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Identidade Nacional. Práticas e Representações junto à Fronteira no Guadiana

  • Centre for Research in Anthropology

Abstract and Figures

Este livro aborda as modalidades de construção da identidade nacional em duas localidades situadas em lados opostos da fronteira luso-espanhola no rio Guadiana. O principal objetivo é contribuir para o estudo da identidade portuguesa. Os objetos mais precisos da investigação etnográfica em que se baseia o trabalho apresentado são as festas, incluindo as taurinas, a alimentação e os estereótipos nacionais. As semelhanças e dissemelhanças de facto entre as populações em estudo também são objeto de descrição e análise, mas a atenção centra-se no ponto de vista dos habitantes, nos seus discursos.
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... 280-285), things happen in a similar way. As demonstrated elsewhere (Silva, 2016), in opposition to João Leal's (2010, p. 69) conclusion relative to the aforementioned analysis of the results of the International Social Survey Programme 2003 that, "in Portugal", one gives "moderate importance" to "nationality as a source of individual identity", in Montes Juntos, nationality is without a doubt the most important identity category. ...
... 359, 375;Uriarte, 1994, p. 173), there are people in this village who do not perceive any differences between residents from either side of the Iberian border. Nevertheless, besides objective differences, or beyond them (Silva, 2016), the majority of its residents perceive and verbalize the existence of subjective discontinuities that coincide with the border. "The Spaniards' way of being is different from ours", the Portuguese, some say. ...
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Este artigo aborda os discursos de identificação nacional produzidos pelos habitantes de uma aldeia próxima da fronteira luso--espanhola no rio Guadiana, a fim de ilustrar a persistência dos castelhanos/espanhóis enquanto parceiro coletivo preferencial, o “outro significante” na construção e reprodução, pela diferença, da identidade portuguesa. Com base em materiais etnográficos recolhidos sensivelmente nas últimas duas décadas, o artigo mostra que, no contexto em estudo, a representação da personalidade dos portugueses emerge por oposição à representação da personalidade dos espanhóis. De igual modo, o contraste com os castelhanos/espanhóis é o principal leitmotiv a partir do qual se tem construído e reproduzido a identidade portuguesa ao longo dos tempos.
... 280-285), things happen in a similar way. As demonstrated elsewhere (Silva, 2016), in opposition to João Leal's (2010, p. 69) conclusion relative to the aforementioned analysis of the results of the International Social Survey Programme 2003 that, "in Portugal", one gives "moderate importance" to "nationality as a source of individual identity", in Montes Juntos, nationality is without a doubt the most important identity category. ...
... 359, 375;Uriarte, 1994, p. 173), there are people in this village who do not perceive any differences between residents from either side of the Iberian border. Nevertheless, besides objective differences, or beyond them (Silva, 2016), the majority of its residents perceive and verbalize the existence of subjective discontinuities that coincide with the border. "The Spaniards' way of being is different from ours", the Portuguese, some say. ...
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This article tackles the discourses of national identification produced by the inhabitants of a village close to the border between Portugal and Spain on the Guadiana river, in order to shed light on the persistence of the Castilians/Span-iards as the main collective partner, the "significant other" in the construction and reproduction, through difference, of Portuguese identity. Based on ethnographic materials collected approximately in the last two decades, it shows that, in the context under study, the representation of the personality of the Portuguese people emerges out of a structure of contrasts in relation to the representation of the Spaniards' personality. Similarly, the contrast to the Castilians/Spaniards is the main leitmotif from which the Portuguese identity has been built over time.
... Un sexto tema está asociado con estudios sobre frontera, políticas de identidad y prácticas culturales, y ha reunido a antropólogos de Portugal y España. Desde finales de la década de 1990, con una serie de proyectos internacionales en marcha, han surgido algunos trabajos sobre la frontera (Cairo, Godinho y Pereiro 2009;Cairo 2018), investigando las culturas fronterizas (Godinho 2011), identidades nacionales (Leal 2000;Cunha 2006;Medeiros 2006;Amante 2012;Silva 2016), contrabando (Rovisco 2013;Freire, Rovisco y Fonseca 2009), prostitución (Ribeiro et al. 2008), refugiados (Santinho 2016;Simões 2016) y prácticas transnacionales (con Humberto Martins, Fabienne Wa-teau, William Kavanagh, José María Valcuende, Cristina Santinho y Xerardo Pereiro). Para las migraciones, se destaca el trabajo de Colette Callier-Boisvert, que conocía el terreno portugués -Soajo en Alto Minho-desde 1962, y se encaminó después por el tema del éxodo rural, visto desde la sociedad de acogida; Maria Beatriz Rocha-Trindade (2009 y 2014), quien estudia emigrantes portugueses en París; Caroline Brettell (1991), sobre los patrones de migración de Minho; Susana Pereira Bastos y José Gabriel Pereira Bastos (2006), sobre inmigrantes en Portugal. ...
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This article is a cartographic proposal about Portuguese anthropology, during the period that began with the transition to democracy, in April 25, 1974, and extends to the present day. Mobilizing the production of anthropologists, based on the sci-entific production, the teaching, the research, and the role of the National Museum of Ethnology, the text begins to allude to the course of the discipline, guided by the cosmopolitanism of the national, which is combined with colonial logics, in an approach of the nation and the empire, which continues until 1974. The Carnation Revolution inaugurates a period of rupture and creativity, in which Portuguese anthropology responds to the proposal of “democratizing, decolonizing and developing”, with an evident expansion of the discipline, in the new democratic framework, added to the funds and optimism resulting from EEC membership. This time of enlargement would be violently interrupted due to the reflexes of the economic crisis, in 2012, resulting in the con-traction of the disciplinary work, and the pursuit for new ways. At a time when the contours of neoliberal science seem to asphyx-iate the expandability of the discipline, limiting the horizons of the youngest practitioners of anthropology in Portugal, recent trails places to the emphasis on the role of anthropologists in the societies of the future.
... Os materiais etnográficos apresentados neste livro foram recolhidos sensivelmente nas últimas duas décadas, particularmente em 1994--1995, quando colaborámos num projeto de investigação sobre a fronteira luso-espanhola a sul do Caia;em 1997-1998 quando estudámos as práticas e as representações em torno da identidade e da cultura nacionais na aldeia portuguesa de Montes Juntos (Alandroal) e na vila espanhola de Cheles (Badajoz) (Silva 2016a(Silva , 2016b; em 2000, quando integrámos a equipa multidisciplinar que estudou os moinhos inseridos no regolfo da barragem do Alqueva e do açude de Pedrógão (Lança 2003); e, mais recentemente, em finais de 2017, no âmbito de uma pesquisa sobre o turismo no e em redor do lago Alqueva. ...
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Este livro aborda os moinhos do rio Guadiana, concretamente os moinhos edificados a jusante da foz do Caia, de um ponto de vista antropológico. Especial atenção é conferida aos aspetos técnicos e aos aspetos sociais e económicos destes peculiares moinhos hidráulicos. O principal objetivo do trabalho de investigação aqui apresentado é enriquecer o campo de estudos das tecnologias tradicionais portuguesas, particularmente aquelas que eram destinadas à moagem de cereais (para fins de alimentação humana e animal), contribuindo, simultaneamente, para a preservação da sua memória. O estudo baseia-se, sobretudo, em materiais etnográficos recolhidos pelo autor sensivelmente nas últimas duas décadas, incluindo o testemunho direto de antigos moleiros e de antigos acarretadores ou maquilões.
... Reconnaître l'altérité, en d'autres termes, produit du sens et renforce l'appartenance. Plusieurs études récentes sur les zones de frontières en péninsule Ibérique recensent les stéréotypes émis à l'occasion des festivités, des repas, des plaisanteries collectives ou des conflits (Uriarte 1994 ;Sánchez 1997 ;Silva 1999 ; Valcuende del Río 1997) et montrent combien l'énonciation de ces marqueurs de distanciation et de dissemblances contribuent à définir le voisin dont il faut se démarquer, soit à se définir soi-même. Au Portugal, les écrits sur la construction de l'identité nationale ou sur les traits dits caractéristiques des Portugais sont particulièrement nombreux et réguliers (Dias 1950 ;Leal 2001 ;Cunha 2001)-peut-être ou sans doute à cause de la proximité du Portugal avec l'Espagne, de sa position géographique dans la péninsule ibérique. ...
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Barrages et recomposition des espaces au Portugal
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Este livro propõe-se discutir a problemática da ruralidade na sociedade portuguesa, mediante a compilação e análise de cinco estudos de caso desenvolvidos pelo autor em Portugal continental e insular na última década. Os estudos de caso etnográficos apresentados nas duas primeiras partes do livro (I – Teorias de património e impactos locais; II – Ecoturismo e governamentalidade nos Açores) descrevem e examinam o modo como a proteção e a comercialização, via turismo, de recursos culturais e naturais afetam as populações locais, privilegiando o ponto de vista dos residentes. O estudo de caso constante da terceira parte (III – A persistência do pastoralismo em Portugal) estabelece um paralelo entre a literatura de ficção do século XIX e as práticas de turismo rural do início do século XXI.
Edward Sapir est incontestablement l’un des plus importants anthropologues du début du XXe siècle. Bien avant que ne se développe l’anthropologie structurale, Sapir formule la philosophie du structuralisme et jette les bases d’une science générale de la conduite. Parce qu’individu et société, culture et personnalité sont indissociables, Sapir fonde une méthode à la croisée de l’ethnologie et de la linguistique qui, combinant les concepts et les méthodes de l’ethnologie et de la psychanalyse, apparaît aujourd’hui comme un programme prophétique des tâches qui incombent à l’anthropologie.Ce spécialiste des langues et cultures amérindiennes n’écrivit de son vivant aucun ouvrage de synthèse, à l’exception d’un volume sur le langage et d’un ensemble de monographies des langues et cultures indiennes d’Amérique du Nord. Son œuvre est éparpillée en de nombreux articles publiés entre 1917 et 1938, dont une partie a été compilée par David Mandelbaum en 1949 sous le titre Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality, et une sélection traduite en français par Christian Baudelot et Pierre Clinquart, éditée en deux volumes par les Éditions de Minuit en 1967.Le volume que nous proposons aujourd’hui, exclusivement en version numérique, est la réédition de cette sélection française présentée dans l’édition de Minuit par Christian Baudelot. Notre édition propose une traduction entièrement relue, corrigée et annotée par Pierre Clinquart, augmentée d’une préface inédite par l’anthropologue Francis Zimmermann.
This book offers fresh insights into the complex and various ways in which international frontiers influence cultural identities. The ten anthropological case studies collected here describe specific international borders in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, and bring out the importance of boundary politics, and the diverse forms that it may take. The frontier itself may be of great symbolic importance; in other cases the symbolism lies rather in the disappearance of the traditional border. A frontier may be above all a barrier against immigration, or the front line between hostile armies. It may reinforce distinctive identities on each side of it, or the frontier may be disputed because it cuts across national identities. Drawing on anthropological perspectives, the book explores how cultural landscapes intersect with political boundaries, and ways in which state power informs cultural identity.
Do not ask who I am and do not ask me to remain the same: leave it to our bureaucrats and our police to see that our papers are in order. At least spare us their morality when we write. (Foucault 1972: 17) The geopolitical wound called ‘the border’ cannot stop the cultural undercurrents. The ‘artistic border’ is artificial. It shouldn't be there, and it is up to us to erase it. (Gómez Peña 1986: 24) This chapter has been stimulated by my ethnographic work on the US–Mexico border. My immediate problem in relation to this work is how to represent the social and cultural forms of an indigenous people – namely Mixtecs – who migrate in large and increasing numbers into this border area from their homeland in the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. This task of ethnographic representation is made complex not only by the spatial extension of the Mixtec community into the Border Area, but by the ambiguous nature of the Border Area itself, which has become a region where the culture, society and state of the United States encounter the Third World in a zone of contested space, capital and meanings. Furthermore, the problem of ethnographic representation of this community in this border region is made yet more problematic by a corresponding decomposition of what now, in the late twentieth century, can be seen as the ‘classic’ epistemological relationship between the anthropological Self and the ethnographic Other.
This book offers fresh insights into the complex and various ways in which international frontiers influence cultural identities. The ten anthropological case studies collected here describe specific international borders in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, and bring out the importance of boundary politics, and the diverse forms that it may take. The frontier itself may be of great symbolic importance; in other cases the symbolism lies rather in the disappearance of the traditional border. A frontier may be above all a barrier against immigration, or the front line between hostile armies. It may reinforce distinctive identities on each side of it, or the frontier may be disputed because it cuts across national identities. Drawing on anthropological perspectives, the book explores how cultural landscapes intersect with political boundaries, and ways in which state power informs cultural identity.
This book offers fresh insights into the complex and various ways in which international frontiers influence cultural identities. The ten anthropological case studies collected here describe specific international borders in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, and bring out the importance of boundary politics, and the diverse forms that it may take. The frontier itself may be of great symbolic importance; in other cases the symbolism lies rather in the disappearance of the traditional border. A frontier may be above all a barrier against immigration, or the front line between hostile armies. It may reinforce distinctive identities on each side of it, or the frontier may be disputed because it cuts across national identities. Drawing on anthropological perspectives, the book explores how cultural landscapes intersect with political boundaries, and ways in which state power informs cultural identity.
This book offers fresh insights into the complex and various ways in which international frontiers influence cultural identities. The ten anthropological case studies collected here describe specific international borders in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, and bring out the importance of boundary politics, and the diverse forms that it may take. The frontier itself may be of great symbolic importance; in other cases the symbolism lies rather in the disappearance of the traditional border. A frontier may be above all a barrier against immigration, or the front line between hostile armies. It may reinforce distinctive identities on each side of it, or the frontier may be disputed because it cuts across national identities. Drawing on anthropological perspectives, the book explores how cultural landscapes intersect with political boundaries, and ways in which state power informs cultural identity.