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Self-Image and Self-Esteem for a Positive Outlook

Training Manual on Theeranaipunya - Equipping Fisherwomen Youth for Future 75
Self-Image and Self-Esteem for a Positive Outlook
Rekha J. Nair
Senior Scientist, Demersal Fisheries Division, CMFRI
Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see, that mercy I to
others show, that mercy show to me. - Alexander Pope
Respect is earned, not given. And regardless of your age, gender, race, or ethnicity,
anyone can earn respect by conducting themselves with integrity. Gaining the respect
of others will not happen overnight, but remember that once respect is earned, you
will have people listening to what you say. How do you get it?
There are three best ways improve your self-image, self-esteem, self-respect and
thus your confidence.
Self-Image is how you see yourself. This may be how you see yourself physically or
your opinion of who and what you are which is normally called self-concept. It
is important as it affects your self-esteem and confidence.
Self-image includes:
What you think you look like
How you see your personality
What kind of person you think you are
What you believe others think of you
How much you like yourself or you think others like you
The status you feel you have
How you see yourself is vital because this will affect your behavior, youre thinking
and how you relate to others. People respond to you either positively or negatively
according to how confident you are. Your confidence in relationships depends on the
image you have of yourself.
How you see yourself is often different from how others view you. Your view of
yourself is shaped by your unique thoughts and beliefs and you will have a distorted
view. You will see yourself in a positive or negative way according to your level of
self-esteem. You may have a negative view of yourself and if so you are probably
highly critical of yourself.
What can you do to improve your Self-Image?
List things you like about yourself include appearance, personality and skills
Change negative thoughts to positive ones by focusing on the positive and
forgetting the negative things that happen to you
Remember compliments and note them down
Try the powerful method of self-hypnosis: Building your self-esteem hypnosis
It will really help you!
Rekha J. Nair
No one can make you inferior without your consent
Question whether your view of yourself is accurate and why you see yourself like
you do
Make changes that will help you ;for example, clothes, appearance, hair style and
Accept things about yourself that are true and learn to think about them in a
positive way
Get exercise you will look and feel better! more about psychological benefits of
Take yourself less seriously and lighten up!
Accept criticism constructively so you can move forward and improve yourself
Don’t be limited by your internal image, step outside of it and break free, it
doesn’t have to control you or keep you down. Acting differently will change how
others respond towards you and will help change your attitude towards yourself
and your abilities
Take on challenges positively and surprise yourself!
Read inspiring books about esteem here’s a selection of my favorites, they will
help you so check them out now!
Remember, you are only limited by your efforts and confidence! Believe in yourself!
What is self-esteem??
Self-esteem is your overall opinion of yourself how you feel about your abilities
and limitations. When you have healthy self-esteem, you feel good about yourself
and see yourself as deserving the respect of others. When you have low self-esteem,
you put little value on your opinions and ideas. In sociology and psychology, self-
esteem reflects a person's overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own
worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self. Infact, self-
esteem stems from a positive self-image.
Following are some outward signs of positive self-esteem:
Non-blaming behavior
An awareness of personal strengths
An ability to make mistakes and learn from them
An ability to accept mistakes from others
An ability to solve problems
An independent and cooperative attitude
Feeling comfortable with a wide range of emotions
An ability to trust others
A good sense of personal limitations
Good self-care
The ability to say no
Self Image and Self Esteem for a Positive Outlook
Training Manual on Theeranaipunya - Equipping Fisherwomen Youth for Future
What is low self-esteem?
Low self-esteem is a debilitating condition that keeps individuals from realizing their
full potential. A person with low self-esteem feels unworthy, incapable, and
incompetent. In fact, because the person with low self-esteem feels so poorly about
him or herself, these feelings may actually cause the person’s continued low self-
Here are some signs of low self-esteem:
Negative view of life
Perfectionist attitude
Mistrusting others even those who show signs of affection
Blaming behaviour
Fear of taking risks
Feelings of being unloved and unlovable
Dependence letting others make decisions
Fear of being ridiculed
How can you raise low self-esteem?
Feelings of low self-esteem often build up over a lifetime, and letting go of ingrained
feelings and behaviors is not an easy task. It may take time, hard work, and it may
require professional counseling. But there are some simple, positive thinking
techniques that can be used to help improve self-esteem. These are called
affirmations. Using affirmations to stop negative self-talk is a simple, positive way to
help increase self-esteem. Affirmations are encouraging messages we can give
ourselves every day until they become part of our feelings and beliefs. Affirmations
work best when a person is relaxed. But since people are often upset when they are
giving themselves negative self-messages, they may need to counter negative
messages with positive ones.
For example, replace the message I made a stupid mistake, and I am no good at this
job, with Yes, I made a mistake but I have learned from it, and now I can a better
job. Begin each day by looking in the mirror and giving you a positive message.
The following affirmations can help you to work toward a positive self-image:
I respect myself and others
I am lovable and likable
I am confident, and it shows
I care about myself
I accept myself just as I am
I look great
Life is good, and I like being a part of it
Respect others: Because respect is a two-way street, by respecting others, you
will find yourself respected. This is also known as the "Golden Rule" or the
"Yellow Rule" of treating others as you wishes to be treated.
Rekha J. Nair
No one can make you inferior without your consent
Don't "bad-mouth" other people. That means that if there is a problem, try
addressing it directly with the person instead of talking behind their back.
See the opposing viewpoint. Trying to understand the other human's views, even
if it's different from your own- it doesn't mean you are agreeing with them, but it
shows respect for their opinion.
Respect yourself: If you do not respect yourself, others will sense this and treat
you accordingly.
Take care of your appearance by being hygienic. Being poorly groomed usually
sends a negative message to others about your self-worth.
Stand up for your beliefs. Expressing your true feelings- even when they run
contrary to the social norm- shows a sense of confidence in yourself. This is
difficult to do, but a human with the courage to stand apart from the crowd and
think independently is often regarded with respect.
Do your best at every task. Even the difficult or menial ones. Establishing your
competency or even mastery of a field will help others realize the value of your
Keep your word. A human who honors their promises is considered trustworthy. If
you cannot keep your word, gracefully communicate why you can't.
Be a role model. Conduct yourself professionally, and hold yourself to high
standards. After all, actions speak louder than words. And sometimes, actions can
even inspire others.
Be the change you want to see in the world-consider volunteering. Most
people wait until their retirement to consider what legacy they will build. Start
making yours now.
So look up and keep smiling, the world is all yours!!!
... The personal vision or mental picture that an individual has of himself or herself is referred to as self-image (Nair, 2016). Self-image can also be defined as the cognitive realm of an individual's selfevaluation (Wosik-Kawala, 2007). ...
... Self-image is a "internal dictionary" that describes the self's traits, such as intelligence, beauty, and ugliness, as well as talent, selfishness, and kindness. These traits form a collective depiction of individual assets (strengths) and liabilities (weaknesses) as they are seen (Nair, 2016). According to Bailey (2003), there are four types of self-images: self-image resulting from how an individual sees himself/herself; self-image resulting from how others see the individual; selfimage resulting from how the individual perceives others see them; and self-image resulting from how the individual perceives the individual sees oneself. ...
Purpose: This study explored the impact of cyber bullying on undergraduates’ self-image. The study also investigated whether respondents’ views will vary based on their age, gender, purpose of using the internet, duration of internet usage and average time spent online. Design/Methodology: The study adopted descriptive research design of correlational type using simple random sampling procedure to select a sample of 419 respondents. A selfdeveloped three sectioned questionnaire entitled “Cyber bullying and Self-image Questionnaire (CBSIQ)” was employed to gather data. Data collected were analysed using percentages, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and Univariate Analysis of Variance. Findings: The findings showed that majority of the undergraduates (82.1%) experienced low level of cyber bullying and 66.8% of the respondents reported negative self-image. The findings also showed significant positive relationship between the experience of cyber bullying and negative self-image of respondents (r=.161, p <0.01). Respondents’ views regarding the influence of cyber bullying on self-image did not differ on the basis of their age, gender, purpose of using the internet, length of years in using the internet, and the amount of time spent online. Implication: Based on the findings of this study, there is a need for school counsellors to introduce self-image development skills training in the orientation programme organised for the undergraduates regardless of their age, gender, purpose of internet use and length of years in using the internet.
... Self-image is a mental picture of how an individual perceives themselves (Nair, 2016). A study by McLean et al. (2015) showed that girls who often share selfies on social media define their self-worth in terms of their shape and weight, leading to dietary restraint, body dissatisfaction, and internalization of the thin ideal more than those who do not share selfies. ...
... Positive self-esteem can make people confident in their thoughts and actions; on the contrary, negative selfesteem may result in doing something with a lack of steady thoughts and actions. Assertiveness and selfworth are interrelated (Nair, 2016). Building excellent communication skills requires assertiveness and selfworth (Perera, 2021). ...
... Self-esteem, self-image, self-concept and the relationship between them Nair (2016) in his work separated the self-esteem construct from self-image. He considered self-image to be the actual state of knowing who we are at the moment. ...
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The presented article consists of two studies (correlation and experimental) on the importance of self-esteem for the perceived value added by a brand to a consumer's self-image. Both studies were conducted online, using the snowball method, controlling for participants' gender and product categories. The correlation study showed that consumers, with an increase in self-esteem understood as a trait, look for more positive traits in brands and fewer negative traits to incorporate into their self-image by purchasing the brand. In addition, they confirmed that brand preference is mainly related to the qualities possessed, which the consumer can confirm by purchasing the brand. The experimental study showed that people with lowered self-esteem perceive more positive traits in brands that they can incorporate into their self-image by purchasing the brand, and there were no differences in confirming positive traits and avoiding negative traits that are associated with the brand. The new measurement of the perceived value of a brand to a consumer's self-image, used, allowed the identification of specific areas of brand image sensitive to a consumer's self-esteem.
... Self-image is how people see their looks, personality, type of person they are, what they feel others think of them, how much they love themselves, and their status or position (Nair, 2016). ...
Conference Paper
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There is a vast number of past studies revealed among the factors that affect the achievement of students in mathematics subject are classroom climate, students’ knowledge of cognition and regulation cognition. Therefore, this study aims to determine the mediation effect of knowledge of cognition and regulation of cognition on relationship between classroom climate (student cohesiveness, teacher support, involvement, investigation, task orientation, cooperation and equity) and students’ mathematics achievement. This study employed survey method involving a total of 326 form four students from five rural secondary schools via multi-stage cluster sampling. Data were collected using two questionnaires: 1) What is Happening in This Class? (WIHIC) and 2) Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) as well as mathematics form four achievement test. The data was analysed by using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) through Smart PLS version 3.2.8 software. Mediation analysis indicated that knowledge of cognition mediates the relationships between classroom climate (investigation, task orientation and equity) and students’ mathematics achievement, while regulation cognition mediates the relationships between classroom climate (student cohesiveness, investigation and equity) and students’ mathematics achievement. The findings of this study provide valuable insights to the teachers about what they need to prioritise in regard to create a positive classroom climate to develop students’ knowledge of cognition and regulation cognition as well as to improve students’ mathematics achievement. This study contributes significantly to the body of knowledge by developing and empirically testing the relationship connecting to classroom climate with knowledge of cognition, regulation cognition and students’ mathematics achievement within the rural school context in Malaysia
... Self-image is the way people see themselves. Self-image involves what people think they look like, how people see their personality, what kind of person they think they are, what they believe others think of them, how much they like themselves or they think others like them, and the status or position they feel they have (Nair, 2016). Self-image is also one of the components that build self-concept. ...
Currently, South Korea is very popular for its pop music, which is Korean Pop or “K-Pop”. There are a lot of K-Pop groups and one of them is BTS. BTS’ albums are known to be one of the best-selling in K-Pop, with a total of more than 20 million albums sold in 2020. BTS also has a large number of fans, with Indonesia being one of the top 10 countries that have the highest number of BTS fans. Indonesia also has a BTS fan community that connects BTS fans in the country. However, Indonesia does not seem to contribute a high share in the selling of BTS’ albums, be it physical or digital. Therefore, this conceptual study intends to develop a research framework on the factor affecting purchase decisions on BTS albums. The literature that is used in this conceptual study is limited to literature that is published in 2010 or above. This study contributes to the future researcher to make further research regarding the effect of fan community towards its members’ purchase decision of BTS’ album.
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The emotional intelligence of parents and parental competence become two premises of effective parenting. This study contributes to the understanding of how parents’ emotional intelligence exerts its effect on both their parenting style and parenting competence. The present research also sought to identify the factors that determine the level of parental competence. The research method used is the questionnaire-based survey. The research sample, represented by 610 respondents, was determined by the sampling strategy based on convenience, respectively by the snowball method. The results indicated that the emotional intelligence of parents is associated with an increased level of parental competence (r = 0.24, p < 0.001), and 15% of the variability of parental competence is determined by the level of parental emotional intelligence (R = 0.38, p < 0.00, R² = 0.15). It was demonstrated that 6% of the variability of parental competence is determined by the level of parents’ self-esteem (R = 0.24, p < 0.001, R² = 0.06). The emotional intelligence and self-esteem of the parents contribute to the development of a high level of parental competence, while the level of education of the respondents according to this research partially influences the development of parental competence. Despite the fact that a high educational level of parents is assumed to give them access to quality information, the Barnum effect is experienced regardless of educational level. According to the field of parenting, the Barnum effect refers to consulting non-scientifically validated sources and trusting information that responds to parents’ wishes, but not to children’s educational needs.These results highlight the role of parents’ emotional intelligence on the growth and education of children, but also the usefulness of training programs in the field of parenting with the aim of training parents in the necessary skills for effective parenting.
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Bireyler hayatlarında çeşitli zorluklarla karşılaşmaktadırlar. Çocuk ve gençler de kendi yaşlarının, içinde bulundukları zaman, mekân ve sosyo-kültürel ortamın getirdiği bazı zorluklarla, ya da zorluk olarak algıladıkları bazı problemlerle yüzleşmektedirler. Yaşanan bu olumsuzlukların giderilebilmesi için okullarda manevi danışmanlık eğitiminin gerçekleştirebileceği düşünülmek-tedir. Dünyada Amerika, İngiltere, Singapur gibi bazı ülkelerde okullarda görev yapan öğretmen-lere manevi danışmanlık eğitimi verilmekte ve öğrencilerine yardımcı olmaları sağlanmaktadır. Manevi danışmanlık kapsamında ele alınan sorunlar, ahlaki ve dini konularda olabildiği gibi gündelik yaşam sorunları ile de alakalı olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada okullarda manevi danışmanlık kavramına, bu hizmete duyulan ihtiyaca, uygulamanın ilke ve yöntemlerine değinilmiştir. Çocuk ve gençlerin hayata dair meseleler, arkadaşlık ilişkileri ve iletişim dilinde yaşadıkları problemler ile çeşitli sorgulamalarında yardımcı olacak bir manevi danışmanlık hizmetinin okullarda sunulması önemli görülmektedir. Bu çalışma, okulda manevi danışmalık ihtiyacını teorik olarak tartışmaya açmaktadır.
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Öz-değer bireyin kendisini ve yeteneklerini kabul etmesi, kendisine değer vermesi ve kendisi hakkında gerçekçi olabilmesini destekleyen önemli bir duygudur. Günümüzde geleneksel medya ve sosyal medyanın sunduğu hayatlar ve o hayatlara özenti artmakta özellikle fenomen olarak tanımlanan bireylerin ortaya koyduğu güzellik anlayışı ve maddi refah düzeyleri, makam, mevki, prestij gibi birçok unsur bireyleri kendi hayatlarıyla diğerlerinin hayatlarını mukayese yoluna götürmekte ve bireysel özgünlüklerini ve özgürlüklerini yoksunlaştırmaktadır. Öz-değerini fiziksel görünüş, akademik başarı, zenginlik, prestij gibi dış kaynaklara dayandıran kişilerin içsel bütünlüklerini koruyamadıkları ve bunalıma girdikleri görülmektedir. Buna mukabil öz-değerini içsel kaynaklarından alan kişilerin daha huzurlu yaşadıkları, olumsuzluklarda kendilerini değersiz görmedikleri ve olumsuz durumlarda problemlerin çözümüne odaklandıkları bilinmektedir. Araştırmalar öz-değer duygusu doğru inşa edildiğinde bireylerin kendilerine karşı daha objektif ve toleranslı olduklarını, sorunları daha kolay çözdüklerini göstermektedir. Din eğitimi bireyin dünya ve ahiretini planlamasına ve fıtri olarak sahip olduklarını doğru kullanmasına rehberlik etmektedir. Bu araştırmada öz-değer, öz-değerin sanallaşması, inşası ve öz-değer duygusunun inşasında din eğitiminin işlevselliği anlatılmaktadır.
The emotional problem is one of many causes of a decrease in self-esteem in adolescents. This study aimed to determine the relationship between emotional problems with self-esteem in adolescents. The study used a descriptive correlative design with two sampling techniques; purposive sampling and stratified-cluster sampling. The research consisted of 268 high school adolescents in South Jakarta. Data were obtain using two questionnaires; Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory. The majority of high school adolescents in South Jakarta have a moderate level of self-esteem of 54.9%. The emotional problems that adolescents have been within the normal range at 69%. Emotional problems have a significant relationship with self-esteem in adolescents. This research is expected to be the foundation for various promotion and prevention programs, such as leadership training, extracurricular activities, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotional intelligence training, group counseling, and mental health education.
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