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What is Compassion and How Can We Measure it? A Review of Definitions and Measures


Abstract and Figures

The importance of compassion is widely recognized and it is receiving increasing research attention. Yet, there is lack of consensus on definition and a paucity of psychometrically robust measures of this construct. Without an agreed definition and adequate measures, we cannot study compassion, measure compassion or evaluate whether interventions designed to enhance compassion are effective. In response, this paper proposes a definition of compassion and offers a systematic review of self- and observer-rated measures. Following consolidation of existing definitions, we propose that compassion consists of five elements: recognizing suffering, understanding the universality of human suffering, feeling for the person suffering, tolerating uncomfortable feelings, and motivation to act/acting to alleviate suffering. Three databases were searched (Web of Science, PsycInfo, and Medline) and nine measures included and rated for quality. Quality ratings ranged from 2 to 7 out of 14 with low ratings due to poor internal consistency for subscales, insufficient evidence for factor structure and/or failure to examine floor/ceiling effects, test-retest reliability, and discriminant validity. We call for empirical testing of our five-element definition, and if supported, the development of a measure of compassion based on this operational definition, which demonstrates adequate psychometric properties.
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What is compassion and how can we measure it? A review of denitions
and measures
Clara Strauss
, Billie Lever Taylor
, Willem Kuyken
, Ruth Baer
Fergal Jones
, &, Kate Cavanagh
School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Falmer, East Sussex BN1 9QH, UK
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Hove BN3 7HZ, UK
Division of Psychiatry, University College London, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 7NF, UK
Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Warneford Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 7JX, UK
Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0044, US
Salomons Centre for Applied Psychology, Canterbury Christ Church University, Runcie Court, Broomhill Road, TunbridgeWells TN3 0TF, UK
Compassion is recognized as important across many sectors of society.
There is lack of consensus on denition and few self/observer-rated measures exist.
Five elements of compassion are proposed after consolidating existing denitions.
The psychometric properties of measures could be improved, limiting their utility.
A new measure of compassion with robust psychometric properties is needed.
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 19 January 2016
Received in revised form 27 April 2016
Accepted 24 May 2016
Available online 26 May 2016
The importance of compassion is widely recognized and it is receiving increasing research attention. Yet, there is
lack of consensus on denition and a paucity of psychometrically robust measures of this construct. Without an
agreed denition and adequate measures, we cannotstudy compassion,measure compassionor evaluate wheth-
er interventions designed to enhance compassion are effective. In response, this paper proposes a denition of
compassion and offers a systematic review of self- and observer-rated measures. Following consolidation of
existing denitions, we propose that compassion consists of ve elements: recognizing suffering, understanding
the universality of human suffering, feeling for the person suffering, tolerating uncomfortable feelings, and mo-
tivation to act/acting to alleviate suffering. Three databases were searched (Web of Science, PsycInfo, and
Medline) and nine measures included and rated for quality. Quality ratings ranged from 2 to 7 out of 14 with
low ratings due to poor internal consistency for subscales, insufcient evidence for factor structure and/or failure
to examine oor/ceiling effects, testretest reliability, and discriminant validity. We call our ve-element deni-
tion, and if supported, the development of a measure of compassion based on this operational denition, and
which demonstrates adequate psychometric properties.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Systematic review
1. Introduction............................................................... 16
1.1. Conceptualizations of compassion: towards a denition........................................ 16
1.2. Relatedconstructs......................................................... 18
1.3. Compassion: a proposed denition ................................................. 19
Clinical Psychology Review 47 (2016) 1527
Corresponding author at: School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QJ, UK.
E-mail address: (C. Strauss).
0272-7358/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Clinical Psychology Review
journal homepage:
2. Method ................................................................. 19
2.1. Inclusionandexclusioncriteria ................................................... 19
2.2. Informationsources......................................................... 19
2.3. Searchstrategy...........................................................19
2.4. Assessmentofquality........................................................19
3. Results.................................................................. 20
3.1. Review of identiedmeasures....................................................20
3.1.1. Compassionatelovescale(CLS;Sprecher&Fehr,2005) .................................... 21
3.1.2. SantaClarabriefcompassionscale(SCBCS;Hwang,Plante,&Lackey,2008)........................... 22
3.1.3. Thecompassionscale(CS-M;Martins,Nicholas,Shaheen,Jones,&Norris,2013).........................23
3.1.4. Self-compassionscale(SCS;Neff,2003b)...........................................23
3.1.5. Self-compassionscale:shortform(SCS-SF;Raes,Pommier,Neff,&VanGucht,2011).......................23
3.1.6. Thecompassionscale(CS-P;Pommier,2010)......................................... 24
3.1.7. Relationalcompassionscale(RCS;Hacker,2008)....................................... 24
3.1.8. Compassionatecareassessmenttool(CCAT;Burnell&Agan,2013)...............................24
3.1.9. TheSchwartzcentercompassionatecarescale(SCCCS;Lown,Muncer,&Chadwick,2015)..................... 25
4. Discussion................................................................25
4.1. Strengthsandlimitations......................................................26
4.2. Futureresearch...........................................................26
4.3. Conclusion.............................................................26
References................................................................... 27
1. Introduction
The importance of compassion is recognized in many segments of
society. Most of the world's religious traditions place compassion at
the center of their belief systems. International professional bodies in
healthcare, education and the justice system also emphasize the impor-
tance of compassion. In the US, compassion is enshrined in the
American Medical Association's (AMA) Principles of Medical Ethics,
with Item 1 stating that A physician shall be dedicated to providing
competent medical services with compassion and respect for human
dignity(AMA, 1981). In the UK, compassion is one of the six core values
in the NHS constitution (Department of Health; DoH, 2013), and calls
for a greater focus on compassion have been driven in part by high pro-
le exposés of serious failings in compassionate care at some hospitals
and care homes. The international Compassion in Educationfounda-
tion (CoED, 2014) offers a range of services to educational professionals
in order to promote compassion in the education system. It has also
been argued that compassion should lie at thecore of the ethical frame-
work guiding our justice systems (Norko, 2005).
An evolutionary perspective on compassion can be traced to
Darwin (1871), who stated that those communities which included
the greatest number of the most sympathetic members would ourish
best, and rear the greatest number of offspring(p. 130). Current the-
orists also note that compassion is reproductively advantageous,
being part of the care-giving system that has evolved to nurture and
protect the young (e.g. Gilbert, 2005; Goetz, Keltner, & Simon-
Thomas, 2010). Compassion can be seen as having evolved from an
adaptive focus on protecting oneself and one's offspring to a broader
focus on protecting others including and beyond one's immediate kin-
ship group (de Waal, 2009). Compassion may also have evolved in pri-
mates because it is a desirable criterion in mate selection and
facilitates cooperative relationships with non-kin (e.g. de Waal,
2009; Keltner, 2009).
Within the healthcare domain, compassion is believed to have nu-
merous practical advantages. It has been argued that treating patients
compassionately has wide-ranging benets, including improving clini-
cal outcomes, increasing patient satisfaction with services, and enhanc-
ing the quality of information gathered from patients (Epstein et al.,
2005; Rendelmeir et al., 1995; Sanghavi, 2006). Conversely, compassion
fatigue may contribute to poorquality of care (Najjar, Davis, Beck-Coon,
& Carney Doebbeling, 2009). Treating oneself and others with compas-
sion is also believed to promote individual wellbeing and improve
mental health (e.g. Cosley, McCoy, Saslow, & Epel, 2010; Feldman &
Kuyken, 2011; MacBeth & Gumley, 2012). Accordingly, some re-
searchers have called for the implementation of interventions that
seek to enhance people's ability to give and receive compassion (e.g.
Gilbert,2005, 2010), arguing that compassion buffers reactivity to stress
and is central to the process of recovery from psychopathology. Other
research has focused on the developmental trajectory of compassion
and has found relationships between parenting styles and children's
levels of sympathy and caring (Eisenberg, VanSchyndel, & Hofer,
2015) and between attachment security in childhood and capacity for
compassion in adulthood (see Gillath, Shaver, & Mikulincer, 2005, for
Despite the importance of compassion and increasing interest from
researchers, clinicians, teachers, and other professionals, there is lack
of consensus on its denition and a paucity of psychometrically robust
measurement tools.Without these, scienticenquiry is greatlyimpeded
we need consensus on a denition and valid and reliable measure-
ment tools in order to assess compassion in empirical research. This
paper has two aims: rst, to suggest a denition of compassion based
on a consolidation of conceptualizations and denitions in the eld
and second, to systematically review self-and observer-rated measures
of compassion.
1.1. Conceptualizations of compassion: towards a denition
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word compassion
stems from the Latin compati,meaningto suffer with. In the litera-
ture, there appears to be a broad consensus that compassion involves
feeling for a person who is suffering and being motivated to act to
help them (e.g. Goetz et al., 2010; Lazarus, 1991). For example, in his
seminal work on human emotions Lazarus denes compassion as:
Being moved by another's suffering and wanting to help(p. 289).
Similarly, in a major systematic review of compassion and its evolution-
ary origins, Goetz et al. dene it as: the feeling that arises in witnessing
another's suffering and that motivates a subsequent desire to help
(p. 351). These denitions havein common the suggestion that compas-
sion is not only about feeling touched by a person's suffering, but also
about wanting to act to help them. Compassion is a fundamental tenet
of Buddhist philosophy (it is, in fact, emphasized by all the main
world religions but Buddhist perspectives on compassion have been
given greater prominence in the psychological literature) and the
Dalai Lama (1995) denes compassion in comparable terms as: An
16 C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
openness to the suffering of others with a commitment to relieve it.
However, within Buddhism, compassion is seen not only as an emotion-
al response but also as a responsefounded on reason and wisdom which
is embedded in an ethical framework concerned with the seless
intention of freeing others from suffering.
More specically, in their review of compassion within organiza-
tions, Kanov et al. (2004) argue that compassion consists of three facets:
noticing, feeling, and responding. Noticinginvolves being aware of a
person's suffering, either by cognitively recognizing this suffering or
by experiencing an unconscious physical or affective reaction to it. Feel-
ingis dened as responding emotionally to that suffering and
experiencing empathic concernthrough adopting the person's per-
spective and imagining or feeling their condition. Finally, responding
involves having a desire to act to alleviate the person's suffering. As in
Buddhist conceptualizations, this denition suggests that compassion
does not purely consist of affective and behavioral elements, but also
may have cognitive components insofar as it involves being able to
imagine and reason about a person's experiences.
Gilbert (2010) conceptualizes compassion in evolutionary terms,
arguing that compassion is an evolved motivational system designed
to regulate negative affect, where compassion is seen to have originated
from the same capacities that primates evolved to form attachment
bonds and engage in afliative and cooperative behaviors for group
survival. He denes compassion as: A deep awareness of the suffering
of another coupled with the wish to relieve it(Gilbert, 2009, p. 13)
and, like Kanov et al. (2004), suggests it has cognitive, affective and
behavioral elements. Gilbert (2010) sees compassion as consisting of
six attributes: sensitivity, sympathy, empathy, motivation/caring,
distress tolerance and non-judgement. Sensitivityinvolves being
responsive to other people's emotions and perceiving when they need
help, which appears to correspond to Kanov et al.'s noticingfacet.
Sympathy(dened as showing concern for the other person's suffer-
ing) and empathy(dened as putting yourself in their shoes) together
appear to correspond to Kanov et al.'s feelingfacet. Finally, motivation
to act is akin to Kanov et al.'s respondingfacet.
The nal two components in Gilbert's (2010) model –‘distress toler-
anceand non-judgement’–are not included in Kanov et al.'s (2004)
model. Distress tolerance is dened as the ability to tolerate difcult
emotions in oneself when confronted with someone else's suffering
without becoming overwhelmed by them. Gilbert argues that this is im-
portant because if we over-identify with a person's suffering we may
feel a need to get away from them or reduce our awareness of their
distress, preventing a compassionate response. This suggests that,
although compassion is about suffering withanother person, if we
feel such extreme personal distress in the face of another's suffering
that we become too focused on our own discomfort, this may hinder
our ability to help. The nal element of Gilbert's model –‘non-
judgement’–is dened as the ability to remain acceptingof and tolerant
towards another person even when their condition, or response to it,
gives rise to difcult feelings in oneself, such as frustration, anger, fear
or disgust. The idea that compassion means approaching those who
are suffering with non-judgement and tolerance even if they are in
some sense disagreeable to us is also central to Buddhist conceptuali-
zations. For example, the Dalai Lama (2002) contends that: for a
practitioner of love and compassion, an enemy is one of the most
important teachers. Without an enemy you cannot practice tolerance,
and without tolerance you cannot build a sound basis of compassion
(p. 75).
Both Gilbert (2005, 2010) and the Dalai Lama are also clear that
compassion is not only felt for close others (where attachment comes
into play as well), but also for those we do not know. Similarly, Gilbert
(2003, cited in Wang, 2005) notes: One can feel compassion for those
we might never meet (the starving children in Africa)(p. 99100).
The idea that compassion can be experienced towards close others
and those we do not know is also emphasized by Sprecher and Fehr
(2005) who developed a measure of compassionate lovewhich
includes separate versions relating to close others and strangers or hu-
mankind at large.
Like Gilbert (2010);Wispe (1991) conceptualizes compassion for
others not only as being aware of and moved by suffering and wanting
to help, but also as including the ability to adopt a non-judgmental
stance towards others and to tolerate one's own distress when faced
with other people's suffering. Neff (2003a) developed this denition
of compassion for others into a model of self-compassion, arguing that
self-compassion can be viewed as compassion directed inward towards
the self. She concludes that self-compassion consists of three principal
components: kindness (being kind and non-judgmental towards the
self rather than self-critical), mindfulness (which, like distress toler-
ance, involves holding painful feelings in mindful awareness rather
than over-identifying with them), and common humanity (seeing
one's suffering as part of the human condition rather than as isolating).
It is debatable whether compassion for others and self-compassion
are in fact part of the same overarching construct. While Buddhistthink-
ing argues that differentiating compassion for others from self-
compassion means drawing a false distinction between the self and
others, and moreover that self-compassion is a prerequisite for showing
truecompassion towards others, recent research has found that associ-
ations between self-compassion and other-focused compassion may be
weak, or even non-existent for some populations. For example, Neff and
Pommier (2013) explored the relationship between self-compassion
and compassion for others and found that they were not correlated in
a sample of undergraduates (r= 0.00), and only weakly correlated in
a community sample and a sample of practicing meditators (r= 0.15
and 0.28 respectively). Similarly, Pommier (2010) found no association
between self-compassion and compassion for others in a sample of
undergraduates (r= 0.07). It is unclear whether the lack of association
between self-compassion and compassion for others reects a genuine
independence between these two constructs or whether it reects
denitional problems, weaknesses of correlational study designs or lim-
itations with current measures (e.g. Williams, Dalgleish, Karl, & Kuyken,
2014). This is an area for further empirical research.
While acknowledging some of the difculties with equating self-
compassion with compassion for others, Pommier (2010) has applied
Neff's (2003a) model of self-compassion to a model of compassion for
others suggesting that, like self-compassion, compassion for others
can be seen as involving kindness, mindfulnessand common humanity.
In Pommier's model, kindnessis dened as being understanding to-
wards others who are suffering insteadof being critical or indifferent to-
wards them. Mindfulnessis seen as the ability to notice another
person's suffering and remain open to it without feeling so distressed
that you disengage from that person. Common humanityis conceptu-
alized as realizing that all humans suffer and that one could nd oneself
in the position of the sufferer if one was less fortunate a sense that
There but for the grace of God, go I.
This emphasis on seeing a common humanitywith the person who
is suffering is also evident in Buddhist denitions of compassion, with
the Dalai Lama (2005) arguing that: Genuine compassion must have
both wisdom and loving kindness. That is to say, one must understand
the nature of the suffering from which we wish to free others (this is
wisdom), and one must experience deep intimacy and empathy with
other sentient beings (this is loving kindness)(p. 49). Within such
Buddhist conceptualizations, understanding the nature of suffering
(wisdom) is to understand that suffering is part of what it is to be
human; suffering is a shared human experience. Similarly, in their re-
view of the role of compassion in mindfulness-based therapies,
Feldman and Kuyken (2011) describe compassion as: an orientation
of mind that recognizes pain and the universality of pain in human ex-
perience and the capacity to meet that pain with kindness, empathy,
equanimity and patience(p. 145).
In summary, in all these denitions compassion is seen as awareness
of someone's suffering, being moved by it (emotionally and, according
to some denitions, cognitively), and acting or feeling motivated to
17C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
help. Several denitions emphasize that, although one is moved by suf-
fering, compassion also involves being able to tolerate uncomfortable
feelings that arise in oneself as a result of seeing suffering, including
tolerating feelings of distaste, frustration or angerthat might be elicited
by that suffering. There is also a suggestion in several denitions that
compassion involves recognizing a commonality with the sufferer,
acknowledging that as a fellow being we too could nd ourselves in a
similar position. Table 1 contains summaries of the major denitions
of compassion discussed in this section.
1.2. Related constructs
In denitions of compassion, reference is commonly made to related
terms such as empathy and in turn these words are often used to dene
each other. The similarities between compassion and constructs such as
kindness, pity and altruism have also been noted (Goetz et al., 2010). It
is instructive to consider the overlaps and distinctions between these
Accordingto the Oxford English Dictionary, the word empathy is de-
ned as: the power of mentally identifying oneself with (and so fully
comprehending) a person or object of contemplation. Like compassion,
empathy has been described as a multidimensional construct,
consisting of cognitive and affective components (Davis, 1983).
Cognitive empathy can be dened as intellectually understanding
another person's emotions and perspective (Hogan, 1969), whereas
affective empathy refers to being affected by and sharing another's
emotions (Mehrabian & Epstein, 1972). Gilbert (2010);Kanov et al.
(2006) and the Dalai Lama (2005) all explicitly dene compassion as
requiring empathy and therefore appear to see empathy as an essential
element ofcompassion. Even so, they suggest that compassion has addi-
tional components over and above empathy. In particular, a desire to act
or acting to alleviatesuffering is seen as a corefeature of compassion but
not empathy (see Table 1).
A second distinction between compassion and empathy is that,
whereas compassion is felt specically in response to suffering, empa-
thy may apply to a broader range of situations, for example one could
feel empathy with someone else's anger, fear or joy (Pommier, 2010).
Moreover, Goetz et al. (2010) argue that compassion is an emotion in
its own right, whereas empathy is the vicarious experience of another's
emotions, while Sprecher and Fehr (2005) contend that compassion is
broader than empathybecause it can be felt for humanity at large, rath-
er than only in relation tospecic interpersonal encounters. In addition,
recent neuroscienticndings suggest that different brain regions are
activated in response to compassion and empathy training (Klimecki,
Leiberg, Ricard, & Singer, 2014).
The same is true of pity, which, despite also having similarities to
compassion, does not require an inclination to help. On the contrary,
some writers have argued that pity implies that one sees someone as
unworthy of help (Lazarus, 1991), or at least involves showing conde-
scension towards them (e.g. Cassell, 2002). At the other end of the spec-
trum, altruism has a greater focus than compassion on behavioral acts
that may be at a great personal cost to the person. Also, altruistic acts
can have a broad range of motivations, that do not necessarily involve
the same elements as compassion.
Finally, compassion is frequently linked to kindness (dened by the
Oxford English Dictionary as the quality of being friendly, generous and
considerate). For example, Neff (2003a) and Pommier (2010) include
kindnessas a component of compassion and compassion has even
been dened as intelligent kindness(e.g. DoH, 2013). However,
these two terms have distinctions too: for example, as outlined compas-
sion includes elements beyond kindness (e.g. recognizing and being
touched bysuffering); and likewise, kindness includes elements beyond
Table 1
Major denitions of compassion in the literature in relation to the ve-element denition of compassion.
Denition of compassion
of suffering
1. Being moved by another's suffering and wanting to help(Lazarus, 1991, p. 289). (implied) ✓✓
2. An openness to the suffering of others with a commitment to relieve it (Dalai Lama, 1995).
Buddhist conceptualizations also highlight cognitive components (e.g. the ability to imagine
and reason about a person's experiences) and approaching those who are suffering with
tolerance and non-judgement.
(implied) ✓✓✓ ✓
3. Being touched by the suffering of others, opening one's awareness to others' pain and
not avoiding or disconnecting from it, so that feelings of kindness towards others and the desire to
alleviate their suffering emerge. It also involves offering non-judgmental understanding to those who
fail or do wrong(Neff, 2003a,p.8687).
✓✓ ✓
4. Compassion consists of three facets: Noticing, feeling, and responding (Kanov et al.,
5. A deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it
(Gilbert, 2009, p. 1 3). Compassion consists of six attributes: Sensitivity, Sympathy,
Empathy, Motivation/Caring,
Distress Tolerance, and Non-Judgement.
✓✓ ✓
6. The feeling that arises in witnessing another's suffering and that motivates a subsequent
desire to help(Goetz et al., 2010, p. 351).
7. An orientation of mind that recognises pain and the universality of pain in human
experience and the capacity to meet that pain with kindness, empathy, equanimity and
patience(Feldman & Kuyken, 2011, p. 145).
8. Compassion involves three elements: Kindness, mindfulness, and common humanity
(Pommier, 2010).
(implied) ✓✓✓ ✓
Some denitions of compassion explicitly include an element of recognizing suffering, whereas in others, this is implied. We have indicated whether recognizing sufferingis
explicitly stated or implied in the following way: (explicitly stated) and (implied).
18 C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
compassion, as kindness is not only linked to suffering (e.g. remember-
ing someone's birthday is kind but not compassionate). Additionally,
compassion may not always involve kindness in the moment (e.g. tak-
ing a tough loveapproach may be compassionate but not kind).
1.3. Compassion: a proposed denition
To bring together the various denitions and considerations above
and to aid the review of existing measures of compassion, we propose
anewdenition of compassion as a cognitive, affective, and behavioral
process consisting of the following ve elements that refer to both self-
and other-compassion: 1) Recognizing suffering; 2) Understanding the
universality of suffering in human experience; 3) Feeling empathy for
the person suffering and connecting with the distress (emotional reso-
nance); 4) Tolerating uncomfortable feelings aroused in response to
the suffering person (e.g. distress, anger, fear) so remaining open to
and accepting of the person suffering; and 5) Motivation to act/acting
to alleviate suffering.
We use this proposed new denition of compassion to organize the
remainder of this paper, which provides a systematic review of self- and
observer-rated measures of compassion. The psychometric properties
of identied measures are reported and rated for quality, including the
extent to which they measure each ofthe ve elements outlined above.
2. Method
2.1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
To be included in the main review, measures had to: be available in
English; include a scale explicitly dened by its authors as measuring
compassion; include a psychometric paper outlining the development
of the scale; and be obtainable either within a published article or
from the author (two attempts were made to contact the relevant au-
thors to obtain measures where necessary). Measures were excluded
if they did not assess participants' levels of compassion per se (e.g. mea-
sures of barriers to feeling compassion, fear of compassion, and empa-
thy were excluded); used non-questionnaire measures of compassion,
or included only a subscale on compassion. Because we do not yet
know the relationship between compassion for others and self-
compassion, measures of self-compassion were included because
many conceptualizations and denitions of compassion do not
distinguish between other- and self-compassion.
2.2. Information sources
The databases searched for relevant measures included Web of Sci-
ence (Thomson Reuters), PsycInfo, and Medline, from inception to 23
September 2015. Dissertations and theses that met the inclusion criteria
were reviewed along with papers published in peer-reviewed journals.
Where relevant, the most recent versions of measures were reviewed.
2.3. Search strategy
All articles including the word compassion*in combination with
measure*,scale*,instrument*or questionnaire*in either the
title or abstract or key words were identied. Where identied papers
referredto additional scales, reference lists were searched and any addi-
tional relevant papers retrieved. Experts in the eld were also consulted
to ensure that no measures were missed.
2.4. Assessment of quality
The psychometric properties of each measure were reviewed and
measures were rated for quality based largely on Terwee et al.'s
(2007) quality criteria for health status measures. These criteria were
used because they include explicit criteria for what constitutes good
measurement properties. However, since these criteria relate to mea-
sures of health status, Barker, Pistrang, and Elliott's (2002) rules of
thumbfor evaluating psychological measures were also drawn on
where these seemed more appropriate.
Terwee et al. award measures
a positive (+), intermediate (?), or negative () rating, or a rating of
0 where no information regarding the relevant criteria is provided. In
this review, in order to make scores easier to interpret, measures were
given a score of 2 if there was evidence for the criterion being fully
met, 1 if the criterion was partially met, and 0 if the criterion was not
met, or if no relevant data were reported. Scores were aggregated to
provide an overall rating. Two researchers independently scored the
measures using these criteria, and any discrepancies in scoring were re-
solved collectively. Specically, measures were rated across the follow-
ing domains:
1. Content validity (the extent to which the domain of interest was
comprehensively sampled by the items in the questionnaire). In
this case the domain of interest was considered to be compassion
as dened in this review, rather than as dened by the scale's au-
thors. Under this criterion, Terwee et al. (2007) also emphasize the
importance of both members of the target population and experts
being involved in item development. For this criterion to be fully
met all ve elements of compassion must be captured by the items
and items must have been generated in consultation with experts
and members of the intended population.
2. Factor structure (whether or not the factor structure for the measure
has been examined and supported). This criterion was included in
addition to those proposed by Terwee et al. (2007). This criterion
was scored as follows. A score of 2 was given where exploratory fac-
tor analysis (EFA) followed by conrmatory factor analysis (CFA)
have been conducted in independent samples OR where CFA has
been conducted if the factor structure has been previously proposed
theoretically (a score of 2 was only given if the factor analyses sup-
port the proposed factor structure). A score of 1 was given if only
EFA has been conducted (without CFA) and if the EFA supports the
factor structure. A score of 0 was given where either factor analysis
has not been conducted OR where EFA and/or CFA have been con-
ducted that do not support the proposed factor structure.
3. Internal consistency (the extent to which items in a (sub)scale are
inter-correlated and thus measuring thesame construct).For this cri-
terion to be fully met in line with Terwee et al.'s (2007) criteria
factor analyses had to have been performed on an adequate sample
size (7 number of items and NN100) and Cronbach's alpha for
each identied factor had to be between 0.70 and 0.95.
4. Testretest reliability. Based on Barker et al.'s (2002) rules of thumb
testretest reliabilities had to be at least r= 0.70 for this criterion to
be fully met.
5. Convergent and discriminant validity (the extent to which scores on
a particular scale relate to other measures in a manner consistent
with theoretically derived hypotheses). For this criterion to be met,
Terwee et al. (2007) require that (i) specic hypotheses are formu-
lated by the scale's authors about expected correlations and (ii) at
least three quarters of results are in line withexpectations. AsTerwee
et al. do not take into account the strength of these correlations, we
Terwee et al. (2007) proposed the following eight quality criteria to evaluate health
status measures: 1) Content validity, 2) internal consistency, 3) criterion validity, 4) con-
struct validity (convergent and discriminant validity), 5) reproducibility (test-retest reli-
ability), 6) responsiveness, 7) oor and ceil ing effects, and 8) interpretability. We did
not include criterion validity and responsiveness as criteria, for the reasons stated in the
paper. Terwee et al. did not provide rules of thumb in terms of the size of correlation co-
efcients for the test-retest reliability criterion. They also did not account for the size of
correlations for the convergent and discriminant validity criterion. Therefore, for these
two criteria, we drew on Barker et al.'s (2002) general recommendations when evaluating
the reliability and validity of psychological measures. We also includedfactor structure as
19C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
also drew on Barker et al. (2002), and required that at least two cor-
relations with theoretically related constructs were at least r=0.50
to demonstrate convergent validity.
6. Floor and ceiling effects (the number of respondents achieving the
highest or lowest possible scores). This was rated based on Terwee
et al.'s (2007) criterion that no more than 15% of the sample should
receive the top or bottom score on a scale.
7. Interpretability (how differences in scores on the measure can be
interpreted, or the degree to which qualitative meaning can be at-
tached to quantitative scores). Terwee et al. (2007) require means
and SDs of scores from at least four relevant subgroups of partici-
pants to be reported (e.g. compassion scores in males vs. females,
meditators vs. non-meditators) and minimal important change de-
ned. However, as minimal important change was arguably not en-
tirely relevant to the measures in this review, consideration was
instead given to whether the authors indicated how scale scores
might be interpreted.
Terwee et al.'s (2007) quality ratings also include criterion validity
(the extent to which scores on a particular scale relate to a gold
standard)andresponsiveness(the ability of a scale to detect change
over time). However, these two criteria were not rated. In the case of
criterion validitythis was because there is no gold standard compas-
sion measure to rate scales against. In the case of responsivenessit
was because such data were not typically available and, as this criterion
relates to clinically meaningful change, arguably the majority of the
scales were not primarily designed to measure this. Therefore, the
total possible score for any measure was 14.
3. Results
3.1. Review of identied measures
Fig. 1 shows a ow diagram illustrating the search process. After re-
moving duplicates, 2146 papers were identied, with only nine mea-
sures included after screening titles, abstracts, and full texts. Table 2
provides the quality ratings of the reviewed measures and Tables 3
and 4 outline the psychometric properties of the measures. Floor and
ceiling effects are not included in Tables 3 and 4 because no studies
reported them. Similarly, although most studies included measures of
Fig. 1. PRISMA ow diagram of search strategy.
Table 2
Quality ratings of measures of compassion.
Measure Content validity Factor structure Internal consistency Test retest reliability Convergent/discriminant validity Floor/ceiling effects Interpretability Total/14
SCS 1 0 2 2 1 0 1 7
RCS 1 2 2 0 1 0 1 7
CLS 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 6
SCBCS 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 6
CS-P 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 6
CS-M 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 4
CCAT 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 4
SCS-SF 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 4
SCCCS 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Note. Rating: 0 = criterion not met/insufcient data to rate criterion; 1 = criterion partially met; 2 = criterion fully met.
CCAT = Compassionate Care Assessment Tool; CLS = Compassionate Love Scale; CS-P = Pommier Compassion Scale; CS-M = Martins et al. Compassion Scale; RCS=RelationalCom-
passion Scale; SCBCS = Santa Clara Brief Compassion Scale; SCCCS = Schwartz Center Compassionate Care Scale; SCS = Self-Compassion Scale; SCS-SF = Self-Compassion Scale
Short Form.
20 C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
related constructs to test convergent validity, none included measures
of theoretically unrelated constructs; therefore, discriminant validity is
not included in Table 4.
3.1.1. Compassionate love scale (CLS; Sprecher & Fehr, 2005)
The CLS consists of 21 self-report items, rated on a Likert scale from 1
(not at all true of me) to 7 (very true of me). The CLS is intended for the
general population and consists of two forms: one relating to signicant
others (including family members and friends) and one focusing on
strangers and humanity at large. Content validity. The scale was rated as partially satisfactory for
content validity. Items were generated by the investigators based on a
review of the literature on love and altruism and also based on a proto-
type analysis with laypeople around their concept of compassionate
love. In line with our denition of compassion, the scale includes
items related to four of our ve elements of compassion identied ear-
lier: Feeling moved by other people's suffering (emotional resonance),
understanding or imagining somethingabout their condition as a fellow
being, accepting and not judging others (which implies tolerance), and
being motivated to help them. However, the CLS did not appear to con-
tain items explicitly related to recognizing suffering.
Three items include the word compassionor compassionate love,
which requires respondents to dene these concepts themselves. How-
ever, it seems uncertain whether they will know what is meant by com-
passionate loveor dene it uniformly. Additionally, not all items on the
scale relate to those who are suffering, and it is questionable whether
items such as: I feel happy when I see that [loved ones/others
(strangers)] are happyand I very much wish to be kind and good to
[my friends and family members/fellow human beings]assess com-
passion or in fact more broadly assess empathy and kindness respec-
tively. Finally, the scale refers explicitly to either close others or
strangers, but does not allow respondents to consider people who
may not fall into either of these categories (e.g. patients responding
in relation to healthcare professionals), potentially limiting its use in
some contexts. Factor structure and reliability. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
yielded a single factor structure for each version of the scale. Sprecher
and Fehr (2005) did not explicitly propose a factor structure for the
Table 3
Psychometric properties of measures of compassion (content validity, factor structure, internal consistency, and testretest reliability).
Content validity:
Content validity:
item generation
(recipient and
expert groups
Proposed factor
Support for factor
structure: type of
analysis conducted
(factor structure
Internal consistency:
adequate sample
size for factor
Internal consistency:
Cronbach alpha
(for total
scale and subscales)
Test retest reliability:
r(time between
CLS 4 (U, ER, T, & A) Recipients = yes
Experts = yes
Not reported EFA (single factor for
both versions)
(N= 354)
α= 0.95 for both
close others and
Not reported
SCBCS 2 (ER & A) Recipients = yes
Experts = yes
Not reported EFA (single factor) Yes
(N= 223)
α= 0.90 Not reported
CS-M 1 (A) Recipients = yes
Experts = yes
Five factors EFA (two-factor
structure found but
rejected in favour of a
single-factor model)
(N= 310)
α= 0.82 Not reported
SCS 4 (U, ER, T, & A) Recipients = no
Experts = yes
Six factors
represented under a
single overarching
CFA (six factors) Yes
(N= 391)
Total α= 0.92,
Subscales = 0.75 to
Total scale:
r= 0.93,
r= 0.80 to 0.88
(3 weeks)
SCS-SF 4 (U, ER, T, & A) Recipients = no
Experts = yes
Six factors
represented under a
single overarching
CFA (six factors
represented under a
single overarching
(N= 415)
Total α= 0.86,
Subscales = 0.54 to
Not reported
CS-P 4 (R, U, ER, & A) Recipients = no
Experts = yes
Six factors
represented under a
single overarching
CFA (six factors
represented under a
single overarching
(sample 1: N= 439,
sample 2: N= 510)
Total α=0.90(sample
1) and 0.87 (sample 2).
Subscale αsb0.70 for
4/6 subscales in
sample 1 and 1/6
subscales in sample 2.
Not reported
(compassion for
others and
4 (R, ER, T, & A) Recipients = no
Experts = yes
Four factors CFA (four factors) Yes
(N= 231)
Subscales = 0.74 to
Not reported
CCAT 3 (ER, T, & A) Recipients = yes
Experts = yes
Not reported EFA (four factors) Yes
(N= 250)
Total αN0.70 (exact
value not given),
Subscales = 0.77 to
Not reported
SCCCS 3 (R, ER, A) Recipients = yes
Experts = yes
Not reported EFA (single factor but
analysis was not
conducted on all items)
CFA (single factor but
analysis was not
conducted on all items)
(N= 801)
Subscales = 0.97 and
0.95. Single scale but
total αmissing.
Not reported
CCAT = Compassionate Care Assessment Tool; CFA = conrmatory factor analysis; CLS = Compassionate Love Scale; CS-P = Pommier Compassion Scale; CS-M = Martins et al. Com-
passion Scale; EFA = exploratoryfactor analysis; RCS = Relational Compassion Scale; SCBCS = Santa ClaraBrief Compassion Scale;SCCCS = Schwartz Center Compassionate Care Scale;
SCS = Self-Compassion Scale; SCS-SF = Self-Compassion Scale Short Form.
Five elements of compassion: R = recognizing suffering; U = understanding the universality of suffering; ER = emotional resonance; T = tolerating uncomfortable feelings; A = acting or
motivation to act to alleviate suffering.
For details of the factors identied, refer to the results section.
21C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
CLS prior to analysis and did not conduct CFA. Internal consistency was
high for both versions. Testretest reliability was not reported. Convergent validity and interpretability. Convergent validity was
supported by signicant correlations in the expected directions with
measures of empathy, helpfulness, volunteerism, and spiritual experi-
ences. Limited subgroup analyses were undertaken by Sprecher and
Fehr (2005), showing that women obtained signicantly higher com-
passion scores than men on both versions.
3.1.2. Santa Clara brief compassion scale (SCBCS; Hwang, Plante, & Lackey,
The SCBCS is a shortened version of Sprecher and Fehr's (2005) CLS,
consisting of ve items from the original scale (the correlation between
the two scales is r= 0.95). Unlike the CLS, this scale refers exclusively to
Table 4
Psychometric properties of measures of compassion (convergent validity and interpretability).
Convergent validity: correlation (Pearson's r) of compassion measure with
measures of related constructs
Interpretability: subgroups tested for differences
CLS PSP other-oriented empathy subscale and empathy items from Schieman & Van
Gundy (2000):r= 0.50 to 0.68;
PSP helpfulness subscale: r= 0.23 (close others), r= 0.32 (strangers);
Frequency of church attendance: r= 0.22 (close others), r= 0.43 (strangers);
Volunteerism items from Mikulincer et al. (2005):r= 0.18 (close others), r=
0.35 (strangers);
Social support (developed by authors): r= 0.27 (strangers), r= 0.51 (close
DSES: r= 0.39 (close others), r= 0.44 (strangers).
Gender (women scored signicantly higher than men on both
SCBCS IRI empathic concern subscale: r= 0.65; VIQ: r= 0.48; SCSORF: r= 0.27. Gender (women scored signicantly higher than men)
CS-M CLS: r= 0.66 Gender (women scored signicantly higher than men),
Education (signicantly higher for those with University
education versus High School or less),
Income (signicantly higher for those with annual income
$40,000+ versus $10,000 or less),
Age, race, and marital status (no differences)
SCS DEQ self-criticism subscale: r=0.65; SOC: r= 0.41; TMMS attention
subscale: r= 0.11; TMMS clarity subscale: r= 0.43; TMMS repair subscale: r=
0.55; RSES: r= 0.59.
Gender (women scored signicantly lower than men)
SCS-SF Not reported Not reported
CS-P SCS: r= 0.01; SOC: r= 0.41; 3D-WS reective subscale: r= 0.26; 3D-WS
cognitive subscale: r= 0.39; 3D-WS affective subscale: r= 0.56; QMEE: r=
0.58; IRI empathic concern subscale: r= 0.65;
IRI perspective taking subscale: r=0.35; CLS close others version: r= 0.54;
CLS strangers version: r= 0.27; SMQ: r=0.12.
Gender (women scored signicantly higher than men)
RCS (compassion for others
and self-compassion
RCS compassion for others subscale & SCS: r= 0.24;
RCS self-compassion subscale & SCS: r= 0.65;
RCS compassion for others subscale & EACS emotional expression & processing
subscales: r= 0.41 and 0.42;
RCS self-compassion subscale & EACS emotional expression & processing
subscales: r= 0.51 and 0.46;
RCS compassion for others subscale & SCSRS inadequate & hated self subscales:
r= 0.03 and 0.12;
RCS self-compassion subscale & SCRS inadequate & hated self subscales: r=
0.29 and 0.41;
RCS compassion for others subscale & SCSRS reassured self subscale: r= 0.01;
RCS self-compassion subscale & SCRS reassured self subscale: r= 0.43;
RCS compassion for others subscale and RSQ secure attachment: r= 0.34;
RCS self-compassion subscale and RSQ secure attachment: r= 0.31;
RCS compassion for others subscale and RSQ insecure attachment styles
(fearful, preoccupied, dismissing, anxious, and avoidant):
r=0.23, 0.06, 0.15, 0.19, and 0.22, respectively;
RCS self-compassion subscale and RSQ insecure attachment styles (fearful,
preoccupied, dismissing, anxious, and avoidant): r=0.22, 0.15, 0.05,
0.03, and 0.07, respectively.
Signicant differences in RCS scores between Arts and
Engineering students. The direction of the results for each
subscale was not specied.
CCAT Not reported Gender (women scored carers signicantly higher than men),
Marital status and reason for hospitalisation (no differences)
SCCCS Overall satisfaction with recent hospitalisation (item set 1): r= 0.54;
Overall satisfaction with recent hospitalisation (item set 2): r= 0.60;
Satisfaction with communication and emotional support (item set 1): r= 0.72;
Satisfaction with communication and emotional support (item set 2): r= 0.64.
Not reported
3D-WS = 3-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (Ardelt, 2003); CCAT = Compassionate Care Assessment Tool; CLS = Compassionate Love Scale; CS-P = Pommier Compassion Scale; CS-M =
Martins et al. Compassion Scale; DEQ = Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (Blatt, D'Afitti, & Quinlan, 1976 ); DSES = Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (Underwood & Teresi,
2002); EACS = Emotional Approach Coping Scale (Stanton et al., 2000); IRI = Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1980); PSP = Prosocial Personality Battery (Penner et al., 1995);
QMEE = Questionnaire Measure of Emotional Empathy (Mehrabian & Epstein, 1972); RCS = Relational Compassion Scale; RSES = Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965);
RSQ = Relationship Scales Questionnaire (Grifn & Bartholomew, 1994); SCBCS = Santa Clara Brief Compassion Scale; SCSORF = Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire
(Plante & Boccaccini, 1997); SCCCS = Schwartz Center Compassionate Care Scale; SCS = Self-Compassion Scale; SCS-SF = Self-Compassion Scale Short Form; SCSRS = Self-
Criticising/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale (Gilbert et al., 2004); SMQ = Southampton Mindfulness Questionnaire (Chadwick et al., 2008); SOC = Social Connectedness Scale (Lee
& Robbins, 1995); TMMS = Trait Meta-Mood Scale (Salovey et al., 1995); VIQ = Vocational Identity Questionnaire (Dreher et al., 2007).
Five elements of compassion: R = recognizing suffering; U = understanding the universality of suffering; ER = emotional resonance; T = tolerating uncomfortable feelings; A = ac ting or
motivation to act to alleviate suffering.
22 C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
strangers rather than to close others. The items of the SCBCS were se-
lected because they had moderate means, high standard deviations,
and high correlations with the overall score from the CLS. Content validity. The SCBCS was rated partially satisfactory for
content validity. The scale includes items related to two of our ve ele-
ments of compassion: Emotionally connecting with other people's suf-
fering and acting to help them. However, unlike the CLS, the SCBCS
did not appear to contain items explicitly related to understanding the
universality of suffering and tolerating uncomfortable feelings, and
also did not include items explicitly related to recognizing suffering.
Two items contain the word compassion, again relying on respon-
dents to dene these terms rather than tapping into their underlying
elements. Factor structure and reliability. EFA yielded a single factor struc-
ture for the SCBCS and CFA was not conducted. Internal consistency
was high. Testretest reliability was not reported. Convergent validity and interpretability. The SCBCS was strongly
correlated with empathic concern, moderately correlated with voca-
tional identity, and showed a small correlation with strengthof religious
faith. Examination of group differences was limited to gender and
showed that women scored signicantly higher than men.
3.1.3. The compassion scale (CS-M; Martins, Nicholas, Shaheen, Jones, &
Norris, 2013)
Martins et al.'s CS-M is a 10-item self-report scale developed to mea-
sure ve domains of compassion: generosity, hospitality, objectivity,
sensitivity, and tolerance across social networks and relationships
(strangers, friends, and family) using a 1 (none) to 7 (all) response
scale. The aim of the scale was to provide a measure of compassion
across domains that could be enhanced through training, as the authors
argue that scales like the CLS do not lend themselves well to measuring
compassion in a way that can be targeted for education. Items were gen-
erated and evaluated by a panel of academic and community experts. Content validity. Martins et al.'s (2013) scale was rated partially
satisfactory for content validity. The CS-M focuses exclusively on practi-
cal acts of compassion including giving nancial help to others, using
your free time to help others, and doing things for others at a cost or
risk to yourself or your family and friends. Thus, only the acting to alle-
viate suffering factor of our ve-factor denition is captured by the
items of theCS-M; items related to recognizing suffering, understanding
the universality of suffering, emotional resonance, and tolerating un-
comfortable feelings were not included. Additionally, it could be argued
that the scale's items measure only a limited range of acts of compassion
(giving away money, using free time to help others, sharing personal
space, or doing something for others at a cost to oneself) and if the
scale were applied to certain contexts (e.g. a healthcare context), the
items may not assess the types of actions that might be expected in
those contexts (e.g. considering ways to make those who are suffering
more comfortable).Indeed, it is not altogether clear for whatpopulation
the scale is intended. Furthermore, items such as How many times
would you do the right thing if it puts your family at riskdo not appear
to t well with a response ranging from noneto all. Factor structure and reliability. EFA did not support the proposed
ve factor structure; the analysis identied a two-factor solution. How-
ever, the two-factor structure was rejected by the authors in favour of a
single factor model, arguing that, as all items beginning How much of
your?loaded onto one factor and all items beginning How many
times would you?loaded onto the second factor, the factors ap-
peared to reect methodological differences between items rather
than substantively different constructs. Cronbach's alpha for the total
scale was acceptable. Testretest reliability was not tested. Convergent validity and interpretability. The authors only com-
pared their scale with the CLS (rN0.50). In terms of interpretability,
the authors provided mean scores for a range of subgroups but, though
they argue that the scale should help measure change in compassion
after training, they do not provide any indication of what level of change
on the scale would be needed to show that such training had been of
3.1.4. Self-compassion scale (SCS; Neff, 2003b)
The SCS is a 26-item scalewith a 5-point response scale from almost
neverto almost always. Content validity. The scale was rated partially satisfactory overall
for content validity. Although items were selected after extensive
piloting, it is notable that this was only carried out with experts and un-
dergraduate students, even though the scale's target population includ-
ed community and clinical samples. The scale includes items related to
four of the ve elements in the denition of compassion used in this re-
view: understanding the universality of suffering, emotional resonance,
the ability to tolerate distressing feelings, and feeling motivated to act or
acting to help ameliorate one's suffering. However, the scale does not
include items specically relating to being attentive to how one is
feeling. Factor structure and reliability. CFA of the SCS supported the six
factor model, with each of the three components of self-compassion
split into two sub-factors one comprising positivelyworded and
one negativelyworded items. This resulted in the following factors:
kindness versus self-judgement; mindfulness versus over-
identication; and common humanity versus isolation. However, Neff
(2003b) found only a marginal t with a single higher-order factor,
questioning whether the six factors can be explained by a single over-
arching construct of self-compassion. Other studies have also
questioned the higher-order factor structure and the non-hierarchical
six-factor model across a range of populations, student, clinical and
meditating/non-meditating (e.g. Costa, Marôco, Pinto-Gouveia, Ferreira,
& Castilho, 2015; López et al., 2015; Williams et al., 2014). Several stud-
ies have suggested a two-factor model of self-compassion, with the fac-
tors representing the positive and negative dimensions of self-
compassion and self-criticism, respectively (e.g. Costa et al., 2015;
López et al., 2015).
Recently, Neff (2015) argued that the two-factor conceptualization
of the SCS is problematic in that it does not capture the relative balance
between the three proposed broad components of self-compassion
(self-kindness vs. self-judgement, common humanity vs. isolation, and
mindfulness vs. over-identication). Instead, Neff proposed a bifactor
model of self-compassion, where each item loads directly on to a gener-
al factor as well as their respective subscale, and suggests that re-
searchers can select whether to analyse subscale scores separately or
use a total SCS score depending on their interests.
Cronbach's alpha values for total SCS scale and subscale scores and
testretest reliability were adequate. Convergent validity and interpretability. Convergent validity was
supported by signicant correlations in the expected direction between
the SCS and other related measures, severalof which were 0.50. A par-
tially satisfactory score was achieved for interpretability, as only gender
differences were reported.
3.1.5. Self-compassion scale: short form (SCS-SF; Raes, Pommier, Neff, &
Van Gucht, 2011)
Raes et al. developed a 12-item version of the SCS by selecting two
items from each of the SCS's six subscales, based on their high correla-
tions with the SCS and intended subscales, and high intercorrelations.
The SCS-SF is rated in the same way as the SCS.
23C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527 Content validity. The scale was rated partially satisfactoryfor
content validity for the same reasons as the long form. Factor structure and reliability. CFA supported the proposed six-
factor hierarchical structure of the measure. Internal consistency was
acceptable for the total score, but was variable for the individual sub-
scales. Testretest reliability was not reported. Convergent validity and interpretability. Relevant data were not
reported for convergent validity and interpretability.
3.1.6. The compassion scale (CS-P; Pommier, 2010)
The CS-P is a 24-item self-report scale targeted at the general popu-
lation and based on the argument (outlined earlier) that compassion
consists ofsix elements: Kindness (in contrastto indifference), mindful-
ness (in contrast to disengagement), and common humanity (in con-
trast to separation). Responses are given on a ve-point Likert scale,
ranging from 1 (almost never) to 5 (almost always). Content validity. The CS-P was rated partially satisfactory for
content validity. Items were devised by the author, based on theory
and research, and reviewed by a panel of experts. The scale includes
items consistent with four of our ve elements of compassion: Rec-
ognizing suffering, feeling moved by suffering, understanding or
imagining something about another person's condition as a fellow
being, and motivation to act/acting to alleviate suffering. Although
in her development of the scale Pommier (2010) notes that compas-
sion requires the ability to tolerate uncomfortable feelings in the
face of suffering so that one can remain tolerant and accepting of
others, the scale appears not to directly assess this, other than asking
whether respondents try to keep a balanced perspective on the sit-
uationwhen people tell them about their problems, or whether
they tend to avoid those who suffer.
Additionally, several of the scale's items include the words some-
times,oftenor usuallywhich conict with the response scale used
(almost neverto almost always) and makes responses difcult to in-
terpret. The response scale is perhaps also unintuitive for negatively
worded items for example, a response of I almost never don't feel
emotionally connected to people in painmay be difcult for some peo-
ple to rate accurately. Similarly, items such as Suffering is just a part of
the common human experiencecannot be answered accurately using
the scale from almost neverto almost alwaysand do not sit well
with the scale's instructions to indicate how often you behave in the
stated manner. Factor structure and reliability. CFA supported the proposed six-
factor structure of the measure, and that a single higher order factor of
compassion explained the inter-correlations between the six factors.
EFA was not conducted because Neff's (2003b) Self-Compassion Scale
(SCS) had already demonstrated these six factors. However, as noted
earlier compassion for others and self-compassion were not signicant-
ly correlated in Pommier's (2010) research, suggesting that the factor
structure for each measure cannot be assumed to be identical. Internal
consistency was high for the total score but mixed and inconsistent
across samples for the subscales. Testretest reliability was not
reported. Convergent validity and interpretability. Convergent validity was
supported by signicant correlations in the expected direction between
the CS-P and other measures of compassion, empathy, perspective-
taking, and wisdom; several of these were 0.50. However, the CS-P
was not signicantly correlated with the SCS (Neff, 2003b), a problemat-
ic nding for the scale's construct validity, given that the CS-P was devel-
oped based on the factor structure of the SCS. Additionally, while the
scale was positively correlated with the CLS, this correlation was only
small for the strangers-humanity version (r= 0.27; r= 0.54 for the
close others version). This suggests that the CS-P and the CLS may not
be measuring the same construct. Another unexpected nding was
that the Southampton Mindfulness Questionnaire (SMQ; Chadwick
et al., 2008) had a small negative correlation with the CS-P.The only sub-
group analyzed was gender, again showing that women scored higher
than men.
3.1.7. Relational compassion scale (RCS; Hacker, 2008)
The RCS consists of 16 items rated on a four-point scale (from do not
agreeto agree strongly). The scale consists of four subscales which
measure respondents' compassion for others and self-compassion,
along with their beliefs about how compassionate other people are to
each other, and their beliefs about how compassionate other people
are to them. The latter two subscales extend beyond simply measuring
respondents' own levels of compassion, but the scale was nevertheless
included because it denes itself as a comprehensive measure of com-
passion and also because the subscales were psychometrically tested
individually. Content validity. The RCS was rated partially satisfactoryfor con-
tent validity. The scale's items that comprise the compassion for others
subscale assess people's capacity to recognize and understand suffering
and accept and not judge others (which implies tolerance), just two of
the ve elements in our denition of compassion. Additionally, some
items relate to other people's experiencesin general, rather than spe-
cically to their suffering. The items comprising the self-compassion
subscale assess emotional resonance and acting to alleviate suffering,
two of the ve elements in our denition. Items related to understand-
ing the universality of suffering were not included in either subscale. Factor structure and reliability. CFA using the nal version of the
RCS supported its proposed four-factor structure. Internal consistency
was acceptable for all four subscales. Testretest reliability was not
tested. Convergent validity and interpretability. Although several correla-
tions with related measures were 0.50, specic hypotheses appear not
to have been set out in advance aboutthe expected direction of correla-
tions and, in the discussion, the author highlights some unexpected
ndings. For example, the compassion for otherssubscale did not cor-
relate signicantly with a measure of self-criticism/self-attack and self-
reassurance (Gilbert, Clarke, Hempel, Miles, & Irons, 2004) and although
the self-compassion subscale was positively correlated with the SCS
(r= 0.65), this is arguably weaker than might be expected given they
allegedly measure the sameconstruct. Only one subgroup was analyzed
for interpretability (Arts versus Engineering students), however the au-
thors stated no predictions about differences between these groups.
3.1.8. Compassionate care assessment tool (CCAT; Burnell & Agan, 2013)
The 28-item CCAT was developed to measure levels of compassion
demonstrated by individual nurses providing care for patients in acute
hospital settings. In contrast to the other scales reviewed so far, this
scale is completed by patients in relation to their carers. Respondents
rate compassionate care from two perspectives the importance of
each item to them personally, and the degree to which their individual
nurses demonstrated these qualities. Ratings range from 1 to 4. A selec-
tion of possible items for the scale were derived from the Spiritual
Needs Survey (Galek, Flannelly, Vane, & Galek, 2005)andtheCaringBe-
haviors Inventory (Wu, Larrabee, & Putman, 2006), and rened after
consulting with hospital staff involved in implementing national criteria
for compassionate care, nurses, and patients. The CCAT focuses on four
domains: the ability of carers to establish meaningful connection (e.g.
having a sense of humor), to meet patient expectations (e.g. giving
timely treatments), display caring attributes (e.g. considering personal
needs), and exhibit capable practitioner qualities (e.g. appearing
24 C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527 Content validity. Overall, the scale was considered partially satis-
factory for content validity. It includes items relating to three of the ve
elements in our denition of compassion: whether patients thought
carers felt for them (emotional resonance), acted to help relieve their
suffering, and could tolerate distress (e.g. asking if they remained
calm at all times, treated them non-judgmentally, and excused their
shortcomings). Items related to recognizing suffering and understand-
ing the universality of suffering were not included. Additionally, some
of the items arerather ambiguousfor example, one item askswhether
nurses addressed difcult issues, which could relate to their ability to
tolerate distress, or to their ability to resolve more practical matters. It is
also questionable whether the scale is actually measuring levels of com-
passion of nurses; factor analyses appear to have been carried out based
on asking patients to rate how important each item wasto them, rather
than on asking them to rate the extent to which their carers behaved in
this way.
Furthermore, as a number of items were derived from the Spiritual
Needs Survey, thereis a fairly strong emphasis on whether spiritual sup-
port was offered to patients, which is not necessarily relevant to the
measurement of compassion for all patients. Similarly, several items
taken from the Caring Behaviors Inventory ask about whether nurses
gave timely treatments to patients, showed skill with equipment and
helped control pain; however, while competence may be important in
order to provide compassionate care, such abilities in themselves do
not necessarily equate to showing compassion. It could also be argued
that some of the areas tapped, such as providing timely treatments, con-
trolling pain, and providing access to spiritual support, depend on vari-
ables outside of nurses' power (i.e. managerial or organizational level
factors), and this raises a wider issue around the extent to which com-
passion can and should be measured at an individual or organizational
level. Factor structure and reliability. EFA supported a four-factor struc-
ture, with the four aforementioned domains. However, as previously
noted, analyses appear to have been carried out based on asking pa-
tients to rate how important each item was to them, rather than on ask-
ing them to rate the extent to which their carers behaved in this way.
This means that it is not clear whether the scale is measuring actual
levels of compassion of their nurses per se. Additionally, the authors re-
port that only 20 of the 28 items t into the four factors identied, but
they nonetheless appear to have retained all 28 items. Therefore, the
CCAT was given a rating of 0 for factor structure. Cronbach's alpha
values were adequate for the total scale and subscales. Testretest
reliability was not reported. Convergent validity and interpretability. Convergent validity was
not reported. Limited subgroup analyses were conducted for
3.1.9. The Schwartz center compassionate care scale (SCCCS; Lown,
Muncer, & Chadwick, 2015)
The 12-item SCCCS was developed to measure patients' ratings of
compassionate inpatient care received from physicians' during a recent
hospitalisation. Patients complete items using a ten-point scale from 1
(not at all successful) to 10 (very successful). Itemswere initially devel-
oped by a committee consisting of patients, family members of patients,
and individuals working in healthcare policy and advocacy, and were
ne-tuned in ve focus groups with patients, physicians, and nurses. Content validity. Overall, the SCCCS was considered partially sat-
isfactory for content validity. It includes items which could be
interpreted to relate to three of the ve elements in our denition of
compassion: Whether patients thought physicians expressed sensitivi-
ty, care, and compassion for them (emotional resonance/acting to alle-
viate suffering), listened attentively (recognizing suffering), and acted
in ways to relieve their suffering. The SCCCS did not appear to contain
items related to understanding the universality of suffering and tolerat-
ing uncomfortable feelings. Additionally, a couple of items refer to com-
petence in caring (whether physicians spend enough time with
patients, whether physicians communicate test results in a timely man-
ner) which does not necessarily equate to showing compassion and
could be dependent on factors outside of physicians' power (i.e. mana-
gerial or organizational level factors). Factor structure and reliability. The SCCCS originally consisted of
16 items which were split into two item sets and administered to 801
recently hospitalized patients; half were asked item set one and half
item set two. The authors conducted an EFA and CFA for each set of
items and concluded that items within each set were unidimensional.
However, they did not conduct analyses on all of the items, making it
impossible to determine whether the scale as a whole is unidimension-
al, or whether the measure consisted of two separate scales or subscales.
Despite this, the SCCCS was presented as a single scale. Although
Cronbach's alpha values were adequate for both sets, these values
were based on there being eight items in each set; the nal 12-item
scale consisted of seven items from the rst set and ve items from
the second set after the removal of problematic items (e.g. items with
lowest item-total correlations). The alpha value for all of the scale
items was also missing. Testretest reliability was not tested. Convergent validity and interpretability. The authors found mod-
erate to large, positive correlations between scores on both sets of
items from the 12-item SCCCS and related constructs. Interpretability
was not tested.
4. Discussion
The rst aim of this paper was to synthesize existing conceptualiza-
tions of compassion and to propose a new denition that integrates
common elements. A range of denitions from Buddhist and Western
psychological perspectives were considered and ve components of
compassion were identied: recognition of suffering; understanding
its universality; feeling sympathy, empathy, or concern for those who
are suffering (which we describe as emotional resonance); tolerating
the distress associated with the witnessing of suffering; and motivation
to act or acting to alleviate the suffering. Each of these components has
been articulated by several published denitions of compassion, al-
though no single existing denition explicitly includes all ve of them.
We do not claim that these ve elements constitute statistically distinct
factors of an overarching construct of compassion; this possibility must
be empirically tested. However, we argue that our denition provides a
useful foundation for the development of a comprehensive new mea-
sure of compassion.
The need for a new measure is supported by the ndings of our
review of existing measures of compassion. The maximum quality
rating of any measure was seven out of a possible fourteen, suggest-
ing that no scale exists that comprehensively measures compassion
and provides scores with acceptable levels of reliability and validity.
In other words, we cannot be condent that existing measures of
compassion are measuring this construct accurately and this raises
signicant barriers to scienticprogressintheeld how can we
assess compassion and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions
intended to enhance compassion if we cannot measure the construct
Quality ratings were low both because of poor ratings for content va-
lidity (the extent to which items appeared to t our denition of com-
passion) and because of poor or untested psychometric properties.
Internal consistency was strong for total scores but weak for many sub-
scales. Evidence for the proposed factor structure of some scales was
weak or absent. The presence of oor or ceiling effects was not exam-
ined for any scale, and testretest reliability was examined for only
one. Convergent correlations were generally signicant and in the
25C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
expected directions, but discriminant validity was not assessed. Low
quality ratings could also be attributed to measures being in their
early stages of development and initial papers being unlikely to include
a thorough test of psychometric properties. Quality ratings for compas-
sion measures may improve over time with additional research includ-
ing psychometric research.
The strongest measures identied were Neff's (2003b) Self-
Compassion Scale and Hacker's (2008) Relational Compassion Scale,
but neither of these measures capture each of the ve elements in our
denition. As Neff's measure focuses on self-compassion rather than
compassion more generally or compassion for others, it is in any case
not entirely suitable as a measure that can be used to determine levels
of compassion in populations for whom compassion towards others is
of interest(e.g., healthcareprofessionals).Given the current enthusiasm
for compassion across different contexts, it is critical for future research
to develop a psychometrically robust measure of the proposed
denition of compassion as well as to explore more fully the relation-
ship between self- and other-compassion.
4.1. Strengths and limitations
A strength of this review is its contribution to greater clarity in
the conceptualization of compassion and its components, which
have previously been described in a variety of ways. The ve ele-
ments of compassion extracted from our synthesis of denitions sug-
gests that compassion is a complex construct that includes emotion
but is more than an emotion, as it also includes perceptiveness or
sensitivity to suffering, understanding of its universality, acceptance,
nonjudgment, and distress tolerance, and intentions to act in helpful
ways. This conceptualization suggests that compassion can be state-
like and trait-like. Sensitivity to one's own or others'suffering, emotion-
al responsiveness, acceptance and nonjudgment in the face of suffering,
and motivation to be helpful are all likely to uctuate across time and
situations. On the other hand, Goetz et al. (2010) present evidence sug-
gesting that compassion can be seen as a trait-like quality that endures
over time (e.g., Eisenberg et al., 2002). An implicit assumption of
compassion-focused interventions seems to be that a trait-like general
tendency to be compassionate towards oneself or others can be devel-
oped through repeated practice of skills that cultivate compassionate
states, attitudes, or behaviors. Additionally, although many of the ques-
tionnaires reviewed treat compassion as a disposition that is fairly con-
sistent across contexts, some measures conceptualize compassion as
operating within a particular context or social interaction (e.g., the
This review assumes that compassion can indeed be measured with
questionnaire methods. Some authors have suggested that subtle but ob-
servable behaviors, such as using a soft tone of voice, may also be valid in-
dicators of compassion (Cameron, Mazer, DeLuca, Mohile, & Epstein,
2015), while Pearson (2006) notes that acts of compassion are often in-
visible,beingsimple not clever; basic not exquisite; peripheral not cen-
tral(p. 22). This means that, as Dewar, Pullin, and Tocheris (2011) note,
there is a danger, therefore, of measuring what is easy to quantify, rather
than what is important(p.32).Dewaretal.alsopointoutthatcompas-
sion can be seen as something that is negotiated between individuals in
their interactions. These points suggest that, as with many psychological
variables, questionnaire measures may only provide a partial picture of
compassion. Furthermore, while questionnaire measures benet from
being simple to administer and complete, and helpful for tapping people's
underlying attitudes where these are not directly observable, it may be
difcult for people to complete such measures accurately in some con-
texts, for example in situations where healthcare staff feel under threat
to be seen to be compassionate.
A further limitation of this review is the approach taken to iden-
tifying the denitions of compassion in Table 1. A systematic search
was attempted but the way the eld has evolved does not easily
lend itself to a systematic review. Dening compassion was very
rarely the primary purpose of papers; denitions were typically em-
bedded as secondary to addressing the primary purpose of the paper.
An early search generated an unfeasibly large number of results. We
therefore relied on the expertise of the authors to identify key theo-
rists and sources in the eld.
The review also assumed that individual levels of compassion should
be measured. However, it has been argued that measuring compassion
at the individual level opens people to accusations that they are not suf-
ciently compassionate. For example, in a healthcare context, this may re-
sult in a tendency to blame healthcare professionals for failings that in fact
relate to external factors such as resourcing pressures or organizational
restructuring (Crawford, Brown, Kvangarsnes, & Gilbert, 2014). This is
an important consideration and highlights the need to ensure that efforts
to measure levels of compassion among individuals do not serve to over-
state individual decits while deecting attention from the broader im-
pact of resourcing constraints and wider organizational changes.
4.2. Future research
This review has argued that currently no psychometrically robust
self- or observer-rated measure of compassion exists, despite wide-
spread interest in measuring and enhancing compassion towards
self and others. Future research should t herefore focus on developing
a psychometrically robust questionnaire-based measure of compas-
sion, while keeping in mind the complexities around measuring
this construct. It will subsequently be of value for future research
to identify interventions (at both an individual level and organiza-
tional level) that have the potential to enhance compassion and ex-
amine whether changes in compassion mediate the outcomes of
these interventions.
Although our reviewprovides a foundation for progressing research
into compassion, it represents a starting point. Futurework should artic-
ulate theory driven hypotheses that test the relationships between key
constructs and the validity of our ve-element denition of compassion.
This will generate important new knowledge about how these different
elements interact to give rise to compassion. It may be that some
elements are facilitators of compassion or emergent factors rather
than dening features.
Using a range of designs (including prospective and experimental
designs), and triangulation of measurement to include behavioral
(e.g., observable compassionate responses), bio-behavioral measures
(e.g., as derived from Gilbert's theory) and self-report measures, will
further aid the development of theory and understanding. It is likely
that this will have real practical implications for how best to cultivate
compassion in ways that support resilience and well being at both
personal and societal levels.
4.3. Conclusion
In recent years, compassion has received increased scientic
interest. Compassion has been dened here, in line with the literature,
as involving ve elements: recognizing suffering in others; understand-
ing the common humanity of this suffering; feeling emotionally con-
nected with the person who is suffering; tolerating difcult feelings
that may arise; and acting or being motivated to act to help the person.
A systematic search of measures of compassion was undertaken but all
of the identied measures were found to have notable psychometric
weaknesses. This is a serious limitation in the eld. For example, with-
out adequate measures, we cannot determine with any condence
levels of compassion or whether interventions designed to enhance
compassion are effective. Therefore, we now call for empirical testing
of our ve element denition and the development of a measure of
compassion, following good practice guidelines to identify items and
to test its psychometric properties.
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27C. Strauss et al. / Clinical Psy chology Revi ew 47 (2016) 1527
... It is important to note that, from a psychological perspective, there it is still a debate about whether compassion for others and self-compassion can be subsumed under the same overarching construct. Many conceptualizations and definitions of compassion, however, do not distinguish between other-and self-compassion (Strauss et al., 2016). Therefore, research on compassion may provide valuable insights into developing abilities related to self-compassion. ...
... In their review, Strauss et al. (2016) identified five elements of compassion: recognizing suffering, understanding the universality of suffering, emotional resonance, tolerating uncomfortable feelings, acting or being motivated to act to alleviate suffering. Roeser et al. (2018), in an attempt self-compassion. ...
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Self-compassion is increasingly recognized as an adaptive resource for coping with personal distress by reducing the sense of threat and creating feelings of safeness, yet little is known about its developmental origins. We review a broad body of literature examining self-compassion in childhood and adolescence hoping to stimulate developmental research and point to practical implications. Apart from classifying studies in terms of study characteristics (e.g., populations, measures), we categorized all studies according to their research domain(s): psychosocial environment, mental and physical health, achievement or performance, and mindfulness-related constructs. One hundred and forty-one articles – looking at self-compassion as predictor or outcome variable – were identified. We found a sharp increase of publications within the past 10 years. Descriptive analyses of research domains show a strong interest in understanding the relation between self-compassion and mental health, although little is known about the directionality of this relationship and how positive vs. negative (self-criticism) aspects of self-compassion contribute to vulnerability or resilience in young people. Furthermore, inter- and intra-individual factors that may potentially affect the development of self-compassion have been identified. Of interest, studies have retrospectively identified factors within the family (e.g., parenting, attachment) that contribute to individual differences in self-compassion. Longitudinal studies, however, are still scarce. Self-compassion has also been investigated as a potential mechanism of how early trauma impacts later (mal)adjustment. Choosing a broad focus, allowed us to shed light on domains that either have been given attention to or have been neglected in the study of self-compassion in children and adolescents.
... It includes ideals such as love, compassion, tolerance, and forgiveness. Strauss et al. (2016) examined the literature and found a lack of consensus regarding the definition of compassion. However, they developed a five-element definition that includes the following components: feeling a deep emotional connection with those who suffer, acknowledging the universal nature of human suffering, tolerating the difficult emotions that arise from such empathy, and taking action to provide assistance to alleviate their suffering. ...
... Compassion is a universally recognized virtue central to many religious and philosophical traditions (Strauss et al., 2016). Biblical texts, such as Psalm 72, highlight the importance of compassion for effective leadership. ...
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The post-truth era, characterized by information overload, the ascendance of image over substance, and the proliferation of misinformation, has led to a decline in critical thinking and a rise in dangerously simplistic binary thinking. This phenomenon, exacerbated by a mental health crisis among young adults, necessitates the cultivation of intellectual humility. This paper provides a framework for achieving success and happiness. By adopting a multifaceted approach, including intellectual humility and critical thinking, individuals can navigate the challenges of the modern world and enhance their mental well-being. Organizational leaders will also find these concepts useful.
... The third one is mindfulness, which is described as awareness of one's present-moment negative experience. Even though different definitions of SC have been proposed over time, in line with Buddhist conceptualizations, it is believed, e.g., [2], to encompass affective, behavioral, and cognitive components such as recognizing pain, understanding that suffering is a universal part of the human experience, empathizing with distress, tolerating the uncomfortable emotions it evokes, accepting the situation, and taking action to ease it. Many studies have highlighted links between SC and several positive outcomes in adults and youths. ...
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Background: Although self-compassion has been consistently linked to positive outcomes in adults and adolescents, only a few studies have explored self-compassion in children and early adolescents due to a lack of measures specifically designed for younger populations. Methods: The current study explored the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the Self-Compassion Scale for Children (SCS-C) in a sample of 230 children (mean age = 10.52, SD = 1.33). Results: The results revealed a two-factor solution for our data, with a positive self-compassion factor and a negative self-compassion factor, which were shown to be internally consistent. The SCS-C scores correlated with the children’s mindfulness, self-esteem, and narcissistic traits in the assumed directions. Conclusions: Overall, our study preliminarily supports the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the SCS-C.
... Compassion is a related construct that has often been confused and conflated with mindfulness (R. Baer, 2019;Khoury, 2019). Components of compassion that have been identified in the psychological literature include recognition of suffering; understanding the universality of suffering; feeling sympathy, empathy, or concern for those who are suffering; tolerating the distress associated with the witnessing of suffering; and motivation to act or acting to alleviate the suffering (Strauss et al., 2016). In this study, we conceptualize mindfulness and compassion as distinct constructs that must be learned and practiced as separate skills and then deployed in tandem for developing flourishing. ...
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Colleges and universities are increasingly common contexts in which young people navigate the transition to adulthood. Research suggests that mindfulness and compassion may support undergraduates as they navigate this developmental transition. Embedding learning about mindfulness, compassion, and flourishing into college curricula demonstrates promise in supporting undergraduate wellness and academic outcomes. However, there is a need to generate curricula that are relevant to the lived realities of undergraduates and attentive to relational dimensions of wellness, including social justice and systemic determinants of health. Codesign holds promise as a method to generate such curricula. This study used qualitative methods to examine the codesign of an accredited college-level course that teaches about the interrelationship between mindfulness, compassion, human flourishing, and social justice. Qualitative data that emerged during the codesign process were analyzed to answer the following research questions: (1) How did mindfulness and compassion practice support the codesign process? (2) What design tensions emerged during the adaptation and collaborative design of a social justice-oriented mindfulness and compassion-based course? We found that weaving shared mindfulness and compassion practice into the codesign process supported study participants in working with their emotions, connecting with others, and balancing power. In turn, these skills allowed codesign team to effectively grapple with complex design tensions that arose on the levels of vision, approach, and project tensions as the team sought to fulfill its commitments to individual and collective transformation.
... In these reviews, we note a common lament that there needs to be more agreement about defining or conceptualizing any particular virtue. For instance, Strauss et al. (2016) and Gilbert (2017) observe that the definition of compassion is diverse, featuring many variations in both organizational and interpersonal settings. Similar statements regarding many other virtues appear throughout the PSS literature. ...
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This article aims to help Positive Social Science (PSS) researchers develop theories of virtues, whether of single, discrete virtues, or several virtues considered together. We argue that a weak virtue theory assumes a virtue consists of single constructs, whereas a deep virtue theory assumes a virtue is an integrated system of constructs. We briefly review indicators of weak theory in the PSS literature: definitional divergence, valence confusion, and conceptual incommensurability. Drawing from the field of Virtue Ethics, we suggest four essential attributes of a virtue that should guide the development of deep virtue theory. Any virtue is (1) holistic, in that it integrates all aspects of character, including cognition, affect, and behavior; (2) a human good, in that it is an intrinsic aspect of individual well-being and a flourishing community; (3) situationally expressed, such that prudence regulates its enactment across various situations; and (4) characteristic, in that it is a second-nature trait rather than a state. We suggest four principles that account for these attributes. Scholars might use these principles to build deep virtue theory and evaluate existing, empirically based PSS virtue theories. We propose that PSS scholars will create more robust theories, develop more defensible and meaningful measures, and generate more compelling accounts of specific virtues if they draw on these principles.
... This allows them to better understand potential risks, reduce medical errors and build patient trust (Ahmed, Ellahham, Soomro, Shams, & Latif, 2024). Furthermore, Strauss et al. (2016) have proposed a new definition of compassion as a cognitive, affective and behavioral process consisting of the following five elements that refer to both self and other-compassion: recognizing suffering; understanding the universality of suffering in human experience; feeling empathy for the person suffering and connecting with the distress (emotional resonance); tolerating uncomfortable feelings aroused in response to the suffering person (e.g., distress, anger, fear) so remaining open to and accepting of the person suffering, and motivation of act/acting to alleviate suffering. ...
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Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown experience required finding new resources and lifestyle changes. Understanding people’s behaviors during the pandemic and its potential effects on mental health indicators and well-being is essential for future directions. This study aimed to compare mental health symptoms during Portugal’s first lockdown with normative data, analyze the perceived utility of activities during this period, and explore how these perceptions related to individuals’ mental health indicators and emotion regulation processes (e.g., mindfulness and compassion). Methods A sample comprising 238 (186 women and 52 men) participants completed an online survey during the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic in April (M1) and June (M2) 2020. The survey addressed the perceived utility of various activities to deal with the lockdown (e.g., exercise). It also included self-report measures of psychopathological symptoms and emotion regulation processes. Results No differences were found between depression and anxiety scores (at M1 and M2) and Portuguese normative pre-pandemic data. During the lockdown, perceived stress was higher than normative data. Reading, being outdoors, talking with friends, video calls, and helping others were scored as very useful. Mean comparisons of emotion regulation processes and psychopathological symptoms based on the utility of activities to deal with the lockdown were reported. Discussion Activities related to meaningful connections with others and personal activities may be encouraged as protective activities buffering the potentially harmful effect of isolation and external and uncontrollable threats. These findings highlighted the importance of promoting personal health behaviors and emphasize real social connections (e.g., social activities prescriptions).
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Günümüzün hızla değişen ve karmaşık iş dünyasında, örgütlerin başarısı yalnızca finansal performanslarına değil, aynı zamanda çalışanlarının refahına, motivasyonuna ve uyum yeteneklerine de bağlıdır. Bu bağlamda, örgütsel davranış disiplini, bireylerin, grupların ve örgütlerin karmaşık etkileşimlerini anlamak ve yönetmek için kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Elinizdeki bu kitap, Örgütsel Davranışta Güncel Konular, çağdaş iş yaşamının getirdiği önemli sorunları ve fırsatları ele alarak bu alandaki bilgi birikimine katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kitabımızda , "İşletme Hastalıkları Bağlamında: Örgütsel Körlük ve Silo Sendromu" bölümünde etkili bilgi paylaşımını ve işbirliğini engelleyen yaygın sorunları ele alınıyor. "İçten Dışa: Özşefkat ve Şefkatli Liderlik" bölümü, bireylerin ve liderlerin duygusal zekâlarını ve empati yeteneklerini geliştirerek daha sağlıklı ve üretken bir çalışma ortamı yaratmanın önemini vurguluyor. "İşyeri Kıskançlığının İşyeri Engellerine Etkisinde Örgütsel Sadakatin Rolü" bölümü, işyeri kıskançlığının yıkıcı etkilerini ve örgütsel sadakatin bu etkileri nasıl azaltabileceğini inceliyor. "Bireyin İnşası: Kişilik, Kuramlar ve Ölçüm Yaklaşımları" bölümü ise, bireysel farklılıkların anlaşılmasında temel olan kişilik kuramlarını ve ölçüm yöntemlerini ele alarak, okuyuculara insan davranışının karmaşıklığını kavrama konusunda derinlemesine bir bakış açısı sunuyor. "Ay Işığında Çalışmak: Nedenleri ve Sonuçları ile Bir Değerlendirme" bölümü, günümüzde giderek yaygınlaşan ek iş yapma trendini ve bunun iş-yaşam dengesi, performans ve örgütsel bağlılık üzerindeki etkilerini inceliyor. Bu kitap, hem akademik çevreler hem de iş dünyası profesyonelleri için değerli bir kaynak olmayı hedeflemektedir. Örgütsel davranış alanındaki güncel araştırmalara ve uygulamalara dayanan bu çalışma, okuyucuların modern işyerinin dinamiklerini daha iyi anlamalarına ve daha etkili stratejiler geliştirmelerine yardımcı olacaktır. Kitabımızın, örgütsel davranış alanındaki bilgi birikimine katkıda bulunacağına ve okuyucularımız için ufuk açıcı bir kaynak olacağına inanıyoruz. Saygılarımla Editör Doç. Dr. Ayşe İpek KOCA BALLI
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Celem projektu było zbadanie potencjalnych związków, występujących między troską duchową, samowspółczuciem, współczuciem wobec innych i przebaczeniem dyspozycyjnym u osób duchownych. Zweryfikowano mediacyjną rolę samowspółczucia i współczucia innym w relacji między troską duchową a dyspozycją do przebaczenia. W badaniu wzięły udział 183 osoby duchowne. Wykorzystano następujące narzędzia: Kwestionariusz Troski Duchowej, Skala Współczucia dla Samego Siebie, Skala Współczucia dla Innych oraz Skala Przebaczenia. Analizy korelacyjne wykazały pozytywne, istotne statystycznie, związki między troską duchową i przebaczeniem dyspozycyjnym, jak również między współczuciem sobie i innym a przebaczeniem i troską duchową. Ponadto, dzięki analizom mediacyjnym, stwierdzono, iż zarówno samowspółczucie, jak i współczucie innym pełniły funkcję mediacyjną w relacji troski duchowej i przebaczenia dyspozycyjnego u osób duchownych.
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Consistency of measures of a prosocial personality and prosocial moral judgment over time, and the interrelations among them, were examined. Participants' and friends' reports of prosocial characteristics were obtained at ages 21-22, 23-24, and 25-26 years. In addition, participants' prosocial judgment was assessed with interviews and with an objective measure of prosocial moral reasoning at several ages. Reports of prosocial behavior and empathy-related responding in childhood and observations of prosocial behavior in preschool also were obtained. There was interindividual consistency in prosocial dispositions, and prosocial dispositions in adulthood related to empathy/sympathy and prosocial behavior at much younger ages. Interview and objective measures of moral reasoning were substantially interrelated in late adolescence/early adulthood and correlated with participants' and friends' reports of a prosocial disposition.
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Recently, the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) has been criticized for problems with psychometric validity. Further, the use of an overall self-compassion score that includes items representing the lack of self-compassion has been called into question. I argue that the SCS is consistent with my definition of self-compassion, which I see as a dynamic balance between the compassionate versus uncompassionate ways that individuals emotionally respond to pain and failure (with kindness or judgment), cognitively understand their predicament (as part of the human experience or as isolating), and pay attention to suffering (in a mindful or over-identified manner). A summary of new empirical evidence is provided using a bi-factor analysis, which indicates that at least 90 % of the reliable variance in SCS scores can be explained by an overall self-compassion factor in five different populations, justifying the use of a total scale score. Support for a six-factor structure to the SCS was also found; however, suggesting the scale can be used in a flexible manner depending on the interests of researchers. I also discuss the issue of whether a two-factor model of the SCS—which collapses self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness items into a “self-compassion” factor and self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification items into a “self-criticism” factor—makes theoretical sense. Finally, I present new data showing that self-compassion training increases scores on the positive SCS subscales and decreases scores on the negative subscales, supporting the idea that self-compassion represents more compassionate and fewer uncompassionate responses to suffering.
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Background: Compassion has not been universally defined or understood, nonetheless is recognized as a component of nursing excellence. If compassionate care is routine in health care delivery models, nursing behaviors and actions that exemplify compassion ought to be easily identifiable to patients. However, a standardized scale measuring compassionate care attributes has been notably absent.Objective: To address this gap and ascertain the importance of compassionate care to patients, a Compassionate Care Assessment Tool (CCAT)© was formulated. This new tool, derived from a pilot study of two published surveys, combined the constructs of compassion and caring to generate 28 elements of compassionate care.Methodology: The CCAT© was administered to 250 hospitalized patients. Patients were asked to rate (a) the importance of these items to compassionate care and (b) the extent to which nurses made this type of care apparent to them.Results: Four categorical segments illustrated compassion from the patients’ perspective: the ability to establish meaningful connections, meet expectations, exhibit caring attributes, and function as a capable practitioner.Conclusions: The provision of compassionate care requires a holistic approach. Patients value nurses forming personal connections, serving as their advocates, and responding to their individual needs.
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The Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) is currently the only self-report instrument to measure self-compassion. The SCS is widely used despite the limited evidence for the scale's psychometric properties, with validation studies commonly performed in college students. The current study examined the factor structure, reliability, and construct validity of the SCS in a large representative sample from the community. The study was conducted in 1,736 persons, of whom 1,643 were included in the analyses. Besides the SCS, data was collected on positive and negative indicators of psychological functioning, as well as on rumination and neuroticism. Analyses included confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), exploratory factor analyses (EFA), and correlations. CFA showed that the SCS's proposed six-factor structure could not be replicated. EFA suggested a two-factor solution, formed by the positively and negatively formulated items respectively. Internal consistency was good for the two identified factors. The negative factor (i.e., sum score of the negatively formulated items) correlated moderately to strongly to negative affect, depressive symptoms, perceived stress, as well as to rumination and neuroticism. Compared to this negative factor, the positive factor (i.e., sum score of the positively formulated items) correlated weaker to these indicators, and relatively more strongly to positive affect. Results from this study do not justify the common use of the SCS total score as an overall indicator of self-compassion, and provide support for the idea, as also assumed by others, that it is important to make a distinction between self-compassion and self-criticism.
To facilitate a multidimensional approach to empathy the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) includes 4 subscales: Perspective-Taking (PT) Fantasy (FS) Empathic Concern (EC) and Personal Distress (PD). The aim of the present study was to establish the convergent and discriminant validity of these 4 subscales. Hypothesized relationships among the IRI subscales between the subscales and measures of other psychological constructs (social functioning self-esteem emotionality and sensitivity to others) and between the subscales and extant empathy measures were examined. Study subjects included 677 male and 667 female students enrolled in undergraduate psychology classes at the University of Texas. The IRI scales not only exhibited the predicted relationships among themselves but also were related in the expected manner to other measures. Higher PT scores were consistently associated with better social functioning and higher self-esteem; in contrast Fantasy scores were unrelated to these 2 characteristics. High EC scores were positively associated with shyness and anxiety but negatively linked to egotism. The most substantial relationships in the study involved the PD scale. PD scores were strongly linked with low self-esteem and poor interpersonal functioning as well as a constellation of vulnerability uncertainty and fearfulness. These findings support a multidimensional approach to empathy by providing evidence that the 4 qualities tapped by the IRI are indeed separate constructs each related in specific ways to other psychological measures.
This chapter reviews historical and modern perspectives on the positive emotion of compassion. From the time of Aristotle, compassion has been defined as an emotion experienced when individuals witness another person suffering through serious troubles, which are not self-inflicted and that we can picture ourselves experiencing. Compassion at its core is, therefore, a process of connecting by identifying with another person. The identification with others generated from compassion can then provide the motivation to do something to relieve the suffering of others. Compassion is, therefore, an emotion that is vital to the practice of medicine, psychology, and other helping professions. The chapter concludes by proposing that one future topic for the field of positive psychology will be to develop interventions and educational programs that instill compassion in helping professionals.
Background During the last years, there has been a growing interest in self-compassion. Empirical evidences show that self-compassion is associated with psychological benefits among young adults and it might be considered a buffer factor in several mental disorders.AimsThe aim of this study was to validate the psychometric properties of the Self-compassion Scale (SCS: Neff, 2003a) after the initial lack of replicating the original six-factor structure.Method Data were collected from the overall database of a research centre (56 men and 305 women; mean age = 25.19) and comprised four groups: borderline personality disorder, anxiety disorder, eating disorder and general population.ResultsConfirmatory factor analysis supported a two-factor model (self-compassionate attitude versus self-critical attitude) with good internal consistencies, construct-related validity and external validity. Configural, weak measurement and structural invariance of the two-factor model of SCS were also shown.Conclusions Findings support the generalizability of the two-factor model and show that both properties and interpretations of scores on self-compassion are equivalent across these population groups. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Key Practitioner MessageA two-factor structure of SCS with strong psychometric validity was supported in clinical and non-clinical samples.Helping individuals with limited experiences of compassion to develop positive internal processing systems seems to be related with better mental health, self-acceptance and self-nurturing abilities.The non-probabilistic sampling limits the generalization of our conclusions.
This article defines the construct of self-compassion and describes the development of the Self-Compassion Scale. Self-compassion entails being kind and understanding toward oneself in instances of pain or failure rather than being harshly self-critical; perceiving one's experiences as part of the larger human experience rather than seeing them as isolating; and holding painful thoughts and feelings in mindful awareness rather than over-identifying with them. Evidence for the validity and reliability of the scale is presented in a series of studies. Results indicate that self-compassion is significantly correlated with positive mental health outcomes such as less depression and anxiety and greater life satisfaction. Evidence is also provided for the discriminant validity of the scale, including with regard to self-esteem measures.