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Terrestrial gravity noise produced by ambient seismic and infrasound fields poses one of the main sensitivity limitations in low-frequency ground-based gravitational-wave (GW) detectors. This noise needs to be suppressed by 3-5 orders of magnitude in the frequency band 10 mHz to 1 Hz, which is extremely challenging. We present a new approach that greatly facilitates cancellation of gravity noise in full-tensor GW detectors. It makes explicit use of the direction of propagation of a GW, and can therefore either be implemented in directional searches for GWs or in observations of known sources. We show that suppression of the Newtonian-noise foreground is greatly facilitated using the extra strain channels in full-tensor GW detectors. Only a modest number of auxiliary, high-sensitivity environmental sensors is required to achieve noise suppression by a few orders of magnitude.
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Newtonian noise cancellation in tensor gravitational wave detector
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2016 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 716 012025
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Newtonian noise cancellation in tensor gravitational wave
Ho Jung Paik1 and Jan Harms2
1 Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
2 Università degli studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo” and INFN Sezione di Firenze, Sesto
Fiorentino, I-50019, Italy
Abstract. Terrestrial gravity noise produced by ambient seismic and infrasound fields poses
one of the main sensitivity limitations in low-frequency ground-based gravitational-wave
(GW) detectors. This noise needs to be suppressed by 35 orders of magnitude in the
frequency band 10 mHz to 1 Hz, which is extremely challenging. We present a new approach
that greatly facilitates cancellation of gravity noise in full-tensor GW detectors. It makes
explicit use of the direction of propagation of a GW, and can therefore either be implemented
in directional searches for GWs or in observations of known sources. We show that
suppression of the Newtonian-noise foreground is greatly facilitated using the extra strain
channels in full-tensor GW detectors. Only a modest number of auxiliary, high-sensitivity
environmental sensors is required to achieve noise suppression by a few orders of magnitude.
1. Introduction
The Newtonian noise (NN) generated by moving local masses poses a formidable challenge to
approaching the detector noise limit in gravitational-wave (GW) detectors at frequencies below 1 Hz.
At low frequencies, the NN is dominated by Rayleigh waves and infrasound waves. For a laser
interferometer to overcome this noise below 1 Hz, the ground and air motion within tens of kilometers
from the detector must be measured with a large number of seismometers and microphones with
sufficient accuracy, and then the induced NN computed and subtracted from the detector output. The
NN from Rayleigh waves could be canceled up to one part in 103 by using this method [1]. But for
infrasound waves, cancellation works only for waves coming in certain favorable directions.
In contrast, by using its tensor nature, SOGRO can mitigate the NN from both Rayleigh waves and
infrasound waves to one part in 103 for all incident angles. A detailed analysis of NN mitigation for
SOGRO has been published elsewhere [2]. In this paper, we summarize the result and discuss the
possibility of using mini-SOGROs to mitigate NN for advanced laser interferometer GW detectors.
2. Mitigation of NN on SOGRO
Assuming that the interferometer is underground at depth z < 0, the gravitational perturbation of a
single test mass due to a Rayleigh wave incident at an angle
with respect to the sensitive axis x of
the test mass and an infrasound wave incident in direction (
) is given [1] by
cosπ2)( 32
R (1)
11th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (AMALDI 11) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 716 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/716/1/012025
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
) and
) are the vertical ground displacement and atmospheric density fluctuation
directly above the test mass,
R 0.83 is a factor that accounts for the partial cancellation for the
Rayleigh NN from surface displacement by the sub-surface compressional wave content of the wave
field, cR 3.5 km/s and cIS 330 m/s are the speed of the Rayleigh waves underground and the
infrasound waves, respectively, and
0 is the mean mass density of the ground.
The metric perturbation tensor in the detector coordinates can be shown to be
)(),()()()( 2
bahN (2)
)( 0
),( 2
bIS (3)
Consider a GW coming from (
) direction in the presence of multiple Rayleigh and infrasound
waves. The full strain tensor in the GW coordinates has the form:
h, (4)
iiiiiN ibah 2
11 ]sincos)[cos()(),()()()('
, (5a)
iiiiiN bah )(sin)(),()()()(' 2
, (5b)
iiiiiN ibah 2
33 ]cossin)[cos()(),()()()('
, (5c)
iiiiiiN ibah ]sincos))[cos(sin()(),()()()(' 12
, (5d)
iiiiiiN ibah ]cossin))[cos(sin()(),()()()(' 23
, (5e)
]cossin)[cos(]sincos)[cos()(),()()()(' 13
iibah i
iiiiiN . (5f)
Due to the transverse nature of the GW, h13, h23 and h33 contain only the NN components. To
recover h+(
) and h(
), the NN could be removed from h11 and h12 by correlating them with h13, h23
and h33, and possibly also with some CM channels and subtracting the correlated parts.
Figure 1 shows the residual NN achieved for Rayleigh waves in the absence of infrasound waves
by using h13, h23, h33 and az, plus seven seismometers with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 103 at the
radius of 5 km as the input of the Wiener filter. The NN has been removed to about 103 with
environmental sensors (seismometers) alone. The local channels of SOGRO improve the noise
significantly only near
= /2, where the noise of the DM and CM channels drop out.
Figure 2 is the residual NN achieved for infrasound waves in the absence of Rayleigh waves by
using h13, h23, h33 and 15 microphones of SNR of 104, one at the detector, seven each at the radius of
600 m and 1 km around the detector. With the environmental sensors (microphones) alone, the NN
cannot be mitigated except at
= 0, /2 and . This is because the infrasound waves come from a half
space and the microphones deployed over a surface is insufficient to measure the effect of 3D density
variations of the atmosphere. Thus mitigation of infrasound NN constitutes a formidable challenge for
laser interferometers. In SOGRO, the vertical strain component h33 largely makes up for this
deficiency. With the aid of the local strain channels, the NN has been rejected to 10-3 for all
11th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (AMALDI 11) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 716 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/716/1/012025
3. Mitigation of NN on interferometers with the aid of SOGROs
Since SOGRO is a very sensitive gravity strain gauge, one may be able to employ scaled-down
SOGROs with arm-length << L, in place of a large array of seismometers, to directly measure and
remove the NN affecting the interferometer test masses. We restrict our discussion to underground
detectors like KAGRA [3] or Einstein Telescope (ET) [4].
The Rayleigh waves are expected to dominate the NN for an underground detector [1]. In the
presence of a GW and Rayleigh waves, the arm-length along the x axis is modulated by
where X
) is the first term of equation (1) summed over multiple waves for the i-th test mass on the
x axis. At 10 Hz, the Rayleigh wave length becomes
~ 350 m << L, causing X
) and X
) to be
uncorrelated. Hence we need to measure X
) for each test mass by using a separate SOGRO co-
located with it, as shown in figure 3.
From equations (1) and (2), we find that the 13-component of the SOGRO output is given by
).()/()( 1313 iRRi xXcihx
We solve equation (7) for X
) and substitute it into equation (6) to obtain
The sensitivity required for mini-SOGRO to recover h is then given by
. (9)
Figure 1. NN due to Rayleigh waves removed
to ~10
by using h
, h
, h
and a
CM), plus seven seismometers with SNR = 10
at the radius of 5 km.
Figure 2. NN due to infrasound removed to 10
by using h
, h
, h
and 15 microphones o
SNR = 10
, one at the detector, seven each at the
radius of 600 m and 1 km.
Figure 3. Four mini-
SOGROs collocated
with four test masses of
a laser interferometer
GW detector.
11th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (AMALDI 11) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 716 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/716/1/012025
Figure 4 shows the sensitivity goals of advanced LIGO (aLIGO) [5] and ET [4]. The shaded
region represents the parameter space dominated by the NN at a shallow depth. A worthy goal would
be rejecting the NN by an order of magnitude to h 10-22 Hz1/2 at 3 Hz and to 1023 Hz-1/2 at 10 Hz.
For ET with L = 10 km, equation (9) yields
4 10-21 Hz-1/2 at 3 Hz and 1.3 10-21 Hz-1/2 at 10 Hz.
The NN between SOGRO test masses must be highly correlated. According to Beker et al. [6],
where S is the mitigation factor and CSN is the correlation between the test masses. To obtain S = 10 at
10 Hz, we need CSN = 0.995 and cR/
S = 5.6 m. Mitigating the NN for ground detectors is much
more challenging since the low speed of the Rayleigh waves on the surface, cR 250 m/s, reduces to
0.4 m. Such a small SOGRO would hardly have enough sensitivity.
Figure 5 shows the instrument noise spectral density for SOGRO with = 5 m, M = 1 ton (each test
mass), and Q = 5 108 cooled to 0.1 K and coupled to a dc SQUID with 2 noise. The expected
sensitivity of SOGRO comes to within a factor of 2 from that required for S = 10. The same SOGRO
with Q = 109 coupled to a 1 SQUID would meet the sensitivity requirement, provided all the other
noise could be reduced to below its intrinsic noise limit. Should these sensitivities be achieved,
SOGRO could make it possible to construct ET less deep.
It is interesting to see how a mini-SOGRO two orders of magnitude less sensitive to GWs can help
ET mitigate the NN by an order of magnitude. This is because a SOGRO with = 5 m is quite
efficient to detect the Rayleigh NN with
R/2 = 56 m and SOGRO employs a highly sensitive
superconducting displacement sensor. Although achieving a test mass Q of 109 and reaching the
quantum limit for the SQUID noise is very challenging, it is worth investigating the SOGRO option
since it has intrinsic advantages over seismometers in that it detects the NN directly and can monitor
the local gravity gradient environment with high sensitivity.
[1] Harms J et al 2013 Phys. Rev. D 88 122003
[2] Harms J and Paik H J 2015 Phys. Rev. D 92 022001
[3] Somiya K 2012 Class. Quantum Grav. 29 124007
[4] ET Science Team 2011 Einstein Gravitational Wave Telescope Conceptual Design Study,
available from European Gravitational Observatory ET-0106C-10.
[5] LIGO Scientific Collaboration 2009 Rep. Prog. Phys. 72 076901
Figure 5. Instrument noise spectral density o
mini-SOGRO of 5-m arm-length cooled to 0.1
and coupled to a nearly quantum-limited SQUID
Figure 4. Sensitivity goals of aLIGO and ET.
The shaded region represents the parameter space
dominated by the NN.
[6] Beker M G et al 2011 Gen. Rel. Grav. 43 623
11th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (AMALDI 11) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 716 (2016) 012025 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/716/1/012025
... Since in an ambient seismic field propagation directions of waves are not always the same, the projection factor cannot appear in Wiener filters, which instead must remain an accurate NN model based on average properties of the seismic field if it is meant to achieve efficient NN cancellation. Now, it turns out that understanding projections is of crucial interest for NN cancellation [29,30], and it guides us to provide extremely simple, accurate analytical models for certain types of seismic fields. Let us illustrate this point for a simple example of gravitational acceleration produced by shear and compressional waves [31]: ...
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The Einstein Telescope (ET) is a proposed third-generation gravitational-wave (GW) underground observatory. It will have greatly increased sensitivity compared to current GW detectors, and it is designed to extend the observation band down to a few Hz. At these frequencies, a major limitation of the ET sensitivity is predicted to be due to gravitational fluctuations produced by the environment, most importantly by the seismic field, which give rise to the so-called Newtonian noise (NN). Accurate models of ET NN are crucial to assess the compatibility of an ET candidate site with the ET sensitivity target also considering a possible reduction in NN by noise cancellation. With NN models becoming increasingly complex as they include details of geology and topography, it is crucial to have tools to make robust assessments of their accuracy. For this purpose, we derive a lower bound on seismic NN spectra, which is weakly dependent on geology and properties of the seismic field. As a first application, we use the lower limit to compare it with NN estimates recently calculated for the Sardinia and Euregio Meuse–Rhine (EMR) candidate sites. We find the utility of the method, which shows an inconsistency with the predictions for the EMR site, which indicates that ET NN models require further improvement.
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Terrestrial gravity fluctuations are a target of scientific studies in a variety of fields within geophysics and fundamental-physics experiments involving gravity such as the observation of gravitational waves. In geophysics, these fluctuations are typically considered as signal that carries information about processes such as fault ruptures and atmospheric density perturbations. In fundamental-physics experiments, it appears as environmental noise, which needs to be avoided or mitigated. This article reviews the current state-of-the-art of modeling high-frequency terrestrial gravity fluctuations and of gravity-noise mitigation strategies. It hereby focuses on frequencies above about 50 mHz, which allows us to simplify models of atmospheric gravity perturbations (beyond Brunt–Väisälä regime) and it guarantees as well that gravitational forces on elastic media can be treated as perturbation. Extensive studies have been carried out over the past two decades to model contributions from seismic and atmospheric fields especially by the gravitational-wave community. While terrestrial gravity fluctuations above 50 mHz have not been observed conclusively yet, sensitivity of instruments for geophysical observations and of gravitational-wave detectors is improving, and we can expect first observations in the coming years. The next challenges include the design of gravity-noise mitigation systems to be implemented in current gravitational-wave detectors, and further improvement of models for future gravitational-wave detectors where terrestrial gravity noise will play a more important role. Also, many aspects of the recent proposition to use a new generation of gravity sensors to improve real-time earthquake early-warning systems still require detailed analyses.
Laser interferometer gravitational-wave (GW) detectors are observing signals from merging black hole and neutron star binaries with a frequency window from 10Hz to several kHz. Future space-based laser interferometers will open a new window of 0.1mHz to 0.1Hz. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of constructing a terrestrial GW detector named Superconducting Omni-directional Gravitational Radiation Observatory (SOGRO), which can fill the missing frequency window, 0.1 to 10Hz, with astronomically interesting sensitivity. SOGRO measures all five tensor components of the spacetime metric, which results in uniform sensitivity for all-sky directions and enables identification of the source direction and wave polarization with a single detector. Seismic and Newtonian gravity noise pose the greatest challenges for constructing ground-based detectors below 10Hz. SOGRO utilizes enhanced mechanical and electrical stabilities of materials at cryogenic temperatures to reject common-mode seismic noise to a very high degree. Further, its full-tensor characteristic gives an advantage in the rejection of the Newtonian noise over conventional detectors.
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The mitigation of terrestrial gravity noise, also known as Newtonian noise (NN), is one of the foremost challenges to improve low-frequency sensitivity of ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. At frequencies above 1 Hz, it is predicted that gravity noise from seismic surface Rayleigh waves is the dominant contribution to NN in surface detectors, and may still contribute significantly in future underground detectors. Noise cancellation based on a coherent estimate of NN using data from a seismometer array was proposed in the past. In this article, we propose an alternative scheme to cancel NN using a seismic tiltmeter. It is shown that even under pessimistic assumptions concerning the complexity of the seismic field, a single tiltmeter under each test mass of the detector is sufficient to achieve substantial noise cancellation. A technical tiltmeter design is presented to achieve the required sensitivity in the Newtonian-noise frequency band.
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Terrestrial gravity noise, also known as Newtonian noise, produced by ambient seismic and infrasound fields will pose one of the main sensitivity limitations in low-frequency, ground-based, gravitational-wave (GW) detectors. It was estimated that this noise foreground needs to be suppressed by about 3 -- 5 orders of magnitude in the frequency band 10\,mHz to 1\,Hz, which will be extremely challenging. In this article, we present a new approach that greatly facilitates cancellation of gravity noise in full-tensor GW detectors. The method uses optimal combinations of tensor channels and environmental sensors such as seismometers and microphones to reduce gravity noise. It makes explicit use of the direction of propagation of a GW, and can therefore either be implemented in directional searches for GWs or in observations of known sources. We show that suppression of the Newtonian-noise foreground is greatly facilitated using the extra strain channels in full-tensor GW detectors. Only a modest number of auxiliary, high-sensitivity environmental sensors are required to achieve noise suppression by a few orders of magnitude.
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Direct detection of gravitational radiation in the audio band is being pursued with a network of kilometer-scale interferometers (LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA). Several space missions (LISA, DECIGO, BBO) have been proposed to search for sub-Hz radiation from massive astrophysical sources. Here we examine the potential sensitivity of three ground-based detector concepts aimed at radiation in the 0.1 -- 10\,Hz band. We describe the plethora of potential astrophysical sources in this band and make estimates for their event rates and thereby, the sensitivity requirements for these detectors. The scientific payoff from measuring astrophysical gravitational waves in this frequency band is great. Although we find no fundamental limits to the detector sensitivity in this band, the remaining technical limits will be extremely challenging to overcome.
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Construction of the Japanese second-generation gravitational-wave detector KAGRA has been started. In the next 6 \sim 7 years, we will be able to observe the space-time ripple from faraway galaxies. KAGRA is equipped with the latest advanced technologies. The entire 3-km long detector is located in the underground to be isolated from the seismic motion, the core optics are cooled down to 20 K to reduce thermal fluctuations, and quantum non-demolition techniques are used to decrease quantum noise. In this paper, we introduce the detector configuration of KAGRA; its design, strategy, and downselection of parameters.
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The next generation gravitational wave interferometric detectors will likely be underground detectors to extend the GW detection frequency band to frequencies below the Newtonian noise limit. Newtonian noise originates from the continuous motion of the Earth’s crust driven by human activity, tidal stresses and seismic motion, and from mass density fluctuations in the atmosphere. It is calculated that on Earth’s surface, on a typical day, it will exceed the expected GW signals at frequencies below 10 Hz. The noise will decrease underground by an unknown amount. It is important to investigate and to quantify this expected reduction and its effect on the sensitivity of future detectors, to plan for further improvement strategies. We report about some of these aspects. Analytical models can be used in the simplest scenarios to get a better qualitative and semi-quantitative understanding. As more complete modeling can be done numerically, we will discuss also some results obtained with a finite-element-based modeling tool. The method is verified by comparing its results with the results of analytic calculations for surface detectors. A key point about noise models is their initial parameters and conditions, which require detailed information about seismic motion in a real scenario. We will describe an effort to characterize the seismic activity at the Homestake mine which is currently in progress. This activity is specifically aimed to provide informations and to explore the site as a possible candidate for an underground observatory. Although the only compelling reason to put the interferometer underground is to reduce the Newtonian noise, we expect that the more stable underground environment will have a more general positive impact on the sensitivity.We will end this report with some considerations about seismic and suspension noise.
The goal of the Laser Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is to detect and study gravitational waves (GWs) of astrophysical origin. Direct detection of GWs holds the promise of testing general relativity in the strong-field regime, of providing a new probe of exotic objects such as black holes and neutron stars and of uncovering unanticipated new astrophysics. LIGO, a joint Caltech–MIT project supported by the National Science Foundation, operates three multi-kilometer interferometers at two widely separated sites in the United States. These detectors are the result of decades of worldwide technology development, design, construction and commissioning. They are now operating at their design sensitivity, and are sensitive to gravitational wave strains smaller than one part in 10^(21). With this unprecedented sensitivity, the data are being analyzed to detect or place limits on GWs from a variety of potential astrophysical sources.