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Abstract and Figures

The study compares the effects of: timer ('Timer') and soil moisture sensor-controlled irrigation on soilless lettuce; two volumetric water content (Θ) thresholds for irrigation (0.30 ('Θ = 0.3') and 0.40 m3/m3 ('Θ = 0.4')). The most nutrient solution (NS) was applied in 'Timer' where the lowest water use efficiency was observed, with 17 and 42% less NS used in 'Θ = 0.4' and 'Θ = 0.3', respectively. Irrigation volumes followed the plant water needs in the sensor-controlled treatments, with little or no leaching, while 18% of leaching was recorded in 'Timer'. Plants in 'Timer' and 'Θ = 0.4' had higher fresh weights (24%) and leaf area (13%) than plants in 'Θ = 0.3'. Similar dry weight was observed among treatments but percentage of dry matter was 20% higher in 'Θ = 0.3'. Gas exchanges and leaf tissues chemical composition were similar in all treatments, but nitrate concentration was lower in the 'Θ = 0.3' plants. Precision sensor-controlled irrigation based on Θ measurements is an effective tool to increase the overall water use efficiency and to improve the quality of soilless-grown lettuce by acting on the substrate moisture level. © 2016, Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences. All rights reserved.
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Timer versus moisture sensor-based irrigation control
of soilless lettuce: Effects on yield, quality and water
use efficiency
F.F. M1, M.W.  I2, A. P1
1Institute of Sciences of Food Production, National Research Council, Bari, Italy
2Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia, Athens (GA), USA
M F.F.,  I M.W., P A. (2016): Timer versus moisture sensor-based irrigation control
of soilless lettuce: Effects on yield, quality and water use efficiency. Hort. Sci. (Prague), 43: 67–75.
e study compares the effects of: timer (‘Timer’) and soil moisture sensor-controlled irrigation on soilless lettuce;
two volumetric water content (Θ) thresholds for irrigation (0.30 (‘Θ = 0.3’) and 0.40 m3/m3 (‘Θ = 0.4’)). e most nutri-
ent solution (NS) was applied in ‘Timer’ where the lowest water use efficiency was observed, with 17 and 42% less NS
used in ‘Θ = 0.4’ and ‘Θ = 0.3’, respectively. Irrigation volumes followed the plant water needs in the sensor-controlled
treatments, with little or no leaching, while 18% of leaching was recorded in ‘Timer’. Plants in ‘Timer’ and ‘Θ = 0.4’ had
higher fresh weights (24%) and leaf area (13%) than plants in ‘Θ = 0.3’. Similar dry weight was observed among treat-
ments but percentage of dry matter was 20% higher in ‘Θ = 0.3’. Gas exchanges and leaf tissues chemical composition
were similar in all treatments, but nitrate concentration was lower in the ‘Θ = 0.3’ plants. Precision sensor-controlled
irrigation based on Θ measurements is an effective tool to increase the overall water use efficiency and to improve the
quality of soilless-grown lettuce by acting on the substrate moisture level.
Keywords: Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata; greenhouse; volumetric water content; leaching; easily available water
Minimally processed or fresh-cut leaf y vegetables,
such as lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), have been gain-
ing importance in the worldwide vegetable market.
Leafy lettuce was traditionally cultivated in soil, but
recently soilless cultivation techniques have been
considered. ere can be large differences between
soil and soilless systems in terms of inputs, size, lo-
cation, environmental conditions and productivity
(S et al. 2012). Although greenhouse soilless
cultivation could be impaired in some regions of
the world by the generally high capital investments
and energy requirements, greenhouse production
of leafy vegetables using soilless culture permits
precise control of plant nutrition, and allows for
more efficient water and nutrient use and higher
sanitary quality than conventional, soil-based cul-
ture. Soilless culture can also simplify post-harvest
handling and waste-water treatment (V
et al. 2008; F at al. 2009; M et al.
2011). Several recent studies focused on the effects
of nutrient solution (NS) mineral composition on
lettuce yield and quality in soilless cultivation sys-
tems (F et al. 2009; S et al. 2011).
However, there is a general lack of information on
Supported by project “Efficient Irrigation Management Tools for Agricultural Cultivations and Urban Landscapes” (IRMA) –
European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (ETCP), Greece-Italy 2007–2013.
Hort. Sci. (Prague) Vol. 43, 2016 (2): 67–75
doi: 10.17221/312/2014-HORTSCI
the influence of irrigation management on soilless
lettuce yield and quality.
Irrigation management directly affects crop per-
formance, and efficient irrigation practices can lead
to qualitative and quantitative improvements in veg-
etable production (D et al. 2010). Efficient irri-
gation management also contributes to the sustain-
able use of water. Increasing competition for water
resources (J, V   2005) has raised consumer
and government interest in the environmental im-
pact of food production. As a result of the increasing
pressure on limited water resources, member states
of the European Union implemented the Water
Framework Directive, which aims to assure the good
ecological status of all water bodies (A
2000). Since agriculture is an important source of
nonpoint source water pollution, it may be neces-
sary to adopt agricultural practices which minimize
the release of pollutants to meet societal goals and
satisfy government regulations (B et al.
2010). For the greenhouse industry, this means that
irrigation management will become increasingly
important, since excessive irrigation results in low
water use efficiency, leaching, and runoff of water,
fertilizer, and other agrochemicals.
Irrigation management using timers or the visual
assessment of plants and substrate is generally in-
efficient (N et al. 2007). An alternative ap-
proach is to monitor the water status of the soil
or substrate and make objective irrigation deci-
sions based on real-time measurements (J
2007). Soilless substrates generally hold most of
the water in a matric potential range from –1 to
–10 kPa, with matric potentials of –1 to –5 kPa
accounting for easily available water (EAW) and
water occurring between –5 and –10 kPa be-
ing considered “water buffering capacity” (WBC)
( B, V 1972; A 1998). Knowl-
edge of water availability in the growing media
can be used to determine appropriate thresholds
for automated irrigation. Still, little work has been
done to correlate the commonly defined EAW or
WBC with plant growth (A et al. 2010).
Irrigation has been automated using water ten-
sion measurements for decades (S, W
2011), but few growers currently do so, because
even ’’micro’’- tensiometers are bulky and require
frequent maintenance and refilling. Tensiometers
can easily become dislodged from the substrate,
breaking capillarity and leading to faulty readings
( I et al. 2013). Substrate volumetric wa-
ter content (Θ) has recently become a more feasible
parameter for determining substrate water status
and automating irrigation due to the development
of low-cost sensors (J 2007; N, 
I 2006). By using media-specific water re-
tention curves, it is possible to correlate substrate
Θ with matric potential, and use Θ to determine
thresholds for precision irrigation.
is study compares the effects of timer- and soil
moisture sensor-controlled irrigation on the water
use, yield and quality of lettuce grown in soilless
substrate. It also compares two different Θ thresh-
olds, which were determined based on the substrate
EAW. It was hypothesized that using Θ thresholds
to control irrigation would reduce water use, with-
out affecting lettuce yield and quality.
Plant material and growing conditions. e
experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the
experimental farm ‘‘La Noria’’ of the Institute of
Sciences of Food Production (CNR - ISPA) in Mola
di Bari (Southern Italy). Seedlings of Lactuca sativa
L. var. capitata cv. Mortarella d’Inverno (S.A.I.S.
Sementi, Cesena, Italy) were obtained from a com-
mercial nursery and transplanted into 5 l plastic
containers (one plant per container) filled with a
soilless substrate (peat-perlite, 1:1 v/v). e sub-
strate was saturated with water before transplant-
ing. Initial substrate solution electrical conductiv-
ity (EC) was 0.8 dS/m as measured with an in situ
EC sensor (WET sensor; Delta T Devices, Burwell,
U.K.). After transplanting, the seedlings were wa-
tered with a nutrient solution (NS) prepared with
pre-collected rain water and containing 8mM
N-NO3, 2mM N-NH4, 5.1mM K, 1.6mM P, 1.2mM
Mg, 2.5mM Ca, 2.8mM S, with micronutrients ap-
plied according to J et al. (1957). e NS
had an EC of 1.5 dS/m and a pH of 6.0. All plants
were well-watered using the NS for 8 days after
transplanting (DAT) to allow the seedlings to es-
tablish. e experiment was terminated at 50 DAT,
when plants reached the commercial size typical
for the cultivar. Mean temperature and relative
humidity inside the greenhouse were 15.6°C and
84.7%, respectively. e mean daily light integral
was 7.84 mol/m2/d during the experiment.
Determination of substrate EAW and irriga-
tion thresholds. Substrate volumetric water con-
Vol. 43, 2016 (2): 67–75 Hort. Sci. (Prague)
doi: 10.17221/312/2014-HORTSCI
tent at –5 kPa (water potential limit for EAW) was
measured using a sand-box (Eijkelkamp Agrisearch
Equipment, Giesbeek, e Netherlands) in accord-
ance with the European Standards EN 13041:1999
(Soil improvers and growing media – Determina-
tion of physical properties – Dry bulk density, air
volume, shrinkage value and total pore space). e
substrate was equilibrated in water, transferred into
tubes made of two overlapping PVC rings (100 ±
1mm diameter and 50 ± 1 mm height each), and
saturated with water for 48 hours. e PVC tubes
with substrate were then moved to the sandbox and
kept at a pressure of –5 kPa at room temperature
until they reached a constant weight. e PVC rings
were removed from the sandbox and separated, af-
ter which the substrate from the lower rings was
weighed and dried at 105°C to a constant weight.
Based on these measurements, it was determined
that the Θ value limit of the EAW was 0.38 m3/m3
for this substrate. Two irrigation thresholds were
chosen accordingly in order to control substrate
Θ at slightly above (0.40 m3/m3) and well below
(0.30m3/m3) the EAW limit.
Treatments and experimental design. e
treatments were: (i) timer-controlled irrigation
(‘Timer’); (ii) irrigation controlled with soil mois-
ture sensors with a Θ thresholds of 0.40 m3/m3
(above the threshold for EAW) (‘Θ = 0.4’), and (iii)
irrigation controlled with soil moisture sensors
with a Θ threshold of 0.30 m3/m3 (value lower than
the EAW limit) (‘Θ = 0.3’). Plants were arranged
in a randomized complete block design with three
replications. e experimental unit was a set of two
plants and containers (subsamples), with one of the
two used to monitor Θ and control irrigation, for a
total of 18 plants used in this experiment (3 treat-
ments × 3 replications × 2 subsamples).
e control system used to irrigate based on Θ
thresholds was similar to that described by N-
 and  I (2006). EC-5 sensors were
used rather than EC-10 sensors (Decagon De-
vices, Pullman, USA), because EC-5 sensors are
less sensitive to substrate electrical conductivity
(EC) and temperature (N et al. 2007). One
sensor was inserted at a ≈ 45° angle into the sub-
strate in each of the 9 measured containers. Sensor
voltage output was measured every 20 min using
a CR1000 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Logan,
USA) which converted voltage measurements to
Θ using a substrate-specific calibration equation
(Θ = voltage × 3.3007 – 0.2555, r2 = 0.99, 2,500mV
sensor excitation voltage). Each replication of the
‘Θ = 0.3’ and ‘Θ = 0.4’ treatments had a dedicat-
ed pump (Shott 12.10/1400; Shott International,
Cittadella, Italy) and EC-5 sensor. Whenever the
measured Θ dropped below the threshold value
(0.30 or 0.40m3/m3), the datalogger sent a signal to
a relay driver (SDM16AC/DC controller; Campbell
Scientific, Logan, USA) which turned on the pump
to irrigate the 2 containers for 3 minutes. Wa-
ter was allowed to equilibrate in the substrate for
17min before the next measurement and potential
irrigation event. Pumps were submerged in a 500 l
tank filled with NS, and delivered 30 ml/min (90 ml
of NS/irrigation event) to each container through
two pressure-compensated emitters. In the ‘Timer’
treatment, Θ was measured but not used for irriga-
tion control. ese plants were irrigated once daily
(90 ml NS) for 26 DAT and twice a day (180 ml NS)
thereafter using a single submerged pump for the
3replications. is irrigation frequency maintained
a leaching fraction of approximately 20%. Leachate
from each container in all treatments was collected
in buckets, and the volume was measured weekly.
Measurements, calculations and statistical
analysis. e data logger stored the Θ readings from
all sensors every 20 min, the average of the sensor
readings for each measured container every hour,
and the daily number of irrigation events for each
replication of the sensor-controlled treatments.
Daily and total irrigation volumes were calculated
based on the number of irrigations recorded and
the known volume per irrigation event. Leaf chlo-
rophyll content was measured non-destructively us-
ing a handheld leaf chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502;
Minolta, Ramsey, USA) at 42 DAT. Measurements
were taken on ten well-expanded young leaves per
plant, and the averages were recorded for each plant.
Leaf net CO2 assimilation rate (An), stomatal con-
ductance to water vapour (gsw) and transpiration (T)
were measured at 40 DAT using a portable photo-
synthesis system (LI-6400; LI-COR Biosciences,
Lincoln, USA) which provided a photosynthetic
photon flux (PPF) of 1,000 µmol/m2s and a CO2
concentration of 400 µmol/mol. Measured leaves
were allowed to adjust to the measurement condi-
tions for at least 20 min before the values were re-
corded. Plants were harvested, and substrate EC in
each container was measured using a WET sensor
at 50 DAT. e number of leaves was recorded and
the shoot fresh weight of each plant was determined.
Total leaf area was measured using a leaf area me-
Hort. Sci. (Prague) Vol. 43, 2016 (2): 67–75
doi: 10.17221/312/2014-HORTSCI
ter (Li-3100; LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, USA).
e leaves and stems of each plant were dried in a
thermo-ventilated oven at 65°C until they reached a
constant weight. Percent dry matter was calculated
as [(dry weight/fresh weight) × 100]. Water use ef-
ficiency (WUE) was calculated as a function of the
applied irrigation water (WUEa = total dry weight
of shoots/irrigation volume applied) and irrigation
water without leaching [WUEr = total dry weight of
shoots/(irrigation volume applied – leachate)]. In-
stantaneous WUE (WUEi) was calculated from the
leaf gas exchange measurements (WUEi = An/T).
Dried leaves were finely ground through a mill
(IKA; Labortechnik, Staufen, Germany) with a
1.0 mm sieve. Leaf nutrient concentrations were
determined using ion chromatography (Dionex
DX120; Dionex Corporation, Sunnyvale, USA)
and a conductivity detector with the IonPackAG14
pre-column and the IonPack AS14 separation col-
umn for anions, and IonPack CG12A pre-column
and IonPack CS12A separation column for cati-
ons. Inorganic anions were measured using 0.5 g of
ground leaf tissue with 50 ml solution containing
3.5mM sodium-carbonate and 1.0mM sodium-bi-
carbonate. Inorganic cations were measured using
1 g of ground leaf tissue, ashed in a muffle furnace
at 550°C and digested with 20 ml 1M HCl in boiling
water for 30 min (E et al. 1996).
Data were subjected to ANOVA using the general
linear model procedure (SAS Institute, Cary, USA);
means were separated by LSD test with P ≤ 0.05
considered to be statistically significant.
Substrate water content, irrigation volume
and water use efficiency, substrate EC
Substrate Θ was different in the three treatments. In
the ‘Timer’ treatment, Θ was higher than 0.45 m3/m3
for the most of the growing cycle and dropped
below this value only during the last part of the
cycle (Fig. 1). e sensor-controlled system gen-
erally maintained Θ close to the irrigation thresh-
olds despite increases in plant size. e average Θ
measured by sensors was 0.461 ± 0.011, 0.412 ±
0.007 and 0.320 ± 0.009 m3/m3 (mean ± sd) in the
‘Timer’, ‘‘Θ = 0.4’’ and ‘‘Θ = 0.3’’ treatments, respec-
tively (for the two sensor controlled treatments, the
reported Θ values are calculated starting from the
beginning of irrigation controlled by the automat-
ed system, after Θ dropped for the first time below
the respective irrigation threshold). e ‘Θ = 0.3’
treatment resulted in greater Θ fluctuations than
did the ‘Θ = 0.4’ treatment (Fig. 1). is is consist-
ent with previous findings (N,  I
2006;  I et al. 2010) and may be because
the hydraulic conductivity of peat-based substrates
decreases at lower water contents (N et al.
2005), resulting in slower water movement, less
uniform water distribution, and increased Θ vari-
ability. It took an average of 9 d for the substrate
of the ‘Θ = 0.4’ treatments to reach the irrigation
threshold (0.40m3/m3) and 23 days for the ‘Θ = 0.3’
treatments to reach the 0.30 m3/m3 threshold.
e most irrigation water was applied in the ‘Tim-
er’ treatment, with 17% less NS used in the ‘Θ = 0.4’
treatment, and 42% less in the ‘Θ = 0.3’ treatment
(Table 1). Approximately 18% of applied NS leached
out from the containers when the timer was used
for irrigation control, while little or no leaching
occurred in the sensor-controlled treatments (Ta-
ble1). Irrigation volumes fluctuated daily in the sen-
sor-controlled treatments due to variability in plant
water consumption and the corresponding changes
in the rate of substrate water depletion (Fig.2). Sen-
sor-controlled irrigation reduces the amount of NS
applied and effectively eliminates leaching. Using Θ
to automate irrigation ensures that NS is provided to
the plant only when water is lost from the substrate
due to plant consumption or evaporation. Limit-
ing the duration and volume of irrigation events
based on container size and substrate water reten-
Fig. 1. Average volumetric water content (Θ) readings
of soil moisture sensors in pots irrigated with a timer or
with an automatic irrigation system based on Θ threshold
(0.30 for ‘Θ = 0.3’ and 0.40 m3/m3 for ‘Θ = 0.4’) measured
by substrate moisture sensors
10 20 30 40 50
Days after transplant
Timer Θ = 0.4 Θ = 0.3
Vol. 43, 2016 (2): 67–75 Hort. Sci. (Prague)
doi: 10.17221/312/2014-HORTSCI
tion properties maximizes the efficiency of sensor-
controlled irrigation systems. Leaching from soilless
substrates can generally be minimized by reducing
the duration of each irrigation event, thereby ap-
plying less water at one time (Y et al. 1997;
B,  I 2008). In our experiment, the
leaching fraction in the ‘Timer’ treatment was lower
than is typical for soilless production systems, since
it is common in substrate systems to apply 30–50%
more water than is used by the crop (K
2001), suggesting that the water saving obtained us-
ing moisture sensors could even be higher in com-
mercial growing conditions.
Water use efficiency calculated based on the ap-
plied irrigation water is a measure of whole system
(irrigation and cultivation system combined) ef-
ficiency, which takes into account both the actual
plant water use and the water lost through leach-
ing. In the ‘Timer’ treatment, WUEa was the low-
est because of the large volume of NS that was ap-
plied, and WUEa was the highest in the ‘Θ = 0.3’
treatment, which used the least NS (Table 1). e
substantial leaching that generally occurs with tim-
er-based irrigation decreases its WUEa. Reducing
leaching during production by growing plants at
the optimal substrate water content and growing
species with high water-use efficiency have been
recognized as crucial approaches to efficient wa-
ter use (N,  I 2008). e water use
efficiency of the plants can be estimated from the
biomass and the amount of NS that was retained
by the substrate (i.e., NS applied – leached). e
‘Θ = 0.3’ treatment resulted in the highest WUEr,
and there was no difference in WUEr between the
‘Timer’ and ‘Θ = 0.4’ treatments (Table 1).
However, when calculating water use efficiency,
it is also important to account for the change in the
amount of water present in the substrate over the
course of the growing cycle. e Θ did not change
much in the ‘Timer’ and ‘Θ = 0.4’ treatments, but
decreased from 0.48 to 0.30 m3/m3 (approximately
900 ml/container) in the ‘Θ = 0.3’ treatment. Tak-
ing into account this additional amount of water
used by the plants in the ‘Θ=0.3’ treatment reduces
the WUEr to approximately 3.1 g/l, similar to that
in the other treatments.
Table 1. Applied nutrient solution (NS), volume of leachate, water use efficiency (WUE), and substrate electrical
conductivity (EC) in soilless cultivation of lettuce where irrigation management was performed with a timer or with
an automatic irrigation system based on Θ threshold (0.30 for ‘Θ = 0.3’ and 0.40 m3/m3 for ‘Θ = 0.4’) measured by
substrate moisture sensors
Treatment Applied NS (ml/plant) Leachate (ml/plant) WUEa
2 (g/l) WUEr
3 (g/l) Substrate EC (dS/m)
Timer 5,310a 933a2.36c2.86b1.1b
Θ = 0.4 4,410b 59b2.95b2.99b1.1b
Θ = 0.3 3,060c 0b4.02a4.02a1.4a
Significance1*** *** *** ** ***
1mean separation within columns by LSD0.05; **, *** – significant at P ≤ 0.01 and P ≤ 0.001, respectively; 2calculated as a
function of the applied irrigation water; 3calculated as a function of the irrigation water retained in the substrate; within
columns, values followed by the same letters are not significantly different
Fig. 2. Daily irrigation volume
for lettuce plants irrigated with
a timer or with an automatic
irrigation system based on Θ
threshold (0.30 for ‘Θ=0.3’ and
0.40 m3/m3 for ‘Θ=0.4’) meas-
ured by substrate moisture
10 20 30 40 50
Days after transplant
Timer Θ = 0.4 Θ = 0.3
Daily irrigation volume
Days after transplant
Timer Θ=0.4 Θ=0.3
Hort. Sci. (Prague) Vol. 43, 2016 (2): 67–75
doi: 10.17221/312/2014-HORTSCI
Electrical conductivity was slightly higher in the
‘Θ = 0.3’ treatment (Table 1), likely because of the
absence of leaching and accumulation of fertilizer
salts. Similar results were observed by B
and  I (2008). High substrate EC may
negatively affect plant growth by imposing osmotic
stress. is is a potential problem that should be
taken into account when using sensor-controlled
irrigation, especially with salt-sensitive species or
low quality (high EC) irrigation water.
Plant growth, photosynthetic activity
and tissue analysis
At the end of the growing cycle, plants had a
similar number of leaves in all treatments, but the
plants irrigated at the lowest Θ showed, on aver-
age, a 11.7% decrease in leaf area (Table 2). Plants
in the ‘Timer’ and ‘Θ = 0.4’ treatments had higher
fresh weights (24%) than plants irrigated at the
lowest Θ threshold (Table 2). No differences in dry
weight were observed among treatments. us, the
irrigation treatments had little or no effect on bio-
mass production, and differences in fresh weight
resulted from differences in plant water content.
Percent dry matter was 20% higher in the ‘Θ = 0.3’
treatment than in the treatments with higher fresh
weights. In minimally-processed greens, a high
dry matter percentage is desirable because low dry
matter content can decrease shelf life (M
et al. 2011). Our results suggest that precision irri-
gation can be used to increase dry matter content,
thereby improving the quality of lettuce in soilless
cultivation. e ‘Θ = 0.3’ plants irrigated at the low-
est Θ, showed, on average, an 11.7% decrease in leaf
area (Table 2). Reduced water availability leads to
decreased leaf size because even mild drought can
reduce the turgor needed for cell expansion during
leaf development (B 1970). Water availability
in soilless substrates is reduced rapidly when Θ ap-
proaches a substrate-specific threshold (W
2008) and the ‘Θ = 0.3’ treatment apparently im-
posed enough of drought stress to reduce leaf elon-
gation. e reduced leaf area in this experiment
was consistent with the lower tissue water con-
tent observed in the ‘Θ = 0.3’ treatment, in which
Θ was maintained below the generally recognized
limit for EAW in soilless substrates ( B,
V 1972; A 1998). However, no visual
symptoms of water stress were observed in any of
the plants, indicating that the drought stress in the
Θ=0.3’ treatment was not severe. is was consist-
ent with the lack of an effect on shoot biomass.
Leaf chlorophyll content, net CO2 assimilation
rate, stomatal conductance and leaf transpiration
were similar in all treatments (Table 3). Since gas
exchange parameters were similar, WUEi was also
similar for all treatments. However, WUEa was
higher in the sensor-controlled treatments (Table
1). Leaf gas exchange measurements are limited to
a particular leaf and specific time, and may not ac-
curately represent long-term or whole-plant pro-
cesses. When calculated using leaf gas exchange
measurements, WUE is not always consistent with
the final WUE based on biomass and yield (G
et al. 2012; T et al. 2012; W et al. 2013).
In this study, it was demonstrated that, although
WUEi was unaffected, the overall water use effi-
ciency (WUEa) of an irrigation system can be im-
proved by adopting sensor-control.
Leaf tissue chemical composition was not affect-
ed by the treatments, with the exception of nitrate
concentration, which was lowest in the ‘‘Θ = 0.3’
treatment (Table 4). is may be because less NS,
and thus less nitrate, was applied in the ‘Θ = 0.3’
Table 2. Leaf area and number, total fresh and dry weight, and total dry matter of lettuce plants grown in soilless
conditions and with irrigation management performed with a timer or with an automatic irrigation system based on
Θ threshold (0.30 m3/m3 for ‘Θ = 0.3’ and 0.40 m3/m3 for ‘Θ = 0.4’) measured by substrate moisture sensors
Treatment Leaf area
Leaf number
per plant
Total fresh weight
Total dry weight
Dry matter
Timer 3,914a36 273.3a12.5 4.58b
Θ = 0.4 3,889a33 267.0a13.0 4.87b
Θ = 0.3 3,446b33 217.1b12.3 5.67a
Significance1*ns *ns **
1mean separation within columns by LSD0.05; ns, *, ** – non-significant or significant at P ≤ 0.05 and
P ≤ 0.01, respectively; within columns, values followed by the same letters are not significantly different
Vol. 43, 2016 (2): 67–75 Hort. Sci. (Prague)
doi: 10.17221/312/2014-HORTSCI
treatment (Table 1). Moreover, a strong negative
correlation between nitrate and dry matter content
has been demonstrated in butterhead lettuce culti-
vars (R et al. 1987), similar to our findings.
is relationship between nitrate and dry matter
content is explained by the fact that a high dry mat-
ter content is normally associated with high organic
solutes in the cell vacuole (R, B-Z-
 1989), thus reducing the plant accumulation
of nitrates to compensate for a lower concentration
of organic solutes (R 1993). However, none
of the plants showed any visual symptom of nitro-
gen deficiency and leaf chlorophyll readings were
similar in all treatments, suggesting that nutritional
needs were met in all treatments. High nitrate con-
centrations in leafy greens can be a health hazard,
and in some cases (i.e., European countries), regu-
lations limit the acceptable nitrate concentration
of vegetables. Precision irrigation could be used
to improve lettuce quality by reducing leaf nitrate
Potential economic impact
Sensor-controlled irrigation can have a positive
economic impact on greenhouses through a variety
of ways: reducing water cost, less energy required to
pump water, labour savings resulting from automa-
tion, improved crop quality and/or shorter produc-
tion cycles. Some of these potential benefits will differ
based on locations, since the cost of water, energy, and
labour varies. In one case study in the South-eastern
United States, it was shown that precision irrigation
using wireless sensor networks increased annualized
profits of the production of Gardenia jasminoides
by 156% (L et al. 2013). is increase
in profits resulted largely from better growth and a
shorter production cycle, and to a lesser extent from a
reduction in plants lost due to damage by root patho-
gens. No similar economic analysis has yet been con-
ducted for lettuce production.
A survey of US greenhouse and nursery growers
showed widespread interest in adoption of wireless
sensor networks for sensor-controlled irrigation.
L et al. (2015) suggested that the ini-
tial adoption rate of wireless sensor networks may
be high, based on the expected cost of such sys-
tems and the growers’ willingness to pay for them.
Whether this holds true in other parts of the world
is not yet clear.
In conclusion, sensor-controlled irrigation with
a set-point above the EAW limit (‘Θ = 0.4’ treat-
ment) had similar plant fresh weight and quality
as timer-controlled irrigation, but used less irriga-
tion volume. Maintaining a substrate moisture lev-
Table 3. Chlorophyll content, net CO2 assimilation rate (An), stomatal conductance to water vapour (gsw), leaf tran-
spiration (T) and instantaneous water use efficiency (An/T, WUEi) of lettuce plants grown in soilless conditions and
with irrigation management performed with a timer or with an automatic irrigation system based on Θ threshold
(0.30 m3/m3 for ‘Θ = 0.3’ and 0.40 m3/m3 for ‘Θ = 0.4’) measured by substrate moisture sensors
Treatment Chlorophyll content
(SPAD units)
Timer 33.9 18.8 0.94 4.74 3.98
Θ = 0.4 33.6 18.8 0.81 4.80 3.94
Θ = 0.3 34.5 19.4 0.78 4.46 4.40
Significance1ns ns ns ns ns
1mean separation within columns by LSD0.05; ns – non-significant
Table 4. NO3, K, Mg and Ca content (g/kg dry weight) in
leaf tissues of lettuce plants grown in soilless conditions
and with irrigation management performed with a timer
or with an automatic irrigation system based on Θ thresh-
old (0.30 for ‘Θ = 0.3’ and 0.40 m3/m3 for ‘Θ = 0.4’) meas-
ured by substrate moisture sensors
Treatment NO3KMg Ca
Timer 55.0a89.2 5.6 13.4
Θ = 0.4 49.5a90.9 5.1 11.0
Θ = 0.3 33.4b74.8 5.7 13.7
Significance1*** ns ns ns
1mean separation within columns by LSD0.05; ns, *** – non-
significant and significant at P ≤ 0.001, respectively; within
columns, values followed by the same letters are not sig-
nificantly different
Hort. Sci. (Prague) Vol. 43, 2016 (2): 67–75
doi: 10.17221/312/2014-HORTSCI
el slightly below the conventionally defined EAW
(‘Θ = 0.3’ treatment) range reduced the water con-
tent and nitrate concentration of lettuce grown in
soilless substrate but did not reduce overall biomass
production. Sensor-controlled irrigation resulted
in higher overall water and nutrient use efficiency
than timer-controlled irrigation. Precision irrigation
based on Θ measurements eliminated leaching while
improving the quality of soilless-grown lettuce.
We thank Gerolmina Florio and Nicola Gentile
for their technical assistance and Geoffrey Weaver
for editing this manuscript.
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Received for publication November 19, 2014
Accepted after corrections September 7, 2015
Corresponding author:
Dr. A P, Institute of Sciences of Food Production, National Research Council, Via G. Amendola, 122/O,
70126 Bari, Italy; e-mail:
Hort. Sci. (Prague) Vol. 43, 2016 (2): 67–75
doi: 10.17221/312/2014-HORTSCI
... Compared to timer-based irrigation, sensor-based irrigation may considerably reduce water consumption and increase WUE, providing water (and fertilizers) on-demand just when plants require it and reducing the drainage fraction to minimum values (<10%). In previous studies recently conducted, increases in WUE, ranging from 25 to 70%, were observed with sensor-based compared to timer-based irrigation management for several horticultural crops, including lettuce [20], basil [19], green bean and rocket [13,14]. In the case of strawberry, an experiment conducted in Korea to investigate the potential application of an irrigation schedule based on FDR sensors and VWC measurement showed that the total irrigation volume was 1.7-fold higher with the timer-based than with sensor-automated irrigation, with no differences in terms of plant growth, fruit yield and soluble solid content [21]. ...
... The irrigation schedule was prefixed in TB, with periodical manual adjustments based on the observation of the leaching rate, leading to fixed daily irrigation volumes provided to plants for a certain time span occurring between adjustments (Figure 2). Irrigation with timers, based on prefixed schedules subjected to periodical adjustments (generally weekly or on a higher time-span basis), is generally inefficient because it does not take into account the changes in real plant water consumption occurring on a certainly shorter timescale [20,29]. In contrast, in SB, the daily irrigation volume was affected by sensor-based realtime automatic adjustments, resulting in on-demand irrigation (Figure 3). ...
... In contrast, in SB, the daily irrigation volume was affected by sensor-based realtime automatic adjustments, resulting in on-demand irrigation (Figure 3). It is interesting to observe that, in SB, daily irrigation volumes fluctuated according to variability in plant water consumption and the corresponding changes in the rate of substrate water depletion, as typically observed when a sensor-based approach is adopted [20]. A visual correspondence of daily irrigation with air temperature variations inside the greenhouse was observed (Figure 3). ...
Full-text available
The use of wireless sensors for real-time sensing of substrate water status and electrical conductivity could be an effective tool for precision irrigation management in soilless cultivation. In this research, the effects of timer-based (TB) compared to smart sensor-based irrigation (SB) were investigated. The highest consumption of fertilizers and water were recorded in TB, with nutrient solution and total applied water savings of 38% and 26%, respectively, in SB. The highest yield was obtained in SB treatment, with a total and marketable yield decrease of 7% in TB, with no differences in terms of the total soluble solids content, dry matter, firmness, juice pH and titratable acidity of the strawberry fruits. The higher yield, combined with water and nutrient saving in SB, allowed water use efficiency (fresh weight of marketable fruits per liter of total water applied) to be increased by 46% and nutrient productivity (fresh weight of marketable product per gram of nutrient supplied via nutrient solution) by 74%. The study confirms that sensor-based, compared to empiric fertigation management, ameliorates the sustainability of open, free-drain, soilless cultivation of strawberry, leading to better resource use without compromising crop performance and fruit quality.
... Hệ thống hẹn giờ được thiết kế sử dụng đồng hồ thời gian thực kết hợp với bộ điều khiển Arduino đã có thể cung cấp nước dạng phun mưa và nhỏ giọt liên tục đến vùng trồng theo ba thời điểm, 07:00, 11:00 và 17:00 trong vòng 15 phút [13]. Trước đó, hệ thống tưới điều khiển với bộ hẹn giờ và cảm biến độ ẩm cũng đã được thiết kế cho canh tác cây xà lách [14]. Kết quả cho thấy, sử dụng hệ thống tưới hẹn giờ với hai công thức, Θ = 0,3 (hàm lượng thể tích nước đạt 0,3 m 3 nước/m 3 đất) và Θ = 0,4 (hàm lượng thể tích nước đạt 0,4 m 3 nước/m 3 đất) đã giúp tiết kiệm 17 và 42% lượng dung dịch tưới, đồng thời vẫn duy trì các chỉ tiêu năng suất của cây xà lách [14]. ...
... Trước đó, hệ thống tưới điều khiển với bộ hẹn giờ và cảm biến độ ẩm cũng đã được thiết kế cho canh tác cây xà lách [14]. Kết quả cho thấy, sử dụng hệ thống tưới hẹn giờ với hai công thức, Θ = 0,3 (hàm lượng thể tích nước đạt 0,3 m 3 nước/m 3 đất) và Θ = 0,4 (hàm lượng thể tích nước đạt 0,4 m 3 nước/m 3 đất) đã giúp tiết kiệm 17 và 42% lượng dung dịch tưới, đồng thời vẫn duy trì các chỉ tiêu năng suất của cây xà lách [14]. Gần đây, vùng trồng xoài Cát tập trung tại tỉnh Đồng Tháp, Vĩnh Long, Tiền Giang thuộc Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long đã được khuyến cáo áp dụng tưới nhỏ giọt kết hợp chế độ bón phân cho từng giai đoạn sinh trưởng nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả tưới trong điều kiện hạn mặn [15]. ...
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Quản lý nguồn nước tưới tiêu trong canh tác được xem là một trong những nhiệm vụ trọng tâm của ngành nông nghiệp nhằm đảm bảo năng suất của cây trồng. Các phương pháp tưới tiêu truyền thống gây ra sự lãng phí về nguồn tài nguyên nước. Do đó, cần thiết phải xây dựng hệ thống điều khiển tưới tiêu nhằm can thiệp vào tốc độ nước, lượng nước, thời điểm tưới và vị trí tưới phù hợp. Tuy nhiên, những hiểu biết về xây dựng hệ điều khiển sử dụng trong tưới tiêu vẫn còn hạn chế. Mục tiêu của bài tổng quan này nhằm tóm lược những hệ điều khiển dạng vòng mở và dạng vòng kín được áp dụng phổ biến trong tưới tiêu. Cụ thể, nguyên lý hoạt động và ưu nhược điểm của từng hệ thống được phân tích, các thông số môi trường, cây trồng và đất đã được đề cập một cách cụ thể. Trong đó, các hệ điều khiển dạng vòng kín, điển hình như hệ điều khiển tuyến tính, hệ điều khiển thông minh và điều khiển dự báo dựa trên mô hình đã được tóm lược đầy đủ. Kết quả của bài tổng quan này có thể định hướng cho việc xây dựng những mô hình hệ thống điều khiển tưới chính xác phục vụ canh tác các loại cây trồng có giá trị kinh tế cao.
... scheduling, which promotes balanced root growth and enhances soil nutrient uptake (Fig. 6). These results agree with Montesano et al. (2016) who made a comparison between timer versus moisture sensor-based irrigation control of soilless lettuce, where the most nutrient solution (NS) was applied in 'Timer' where the lowest water use efficiency was observed, with 17 and 42% less NS used in volumetric water content (Θ = 0.4 and Θ = 0.3), respectively. Irrigation volumes in the sensor-controlled treatments, with little or no leaching, while 18% of leaching was recorded in 'Timer'. ...
Full-text available
Scientists, environmentalists, and farmers are currently in pursuit of sustainable agricultural practices that can effectively ensure global food security while simultaneously mitigating environmental degradation. A field experiment was conducted to elucidate the impact of low-cost capacitance soil moisture-based sensors on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) irrigation water conservation, agro-physiological aspects, and nutritional characteristics. The experiment also involved the use of five different types of soil mulching films: white geotextile (WGup), green geotextile (GGup), black plastic (BPup), white geotextile for both above and below ground (WGup-down), green geotextile for both above and below ground (GGup-down), in addition to un-mulched soil (control). The findings demonstrated that the application of WGup, BPup, WGup&down, and GGup&down resulted in a significant improvement in irrigation water conservation, with WGup exhibiting the highest savings at 41.86%, while the control group exhibited the least amount of water savings at 19.87%. Moreover, the highest productivity levels were observed in plants mulched with GGup&down, reaching 47,944.68 kg ha⁻¹, whereas the lowest productivity was recorded in plants mulched with green geotextile GGup at 22,377.89 kg ha⁻¹. In terms of irrigation water productivity (IWP), the order of effectiveness was BPup > GGup-down > WGup > WGup-down > GGup > Control, with BPup achieving the highest IWP at 60.19 kg m⁻³ and the control treatment reporting the lowest at 27.80 kg m⁻³. The percentage of the irrigation water applied for crop evapotranspiration (Irc) showed that the control treatment saved the least amount of irrigation water, saving only 19.87%, while the best treatment was WGup, achieved the highest percentage of irrigation water savings at 41.86%. Additionally, mulched plants exhibited higher levels of nutrients (N, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, and Zn), ascorbic acid (AsA), and total phenol content (TPC), while showing lower nitrate content in the leaves compared to non-mulched plants. Overall, the utilization of soil moisture-based capacitance sensors and biodegradable mulching films has proven to be highly effective and low cost by 16.633 US$ year⁻¹ to enhance irrigation water productivity, growth performance, nutritional quality, and overall productivity of lettuce crops, thereby contributing to the sustainability of lettuce production in arid regions.
... In a report it was stated that open control approach in sprinkler and drip irrigation system for a horticultural crop was designed where in real time clock was connected with Arduino board which was further connected to an actuator for pump operating water supply (Sudarmaji et al., 2019). In another study, open loop time-based precision irrigation system showed 18% leaching and lesser LAI as compared to closed loop approach (Montesano et al., 2016). Open loop precision irrigation is not dynamic thus requires regular resetting according to changes in the environment (Patil and Desai, 2013). ...
Full-text available
Global warming and climate change are warnings showcasing water crisis. At the same time ever growing population is ultimatum to the food security. In span of such times, world has to be made a sustainable habitat. It is only possible when each ounce of resources is being measured and used judiciously. Maximum responsibility is on farmers and researchers of the world. In times of advanced technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) has surfaced as a saviour. IoT based systems have been stated as success in monitoring and control mechanisms. Thus, this paper was intended to review the control strategies and monitoring systems based on IoT. The literature incorporates basic information as well as recent trends in the field of irrigation management based on IoT.
... Farmers can set operating conditions (pre-timers, speed, and application rate) for any sprinkler system, which can be monitored during the entire operation of the irrigation machine. Many researchers reported the use of OLT by farmers for precision irrigation in their fields [197][198][199]. ...
Full-text available
The non-judicious use of water at the farm level in traditional irrigation application methods is a present-day concern across the world that can be resolved by enhancing application efficiency through the adoption of advanced irrigation techniques. Sprinkler irrigation is a method that has high application efficiency, which can be further increased when coupled with automation toward precision irrigation. The objectives of this review are to summarize the main aspects of sprinkler and precision irrigation and their development, scope, and future prospects specifically in Asian countries. In this paper, a modified methodology, inspired by PRISMA guidelines, was used to explore the available literature to summarize the existing knowledge in the field. Regarding the technological aspects of the analyzed works, it became evident that sprinkler systems are an efficient method to not only irrigate crops (with 39% water saving) but also for the application of fertilizers with higher efficiency (>35%) and water productivity (>14.1%) compared with gravity irrigation systems. Moreover, this paper highlights the prominent features of precision irrigation for maximizing agricultural productivity. The use of sprinkler irrigation with precision applications using automation with a sensor-based mechanism for field data collection, data transformation, data analysis, and operation of IoT-based automatic solenoid valves can save 20–30% more irrigation water and increase crop yield by 20–27%. An analytical understanding and knowledge of the field were used to draw conclusions that are thought-provoking for scientists, researchers, and other stakeholders.
... Such plant response could be due to the uninterrupted growth (stress-free) of coffee seedlings irrigated automatically using the IoT system; with such growth, more leaves have been produced, supporting self-food manufacturing. In support, hydroponically grown lettuce under a timer and moisture sensor-based irrigation control has a higher leaf area than lower volumetric water content by 13% (Montesano et al., 2016). Moreover, the leaf number of salvias increased remarkably with increased volumetric water content (VWC) under a capacitancetype sensor for sub-irrigation, which justifies the reduced possibility of water stress in plants (Ferrareziet al., 2014). ...
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Water stress in plants due to the effects of climate change resulted in reduced growth and yield of coffee in the tropics. Efficient use of water through the use of SMART irrigation systems available provides a promising solution to address such a problem. Thus, a study utilizing a combined climate-based and soil moisture SMART irrigation system has been conducted to assess its effects on the growth of Robusta coffee seedlings compared to practiced manual irrigation. The experimental design utilized a Complete Block Design (CBD) approach. Additionally, water consumption was measured to determine any significant differences. Over the course of the two-month experiment, 20 replications per treatment, it was observed that coffee seedlings subjected to the automated irrigation system (T1) exhibited significant improvements in both plant height and number of leaves, with growth rates of 72.56% and 65.29%, respectively, compared to manually irrigated plants (T0). Although the water savings achieved under the automated system were not statistically significant, there was an 18.95% reduction in water consumption. These findings highlight the potential benefits of automating irrigation systems using an IoT approach, specifically in terms of enhancing coffee seedling productivity. By utilizing real-time data from sensors, the SMART irrigation system effectively optimized water usage and resulted in improved growth and yield. This research underscores the importance of implementing such technological advancements to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on coffee cultivation in tropical regions.
... Before transplantation, all plots in the greenhouse were irrigated with an automatic misting system to reach the field capacity, calculated using the retention curves (−10 kPa) [39,40]. ...
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Climate change is causing an increase in dry spells, altering rainfall patterns and soil moisture, and affecting water and nutrient plant uptake, which inevitably affects vegetable production. To mitigate this issue, some technologies that allow the maintenance of the ideal soil moisture for the uptake process are being investigated. Considering this, we hypothesize that the use of water treated with a magnetic field can increase water use efficiency in lettuce crop production. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the irrigation rate of magnetically treated water on biomass accumulation and nutrient uptake by lettuce plants. An experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with a 2 × 5 factorial arrangement of two water sources (conventional water and magnetically treated water) and five irrigation application rates to replace crop evaporation: 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125%, with five replicates. The use of magnetically treated water increased the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in leaves, meaning that it induced higher nitrogen assimilation, leading to increases in agronomical characteristics (leaf number, fresh and dry shoot weight, fresh and dry root weight). The conclusions of this study showcase that magnetically treated water has beneficial effects on lettuce plants, improving their nutritional status and yield. Moreover, the results presented can lead to an increase in water use efficiency, thus optimizing irrigation management.
Bougainvillea glabra, commonly planted landscape flowers in Macau, requires the precise water management during whole growing process. Conventional timed irrigation systems, however, fail to offer the required level of precision. Sensor-based watering systems have been employed, utilizing soil moisture and temperature sensors to monitor plant conditions. Nonetheless, these sensors are proved to be unreliable due to various soil factors, such as the presence of stones. Thus, plants still require botanical experts to judge the status based on plant photos. To address this challenge and provide a dependable evaluation of the plant’s status, this study proposes a novel approach: a Plant Status Detection Net (PSDNet) for Bougainvillea sensing, which uses computer vision technology to replace botanical experts in decision-making. Different from directly using image classification, this paper combines object detection to extract plant leaves, and then makes decisions based on leaves. By utilizing the Regions of Interest (RoI) structure from a pre-trained module called Leaf Regions with CNN Features (Leaf-RCNN), the proposed PSDNet effectively extracts leaf regions and their corresponding feature maps from captured images. To further improve accuracy, a specialized decoupling head and a position embedding module are integrated into the network to enable the extraction of relative position information between leaves. Finally, in a pilot project at Macau Keang Peng Middle School (MKPMS), an automated watering system was implemented using PSDNet, leading to a substantial increase in the flowering rate. The anticipated adoption of this watering system is projected to significantly advance landscaping practices in Macau and beyond.
To verify the effectiveness of the intelligent decision method for fertigation, an automatic control system for fertigation in greenhouses was designed, and three intelligent decision methods based on evapotranspiration (T1), soil moisture (T2) and accumulated temperature (T3) were tested. Intelligent decisions included monitoring meteorological information, automatically monitoring soil moisture, utilizing fertigation application systems and using automated control modules. The system was stable and accurately controlled according to the decision scheme. The results showed that the average errors of the automated control system for decision‐making and irrigation were 1.1 and 0.8%, respectively. The study findings serve as a reference for the integration of intelligent irrigation decision‐making and control systems and for further improving the efficiency of water and fertilizer utilized. Compared with those of the control, the three intelligent decision‐making methods increased the tomato yield by 8, 12 and 7%, respectively. In addition, the irrigation water and fertilizer levels decreased significantly compared with those in the control treatment. Although the accuracy of the soil water content (SWC) estimated based on ET and temperature in irrigation decision‐making is low, the general trend is consistent with practice. In addition, the irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and partial factor productivity of fertilizer (PFP) were significantly improved. Similarly, the IWUE in T1 was the highest (60 kg m⁻ ³ ), and the PFP in T3 was the highest (669 kg kg⁻¹).
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This review article conducts an in-depth analysis of the role of next-generation technologies in soilless vegetable production, highlighting their groundbreaking potential to revolutionize yield, efficiency, and sustainability. These technologies, such as AI-driven monitoring systems and precision farming methods, offer unparalleled accuracy in monitoring critical variables such as nutrient concentrations and pH levels. However, the paper also addresses the multifaceted challenges that hinder the widespread adoption of these technologies. The high initial investment costs pose a significant barrier, particularly for small-and medium-scale farmers, thereby risking the creation of a technological divide in the industry. Additionally, the technical complexity of these systems demands specialized expertise, potentially exacerbating knowledge gaps among farmers. Other considerations are scrutinized, including data privacy concerns and potential job displacement due to automation. Regulatory challenges, such as international trade regulations and policy frameworks, are discussed, as they may need revision to accommodate these new technologies. The paper concludes by emphasizing that while these sustainable technologies offer transformative benefits, their potential for broad adoption is constrained by a complex interplay of financial, technical, regulatory, and social factors.
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Moisture characteristic curves (MCC) relate the water content in a substrate to the matric potential at a given tension or height. These curves are useful for comparing the water-holding characteristics of two or more soils or soilless substrates. Most techniques for developing MCC are not well suited for measuring low tensions (0 to 100 cm H2O) in coarse substrates used in container nursery production such as those composed of bark. The objectives of this research were to compare an inexpensive modified long column method with an established method for creating low-tension MCCs and then to determine the best model for describing MCCs of bark-based soilless substrates. Three substrates composed of douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) bark alone or mixed with either peatmoss or pumice were used to compare models. Both methods described differences among the three substrates, although MCC for each method differed within a substrate type. A four-parameter log-logistic function was determined to be the simplest and most explanatory model for describing MCC of bark-based substrates.
A fundamental way to schedule irrigation is through the monitoring and management of soil water tension (SWT). Soil water tension is the force necessary for plant roots to extract water from the soil. With the invention of tensiometers, SWT measurements have been used to schedule irrigation. There are different types of field instruments used to measure SWT, either directly or indirectly. Precise irrigation scheduling by SWT criteria is a powerful method to optimize plant performance. Specific SWT criteria for irrigation scheduling have been developed to optimize the production and quality of vegetable crops, field crops, trees, shrubs, and nursery crops. This review discusses known SWT criteria for irrigation scheduling that vary from 2 to 800 kPa depending on the crop species, plant product to be optimized, environmental conditions, and irrigation system. By using the ideal SWT and adjusting irrigation duration and amount, it is possible to simultaneously achieve high productivity and meet environmental stewardship goals for water use and reduced leaching.
Maintaining medium pH and nutrient concentrations at levels acceptable for growth are important for producing vigorous transplants in the shortest time. Medium chemical properties, such as cation-exchange capacity, aeration, liming materials, preplant fertilizer, irrigation-water sources, water-soluble fertilizers, and plant species, interact to affect medium pH and nutrient management. However, these chemical properties do not affect medium pH or the nutrient supply simultaneously or with equal intensity. The objective of this review is to consider key chemical properties of container media and their affects on pH and nutrient management initially and over time.
Improvements in sensor technology coupled with advances in knowledge about plant physiology have made it feasible to use real-time substrate volumetric water content sensors to accurately determine irrigation timing and application rates in soilless substrates in greenhouse and container production environments. Sensor-based irrigation uses up-front investments in equipment and system calibration in return for subsequent reductions in irrigation water use and associated costs of energy and labor, spending on fertilizer, and disease losses. It can also accelerate production time. We present formulas for assessing profitability when benefits and costs are separated in time and apply those formulas using data from an experiment on production of gardenia [Gardenia augusta 'MADGA 1' (Heaven ScentTM)]. Sensor-controlled irrigation cuts production time and crop losses by more than half. Annualized profit under the wireless sensor system was over 1.5 more than under the nursery's standard practice, with the bulk of the increase in profit due to the reduction in production time. These results indicate that controlling irrigation using wireless sensor systems is likely to increase profitability substantially, even if efficiency gains are not as high as those achieved under experimental conditions.
Cet article introduit les approches pour un controle automatique des alimentations en eau et en elements nutritifs pour les cultures sous serre. Le concept traditionnel d'irrigation et de fertilisation excedentaires entre en conflit avec les aspects environnementaux. Cependant, les demandes d'eau et d'elements nutritifs des plantes doivent etre satisfaits par les apports. La strategie utilisee generalement est basee sur l'emploi de solutions nutritives standard et de frequentes analyses de la concentration de la solution nutritive dans l'environnement des racines. Une amelioration de cette strategie est esperee en utilisant un systeme de retroaction, qui prend en compte des mesures sensibles de la concentration ionique de l'eau de drainage, ou un systeme de reaction anticipee dans lequel les besoins en eau en elements nutritifs sont prevus a parti de modeles de croissance et de transpiration. Ces approches sont pour la plupart d'entre elles, developpees sur un plant theorique et sont encore loin des applications pratiques. Les strategies actuelles sont dirigees vers la synchronisation des prelevements et des apports, mais les strategies futures devront controler le fonctionnement des plantes.
Major horticultural crops in Florida are vegetables, small fruit, melons, and tree fruit crops. Approximately half of the agricultural area and nearly all of the horticultural crop land is irrigated. Irrigation systems include low-volume micro-irrigation, sprinkler systems, and subsurface irrigation. The present review was divided into two papers, in which the first part focuses on vegetable crop irrigation and the second part focuses on fruit tree crop irrigation. This first part also provides an overview of irrigation methods used in Florida. Factors affecting irrigation efficiency and uniformity such as design and maintenance are discussed. A wide range of soil moisture sensors (e.g., tensiometers, granular matrix, and capacitance) are currently being used in the state for soil moisture monitoring. Current examples of scheduling tools and automated control systems being used on selected crops in Florida are provided. Research data on the effect of irrigation scheduling and fertigation on nutrient movement, particularly nitrate, are reviewed. Concluding this review is a discussion of potential for adoption of irrigation scheduling and control systems for vegetable crops by Florida growers and future research priorities.
All media are composed of three phases: solid, aqueous, and gaseous. This chapter discusses the physical characteristics of these three phases separately and in combination. The physical properties of soilless media comprise bulk density, particle size distribution, porosity, and pore distribution. Following this, the study describeswater content and water potential in soilless media as another physical characteristic. Water content or wetness of a porous medium is the volume or mass of water occupying space within the pores. Water potential is the potential energy of water per unit volume relative to pure water in reference conditions. Water potential quantifies the tendency of water to move from one area to another due to osmosis, gravity, mechanical pressure, or matrix effects such as surface tension. Subsequently, the study explains water movement in soilless media. Water is transported through the growing medium into the roots and plant xylem towards the plant canopy where it eventually transpires into the atmosphere. The continuous uptake of water is essential for the growth and survival of plants. Finally, it provides an understanding of solute transport and gas transport in soilless media. The movement and fate of solutes in soil are affected by a large number of physical, chemical, and microbiological processes, and the understanding of gas transport in growing media is important for the evaluation of soil aeration or movement of oxygen from the atmosphere to the medium.
Water scarcity is likely to increase in the coming years, making improvements in irrigation efficiency increasingly important. An emerging technology that promises to increase irrigation efficiency substantially is a wireless irrigation sensor network that uploads sensor data into irrigation management software, creating an integrated system that allows real-time monitoring and control of moisture status that has been shown in experimental settings to reduce irrigation costs, lower plant loss rates, shorten production times, decrease pesticide application, and increase yield, quality, and profit. We use an original survey to investigate likely initial acceptance, ceiling adoption rates, and profitability of this new sensor network technology in the nursery and greenhouse industry. We find that adoption rates for a base system and demand for expansion components are decreasing in price, as expected. The price elasticity of the probability of adoption suggests that sensor networks are likely to diffuse at a rate somewhat greater than that of drip irrigation. Adoption rates for a base system and demand for expansion components are increasing in specialization in ornamental production: Growers earning greater shares of revenue from greenhouse and nursery operations are willing to pay more for a base system and are willing to purchase larger numbers of expansion components at any given price. We estimate that growers who are willing to purchase a sensor network expect investment in this technology to generate significant profit, consistent with findings from experimental studies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.