
World literacy: How countries rank and why it matters



International literacy assessments have provided ample data for ranking nations, charting growth, and casting blame. Summarizing the findings of these assessments, which afford a useful vantage from which to view world literacy as it evolves, this book examines literate behavior worldwide, in terms of both the ability of populations from a wide variety of nations to read and the practice of literate behavior in those nations. Drawing on The World's Most Literate Nations, author Jack Miller's internationally released study, emerging trends in world literacy and their relationships to political, economic, and social factors are explored. Literacy, and in particular the practice of literate behaviors, is used as a lens through which to view countries' economic development, gender equality, resource utilization, and ethnic discrimination. Above all, this book is about trajectories. It begins with historical contexts, described in terms of support for literate cultures. Based on a variety of data sources, these trends are traced to the present and then projected ahead. The literate futures of nations are discussed and how these relate to their economic and sociocultural development. This book is unique in providing a broader perspective on an intractable problem, a vantage point that offers useful insights to inform policy, and in bringing together an array of relevant data sources not typically associated with literacy status.
... In their study entitled The World's Most Literate Nations, Miller and McKenna (2016) report that out of 61 reading-interest countries, Indonesia is in 60 th place, indicating that the level of interest in reading in Indonesia is low. In Miller and McKenna's (2016) study, Indonesia is ranked below Thailand and slightly above Botswana. ...
... In their study entitled The World's Most Literate Nations, Miller and McKenna (2016) report that out of 61 reading-interest countries, Indonesia is in 60 th place, indicating that the level of interest in reading in Indonesia is low. In Miller and McKenna's (2016) study, Indonesia is ranked below Thailand and slightly above Botswana. According to a study by UNESCO, only one out of every 10,000 Indonesians is interested in reading, equal to 0.1 percent (Sartono et al., 2022;Psaki et al., 2022). ...
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The awakening of women has been felt through movements and forms of struggle for hundreds of years, and this awakening has given birth to many influential women in the world. In Indonesia, many women's movements face various dynamic and persistent struggles to acquire an education. One association addressing these struggles is Aisyiyah, headquartered in East Java. Aisyiyah is a grassroots organization that aims to lessen the inequality experienced by women, especially in the areas of education and literacy. This study used a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach to focus on how Aisyiyah women navigate their educational journeys to build and provide access to reading for women in East Java so that Aisyiyah women are fortified to participate in modern life. The location of this research was in East Java, Indonesia, namely the areas of Sidoarjo Regency, Malang City, and Banyuwangi Regency, with a total of 30 respondents consisting of Aisyiyah leaders and members. The results represent the collaborative efforts of Aisyiyah and the larger Indonesian community in increasing public awareness of the importance of women's education and literacy.
... Data jumlah, kondisi dan sebaran sekolah dan perpustakaan umum setempat memberikan indikasi akses siswa dan masyarakat terhadap materi literasi. Ketersediaan akses merupakan salah satu faktor kunci yang memungkinkan terselenggaranya kegiatan literasi (Miller & McKenna, 2016 (Barton & Hamilton, 2000;Heath & Street, 2008 (Miller &McKenna, 2016). Keempat faktor tersebut antara lain: ...
... Data jumlah, kondisi dan sebaran sekolah dan perpustakaan umum setempat memberikan indikasi akses siswa dan masyarakat terhadap materi literasi. Ketersediaan akses merupakan salah satu faktor kunci yang memungkinkan terselenggaranya kegiatan literasi (Miller & McKenna, 2016 (Barton & Hamilton, 2000;Heath & Street, 2008 (Miller &McKenna, 2016). Keempat faktor tersebut antara lain: ...
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To improve the literacy rate of the population, the government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, has initiated the National Literacy Movement (GLN) program since 2016, consisting of the School Literacy Movement (GLS), Family Literacy Movement, and Community Literacy Movement. motion exists. The National Literacy Movement has encouraged the growth of a reading culture. The purpose of habituation is to increase interest in reading and improve reading skills so that knowledge can be acquired better. The researchers chose Kediri city in East Java. Kediri City is a service city, a city with a thriving trade and service industry. The purpose of this study is to determine how to develop a test of variables and indicators that represent reading habits and suitable indicators for measuring levels of reading habits. Reading habits in Kediri city. East Java. According to the findings, the Kediri City Reading Interest Index is in the top category with 79.7, the score he is composed of four index dimensions. Each index value mentioned for the city of Kediri is a skill dimension index of 93.9. An Access Dimension Index of 65.3 belongs to the high category. 90.3 Very High Categorical Alternate Dimension Index. The cultural dimension index is 69.2, which is in the high category. The nine years of obligatory schooling are a great contribution to Kediri Municipality's efforts to increase community literacy, and electronic reading material for smartphones and computers (laptops, PCs, tablets, and/or tablets) that supports Latin letter reading and writing is also available. According to the aforementioned statistics, there is truly very great potential for local communities to independently provide print reading and Internet networks, as well as the use of computer devices that bridged the majority of the access to multiple reading sources. Therefore, we must concentrate on promoting more streamlined, secure, and dependable access.
... International literacy assessment conducted by Miller and McKenna(Miller, J. W., & McKenna, 2016) puts Indonesia at the 60th rank in terms of literacy behaviors and characteristics of the people. The study examines literacy behaviors worldwide, in terms of both the ability of populations from a wide variety of nations to read and practice other literacy behaviors which include reading and writing effectively. ...
... The study examines literacy behaviors worldwide, in terms of both the ability of populations from a wide variety of nations to read and practice other literacy behaviors which include reading and writing effectively. As an Indonesia, it is not very surprising for the researcher to see the result of the study since, reality-wise, people do not read as much as people from top ten countries on literacy behaviors which include the United States at the 7th position (Miller, J. W., & McKenna, 2016). The illiteracy rate in Indonesia is not poor at all because the majority of people can read and write. ...
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This article discusses the comparison of adolescent literacy attitudes in Indonesia and the United States which is described through the advertising content published in each magazine which is studied based on a qualitative approach. In this project, one Indonesian magazine (Annida) and one United States magazine (Discovery girls) were used as samples. Both are young women's magazines that have similar components such as reader letters, short stories, fashion tips, consulting, and advertising. The reason for sampling these two magazines is because of their availability and the purpose is to compare the advertising components in the two magazines and see the frequency of categories related to literacy behavior such as books, magazines or novels and other types of literary texts. Although these two magazines do not fully represent Indonesian youth and American youth, the advertisements in both magazines can help explain the reality of literacy behavior in the two countries in question, Indonesia and the United States.AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang perbandingan sikap literasi remaja di Indonesia dan di Amerika Serikat yang digambarkan melalui konten iklan yang dimuat di masing-masing majalah yang dikaji berdasarkan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam proyek ini, satu majalah Indonesia (Annida) dan satu majalah Amerika Serikat (Discovery girls) digunakan sebagai sample. Keduanya adalah majalah remaja putri yang memiliki komponen serupa seperti surat pembaca, cerita pendek, kiat fashion, konsultasi, dan iklan. Alasan pengambilan sampel kedua majalah ini adalah karena ketersediaannya serta tujuan untuk membandingkan komponen iklan di kedua majalah dan melihat frekuensi kategori terkait perilaku literasi seperti buku, majalah atau novel dan jenis teks literatur lainnya. Meskipun kedua majalah ini tidak sepenuhnya mewakili remaja Indonesia dan remaja Amerika, iklan di kedua majalah tersebut dapat membantu menjelaskan realitas perilaku literasi di kedua negara yang dimaksud, Indonesia dan Amerika
... Libraries are not only related to buildings and books but also their storage systems, maintenance, users, and how to use and utilise them. In their book, previous research (Miller & McKenna, 2016) says four factors can influence literacy activities: proficiency, access, alternatives, and culture. In this case, the library is part of the access that acts as a supporting resource. ...
... These findings support previous research (Miller & McKenna, 2016). They conveyed those four factors (Proficiency, Access, Alternatives, & Culture) have an essential and mutually exclusive role in literacy activities. ...
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This study has the purpose of explaining the trend of library development in Indonesia from 2017-2021, studying the significance, and analysing the effects on the development of literacy skills in schools. This study was designed as a quantitative descriptive, comparison, and correlational analysis. The results of this study indicate that the trend of Library Growth in Indonesia continuously increased except in 2018 due to a regrouping policy for primary schools. Secondly, the library growth in Indonesia has shown a significant difference each year in public and private schools. Although in 2018, there was no significant difference in terms of the average percentage of library growth for schools in both public and private environments, what happened in 2019 and 2020 showed different things. Both public and private school libraries have demonstrated significant differences in the average percentage growth of libraries to schools in 2019 and 2020. Even in 2021, the average accumulation percentage of growth in the number of libraries in public schools is already above 90%, while in private schools, it is still below 90%. Lastly, a significant moderate positive relationship between the national average libraries to school ratio and Alibaca Index/Reading Literacy Score means that a library's presence in schools has moderately influenced students' literacy skills.
... In addition, poor reading behaviors of children lead to the unfinished literacy problem of the republic (Kemendikbud, 2019). In fact, Miller and McKenna (2016) stress out the importance of access to literacy in order for people to gain reading competence gradually. ...
... In many cases, a great number of schools in Indonesia and Central Sulawesi in particular, due to poor transportation reaches, have not yet obtained adequate reading resources (Kemendikbud, 2019). In fact, Hedge (2003), Miller and McKenna (2016), and Shakil (2020) elaborated that the access to reading resources strongly contributed to the gradual improvement of people's reading competences. The other factor identified to have lowered reading competences of students in high schools is the rapid change of curriculum. ...
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This article was aimed to investigate the insights about reading competences of students in public schools in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. In particular, it was aimed to explain what and how reading competences of students looked like especially when they were related to their learning achievements at school. The article employed a library-based research design as there was little chance to do a case study to gain in-depth analysis related to the issues being investigated due to time constraint. As this was a library- based research, the main data collection technique was based on evidences derived from extensive literatures related to reading competences of high school students in this province. The analysis was mainly based on the content analytical point of views. The findings suggest that a number of factors strongly affected high school students’ reading competences. Despite the case, it was identified that learning and reading cultures of Indonesian students predominantly influenced the ways they approached and made use of reading materials at their hands which eventually led to their reading achievements. The results of the research suggest that as students now live in the era of advanced communication and information technologies, provisions of these technological-based learning devices are inevitable in high schools. Moreover, the local education authorities urgently need to provide adequate reading text books and other interesting reading materials to students. In addition, it is to inform teachers and other educational stakeholders to create learning atmospheres in which students were interested in reading activities from which they could develop their reading cultures for the future
... Indonesia is grappling with a significant challenge in reading comprehension among its students (Sulistiyo, 2016). A study by Central Connecticut State University, which ranked countries by literacy, placed Indonesia near the bottom of the list, at 60 out of 61 Southeast Asian nations, in terms of reading enthusiasm (Miller & McKenna, 2016). This finding paints a stark picture of the country's reading culture, which is facing a critical downturn, particularly among young learners. ...
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This study investigated the effectiveness of the Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy to improve Reading Comprehension of the recount text. Using a quasi-experimental design, this study involved 76 students from MTsN 3 Kediri. The experimental group consisted of 38 students from class VIII-G who were treated using the QAR strategy, while the other 38 students from class VIII-D were in the control group with the Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) strategy. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to compare the effectiveness of the two strategies. The study results revealed that the Mean score for the experimental group was 75.79, whereas the control group scored 71.71 on average. The ANCOVA analysis indicated a significant value of 0.000, lower than the threshold of 0.05, suggesting that the QAR strategy was more successful in improving reading comprehension compared to the SSR strategy. Students taught using the QAR Strategy outperformed those taught using the SSR Strategy in comprehending recount texts.
... In addition, the PISA Indonesia Ranking 2012 fell, and ranked 64th among 65 participants with a score of 396 out of an average of 496 points. Similarly, The World Most Literate (WMLN) 2016 shows that the reading level in Indonesia is ranked 60th out of 61 countries studied (Miller, J. M., & McKenna, 2016). Meanwhile, the results of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia study in 2016-2019 show that the reading interest index in Indonesia is very low (National, 2020). ...
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This article explores various strategies aimed at improving language acquisition in children. Realizing the important role of language in human life can be stimulated from an early age through the application of numeracy literacy in children. This research explores innovative methodologies and approaches to cater to diverse learning styles. The authors emphasize the importance of creating an immersive linguistic environment that encourages speaking and writing proficiency. This research evaluates the impact of incorporating technology as a tool to enhance the language learning experience. Utilizing multimedia resources, online platforms, and interactive applications, this research examines how these digital elements can engage students and strengthen language skills. In addition, this article discusses the integration of cultural components into language lessons, emphasizing the role of cultural context in language comprehension and expression. These findings contribute to the ongoing discourse regarding optimizing language teaching methods to children in enriching vocabulary and language learning experiences through the application of literacy and numeracy in children's daily lives. insights that can inform more effective strategies for achieving sustainability goals. Next, the authors investigate the effectiveness of collaborative learning techniques in language acquisition. Children's learning activities, peer interactions, and communicative exercises are explored as means to encourage active participation and increase language retention in children. This study also examines the role of feedback mechanisms in shaping children's language development, emphasizing timely and constructive feedback as an important element in the learning process. In conclusion, this article provides valuable insights into effective child language acquisition strategies. By combining technological tools, cultural elements, collaborative activities, and feedback mechanisms, educators can create dynamic learning environments that meet the diverse needs of young children.
... Gender. With regard to the issue of gender differences, it has been repeatedly shown that girls' academic achievement, is superior to that of boys, especially in reading (Logan & Johnston, 2010;Miller & McKenna, 2016). ...
... Students are required to be able to write and publish their writings, so they must master four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. According to Miller (2016), "reading is a cognitive and emotional journey for the reader". In the sense that cognitive abilities are all mental activities that allow individuals to connect, judge, and consider an event as a result of the individual gaining knowledge afterwards. ...
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Understanding reading using the SQ4R method is one way to foster a reading culture and increase student literacy levels. Literacy culture must be developed to improve the literacy level of the community, especially students. By increasing literacy, one's expertise and knowledge can be implemented with creativity and innovation. Purpose Research. This article aims to discover the benefits of applying the SQ4R method in understanding reading to improve student skills and knowledge. Methods. The method used in this article is library research. Result. The results of the implementation of the SQ4R method in understanding reading are helpful for students in higher education, and this can be seen from the skill and knowledge of more developed students and experts in the fields studied so that student literacy skills can increase and students can be creative and produce innovation in their scientific fields.Keyword: Literacy, SQ4R method, Understanding readings
... Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Central Connecticut State University pada tahun 2016, ditemukan bahwa minat membaca orang Indonesia berada di urutan ke-60 dari 61 atau setara dengan kedua dari terakhir (Miller & McKenna, 2016). Hal tersebut juga didukung oleh hasil dari penelitian UNESCO yang menunjukkan bahwa minat membaca orang Indonesia hanya 0,001%, yang artinya hanya 1 dari 1,000 orang yang rajin membaca (Devega, 2017). ...
Books are the windows to the world, by reading books, a lot of new knowledge can be gained. However, it is unfortunate that as time goes by, people's interest in reading is declining. One of the reasons is known to be the rapid development of technology which makes people lazy because they are too dependent on technology. However, technology can also be utilized to promote reading. The results of the analysis of 131 videos with #BookTokIndonesia show that Tere Liye is the most talked about author, especially with his book “Hujan”. The book “Laut Bercerita” became the most popular, with the tendency for content producers to favour fiction books with sad plots. The themes of community and reader identity came up frequently, showing the similarities between them. The majority of video themes did not correlate strongly with the number of likes and comments. ABSTRAK Buku adalah jendela dunia, dengan membaca buku, banyak pengetahuan baru yang dapat diperoleh. Namun, sangat disayangkan bahwa seiring berjalannya waktu, minat membaca orang-orang semakin menurun. Salah satu penyebabnya diketahui adalah karena pesatnya perkembangan teknologi yang membuat manusia menjadi malas karena terlalu bergantung pada teknologi. Walau begitu, teknologi ternyata juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mempromosikan kegiatan membaca. Kemunculan #BookTokIndonesia menjadi harapan bagi bangsa Indonesia karena ternyata cukup banyak orang yang aktif dalam komunitas tersebut Hasil analisis terhadap 131 video dengan #BookTokIndonesia menunjukkan bahwa Tere Liye adalah penulis yang paling banyak dibicarakan, terutama dengan bukunya "Hujan". Buku "Laut Bercerita" menjadi yang paling populer, dengan kecenderungan produser konten menyukai buku fiksi dengan plot sedih. Tema komunitas dan identitas pembaca sering muncul, menunjukkan kesamaan di antara mereka. Mayoritas tema video tidak berkorelasi kuat dengan jumlah likes dan comments.
... Furthermore, media literacy in Indonesia remains at an alarmingly low level. Based on data from multiple research and surveys, media literacy in Indonesia is lower than the global average (Anisa et al., 2021;Fadhillah, 2018;Miller & Mckenna, 2016;Sinaga, 2023). This phenomenon demonstrates significant challenges in advocating media literacy in Indonesia. ...
This article introduces an entire semester of media literacy teaching activities. The teaching idea encompasses the integration of class sessions with service learning. This article details the objectives, setup, teaching integration steps, and appraisal of the activities throughout the semester. By implementing this strategy, it is expected that students will not only have a conceptual grasp of media literacy in the classroom but also be able to apply that understanding to contribute to the community through service learning. Course: Media Literacy. Objectives: After completing this media literacy course, students should be able to (1) increase their awareness of the principles and core elements of media literacy, including an understanding of how the media works and how information is conveyed through the media; (2) foster their critical thinking abilities by training them to analyze and assess media-based information; and (3) put theory into practice through service learning, in which they use their classroom skills and knowledge to have a beneficial influence on the community.
... Based on the data, Indonesia placed rank 60th out of 61 countries. According to Miller & McKenna (2016) that there are six main indicators of literacy among its citizens, namely: booksellers, educational attainment, internet resources, library sources, newspaper circulation, and periodical publication sources. Interestingly, despite the fact that interest in reading is low, Indonesian government's official website stated that Indonesian people spent approximately 9 hours per day as of in January 2017, in staring gadgets screen. ...
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p class="abstrak" align="center"> Abstract This research investigated the effect of online reading communities on students’ English reading abilities through Instagram platform This research study was conducted to examine how interaction within an online reading community was able to influence the improvement of students’ reading abilities in English. The research used quantitative descriptive method in which the data were collected through a 5-Likert-scale questionnaire, consisting of 26 statements; 13 statements were related to variable X and 13 other statements were about reading abilities. The sample of this research comprised grade 1 until grade 3 high school students involved in online reading communities on Instagram. A total of 50 students of several public senior high schools in the area of Pesanggarahan, selected through purposive sampling technique. The analysis data showed that interactions in online reading communities could improve students' abilities in reading. This was proven by statistical analysis of the significance value of 0.000 <0.05 and based on the value of tcount; 4.566 which was higher than ttable of 2.011. Thus, this study concluded that Online Reading Community a(X) affected Students’ Reading Abilities (Y). Besides, on the regression test, that effect percentage was 30.3%. Keywords: reading skills, online reading community, Instagram. Abstrak Penelitian ini menginvestigasi pengaruh dari komunitas baca dalam jaringan terhadap keterampilan membaca bahasa Inggris siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas melalui platform Instagram. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur bagaimana interaksi didalam komunitas membaca dalam jaringan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan keterampilan membaca bahasa Inggris siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dimana data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket skala 5 yange berisi 26 pernyataan; 13 terkait variabel X (komunitas membaca onine) dan 13 tentang kemampuan membaca siswa.. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa sekolah menengah atas kelas 1 sampai 3 yang tergabung dalam komunitas membaca dalam jaringan di Instagram. Sejumlah 50 orang siswa SMA dari beberapa sekolah menengah Negeri di daerah Pesanggrahan, terpilih untuk menjadi sampel melalui teknik sampel bertujuan (purposive sampling techinue). Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa interaksi dalam komunitas baca dalam jaringan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan motivasi siswa dalam membaca. Hal ini dibuktikan dari analisis statistika pada nilai signifikan 0.000<0.05 dan berdasarkan nilai t-hitung yang lebih besar dari t-tabel, yaitu 4,566>2,011. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa komunitas membaca dalam jaringan sebagai variabel X berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan membaa siswa sebagai variabel Y. Selain itu, hasil uji regresi menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh tersebut adalah sebesar 30,3%. Kata Kunci: keterampilan membaca, komunitas baca dalam jaringan, Instagram </p
... Habitus literasi melalui budaya salah satunya pada teks cerita rakyat untuk mengupayakan terbentuknya kebiasaan siswa dalam berliterasi. Ada empat faktor yang dapat memengaruhi terjadinya aktivitas literasi yaitu proficiency atau kecakapan (bebas buta aksara), access merupakan sumber daya pendukung di mana masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan sumber-sumber literasi, alternatives ialah beragam pilihan perangkat teknologi informasi dan hiburan, dan culture meliputi gagasan, nilai, norma, dan makna yang dibentuk oleh keluarga, komunitas, dan lingkungan yang lebih luas yang turut memengaruhi perilaku literasi (Miller & Micahel, 2016). ...
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar keefektifan bamboozle dalam pembelajaran memahami teks cerita rakyat Sumatera Utara di SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one-group pretest-posttest. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa memahami teks cerita rakyat Sumatera Utara dengan menggunakan bamboozle oleh siswa kelas VII-1 SMP Negeri 1 Delitua memperoleh nilai rata-rata 83,61 sedangkan jika memahami teks cerita rakyat Sumatera Utara tanpa menggunakan bamboozle oleh siswa kelas VII-3 SMP Negeri 1 Delitua memperoleh nilai rata-rata 73,12. Aplikasi bamboozle efektif dalam memahami teks cerita rakyat Sumatera Utara. Signifikan pada penelitian ini yaitu 0,001 < 0,05 yang berarti Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima artinya aplikasi bamboozle efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil pemahaman siswa terhadap teks cerita rakyat. Pada penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam menggunakan bamboozle dengan tanpa menggunakan bamboozle terhadap kemampuan memahami teks cerita rakyat oleh siswa kelas VII-1 dan VII-3 SMP Negeri 1 Delitua, yakni bamboozle dinyatakan efektif dalam pembelajaran memahami teks cerita rakyat dan membuat siswa lebih semangat dalam proses pembelajaran.
... Literacy also has significant societal effects. Miller and McKenna [24] highlights, that literacy holds significant importance as it serves as a framework for examining various aspects of a country's development, including economic growth, gender equality, resource utilization, and ethnic discrimination. While multimedia has been a longstanding tool in education, the emergence of the internet has introduced new challenges in the selection and integration of appropriate sources for educators and students [44]. ...
... The availability of access is one of the important factors that make literacy activities possible to be done (Miller, John W. & McKenna, 2016). Alternative dimension that visualize usage of electronic device and information technology to access literacy sources is the third lowest with 13,43% (Pusat Penelitian Kebijakan Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2019). ...
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Communication technology has recently become a new medium where society can choose information and the media they want to consume. The media can still influence their minds. Based on the National Survey of Internet User Penetration Data, in March 2019, by APJII (Internet Service Provider Association), the internet penetration rate in Aceh was recorded at 64.40% who accessed the internet. This research aims to find Acehnese's Digital Literacy Skills in Verification News from Social Media. The data collection method used for this study is a questionnaire instrument via Google Form to people in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) province. Meanwhile, secondary data was collected through literature studies and previous research. The result shows that the people of Aceh, especially millennials and Generation Z, have enough digital literacy skills to access digital media, understand content, and verify news.
... Selain itu berdasarkan studi dari Central Connecticut State University dalam World's Most Literate Nations Ranked pada tahun 2016, peringkat literasi membaca (Reading Literation) Indonesia menempati peringkat ke 60 dari 61 negara yang diteliti, di bawah peringkat negara Thailand ke-59, Malaysia ke-53, China ke-39, Singapura ke-36 dan Jepang ke-32 (Miller, 2016). Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan studi dari the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) dalam hasil dari Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) pada 2015, yang menyatakan performa membaca (performance of reading) di 70 negara yang diteliti, Indonesia mendapat skor 397 jauh di bawah rata-rata skor OECD (493), dan skor tertinggi diperoleh oleh Singapura (535) (OECD, 2016). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh kualitas layanan perpustakaan digital terhadap minat baca. Analisis menggunakan variabel bebas (Kualitas Layanan Perpustakaan Digital) dan variabel terikat (Minat Baca). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian ini berlokasi di perpustakaan PEMKO Medan, Jalan Iskandar Muda. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner langsung kepada responden dan pengunjung sebanyak 30 kuesioner. Metode statistik yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, dengan pengujian hipotesis uji-t statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara kualitas layanan perpustakaan digital terhadap minat baca siswa di Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Medan (Layanan Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan). Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan berdasarkan nilai signifikansi bahwa dengan uji parsial nilai signifikansi t sebesar 0,001 < dari 0,05 nilai ini menunjukkan nilai t lebih kecil dari nilai signifikansi 0,05.
... Unfortunately, reading has not been a widespread habit among Indonesians. Central Connecticut State University (Miller & McKenna, 2016) has reported that Indonesian literacy (reading and writing) behaviors ranked 60th of 61 participating countries. This finding somewhat correlates with OECD's (2019) report, revealing that Indonesian students aged 9-14 could not understand the texts they read. ...
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The research aimed to reveal the dynamics of the book clubs that the researchers started with and for Indonesian EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students at the university level, as well as the club's impacts on students' learning. Book clubs were essential in nurturing students' reading habits as a community. Studies found that book club activities affected one’s engagement in reading by giving readers the voice, room to participate actively, social support, and the choice to decide what they read. Indonesian university students in the EFL context faced reading engagement issues; the researchers initiated book clubs with the unified mission of growing students' love of reading and forming good reading habits. The research reported a qualitative study of a group of Indonesia Extensive Reading Association (IERA) members sharing reflections on establishing and managing book clubs or literature circles in six universities in Indonesia where the researchers taught. The data of participants' reflections were gathered and analyzed iteratively to find common themes or patterns. As a result, the research finds that the book club activities have fostered the love of reading and inferred the empowerment of collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. The research also reveals that in setting up a book club at the university level, the support of the university and the readers' community and extended networks are needed. For a book club to sustain itself, four aspects must be considered: participants' involvement, product-oriented activities, voluntarism of participants, and rewards.
... Another positive impact of reading is that literate students have knowledge and appreciation of their own culture and history as well as that of others, as literacy can influence behavior, beliefs and relationships in a multicultural world (Metiri Group, 2011). Dampak positif lain dari membaca adalah siswa yang melek huruf memiliki pengetahuan dan apresiasi terhadap budaya dan sejarah mereka sendiri serta budaya dan sejarah orang lain, karena literasi dapat memengaruhi perilaku, kepercayaan, dan hubungan di dunia yang multicultural (Miller & McKenna, 2016) . ...
Good literacy skills positively impact various aspects of life, including education, economy, and participation in social life. However, interest in reading is still a serious problem in many countries, including Indonesia. To overcome this problem, reading parks was born as an effective solution. This service activity aims to describe the role of the community reading park (TBM NURUL ILMI) in Bakom hamlet, Pamupukan village, Ciniru, Kuningan district in increasing the reading interest of the Pamupukan community. The service model used is Community-Based Development. Data collection uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Participants in the service involved Asatidz and several residents of Bakom hamlet. Participants in the service involved 7 leaders in Pamupukun village and Bakom hamlet. With the TBM NURUL ILMI, students have a place or facility to increase students' interest in reading so that their literacy skills increase. This service implies that it is expected to be able to bridge students in Bakom village so that they are more active in reading to add broader insights and knowledge.
... Selain itu berdasarkan studi dari Central Connecticut State University dalam World's Most Literate Nations Ranked pada tahun 2016, peringkat literasi membaca (Reading Literation) Indonesia menempati peringkat ke 60 dari 61 negara yang diteliti, di bawah peringkat negara Thailand ke-59, Malaysia ke-53, China ke-39, Singapura ke-36 dan Jepang ke-32 (Miller, 2016). Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan studi dari the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) dalam hasil dari Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) pada 2015, yang menyatakan performa membaca (performance of reading) di 70 negara yang diteliti, Indonesia mendapat skor 397 jauh di bawah rata-rata skor OECD (493), dan skor tertinggi diperoleh oleh Singapura (535) (OECD, 2016). ...
This research was aimed to examine empirically the effect of service quality digital library on Reading interest. The analysis used an independent variable (Quality Service Digital Library) and dependent variable (Reading Interest). The sample was conducted by purposive sampling method. This study location at perpustakaan PEMKO Medan Jalan Iskandar Muda Collecting data was conducted by a questionnaire distributed directly to responden and visitor as much 30 questionnaires. The statistical method used was multiplied analysis linear regression, with hypotheses testing of statistic t-tests. The result of this research showed that There is a significant positive influence between the quality of digital library services on students' reading interest in the regional library of Medan City (Library and Archives Service). Obtained based on the significance value that by partial test the significance value of t is 0.001 < than 0.05 this value shows the t value is smaller than the significance value of 0.05.
... Cognition about digital literacy in the framework of Miller and McKenna (2016) included proficiency, access, alternatives and culture and the results showed that pre-service teachers look at digital literacy beyond the confines of reading and writing thus is understood that literacy has developed an extensive range. Though preservice teachers agree that digital literacy needs to include the use and access to technology, the application of technology to their daily tasks and the effective use of this technology will define their digital literacy. ...
Abstract This study aims to determine the existing digital literacy notions of Filipino preservice in two universities: one is a resource-rich context while the other is a resource-limited context. Contexts were determined based on the observed availability of digital tools. Twenty (20) preservice teachers each from two universities were invited for interviews after which they were again requested to arrange statements culled from the interviews. Utilizing the Q-sort methodology, a method that determines the standpoints of participants by their ranking of statements, three dimensions were identified: the portrait of balance, portrait of responsibility and portrait of support. The portraits represent the themes identified after participants determined the ranking of their statements. As evidenced on the results, the pre-service students in the resource-rich context identified themselves with the portrait of support and responsibility while those from the resource-limited context concentrated heavily on the portrait of balance. The differences in the viewpoints identified how the preservice teachers' access to resources has impacted their cognition of digital literacy.
... This is the way a wider readership, particularly millennials and members of Generation Z, the generational cohort born between the late 1990s and early 2010s -28 percent of Indonesia's 280 million population-will access history here in Indonesia. Since a recent survey (Miller and McKenna 2016) has estimated that one in a thousand Indonesians read books on a regular basis, it is unlikely that multi-volume tomes like Kuasa Ramalan: Pangeran Diponegoro dan Akhir Tatanan Lama di Jawa, 1785-1855 (2012) What is striking is that such a film, which trades on the instant "brand recognition" of Raden Saleh's name and his famous "Arrest" painting, could not have been made over a decade ago. Before June 2012, Raden Saleh was only a name with resonance amongst the Indonesian artistic cognoscenti. ...
... World's Most Literate Nations (WMLN) yang disusun oleh Central Connecticut State University, telah menyusun peringkat literasi berbagai negara di dunia berdasarkan budaya literasi penduduknya dan sumber daya pendukung, yaitu: perpustakaan, koran, sistem pendidikan, dan akses komputer. Lebih lanjut, Miller and McKenna (2016) menjelaskan faktor yang mempengaruhi aktivitas literasi, yaitu: Pertama, kecakapan (proficiency) yaitu syarat awal agar seseorang dapat mengakses bahan literasi; Kedua, akses (access) yaitu sumber daya pendukung dimana masyarakat mendapatkan bahan literasi, seperti perpustakaan, toko buku, dan media massa; Ketiga, alternatif (alternatives) yaitu beragam pilihan perangkat teknologi informasi dan hiburan untuk mengakses bahan literasi; Keempat, budaya (culture) yaitu kebiasaan yang turut membentuk habitus literasi. ...
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Buku ini adalah kumpulan tulisan tentang Sumpah Pemuda. Tiap bab ditulis oleh penulis yang berbeda. Silakan disitasi sesuai babnya dan penulisnya.
... According to research, Indonesian students' difficulties with EFL reading comprehension are caused by a lack of vocabulary bank in the students' schemata, a lack of grammar proficiency, and poor methods of reading they own (Setiyadi, 2016). According to a study conducted by Central Connecticut State University, in The World Most Literate Countries, Indonesia is ranked sixty-first on reading interest among the sixty-one Southeast Asian nations (Miller & McKenna, 2016). This problem reflects the fact that Indonesians' interest in reading is severely declining, particularly among students. ...
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This research investigated the effectiveness of using differentiated instruction (DI) on grade 11 senior high school students’ reading comprehension throughout the academic year 2021–2022. It aims to identify the reading comprehension levels of the control and experimental groups in the pre-test, and post-test gained results, determine whether there is a significant difference in the reading comprehension levels gained from the control and experimental groups, and pinpoint the benefits and drawbacks of using this strategy. A quasi-experimental was used as a method to carry out the investigation. 142 senior high school students in Grade 11 from UPT SMA Negeri 3 Takalar served as the respondents. The results from the pre-test and post-test, an observation in the classroom, the survey, and the researcher's notes are used as the data sources. The basic method of understanding, synthesizing, interpreting, and re-analyzing was used to describe the qualitative data in order to decide common topics. Strengths and disadvantages of DI were identified based on observations made in the class, the survey, and the reflection. Statistical analysis showed a substantial difference between pre-test results and post-test results despite the observed and experienced difficulties.
... In Finland, ranked the world's most literate nation (Miller & McKenna, 2016), a dearth of relevant research can partly be explained by the fact that adult late literacy is a relatively new phenomenon (Tammelin-Laine, 2011). ...
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This exploratory mixed data study investigated the role of technology in adult migrant language and late literacy education in Finland. In addition to an online pre-pandemic survey targeted at Finnish language and literacy teachers, four in-service teachers were interviewed during the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2020. With means of qualitative content analysis an account of teachers’ individual experiences and views of technology-equipped language and literacy learning was generated. Problematic issues were the use of devices for educational purposes, lacking user experience, inadequate provision of suitable devices, IT courses, and insufficient support for learners and teachers, causing inequality. Teachers reported of various ways to ensure and enable device access and learning opportunities, resulting particularly during pandemic times in high workloads. The emergency remote teaching circumstances during this global health crisis posed an enormous additional challenge for teachers and students. Findings raise questions about the pedagogical cost of the pandemic for adult migrant literacy education in Finland and call for discussions on post-pandemic changes on a national and international level.
... Indonesia was almost at the bottom of the world literate nation ranking issued by the Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, USA. Miller & McKenna (2016) found Indonesia was 60th out of 61 nations in the rank of the world's most literate nations. Factors included in the determination of the rankings are literacy achievement tests and literate behavior characteristics. ...
Education in the 21st century calls for more student-centered learning systems to promote innovation and creativity skills over compliance and conformity attitudes. Student active engagement is one main feature of a student-centered learning system. In a country with a low literacy rate, this study looked at the effects of teaching strategies and lecturers’ classroom behavior on student involvement. Can we introduce a student-centered learning system in this kind of country? Using a survey method, this study collected the perception of undergraduate students from various universities in Indonesia. Online survey was used to capture student perceptions on learnings methods, lectures behavior and student engagement. This study found that learning method and lecturers’ behavior influenced student engagement in the learning process. This study adds to the literature on learning experiences for students. We found ways to increase and improve student engagement in low literacy-ranking nations.
... Lebih lanjut dikemukakan bahwa perkembangan bahasa pada anak mencakup empat komponen, yaitu: kemampuan berbicara, kemampuan menulis, kemampuan membaca, dan kemampuan menyimak. Hasil studi The World's Most Literate Nations (WMLN) 2016 menunjukkan bahwa peringkat membaca orang Indonesia berada di urutan ke-60 dari 61 negara yang diteliti (Miller & McKenna, 2016). Hasil kajian Perpustakaan Nasional RI Tahun 2016-2019 juga menunjukkan bahwa indeks kegemaran membaca Indonesia masih rendah (Perpustakaan Nasional, 2020). ...
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Perkembangan literasi merupakan salah satu substansi penting bagi perkembangan bahasa anak karena perkembangan bahasa merupakan kemampuan untuk menggunakan semua keterampilan berbahasa manusia yang mencakup kemampuan berbicara, menulis, membaca, dan menyimak sebagai bentuk ekspresi dan memaknai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam menyediakan Home Literacy Environment (HLE) pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah 10 orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 3-6 tahun dengan tingkat pendidikan dan sosial ekonomi berbeda di Klaten. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Peran orang tua dalam menyediakan HLE pada anak usia dini adalah sebagai sumber literasi (guru atau pendamping literasi bagi anak), fasilitator literasi (menyediakan ruang baca, buku atau bahan bacaan, dan APE literasi untuk anak), dan sebagai pengatur terlaksananya program literasi. Sedangkan, peran anak adalah sebagai sasaran utama orang tua dalam menerapkan HLE.
... Hal ini ditandai dengan hasil penelitian yang disampaikan oleh Central Connecticut State University yang melakukan pemeringkatan literasi di dunia. Dalam hasil penelitian tersebut, Indonesia berada pada urutan 60 dari 61 negara (Miller & McKenna, 2016). Itu menunjukkan bahwa tingkat literasi Indonesia masih sangat rendah. ...
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Masalah literasi yang rendah di Indonesia telah menarik banyak perhatian peneliti Indonesia. Namun belum ada upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini dari akarnnya, yaitu anak usia dini. Guru dan orang tua pada jenjang ini selalu berharap anaknya dapat berkembang opitimal terutama dalam literasi sehingga mereka dapat sukses dalam belajar saat sekolah. Akan tetapi, belum ada media yang membuat usaha guru dan orang tua sejalan. Untuk itu penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis kebutuhan guru dan orang tua untuk kegiatan literasi anak di sekolah dan di rumah dalam bentuk media literasi berbasis digital. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan angket dan wawancara yang dilakukan kepada 28 guru TK dan 15 orang tua murid. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru dan orang tua berharap bahwa media literasi tersebut dapat dimainkan lintas gender, berisi aktivitas bernyanyi, menggambar, bercerita, dan bermain. Dengan hasil ini, diharapkan ada media digital yang memuat aktivitas tersebut sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan literasi pada anak usia dini
... Studi "World's Most Littered Nation" memperlihatkan dari 61 negara, Indonesia menduduki urutan 60 untuk tingkat literasi (Miller, 2016 Jenis kelamin responden dalam penelitian ini lebih dari separuhnya adalah perempuan dengan jumlah 97 responden, dan sisanya terdapat 68 responden laki-laki. Skor maksimal untuk literasi kesehatan adalah 16, dan terdapat 74 responden dengan persentase 44,8% berhasil meraih skor maximal tersebut. ...
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Jenis paling baru dari virus corona yang ditemukan mennjadi penyebab penyakit Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Upaya pencegahan COVID-19 melalui peningkatan pengetahuanserta kesadaran masyarakat tentang kesehatan atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah literasi kesehatan. Informasi yang tepat menjadi sebuah kebutuhan bagi setiap individu dalam melaksanakan pencegahan COVID-19. Kegunaan literasi kesehatan adalah agar masyarakat bisa memperoleh, memilih, mempertimbangkan dan memanfaatkan informasi yang ada dalam penanganan suatu masalah kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu gambaran tingkat literasi kesehatan, gambaran sikap individu terhadap pencegahan COVID-19, dan hubungan literasi kesehatan dengan sikap individu terhadap pencegahan COVID-19 pada masyarakat. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan memanfaatkan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli– Desember 2021 secara online pada masyarakat Desa Kawangkoan Baru Jaga VIII Kecamatan Kalawat Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Pengambilan sampel yang dipakai ialah total populasi dengan kriteria sampel yang sudah ditentukan peneliti, sampel penelitian berjumlah 165 responden. Menggunakan kuesioner baku dan telah teruji validitas dan reliabilitasnya, yaitu kuesioner HLS-EU-16 (Health Literacy Scale European Union 16) dan kuesioner sikap individu terhadap pencegahan COVID-19. Koefisien korelasi Spearman adalah analisis statistik yang dipakai pada penelitian ini. Hasil dari hubungan literasi kesehatan dengan sikap individu terhadap pencegahan COVID-19; 44,8% responden mencapai skor tertinggi untuk literasi kesehatan, sementara 66,1% responden mempunyai sikap individu terhadap pencegahan COVID-19 sangat baik.
... The Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia (MOEC) and the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) targeted recognizing and improving reading skills (Stern et al., 2018). However, the results of the 2016 World's Most Literate Nations (WMLN) study showed that the Indonesian reading rank is 60 th out of 61 countries studied (Miller and McKenna, 2016). Based on the results of an international survey related to the ability to read for Indonesian students, this study aims to look for other factors that have a relationship with reading performance instead of improving student reading performance, for example, attitudes toward ICT that can be useful for researchers to identify one of the factors that affect student reading abilities. ...
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This study explores the relationship between attitudes toward ICT and reading performance in the educational context. The mediating role of attitudes toward ICT on student economic ability and reading performance was also examined. Data was collected using stratified random sampling from 240 students in senior high school and 330 undergraduate students in teacher training and education program using an online platform (eDia) and paper-based. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used for data analysis. The joint-two stage approach was applied to perform the second-order construct in path analysis. The measurement model confirms that all the instruments used in this study are valid and reliable. The structural model showed that three out of four hypotheses were empirically supported. Attitudes toward ICT have a significant effect on Reading performance. The direct effect from student economic ability to attitudes toward ICT was positively significant. We found that attitudes toward ICT positively mediate the relationship between student economic ability and reading performance for mediation analysis. The student economic ability does not affect the student reading performance. Limitations and future directions were also discussed as well.
... The two researchers used classroom action research in the form of a pretest and posttest design and conducted a reading test three times during the writing class. The results show that there is a significant effect between critical reading and argumentative writing on low and middle achieving students, while for high achieving students the intervention does not seem to have any effect [12], [13]. (Abdel-Khalek, 2018:19). ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate argumentation writing skills in terms of critical reading and student academic vocabulary mastery. This research was conducted at the Department of English Education, Semester VII, STKIP Kusuma Negara Cijantung. The research method used is a correlation survey with technical regression analysis. Collecting data from research variables using test instruments. The results of this study reveal that: (1) critical reading has a positive effect on students' argumentation writing skills; (2) academic vocabulary mastery has a positive influence on students' argumentative writing skills; and (3) critical reading and mastery of academic vocabulary have a positive influence on students' argumentative writing skills. Therefore, it can be concluded that the improvement of critical reading skills, mastery of academic vocabulary supports the improvement of students' argumentation writing
... The reality in Indonesia shows that people's interest in reading is very low. This is evidenced by data from the World's Most Literate Nations conducted by Central Connecticut State University in 2016, Indonesia ranks 60th out of 61 survey participating countries regarding literacy skills (Miller & McKenna, 2016). A survey conducted by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2015 placed Indonesia in 61st place out of 72 survey participating countries (OECD, 2018). ...
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School Literacy Program is expected to be able to develop students' interest in reading. However, in practice, schools can still not achieve these goals indicated by the existence of challenges in its implementation. Thus, this study aimed at describing the challenges faced by EFL teachers in implementing school literacy programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conducting a descriptive qualitative study, four EFL junior high school teachers were interviewed using a semi-structured interview. The results of the study show that the EFL teachers were challenged by four factors in implementing the school literacy program during COVID-19, namely 1) students' interest in reading such as students read in order to fulfil the obligation to fill out daily journals, not because of their own desires, 2) the technical challenges such as technological illiteracy, and inadequate source of online reading 3) the teacher's lack of understanding about the school literacy program, 4) time management. Therefore, the practitioners of activities in schools should respond and take thoughtful actions regarding the problems they face in implementing the school literacy program. One of the solutions that can be done by teachers is providing appealing reading material and activities which combine multimedia that attract student's interest to read as well as train the teachers in mastering technology.
An evaluation was needed to see if there were significant changes to national development, after the implementation of article 31 of UUD 1945. This budget allocation is able to influence the education development in Indonesia, especially provision and equity of access to quality education. But the physical development carried out has not been followed by an increase in quality education services. A large education budget allocation is also not followed by an improvement in the quality of education.
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I denne artikkelen presenteres det forfatterne har valgt å kalle en utforskende oversikt over forskningslitteratur om de fenomenene som Johan L. Tønnesson i Hva er sakprosa (2008/2012) omtaler som «litterær sakprosa». Arbeidet med forskningsoversikten har bekreftet at den litterære sakprosaen i oppsiktsvekkende liten grad er studert vitenskapelig. En viktig årsak kan være at sakprosaen betraktet som «litteratur» ikke later til å ha vært prioritert i noen etablerte forskningsmiljøer, slik som litteraturvitenskap eller medievitenskap. En manglende konsensus om hva denne typen tekster skal kalles, kan forklares med denne svake institusjonelle forankringen for sakprosaforskningen. På bakgrunn av denne situasjonen har forfatterne kalt denne forskningsoversikten «begynnende» og «utforskende». «Begynnende» fordi dette arbeidet har vist at det finnes svært få tilgjengelige forskningsoversikter som prioriterer «litterær sakprosa». «Utforskende» fordi forfatterne legger til grunn at oversikten skal etablere en slags state of the art for forskningen på litterær sakprosa. Forfatterne tar utgangspunkt i norsk og delvis nordisk forskning, men inkluderer også to relativt nylig (i 2024) publiserte internasjonale forskningsoversikter med forankring i forskningsmiljøer i henholdsvis Europa og USA.
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This research was aimed to examine empirically the effect of service quality digital library on Reading interest. The analysis used an independent variable (Quality Service Digital Library) and dependent variable (Reading Interest). The sample was conducted by purposive sampling method. This study location at perpustakaan PEMKO Medan Jalan Iskandar Muda Collecting data was conducted by a questionnaire distributed directly to responden and visitor as much 30 questionnaires. The statistical method used was multiplied analysis linear regression, with hypotheses testing of statistic t-tests. The result of this research showed that There is a significant positive influence between the quality of digital library services on students' reading interest in the regional library of Medan City (Library and Archives Service). Obtained based on the significance value that by partial test the significance value of t is 0.001 < than 0.05 this value shows the t value is smaller than the significance value of 0.05.
The Indonesian constitution provides for welfare and education. To achieve these constitutional mandates, the Indonesian government passed several laws as the foundation for lifelong education, including the Library Act of 2007 and the National Repository Act of 2018. These Acts are the main legal foundation for the National Library of Indonesia (NLI) to create public policies in library service development across Indonesia. This study seeks to understand these laws through Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) Topic Modelling. Using these methods, we uncovered the major themes of these legal mandates for library services. Our research revealed five topics for each law. We then analyzed the NLI budgets from 2021 to 2023 to see how the key legal mandates were implemented. We found greater implementation of the 2007 Act than the 2018 Act. Our study offers new methods for library law and policy research.
Tidak mudah mendefinisikan karya sastra secara sempurna, se�bab definisi karya sastra sendiri mengalami perubahan seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi. Sebelum ditemu�kannya alat tulis, karya sastra dicirikan dengan karya yang indah dan sering mengandung unsur romantisme. Seiring dengan perkembang�an teknologi, pengertian sastra menyempit menjadi segala sesuatu yang tertulis. Dalam konteks ini, sesuatu yang tertulis adalah hasil da�ri kerja imajinasi manusia. Dengan istilah lain, karya sastra adalah ha�sil kerja imajinatif manusia menggunakan bahasa. Dua karakteristik utama tersebut, yaitu karya imajinatif dan penggunaan bahasa, menja�di kunci dari pengertian sastra. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, secara etimologis, sastra berasal dari ka�ta Sansekerta ‘sas’ yang artinya ‘mengarahkan, mengajarkan, dan memberi petunjuk’, sedangkan akhiran ‘tra’ dimaknai sebagai alat atau sarana (Tjahyadi, n.d.). Berdasarkan pengertian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa karya sastra tidak lepas dari sarana atau media untuk memberi petunjuk, mengarahkan, dan mengajarkan hal-hal baik tentang kehidupan. Sementara itu, sastra dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan ‘litera�ture’. Kata ‘literature’ sendiri berasal dari bahasa Latin litteratura. Akar kata dari litteratura adalah littera. Jika merujuk pada akar kata littera, berarti yang dimaksud dengan literature adalah ‘segala sesuatu yang tertulis’. Hal itu selaras dengan pengertian modern terkait arti Pengantar Pengkajian Sastra: Karya Sastra dan Dinamika Sosial Politik 2 kata literature. Cambridge Dictionary mengartikan literature sebagai written artistic works especially those with a high and lasting artistic value (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 1995). Jika meru�juk pada pengertian dasar dari kata literature, maka yang menjadi pa�tokan karya sastra di sini adalah karya tulis yang mengandung unsur keindahan (artistic) dan tertulis. Dengan demikian, karya sastra da�lam studi sastra berbentuk novel, puisi, cerita pendek, dan teks atau naskah drama. Selain genre tersebut, suatu karya tidak dapat dikate�gorikan dalam karya sastra. Pada awal peradaban manusia, karya sastra cenderung tidak tertu�lis. Cerita-cerita rakyat, dongeng, dan mitos-mitos dapat diartikan se�bagai karya sastra lisan. Karya sastra lisan yang ada di zaman kuno se�ring dianggap suatu kenyataan sosial (realitas sosial), sehingga karya sastra sering digunakan oleh para penguasa untuk melegitimasi keku�asaan. Pada zaman kerajaan, khususnya di Jawa, karya sastra diperla�kukan sebagaimana kitab suci. Hanya kalangan masyarakat tertentu (khususnya para bangsawan) yang dapat mengakses karya sastra. Itu sebabnya saat itu para sastrawan memiliki kedudukan istimewa da�lam masyarakat. Tidak jarang para sastrawan menjadi alat kekuasaan untuk mendidik atau menanamkan suatu pemikiran sesuai yang di�kehendaki penguasa (Noor, 2005: 6). Sementara itu, di zaman modern ini, yang dinamakan karya sastra adalah karya yang tertulis. Legitimasi karya sastra tertulis lebih kon�kret karena asal usul dan pengarangnya mudah ditelusuri. Namun, meskipun karya sastra modern sudah berbentuk tulisan, bukan ber�arti makna karya tersebut tidak mengalami perubahan. Karya sastra selalu mengalami perubahan sesuai dengan perubahan masyarakat itu sendiri. Redyanto menyebutkan bahwa karya sastra mengalami perubahan dari zaman ke zaman (Noor, 2005). Dalam konteks ini, karya sastra berkembang bukan hanya karena isinya, tetapi juga mo�del atau bentuk karya sastra itu sendiri. Karya sastra dalam bentuk tulis dimulai dari karya sastra yang pendek-pendek, seperti puisi dan cerita pendek. Dari puisi dan syair, karya sastra kemudian berkem�bang ke dalam bentuk yang lebih kompleks, yaitu novel. Novel Pendahuluan 3 menghadirkan bentuk karya sastra yang jauh lebih lengkap. Aspek isi, bahasa, dan alur cerita mendekati semua aspek kehidupan. Di za�man modern ini, karya sastra dalam bentuk novel lebih berkembang karena memperoleh tanggapan jauh lebih banyak dari masyarakat di�bandingkan dengan karya sastra genre lainnya. Dari segi isi, karya sastra juga mengalami perubahan-perubahan. Pergeseran isi atau muatan karya sastra diawali dari cerita-cerita perja�lanan, baik perjalanan yang sesungguhnya maupun perjalanan spiri�tual (sering diistilahkan sebagai supranatural). Itulah sebabnya, pada masa awal, cerita-cerita dalam karya sastra mengisahkan keberanian seorang tokoh dalam menembus ganasnya kondisi alam atau kebera�nian mengalahkan makhluk halus (supranatural). Sering juga cerita berkisar tentang pengalaman seseorang dalam menembus daerah yang disebut angker karena dijaga oleh suatu makhluk supranatural. Karya sastra juga banyak yang menceritakan pengalaman supernatu�ral, sehingga tokoh yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan makluk gaib dianggap sebagai pahlawan. Karya sastra dengan muatan kejadian su�pernatural mungkin masih ada, tetapi di era modern ini masyarakat sudah semakin rasional, sehingga cerita-cerita dalam karya sastra le�bih populer dengan kejadian riil yang terjadi di suatu masyarakat. Karya sastra yang mengangkat isu-isu nyata dalam suatu masyarakat sering dikenal dengan istilah realisme (aliran sastra realis). Sebagaimana disebutkan sebelumnya, karya sastra adalah karya imajinatif seorang pengarang. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan, cerita dalam suatu karya sastra mengandung kebenaran. Jika diper�sentasekan, karya sastra memiliki 40 persen kebenaran (kejadian nyata), sementara sisanya adalah imajinasi, dapat juga sebaliknya. Itu sebabnya, karya sastra tidak dapat disamakan dengan karangan atau tulisan lain yang seutuhnya merupakan kebenaran, seperti yang ada dalam sejarah, biografi, laporan ilmiah, dan karya ilmiah. Karya sas�tra lebih mudah diidentifikasi dari bahasa yang digunakan. Membaca karya sastra akan memiliki ‘rasa’ tersendiri dibandingkan dengan kar�ya bentuk lain. Meskipun bukan realitas sesungguhnya, karya sastra memiliki bahasa yang dapat dimaknai dan memberi pelajaran kepa- Pengantar Pengkajian Sastra: Karya Sastra dan Dinamika Sosial Politik 4 da pembacanya. Menurut Noor (2005), ciri-ciri karya sastra adalah 1) memiliki bahasa yang utuh dan lengkap, 2) mewujudkan dunia re�kaan atau rekayasa imajinatif, 3) mengacu pada dunia nyata atau reali�tas, dan 4) dapat dimengerti sesuai kode norma yang menjadi ciri khasnya karya sastra, bahasa, dan sosial budaya tertentu (Noor, 2005: 5). Karya sastra modern lebih banyak mengangkat isu-isu sosial yang merupakan realitas sosial. Karya sastra seperti Gray Mountain (2014), karya John Grisham, dapat menjadi salah satu contoh karya sastra yang bertolak dari realitas sosial di Amerika. Karya sastra ini menggambarkan realitas sosial yang diolah secara apik dalam sebuah cerita. Meskipun alur ceritanya berdasarkan realitas, tetapi tidak da�pat dikatakan bahwa semua kejadian dalam cerita itu adalah realitas sosial. Realitas sosial hanya menjadi inspirasi bagi pengarang untuk mengangkat isu atau pun menjadi tema dalam cerita karya sastranya. Realitas sosial yang ditampilkan dalam karya sastra dapat merupakan pengalaman penulis sendiri, pengalaman orang lain, atau pun hasil observasi atau penelitian. Dalam konteks ini, penelitian yang dilaku�kan oleh seorang penulis sastra dimaksudkan mencari inspirasi un�tuk menuangkan cerita dalam karya sastranya. Sebenarnya, masih banyak lagi pengertian literature menurut be�berapa ahli. Namun, dalam tulisan ini, penulis hanya menggarisba�wahi tiga penekanan dalam memaknai karya sastra berdasarkan pe�ngertian etimologis bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris, yaitu mengandung nilai artistik, tertulis, dan mengandung nilai-nilai keba�ikan. Tiga hal ini perlu menjadi acuan utama karena dapat menjadi ciri khas tersendiri pada karya sastra. Artistik atau kandungan keindahan memiliki peranan penting da�lam karya sastra. Karya sastra merupakan karya yang mudah dipa�hami dan menimbulkan kenikmatan tersendiri, meskipun hanya se�kadar dibaca atau dinikmati keindahan kalimat maupun bahasa yang digunakannya. Unsur keindahan inilah yang membedakan karya sas�tra dengan karya tulis lainnya. Jika karya tulis lain ditulis apa adanya, karya sastra tidak demikian. Sebagai contoh, kita dapat membaca se- Pendahuluan 5 buah tulisan hasil penelitian terkait kajian sosiologis suatu masyara�kat. Deskripsi masyarakat yang merupakan hasil penelitian ini ditulis apa adanya tanpa interpretasi bermacam-macam. Berbeda halnya de�ngan gambaran masyarakat yang dituangkan dalam suatu karya sas�tra. Dalam karya sastra, gambaran masyarakat mengandung banyak interpretasi yang dapat diterjemahkan secara bebas oleh pembaca. Dengan begitu, karya sastra lebih kaya kandungan maknanya diban�dingkan dengan karya tulis bentuk ilmiah. Selain bahasanya yang mengandung keindahan, karya sastra ha�ruslah mengandung pesan kebaikan. Dalam istilah yang digunakan oleh Renne Wellek dan Austin Warren (1984), karya sastra haruslah mengandung dulce dan utile, bersifat menghibur dan mendidik (Wellek & Warren, 1984), karena karya sastra ditulis oleh penulis yang memiliki berbagai pengalaman dan pengetahuan, sehingga kar�ya sastra berfungsi mendidik atau mengajarkan sesuatu kepada pem�bacanya.
The digitalization of the Arctic is now an everyday phenomenon, but discussion of vulnerabilities embedded within this sociotechnical transformation remains limited and with little historic attention paid to local contexts. Since the early 2000s, the Arctic Council and the Arctic Economic Council have worked to address this situation, producing area-specific information alongside pan-Arctic perspectives on digital development. However, the security questions highlighted in this chapter have only been partially included in such discourse. Consequently, this chapter is an introduction to digital security as an everyday issue in the context of the Arctic based upon regional and national data from the five Arctic states of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Canada, and the United States. The chapter argues that digitalization generates uncertainty for individuals and communities and, therefore, requires greater attention. First, the chapter outlines the opportunities of digitalization for Arctic communities and offers a conceptual discussion of the relationships between information security, cybersecurity, and digital security. Secondly, the chapter examines Arctic digital security questions such as digital connectivity, accessibility of information and digital services, digital literacies and rights, and forms of digital abuse, while considering the role of libraries in particular detail.
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Abstrak – Minat membaca merupakan hal yang sangat penting dikarenakan minat membaca menjadi kunci penting bagi kemajuan suatu bangsa, karena dengan membaca akan meningkatkan wawasan dan pengetahuan suatu individu. Namun, tingkat minat baca di Indonesia telah mencapai angka kritisnya dan hal ini menjadi suatu masalah. Berbanding terbalik dengan tingkat membaca yang rendah, penggunaan media sosial di Indonesia tergolong tinggi di dunia. Oleh sebab itu perlu disadari pentingnya pemanfaatan media sosial dalam upaya meningkatkan minat baca. Salah satu dari platform media sosial tersebut adalah Instagram. Salah satu upaya pemanfaatan media sosial guna meningkatkan minat baca adalah melalui gerakan bookstagram. Metode penulisan karya tulis ini menggunakan teknik studi pustaka dan metode analisis data dengan proses pengumpulan data, klasifikasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Sumber data dalam karya tulis ini merupakan jenis data sekunder yang diperoleh penyusun dari beberapa sumber literatur seperti buku, artikel ilmiah, artikel internet dan jurnal yang relevan dengan topik pembahasan dalam artikel ini. Hasil penulisan menunjukan data-data tentang minat baca Indonesia, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat baca, pemanfaatan media sosial melalui gerakan bookstagram serta pengaruhnya terhadap minat baca, dan peran mahasiswa dalam pemanfaatan media sosial khususnya Instagram melalui gerakan bookstagram dalam upaya meningkatkan minat baca. Sehingga dengan adanya pemanfaatan media sosial melalui gerakan bookstagram ini diharapkan dapat semakin meningkatkan indeks minat baca.
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Visual literacy is a very important skill in the 21st century. Visual literacy skill is part of the learning process for producing quality works of art. Building visual literacy competencies can provide long-term benefits in critical thinking skills. This study explored the ability to understand visual literacy in teachers and students in Indonesia and Malaysia. This study used qualitative research, and the respondents were lecturers and students of Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia and Mara Technology University, Malaysia. The results indicated that Malaysian and Indonesian respondents did not know much about the images presented. The results of this study indicated that there were different perspectives on viewing and understanding visual literacy for teaching staff and students in Indonesia and Malaysia. The perspective of Indonesian respondents was more specific while explaining the answers to questions, whereas Malaysians tend to be less specific and general. The results also showed that each answer of each Indonesian respondent tends to be different from one another, while Malaysia tends to agree with other respondents. Dealing with the research is expected to make visual literacy learning methods suitable for education in Indonesia and Malaysia
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Hyvin- ja pahoinvoinnin maantiede kestävyysmurroksen aikakaudella
The human subject—as a bounded corporeal and autopoietic entity—is presumed in virtually all disciplinary accounts of education and indeed in political thought more broadly. This chapter pressures this presumption, arguing that a range of forces have articulated politics at levels “below” the subject (in affect, non-conscious perception, neurological plasticity) and “beyond” it in systems of economy and population management that take shape largely through computational practice. The individual human becomes less a phenomenological and political solidity than an after-effect of distributed processes happening at different levels. Taking as my point of departure both the concept of statist literacy (and its requirement for evermore “data” about literacy) and the “critical literacies” that offer a somewhat more capacious understanding of “literacy,” the chapter argues that education today is about the distribution of resources, energies, and opportunities “below” and “beyond” the subject. Such statist literacies effect an exacerbation of racist, colonialist, and heterosexist political ecologies—often, as Michelle Murphy notes, without recourse to any explicit language about gender, race, or geopolitics. I draw principally on feminist work on data and ahuman politics to argue for a shift in focus from persons engaged in educational events to attunements to what I call “educational situations” as diffuse sites of more-than-human political contact from which “humans” (and those marked as inhuman or less-than-human) are generated.
Preliminary. Disadvantaged Districts in Indonesia generally have a quality of human resources below the national average. This can be seen from the low average Human Development Index (HDI) in disadvantaged areas. Program Pustaka Bergilir – Buku Masuk Rumah in the village is one of the solutions to overcome the limitations of regional income and expenditure, overcoming geographical constraints, cost and time constraints, because the Village Government has the financial freedom to allocate budgets in the library and literacy fields. Method. The study was conducted qualitatively by utilizing secondary data sources obtained from official publications of agencies / institutions, applicable legislation, and other related publications. Results and Discussion. Village Government has a strong legal basis for allocating budgets for the development and management of village libraries and reading parks. Implementation of Program Pustaka Bergilir – Buku Masuk Rumah is easier, because Village Government is closer to the community, so it is easier to reach people and promote the importance of literacy and reading interest to improve the quality of human resources, especially in disadvantaged areas. Some of the obstacles that may be faced in the implementation of the program are the low commitment of the village government, weak human resources in the village and the district, operational constraints, and the low interest of the community. However, all of this can be overcome by a variety of innovative and collaborative programs that involve all stakeholders, such as donation programs, cooperation, promotions and publications, and literacy actions. ABSTRAK Pendahuluan. Kabupaten Daerah Tertinggal di Indonesia umumnya memiliki kualitas sumber daya manusia di bawah rata-rata nasional. Hal ini terlihat dari rendahnya rata-rata Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) di daerah tertinggal. Program Pustaka Bergilir – Buku Masuk Rumah di desa menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi keterbatasan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah, mengatasi kendala geografis, kendala biaya maupun waktu, karena Pemerintah Desa memiliki keleluasaan secara finansial untuk mengalokasikan anggaran di bidang perpustakaan dan literasi. Metode. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan sumber data sekunder yang diperoleh dari publikasi resmi instansi/lembaga, aturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dan publikasi terkait lainnya. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Pemerintah Desa memiliki landasan hukum yang kuat untuk mengalokasikan anggaran bagi pengembangan dan pengelolaan perpustakaan dan taman bacaan milik desa. Implementasi Program Pustaka Bergilir – Buku Masuk Rumah menjadi lebih mudah, karena Pemerintah Desa lebih dekat dengan masyarakat, sehingga lebih mudah menjangkau masyarakat dan mensosialisasikan pentingnya literasi dan minat baca untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia, terutama di daerah tertinggal. Beberapa kendala yang mungkin dihadapi dalam implementasi program adalah rendahnya komitmen pemerintah desa, lemahnya SDM di desa maupun di kabupaten, kendala operasional, dan rendahnya minat masyarakat. Namun, semua ini dapat diatasi dengan berbagai program inovatif dan kolaboratif yang melibatkan seluruh stakeholders, seperti program donasi, kerjasama, promosi dan publikasi, maupun aksi literasi.
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Rendahnya kesadaran anak-anak warga Tegal Sari II untuk bersekolah terutama disaat pandemi Covid-19 melanda. Hal ini diketahui dari kegiatan anak-anak selama ini, mereka diwajibkan untuk melakukan pembelajaran daring, namun banyak anak-anak yang tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk bisa melakukan pembalajaran secara daring karena kesibukan orang tua yang bekerja sehingga tidak dapat mendampingi anak-anak belajar. Selain itu terbatasnya perangkat yang akan digunakan untuk melakukan pembelajaran, mengingat keadaan ekonomi keluarga yang tidak stabil akibat pandemik. Akhirnya anak-anak hanya menghabiskan waktu dengan bermain sepanjang hari. Kemampuan literasi dan numerasi anak rendah, kemampuan komunikasi juga rendah, begitu juga dengan minat belajar. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kegiatan literasi dan numerasi dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah menyediakan sumber bacaan bagia anak-anak dan mengadakan kegiatan seperti mendongeng dan story telling, permainan tangram dan kota operasi Ajaib. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi anak dengan aktifitas yang menyenangkan. kegiatn kegiatan dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali. Dampak dari kegiatan yang dilakukan bahwa terlihat perubahan kemampuan komunikasi anak dalam meceritakan kembali dongeng dan cerita yang disampaikan melalui story telling. Selain itu anak-anak juga semakin tangkas dan percaya diri mengerjakan latihan matematika seperti aritmatika, logika dan bangun ruang. Harapannya ada keberlanjutan kegiatan setelah kegiatan pengabdian selesai dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan remaja masjid sebagai pembina anak-anak setelah kegiatan pengabdian selesai dilaksanakan.
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Low interest in reading is a problem for our nation that must be solved, because Indonesia to occupy second position from bottom in terms of literacy. Most of the provinces in Indonesia are at low literacy activity levels and none of the provinces are included in the high literacy activity level. The lack of interest in reading can be influenced by many factors. Access of supporting resource where people get literacy materials, such as libraries, bookstores, and mass media, how people to get the information technology, and media devices to access literacy materials are the factor that can be affect the interest of reading. Literacy is one of the important cultures for a country. That is because the culture is able to influence the intelligence and well-being of a country's life. So the study aims to see what factors affect to increasing the literacy reading in the provinces in Indonesia. This study uses k-means clustering before applying factor analysis. Based on k-means clustering, two clusters are formed and showed one of the cluster showed that the second cluster is the provinces that have the highest number of library’s facilities. In addition based on the analysis factor in each cluster, two factors were formed, namely the standard factor for reading literacy levels and supporting the facilities for reading literacy. It can be concluded that the way to increase reading literacy in two clusters of the area in Indonesia are by increasing the standard of reading literacy level and supporting the facilities for reading literacy.
The study identified the cognitive mechanisms that underly individual differences in mathematics and reading. There is little systematic evidence regarding the connections between cognitive capabilities, mathematics and reading among high-school students with typical development. Moreover, the study aimed to examine whether or not gender is important in predicting cognitive capabilities and performance in mathematics and in reading. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the effects of gender, visuo-spatial working memory (VSWM), numerical working memory (NWM), verbal working memory (VWM), and visual processing (VP) on mathematics and reading performance. A sample of 190 students completed mathematics, reading, VSWM, NWM, VWM, and VP tests. Results showed that mathematical performance was influenced by NWM, VSWM, and VP, while VWM was found to be unrelated to such performance. On the other hand, VWM and VP, but not VSWM, predicted reading performance. Furthermore, while direct correlations between gender, NWM and VP were found, VWM and VSWM were not. The results are important for their theoretical and educational implications.
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Framing English Language Teacher in Facing Society 5.0: Challenges and Adaptive Strategy describes about the challenges faced by English language teacher in facing the era of society 5.0 and the strategy that can be adapted by them in dealing with the challenges.
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Kewirausahaan pada tahun 2021 menjadi mata kuliah yang wajib diselenggarakan oleh seluruh program studi di lingkungan Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta untuk membekali dan memberdayakan mahasiswa setelah menyelesaikan Pendidikan. Mata kuliah kewirausahaan telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2019 di dengan nama Entrepreneurship di Program Studi Pendidikan Musik Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan ISI Yogyakarta. Profil lulusan di Program Studi Pendidikan Musik yang mencakup pengelola seni, konsultan, serta pendidik atau instruktur musik memiliki kaitan erat dengan ekonomi kreatif. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah mahasiswa sangat minim pengetahuan tentang kewirausahaan dan industri kreatif bidang musik sesuai dengan profil lulusan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, dirancanglah sebuah modul mata kuliah kewirausahaan berfokus ekonomi keatif yang sesuai dengan profil lulusan. Secara garis besar, modul berisi pemahaman tentang kewirausahaan, profil pengusaha, dan jenis kegiatan ekonomi industri kreatif bidang musik. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar validitas dan lembar pertanyaan. Validator berasal dari kalangan praktisi, akademisi, dan ahli komunikasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data modul memiliki validasi tinggi dengan skor 93 yang berarti dapat digunakan tanpa revisi. Modul layak digunakan dan efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan motivasi mahasiswa dalam bidang kewirausahaan dan industri kreatif bidang musik.
Pengelolaan usaha busana merupakan mata kuliah yang sangat berguna untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang: (1) Berbagai macam karakteristik bisnis busana sehingga dapat memetakan kemampuan yang dimilikinya, minat dan bakat yang ada, serta mengetahui persaingan yang ada dalam dunia bisnis busana ini (Moh. Adam Jerusalem 2011); (2) Mengaplikasikan perencanaan usaha yang sudah dirancang dalam bidang industri busana sehingga nantinya punya gambaran dalam membuka usaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan. Busana hadir untuk pertama kalinya digunakan sebagai penutup tubuh saja, dan masih terbuat dari bahan yang sangat alami seperti kulit pohon, dedaunan dan kulit binatang. Lalu berkembang dan mengalami perubahan tiap abadnya, hingga pada abad 17 busana semakin mewah dan di Prancis menjadi pusat mode saat itu. Tapi bagi orang kurang mampu seperti pelayan tidak terlalu memperhatian fesyen pada saat itu dan mereka umunya menggunakan model dan bahan yang sederhana. Sejak tahun 1500-an hingga pertengahan abad ke-17 orang-orang mulai melupakan jubah yang telah menjadi barang pokok dari lemari pakaian mereka, dan mulai memakai jas, rompi, celana, yakni tiga komponen yang dapat mengidentifikasikan sebagai busana modern.
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This article examines the current rift in perspective between whole language arts and traditional language arts instruction by analyzing the basis of each view in research and theory. Suggestions are made regarding research developments that might alleviate the present impasse. These include not only hypotheses to be tested but also explain the need for a variety of designs, improved instrumentation, and collaborative investigations