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The Bitter Truth About Sugar and Willpower: The Limited Evidential Value of the Glucose Model of Ego Depletion



The idea behind ego depletion is that willpower draws on a limited mental resource, so that engaging in an act of self-control impairs self-control in subsequent tasks. To present ego depletion as more than a convenient metaphor, some researchers have proposed that glucose is the limited resource that becomes depleted with self-control. However, there have been theoretical challenges to the proposed glucose mechanism, and the experiments that have tested it have found mixed results. We used a new meta-analytic tool, p-curve analysis, to examine the reliability of the evidence from these experiments. We found that the effect sizes reported in this literature are possibly influenced by publication or reporting bias and that, even within studies yielding significant results, the evidential value of this research is weak. In light of these results, and pending further evidence, researchers and policymakers should refrain from drawing any conclusions about the role of glucose in self-control.
Psychological Science
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© The Author(s) 2016
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DOI: 10.1177/0956797616654911
Research Article
According to the law of conservation of energy, the total
amount of energy of an isolated system can never
increase. In the domain of psychology, the idea that
energy is a limited resource originated with Freud
(1923/1961). Energy models have been little used in psy-
chology since Freud, though, with the rare exception
of the ego-depletion model developed by Baumeister,
Bratslavsky, Muraven, and Tice (1998). According to this
research, “the self’s acts of volition draw on some limited
resource, akin to strength or energy. . . , therefore, one act
of volition will have a detrimental impact on subsequent
volition” (Baumeister et al., 1998, p. 1252). Research on
ego depletion has substantial implications. It has been
claimed that reliably exerting self-control, either actively
doing something “good” or avoiding the temptation to act
on “bad” impulses, can greatly reduce many of the major
ills that affect society and people’s personal lives, such as
“crime, violence, unwanted pregnancy, drug addiction,
venereal diseases, bankruptcy, and premature deaths”
(Baumeister, Muraven, & Tice, 2000, p. 130). It is not sur-
prising that the work of Baumeister et al. (1998) has had
an impact on a number of disciplines, including advertis-
ing, behavioral economics, business, consumerism, law,
management, marketing, and medicine. In fact, it is fair to
say that this seminal article by Baumeister et al. has
become a classic: At the time of this writing, it has more
than 1,250 citations in the Web of Science.
When ego depletion was first proposed, the idea of a
limited resource was a convenient metaphor. Given how
fundamental exerting self-control is thought to be, it is
important to establish the energy source that is depleted
and to provide a mechanism by which ego depletion
occurs. The most popular explanation found in the litera-
ture involves glucose. Gailliot et al. (2007) presented
nine studies supporting three main findings: (a) Blood
glucose levels are reduced after performing a self-control
654911PSSXXX10.1177/0956797616654911Vadillo et al.The Glucose Model of Ego Depletion
Corresponding Author:
Magda Osman, Biological and Experimental Psychology Group,
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University
of London, Fogg Building, Mile End Rd., London E1 4NS, United
The Bitter Truth About Sugar and
Willpower: The Limited Evidential Value
of the Glucose Model of Ego Depletion
Miguel A. Vadillo1, Natalie Gold2, and Magda Osman3
1Department of Primary Care and Public Health Sciences, King’s College London; 2Department of Philosophy,
King’s College London; and 3Biological and Experimental Psychology Group, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences,
Queen Mary University of London
The idea behind ego depletion is that willpower draws on a limited mental resource, so that engaging in an act of self-
control impairs self-control in subsequent tasks. To present ego depletion as more than a convenient metaphor, some
researchers have proposed that glucose is the limited resource that becomes depleted with self-control. However, there
have been theoretical challenges to the proposed glucose mechanism, and the experiments that have tested it have
found mixed results. We used a new meta-analytic tool, p-curve analysis, to examine the reliability of the evidence
from these experiments. We found that the effect sizes reported in this literature are possibly influenced by publication
or reporting bias and that, even within studies yielding significant results, the evidential value of this research is weak.
In light of these results, and pending further evidence, researchers and policymakers should refrain from drawing any
conclusions about the role of glucose in self-control.
ego depletion, glucose, meta-analysis, p-curve, self-control, open data
Received 11/20/15; Revision accepted 5/25/16
Psychological Science OnlineFirst, published on July 11, 2016 as doi:10.1177/0956797616654911
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2 Vadillo et al.
task but not after performing a comparable cognitive task
that does not require self-control; (b) low levels of blood
glucose after a first self-control task predict behavioral
deficits on a second self-control task; and (c) participants
whose glucose levels are restored by ingesting a glucose
drink after a self-control task perform better on a subse-
quent task than do participants who are given a diet
drink between tasks. They concluded that self-control
depletes blood glucose, which leads to decreased self-
control on subsequent tasks, and restoring glucose levels
replenishes the ability to exert self-control.
Although the conclusions drawn by Gailliot et al.
(2007) have been extraordinarily influential, their glucose
hypothesis remains controversial. The mechanism they
propose has been challenged, and the reliability of their
results has been disputed. Kurzban (2010) argued that
the glucose mechanism, as presented by Gailliot et al., is
biologically implausible. The mechanism invokes the
idea that self-control tasks deplete glucose because of
energy consumption by the brain, but the supporting
evidence shows changes only in blood glucose levels.
Kurzban cited evidence that the sort of self-control tasks
used in the literature have little effect on brain metabo-
lism and that changes in blood glucose are unlikely to
reflect blood glucose uptake by the brain.
There are also concerns about the empirical evidence
for the glucose mechanism. For instance, Schimmack
(2012) showed that the number of significant results
reported by Gailliot et al. (2007) is too large, given their
average power. In other words, these results are likely to
be influenced by publication bias or p-hacking (see
Francis, 2012; Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn, 2011).
Kurzban’s (2010) concerns were supported by a reanaly-
sis of the data from Gailliot et al., in which he found that
self-control does not decrease blood glucose levels, and
by recent failures to replicate the effect of glucose on
self-control (Job, Walton, Bernecker, & Dweck, 2013;
Kelly, Sünram-Lea, & Crawford, 2015; Lange & Eggert,
2014; Lange, Seer, Rapior, Rose, & Eggert, 2014).
The effect of glucose on self-control has been exam-
ined in three broad categories of studies:
Correlational studies measure effects on blood
glucose levels before and after self-control is
exerted (Dvorak & Simons, 2009; Gaillot, 2012;
Gailliot et al., 2007; Molden et al., 2012).
Glucose-ingestion studies manipulate blood glu-
cose levels by leaving enough time between inges-
tion and a control task for glucose to be absorbed
into the bloodstream (Birnie, Smallwood, Reay, &
Riby, 2015; Denson, von Hippel, Kemp, & Teo,
2010; DeWall, Baumeister, Gailliot, & Maner, 2008;
Dickinson, McElroy, & Stroh, 2014; Gailliot et al.,
2007; Gailliot, Peruche, Plant, & Baumeister, 2009;
Howard & Marczinski, 2010; Job et al., 2013; Kelly
et al., 2015; Lange & Eggert, 2014; Lange et al.,
2014; Masicampo & Baumeister, 2008; Wang &
Dvorak, 2010). Although the findings from these
studies provide mixed support for the glucose
hypothesis, the methods used imply a mechanism
that is consistent with the proposals of Gailliot
et al. (2007).
Glucose-rinsing studies examine the impact of sim-
ply rinsing one’s mouth with a glucose solution
before exerting self-control (Hagger & Chatzisarantis,
2013; Lange & Eggert, 2014; Molden et al., 2012;
Sanders, Shirk, Burgin, & Martin, 2012). Results
from these studies suggest that the signal of glu-
cose from the mouth to the brain is sufficient to
neutralize the ego-depletion effect. This mecha-
nism is consistent with the results of the ingestion
manipulations but suggests that the effect does not
depend on a metabolic explanation.
To help settle the growing concerns in the academic
community regarding the reliability of the glucose mecha-
nism, which in turn has implications for the ego-depletion
hypothesis that it underpins, we sought to use a new
meta-analytic tool, p-curve analysis, to investigate the pres-
ence of publication and reporting biases in this literature.
Literature-search strategy
We looked for studies supporting the idea that sugar con-
sumption is related to ego depletion and self-regulation.
Specifically, we considered any study exploring the
hypothesis that glucose ingestion or rinsing improves
performance (e.g., overcoming an impulse, inhibiting an
aggressive reaction, or controlling a cognitive process) or
ameliorates the effect of an ego-depleting experience in
these laboratory self-regulation tasks. We also included
studies testing whether performance in laboratory tasks
(again, specifically those that explicitly require self-
regulation) is correlated with pre- or posttesting sugar
levels. Studies in which participants were not asked to
drink a sugary beverage but simply to rinse their mouths
with it were also included in the present analyses; this
literature also supports the idea that sugar consumption
improves self-regulation (even if it challenges the specific
hypothesis that such improvement is achieved through
metabolic processes).
Given these criteria, we excluded experiments show-
ing a relation between sugar consumption and cognitive
processes (e.g., short-term memory or general cognition
function) that prima facie do not seem to pose demands
on self-regulation (e.g., Carter & McCullough, 2013;
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The Glucose Model of Ego Depletion 3
Owen, Scholey, Finnegan, Hu, & Sünram-Lea, 2012). In
addition, we also excluded studies that investigated the
correlation between general glucose levels (or regular
glucose ingestion) and self-regulated behavior in natural-
istic settings over many days. This included, for instance,
studies on the relationships between glucose ingestion
and smoking cessation and studies on the relationship
between diabetes and various psychological processes
(see Gailliot & Baumeister, 2007). These studies rely on
measures that differ substantially from the dependent
variables gathered in laboratory-based ego-depletion
tasks, and the lack of experimental control makes the
results amenable to alternative explanations that bear lit-
tle or no relation to ego depletion and self-regulation.
We began our search by inspecting a small set of stud-
ies that had included an exhaustive literature review.
These included a meta-analysis by Hagger, Wood, Stiff,
and Chatzisarantis (2010) on the general ego-depletion
literature, a study by Job et al. (2013) exploring individ-
ual differences in the impact of glucose on self-control,
and Lange and Eggert’s (2014) recent attempt to replicate
the effect of sugar consumption or rinsing on ego deple-
tion. Then, to make sure that we included all relevant
studies, we conducted a systematic search in Web of Sci-
ence and Google Scholar for the term “glucose” along
with “ego depletion,” “self-control,or “self-regulation.”
This strategy allowed us to identify 18 articles with one
or more eligible studies. All these studies are listed in
Table 1 and are also marked with asterisks in the refer-
ence list. Furthermore, we found out that one of our
selected studies (Masicampo & Baumeister, 2008) had
been included in the famous project on the reproducibil-
ity of psychological science (Open Science Collabora-
tion, 2015). This replication was also included in our
analyses, which resulted in a total of 19 articles.
p-curve analysis
To assess the reliability of this set of studies, we used
p-curve analysis, a recently designed meta-analytic tool
that allows for the exploration of various biases solely by
examining the distribution of significant p values
(Simonsohn, Nelson, & Simmons, 2014). Imagine a set of
studies exploring an effect that does not exist. Occasion-
ally, these studies will yield a significant result (i.e., a
p value lower than .05) just by chance. In this scenario, all
p values will be equally likely: 5% of studies will have
p values lower than .05, 4% of studies will have p values
lower than .04, and so on. Consequently, the p values of
a set of studies exploring a nonexistent effect should typi-
cally follow a flat distribution. Note that this is not the
case if the studies are exploring a true effect: In that case,
significant p values should follow a right-skewed distribu-
tion in which small p values (e.g., p < .01) are more
prevalent than larger p values (e.g., p between .04 and
.05). As explained by Simonsohn et al. (2014), this can be
easily understood if one imagines an experimenter explor-
ing a very large effect with a large sample of participants.
Most likely, the experimenter will observe a very low
p value. Experiments with smaller effect sizes and smaller
samples are simply less extreme versions of this ideal sce-
nario. Even for low-powered studies, the distribution of
p values should be right skewed. This implies that, in
principle, one can know whether a set of experiments is
exploring true effects or null effects simply by checking
whether their p values follow a right-skewed distribution
or a rather flat distribution. An interesting feature of this
approach is that it focuses exclusively on significant p values
(i.e., studies for which p < .05); consequently, its results
are unaffected by publication bias.
Simonsohn et al. (2014) designed an online appli-
cation (available at that allows
researchers to test whether an observed distribution of
p values is significantly right skewed or suspiciously flat,
which could suggest that the significant results are false
positives. A simple way to test whether the distribution of
p values is significantly right skewed is to compare the
number of significant p values lower than .025 with the
number of p values between .025 and .05 by using a bino-
mial test. A potential shortcoming of this approach is that
this binomial test gives the same weight to exceptionally
small p values (e.g., .00001) as to p values barely smaller
than .025 (e.g., .024). To overcome this limitation, the lat-
est versions of the p-curve application conduct not only a
binomial test but also an alternative analysis, known as a
continuous test, that is sensitive to the exact p values.
If the distribution of p values is not significantly right
skewed, this might mean that the studies lack any eviden-
tial value or, in other words, that the significant results
could be false positives. However, failure to find a signifi-
cant right-skewed distribution might also be due to a lack
of statistical power (e.g., if the analysis includes a very
small number of studies). Simonsohn et al. (2014) sug-
gested that in order to determine whether the distribution
of p values is too flat, one should test whether the p-curve
is flatter than the theoretical distribution that one would
observe in a set of studies with 33% statistical power. If
the p-curve is significantly flatter than this very flat stan-
dard, a common conclusion is that the set of studies might
lack evidential value and that they might be the product
of publication bias, selective reporting, or p-hacking.
Selection of statistical contrasts
We selected the key statistical contrasts of each study
following the guidelines offered by Simonsohn et al.
(2014). In the case of correlational studies or experiments
with just two groups, we registered the target correlation
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4 Vadillo et al.
coefficient, the statistic testing the regression slope,
or the statistic testing the difference of means. In com-
plex factorial designs, if researchers expected the ego-
depletion effect to disappear in a specific condition, then
we registered the statistic testing the interaction. In con-
trast, if they expected to find a complete cross-over inter-
action, we registered the statistics for the two simple
effects. A total of 38 statistical contrasts were included in
the analyses. In accordance with the recommendations of
Simonsohn et al. (2014), when two statistics were equally
valid, we used one of them in the main analysis and the
other one in a second analysis that we refer to as a
robustness test. In most cases (four out of five), we
adopted the general rule of selecting the first one to
Table 1. Studies Included in the Analyses and Their Key Statistical Contrasts
Study Sugar rinsing? Key statistical contrast p
Birnie, Smallwood, Reay, and Riby (2015) No t(15) = 2.469a.02605
Denson, von Hippel, Kemp, and Teo (2010), Study 1 No t(67) = −2.19 .03201
Denson et al. (2010), Study 2 No t(151) = 2.24 .02655
DeWall, Baumeister, Gailliot, and Maner (2008), Study 2 No F(1, 55) = 6.64 .01268
Dickinson, McElroy, and Stroh (2014) No z = 1.88 .06011
Dvorak and Simons (2009) No F(1, 177) = 5.63 .01873
Gailliot (2012) No r(50) = –.30 .03071
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 1 No F(1, 100) = 6.08 .01537
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 2 No t(33) = 2.20 .03492
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 3 No r(14) = –.62a.01041
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 4 No r(10) = .56 .05828
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 5 No r(21) = .45 .03120
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 6 No r(15) = .43 .08493
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 7 No F(1, 57) = 5.04 .02866
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 8 No F(1, 69) = 5.45 .02249
Gailliot et al. (2007), Study 9 No t(16) = 3.13 .00646
Gailliot, Peruche, Plant, and Baumeister (2009) No t(47) = 2.21a.03201
Hagger and Chatzisarantis (2013), Study 1 Yes F(1, 24) = 8.42 .00783
Hagger and Chatzisarantis (2013), Study 2 Yes F(1, 30) = 6.12 .01925
Hagger and Chatzisarantis (2013), Study 3 Yes F(1, 32) = 4.06 .05238
Hagger and Chatzisarantis (2013), Study 4 Yes F(1, 40) = 10.32 .00260
Hagger and Chatzisarantis (2013), Study 5 Yes F(1, 36) = 7.28 .01055
Howard and Marczinski (2010) No F(4, 75) = 2.95 .02544
Job, Walton, Bernecker, and Dweck (2013), Study 1 No t(78) = 2.10 .03896
Job et al. (2013), Study 2 No F(1, 58) = 5.16 .02684
Job et al. (2013), Study 3 No F(1, 139) = 5.28 .02306
Kelly, Sünram-Lea, and Crawford (2015) No F(1, 67) = 0.80 .37430
Lange and Eggert (2014), Study 1 No F(1, 68) = 1.12 .29366
Lange and Eggert (2014), Study 2 No F(1, 110) = 0.01a.92053
Lange, Seer, Rapior, Rose, and Eggert (2014) No t(68) = 0.05a.96027
Masicampo and Baumeister (2008) No F(1, 111) = 5.311 .02305
Molden et al. (2012), Study 1 No F(1, 83) = 2.05 .15596
Molden et al. (2012), Study 2 Yes F(1, 39) = 4.54 .03947
Molden et al. (2012), Study 3 Yes F(1, 28) = 5.02 .03317
Open Science Collaboration (2015); replication of
Masicampo and Baumeister (2008)
No F(1, 158) = 0.379 .53902
Sanders, Shirk, Burgin, and Martin (2012) Yes t(49) = −2.129 .03831
Wang and Dvorak (2010), Simple Effect 1 No t(31) = 2.55 .01593
Wang and Dvorak (2010), Simple Effect 2 No t(32) = 3.12 .00381
Note: The statistical contrasts were selected according to the guidelines of Simonsohn, Nelson, and Simmons (2014). A complete
p-curve disclosure table justifying the selection of each statistical contrast is available at the Open Science Framework (https://osf
aThese statistical contrasts were replaced by alternative contrasts in the robustness test (for further details, see the p-curve
disclosure table at the Open Science Framework).
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The Glucose Model of Ego Depletion 5
appear in the text for the main analysis and the second
one to appear for the robustness test. However, on one
occasion (Birnie et al., 2015), we broke this rule because
the conclusions of the authors relied more heavily on
one of the statistics than on the other. In this particular
case, we selected the more appropriate statistic for the
main analysis and the other one for the robustness test.
We found no studies in which three or more statistics
were equally valid for p-curve analysis. A p-curve disclo-
sure table with all the selected statistics and the justifica-
tion for our choices are available at Open Science
Framework (
The key statistical contrasts of the studies included in our
analysis are shown in Table 1. Figure 1 plots the fre-
quency of each range of p values among these studies. As
the figure shows, the main p-curve did not fit with the
right-skewed distribution that one would expect if these
studies were exploring a true effect. Although there were
no significant results immediately below .05, p values in
the interval between 0 and .04 show, if anything, a left-
skewed distribution. Not surprisingly, the statistical con-
trast testing the right skewness of the p-curve was
nonsignificant (binomial test comparing the proportions
of contrasts with p values < .025 and those with p values
between .025 and .05: p = .575; continuous test: z = −0.83,
p = .204). In other words, the distribution of p values was
not significantly different from what would be expected
if the null hypothesis (in this case, that the average effect
size is zero) were true. Furthermore, the observed distri-
bution is flatter than would be expected if the studies
were simply underpowered. Statistical analyses con-
firmed that the p-curve was significantly flatter than
would be expected if there were an effect but the studies
had only 33% power on average (binomial test: p = .019;
continuous test: z = −2.08, p = .019). Thus, we can reject
the hypothesis that although there was an effect, the
studies had an average power of only 33% to detect it.
The results were very similar for the robustness test,
which also failed to find significant evidence of right
skewness (binomial test: p = .500; continuous test:
z = −0.88, p = .190) and, in fact, detected that the p-curve
was significantly flatter than would be expected if there
were an effect but the studies had only 33% power on
average (binomial test: p = .033; continuous test:
z = −1.99, p = .023).
Note that when we removed from the analyses all the
studies that explored the effects of glucose rinsing
(because these have a somewhat different theoretical
background), p-curve results did not improve. After the
glucose-rinsing experiments were removed, neither the
continuous test (z = −0.57, p = .285) nor the binomial test
(p = .668) suggested that the remaining set of studies had
any evidential value. Furthermore, both tests (continu-
ous: z = −1.94, p = .026; binomial: p = .024) suggested
that the p-curve was significantly flatter than would be
expected if there were an effect but the studies had only
33% power on average. In other words, the poor results
of the previous tests cannot be attributed to the inclusion
of glucose-rinsing studies in the analyses.
The results of our analyses suggest that the relationship
between glucose levels and self-control behaviors might
be unreliable. Figure 1 shows that the key p values of the
19 studies included in the present analyses follow a sur-
prisingly flat distribution. This is exactly the pattern of
results that one would expect to find if those results were
false positives. These results remain unchanged regard-
less of whether glucose-rinsing studies are included or
excluded from the sample.
These results may not come as a complete surprise
given the empirical challenges to the glucose hypothesis
suggested by failed replications (Job et al., 2013; Kelly
et al., 2015; Lange & Eggert, 2014; Lange et al., 2014) and
theoretical critiques regarding its biological plausibility
(Kurzban, 2010; Osman, 2014). Furthermore, a detailed
analysis of the seminal article suggesting the glucose
hypothesis showed that the number of significant find-
ings reported in that article was too large, given the low
power of each study (Schimmack, 2012). In other words,
the results were too good to be true (Francis, 2012).
Nevertheless, the findings from the present study are a
surprise in the context of the wide acceptance of the
glucose hypothesis in general scientific research and its
popularity, as evidenced by the number of citations of
.01 .02 .03 .04 .05
Percentage of Test Results
p Value
Main Analysis
Robustness Test
Zero Effect
True Effect, 33% Power
Fig. 1. Distribution of observed p values for both the main analysis and
the robustness test, along with the expected distribution of p values if the
null hypothesis is true (zero effect) and if the alternative hypothesis is
true but the experiments lack sufficient power (true effect, 33% power).
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6 Vadillo et al.
Gailliot et al. (2007) in the literature and the continued
influence of this hypothesis in recent reviews on ego
depletion (e.g., Baumeister, 2014; Baumeister & Alghamdi,
2015). Moreover, the hypothesis has intuitive and seem-
ingly practical appeal. If one accepts that a failure of self-
control in regulating actions contributes to the many
personal and societal problems that people face (Bau-
meister et al., 2000), then glucose supplements would
provide a simple means to enhance willpower and ame-
liorate these problems (Baumeister & Tierny, 2011). In
light of our results, it is doubtful that such a recommen-
dation will work in the real world. This conclusion con-
verges with recent evidence that glucose might have little
or no impact on domain-general decision-making tasks
(Orquin & Kurzban, 2016) and with an intriguing series
of meta-analyses and preregistered replications suggest-
ing that the ego-depletion effect itself might be less
robust than previously thought (Carter, Kofler, Forster, &
McCullough, 2015; Hagger et al., in press).
Previous criticisms of the glucose model of ego deple-
tion have typically focused on individual articles (e.g.,
Kurzban, 2010; Schimmack, 2012). Article-level analyses
such as those by Francis (2012) are ideal in some respects
because they ensure that all the studies under scrutiny
are grounded in the same theoretical view and rely on
very similar research methods. Unfortunately, only a cou-
ple of the articles included in the present review contain
a sufficiently large number of studies to allow this type
of analysis (Gailliot et al., 2007; possibly Hagger &
Chatzisarantis, 2013). An examination of the wider litera-
ture, such as the one offered in the present article, must
necessarily collate studies with heterogeneous methods
and theoretical backgrounds. In exchange, this approach
allows researchers to check for publication and reporting
biases in areas of research in which articles with a small
number of studies are prevalent. In this sense, our study
adds to the conclusions of article-level analyses by sug-
gesting that the kinds of biases that have been detected
in isolated studies might be representative of the wider
area of research on the glucose model of ego depletion.
In any case, the rest of the experiments included in the
present analyses, with the possible exception of glucose-
rinsing studies, share a common theoretical background.
It is worth noting that, as with any other statistical test,
p-curve analysis is not a flawless indicator of bias (Bishop
& Thompson, 2016; Bruns & Ioannidis, 2016; Lakens,
2015). Our results suggest that, on average, these studies
have little or no evidential value, but they do not allow
us to determine whether the significant results are due to
publication bias, selective reporting of outcomes or anal-
yses, p-hacking, or all of these. It is not impossible that
some of these studies are exploring small but true effects
and that their evidential value may be diluted by the
biases that pervade the rest of the studies. Perhaps future
research will show that glucose does play a role in ego-
depletion effects, but our conclusions are based on the
analysis of the extant literature in this area. Thus, our
contribution must be seen as an additional piece of infor-
mation in the wider context of attempts to verify the reli-
ability of the glucose model of ego depletion. Note that
the kind of biases explored in the present study are prev-
alent in other (but not all) areas of psychological research
(e.g., Bakker, van Dijk, & Wicherts, 2012) and that low
reproducibility is not exclusively a problem of psycho-
logical research (Camerer et al., 2016; Errington et al.,
2014). In fact, it is fair to say that psychology is taking a
leading role in the dissemination of open research prac-
tices (Open Science Collaboration, 2015). We hope that
this new trend in psychological research will soon render
meta-analytic studies like this one unnecessary.
Action Editor
D. Stephen Lindsay served as action editor for this article.
Author Contributions
All the authors developed the study concept. The literature
search was conducted by M. A. Vadillo and N. Gold. M. A.
Vadillo performed the data analysis and interpretation. M.
Osman drafted the manuscript, and M. A. Vadillo and N. Gold
provided critical revisions. All the authors approved the final
version of the manuscript for submission.
We are indebted to Greg Francis, David R. Shanks, Eric-Jan
Wagenmakers, and two anonymous reviewers for their valu-
able comments on earlier versions of the manuscript.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
This work was supported by European Research Council Grant
283849 (to N. Gold) under the European Union’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP/2007–2013).
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The Glucose Model of Ego Depletion 7
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by guest on July 11, 2016pss.sagepub.comDownloaded from
... This revision of the strength model leads Vadillo et al. [27] to point out that the revised model is flexibly consistent with the results but is no longer grounded as a metabolic explanation. Furthermore, this group reported the results of a p-curve analysis [28] of 38 published tests of whether glucose becomes depleted as self-control depletes. ...
... For the set of studies analyzed by Vadillo et al., the results "follow a surprisingly flat distribution" and "suggest that the relationship between glucose levels and self-control behaviors might be unreliable". With more agency, they conclude that "in light of these results, and pending further evidence, researchers and policymakers should refrain from drawing any conclusions about the role of glucose and self-control" [27] p. 1207. ...
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The concept of cognitive reserve (CR) has been a cornerstone in cognitive aging research, offering a framework to explain how life experiences like education, occupation, bilingualism, and physical exercise may buffer individuals from cognitive decline in the face of aging or neurological disease. However, this paper argues that the CR model, while influential, may have outlived its usefulness due to inherent limitations that constrain future research directions and unintentionally encourage "magical thinking". Specifically, CR's definition, which relies on cognitive performance being "better than expected" based on known measures of brain structure and function, makes the concept temporally bound to current scientific understanding, potentially stifling novel insights into cognition. In contrast, we propose a shift to a cognitive capacity (CC) framework, which views cognitive performance as being always determined by the brain's structural and functional capacities, without needing to invoke expectations based on incomplete knowledge. The CC framework is broader, encompassing factors that either promote or demote cognitive performance by directly modifying brain structure and function. This reconceptualization opens avenues for investigating cognitive enhancement not only in the context of aging or disease but also in young, healthy individuals. By emphasizing causal pathways between brain changes and cognitive outcomes, this perspective provides a more flexible and testable approach to understanding the mechanisms behind cognitive performance and its modulation across the lifespan.
... Initial research suggested that ego depletion operates through the depletion of a physiological resource needed to exert self-control (specifically glucose), thus, leaving people unable to exert further self-control (Gailliot et al., 2007). However, several studies have refuted this claim by showing no relationship between self-control exertion and glucose levels (Kelly et al., 2015;Kurzban, 2010;Lange & Eggert, 2014;Vadillo et al., 2016). Studies on lay beliefs about willpower (including the present study) provide further evidence against the account of a depleted resource. ...
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Many people see climate change as a major problem that needs to be addressed. However, many still do not engage in the necessary proenvironmental behavior. One possible problem is that proenvironmental behavior may require self-control given that being nonenvironmental is usually less effortful or otherwise less costly. In the present research, we examine whether lay beliefs about willpower (i.e., people’s beliefs about the nature of self-control) predict proenvironmental behavior. Study 1 (N = 165) tested the correlational relationship between lay beliefs about willpower and performance and effort exertion (as assessed by cardiovascular reactivity) on an environmental task. The results showed an association of a nonlimited willpower belief with better performance and more effort exertion (as measured by preejection period, but not systolic blood pressure). Study 2 (N = 208) assessed the causal effect on the same outcomes by experimentally manipulating participants’ willpower beliefs. However, there was no support for a causal effect. There was only a marginally significant effect on performance, no significant difference in effort exertion as measured by preejection period, and merely a trending difference in systolic blood pressure (which was exploratorily analyzed). Thus, while the results from Study 1 indicate a correlational relationship between lay beliefs about willpower and effortful exertion on proenvironmental behavior, Study 2 did not provide evidence of a causal effect. These results allow first insights into the relationship between lay beliefs about willpower and effortful proenvironmental behavior, but further research is needed to test the robustness and underlying causality of this relationship.
... Initial research suggested that ego depletion operates through the depletion of a physiological resource needed to exert self-control (specifically glucose), thus, leaving people unable to exert further self-control (Gailliot et al., 2007). However, several studies have refuted this claim by showing no relationship between self-control exertion and glucose levels (Kelly et al., 2015;Kurzban, 2010;Lange & Eggert, 2014;Vadillo et al., 2016). Studies on lay beliefs about willpower (including the present study) provide further evidence against the account of a depleted resource. ...
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Many people see climate change as a major problem that needs to be addressed. However, many still do not engage in the necessary pro-environmental behavior. One possible problem is that pro-environmental behavior may require self-control given that being non-environmental is usually less effortful or otherwise less costly. In the present research, we examine whether lay beliefs about willpower (i.e., people’s beliefs about the nature of self-control) predict pro-environmental behavior. Study 1 (N = 165) tested the correlational relationship between lay beliefs about willpower and performance and effort exertion (as assessed by cardiovascular reactivity) on an environmental task. The results showed an association of a nonlimited willpower belief with better performance and more effort exertion (as measured by pre-ejection period, but not systolic blood pressure). Study 2 (N = 208) assessed the causal effect on the same outcomes by experimentally manipulating participants’ willpower beliefs. However, there was no support for a causal effect. There was only a marginally significant effect on performance, no significant difference in effort exertion as measured by pre-ejection period, and merely a trending difference in systolic blood pressure (which was exploratorily analyzed). Thus, while the results from Study 1 indicate a correlational relationship between lay beliefs about willpower and effortful exertion on pro-environmental behavior, Study 2 did not provide evidence of a causal effect. These results allow first insights into the relationship between lay beliefs about willpower and effortful pro-environmental behavior, but further research is needed to test the robustness and underlying causality of this relationship.
... Recent advances emphasize the importance of brain bioenergetic and metabolic processes for brain function, behavior, and cognition (Morella et al., 2022;Ülgen et al., 2023;Yellen, 2018). While initial studies predominantly focused on glucose as the resource-limiting energy source for demanding cognitive processes (Baumeister, 2003;Gailliot, 2008;Gailliot & Baumeister, 2007), such as decisionmaking, recent research has revealed not only that brain glucose might not be as limited as was originally proposed (Dang, 2016;Job et al., 2013;Lange & Eggert, 2014;Vadillo et al., 2016). Moreover, neurons utilize various energy substrates, not just glucose, to support neural activity (Lutas & Yellen, . ...
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Exploring why individuals vary in their willingness to exert effort is pivotal for understanding human motivation. Here, we utilized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) at 7 Tesla on the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dmPFC/dACC) and anterior insula (AI) to uncover neurometabolic factors that influence these differences. Computational modeling and machine learning revealed that a model established on dmPFC/dACC metabolites could effectively predict decisions to exert high mental effort and sensitivity to mental effort but not physical effort. Glutamate, aspartate, and lactate in dmPFC/dACC were identified as key discriminative metabolites in the dmPFC/dACC, predictive of mental effort choices, whereas AI metabolism did not predict effort-related decisions. Notably, there was a correlation between plasma and dmPFC/dACC lactate levels, suggesting a metabolic link between peripheral and central biomarkers of effort. Our findings provide novel insights into the neurometabolic underpinnings of motivated behavior and propose novel biomarkers for mental effort-based decision-making.
... However, it is not just the methods that should be sound; theories should be sound as well. A major problem with the modern version of the ego-depletion explanatory theory is that it links glucose levels with the effect, and glucose levels cannot possibly vary dramatically over relatively short time spans (Vadillo et al., 2016). In other words, the theory seems outright inconsistent with (much more empirically robust) physiological theories of glucose metabolism. ...
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In light of the recent credibility crisis in psychology, this paper argues for a greater emphasis on theorizing in scientific research. Although reliable experimental evidence, preregistration, methodological rigor, and new computational frameworks for modeling are important, scientific progress also relies on properly functioning theories. However, the current understanding of the role of theorizing in psychology is lacking, which may lead to future crises. Theories should not be viewed as mere speculations or simple induc-tive generalizations. To address this issue, the author introduces a framework called "cog-nitive metascience," which studies the processes and results of evaluating scientific practice. This study should proceed both qualitatively, as in traditional science and technology studies and cognitive science, and quantitatively, by analyzing scientific discourse using language technology. By analyzing theories as cognitive artifacts that support cognitive tasks, this paper aims to shed more light on their nature. This perspective reveals that multiple distinct theories serve entirely different roles, and studying these roles, along with their epistemic vices and virtues, can provide insight into how theorizing should proceed. The author urges a change in research culture to appreciate the variety of distinct theories and to systematically advance scientific progress. There are several issues that suggest a crisis of confidence in psychology and related fields. They include problems with replicability, generalizability, the cumulative nature of research, and the cohesiveness of our understanding 1 Correspondence address:
Psikoloji bilimi ruh sağlığı sorunlarıyla mücadele deneyimini ve yetkinliğini artırırken, insanlığın karşılaştığı kolektif sorunlar çeşitlenmeye devam ediyor. Günümüzde yaşamın hemen her alanında teknoloji bağımlılığı, depresyon, erteleme, madde bağımlılığı gibi yaygın sorunlarla karşı karşıya bulunuyoruz. Bu sorunlara müdahaleye dönük yeni yaklaşımlar ortaya atılmakta ve her yaş grubundan insana bu sorunlarla mücadelede kullanabilecekleri beceriler kazandırılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Çağımızın bu yaygın sorunlarına karşı etkili olarak kullanılabilecek kaynaklardan birisi de irade gücüdür. Din, felsefe, eğitim gibi alanlarda antik çağdan beri ele alınan önemli kavramlardan biri olan irade, Freudyen yaklaşımın etkisiyle uzun zaman alanyazında ihmal edilmiştir. Klasik psikanalizin bazı görüşlerinin sorgulanması ve psikoloji alanında yeni yaklaşımların ortaya çıkışıyla birlikte haz erteleme konusu yeniden ele alınmış ve bu çerçevede 1960’lı yıllarda başlayan haz erteleme/marshmallow deneyleri ile birlikte irade gücü kavramı yeniden aramıza dönmüştür. Bu çalışmanın amacı irade gücüne dönüşün tarihsel arka planını ele almak, irade gücüyle ilişkili kavramları incelemek, irade gücüne yönelik bir kavramsallaştırma ortaya koymak, konuyla ilgili yapılmış araştırmaları incelemek, irade gücüyle ilgili tartışmalara değinmek ve irade gücünün alanyazında ele alınmasına yönelik araştırmacı ve uygulayıcılara bazı öneriler sunmaktır. Bütün bunlardan hareketle irade gücü kavramı; zararlı olana direnç göstermek, yararlı olanı ve iyi geleni uygulamaya geçirmek, işe yarayanı sürdürmek ve engellere rağmen yeniden başlayabilmek şeklinde çok boyutlu bir yapı olarak kavramsallaştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın irade gücünün yeniden farklı boyutlarıyla tartışılmasına, öz-kontrol, öz-düzenleme, öz-disiplin ve haz erteleme gibi önemli konularla ilgili bakış açılarını zenginleştirmesine katkı sunması beklenmektedir.
Am y tro cyntaf, ymchwiliodd yr astudiaeth bresennol i rôl gyfunol hunanreolaeth, cymhelliant ac ymdrech feddyliol wrth ragweld dysgu myfyrwyr israddedig o ddarlith addysg uwch ar ffurf cyflwyniad dwyawr. Roedd yr astudiaeth yn cynnwys 62 o fyfyrwyr, mewn darlith Hyfforddi Chwaraeon blwyddyn olaf BSc israddedig, a gwblhaodd holiaduron yn mesur: hunanreolaeth cyflwr yn ystod y ddarlith; dull meistrolaeth a chymhelliant osgoi perfformiad tuag at ddysgu pwnc y cwrs; ymdrech feddyliol a wnaed yn ystod y ddarlith; a’r gallu i gofio cynnwys yn syth ar ôl y ddarlith (h.y., dysgu). Datgelodd dadansoddiadau cyfryngu wedi’u cymedroli fod angen lefelau uwch o hunanreolaeth cyflwr (newidyn W) er mwyn i fyfyrwyr drawsffurfio eu cymhelliant (newidyn X; dull meistrolaeth neu osgoi perfformiad) i ymdrech feddyliol (newidyn M) er budd eu dysgu (newidyn Y) yn ystod y ddarlith. Trafodir llwybrau ar gyfer ymyriadau cymhwysol i ysgogi myfyrwyr a chynyddu eu hadnoddau hunanreolaeth mewn amgylcheddau addysg uwch.
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W artykule przedstawiono argumentację na rzecz większego nacisku na teoretyzowanie w badaniach naukowych w świetle trwającego kryzysu wiarygodności w psychologii. Chociaż istotną rolę odgrywają wiarygodne dowody eksperymentalne, prerejestracja, rygor metodologiczny i nowe podejścia obliczeniowe do modelowania, postęp naukowy opiera się również na właściwie funkcjonujących teoriach. Roli teoretyzowania w psychologii nie rozumiemy jednak wystarczająco, a to może prowadzić do kolejnych kryzysów. Teorie nie powinny być postrzegane jako czcze spekulacje czy proste uogólnienia indukcyjne. W tym kontekście autor wprowadza podejście zwane „metanauką poznawczą”, mające badać czynności i wytwory oceny praktyki naukowej. Badanie to ma przebiegać zarówno jakościowo, jak i ilościowo, poprzez analizę dyskursu naukowego z wykorzystaniem technik przetwarzania języka. Teorie analizowane są jako artefakty poznawcze wspierające procesy poznania w nauce. Ta perspektywa ujawnia odmienne role różnych teorii, a badanie tych ról, wraz z ich epistemicznymi zaletami i wadami, pozwala uchwycić normy teoretyzowania. Autor wzywa do zmiany kultury badawczej, by odpowiednio uwzględniano różnorodne zastosowania odmiennych typów teorii i systematycznie wspierano postęp naukowy.
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Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal relationships, success in the workplace and at school, and less susceptibility to crime and addictions. In contrast, self-control failure is linked to maladaptive outcomes. Understanding the mechanisms by which self-control predicts behavior may assist in promoting better regulation and outcomes. A popular approach to understanding self-control is the strength or resource depletion model. Self-control is conceptualized as a limited resource that becomes depleted after a period of exertion resulting in self-control failure. The model has typically been tested using a sequential-task experimental paradigm, in which people completing an initial self-control task have reduced self-control capacity and poorer performance on a subsequent task, a state known as ego depletion. Although a meta-analysis of ego-depletion experiments found a medium-sized effect, subsequent meta-analyses have questioned the size and existence of the effect and identified instances of possible bias. The analyses served as a catalyst for the current Registered Replication Report of the ego-depletion effect. Multiple laboratories (k = 23, total N = 2,141) conducted replications of a standardized ego-depletion protocol based on a sequential-task paradigm by Sripada et al. Meta-analysis of the studies revealed that the size of the ego-depletion effect was small with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) that encompassed zero (d = 0.04, 95% CI [−0.07, 0.15]. We discuss implications of the findings for the ego-depletion effect and the resource depletion model of self-control.
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The p-curve, the distribution of statistically significant p-values of published studies, has been used to make inferences on the proportion of true effects and on the presence of p-hacking in the published literature. We analyze the p-curve for observational research in the presence of p-hacking. We show by means of simulations that even with minimal omitted-variable bias (e.g., unaccounted confounding) p-curves based on true effects and p-curves based on null-effects with p-hacking cannot be reliably distinguished. We also demonstrate this problem using as practical example the evaluation of the effect of malaria prevalence on economic growth between 1960 and 1996. These findings call recent studies into question that use the p-curve to infer that most published research findings are based on true effects in the medical literature and in a wide range of disciplines. p-values in observational research may need to be empirically calibrated to be interpretable with respect to the commonly used significance threshold of 0.05. Violations of randomization in experimental studies may also result in situations where the use of p-curves is similarly unreliable.
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Background. The p-curve is a plot of the distribution of p-values reported in a set of scientific studies. Comparisons between ranges of p-values have been used to evaluate fields of research in terms of the extent to which studies have genuine evidential value, and the extent to which they suffer from bias in the selection of variables and analyses for publication, p-hacking. Methods. p-hacking can take various forms. Here we used R code to simulate the use of ghost variables, where an experimenter gathers data on several dependent variables but reports only those with statistically significant effects. We also examined a text-mined dataset used by Head et al. (2015) and assessed its suitability for investigating p-hacking. Results. We show that when there is ghost p-hacking, the shape of the p-curve depends on whether dependent variables are intercorrelated. For uncorrelated variables, simulated p-hacked data do not give the “p-hacking bump” just below .05 that is regarded as evidence of p-hacking, though there is a negative skew when simulated variables are inter-correlated. The way p-curves vary according to features of underlying data poses problems when automated text mining is used to detect p-values in heterogeneous sets of published papers. Conclusions. The absence of a bump in the p-curve is not indicative of lack of p-hacking. Furthermore, while studies with evidential value will usually generate a right-skewed p-curve, we cannot treat a right-skewed p-curve as an indicator of the extent of evidential value, unless we have a model specific to the type of p-values entered into the analysis. We conclude that it is not feasible to use the p-curve to estimate the extent of p-hacking and evidential value unless there is considerable control over the type of data entered into the analysis. In particular, p-hacking with ghost variables is likely to be missed.
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The academic and public interest in blood glucose and its relationship to decision making has been increasing over the last decade. To investigate and evaluate competing theories about this relationship, we conducted a psychometric meta-analysis on the effect of blood glucose on decision making. We identified 42 studies relating to 4 dimensions of decision making: willingness to pay, willingness to work, time discounting, and decision style. We did not find a uniform influence of blood glucose on decision making. Instead, we found that low levels of blood glucose increase the willingness to pay and willingness to work when a situation is food related, but decrease willingness to pay and work in all other situations. Low levels of blood glucose increase the future discount rate for food; that is, decision makers become more impatient, and to a lesser extent increase the future discount rate for money. Low levels of blood glucose also increase the tendency to make more intuitive rather than deliberate decisions. However, this effect was only observed in situations unrelated to food. We conclude that blood glucose has domain-specific effects, influencing decision making differently depending on the relevance of the situation to acquiring food. (PsycINFO Database Record
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The data includes measures collected for the two experiments reported in “False-Positive Psychology” [1] where listening to a randomly assigned song made people feel younger (Study 1) or actually be younger (Study 2). These data are useful because they illustrate inflations of false positive rates due to flexibility in data collection, analysis, and reporting of results. Data are useful for educational purposes.
Another social science looks at itself Experimental economists have joined the reproducibility discussion by replicating selected published experiments from two top-tier journals in economics. Camerer et al. found that two-thirds of the 18 studies examined yielded replicable estimates of effect size and direction. This proportion is somewhat lower than unaffiliated experts were willing to bet in an associated prediction market, but roughly in line with expectations from sample sizes and P values. Science , this issue p. 1433
Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 100 experimental and correlational studies published in three psychology journals using high-powered designs and original materials when available. Replication effects were half the magnitude of original effects, representing a substantial decline. Ninety-seven percent of original studies had statistically significant results. Thirty-six percent of replications had statistically significant results; 47% of original effect sizes were in the 95% confidence interval of the replication effect size; 39% of effects were subjectively rated to have replicated the original result; and if no bias in original results is assumed, combining original and replication results left 68% with statistically significant effects. Correlational tests suggest that replication success was better predicted by the strength of original evidence than by characteristics of the original and replication teams.