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Mechanical System Design, 23 May 2016
Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Malaysia
Izzat Ayub (MA13012)
Automotive Engineering Research Group (AERG), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), 26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia,
Today’s world facing problem of increasing environmental pollution, growing threat of
depleting fossil fuels, and ever increasing uncertainty of fuel prices. Indiscriminate
extraction and lavish consumption of fossil fuels have led to reduction in underground
based carbon resources. A single-cylinder engine is a basic piston engine configuration
of an internal combustion engine. The primary goal of this research was to advance the
single-cylinder engine system. Single-cylinder engines are simple and compact, and will
often deliver the maximum power possible within a given envelope. Cooling is simpler
than with multiple cylinders, potentially saving further weight, especially if air cooling
can be used. Single-cylinder engines are simple and economical in construction. The
present work has resulted in giving a good insight into the combustion, performance and
emission characteristics and optimization of engine.
Keywords: Single cylinder engine; combustion engine.
Combustion, torque, power, emissions and fuel consumption are very important
parameters for the efficiency and performance of the engines, and all of them are
directly influenced by the geometry of the combustion chamber [1-3]. Heisler says that
an effective combustion chamber has to create conditions for the air-flow mixture that
optimizes the combustion flame, making it fast and uniform, and facilitate the burned
gases expulsion [2]. The increases of the air-fuel mixture process along with the heat
transfer rate are consequences of the increase of the Center of Mobility Technology
(CTM -UFMG) turbulent flux inside the cylinder, overcoming the process of molecular
diffusion [4]. In-cylinder engine modeling is a necessary aspect of combustion research.
In particular, simulating heat release connects variable combustion behavior to fuel
properties through the 1st Law of Thermodynamics [5]. The thermodynamic modeling of
in-cylinder combustion processes helps to characterize fuel behavior. The standard in-
cylinder model uses the calculation of the engine-out rate of heat release (RHR) [6-7].
One of the primary properties dening CI engine combustion behavior is fuel viscosity
[8]. The hydrogen addition to gaseous or liquid fuels offers good environmental and
energy performances as it was well proven in the last decade [9-16]. Real-time
combustion control is one of the most heavily researched applications for in-cylinder
pressure applications [17-22].
Cylinder pressure data analysis is the most effective tool to analyze engine combustion
behavior because cylinder pressure history directly influences power output,
combustion characteristics and engine-out emissions [23]. Due the low heating value
and higher latent heat of evaporation of fusel oil the volumetric efficiency increased
with F20 and due the high water content of fusel oil, the in-cylinder temperature slightly
decreased [24]. Inertial force of crankshaft-connecting rod in a single-cylinder engine
has a remarkable influence on vehicle vibration and comfortability [25]. crankshaft
bearing, piston assembly, and pumping loss have a major effect on the transient
performance of the engine [26]. The fuel to air mass ratios computed on the basis of
composition measurements agree well with the inlet measured values [27].
I would like to thank my lecturers, M.M. Rahman and K. Kadirgama for guiding me to
write the technical paper
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