprising 20.73 % of the total count (781 birds). The Chinese Sparrowhawk migrated through Radar Hill in a variety of flock sizes, ranged from 10 to 500 individuals per flock. The migration pattern of the Japanese Sparrowhawk reported here as mostly single individuals are in contrast to that has been recorded in literature. However, a few Japanese Sparrowhawks were occasionally joined the soaring kettles of Chinese Sparrowhawks. The flight direction of the sparrowhawks at Radar Hill appeared in relative to south-westerly winds which occurred during the study. It is likely that clear weather after raining increased the number of the counted Accipiter species. It appears that Radar Hill is a significant watch site for long-term study, and it has potential for continuous raptor study and conservation in Thailand. Keyword: Accipiter soloensis, Accipiter gularis, migration, Radar Hill, Thailand
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Molt has been poorly studied in the Accipitridae. Examination of museum specimens showed that there are three age-related plumages in the Shikra (Accipiter badius) and Grey Frog Hawk (A. soloensis) similar to the pattern known in the Levant Sparrowhawk (A. brevipes). The juvenile plumage with its distinctively-spotted underside is replaced by a transitional post-juvenile plumage during a partial contour molt between 4-10 mo of age. More feathers on the ventral side than on the dorsal side are replaced during this first contour molt, which is arrested at various stages of incomplete feather replace- ment. Usually, a significant part of the ventral pattern changes from spotted to barred, whereby the barring is on average more prominent than in adults. The early development of a transitional post- juvenile plumage might be related to early sex signaling. The adult plumage replaces the transitional post-juvenile plumage during a complete molt at about one year of age. In the subspecies A. b. poliopsis of the Shikra, which has almost no sexual dimorphism in the adult plumage, the transitional plumage is uncommon and very poorly developed.
We provide the first extensive migration data about northbound migrant raptors in Indochina. Daily counts were made at one site (Promsri Hill) in southern Thailand near the city of Chumphon, from late February through early April 2007-08. We identified 19 raptor species as migrants, and counted 43,451 individuals in 2007 (112.0 migrants/hr) and 55,088 in 2008 (160.6 migrants/hr), the highest number of species and seasonal totals for any spring raptor watch site in the region. In both years, large numbers of raptors were first seen beginning at 12h00, and more than 70% of the migration was observed between 14h00 and 17h00 with the onset of strong thermals and an onshore sea breeze from the nearby Gulf of Thailand. Two raptor species, Jerdon's Baza Aviceda jerdoni and Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis cheela, were recorded as northbound migrants for the first time in Asia. Four species composed more than 95% of the migration: Black Baza Aviceda leuphotes (mean 50.8 migrants/hr in 2007-08), Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus (47.5/hr in 2007-08), Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipitersoloensis (22.3/hr in 2007-08), and Oriental Honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhynchus (7.5/hr in 2007-08). Most (>95%) Black Bazas, Chinese Sparrowhawks and Grey-faced Buzzards were observed migrating in flocks. Grey-faced Buzzard flocks averaged 25-30 birds/ flock. Seasonally, our counts indicate that the peak of the Grey-faced Buzzard migration occurs in early to mid-March, while Black Baza and Chinese Sparrowhawk peak in late March through early April. Oriental Honey-buzzard migrated throughout the observation period, with a peak in mid- to late March.
Age ratios of Canada geese (Branta canadensis), derived from catches in cannon traps, are of questionable value unless time on bait is taken into account. Findings were based on examination of 2,879 geese caught in 46 timed catches at Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge in 1961 and 1962. The proportion of adults in the catches increased with length of time on bait. No significant differences were found in sex ratios as time on bait increased.