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Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 1000580
J Food Process Technol
ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal
Open Access
Research Article
Journal of Food
Processing & Technology
ISSN: 2157-7110
Owusu-Mensah et al., J Food Process Technol 2016, 7:4
*Corresponding author: Owusu-Mensah E, Food Science and Technology
Department, College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, Tel: +233-547335237; E-mail:
Received March 21, 2016; Accepted April 12, 2016; Published April 18, 2016
Citation: Owusu-Mensah E, Oduro I, Ellis WO, Carey EE (2016) Cooking
Treatment Effects on Sugar Prole and Sweetness of Eleven-Released Sweet
Potato Varieties. J Food Process Technol 7: 580. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000580
Copyright: © 2016 Owusu-Mensah E, et al. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original author and source are credited.
Cooking can signicantly alter sugar content of sweet potato roots. Sweet potato roots were processed using three different
cooking treatments, with the aim of investigating the effects of these methods on sugar prole and sweetness levels. Signicant
contribution of the cooking treatment and genotype, and their interaction on levels of the sugars were also determined. Moreover,
sugar values were converted to relative sweetness per sucrose equivalent. The results revealed that cooking treatment produced
the highest effect on sugar except fructose. Variability due to the interactions was signicant and ranged from 2.60% to 11.74%.
Whilst sucrose was the predominant in the raw form, maltose increased dramatically during cooking. Sweetness level increased
substantially upon cooking and was highly dependent on initial sugar content, amylase activity and cooking treatment. Thus,
evaluation of sweetness levels in sweet potato clones should not only be on the uncooked samples but should take into account
the cooking methods employed.
Cooking Treatment Effects on Sugar Profile and Sweetness of Eleven-Released
Sweet Potato Varieties
Owusu-Mensah E
*, Oduro I
, Ellis WO
and Carey EE
1Food Science and Technology Department, College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
2International Potato Centre (CIP), Kumasi, Ghana
Keywords: Cooking treatments; Sugar prole; Sweetness level;
Amylase activity; Maltose
Sweetness, derived from sugars in the raw sweet potato root
and maltose formed during cooking, is the predominant attribute
controlling the taste of cooked sweet potato products [1,2]. e level
of sweetness in the root determines the type of product or formulation
that can be developed. A number of factors including maturity period,
storage, amylase potential, curing and baking treatment signicantly
inuence sweetness/sugar content of sweet potato roots [3-5]. Baking
treatment and the amylolytic potential nonetheless have the greatest
eect on sugar content of the nal product [6-8]. Baking generally
increases sugar content of sweet potato roots [9,10]. Increase in sugar
content during baking can be dramatic, leading to a very sweet product
[9]. ough eect of baking treatment on sugars of sweet potato roots
has been extensively investigated, limited data is available on other
cooking treatment such as steaming and microwaving. Nevertheless,
sweet potato roots are cooked by dierent treatments including
microwaving; baking, steaming and boiling prior to consumption with
the aim to increase the culinary properties and enhance digestibility
[11]. Temperature, time and mode of heat transfer dierentiate these
cooking methods. Conventional baking usually lasts for 60-90 min
at 180-220°C, depending on the genotype and tuber size [9]. Baking
temperature as reported by Simkovic [12] and Chan [6] can however
cause sucrose caramelisation, a phenomenon, which results in
conversion of sucrose to oligomers and polymers. Microwave cooking
employs a high temperature, short time heating mechanism to cook
food products [10]. Heat is transferred by convection and conduction
during baking whilst electromagnetic waves penetrate food materials
causing agitation and friction to produce heat for cooking during
microwaving [5]. e eect of steaming on quality characteristics of
sweet potato root has not been widely reported.
Although eects of some cooking methods, especially baking, on
quality attributes of sweet potatoes have been evaluated comparative
studies with the view of understanding the eects of dierent cooking
treatments on sugar proles, sweetness and utilisation of sweet potatoes
are limited. Moreover the inuence of cooking treatments on sugars
of eleven ocially released sweet potato varieties in Ghana has not
been investigated. To better understand the contribution of dierent
cooking methods on sugar formation and sweetness of sweet potato
roots, individual sugar and sweetness levels of eleven released varieties
were determined following baking, microwaving and steaming.
Experimental design
Triplicates of eleven sweet potato varieties released by Council for
Scientic and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Crops Research Institute
(CRI) were planted in a randomized complete block design on May
2014 at the CSIR-CRI experimental station, Fumesua, Ghana [13-15].
Harvesting was done four months aer planting (September, 2014)
and each plot was treated as a separate sample during laboratory
evaluations. Harvested roots were stored for a week at room condition
(25 to 30°C) prior to processing.
Sample preparation
Four medium-size intact roots of each variety were washed with
clean water, rinsed and air-dried. e clean roots were then quartered,
rinsed with de-ionised water and dried using paper towels. Each quarter
was sliced across its longitudinal axis to approximately 1.0 cm thickness
and composite samples from each plot, divided into four groups of 50
g. One group was designated as raw and the rest were subjected to three
dierent processing methods; baking, steaming and microwaving. For
baking, one group of the sliced samples was wrapped in aluminium foil
and placed in a forced air oven (Genlab MINI/50/DKG), which has
been preheated to 205°C, for 30 mins. For steaming, another group of
Citation: Owusu-Mensah E, Oduro I, Ellis WO, Carey EE (2016) Cooking Treatment Effects on Sugar Prole and Sweetness of Eleven-Released
Sweet Potato Varieties. J Food Process Technol 7: 580. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000580
Page 2 of 6
Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 1000580
J Food Process Technol
ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal
root samples was placed in a Kitchen steamer with boiling water and
cooked for 10 min. e third group of the root samples was wrapped
in paper towel and moistened with about 5 mL of portable water and
microwaved (sharp microwave model R-228H) for 5 min inside a
plastic microwaveable food container. Cooked samples were allowed
to cool to room temperature for about 20 min, transferred to whirl-Pak
polyethylene bags and frozen at –20°C before drying using the freeze
dryer (True Ten, Ind, YK18-50, Taiwan). Dried samples were milled
and sieved as described in chapter four (under methodology) prior to
sugars determination.
Sugar determination
Freeze-dried and milled sweet potato samples were sent to the
Quality Plant Product Laboratory (Department of Crop Science,
University of Gottingen, Germany) for sugar analysis. Water extract of
the freeze-dried sweet potato samples (0.1 g in 100 mL) was used. e
samples were incubated in a water bath at 60°C for 1 h and treated with
0.2 mL Carrez I and Carrez II solution to remove proteins. Samples
were puried by centrifugation (Sorvall RC-5B Refrigated Superspeed,
GMI, Ramsay, USA) at 10,000 rpm for 10 min at 20°C. Sugars were
determined from the membrane-ltered supernatant (pores size 0.45
µm). Glucose, fructose, sucrose, and maltose were separated using a
LiChrospher 100 NH2 (5 µm) 4 x 4 mm pre-column in combination
with a LiChrospher 100 NH2 (5 µm) 4 x 250 mm separation column
(Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) and an acetonitrile: pure water
solution (80:20 v/v) as mobile phase at a ow rate of 1.0 mL min-1 at
20°C and an injection volume of 20 µL. Sugars were detected with a
Knauer dierential refractometer 198.00 (Knauer, Berlin, Germany).
Determination of amylase activity
e 3,5-dinitrosalicyclic acid (DNSA) method for reducing sugars
was employed to determine the total amylase activity of the freeze-dry
sweet potato roots [16,17].
A unit (U) of amylase activity was dened as the amount of enzymes
required to release reducing sugars equivalent to one µmole of maltose/
min under the above stated conditions [16].
Calculation of sweetness level
In order to ascertain and compare sweetness levels among the
varieties, sweetness (sucrose equivalent) was calculated from the
equation: Sucrose Equivalent (SE) = 1.2 fructose + 1 sucrose + 0.64
glucose + 0.43 maltose [1,18]. Based on the SE values obtained, the
varieties were classied into four categories: non sweet (SE ≤ 12 g/100g
dry weight); low sweet (SE 13 – 20 g/100 g); moderate sweet (SE 21 – 28
g/100 g); and high sweet (SE29 – 37 g/100 g) [1].
Statistical analysis
Experimental means were calculated from triplicate values of
each variety per treatment. Data obtained were subjected to analysis
of variance using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) [19]. Signicant
dierences among means were assessed using Least Signicant
Dierence (LSD) at probability level of 5%.
Results and Discussion
Eect of cooking treatment, genotype and interaction on
sugars of cooked sweet potato roots
e eect of cooking, genotype and their interaction were
signicant on all sugars (maltose, sucrose, glucose and fructose),
though the percentage contributions varied considerably (Tables 1 and 2).
Cooking treatment showed the highest eect of the total variability on
the sugars except fructose. e eect was more profound on maltose
content with percentage variability of 90.12%. Nearly 80% and 53% of
the total variation in sucrose and glucose contents of the cooked roots
were due to the cooking treatment. Eect of genotype was highest on
fructose relative to the other sugars. While 45.68% of the variation in
fructose resulted from the genotypic composition of the roots, only
7.26% of the dierence in maltose content was due to genotypic eect.
Percentage variability resulting from genotypic eect on sucrose and
glucose was 16.93% and 38.82% respectively. Overall variation from
interactions between cooking treatment and genotype ranged from
2.60% to 11.47% of the entire dierences noticed. Although it was
signicant, it contributed the least of the total variation.
e results from the analysis of variation depict that changes in
sugar concentrations during cooking are signicantly dependent on
cooking treatment, genotype and interaction. Among these factors
cooking treatment exerted the highest eect. Its eect was more
profound on maltose content, which increased from 7.26% prior to
cooking to 90.12% aerward. Cooking increases temperature intensity
and penetration, and also facilitates breakdown of hydrolytic bonds
holding starch granules and other compounds. Such conditions
enhance the activity of native amylase resulting in starch degradation
and the production of sugars mainly maltose as observed in the
study [8,20]. Apart from fructose, changes in individual sugars were
remarkable. Response from fructose was higher for genotype eect
rather than cooking treatment.
Eect of cooking treatment on sugars of sweet potato roots
Table 3 shows the means and ranges in sugars as a result of the
dierent cooking treatments. Wide variation existed among the sugars
of the cooked sweet potato roots, with maltose and sucrose showing the
highest variability. Maltose was hardly present in the raw form whilst
sucrose (10.58%) predominated. is nding agrees with Morrison
[8] and Sun [10] who reported that sucrose is the major sugar in
raw forms and the most important sugar for predicting sweetness in
sweet potatoes [6]. Sucrose concentration, generally, increased slightly
Variety Skin Colour Skin Shape Flesh colour Yield (t/ha)
Apomuden Reddish brown Obovate Reddish orange 48.9
Bohye Purple Obovate Pale orange 16.8
Dadanyuie Dark purple Round elliptic White 10.5
Faara Deep purple Long elliptic Cream 16.9
Hi-Starch Creamy Elliptic Cream 14.7
Ligri Cream Round elliptic Pale yellow 16.3
Okumkom Cream Long elliptic Cream yellow 19.91
Ogyefo Purple Long elliptic White 25.9
Otoo Cream Long elliptic Light orange 30.7
Patron Dark yellow Long elliptic Dark yellow 15.9
Sauti Cream Long elliptic Yellow 15.4
Table 1: Phenotypic attributes and yield of the sweet potato varieties used for
assessment of changes in sugar content [3-5].
Source of Variation *Variance (%)
Maltose Sucrose Glucose Fructose
Genotype (G) 7.26** 16.93** 38.82** 45.68**
Cooking treatment (CT) 90.12** 79.04** 52.60** 43.12**
GxCT 2.60** 4.03** 8.65** 11.47**
**Signicant at p < 0.05. *Calculated from sum of squares.
Table 2: Percentage variability of cooking treatment, genotype, and interactions on
sugars of cooked sweetpotato roots.
Citation: Owusu-Mensah E, Oduro I, Ellis WO, Carey EE (2016) Cooking Treatment Effects on Sugar Prole and Sweetness of Eleven-Released
Sweet Potato Varieties. J Food Process Technol 7: 580. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000580
Page 3 of 6
Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 1000580
J Food Process Technol
ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal
when baked, though it was not signicant compared to the raw, but
remained constant at microwaving and decreased signicantly during
steaming. Glucose and fructose contents were not signicantly aected
by the dierent cooking treatments, although the levels were generally
lower compared to raw roots. Maltose content rose from 0.63% before
cooking to 20.13%, 14.35% and 5.07% aer baking, steaming and
microwaving respectively. It became the principal sugar following
baking and steaming. Increase in maltose content following cooking
has been observed in several sweet potato varieties [7,8,10]. Changes
in maltose and sucrose (the major sugars) concentrations per variety
during cooking were also assessed and results presented in Figures
1 and 2 respectively. Maltose, which was not detected in most of the
varieties prior to cooking increased dramatically aer baking and
steaming (Figure 1). Faara, Dadanyuie, Ligri Sauti and Apomuden
had the highest increase and Hi-Starch the lowest in maltose content
following baking and steaming. ough the eect of microwave
cooking was also positive and signicant on maltose content for all the
varieties, it was comparatively much lower to both baking and steaming.
In contrast, sucrose content decreased in some of the varieties while
increasing slightly or remaining the same in others during cooking
(Figure 2). Apomuden, Dadanyuie, and Hi-starch recorded a decrease
whilst Bohye, Faara, Otoo, Sauti and Ligri showed an increase aer
baking. Sucrose contents in Ogyefo, Okumkom and Patron were not
signicantly aected by baking treatment. Steaming reduced sucrose
content in all the varieties. e magnitude of reduction was extremely
high in Faara, which lost almost 96% of its sucrose content. Eect
of microwave treatment on sucrose was similar to that of baking.
While negatively aecting sucrose content in Apomuden, Bohye,
Hi-Starch, Ligri, Patron, and Sauti, microwaving enhanced sucrose
levels in Dadanyuie, Faara, and Otoo. Sucrose content in Ogyefo, and
Okumkom were not signicantly aected.
Concentration of sugars in sweet potato roots varies signicantly
during cooking, with the extent of variability being highly dependent
on; 1) initial sugar concentration, 2) amylase activity and 3) cooking
method employed. e impact of cooking treatment on sugar content
is related to temperature, time, and mode of heat transfer. Baking
treatment resulted in the highest sugar (maltose) formation mainly
due to the long cooking period (30 min) coupled with the high
temperature (205°C) employed. Moreover there was no direct contact
between the sample and the heating medium, a system that prevented
possible leaching of soluble sugars, during baking. Heat is transferred
from the periphery to the centre of the root by conduction in baking
as compared to microwaving for instance where electromagnetic
radiation penetrates the entire root causing agitation and friction to
produce heat for cooking instantaneously [5]. Hence baking utilises
more time, a system that allows adequate starch gelatinisation and
subsequent conversion to maltose by amylases [21,22]. It has been
demonstrated that increasing heating temperature over a time
frame increases starch degradation and maltose production [8,10].
Baking treatment at higher temperatures can however cause sucrose
caramelisation, a phenomenon, which results in conversion of sucrose
to oligomers and polymers as reported by Simkovic [12] and Chan
[6]. Hence the reduction in sucrose content of some of the varieties
(Figure 2) may be attributed to this eect. is nding corresponds
with Chan [6] and Morrison [8] who reported a decrease in sucrose
content of several sweet potato cultivars during baking. e rapid
heating mechanism of microwaving deactivated the native amylases
responsible for maltose formation, and consequently the reduction in
Figure 1: Changes in maltose content of sweetpotato roots as affected
by different cooking treatments; microwaving, steaming and baking.
Individual Sugars
(% DM)
Cooking Treatment
Raw Baking Microwaving Steaming
Sucrose 10.58 (9-23)a11.01 (6-20)a10.72 (7-16)a 4.30 (0-8)b
Glucose 2.69 (1-4)a 1.10 (0-3)b 1.63 (0.4-5)b 1.55 (0-5)b
Fructose 1.58 (0-3)a 0.84 (0-2)a 0.92 (0-2)a 0.95 (0-4)a
Maltose 0.63 (0-1) a 20.13 (5-36)b 5.07 (2-15)c14.35 (2-27)d
Ranges of maeans are presented in brackets. a,b,c Figures in rows with the same
superscripts are not signicantly different (p < 0.05).
Table 3: Means and ranges of individual sugars in raw and cooked sweet potato
Figure 2: Changes in sucrose content of sweetpotato roots as inuenced
by three cooking treatments; microwaving, steaming and baking.
Figure 3: Changes in sweetness levels of sweet potato roots after
baking. Standard error bars represent LSD at p<0.05.
Citation: Owusu-Mensah E, Oduro I, Ellis WO, Carey EE (2016) Cooking Treatment Effects on Sugar Prole and Sweetness of Eleven-Released
Sweet Potato Varieties. J Food Process Technol 7: 580. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000580
Page 4 of 6
Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 1000580
J Food Process Technol
ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal
its levels [6,10]. Moreover, the short heating period of microwaving
does not enhance starch gelatinisation, a rate-determining step
in initial stages of hydrolysis [7,21]. Whereas baking resulted in a
dramatic increase in maltose content of Jewel, microwaving inhibited
its formation, reducing the total sugar content of the cooked product
[10]. Microwave cooking can therefore be an ideal method for food
preparations where high sugar content is not a desirable attribute. In
regions like Sub-Sahara Africa where less sweet potato varieties are
perceived to be the preferred choice Tumwegamire [23], microwave
cooking could be the recommended choice.
Steaming treatment resulted in an increase in maltose content
in all the varieties. On the contrary, it caused a reduction in sucrose
content in all the varieties compared to the raw roots. e heat transfer
mechanism of steaming treatment allowed direct contact between
the roots and the heat source. Such heat exchange technique allows
movement of soluble substances; where solutes move from high
concentration to low concentration. Sucrose, which was initially high
in the raw roots, may have consequently moved from the roots to the
steam. Hence the reduction in sucrose content observed in the roots
aer steaming.
Increase in sugars, particularly maltose, levels of sweet potato
root can also be attributed to the hydrolytic ability of native amylases
present in the uncooked roots. Sweet potato roots contain high
levels of amylases, mainly α- and β-amylase, which signicantly
inuence levels of sugar in processed sweet potatoes [24]. Amylases
hydrolyse gelatinised starch into maltose and short-chain branched
oligosaccharides (limit dextrins) during cooking resulting in a
sweet taste [8,22]. e amylase activity of the varieties was therefore
determined to ascertain the general hypothesis that amylases are also
responsible for the increase in sugar content.
Table 4 presents amylase activity of the sweet potato varieties
investigated. It ranged from 927.14 U/g in Ligri to 387.06 U/g in Hi-
starch. Based upon levels of activity found, Ligri, Dadanyuie, Sauti,
Ogyefo and Okumkom were grouped as very high amylase varieties.
Faara, and Otoo are high-class varieties whilst Patron, Apomuden,
Bohye and Hi-Starch are considered moderate types. e level of
amylase activity correlated positively with the formation of maltose
aer cooking (Figure 1). Most of the high amylase varieties including
Dadanyuie, Ligri, and Faara of low initial total sugar content (Figure
1) showed very high increase in maltose content aer baking and
steaming. Similarly, Hi-starch with a lower amylase activity but
similar initial sugar content as that of Ligri for instance produced little
extra maltose, and was not signicantly dierent from the uncooked
roots. Apomuden with moderate amylase potential produced
moderate maltose content though it had the highest content prior to
cooking. is result supports previous ndings that maltose content
in cooked sweet potato is a function of amylase activity of the roots
[7,8]. However, it should be noted that dierent cooking treatments
produced signicantly dierent eects on sugar content of the cooked
roots (Figure 1). Baking treatment however results in the highest nal
sugar contents.
Baking treatment and sweetness of sweet potato roots
To study the eect of cooking treatment on sweetness levels of the
varieties, baking treatment, which resulted in the highest increase in
sugars, was selected. Individual sugars in raw and baked roots were
rst converted to sucrose equivalent (SE) based on sweetness factors
[25]. Such conversion allows easy comparison of sweetness among
sweet potato varieties. Kays [1] employed this method to evaluate the
sweetness levels of 272 baked sweet potato clones and categorised the
clones into ve main groupings based on SE: Very high ≥38; high 29-
37; moderate 21-28; low 13-20 and non-sweet ≤ 12 g per 100 g dry
Sweetness among the sweet potato varieties prior to and aer
baking is presented in Figure 3. e levels increased signicantly aer
baking in majority of the varieties, and the eect was more pronounced
in the high amylase types (Table 4); Faara, Ligri, Otoo and Sauti. e
increase also corresponded well with the maltose content aer baking
(Figure 1). Apomuden had the highest sweetness value of 29.79 SE, and
Hi-Starch the lowest of 10.79 SE prior to baking (Figure 3). e other
varieties had values in the range of 12 to 16 SE. Using the grouping by
Kays [1], the varieties fell under the following classes prior to baking:
Apomuden–High sweet; Bohye, Dadanyuie, Faara, Ligri, Okumkom,
Otoo, Patron and Sauti–Low sweet; and Hi-starch, Ogyefo and Sauti–
non sweet. However the levels of sweetness and subsequently the
sweetness categories of the varieties changed signicantly following
baking. Whereas Apomuden dropped slightly, but not signicant, from
high sweet category (29.79 SE) to moderate sweet (28 SE), majority
of the varieties including Dadanyuie, Faara, Ligri, Otoo and Patron
moved from low sweet to moderately sweet category. e increase
in SE of Bohye and Okumkom were not signicant enough to place
them in the moderate class. Whilst Ogyefo and Sauti increased in SE
values and were categorised as low and moderate sweet respectively,
Hi-starch, remained in the same non-sweet category following baking
Sweetness in sweet potatoes is a function of cultivar, amylase
activity, storage condition, and cooking treatment [1,5,6],. Nonetheless,
amylase activity, initial sugar concentration and maltose formed during
cooking are the most critical in determining the nal sweet sensation of
cooked root [1,8]. ese factors can completely change the sweetness
status of a variety as observed in Dadanyuie, Faara, Ligri, Sauti, Otoo,
Patron and Ogyefo (Figure 3) which were low or non-sweet prior to
cooking, but changed to moderate sweet when baked.
e sweet potato varieties in this study were also classied into
four general groups based on initial sucrose equivalent (SE) and
starch hydrolytic potential [8]. ese are low initial SE/low starch
hydrolysis; Low initial SE/high starch hydrolysis; High initial SE/low
starch hydrolysis and High initial SE/high starch hydrolysis. Figure 4
Figure 4: Classication of eleven sweetpotato varieties based on sucrose
equivalent (SE) derived from starch hydrolysis (using maltose as indicator)
during bakingand endogenous sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose).
(-, -) – Low initial SE/low starch hydrolysis; (-, +) - Low initial SE/high starch
hydrolysis; (+, -) – High initial SE/low starch hydrolysis; (+, +) – High initial
sugar/High starch hydrolysis [11,14].
Citation: Owusu-Mensah E, Oduro I, Ellis WO, Carey EE (2016) Cooking Treatment Effects on Sugar Prole and Sweetness of Eleven-Released
Sweet Potato Varieties. J Food Process Technol 7: 580. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000580
Page 5 of 6
Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 1000580
J Food Process Technol
ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal
shows the classication of the sweet potato varieties assessed under this
Hi-starch was the only variety belonging to the class of low initial
SE content coupled with low starch hydrolysis (-, -). It produced small
amount of maltose upon cooking (Figure 1) as a result of its low amylase
activity (Table 4). Natural inhibitors and starch-based structural
resistance to hydrolysis are also probably inhibitory mechanisms for
the low starch hydrolysis [8]. is lack of activity has been attributed to
a recessive allele called β-amy for which the variety Satsumahikari was
homozygous [8]. It is probable that Hi-Starch is the same variety since
it was introduced to Ghana from Japan. Amylase activity in this variety
was detected in vitro, but apparently was below the threshold required
for eective hydrolysis during baking. Dadanyuie, Ogyefo and Sauti
had low initial SE but produced signicant amounts of maltose when
baked (-, +) whilst Okumkom, Otoo, Patron and Bohye have moderate
to high initial sugar content and produced low levels of maltose upon
baking (+, -). e last group, Faara, Ligri and Apomuden, had relatively
high initial SE and moderate to high starch hydrolytic (+, +) potential
following baking. e outcome of this investigation establishes that
nal sweetness of cooked sweet potato roots is a function of initial
sugar content and amylase potential of the raw root. Hence it would
be unreliable to classify sweet potato clones in terms of sweetness prior
to cooking.
Conclusion and Recommendations
e ndings of this study indicate that cooking method, genotype
and their interactions signicantly inuences sugars and sweetness
of sweet potato root. Among these factors cooking treatment showed
the highest variability. Baking which lasted for longer time resulted
in the highest maltose formation. Maltose was barely absent in raw
roots but increased considerably aer cooking. e amount of maltose
synthesized was however dependent on the level of amylase present
in the raw root. Activity of amylases was facilitated by temperature,
time, and mode of heat penetration by the cooking method. Whilst
baking conditions enhances hydrolysis, electromagnetic radiation
generated by microwave cooking deactivates amylases, suppressing
maltose formation and rendering the product less sweet. Sweetness was
found to be dependent on initial sugar content, amylase activity and
cooking method. Cooking treatment should therefore be considered as
a key criterion when evaluating quality attributes of sweet potatoes for
appropriate utilization.
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Sweet potato varieties Total amylase activity Groupings
Ligri 927.14 (40.56) Very high
Dadanyuie 882.05 (26.82) “
Sauti 809.24 (30.45) “
Ogyefo 804.10 (30.67) “
Okumkom 779.25 (37.76) “
Faara 687.32 (50.34) High
Otoo 650.67 (20.45) “
Patron 489.81 (15.56) Moderate
Apomuden 454.10 (21.56) “
Bohye 414.26 (13.24) “
Hi-starch 387.06 (25.67) “
Grouping was based on ranges of amylase activity found: Very High (≥ 750), High
(749-550), moderate (549- 350), low (≤ 349). Standard deviations are presented
in brackets. LSD = 14.45
Table 4: Means and levels of amylases in sweet potato varieties.
Citation: Owusu-Mensah E, Oduro I, Ellis WO, Carey EE (2016) Cooking Treatment Effects on Sugar Prole and Sweetness of Eleven-Released
Sweet Potato Varieties. J Food Process Technol 7: 580. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000580
Page 6 of 6
Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 1000580
J Food Process Technol
ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal
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Citation: Owusu-Mensah E, Oduro I, Ellis WO, Carey EE (2016) Cooking
Treatment Effects on Sugar Prole and Sweetness of Eleven-Released
Sweet Potato Varieties. J Food Process Technol 7: 580. doi:10.4172/2157-
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