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Abstract and Figures

Woodlands in Kenya are undergoing land cover change and degradation leading to loss of livelihoods. Uncontrolled charcoal production, although a livelihood source for communities living in woodland areas of Kenya, leads to woodland degradation. We used Landsat imagery, field plot data and household interviews to describe land cover change and the role of charcoal production in woodland degradation. An unsupervised classification was used to determine land cover change from woodland to open/farmland, and five 16-km transects were used to investigate the extent of charcoal production in the target woodlands. Semi-structured interviews were conducted on 117 households to understand their perceptions on woodland cover change and the role of charcoal production. The overall accuracy of our classification was 86%. Woodland areas decreased by 24% between 1986 and 2014. The trend of woodland area change compared well between remote sensing and interview data. The density of kilns, a proxy for charcoal-led woodland degradation, varied across the sample plots. Despite charcoal providing a livelihood for 66% of the households, the community felt that their environment, wealth and social relations have been affected by land cover changes caused by charcoal production. Based on these results, we recommend that appropriate measures aimed at improving the productivity of agriculture, adapting to climate change and reducing dependence on charcoal for sustenance should be encouraged to mitigate woodland cover loss and degradation.
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Harun M. Kiruki
*, Emma H. van der Zanden
,Žiga Malek
, Peter H. Verburg
School of Environment and Natural Resources, South Eastern Kenya University, P.O. Box 170, Kitui, Kenya
Environmental Geography Group, Department of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, de Boelelaan 10871081HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Received: 21 December 2015; Revised: 8 May 2016; Accepted: 14 May 2016
Woodlands in Kenya are undergoing land cover change and degradation leading to loss of livelihoods. Uncontrolled charcoal production,
although a livelihood source for communities living in woodland areas of Kenya, leads to woodland degradation. We used Landsat imagery,
eld plot data and household interviews to describe land cover change and the role of charcoal production in woodland degradation. An
unsupervised classication was used to determine land cover change from woodland to open/farmland, and ve 16-km transects were used
to investigate the extent of charcoal production in the target woodlands. Semi-structured interviews were conducted on 117 households to
understand their perceptions on woodland cover change and the role of charcoal production. The overall accuracy of our classication
was 86%. Woodland areas decreased by 24% between 1986 and 2014. The trend of woodland area change compared well between remote
sensing and interview data. The density of kilns, a proxy for charcoal-led woodland degradation, varied across the sample plots. Despite
charcoal providing a livelihood for 66% of the households, the community felt that their environment, wealth and social relations have been
affected by land cover changes caused by charcoal production. Based on these results, we recommend that appropriate measures aimed at
improving the productivity of agriculture, adapting to climate change and reducing dependence on charcoal for sustenance should be encour-
aged to mitigate woodland cover loss and degradation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
key words: charcoal; woodlands; Landsat imagery; community perceptions; land use
Tropical savannahs and woodlands are a major component
of the worlds vegetation, covering one sixth of the land
surface and over half of the African continent. They account
for about 30% of the primary production of all terrestrial
vegetation, playing a crucial role in the energy, water and
carbon balance (Ribeiro et al., 2013). Savannahs and wood-
lands provide a range of goods and services to humans in
general and to local rural communities in particular (Pote
et al., 2006; Kalema et al., 2015). Woodlands are therefore
a key source of livelihood for over 50 million people in
Africa (Campbell & Costanza, 2000). Ecological services
provided by woodlands include soil quality maintenance
through erosion and leaching protection (Ni et al., 2015;
Zhang et al., 2015) thus avoiding erosion-induced soil quality
deterioration that is a major impediment to global food and
economic security (Erkossa et al., 2015).
Woodlands and forests are key in regulation of water ow
regimes and maintenance of morphology of water bodies
(Keesstra, 2007; Keesstra et al., 2009), microclimate regula-
tion (Belsky et al., 1989), carbon sequestration (Kalema
et al., 2015) and economic benets in the form of food
and energy (Malimbwi et al., 2010). Despite their impor-
tance, tropical savannahs and woodlands are given less
attention than tropical rainforest and other ecosystems in
the land cover and land use change literature (Grainger,
Tropical savannahs and woodlands are among the most
degraded and threatened ecosystems (MacFarlane et al.,
2015). Degradation represents the temporary or permanent
reduction in density, structure, species composition or
productivity of vegetation cover (Malimbwi et al., 2010).
It occurs when woodlands are not managed sustainably or
controlled through appropriate environmental regulatory
policies and frameworks (Bodart et al., 2013; Lemenih
et al., 2014). Woodland degradation can have different
drivers: overuse of resources, climatic conditions such as
increased drought frequency, urbanization and agricultural
expansion (Rocheleau et al., 1995; Le Polain de Waroux
& Lambin, 2012).
In Africa, woodland degradation results from grazing,
human-initiated res for land clearing for agriculture and
vegetation removal for fuelwood, charcoal and building
material (Malimbwi & Zahabu, 2008; Ouedraogo et al.,
2010). These activities can affect the structure and produc-
tivity of woodland areas, for example, by altering the soil
properties (Yimer & Abdelkadir, 2010; Bruun et al., 2015;
Mohawesh et al., 2015) and the hydrological regimes
(Montenegro & Ragab, 2010; Yu et al., 2015). The way in
which charcoal production links to deforestation and degra-
dation has been debated (Chidumayo & Gumbo, 2013;
Coomes & Miltner, 2016). Charcoal can lead to the transfor-
mation of woodland to bush and bush to scrub, over very
*Correspondence to: Harun M. Kiruki, School of Environment and Natural
Resources, South Eastern Kenya University, P.O. Box 170 Kitui, Kenya.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
land degradation & development
Land Degrad. Develop. (2016)
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2545
large areas (Arnold & Persson, 2003). Charcoal making can
occur when the land is being cleared for agriculture and thus
may not be the main driver of degradation (Zulu & Richardson,
2013). In some cases however, charcoal production can be
linked directly to woodland degradation (Chidumayo &
Gumbo, 2013). Despite the unknown extent, woodland
degradation because of charcoal production has been
reported in Kenya (Kirubi et al., 2000; KFS, 2013).
The ongoing debate on the role and extent of fuelwood-
driven degradation in woodlands (Butz, 2013) indicates that
woodland degradation in arid and semi-arid areas is not
sufciently investigated. This is partly because woodlands
are more difcult to monitor with traditional forestry tools
and remote sensing as compared with other forest types.
Woodland degradation is also more subtle than clear-cutting
a forest making it difcult to detect its occurrence and extent.
Moreover, woodlands are viewed as less commercially
important (Grainger, 1999).
To obtain a comprehensive understanding of woodland
degradation requires a combination of change detection by
remote sensing, physical eld observations and sociological
data. The objective of this paper is to enhance the under-
standing of woodland degradation and to assess the role of
charcoal making in woodland degradation for a study area
in Kitui, Kenya using such a portfolio of methods. The
novelty of this paper lies in linking woodland degradation
and perceived change to livelihoods. We explicitly include
perceptions by local inhabitants as this can provide informa-
tion for planning (Vila Subirós et al., 2015) and gain support
for restorative work (Davies et al., 2010) and better manage-
ment of land cover change. We have chosen the woodlands
of Kitui, Kenya as these have been undergoing rapid socio-
economic, climatic and environmental change (Zaal &
Oostendorp, 2002; Lasage et al., 2008).
Within this context, the specic aims of this study are to
(1) investigate the spatial patterns and trends of local
woodland degradation and cover change; (2) link wood-
land degradation with the perception of local people on
the land cover/use change and the effect on their well-
being; and (3) explore the role of charcoal in woodland
The study area is located in Kitui County in Kenya about
150 km east of Nairobi (38°23, 38°37E and 46,
58S) and covers an area of 442 km
(Figure 1). The
altitude is about 550 m above sea level. The average yearly
rainfall for Kitui is around 1,000 mm with large local differ-
ences. The rainfall pattern is bimodal consisting of long
rainsbetween March and May, while the short rains
season occurs between October and December (Lasage
et al., 2008). The vegetation of the study area is described
as SomaliaMasai AcaciaCommiphora deciduos bushland
and thicket within the SomaliaMasai ecoregion (Brink &
Eva, 2011) dominated by Commiphora spp., Acacia spp.
and Adansonia digitata L.
The study area borders Tsavo East National Park to the
south-east and Kitui South Game Reserve to the east. Mutha
market is the largest settlement in the area. The land in the
study area is privately owned through family lineages
although formal titling has not been done. Shifting cultiva-
tion is practised within the family land holdings, which are
generally a few kilometres apart. The population of the area
is 10,154 people in 1,865 households (KNBS, 2010) with an
average density of 27 person s km
(KCDP, 2013). We
selected the study site as it is located deep inside in the
charcoal producing area of Kitui County. Furthermore, it is
located at the intersection of two major roads connecting it
to the Nairobi and Mombasa highway, where the charcoal
is mostly transported to. Charcoal making was introduced
in the study area in 1998 by evictees from Chyulu Hills in
the neighbouring Makueni County about 120 km south-west
of the study area, which was gazetted as a national park in
1995 (Muriuki et al., 2011).
Different methods were combined in order to analyse
woodland degradation: land cover change detection based
on the interpretation of satellite imagery, eld-based
charcoal site identication and interviews with local land-
owners. Figure 2 summarizes the data sources and processes
followed to analyse the Kitui woodlands.
Landsat image analysis
We chose Landsat satellite images because they enabled us
to work on a local scale of 30-m resolution and cover the
desired time. Images for the years 1986 (26 August), 1999
(25 October), 2005 (22 August) and 2010 (1 June) were
used (USGS, 2015). For 2014, we used a cloud-free mosaic
from Hansen et al., (Hansen et al., 2013). The satellite
images were chosen based on time of the year, their clarity
Figure 1. The location of study area within Kitui County, Kenya (Landsat
image path 167 row 61). The image is in true colour, based on Landsat
bands 4, 3 and 2.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, (2016)
and major socio-economic changes in the area (e.g. 1998
Chyulu Hills eviction). Images for the dry months were
chosen to minimize the chances of error in classication
because of seasonal differences in vegetation. The satellite
images were pre-processed using ENVI 5.1 and ERDAS
Imagine 9.1 software. We masked cloudscloud cover
however never exceeded 5% of the study area and was
limited to the south-east section.
The unsupervised Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analy-
sis algorithm was used to cluster image areas with com-
mon reectance. We performed the classication in
ERDAS with the convergence value at 0.95 and 20 maxi-
mum iterations, resulting in 20 clusters. These were later
reclassied to three predetermined classes based on the
knowledge of the area and visual examination of colour
composites of raw satellite images (Stringer & Harris,
2014). The three classes were woodland, transitional wood-
lands and farmlands/open areas (Figure 3). It was not pos-
sible to map and analyse changes in the area occupied by
settlements. This was because of the spatial resolution of
Landsat images and the characteristics of mostly informal,
small settlements, with a low share of sealed surfaces. The
accuracy assessment was performed using a stratied ran-
dom sample of 200 units, which were visually interpreted
from the satellite images. We calculated the overall, users
and producers accuracy for each classied image for the
three land cover classes (Congalton, 1991; Foody et al.,
A post-classication change detection was applied to
analyse woodland degradation through space and time.
The images from the different time periods were compared
to create a change image map (Macleod & Congalton,
1998). This method has the advantage that various images
are classied separately hence reducing the challenges
associated with radiometric calibration (Singh, 1989;
Lillesand et al., 2004).
Charcoal and woodland degradation
To further assess the impact of charcoal on woodland degra-
dation, ve parallel transects were aligned in a westeast
direction. The transects, which were 16 km in length and
1 km apart, started from the Kivandeni-Mutha Market main
road going towards the Kitui South Game Reserve boundary.
They represent a gradient of accessibility as we assumed that
accessibility might affect the degree of charcoal extraction
(Figure 1). Rectangular plots (50 by 20 m) of 0.1 ha were
sampled every kilometre along the transects, giving a total
of 75 plots. The 50 by 20 m plot size has been widely used
for assessments of shrub lands, tropical savannahs and
woodlands (Luoga et al., 2002; Kalema et al., 2015). For
every sampling plot, the global positioning system (GPS)
Figure 2. An overview of the research process.
Figure 3. (a) A typical representation of the land cover classes used: wood-
land, transitional woodland and open areas/farmland, (b) charcoal kiln and
extraction road and (c) tree stumps dug out for charcoal production.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, (2016)
coordinates were captured and the number of charcoal kilns
was counted. A kiln is an insulated chamber for wood
carbonization made by covering a wood pile with herba-
ceous material and soil (Chidumayo & Gumbo, 2013, refer
to Figure 3b). Furthermore, the number of tree stumps and
species used for charcoal making within the plot was
counted and identied with the assistance of local guides
(Figure 3c). This plot level data was used as a proxy for
the contribution of charcoal towards woodland degradation.
The plot data was analysed using both inferential and
descriptive statistics, including Pearsons correlation coef-
cient. We also compared the reported kiln density with the
land cover at the plot. As charcoal making involves felling
of preferred tree species, a single kiln usually has a catch-
mentdistance of several metres depending on the density
of the tree species. To account for this, we extracted the land
cover at the sampling plot locations within a 50-m buffer
from the centre of the plot.
Comparison of woodland loss between remote sensing and
community trends
In order to compare community knowledge and perceptions
with remote sensing results, a total of 117 households were
interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The
interviews were conducted between May and July 2015 by
the lead author and four assistants whose mother tongue is
the local language (Kamba). The assistants were trained on
using GPS equipment and questionnaire administration. The
questionnaire was also pre-tested to ensure appropriate word-
ing and meaning of the questions. Systematic sampling of
households was applied using eight transects evenly spread
across the study area. The households interviewed were sys-
tematically picked at a distance of 1km from each other along
the transect. If no household was present after 1 km, the
nearest household was picked. This method was adopted as
there was no reliable settlement data or maps of the area
We targeted household heads (both male and female)
who have lived in the area for at least 20 years to receive
an accurate account of the past land use activities in the
study area. The respondents were asked to explain the land
cover changes within their holdings for the last 20 years,
by indicating the estimated size of woodland and farmland
within the land holding for 5-year time intervals. They
were also requested to give their views on the impact of
charcoal making on the land cover. Finally, the inter-
viewees were asked to rate the effect of land cover change
on their immediate environment, wealth and social rela-
tions on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (no change) to 6
(extreme change), as well as their motivation for the values
given. In-depth semi-structured interviews have success-
fully been used to study stakeholder perceptions in land
use and management (Teshome et al., 2014; Vila Subirós
et al., 2015). Finally, personal observations of land
cover/use types and sources of livehoods were recorded
to supplement the satellite, plot and community-based
Landsat image analysis and accuracy assessment
The results of the Landsat image analysis show the conver-
sion from woodland and transitional woodland to open areas
(Figure 4). The conversions from woodlands to transitional
woodlands cannot always be related to human activity. For
example, in several areas, we observed swaps between
woodlands and transitional woodlands that were a conse-
quence of seasonality and different levels of dryness in the
area. The woodland area has been gradually declining in
the study area from 1986 to 2014, from a total of
31,084 ha in 1986 to 23,930 ha in 2014 (Table I). The
biggest change to the woodland land cover occurred
between 2005 and 2014. Transitional woodland also
increased but at a more moderate pace, from 9,966 to
11,572 ha. Although some changes to this class can be
associated to land cover change, often these changes are as
a result of seasonality of woodlands. This is also shown by
the uctuation of the area covered by transitional woodland
and the low classication accuracy of this land cover class.
Overall, the results show an increase in farmland and transi-
tional woodland areas at the expense of woodlands. There
are few noticeable changes within the Kitui South Game
The users and producers accuracy for woodland range
from 84 to 98% (refer to Table II). The transition class has
the lowest users accuracy of 69 and 75% for the year
2010 and 2014 respectively. This is because of the difculty
to map this particular land cover class.
Charcoal and woodland degradation
Evidence of charcoal making was recorded in 38 of the 75
sample plots. The number of kilns ranged from 1 to 6 (10
60 kilns ha
) per plot, and kilns had an average area of
25 m
. The number of trees harvested per plot ranged from
Figure 4. Woodland change from original and transitional woodlands into
open areas in Kitui County, Kenya, for the period 19862014.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, (2016)
1 to 16 (10160 stems ha
) with diameters ranging from
9.2 to 79 cm (recorded 30 cm off the ground). Almost
complete clear fell of trees is carried out on plots with high
density of preferred species, and little or no extraction is ob-
served on plots with low preferred tree species density. The
species harvested for charcoal making include Strychnos
spinosa Lam., Acacia nilotica L. Willd., Cassia abbrevieta
Oliv. and Acacia tortilis Forsk. Harvesting is normally done
by felling the tree at approximately half a metre off the ground
using an axe. In some instances, charcoal makers dig up the
stumps of the preferred charcoal species (Figure 3c). The
harvesting intensity, the alignment of extraction roads and
cutting of shrubs to use on kiln construction all contribute
to woodland degradation. Thirty-one plots (81.5%) with
charcoal kilns were found in the area where woodland or
transitional woodlands were the dominant land cover
(>51%). Only ve plots were found in the area classied
as farms/open areas thus indicating the importance of transi-
tional woodlands and woodland land cover types as a source
of charcoal (Figure 5).
The land cover type and the number of kilns on each plot
were examined in relation to the distance of each plot from
the main road. We found a weak relationship between the
number of kilns and the distance from the main road
(r=0.178, p= 0.284) and a positive relationship between
woodland cover and the distance from the main road
(r= 0.672, p<0.001).
Household characteristics and woodland cover loss
Out of the 117 respondents, 57 were female and 60 were male.
Their average age was 45 years, and 84% have only had basic
education. Eighty-eight % of the respondents ranked agricul-
ture as their main source of livelihood, while 7 and 6% respec-
tively ranked livestock and charcoal making as their main
source of livelihood. The average farm holding was 20ha,
while the average household size was seven people.
The respondents reported a downward trend of the wood-
land cover over time. Between 1995 and 2015, the woodland
cover was lost at rates of 4.8, 5.6, 10.8 and 17.2% for every
5 years respectively. The highest rates of woodland cover
loss were reported for the years 20052015 when the wood-
land area dropped from 2,093 to 1,545ha. Most of this area
was converted to farmland/open areas (Table S1).
Woodland area loss: comparison between remote sensing
and community interviews
We made a comparison of the woodland loss rates calculated
from the interviews and the remote sensing analysis (Figure
6). For both analysis, we set the initial state of the woodland
to 100% and computed the percentage change based on each
data type. The calculated rates of woodland reduction as de-
rived from the interviews are consistently higher than those
from the satellite imagery. In spite of this difference, the
trends are highly correlated (r=0.96, p= 0.03).
The interviews indicate that 74% of the households have
made charcoal for commercial purposes at one point in time,
and the number currently involved in charcoal production is
66% of the sampled households. The average production per
household is 22 bags per month (Figure 7). The average
weight of a charcoal bag is 35 kg (KFS, 2013) and is cur-
rently sold at Ksh 450 (4.5).
Community perceptions on the consequences of charcoal
The perceptions on how charcoal making has contributed to
observed woodland degradation and landscape changes
within the last two decades vary (Figure 8a). Thirty-eight
% of the respondents believe that charcoal making has led
to a reduction in rainfall through the massive felling of trees.
Other reported associations with charcoal making are wood-
land area reduction (19%), increased soil erosion (12%) and
increase in dust and wind speed (8%).
Table I. Observed land cover changes from 1986 to 2014 in Kitui, Kenya
LUC type 1986 1999 2005 2010 2014
ha % ha % ha % ha % ha %
Woodland 31,084 70.3 30,714 69.5 29,180 66.0 27,266 61.7 23,930 54.1
Transitional woodland 9,966 22.5 9,018 20.4 10,540 23.8 9,363 21.2 11,572 26.2
Farmland 3,168 7.2 4,487 10.1 4,496 10.2 7,583 17.2 8,697 19.7
Table II. Accuracy assessments for the study area for the year 19862014
1986 1999 2005 2010 2014
Woodland 84 88 97 91 98 98 93 90 94 91
Transition 89 82 75 89 93 93 69 84 75 84
Farms 75 90 78 78 93 87 100 80 93 93
Overall accuracy 86 89.5 96 87.5 89
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, (2016)
The perceived consequences of charcoal making and
woodland degradation on community well-being are
reported on a Likert scale ranging from no change (1) to
extreme change (6) in Figure 8b. Less than 25% of the
respondents believe that woodland degradation has had no
impact on their immediate environment, wealth and social
relations between 2010 and 2015, while at least 70% of
the respondents ranked the effect as moderate to extreme
change for the last 10 years. The reported aspects of environ-
mental change mentioned overlap with the reported conse-
quences of charcoal production, including increase in
temperature, dust whirls and migration of bees. As a
45-year-old man from Kendoo village explained: Bees have
migrated.I have six bee hives out of which only one is occu-
pied.The smoke from the kilns has driven the bees away.
Reduction in harvest volume of maize and green grams
(mungbeans) and the number of livestock are key reasons
why respondents think that their wealth has gone down
considerably. A 60-year-old man reported that: I had 30
herd of cattle but now I have none.I used to harvest a lot
of honey but now the bees are nowhere.I used to harvest
15 bags of maize but now I harvest 1 bag. Perceived
reduction in rainfall amounts and predictability has severely
affected agricultural activities, and as a consequence, com-
munal activities such as voluntary farmer self-help groups
(mwethya) have since stopped. Exchange of agriculture-
based gifts such as food items and livestock has also re-
duced. Overall, individuals have focused their time on daily
survival efforts through non-farm activities such as charcoal
making, small businesses and local employment. This shift
in social relations is best captured through the sentiments
Figure 5. Location of sample plots where charcoal kilns where found and
their corresponding land cover types.
Figure 6. Comparison of woodland cover loss trends calculated from com-
munity interviews and satellite imagery.
Figure 7. Households involved in charcoal making and average production
per month.
Figure 8. Community perceptions on (a) the effects of charcoal making on
the landscape and (b) on the environmental conditions, wealth and social
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, (2016)
of a 60-year-old man from Ithango village: we no longer
share gifts,the mwethya no longer function and we no lon-
ger visit each other.We wake up early in the morning to
search for food and return home late to sleep.
Land cover change from satellite imagery
Although the use of satellite imagery to derive information
on woodland degradation has its drawbacks, an 86% overall
accuracy of our land cover classication indicates a sufcient
level of accuracy to show real changes (Treitz & Rogan,
2004). Our accuracies are comparable to other studies in
the region, for example, in Ugandan woodlands (Mwavu
& Witkowski, 2008). Nevertheless, post-classication maps
are subject to uncertainty, where the errors of individual
maps propagate when different maps are compared to
analyse land cover change (Olofsson et al., 2013). This
can impact the validity of the observed locations and spatial
pattern of woodland cover change. Additional condence in
the results is gained as the spatial pattern of woodland
change follows a logical pattern near or adjacent to roads
and settlements and is not randomly scattered across the
landscape. Moreover, the change trends correspond well
with the eld measurements and interview results that each
have their own, different uncertainties. By comparing
different ways of measuring woodland change and degrada-
tion through a triangulation of evidence, we overcame the
limitations of each individual approach.
The decrease of woodland area and an increase in
farmlands in the study area are indicative for the rapidly
changing land use regime in the area attributable to an
increase in farmlands and shifting cultivation. This increase
is partly because of population increase that rose from 3
persons km
in 1989 (CBS, 1994) to 11 persons km
1999 (KNBS, 2010) and drought adaptation mechanisms
of the local population. Households have responded to the
decreased rainfall amounts by clearing increasingly bigger
farmlands hoping to compensate for lowered output per unit
area. Our eld observations point to shifting cultivation as
one of the causes of woodland loss. Farmers use a particular
portion of the farm holding for a period of time and clear a
new woodland area for farming once the previous one is
exhausted. The effects of shifting cultivation on reducing
woodland cover have been reported in other African wood-
lands (Luoga et al., 2005; Kalema et al., 2015).
Conversion of woodlands to farmlands/open areas can
have adverse effects on soils. Conversion of woodland to
other land use has been noted to reduce soil organic carbon
by 2230% and total nitrogen by 19% for a study in Ethiopia
(Yimer & Abdelkadir, 2010). An adequate amount of soil
organic matter is considered essential for sustainable
agriculture, and its reduction decreases crop productivity
(Yimer et al., 2007). Loss of vegetation cover can lead to
the formation of soil sealing that increases the risk of runoff
and soil erosion. Mohammad & Mohammad (2010) reported
high soil loss in cultivated elds as compared with land
under woody vegetation, an observation they attributed to
the breakdown of soil aggregate stability, loss of vegetative
cover and exposure of the soil particles to direct impact of
rain drops.
Charcoal as a driver of land degradation
Whereas population growth and the demand for cropland
were the main drivers until 1999, charcoal burning became
a signicant driver of woodland degradation afterwards as
evidenced by the large proportion of households who
engage in charcoal production, the large number of kilns
counted in woodland cover area and evidence of trees
harvested for charcoal making. This is supported both by
our eld observations and interviews. It is not possible to
attribute the drivers of woodland degradation directly from
remote sensing data. The spatial pattern and distribution of
woodland degradation derived from the remote sensing
images after 1999 suggests charcoal burning among the
major factors of degradation. Patches of woodland degrada-
tion after 1999 are smaller as compared with the ones
between 1986 and 1999. The larger patches are likely the
result of land clearing for agriculture, while the smaller ones
are more characteristic for charcoal production. Neverthe-
less, it is difcult to point out one single driver, as often
areas that had been cleared for charcoal production are after-
wards used for cropland.
The degree of degradation is highly place-specic and
depends on the density of preferred charcoal making
species. Almost all the charcoal kilns were observed in
woodland cover areas suggesting that charcoal making is
an activity not directly associated with land clearing for
agriculture. The role of charcoal making in land degradation
has also been reported elsewhere (Luoga et al., 2002; Luoga
et al., 2005; Chidumayo & Gumbo, 2013). As charcoal
makers construct the kilns near the tree cutting site, kilns
further contribute to degradation as they remain bare for a
long time (Dons et al., 2015). Removal of vegetation cover
and subsequent burning around charcoal kilns can result in
soil fertility reduction. This can occur in numerous ways:
soil erosion with nutrient loss on bare grounds, reduction
of soil organic matter through volatilization and loss of soil
microbial biomass because of increased decay and loss of
heat-sensitive microbes (Certini, 2005; Zhang et al., 2015).
The effect of woodland degradation is further
compounded by the presence of uncontrolled extraction
roads that involves clearing of vegetation all the way to
the kiln site. Furthermore, selective harvesting of preferred
charcoal species may completely wipe away some species,
changing the structure of the woodland and its ability for self
regeneration (Butz, 2013). Many woodland and dryland
species regenerate through coppicing (Sawadogo et al.,
2002; McLaren & McDonald, 2003), and therefore, digging
up their stumps severely compromises this ability
(Malimbwi & Zahabu, 2008).
It is difcult to relate woodland degradation to charcoal
even with using relatively high-resolution Landsat images,
as charcoal making is a phenomenon occurring at subpixel
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, (2016)
size scale. To overcome this challenge, very high-resolution
satellite imagery such as Quickbird and Ikonos are being
used to analyse charcoal-related degradation (Oduori et al.,
2011; Dons et al., 2015).
Extended droughts and low farm productivity are cited as
some of the factors enhancing charcoal making in the savannah
areas and Kitui County in particular (PISCES, 2010). With
no other source of livelihood, poverty-striken residents turn
to charcoal making for subsistence and commercial
purposes, as shown by other examples in Africa (Malimbwi
& Zahabu, 2008; Kalema et al., 2015). People are attracted
to charcoal production as it requires neither formal educa-
tion nor large capital investment while at the same time
charcoal is a cash product with a large market ready to
absorb the entire production (Malimbwi & Zahabu, 2008).
The weak relationship between kilns and distance from
the main road contrasts sharply with what is normally
expected in wood resource extraction (Albers & Robinson,
2013). Studies in South Africa (Pote et al., 2006) have
shown that the amount of harvesting decreases with distance
from settlements as the most favoured species are removed
rst from accessible areas. The pattern in our study can be
attributed to the nature of land ownership in the study area,
local vegetation variations and the commercial aspect of
charcoal making. Land is individually owned, and thus,
owners can exert some degree of control on how trees can
be used. The commercial nature of charcoal extraction,
fuelled by demand for charcoal in cities such as Nairobi
and Mombasa, has encouraged middlemen to venture deep
into the woodlands, leading to charcoal production all over
the woodlands. Charcoal can be sourced from long distances
as long as the price increases result in marginal gain
(Ahrends et al., 2010)
Comparison of woodland loss between remote sensing and
community interviews
The high degree of similarity of woodland cover trends
between remote sensing and from interviews indicates that
the community is well aware of their surroundings and the
land use changes. Combining interviews and remote sensing
provides more reliable and comprehensive data on land use
and land cover as various aspects of land use and cover
change, their causes and effects can be claried and veried.
Also, several other studies have successfully compared
satellite-derived land cover changes with interview data
from multiple stakeholders ranging from farmers, communi-
ties, businesses and institutions. In these studies, the inter-
views focussed on identifying the drivers of change
(Malek et al., 2014; Ariti et al., 2015), the impact of changes
(Garedew et al., 2009) or the stakeholder perception of
(Yiran et al., 2012; Ariti et al., 2015). The argument is that
whereas remote sensing can provide quantitative data on the
magnitude of land cover change, it is the stakeholders who
can inform on the driving forces of change and how the
changes affect their lives. However, interviews are time-
consuming and may be subjective, and for periods further
back in time, it is more difcult to gather reliable results
(Garedew et al., 2009). As stakeholders base their decisions
on their perception of the drivers and impacts of land use
and land cover change (Ariti et al., 2015), there is the need
to link the observed changes with the driving forces to
inform effective and sustainable land use planning (Yiran
et al., 2012). Our study provides an example of the analysis
of woodland degradation at a local level using a portfolio of
methods complementing each other and thus enabling a
comprehensive understanding of woodland degradation
and the role of charcoal production in specic.
In order to reduce woodland degradation, incentives for
landowners to maintain woodland areas should be combined
by disseminating technical information and alternative
management options, such as beekeeping. This will
reduce woodland degradation and dependence on charcoal
for sustenance. Extending forestry services to tree planting
for charcoal and wood production could reduce the
pressure on existing woodlands, as examples of local non-
governmental organizations (NGO) such as Katulu have al-
ready shown. Moreover, encouraging the use of alternative
charcoal production technologies, such as the casamance
charcoal kiln and briquetting, can increase the efciency of
charcoal production by reducing the number of trees neces-
sary to produce a given volume of charcoal hence slowing
down land cover change (Mekuria et al., 2012). Finally,
pressures on woodland can be reduced by increasing agri-
cultural productivity, for instance through the introduction
of drought-tolerant crops, manure for fertilization, seasonal
forecasts and promotion of soil and water conservation
techniques (Recha et al., 2014).
Landsat imagery analysis, eld transects and household
interviews provide an in-depth understanding on woodland
cover change and degradation. Our study has shown that
woodlands are being converted to farmlands and are
degraded mainly through charcoal making as result of a
host of physical and socio-economic factors. The commu-
nity is well aware of the woodland degradation and land
cover change and relate degradation of the land cover to
their perceived worsening livelihoods. To reduce woodland
cover loss, our results indicate that there is a need for ap-
propriate policy and technological measures to reduce
woodland cover change and degradation. Such measures
should target improving the productivity of agriculture to re-
duce shifting cultivation practice, adaptation to climate
change and reducing dependence on charcoal for sustenance
in order to address the combined drivers of woodland deg-
radation and loss.
This study was supported by the Ms Grietje Wille Legacy
under the A Sustainable Approach to Livelihood Improve-
ments Project, a joint cooperation between VU University,
the Netherlands and SEKU University, Kenya. Additional
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, (2016)
support was obtained from the European Research Coun-
cil under the European Unions Seventh Framework
Programme ERC Grant Agreement no. 311819
(GLOLAND). We thank Dr Julia Schindler of VU Univer-
sity, Dr Kariuki Chege and Dr Peter Njuru both of SEKU
for their invaluable advice. We also thank Festus Kakuma
for organizing eld logistics. The authors declare no con-
ict of interest.
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Table S1. Woodland cover loss for the years 19952015 as
determined from community interviews
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT, (2016)
... Human activities, some of them reported in the study area like tree cutting, overgrazing and introduction of invasive alien species are known to affect forest structure (FAO, 2010;Mutiso, et al., 2011). Cutting of mature trees in particular, may reduce their stem density and seeding capability (Omeja et al., 2004;Ndah et al., 2014;Kiruki et al., 2016). Consequently, alter their regeneration potential of the forest resulting to stands of poor tree density and diameter structures (Krebs, 1989;Hitimana et al., 2004;Omeja et al., 2004). ...
Forest fragments in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands are key water catchment areas and provide important ecosystem services. However, uncontrolled human activities are fast altering their stem density basal area and diameter structure resulting into forest degradation. Besides, information regarding tree density and diameter size-class distribution of dryland forest fragments such as Museve and Mutuluni is lacking. Thus, the purpose of this study was to document key human activities in Museve and Mutuluni forest fragments in Kitui, Kenya and comparatively investigate their influences on stem density, basal area and stem diameter size-class distribution. Two belt transect of 20 m wide and 500 m long, with contiguous sample plots of 20 m by 20 m and subplots of 10 m by 10 m were established in each forest. Evidence of human activities, abundances and diameter measurements for mature trees were assessed in the 20 m by 20 m plots while abundances and diameter measurements for saplings were in the subplots. Mann-Whitney, t-test and logistic regression were used for data analysis. Mutuluni forest exhibited significantly (p<0.05) high stem density compared to Museve however, basal area density was not different (p<0.05). Introduction of exotic species enhanced basal area and stem density (p<0.05) in Museve forest. Tree cutting reduced both basal area and stem density in Museve forest and only stem density in Mutuluni. Stem-density diameter distribution in both forests followed a reverse J-curve but with more fluctuations and irregularities observed in Museve compared to Mutuluni forest. Diameter size-class distribution did not differ (p<0.05) across the two forests. Therefore human activities significantly impacted on tree density in both forest fragments with high impacts in Museve. This study recommends formulation of appropriate protection and conservation strategies, especially for Museve, to control tree cutting and increase tree density.
... Increase in population and urbanization has led to changes in land use and land cover (LULC) over a period of time. LULC change is a major driver for changes in the ecosystem, and it affects different aspects like bio-diversity, hydrological regime, evapotranspiration, radiation, land surface temperature, urban heat island phenomenon, etc. (Comair et al., 2012;DeFries & Eshleman, 2004;Ding & Shi, 2013;Ezimand et al., 2018;Guzha et al., 2018;Kiruki et al., 2017;Lambin & Meyfroidt, 2011;Pauleit et al., 2005;Riebsame et al., 1994;Verma et al., 2020;Zhu & Li, 2014;Zhu et al., 2022). LULC change has become a challenge globally as they directly reflect the effects on natural ecosystem by human activities (Liu et al., 2014;Mooney et al., 2013;Tian et al., 2012). ...
Full-text available
Monitoring of land use and land cover (LULC) change is important to study the changes in the ecosystem. In the present study, we attempted to study the impact of LULC change on groundwater regime by analysing time series Landsat satellite data for years 1989, 1995, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, & 2019 in Narkhed–Pandhurna critical zone observatory located in the Narkhed–Pandhurna region covering parts of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The crop classification was also attempted for the years 2015 and 2019 using Sentinel 2 data. The accuracy assessment was carried out by the help of field verification and Google Earth data. The results indicate that the agricultural, barren land and built-up area have increased by 10.99 km², 0.36 km² and 0.84 km² respectively. The area under vegetation (orange orchards and forest) has decreased by 13.14 km² and area of water bodies has increased by 0.94 km². The increase in agricultural area is supported by groundwater development that led to decline in long-term groundwater levels, which is indicated by 3 decades of groundwater level monitoring in the study area. The increase in agriculture is also indicated by high concentration of nitrate in groundwater that exceeding the drinking water maximum permissible limits of the Bureau of Indian standards in the region.
... Further, since 2011 the study area has been placed under the Kariba REDD+ project (Dzingirai and Mangwanya 2015), which may have influenced the current increase in woodland cover. Most studies in the region, however, have demonstrated a general decline in forest cover over time (Kamusoko and Aniya 2007;Matavire et al. 2015;Kiruki et al. 2016;Mekonen et al. 2018), though this is offset by regrowth (McNicol et al. 2018). ...
... Se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas (Kiruki et al., 2017) para llevar a cabo el proceso de revisión y valoración de las definiciones de los subindicadores, los métodos precedentes de construcción del indicador compuesto, es decir, de normalización y cálculo, y la construcción de la escala de medición y validación del indicador compuesto. Estas actividades, todas de modalidad participativa, siguieron un criterio de "uso final". ...
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Objetivos: desarrollar un procedimiento de evaluación integral del impacto de la degradación antropogénica utilizando un indicador compuesto, y conocer la magnitud de los impactos, en tres agroecosistemas pecuarios. Metodología: se aplicó un diseño de estudio de casos múltiples integrando métodos mixtos. Se definieron participativamente, y utilizaron métodos matemáticos de cálculo y estandarización sencillos para construir el indicador compuesto. Para la recopilación de información de variables humanas, la muestra fue por redes y evaluada; la unidad de recolección de datos, los actores sociales involucrados en cada caso; y la recopilación de información, se realizó por entrevistas semiestructuradas y estructuradas. Para las variables biológicas-físicas, la muestra fue la transecta; el universo de datos, la finca; y la recolección de información, se realizó por muestreo observacional sistemático. Resultados: se obtuvo impacto moderado con riesgo de degradación crítica para dos de las fincas, indicando la necesidad de modificación del plan de manejo para evitar cambios irreversibles. La otra, mostró impacto crítico con riesgo de impacto severo, indicando la detención de actividades y su intervención, para evitar el avance de cambios irreversibles y permitir la rehabilitación. Conclusiones: el indicador construido, permitió evaluar integralmente los impactos y riesgos de ocurrencia de la degradación antropogénica. la simplicidad de los métodos utilizados, promueve su uso público abierto. El procedimiento aplicado promueve una mejor comprensión del comportamiento del fenómeno estudiado, mayor efectividad de los planes de gestión, y la viabilidad y conservación de los agroecosistemas de zonas áridas, los más vulnerables ante la acción de la degradación antropogénica.
... The need for charcoal appears to be a factor in some places, such as the areas surrounding important towns like Lusaka, Dar es Salaam, and Nairobi. (Kiruki, et al., 2017). Africa's Sub-Saharan region is the least electrified, consequently, the area is viewed as the perfect location for the deployment of cutting-edge electrification technologies that will be both environmentally friendly and economical. ...
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Many peri-urban and rural households use traditional stoves which have low energy use efficiency leading to wasteful use of woodfuel, increase in indoor air pollution and putting more pressure on biomass sources. Energy saving devices have been introduced which are environmentally friendly and economical. The main objective of this study was to establish social-economic factors influencing the adoption of improved energy Multistage sampling technique was used whereby; locations and sub-locations were selected purposefully. Households from four sub-locations were chosen using simple random sampling. A total of 232 households in the four selected study areas were interviewed. The study used questionnaires and interview schedules for data collection. The collected data was coded and entered into the computer for analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and statistics and data software (STATA) presented using tables. Data forecasting analysis was done using the Time series Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) time series model for the period 1991 to 2052. Family size had a significant effect on use of LPG (χ 2 = 22.010, P = 0.001) and electric energy technology (χ 2 = 20.482, p = 0.002). The result of this research further showed that for the respondent to get kerosene lamps, in Unoa, Kilili and Mung'ala, they travelled more than 1 km whereas in Kilili, they mainly (18.6%) travelled 101-600m for the energy device. This showed a significant different in the distance travelled in the four areas (χ 2 = 86.194, P = 0.0001). The outcome of the research is useful to many stakeholders including the government, Ministries of Agriculture and Energy, Environmentalists, Market Suppliers of improved energy devices and Researchers.
In African countries various tree spcies are a key part in Non Timber Forest Production (NTFP) economy, be it for fruit, resin collection or medicinal use. Among these species Acacias play an important role in the arid and semi-arid dry-lands over Africa. In this study we explore the potential of BioGeoChemical Modelling techniques to assess growth peformance of Acacia ocurrences within their natural environment, where they only may persist against rain-fed grassland vegetation when having access to seasonally changing groundwater tables. Within this study we assess the applicability of BGC-modeling techonologies to pastoral and AgroForestry settings within a semi-arid region in Kenya. Results show that effects of (i) changing hydrological patterns, (ii) fire and grazing regimes and (iii) traditional plant use for resin production may be captured by simulation.
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This article conducts a thorough analysis of the potential impacts of environmentally friendly policies on the long-term viability of renewable energy and waste management policies on the economics of local regions within the African Continental Free Trade Area. The research examines how these policies intersect with the development of intra-African enterprise and local employment rates. The study employs a qualitative methodology, utilising an exploratory research design to investigate African economic performance metrics. It also uses qualitative data to gain a deeper understanding of the subtle implications of policies. The research evaluates the economic consequences of these policies in African contexts by utilising a range of secondary sources, such as governmental reports, peer-reviewed studies, and policy evaluations. Initial results indicate that although green policies have resulted in substantial environmental advantages, their influence on intra-African economies is intricate and diverse. The report asserts that comprehending these dynamics is crucial for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers who have an interest in fostering sustainable development and inclusive economic growth in Africa. The study suggests the adoption of environmentally friendly policies that take into account the economic conditions inside Africa and aim to achieve a local economy that is both environmentally sustainable and inclusive.
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The Teesta basin, shared by Bangladesh and India, undergoes profound changes due to land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics combined with climate change, significantly impacting its water balance. This comprehensive study aims to analyze the combined effects of future LULC changes and climate change on basin runoff. Employing a cellular-automata model, we accurately predicted LULC for 2020 and projected scenarios for 2050 and 2080. We utilized the semi-distributed Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model for the base period (1995–2014) and two future periods: 2050s (2035–2064) and 2080s (2071–2100). SWAT model is forced by 8 General Circulation Models (GCMs) under two Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs): SSP245 and SSP585. The study reveals notable LULC changes, with substantial increases in agricultural (0.49%) and settlement areas (1.67%) from 2000 to 2010, followed by changes from 2010 to 2020. The CA-Markov prediction indicates significant future increases in settlements and agricultural land by 2050 and 2080, coupled with reductions in forest, water, and snow cover. The calibrated and validated SWAT model effectively simulated discharge, yielding satisfactory results. Projected changes in discharge during the monsoon and winter periods were examined under different scenarios. Monsoon discharge is predicted to increase by 26–38% in the 2050s and 30–45% in the 2080s. Conversely, the winter/dry period may experience a decrease of 46–49% in the 2050s and 38% in the 2080s for SSP245 and SSP585 scenarios, respectively. Considering LULC changes to account, additional discharge increases during the monsoon are projected, with slight increases in the dry period during the 2050s and decreases during the 2080s. This study anticipates an increasing trend in peak flow during the monsoon and a declining trend in mean flow during winter without further upstream water control. Understanding and managing the combined effects of LULC changes and climate change on the hydrological dynamics of the basin is of utmost importance for sustainable water resource management in the region.
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Land degradation resulting from improper land use and management is a major cause of declined productivity in the arid environment. The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of a sequence of land use changes, soil conservation measures, and the time since their implementation on the degradation of selected soil properties. The climate for the selected 105 km2 watershed varies from semi-arid sub-tropical to Mediterranean sub-humid. Land use changes were detected using aerial photographs acquired in 1953, 1978, and 2008. A total of 218 samples were collected from 40 sites in three different rainfall zones to represent different land use changes and variable lengths of time since the construction of stone walls. Analyses of variance were used to test the differences between the sequences of land use changes (interchangeable sequences of forest, orchards, field crops, and range), the time since the implementation of soil conservation measures, rainfall on the thickness of the A-horizon, soil organic carbon content, and texture. Soil organic carbon reacts actively with different combinations and sequences of land use changes. The time since stone walls were constructed showed significant impacts on soil organic carbon and the thickness of the surface horizon. The effects of changing the land use and whether the changes were associated with the construction of stone walls varied according to the annual rainfall. The changes in soil properties could be used as indicators of land degradation and to assess the impact of soil conservation programs. The results help in understanding the effects of land use changes on land degradation processes and carbon sequestration potential and in formulating sound soil conservation plans.
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The study was conducted in three watersheds (Dapo, Meja and Mizewa) in the Ethiopian part of the Blue Nile Basin to estimate the on-site cost of soil erosion using the productivity change approach, in which crop yield reduction due to plant nutrients lost with the sediment and runoff has been analysed. For this purpose, runoff measurement and sampling was conducted during the main rainy season of 2011 at the outlet of two to three sub-watersheds in each watershed. The sediment concentration of the runoff, and N and P contents in runoff and sediment were determined. Crop response functions were developed for the two plant nutrients based on data obtained from the nearest Agricultural Research Centres. The response functions were used to estimate crop yield reduction as a result of the lost N and P assuming there is no compensation through fertilization. The results show a significant yield reduction and resultant financial loss to the farmers. Considering only grain yield of maize (Zea mays), farmers at Dapo annually lose about USD 220 ha−1 and 150 ha−1 due to the loss of N and P, respectively. In view of the importance of the crop residues, including as feed, the loss can be even greater. The study demonstrated that in addition to the long-term deterioration of land quality, the annual financial loss suffered by farmers is substantial. Therefore, on farm soil and water conservation measures that are suitable in biophysical and socio-economic terms in the landscapes and beyond need to be encouraged.
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Soil moisture plays a key role in vegetation restoration and ecosystem stability in arid and semiarid regions. The response of soil moisture to rainfall pulses is an important hydrological process, which is strongly influenced by land use during the implementation of vegetation restoration. In this study, vertical soil moisture variations of woodland (Pinus tabulaeformis), native grassland (Stipa bungeana), shrubland (Hippophea rhamnoides), cropland (Triticum aestivum) and artificial grassland (Onobrychis viciaefolia) in five soil profiles were monitored in a typical loess hilly area during the 2010 growing season. The results demonstrated that rainfall pulses directly affected soil moisture variation. A multi-peak pattern of soil moisture appeared during the growing season, notably in the surface soil layer. Meanwhile, the response of each vegetation type to rainfall was inconsistent, and a time-lag effect before reaching the peak value was detected, following each heavy rainfall event. The response duration of soil moisture, however, varied markedly with the size of rainfall events. Furthermore, higher soil water content was detected in grassland and shrubland. Woodland was characterized by relatively lower soil moisture values throughout the investigation period. Our research suggests that vegetation restoration efforts should give priority to grassland and shrubland at the research site. We suggest that more studies should be focused on the characteristics of community structure and spatial vegetation distribution on soil moisture dynamics, particularly within the grass and shrub ecosystems.
To preserve agroforest landscapes, it is essential to understand the complex factors that have shaped them. Biophysical and socio-economic factors need to be considered, and we must leverage the ever-increasing human capacity to model landscapes and predict their responses to agricultural intensification and land abandonment. This paper presents the main conclusions of a study on stakeholder perceptions of landscape changes in two protected Mediterranean mountain areas in the Iberian Peninsula: Alta Garrotxa and Gavarres. First, we present the changes in land use and land covers that have occurred over the past half-century. Then, we used in-depth interviews to determine the social perceptions and assessments of the landscape changes. We identified two coexisting but opposing viewpoints based on anthropocentric and ecocentric interpretations. The results reveal the complexity and diversity of stakeholder assessments of current management models and illustrated the lack of consensus on land management priorities. Therefore, it is necessary to promote participative methods and incorporate environmental service assessment as key elements in the decision-making processes.
Biochar offers potential for enhancing the agricultural productivity of degraded lands in the humid tropics. This paper reports on charcoal and biochar production among peasant farmers who practice shifting cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon. Using wood from secondary forest fallows, farmers produce charcoal for market in earthen mound kilns, also yielding biochar, as charcoal fines, which becomes incorporated into kiln site soils. Data were collected in a riverside community near Iquitos through interviews with farmers/charcoal producers; an inventory of kiln sites; a kiln audit of the charcoal production process; and soil sampling of kiln sites and adjacent paired control sites (depth: 15cm). Our results indicate that kilns incorporate substantial quantities of biochar into local soils (Ultisols), as much as 30 tonnes each year on 0.4-0.8 hectares of kiln sites. Additions of biochar and ash significantly enhance soil fertility by increasing organic C content, raising P and other nutrient concentrations, reducing acidity and exchangeable Al, and increasing soil porosity and friability. Organic C, N, Mg, Ca, and CECeff did not decrease significantly with increasing kiln site age, suggesting heightened levels may persist for more than a decade after kilns are used. Farmers recognize the elevated fertility of kiln sites and cultivate in them annual and perennial crops, as well as use kiln soil and biochar off-site, in home gardens, nursery beds and planting holes. Our findings point to the potential of biochar to ameliorate soils and enhance forest recovery under shifting cultivation systems that integrate charcoal production into forest fallow-based rotations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
In mountainous areas of southwestern China, especially Guizhou province, continuous, broadly distributed karst landscapes with harsh and fragile habitats often lead to land degradation. Research indicates that vegetation located in karst terrains has low aboveground biomass and land degradation that reduces vegetation biomass, but belowground biomass measurements are rarely reported. Using the soil pit method, we investigated the root biomass of karst vegetation in five land cover types: grassland, grass-scrub tussock, thorn-scrub shrubland, scrub-tree forest, and mixed evergreen and deciduous forest in Maolan, southern Guizhou province, growing in two different soil-rich and rock-dominated habitats. The results show that roots in karst vegetation, especially the coarse roots, and roots in rocky habitats are mostly distributed in the topsoil layers (89 % on the surface up to 20 cm depth). The total root biomass in all habitats of all vegetation degradation periods is 18.77 Mg ha-1, in which roots in rocky habitat have higher biomass than in earthy habitat, and coarse root biomass is larger than medium and fine root biomass. The root biomass of mixed evergreen and deciduous forest in karst habitat (35.83 Mg ha-1) is not greater than that of most typical, non-karst evergreen broad-leaved forests in subtropical regions of China, but the ratio of root to aboveground biomass in karst forest (0.37) is significantly greater than the mean ratio (0.26 ± 0.07) of subtropical evergreen forests. Vegetation restoration in degraded karst terrain will significantly increase the belowground carbon stock, forming a potential regional carbon sink.
Can livestock grazing and/or fire regimes be used to promote coppice growth in Sudanian savannah silviculture? Effects of livestock and prescribed fire regimes on stool sprouting after selective cutting were followed during 6 years. Half the initial basal area (at stump height) of 10.8 m2 ha-1 (500 stems ha-1) was cut on 48 plots of 0.25 ha each. In a split-plot design with and without livestock, the effects of annual "early fire" (as soon as possible after end of the rainy season), no fire and 2 years without fire were tested. With moderate (50% of the potential) grazing of 0.7 TLU ha-1 stump mortality decreased and basal area per stool (stems > 10 cm GBH) increased, which we assume was due to reduced sprout/grass competition. Fire regimes had no major impact and no significant interaction was found. Six years after cutting, coppice basal area was 1.1 m2 ha-1, corresponding to a recovery of 20% of the initially removed area.