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Abstract and Figures

Colostrum is crucial for puppy survival, providing both immunoglobulins and nutrition for the newborn. • The immunoglobulin concentration in colostrum in the first two days post-partum is five times greater than milk, but the levels drop very quickly with time. • Colostrum's immunological quality varies from one dam to another, and also in the same dog between teats. The teats offering the highest-quality colostrum will also vary between bitches. • Monitoring growth over the first two days of life is a good indicator for predicting puppy survival in the neonatal period. • There is currently no complete (energy + immunity) substitute for canine colostrum.
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32 / Veterinary Focus / Vol 26 n°1 / 2016
Canine colostrum
• Colostrumiscrucialforpuppysurvival,
• Theimmunoglobulinconcentrationin
• Colostrum’simmunologicalqualityvaries
• Monitoringgrowthoverthersttwodaysof
• Thereiscurrentlynocomplete(energy+
The neonatal period is a major risk period in the dog,
since approximately 20% of live-born puppies die before
they are 21 days old; 70% of deaths are in the first week
post-partum (1,2). Puppy survival within the early weeks
is particularly dependent on colostrum, a specific secre-
tion of the mammary gland produced during the first two
days post-partum. Colostrum is both a source of nutrients
and a source of immunoglobulins (Ig), as puppies are
almost agammaglobulinemic at birth. The risk of neonatal
mortality therefore depends on two factors: the quality of
the transfer of passive immunity (evaluated by circulating
IgG levels at 2 days of age) and the growth of the puppy
between birth and 2 days old (at worst, weight loss
should not be more than 4% of birth weight) (3,4). The
immunity and energy supplied to the puppy by colostrum
is therefore essential, but there is no guarantee that all
puppies in a litter will receive sufficient colostrum; at two
days of age, about 20% of puppies have a passive immu-
nity deficit and 30% show insufficient early growth (3,4).
Colostrum formation and
Colostrum is the first mammary secretion produced after
delivery (and is occasionally present before parturition),
with the transition to milk occurring between day two
and three of lactation (Table 1). The actual quantity of
colostrum produced by a lactating bitch is unknown.
During gestation, the mammary tissue develops under
the influence of estrogens and progesterone, and secre-
tion – induced by prolactin – is only possible when pro-
gesterone levels drop. Some colostrum compounds are
synthesized by the epithelial mammary cells (proteins,
lactose, lipids) while others, such as immunoglobulins (Ig),
white blood cells, hormones and certain growth factors,
are taken from the maternal bloodstream. Macroscopi-
cally, colostrum is yellowish and more viscous than milk.
Qualitatively speaking, it is distinguished from milk essen-
tially by its high protein concentration (twice that of milk
secreted two weeks post-partum, being especially rich in
immunoglobulins), a slightly higher lipid concentration
Sylvie Chastant-Maillard, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECAR
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, France
Dr Chastant-Maillard qualified from Alfort Veterinary School (France) in 1990 and is currently Professor of Reproduction
at the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (France). A graduate – and current Board Member – of the European
College of Animal Reproduction, her main interests are in applying ideas inspired by, and developed from, other
animal species to dogs and cats, with the aim of reducing the incidence of mortality in puppies and kittens.
Hanna Mila, DVM, PhD
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, France
Dr Mila qualified from Wroclaw Veterinary Faculty (Poland) in 2009 and is currently a resident with the
European College of Animal Reproduction, based at the National Veterinary School of Toulouse and the Centre
de Reproduction des Carnivores du Sud-Ouest (CRECS) in France, where she completed a PhD thesis on
immunological and nutritional determinants for survival during the neonatal period in the dog. Her main
research interests are in canine colostrum and the physiology of newborn puppies.
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33 / Veterinary Focus / Vol 26 n°1 / 2016
(10% more) and a lower carbohydrate content (half that
of milk) (5,6). For various reasons (a paucity of studies,
considerable variability between dogs, and disparity in
analytical methods), measurement of key components
of colostrum differ between studies; protein levels are
typically between 4-14%, lipid levels between 6-13%,
and carbohydrate levels between 1.7-2.3% (5,7,8 and
unpublished data).
In addition to casein (60% of total proteins), immunoglob-
ulins represent between 20-37% of colostral proteins
(6,7,9,10). Three classes of immunoglobulin (IgG, IgM
and IgA) are present in canine colostrum (with IgG, at
60-75% of the total, predominating) whilst IgE is unde-
tectable. IgG in the colostrum is initially around 15-30 g/L
but it falls very quickly, dropping to ~5 g/L on day 7 and
less than 1 g/L on day 14 (unpublished data). The IgG
concentration in milk is therefore 20 times less than that
of colostrum. IgA represents 16-40% of colostral Ig but
subsequently becomes the most common immuno-
globulin in milk (7,10) (Figure 1). Most IgG comes from
the mother’s serum, although a small fraction is pro-
duced locally in the mammary gland (11). The mammary
gland is responsible for concentrating IgG, such that
colostral levels are typically 3 times higher than in the
maternal bloodstream, although there is no relation be-
tween the colostral concentration of IgG and the maternal
serum concentration (10,12). This selective concentra-
tion is under endocrine control, with the Ig stored in the
mammary alveoli until its release after parturition (13). On
the other hand, most IgA and IgM appear to be produced
locally in the mammary gland by lymphocytes (13).
Table 1. A comparison of colostrum and milk composition in the lactating bitch ((5) and unpublished
Days of lactation
1 3 7 14 21
Nutrients Colostrum Milk Milk Milk Milk
Proteins (g/L) 143.0 102.3 81.7 66.8 68.4
Immunoglobulin G (g/L) 23.8 * 5.9 0.6 0.6
Lipids (g/L) 132.2 137.2 132.1 118.5 112.5
Lactose (g/L) 16.6 29.3 35.4 39.9 39.4
Calcium (mg/L) 1,363 1,366 1,773 1,950 1,929
Phosphorus (mg/L) 935 914 1,166 1,175 1,359
Energy (kcal/L) 1,831 1,761 1,657 1,493 1,444
* value unknown
Figure 1. Immunoglobulin
levels in the colostrum and
milk; IgG, IgA and IgM were
recorded from the mammary
secretions of six Rottweiler
dams (7).
Immunoglobulin (%)
Time after whelping
24h 48h 1W 2W 3W 4W 5W 6W
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34 / Veterinary Focus / Vol 26 n°1 / 2016
© Chloé Robic, ENVT.
Trypsin inhibitors are also found in the colostrum (but not
in the milk), reducing degradation of colostral Ig and
potentially increasing its absorption by the newborn (14).
Colostrum also contains antimicrobial factors (such as
lactoferrin and lysozyme), hormones (cortisol, thyroxine,
insulin and growth hormone) and growth factors (e.g.,
insulin-like growth factors, epidermal growth factor and
nerve growth factor (15)). These are involved in the de-
velopment and maturation of various organs such as the
thyroid and intestines, as well as being vital for general
puppy growth (see below).
Canine colostrum has high levels of two enzymes,
gamma-glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase,
respectively 100 times and 10 times more concentrated
than in maternal serum (16). These two chemicals are
essentially absent from the circulating blood at birth, and
so detection of these enzymes in a puppy’s serum will
confirm ingestion of colostrum (although the enzyme levels
do not correlate to the IgG concentration).
Finally, canine colostrum also contains various cells
including macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes.
These cells are absorbed by the puppy before the intes-
tinal barrier closes, and either enter the circulation, or play
a role in cellular, humoral or local digestive immunity (17).
Roles of canine colostrum
Immunological protection
The endotheliochorial placenta in dogs is almost com-
pletely impermeable to large-sized molecules such as
immunoglobulins. This explains why puppies are born
with low circulating levels (around 0.3 g/L) of IgG, as
opposed to 8-25 g/L in adult dogs (3,18,19). Colostral
intake allows the acquisition of passive immunity, such
that a neonate’s IgG serum concentration will be in the
order of 6 g/L 48 hours after ingesting colostrum;
85-95% of a puppy’s circulating Ig is thus of colostral
origin (20). The provision of Ig, which is potentiated by
colostral anti-trypsins, is the most specific role for colos-
trum and is the determining factor for puppy survival (3),
as most neonate mortality is due to infection (21). The
colostral lactoferrin seems to play a marginal role in a
puppy’s immunity (22) while the role of immune cells
contained in colostrum is still not well defined. For pas-
sive immunity to be acquired, puppies must receive
colostrum within the first eight hours of life (Figure 2).
This time frame is critical for two reasons:
Firstly, colostral IgG decreases rapidly in the rst few
hours post-partum.
Secondly, the rapid closure of the intestinal barrier; this
is the point at which macromolecules (including IgG)
can no longer cross the intestinal wall to enter the
bloodstream, so that while a puppy absorbs ~ 40% of
ingested colostral IgG at birth, only 20% is absorbed
four hours after delivery and 9% twelve hours after
delivery. 24 hours post-partum, absorption is nil (20).
The immunological quality of the colostrum, in terms of
IgG concentration, is quite variable, both between female
dogs and between teat pairs of the same female (Figure
3). In one study looking at the colostrum of 44 female dogs
from 13 different breeds in a single breeding kennel, the
IgG levels varied between females by a factor of 5; neither
the dam’s age or breed size, nor the litter size, appeared
to influence the colostrum’s immunological quality (12).
The IgG concentration in 180 samples from different teat
pairs varied between 0.8 and 61 g/L, with a variation co-
efficient of 42% between teat pairs of the same bitch
(12). However, the teat pair producing the highest-quality
colostrum varies from one animal to another, so there is
no value in advising puppies should suckle from one
particular teat. Nevertheless, the marked variation in
immunological quality between dams (and between the
teats of the same female) may mean that certain litters
have an increased risk of neonatal mortality.
The colostrum supplies most of the IgG for systemic
immunity, while IgA ensures local and digestive immu-
nity, and in particular mucosal immunity. Colostral IgA is
involved in local defense of the digestive tract and this
role is continued with the ingestion of milk, which is rich
in IgA. Other than the fraction absorbed into the blood-
stream before closure of the intestinal barrier, IgA is
Figure 2. It is important to encourage early colostral
intake – within the first eight hours of birth – for optimal
transfer of passive immunity.
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distributed throughout both digestive and non-digestive
mucosal sites (20,23).
Although transfer of maternal Ig helps reduce neonatal
mortality, at the end of the pediatric period, when a
puppy is 6-8 weeks of age, maternal immunity can
interfere with puppy vaccination. The higher the IgG
concentration acquired by two days of age, the higher it
is during the pediatric period (24), and this increases the
risk that a puppy may not be protected after vaccina-
tion. However, the interference is variable, being dependent
on the individual animal, the immunogenicity of the vac-
cine, and the dose given.
Puppies have low reserves of adipose tissue at birth,
and have limited glycogenolysis ability. The early energy
supply from colostrum is therefore indispensable; growth
is only possible if the energy supplied exceeds the pup-
py’s maintenance requirements (Figure 4).
The energy value of colostrum is at least 20% greater
than milk, although the energy content can vary between
dams (albeit within a fairly small range, by a factor of 1.6)
and there can be slight differences between teat pairs of
the same dog (a variation coefficient of around 8%, as
opposed to 42% for the immunological value). Age,
breed and litter size have not been shown to affect the
energy value. 52% of the energy supplied by the colos-
trum is protein and 40% comes from lipids; variations in
the energy value are principally explained by variations in
the lipid levels (25).
Whilst the immunoglobulins and energy supplied from
colostrum influence the risk of puppy mortality during
the neonatal period (3,4) it is interesting to note that the
immunological quality and energy value of colostrum are
not correlated (28). In addition, the quantity of average
colostrum that must be ingested for satisfactory immu-
nity is 1.3 mL per 100 g of puppy body weight (assuming
the puppy’s IgG serum levels reach 2.3 g/L, with a diges-
tive absorption rate of 40%, a hematocrit of 35%, and
IgG levels in the colostrum of 20 g/L). In contrast, the
average quantity of ingested colostrum required to cover
energy needs is much higher, at 12 mL per 100 g of puppy
body weight (energy need of 212 kcal/kg per day if the
colostrum supplies 1800 kcal/L).
Figure 3. Immunological quality of colostrum
according to number of teat pairs (12).
Box plot of the IgG concentration of the
colostrum in 44 female dogs. Each box
represents 1st and 3rd quartiles (25th and
75th percentiles, or 50% of the population
studied). The bar in each box represents
the median, and the whiskers represent the
1st and 9th decile (10th and 9th percentile).
M1 indicates the axillary teat pair and
M5 the inguinal pair. The medians are not
significantly different – indicating only
one pair number does not systematically
produce colostrum of higher immunological
quality – but the whiskers are very long,
reflecting the large variability between the
same teat pairs in different dogs. Teat pair number
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
Colostrum IgG concentration (g/L)
Figure 4. The growth of a puppy over the first two days of
life has a direct impact on its chances of survival. Weight
loss should not exceed 4% of birth weight.
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36 / Veterinary Focus / Vol 26 n°1 / 2016
R² = 0,30294
-10 0 10 20 30 40
Although it seems much more difficult to cover the
energy need than the immunological need, a slightly
higher proportion of puppies are deficient in energy
(30%) than in Ig (20%) (Figure 5). Whilst the threshold
levels of colostral IgG and energy required to control neo-
natal mortality have been determined in some species,
they are currently unknown for the dog.
Organ development
In addition to growth, colostrum is also involved in the
development and maturation of certain organs, in par-
ticular the digestive tract. This is linked to colostral hor-
mones and growth factors. One study reported that
puppies fed colostrum had gastrointestinal tracts
60-95% better developed when compared to puppies
of the same body weight given a synthetic milk formula-
tion (26), although other studies do not consistently
observe this (27).
Induction of colostrum production
and release
Sometimes a dam produces little or no colostrum at
birth or immediately post-partum. This agalactia may be
as a result of premature birth, cesarean section, endo-
toxemia or malnutrition, but it is most commonly due to
post-partum stress, particularly in primiparous females.
A quiet, calm area should always be provided at whelp-
ing, and in some cases medication may be recom-
mended for anxious dams to encourage colostrum pro-
duction (Table 2).
Alternatives to colostrum
When the dam is absent or does not produce enough
colostrum, it is essential to source a substitute in order
to limit neonatal mortality. At the very least an energy
supply must be provided for the puppies, but a supply of
immunoglobulins is also desirable. The ideal scenario is
to have another bitch who has given birth less than 2-3
days previously, and either make her adopt the puppies
or draw colostrum from her to administer to the puppies.
If an adoptive dam whelped more than 2-3 days previ-
ously, her milk will ensure sufficient energy supply (since
the energy value of milk is only 20% less than that of
colostrum), but the supply of IgG will be insufficient: milk
contains only 1-2 g/L of IgG compared to 20 g/L in
colostrum, so a puppy will require 13-26 mL of milk to
supply the same quantity of IgG obtained from 1 mL of
colostrum. Data is not available for puppies, but kittens
fed with milk from a foster cat had no significant transfer
of IgG (28). Formula milks are void of canine immuno-
globulins and have an energy concentration of about
1 kcal/mL (i.e., half that of colostrum) (29) and so again
ensure a nutritional supply but no immunological supply.
Conversely, serum drawn from an adult dog will contain
immunoglobulins, but at a concentration around 3 times
less than that of colostrum, and will have only a limited
energy value. Trials administering canine serum orally at
birth to puppies deprived of colostrum showed an
increase in circulating IgG, but at a much lower level
than that obtained from standard colostrum (18,19).
Figure 5. Growth and
transfer of passive immunity
are key indicators for
puppy survival. The graph
represents data from 149
puppies; 18 died before
day 21 (red dots) and 131
were alive at day 21 (green
triangles). The thresholds
for survival during the two
first days of life are weight
loss of less than 4% of
birthweight (approximated
here to a nil growth) and a
serum IgG level at the age
of two days above 2.3 g/L.
Growth between 0 and 2 days (%)
IgG < 2.3 g/L
Alive at day 21
Dead by day 21
IgG serum concentration at 2 days of age (g/L)
Graph adapted from (3) and (4)
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However, one study (18) showed that oral administration
of canine serum at birth to puppies deprived of colos-
trum did result in reasonable IgG levels. This suggests
that, in some puppies at least, administering serum may
ensure that the minimum protective IgG concentration
(i.e., 2.3 g/L) is reached.
Currently bovine colostrum as a source of heterologous
immunoglobulins is of interest, as it is easy to collect and
readily available, but it has yet to be evaluated in puppies
for its immunological or nutritional value. Another source
of abundant Ig is IgY (from immunized hen eggs), with
recent work showing that serum containing specific anti-
bodies against canine pathogens (E.coli and CPV2)
obtained from hyper-immunized eggs can be adminis-
tered to puppies to provide immunity; the authors trialed
administration of oral IgY to puppies before closure of the
intestinal barrier and obtained promising results in terms
of overall health, with improved growth over the first three
weeks of life (unpublished data).
In the absence of an ideal substitute, the only solution
currently available is to establish a colostrum bank, as
currently practised for cattle and horses. Breeders can
draw milk from a bitch on the second day post-partum
(which ensures her own puppies have acquired passive
immunity). Generally, milking a lactating bitch is easy;
after cleaning the skin with a chlorhexidine-based soap
the colostrum can be collected in small-volume plastic
tubes and frozen (Figure 6). Small quantities of colos-
trum can then be thawed (at 37°C (98.6°F); under no
circumstances should a microwave oven be used) as
necessary and administered by bottle or feeding tube at
a dose of 1.5 mL per 100 g of puppy body weight per day.
Canine colostrum is a secretion with a very particular
composition designed to meet a puppy’s specific needs
– namely, provision of passive immunity, energy and cer-
tain factors required for organ growth and differentiation.
The quantity of colostrum received may be a limiting fac-
tor in the survival of certain puppies of a litter, whilst the
impact of maternal nutrition on the quantity and quality
of colostrum produced remains to be explored. From a
practical point of view the development of a colostral
Figure 6. If a dam cannot supply colostrum to her litter,
colostrum can be drawn from another bitch between 24
and 48 hours after she has whelped, ensuring her own
litter has received immunity but before the Ig levels have
Table 2. Medical and other treatments indicated for agalactia in the bitch.
Medication Effect Dosage
Acepromazine Tranquilization; favors release of prolactin and
increases secretion of colostrum 0.1-0.2 mg/kg SC
Metoclopramide Release of prolactin 0.1-0.2 mg/kg PO or SC q8h
Aglepristone Reduces progesterone levels, and hence
encourages prolactin release
15 mg/kg SC 59-60 days post-ovulation.
Administration is only recommended
20-24h before cesarean section
Oxytocin Local action stimulating the release of
colostrum, but not its production 0.5-2 I.U. SC q2h
Fenugreek or fennel
Stimulates milk secretion but mechanism
Oral administration; optimum dose
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38 / Veterinary Focus / Vol 26 n°1 / 2016
1. Mila H, Grellet A, Chastant-Maillard S. Prognostic value of birth weight and
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3. Mila H, Feugier A, Grellet A, et al. Inadequate passive immune transfer in
puppies: definition, risk factors and prevention in a large multi-breed kennel.
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4. Mila H, Grellet A, Feugier A, et al. Differential impact of birth weight and
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11. Stoffel MH, Friess AE, Hartmann SH. Ultrastructural evidence of
transplacental transport of immunoglobulin G in bitches. J Reprod Fertil
12. Mila H, Feugier A, Grellet A, et al. Immunoglobulin G concentration in canine
colostrum: evaluation and variability. J Reprod Immunol 2015;112:24-28.
13. Hurley WL, Theil PK. Perspectives on immunoglobulins in colostrum and
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substitute or supplement which can provide immuno-
logical support effective against canine pathogens as
well as an energy supply would constitute a crucial ad-
vance in controlling neonatal mortality in puppies.
The authors would like to thank all the people who con-
tributed to improving knowledge on canine colostrum,
particularly Karine Reynaud, Elie Marcheteau, Marie-
Blanche Bertieri, Jennifer Anne, Maelys Martin, Milène
Gonnier, Lisa Rossig and Stéphanie Coinus.
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Canine vaccination is the main tool for preventing dangerous and widespread diseases. The strongly recommended (core) dog vaccines are against Canine Parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2), Canine Distemper Virus (CDV), and Canine Adenovirus (CAdV-1), but vaccination protocols should be tailored to dog lifestyles. Vaccination guidelines suggest vaccinating adult dogs no more frequently than every 3 years using modified live (attenuated) vaccines (MLV), thus obtaining a long-lasting (sometimes throughout life) specific protection in many but not all animals. The aim of this study was to determine the actual levels of seroprotection against CPV-2, CDV and CAdV-1 in a cohort of Italian dogs by using the in-practice test VacciCheck. A total of 1,027 dogs (951 vaccinated and 76 unvaccinated) were analyzed for Protective Antibody Titers (PATs) against CPV-2, CDV, and CAdV-1. Differences related to sex, age, breed size, health status, and time elapsed since last vaccination were evaluated. Half of the entire canine cohort (50.6%) had PATs for all three viruses (68.5% considering only vaccinated dogs). In particular, 90.8% of dogs were protected against CPV-2, 68.6% against CDV, and 79.8% against CAdV-1. Most dogs remained protected for 3 years after vaccination or longer. Revaccination on a 3-year basis can then be recommended for core MLV vaccines without altering individual’s seroprotection or even herd immunity.
Zusammenfassung Die kanine Parovirose ist eine hochansteckende und nach wie vor häufige Infektionskrankheit. Alle Hunde sollten daher zu jeder Zeit geschützt sein. Die humorale Immunität nimmt dabei eine zentrale Bedeutung ein. So lässt der Nachweis von Antikörpern bei erwachsenen Hunden auf einen vorliegenden Schutz schließen und die überwiegende Mehrheit erwachsener Hunde hat spezifische Antikörper gegen CPV aufgrund einer vorangegangenen Impfung oder Infektion. Mittlerweile empfehlen Expertengremien weltweit Antikörpermessungen als Alternative zu routinemäßigen Wiederholungsimpfungen im Abstand von 3 Jahren bei adulten Hunden. Aktiv gebildete Antikörper induzieren einen nahezu lebenslangen Schutz. Wiederholungsimpfungen führen bei Hunden, die bereits Antikörper aufweisen, nicht zu einem Anstieg des Antikörpertiters. Eine Wiederholungsimpfung ist daher nur beim Fehlen von Antikörpern sinnvoll. So lassen sich unnötige Impfungen (und damit potenzielle unerwünschte Wirkungen) vermeiden. Mit dem Hämagglutinationshemmtest und dem Serumneutralisationstest kann die Höhe des Antikörpertiters im Labor bestimmt werden. Praxistaugliche Schnelltests liefern anstelle eines Antikörpertiters semiquantitative Ergebnisse. Da bei erwachsenen Hunden, die geimpft sind oder eine Infektion überstanden haben, der Nachweis von Antikörpern in jeglicher Höhe mit dem Schutz vor Parvovirose gleichzusetzen ist, eignen sich diese Tests besonders im Rahmen der Gesundheitsvorsorge zur Erkennung ungeschützter Hunde, um diese dann gezielt zu impfen. Zur Beurteilung der Qualität der Testsysteme ist eine hohe Spezifität und eine damit einhergehende niedrige Anzahl falsch-positiver Ergebnisse wichtig.
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Breeding kennels face a high rate of neonatal mortality, on which the impact of nutrition remains to be determined. This study was designed to evaluate the impact of birth weight (reflecting intrauterine growth) and early growth rate (reflecting colostrum intake) on risk of neonatal mortality in puppies and to determine the critical thresholds of both parameters. Puppies from various breeds were weighed at birth ( = 514) and at 2 d of age, and the growth rate over that period (early growth rate) was calculated for all survivors ( = 477). Linear mixed models evaluated the effect of birth weight on mortality between birth and 2 d of age and the effect of both birth weight and early growth rate on mortality between 2 and 21 d of age. Birth weight was influenced by litter size ( = 0.003), with more low-birth-weight puppies (the lightest 25% within a breed size) in large litters compared with smaller litters. Mortality over the first 2 d after birth was associated with birth weight ( < 0.001), with 81.1% of dying puppies characterized by a low birth weight. Mortality between 2 and 21 d of age was not related to birth weight but was found to be associated with early growth rate ( < 0.001), with higher risk of death in puppies with growth rate at or below -4% after the first 2 d of life. This study demonstrates the differential effect of intrauterine nutrition impacting mortality during the first 2 d of life and that of colostrum intake impacting mortality until 21 d of life. Birth weight and early growth rate thresholds provided in this study allow identification of puppies at risk, whereby provision can be made for adequate nursing to increase their chances to survive.
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Canine neonates are born hypogammaglobulinemic, and colostrum is their main source of immunoglobulins. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immune quality of canine colostrum and its variability both among bitches and among mammary glands. The immune quality was estimated from immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration (ELISA test). The correlation of IgG concentration with refractometry was evaluated. From a total of 44 bitches from 13 different breeds from a single breeding kennel, samples of colostrum and blood were collected one day after the parturition onset. Colostrum was collected separately from each pair of mammary glands (180 pairs). The mean colostrum IgG concentration in our population was 20.8±8.1g/L (ranging from 8.0 to 41.7g/L) with no influence of breed size, litter size, age of dam or serum IgG concentration. Colostrum IgG concentration varied widely among pairs of mammary glands within one bitch (variation coefficient: 42±32.1%). Nevertheless, no single pair of mammary glands was found to produce regularly a secretion of higher quality. No difference in IgG concentration was recorded between anterior and posterior pairs either. The BRIX index and the refractive index were significantly, but moderately correlated with colostrum IgG concentration (r=0.53 and 0.42, respectively). This study demonstrates a great variability in immune quality of colostrum among bitches and among mammary glands within one bitch. Further studies on the suckling behavior of puppies and on determination of the minimal immune quality of colostrum are required to evaluate their impact of this high variability on neonatal mortality in dogs. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.
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During the first weeks of life puppies remain protected against canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV2) infection thanks to maternally derived antibodies (MDA) absorbed with colostrum after birth. The objective of the present study was to present the variability in CPV2-specific passive immune transfer and its consequences in puppies naturally exposed to the parvovirus. Seventy-nine puppies from one breeding kennel were included in the study at birth and fol-lowed until 56 d of age. Once per week the MDA titre for CPV2 specific antibodies was determined in blood. Viral excretion was also evaluated on a rectal swab by CPV2 PCR assay and puppies were weighed to determine growth rate. At 2 d of age, thirty-four out of seventy-nine puppies (43 %) had MDA ≤1:160 (designed group A) and forty-five puppies (57 %) had greater MDA titres (designed group B). The level of absorbed maternal antibodies was shown to be associated with breed size and growth rate during the first 48 h of life. The MDA level declined with age in all cases; however, the proportion of puppies with the antibody level considered as protective against CPV2 infection was significantly higher in group B compared with A from day 2 until 42. Among all puppies surviving until 56 d of age, sixty-seven out of seventy (95·7 %) underwent CPV2 infection. However, puppies from group A excreted CPV2 significantly earlier than puppies from group B. The present study demonstrates the link between passive immune transfer, in terms of level of specific MDA absorbed, and length of the protection period against parvovirus infection in weaning puppies.
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Breastfeeding shows for all species the most important period for both the female and the new generation of products. Milk produced by a bitch, by his the qualities it is, offers puppies a considerable growth rate. Research conducted on 10 female breeds: German Shepherd Dog, Caucasian Shepherd, Labrador and West terrier showed qualitative differences in colostrum and matern milk. The differences were both studied the chemical composition of each race and in different periods of lactation. Protein percentage was higher in colostrum at 8.1% in female German Shepherd breed and lowest 3.7% in West terrier breed. Regarding the entire period of lactation, the highest percentage of protein was recorded at Caucasian Shepherd females (7.5%) and the lowest breed West terrier (3.5%). Correlations between body weight and quantity of milk is strongly positive, with a value of 0.72, and also the correlation between the amount of milk and prolificacy was positive, being +0.61.
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Objective: To compare the nutrient composition of commercially available dog milk replacers with that of dog milk. Design: Prospective, cross-sectional study. Sample: 5 dog milk samples and 15 samples of commercial dog milk replacers. Procedures: Dog milk and milk replacers were analyzed for concentrations of total protein, essential amino acids, sugars, total fat, essential fatty acids, calcium, and phosphorus. Energy density was calculated. Results from milk replacers were compared with the range of the concentration of each nutrient in milk samples from mature dogs as well as the National Research Council (NRC) recommendations for puppy growth. Results: Milk replacers varied widely in caloric density and concentration of nutrients such as calcium, protein, and fat. Calcium concentration was lower in 14 of 15 milk replacers than in the dog milk samples. Docosahexaenoic acid was undetectable in 12 of 15 milk replacers but present in all dog milk samples. All milk replacers had numerous essential nutrients outside of the range of the dog milk samples, and many had concentrations of amino acids, essential fatty acids, calcium, and phosphorus less than the NRC minimal requirement or recommended allowance. Compared with NRC recommendations, some dog milk samples had concentrations of total protein, linoleic acid, calcium, or phosphorus less than the recommended allowance. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Results suggested that there was substantial variation in nutrient composition of 15 dog milk replacers and that some products were closer approximations of dog milk than others. Nearly all products would benefit from more appropriate calcium, amino acids, and essential fatty acids concentrations and better feeding directions.
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Contents As puppies are born with very low immunoglobulin concentrations, they rely on passive immune transfer from ingested colostrum to acquire a protective immunity during the first few weeks of life. The purpose of this study was to describe the timing of gut closure in canine neonates. Twenty‐two B eagle puppies received 3 ml of standardized canine colostrum at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 or 24 h after birth using a feeding tube. Blood immunoglobulins G ( I g G , M and A ) were assayed 0, 4 and 48 h after colostrum ingestion. I g G absorption rate was significantly affected by the time of colostrum administration, and the I g G concentrations in puppies serum 48 h after administration were significantly higher when colostrum was ingested at 0–4 h of age than at 8–12 h or 16–24 h (1.68 ± 0.4, 0.79 ± 0.07 and 0.35 ± 0.08 g/l, respectively; p < 0.001). In the canine species, gut closure seems thus to begin as early as 4–8 h after birth and to be complete at 16–24 h. Consequently, this phenomenon appears to occur earlier in puppies than in most other species.
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Immunoglobulins form an important component of the immunological activity found in milk and colostrum. They are central to the immunological link that occurs when the mother transfers passive immunity to the offspring. The mechanism of transfer varies among mammalian species. Cattle provide a readily available immune rich colostrum and milk in large quantities, making those secretions important potential sources of immune products that may benefit humans. Immune milk is a term used to describe a range of products of the bovine mammary gland that have been tested against several human diseases. The use of colostrum or milk as a source of immunoglobulins, whether intended for the neonate of the species producing the secretion or for a different species, can be viewed in the context of the types of immunoglobulins in the secretion, the mechanisms by which the immunoglobulins are secreted, and the mechanisms by which the neonate or adult consuming the milk then gains immunological benefit. The stability of immunoglobulins as they undergo processing in the milk, or undergo digestion in the intestine, is an additional consideration for evaluating the value of milk immunoglobulins. This review summarizes the fundamental knowledge of immunoglobulins found in colostrum, milk, and immune milk.
Bacterial infections represent the second cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality in dogs, so the present study aimed to investigate the bacterial involvement in canine neonatal mortality and to evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility of the isolated bacteria. Fifty-one newborn purebred puppies, born dead or dead within 28 days of age, belonging to 36 different litters, were enrolled and the following procedures were performed on their fresh dead bodies: necropsy, collection of swabs by liver, kidney, lung, small bowel, and possible thoracic and/ or abdominal effusion, for both bacteriological examination and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and collection of samples by the same organs for histology. About 47% of total swabs were positive at bacteriology (pure bacterial culture or bacterial association). In 65% of the newborn puppies the mortality could be attributed to a bacterial infection. Although the high multidrug resistance, the most effective antimicrobials were third generation cephalosporins and fluorquinolones. In case of neonatal mortality, bacterial culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing become essential for a targeted therapy in surviving littermates and for the management of following pregnancies in bitches with recurrent neonatal loss.