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*Author for correspondence
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(17), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i17/93160, May 2016
ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
Improving Question Classication by Feature
Extraction and Selection
Nguyen Van-Tu1, Le Anh-Cuong2*
1VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Ha Noi City, Vietnam;
2Faculty of Information Technology, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;
1. Introduction
Automated Question Answering has become an important
research direction in natural language processing1,2. Its pur-
pose is to seek an accurate and concise answer to a free-form
factual question from a large collection of text data, rather
than a full document, judged relevant as in standard infor-
mation retrieval tasks. Although dierent types of question
answering systems have dierent architectures, most of
them follow a framework in which question classication
plays an important role3. Furthermore, some studies have
demonstrated that performance of question classication
has signicant inuence on the overall performance of a
question answering system2,4,5. e task of question classi-
cation is to predict the entity type of the answer of a natural
language question6. For example, for the question “Where
is the Eiel Tower?”, the task of question classication is to
return label “location”, thus the answer to this question is a
named entity of type “location”. Since we predict the type of
the answer, question classication is also referred as answer
type prediction.
Many studies have addressed this problem, they
belongs to the rule-based approach7,8 or machine learning-
based approach4,9-11. In this paper, we follow the machine
learning approach and pay attension on the importance
of feature extraction and selection. From the view of
machine learning, we can easily formulate the this task
as a classication problem. ere are various supervised
learning methods used such as Nearest Neighbors (NN),
Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Tree (DT), Sparse Network of
Winnows (SNoW), and Support Vector Machines (SVM).
However, as expressed from experimental results in previ-
ous studies, feature sets aect much the quality of question
Improving Question Classication by Feature Extraction and Selection
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Vol 9 (17) | May 2016 |
According to previous studies, various types of fea-
tures have been investigated. e most common types are
bag of words and n-grams which were used in all studies.
Some other studies (e.g12) tried to enrich the feature set
by adding more linguistic information as part-of-speech
tags or head words, or even semantic features. However,
from our observation combining all features is not always
the best solution for all questions. erefore, in this paper
we will give an experimental investigation for nding
the best feature sets corresponding to dierent groups
of questions. In addition, we also extract a new type of
features based on question patterns. ese new features
are then integrated to the existed feature sets and receive
better results of classication. We tested our proposed
feature sets using a SVM classier which is experimental
shown to get best results in6,9,13,14. And like most previ-
ous studies, the TREC dataset is chosen for conducting
e rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the basic issues in question classication includ-
ing question type taxonomy and feature extraction.
Section 3 presents our proposal for feature selection.
Section 4 presents the experiments. Conclusion and
future works will be presented in section 5.
2. Basic Issues of Question
2.1. Question Type Taxonomy
e set of question categories (classes) are usually referred
as question taxonomy. Dierent question taxonomies
have been proposed in dierent works, but most of the
recent studies used the two layer taxonomy proposed by
[15]1. is taxonomy consists of 6 coarse grained classes
and 50 ne grained classes. Table 1 lists this taxonomy.
Whenever the entity of answering is determined we
can combine it with other information to nd correct
answers. For example, if we know the question is ask-
ing about location (or more concrete, a city), it is easier
to nd the exact information for answering as well as to
form the appropriate answer.
2.2. Classication Algorithms and
Machine Learning Approach
Most studies in question classication follow supervised
machine learning approach. ere are many dier-
ent classication methods used such as: Support Vector
Machine, Naive Bayesian classication, Maximum
Entropy Models16,17, Sparse Network of Winnows12.
Among these methods, Support Vector Machine with lin-
ear kernel function is shown as the most eective method,
according to6,9,13,14. erefore, SVM is the machine learn-
ing method used in our system. We can easily search for
a many documents introducing about SVM methods and
applications, thus it is not necessary for presenting it in
detail here.
A general framework in supervised machine learning
method for question classication is briey described in
the following steps:
• First, we need to build a training dataset, it includes
questions assigned with classication labels.
• Second, each labeled question in the training dataset is
represented as a vector of features.
• ird, a machine learning method (here SVM) is used to
learn on the training vectors and generate the classier.
• Finally, for each a test question we represent it by a
vector of features and use the learnt classier to obtain
a label (i.e. a question category).
Table 1. e coarse and ne grained question classes
Coarse Fine
ABBREVIATION Abbreviation, expression
ENTITY Animal, body, color, creative, currency,, event, food, instrument, lang, letter, other, plant,
product, religion, sport, substance, symbol, technique, term, vehicle, word
DESCRIPTION Denition, description, manner, reason
HUMAN Group, individual, title, description
LOCATION City, country, mountain, other, state
NUMERIC Code, count,date, distance, money, order, other, period, percent, speed, temperature, size, weight
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q = {(t1, f1), …, (tp, fp)}
where fi is the frequency of the term ith in the question
q. ese features are called bag-of-words features or uni-
grams features.
Unigrams is a special case of the so-called n-gram.
To extract n-gram features, any n consecutive words in a
question is considered as a feature. Table 2 lists the lexical
features of the sample question “Who was elected presi-
dent of South Africa in 1994?”
Note that some special cases of getting lexical information
like question words (i.e: who, how, when, what) or word-
shapes are put into the lexical feature set.
2.3.2. Syntactic Features
Syntactic features are extracted from the syntactical
structure of a question. ere are two common kinds of
syntactic features used for question classication, includ-
ing tagged unigrams and head words.
Tagged Unigrams
Tagged Unigrams indicate the part-of-speech tag of each
word in a question like NN (Noun), NP (Noun Phrase),
VP (Verb Phrase), JJ (adjective), and etc. e following
example shows these features extracted from the sentence
“Who was elected president of South Africa in 1994?”
{Who_WP, was_VBD, elected_VBN, president_NN, of_
IN, South_NNP, Africa_NNP, in_IN, 1994_CD,?.}
Head Words
A head word is considered as the key word or the cen-
tral word in a sentence, a clause or a phrase. is word
is determined based on the syntactic parsed tree of the
input sentence. As mentioned in6, Head Words contain
important information for specifying the object that a
question is seeking. erefore, identifying the head word
correctly can improve the classication accuracy since it
is the most informative word in the question.
Classication Evaluation
Performance in question classication is evaluated by the
global accuracy of the classier for all the coarse or ne
Accuracy =
#ofcorrect predictions
ere is also the accuracy of a question classier on
a specic class precision. Precision in question classica-
tion on a specic class c is dened as follows:
Precision(c) =
#ofcorrect predictionsofclass c
#ofpredictions of classc
For the systems in which a question can only have
one class, a question is correctly classied if the predicted
label is the same as the true label. But for the systems
which allow a question to be classied in more than one
class 12,15, a question is correctly classied, if one of the
predicted labels is the same as the true label.
2.3. Feature Extraction
ere are various types of features which are currently
used for question classication. ey can be grouped into
three dierent categories based on the kinds of linguistic
information: lexical, syntactical and semantic features.
2.3.1 Lexical Features
Lexical features are usually the context words appearing
in the question. In question classication, a question is
represented similarly to document representation in the
vector space model, i.e., a question can be represented as
the vector:
q = (q1, q2, …, qN)
where qi is dened as the frequency of term ith in question
q and N is the total number of terms. Note that only non-
zero valued features are kept in the feature vector. en, a
question q is represented in the form:
Table 2. Example of lexical features
Feature Space Features
Unigram {(Who, 1) (was, 1) (elected, 1) (president, 1) (of, 1) (South, 1) (Africa, 1) (in, 1) (1994, 1) (?, 1)}
Bigram {(Who-was, 1), (was-elected, 1), (elected-president, 1), (president-of, 1), (of-South, 1), (South-Africa, 1),
(Africa-in, 1), (in-1994, 1), (1994-?, 1)}
Trigram {( Who-was-elected, 1), (was-elected-president, 1), …, (in-1994-?, 1)}
Wh-Word {(Who, 1)}
Word-Shapes {(lowercase, 5) (mix, 3) (digit, 1) (other, 1)}
Improving Question Classication by Feature Extraction and Selection
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Vol 9 (17) | May 2016 |
For example, for the question “What is the oldest city
in Spain?” the head word here is “city”. e word “city”
in this question can highly contribute to the classier for
classifying this question as “LOC:city”. Table 3 lists sam-
ple questions from TREC dataset together with their class
labels. e head words are identied by being underlined.
To determine the head word of a sentence, a syntac-
tic parser is required. For sentences written in English
language, people usually use the Stanford PCFG parser18
which is also used in this paper.
2.3.3. Semantic Features
Semantic features are useful in the case of sparse data.
From higher level semantic concept we can get the rela-
tionship (i.e. the semantic similarity) between dierent
words. WordNet is a well-known resources used for deter-
mining semantic features. WordNet is a lexical database
of English words providing a lexical hierarchy that associ-
ates a word with higher level semantic concepts namely
hypernyms6. For example a hypernym of the word “city”
is “municipality”.
ere are three kinds of semantic features being used
for question classication, as shown in12, as follows:
Question Category (QC)
WordNet hierarchy is used to estimate the similarity of
question’s head word. e class with highest similarity is
considered as a new feature and will be added to the fea-
ture vector. For example, the question “What American
composer wrote the music for “West Side Story”?” has
its head word “composer”. To nd the question category
feature, the similarity of this word will be compared with
the similarity of all question categories. e category with
the highest similarity will be added to the feature vector.
In this example the most similar category is “individual”
and therefore the question category feature will be {(indi-
vidual, 1)}.
Question Expansion (QE)
Another semantic feature called query expansion which
is basically very similar to hypernym features. As we
explained before, we add hypernym of a head word to the
feature vector with words from WordNet hierarchy. Instead
of imposing this limitation, we dened a weight parameter
which decreases by increasing the distance of a hypernym
from the original word. For example for the question “What
river ows between Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead,
Minnesota?”. e head word of this question is “river”. e
query expansion features of this question will be as follows,
given that the weight of “river” is considered as 1:
{(river, 1) (stream, 0.6) (body-of-water, 0.36) (thing, 0.22)
(physical-entity, 0.13) (entity, 0.08)}.
Related Words (RW)
Another semantic feature that we also use in this work is
the related words as presented in12. In this study, the authors
dened groups of words, each was represented by a category
name. If a word in the question exists in one or more groups,
its corresponding categories will be added to the feature vec-
tor. For example if any of the words {birthday, birthdate, day,
decade, hour, week, month, year} exists in a question, then
its category name, “date”, will be added to the feature vector.
Table 4 lists semantic features the question “What
river ows between Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead,
Table 3. A sample of questions with their headwords and appropriate categories
Question Category
What city has the zip code of 35824 ? LOC:city
Who developed the vaccination against polio ? HUM:ind
Who invented the slinky ? HUM:ind
George Bush purchased a small interest in which baseball team ? HUM:gr
When did Idaho become a state ? NUM:date
What river ows between Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota ? LOC:other
What is the oldest city in Spain ? LOC:city
Tabl e 4. Example of semantic features
Feature Space Features
Hypernyms {(river, 1) (stream, 1) (body-of-water, 1)
(thing, 1) (physical-entity, 1) (entity, 1)}
Related Words {(rel:What, 1) (rel:list.tar, 2) (rel:loca, 2)}
Question Category {(other, 1)}
Query Expansion {(river, 1) (stream, 0.6) (body-of-water,
0.36) (thing, 0.22) (physical-entity,
0.13) (entity, 0.08)}
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3. Our Proposal of Feature Selection
and Adding more New Feature Type
3.1 Combination of Dierent Feature Sets
Suppose that each feature type as mentioned in section 2.3
will generate a single set of features. A natural way for obtain-
ing the nal set of features to use in the question classication
is to combine all the single sets. However, we found that
the combination of all these feature sets is not ecient and
doesn’t always give the best results for all questions.
From our observation, we can recognize that each
type of questions can be sensitive with particular types of
features. erefore, assigning dierent feature sets corre-
sponding with dierent question types can be a solution.
e question types here relate to the question words:
“who”, “when”, “how”, “why”, “which”, “where”, and “what”.
It means each the question word denes one feature type.
We reserve one type for the remaining questions which
do not contain those question words.
We propose to use a simple feature selection for deter-
mining the best combination of single feature sets for each
question types, as presented in the algorithm 1 below:
3.2 Extracting Features from Question
By studying TREC dataset we found some questions
inherently do not have any head word. For example, the
sentence “What is an atom?” has no suitable head word as
the entity type of the only noun (“atom”) in this question.
It does not provide necessary information to classify this
question as “denition”. We recognize that by integrat-
ing lexical, syntactic and semantic information into an
unique form, we can get richer features for determining
correct labels of such questions. is new kind of features
also bring advanced evidences to the classication and
therefore may lead to a better result.
We rst design some patterns (i.e. templates) for con-
taining the integrated of lexical, syntactic, and semantic
information. Table 5 shows some designed question pat-
From these patterns which we call question patterns, we
will generate corresponding features. For example, from the
question “How is thalassemia dened?” we can be received
the features (How-is, 1) and (How-is-dened, 1). We then
combine these features with the existed feature sets to get
the nal feature sets for classication.
Algorithm 1. Determining the feature set for each
question type
Input: a training data and a development data set corre-
sponding to the selected feature type; a learning
machine method (e.g SVM here)
Output: a set of single feature types which gives the best
result on the development data set.
Step 1: extract all the single feature sets, denoted by SF1,
SF2, …, SFn set the remain feature sets SF = { SF1,
SF2, …, SFn }
set the initial feature set F = { }
set the intitial accuracy A = 0
Step 2: For each SFi in SF train a new classier again with
the new feature set F+{SFi} ; get the accuracy tested
on the development test, denote it by Ai
Step 3: get Ak to be the highest accuracy, corresponding to
the feature set F+{SFk};
If Ak > A
set A = Ak
SF = SF\{SFk}
F = F + { SFk }
Return F; Quit
Step 4: If SF is not empty Repeat at Step 2
Return F; Quit
Tabl e 5. Example of question patterns
Question patterns Explain the semantic
Wh-word + Tobe + word-
Wh-word + weather-word weather word: hot, cold, warm,
wet, …
Wh-word + distance-word distance-word: far, long, …
Wh-word + Tobe +
distance-word: far, long, …
Wh-word + money-word money-word: money, cost, rent,
sell, spend, charge, pay, …
Wh-word + place-word place-word: city, county,
mountain, state,…
Wh-word + reason-word reason-word: causes, used,
known, …
4. Experiments and Results
e dataset we used for conducting our experiment was
created by15. ey provided a question dataset which is
widely used in question classication studies and known
as UIUC or TREC2 dataset. It consists of 5500 labeled
questions which is used as training set and 500 indepen-
Improving Question Classication by Feature Extraction and Selection
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Vol 9 (17) | May 2016 |
dent labeled questions which is used as the test set. e
5500 training questions are split randomly into 5 dier-
ent training sets with the size 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and
5500 respectively.
We design dierent experiments as follows.
A. Experiment 1
For the rst experiment we combine all the single feature
sets for the task of classication, that includes: Unigram
(U), Bigram (B), Wh-Word (WH), Word-Shapes (WS),
Head-Word (H), Query-Expansion (QE), Question-
Category (QC), Related-Words (R). Table 6 shows the
results corresponding with dierent training data sets.
Tabl e 6. e accuracy of using SVM classier with
combining the feature kinds: U, B, WH, WS, H, QE,
Training size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5500
Coarse 1 90.20% 91.20% 92.00% 92.60% 94.20%
Fine 1 79.00% 85.40% 86.60% 88.00% 90.40%
Experiment 2
In this experiment we would like to examine the contri-
bution of the question pattern features by adding the these
QP features to the feature set from the Experiment 1. Its
results are shown in the Table 7.
Table 7. Accuracy of using more Question-Pattern
size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5500
Coarse 2 90.40% 91.40% 92.80% 93.20% 95.00%
Fine 2 79.20% 86.00% 87.00% 88.60% 91.00%
Comparing results of experiment 1 and experiment 2, we
can see that the QP feature set actually improves the accu-
racy of question classication for all the training data sets.
C. Experiment 3
is experiment implements the Algorithm 1 for feature
selection. Note that the QP feature set is also considered
as one single feature set which is used in the algorithm.
Table 8 also shows the selected feature types for each kind
of question. It is worth to emphasize that the QP feature
set is selected for the questions containing Wh-words,
but not for the other type of questions. It seems reason-
able because the QP features are designed to contain
Wh-words, therefore they don’t aect the question with-
out Wh-words.
Tabl e 8. Result of feature selection
Question types Features
How, Who, Why,
When, Where, Which
Unigram, Bigram, Word-Shapes,
Question Pattern
What Unigram, Bigram, Head word,
Word-Shape, Related Words,
Question Pattern, Query
Expansion, Question Category
Other questions Unigram, Bigram, Word-Shape,
Related Words
Table 9 shows the accuracy of question classication
when using result of the feature selection.
Tabl e 9. Accuracy of using feature selection
corresponding to question types
Training size 1000 2000 3000 4000 5500
Coarse 3 90.40% 91.60% 93.20% 93.80% 95.20%
Fine 3 79.20% 86.60% 87.40% 89.00% 91.60%
Figure 1 and gure 2 show the comparisons of the
experiment 2 and experiment 3 for the coarse and ne
grained question classes.
Figure 1 Result for Coarse classes in the experiment 2 and
the experiment 3.
Figure 2 Result for ne grained classes in the experiment 2
and the experiment 3.
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Comparing result from Table 9 with results from
Table 6 and Table 7, and as illustrated in Figure 1 and
Figure 2 we can see that combining both solutions (using
QP features and using feature selection) signicantly
improves the task of question classication.
Comparison with previous studies:
In addition, we also make a comparison with well-known
previous studies of this task which also used the same
data set. e Table 10 shows the accuracy for the Coarse
classes and the Fine grained classes.
Table 10 shows that our proposal achieve the accura-
cies of 95.2% and 91.6% for coarse grain and ne grain
respectively, which are much better in comparison with
the previous studies.
5. Conclusion
In this paper we have presented our proposal of feature
extraction and feature selection for improving question
classication. We have investigated various types of fea-
tures including lexical, syntactic, and semantic features.
We also proposed a new type of feature based on question
pattern and then applying a feature selection algorithm
to determine the most appropriate feature set for each
type of questions. e experimental results shows that
our proposal gives the best accuracies for both the Coarse
classes and the Fine grained classes of questions, in com-
parison with using the conventional feature set, as well as
in comparison with the previous studies.
6. Acknowledgments
is work is supported by the Nafosted project 102.01-
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