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An Expectation Maximisation Algorithm for Behaviour Analysis in Video


Abstract and Figures

Surveillance systems require advanced algorithms able to make decisions without a human operator or with minimal assistance from human operators. In this paper we propose a novel approach for dynamic topic modeling to detect abnormal behaviour in video sequences. The topic model describes activities and behaviours in the scene assuming behaviour temporal dynamics. The new inference scheme based on an Expectation-Maximisation algorithm is implemented without an approximation at intermediate stages. The proposed approach for behaviour analysis is compared with a Gibbs sampling inference scheme. The experiments both on synthetic and real data show that the model, based on Expectation-Maximisation approach, outperforms the one, based on Gibbs sampling scheme.
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An Expectation Maximisation Algorithm for
Behaviour Analysis in Video
Olga Isupova, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Danil Kuzin
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
Garik Markarian
School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University
Lancaster, UK
Francois Septier
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom Lille
Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France
Abstract—Surveillance systems require advanced algorithms
able to make decisions without a human operator or with
minimal assistance from human operators. In this paper we
propose a novel approach for dynamic topic modeling to detect
abnormal behaviour in video sequences. The topic model de-
scribes activities and behaviours in the scene assuming behaviour
temporal dynamics. The new inference scheme based on an
Expectation-Maximisation algorithm is implemented without an
approximation at intermediate stages. The proposed approach for
behaviour analysis is compared with a Gibbs sampling inference
scheme. The experiments both on synthetic and real data show
that the model, based on Expectation-Maximisation approach,
outperforms the one, based on Gibbs sampling scheme.
The amount of CCTV cameras has significantly grown
over the last decades. The rough estimates indicate that there
are about 5 million cameras in the UK alone. However, the
processing of data generated by CCTV systems is inefficient
due to the vast volume. The automatic video analytic systems
are required to help in analysing this data. There are a number
of requests which ideally should be answered by such systems:
“What is going on in the area? What are the typical motion
patterns? What kind of abnormality is observed?” The latter
question has to be answered in real-time to warn a human
operator to respond.
The area of abnormal behaviour detection has become very
attractive to the researchers over the last decade. One of the
challenges is to determine what abnormality is. Some authors
elicit exact patterns for normal behaviours and consider ev-
erything that is not similar to those patterns as abnormal.
In [1] the normal patterns are built by clustering the visual
features extracted from the video. The anomaly decision rule
is then based on the comparison between a new observation
and the nearest pattern. In [2] the similar approach based on
the Hidden Markov Model for each of the normal cluster is
presented. The Sparse Reconstruction Cost measure for abnor-
mality is proposed in [3]. The idea is that normal behaviour
is well represented on the basis built from the training data
(consisting only of the normal behaviour patterns) and has a
sparse coefficient vector. It is assumed that abnormal behaviour
description cannot be explained with the normal patterns and
it has a dense coefficient vector.
Another approach to determine the abnormality is to con-
sider a statistically rare event as abnormal. The models then
rely on statistical regularities, training one-class classifiers
such as one-class Support Vector Machine (e.g. [4]) or topic
models (e.g. [5]). Topic models identify features appearing
together, forming typical activities of the scene. A number
of variations of the convential topic models were proposed
recently. In [6] the authors assume that distributions over these
activities can be clustered. Temporal dependence among the
activities is considered in [7], [8]. The continuous model for an
object velocity is proposed in [9]. The comparison of different
abnormality measures for such kind of models is presented
in [10].
The advantage of the topic modeling approach for the abnor-
mal behaviour detection is that topic models can automatically
discover meaningful activities [11]. The detection of abnormal-
ity can be performed within a probabilistic framework, where
events which cannot be explained by learnt probability model
are considered as abnormal.
Topic modeling was originally developed for text min-
ing [12], [13]. The idea is that documents can be represented
as distributions over topics where topics are distributions
over words. In video applications clips can be treated as
documents and features extracted from the video are treated as
visual words. Discovered topics can be interpreted as activities
supposing that there is a fixed number of such activities shared
by all the clips.
In [7] the authors propose the Markov Clustering Topic
Model assuming that there is an abstract behaviour class
determining an activity distribution for each video clip. The
inference of the model is done by collapsed Gibbs sampling,
but collapsing of one of the parameters is intractable, so
an approximation is used. There are two base topic models
Figure 1. Visual feature extraction process: from an input frame (on the left)
an optical flow is calculated (in the centre); the optical flow is averaged within
the cells and quantised into four directions to get the feature representation
(on the right)
– Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [13] and Probabilistic
Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) [12]. In [7] the LDA-
based model is developed. We propose the PLSA-based model
for behaviour analysis and abnormality detection with the
similar generative model. The abnormality measure is based
on the likelihood of new observations calculated with learnt
probabilistic distributions. The proposed inference scheme is
based on the maximum likelihood approach. The derivation
of the proposed approach can be done without additional
This paper goes beyond the current state-of-the-art in several
directions: (i) a PLSA-based model for behaviour analysis is
proposed; (ii) a new inference scheme is designed based on the
maximum likelihood approach. An Expectation-Maximisation
(EM) algorithm is developed for the optimisation problem.
(iii) The proposed EM-algorithm for behaviour analysis is
compared with the Gibbs sampling algorithm presented in [7].
More accurate results for the EM-algorithm are demonstrated.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. First the
description of the visual features treated as visual words is
presented in Section II. Section III provides the brief review
of Markov Clustering Topic Model proposed in [7] while
Section IV explains the proposed model. The abnormality
detection procedure and summary of the whole approach is
discussed in Section V. Section VI demonstrates the exper-
imental results. The conclusion of the paper is presented in
Section VII.
In this paper the local motions are treated as the visual
features. Each frame is divided into small cells of size N×N
pixels. For each of the cells the mean optical flow over
all pixels forming this cell is calculated. If the optical flow
is higher than a threshold (in order to remove noise false
detections) this cell is considered as moving and its motion is
quantised into four directions. The visual word is then formed
by a position of the moving cell and a direction of its motion
(Fig. 1). Thereby the vocabulary size is Number of cells ×4.
The documents for the topic model are the short video clips
of 1 second length uniformly selected from the whole video
The authors of Markov Clustering Topic Model
(MCTM) [7] propose two novelties compared to the standard
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic model [13]. First,
the topic distributions for the documents are considered to be
exactly the same for the different documents. Moreover, there
are only a limited number of the different topic distributions,
called behaviours in [7], and each document within a
dataset corresponds to one of these behaviours. The topics
representing visual word distributions are assumed to explain
simple actions while the behaviours are assumed to explain
more complex interactions within a scene. Furthermore, the
behaviour contains all information about the scene as it is
responsible for all the actions appearing within the scene
and the actions determine the visual words composing the
scene. Second, the MCTM assumes that changes between
the different behaviours happen relatively rarely, that each
behaviour lasts for some time (during some number of
sequential clips). This assumption is modelled with the
Markov property.
The motivation of these assumptions can be seen with the
following data. Let us assume that we have a fixed camera on
a road junction regulated by traffic lights. Video data obtained
from this camera has strict periodical motions. Each traffic
light regime corresponds to a behaviour as these regimes
follow each other with the given order and they explain all
the actions happening within the scene.
Let Xdenote the set of all the visual words, i.e. locations
and directions of primitive motion, Y– the set of all the
actions (topics), distributions over the visual words, i.e. some
simple small group motion like motion to the right in the
small area of the scene, Z– the set of all the behaviours,
distributions over the actions (topics), i.e. some complex
motion like general right-flow traffic or turning to the left on
the junction governing by the particular traffic light regime. Let
φdenote the matrix of the visual word distributions for the
actions (topics), θdenote the matrix of the action distributions
for the behaviours and ψdenote the matrix of the transition
probabilities between the behaviours:
φ={φx,y}xX,yY, φx,y =p(x|y),φy={φx,y }xX;
θ={θy,z }yY,z Z, θy,z =p(y|z),θz={θy ,z}yY;
ψ={ψ˜z,z }˜zZ,zZ, ψ˜z,z =p(˜z|z),ψz={ψ˜z,z}˜zZ,
where z– is the ‘start’ behaviour, ˜z– is the ‘final’ behaviour.
The generative model can be described then as follows:
for each clip ta behaviour ztis sampled according to the
behaviour for the previous clip zt1from ψzt1. Then for Nt
(the length of the clip tin the visual words) times the following
process is repeated: an action yi,t is sampled according to
the behaviour ztfrom θzt, a visual word xi,t is sampled
according to the action yi,t from φyi,t ,i={1,...,Nt}. The
pairs (xi,t, yi,t )given ztfor all clips tand all tokens iare
assumed to be independently sampled. Following the idea of
LDA the Dirichlet prior distributions are considered for all
discrete distributions:
p(φy|β) = Dir(φy;β);
p(θz|α) = Dir(θz;α);
p(ψz|γ) = Dir(ψz;γ),
where Dir denotes a Dirichlet distribution and β,α,γare the
corresponding hyperparameters.
A. Motivation
The inference for MCTM in [7] is based on the collapsed
Gibbs sampler. The Markov chain is built to sample the hidden
variables from the joint distribution of all the actions and the
behaviours given the data. The Gibbs sampling update for
the action yi,t and the behaviour ztis derived by integrating
out the parameters φ,θand ψ. For the behaviour update
step integrating out the transition matrix ψuses the following
Zp(zt|zt1,ψ)p(zt+1|zt, ψ)p(ψ|z\t)dψ,(1)
where y\tdenotes all the actions in the data excluding those
corresponding to the clip t,z\tdenotes all the behaviours in
the data excluding that corresponding to the clip t. While the
exact formula is as follows:
p(zt|y\t,z\t) =
One can notice that in this case the sign does not mean, as
usual, the precision up to a normalization constant.
B. Solution
In order to infer the model without such kind of approxi-
mations we propose a new inference scheme for the model.
The MCTM is developed from one of two base topic models
– LDA [13], while we would like to use the other base topic
model – PLSA [12]. PLSA is a simpler model which does not
assume any prior distributions and treats only φand θmatrices
as parameters and utilises maximum likelihood estimates for
them applying the EM-algorithm. PLSA can be considered as a
special case of LDA [14]. Moreover, experiments on real data
show that PLSA and LDA have compatible results [15]. Most
of the LDA-based topic models can be reformulated as PLSA-
based models with simpler parameter inference [16]. Since
the PLSA model has the more straightforward inference we
use the PLSA-based MCTM (denoted as EM-MCTM) without
approximations at the intermediate stages.
The generative model for the PLSA-based MCTM is the
same as for the MCTM [7] except for: (a) one more model
parameter π={πz}zZ– the distribution for the initial
behaviour z1is introduced, and (b) the algorithm does not rely
on prior distributions for any of the parameters {π,φ,θ,ψ}.
Details can be found in Algorithm IV.1
Algorithm IV.1 The generative model for EM-MCTM
Require: The number of clips T, the length of each clip –
Ntt={1,...,T}, the parameters – π,φ,θ,ψ;
Ensure: The dataset x1:T={x1,1,...,xi,t,...,xNT,T };
1: for all t∈ {1,...,T}do
2: if t= 1 then
3: draw a behaviour for the clip from the initial distri-
bution: ztπ;
4: else
5: draw a behaviour for the clip based on the behaviour
of the previous clip: ztψzt1;
6: for all i∈ {1,...,Nt}do
7: draw an action for the token ibased on the chosen
behaviour: yi,t θzt;
8: draw a visual word for the token ibased on the
chosen action: xi,t φyi,t ;
The model parameters {π,φ,θ,ψ}are estimated with the
maximum likelihood approach. The EM-algorithm [17] is
applied to the optimisation problem. The full likelihood of
the model is as follows:
p(x1:T,y1:T,z1:T|π,φ,θ,ψ) = p(z1|π)"T
p(xi,t|yi,t ,φ)p(yi,t|zt,θ),(3)
where T– is the number of clips, x1:T=
{x1,1,...,xi,t,...,xNT,T }– is the sequence of all visual
words in the dataset, y1:T={y1,1,...,yi,t ,...,yNT,T }– is
the sequence of all actions in the dataset, z1:T={z1,...,zT}
– is the sequence of all behaviours in the dataset.
Since there is Markov dependence in the data, the derivation
of the EM-algorithm is similar to the EM-algorithm applied
to the Hidden Markov Model known as the Baum-Welch
algorithm [18]. Following the idea of the Baum-Welch algo-
rithm, the additional variables ˜αz,t and ˜
βz,t for each behaviour
zand each clip tare introduced in the E-step. They are
calculated efficiently by recursive expressions. Knowing these
additional variables and the current estimates of the model
parameters, the posterior estimates of the hidden variables can
be computed. The full E-step then can be written as follows:
˜αz,t =
i=1 P
φxi,t,y θy ,z P
˜α˜z,t1ψz,˜z,if t>2;
i=1 P
φxi,1,y θy,z ;
βz,t =P
β˜z,t+1 ψ˜z,z
i=1 P
φxi,t+1,y θy, ˜z,if t6T1;
βz,T = 1;
p(z|x1:T)˜αz,t ˜
βz,t ;(6)
p(zt, zt1|x1:T)˜αzt1,t1˜
i=1 X
φxi,t,y θy,zt;(7)
p(yi,t, zt|x1:T)φxi,t ,yi,t θyi,t ,zt˜
βzt,t X
˜α˜z ,t1ψzt,˜z
φxj,t,˜yθ˜y,ztif t>2;
p(yi,1, z1|x1:T)φxi,1,yi,1θyi,1,z1˜
p(yi,t|x1:T) = X
p(yi,t, z |x1:T)(9)
Having the posterior estimates of the hidden variables, the
estimates of the model parameters are easily calculated during
the M-step:
p(z1= ˜z|x1:T);(10)
φx,y =
p(yi,t =y|x1:T)δxi,t,x
p(yi,t =y|x1:T)
θy,z =
p(yi,t =y, zt=z|x1:T)
i=1 P
p(yi,t = ˜y, zt=z|x1:T)
ψz, ˜z=
p(zt=z, zt1= ˜z|x1:T)
t=2 P
p(zt=z, zt1=z|x1:T)
where δ·,·- is the Kronecker delta, x,y,zwithout subscripts
denote the possible values for a word, an action and a
behaviour variable, respectively, and the same symbols with
subscript denote realisations in a particular place in the dataset.
Following the approach proposed in [7] we consider the sim-
ilar framework for abnormality detection. A certain number,
Ttr clips is used as a training dataset for parameter inference.
The training dataset is assumed to be representative, i.e. that no
more adaptation of the parameters is required when new clips
are available. After the training stage we obtain the estimates
ψ}of the model parameters and use these estimates to
evaluate whether testing clips are normal or abnormal.
The measure of abnormality is defined as a likelihood of
a new clip xt+1 ={x1,t+1,...,xNt+1 ,t+1}given all the
previous clips till the clip tinclusively x1:t={x1,...,xt}
and the estimates {ˆ
ψ}of the model parameters obtained
from the training stage:
ψ) = X
zt+1 hp(xt+1|zt+1 ,ˆ
where the predictive behaviour probability given the data
sequence can be calculated recursively as follows:
ψ) =
In order to compare the likelihood of different clips, con-
taining a different number of visual words, the normalised
likelihood sis calculated as the final measure of abnormality:
log s(xt+1|x1:t) = 1
log p(xt+1|x1:t).(16)
When this normalised likelihood is lower than a threshold,
the clip xt+1 is supposed to be abnormal, i.e. some kind of
abnormal behaviour happens during this clip. It can be a rare
visual word xi,t+1; or a rare combination of visual words
which can not be explained with any of the learnt actions
(topics); or a combination of visual words can form the learnt
actions (topics), but the combination of the actions is rare;
or a sequence of behaviours which conflicts with the learnt
behaviour dynamics.
The full learning and detection procedure of the EM-MCTM
can then be described as follows. Ttr clips from the whole
video sequence are selected as a training dataset, the remaining
parts are treated as testing clips. The decision of abnormality
is made for these testing clips. With some initialization of the
parameters estimates {ˆ
ψ}the EM-algorithm iterates
E-step (4) - (9) and M-step (10) - (13) until the convergence.
The EM-algorithm handles only the training dataset. After
this off-line training stage, the parameters estimates {ˆ
are calculated and used later to evaluate the normality of the
testing clips. The on-line testing stage performs the decision
making procedure. For each of the testing clips the predictive
behaviour probability is calculated (15) first and secondly, the
normalised likelihood is computed (16). If the likelihood is
below a threshold the clip is labelled as abnormal otherwise
as normal and the analysis of the next testing clip is started.
Note that the decision making is performed on-line as it is an
essential requirement of real surveillance applications.
(a) (b)
(c) (d) (e) (f)
Figure 2. Synthetic data example (the lighter elements correspond to the higher probabilities): (a) The true behaviour representations in visual words; (b) the
true actions (topics) representations in visual words; (c) the true transition probability matrix for behaviour dynamics – columns correspond to start behaviours,
rows correspond to final behaviours; (d) an example of an abnormal ‘clip’ with the type of abnormality – abnormal word joint appearance; (e) examples
of abnormal ‘clips’ with the type of abnormality – abnormal action joint appearance; (f) an example of an abnormal ‘clip’ with the type of abnormality –
abnormal behaviour dynamics, where the left ‘clip’ is normal and the right ‘clip’ is abnormal as the ‘right-down’ motion should be followed by the ‘vertical
flow, not the ‘horizontal’ one
In this section we apply the proposed EM-MCTM approach
for abnormality detection and compare it with the MCTM
based on the Gibbs sampling scheme inference proposed in [7]
(denoted later as GS-MCTM). First, we illustrate the models
with synthetic data and then apply them to real video data.
It is worth noting that the EM-algorithm depends on the
initialisation. Although the Gibbs sampling algorithm does
not depend on the initialisation, due to randomness of the
process the results of several runs can slightly differ. For all
experiments we use random initialisations and show average
results over 20 runs for each algorithm with the same data and
different initialisations.
For quantitative evaluation we compare the answers of the
models with the given ground truth. Two kinds of classification
accuracy measures are used: the error percentage and the f-
measure. The error percentage is a fraction of the model an-
swers that are not equal to the ground truth. The f-measure [19]
is a harmonic mean of precision and recall, where precision
is a fraction of model detections that are correct (in terms of
the ground truth) and recall is a fraction of the ground truth
positive cases that are detected by the model.
A. Synthetic data
We use synthetic data to show the models performance.
Let us assume that we observe a road junction with the
following type of motions: the ‘vertical’ traffic flow, the ‘left-
up’ turning, the ‘horizontal’ traffic flow, and the ‘right-down’
turning (Fig. 2a). Each of the motion type we model as a
behaviour. Each of the behaviours are modelled to consist of
two actions (topics) forming four actions in total (Fig. 2b).
The transition probability matrix can be found on Fig. 2c.
Having these distributions for the behaviours, the actions
(topics), and the behaviour dynamics, we can generate ‘clips’
from our generative model (we use the uniform distribution for
the initial behaviour probability). We add some small noise to
all the distribution matrices and generate 1000 ‘clips’ as a
training dataset.
We also generate 1000 testing ‘clips’ where we randomly
include 300 ‘abnormal’ ones. Three kinds of abnormality is
used with an equal probability for the generation of ‘abnormal
(a) abnormal word joint appearance. On step 8 of Algo-
rithm IV.1 we add a significant noise to the words in
actions (topics) distribution matrix φobtained a ‘clip’
consisted of the words, rarely appearing together, or
even the new words in comparison with the training
dataset (Fig. 2d for example);
(b) abnormal action joint appearance. On step 7 of Al-
gorithm IV.1 we sample actions (topics) not from the
existing actions in the behaviour distribution θzt, where
ztis the behaviour for the current ‘clip’ but we sample
actions from one of two ‘abnormal’ behaviours (Fig. 2e)
obtained the ‘clip’ containing the actions, which have
never been together in the training dataset;
(c) abnormal behaviour dynamics. On step 5 of Algo-
rithm IV.1 we sample a behaviour for the current ‘clip’
having the minimum probability in the transition distri-
bution from the behaviour for the previous ‘clip’ ψzt1
obtained unusual behaviour dynamics from the ‘clip’ t1
to the ‘clip’ t(Fig. 2f for example).
We run the EM-MCTM with 100 iterations, the GS-MCTM
with 200 burn-in iterations, followed with 500 iterations
taking 5 independent samples with lag of 100 iterations,
the Dirichlet hyperparameters are symmetric and fixed as
{α= (5,...,5),β= (1
5,..., 1
5),γ= (1,...,1)}. Each
model is run 20 times with different random initialisations.
action 1action 2action 3action 4
behaviour 1behaviour 2
behaviour 3
behaviour 4
Figure 3. Comparison of the learnt parameters by the models with the true reference parameters from the synthetic data example: (a) Actions (topics)
restoration comparison; (b) Behaviours restoration comparison; (c) Transition probability matrix for behaviour dynamics restoration comparison. From the
left column to the right one: the reference true distributions; the restored distributions by the ‘best’ Gibbs sampling MCTM (GS-MCTM 1) algorithm run;
the restored distributions by the ‘worst’ Gibbs sampling MCTM (GS-MCTM 2) algorithm run; restored distributions by the ‘best’ EM-algorithm for MCTM
(EM-MCTM 1) run; the restored distributions by the ‘worst’ EM-algorithm for MCTM (EM-MCTM 2) run
1) Parameter Learning: We can qualitatively evaluate how
the models restore the references parameters {φ,θ,ψ}. We
choose the ‘best’ and the ‘worst’ run among 20 runs for
each model and present the comparison between the restored
parameters and the reference ones. For the Gibbs sampling
model for this illustrative purpose we use the estimation of
the parameters obtained by the last sample of the Markov
Chain. Figure 3a demonstrates the comparison for the words
in actions (topics) distributions φ. One can notice that while
the best runs for both models restore the parameters quite well,
the worst runs for both models do not have such good results.
In this case the algorithms extract true behaviours as learnt
topics. Indeed, given only observed data (visual words) it is
impossible to distinguish between two possible outcomes: two
true topics and true behaviour consisting of these two topics
and one topic equal to true behaviour and behaviour consisting
of this topic. The similar results can be found for the actions
(topics) in behaviours distributions θ(Fig. 3b). Although the
transition probability matrix for the behaviour dynamics ψ
is restored quite well for all cases (the worst run of the EM-
MCTM has slightly worse results as it does not distinguish the
‘horizontal’ and the ‘right-down’ traffic behaviours) (Fig. 3c).
2) Classification of abnormality: We use the trained models
to classify the testing data into two classes – normal or
abnormal, and compare the classification answers with the
ground truth known after the generation. For the GS-MCTM
we used two kinds of likelihood to measure abnormality of
a clip: (a) the proposed conditional likelihood (16) given the
learnt parameters {ˆ
ψ}obtained from the last sample of
Table I
mean error
percentage 0.0860 0.1503 0.1495 0.1387
f-measure 0.9404 0.8961 0.8962 0.9035
the Markov Chain [20] and (b) the marginal likelihood, where
the integral over parameters is approximated with a sum of
the Gibbs samples (the saliency measure used in [7]). We also
perform the classification for the model using the reference
parameters and the conditional likelihood for the abnormality
measure to show the best results that can be achieved if topic
models are able to ideally restore the parameters {φ,θ,ψ}.
The average results over 20 runs for each model can be found
in Table I. The EM-MCTM outperforms the GS-MCTM with
both kinds of the likelihood calculation.
B. Real data
We use the University of Minnesota (UMN) dataset for
detection of unusual crowd activity [21]. The UMN dataset
consists of 3 scenes (the 1st is outdoor, the 2nd is indoor, the
3rd is outdoor) with total 4 minutes 17 seconds of 30 fps video.
The frame size is 320 ×240 (see Fig. 4). The dataset has the
ground truth for the abnormality classification.
Figure 4. UMN dataset samples for each of three scenes: Normal (green)
and Abnormal (red)
Training datasets for each scene are constructed from the
successive sequences of the frames labelled as normal. The
remaining part is treated as testing clips. The cell size is fixed
as 8×8pixels. For both models the number of behaviours |Z|
is set to be 6 and the number of actions (topics) |Y|is set to be
8. The EM-MCTM is run for 100 iterations. The GS-MCTM
is run with the following parameters: 400 burn-in iterations
followed by 500 iterations taking 5 independent samples at
a lag of 100 iterations, {α= (50
8= 6.25,...,50
8= 6.25);
β= (0.01,...,0.01); γ= (1,...,1)}[22]. Note that the
probability of all words not appearing in the trainging dataset
is set to 0 for the EM-MCTM. If there is one of these words
in a testing clip, i.e. some new, abnormal, word, the EM-
MCTM would detect this abnormal event as the abnormality
measure would be equal to minus infinity. However, in the
UMN dataset only short training datasets can be obtained and
even ‘normal’ testing clips contain the words not appearing
in the training datasets. Hence a new word for the UMN
dataset does not mean abnormality instead this indicates that
the training dataset does not contain all regular words. In order
to make the EM-MCTM work even with these poor training
datasets the small value 0.005 is added to all entities of the
parameter estimates obtained by the EM-MCTM. No addition
to the GS-MCTM parameter estimates is needed as they can
not be equal to exact zero because of the Dirichlet prior.
During the iterations some probabilities in the EM-MCTM
algorithm become very close to zero. This fact is used to
automatically reduce the number of behaviours. If the tran-
Table II
Scene Quality
measure GS EM
First mean error
percentage 0.0705 0.0385
f-measure 0.9573 0.9763
Second mean error
percentage 0.2599 0.2528
f-measure 0.8402 0.8485
Third mean error
percentage 0.0776 0.0750
f-measure 0.9574 0.9591
sition probabilities from all the behaviours to one of them
becomes very close to zero: zZ ψz, ˜z0˜zZ, this
one behaviour zis deleted as it can not be reached from any
behaviour. For the first scene the average number of remaining
behaviours is 5.1, for the second scene – 5.4, and for the third
scene – 5.55.
The classification results can be found in Table II. Since
the classifier answers are equal for the both GS-MCTM with
the marginal likelihood and the conditional likelihood as the
abnormality measure the results for the general GS-MCTM
are provided. The EM-MCTM algorithm outperforms the
GS-MCTM algorithm in classification accuracy for all three
Decision making procedure for both algorithms (as ab-
normality measure is calculated in the similar way) can be
performed on-line. Abnormality measurement and decision
making for 10-second test preprocessed (feature extracted)
data from UMN dataset take approximately 0.21 seconds for
the proposed conditional likelihood and 0.75 seconds for the
marginal likelihood proposed in [7] (for the laptop with i7-
4702HQ CPU with 2.20GHz, 16.0 GB operative memory and
with MATLAB 2015a implementation).
A novel inference scheme for the dynamic topic model is
developed for discovering the typical actions and behaviours
of a scene in video data. The designed framework can be
applied for abnormality detection where an abnormal event
is defined as the one having small likelihood. The proposed
inference approach uses maximum likelihood estimates of the
parameters applying the Expectation-Maximisation algorithm
rather than the Gibbs sampling scheme originally proposed
to the model in [7]. We show that the more straightforward
inference can be achieved without additional approximations.
The experiments both with synthetic and real data prove that
the proposed abnormality detection algorithm outperforms the
one using Gibbs sampling based inference.
The authors would like to thank the support from the EC
Seventh Framework Programme [FP7 2013-2017] TRAcking
in compleX sensor systems (TRAX) Grant agreement no.:
607400. The authors also acknowledge the support from the
UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP-
SRC) for the support via the Bayesian Tracking and Reasoning
over Time (BTaRoT) grant EP/K021516/1.
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... Our preliminary results with the EM-algorithm for behaviour analysis are published in [29]. In contrast to [29] we now consider a fully Bayesian framework, where we propose the EM-algorithm for MAP estimates rather than the maximum likelihood ones. ...
... Our preliminary results with the EM-algorithm for behaviour analysis are published in [29]. In contrast to [29] we now consider a fully Bayesian framework, where we propose the EM-algorithm for MAP estimates rather than the maximum likelihood ones. We also propose here a novel learning algorithm based on variational Bayes inference and a novel anomaly localisation procedure. ...
... We also propose here a novel learning algorithm based on variational Bayes inference and a novel anomaly localisation procedure. The experiments are performed on more challenging datasets in comparison to [29]. ...
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Semi-supervised and unsupervised systems provide operators with invaluable support and can tremendously reduce the operators load. In the light of the necessity to process large volumes of video data and provide autonomous decisions, this work proposes new learning algorithms for activity analysis in video. The activities and behaviours are described by a dynamic topic model. Two novel learning algorithms based on the expectation maximisation approach and variational Bayes inference are proposed. Theoretical derivations of the posterior of model parameters are given. The designed learning algorithms are compared with the Gibbs sampling inference scheme introduced earlier in the literature. A detailed comparison of the learning algorithms is presented on real video data. We also propose an anomaly localisation procedure, elegantly embedded in the topic modeling framework. The proposed framework can be applied to a number of areas, including transportation systems, security and surveillance.
... We use widely recognized benchmark datasets to evaluate the proposed strategy in crowded environments: the UMN dataset (Isupova et al. 2015) and the UCSD dataset (Mahadevan et al. 2010). These datasets are frequently employed due to their relevance and the robustness they provide for evaluation. ...
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This paper tackles the complexity of detecting abnormal behavior by focusing on temporal patterns, such as social force and optical flow, rather than spatial patterns. The CycleGAN system trains on normal behaviors, ensuring that abnormal behaviors are not reproduced during testing. Hierarchical supervised learning and transfer learning techniques are applied to recognize abnormal behaviors. Given the scarcity of abnormal patterns, geometric techniques are employed to augment these patterns, followed by training with temporal models. Experimental results on the UCSD and UMN datasets demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms existing approaches, achieving average AUCs of 99.90% on Ped1, 99.89% on Ped2, and 99.82% on UMN.
... It is an extension of LDA proposed by Blei et al. [11]. In this model, the data is divided into time slices and it models the documents of each slice with a k-component topic model where topics related to slice t evolve from topics related to slice t − 1. ith component of the natural parameter β i = loд(π i |π V ), where EM-MCTM [66] is used for abnormality detection. It shows more effectiveness rather than using Gibbs sampling-based inference when experimenting on both real and synthetic datasets. ...
Manual processing of a large volume of video data captured through closed-circuit television is challenging due to various reasons. First, manual analysis is highly time-consuming. Moreover, as surveillance videos are recorded in dynamic conditions such as in the presence of camera motion, varying illumination, or occlusion, conventional supervised learning may not work always. Thus, computer vision-based automatic surveillance scene analysis is carried out in unsupervised ways. Topic modelling is one of the emerging fields used in unsupervised information processing. Topic modelling is used in text analysis, computer vision applications, and other areas involving spatio-temporal data. In this article, we discuss the scope, variations, and applications of topic modelling, particularly focusing on surveillance video analysis. We have provided a methodological survey on existing topic models, their features, underlying representations, characterization, and applications in visual surveillance’s perspective. Important research papers related to topic modelling in visual surveillance have been summarized and critically analyzed in this article.
... They are usually called activities or actions (e.g. [2], [6], [16], [17]). ...
This paper proposes a novel dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process topic model that considers the dependence between successive observations. Conventional posterior inference algorithms for this kind of models require processing of the whole data through several passes. It is computationally intractable for massive or sequential data. We design the batch and online inference algorithms, based on the Gibbs sampling, for the proposed model. It allows to process sequential data, incrementally updating the model by a new observation. The model is applied to abnormal behaviour detection in video sequences. A new abnormality measure is proposed for decision making. The proposed method is compared with the method based on the non- dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process, for which we also derive the online Gibbs sampler and the abnormality measure. The results with synthetic and real data show that the consideration of the dynamics in a topic model improves the classification performance for abnormal behaviour detection.
... They are usually called activities or actions (e.g. [2], [6], [16], [17]). ...
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes a novel dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process topic model that considers the dependence between successive observations. Conventional posterior inference algorithms for this kind of models require processing of the whole data through several passes. It is computationally intractable for massive or sequential data. We design the batch and online inference, based on the Gibbs sampling, for our model. It allows to process sequential data, incrementally updating the model by a new observation. The model is applied to abnormal behaviour detection in video sequences. A new abnormality measure is proposed for decision making. The proposed method is compared with the method based on the non-dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process, for which we also derive the online Gibbs sampler and the abnormality measure. The experimental results show that the consideration of the dynamics in a topic model improves the classification performance for abnormal behaviour detection.
For data engineers, the main task is to collect, organize, and process meaningful information that can be extracted from the plethora of data available from various sources to solve a specific business problem and generate value from it. However, in real-world problems, the time spent preparing the data infrastructure and selecting the right technologies to manage this data tends to be much longer than the time spent on implementing algorithms that analyze them.In this chapter, we leverage the insights from previous chapters to delineate the process of gathering, managing, and analyzing data, by exemplifying three real-case scenarios from cybercrime fighting, protection of urban spaces, and biodiversity and sustainability domain. We carefully consider the main aspects involving decision-making in data engineering in practice. In addition, we analyze some of the main pros and cons of those decisions to guide the reader during the choice and evaluation of the desired technologies for the problem at hand.KeywordsData engineeringData architecturesBig data pipelinesEnd-to-end pipelinesCybercrime fightingProtection of public spacesQuality of urban biodiversity
Conference Paper
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Probabilistic topic modeling of text collections is a powerful tool for statistical text analysis. In this tutorial we introduce a novel non-Bayesian approach, called Additive Regularization of Topic Models. ARTM is free of redundant probabilistic assumptions and provides a simple inference for many combined and multi-objective topic models.
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Modeling human behaviors and activity patterns for recognition or detection of special event has attracted significant research interest in recent years. Diverse methods that are abound for building intelligent vision systems aimed at scene understanding and making correct semantic inference from the observed dynamics of moving targets. Most applications are in surveillance, video content retrieval, and human-computer interfaces. This paper presents not only an update extending previous related surveys, but also a focus on contextual abnormal human behavior detection especially in video surveillance applications. The main purpose of this survey is to extensively identify existing methods and characterize the literature in a manner that brings key challenges to attention.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a novel framework for anomaly event detection and localization in crowded scenes. We propose an anomaly detector that extends the Bayes classifier from multi-class to one-class classification to characterize normal events. We also propose a localization scheme for anomaly localization as a maximum subsequence problem in a video sequence. The maximum subsequence algorithm locates an anomaly event by discovering the optimal collection of successive patches with spatial proximity over time without prior knowledge of the size, start and end of the anomaly event. Our localization scheme can locate multiple occurrences of abnormal events in spite of noise. Experimental results on the well-established UCSD dataset show that the proposed framework significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods up to 53.55% localization rate. This study concludes that the localization framework plays an important role in abnormal event detection.
In this paper, we propose a method for modeling trajectory patterns with both regional and velocity observations through the probabilistic topic model. By embedding Gaussian models into the discrete topic model framework, our method uses continuous velocity as well as regional observations unlike existing approaches. In addition, the proposed framework combined with Hidden Markov Model can cover the temporal transition of the scene state, which is useful in checking a violation of the rule that some conflict topics (e.g. two cross-traffic patterns) should not occur at the same time. To achieve online learning even with the complexity of the proposed model, we suggest a novel learning scheme instead of collapsed Gibbs sampling. The proposed two-stage greedy learning scheme is not only efficient at reducing the search space but also accurate in a way that the accuracy of online learning becomes not worse than that of the batch learning. To validate the performance of our method, experiments were conducted on various datasets. Experimental results show that our model explains satisfactorily the trajectory patterns with respect to scene understanding, anomaly detection, and prediction.
Conference Paper
In this paper a simple and effective crowd behavior normality method is proposed. We use the histogram of oriented social force (HOSF) as the feature vector to encode the observed events of a surveillance video. A dictionary of codewords is trained to include typical HOSFs. To detect whether an event is normal is accomplished by comparing how similar to the closest codeword via z-value. The proposed method includes the following characteristic: (1) the training is automatic without human labeling; (2) instead of object tracking, the method integrates particles and social force as feature descriptors; (3) z-score is used in measuring the normality of events. The method is testified by the UMN dataset with promising results.
We propose to detect abnormal events via a sparse reconstruction over the normal bases. Given a collection of normal training examples, e.g., an image sequence or a collection of local spatio-temporal patches, we propose the sparse reconstruction cost (SRC) over the normal dictionary to measure the normalness of the testing sample. By introducing the prior weight of each basis during sparse reconstruction, the proposed SRC is more robust compared to other outlier detection criteria. To condense the over-completed normal bases into a compact dictionary, a novel dictionary selection method with group sparsity constraint is designed, which can be solved by standard convex optimization. Observing that the group sparsity also implies a low rank structure, we reformulate the problem using matrix decomposition, which can handle large scale training samples by reducing the memory requirement at each iteration from O(k2)O(k2) to O(k) where k is the number of samples. We use the columnwise coordinate descent to solve the matrix decomposition represented formulation, which empirically leads to a similar solution to the group sparsity formulation. By designing different types of spatio-temporal basis, our method can detect both local and global abnormal events. Meanwhile, as it does not rely on object detection and tracking, it can be applied to crowded video scenes. By updating the dictionary incrementally, our method can be easily extended to online event detection. Experiments on three benchmark datasets and the comparison to the state-of-the-art methods validate the advantages of our method.
We propose and evaluate an efficient method for automatic identification of suspicious behavior in video surveillance data that incrementally learns scene-specific statistical models of human behavior without requiring storage of large databases of training data. The approach begins by building an initial set of models explaining the behaviors occurring in a small bootstrap dataset. The bootstrap procedure partitions the bootstrap set into clusters then assigns new observation sequences to clusters based on the statistical tests of HMM log likelihood scores. Cluster-specific likelihood thresholds are learned rather than set arbitrarily. After bootstrapping, each new sequence is used to incrementally update the sufficient statistics of the HMM it is assigned to. In an evaluation on a real-world testbed video surveillance dataset, we find that within 1 week of observation, the incremental method's false alarm rate drops below that of a batch method on the same data. The incremental method obtains a false alarm rate of 2.2% at a 91% hit rate. The method is thus a practical and effective solution to the problem of inducing scene-specific statistical models useful for bringing suspicious behavior to the attention of human security personnel.