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A conceptual model for quality assessment of VGI for the purpose of flood management


Abstract and Figures

Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has emerged as a potential source of geographic information for different domains. Despite the many advantages associated with it, such information lacks of quality assurance, since it is provided by individuals with different motivations and backgrounds. In response to this, several methods have been proposed to assess the quality of volunteered geographic information of different platforms. However, there has been little investigation aimed at explaining how cross-platform data could be used for quality assessment. Moreover, it is not clear how the volunteer could be inserted in the quality assessment process in order to improve the overall quality. In this paper, we propose a conceptual model to assess the quality of volunteered geographic information for the purpose of flood management that combines cross-platform data, i.e. OpenStreetMap and social media data, and authoritative data. This model is part of an ongoing research for the development of an approach for quality assessment of VGI in a flood citizen observatory.
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1 Introduction
Since last decade, Web 2.0 tools have changed the way
information is created. Users now can play roles of both
information consumer and provider. This change resulted in
an unprecedented amount of information available online.
The term user-generated content refers to the information
created by common individuals and distributed over the
Internet [1]. A special case of user-generated content is an
information with a geographic reference, also known as
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) [2].
VGI is a collection of digital geographic information
produced by ordinary individuals and informal institutions [2].
Like most Web 2.0 data, VGI is provided by individuals with
little or no formal training in geo-spatial techniques [2, 3],
different backgrounds and varying motivations to contribute
data [4].
On the one hand, VGI has various advantages: (i) it is free;
(ii) it is up-to-date; (iii) it provides different types of data
(text, pictures, videos, etc.) [5]; (iv) it can be used to
complement or substitute authoritative sources of information
[6], etc. On the other hand, a core disadvantage of VGI is its
lack of quality.
Concerns about its quality have emerged due to the vast
amount of information provided by different individuals,
creating great uncertainty regarding both who is responsible
for the information and if source and information can be
believed [7, 8]. These concerns are also related to the lack of
quality control during the data creation process [7].
The lack of quality can affect the usability of VGI [9].
Hence, several methods have been proposed to evaluate VGI
quality [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], just to mention a few.
However, no investigation has been carried out on how cross-
linked VGI can be used to assess the quality of volunteered
information in flood management domain. Moreover, in these
methods, the volunteer is not part of the quality assessment
process. Thus, it is necessary to investigate how the volunteer
could be inserted into the process in order to improve the
overall quality.
In this paper, we propose a conceptual model to assess the
fitness of volunteered information for the purpose of flood
management that combines cross-platform data
, Twitter
, Instagram
and Flickr
) and
authoritative data. This model is part of an ongoing research
which aims to develop a quality assessment method for VGI
in a flood citizen observatory.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: in
Section 2, we discuss VGI quality and related works. In
Section 3, there is a description of the conceptual model
proposed in this work. Finally, Section 4 summarizes the
conclusions of this work and future developments.
2 Quality of Volunteered Geographic
In the area of VGI, the issue of information quality is a core
concern. The multiplicity of sources that ensure vast amount
of information also leads to heterogeneous quality.
Information quality comes with different definitions because it
strongly depends on the application domain and the objectives
of the application [16], i.e. it depends on the purpose for
which the data will be used. This is referred to as “Fitness for
A conceptual model for quality assessment of VGI for the purpose of
flood management
Lívia Castro Degrossi
University of São Paulo
São Carlos, Brazil
João Porto de Albuquerque
University of Warwick
Warwick, England
Hongchao Fan, Alexander Zipf
University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany, zipf@uni-
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has emerged as a potential source of geographic information for different domains. Despite the
many advantages associated with it, such information lacks of quality assurance, since it is provided by individuals with different motivations
and backgrounds. In response to this, several methods have been proposed to assess the quality of volunteered geographic information of
different platforms. However, there has been little investigation aimed at explaining how cross-platform data could be used for quality
assessment. Moreover, it is not clear how the volunteer could be inserted in the quality assessment process in order to improve the overall
quality. In this paper, we propose a conceptual model to assess the quality of volunteered geographic information for the purpose of flood
management that combines cross-platform data, i.e. OpenStreetMap and social media data, and authoritative data. This model is part of an
ongoing research for the development of an approach for quality assessment of VGI in a flood citizen observatory.
Keywords: Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI, Quality Assessment, Citizen Observatory.
AGILE 2016 Helsinki, June 14-17, 2016
Purpose”. Hence, the assessment of VGI quality has to be
adjusted to different use cases.
Ballatore and Zipf [17] proposed a framework to
operationalize conceptual quality in VGI. This is an important
concept to enable the semantic decoding of data, helping the
consumer to decide if the information fits for her/his purpose.
For OpenStreetMap data, Barron et al. [18] developed a
framework for intrinsic analyses. The framework aims at
facilitating the decision if the OSM dataset has sufficient
quality for a use case or not.
Differently, a number of studies have been undertaken to
evaluate quality in overall. A commonly used method is the
comparison with authoritative data [11, 19, 20, 21]. However,
this method can present some limitations associated with the
reference dataset as financial costs and licensing restrictions
[20], the dataset could have been obtained with old and less
precise technologies [5] or the dataset could be updated in
longer time periods [11]. To overcome these limitations,
researchers have proposed new methods which do not require
external data.
In different studies, data’s historic are used as training set of
automatic learning techniques. These techniques were applied
to identify the assignment of wrong or implausible classes
[10], to analyse semantic class information [14] and to
estimate positional accuracy of VGI that have no
corresponding reference data [15]. Another alternative is the
VGI content itself. For visual VGI content, Senaratne et al.
[22] developed a reverse viewshed method where VGI quality
is determined by testing if the described object can be viewed
from the position where the photo was geotagged. Another
way is to measure the distance between the published image
position and the estimated camera position based on image
content [3].
Other methods take advantage of the crowd itself. Given a
great number of participants, VGI quality can be determined
based on a voting approach, where votes represent the
popularity and quality of an information [23]. VGI quality can
also be evaluated based on information from trusted sources:
an example is the comparison with information provided by
expert contributors [24, 25]. Finally, another way is based on
the contributor’s reputation. Bishr and Janowicz [9] proposed
informational trust method as a social tie between a trustor
and a trustee, i.e. it implies the transition of trust from the
trustee to information entities conveyed by the
As can be seen, existing methods use authoritative data,
metadata, or the crowd itself to assess VGI quality. However,
there has been no investigation on how other sources of VGI
e.g. Twitter, Instagram, Flick, OpenStreetMap etc. can be
used in the quality assessment process. Moreover, these
methods are not well-suited for the use in near-real time,
which is, for example, an important requirement of VGI
systems in the context of flood management. Finally, a
common characteristic of these methods is the absence of a
feedback, about the information quality, to the contributor.
Thus, he/she does not know if the provided information can be
used or not.
3 Conceptual Model
The quality of volunteered geographic information has gained
special attention due to the growing use of VGI in different
application domains. Hence, how to assess its quality has
become the subject of several studies as presented in the
previous section. However, previous studies still do not
explore the potential of cross-linked VGI during the quality
assessment process.
To overcome this gap, we propose a conceptual model to
assess VGI quality. As illustrated in Figure 1, the model
consists of four main steps. We use a flood scenario to
demonstrate and discuss the potentials of the proposed model.
The first step is the definition of information requirements.
Depending on the application domain, different information
requirements can be identified. In this work, a set of
information requirements was derived based on a literature
review. The requirements were validated through a survey
with specialists (hydrologists, decision makers etc.). The
survey aimed at answering if the set was in accordance with
the information used in flood management domain.
The second step corresponds to the definition of quality
elements for each information requirement. A quality element
is “a component describing a certain aspect of the quality of
geographic data” [26]. The International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) defines five quality elements:
completeness, thematic accuracy, logical consistency,
temporal quality and positional accuracy [26]. We used these
elements to describe the quality of a volunteered observation.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no systematic
method to derive quality elements for geographic information.
Hence, we derived quality element(s) for each information
based on information type and attributes, and the objective of
the application domain.
Once the quality elements have been defined, we used them
as a basis to derive quality indicators (parameters) from social
media and OpenStreetMap data, in order to measure the
quality of volunteered information in citizen observatories.
We use social media data because “social media message can
provide information about what is happening when and
where” [27]. It is important to highlight that the resulting
quality indicators will be validated against authoritative data.
The third step comprises the quality assessment itself.
For this, the quality of each volunteer observation is measure
based on the quality indicators. An example is given to a
better understanding of this step. In a flood scenario,
contributors usually provide observations about the
imminence or occurrence of a flood. Whether the event can be
identified simultaneously in different VGI sources, it indicates
that the event is probably happening and the observation is
possibly true. It has been demonstrated, for example, that the
periods when the traditional media talks about floods in the
United Kingdom correspond to the periods when contributors
most intensively upload flood-related photos in Flickr [28].
Moreover, disaster-related messages containing images,
e.g. messages from Instagram and Flickr, tend to be closer to
the event [27]. Finally, a spatial analysis of tweets after the
River Elbe Flood of June 2013 in Germany showed that
compared with the overall flood-related tweets, “there is
perhaps a tendency for ‘relevant’ on-topic tweets to be closer
to flood-affected catchments” [29].
AGILE 2016 Helsinki, June 14-17, 2016
Figure 1: The conceptual model for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information.
An important aspect of a flood is its location because floods
are local events, i.e. they occur in a specific area. If a
contributor provides an information about a flood, then it is
expected that the location of the information is close to a
water resource. Hung et al. [13], for example,
demonstrated that reports with high credibility are mostly
located in flood-risk areas, indicating that these
areas would be an important factor in determining credibility.
However, if flood-risk data is not available, they suggest using
distance to water resources areas as a proxy measure. In order
to evaluate VGI location, we propose to use OpenStreetMap
(OSM) data as a source of geographic features.
Finally, the fourth step is the communication of the quality
indicator(s) to the volunteer. This step aims to provide a
feedback about the information quality to the volunteer and
how to improve it. It is based on the assumption that when the
volunteer knows the information quality and learns how to
improve it, he/she can provide information with higher
4 Summary and future developments
Based on the nature of VGI, the information is provided by
ordinary citizens which would lead to varying quality and
possible data inconsistencies. Because of this, it is important
to evaluate the quality of such information before it is used in
different application domains. Here, we proposed a conceptual
model for the quality assessment of volunteered geographic
information that combines cross-linked VGI and authoritative
The model has been applied to assess VGI quality in a
disaster context, more specifically floods. Until now, we have
identified what the information requirements are and the
quality elements corresponding to each information. The next
stage in this research is to define quality indicators based on
social media and OpenStreetMap data. These indicators will
be used to measure VGI quality. Finally, an evaluation will be
carried out in order to verify the consistency of such
indicators, i.e. for similar information, it is expected similar
quality indicators, and possible limitations.
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... In recent decades, IoT has been applied in various environmental applications [30,31] climate monitoring [32], flood warning [33], earthquake emergency [34,35], water quality [36], and recommender system [37]. International Telecommunication Union (ITU) stated the IoT as "A global infrastructure for the information society enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on, existing and evolving, interoperable information and communication technologies" [38]. ...
... Errors are Euclidean distance between VGI corresponding locations of these two maps. Other layers are positional error in [0-10], (10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20), (20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30), (30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40), and (40-∞) meters categories. Results demonstrated that 33% of data have less than 10 m error, 43% of them have values between 10 and 20 m, 18% of errors lie in the 20-30 m range, and 16% have more than 30 m error. ...
... Errors are Euclidean distance between VGI corresponding locations of these two maps. Other layers are positional error in [0-10], (10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20), (20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30), (30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40), and (40-∞) meters categories. Results demonstrated that 33% of data have less than 10 m error, 43% of them have values between 10 and 20 m, 18% of errors lie in the 20-30 m range, and 16% have more than 30 m error. ...
Full-text available
One of the most important challenges of volunteered geographic information (VGI) is the quality assessment. Existing methods of VGI quality assessment, either assess the quality by comparing a reference map with the VGI map or deriving the quality from the metadata. The first approach does not work for a real-time scenario and the latter delivers approximate values of the quality. Internet of Things (IoT) networks provide real-time observations for environment monitoring. Moreover, they publish more precise information than VGI. This paper introduces a method to assess the quality of VGI in real-time using IoT observations. The proposed method filters sensor observation outliers in the first step. Then it matches sensors and volunteers’ relationships in terms of location, time, and measurement type similarity using a hypergraph model. Then the quality of matched data is assessed by calculating positional and attribute accuracy. To evaluate the method, VGI data of the water level and quality in Tarashk–Bakhtegan–Maharlou water basin is studied. A VGI quality map of the data is assessed by a referenced authoritative map. The output of this step is a VGI quality map, which was used as a reference to check the proposed method quality. Then this reference VGI quality map and the proposed method VGI quality map are compared to assess positional and attribute accuracy. Results demonstrated that 76% of the method results have less than 20 m positional error (i.e., difference with the reference VGI quality map). Additionally, more than 92% of the proposed method VGI data have higher than 90% attribute accuracy in terms of similarity with the reference VGI quality map. These findings support the notion that the proposed method can be used to assess VGI quality in real-time.
... Recent research has emphasized the integration of multiple sources of VGI [21][22][23]. Cross-platform integration can also serve as a potential tool to facilitate quality assessment [24]. Exploiting geographic information obtained from web documents has the potential to scale this assessment exponentially, so long as geographic content can be accurately extracted and modelled from documents, whether through encoded coordinates available in geolocation APIs, mobile device location sensors, map interfaces, or natural language methods. ...
Full-text available
The Internet is increasingly a source of data for geographic information systems, as more data becomes linked, available through application programing interfaces (APIs), and more tools become available for handling unstructured web data. While many web data extraction and structuring methods exist, there are few examples of comprehensive data processing and analysis systems that link together these tools for geographic analyses. This paper develops a general approach to the development of spatial information context from unstructured and informal web data sources through the joint analysis of the data’s thematic, spatial, and temporal properties. We explore the utility of this derived contextual information through a case study into maritime surveillance. Extraction and processing techniques such as toponym extraction, disambiguation, and temporal information extraction methods are used to construct a semi-structured maritime context database supporting global scale analysis. Geographic, temporal, and thematic content were analyzed, extracted and processed from a list of information sources. A geoweb interface is developed to allow user visualization of extracted information, as well as to support space-time database queries. Joint keyword clustering and spatial clustering methods are used to demonstrate extraction of documents that relate to real world events in official vessel information data. The quality of contextual geospatial information sources is evaluated in reference to known maritime anomalies obtained from authoritative sources. The feasibility of automated context extraction using the proposed framework and linkage to external data using standard clustering tools is demonstrated.
... Furthermore, due to the complex bottom-up nature of VGI generation, and because there is loose coordination in terms of standards, it is very difficult to regulate and unify the process of VGI collection and production among amateur contributors [87]. Therefore, the issue of data quality remains a core concern for including VGI in authoritative databases [88]. The comprehensive assessment of the quality of the observations obtained through crowdsourcing in individual tree mapping projects is a multi-dimensional and complex task as several components of spatial data quality, including positional accuracy, thematic accuracy, completeness, logical consistency, temporal consistency, and semantic consistency [89] have to be examined using extrinsic or intrinsic spatial data quality indicators [90]. ...
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This paper presents a collective sensing approach that integrates imperfect Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) obtained through Citizen Science (CS) tree mapping projects with very high resolution (VHR) optical remotely sensed data for low-cost, fine-scale, and accurate mapping of trees in urban orchards. To this end, an individual tree crown (ITC) detection technique utilizing template matching (TM) was developed for extracting urban orchard trees from VHR optical imagery. To provide the training samples for the TM algorithm, remotely sensed VGI about trees including the crowdsourced data about ITC locations and their crown diameters was adopted in this study. A data quality assessment of the proposed approach in the study area demonstrated that the detected trees had a very high degree of completeness (92.7%), a high thematic accuracy (false discovery rate (FDR) = 0.090, false negative rate (FNR) = 0.073, and F1 score (F1) = 0.918), and a fair positional accuracy (root mean square error(RMSE) = 1.02 m). Overall, the proposed approach based on the crowdsourced training samples generally demonstrated a promising ITC detection performance in our pilot project.
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Volunteered Geographic Information is the term used to describe the process of collecting spatial data using a network of volunteers. The approach collects spatial data to build maps which are often freely accessible. The maps and the underlying data can be used by the public, companies and government agencies for a variety of tasks such as route finding. Given that untrained volunteers may collect the spatial data, questions regarding the quality of VGI have been raised. Several studies have emerged to assess the quality (positional, semantic and thematic accuracy) of VGI by comparing the data to ground truth. This approach fails to capture the quality of VGI for domain specific tasks. In this chapter we examine the quality of VGI for an educational planning task in Islamabad, Pakistan, and show that while the data may be suitable for route finding tasks, they are insufficient for educational planning alone.
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The advent of Web 2.0 technologies has enabled the efficient creation and distribution of user-generated content (UGC), resulting in vast changes in the online media landscape. For instance, the proliferation of UGC has made a strong impact on consumers, media suppliers, and marketing professionals while necessitating research in order to understand both the short and long-term implications of this media content. This exploratory study (n = 325) seeks to investigate consumer consumption and creation of UGC and the attitudinal factors that contribute to these actions. The data confirm the established relationship between attitude and behavior and indicate attitude serves as a mediating factor between the use and creation of UGC. With regard to the creation of UGC, the ego-defensive and social functions of attitude were found to have the most explanatory power.
Conference Paper
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The availability of technology and tools enables the public to participate in the collection, contribution, editing, and usage of geographic information, a domain previously reserved for mapping agencies or companies. The data of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) systems, such as OpenStreetMap (OSM), is based on the availability of technology and participation of individuals. However, this combination also implies quality issues related to the data: some of the contributed entities can be assigned to wrong or implausible classes, due to individual interpretation of the submitted data, or due to misunderstanding about available classes. In this paper we propose two methods to check the integrity of VGI data with respect to hierarchical consistency and classification plausibility. These methods are based on constraint checking and machine learning methods. They can be used to check the validity of data during contribution or at a later stage for collaborative manual or automatic data correction.
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In recent years, social media emerged as a potential resource to improve the management of crisis situations such as disasters triggered by natural hazards. Although there is a growing research body concerned with the analysis of the usage of social media during disasters, most previous work has concentrated on using social media as a standalone information source, whereas its combination with other information sources holds a still underexplored potential. This article presents an approach to enhance the identification of relevant messages from social media that relies upon the relations between georeferenced social media messages as Volunteered Geographic Information and geographic features of flood phenomena as derived from authoritative data (sensor data, hydrological data and digital elevation models). We apply this approach to examine the micro-blogging text messages of the Twitter platform (tweets) produced during the River Elbe Flood of June 2013 in Germany. This is performed by means of a statistical analysis aimed at identifying general spatial patterns in the occurrence of flood-related tweets that may be associated with proximity to and severity of flood events. The results show that messages near (up to 10 km) to severely flooded areas have a much higher probability of being related to floods. In this manner, we conclude that the geographic approach proposed here provides a reliable quantitative indicator of the usefulness of messages from social media by leveraging existing knowledge about natural hazards such as floods, thus being valuable for disaster management in both crisis response and preventive monitoring.
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All phases of disaster management require up-to-date and accurate information. Different in-situ and remote sensor systems help to monitor dynamic properties such as water levels or inundated areas. New Internet technologies have facilitated fast and easy data collection from the public, giving rise to the idea of using Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) to aid disaster management. This paper discusses the opportunities and challenges of using VGI for disaster management with particular focus on information for the response and recovery phases. Different approach to assessing VGI data quality are presented and discussed. In a case study, the fitness for use of observations from the affected population for rapid flood damage estimation is demonstrated to be comparable to estimates based on hydraulic modelling. Further research needs with respect to the case study and to VGI for disaster management in general are identified.
Conference Paper
OpenStreetMap (OSM) has been demonstrated to be a valuable source of spatial data in the context of many applications. However concerns still exist regarding the quality of such data and this has limited the proliferation of its use. Consequently much research has been invested in the development of methods for assessing and/or improving the quality of OSM data. However most of these methods require ground-truth data, which, in many cases, may not be available. In this paper we present a novel solution for OSM data quality assessment that does not require ground-truth data. We consider the semantic accuracy of OSM street network data, and in particular, the associated semantic class (road class) information. A machine learning model is proposed that learns the geometrical and topological characteristics of different semantic classes of streets. This model is subsequently used to accurately determine if a street has been assigned a correct/incorrect semantic class.
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has been widely adopted to assist in disaster management, yet its characteristics of uncertainty and requirements of large amounts of manual manipulation for data validation and interpretation hinder VGI applications. In this study, we aimed to develop an effective method to assess the credibility of VGI for time-critical conditions, such as disaster response. We collected datasets from two extreme flood events in 2011 and 2013 from Brisbane, Australia. According to the defined geo-location factors, we built a binary logistic regression with the 2011 event dataset to measure the credibility scores of the VGI instances. At the threshold of 0.917, the overall accuracy of the model in the 2011 training dataset was 90.5%. Next, the performance of this probability model was evaluated by the 2013 testing instances. We found that our model could categorize the credibility classes with 80.4% accuracy. These results suggest great potential for our model to be used by emergency management sectors to sort credibility of VGI for efficient and rapid response, decision-making, and coordination.
Volunteered geographic information (VGI) is a phenomenon of recent years, offering an alternative mechanism for the acquisition and compilation of geographic information. As such it offers substantial advantages, but suffers from a general lack of quality assurance. We discuss the issues involved in the determination of quality for geospatial data, and trace the history of research on VGI quality. We describe three approaches to quality assurance, which we term the crowd-sourcing, social, and geographic approaches respectively. We discuss the advantages and limitations of each, and the research that will be needed to operationalize the geographic approach.
Initiatives that rely upon the contributions of volunteers to reach a specific goal are growing more and more with the success of Web 2.0–interactive applications. Also scientific projects are testing and exploiting volunteers' collaboration, but the quality of information obtained with this approach is often puzzling. This paper offers a rich overview of many scientific projects where geographic contributions are committed to volunteers, to the aim of defining strategies to improve information quality. By describing real examples of Volunteer Geographic Information (VGI), the contribution establishes a categorization based on the characteristics of the information, tasks, and scopes of the projects. After a discussion on the relationships of categories and VGI quality, the paper analyses techniques to improve the quality of volunteered information according to the moment of its assessment (i.e., ex ante, ex post, or both with respect to information creation). The paper outlines the main limitations of the different approaches and indicates some guidelines for future developments.
In this paper we take a fresh look at the problem of informa-tion quality for user contributed content. We assert that the traditional quality criteria for assessing the quality of geographic information are difficult to apply to Volunteered Geographic Information. The notion of informational trust is introduced and linked to the established notion of interpersonal trust. We then propose to use informational trust and rep-utation as proxy measures for information quality and outline the spatial and temporal dimensions of trust that have to be considered.
Volunteered geographic information (VGI) provides the ability for non-expert users to act as data producers and consumers. VGI has many advantages, but suffers from a general lack of quality assurance. This study addresses this lack and proposes a new approach for estimating positional accuracy as a data quality aspect in the context of VGI. This approach estimates the positional accuracy of the volunteered data using intrinsic indictors. For this propose, indicators that influence VGI positional accuracy were extracted. The extracted indicators were applied in a hybrid artificial intelligence-based system to achieve a pattern for the relation between the indicators and the positional accuracy. The pattern was achieved using the volunteered data with corresponding reference data of each study region. The usefulness of the proposed method was demonstrated by applying it to estimation of the positional accuracy of a NCR-D dataset.