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With the ubiquity of advanced web technologies and location-sensing hand held devices, citizens regardless of their knowledge or expertise, are able to produce spatial information. This phenomenon is known as volunteered geographic information (VGI). During the past decade VGI has been used as a data source supporting a wide range of services, such as environmental monitoring, events reporting, human movement analysis, disaster management, etc. However, these volunteer-contributed data also come with varying quality. Reasons for this are: data is produced by heterogeneous contributors, using various technologies and tools, having different level of details and precision, serving heterogeneous purposes, and a lack of gatekeepers. Crowd-sourcing, social, and geographic approaches have been proposed and later followed to develop appropriate methods to assess the quality measures and indicators of VGI. In this article, we review various quality measures and indicators for selected types of VGI and existing quality assessment methods. As an outcome, the article presents a classification of VGI with current methods utilized to assess the quality of selected types of VGI. Through these findings, we introduce data mining as an additional approach for quality handling in VGI.
A Review of Volunteered Geographic Information Quality
Assessment Methods
Hansi Senaratne, Amin Mobasheri, Ahmed Loai Ali, Cristina Capineri,
Mordechai (Muki) Haklay
With the ubiquity of advanced web technologies and location-sensing hand held
devices, citizens regardless of their knowledge or expertise, are able to produce
spatial information. The phenomena is known as Volunteered Geographic
Information (VGI). During the last decade VGI has been used as a data source
supporting a wide range of services such as environmental monitoring, events
reporting, human movement analysis, disaster management etc. However, these
volunteer contributed data also come with varying
. Reasons for this
are: data is produced by heterogeneous contributors, using various technologies
and tools, having different level of details and precision, serving heterogeneous
purposes, and a lack of gatekeepers. Crowd-sourcing, social, and geographic
approaches have been proposed and later followed to develop appropriate
methods to assess the quality measures and indicators of VGI. In this paper,
we review various quality measures and indicators for selected types of VGI,
and existing quality assessment methods. As an outcome, the paper presents
a classification of VGI with current methods utilized to assess the quality of
selected types of VGI. Through these findings we introduce
data mining
as an
additional approach for quality handling in VGI.
Keywords: Volunteered Geographic Information; Spatial Data Quality; Spatial Data
This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor &
Francis in the International Journal of Geographical Information Science
on 31 May 2016, available online:
To cite this article:
Hansi Senaratne, Amin Mobasheri, Ahmed Loai Ali, Cristina Capineri
& Mordechai (Muki) Haklay (2016): A review of volunteered geographic
information quality assessment methods, International Journal of Geo-
graphical Information Science, DOI: 10.108013658816.2016.1189556
Corresponding author. Email:
1. Introduction
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is where citizens, often untrained, and regard-
less of their expertise and background create geographic information on dedicated web
platforms (Goodchild 2007), e.g., OpenStreetMap (OSM)
, Wikimapia
, Google MyMaps
, Map Insight
and Flickr
. In a typology of VGI, the works of Antoniou
et al.
(2010) and
et al.
(2012) classified VGI based on the type of explicit/implicit geography being
captured and the type of explicit/implicit volunteering. In explicit-VGI, contributors are
mainly focused on mapping activities. Thus, the contributor explicitly annotates the data
with geographic contents (e.g., geometries in OSM, Wikimapia, or Google). Data that is
implicitly associated with a geographic location could be any kind of media: text, image, or
video referring to or associated with a specific geographic location. For example, geotagged
microblogs (e.g., Tweets), geotagged images from Flicker, or Wikipedia articles that refer
to geographic locations. Craglia
et al.
(2012) further elaborated that for each type of
implicit/explicit geography and volunteering there are potentially different approaches
for assessing the quality.
Due to the increased potential and use of VGI (as demonstrated in the works of Chunara
et al.
(2012), Sakaki
et al.
(2010), Fuchs
et al.
(2013), MacEachren
et al.
(2011), Liu
et al.
(2008), McDougall (2009), Bulearca and Bulearca (2010), Jacob
et al.
(2009)), it becomes
increasingly important to be aware of the quality of VGI, in order to derive accurate
information and decisions. Due to a lack of standardization, quality in VGI has shown to
vary across heterogeneous data sources (text, image, maps etc.). For example, as seen in
Figure 1 a photo of the famous tourist site the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin is incorrectly
geotagged in Jakarta, Indonesia on the photo sharing platform Flickr. On the other hand
Figure 1.: A photo of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin is incorrectly geotagged in Jakarta,
Indonesia on the popular photo sharing platform Flickr.
OSM has also shown heterogeneity in coverage between different places (Haklay 2010).
These trigger a variable quality in VGI. This can be explained by the fact that humans
perceive and express geographic regions and spatial relations imprecisely, and in terms
of vague concepts (Montello
et al.
2003). This vagueness in human conceptualization of
location is due not only to the fact that geographic entities are continuous in nature,
but also due to the quality and limitations of spatial knowledge (Hollenstein and Purves
Providing reliable services or extraction of useful information require data with a
fitness-for-use quality standard. Incorrect (as seen in Figure 1) or malicious geographic
annotations could be minimized in place of appropriate quality indicators and measures
for these various VGI contributions.
Goodchild and Li (2012) have discussed three approaches for assuring the quality of
VGI: crowd-sourcing (the involvement of a group to validate and correct errors that have
been made by an individual contributor), social approaches (trusted individuals who have
made themselves a good reputation with their contributions to VGI can for example
act as gatekeepers to maintain and control the quality of other VGI contributions), and
geographic approaches (use of laws and knowledge from geography, such as Tobler’s first
law to assess the quality). Many works have developed methods to asses the quality of
VGI based on these approaches.
In this paper we present an extensive review of the existing methods in the state-of-
the-art to assess the quality of map-, image-, and text-based VGI. As an outcome of
the review we identify
data mining
as one more stand alone approach to assess VGI
quality by utilizing computational processes for discovering patterns and learning purely
from data, irrespective of the laws and knowledge from geography, and independent from
social or crowd-sourced approaches. Extending the spectrum of approaches will sprout
more quality assessment methods in the future, especially for VGI types that have not
been extensively researched so far. To the best of our knowledge surveys on existing
methods have not been done so far. This review provides an overview of methods that
have been built based on theories and discussions in the literature. Furthermore, this
survey gives the reader a glimpse to the practical applicability of all identified approaches.
The remainder of this paper unfolds as follows: In section 2 we describe the different
quality measures and indicators for VGI. In section 3 we describe the main types of VGI
that we consider for our survey, and in section 4 we describe the methodology that was
followed for the selection of literature for this survey. Section 5 summarizes the findings
of the survey, and section 6 discusses the limitations and future research perspectives.
Lastly we conclude our findings in section 7.
2. Measures and Indicators for VGI Quality
Quality of VGI can be described by quality
and quality
and Skopeliti 2015). Quality measures, mainly adhering to the ISO principles and guide-
lines refer to those elements that can be used to ascertain the discrepancy between
the contributed spatial data and the ground truth (e.g., completeness of data) mainly
by comparing to authoritative data. When authoritative data is no longer usable for
comparisons, and the established measures become no longer adequate to assess the
quality of VGI, researchers have explored more intrinsic ways to assess VGI quality by
looking into other proxies for quality measures. These are called quality indicators, that
rely on various participation biases, contributor expertise or the lack of it, background,
etc., that influence the quality of VGI, but cannot be directly measured (Antoniou and
Skopeliti 2015). In the following these quality measures and indicators are described in
detail. The review of quality assessment methods in section 5 is based on these various
quality measures and indicators.
2.1. Quality Measures for VGI
(International Standardisation Organisation) defined geographic information quality
totality of characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and
implied needs
. ISO/TC 211
(Technical Committee) developed a set of international
standards that define the measures of geographic information quality (standard 19138,
as part of the meatadata standard 19115). These quantitative quality measures are:
completeness, consistency, positional accuracy, temporal accuracy and thematic accuracy.
Completeness describes the relationship between the represented objects and their
conceptualizations. This can be measured as the absence of data (errors of omission)
and presence of excess data (errors of commission). Consistency is the coherence in the
data structures of the digitized spatial data. The errors resulting from the lack of it are
indicated by (i) conceptual consistency, (ii) domain consistency, (iii) format consistency,
and (iv) topological consistency. Accuracy refers to the degree of closeness between a
measurement of a quantity and the accepted true value of that quantity, and it is in
the form of positional accuracy, temporal accuracy and thematic accuracy. Positional
accuracy is indicated by (i) absolute or external accuracy, (ii) relative or internal accuracy,
(iii) gridded data position accuracy. Thematic accuracy is indicated by (i) classification
correctness, (ii) non-quantitative attribute correctness, (iii) quantitative attribute accuracy.
In both cases, the discrepancies can be numerically estimated. Temporal accuracy is
indicated by (i) accuracy of a time measurement: correctness of the temporal references
of an item, (ii) temporal consistency: correctness of ordered events or sequences, (iii)
temporal validity: validity of data with regard to time.
2.2. Quality Indicators for VGI
As part of the ISO standards, geographic information quality can be further assessed
through qualitative quality indicators such as the purpose, usage, and lineage. These
indicators are mainly used to express the quality overview for the data. Purpose describes
the intended usage of the dataset. Usage describes the application(s) in which the dataset
has been utilized. Lineage describes the history of a dataset from collection, acquisition
to compilation and derivation to its form at the time of use (Van Oort and Bregt 2005,
Hoyle 2001, Guin´ee 2002). In addition, where ISO standardised measures and indicators
are not applicable, we have found in the literature more abstract quality indicators to
imply the quality of VGI. These are: trustworthiness, credibility, text content quality,
vagueness, local knowledge, experience, recognition, reputation. Trustworthiness is a
receiver judgment based on subjective characteristics such as reliability or trust (good
ratings on the creations, and the higher frequency of usage of these creations indicate
this trustworthiness) (Flanagin and Metzger 2008). In assessing the credibility of VGI,
the source of information plays a crucial role, as it is what credibility is primarily based
upon. However, this is not straight forward. Due to the non-authoritative nature of VGI,
the source maybe unavailable, concealed, or missing (this is avoided by gatekeepers in
authoritative data). Credibility was defined by Hovland
et al.
(1953) as the
of a source or message, which comprises primarily two dimensions, the trustworthiness
(as explained above), and expertise
. Expertise contains objective characteristics such as
accuracy, authority, competence, or source credentials (Flanagin and Metzger 2008).
Therefore, in assessing the credibility of data as a quality indicator one needs to consider
factors that attribute to the trustworthiness and expertise. Metadata about the origin of
VGI can provide a foundation for the source credentials of VGI (Frew 2007). Text content
quality (mostly applicable for text-based VGI) describes the quality of text data by the
use of text features such as the text length, structure, style, readability, revision history,
topical similarity, the use of technical terminology etc. Vagueness is the ambiguity with
which the data is captured (e.g., vagueness caused by low resolutions) (De Longueville
et al.
2010). Local knowledge is the contributors’ familiarity to the geographic surroundings that
she/he is implicitly or explicitly mapping. Experience is the involvement of a contributor
with the VGI platform that she/he contributes to. This can be expressed by the time
that the contributor has been registered with the VGI portal, number of GPS tracks
contributed (for example in OSM) or the number of features added and edited, or the
amount of participation in online forums to discuss the data (Van Exel
et al.
Recognition is the acknowledgement given to a contributor based on tokens achieved (for
example in gamified VGI platforms), and the reviewing of their contributions among their
peers (Van Exel
et al.
2010). Mau´e (2007) described reputation as a tool to ensure the
validity of VGI. Reputation is assessed by, for example the history of past interactions
that are happening between collaborators. Resnick
et al.
(2000) described contributors’
abilities and dispositions as features where this reputation can be based upon. Mau´e
(2007) further argue that similar to the eBay rating system
, the created geographic
features on various VGI platforms can be rated, tagged, discussed, and annotated, which
affects the data contributor’s reputation value.
3. Map, Image, and Text based VGI: Definitions and Quality Issues
The effective utilization of VGI is strongly associated with data quality, and this varies
depending primarily on the type of VGI, the way data is collected on the different VGI
platforms, and the context of usage. The following sections describe the selected forms of
VGI: 1)
, 2)
, and 3)
, their uses, and how data quality issues arise. These
three types of VGI are chosen based on the methods that are used to capture the data
(maps: as gps points and traces, image: as photos, text: as plain text), and because they
are the most popular forms of VGI currently used. This section further lays the ground
work to understand the subsequent section on various quality measures and indicators,
and quality assessment methods used for these three types of VGI.
3.1. Map-based VGI
Map-based VGI concerns all VGI sources that include geometries as points, lines and
polygons, the basic elements to design a map. Among others, OSM, Wikimapia, Google
Map Maker, and Map Insight are examples of map-based VGI projects. However, OSM is
the most prominent project due to the following reasons: (i) It aims to develop a free
map of the world accessible and obtainable for everyone; (ii) It has millions of registered
contributors; (iii) It has active mapper communities in many locations; and (iv) It provides
free and flexible contribution mechanisms for data (useful for map provision, routing,
planning, geo-visualization, point of interests (POI) search etc.). Thus, during the rest of
the article we will discuss OSM as an example for map-based VGI. As in most VGI projects,
the spatial dimension of OSM data is annotated in the form of nodes, lines, or polygons
with latitude/longitude referencing, and attributes are annotated by tags in the form of
key-value pairs. Each tag describes a specific geographic entity from different perspectives.
There are no restrictions to the usage of these tags: endless combinations are possible, and
the contributors are free to choose the tags they deem appropriate. Nevertheless, OSM
provides a set of recommendations of accepted key-value pairs, and if the contributors
want their contributions to become a part of the map, they need to follow the agreed-upon
standards. This open classification scheme can lead to misclassification and reduction in
data quality. Map-based VGI is commonly used for purposes like navigation and POI
search. For these purposes the positional accuracy and the topological consistency of the
entities are as important as their abstract locations. The other dimension is the attribute
accuracy, where the annotations associated with an entity should reflect its characteristics
without conflicts (e.g., for road tags, oneway=true and two-way=true). In OSM, the
loose contribution mechanisms result in problematic classifications that influence the
attribute accuracy. In addition to accuracy, providing reliable services is affected by data
completeness; features, attribute, and model completeness. Whether a map includes all
the required features, whether a feature is annotated with a complete set of attributes,
and if the model is able to answer all possible queries, all these points are related to
the completeness quality measure. Especially due to the lack of ground-truth data for
comparison, assessing VGI completeness still raises some challenges.
3.2. Image-based VGI
Image-based VGI is mostly produced implicitly within portals such as Flickr, Panoramio,
Instagram etc., where contributors take pictures of a particular geographic object or
surrounding with cameras, smart phones, or any hand held device, and attach a geospatial
reference to it. These objects/surroundings can be spatially referenced either by giving
geographic coordinates and/or user-assigned geospatial descriptions of these photographs
in the form of textual labels. These photo sharing websites have several uses such as
environmental monitoring (Fuchs
et al.
2013), pedestrian navigation (Robinson
et al.
event and human trajectory analysis (Andrienko
et al.
2009), for creating geographical
gazetteers (Popescu
et al.
2008), or even to complement institutional data sources in your
locality (Milholland and Pultar 2013).
Tagging an image is a means of adding metadata to the content in the form of specific
keywords to describe the content (Golder and Huberman 2006), or in the form of geographic
coordinates (geotagging) to identify the location linked to the image content (Valli and
Hannay 2010). There exist several approaches to geotag an image: record the geographic
location with the use of an external GPS device, with an in-built GPS (in many of the
modern digital cameras, smart phones), or manually positioning the photo on a map
Not only the GPS precision and accuracy errors resulting from various devices, but also
other factors influence the quality of image-based VGI. For example, instead of stating
the position from where the photo was taken (photographer position) some contributors
tend to geotag the photo with the position of the photo content, which could be several
kilometers away from where the photo originated causing positional accuracy issues (as
also discussed in Keßler
et al.
(2009)). This is a problem when we want to utilize these
photos for example in human trajectory analysis. Furthermore, due to the lack of sufficient
spatial knowledge contributors sometimes incorrectly geotag their photographs (Figure
1), also in lower geographic resolutions (in case of Flickr, some contributors do not zoom
enough to the street level, instead they zoom up to country or city level to geotag their
photos). Or some contributors geotag and textually label random irrelevant photos for
actual events, causing the users to doubt the trustworthiness of the content. Such content
are not fit for use for tasks such as disaster management, environmental monitoring, or
pedestrian navigation. Citizen Science Projects such as GeoTag-X
have in place machine
learning and crowd-sourcing methods to discover unauthentic material and clean them.
3.3. Text-based VGI
Text-based VGI (typically microblogs) is mostly produced implicitly on portals such as
Twitter, Reddit or various Blogs, where people contribute geographic information in the
form of text by using smart phones, PCs, or any hand held devices. Twitter for example
is used as an information foraging source (MacEachren
et al.
2011), in journalism to
disseminate data to the public in near real-time basis (O’Connor 2009, Castillo
et al.
detect disease spreading (Chunara
et al.
2012), event detection (Bosch
et al.
2013), and
for gaining insights on social interaction behavior (Huberman
et al.
2008) or trajectories
of people (Andrienko et al. 2013, Senaratne et al. 2014).
In text-based VGI, the spatial reference can be either in the text, where the contributor
refers to a place-name (e.g., ’Lady Gaga is performing in New York today’), or the spatial
reference can be the geotag where the tweet is originating from. While some people
contribute meaningful information most others use these mediums to express personal
opinions, moods, or for malicious aims such as bullying or trolling to harass other users.
Gupta and Kumaraguru (2012) conducted a study to investigate how much information
is credible and therefore useful, and how much information is spam, on Twitter. They
found that 14% of Tweets collected for event analysis were spam, while 30% of the
Tweets contained situational awareness information, out of which only 17% of the total
tweets contained credible situational awareness information. Such spam makes it difficult
to derive useful information that could be of interest for the above named use-cases.
Therefore quality analysis of these data is important to filter out the useful information,
and disregard the rest. Other than the inherent GPS errors in devices, a bigger role for
quality issues is played by the contributor herself/himself based on the information she/he
provides. Also due to the lack of spatial knowledge of some contributors the location is
incorrectly specified, and at times at a low resolution (in the Twitter interface on PCs the
contributor can specify the location not only at the city level, but also at a more coarse
state level). Sometimes if the contributor is writing about an event that takes place a
few hundred kilometers away from her position, she would geotag her content with the
location of the event rather than her position. Or the other way around.
A summary of quality assessment methods for these VGI types is presented in Section 5.
4. The Literature Review Methodology
This review provides an overview of the state-of-the-art methods to assess the quality of
selected types of VGI. To achieve this goal we breakdown our review in to three categories.
Firstly, we show how the topic of quality assessment within map, image, and text VGI
has evolved over the years since the birth of VGI in 2007 until the time of writing this
article (mid of 2015). Secondly, the reviewed papers are classified according to the type
of quality measure or indicator that is assessed within each of the papers. Thirdly, all the
quality measures and indicators that are addressed within each of the reviewed papers
are classified with the different methods utilized to assess them.
We used the following strategy to select the literature for our review. We used Google
Scholar to search for papers that include the following terms in their title or abstract:
data quality assessment
methods and techniques
volunteered geographic in-
. This query resulted in 425 research papers. We sorted
the search results according to the Google Scholar relevance ranking
. This relevance
ranking follows a combined ranking algorithm that contains a weighting for the full text of
each article, author of article, publisher, and how often the article has been cited in other
scholarly articles. We refined our collection of papers by filtering out the papers according
to the following criteria: 1) papers were published from 2007, 2) papers should describe
quality assessment methods, or techniques, or tools, 3) a latest paper was selected when
multiple versions of similar methods were available from the same research group. Citizen
Science research studies are not considered in this review. As such, we selected 56 papers
in total.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of the reviewed papers for VGI quality assessment
methods. Evidently, the publication of papers on this topic gained momentum in 2010,
for the most part papers discuss methods for map-based VGI.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Figure 2.: Distribution of the surveyed papers
5. Existing Methods for Assessing the Quality of VGI
We have reviewed state-of-the-art methods to assess various quality measures and indica-
tors of VGI. Within this review, a method is considered to be a systematic procedure that
is followed to assess the quality measures and quality indicators. For example, comparing
with satellite imagery is a method to assess the positional accuracy of maps. The found
methods have been mostly conceptually implemented for a particular usecase. These
methods have been reviewed mainly based on the type of VGI, the quality measures and
indicators supported, and the approaches followed to develop the method.
5.1. Distribution of Selected Literature
Out of the 56 papers that we reviewed, 40 papers discuss methods for assessing the
quality of map-based VGI, in most cases taking OSM data as the VGI source. 18 papers
introduce methods for text-based VGI taking mainly Twitter, Wikipedia, and Yahoo!
answers as the VGI source. 13 papers introduce methods for image-based VGI taking
Flickr and Panoramio as their VGI source. In reference to Craglia
et al.
(2012)’s typology
of VGI with the reviewed papers, most quality assessment work is done on explicit VGI
and lesser amount of work is done on implicit VGI, although implicit VGI due to its very
nature has more concerns regarding its quality.
5.2. Type of Quality Measures, Indicators, and their Associated
We have found 17 quality measures and indicators (7 measures and 10 indicators) that are
addressed within the 56 papers we surveyed. In Table 1 we have classified these surveyed
papers according to the type of quality measures and indicators, and the type of VGI.
We found that papers particularly focusing on map-based VGI are clearly using only
ISO standardized measures for quality assessment, whereas text-based VGI have been
assessed only on the credibility, text content quality, and vagueness. Image-based VGI
have been assessed in several papers on the positional/thematic accuracy, credibility,
vagueness, experience, recognition, and reputation. Within these 56 papers we came across
30 methods to assess these quality measures and indicators.
These quality measures/indicators gather previously discussed spatial data quality
elements in the literature, but also extend the previous categorizations such as Thomson
et al.
(2005), to include further spatial data quality indicators such as reputation, text
content quality, or experience. A classification of the VGI quality measures and indicators
according to the type of quality assessment methods and the type of VGI used in the
respective applications is presented in Table 2. The sparse cells in the table indicate the
quality measures/indicators that have not been explored excessively. We have further
classified these methods according to the approach categorization by Goodchild and Li
(2012). In addition to their categorization, we have also found methods based on the data
mining approach.
Quality measures and indicators
Positional accuracy
Thematic accuracy
Topological consistency
Temporal accuracy
Geometric accuracy
Semantic accuracy
Content quality
Local knowledge
Jacobs et al.(2007)
Agichtein et al.(2008)
Schmitz et al.(2008) ?
Mummidi&Krumm (2008) ?
Hasan et al.(2009)
Kounadi (2009) ?
Ather (2009) ? ?
De Longueville et al.(2010) ./
Bishr&Janowicz(2010) ./
Mendoza et al.(2010)
Haklay(2010) ? ?
Ciepluch(2010) ? ?
Corcoran et al.(2010) ?
Girres&Touya (2010) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Haklay et al. (2010) ?
Poser&Dransch (2010) ./
Brando&Bucher (2010) ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Huang et al. (2010) ./
De Tr´e et al. (2010) ? ?
Al Bakri&Fairbairn (2010) ?
van Exel et al. (2010) ./ ./ ./
Ciepluch et al. (2011) ?
Neis et al. (2011) ?
Codescu(2011) ?
Castillo et al.(2011)
Becker et al (2011)
Canini et al.(2011)
Ostermann&Spinsanti (2011) ./
Kessler et al. (2011) ?
O’Donovan et al.(2012)
Kang et al.(2012)
Gupta et al.(2012)
Morris et al. (2012)
Helbich et al.(2012) ?
Mooney&Corcoran(2012) ?
Koukoletsos et al. (2012) ?
Kessler&deGroot(2013) ???
Senaratne et al.(2013) • •
Canavosio-Zuzelski et al.(2013) ?
Hecht et al.(2013) ?
Vandecasteele&Devillers(2013) ?
Jackson et al. (2013) ? ?
Foody et al. (2014)
Barron et al.(2014) ? ?
Siebritz(2014) ?
Wang et al.(2014) ?
Fan et al.(2014) ? ?
Tenney(2014) ? ?
Ali et al.(2014) ?
Bordogna et al. (2014) • • • •
Forghani &Delavarl(2014) ./
Arsanjani (2015) ?
Vandecasteele&Devillers (2015) ?
Hashemi&Abbaspour (2015) ?
Table 1.:
Classification of the reviewed papers according to the quality measures and indicators.
?= map-based, = image-based, and = text-based VGI. While ./ = all types of VGI.
Type of approaches and methods
Data mining
Compare with reference data
Line of sight
Formal specifications
Semantic consistency check
Geometrical analysis
Intrinsic data check
Integrity constraints
Automatic tag recommendation
Geographic proximity
Time between observations
Automatic scale capturing
Geographic familiarity
Manual inspection
Manual inspection/annotation
Manual annotation
Comparing limitation with previous evaluation
Linguistic decision making
Meta-data analysis
Tokens achieved, peer reviewing
Applying Linus law
Possibilistic truth value
Cluster analysis
Latent class analysis
Correlation statistics
Automatic detection of outliers
Regression analysis
Supervised classification
Feature classification
Provenance vocabulary
Heuristic metrics/fuzzy logic
• • ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
accuracy ?
accuracy ?
accuracy ? ?
Lineage ? ?
Usage ?
 
 
Table 2.: Quality measures and indicators are classified according to the type of methods to
assess them, and the types of VGI. Methods are further classified according to the quality
assessment approaches. ?= map-based, = image-based, and = text-based VGI.
5.2.1. Quality Assessment in Map-based VGI
Positional Accuracy
In the works of Kounadi (2009), Ather (2009), Haklay (2010), Ciep luch
et al.
Al-Bakri and Fairbairn (2010), Zandbergen
et al.
(2011), Helbich
et al.
(2012), Jackson
et al.
(2013), Fan
et al.
(2014), Tenney (2014), Brando and Bucher (2010), Al-Bakri
and Fairbairn (2010), authors employ officially gathered reference datasets to assess the
positional accuracy of map-based VGI (mostly OSM data) by comparison. The comparison
with reference data method has been further employed for the assessment of thematic
accuracy (Girres and Touya 2010, Poser and Dransch 2010, Kounadi 2009, Brando and
Bucher 2010, Arsanjani
et al.
2015), completeness (Haklay 2010, Ciep luch
et al.
Kounadi 2009, Ather 2009, Ciep luch
et al.
2011, Hecht
et al.
2013, Jackson
et al.
et al.
2014, Tenney 2014, Brando and Bucher 2010), geometric accuracy (Girres
and Touya 2010). For geometric accuracy OSM objects of same structure were manually
matched. This manual approach was preferred over an automated approach to avoid any
processing errors.
et al.
(2010) applied the Linus Law and found out that higher the number of
contributors on a given spatial unit on OSM, higher the quality. This study shows that
comparison to reference datasets isn’t the only way to assess the quality of OSM data as
done in many use-cases.
De Te
et al.
(2010) uses a Possibilistic Truth Value (PTV) as a normalized possibility
distribution to determine the uncertainty of the POIs being co-located. The uncertainty
regarding the positioning of a POI is primarily caused by the imprecision with which the
POI are positioned on the map interface. The proposed technique further semantically
checks and compares the closely located POIs. Their method helps to identify redundant
VGI, and fuse the redundancies together. Furthermore, this approach has been applied to
also assess the thematic accuracy of map-based VGI.
In a rather different approach, Canavosio-Zuzelski
et al.
(2013) perform a photogram-
metric approach for assessing the positional accuracy of OSM road features using stereo
imagery and a vector adjustment model. Their method applies analytical measurement
principles to compute accurate real world geo-locations of OSM road vectors. The proposed
approach was tested on several urban gridded city streets from the OSM database with
the results showing that the post adjusted shape points improved positional accuracy by
86%. Furthermore, the vector adjustment was able to recover 95% of the actual positional
displacement present in the database.
Brando and Bucher (2010) present a generic framework to manage the quality of ISO
standardized quality measures by using formal specifications and reference datasets.
Formal specifications facilitate the assurance of quality in three manners with means
of integrity constraints: i) support on-the-fly consistency checking, ii) comparison to
external reference data, iii) reconcile concurrent editions of data. However, due to
a lack of proof of concept the practical applicability of this approach is difficult to conceive.
Topological Consistency
The topological consistency in OSM data is assessed mainly using intrinsic data checks
to detect and alleviate problems occurring through for example overlapping features or
overshoots and undershoots in the data (also known as dangles where start and end point
of two different lines should meet but do not, due to bad practices in digitization). The
authors Schmitz
et al.
(2008), Neis
et al.
(2011), Barron
et al.
(2014), Siebritz (2014)
have demonstrated that for each of these measures a separate topology integrity rule
can be designed and applied. Further, based on the definition of planar and non-planar
topological properties Corcoran
et al.
(2010) and Da Silva and Wu (2007) have used
geometrical analysis methods to assess the topological consistency of the OSM data.
In another work, the concept of spatial similarity in multi-representations have been
employed in order to perform both extrinsic and intrinsic quality analysis (Hashemi and
Abbaspour 2015). The authors discuss that their method could be efficiently applied
to VGI data for the purpose of vandalism detection. Other studies have also focused
on evaluating the topological consistency of OSM data with a focus on road network
infrastructures (Will 2014). In Wang
et al.
(2014) and Girres and Touya (2010) the
authors have used the Dimensional Extended nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM) in order
to compute the qualitative spatial relation between road objects in OSM. This method
and model allows them to check for topological inconsistencies and be able to locate the
junctions of roads in order to, for example generate expected road signs.
Thematic Accuracy and Semantic Accuracy
Mooney and Corcoran (2012) points out that most errors in OSM are caused by manual
annotation by contributors who sometimes misspell the feature values. Addressing this
issue, Codescu
et al.
(2011), Vandecasteele and Devillers (2013), Ali
et al.
(2014) have
developed semantic similarity matching methods, which automatically assess the contrib-
utor annotation of features in OSM according to the semantic meaning of such features.
In the work of Girres and Touya (2010), they found semantic errors were mainly due to
the mis-specification of roads. For example: roads that were classified as ’secondary’ in
the reference dataset were classified as ’residential’, or ’tertiary’ by contributors in OSM
data. The reasons for these inaccuracies as seen by authors are the lack of a standardized
classification, looseness for contributors to enter tags and values that are not present
in the OSM specification, lack of naming regulations w.r.t. for example capitalization
or prefixes. The authors emphasize the need for standardized specifications to improve
semantic and attribute accuracy of OSM data.
Furthermore, in regard to semantic accuracy of map-based VGI, Vandecasteele and
Devillers (2015) introduced a tag recommender system for OSM data which aims to
improve the semantic quality of tags. OSMantic is a plugin for the Java OpenStreetMap
editor which automatically suggests relevant tags to contributors during the editing
process. Mummidi and Krumm (2008) use clustering methods on Microsoft’s Live Search
to group user contributed pushpins of POIs that are annotated with text. Frequent
text phrases that appear in one cluster but infrequently in other clusters help to increase
the confidence that the particular text phrase describes a POI.
et al.
(2012) propose to use a feature-based automated matching method for
linear data using reference datasets. Barron
et al.
(2014) and Girres and Touya (2010)
use intrinsic data checks to record the statistics of the number of objects, attributes, and
values, thereby keeping track of all omissions and commissions to the database.
Temporal Accuracy
Very few works exist to assess the temporal accuracy. We reviewed the works of Girres
and Touya (2010) where they use statistics to observe the correlations of the number of
contributors to the mean capture date, and to the mean version of the capture object in
order to assess how many objects are updated. Their results show a linear increase of
the mean date, and the mean version of captured object in relation to the number of
contributors in the chosen geographic area. Concluding results show higher the num-
ber of contributors, more recent the objects were, and the more up-to-date the objects were.
Lineage, Usage, Purpose
In Keßler
et al.
(2011), following a data oriented approach with a focus on the origins
of specific data items, their provenance vocabulary explicitly shows the lineage of data
features of any online data. They base their provenance approach on Hartig (2009) on
’provenance information in the web of data’. Their approach allows them to classify OSM
features according to recurring editing and co-editing patterns. To keep track of the data
lineage, Girres and Touya (2010) urge the need for moderators who have control over
screening the contributions (as in Wikipedia) for necessary source information. They
further analyze the usage of data by comparing the limitations that were observed in
previous evaluations of map-based VGI.
As a generic approach to assess ISO standardized quality indicators, (Keßler and
de Groot 2013) propose Trust as a proxy to measure the topological consistency, thematic
accuracy, and completeness in these map data based on data provenance, a method which
relies on trust indicators as opposed to ground truth data.
5.2.2. Quality Assessment in Image-based VGI
Positional Accuracy and Credibility
et al.
(2007) explored the varying positional accuracy of photos by matching
photos with ancillary satellite imagery. They localize cameras based on satellite imagery
that correlates with the camera images taken at a known time. Their approach helps
where it is important to know the accurate location of the photographer instead of the
target object. Zielstra and Hochmair (2013) on the other hand compared the geotagged
positions of photos to the manually corrected camera position based on the image content.
Their results indicate better positional accuracy for Panoramio photos compared to
Flickr photos. Hollenstein and Purves (2010) assessed the positional accuracy of such
photos by manually inspecting these photos for their correspondence between the tagged
geographic label and geotagged position. Senaratne
et al.
(2013) assessed the positional
accuracy of Flickr photos by computing a line of sight between the camera position and
the target position based on in-between surface elevation data. They further manually
inspected the geographic label against the geographic location. The results are used as a
reference of quality for contributor and photo features of Flickr, and thereby used to
derive credibility indicators.
Thematic Accuracy
et al.
(2014) use Geowiki as the data source, where it contains a series of satellite
imagery. Volunteered contributors were given the task to label the land use categories
in these satellite imagery from a pre-defined set of labels. The accuracy of the labeling
was assessed through conducting a latent class analysis (LCA). LCA allows the analyst
to derive an accuracy measurement of the classification when there are no reference
datasets available to compare with. The authors further emphasize that this method can
be applied to image-based VGI. Further, their approach characterizes the volunteers based
on the accuracy of their labels of land use classes. This helps to ultimately determine the
volunteer quality.
On a related work, Zhang and Kosecka (2006) used feature-based geometric matching
using the image recognition software SIFT (Lindeberg 2012) to localize sample photos
in urban environments. Although their work was not based on VGI, this is a potential
approach to solve quality related issues within image-based VGI.
5.2.3. Quality Assessment in Text-based VGI
Quality of text-based VGI has been mainly assessed through the credibility of such
data based on contributor, text, and content features, and through the text content quality.
Relating to a social approach of quality analysis, Mendoza
et al.
(2010) found out
that rumors on Twitter tend to be more questioned by the Twitter community during
an emergency situation. They further indicate that the Twitter community acts as a
collaborative filter of information.
et al.
(2011) employed users on mechanical turk
to classify pre-classified
’news-worthy events’ and ’informal discussions’ on Twitter according to several classes
of credibility (i. almost certainly true, ii. likely to be false, ..). This is then used in a
supervised classification to evaluate which Tweets belong to these different classes of
credibility. This helped the authors to derive credibility indicators. The user features such
as average status count or the number of followers among others were found to be the
top ranked user-based credibility features.
The work of Gupta and Kumaraguru (2012) is similar to Castillo
et al.
(2011), and follows
a supervised feature classification PageRank like method to propagate the credibility
on a network of Twitter events. They use event graph-based optimization to enhance
the trust analysis at each iteration that updates the credibility scores. A credible entity
(node) links with a higher weight to more credible entities than to non-credible ones.
Their approach is similar to that of Castillo
et al.
(2011), but the authors proposed a
new technique to re-rank the Tweets based on a Pseudo Relevance Feedback.
et al.
(2011) divided credibility into implicit and explicit credibility. Implicit
credibility is the perceived credibility of Twitter contributors, and is assessed by Twitter
users by evaluating an external data source together with the Tweeters content topicality
and its relevance to the context, and social status (follower/ status counts). Explicit
credibility is evaluated by ranking Tweeters (Twitter contributors) on a scale from 1 to 5
based on their trustworthiness. End result is a ranking recommendation system on whom
to follow on Twitter regarding a particular topic.
et al.
(2012) provided an analysis of the distribution of credibility features
in four different contexts in the Twitter network: diversity of topics, credibility, chain
length and dyadic pairs. The results of their analysis indicate that the usefulness of
credibility features depends on the context in question. Thus the presence of a credibility
feature alone is not good enough to evaluate the credibility of the context, but rather a
particular combination of different credibility features that are ‘suitable’ for the context
in question.
et al.
(2012) designed a pilot study with participants (with no technical back-
ground) to extract a list of features that are useful to make their credibility judgments.
Finally to run the survey, the authors sent the survey to a sample of Twitter users in
which they were asked to assess how each feature impacts their credibility judgment on a
five-point scale. Their findings indicate that features such as verified author expertise,
re-tweets from someone you trust, or author is someone you follow have higher credibility
impact. These features differ somewhat to the features extracted through the supervised
classification of Castillo
et al.
(2011). These features were further ranked according to
the amount of attention received by Twitter users.
et al.
(2012) defined three different credibility prediction models and studied
how each model performs in terms of credibility classification of Twitter messages.
These are: 1. social model, 2. content-based model, and 3. hybrid model (based on
different combinations of the two previous models). The social model relies on a weighted
combination of credibility indicators from the underlying social network (e.g., re-tweets,
no. of followers). The content-based model identifies patterns and tweet properties
that lead to positive reactions such as re-tweeting or positive user ratings, by using
a probabilistic language-based approach. Most of these content-based features are
taken from Castillo
et al.
(2011). The main results from the paper indicate that the
social model outperformed all other models in terms of predication accuracy, and that
including more features in the predication task doesn’t mean a better predication accuracy.
Text Content Quality
et al.
(2008) describe a generic method for all text-based social media data.
They use three inputs for a feature classifier to determine the content quality: 1. textual
features (e.g., word n-grams up to length 5 that appears in the text more than 3 times,
semantic features such as punctuations, typos, readability measures, avg. no. of syllables
per word, entropy of word lengths, grammarticality), 2. user relationships (between users
and items, user intuition such as good answers are given by good answerers, and vote for
other good answerers), 3. usage statistics (no. of clicks on an item, dwell time on content).
et al.
(2011) use a two tier approach for the quality analysis of text-based Twitter
data in an event analysis context. To identify the events, they first cluster tweets using an
online clustering framework. Subsequently, they use three centrality-based approaches to
identify messages in the clusters that have high textual quality, strong relevance, and are
useful. These approaches are: 1. centroid similarity approach that calculates the cosine
similarity of the tf-idf statistic of words, 2. degree centrality method which represents
each cluster message as a node in a graph, and two nodes are connected with an edge
when their cosine similarity exceeds a predetermined threshold, 3. LexRank approach
distributes the centrality value of nodes to its neighbors, and top messages in a cluster
are chosen according to their LexRank value.
Hasan Dalip
et al.
(2009) on the other hand use text length, structure, style readability,
revision history, and social network as indicators of text content quality in Wikipedia
articles. They further use regression analysis to combine various such weighed quality
values into a single quality value, that represents an overall aggregated quality metric for
text content quality.
et al.
(2014) measure the validity of text data by measuring the number of
words, proportion of correctly spelled words, language intelligibility, diffusion of words,
and the presence of technical terms as indicators of text content quality. They further
explored quality indicators such as experience, recognition and reputation to determine
the quality of VGI.
5.2.4. Generic Approaches
As a generic method for all VGI Forghani and Delavar (2014) propose a new quality
metric for the assessment of topological consistency by employing heuristic metrics such
as minimum bounding geometry area and directional distribution (Standard Deviational
Ellipse). Van Exel
et al.
(2010) propose to use contributor related quality indicators such
as local knowledge (e.g., spatial familiarity), experience (e.g., amount of contributions),
and recognition (e.g., tokens achieved). A conceptual workflow for automatically assessing
the quality of VGI in crisis management scenarios was proposed by Ostermann and
Spinsanti (2011). VGI is cross-referenced with other VGI types, and institutional ancillary
data that are spatially and temporally close. However, in a realistic implementation
this combination of different VGI data types for cross referencing is a challenging task
due to their heterogeneity. Bishr and Janowicz (2010) propose to use trust together
with reputation as a proxy measure for VGI quality, and established the spatial and
temporal dimensions of trust. They assert that shorter geographic proximity of VGI
observations provide more accurate information as opposed to higher geographic proximity
VGI observations (implying that
locals know better
the proximate spectator sees more
On a temporal perspective of trust, they further claim that trust in some VGI develop
and decay over time, and that the observation time of an event has an affect on the
trust we endow in one’s observation. Furthermore, to assess the trust of VGI Huang
et al.
(2010) developed a method to detect outliers in the contributed data. De Longueville
et al.
(2010) proposed two methods to assess the vagueness in VGI. 1. contributor encodes the
vagueness of their contributed spatial data in a 0 - 5 scale (e.g., 5 = it’s exactly there, 0 =
I don’t know where it is. 2. the second type is system created vagueness that is assessed
through automatically capturing the scale at which VGI is produced. VGI produced in
lower scales is classified as more vague.
Table 2 shows a summary matrix of all quality measures and indicators observed in
the literature review, with various methods that can be applied to assess these quality
measures/indicators. Following this matrix we can learn which methods can be applied
to solve various quality issues within map, text and image-based VGI. However, this
should be followed with caution, as we present here only what we discovered through the
literature review, and the presented methods could be applied beyond our discovery, and
therefore need to be further explored.
6. Discussion and Future Research Perspectives in VGI Quality
VGI is available with tremendous amounts through various platforms, and it is crucial
to have methods to ensure the quality of these VGI. The vast amount of data and the
heterogeneous characteristics of utilization make the traditional comparison with reference
datasets no longer viable in every application scenario (also due to the lack of access to
reference data). Based on such characteristics, Goodchild and Li (2012) propose three
approaches to ensure the quality of VGI: 1. crowd-sourced, 2. social, and 3. geographic.
As seen in Table 2, 20 of the methods we have discovered in the literature fall in to
geographic, social, or crowd-sourced approaches. Furthermore, 10 of the methods we
discovered fall in to an additional approach: 4. data mining, that helps to assess VGI
quality by discovering patterns and learning purely from the data. Data mining can be
used as a stand-alone approach, completely independent of the laws and knowledge of
geography, and independent from social or crowd-sourced approaches to assess the quality
of VGI. For example, the possibilistic truth value method is used to assess the positional
uncertainty of POIs based only on the possibility distribution. Similarly, outlier detection,
cluster analysis, regression analysis, or correlation statistics methods can be used to assess
the data quality by purely discovering and learning data patterns, irrespective of the
laws and knowledge from geography. The supervised learning, and feature classification
methods that are used to assess the quality of text-based VGI use text, message, and
user features to train the classifier. These two machine learning methods we found in
the literature once again work irrespective of the laws and knowledge from geography.
Therefore, we believe these methods deserve to be represented under an additional
approach to assess VGI quality.
We have classified the found methods according to these 4 approaches based on the
description of the methods in the literature. By this discovery, we aim to extend Goodchild
and Li (2012)’s classification in this survey.
While most methods have been utilized to assess the positional accuracy, thematic
accuracy, and topological consistency, fewer methods tackle the rest of the quality measures
and indicators we review such as the completeness, temporal accuracy or vagueness. Future
work should focus also on other potential approaches to handle quality measures and
indicators. Different VGI platforms should clearly communicate to the contributors and
the consumers, as to what kind of data that one could contribute. The more precise this is,
the more comprehensive it is to the contributor on what is expected in terms of data. As
also stated by Antoniou
et al.
(2010), explicit VGI gives a loosely coupled specification(s)
of what volunteers can contribute. If these specifications are more rigid the future of
VGI can expect higher quality information, although it may be a compromise with lesser
contributions. This may further vary depending on the task at hand.
Lower population density positively correlates with fewer number of contributions, thus
affecting data completeness or positional accuracy (Neis
et al.
2013, Haklay 2010, Girres
and Touya 2010, Mullen
et al.
2015). However, more research needs to be done regarding
this issue. Hence, a step further in this direction is to derive the socio-economic impacts
on OSM data quality. As presented in section 5.2., there have been a number of studies
and empirical research performed on the subject of OSM quality. Nevertheless, a solid
framework for assessing OSM data is far from being established, let alone a framework
of quality measurement for specific application domains. The limitation is that existing
measures and indicators (described by ISO) are not inclusive enough to evaluate OSM
data. This is mainly because the nature of OSM (and VGI in general) is fundamentally
different to what geospatial experts have dealt with so far. Therefore, we argue that there
are still research gaps when defining quality measures/indicators and proposing methods
to calculate these measures/indicators. In addition, only few studies have been conducted
to explore and analyze the differences in quality requirements for different application
domains. Therefore, as a recommendation for future research in this topic, we suggest
to develop a systematic framework that provides methods and measures to evaluate the
fitness for purpose of each VGI type. This would need to not only focus on the analysis of
data itself, but also explore the social factors which are the driving forces behind public
contributions, and thus considerably affect the quality. For example, one could define a
mathematical model based on OSM intrinsic data indicators (e.g., number of contributors,
number of edits, etc.) to estimate the quality (e.g., completeness) of data without having
reference data at hand. This would enrich and complete the new paradigm of intrinsic
quality evaluation, which by far has received less attention from the research community,
compared to the common extrinsic quality evaluation: i.e: comparison with reference data.
The utilization of text and image-based VGI still mostly depends on the geotagged
content. However, the sparse geotagged content of these two VGI types in most cases
represent only a minority of the data. Therefore, generalization based on VGI is still
limited and need further demographic studies.
Gamification has become a popular way to involve people to contribute spatial data
(Geograph, Foursquare
, Ingress
are some examples). Such gamification approaches
have increased participation as well as spatial coverage (Antoniou and Schlieder 2014,
et al.
2010). Due to the clear incentives of this data collection approach (going
high up in rankings, collecting badges etc.) this popular method can be used to control the
process of collecting more accurate data by incorporating data quality concepts (Yanenko
and Schlieder 2014). One way to do that would be to give a ranking to the contributor
based on the quality of their collected data. Revealing such rankings of their peers would
further encourage the contributors to pay more attention to the quality of their data
(peer pressure).
As encouragement mechanisms are required to motivate people to contribute, we
should also research methods to make contributors aware of the importance of quality,
and secondly to involve the contributors and consumers to maintain the quality of the
VGI contents. This can be achieved for example by collaboratively doing quality checks
on the data. Such collaborative efforts are presently actively done in OSM, but rather
inadvertently done on Flickr or Twitter. As evident from the review, image and text-based
VGI have been given far less attention to its quality as compared to map-based VGI. We
see this as mainly due to the complexity of the image and text data types. Comments
and discussions associated with image and text contents might be one way to ensure the
contribution while systematic analysis of these resources is not a trivial process. Our
understanding is that quality assurance methods for text and image-based VGI are still on
the phase of experimentation, and therefore need more attention in order to standardize
these methods in to practice. This is crucial because more and more text and image-based
VGI are being utilized in various applications. Furthermore, the works of Sacha
et al.
(2016), where they introduce a framework that integrates trust and other various quality
indicators in a knowledge generation process within the visual analytics paradigm can be
adapted in future research to assess and visually analyze quality of VGI. Their framework
allows the user to comprehend the associated quality at each step of knowledge generation,
and also express their confidence in the findings and insights gained by externalizing their
thoughts. This facilitates the user to comprehend the provided quality of data as well as
the perceived quality.
As further evident from this review, there is no holy grail that could solve all types
of quality issues in VGI. We should be aware of the heterogeneity of these data, and be
informed of the existing state-of-the-art to resolve many of the quality issues of VGI,
and their limitations. Addressing these limitations and thereby improving the existing
methods already paves for new contributions on this topic that should be recognized as
valid scientific contributions in the VGI community.
7. Conclusions
In this review of VGI quality, we have taken a critical look at the quality issues within
map, image, and text VGI types. The heterogeneity of these VGI types give rise to varying
quality issues that need to be dealt with varying quality measures and indicators, and
varying methods. As a result of this review, we have summarized the literature in to a
list of 30 methods that can be used to assess one or more of the 17 quality measures and
indicators that we have come across in the literature for map, image, and text-based VGI
respectively. This review further shows the following: 1) a majority of reviewed papers
focus on assessing map-based VGI. 2) Though implicit VGI (e.g., text-based Twitter
or image-based Flickr) has higher quality concerns in comparison to explicit VGI (e.g.,
map-based OSM), such explicit VGI has received significantly higher attention to resolve
quality issues, compared to implicit VGI. The review shows the increasing utilization of
implicit VGI for geospatial research. Therefore, more efforts should be in place to resolve
quality issues within these implicit VGI. 3) Mostly ISO standardized quality measures
have been used to assess the quality of map-based VGI (OSM). Text-based VGI have
been assessed on the credibility, vagueness, and the content quality. Image-based VGI
have been assessed on the positional/thematic accuracy, credibility, vagueness, experience,
recognition, and reputation. A logical explanation for this is that ISO standardized
measures are most often assessed through comparative analysis with ground truth data.
For the explicit VGI (e.g., OSM) we can easily realize which ground truth data to look for.
However for implicit VGI, it is not straight forward to realize which ground truth data to
look for, therefore comparative analysis is not always possible (e.g., topological consistency,
or thematic accuracy cannot be directly assessed, as we need to derive the topology or
the thematic attributes from the VGI in an additional data processing step). These
implicit VGI are further enriched with contributor sentiments and contextual information.
Therefore ISO standardized measures alone are not enough to assess the quality of implicit
VGI. This explains the use of indicators such as reputation, trust, credibility, vagueness,
experience, recognition, or local knowledge as quality indicators. A lack of standardization
of these more abstract quality indicators is a reason why fewer works exist for image and
text-based VGI. In addition, the implicit nature of the geography that is contributed
in most of these VGI is yet another reason for the insufficiency of quality assessment
methods for text and image-based VGI. 4) we have classified the quality assessment
methods according to the crowd-sourced, geographic, and social approaches as introduced
by Goodchild and Li (2012). We have further discovered data mining as an additional
approach in the literature that extends Goodchild and Li (2012)’s classification.
8. Acknowledgments
This work has been partly funded by the SPP programme under grant agreement no. 1335
(ViAMoD), the European Unions’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement
no. 612096 (CAP4Access), and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). We
thank particularly Tobias Schreck, Alexander Zipf, Mohamed Bakillah, and Hongchao
Fan for their valuable discussions on the topic.
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... In recent years, significant progress has been made in the construction of Earth Science knowledge graphs. Various research studies have focused on corpus construction [7], knowledge extraction (including entity extraction [8,9] and relation extraction [10,11]) [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20], knowledge fusion [3,21], knowledge representation [22][23][24], and knowledge quality evaluation [25,26] for the development of Earth Science knowledge graphs. In terms of practical applications, task-specific knowledge graphs have been created based on specific tasks and their objectives. ...
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With the development of technology, Earth Science has entered a new era. Continuous research has generated a large amount of Earth Science data, including a significant amount of semi-structured and unstructured data, which contain information about locations, geographical concepts, geological characteristics of mineral deposits, and relationships. Efficient management of these Earth Science data is crucial for the development of digital earth systems, rational planning of resource industries, and resource security. By representing entities, relationships, and attributes through graph structures, knowledge graphs capture and present concepts and facts about the real world, facilitating efficient data management. However, due to the highly specialized and complex nature of Earth Science data and disciplinary differences, the methods used to construct general-purpose knowledge graphs cannot be directly applied to building knowledge graphs in the field of geological science. Therefore, this paper summarizes a “pipeline” approach to constructing an Earth Science knowledge graph in order to clarify the complete construction process and reduce barriers between data and technology. This approach divides the construction of the Earth Science knowledge graph into two parts and designs functional modules under each part to specify the construction process of the knowledge graph. In addition to proposing this approach, a knowledge graph of iron ore deposits is automatically constructed by integrating geographic and geological data related to iron ore deposits using deep learning techniques. The systematic approach presented in this paper reduces the threshold for constructing geological science knowledge graphs, provides methodological support for specific disciplines or research objects in Earth Science, and also lays the foundation for the construction of large-scale Earth Science knowledge graphs that combine crowdsourcing and expert decision-making, as well as the development of intelligent question-answering systems and intelligent decision-making systems covering the entire field of Earth Science.
... Second, the equipment used by contributors can vary significantly, from high-precision GPS devices to basic smartphones, resulting in differing levels of quality. Third, the absence of a comprehensive surveillance or verification system for data entry means that errors or intentional inaccuracies can go unnoticed for extended periods (D'Antonio et al., 2014;Girres & Touya, 2010;Haklay, 2010;Senaratne et al., 2017). ...
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The growing use of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), including data from OpenStreetMap (OSM), raises concerns about data quality due to variations in contributors' skills and tools. This study assesses the positional accuracy of voluntary features in Tehran by comparing them with official datasets. A feature matching approach using Hausdorff distance, orientation difference, and buffer overlap, normalized through fuzzy logic, was used to evaluate accuracy. Preprocessing steps included standardizing data extent and coordinate systems, correcting topological errors, and converting datasets into graph structures. Results show that most voluntary features had high positional accuracy, with over 87% achieving positional accuracy above 82%. Temporal analysis revealed peaks in voluntary contributions in 2012 and 2017, but a slight overall decline in positional accuracy from 2007 to 2022, indicated by a negative trend line slope of -0.001834. This study introduces a method for assessing historical data accuracy using feature matching across a large area like Tehran to track positional accuracy trends over time. It underscores the need for extrinsic assessment in VGI, noting that technological advancements do not always lead to improved positional accuracy. The comprehensive approach in this study offers insights into VGI quality and reliability.
... To validate the method, a dataset obtained from Google Earth was employed, and it was observed that the method yielded effective results. Open Street Map has always been an interesting research topic due to the data collected by volunteers [23][24][25][26]. Although there have been several studies on OSM, the enrichment of OSM data is the subject of this study. ...
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It is crucial to obtain continuous data on unplanned urbanization regions in order to develop precise plans for future studies in these regions. An unplanned urbanization area was selected for analysis, and road extraction was performed using very high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images. In this regard, the Sat2Graph deep learning model was employed, utilizing the object detection tool integrated within the deep learning package published by ArcGIS Pro software, for the purpose of road extraction from a very high-resolution UAV image. The high-resolution UAV images were subjected to analysis using the photogrammetry method, with the results obtained through the application of the Sat2Graph deep learning model. The resulting road extraction was employed for the purpose of data enhancement on OpenStreetMap (OSM). This will facilitate the expeditious and precise implementation of data updates conducted by volunteers. It should be noted that the recall, F1 score, precision ratio/uncertainty accuracy, average producer accuracy, and intersection over union of products were automatically extracted with the algorithm and determined to be 0.816, 0.827, 0.838, 0.792, and 0.597, respectively.
... However, in most experiments, walking physiological indicators are still obtained through randomized controlled experiments, featuring complicated procedures, limited sample size and high experiment cost. With the appearance of hand-held GPS devices, the volunteered geographic information (VGI) of park visitors has become increasingly available in public (6). The semi-open exercise data of users on the online fitness platform has become an important information source for related research, including MapMyFitness, Wikiloc, Trailforks, etc. ...
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Objective To explore the correlation between park view elements and their combinations on the heart rate (HR) and speed of walkers, joggers, and runners in different groups of people’s profiles and walking types, provide suggestions for the planning and design of walking suitability of walking trails in parks, and guide people with different walking needs to scientifically choose walking trails in parks. Methods Profile data and exercise data of users who recorded walking activities in Century Park are collected on Strava, and the park view images (PVIs) were taken and segmented semantically. Data are grouped according to gender, age, weight and exercise type, and the quantitative relationship between HR, speed and 17 park view elements is studied by Spearman correlation analysis. Results (1) The influence of the same park view elements on the exercise physiological indicators of different genders is small; (2) Park view elements combination based on sky, grass-plant and tree can better stabilize the walking HR of the older adult; (3) Semi-enclosed trail dominated by tree can improve the walking HR and speed of people with larger body weight; (4) Natural routes dominated by sidewalk-path and supplemented by tree and sky elements are more suitable for walking, while the trails with larger sky area, no trees and wider trails are more suitable for running.
Traditionally, government and national mapping agencies have been a primary provider of authoritative geospatial information. Today, with the exponential proliferation of Information and Communication Technologies or ICTs (such as GPS, mobile mapping and geo-localized web applications, social media), any user becomes able to produce geospatial information. This participatory production of geographical data gives birth to the concept of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). This phenomenon has greatly contributed to the production of huge amounts of heterogeneous data (structured data, textual documents, images, videos, etc.). It has emerged as a potential source of geographic information in many application areas. Despite the various advantages associated with it, this information lacks often quality assurance, since it is provided by diverse user profiles. To address this issue, numerous research studies have been proposed to assess VGI quality in order to help extract relevant content. This work attempts to provide an overall review of VGI quality assessment methods over the last decade. It also investigates varied quality assessment attributes adopted in recent works. Moreover, it presents a classification that forms a basis for future research. Finally, it discusses in detail the relevance and the main limitations of existing approaches and outlines some guidelines for future developments.
Knowledge‐driven GIS increasingly requires multi‐source, multi‐type, and multi‐model crowd‐sensing spatiotemporal data, whose data quality is difficult to guarantee and determine. Hence, extracting quality indicator information, widely present in various unstructured web texts, is crucial to providing supplementary quality information for crowd‐sensing spatiotemporal data. Recent advances in large language models show potential in extracting quality indicator information. However, it is still hard to get accurate results from large language models that use different quality indicators for crowd‐sensing spatiotemporal data. Therefore, we have designed a large language model that is fine‐tuned for the extraction of spatiotemporal quality information from quality description text (LLMFT‐STQIE). Firstly, we establish a quality indicator vocabulary to determine whether the text includes quality indicator information from the spatiotemporal data. Then, we create a two‐stage prompt model with QILE and QIVE prompts that include input text, task type, instructions, the quality indicator vocabulary, output format, and a reference case. This model is based on the fine‐tuning technology of large language models. The results show that our LLMFT‐STQIE achieves an accuracy of 91% and a recall rate of 80%, respectively, representing improvements of 23% and 38% compared to untuned large language models. These results further show that the suggested method easily and accurately extracts quality indicator information from web texts for crowd‐sensing spatiotemporal data. The study helps investigate strategies for optimizing huge language models for specific scenarios or task specifications.
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This chapter examines the evolution of quality assurance (QA) in higher education, tracking its growth from early accreditation techniques to the sophisticated models applied today. The chapter investigates the historical context that produced the current quality assurance frameworks, highlighting the need for solid standards in an increasingly globalized and competitive educational environment. Through a review of modern models, the chapter illustrates the problems and opportunities facing institutions as they attempt to preserve and enhance academic excellence. Finally, the topic turns to the future of quality assurance, evaluating how rising trends and technologies may alter the landscape of higher education. The views offered aim to add to ongoing debates and provide a roadmap for institutions looking to traverse the challenges of quality assurance in the 21st century.
div class="section abstract"> Nowadays, electrification is largely acknowledged as a crucial strategy to mitigate climate change, especially for the transportation sector through the transition from conventional vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). As the demand for EVs continues to rise, the development of a robust and widespread charging infrastructure has become a top priority for governments and decision-makers. In this context, innovative approaches to energy management and sustainability, such as Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), are gradually being employed, leading to new challenges, like grid service integration, charge scheduling and public acceptance. For instance, the planned use scenario, the user’s behavior, and the reachability of the geographical position influence the optimal energy management strategies both maintain user satisfaction and optimize grid impact. Firstly, this paper not only presents an extensive classification of charging infrastructure and possible planning activities related to different charging scenarios but also indicates the most feasible Point of Interest (POIs) for certain energy strategies and a user’s behavior associated with POIs. Secondly, the article proposes a systematic procedure to analyze the potential location using accessible data from OpenStreetMap (OSM), considering different POIs categories and the classifications proposed above. Therefore, this methodology can support future practitioners both in the definition of the suitability of a charging geographical position for specified energy management strategies (e.g., V2G) and the best path planning for a defined charging location. Lastly, the proposed model is applied to a real case study, functional to the XL-Connect Horizon Europe project. The results proposed utilized open-source geographical data and can be obtained for other worldwide case studies. </div
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Evaluating sidewalk accessibility is conventionally a manual and time-consuming task that requires specialized personnel. While recent developments in Visual AI have paved the way for automating data analysis, the lack of sidewalk accessibility datasets remains a significant challenge. This study presents the design and validation of Sidewalk AI Scanner, a web app that enables quick, crowdsourced and low-cost sidewalk mapping. The app enables a participatory approach to data collection through imagery captured using smartphone cameras. Subsequently, dedicated algorithms automatically identify sidewalk features such as width, obstacles or pavement conditions. Though not a replacement for high-resolution sensing methods, this method leverages data crowdsourcing as a strategy to produce a highly scalable, city-level dataset of sidewalk accessibility, offering a novel perspective on the city’s inclusivity; fostering community empowerment and participatory planning. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Co-creating the future: participatory cities and digital governance’.
Conference Paper
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Abstract: Recent developments in service-oriented and distributed computing have created exciting opportunities for the integration of models in service chains to create the Model Web. This offers the potential for orchestrating web data and processing services, in complex chains; a flexible approach which exploits the increased access to products and tools, and the scalability offered by the Web. However, the uncertainty inherent in data and models must be quantified and communicated in an interoperable way, in order for its effects to be effectively assessed as errors propagate through complex automated model chains. We describe a proposed set of tools for handling, characterizing and communicating uncertainty in this context, and show how they can be used to 'uncertainty- enable' Web Services in a model chain. An example implementation is presented, which combines environmental and publicly-contributed data to produce estimates of sea-level air pressure, with estimates of uncertainty which incorporate the effects of model approximation as well as the uncertainty inherent in the observational and derived data.
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Today, a tremendous source of spatio-temporal data is user generated, so-called volunteered geographic information (VGI). Among the many VGI sources, microblogged services, such as Twitter, are extensively used to disseminate information on a near real-time basis. Interest in analysis of microblogged data has been motivated to date by many applications ranging from trend detection, early disaster warning, to urban management and marketing. One important analysis perspective in understanding microblogged data is based on the notion of drift, considering a gradual change of real world phenomena observed across space, time, content, or a combination thereof. The scientific contribution provided by this paper is the presentation of a systematic framework that utilises on the one hand a Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) to detect hotspot clusters of Tweeter activities, which are episodically sequential in nature. These clusters help to derive spatial trajectories. On the other hand we introduce the concept of drift that characterises these trajectories by looking into changes of sentiment and topics to derive meaningful information. We apply our approach to a Twitter dataset comprising 26,000 tweets. We demonstrate how phenomena of interest can be detected by our approach. As an example, we use our approach to detect the locations of Lady Gaga's concert tour in 2013. A set of visualisations allows to analyse the identified trajectories in space, enhanced by optional overlays for sentiment or other parameters of interest.
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The claimed subject matter provides a system and/or a method that facilitates generating a point of interest related to a map. An interface component can collect a portion of annotation data from two or more users, wherein the portion of annotation data is associated with a digital map and includes at least one of a map location and a user specific description of the map location. An annotation aggregator can evaluate annotation data corresponding to the map location on the digital map. The annotation aggregator can create a point of interest (POI) for the map location based upon the evaluation and populates the digital map with at least one of an identified location extracted from two or more users or a universal description extracted from two or more users.
ISO/TS 16949:2002 (TS2) will have a huge impact on the whole of the automobile industry as it formalises, under a single world-wide standard, the quality system that must be met by vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers. This handbook is the only comprehensive guide to understanding and satisfying the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2002. Written by best-selling quality author David Hoyle (ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook) this new book is ideal for those new to the standard or establishing a single management system for the first time, as well as those migrating from existing quality management systems. It will suit quality system managers and quality professionals across the automotive industry, managers and executive level readers, consultants, auditors, trainers and students of management and quality. * The only complete ISO/TS 16949:2002 (TS2) reference: essential for understanding both TS2 and ISO 9001:2000 * TS2 becomes mandatory for all auto manufacturers and their many thousands of suppliers in 2006 * Includes details of the certification scheme, the differences with previous standards, check lists, questionnaires, tips for implementers, flow charts and a glossary of terms * David Hoyle is one of the world's leading quality management authors.
Conference Paper
With the cities ever growing and evolving much faster than before, effectively managing road signs is a major problem, in particular checking the positioning and contents of road signs in compliance with related road sign regulations (RSRs) and validating if the newly built road signs are consistent with existing road signs according to RSRs. In this paper, we discuss challenges in developing road sign management system and propose a data integration solution which provides a basis for intelligent road sign management based upon the LarKC platform. We then present methods for automatically verifying road signs according to RSRs and simulating the process of generating new road signs when new roads are to be built. The proposed system can bring much convinence to decision makers and greatly decrease fees of the city operation.
Studies have analyzed the quality of volunteered geographic information (VGI) datasets, assessing the positional accuracy of features and the semantic accuracy of the attributes. While it has been shown that VGI can, in some contexts, reach a high positional accuracy, these studies have also highlighted a large spatial heterogeneity in positional accuracy and completeness, but also concerning the semantics of the objects. Such high semantic heterogeneity of VGI datasets becomes a significant obstacle to a number of possible uses that could be made of the data. This paper proposes an approach for both improving the semantic quality and reducing the semantic heterogeneity of VGI datasets. The improvement of the semantic quality is achieved by using a tag recommender system, called OSMantic, which automatically suggests relevant tags to contributors during the editing process. Such an approach helps contributors find the most appropriate tags for a given object, hence reducing the overall dataset semantic heterogeneity. The approach was implemented into a plugin for the Java OpenStreetMap editor (JOSM) and different examples illustrate how this plugin can be used to improve the quality of VGI data. This plugin has been tested by OSM contributors and evaluated using an online questionnaire. Results of the evaluation suggest a high level of satisfaction from users and are discussed.
Conference Paper
With the ubiquity of technology and tools, current Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) projects allow the public to contribute, maintain, and use geo-spatial data. One of the most prominent and successful VGI project is OpenStreetMap (OSM), where more than one million volunteers collected and contributed data that is obtainable for everybody. However, this kind of contribution mechanism is usually associated with data quality issues, e.g., geographic entities such as gardens or parks can be assigned with inappropriate classification by volunteers. Based on the observation that geographic features usually inherit certain properties and characteristics, we propose a novel classification-based approach allowing the identification of entities with inappropriate classification. We use the rich data set of OSM to analyze the properties of geographic entities with respect to their implicit characteristics in order to develop classifiers based on them. Our developed classifiers show high detection accuracies. However, due to the absence of proper training data we additionally performed a user study to verify our findings by means of intra-user-agreement. The results of our study support the detections of our classifiers and show that our classification-based approaches can be a valuable tool for managing and improving VGI data.
Polyline simplification is one of most thoroughly studied subjects in map generalization. It consists in reducing the number of vertices of a polygonal chain in order to represent them at a smaller scale without unnecessary details. Besides its main application in generalization, it is also considerably employed in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to reduce digital map data for speeding up processing and visualization and to homogenize different data sets in the process of data integration. A variety of techniques has been presented by researchers in different contexts [14, 7, 12, 16].