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Domain Specific and Model Based Systems Engineering in the Smart Grid as Prerequesite for Security by Design


Abstract and Figures

The development of Smart Grid systems has proven to be a challenging task. Besides the inherent technical complexity, the involvement of different stakeholders from different disciplines is a major challenge. In order to maintain the strict security requirements, holistic systems engineering concepts and reference architectures are required that enable the integration, maintenance and evaluation of Smart Grid security. In this paper, a conceptual approach is presented on how to enable the integration of security by design in the development of Smart Grid Systems. A major cornerstone of this approach is the development of a domain-specific and standards-based modelling language on basis of the M/490 Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM). Furthermore, this modelling approach is utilized to develop a reference architecture model on basis of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Logical Reference Model (LRM) with its integrated security concepts. The availability of a standards-based reference architecture model enables the instantiation of particular solutions with a profound basis for security. Moreover, it is demonstrated how such architecture models can be utilized to gain insights into potential security implications and furthermore can serve as a basis for implementation.
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Domain Specific and Model Based Systems
Engineering in the Smart Grid as Prerequesite for
Security by Design
Christian Neureiter 1,*, Dominik Engel 1,† and Mathias Uslar 2,†
1Josef Ressel Center for User-Centric Smart Grid Privacy, Security and Control,
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Urstein Süd 1, 5412 Puch, Salzburg, Austria;
2Institute for Information Technology Oldenburg (OFFIS), Escherweg 2, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany;
*Correspondence:; Tel.:+43-50-2211-1328; Fax: +43-50-2211-1349
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Academic Editors: Alfredo Vaccaro and Jin (Wei) Kocsis
Received: 25 March 2016; Accepted: 24 May 2016; Published: 28 May 2016
The development of Smart Grid systems has proven to be a challenging task. Besides the
inherent technical complexity, the involvement of different stakeholders from different disciplines is
a major challenge. In order to maintain the strict security requirements, holistic systems engineering
concepts and reference architectures are required that enable the integration, maintenance and
evaluation of Smart Grid security. In this paper, a conceptual approach is presented on how to enable
the integration of security by design in the development of Smart Grid Systems. A major cornerstone
of this approach is the development of a domain-specific and standards-based modelling language on
basis of the M/490 Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM). Furthermore, this modelling approach
is utilized to develop a reference architecture model on basis of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) Logical Reference Model (LRM) with its integrated security concepts. The
availability of a standards-based reference architecture model enables the instantiation of particular
solutions with a profound basis for security. Moreover, it is demonstrated how such architecture
models can be utilized to gain insights into potential security implications and furthermore can serve
as a basis for implementation.
Smart Grid; Systems Engineering; Model Driven Engineering; Smart Grid Reference
Architecture; SGAM; NISTIR 7628
1. Introduction
Today’s electricity system faces major challenges by the ongoing integration of renewable energy
resources on distribution level. These resources, often referred to as Distributed Energy Resources (DER),
are characterized by a volatile injection behavior depending on the availability of their primary energy
source such as wind or sun. As a consequence, the maintenance of the overall grid stability requires a
sophisticated management of now bidirectional energy flows. Thus, the ICT-based grid automation
is going to be extended onto distribution system level which involves the integration of individual
participants such as electric vehicles, photovoltaic systems or Smart Meter.
To enable the aforementioned scenario, today’s energy system is going to evolve towards a
Smart Grid which is described by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) as “modernization of the
electricity delivery system so it monitors, protects and automatically optimizes the operation of its interconnected
elements - from
the central and distributed generator through the high-voltage network and distribution system,
to industrial users and building automation systems, to energy storage installations and to end-use consumers
Electronics 2016,5, 24; doi:10.3390/electronics5020024
Electronics 2016,5, 24 2 of 42
and their thermostats, electric vehicles, appliances and other household devices” [
]. Some more detailed
considerations on possible future directions of the grid can be found for example in [
] or [
A detailed comparison between the existing grid and the Smart Grid is delivered by Farhangi et al. [
From a more holistic viewpoint and by following the system classification from [
] it can be
argued that the grid evolves from a massively interconnected, complicated system towards a complex system
which is characterized “by a huge number of elements and connections with a high variety and dynamically
established connections”.
However, the electric energy system is classified as critical infrastructure which implies excessive
reliability requirements. To maintain a stable grid operation in the future, the ongoing evolution will
have a huge impact on distribution system design as outlined in [
]. Particular considerations on this
issue can be found, for example, in a critical discussion published by Moslehi et al. [
]. The authors
conclude that an architectural approach for transforming the power grid to a “smarter grid” is required.
Especially the need for a systematic approach for grid wide integration of the necessary IT technologies
is highlighted. Further considerations on present research challenges in this context can be found for
example in [
] or [
]. These considerations are complemented by Gungor et al. who deliver some
more detailed discussions on requirements for the ICT based communication infrastructure [11].
Besides the arising grid related challenges, ICT-related challenges such as privacy or security are
lifted to a new level [
]. The presence of a huge number of individual interconnected participants
increases the potential weak points in terms of security dramatically. A successful exploitation of a
potential weak point could limit reliability and lead to a black out with severe consequences. As the
availability of electric energy has become a backbone of modern societies, the US Department of
Energy states “The issue of blackouts has far broader implications than simply waiting for the lights to come
on. Imagine plant production stopped, perishable food spoiling, traffic lights dark, and credit card transactions
rendered inoperable. Such are the effects of even a short regional blackout” [14].
By now, the awareness on these issues is very high and a broad consensus on the importance
of privacy and security for the Smart Grid exists. Thus, these issues are subject of investigations in
respect to various different aspects such as encryption and authentication [
], hardware security [
or, communication infrastructure in general [
]. However, in order to realize and maintain security it
is necessary to consider a system from a holistic viewpoint. Moreover, as the goal should be to realize
“security by design”, appropriate considerations should take place in every stage of the development.
Various standardization bodies conducted work in this field that aims at the delivery of suitable
concepts. Especially the NISTIR 7628 Guidelines for Smart Grid Cybersecurity [
] and the work conducted
by the European Smart Grid Coordination Group among the European
Mandate M/490
] are
well-known and of great importance. However, the proposed considerations are kind of theoretic
and take place on a rather high level. Thus, the implementation of these concepts during development
represents a challenge.
The relation between the two mentioned issues complexity and security has been brought to the
point by Schumacher et al.:“Complexity is the worst enemy of security” [
] (p. 531). In the foreword of this
publication the authors argue that “[...] security is often afterthought in system design and implementation.
The enterprise context and requirements that drive system security are not addressed explicitly, and are not
incorporated into system architectures” [
]. To manage the integration of security in complex systems
“by design”, the authors relate security with the Systems Engineering approach. This approach is
well-known in other safety critical domains such as automotive, aeronautics or defense. One of the
main goals of this approach is to consider a complex system “as a whole” by involvement of all
stakeholders with their particular interests rather than working on isolated aspects.
As outlined by Haberfellner et al. [
], Systems Engineering goes hand in hand with the concepts of
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) [
]. This approach utilizes formally described and prescriptive
(a-priori) models to handle the complexity of a system. By maintaining the fundamental principles of
“Separation of Concerns” and “Divide and Conquer” particular concerns of different stakeholders can
Electronics 2016,5, 24 3 of 42
be considered individually by still maintaining a complete model of a system. This aspect is of great
importance for interdisciplinary development.
One major concern in context of MDE is the selection of an appropriate modeling language. Today,
General Purpose Languages (GPL) such as UML [
] or SysML [
] are widely spread. Much more,
extensions of these languages exist that aim at emphasizing particular aspects. For example, in terms
of security, UMLsec [30] or the more recently introduced SysML-sec [31] can be mentioned.
A contrasting approach aims at the utilization of Domain Specific Languages (DSL) with a dedicated
focus on a particular application domain [
]. In context of Smart Grids, the concept of DSLs is of
special importance. The expected, dynamic characteristic of the Smart Grid will introduce new tasks to
utilities. They need to develop appropriate skills for developing, operating and maintaining complex
systems. Established concepts such as UML or SysML for sure deliver the necessary capabilities.
However, for organizations with no software background, the application of these concepts is rather
challenging which limits acceptance dramatically. To successfully introduce MDE to the energy domain
it is necessary to develop concepts that rely on the domain experts “natural language”. Identifying such
a common language for different stakeholders from the application domain can be rather difficult.
To develop such a common language the proposed approach supposes work from standardization
bodies to be the lowest, common denominator. Thus, one of the key aspects is to utilize domain specific
architecture frameworks as basis for the development of a domain specific language.
From a scientific point of view, the incorporation of models for Smart Grid development is subject
of different work. Several approaches exist that rely on models for investigating selected aspect such
as the integration of certain data models or protocols [
]. In contrast, other approaches consider
utilization of models on a rather high level. For example, Lopes et al. [
] or Kaitovich et al. [
discuss the utilization of models for the purpose of managing complexity. However, both of these two
approaches rely on SysML as modeling language. Domain specific concepts that allow to (1) develop
Smart Grid solutions in respect to reference architecture models from standardization bodies and (2)
integrate corresponding security concepts (such as the NIST Guidelines) by design are missing.
The paper at hands aims at bridging the gap between Systems Engineering and Smart Grids in order
to tackle complexity as worst enemy of security. Thus, a domain specific Systems Engineering concept is
proposed. This Systems Engineering concept relies on a dedicated DSL that is developed in reference
to Smart Grid standardization work.
The main contribution of this approach is a conceptual framework for Smart Grid specific
Systems Engineering that consists of five building blocks. The first building block comprises a
development process that aligns engineering of Smart Grid systems with the concepts from Model
Driven Architecture (MDA) as specified by the Object Management Group (OMG) [
]. The second
building block states the backbone of this approach. It comprises a DSL that is obtained on basis of
the European Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) [
] and the American NIST Logical Reference
Model (NIST LRM) [
]. Building block three is of major importance for the realization of security
by design. It comprises the development of a Reference Architecture Model (RAM) on basis of the
NIST LRM and with incorporation of the corresponding security concepts. To complete the picture
of MDE, building block four illustrates how to evaluate particular architecture models on basis of
certain Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Moreover, building block five discusses how to bridge the gap
between system architecture and component realization by linking architecture models with particular
implementation frameworks. This building block is quite visionary and rather aims at outlining the
idea than presenting a concrete implementation.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2briefly describes the most relevant
concepts from standardization bodies that contribute to the presented approach. An overview of
the overall concept together with a brief description of the particular building blocks is given in
Section 3. Section 4goes one step beyond as it delivers a more detailed insight in the present state
of implementation for all building blocks. To demonstrate the application of the DSL as cornerstone
of the approach, Section 5gives a complete example. Finally, Section 6concludes this paper with a
Electronics 2016,5, 24 4 of 42
short summary, a discussion on the experiences made during application and an outline of future
work required.
2. Related Work
As motivated in Section 1, the goal of the presented approach is to provide a domain
specific engineering framework with respect to architectural concepts from standardization bodies.
Moreover, contributions from both, American and European standardization bodies are incorporated
into a Domain Specific Language which states the backbone of this approach. Even if already some DSL
based approaches exist [
], to our best knowledge we are not aware of any other approach that
obtains a Smart Grid specific DSL on basis of standardization work. Or, as presented in this approach,
on basis of a combination of both, standardization work from Europe (SGAM) and America (NIST
LRM). However, according to the focus of this paper, this section briefly introduces various concepts
proposed by standardization bodies that contribute to the presented approach.
2.1. IEC 62559-2 Use Case Template
In the field of software engineering the utilization of Use Cases is state-of-the-art since the late 90s.
Use Cases provide a common methodology for a formal description of functionality, especially when
interactions are in focus. A widespread approach is the utilization of the Unified Modeling Language
(UML) that integrates Use Case modeling. Other domains, however, lack a common concept for
such specifications.
As the field of Smart Grid deeply relies on interactions, the IntelliGrid EPRI domain adopted
this concept and a formal glossary and categorization for requirements of domain-specific utility
communication solutions has been provided [
]. On basis of feedback from utility experiences
the IEC 62559-2 Use Case Template has been proposed [
]. This template gives a framework
for a formal description of particular Smart Grid related Use Cases. By now, this template finds
broad acceptance within the community. Also, adequate tool support has been developed. A very
well-known example is the DKE hosted Use Case Management Repository (UCMR) that has been used
for common development and information sharing during the work conducted among the European
Standardization Mandate M/490 [19].
However, even if guidance for a formal description of Use Cases is given, different drawbacks
exist. First, the template is very exhaustive and thus, the description of particular Use Cases is quite
time consuming. Second, the template does not provide information about the abstraction level and
thus, the granularity of Use Cases developed on this basis differs strongly. For an efficient application
of this template additional guidance is necessary. For example, this template could be used to develop
Use Cases on a rather high abstraction level whereas classic UML constructs could be applied for
developing more low level Use Cases.
2.2. Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM)
In the recent past notable efforts have been made in terms of Smart Grids standardization.
The Smart Grid Coordination Group (SGCG), driven by the European standardization bodies
European Telecommunications Standardization Institute (ETSI) and European Committee for Electrotechnical
Standardization (CENELEC) has been issued with the European mandate M/490. Under the umbrella of
this mandate, a holistic view on the present standardization landscape should be elaborated in order to
identify standardization gaps. In late 2012, the results of four working groups were published [
A very crucial aspect of this work was the formalization of a certain architecture model, capable
of providing a standardized decomposition of Smart Grid systems with a focus on interoperability.
As starting point for the specification of such an architecture model the well-known NIST Conceptual
Model [
] has been chosen. This conceptual model denotes the particular domains of the electric
energy system and depicts the interrelations in between with a focus on both, electric connections and
Electronics 2016,5, 24 5 of 42
logical interactions. To address the arising changes of the energy system this model has been extended
by a Distributed Energy Resources (DER) domain as depicted in Figure 1.
For integration of ICT components, responsible for controlling the particular domains of the
energy conversion chain, the extended domain model has been combined with the SCADA automation
pyramid. This combination yields the Smart Grid plane as depicted in Figure 2. The Smart Grid plane
is spanned by the Domains axis that decomposes the electric energy conversion chain and the Zones axis
which provides a hierarchical view on the information management. In [
] the particular domains are
described as follows.
Bulk Generation:
Representing generation of electrical energy in bulk quantities, such as by
fossil, nuclear and hydro power plants, off-shore wind farms, large scale solar power plant (i.e.,
PV, CSP)—typically connected to the transmission system;
Representing the infrastructure and organization which transports electricity over
long distances;
Representing the infrastructure and organization which distributes electricity
to customers;
Representing distributed electrical resources directly connected to the public distribution
grid, applying small-scale power generation technologies (typically in the range of 3 kW to
10,000 kW). These distributed electrical resources may be directly controlled by DSO;
Customer Premises:
Hosting both-end users of electricity, also producers of electricity.
The premises include industrial, commercial and home facilities (e.g., chemical plants, airports,
harbors, shopping centers, homes). Also generation in form of e.g., photovoltaic generation,
electric vehicles storage, batteries, micro turbines, etc., are hosted.
Figure 1.
EU extension of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Conceptual Model
based on [20].
Electronics 2016,5, 24 6 of 42
Distribution DER Customer
Power System
Equipment &
Energy Conversion
Figure 2.
Smart Grid plane spanned by domains and hierarchical zones, reproduced with permission
from [20]. Copyright 2012, European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
Also, a detailed description for the integrated zones is given [20].
Reflecting the market operations possible along the energy conversion chain, e.g., energy
trading, mass market, retail market, etc.
Includes commercial and organizational processes, services and infrastructures for
enterprises (utilities, service providers, energy traders, etc.), e.g., asset management, logistics, work
force management, staff training, customer relation management, billing and procurement, etc.
Hosting power system control operation in the respective domain, e.g., distribution
management systems (DMS), energy management systems (EMS) in generation and transmission
systems, microgrid management systems, virtual power plant management systems (aggregating
several DER), electric vehicle (EV) fleet charging management systems.
Representing the areal aggregation level for field level, e.g., for data concentration,
functional aggregation, substation automation, local SCADA systems, plant supervision, etc.,
Including equipment to protect, control and monitor the process of the power system, e.g.,
protection relays, bay controller, any kind of intelligent electronic devices which acquire and use
process data from the power system.
Including the physical, chemical or spatial transformations of energy (electricity,
solar, heat, water, wind, etc.) and the physical equipment directly involved. (e.g., generators,
transformers, circuit breakers, overhead lines, cables, electrical loads any kind of sensors and
actuators which are part or directly connected to the process, etc.).
The Smart Grid plane described above provides guidance for decomposing and structuring
certain Smart Grid systems but does not yet cover any interoperability aspects. To also address this
crucial issue, a layer concept has been introduced on basis of the GWAC Interoperability Stack [
Basically, the Smart Grid plane has been projected on five layers that emphasize certain interoperability
aspects. The result is the so called Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) as depicted in Figure 3.
The basic idea of the SGAM is to provide a framework for describing Smart Grid systems on all
five layers in order to provide a certain level of completeness. A brief description on the individual
Interoperability Layer is given in the following on basis of [
]. A more detailed description of the
underlying concepts can be found in [20].
Business Layer:
Provides a business view on the information exchange related to Smart Grids.
Regulatory and economic structures can be mapped on this layer.
Function Layer:
Describes functions and services including their relationships from an
architectural viewpoint.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 7 of 42
Information Layer:
Describes information objects being exchanged and the underlying canonical
data models.
Communication Layer:
Describes protocols and mechanisms for the exchange of information
between components.
Component Layer:
Physical distribution of all participating components including power system
and ICT equipment.
Distribution DER Customer
Data Model
Data Model
Outline of Usecase
Business Objectives
Polit. / Regulat.. Framework
Interoperability Dimension
Figure 3.
Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM), reproduced with permission from [
Copyright 2012, European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
Even if the original intention of the SGAM was to identify gaps in standardization, it gained
momentum by being used as general architecture framework in several projects. However, even
if the clear structure of the SGAM raises acceptance, there is only little guidance on its application.
The originally described Use Case Mapping Process (UCMP) [
] is intended to identify standardization
gaps and thus is only suitable in a limited way for architecture development. In addition, the structure
of the SGAM is on a very abstract level and no guidance is given on detailing particular systems.
However, despite the listed drawbacks, the SGAM delivers a very valuable entry point when
decomposing and architecting Smart Grid systems. Thus, it finds broad acceptance and is widely used
as architecture framework by now.
2.3. NIST Logical Reference Model
The issue of Smart Grid Cybersecurity has been explicitly addressed by the American National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In 2010 the first version of the NISTIR 7628 Guidelines for
Smart Grid Cybersecurity has been published [
]. These guidelines deliver a concept for integration of
Security Requirements within Smart Grid solutions together with an initial set of security requirements.
The underlying work is based on a detailed analysis of several existing Use Case collections.
On basis of these Use Cases certain Smart Grid actors have been identified and described and were
mapped onto the particular domains of the NIST Conceptual Model as discussed earlier (Figure 1).
Moreover, interrelations between certain actors have been investigated and communication paths were
specified on basis of unique interfaces. The combination of all actors and their associated interfaces
yields the NIST Logical Reference Model (NIST LRM) as depicted in Figure 4.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 8 of 42
U70 U74
1 - Plan t Control
U70 U74
U79 U85
45 - Ph asor
Meas uremen t Unit
U79 U85
46 - Tran smission
47 -
Transm ission
U6 U98 U25 U24
U22 U26
21 - AM I Heade nd
U6 U98 U25 U24
U22 U26
22 - Bu lk Storag e
Man ag emen t
23 - Cu stomer
Information System
24 - Cu stomer
Serv ice
Rep r ese ntative
38 - Cu stomer
U97 U15
U114 U 1 2
U102 U 104
27 - Distribu tion Ma nagem ent Sy stem
U97 U15
U114 U 1 2
U102 U 104
25 - Dis tributed
Gene ration and
Man ag emen t
26 - Distribu tion
Eng ineering U109
U100 U101
28 - Distribu tion
Ope rator
U100 U101
30 - En ergy
Man agemen t System
31 - ISO/R TO
Operation s
U13 U36
U32 U 1 06
32 - Lo ad Ma nage ment
System / Deman d
Resp onse M anagemen t
U13 U36
U32 U 1 06
33 - Meter D ata
Man agemen t
U53 U54
34 -
Mete ring /Billing/Utility
Bac k Office
U53 U54
U30 36 - Ou tage
Man agemen t
U55 U63
U117 U65 U 27
29 - Distribu tion SCAD A
U55 U63
U117 U65 U 27
U82 U81 U67
37 - Tran smission SCADA
U82 U81 U67
U79 39 - Wide A rea
Man agemen t
40 - Wo rk
Man agemen t System
49 - Tran smission
Eng ineering
13 - Dis tributed
Inte lligence
Cap ab ilities
U111 U112
12 - Distribu tion
Data C ollector
U111 U112
U29 U34
16 - Field Crew T ools
U29 U34
U105 U110
17 - Geo graph ic
Information System
U105 U110
U109 U112
15 Distribu tion
RTU s or IEDs
U109 U112
18 - Distribu tion
Sen so rs
U72 U90
20 - ISO/R TO/Wh olesale
Mark et
U72 U90
U57 U97
19 - Energy Market
Clearing house
U57 U97
41 - Ag gregato r/Retail Ene rgy
Pro v ider
42 - B illing
43 - En ergy
Serv ice Pro viders U95
U5 U6
44 - Th ird Party
U5 U6
U40 U125 U 12 7
«Custom er»
2 - Cus tomer
U40 U125 U 12 7
3 - Cus tomer
App liances
Equipmen t
9 - Cus tomer
Prem ise Displa y
U92 U 9 5
U45 U62 U41
5 - Cus tomer En ergy
Mg mt System
U92 U 9 5
U45 U62 U41
U47 U129
10 - Su bmete r
U47 U129
6 - Electric
Veh icle
U18 U25U32
U124 U 4 3
U128 U13 0 U49
7 - En ergy Se rvices Interface / HAN
Gatew a y
U18 U25U32
U124 U 4 3
U128 U13 0 U49
8 - Meter
11 - Water/Gas
Meterin g
U128 U130 U 45
4 - Cus tomer DE R:
Gene ration an d Storage
U130 U 45
Gen e ra tion
Trans miss ion
Dis trib ution
Custom er
Ser vice P rovider
Ope rations
Figure 4. NIST Logical Reference Model based on [17].
The NIST LRM with its actors and interfaces has been used as a basis for further considerations
on security. In a first step, different Interface Categories were formulated on basis of similar
characteristics, specified as Security Attributes. Next, for each of the Interface Categories particular
security requirements were elicitated. In total, 197 Security Requirements could be identified that
were assigned to one of the following groups:
Common Governance, Risk and Compliance Requirements;
Common Technical Requirements;
Unique Technical Requirements.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 9 of 42
Finally, all of the interfaces from the NIST LRM were assigned to one or more of the specified
Interface Categories. Thus, by following the path Actor
Interface Category
Requirements the particular Security Requirements for a certain actor can be obtained. For a better
understanding, the conceptual model of the NIST LRM is depicted in Figure 5.
Figure 5. NIST Logical Reference Model (LRM) conceptual model.
Even if the NIST LRM does not claim completeness, it provides a very valuable starting point for
security considerations. Considering both, the earlier discussed SGAM and the NIST LRM different
aspects can be mentioned. First, the SGAM rather presents an architecture framework than a specific
solution. Thus, it provides a context for the development of Smart Grid systems. Contrasting to this,
the NIST LRM aims at being a reference architecture that can serve as a blueprint. As both of these
concepts originate from the NIST Conceptual Model an alignment is possible by modeling the NIST
LRM in context of the SGAM. However, different drawbacks exist as for example the NIST LRM has
a “flat” nature and does not—in contrast to the SGAM—differentiate between business-, logical- or
technical aspects. The alignment of these two concepts states a cornerstone of the presented approach
and is discussed in more detail in the following sections of this paper.
3. Conceptual Approach
As outlined in Section 1, the integration of Security by Design requires a holistic and consistent
engineering methodology. Such a methodology needs to be able to address the particular needs of
all involved stakeholders over the whole development process. Moreover, a unified process with
well-defined artefacts is required that allows for the integration of standardized components and best
practice solutions.
In this Section, first the requirements for such an engineering methodology are discussed. Next, a
conceptual framework is presented that addresses the particular requirements. The conceptual
framework delivers several building blocks which are briefly described. A detailed description
of all building blocks together with their realization, application and discussion is given in the
subsequent Section.
3.1. Requirements
The requirements for a holistic engineering methodology cover a vast field. First, the methodology
needs to be able to address the particular needs of all involved stakeholders such as Business Analysts,
Domain Experts or Engineers. Thus, a process is required that gives guidelines along the essential
development phases System Analysis,System Architecture and Design and Development.
To enable a consistent development it is essential to be equipped with a common, domain specific
language for creation of architectural models. On basis of such a language also best practice solutions
such as typical Use Cases or a certain Reference Architecture can be described. Moreover, the
availability of a consistent model can serve as a basis for evaluation of architectural solutions.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 10 of 42
For example, by integrating individual attributes such as CAPEX or OPEX to particular model
elements, sevaral evaluations such as “which costs are related with a certain Use Case?” can be made.
By implementing such a domain specific language within a modern modeling tool with some scripting
capabilities, some kind of automation can be envisioned as well.
A more precise definition of the requirements for a holistic engineering approach is given in
the following:
Consistent and seamless development process covering Business Analysis,Functional Analysis,
Architecture Development and Implementation;
Integration of Security by Design over all development phases;
Domain Specific Modeling Language (DSL) for development of architecture models;
Utilization of best practice solutions (e.g., standard Use Cases or Reference Architecture) on basis
of a common DSL;
Capability for semi-automatic architecture evaluations;
Conformity with and guideline for usage of existing standards;
Seamless integration with implementation framework for particular systems.
3.2. Building Blocks
In order to address the preliminary introduced requirements, a Conceptual Framework built upon
the five building blocks has been specified:
Development Process
Domain Specific Architecture Framework
Best Practice Solutions
Architecture Evaluation
Implementation Framework
The individual building blocks and their interrelations are depicted in Figure 6, a brief overview
is given in the following.
Domain Specific Architecture Framework Implementation Framework
Best Practice Solutions
Development Process
Sys tem
Ana lysis
Sys tem
Arc hitec ture
Design and
Dev elop m ent
KPI b ased
eva luation ,
Sim u latio n,...
Referen ce
Arc hitec ture
Dom ain Sp ecific
Mod eling
Lang uage (DSL)
Dom ain
Sp e cific
Stand ards
Use Case
Use Case
Use Cases
Fun ctional
Mod el Arc h itectu ral
Mod el
De tailed
Design Imp lemen tation
Dom ain Sp ecific
Arc hitecture
Fram e wo rk
Base Software
Fun ction Software
«outpu t» «output»
Figure 6. Conceptual Approach.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 11 of 42
Development Process
building block states the backbone of the Conceptual Approach.
It aims at giving guidance through the whole development process. To address the individual needs
of all involved Stakeholders, it separates the development process into the three phases
System Analysis Phase
System Architecture Phase
Design and Development Phase
The System Analysis Phase aims at defining the needed functionality for a particular system.
Thus, it yields a Functional Model. To derive the desired functionality, in a first step (Business Analysis
and Risk Assessment) the underlying business case is investigated which clarifies the motivation for a
system. In addition, during this step eventually occurring regulatory constraints can be considered.
Another important step during the phase is the execution of a Risk Assessment. Detailed considerations
on such Risk Assessments for Smart Grids can be found for example in [
]. The way of pursuing such
a Risk Assessment strongly relies on the system to be built and thus, no more considerations on this
are given in this paper. However, it is very important to perform such an assessment in this very early
stage in order to identify particular architectural drivers for further considerations.
The System Analysis Phase typically involves Business Analysts,Domain Experts and Requirements
Engineers and focuses rather on required functionality than on technical solutions.
Subsequent to the System Analysis Phase the System Architecture Phase aims at the development
of a domain specific system architecture. By putting focus on domain specific aspects, the abstraction
level of the resulting Architecture Model is quite high. Basically, it represents a “black-box” model
that aims at describing particular subsystems and their interactions without mentioning their inner
composition. The description of the particular components comprises their functionality, interfaces
and non-functional requirements such as security. During this stage of development system architects
with appropriate domain know-how play a crucial role.
Contrasting to the “black-box“ model delivered by the System Architecture Phase, the Design
and Development Phase aims at the realization of the preliminary modeled system. Thus, the particular
components are developed by first creating a detailed design and second, the corresponding
implementation. This task typically is executed by the supply chain (developing of particular
components) and system integrators (realizing the distributed system as a whole).
However, even if the mentioned development phases are clearly separated, it is necessary to
provide a unified and consistent development environment that allows for example a traceability
of certain (System level) requirements down to particular components or development artefacts.
The necessity for such a unified development environment stresses the need for a holistic and
consistent Domain Specific Architecture Framework.
Domain Specific Architecture Framework
building block delivers a framework for a
consistent development over all development phases as mentioned before. To maintain consistency,
the framework is suited to deliver a model that is separated in a functional model and an architecture
model with explicit model transformations in between. Moreover, to raise acceptance of all involved
stakeholders, this model should be created on basis of a Domain Specific Language (DSL). The presented
approach introduces such a DSL that is specified on basis of the SGAM concepts as discussed in
Section 2. The availability of such a well-defined modeling language enables the integration of best
practice solutions or a model based assessment of particular architectural solutions. For example,
different concepts can be evaluated in respect to costs, complexity or security weak points.
To not reinvent the wheel, the building block
Best Practice Solution
introduces the possibility for
reusing existing work. In this case, “existing work” does not necessarily mean to integrate complete
solutions. Instead, rather the integration of particular aspects is considered. For example, Use Cases
created by the community or communication infrastructure designed for a certain purposes can be
reused. In the presented approach the reuse of three particular aspects is considered. First of all, during
the System Analysis Phase the integration of broadly agreed Use Cases is enabled. Second, during
Electronics 2016,5, 24 12 of 42
the System Architecture Phase a possibility is given to rely on Smart Grid Reference Architectures
(including security aspects) rather than to start from scratch. Finally, also during System Architecture
Phase, guidance is given on how to choose appropriate data model standards or communication
protocols. Requiring such a modular concept draws the need for having such reusable elements
described on basis of the presented framework. However, in the given approach this has been done
vice versa as the framework is built upon such reusable artefacts.
The concepts delivered by the prior described building blocks deliver a complete and consistent
model of an overall system architecture. The availability of such a model introduces the possibility
for evaluation of particular solutions by utilization of model-based assessments. Thus, the building
Architecture Evaluation
is introduced. Even if the technology necessary is delivered by the
framework, the (semi-)automatic assessment of models is a quite difficult task that requires further
considerations. However, to demonstrate the feasibility the presented approach delivers a proof of
concept on how to exploit existing models to gain specific insights. To be more precise, information
flows are extracted and serve as a basis for evaluation of potential privacy implications. As information
items are a critical asset in terms of security, these concepts could also be used to determine the
criticality of particular components or interfaces within the architecture. Another approach could be to
utilize the extracted data-flow graphs for realization of intrusion detection on basis of process mining.
The building blocks described so far deliver a concept for a holistic development and evaluation
of standards based system architectures. However, there is still a major gap between architecture and
implementation that has to be bridged. Thus, a concept for a seamless integration between these two
artefacts is introduced by the building block
Implementation Framework
. To allow for such a seamless
integration a concept on basis of experiences made in the field of automotive engineering is proposed.
In automotive engineering, a wide spread approach for developing control systems is the utilization of
the Automotive Open Software Architecture (AUTOSAR) framework This framework
separates a control systems software into two parts. The lower part, denoted as base software covers
hardware specific details and delivers a standardized interface to particular low level functionalities
such as communication stacks. By having such a standardized runtime environment with well-defined
interfaces, domain experts (e.g., from mechanical engineering) can focus on the development of
functionality (function software) without mentioning technical details. This clear separation of concerns
provides the basis for sophisticated development concepts such as code generation.
The presented approach proposes a similar concept denoted as Energy Open System Architecture
Framework (ENOSAR). This implementation framework, similar to AUTOSAR, describes a base
software that covers domain specific aspects such as communication protocols or data model standards.
In addition, privacy and security related functionalities are provided that can be invoked by the above
situated function software.
To bridge the gap between architecture and implementation, the function software is closely
related with the functional model as developed during the System Analysis phase. Furthermore, the
black-box specification of the architecture model is linked with the configuration of the base software.
For example, the chosen communication protocols or data model standards drive the configuration of
the base software. Or, on basis of the specified requirements, particular privacy or security mechanisms
can be invoked.
The presented implementation framework is rather visionary and in a very early stage.
However, a first proof of concept implementation is already available and under evaluation in context
of the RASSA Reference Architecture for a Secure Smart Grid in Austria, FFG Project
No. 848811
research project. To be more precise, this framework is used to develop different Smart Grid
functionalities within the Customer Premises with a special focus on security and privacy.
The outlined Conceptual Framework introduces and describes individual building blocks
necessary for a holistic engineering of Smart Grid systems. Such a holistic approach is deemed
crucial to enable and maintain Security by Design. The given description aims at drawing the big picture
of the overall concept and to emphasize the interdependencies between the individual building blocks.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 13 of 42
A detailed discussion on the implementation of these building blocks and their degree of maturity is
given in the following section.
4. Implementation
4.1. Development Process
As outlined in the previous section, a holistic engineering process is required that allows
developing Smart Grid systems in context of a domain specific framework. The presented approach
relies on the SGAM as framework and thus, the development process needs to be aligned with this
concept. The original SGAM proposal already delivered the Use Case Mapping Process (UCMP) [
that describes how to depict particular systems in context of the SGAM. However, as the UCMP is
intended to be used for identification of standardization gaps (e.g., business analysis was done in the
end) it was necessary to rethink it for supporting the development of new systems.
In the presented approach, the development is aligned with the Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
concept as described by Object Management Group (OMG) [
]. Basically, the MDA aims at separation
of different development aspects and thus defines artifacts over four different layers with specific
transformations in between. First, the Computational Independent Model (CIM) delivers a functional
description of a particular system without mentioning any technological aspect. In the presented
process the CIM is yielded by the System Analysis Phase. The second level aims at the decomposition
of a particular system by developing a Platform Independent Model (PIM) that is not yet linked to
any specific technology or platform. The PIM is delivered as outcome of the System Analysis Phase.
The technology specific realization is described by the Platform Specific Model (PSM) that furthermore
serves as basis for the Platform Specific Implementation (PSI) as final artifact. These two artifacts are the
outcome of the final phase, the Design and Development Phase.
In context of “domain specific“ development, the first two artifacts are closely related with the
application domain whereas the last two rather require technological based considerations. Thus, the
creation of the PSM and the PSI can be done by typical concepts from Systems- or Software engineering
whereas the development of the CIM and the PIM should rely on the application domain. In alignment
with the SGAM the CIM is related with the upper two layers (Business- and Function-Layer) whereas
the PIM corresponds to the Information-, Communication- and Component-Layer. The mapping of
the three development phases with the MDA related artifacts can be found in Figure 7, a detailed
description of the particular tasks within the development phases is given in the following.
Design & Deve lopme ntSystem Ar chite ctureSystem Analys is
Sy stem
An alysis
Sy stem
Arc h itecture
Design and
De velo pm en t
Co mpu tational
Indep end ent
Mod el (CIM)
Pla tform
Indep end ent
Mo del (PIM)
Pla tform
Sp e cific
Mo del (PS M)
Pla tform S pecific
Implem enta tion
(PS I)
Bu siness A nalysis
inc l. Risk
As ses sm ent
Mod el
Tran sformation
Fu nctional
Sp e cification
Mod el
Tran sformation
Do main Sp ecific
Arc h itecture
De velo pm en t
Detailed Desig n Implem entation
«output» «output»
Figure 7. Development Process.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 14 of 42
4.1.1. System Analysis Phase
The System Analysis Phase aims at the definition of particular functionalities to be delivered by a
certain system. As outlined above, the System Analysis phase yields the Computational Independent
Model (CIM). To provide a structured approach, the CIM itself is divided into two parts. First, a Business
Model is used to analyze particular aspects and second, a Functional Model describes the necessary
functionalities. In terms of the SGAM, the Business Model corresponds to the SGAM Business Layer
whereas the Functional Model is represented by the SGAM Function Layer.
The first task of the System Analysis Phase is the
Business Analysis incl. Risk Assessment
This task aims at identification of involved Business Actors (physical or legal persons, also comprising
regulatory entities) and their particular Business Goals. Moreover, Business Cases should be described
that are realized in order to balance the needs between certain Business Actors. The description of these
Business Cases can be done in any appropriate manner, e.g., by means of Business Process Modeling
Notation (BPMN).
Another very important task of the Business Analysis task is the execution of a Risk Assessment.
This Risk Assessment should deal with scenarios for non-fulfillment of the described Business Case.
Particular considerations on Risk Assessments for Smart Grids, especially with a focus on security,
can be found for example in [
]. However, as the extent and type of Risk Assessments strongly
rely on a particular system to be considered, no further specifications are given here. It only has to
be mentioned that an adequate risk assessment has to take place in this very early stage to identify
particular architectural drivers. Moreover, the results of the Risk Assessment can serve as a basis for
further refinement of particular quality requirements such as “security”.
Subsequent to the Business Analysis, the
Model Transformation
as second task can be conducted.
During this step, particular High Level Use Cases (HLUC) can be derived. These HLUC cover
functionality necessary to fulfill the originating Business Case. Furthermore, Logical Actors are derived
from the Business Actors. These Logical Actors can be interpreted as logical entities involved in a
particular HLUC. From a technical point of view a Model Transformation from the Business Model into
the Functional Model is conducted. Thus, the Logical Actors together with the HLUC represent the
content of the Functional Model.
Right after the identification of particular HLUC, the above mentioned risk assessment can be
used to specify certain quality requirements. Due to the differing nature of particular Use Cases no final
set of categories for quality requirements can be given and the attributes to be mentioned have to be
considered individual. However, in terms of dependability for Smart Grid systems various suggestions
exist. For example, in [
] it is proposed to make use of the categories Privacy, Reliability, Availability,
Maintainability, Safety and Security denoted by the acronym P-RAMSS.
For a better understanding, the resulting artifacts and their relations are illustrated by a simplified
example in Figure 8.
Two Business Actors (“Distribution System Operator” and “Customer”) with their individual
Business Goals are involved in the Business Case “Flexibility”. A risk assessment, dealing with scenarios
like “What happens if the Business Case fails
” is conducted as well. All these actors, together with the
risk assessment (as attached document) are situated on height of the SGAM Business Layer. During the
Model Transformation certain High Level Use Cases invoked by the Business Case are identified. In the
example, one single HLUC “Condition Monitoring” is depicted. Furthermore, the Business Actors
have been transformed into the Logical Actors “Distribution System Management” (DSM), “AMI
Headend” and “Smart Meter”. This model transformation is indicated by trace relations between
Business- and Logical Actors. In a final step, the quality requirements for the HLUC are elicitated.
In the example, only two requirements (“Privacy” and “Security”) are used to indicate the integration
of quality requirements. However, in real projects requirements elicitation typically delivers a tree of
requirements. Thus, it is a common praxis to only depict the root of the individual requirement trees
on this level.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 15 of 42
SGAM Function Layer
SGAM Business Layer
«Bus iness A ctor»
Distributio n Sys tem
Op erato r
«Bus iness A ctor»
Custo mer
«Bus iness Use ...
Fle xib ility
«L ogic al A ctor»
«L ogic al A ctor»
AMI H eadend
«H igh Lev el U...
Cond ition
Mon itoring «L ogic al A ctor»
Sm art M eter
Optimize Costs
Red uce
Inf rastrucure
Inv estm en t
Priv a cy
Se cu rity
Ass es sm ent
«trac «trac
«trac «invo kes» « trace »
Figure 8. Artifacts of the Computational Independent Model (CIM).
The third task of the System Analysis Phase, the
Functional Specification
deals with the detailed
description of the preliminary identified HLUC. The proposed approach suggests utilizing a staged
approach. First, the identified HLUC can be described on basis of the IEC 62559-2 Use Case
template [
]. Next, by utilization of the concepts from [
], each HLUC is decomposed into several
Primary Use Cases (PUC). The detailed description of these PUC can be done by means of standard
UML mechanisms such as Sequence Diagrams or Activity Diagrams. To provide a consistent description,
a best practice for modeling PUCs is provided. Besides the plain description of functionality, this
method aims at identification and description of particular Information Objects that are used during
interactions. This is important for two reasons: First, the Information Objects transmitted provide
a basis for the later development of the SGAM Information Layer and second, in terms of security,
Information Objects represent a key asset for further considerations.
Typically, development of Use Cases starts with a natural language description. Transferring such
natural language descriptions into more formal models can be a rather time consuming task which
limits acceptance dramatically. Thus, an efficient method for obtaining formal descriptions is of great
value. Modern UML modeling tools such as Enterprise Architect (which is
used later on for implementation of the DSL) are able to increase efficiency by providing features such
as diagram generation. In the following, a suggested process is described how to efficiently develop
formal descriptions of PUCs by utilization of UML Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams.
In the first step, natural language based Use Case descriptions are rewritten in a semi-formal
way by relying on a simple language pattern. This pattern comprises individual sentences, with
every sentence being associated with one single Use Case step. Every sentence (or Use Case step)
represents either an individual action related to one single actor or an interaction between two actors.
The corresponding descriptions for these two possibilities are defined as follows:
<Actor 1> <performs action>
<Actor 1> <transmitts information | triggers Action> <to|on> <Actor 2>
The modeling tool being used allows an import of such a semi-formal, textual description as
structured scenario (detailed description of Use Cases). Moreover, it semantically parses these sentences
Electronics 2016,5, 24 16 of 42
and identifies (on basis of the names) actors involved. Furthermore, it is able to generate Activity
Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams out of this description.
The generated diagrams can be used for further considerations on information being exchanged.
First, the Activity-Diagram can be analyzed and Information Objects to be transmitted can be modeled.
Furhtermore, these Information Objects can be integrated within the Sequence-Diagrams which yields
a complete model of all information exchanges for a particular PUC. Again, having the individual
Information Objects modeled is an essential step towards consistency during development and also
provides a valuable basis for further privacy and security considerations. Another very important
aspect to be mentioned is the creation of a complete picture for a certain HLUC as during the description
of the information flows the same Logical Actors are used for every PUC. Thus, the other way round,
for every Logical Actor it is defined, in which communication it is involved and which information
objects are transmitted.
For the sake of clearness, the described concept shall be demonstrated on a simplified example.
It is assumed that the HLUC (“Condition Monitoring”) from the previous example invokes several
PUCs such as “Fetch Transformer Condition” or “Fetch Customer PQ Data” with PQ referring to Power
Quality. The “Fetch Customer PQ Data” PUC comprises a communication between the Logical Actors
“Distribution System Management” (DSM), “Customer Energy Management System” (CEMS) and
Smart Meter. The semi-formal, textual description of this Use Case looks as follows:
DSM transmits a PQ-Data Request to CEMS
CEMS transmits a PQ-Data Request to Smart Meter
Smart Meter transmits PQ-Data to CEMS
CEMS transmits PQ-Data to DSM
Next, the textual description can be imported by the modeling tool and both, the Activity and
the Sequence Diagram can be generated automatically. At this time a distinction with UML has to
be explained. In UML, actors represent external actors interacting with a system. Thus, for example,
sequence diagrams depicting interaction between actors are not supported by UML2.x. However, in
the context of Smart Grids, the definition of “system” and “actor” depends on the stakeholder. For the
developer of the Smart Meter, for example, the Smart Meter is the System and the CEMS is an external
actor. For the developer of the CEMS the situation is vice verca. However, to describe Smart Grid
systems from a holistic point of view, the concept of Logical Actors has been introduced and the
utilization of Sequence Diagrams appears as appropriate solution to document information exchange
between Logical Actors. Another motiviation for integrating the concept of Logical Actors is given
by the original SGAM description [
] which also utilizes actors as major element on the SGAM
Function Layer.
However, on basis of the generated diagrams in a manual analysis step the Information Objects
can be specified and integrated within the Sequence Diagram. All created artifacts for the description
of this PUC are depicted in Figure 9. On the right side of this drawing the generated Activity
Diagram can be seen with the identified and modeled Information Objects (purple). Furthermore, these
Information Objects are attached to the generated Sequence Diagram (lower left of the image) which
associates the Information Object flow between the involved Logical Actors. The described process
enables a very efficient way of working. Executing these steps for every PUC a particular HLUC
comprises, delivers a complete model for all Information Object Flows in between all involved Logical
Actors. However, the described steps in total state a rather complex but crucial task for engineering.
To provide additional guidance for this process a video tutorial is provided on the SGAM Toolbox
homepage that explains the workflow in more detail.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 17 of 42
«P rimary U se ...
Fetch Cus tomer PQ
«L ogic al A ctor»
«L ogic al A ctor»
«L ogic al A ctor»
Sm art Meter
«H igh Leve l Use ...
Co ndition Monitoring
sd 1_Basic_Path
DS M: DSM CE MS: CE MS Sm art Mete r: Smart
Me ter
Re quest for P Q
Da ta [DS M/CEMS ]
Re quest for P Q
Da ta [CE MS/SM ]
PQ -D ata
PQ -D ata
4.C EM S transm its
PQ -D ata to DS M()
3.S ma rt Me ter transmits
PQ -D ata to CE MS()
2.C EM S transm its a PQ-
Data Requ est to Sm art
Me ter()
1.D SM transmits a PQ-
Data Requ est to CEMS ()
act F lexibility Req uest_A ctivityGraph WithAction
Fle xibility Request
Inform ation Objects
Req uest fo r P Q Data
PQ -D ata
Req uest fo r P Q Data
Request Command
Request Command
V oltage Levels for
all lines
Current Energy
Phase angle
Sta rt
DS M trans mits
a PQ -Data
Req uest to
CE MS tran smits
a PQ -Data
Req urest to
Sm art Meter
Sm art Meter
tran smits PQ -
Data to C EMS
CE MS tran smits
PQ -D ata to DSM
En d
«invo kes»
Figure 9. Detailed description of one single Primary Use Case (PUC).
4.1.2. System Architecture Phase
On basis of the identified functionality, the
System Architecture Phase
can be conducted.
This phase aims at providing a technical concept for realizing the previously defined functionality.
The focus of this phase is put on the identification and description of particular components and
their interrelations. Thus, the output of this phase can be seen as black box model for all involved
components with the description of the interrelations in between as key issue. Basically, the
System Architecture Phase comprises the two tasks Model Transformation and Domain Specific
Architecture Development.
As first task, the
Model Transformation
aims at mapping the prior described Logical Actors onto
Physical Components. Making this step explicit is quite important as not always a one-to-one relation is
given. For example, a particular Logical Actor such as a Customer Energy Management System (CEMS)
can be realized by a combination of different physical components such as the CEMS itself together
with a Communication Gateway. Also, it is possible to deploy different Logical Actors (especially in
case of plain software realizations) on a single component such as a physical computer.
The second task of this phase, the
Domain Specific Architecture Development
aims at specifying
the interrelations between particular components. These interrelations are described on basis of the
lower three layer of the SGAM which comprises the SGAM Information Layer (information exchange
from a logical perspective), SGAM Communication Layer (protocols used for communication) and
SGAM Component Layer (description of the ICT networks used for communication). For specifying
these interrelations, in a first step Interfaces are introduced and described in detail for every component.
These interfaces form the basis for further considerations on privacy and security. Basically, the
risk assessment from the System Analysis Phase is utilized to elicitated detailed privacy and
security requirements for every interface of a particular component. The identified requirements
Electronics 2016,5, 24 18 of 42
deliver guidance for choosing appropriate data model standards, communication protocols or ICT
network topology.
For a better understanding, Figure 10 gives an overview on the described concepts on basis of
the previously discussed example. First, the Model Transformation from Logical Actors into Physical
Components (indicated by a trace relation) can be seen. In this simplified example all transformations
are stated as one-to-one transformations. The interfaces created as basis for interrelations are denoted
as IF A (between the DSM and the CEMS) and IF B (between the CEMS and the Smart Meter). In this
example, however, no detailed description of these interfaces is integrated. Second, the relations
between certain components are depicted which cover the lower three SGAM layer as described
above. To maintain a better overview, only the Information Object Flow covering the PQ Data has been
integrated in this diagram. However, it is important to notice that the Information Objects used by the
Information Object Flows are the same model elements as created earlier in the System Analysis Phase.
«L ogic al A ctor»
«L ogic al A ctor»
Sm art Meter
Sm a rt
Me ter
Ho me A rea
Wid e Area
«L ogic al A ctor»
Pro to c ol:
Te c hn olo gy:
«trac P Q -Data
«In form ation Ob ject Flow »
Te c hn olo gy: Te c hn olo gy:
PQ -D ata
«In form ation Ob ject Flow »
Pro to c ol:
Te c hn olo gy:
Figure 10. System Architecture.
This very simplified example aims at giving an idea about the necessary steps during this phase.
However, conducting these steps introduces different challenges. Thus, similar to the System Analysis
Phase, a video tutorial is provided on the SGAM Toolbox homepage
that explains all necessary steps in detail.
4.1.3. Design and Development Phase
The final phase of the engineering process is the Design and Development Phase which aims at
realizing the particular components and integrating them to a complete solution. This phase is
typically conducted by the supply chain and system integrators. In terms of the MDA this phase yields
a detailed design (Platform Specific Model, PSM) and the according implementation (Platform Specific
Implementation, PSI).
The particular development methodology for realizing certain components should be chosen in
respect to their nature. For example, a software solution for user interactions could utilize agile concepts
whereas the development of embedded control systems would rather rely on classic approaches.
However, to maintain the holistic concept one should strive for a seamless integration of the detailed
design with the architectural model. For example, the inner structure of particular components could
be designed by means of UML or SysML.
Another aspect in terms of consistency is the utilization of a specific implementation framework
that addresses the close integration with the artifacts described so far. For this purpose the proposed
approach introduces the ENOSAR framework which is discussed in detail in Section 4.5.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 19 of 42
4.2. Domain Specific Architecture Framework
The Domain Specific Architecture Framework building block represents the core of the presented
approach. It delivers a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for modeling Smart Grid architectures in context
of the SGAM. Thus it fosters a clear separation between the functional aspects (SGAM Business- and
Function Layer) and the architectural aspects (the lower three SGAM Layers). As discussed in the
previous section, the functional aspects correspond to the CIM whereas the architectural aspects are
related to the PIM.
The implementation of this DSL is done as extension to the UML by utilizing the UML inherent
“Profile“ mechanism. Thus, a seamless integration with existing UML or SysML elements is possible.
A simplified representation of the underlying meta-model for this DSL can be found in Figure 11 and
is discussed in the following.
Figure 11. Metamodel of the implemented Domain Specific Language (DSL).
In alignment with the previously described development process, the DSL separates the model
into three stages. The relations between elements from different stages are realized by trace relations
which indicate model transformations as described in Section 4.1.
The first stage of the model provides support for executing the Business Analysis task within the
System Analysis Phase. Basically it delivers model elements of type Business Actors (BA), Business Goal
(BG) and Business Cases (BC) to build up the SGAM Business Layer. The way of describing Business
Cases in detail may differ between particular users and thus, no formal way for a description is defined.
However, as the DSL is an extension of the UML it is possible to make an in-depth description of
particular Business Cases by means of any state of the art modeling language such as Business Process
Modeling Notation (BPMN). Another approach is to only reference or add documents of any type that
Electronics 2016,5, 24 20 of 42
hold the detailed description. For modeling particular requirements such as privacy or security it is
suggested to make use of existing concepts such as SysML requirements diagrams. Again, as the DSL
is an extension of the UML a seamless integration is possible.
The second stage of the model deals with specification of functionality. In reference to the
staged approach, the description relies on High Level Use Cases (HLUC) and Primary Use Cases
(PUC). To provide consistency with standardization, the HLUC comprises attributes that reflect
the information from the IEC PAS62559-2 Use Case template [
] as introduced in Section 2.
The implementation of these attributes is done by means of tagged values. By following this concept, a
direct import of IEC PAS62559-2 based Use Case descriptions to the model is possible.
For the detailed specification of functionality the model elements Logical Actor,Primary Use Case
and Information Object are introduced. To clarify the involvement of Information Objects Figure 11 also
includes the elements Scenario and Use Case Step with both being taken from standard UML.
The third stage of the developed DSL delivers elements for modeling architectural aspects (the
Platform Independent Model). In terms of the SGAM, these aspects cover the Information Layer,
Communication Layer and Component Layer. Thus, the general element SGAM Component is introduced.
This element serves as super class for the derivation of more specific elements such as Combined Heat
and Power Plant,Smart Meter,Consumer Energy Management System and others. These components
are obtained by a model transformation out of logical actors which is denoted by a trace relation.
In addition, several relations between components are defined. These relations comprise Information
Object Flow,Communication Relation,ICT Association,Electric Association and others. On basis of the
described SGAM components and their corresponding relations the lower three layer of the SGAM
can be modeled.
The implementation of the described DSL is implemented as part of the publicly available SGAM
Toolbox. By now, the toolbox could prove its value in various national and international projects.
For the authors it was interesting to notice that even if it is centered on the European SGAM it is
also used outside Europe. However, even if the basic concept delivers value, some issues still are
open. First, as the toolbox is based on standard modeling concepts it is quite applicable for ICT related
engineers. For engineers from the electricity domain some training is necessary to become familiar
with modeling concepts. This aspect has been tackled by providing additional training material such
as video tutorials. In addition, working with the toolbox revealed a certain amount of repeating tasks
such as the integration of many PUCs or the mapping of Logical Actors onto Physical Components.
Thus, at present the ongoing development of the toolbox focuses on the integration of automation
functionality. By now, features are considered for implementation that provide functionality for a
wizard-like integration of new HLUCs, PUCs or Components. Moreover, it is considered on how to
integrate the NIST LRM as kind of library, Thus, the planned wizard will enable to select particular
Physical Components (out of the NIST LRM) as target for the model transformation from Logical
Actors onto Physical Components. In addition, features such as the integration of individual model
assessment rules on basis of individual attributes or the integration with external tools (e.g., Power
System Analysis Tools) have been requested by users of the SGAM Toolbox. For this reason interfaces
are implemented that allow for an automatic import of IEC 62559-2 based Use Case descriptions out of
the Use Case Management Repository [
]. To raise the acceptance within the application domain another
interface is being implemented that enables the integration with power system analysis tools such as
NEPLAN Beyond the scope of these two interfacing aspects it is necessary to make
the toolbox part of a unified toolchain. Particular considerations on how such a unified toolchain could
look like already exist. A discussion on the underlying ideas can be found for example in [49].
4.3. Architecture Evaluation
When developing an architecture for complex systems such as Smart Grids, typically different
solution concepts need to be considered. Choosing the “best” solution, requires to make architectural
decisions which rely on two aspects. First, the architectural drivers must be known and second, a method
Electronics 2016,5, 24 21 of 42
for assessing two or more solutions in respect to these drivers is necessary. For example, if “costs” is
identified as primary architectural driver, a method is required that delivers a comparable indication
for the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX).
Developing such methods is a major challenge, especially in more complex scenarios such as
privacy or security. However, a common baseline for architecture evaluation is the necessity for
well-defined architecture models as basis for assessments. The DSL as discussed in the previous
section delivers such a formal specification of Smart Grid architectures and thus, provides a suitable
basis for a formal architecture evaluation.
To evaluate the feasibility of this approach, first experiments have been made. To be more precise,
the architecture specification has been used to develop a method that aims at assessing potential
privacy implications. In this approach, data-flow-graphs (DFGs) were extracted out of different
architectural solutions. Basically these DFGs map the SGAM Information Layer (Information Objects
transported among various physical components) onto Business Actors from the SGAM Business Layer.
Thus, it delivers which Information Objects are “visible” for a particular Business Actor. To make a
statement on potential privacy implications, these DFGs were exported and served as input for an
ontology based privacy assessment. The details of this experiment have already been discussed in [
However, even if the workflow for model assessment could be demonstrated from a technical
point of view, future research effort is necessary to (1) identify reasonable KPIs and (2) develop
appropriate methods for assessment. At present, work is conducted that investigates the possibility
for assessing “cost” aspects as described before.
4.4. Best Practice Solutions
As interoperability is one of the key architectural drivers in the Smart Grid, concepts are required
that enable the reuse of existing solutions or parts of it. However, this is not only limited to solutions
for certain functionality but also includes aspects such as typical Use Cases or security requirements
for different components. The modeling concept discussed earlier with its formal structure enables the
seamless integration of individual elements. However, besides the structure for integration of partial
aspects, also the corresponding content is required. By now, three major aspects have been identified
that can be reused in particular solutions and will be discussed in the following.
4.4.1. Use Case Management
During the development of Smart Grid systems the specification of functionalities to be delivered
by particular solutions is a crucial part. The IEC 62559-2 Use Case template [
] is a cornerstone
in a consistent description of Use Cases. As outlined in Section 4.2, the concepts of this template
have already been included in the proposed Domain Specific Architecture Framework. However, to
maintain interoperability of developed systems and components, it is required to conceive different
solutions on basis of the same functionality. Thus, a commonly available set of typical Use Cases that
describes particular functionality such as the operation of DERs is necessary.
A major step in this direction is taken by the Use Case Management Repository (UCMR) as developed
by OFFIS Oldenburg Institute for Information Technology, [
]. The UCMR is a
web-based tool that provides a repository for common development and maintenance of Smart
Grid Use Cases on basis of the IEC 62559-2 Use Case template. The initial version of this repository
has been used among the work of the M/490 mandate for common development of a basic set of Use
Cases [
]. Even if the M/490 mandate has finished, the repository with the final set of Use Cases is
still available. Today it is hosted by German DKE and accessible
with the credentials provided in [19].
Since application in M/490, the UCMR tool has continuously been improved and is
applied in various projects such as DISCERN!loginView.
Integration between the UCMR and the introduced SGAM Toolbox is subject of present work as well.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 22 of 42
The utilization of a common platform for Use Case development could already prove its value.
However, by now, no common instance is publicly available that exceeds the scope of a specific project.
For developing a broadly accepted set of Use Cases within the community the availability of such a
platform would be of great value. Especially by having the opportunity to directly import Use Cases
out of this library into architecture models as described earlier.
4.4.2. Reference Architecture
The Smart Grid as a whole denotes a complex System of Systems (SoS), capable of realizing different
Use Cases. As a consequence particular components are confronted with extensive interoperability
requirements. To maintain these requirements it is necessary to have recourse to well defined
components with specified connectivity. To be more precise, a commonly agreed Reference Architecture is
needed that provides best practice solutions for typical Use Cases, built upon well-defined components
and interfaces.
Within the Smart Grid community numerous efforts towards such a Reference Architectures
have been made. A good summary on this issue is given for example in [
]. However, in order to
gain broad acceptance, approaches made by standardization bodies are of particular interest. In this
light, an outstanding piece of work has been delivered in context of the NISTIR 7628 Guidelines for
Smart Grid Cybersecurity [
]. The proposed NIST Logical Reference Model (NIST LRM) as already
discussed in Section 2.3 delivers not only a Reference Architecture but also an extensive concept for
integration of particular security requirements. Thus, in the proposed approach the NIST LRM has
been chosen as basis for providing a Reference Architecture model that can serve as blueprint for
architecture development.
The concepts for domain specific architecture development as discussed so far rely on the
European Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM). Thus, in a first step an alignment between the NIST
LRM and the SGAM is necessary. As discussed in Section 2both, the SGAM and the NIST LRM are
derived from the NIST Conceptual Model with its domain concept. Following this concept, the NIST
LRM actors can be aligned along the SGAM plane as depicted in Figure 12.
Generation Transmission Distribution DER Customer Premise
«NIST Domain»
«NIST Domain»
«NIST Domain»
«NIST Domain»
«NIST Domain»
Tran smission
«NIST Domain»
«NIST Domain»
«NIST Domain»
Figure 12. Mapping of the NIST LRM actors onto the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) plane.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 23 of 42
Unlike the SGAM, the NIST LRM does not comprise a DER domain. Instead, DER related actors
are considered as part of the “Customer Premises”. To differentiate between these two domains, DER
related actors from the NIST “Customer Premises” domain are relocated to the SGAM “DER” domain.
To indicate these adoptions, Figure 12 depicts the original NIST domain “Customer Premises” as
two separate domains (“DER” and “Customer” in the lower right corner). Further more detailed
considerations on the mapping of NIST LRM actors onto the SGAM plane can be found in [52].
The mapping of certain NIST LRM actors on the SGAM plane is a rather straight-forward task.
However, in terms of interoperability a major drawback of the NIST LRM in comparison to the SGAM
comes clear. The SGAM maintains the Separation of Concerns principle by clearly differentiating between
Business Actors (SGAM Business Layer), Logical Actors (SGAM Function Layer) and Physical Components
(SGAM Information-, Communication- and Component Layer). This concept however is not reflected
by NIST LRM. Thus, the NIST LRM comprises a mashup of actors of different type.
To fully integrate the NIST LRM with SGAM, further considerations are necessary. First of all, a
vertical expansion of the NIST LRM needs to be conducted that differentiates between the three actor
types as maintained by the SGAM. By now, the nature of the existing NIST LRM is best fitting on the
lower three SGAM layer and thus represents the architectural description comprising components,
interfaces and communication paths.
Another important issue to deal with is the specification of functionality on level of the SGAM
Function Layer. The functionality described here states the basis for derivation of the NIST LRM.
Unfortunately the original specification only provides a rough listing of the mentioned Use Cases with
no detailed description. To provide consistency, a more detailed description in alignment with the
concepts discussed in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 needs to be conducted.
The last issue to be discussed deals with describing aspects within the SGAM Business Layer.
In that case, the NIST LRM does not give an indication on how to mention these aspects. Again, to
foster a broad acceptance it is suggested to integrate existing concepts such as The Harmonized Electricity
Market Role Model proposed by ENTSO-E [
]. For the sake of clearness, the concepts on how to obtain
aReference Architecture Model in context of the SGAM are summarized in Figure 13. More detailed
considerations on the integration of these concepts can be found in [48].
Figure 13. Mapping of the NIST LRM with the SGAM layer.
Despite all mentioned issues, the NIST’s detailed specification of particular actors and their
interrelations provides a good blueprint for developing Smart Grid architectures. Moreover, the
explicit specification of Interfaces, their associated Interface Categories and the corresponding Security
Requirements delivers a very applicable way to obtain a basic set of security requirements for every
actor at an early stage of development. Thus, this model represents a major contribution to Security
by Design. Furthermore, the well described concepts behind the NIST LRM support the individual
extension of this model by additional actors and interfaces. A demonstration on how to integrate new
actors and interfaces is covered by the example in Section 5.
Following the argumentation above, it appears more than justified to select the NIST LRM as basis
for development of a Reference Architecture Model. Thus, by utilization of the previously described
Electronics 2016,5, 24 24 of 42
DSL the NIST LRM has been modeled in context of the SGAM. The resulting model has been made
publicly available Moreover, for a better understanding, an HTML
export of this model has been published online as click-through model
By now, this model served as blueprint for architecture development in several projects such
] or In2VPP To be more precise, within these projects particular
architectures have been developed by instantiation of the NIST LRM. Again, by deriving concrete
actors out of NIST LRM actors particular interfaces to be used are delivered out of the box. As these
interfaces are linked directly with their corresponding security requirements this is a major step
towards Security by Design.
However, the Reference Architecture Model described above only reflects the present state of the
art. To tackle the issues discussed before different work is being conducted. To be more precise, under
the umbrella of the Austrian RASSA project all discussed issues are investigated in detail to provide a
consistent and standards-based Reference Architecture Model.
4.4.3. Standards Mapping
The concepts described so far deliver a possibility on how to develop Smart Grid architectures by
invocation of standardized concepts such as SGAM or NIST LRM. On basis of the NIST LRM particular
actors and the interfaces in between are described in detail. However, it does not provide guidance
on specific data model standards or communication protocols to be used. Such guidance is given
by the IEC Smart Grid Standards Mapping Tool This interactive
tool delivers support on the selection of appropriate standards in reference to the location within the
SGAM plane. By mapping the NIST LRM onto the SGAM plane as discussed before, this tool can be
used for selecting adequate protocols or data model standards. However, it is important to notice that
the Standardsmap extends the original SGAM plane by the two zones Communication and Crosscutting
in order to also provide standards that are not directly referencing a particular location within the
SGAM plane.
4.5. Implementation Framework
The last building block of this approach considers how to bridge the gap between (1) the overall
system architecture and (2) the implementation of particular components. Thus, an implementation
framework is envisioned, that can serve as platform for the realization of functionality as specified
during the architecture phase.
The content of this building block is subject of the author’s current work and thus, the
presented considerations rather present conceptual considerations than a ready-to-use implementation.
However, by now a first prototype implementation is under development. In the following paragraphs,
(1) the goals of this implementation framework, (2) the underlying concepts and (3) the implementation
concept for the first prototype are briefly discussed.
The goals behind this implementation framework address various issues. First of all, a close
relation with functional descriptions from the architectural model is targeted. Thus, a dedicated
runtime environment for particular devices is conceived that provides certain lower level functionalities
(e.g., communication stacks) to be used by the functional parts of the software. The availability of such
a well-defined runtime environment enables engineers to concentrate on functionalities rather than to
deal with low level aspects such as communication stacks or hardware specific issues. Moreover, it
enables a certain level of portability as functional implementations can be deployed on various
hardware platforms that dispose of an implementation of this runtime environment.
For the envisioned concept, portability and modularization have been identified as main
architectural drivers. Thus, a layered architecture has been selected as architectural pattern. In the field
of automotive engineering a similar approach is well established. Here, the
chitecture (AUTOSAR) separates the software on embedded devices into a base
software and a function software. The base software provides certain domain specific functionalities
Electronics 2016,5, 24 25 of 42
such as communication stacks for domain specific protocols (e.g., CAN, Lin, FlexRay and others).
Moreover, well-defined interfaces are provided that can be used by the on-top function software.
The mentioned architecture has proven to be of great success for several reasons. First of all, AUTOSAR
as common and well-known development platform provides a structure that enables separation of
work among the value chain. Typically, platform development is conducted by the supply chain
whereas function development can be done by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). This clear
partitioning enables OEM’s to switch between different hardware platforms from different suppliers.
In the field of automotive, this is crucial for wide spread second or third supplier strategies.
In terms of Smart Grids strategic considerations are less in focus. However, the AUTOSAR
concepts illustrate how cooperative development of control systems in a safety critical environment
can look like. Moreover, it demonstrates how development can be enabled by a clear separation
of concerns between platform aspects (Supply chain develops hardware and base software) and
functionalities (OEMs integrate functionality)
The implementation framework envisioned in this building block follows a similar concept.
Thus, it has been denoted as
chitecture (ENOSAR). Similar to AUTOSAR,
ENOSAR separates the device software into an ENOSAR Base Software and an ENOSAR Function
Software. The base software aims at a close link with the underlying hardware. A particular
configuration (e.g., which protocols to be used) should be obtained on basis of the architectural
model. Moreover, it is intended to provide well-defined interfaces to be used by the function software.
The function software is closely linked with functionality as described within the architectural model.
Investigations on how to obtain functional software out of the architecture model (source code
generation) are currently made by the authors. An overview about the ENOSAR concepts can be seen
in Figure 14, further considerations on selected building blocks are given in the following.
ImplementationArchitecture Model
Physical Component
ENO SAR Fun ction Software
EN OSA R Base S oftware
Hardw are Ab straction L ayer (HAL)
Ethern et RS 232 GP IO
EN OS AR Services
«A pp li ca tio n»
Custo mer
Fle xibility
Man ag emen t
«A pp li ca tio n»
Sm art Metering
«A pp li ca tio n»
DER Con trol
«A pp li ca tio n»
Sec ure
En Ocean
«m essag ing»
Rabb itMQ
Pkg M gmt
Inte rface
definition s
Auth entication
and Authorization
«da tastore»
Con fig Mgmt
«Lo gic al Ac tor»
Log ical Actor
«H igh Leve l U...
Use Case
«LO G»
Com munication
and A ddressing
Crypto Block
We b Se rverData S tore
Data Map pingData Type
Definition s
LoggingMes saging
«trace »
Figure 14. Concept of the ENergy Open System ARchitecture (ENOSAR) Framework.
Figure 14 depicts a rough overview on the implementation framework. The underlying ideas,
together with the current work on implementation are described in the following.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 26 of 42
ENOSAR Base Software
is the key element of the implementation framework. It is located
upon a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) that is supposed to handle hardware specific aspects such as
drivers. The interfaces provided for the function software are denoted as ENOSAR Services, depicted
on the left side of the base software. These services comprise communication stacks for domain specific
protocols such as XMPP Secure, OPC-UA, EnOcean (Home Automation protocol) or IEC 61850. In addition,
a messaging and a datastore concept are specified. Figure 14 lists RabbitMQ respectively MongoDB as
concerning technologies as they are used in the ongoing implementation of the prototype.
A key element of the ENOSAR Base Software is the
. It comprises basic
functionality such as package or configuration management, the internal Messaging concept, Logging
or a Webserver. A very crucial element of the core is the Crypto Block. Besides the implementation of
state-of-the-art cryptographic routines such as AES block cipher, this block is used for implementation
and evaluation of innovative concepts especially in the field of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs).
To be more precise, the two concepts Homomorphic Encryption [
] and Wavelet Encryption [
] are in
focus. Both of these technologies can be used to address privacy issues in terms of Smart Metering.
The first concept aims at privacy aware aggregation of data. This technique, for example, aggregates
already encrypted real-time Smart Metering values from individual households and relays them to a
Distribution System Operator (DSO). By decrypting the received data, the DSO obtains an aggregated
value (e.g., the sum of
households). This aggregated value can be good enough for sensing of
network conditions but does not enable to conclude on an individual’s behavior. The second concept,
Wavelet Encryption addresses a conditional access on data on basis of a certain key. For example, a
DSO could be equipped with a key that enables access to Smart Metering data with low resolution for
billing purposes. In contrast, a third party service could be granted access to high resolution data for
the purpose of delivering a particular service.
ENOSAR Function Software
should be derived on basis of the functional description from
the architectural model. Thus, it focuses on algorithmic aspects and is intended to make use of
functionality provided by the base software. Again, the maturity of this concept is on a conceptual
level and concerning aspects are part of present work. A main focus of this work is put on the
following aspects:
Stronger formalization of functionality
Model-to-Code transformation
Partitioning of the ENOSAR Base Software (e.g., where to locate which functionalities.)
Integration of PETs
Interfacing between base software and function software
The described research work is conducted at the Josef Ressel in Austria.
To be more precise, exploratory case studies considering selected Use Cases such as “Smart Metering”
or ”Electric Vehicle Charging” are realized in order to learn about conceptual aspects. The prototype
implementation is conducted on Raspberry Pi hardware platforms. As Hardware Abstraction
Layer (HAL) the Java Virtual Machine has been selected and thus, the implementation of the
prototypes is done in Java. To provide a dynamic setup of the software modules being used,
OSGI has been utilized as versatile and modular service framework. As basis for
communication between different Smart Grid participants the XMPP protocol has been selected for
implementation. Furthermore, it has been extended by several security mechanisms to support
End-to-End security. In addition, Home Area Network (HAN) protocols such as enOcean, ZigBee or KNX
are integrated. For interactions with customers, communications with various customer appliances on
Android basis are realized.
Again, the specification of such an implementation framework is a challenging task and
research—especially on the integration of PETs—is still under progress. Thus, the concepts presented
within this building block rather aim at giving a conceptual outlook than presenting finished work.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 27 of 42
5. Architecture Modeling Example
The core of the presented approach addresses the domain specific architecture development
in reference to existing standards. For a better understanding of the underlying concepts, they are
demonstrated on basis of a simplified example within this section. The example used is based on the
one introduced in the original SGAM proposal [
]. It is developed in alignment with the development
process described in Section 4.1 and modeled by utilization of the SGAM Toolbox (Section 4.2). Focus of
the presented example is to demonstrate the methodology and thus the example does not reflect the
complexity of a real project.
However, for the given example let’s assume the following scenario: The distribution system
infrastructure of a certain Distribution System Operator (DSO) is running against its limits. Instead of
making an expensive investment on infrastructure, the DSO considers to rather utilize flexibility
(“Active Grid Operation”) instead. To be more precise, the DSO considers two scenarios. The first
scenario, Generation Flexibility, adresses control functionality on reactive power of certain Distribution
Energy Resources (DER) such as wind power plants or photovoltaics. The second scenario, Load Lexibility
adresses limitations in the network by reducing or shifting loads. In the given example, one particular
Use Case (“Control Reactive Power of DER” corresponding to the first scenario is used to demonstrate
the proposed modeling approach.
To ease the reading of the modeling example, Table 1lists the abbreviations being used.
Table 1. Abbreviations used in the following example.
Abbreviation Meaning
BA Business Actor
BC Business Case
BG Business Goal
CIM Common Information Model
DDC Distributed Data Collector
DER Distributed Energy Resource
DSM Distribution System Management
DSO Distribution System Operator
HES Head End System
HLUC High Level Use Case
IF Interface
IO Information Object
LA Logical Actor
PUC Primary Use Case
WAN Wide Area Network
5.1. System Analysis—Business Layer
The very first task when architecting a system is to conduct the Business Analysis task as part of
the System Analysis Phase. This task aims at identification of the motivation behind a certain system to
be built, the stakeholders involved and their particular interests. Figure 15 demonstrates the utilization
of the developed DSL in combination with existing modeling languages (e.g., BPMN) to describe a
particular business case.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 28 of 42
Ind ividua l
Bu siness G oal
Ind ividua l
Bu siness G oal
«Bu siness A ctor»
«Bu siness A ctor»
Cu stomer
«Bu siness Use Case»
Ac tive Grid O peration
«Bu siness A ctor»
Ind ividua l
Bu siness G oal
NF RQ: Security
uc Flex ibility
Bu siness P rocess Descriptio n
Here a detailed description of the
underlyin g business processes, for
exampl e by usage of Business
Pro cess Modelling Notation
(BPMN) can take place
As ses sm ent
NF RQ: Privac y
Figure 15. Business Case Analysis.
The intention of the given scenario is to cope with energy peaks on basis of an active grid operation.
Basically, the Distribution System Operator (DSO) wants to control the injection from Distributed Energy
Resources (DER) and the energy consumption by Customers. Thus, the parties involved are introduced
as the Business Actors DSO,DER and Customer. Each of these actors has its own interests which
are denoted as Business Goals. The concerning model elements cover a detailed description of the
individual goals.
In order to balance the interests between the individual stakeholders, the Business Case (BC) Active
Grid Operation is introduced. This model element can cover more detailed considerations of underlying
aspects. For example, a Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analyses or individual business
processes, such as the workflow for integration of new participants can be covered by this description.
The underlying considerations can be noted in arbitrary ways, for example simply by using plain
text, attaching documents or in a more formal way by utilization of Business Process Modeling Notation
(BPMN). Figure 15 indicates the integration of such information as in the lower left corner of the
picture a preview on the diagram “behind” the BC is included.
Besides the identification and description of the BC it is of special interest to also consider the
associated risk. Considerations for a domain specific risk assessment can be found for example in [
or [
]. However, in general the introduced risk is based on potential impact and likelihood (for a
successful attack). In this early stage when no architectural solution yet exists, the likelihood is rather
hard to determine whereas first considerations in terms of potential impact already can be made. In the
given example, the risk assessment has been done by utilization of an external document template that
is associated with the Business Case.
On basis of the risk assessment a first set of dependability requirements can be derived.
In Figure 15 this is indicated by one particular security and one privacy requirement. These
typically will span a tree within the model that continuously is refined with every development
phase. For decomposition of these requirements the utilization of SysML Requirement Diagrams is a
well-known approach. The SGAM Toolbox used to create this example is an extension of an existing
modeling tool and thus supports the integration with standardized modeling concepts such as SysML.
Furthermore, also integration with external tools such as Requirements Management Tools (RMT) is
possible. However, as this example focuses on the overall methodology, it does not provide a more
granular description here.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 29 of 42
As can be seen, specific considerations on security and privacy already take place in the very
beginning. This is of great importance as privacy and security requirements can be identified as
architectural drivers and thus have impact on architectural decisions to be made.
To bring the considerations made in a domain specific context the created model can be aligned
within the SGAM by placing it within the SGAM Business Layer as depicted in Figure 16. This can
be of importance to identify eventually existing regulatory constraints for particular domains. If so,
the regulatory instance together with its requirements can be added as additional Business Actor.
However, as the given example focuses only on the methodology, regulatory constraints are not
considered here in more detail.
Generation Transmission Distribution DER Customer Premise
Nam e: SG AM B usiness Laye r
Aut hor: Chris tian N eureiter
Ver sion: 1 .0
Cre ated: 28.02 .20 16 1 0:26:45
Upd ated: 28.0 2.2 016 12:39 :27
«Busin ess Actor»
«Busin ess Actor»
Custom er
«Busine ss Use Case»
Act ive Grid Op eration
«Busin ess Actor»
Figure 16. SGAM Business Layer.
5.2. System Analysis—Function Layer
The initial step in defining functionality is to derive particular High Level Use Cases (HLUC) on
basis of the preliminary described Business Case. For a detailed description of the individual HLUCs
the IEC 62559 Use Case template is used which is reflected by the DSL. In the given example three
HLUC (Generation Flexibility, Control Reactive Power of DER and Load Flexibility) are specified.
The relations between a business case and HLUCs are of type “invoke”. Moreover, relations between
particular HLUCs can be described by standard UML Use Cases relations. In the example, this
is demonstrated as the HLUC “Generation Flexibility” invokes another HLUC “Control Reactive
Power of DER”. Figure 17 depicts the derivation of HLUCs on basis of the given Business Case.
In addition, this illustration depicts the association of previously defined requirements with the
derived HLUCs. However, typically the derivation of HLUCs goes hand in hand with further
refinement of these requirements.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 30 of 42
«H igh Le vel U ...
Lo ad F lexibility
«H igh Le vel U ...
Gen eration
F lex ibility
«Bu siness Use Case»
Ac tive Grid Op eration
«H igh Le vel U ...
Co ntro l R eactive
Po wer of DE R
NF RQ: Secu rity
NF RQ: Priva cy
Ris k
As ses sm en t
«invo kes »
«invo kes »
«invo kes »
Figure 17. Derivation of High Level Use Cases.
The elaboration of the detailed functionality of one HLUC is typically done iteratively. In the
beginning, an initial model transformation is conducted that derives particular Logical Actors (LA) out
of the Business Actors. Figure 18 exemplarily depicts the model transformation for the two business
actors DSO and DER. The initial transformation typically is not complete as during the detailed analysis
additional actors arise. However, to provide consistency throughout the whole model it is important
to maintain the model transformation and assign every newly introduced LA to a certain BA.
Logical Actors
Business Actors
«Bu siness A ctor»
«Bu siness A ctor»
«L ogic al A ctor»
Ne tw ork O peration s
Rep orting and
St ati stics
«L ogic al A ctor»
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu ted Gen eratio n
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu tion Data
Co llecto r
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu tion IED
«L ogic al A ctor»
Dis tribu tion Stabilize
and Optimize
«L ogic al A ctor»
«trac « trace »
«trac «trac «t race» « trace »
Figure 18. Model Transformation: Business Actors into Logical Actors.
The detailed analysis of one particular High Level Use Cases starts with a decomposition into
more granular Primary Use Cases (PUC). In the example given, the HLUC “Control reactive power of
DER“ is decomposed into the five PUCs Data Acquisition,SCADA,Volt/Var Control,DER Control and
Audit (Figure 19).
Electronics 2016,5, 24 31 of 42
«H igh Leve l Use C ase»
Ge neration Flexibility
«H igh Leve l Use C ase»
Co ntro l Reactive Powe r of
«P rima ry Use Ca se»
«P rima ry Use Ca se»
Vo lt/Va r Control
«P rima ry Use Ca se»
«P rima ry Use Ca se»
Data Acqu isition
«P rima ry Use Ca se»
DER Co ntrol
act C ontrol R eactive P ower o f DER (A ctivityGraph WithAction )
Co ntrol Rea ctive Pow er of DE R (ActivityGra phWithA ction)
Sta rt
[In vok es]: «Prima ry U se Ca se»
Data Acqu isition
[In vok es]: «Prima ry U se Ca se»
[In vok es]: «Prima ry U se Ca se»
Vo lt/Va r Control
[In vok es]: «Prima ry U se Ca se»
DER Co ntrol
[In vok es]: «Prima ry U se Ca se»
«invo kes»
«invo kes»
«invo kes»
«invo kes»
«invo kes»
«invo kes»
Figure 19. Decomposition of a single HLUC.
Moreover, the interrelations between the particular PUCs are depicted as UML Activity diagram.
In that case, the investigated HLUC is described as Activity and all of the invoked PUCs are integrated as
corresponding Actions. The described concept is very well established within the UML and thus, many
tools typically support some auto-generation of the activity diagrams out of the box. The availability
of such features like diagram generation is not only a “nice to have” issue as they raise efficiency for
modeling dramatically which is a key factor for acceptance.
Subsequent to the identification of the individual PUCs, they can be scrutinized and described in
detail. The main interest lies in a complete description of a single PUC which again can be done by
all available concepts of UML. However, in terms of privacy and security the information exchanged
between individual actors is a major asset. Thus, another goal of this step is to identify and describe all
involved Information Objects (IO). Besides the focus of privacy and security the introduction of explicitly
described IOs is a valuable concept for providing consistency within the developed architecture.
Figure 20 exemplarily depicts the detailed description for the PUC “DER Control“ with all mentioned
aspects. The according development is described in the following in detail.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 32 of 42
«P rima ry U...
DER Co ntrol
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu tio n Data
Co llecto r
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu ted Gen eration
«L ogic al A ctor»
act DE R Co ntrol (ActivityG raphWithAction)
«Pr imary Use Ca se» DER Contro l
Sta rt
DM S reforma ts
co ntrol value and
equ ipment id
DM S trans mits
co ntrollable
setpo int to
Distribu tio n Data
Co llecto r
Distribu tio n Data
Co llec tor devic e
for wards
informa tion to
Distribu ted
Ge ne ratio n dev ice
Distribu ted
Ge ne ratio n dev ice
up dates its
op eration
pa rameters
acco rding to
setpo int
Distribu ted
Ge ne ratio n dev ice
ve rifies upd ated
op eration mod e
and ackn owled ges
pa rameter cha nge
to Dis tribu tion Da ta
Co llecto r
Distribu tio n Data
Co llec tor devic e
for wards
informa tion to DM S
«In form ation Ob ject»
Co ntrol Valu e and
Eq uipment ID
«In form ation Ob ject»
Co ntrollable
Setp oint
«In form ation Ob ject»
Op eration
Pa ra me ters
«In form ation Ob ject»
Pa rameter ACK
<detailed description>
<detailed description>
<detailed description>
<detailed description>
sd D ER C ontrol (S eque nceDiag ram - Basic Path)
DMS : DMS D istri butio n D ata C ollector:
Dis tribu tion Data Collector
Dis tribu ted Ge neration:
Dis tribu ted Generation
«In form ation Ob ject»
Co ntro llabl e S etpoint
«In form ation Ob ject»
Co ntro llabl e S etpoint
«In form ation Ob ject»
Pa rameter AC K
«In form ation Ob ject»
Pa rameter AC K
5.D istribu ted Ge neration device
verifies up dated ope ratio n mod e
an d ackn owled ges p arameter
cha nge to Distribution Data
Co llecto r()
3.D istrib ution D ata Co llec tor
de vice forwards in formation to
Dis tributed Generatio n dev ice()
2.D MS tran smits
con trollable se tpoint to
Distribu tion D ata Collecto r()
6.Dis tribu tion Da ta
Co llecto r device
forwa rds inform ation to
DMS ()
1.D MS refo rmats
co ntrol value and
equ ipment id()
4.D istributed
Ge ne ratio n dev ice
up dates its
op eration
pa ram eters
acco rding to
setpo int()
Figure 20. Detailed description of a single Primary Use Case (PUC).
Typically, description of Use Cases starts with a textual description. The SGAM Toolbox
as extension for the Enterprise Architect modeling tool supports diagram
generation out of a textual description. Thus, in a first step the textual description can be added
to the PUC as Structured Scenario. If Logical Actors (LA) are already assigned to the PUC they will
automatically be recognized. Missing actors can be introduced to the model and need to be assigned
to an appropriate Business Actor as described above. After introducing all missing actors, the UML
Sequence and Activity Diagram can be auto-generated.
In the example used for demonstration the PUC “Control Reactive Power of DER” comprises six
individual steps. Two of them (1 and 4) describe local actions for only one LA, the others comprise
communication activity as can be seen in the Sequence Diagram (lower left corner of the image).
The Activity Diagram (right side) has been created similar to the one used for describing the HLUC
before. Here, the PUC is represented as “Activity” that includes the individual steps as corresponding
“Actions”. As can be seen, the given PUC is executed as straight sequence of actions. However, for
more complex Use Cases all concepts from UML Activity Diagrams such as branches, conditions or
simultaneous execution can be used.
Provided with the Activity Diagram, the individual steps can be analyzed and certain Information
Objects (IO) can be defined. The example given comprises four IOs (on the very right side). At this stage,
the IOs can be described in arbitrary detail. It is important to notice that these model elements will
Electronics 2016,5, 24 33 of 42
be used not only for privacy and security considerations but also for further development. Thus, an
early clarification of the information to be exchanged helps to maintain consistency and is useful in
multiple ways.
In a final step of the PUC description, the preliminary specified IOs can be added to the concerning
steps within the sequence diagram. Doing this for every single PUC draws a complete picture of
all PUCs and LAs involved within this HLUC. This complete picture can be visualized in context
of the SGAM Function Layer as depicted in Figure 21. Again, as a modeling language is used for
development, this image does not have to be drawn manually. Instead, it is a result of the detailed
descriptions of all individual PUC considerations.
Generation Transmission Distribution DER Customer Premise
«Pri ...
«Pri ...
Vo lt/Var
«Pri ...
«Pri ...
Acqu isition
«Pri ...
«Lo gica l Actor»
«Lo gica l Actor»
Distribution Data
Collec tor
«Lo gica l Actor»
Distribution IED
«Lo gica l Actor»
«Lo gica l Actor»
Distributed Gene ration
«Lo gica l Actor»
Distributio n Stab ilize
and O ptimize
«Lo gica l Actor»
Netwo rk Ope rations
Repo rting and
Stat istics
Nam e: SG AM Fun ction Layer
Aut hor: C hris tian N eureiter
Vers ion: 1. 0
Crea ted: 2 7.02 .201 6 1 6:15:44
Upd ated: 2 8.0 2.20 16 14:54:13
Figure 21. SGAM Function Layer.
5.3. Model Transformation
Right after the functional specification within the upper two layers of the SGAM, the architectural
development can take place. The first step is to map the Logical Actors from the SGAM Function
Layer onto Physical Components (“Model Transformation”). The identified components can be related
with actors from the NIST LRM. Thus, appropriate interfaces together with their associated security
requirements can be obtained. Figure 22 depicts this mapping for the given example.
As one can see in the figure, the mapping is not necessarily a one-to-one mapping. Rather, one
single LA (as for example “Distribution Data Collector”) can be realized as combination of multiple
physical devices (“Distribution Data Collector” and “Head End System”, HES). Vice versa, it is also
possible for one physical component to realize the functionality of different Logical Actors (e.g., the
“DMS Computer” realizes the LAs “DMS” and “Distribution Stabilize and Optimize”).
Another very important aspect that can be seen is that not for every physical component a suitable
reference can be found within the NIST LRM. In the given example, this pertains for the Head End
System. In that case, two aspects can be considered. First, the planned solution is not conform to
the NIST LRM and maybe could be reconsidered. Or, the questioned component needs to be added
individually. As the development of the Smart Grid typically is no green field approach, the second
scenario is more common. In the example given the HES should be integrated manually to demonstrate
how to individually extend the NIST LRM. A special focus here is put on maintaining the security
concepts introduced by the NIST LRM.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 34 of 42
Logical Actors
«L ogic al A ctor»
Ne twork Op erations
Rep orting and
Sta tis tics
«L ogic al A ctor»
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu ted Gen eration
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu tio n Data
Co llecto r
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu tio n IED
«L ogic al A ctor»
Distribu tion S tabilize
and Optimize
«L ogic al A ctor»
Physical Components
LV N etwork
27 -
Di str ib ution
M an ag em ent
23 -
Cu stome r
Info rm ati on
12 -
Di str ib ution
Da ta
Co lle c tor
5 -
Cu stome r
En ergy
Mg mt
Di str ib ution
RT Us or
Co m pu ter
Di str ib ution
Co n tro ller
Di str ib ution
Da ta
Co lle c tor
Co m pu ter
«trac «t race»«trac
«trac «t race»
«trac «t race»
Figure 22. Mapping of Logical Actors onto physical components.
When introducing a new component it is necessary to identify and describe the interfaces with
surrounding components. In the given example, the HES will be interfacing with three components
(DDC, DMS and DER). Thus, the three interfaces U201, U202 and U203 are created and instantiated
for the HES. Furthermore, each of these interfaces is considered in respect to the available interface
categories discussed in Section 2.3. After the appropriate interface categories have been identified,
the interfaces can be related with them. Doing so provides a direct link between the newly created
component and the associated security requirements delivered by the NIST LRM. Figure 23 depicts
the creation of Interfaces and their relation with particular Interface Categories for the newly created
component HES.
Figure 23. Integration of interfaces for a new component.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 35 of 42
Due to their huge number the security requirements associated with every Interface Category are
not included in the image. To brows through the corresponding requirements, the online available
click-through model can be consulted.
However, the associated security requirements provided by the NIST LRM are developed “bottom
up” and intended to be High Level Security Requirements. Thus, they rather serve as starting point
and need further particularization. The necessary refinement can be done on basis of the “top down”
requirements developed so far in the preliminary steps. This concept fosters the combination of both, a
top down and a bottom up approach which is a very common way for developing security requirements.
5.4. System Architecture—Information Layer
The instantiation of the physical components together with their instantiated security
requirements states the basis for the architectural development. In a first step the Business Context View
as part of the SGAM Information Layer can be developed. This view aims at depicting the Information
Object Flows among the participating physical components and can be derived by considering
(1) the detailed description of all involved PUC’s and (2) the mapping from Logical Actors onto
Physical Components. Figure 24 depicts the Business Context View for the “Control Reactive Power of
Figure 24. SGAM Information Layer: Business Context View.
The second specified view on the SGAM Information Layer is the Canonical Data Model. This view
deals with the assignment of appropriate data model standards to be used. Selecting the best fitting
standard requires detailed considerations. As discussed in Section 4.4.3, the IEC Smart Grid Standards
Mapping Tool can deliver guidance for choosing appropriate standards. However, for the given example
mainly CIM and IEC 61850 related standards have been selected as can be seen in Figure 25.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 36 of 42
Figure 25. SGAM Information Layer: Canonical Data Model.
5.5. System Architecture—Communication Layer
Developing the SGAM Communication Layer is quite similar to the development of the SGAM
Information Layer. The already existing components with their realized interfaces can be placed within
the concerning diagram. Again, the IEC Smart Grids Standards Mapping Tool provides guidance
on the selection of appropriate communication protocols which are integrated in the model as
Communication Relation. Figure 26 depicts the SGAM Communication Layer for the example with
the selected communication protocols.
Generation Transmission Distribution DER Customer Premise
U201 U20 2
U201 U20 2
Con tro ller
Com p uter
Dist rib ution
Coll ec tor
Dist rib ution
Com p uter
Prot oc ol:
IEC 91 968 -100
Prot oc ol:
IEE E 19 01.1
Prot oc ol:
IEC 6 1968-
Prot oc ol:
IEC 61 850 -8-1
Prot ocol: IEC
618 50-8-1
Figure 26. SGAM Communication Layer.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 37 of 42
5.6. System Architecture—Component Layer
The previously described SGAM Information respectively SGAM Communication Layer is
focusing on the Point-to-Point relation between two components. Contrasting to this, the SGAM
Component Layer delivers the possibility to completely describe the ICT architecture to be realized.
Thus, additional elements such as gateways or firewalls can be integrated. Another very important
aspect is the representation of particular network segments. Similar as before, the elements within the
diagram represent the nodes of a particular ICT architecture. The edges (relations) are used to define
the communication technology such as Ethernet, Coax or GSM.
The example depicted in Figure 27 depicts how the existing components utilize different gateways
to communicate over certain network segments. Moreover, the relations in between are intended to
specify the communication technology used. For example, the Distribution IED fetches the sensor value
over a two-wire connection whereas it communicates over RS485 with the (local) Distribution Data
Collector (DDC). The DDC itself is connected to the WAN via a GPRS modem with a direct Ethernet
link between the DDC and the gateway.
Figure 27. SGAM Component Layer.
The representation of the SGAM Component Layer as given in Figure 27 is suitable to only
provide an overview on the overall ICT architecture and thus, it helps to maintain the “big picture”.
The given abstraction level is clearly not detailed enough for planning and maintaining the particular
ICT architecture. However, to provide consistency over the whole model, the detailed documentation
for the ICT architecture also should be included here. A very feasible way is to utilize the network
segment elements to provide an in-depth description.
5.7. Further Processing
The individual steps described so far demonstrate step-by-step modeling of a Smart Grid solution.
In terms of the SGAM, the model has been developed layer-by-layer. By maintaining vertical relations
(“traces”, reflecting model transformations) between the individual layer, a complete model can be
Electronics 2016,5, 24 38 of 42
obtained. Figure 28 depicts selected aspects of the example model on basis of a “front view” (e.g.,
looking from the front on the SGAM cube).
Figure 28. Front view on the example model.
As it can be seen, a complete picture can be derived that describes all individual aspects
mentioned by the SGAM. In addition, as the physical elements are derived from the NIST LRM
they include the related interfaces which can be traced to the concerning security requirements via
their interface categories.
Besides the presentation of a complete picture, the availability of such an architectural model can
serve various purposes. For example, as a certain Business Case can be traced through the model to
all involved components and their relations, it is possible to assess various attributes of the related
components. This could be, for example, attributes like CAPEX or OPEX to determine costs related
with a particular architectural solution. Or, by delivering a description of particular components
(functionality on basis of Use Cases, data model standards used, information objects exchanged or
security requirements associated) the model could serve as a basis for their realization. Of course
such a model as the one from the example only delivers a basis and further refinement is necessary.
However, as the DSL is an extension to UML a seamless integration of additional aspects, e.g., non
functional requirements is possible.
Electronics 2016,5, 24 39 of 42
6. Conclusions
Security by Design is a crucial issue when developing Smart Grid systems. Not only due to the
criticality of the electric energy system but also for acceptance among end users which are expected to
play a major role in the grid. An important prerequisite in this context is the availability of a holistic and
domain-specific development process. The approach proposed in this paper aims at providing such a
development concept. It is built upon existing work with a special focus on output from standardization
bodies from both, USA and Europe. Thus, no fundamentally new concepts are introduced, moreover
different existing bits and pieces are combined to envision such a holistic concept.
The presented approach identifies five interrelated building blocks that contribute to Smart Grid
engineering. For each of these building blocks the present state of implementation is discussed. In this
discussion, different degrees of maturity are revealed. Work on domain specific architecture description,
for example, already delivered quite applicable results. Moreover, necessary integration work for
standardization concepts, especially between USA and Europe, could be identified. Other concepts,
such as the integration between architecture development and implementation appear rather visionary
at the time. In this context, the ENOSAR framework has been introduced that sketches a possible
way for seamless integration. However, in order to enable such a holistic engineering methodology, a
unified process together with an appropriate tool-chain is required. At present, different efforts are
made towards this direction as outlined in [49].
The authors’ current work is concentrating on a tighter integration between different
standardization concepts in order to obtain a consistent reference architecture as envisioned in
Section 4.4.2. Besides, also the advancement of the ENOSAR framework and especially its integration
with the SGAM Toolbox is put in focus. All of this work is done under the currently running RASSA
research project the Josef Ressel Research Center is involved in.
The financial support of the Josef Ressel Center by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science,
Research and Economy and the Austrian National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development is
gratefully acknowledged. Funding by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under Project 848811, “RASSA Architektur”, is gratefully
acknowledged. Financial support and participation in the development of the SGAM Toolbox by Siemens Corporate
Technology, Munich is gratefully acknowledged.
Author Contributions:
Mathias Uslar contributed to the NISTIR 7628 and SGAM mapping concept presented
in the paper, the alignment with the EU M/490 work as well as the fine-tuning of the textual and graphical
presentation. Dominik Engel contributed to the overall concept presented in the paper, as well as the fine-tuning
of the textual presentation. Christian Neureiter developed the domain specific language and the SGAM-Toolbox.
Furthermore he wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... While refining these UC, development teams have to make informed decisions about the technical operation of the involved system components. The UC methodology has so far been adapted to include risk assessment for security, privacy, performance and other so-called non-functional system properties [4]. In contrast, the assessment of functional risks that arise e.g. from rare environmental conditions or unexpected operation of system components requires a different modification of the development methodology that takes into account the adaptive system behavior that the engineering effort needs to result in. ...
... Security aspects are a prominent subject for such system analysis (e.g. [4], [14]- [17]) and can be subject to specific classifications of attacks [18] and risk analysis [19], [20]. Additional aspects for the analysis of SGAM-based models are fault-detection [21], controller conflicts [22], scalability [23] and the economic aspects within enterprise architectures [24], [25]. ...
... Thus our approach combines the risk assessment with SGAM-oriented design approaches, e.g. [4], where Use Case descriptions are iterated in order to reflect design choices. ...
... In the smart-grid domain, the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) framework is the basis for most MBSE approaches. Notably, Neureiter et al. [8] made the framework usable for concrete engineering task by developing a domain-specific language (DSL) for SGAM. ...
... Since its inception, SGAM has outgrown its original purpose; it now serves as the basis for architecture-development approaches. Neureiter et al. [8] have published one such approach: an SGAM-based modeling language. This DSL conveys smart-grid architectures in a way that is understoodand thus accepted-by domain stakeholders. ...
... A charging-station management system sends various data about each charging process to the DSO, who computes the demand estimation. The scenario is modeled with the SGAM DSL following the process proposed by Neureiter et al. [8]. As a result, various artifacts are created. ...
Conference Paper
Data science has great potential in smart grids, but applying it must not jeopardize dependability—thus requiring high-quality data. Ideally, quality is ensured in early development stages. To enable this, we propose using architecture models for data quality assessment. The study focuses on a domain-specific language based on the Smart Grid Architecture Model and models created with it. The first goal is to evaluate how suitable such models are for assessing contextual data quality—the data’s fitness for use. We discovered the assessability is mainly limited by the modeling language not facilitating standards-independent data definition. Consequently, we set out to improve the language. We arrived at three proposed modifications using a case study– based design-science approach: including an element for generic data definition, separating data and information, and adding attributes to data flows. Our research demonstrates the feasibility of model-based data-quality assessment and takes a step towards integrating data science into smart-grid architecture.
... This paper employs Security-by-Design to prioritize security requirements from early design in the engineering lifecycle on instead of building an insecure product and take measures later to mitigate its issues [7]. [8], [9] and others identified Security-By-Design in smart grid engineering as valuable guidance. Given the increasing digitalization of energy sectors industrial control systems, this approach is essential to proactively address potential security flaws. ...
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Recent cyber-attacks successfully launched on electricity infrastructure reveal the need to harden protection measures. Intelligent power grids, so-called smart grids, are highly distributed, and involve diverse stakeholders and devices. This makes the manageming their cybersecurity challenging, requiring a concisely defined, well-structured, and widely applicable strategy. The results of cybersecurity analysis must be consistently captured to enable seamless collaboration between stakeholders having common interest in enhancing the grid's resilience. In response, we present a model-based approach utilizing a domain-specific language, the Cybersecurity Toolbox. Its metamodel conforms to the Meta-Object Facility and is based on consolidated ontologies of widespread cybersecurity standards. The modeling language stands out by its ease of use grounded in a robust but extensible formal foundation. Furthermore, it is designed for broad interoperability with common cybersecurity analysis methodologies and tools, enabling it to function as a centralized hub for consolidating system-level cybersecurity findings. We demonstrate the toolbox's capabilities on a publicly available attack scenario. Ultimately, the Cybersecurity Toolbox can strengthen smart grids' resilience by holisitcally manageming security concerns in a security-by-design approach.
... However, in many engineering domains, domain-specific languages (DSL) are used to describe type-based architecture models. In the power-systems domain, the interdisciplinary Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) is the basis for a DSL and modeling tool, developed by Neureiter et al. (Neureiter, Engel & Uslar, 2016). Similarly, the Reference Architecture Model Industry (RAMI) 4.0 DSL (Binder, Neureiter & Lüder, 2021) allows modeling architectures of industrial systems of systems. ...
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The growing demand for efficient, resilient, and sustainable electricity infrastructure has led to the emergence of smart grids as cyber‐physical systems of systems. Co‐simulation has proven an effective tool for their analysis and validation by coordinating independent subsystem simulations. However, the reuse and integration of diverse models in co‐simulation poses challenges, requiring compatibility and integration efforts. In response, this paper proposes a model taxonomy with the purpose of facilitating co‐simulation; it comprises three layers: concrete‐instance models, abstract‐instance models, and type models. The taxonomy contributes to the creation of independently developed models that can be seamlessly integrated into a coupled co‐simulation. Furthermore, it reflects the emergence of digital twins in smart grid engineering by the explicit distinction of abstract and concrete instances. The three‐layer taxonomy was derived and validated through a case study on co‐simulation of electric‐vehicle charging infrastructure. The research further analyzes and formalizes three modeling‐and‐simulation challenges framed through the lens of the taxonomy: the integration of models across all three layers, the merging of layers, and the consolidation of instance models to craft joint co‐simulation scenarios. Finally, three concrete recommendations for research and industrial practice are given. Thereby, the study contributes to the efficient and effective model‐based validation of cyber‐physical systems of systems using co‐simulation.
... The standard defines how system concerns are addressed by different viewpoints independently of technical concepts, modeling languages or tools. In the context of the smart grid domain, the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) (Smart Grid Coordination Group, 2012) is frequently employed in systems engineering such as in (Uslar et al., 2019) or (Neureiter et al., 2016a). Established through the European Commission's Standardization Mandate it provides a holistic perspective on overall architecture. ...
Conference Paper
Ensuring the reliability of critical infrastructure, such as a smart grid, is of utmost importance. The verification of this reliability needs to occur early in the systems engineering process. An effective method to accomplish this verification is to simulate a model of a smart grid. Given the complexity of such a system with diverse subsystems, co-simulation has emerged as a leading approach due to its capability to engage various independently developed simulators. This paper explores the interoperability between architectural models and co-simulation. The evaluation relies on a case study implemented both as a simulation and an architectural model, with the goal of identifying similarities and differences. The conclusion drawn is that the two tools do not achieve full interoperability to generate a comprehensive simulation out of an architectural model. This limitation stems from co-simulations requiring precise information at an entity level, which type-based architectural models cannot provide. However, a proposal is put forth to use architectural models as a starting point for generating co-simulation code skeletons. The research provides an analysis of the interoperability challenges and suggests a practical combination of the two concepts.
... Proliferating industrialization and urbanization has increased the load demand, which necessitates upgradation along with new installation of power transmission lines (PTLs), in order to ensure higher system reliability and stability [1][2][3][4]. Additionally, development of the smart grid [4,5], integration of renewable energy [6][7][8] and the requirement of interruption free operation [9,10] necessitates implementation of PTLs with in metropolitan areas [11,12]. Literature describes that existing PTLs are comprised of underground cables (UGCs) [7,[13][14][15], overhead lines (OHLs) [2,11,16,17] and gas insulated lines (GILs) [18][19][20][21]. ...
... The evaluation outcome showed that the EMSA model succeeded to fulfill all system requirements, whether those related to complexity management or even those bounded to ensuring interoperability. However, in the paper [48], a conceptual approach is presented on how to enable the integration of security by design in the development of smart grid systems. A major cornerstone of this approach is the development of a domain-specific and standards-based modelling language on the basis of the M/490 Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM). ...
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Nowadays, electric vehicles attract significant attention because of the increasingly stringent exhaust emission policies all over the world. Moreover, with the fast expansion of the sustainable economy, the demand for electric vehicles is expanding. In the recent age, maintenance has seriously hampered the marketing and use of electric automobiles. As a result, the technique for maintaining electric vehicles is regarded as vital since it directly affects the security and availability for the end user and the passengers. Another key aspect of electric mobility is the integration of artificial intelligence in control, diagnostics, and prognostics. Meanwhile, a lot of research efforts are still devoted to developing and innovating electric traction systems, especially for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Furthermore, topics covering important, current, and sustainability challenges should contain more than theoretical knowledge in high-quality education, particularly in engineering education. The purpose is to bridge the gap between the new technology and the learner’s circumstances through giving practical technical expertise and training in the sphere of overall engineering competences, to avoid non-standard, unskilled maintenance work. This article presents the first phase towards designing and developing a test bench of an electric vehicle’s powertrain used for research, learning and e-learning purposes, employing model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and systems modeling language (SysML) through the CESAM architecting and modeling framework. The aforementioned approach is used on our case study to build and present an operational viewpoint layout of the control, energy management, diagnostic, and prognostic test bench as part of the system’s initial phase of designing the system; the test bench layout proposed in this paper represents a flexible, low-cost, multidisciplinary downsized laboratory providing basic experiments related to e-mobility and covering numerous branches and study fields.
... Thus, in the first step, a mapping of the NIST LRM with SGAM has been established before a publicly available ( (accessed on 16 February 2022)), digital model was created by utilization of the SGAM Toolbox [77,78]. The intention behind this task was to provide a reference solution that can be integrated with individual models. ...
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Model Based Systems Engineering as a scientific discipline tries to address the increasing complexity of today’s cyber-physical systems by utilizing different kinds of models. In practical application, however, this approach is often constrained to SysML-based object modeling. Even though this appears to be a suitable approach for dealing with complexity, various restrictions limit stakeholder acceptance. Considering scientific discussions in the context of modeling shows two different schools of thought. On the one hand, arguments for more formalized and rigorous concepts can be found, where on the other hand, the need for more stakeholder-oriented and easier-to-understand concepts is postulated. As both are reasonable, the question of integration arises. To address this aspect, we developed the concept of Domain Specific Systems Engineering. Our research in this field lasted for nearly a decade, and different aspects have been investigated. This paper contributes a summary of the overall approach that integrates the various aspects investigated so far. Thus, the underlying concepts are explained, and the corresponding modeling stack and tool-chain are described in more detail. Further, the practical experiences from various case studies are summarized, and identified shortcomings are discussed.
Die angestrebte Dekarbonisierung des Energiesektors bringt einen strukturellen Wandel in der Energiewirtschaft mit sich, der insbesondere zu einer Dezentralisierung bestehender Strukturen führt. Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung ermöglicht zudem eine umfassendere Vernetzung von Erzeugung, Speicherung, Netzbetrieb und Verbrauch. Die hierdurch entstehenden intelligenten dezentralen Systeme verändern die Wertschöpfungslogik der Energiewirtschaft hin zu Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken und ermöglichen so mannigfaltige neue Geschäftsmodelle unter der Bezeichnung „Smart Energy“. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich im Rahmen einer Fallstudie mit der systematischen Darstellung eines generischen Geschäftsmodells einer Plattform zum Handel von Flexibilität. Mit diesem Instrument sollen kleinteilige Flexibilitätsoptionen in das Gesamtsystem integriert und können bspw. die Kosten für Netz- sowie Systemsicherheitsmaßnahmen reduziert werden. Für die Darstellung des generischen Geschäftsmodells wird zunächst eine modifizierte Form der Business Model Language „Value Network“ vorgestellt, die die besonderen Eigenschaften des Smart-Energy-Kontexts berücksichtigt. Diese setzt sich aus dem Value Proposition Design, dem Business Model Design sowie dem Value Creation Design zusammen. Basierend auf der vorliegenden Fallstudie wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der die Anordnung der Netzwerkakteure systematisiert und dadurch zu einer höheren Vergleichbarkeit von Geschäftsmodellen führt. Als ein weiteres Ergebnis des Beitrages entsteht für die unterschiedlichen Akteure ein übersichtlicher Leitfaden, der die Analyse beliebiger Smart-Energy-Geschäftsmodelle unter Berücksichtigung des vernetzten Charakters sowie dem steigenden Grad an Kommunikationstechniken ermöglicht.
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Die zentrale Forschungsfrage von SGMS-INTEGRA ist, wie kann ein sicherer und stabiler System-betrieb des elektrischen Energiesystems in Gegenwart einer Vielzahl von sich gegenseitig beein-flussenden und voneinander abhängigen Smart-Grid-Dienstleistungen unter Berücksichtigung der europäischen Energiemärkte organisiert werden. Die Berücksichtigung verschiedenster Rahmenbe-dingungen erfordert die Anforderung diverser Märkte mit den lokalen Netzzuständen zu vereinba-ren. Aufbauend auf einer gemeinsamen konsistenten Darstellung der bisherigen Teillösungen im Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) erfolgt die Systemanalyse mit Blick auf das Gesamtsystem Smart Grid, denn die Integration der Teilaspekte in das große Ganze ist ein bisher nur wenig bzw. nur in Teilen erforschtes Thema. Mit der Anwendung bekannter Werkzeuge aus anderen Domänen, wie Model Driven Architecture (MDA), im Themenfeld Smart Grid wird in strukturierter Weise ein Bild der Teillösungen erstellt und im Hinblick auf das energiewirtschaftliche Gesamtsystem unter-sucht. Mit der Ausgangsbasis der Analyse der bisherigen Erkenntnisse der Smart Grids Modellregion Salzburg (SGMS) werden Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich des aktiven koordinierten Verteilnetz-betriebs sowie der technischen Umsetzung einer " vereinenden " Instanz, dem " Flexibility Operator " der Markt-, Kunden-und Netzanforderungen im Sinne eines Gesamtoptimums vereint, vorangetrie-ben. Aus den bisherigen Ergebnissen und den Weiterentwicklungen wird aus der Systemanalyse heraus eine Smart Grid Referenzarchitektur entwickelt und im Austausch mit dem deutschen Schwesternprojekt In2VPP für eine internationale Verwendung optimiert.
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The availability of individual load curves per household in the smart grid end-user domain combined with nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM) to infer personal data from these load curves has led to privacy concerns. Based on insights of the interrelation of load profile resolution and accuracy of NILM techniques, we propose the use of the wavelet transform to represent load data in multiple resolutions. Each resolution is encrypted with a different key using an appropriate cipher and a hierarchical keying scheme. End-to-end security ensures access control. To meet requirements of low computational complexity in low-cost smart meters, the lifting implementation of the wavelet transform is used to generate multiple resolutions. It is shown that the multiresolution approach is compatible with other privacy-enhancing technologies, such as secure signal processing. This allows adding new degrees of freedom to these methods by introducing the dimension of multiple resolutions. The proposed approach is evaluated based on the provided level of privacy and security, computational demands, and feasibility in an economic sense.
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The Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) is widely used for modelling, requirements engineering and gap analysis. In this paper, a formal method for engineering security requirements with SGAM is proposed. Asset security classes, risks and vulnerabilities are modelled formally and a method for deducing security requirements from these entities in the context of an SGAM model is developed. A reference implementation of this method is presented, which allows the automated extraction of security requirements from SGAM models. This set of requirements can serve as an initial starting point for a thorough security analysis. Experience from practical application demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed approach.
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The complexity of today's power systems is continuously increasing due to the paradigm shift towards Smart Grids. This leads to a large number of use cases that need to be covered by holistic future energy systems of which power grids are just one subsystem. However, providing information about those use cases in a structured way in order to obtain a common basis for information exchange has often not been considered in the past. Covering this gap has led to the development of use case templates in the IEC and the Smart Grid Architecture Model in the EU Mandate M/490. Furthermore, regarding the usability of these two approaches, the SGAM Toolbox and the Use Case Management Repository have been developed as appropriate tool support. In this paper, a third component for visual analysis purposes is introduced. The overall goal of the approach proposed in this paper is to integrate these three components into a comprehensive toolchain that supports the whole process from use case development to visualization in compliance to the findings of EU Mandate M/490.
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In a smart grid, data and information are trans-ported, transmitted, stored, and processed with various stake-holders having to cooperate effectively. Furthermore, personal data is the key to many smart grid applications and therefore privacy impacts have to be taken into account. For an effective smart grid, well integrated solutions are crucial and for achieving a high degree of customer acceptance, privacy should already be considered at design time of the system. To assist system engineers in early design phase, frameworks for the automated privacy evaluation of use cases are important. For evaluation, use cases for services and software architectures need to be formally captured in a standardized and commonly understood manner. In order to ensure this common understanding for all kinds of stakeholders, reference models have recently been developed. In this paper we present a model-driven approach for the automated assessment of such services and software architectures in the smart grid that builds on the standardized reference models. The focus of qualitative and quantitative evaluation is on privacy. For evaluation, the framework draws on use cases from the University of Southern California microgrid.