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Electric Grid Vulnerabilities to Rising Air Temperatures in Arizona


Abstract and Figures

Ambient air temperatures are expected to increase in the US desert southwest by 1-5 °C mid-century which will strain the electric power grid through increased loads, reduced power capacities, efficiencies, and material lifespans. To better understand and quantify this risk, a power infrastructure failure model is created to estimate changes in outage rates of components for increases in air temperatures in Arizona. Components analyzed include generation, transmission lines, and substations, because their outages can lead to cascading failures and interruptions of other critical infrastructure systems such as water, transportation, and information/communication technology. Preliminary results indicate that components could require maintenance or replacement up to 3 times more often due to mechanical failures, outages could occur up to 30 times more often due to overcurrent tripping, and the probability of cascading failures could increase 30 times as well for a 1 °C increase in ambient air temperature. Preventative measures can include infrastructure upgrades to more thermal resistant parts, installation of cooling systems, smart grid power flow controls, and expanding programs for demand side management and customer energy efficiency.
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Procedia Engineering 145 ( 2016 ) 1346 1353
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICSDEC 2016
doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.04.173
Available online at
International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction
Electric grid vulnerabilities to rising air temperatures in Arizona
Daniel Burillo
, Mikhail Chester
, Benjamin Ruddell
Department of Civil Environmental and Sustainable Engineering, Arizona State Univesrsity
660 S College Ave, Tempe 85281, USA
Department of Engineering and Computing Systems, Arizona State University
Ambient air temperatures are expected to increase in the US desert southwest by 1-C mid-century which will strain the electric
power grid through increased loads, reduced power capacities, eff
iciencies, and material lifespans. To better understand and
quantify this risk, a power infrastructure failure model is created to estimate changes in outag
e rates of components for increases
in air temperatures in A
rizona. Components analyzed include generation, transmission lines, and substations, because their
outages can lead to cascading failures and interruptions of other critical in
frastructure systems such as water, transportation, and
information/communication technology. Preliminary results indicate that components could require maintenance or replacement
p to 3 times more often due to mechanical failures, outages could occur up to 30 times more often due to overcurrent tripping,
and the probability of cascading failures could increase 30 times as well for a 1°C increase in ambient air temperature.
reventative measures can include infrastructure upgrades to more thermal resistant parts, installation of cooling systems, smart
grid power flow controls, and expanding programs for demand side management and customer energy efficiency.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the
International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering
and Construction 2016.
Keywords: electric power; energy; infrastructure; reliability; resiliency; failure analysis; climate change; extreme heat
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-623-229-3166.
E-mail address:
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICSDEC 2016
Daniel Burillo et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 ( 2016 ) 1346 – 1353
1. Introduction
The electric power grid in the USA, and desert southwest
specifically, is of the most reliable in the world [1-2],
but like all electrical power systems it is sensitive to heat in terms of its power capacity and component materials
e-span [3]. Arizona’s power authorities typically plan 10-15 years in advance to manage risk considering increased
ystem burdens due to social, economic, and technological, environmental, and policy factors [4-5]. These plans do
ot explicitly consider potential effects of rising ambient air temperatures. Significant increases in ambient air
mperatures (1-5°C) are predicted by mid-century [4-5], and grid construction projects require as much as 10 years
and m
any millions of dollars each to complete. Therefore, developing a better un
derstanding of the risks of rising air
temperatures to the power grid is both timely and necessary to maintain reliable critical infrastructure systems.
Predicting the change in probability of electric power failing is obtained using fault-tree logic in this study [8]. A
failure analysis framework is develo
ped inclusive of generation, transmission, and substation component
performance using thermophysical equations for power flow and material degradation rate with stochastic inputs for
air temperature. The model estimates the probability of failure when supply is insufficient or component outages
r. The effects of increases in air temperature are q
uantified as changes in power flow capacity (MW) and
efficiency (% MWh), as well as the mechanical mean time to failure (MTTF) of component parts. The potential
ge in multiple simultaneous outages occurring and triggering cascading failures is also quantified. This research
estimates the magnitude of the risk of rising air temperatures to critical civ
il infrastructure systems, and identifies
corresponding vulnerabilities within the power grid.
°C mean of the maximum ambient air temperature during June, July, and August
°C standard deviation of θ
°C increase in θ
, input control variable
°C average temperature at which the PRM is engaged on a day
°C average temperature at which the PRM reaches its critical value on a day
% loss of generation capacity per θ
% loss of T&D network efficiency per θ
% increase in peak load per θ
% loss of transmission line current capacity per θ
% loss of substation transformer current capacity per θ
% net peak load adjustment factor per θ
α % probability that two simultaneous component outages lead to a cascading failure in the system
λ #/day failure rate
% change in probability of failure, or λ, of a system component, where a = P or M, b = G or T or S
% probability of failure, or λ, of a system component, where a = P or M, b = G or T or S, k = i or f
age of component, where b = G or T or S
current in a system component as a percentage of the component’s rated ampacity
MTTF years mean time to failure
PRM % planning reserve margin
PRM critical value for potential service interruption and the possibility of cascading failures
S % strength loss per year
strength loss for a transmission line to reach expected lifespan
Commonly used subscripts and superscripts
P, M power- or mechanical-based component failure
G, T, S generation, transmission, substation
i, f initial (current air temperature scenario with θ
and θ
), final (higher ambient air temperature scenario θ
μ, σ mean, standard deviation
1348 Daniel Burillo et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 ( 2016 ) 1346 – 1353
2. Methods
This analysis focuses on the thermal performance of the three major current carrying components in the electric
wer grid: generation, transmission, and substation transformers. This approach is consistent with other recent
studies of the impact of rising air temperatures on power infrastructure such as [9]. To estimate how much
creasing ambient air temperatures can increase component outages, cascading failures, and ultimately service
terruptions, it is necessary to first understand the flow of electric power in the system, as well as the sequence of
s that can lead to interruptions and potentially cascading outages. See Fig. 1. System operators maintain an n-1
undancy standard in design at the high-voltage transmission level meaning that the single largest generator,
mission line branch, or substation (of which there are at least hundreds in every region) can fail at any time
without any interruption to service [10]. These n-1 redundancies are represented in Fig. 1b using octagon boxes and
ical AND gates. Service interruptions due to major component failures only occur when more than one individual
component fails at the same time. Such events can lead to cascading failures including blackouts as in [11].
Service interruption occurs when power does not reach the load, such as a building or street light, and this
ysis estimates specifically how much the frequency of service interruptions can increase. Fig. 1b shows the two
ays that a service interruption can occur that are analyzed in this paper: either there is not enough total generation
meet total demand, or particular power pathways (transmission lines and substations) do not have sufficient
capacity to deliver power to the load
. The following list explains how increases in ambient air temperatures can
trigger failures leading to service interruptions consistent with the lettering in Fig. 1b.
A. High air temperatures can result in reduced peak energy g
eneration capacity and or efficiency losses in the
transmission and distribution (T&D) network [8, 11]. If the system is also in high demand, (B), then load can
generation and put the system in a state of over demand. If there are insufficient generation reserves, then
ere will be a service interruption.
B. High air temperatures can result in higher demand, especially during the already hot summer months due to
creased burden on building air conditioning systems [12].
C. High air temperatures result in less T&D power flow capacity in
lines and transformers [8, 11]. If a circuit is in
high demand, then power flow can exceed safe operating capacit
y and lines and transformers can exceed their
rated ampacities and become in a state of overcurrent [11].
i. If protection devices function correctly, then overcurrent will cause tripping
of the line or transformer
within the T&D network [11]. If there is insufficient capacity in parallel branches to provide power to the
load, then there will be a service interruption [11].
ii. If a protection device fails to trip and a circuit is ov
ercurrent, then a component can exceed its thermal
rating. Excess heat accelerates the chemical degradation rate of sensitive materials and can result in
mechanical failure (E) [12-13]. Protection devices can fail because they are not accurately designed or
for local climate conditions or other reasons [1]. Depending on the type and location of
overcurrent failure, a generator, transmission line, substation, qu
ality device, or other protection device can
fail. If a generator fails, then the system state goes to (A) as the system now has less generation. If a
former fails, then it goes to (A) and or (C) as the T&D network operates at lower efficiency and or has
less power flow capacity. If a power quality device fails, then it goes to (C) again or directly to overcurrent
ending on the circumstances. If another redundant protection device fails, then the cycle of potential
failures repeats for additional components on connected circuits.
D. High air temperatures can result in a protectio
n device failing to trip [1]. The device could be calibrated to a
certain power rating that should be lower for the actual air temperature. If that occurs during high loading, then a
component can go overcurrent and fail as in (ii).
E. High air temperatures can result in an accelerated
physical material degradation rate, which can result in
accelerated failures for any electrical devices [3]. The same failure scenarios can
occur as described above, with
the addition of an undesired trip of a protection device. If a protection device fails with an undesired trip, and
there is no redundant power flow, then a service interruption occurs.
Daniel Burillo et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 ( 2016 ) 1346 – 1353
System Boundary
Power Failure
Mechanical Failure
Over demand
Energy /
Efficiency Loss
(Gen, T&D)
High Demand
T&D Capacity
Reduced /
High Loading
Higher Material
Device Failure
(Heat: Calibr)
Undesired Trip
Fail to Trip
Insufficient capacity
or pow er flow in
parallel components
generation reserves
No redundant
prot ection device
Event trigger
due to heat)
State or
System State
(N-1 condition fail)
Logical OR is implicit a s
multiple input arrows
or multiple output arrows
Power Line
(69-500 kV)
Power Line
Residential &
Industrial &
Circuit Breakers
Surge arrestors
Power Flow
Protection and
Quality Devices
Power Flow
Electric power grid infrastructure
Fig. 1. (a) Power grid infrastructure analysis system boundary; (b) Fault tree to service interruption. (a) Shows the flow of power from
generation to load through system components and identifies the analysis system boundary inclusive of major power-flow components including:
generation, transmission, substation transformers, and load. Changes in performance of protection and power quality devices are not analysed.
(b) Shows the terminal event of a service interruption on the right, and the power- and mechanical-failures that can lead to a service interruption
logically preceding from the left. On the far left are the events that can be caused by higher ambient air temperatures and ultimately lead to
service interruption in conjunction with other failures as indicated. Mechanical failures feedback into the event triggers as their loss of
functionality results in a loss of power-flow that could cause an interruption.
A model is developed to estimate the change in probabilities of component failures (or failure rates) and service
interruptions due to increases in ambient air temperatures, shown in equation (1). This is done by quantifying the
fault processes in Fig. 1 for the primary current-carrying components. The structure of this model is shown in Fig. 2
where climate and infrastructure inputs are used to estimate changes in power-based and mechanical-based failures.
These values are used to estimate the change in probability of a cascading event that can be triggered by two or
more component failures occurring at the same time.
1350 Daniel Burillo et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 ( 2016 ) 1346 – 1353
Fig. 2. Failure analysis model. The model is structured in five parts: (i) ambient air temperature, the increase of which is the primary control
variable, θ
; (ii) power capacity and energy efficiency factors, β’s, which are proportional to ambient air temperature; (iii) probability of power-
based failures for each component type,
, for which there could be insufficient capacity to support power demand; (iv) probability of
mechanical-based failures for each component type,
,wherein the wear of thermally sensitive parts over time results in a higher failure rate
or probability of failure on a given day; (v) cascading failures, that can occur if two or more component failures occur at the same time.
bf bi
G generation
Pf Pf
M mechanical based failure
Pf a b T transmission
P power based failure
S substation
'  
% per day
2.1. Ambient air temperature
Ambient air temperature is the primary control variable in the model, and is defined as a normal distribution
e with base case mean maximum temperature θ
= 42.22°C and standard deviation θ
= 3.04°C from the average
maximum temperature at the Phoenix airport for the months of June, July, and August 2009 to 2014 [15].
Summertime increases in air temperature, θ
, are modeled as increases in the mean of the maximum temperature θ
with no change in standard deviation θ
2.2. Electric power capacity and energy efficiency factors
Electronic components are generally subject to at
least two stresses: electrical and thermal [3]. Electrical
resistance increases as conductor temperature increases, which further increases operating temperature and
es efficiency [16]. The model inputs for capacity and efficiency losses are β
= 0.7%, β
= 0.5%, β
7.5%, β
= 1.5%, and β
= 0.7% per 1°C increase in ambient air temperature as are the marginal unit linearization
of the results in [5, 11]. The generation factor only considers natural g
as plants. These values are for high operating
temperatures, which are within the range of this analysis, and are combined into the net adjustment factors β
PK =
+ β
+ β
= 8.7%, β
T =
+ β
= 9%, and β
S =
+ β
= 8.2% per °C.
2.3. Power-based failures
Power-based failures are failures where there is
insufficient capacity in a circuit to meet demand. These can occur
due to insufficient generation, when a transmission line is overcurrent, or a substation is overcurrent.
2.3.1. Gen
eration PRM deficiency
PRM is the amount of generation capacity available to m
eet expected demand, and is calculated as the difference
in prospective resources and net internal demand, divided by net internal demand [17]. PRM is institutionally
naged to maintain reliable grid operations in the event of unexpected increases in demand and or outages of
ing capacity [17]. System operators historically issue alerts w
hen PRM falls below 5% and ask customers to
curtail their electricity usage [18]. Therefore 5% is used as the critical PRM value, PRM
, where other
simultaneous component failures can cause a service interruption and
trigger cascading failures.
is estimated in equation (1) assuming PRM is marginally engaged for the top 5% of air temperature values
for θ
and θ
, which is 47.22°C and represents the expected 4.6 hottest days per year from 2009 to 2014 [15]. The
temperature that PRM
occurs at is estimated in equation (2), where PRM
= 17% as is WECC’s 2024 projected
summer PRM [19].
= 1.8% per day is the area under a normal curve of θ
and θ
above θ
estimated by shifting θ
by θ
2.3.2. Transmission Line Overcurrent
is estimated in equation (1) assuming that if a line exceeds its rated amperage it will trip.
= 0.0032%
per day is the area under a normal distribution for the line load as a percentage of the current carrying capacity
here IP
= 60%, IP
= 10%, and rated amperage is equal to 1.
is estimated by shifting IP
by θ
and β
Daniel Burillo et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 ( 2016 ) 1346 – 1353
2.3.3. Substation Transformer Overcurrent
is estimated using the same method as 2.3.2 by using equation (1), and assuming that if a transformer
exceeds its rated amperage it will trip.
=0.0032% per day is the area under a normal distribution for the
transformer load as a percentage of the current carrying capacity where IP
= 60%, IP
= 10%, and rated amperage
is equal to 1.
is estimated by shifting IP
by θ
and β
2.4. Mechanical-based Failures
Mechanical failures occur due to physical degradation of thermally-sensitive parts within components such as a
nductor, insulator, or contact. A failure rate, λ, is defined as the inverse of the MTTF with units of failures per
day. Change in failure rates are estimated as the percent change in th
e initial and expected λ for increased air
temperature conditions as in equation (1).
2.4.1. Gen
eration Part Wear
A value of 0.001% is assumed for
, and
is set to that multiplied by (1+θ
2.4.2. Transmission Conductor Loss of Strength
There are three primary factors considered in defining the ther
mal limit of a power line: sag, loss of strength, and
the fittings of the conductor [20]. Sag is measured as the vertical distance that the line moves closer towards the
ground due to thermal expansion, and increases the chance of flashover resulting in a ground fault and outage of the
circuit. Such an event typically occurs
when a line comes too close to trees, which may occur because trees have not
been trimmed, or the line sags beyond the safety margin [13]. While sag is a mechanical process, it is not associated
with conductor damage or loss of life [13]. Therefore analyzing the physical conductor sag constraints would be
redundant with the previous power-based failure analysis for transmission line overcurrent. Loss of conductor
strength occurs due to annealing, a gradual process whereby a metal recrystallizes over time, and ACSR conductors
eal at operating temperatures above 100°C [21]. Significant loss of strength may result in breakages during high
echanical stress events such as gusts of wind [21]. Properly designed and selected fittings are not a thermal
limiting factor for the conductor [13].
is estimated by equation (1) assuming a MTTF
= 70 years for ACSR lines based on [22] and that it is
causally proportional to loss of conductor strength due to annealing.
= λ
= 0.0039% per day is the inverse of
the MTTF
is estimated by adjusting MTTF as in equation (3). The strength loss associated with conductor
end of life, S
, is estimated as the weighted sum of the hours per day over MTTF
that a transmission line is
expected to exceed nominal current by 10%, 20%, and 30%, and log-linear strength loss factors of 3%, 5%, and
7.5% respectiv
ely that are the approximate results of [23]. This assumes that percentage loss of tensile strength
relates 1:1 to reduced lifespan. The initial strength reduction rate, S
, is estimated linearly as S
per MTTF
Transmission line current is assumed to be normally distrib
uted with initial current loading IP
= 60% and IP
10% as in 2.3. Nominal current is assumed to be 85% of rated capacity. The higher ambient air temperature scenario
strength reduction rate S
is estimated using the same approach, increasing IP
by β
and θ
Teol Ti T
Tf T
2.4.3. Substation transformer insulation degradation
Substations consist of several power quality and protection
devices to ensure safe and reliable grid operations,
and this analysis focuses on transformers which are current-carrying devices used to change voltage levels for safe
and ef
ficient T&D of power throughout the network. The major parts of interest within transformers are the
nductor windings and their insulation.
is estimated by equation (1) assuming an initial MTTF of insulation life of 48.9 years as are the results of
[24] for an oil-based distribution transformer, and is assumed representative of s
ubstation transformers.
= λ
0.0056% per day.
is estimated scaling MTTF by the marginal unit linear adjustment factor from the same
study where MTTF decreased from 48.9 to 46 years per 1
% increase in ambient air temperature. It is important to
1352 Daniel Burillo et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 ( 2016 ) 1346 – 1353
note that this method does not explicitly consider the current loading at the substation IP, and that an oil-based
distribution transformer may not be representative of transmission-level transformers.
2.5. Cascading failures
The change in probability of a cascading failure, Pc
, is calculated in the same manner as equation (1).
0.0013% per day and
are estimated in equation (4) as one minus the probability that no failure occurs on a
random day minus the probability of exactly one failure occurring on a day, times the cascade trigger coefficient
α=10%. The probability that two simultaneous outages trigg
er a cascade are the results of [25] wherein a dynamic
power flow simulation of a 2,383-bus system was used to assess the probability of cascading failures occurring in
e event of two simultaneous outages within 2,896 component branches for n-1 contingency.
1(1) (1), ,,{ ,}
i initial
Pc Pf Pf Pf where k a b other a b
f final
  
% per day
3. Results
A 1-5°C increase in ambient air te
mperatures can significantly increase the rate of mechanical- and power-based
failures as well as the cascading outages in the electric grid in Arizona. As listed in Table 1, mechanical failures in
smission lines could increase almost 200% for a 1°C increase. This means that the same strength loss that occurs
in an overhead ACSR line over 70 years due to annealing could occur in 25 years, and lines could need to be
ductored or replaced that much more often. Mechanical failures in substations could increase by 16% with the
rst 1°C
θ₊, and then approximately double for each 1°C thereafter if conductor insulation oil is not changed with
that additional frequency. Power failures due to insufficient generation
could be more than twice as likely with a 1°C
increase in air temperatures. In that case reserve margins would fall below 5% on very hot days more often with
ditional load, reduced generation capacity, and reduced distribution efficiency proportional to the distribution of
y max temperatures. Power failure frequency in substations and transformers can increase 22x to 30x
ely for a 1°C
θ₊. Increases in system peak load and decreases in current capacity in those components
during peak hours could result in exceedance of rated current and tripping with much higher frequency. The
bility of two or more failures triggering a cascading outage can increase by 26x with the first
θ₊=1°C. The
change in probability of cascading failures grows exponentially with
θ₊ and increases in power-based failures. If the
probability of a cascading failure event is currently once every 20-30 years, then that probability could increase to
ce every 1-2 years with hotter summers if preventative measures are not taken.
Table 1. Increased probability of failures per degree increase in ambient air temperature.
θΕ (°C)
4. Conclusion
Specific vulnerabilities in the electric power grid are identified where proactiv
e governance may be able to
prevent future outages otherwise resultant from rising ambient air temperatures in Arizona. Preventative measures in
s and maintenance could include more frequent reconductoring and changing of insulators, component
erating, upgrades to more thermal resistant parts, forced-air cooling systems, dynamic power-flow routing, and or
and side management programs including energy efficiency, demand response, and peak load shifting [4, 11, 19,
24]. Increased inspections and flexible maintenance schedules around weather patterns could be useful in the
terim. Failure to do so may result in outages in other critical interdep
endent infrastructure systems including water,
transportation, telecommunications, and information technology [27].
Daniel Burillo et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 ( 2016 ) 1346 – 1353
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... More importantly, threats to power grids from a range of natural and manmade sources are also intensifying. Extreme weather events that are increasing in frequency and strength due to climate change were shown to increase the probability of cascading WASG failures by 30× [53]. Solar superstorms constitute another natural hazard that is expected to cause large-scale power outages lasting months to years [74]. ...
... The trend is expected to worsen in the near-future [76]. Climate change-related factors increase the probability of large-scale power outages through increased risk of mechanical failures [53], inability to operate certain equipment under extreme weather conditions [54], etc. Increasing load and additional fluctuations in the grid due to climate change will also increase the likelihood of cascading failures [88]. For instance, a 1°C increase in ambient temperature was shown to increase the probability of cascading power outages by 30× in Arizona [53]. ...
... Climate change-related factors increase the probability of large-scale power outages through increased risk of mechanical failures [53], inability to operate certain equipment under extreme weather conditions [54], etc. Increasing load and additional fluctuations in the grid due to climate change will also increase the likelihood of cascading failures [88]. For instance, a 1°C increase in ambient temperature was shown to increase the probability of cascading power outages by 30× in Arizona [53]. ...
Among critical infrastructures, power grids and communication infrastructure are identified as uniquely critical since they enable the operation of all other sectors. Due to their vital role, the research community has undertaken extensive efforts to understand the complex dynamics and resilience characteristics of these infrastructures, albeit independently. However, power and communication infrastructures are also interconnected, and the nature of the Internet's dependence on power grids is poorly understood. In this paper, we take the first step toward characterizing the role of power grids in Internet resilience by analyzing the overlap of global power and Internet infrastructures. We investigate the impact of power grid failures on Internet availability and find that nearly 65%65\% of the public Internet infrastructure components are concentrated in a few (<10< 10) power grid failure zones. Power grid dependencies also severely limit the number of disjoint availability zones of cloud providers. When dependency on grids serving data center locations is taken into account, the number of isolated AWS Availability Zones reduces from 87 to 19. Building upon our findings, we develop NetWattZap, an Internet resilience analysis tool that generates power grid dependency-aware deployment suggestions for Internet infrastructure and application components, which can also take into account a wide variety of user requirements.
... This can remove the reserve margins of the grid, which are typically of 15% [8] whereas Ke et al. [7] show an average decrease in the reserve margins of 22% between normal summer days and heat wave days. Burillo et al. [9] thus estimate that power outages could occur up to 30 times more often due to overcurrent tripping, and the probability of cascading failures could increase 30 times as well. ...
... Those values are representative of a modern high-efficiency screw compressor unit with a cooling capacity in the order of 1 MW. 9 They are chosen at the cooling and heating design conditions, respectively. The reason is that the 6-hour and monthly contributions largely prevail in Eq. (1) (see for instance Fig. 6 for an illustration of the respective contributions). ...
... The sizing rationale is then as follows: Starting from an undisturbed ground temperature of = 10 • C, the load profile dominated by heat rejection will enable reaching an equilibrium temperature of + = 12 • C, which lies roughly in the middle of the target loop temperature range of [9,16] • C. From there, the cooling plant balances the heat transferred to the main loop on an annual basis, sȯ= 0 W is considered to size the bore field. The effect of the cooling plant onȧ nḋℎ, i.e., near cooling design conditions, is neglected as explained in Section 3.3.4. ...
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Decarbonization and resilience to heat waves have recently become high priorities for building and district energy systems. Geothermal coupled district heating and cooling systems that operate a water loop near ground temperature gain increasing adoption to support decarbonization. In these systems, vapor-compression machines, distributed in the energy transfer stations, lift the temperature up or down to the needs of the particular building. In principle, these systems can provide low-power, free cooling from the geothermal bore field during heat waves when electricity is often scarce. However, the performance of such a resilience operation mode and its implication on the energy system configuration and the sizing of the bore field and HVAC equipment is not yet understood. Consequently, we are assessing their resilience, power use and design implications under a scenario of a heat wave on five working days during which chillers are switched off to reduce electrical consumption. Our analysis is based on high-fidelity, coupled dynamic models of district energy, building-side HVAC and actual control logic, with whole building energy simulation used to assess thermal conditions in a 2004 vintage multi-zone office building in Chicago, IL. The results show that relying only on waterside economizer cooling, the indoor thermal conditions can be maintained in a tolerable range for the majority of the building zones with half the electrical energy compared to standard chiller operation. Thermal comfort in the hottest zones can be further improved by oversizing the cooling coil. However, the waterside economizer has significant implications on the system configuration and sizing: The geothermal bore field needs to be sized about 30% larger than the upper limit of the range observed for conventional geothermal systems. Nevertheless, if a central chiller plant is added, the bore field can be downsized to the typical design range. The latter configuration still allows compressor-less cooling during the heat wave with peak power reduced by 60% compared to the standard design and chiller operation.
... Specifically, the heat wave of July 2006 caused more transformer failures (469) than for the rest year of 2006 (440) [48]. Another study [39] estimates that the frequency of transformers outages may increase by 22-33 for each additional ℃ degree. ...
... Although average transformer loadings in Russia by 2015 were reported around 26 almost 17 % of primary substations% in the same year lacked the power for the connection of new consumers (see Figure 40 and Figure 41). In Russia, such primary substations are called "closed 39 Consumer community states that network loadings in Russia are not 26-35 % as Rosseti reports them but actually around 48% [423]. In accordance with [396] 26-35% loadings are calculated from the arithmetic sum of the full rated capacities of transformers. ...
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This thesis investigates a promising and mature technology: Dynamic Thermal Ratings (DTR) of mineral-oil-filled transformers. In short, DTR represents a thermal limit that varies in time as a function of external (ambient) and internal (winding, oil) temperatures of transformers. Considerations of the transformer’s thermal state may allow operating the transformers above their nameplate ratings and thus better utilizing their capacities. MATLAB code and the initial data used in this thesis are available in open access on GitHub:
... [223] Godina et al. presented smart EV scheduler to prevent the overloading of distribution transformers. [224] Burillo et al. estimated grid vulnerabilities due to rising ambient temperatures in Arizona. For transformers, a failure frequency can increase 30x for 1 ℃ rise. ...
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Open bibliography on the transformer loading capacity
... Problem overview: Electricity grids worldwide face technical, socio-economic, and environmental challenges, including aging infrastructure [1]. In Europe, for instance, 36% of power capacity is set to shut down by 2030 [2]. ...
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This study focuses on the optimization of power bills for a house equipped with a grid-tie solar PV-battery system. Rather than adhering to conventional load scheduling practices or minimizing grid power usage at each time interval, a novel approach is adopted wherein the optimization is performed for the entire 24-hour period simultaneously. By directly incorporating time-of-use rates into the cost function, an absolute optimal solution is attained. The findings indicate that compared to single time step optimization, the proposed method results in a reduction of the power bill ranging from 6% to 10%, depending on load-generation variations. Furthermore, if the utility or government enforces the summer tariff consistently throughout the year, the savings escalate to a range of 15% to 22%. Introducing a more intelligent tariff structure can thus serve as an effective means to expedite the transition towards renewable energy by incentivizing individual investments in solar PV, battery systems, and smart home energy management.
... The substantial magnitude of heat risk in Phoenix, with more than 50% of the population at risk of heat illness from blackout conditions during a heat wave of historical intensity, suggests the imperative for a high level of electrical grid resilience and back-up power generation, particularly for critical facilities such as hospitals. Burillo et al. 39 found the potential for cascading electrical grid failures across Arizona to increase 30-fold in response to a 1°C rise in average annual temperatures, suggesting a growing potential for compound events over time. Most critical is investments in back-up power generation at regional cooling centers to ensure critical public health protections during blackout conditions and an expansion in the number of cooling centers to accommodate larger populations during compound climate and infrastructure events. ...
The recent concurrence of electrical grid failure events in time with extreme temperatures is compounding the population health risks of extreme weather episodes. Here, we combine simulated heat exposure data during historical heat wave events in three large U.S. cities to assess the degree to which heat-related mortality and morbidity change in response to a concurrent electrical grid failure event. We develop a novel approach to estimating individually experienced temperature to approximate how personal-level heat exposure changes on an hourly basis, accounting for both outdoor and building-interior exposures. We find the concurrence of a multiday blackout event with heat wave conditions to more than double the estimated rate of heat-related mortality across all three cities, and to require medical attention for between 3% (Atlanta) and more than 50% (Phoenix) of the total urban population in present and future time periods. Our results highlight the need for enhanced electrical grid resilience and support a more spatially expansive use of tree canopy and high albedo roofing materials to lessen heat exposures during compound climate and infrastructure failure events.
... Electricity Supply Infrastructure (ESI) is regarded as the backbone of the modern economy, which is now facing great reliability risks due to the climate change and extreme weather events (Chen et al., 2020;Kufeoglu et al., 2014). Both the materials and operating efficiencies of ESI are temperature sensitive, so the temperature rise from climate change will affect the working performance of each ESI component, including the generators, Transmission and Distribution (T&D) lines and transformers (Burillo et al., 2016;Craig et al., 2018;van Vliet et al., 2012). To mitigate these impacts, additional infrastructure has to be built or abatement measures need to be taken to maintain safe planning reserve margins and to prevent electricity interruptions (Burillo et al., 2019). ...
s Understanding the impacts of climate change on electricity supply infrastructure (ESI) is important to maintain a reliable power supply. Nonetheless, most existing studies focus on the physical impacts rather than the economic impacts, failing to provide references for the cost-benefit analysis of different abatement policies and measures. With this motivation, this study firstly employs a downscaled climate system model to project temperature paths in the future. Then, an integrated model is established to quantify both physical and economic impacts of long-term future temperature rise on the existing ESI components. Finally, the maximum climate-attributable impacts on China's ESI are assessed for the period from 2018 to 2099. Our major findings are that: (1) 10.2% of the generator ratings, 17.8% of the transmission and distribution line ratings and 10.0% of the transformer ratings are at risk of outage from expected climate change effects. (2) Around $258 billion of the existing ESI assets are at risk of outage due to the future surface temperature rise, representing 14.2% of the ESI assets in 2017. (3) The impacts of climate change on ESI vary substantially among different provinces and among different infrastructure components. These obtained results can provide important guidance for the mitigation and adaption strategies for the climate change impacts on the electricity sector.
... Although the majority of the focus of this article has been on flood control systems, those infrastructures are not unique in their exposure to climate change, extreme events, or other hazards. For example, rising temperatures and decreased availability of cooling water are expected to increase vulnerability within the electrical power sector (Bartos & Chester, 2015;Burillo et al., 2016;van Vliet et al., 2012), varying temperatures are expected to result in increased pavement costs and failure rates within the transportation sector , and sea level rise may disrupt broadband and communication systems (Durairajan et al., 2018). Therefore, prior to discussing challenges and potential strategies for managing different systems under different hazards, we first briefly examine design principles and strategies in other infrastructure sectors, and across multiple hazards, in an attempt to explore whether any approaches or techniques might be applicable and transferrable to flood control systems. ...
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Design storm criteria (i.e., the specific intensity and/or frequency to which infrastructure systems are designed to withstand) are a critical part of resilience efforts within urban and infrastructure systems. However, factors like climate change and increasing complexity within our urban systems call into question the viability of current approaches to and implementation of design storm criteria moving forward. This paper seeks to identify design practices and strategies that are well-suited for the increasingly complex and rapidly changing contexts in which our cities and infrastructure are operating. We posit that the advancement of a multi-scalar perspective on resilience will be increasingly necessary in response to the growing challenges our cities and infrastructure face. At the scale of single components/sub-systems, return periods (or similar criteria) will likely remain a necessary element of the design process. At the scale of the entire system(s), approaches like safe-to-fail, robust decision making, and enhanced sensing and simulation appear well suited for complementing existing approaches by more explicitly considering failure consequences in the design and management processes. Ultimately, this paper seeks to spur continual research and advancement of these topics in order to facilitate the evolution of the design storm process for an increasingly complex and non-stationary world.
Utility-owned community microgrids can provide communities with decentralized grid access to distributed energy resources and improve reliability and resiliency. However, the feasibility of installing microgrids requires rigorous cost-benefit analysis, which should incorporate social values. Currently, the gap in our understanding of ratepayers' preferences for community microgrid services leaves stakeholders guessing. Using a survey-based contingent valuation method, with a referendum-style elicitation format, this paper provides evidence of public support for community microgrid installations in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah (the Four Corners). The Four Corners region is unique in its potential for renewable electricity capacity as well as heterogeneous state policy objectives regarding the transition to clean energy. A split-sample survey of 4783 Four Corner's ratepayers resulted in between 40 and 45% of respondents voting to support a community microgrid installation (after controlling for hypothetical bias) with a median willingness-to-pay (WTP) of 25.44(dividedamong24months)iftheratepayerreceiveddirectbenefits,or25.44 (divided among 24 months) if the ratepayer received direct benefits, or 13.92 if they received indirect benefits. Ratepayers in Utah were willing to pay the most relative to the other states. Results highlight the impacts of ideological, institutional, and socioeconomic factors on public support and WTP.
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Transmission switching (TS) has shown to be an effective power flow control tool. TS can reduce the system cost, improve system reliability, and enhance the management of intermittent renewable resources. This letter addresses the state-of-the-art problem of TS by developing an AC-based real-time contingency analysis (RTCA) package with TS. The package is tested on real power system data, taken from energy management systems of PJM, TVA, and ERCOT. The results show that post-contingency corrective switching is a ready to be implemented transformational technology that provides substantial reliability gains. The computational time and the performance of the developed RTCA package, reported in this letter, are promising.
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Climate change may constrain future electricity generation capacity by increasing the incidence of extreme heat and drought events. We estimate reductions to generating capacity in the Western United States based on long-term changes in streamflow, air temperature, water temperature, humidity and air density. We simulate these key parameters over the next half-century by joining downscaled climate forcings with a hydrologic modelling system. For vulnerable power stations (46% of existing capacity), climate change may reduce average summertime generating capacity by 1.1-3.0%, with reductions of up to 7.2-8.8% under a ten-year drought. At present, power providers do not account for climate impacts in their development plans, meaning that they could be overestimating their ability to meet future electricity needs.
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The modeling of cascading failure in power systems is difficult because of the many different mechanisms involved; no single model captures all of these mechanisms. Understanding the relative importance of these different mechanisms is an important step in choosing which mechanisms need to be modeled for particular types of cascading failure analysis. This work presents a dynamic simulation model of both power networks and protection systems, which can simulate a wider variety of cascading outage mechanisms, relative to existing quasi-steady state (QSS) models. The model allows one to test the impact of different load models and protections on cascading outage sizes. This paper describes each module of the developed dynamic model and demonstrates how different mechanisms interact. In order to test the model we simulated a batch of randomly selected N2N-2 contingencies for several different static load configurations, and found that the distribution of blackout sizes and event lengths from the proposed dynamic simulator correlates well with historical trends. The results also show that load models have significant impacts on the cascading risks. This dynamic model was also compared against a QSS model based on the dc power flow approximations; we find that the two models largely agree, but produce substantially different results for later stages of cascading.
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This report outlines the results of a study of the impact of climate change on the energy infrastructure of California and the San Francisco Bay region, including impacts on power plant generation; transmission line and substation capacity during heat spells; wildfires near transmission lines; sea level encroachment upon power plants, substations, and natural gas facilities; and peak electrical demand. Some end-of-century impacts were projected:Expected warming will decrease gas-fired generator efficiency. The maximum statewide coincident loss is projected at 10.3 gigawatts (with current power plant infrastructure and population), an increase of 6.2 percent over current temperature-induced losses. By the end of the century, electricity demand for almost all summer days is expected to exceed the current ninetieth percentile per-capita peak load. As much as 21 percent growth is expected in ninetieth percentile peak demand (per-capita, exclusive of population growth). When generator losses are included in the demand, the ninetieth percentile peaks may increase up to 25 percent. As the climate warms, California's peak supply capacity will need to grow faster than the population.Substation capacity is projected to decrease an average of 2.7 percent. A 5C (9F) air temperature increase (the average increase predicted for hot days in August) will diminish the capacity of a fully-loaded transmission line by an average of 7.5 percent.The potential exposure of transmission lines to wildfire is expected to increase with time. We have identified some lines whose probability of exposure to fire are expected to increase by as much as 40 percent. Up to 25 coastal power plants and 86 substations are at risk of flooding (or partial flooding) due to sea level rise.
Despite a clear need, little research has been carried out at the regional-level to quantify potential climate-related impacts to electricity production and delivery systems. This paper introduces a bottom-up study of climate change impacts on California's energy infrastructure, including high temperature effects on power plant capacity, transmission lines, substation capacity, and peak electricity demand. End-of-century impacts were projected using the A2 and B1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change emission scenarios. The study quantifies the effect of high ambient temperatures on electricity generation, the capacity of substations and transmission lines, and the demand for peak power for a set of climate scenarios. Based on these scenarios, atmospheric warming and associated peak demand increases would necessitate up to 38% of additional peak generation capacity and up to 31% additional transmission capacity, assuming current infrastructure. These findings, although based on a limited number of scenarios, suggest that additional funding could be put to good use by supporting R&D into next generation cooling equipment technologies, diversifying the power generation mix without compromising the system's operational flexibility, and designing effective demand side management programs.
Factors affecting the thermal ratings of bare overhead power conductors (in particular, ACSR conductors) are reviewed. Equations for calculating the current-carrying capacity (ampacity), loss of strength, and time-temperature characteristics of ACSR conductors are illustrated and parameters used in these equations are explained. Results have been obtained for ampacity, loss of strength and conductor temperature for a typical ACSR conductor (‘Drake’) in terms of various parameters such as ambient temperature, wind velocity, and (solar) insolation by means of Fortran programs written by the authors. These results are presented in graphical form. From them, meaningful conclusions are drawn regarding the means of evaluating permissible loading levels of transmission and distribution lines, especially lines of short to moderate length.The paper has been written primarily from the standpoint of showing how information currently available to utility industry personnel can be applied to evaluate the impact of various parameters on the permissible loading levels of bare conductors. The examples presented are typical of those of interest to the Tucson Electric Power Company and other utilities.
The paper addresses the problem of massive electricity transmission by presenting some alternatives, including new technology implementation, for optimizing the power capacity of existing Overhead Line Systems (OHL) while minimizing additional expenditure on new lines. A unified methodological framework is presented under which the overall OHL system performance is evaluated. The results from this unified analysis can facilitate the implementation of innovative smart grid technologies into the expanding current grid. After the presentation of three case studies, that illustrate the potential of this methodology for informing decisions about the existing system, the contribution, the implications and future developments of this framework are discussed.
Re-tensioning and/or re-conductoring are considered the most popular cost-effective ways to increase the efficiency of power capacity of an existing aerial line. The identification of the most beneficial method requires ampacity and sag calculations to consider all the system factors that influence its performance. A holistic methodology for calculating conductor ampacity and sag at any temperature and power frequency when different conductors are implemented onto a pre-specified overhead line structure is used to illustrate how the properties of the conductors allow opportunities for thermal and voltage uprating on existing overhead line systems. This is achieved through a comparative analysis of the electrical and mechanical behaviour of conductors of different technologies and sizes on a 33 kV wood pole system. The analysis focuses on normal operating temperatures for novel conductors that can operate at elevated temperatures to avoid the increase in losses, and also allow the comparison with conventional conductors in order to identify potential benefits for the investigated overhead lines (OHL) system.
Conference Paper
Assessment of aging characteristics of conductors and other components of power transmission networks plays an important role in asset management systems. Due to adverse effects of conductor aging caused by annealing, the conductors lose their tensile strength. Although the loss of strength is gradual, it accumulates over time and increases the probability of outages and blackouts. Therefore, the most important factor affecting the strength of transmission conductors is the operating temperature of the line. For this reason, it is important to keep track of conductor temperatures over time, in order to identify segments of power transmission network that may require more close attention, and possibly repairs. This paper describes and illustrates a new methodology for estimating conductor thermal aging using load information and weather conditions derived from historical weather reanalysis, and interpolated to locations of power transmission lines. Conductor temperature is first determined using IEEE 738 standard, and then used to estimate loss of tensile strength in a conductor. The process is illustrated for a single location of a sample transmission line, using assumed load current and historical weather information spanning a period of five years. The simulation results show that the proposed approach provides information vital for transmission asset management and transmission network operating procedures.