
Shannon’s formula as a measure of species diversity: its use and misuse

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... We explored the diversity of nekton using parameters of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H'), Pielou evenness index (J'), and Margalef richness index (d), which are defined as follows (Shannon and Weaver, 1963;Pielou, 1966;Margalef, 1968): ...
... The species diversity index is used as a stability indicator to judge the composition of community or ecosystems (Shannon and Weaver, 1963;Pielou, 1966;Margalef, 1968). Accompanied by AI and MI, it is meaningful to analyze and study the effects on the variation of nekton community (Zhu et al., 1994). ...
Spatiotemporal variations of nekton communities in estuaries are closely associated with habitat quality and environmental shifts. However, the importance of environmental conditions in shaping the spatial heterogeneity and seasonal succession of nekton in Chinese estuaries has rarely been reported. We collected nekton seasonally between 2018 and 2019 from 10 sites in the semi-enclosed Hangzhou Bay (HZB) and investigated the spatiotemporal dynamics of the nekton assemblage structure. A wide taxonomic diversity was identified, including 57 taxa from 23 families (36 fish, 15 shrimp, and six crabs). The nekton was mainly composed of small coastal, nearshore, and estuarine species, dominated by Miichthys miiuy, Collichthys lucidus, Exopalaemon annandalei, and Palaemon gravieri. The nekton biomass and abundance distribution were higher in the upper and middle bay than in the lower bay. The year-round northeast–southwest front zone was high related to the high-value dense area of nekton. Diversity and evenness indices of nekton biomass were higher during July and October than January and April. The unstable and high variability of the nekton community composition was reflected in the species diversity indices, seasonal alternate index, and seasonal migration index. Significant differences were found between fauna clusters among seasons, revealing the relationship between the habitat adaptability of species and seasonal variation of water masses. The nekton assemblage structure and distribution pattern were predominantly correlated with seasonal variations in natural and anthropogenic factors. In this study, the observed effects of anthropogenic and natural stressors on the seasonal variation of the nekton community and density distribution in the estuarine-bay ecosystems provide new insight into fishery ecosystems and ecosystem functioning.
... CAD : sortie sur le cadre en bois CON: contact entre les deux Araignées CEN : une des Araignées se place au centre de la toile DEP : déplacement sur la toile ou sur les fils de cadre DFA : déplacement sur le fil avertisseur ENT : entrée dans la retraite IMM : immobilité LOC: localisation de l'autre Araignée en tournant et tirant les fils PAT: coup de Pl sur la toile POU: poursuite REC : sortie de la retraite du côté opposé au fil avertisseur TIR: tiraillement de la toile TOM: rupture de contact avec les fils de la toile TOU: demi-tour sur la toile ou les fils de cadre. (Pielou, 1966). Il est également utilisé par quelques auteurs pour déterminer la diversité rencontrée lors de séquences comportementales (Altmann, 1965: Pielou, 1966 Par définition le coefficient de stéréotypie caractérisant un stade donné sera égal à la moyenne des coefficients de stéréotypie de toutes les confrontations de ce stade (Riechert, 1978b ...
... (Pielou, 1966). Il est également utilisé par quelques auteurs pour déterminer la diversité rencontrée lors de séquences comportementales (Altmann, 1965: Pielou, 1966 Par définition le coefficient de stéréotypie caractérisant un stade donné sera égal à la moyenne des coefficients de stéréotypie de toutes les confrontations de ce stade (Riechert, 1978b ...
Une étude de population de Zygiella x-notata, araignée solitaire a révélé l'existence d'une répartition de type agrégatif des individus et d'une variabilité de la taille des toiles dans les agregats. Cette variabilité est due à une contrainte exercée par les congénères : celui qui tisse après, tisse plus petit. Des études de populations montrent que la répartition de type agrégatif est présenté à chaque stade du développement mais qu'il existe une distance minimale suggérant l'existence de contraintes entre les individus. Le type de répartition observé est vraisemblablement dû à une phéromone volatile sociale. Le passage au stade III s'accompagne d'une augmentation marquée des distances intérindividuelles qui suggère l'existence de variations comportementales de type agonistiques. Une mise en situation d'intéraction agonistique des individus révèle l'existence de variations comportementales aux stades II et III. Ces variations observées ne peuvent être mises en rapport avec des variations morpho-physiologiques comme lors du passage au stade adulte. Chez Zygielle x-notata, le congénères agit donc à différents niveaux sur la structure des populations. Il exerce une attraction et une contrainte lors du choix du site de construction ainsi qu'une contrainte lors du tissage des toiles. Si Zygiella x-notata ne répond pas aux critères d'identification des espèces sociales, elle n'est pas davantage une espèce solitaire
... Pielou's Evenness Index (J′) was used to measure the homogeneity of species distribution within the community (Pielou, 1966). The index is based on the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and was employed to assess how evenly individuals are distributed among species. ...
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The long-term monitoring of freshwater ecosystems has been globally recognized for its critical role in preserving natural biodiversity and human well-being over the past century, yet monitoring efforts remain heterogeneously distributed. The Anatolia region in Turkey is known to host three out of the world’s 34 biodiversity hotspots, boasting high biodiversity, but is increasingly threatened by anthropogenic effects and invasive freshwater fish species. Although the introduction of non-native fish species and pollution has detrimental effects on different river catchments in this area, long-term biomonitoring studies in Anatolia remain scarce and inconsistent. Collecting information of the Gediz River basin, a major Anatolian river catchment as a model that has been significantly impacted by human activities, published between 1971 and 2023, a total of 21 fish species from 12 families were identified. The spatial and temporal occurrences of these species fluctuated significantly due to heterogeneous sampling efforts that did not follow a clear pattern, indicating a complex ecological and conservation scenario characterized by both spatial and temporal variability in species prevalence, endemism and abundance. The presented results emphasize the need for comprehensive long-term biodiversity monitoring for anthropogenically impacted catchments like the Gediz River basin. Only with a coherent basis of high-resolution monitoring data can the multiple stressors threatening Anatolia’s freshwater biodiversity be disentangled and, subsequently, be mitigated. Using the Gediz River basin as an example, this study emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive, long-term biodiversity monitoring in understudied regions worldwide to protect regional biodiversity and ensure ecosystem health.
... According to these different aspects, the diversity, richness, evenness, and dominance indices were invented. Four of the most commonly used indices are the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (Shannon, 1948), Partrick richness index (Whittaker, 1972), Pielou evenness index (Pielou and Shannon, 1966), and Simpson dominance Index (Simpson, 1949), which correspond to the different aspects of species diversity (Table 1). ...
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Urban green space sound sources play an important role in providing people with high quality recreation experiences. However, the evaluation index for urban green space sound sources is still limited. The main purpose of this study is to propose indices for soundscape diversity in urban green spaces, compare soundscape diversity with acoustic diversity, and understand the role of soundscape diversity in urban green spaces. In our field investigation, the sound sources of 30 sample sites were recorded over a five-minute period, and the soundscape diversity index (SDI), soundscape richness index (SRI), soundscape dominance index (SDO), and soundscape evenness index (SEI) were calculated. The results showed that soundscape diversity indices are more suitable for the evaluation of urban green space sound diversity than acoustic diversity indices. There is a significant correlation between soundscape diversity and urban green space landscape patterns, and there is a varied relationship between soundscape diversity and sound perception in different urban green spaces. Soundscape diversity can be explained by existing objective acoustic indicators, which can explain 55% of SDI model variations , 71% of SRI model variations, 43% of SDO model variations, and 32% of SEI model variations. Soundscape diversity can be applied to future urban green space planning and acoustic environment design.
... According to these different aspects, the diversity, richness, evenness, and dominance indices were invented. Four of the most commonly used indices are the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (Shannon, 1948), Partrick richness index (Whittaker, 1972), Pielou evenness index (Pielou and Shannon, 1966), and Simpson dominance Index (Simpson, 1949), which correspond to the different aspects of species diversity (Table 1). ...
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Urban green space sound sources play an important role in providing people with high quality recreation experiences. However, the evaluation index for urban green space sound sources is still limited. The main purpose of this study is to propose indices for soundscape diversity in urban green spaces, compare soundscape diversity with acoustic diversity, and understand the role of soundscape diversity in urban green spaces. In our field investigation, the sound sources of 30 sample sites were recorded over a five-minute period, and the soundscape diversity index (SDI), soundscape richness index (SRI), soundscape dominance index (SDO), and soundscape evenness index (SEI) were calculated. The results showed that soundscape diversity indices are more suitable for the evaluation of urban green space sound diversity than acoustic diversity indices. There is a significant correlation between soundscape diversity and urban green space landscape patterns, and there is a varied relationship between soundscape diversity and sound perception in different urban green spaces. Soundscape diversity can be explained by existing objective acoustic indicators, which can explain 55% of SDI model variations , 71% of SRI model variations, 43% of SDO model variations, and 32% of SEI model variations. Soundscape diversity can be applied to future urban green space planning and acoustic environment design.
... Species richness (R1 and R2 ) was obtained using the following equation: R1 = (S -1) /log N (Margalef, 1958) R2 = S √n (Menhinic, 1964) Where, R = is the index of species richness S = total number of species N = total number of individuals iii. Species equitability or evenness was determined by using the expression of Pielou (1966) and Sheldon (1969). ...
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Ecology and diversity of zooplankton species in relation to some physico-chemical parameters at three sites namely Thana Health Complex Pond, Tulatoli River and Harun Dakua’s Pond of the coastal ecosystems of Bakerganj were studied from January 2008 to December 2009. A total of 56 zooplankton species were recorded out of which 35 were rotifers, 6 protozoan, 8 copepods, 5 cladocerans and 2 ostracods species. During study, rotifera was the most abundant group (61.44 % in Thana Health Complex pond, 38.36 % in Tulatoli River, and 86.03 % in Harun Dakua’s pond), while the ostracoda were the least abundant group (0.2 % in Harun Dakua’s pond). The highest monthly average value of zooplankton was 707.75 ± 189.56 indv /L at Thana Health Complex pond and the lowest was 127.42 ± 19.95 indv /L at Tulatoli River of Bakerganj. Zooplankton species richness (R1 and R2) was comparatively higher (R1: 1.63 ± 0.10; R2: 0.64 ± 0.06) in Harun Dakua’s pond while both the species diversity (Shanon Weiner Index) (H' = 0.87 ± 0.08; eH' = 2.52 ± 0.17) and species evenness (E1 and E2) (E1 = 0.44 ± 0.04; E2 = 0.43 ± 0.05) were higher in the Tulatoli River. The zooplankton population showed positive correlation with physico-chemical parameters like water temperature, air temperature and water depth, whereas negatively correlated with pH, DO, TDS, conductivity and salinity with a few exception. Bangladesh J. Zool. 50(3): 321-335, 2022
... Due to the low number of replicates (n = 2/site), statistics was restricted to descriptive/explorative approaches, so no parametric tests (ANOVA, PERMANOVA, etc.) were executed. For the estimation of taxa diversity, Shannon's H' and Pielou's Evenness J were calculated (Shannon and Weaver 1963;Pielou 1966). For similarity analyses, the Bray-Curtis Index (Bray and Curtis 1957) was applied, without data transformation. ...
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During the research cruise MSM 14/1 of RV M.S. MERIAN to the eastern Mediterranean Eratosthenes Seamount in 2009/2010, samples were taken with a multiple corer to get first insights into the composition, abundance, and diversity of the meiofauna. Along two transects, a north–south and a west–east ones, 14 sites were sampled on the seamount. Additionally, a distant deep-sea site provided meiobenthic material for comparison with that of the seamount. Altogether, 15 meiobenthic major taxa were found. Nematoda and Copepoda Harpacticoida strongly dominated all sites, followed by Annelida and Tardigrada at most sites. Although direct comparison pointed towards a northern seamount community, this could not be confirmed by a detailed community analysis regarding taxa composition, abundance expressed by density (ind./10 cm ² ), and taxa diversity. It revealed neither a homogeneous seamount community nor any faunistic relation with bathymetric or geographic gradients, with exception of the taxa diversity that apparently followed a latitudinal gradient. Generally, Eratosthenes Seamount presents a quite heterogeneous meiobenthic assemblage that may be linked to small-scale biotic and abiotic variables. Moreover, also the distant reference site did not differ significantly from the seamount sites. A brief comparison with other Atlantic and Mediterranean seamounts and islands indicates that Eratosthenes Seamount is not characterized by an impoverished meiobenthic fauna.
... To estimate the species diversity index and avoid inadequacies caused by the single index, we selected the species richness index (R), the Simpson index (D), the Shannon's diversity index (H) (Whittaker, 1972), and the Pielou's index of evenness (E) (Pielou, 1966) using the following equations: ...
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Slope aspect has an important impact on vegetation morphology, structure, and spatial distribution. However, the effects of different slope aspects on the characteristics of plant communities, and soil physical and chemical properties in alpine meadows remains unclear. Here, we selected the gully hillsides of Dangzhou, distributed along the eastern border of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, as the study object. Based on variance and correlation analysis, we determined the following results. The slope aspect has a significant effect on the characteristics of plant communities. Significant differences in plant functional groups and plant diversity among different slope aspects in alpine meadows were found (p-value < 0.05). Plant functional groups and plant diversity showed consistent trend changes at the slope aspect transition from the north to south slope. The slope aspect affected the physical and chemical properties of the soil. With the slope aspect varied from North to South, pH, ST (soil temperature), and STP (soil total phosphorus) increased, whereas soil organic matter (SOM), soil total potassium, soil water content (SWC), and soil total nitrogen showed a decreasing trend (p-value < 0.05). The characteristics of plant functional groups varied with the physical and chemical properties of the soil. A significant correlation between plant functional groups and soil pH, SOM, and SWC was observed (p-value < 0.05). Plant diversity significantly correlated with soil pH and SWC (p-value < 0.05) but not with the other soil physical and chemical properties (p-value > 0.05). Our findings may provide a scientific basis for the sustainable use of alpine meadows and the evaluation of ecosystem services in alpine meadows.
... (2) and Pielou alignment index (Pielou, 1966): ...
... In order to mitigate this phenomenon of desertification, the State has developed reforestation strategies all over northern regions and this was declared during the "World Food Security" conference in Rome, 2008 [8][9][10]. Unfortunately, these reforestations have never taken into account "karal" which is still in a state of degradation and the disappearance of plant biodiversity in these environments remains very advanced [11,12]. The present work therefore aims to study the influence of anthropization of transplanted Muskuwaari sorghum on the floristic diversity in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of the Far North region of Cameroon. ...
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Transplanted sorghum is a staple food crop and represents an important part of cereal production in the Far North region. Its cultivation has led to profound agrarian changes and environmental landscape. The main objective of the study carried out from 2017 to 2019 in the Far North area was aimed to study the influence of anthropization on the diversity of woody vegetation, its management and conservation of the transplanted sorghum landscape in the Sudano-Sahelian zone. Population surveys in six (06) villages and floristic surveys through 50 m2 plots in two soil types in these villages were conducted. The results show that the use of herbicide, cutting down and stump removal of woody plants, essential in most cases, have led to profound changes in the Kare with the invasion of the fields by weed plants, post-harvest soil denudation and the disappearance of plant biodiversity. The exploitation of sorghum led to a reduction in the number of woody species from 20 to 9 at the start to the end of the study respectively. Similarly, the average species density decreased over time. The disappearance of 17 individuals was recorded on the clay soil type and 12 on the hydromorphic soil type during the 2 years. Faced with this threat, the practice of agroforestry (4 to 11%), reduction in the use of chemicals (24.19 to 40.32%), abolish harvesting of green wood (0 to 3.33%) and plough to limit the action of fire have been proposed as alternative measures for sustainable exploitation of transplanted sorghum.
... Для оценки видового разнообразия макрозообентоса использовали модифицированную формулу Шеннона (Wilhm, Dorris, 1968). Также для каждой станции были рассчитаны индексы выравненности Пиелоу (Pielou, 1966). ...
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The authors conducted a comprehensive reconnaissance study of the Lake Donuzlav benthos in the North-Western part of Crimea. Samples were taken at four stations on the northwest coast of the lake and at two stations on the seashore of the Belyaus Spit. The number of different physiological groups of bacteriobenthos was estimated for the first time. A high number of heterotrophic bacteria was observed only in the central part of the lake but low abundance of oil-oxidizing bacteria was recorded everywhere. Last factor indicates the presence of oil hydrocarbons in bottom sediments and low destruction potential of bacteriobenthos in decomposition of oil and its derivatives. High number of sulfate-reducing bacteria specifies active processes of sulfate reduction, which lead to a deterioration of the sanitary-ecological state of the lake due to high toxicity of hydrogen sulfide for aquatic organisms. Meiobenthos of the researched water area represented by 7 major taxa was dominated by nematodes. The number of meiobenthic organisms was higher in the lake than on the seashore. Cluster analysis based on the quantitative ratio of taxonomic groups of meiobenthos in samples showed the presence of two groups of stations. Fifty-one species belonging to 7 large taxonomic groups were recorded in the composition of macrozoobenthos. This accounts for more than a half of macrozoobenthos species recorded at all theмterritory of the lake by previous researches in the 60s and 90s of the XX century. Bouivalves made the maximum contribution to biomass (95.0–99.6 %) at almost all stations. The number of macrozoobenthos varied in the range of 75–4217 ind./m2, biomass varied from 1.07 to 130.36 g/m2. The Shannon index values exceeded the value 2 in almost all studied stations. The obtained data characterize the studied territory as a slightly polluted water area with high species diversity and stable cenoses for extended period of time.
... where N is the total number of individuals of all species and n is the number of individuals of a species. The evenness index (E) was calculated according to the following formula (Pielou 1966): where H is the Shannon index and S is the number of species. ...
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El-Mex Bay and Nubaria are two huge coastal embayments located west of Alexandria, Egypt. The bay is a popular fishing spot as well as a recreational location. It is one of the most extensively polluted locations on the Egyptian Mediterranean coast, receiving a massive amount of agricultural, industrial, and sewage waste from the nearby Lake Mariut via the El-Umoum and Nubaria Drains. The current study evaluated the geographical variations of plankton and water quality in the western side of Alexandria, namely Nubaria and El-Mex sites, using multivariate statistical analysis for eight sites seasonally during 2018. The samples were examined extensively for species identification and abundance measurement. The water is very alkaline and well-oxygenated in the summer. The results showed that the annual average of phytoplankton in Naubaria site was 577 ± 496 × 103 cells l−1, while the annual average of zooplankton was 54.1 ± 50.0 × 103 ind m−3. A total of 122 and 91 phytoplankton species were quantified from El-Mex and Naubaria sites, respectively. However, 96 and 98 zooplankton species were identified in El-Mex and Naubaria site, respectively. The most differentiating factor between two sites and between various locations were salinity. The multiple correlations, redundancy analysis (RDA), regression analysis, and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were performed, and both indicated that the water temperature, salinity, and SiO4 were the main limiting factors for the abundance of most plankton communities. Also, some plankton groups acted as stimulants or inhibitors for the flourishing of other groups. The correlations between both phytoplankton and zooplankton in terms of abundance, temperature, and salinity were dismantled due to the evolution of plenty of euryhaline and eurythermal species adapting to these hard conditions. Also, water quality index (WQI) values indicate that the water of studied locations was heavily polluted. So, periodical monitoring for these areas, treatment of wastes before being discharged in marine water, and using new technologies for tracking pollutants are highly recommended. Monitoring programmes for phytoplankton and zooplankton ecology as a bioindicator for pollution were highly recommended in the study. In addition, this study suggests the usefulness of multivariate statistical methods in the analysis of water quality and recommendations for environmental recovery and restoration are proposed for preservation of El-Mex Bay and Naubaria sites in order to facilitate development of environmental and tourist activities.
... Species diversity was measured using Shannon-Weaver diversity index (Shannon and Weaver, 1963;Pielou, 1966) The number of mature and juvenile individuals of each specific species in all plots was counted and expressed as a percentage of the total number of specific species individuals. Species level of occurrence was classified into five classes (dominant (D): relative density (RD) superior to 75%, abundant (A): RD between 51 and 75%, frequent (F): RD ranging from 26 to 50%, occasional (O): RD comprises between 11 and 25% and rare (R): RD from 1 to 10%) using the DAFOR scale (Forbis, 2012). ...
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Wadi-Elmugadum is a seasonal watercourse located in the semi-desert vegetation zone of Sudan. In the present study the woody vegetation of this watercourse was characterized for its species dominance and diversity. Nine species belonging to four botanical families were recorded in the area. Acacia seyal and Acacia nilotica prevailed along the watercourse whereas Calotropis procera and Boscia senegalensis dominated the degraded lands. Acacia tortilis and Maerua crassifolia, which previously characterized the zone, showed rare existence. Salvadora persica and Leptadenia pyrotechnica disappeared from the area. In addition to other factors, the expansion of cultivated lands deteriorated seriously the natural vegetation. This calls for urgent vegetation conservatory and restoration actions to reduce impacts of threatening factors in the area.
... MacArthur (1955) used the Shannon entropy to measure community stability, while Margalef (1958) first proposed to use entropy to summarize biological diversity. Since then, informationtheoretical measures have become a fundamental tool for diversity analysis (Pielou, 1966a;Pielou, 1966b;He and Orlóci, 1993). ...
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Diversity and dissimilarity within and between species assemblages have now been studied for more than half a century by community ecologists in relation to their connections with ecosystem functioning. However, a generalized framework that puts diversity and dissimilarity coefficients under the same formal umbrella is still lacking. In this paper, we show that generalized means represent an effective tool to develop a unifying formulation for the construction of a large array of parametric diversity and dissimilarity measures. These measures include some of the classical diversity coefficients, such as the Shannon entropy, the Gini-Simpson index or the parametric diversity of Patil and Taillie, together with a large number of dissimilarity coefficients of the Bray-Curtis family and can be further extended to the measurement of functional and phylogenetic differences within and between plots.
... We explored the diversity of nekton using parameters of Shannon-wiener diversity index (H'), Pielou evenness index (J') and Margalef richness index (d), which are defined as the follows (Shannon et al., 1963;Pielou, 1966;Margalef, 1968): ...
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Resource distribution characteristics of nekton in estuarine waters are related to hydrology, ecological environment changes and anthropogenic factors. A total of 49 species of nekton was found from 10 sites in the estuarine waters around Dongtou Island (DTI), with which the species of fish were in the highest proportion, followed by shrimp and crab. Average nekton biomass and abundance were 522.61 kg/km ² and 28.60×10 ³ ind./km ² , significantly higher than that of previous studies. The distribution pattern was highest in the eastern part of DTI, lower in the ORE area, and lowest in the northern part of DTI. The intersection of water currents was an important hydrological factor in forming the high resource density area of nekton. Changes in the number of nekton were driven by the contribution of the two economically valuable dominant species of fish Harpodon nehereus and crab Portunus trituberculatus . The mean value of H’ of nekton abundance was higher than that of nekton biomass. The species diversity of nekton in the sea near DTI was relatively low and community structure was in a relatively unstable state. The impact of human development activities on the nekton resources cannot be ignored, further research is essential.
... The following equations are of the four representative diversity indices, including the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (Shannon and Weaver, 1949;Pielou, 1966a), the Margalef (1967) richness, the Pielou (1966b) evenness index, and the Simpson diversity index (Simpson, 1949;Pielou, 1969). Among them, they are listed as Eq. ...
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Artificial freshwater engineering ecosystems (AFwEEs) have attracted more and more attention. Phytoplankton is critical to the fluctuation of water quality in the AFwEEs. However, there is still a major knowledge gap regarding the ecology, composition, and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton assemblage composition in AFwEEs. Hence, an AFwEEs designed base on the submerged macrophytes ( i.e. , Vallisneria natans , Najas marina , and Potamogeton crispus ) and fishes ( i.e. , Hypophthalmichthys molitrix , Hypophthalmichthys nobilis , and Ctenopharyngodon idellus ) was established. The initial purpose for this survey was to conduct almost entire year (April/2019 – December/2019) sampling investigation to explain the interactions and relationship between multifarious environmental indicators and phytoplankton, also for the different phenomenon explanation of composition change in phytoplankton assemblage between AFwEEs and natural water environments. Consequences exhibited the assemblage dynamics of the phytoplankton were significant varied with seasonal succession, in which Cyanophyta dominated the phytoplankton assemblage while the mean relative abundance accounted for 66.4%, and then was Chlorophyta, for 18.8%. Principal component analysis (PCA) demonstrated temporal variation was significant impacted on phytoplankton assemblages. The dominant species, different assemblages, and distribution of phytoplankton were closely related to the dynamic changes of seasonal succession, which might change the composition of phytoplankton assemblage in the FwAEEs. Results of redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed the water temperature, nutrient concentration, DO concentration, and pH value were the main abiotic environmental indicators affecting phytoplankton assemblage. The trend of the four diversity indices indicated the phytoplankton assemblage became more stable in winter while the change extent of that was more significant in summer.
... McArthur (1955) used the Shannon entropy to measure community stability, while Margalef (1958) first proposed to use entropy to summarize biological diversity. Since then, information-theoretical measures have become a fundamental tool for diversity analysis (Pielou 1966a(Pielou , 1966bHe and Orlóci 1993). ...
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Diversity and dissimilarity within and between species assemblages have now been studied for more than half a century by community ecologists in relation to their connections with ecosystem functioning. However, a generalized framework that puts diversity and dissimilarity coefficients under the same formal umbrella is still lacking. In this paper, we show that generalized means represent an effective tool to develop a unifying formulation for the construction of a large array of parametric diversity and dissimilarity measures. These measures include some of the classical diversity coefficients, such as the Shannon entropy, the Gini-Simpson index or the parametric diversity of Patil and Taillie, together with a large number of dissimilarity coefficients of the Bray-Curtis family and can be further extended to the measurement of functional and phylogenetic differences within and between plots.
... The Shannon index, H = -ΣPi In Pi (Shannon and Weaver 1949); Margalef's richness index, D = (s -1) / In N (Margalef 1968), and Pielou's evenness index, e = H / In S (Pielou 1966) were used to measure the fish diversity. H was the diversity index. ...
... Entropy-based indices derived from Shannon's information theory (Shannon 1948) have long been used to quantify community diversity (Margalef 1958;Pielou 1966Pielou , 1975Magurran 1988). Imagine a plant community composed of N species where n i is the number of individuals belonging to the ith species (i = 1, 2, ..., N), and let p i denote the relative frequency of n i such that 0 ≤ p i ≤ 1, and Σ p i = 1. ...
In the past 20 years, several metrics have been developed to quantify various aspects of landscape structure and diversity in space and time, and most have been tested on grid- based thematic maps. Once landscape patterns have been quantified, their effects on ecological functions can be explained if the expected pattern in the absence of specific processes is known. This type of expected pattern has been termed a neutral landscape model. In the landscape-ecological literature, researchers traditionally adopt random and fractal computer-generated neutral landscape models to verify the expected relationship between a given ecological process and landscape spatial heterogeneity. Conversely, little attention has been devoted to distribution patterns of potential natural vegetation (PNV) as an ecological baseline for the evaluation of pattern-process interactions at the landscape scale. As an application for demonstration, we propose a neutral model based on PNV as a possible reference for a quantitative comparison with actual vegetation (ARV) distribution. Within this context, we introduce an evenness-like index termed "actual-to-potential entropy ratio’ (HA/P=HARV/HPNV, where H is Shannon’s entropy). Results show that, despite the hypothetical character of most PNV maps, the use of PNV distribution as a baseline for a quantitative comparison with ARV distribution may represent a first step towards г general model for the evaluation of the effects of disturbance on vegetation patterns and diversity.
... (2) The Equitability of Pielou (J'), is equal to: J′ = H′ log (N) (Pielou, 1966) The With SA = sampled area in m². ...
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To date, few studies on the flora's understory of the semi-deciduous forests of the Congo Basin have been carried out. The aim of this study done in the semi-deciduous forests of the Eastern Region of Cameroon was to characterize the diversity of understory trees (diameter spanning tree: 1.0-9.9cm). The sampling design was those of square plots of 20 x 20m for inventory data collection of understory trees for the diameters between [5-10cm] and those of 10 x 10m for the diameters between [1-5cm]. The parameters collected were the scientific/local/vernacular name, the diameter and height of each species of understory. Diversity indices and structure parameters of understory stratum were calculated (abundance and basal area). The results showed that species richness of study area was estimated at 186 species belonging to 93 genera and 38 families. The Shannon index (4.44) showed a rich diversity of the understory in semi-deciduous forests. In addition, this study identified 27 species as characteristic/exclusive to the understory among which Myrianthus preussii and Rinorea caudata were threatened. The number of stems and basal area of understory trees stratum were 5075 stems.ha-1 and 3.41m².ha-1. Abundance decreases with increasing of diameter and height classes. This study is a contribution to the knowledge of the floristic diversity of the understory of semi-deciduous tropical forests.
... There are many possible ways to define diversity [22]. Here we consider the measurement based of information theory [23], defined as follows ...
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The relationship between the topology of a network and specific types of dynamics unfolding on it has been extensively studied in network science. One type of dynamics that has attracted increasing attention because of its several implications is opinion formation. A phenomenon of particular importance that is known to take place in opinion formation is the appearance of echo chambers, also known as social bubbles. In the present work, we approach this phenomenon, with emphasis on the influence of contrarian opinions, by considering an adaptation of the Sznajd dynamics of opinion formation performed on several network models (Watts-Strogatz, Erdos-Renyi, Barabasi-Albert, Random geometric graph, and Stochastic Block Model). In order to take into account real-world social dynamics, we implement a reconnection scheme where agents can reconnect their contacts after changing their opinion. We analyse the relationship between topology and opinion dynamics by considering two measurements: opinion diversity and network modularity. Two specific situations have been considered: (i) the agents can reconnect only with others sharing the same opinion; and (ii) same as in the previous case, but with the agents reconnecting only within a limited neighborhood. Several interesting results have been obtained, including the identification of cases characterized not only by high diversity/high modularity, but also by low diversity/high modularity. We also found that the restricted reconnection case reduced the chances of echo chamber formation and also led to smaller echo chambers.
... Estimates of prey density and diversity within annual home ranges were derived from data collected during annual aerial counts undertaken by the SSGR management (see Appendix S1 for a more detailed description of census methodology). We used the Shannon-Wiener index (H i ) as a measure of prey diversity, as it accounts for both the richness and evenness of species (Pielou, 1966). Leopard identity and year were again included as random effects in all models. ...
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Individual specialization, when individuals exploit only a subset of resources utilized by the population, is a widespread phenomenon. It provides the basis for evolutionary diversification and can impact population and community dynamics. Both phenotypic traits and environmental conditions are predicted to influence individual specialization; however, its adaptive consequences are poorly understood, particularly among large mammalian carnivores that play an important role in shaping ecosystems. We used observations of 2,960 kills made by 49 leopards Panthera pardus in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa, to quantify the magnitude of individual dietary specialization in a solitary large carnivore, and to examine the proximate and ultimate drivers of this behaviour. We found evidence of individual specialization in leopard diet, with respect to both the species and size of prey killed. Males tended to be more specialized than females, likely because they could access a wider range of prey due to larger body size. Similarly, individuals that encountered a greater diversity of prey tended to be more specialized. Our results confirmed that ecological opportunity was a key determinant of individual specialization; however, contrary to predictions, per capita resource availability (and by extension, intraspecific competition) did not affect the degree of specialization exhibited by individuals. Surprisingly, dietary specialization appeared to disadvantage male leopards. Specialist males overlapped with fewer resident females, had fewer cubs born on their home ranges and had fewer cubs survive to independence on their home ranges than generalist males. This may have resulted from the high degree of environmental stochasticity experienced during our study, as dietary specialization is expected to advantage individuals more during periods of resource predictability. In summary, we showed that a species usually considered to be a dietary generalist was in fact a heterogeneous collection of specialist and generalist individuals. Individual specialization is typically assumed to be maintained by disruptive and/or fluctuating selection; hence, the somewhat paradoxical coexistence of both in the same population might be explained by a dynamic evolutionary equilibrium that exists between specialists and generalists, in which each benefit under different conditions.
... Shannon and Pielou indices [32,35] were used to assess the biodiversity. ...
The article presents the results of studying the water chemistry and the species structure of phytoplankton and higher aquatic vegetation of the cooling reservoir at the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), the lakes Pesvo and Udomlya being its components. It was established that the inflow of heated waters from the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant to the lakes Pesvo and Udomlya had resulted in a significant change in the temperature conditions of the water bodies, an increase in water mineralization and the concentrations of hydrocarbonates, sulfates, calcium, and magnesium, as well as рН. The role of cryptophytae algae (Cryptophyta) has increased, and species of higher aquatic vegetation, unusual for this area have appeared.
... In ecology, the diversity measure of different populations species is equated with the uncertainty that occurs when selecting randomly one individual species from the populations [26]. The information content, or population diversity, can be defined in several ways [27], and one of them is explained in the follow-up. ...
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Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a search algorithm inspired by the collective behavior of flocking birds and fishes. This algorithm is widely adopted for solving optimization problems involving one objective. The evaluation of the PSO progress is usually measured by the fitness of the best particle and the average fitness of the particles. When several objectives are considered, the PSO may incorporate distinct strategies to preserve nondominated solutions along the iterations. The performance of the multiobjective PSO (MOPSO) is usually evaluated by considering the resulting swarm at the end of the algorithm. In this paper, two indices based on the Shannon entropy are presented, to study the swarm dynamic evolution during the MOPSO execution. The results show that both indices are useful for analyzing the diversity and convergence of multiobjective algorithms.
... Marine biodiversity (H') was defined as the complex of individuals belonging to different species in a biotic community (Odum, 1962). In general, the biodiversity index was generated by using the sample number ratio (Pielou, 1966): ...
Coastal zones located in populated and rapidly developing areas face high risks of natural and anthropogenic disasters. In this study, a framework was developed to determine the indicators of vulnerability to natural and anthropogenic disasters in Chuwei and Tamsui, two northern Taiwanese fishing villages in the coastal zone of the Tamsui River. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was used to determine the vulnerability indices of the locations, with experts evaluating the weights assigned to a range of criteria, namely hydrological data (such as sea surface temperature and sea level), stakeholder perceptions, and fishery data. These two villages have a considerably homogenous exposure (0.202) to hydrological conditions. However, Tamsui had a lower vulnerability value (0.317) than Chuwei (0.348), indicating that Tamsui faced fewer effects from natural and anthropogenic change than did Chuwei. In addition, vulnerability was most heavily influenced by the adaptive capacity of these two villages (Tamsui = 0.276; Chuwei = 0.112). This study suggests that both climate change and human factors (e.g., overfishing and pollution) cause decreases in marine resources, thus affecting the livelihoods of stakeholders.
... We considered early-successional woody vegetation and forest as sharing an edge if they were within 3 m of each other as a means of separating ecotones from rural road edges. We calculated Shannon's equitability (Pielou 1966) as height, then averaged the estimates and rounded to the nearest 0.25 m. We also measured percent cover of grasses, forbs, vines, Rubus, shrubs, saplings (1-10 cm diameter and ≥1 m tall), and canopy trees (>10 cm dbh) based on ocular tube "hits" at 5 points along 11.3-m transects radiating from plot center in each cardinal direction. ...
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This dissertation focuses on the breeding season ecology and management of Golden- winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia with implications for other disturbance-dependent avian species. Golden-winged Warblers have a complex life history, requiring dynamic forest landscapes with varying age classes for breeding. Populations breeding in the Appalachian Mountains are among the most rapidly decreasing among vertebrates in eastern North America. For these reasons, much research already has been completed on Golden-winged Warblers. Nonetheless, we still have a limited understanding of the causes of population decreases and these causes may vary regionally. I organized this dissertation into 3 parts (Part 1: Introduction, Part 2: Golden-winged Warbler Ecology, Part 3: Golden-winged Warbler Management) including 6 chapters that follow a progression of accumulating knowledge on Golden-winged Warbler population decreases in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia. Part 1 includes chapter 1 and is an introduction to the dissertation. In chapter 1, I provided a brief introduction and justification for my research, placed the dissertation into the context of ongoing Golden-winged Warbler research across the species’ range, and outlined the dissertation content. Through impressive collaborative efforts, our understanding of Golden-winged Warbler ecology and management grew substantially during 2008–2016, the period during which this research took place. Part 2 includes chapters 2–4 and focuses on Golden-winged Warbler ecology with an overall objective of filling knowledge gaps for the species to enhance conservation efforts and inform future research. In chapter 2, I evaluated variables at multiple spatial scales during 2008–2015 to identify conditions that supported high densities of breeding Golden-winged Warblers and associated avian species. Spatial scales used for analyses represented annual dispersal (5-km radius), extra-territorial movement (1.5-km radius), intra-territorial movement (100-m radius), and local resource utilization (11.3-m radius). Golden-winged Warbler density peaked when the minimum elevation was 804 m at the 1.5-km radius scale but was negatively associated with 100-m radius minimum elevation. Density was positively associated with 100-m radius shrubland cover. I identified White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea), Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum), and Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) as species most likely to benefit from management for Golden-winged Warblers. Golden-winged Warblers ordinated higher along the 100-m shrubland cover gradient than any other bird species, suggesting they may be the most shrubland area-sensitive songbird in my study area. However, the species also requires heavily forested landscapes. Therefore, a species-specific conservation strategy that balances shrubland (patches 9–13 ha comprising 15% of the landscape) and contiguous forest area (≥75% of the landscape) could concurrently meet the needs of Golden-winged Warblers and many other avian species. In chapter 3, I used a spatial Cormack-Jolly-Seber (s-CJS) model to obtain minimally-biased estimates of annual survival and breeding and natal dispersal for Golden-winged Warblers during 2008–2015, as well as for locally less abundant Blue-winged Warblers (V. cyanoptera) and their hybrids. Vermivora warbler annual survival did not vary by phenotype, sex, or study area, but adult annual survival (0.53, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.46–0.60) was higher than juvenile annual survival (0.09, 0.05–0.13). Adjusting for mortality during the post-fledging period, juvenile annual survival may be about half of adult annual survival. Expected breeding dispersal (329 m, 316–344 m) was less than expected natal dispersal (544 m, 500–592 m) based on our s-CJSmodel. I observed the longest distances for natal dispersal (mean = 1,587 m, median = 1,047 m, n = 18), intermediate distances for second year to after second year dispersal (mean = 492 m, median = 132 m, n = 46), and the shortest distances for after second year dispersal (mean ± SE = 290 m, median = 103 m, n = 103). Female (716 ± 162 m, n = 43) warblers tended to disperse farther than males (404 ± 64 m, n = 124). These results provide the first estimates of annual survival that account for permanent emigration and have important implications for conservation network design given our estimates of dispersal. In chapter 4, I investigated the spatial configuration of shrubs within Golden-winged Warbler breeding territories using a combination of field-measured and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) vegetation data during 2011–2014. Golden-winged Warblers selected nest sites with more shrub cover (mean ± SE = 49.3 ± 2.3%) than random locations (mean ± SE = 42.9 ± 2.9%) but did not select for a particular shrub community configuration for nesting. The species selected territories with more pronounced edges (≥60% difference in shrub cover on either side of a given point) and a more clumped rather than dispersed or uniform shrub configuration (shrub clumps 4.6–22.6 m wide) than would be expected given a random configuration of shrubs, although selection was relatively weak. Selection for pronounced edges between shrub and non-shrub cover and clumped shrub configuration at the territory scale rather than the nest scale, despite strong evidence that Golden-winged Warblers placed nests along edges, suggests that the species may be selecting territories that maximize the number of potential nest sites in anticipation of re-nesting or to reduce predation risk (i.e., potential-prey-site hypothesis). Golden-winged Warbler nest sites had taller (mean height = 4.3 m) and more variable (mean standard deviation of height = 3.1 m) vegetation canopy height than random locations within the same territory. Across a Golden-winged Warbler territory, 40–52% of the tallest vegetation canopy was ≤1 m tall consisting of grasses, forbs, blackberry, and seedlings, 29–33% of the vegetation canopy was >1 to ≤5 m tall consisting of shrubs and saplings, and 15–32% of the vegetation canopy was >5 to ≤20 m tall consisting of trees. I provide one of the first objective evaluations of the spatial configuration of Golden-winged Warbler nesting cover. Part 3 includes chapters 5 – 6 and focuses on Golden-winged Warbler management response. Chapter 5 focused on persistence of breeding Golden-winged Warblers and other disturbance-dependent bird species on pastures with varying amounts of time since abandonment and consequently varying stages of vegetative succession. During 2008–2014, I monitored cattle pastures with varying numbers of years since abandonment representing a 62-year chronosequence. Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) density peaked on active pastures, Golden-winged Warbler density peaked 16–20 years after pasture abandonment and reached zero 33 years after abandonment, and shrubland-nesting bird species richness did not vary across the chronosequence. Herbaceous cover peaked on active pastures (0 years since abandonment) at 26% then declined linearly, shrubland cover peaked 18 years since abandonment at 49%, and forest cover increased linearly to a peak of 86% at 59 years since abandonment. Thus, abandoned pastures in my study area provide breeding habitat for a stable number but changing composition of shrubland-nesting bird species for approximately 60 years, though conservation value likely is highest 0–33 years after abandonment. The number and abandonment rate of farms in West Virginia and regionally are historically low, suggesting that managing for shrubland-nesting birds on existing or recently-abandoned pastures is important but alone may not support population persistence. Thus, increased forest management practices may be needed to supplement breeding habitat on pastures, particularly <2 km from existing pastures. Finally, chapter 6 focused on Golden-winged Warbler population trends in response to habitat management on pastures during 2008–2014. Golden-winged Warblers did not change nest placement behavior (n = 109 nests) because of mechanical vegetation management intended to maintain shrubland cover type on my pastures. Nest daily survival rate (n = 123 nests) was higher on pastures in my southern study area than my northern study area and was positively associated with proportion of territory-scale actively-managed shrubland cover type, shrubland patch size, and nest- and territory-scale elevation. I found that local Golden-winged Warbler population trends were associated with pasture-scale nest survival, with a nest daily survival rate of 0.978 presumably needed to offset other mortality and achieve a stable population in my study. A strength of chapter 6 was that I observed variation in population trends and identified potential limiting factors across a small geographic area during the breeding season, meaning birds were likely experiencing similar conditions during the non-breeding season. Overall, my findings help to justify, inform, and adapt state and regional Golden-winged Warbler conservation efforts during the breeding season. These findings also fill knowledge gaps and complement other novel research on Golden-winged Warbler throughout their breeding range.
... Pielou equitability refers to the degree of relative dominance of each species in this area. It was calculated according to Pielou [31] formula as follows: ...
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The Campo Ma'an National Park is located in the evergreen rainforest area rich in biological diversity. This biological diversity remains poorly known, especially those of the understory. The objective of the present study is to characterize undersotory tree and to determine their IUCN conservation status. To know the floristic diversity of understory (5 cm ≤ dbh <10 cm) of this forest, a tree inventory using the plots method of 25 m x 25 m, in which 36 plots were placed out on 6 transects of 4 km each. The IUCN Red List was used to determine the status of inventoried species. The result showed a total richness of 256 species belonging to 148 genera and 50 families for the entire site has been identified. The Shannon diversity index is 4.90 and 4.02 for Old secondary forest (OSF) and Secondary forest (SFO), respectively. The floristic background belongs to the field of Guinean-Congolese endemism, with 6 endemic species in Cameroon. The conservation status analysis shows that 22 species are listed as endangered in the red list of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. This study provides a base for reflection on the integration of understory trees species in inventories and in the development of conservation strategies.
... For diversity analyses two diversity indices were applied: Shannon's H′ (Shannon and Weaver, 1963) and Pielou's Evenness J (Pielou, 1966). In addition to the number of recorded species, S, they consider their numerical composition (H′) and the distribution of specimens over the species (J). ...
During research cruise M71/1 of German FV METEOR in winter 2006, meiofauna sampling was undertaken on the eastern Mediterranean Anaximenes Seamount at six sites (the summit, northern slope, north-western slope, north-western base, north-eastern slope and eastern base). Analysis of the benthic Copepoda (i.e. Harpacticoida and Canuelloida) revealed a highly diverse fauna. This is in contrast to what is generally considered an impoverished bathyal and abyssal fauna in the surrounding eastern Mediterranean Sea: It is regarded as one of the most oligotrophic regions of the world's oceans. This is attested to by comparison of the seamount fauna with that of a remote deep-sea (“Far-field”) site in the Rhodes Basin, which presented a clearly impoverished fauna with respect to abundance, higher-taxon diversity and species diversity. Comparison of sites across the seamount found no overall “seamount community” of benthic Copepoda. Instead, three different assemblages could be detected, with abundance and species diversity comparable to north-eastern Atlantic seamounts and islands. Regarding species composition, however, only four of the recorded species are shared with other Mediterranean and Atlantic elevations. The benthic copepod fauna at Anaximenes Seamount is composed mostly by “typical” deep-sea and eurybathic species, whilst “typical” shallow-water species were absent. Thus, it is concluded that Anaximenes Seamount does not play a role in the dispersal of shallow-water benthic Copepoda. Nonetheless, it appears important for the establishment of abundant and diverse deep-sea communities. Moreover, it constitutes no barrier for the dispersal of deep-sea benthic Copepoda in the Mediterranean.
... In order to analyze species diversity, we used the Shannon index (H) (Shannon and Weaver 1963) and Pielou's Evenness (J) (Pielou 1966). Since the number of individuals varied strongly between stations, we also calculated the expected number of species per 30 individuals, ES(30), to normalize the richness for the sampling effort. ...
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The invertebrate fauna of the Laptev Sea is one of the least investigated in the Arctic. In particular, little is known about the Harpacticoida (Copepoda, Crustacea)—one of the main components of marine meiofauna. Major objectives of our study were (1) to describe harpacticoid composition obtained from three sublittoral stations, (2) to compile the check-list of the Laptev Sea harpacticoids, and (3) to perform a comparative analysis of the Laptev Sea harpacticoid fauna with faunas of other Arctic seas. Of 38 species found in our material, 25 are new for the sea, and four species are likely new to science. A total list for the Laptev Sea includes 76 species from 18 families. Interstitial and phytal forms are poorly represented, due to the rarity of suitable biotopes and/or undersampling. The majority of the provisional endemics were found in the bathyal and abyssal zones of the sea, while widely distributed species, except for the plankton, belong to the fauna of the soft sediments of the littoral zone. Comparative analysis of harpacticoids from the Arctic region (the Laptev, White, Barents, Kara, East Siberian and Beaufort Seas and the Greenland area) shows the considerable distinction between the Eastern (Siberian) and Western sub-regions. Further investigations are necessary to reveal a more detailed pattern in Harpacticoida distribution and to evaluate possible vectors of dispersal and biogeographic relationships in the high Arctic.
... We considered early-successional woody vegetation and forest to share an edge if they were within 3 m of each other as a means of separating ecotones from rural road edges. We calculated Shannon's equitability index (Pielou 1966) as H/ln(S), where H is Shannon's diversity index (À P s i¼1 p i 3 lnðp i Þ; Shannon 1948) and ln(S) is the natural log of the number of land cover classes (S). We used the proportions (p i ) of herbaceous, forest, shrubland, and young forest land cover classes in the calculation for each buffer. ...
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Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) populations in the Appalachian Mountains region of North America are imperiled, warranting species-specific conservation. However, management for Golden-winged Warblers can affect both early-successional and forest species, many of which are also declining in the region. We conducted point counts in sites representing a range of successional stages within the Golden-winged Warbler’s breeding range in West Virginia, USA, during 2008–2015. We identified plausible models of Golden-winged Warbler density using covariates at 4 spatial scales representing annual dispersal (5-km radius), extraterritorial movement (1.5-km radius), intraterritorial movement (100-m radius), and local resource utilization (11.3-m radius). Golden-winged Warbler density peaked at an intermediate elevation at the 1.5-km radius scale, but was negatively associated with 100-m radius minimum elevation. Density was positively associated with 100-m radius shrubland cover. Southerly latitudes were associated with higher densities when modeled alone, but there was no association when controlling for other covariates. We then examined the relationship between covariates from these plausible models and avian community structure using canonical correspondence analysis to assess the value of Golden-winged Warbler conservation for the broader avian community. We identified 5 species likely to benefit from management for Golden-winged Warblers and 21 species likely to be affected positively or negatively to varying degrees depending on their affinity for early-successional vegetation communities. Golden-winged Warblers were plotted higher along the 100-m shrubland cover gradient than any other bird species, suggesting that they may be the most shrubland area–sensitive songbird in our study area. However, the species also requires heavily forested landscapes. Therefore, a species-specific conservation strategy that balances shrubland (patches of 9–13 ha in size, comprising 15% of the landscape) and contiguous forest area (75% of the landscape) could concurrently meet the needs of Golden-winged Warblers and the 26 other species identified. Q 2017 American Ornithological Society.
... -Pielou's index (J) [26] which we allows to calculate the Eveness. This index is expressed by the following formula: ...
... The species aspect depends on the number of species and leveling of the indexes of their abundance (Megarran, 1992). In the case of this approach, differences or similarities of species that do not match the biological nature of diversity are ignored (Pielou, 1966). Because of this, the species aspect of diversity fundamentally differs from other aspects in which degrees of similarity and differences of species are taken into account. ...
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Analysis of the functional diversity of the parasite assemblage of Chinese sleeper individuals, based on classification of parasites by the paths of fish infestation, was conducted. It was ascertained that individuals of the Chinese sleeper obtain mainly ecologically reduced variants of parasite assemblages in the acquired part of the habitat.
... The species aspect depends on the number of species and leveling of the indexes of their abundance (Megarran, 1992). In the case of this approach, differences or similarities of species that do not match the biological nature of diversity are ignored (Pielou, 1966). Because of this, the species aspect of diversity fundamentally differs from other aspects in which degrees of similarity and differences of species are taken into account. ...
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Analysis of the functional diversity of the parasite assemblage of Chinese sleeper individuals, based on classification of parasites by the paths of fish infestation, was conducted. It was ascertained that individuals of the Chinese sleeper obtain mainly ecologically reduced variants of parasite assemblages in the acquired part of the habitat
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Robinia pseudoacacia L. (black locust) is a deciduous tree native to North America, widely introduced and naturalized in Europe. Despite being one of the world's most invasive woody angiosperms, its role in European forest policy remains contentious, with debates about its invasion potential, ecological impacts, and control measures and it is not formally classified as invasive in European regulation. This study uses data from three cycles of the Spanish National Forest Inventory (SFI) to examine the distribution, abundance, and dominance of black locust in Spanish forests over the past three decades. The study also assesses the invasibility and invasion stage across various forest types, identifying the biotic and abiotic factors influencing its distribution. Additionally, the impacts of black locust on forest ecosystem services, such as native tree species diversity and abundance, are evaluated. Black locust now occupies over 75,000 hectares of Spanish woodlands, with an average invasion degree of 1.55% at the forest type level. Its population has steadily increased, reaching an established invasion stage in most invaded native forests. The invasion affects forest attributes, including native species abundance and dominance, and overall plot richness. The impact varies with the degree of invasibility and invasion stage, being particularly significant in priority conservation habitats like depleted temperate and alluvial forests. These findings highlight the need for further research on black locust impacts in forest ecosystems to contribute to an evidence-based discourse regarding the reconsideration as an invasive species in European and national regulations.
Kulia beel, a flood plain wetland, located in Nadia District of West Bengal is surrounded by hospital, industries and human settlements. In the present study the ecological assessment through biomonitoring was done by using benthic macroinvertebrates collected from five sites during pre-monsoon, monsoon and postmonsoon periods. Average Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H) was found to vary from 0.953 at S2 during pre-monsoon to 1.683 at S3 during post-monsoon. The evenness index (1) varied from a maximum average value of 0.998 at site S-4 to a minimum average value of 0.614 at site S-1 during pre-monsoon seasons. Both the indices indicate the water body to be moderately polluted.
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В настоящем учебно-методическом пособии описаны методы сбора и обработки зоопланктона в пресноводных водоемах и водотоках для подготовки студентов к выполнению практических заданий в рамках дисциплины «Большой практикум», а также при прохождении учебных и производственных практик. Кроме того, в пособии представлены методы биоиндикации пресноводных экосистем на основе количественного и качественного развития зоопланктона, а также ряда физико-химических характеристик водоемов. Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов Института биологии и биомедицины ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 05.03.06 Экология и природопользование, 05.04.06 Экология и природопользование.
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Climate-related disturbance regimes are changing rapidly with profound consequences for ecosystems. Disturbance is often perceived as detrimental to biodiversity; however, the literature is divided on how they influence each other. Disturbance events in nature are diverse, occurring across numerous interacting trophic levels and multiple spatial and temporal scales, leading to divergence between empirical and theoretical studies. The shallow Antarctic seafloor has one of the largest disturbance gradients on earth, due to iceberg scouring. Scour rates are changing rapidly along the Western Antarctic Peninsula because of climate change and with further changes predicted, the Antarctic benthos will likely undergo dramatic shifts in diversity. We investigated benthic macro and megafaunal richness across 10–100 m depth range, much of which, 40–100 m, has rarely been sampled. Macro and megafauna species richness peaked at 50–60 m depth, a depth dominated by a diverse range of sessile suspension feeders, with an intermediate level of iceberg disturbance. Our results show that a broad range of disturbance values are required to detect the predicted peak in biodiversity that is consistent with the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, suggesting ice scour is key to maintaining high biodiversity in Antarctica’s shallows.
Features of the species and spatial structure of macrobenthic sublittoral communities in a lagoon ecosystem on the Green Cape (the White Sea) were studied. 31 invertebrate species and 3 species of sea grasses and algae (Zostera marina, Cladophora sericea, and Fucus vesiculosus) were found in the sublittoral of the surveyed lagoon. The data on the species composition, diversity and spatial structure of macrobenthos communities indicate the predominance of littoral brackish-water and marine euryhaline macrobenthos species (Hydrobia ulvae, Tubificoides benedii, Chironomus salinarius, and Macoma balthica) in the coastal region of the lagoon, marine euryhaline littoral and sublittoral species (mainly polychaetes Heteromastus filiformis, Polydora ciliata, and Capitella capitata) in the central deeper region, and marine sublittoral less euryhaline species (Pontoporeia femorata, Anonyx nugans, Nereimyra punctata, Terebellides stroemi, Astarte montagui, Micronephthys minuta, and Atylus carinatus) at the exit from the lagoon. The ecosystem of the Green Cape lagoon belongs to lagoons significantly fenced off from the sea with depleted specific fauna (many littoral species) and largely influenced by carbon load and salinity. The reduced connection of the lagoon with the sea due to the continued rise of the White Sea coast (4 mm per year in this area) will contribute to a decrease in the species diversity and the predominance of few small eurytopic invertebrate species resistant to organic load, oxygen deficiency, and desalination.
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ศึกษาความหลากหลายของมดในพื้นที่ที่มีการใช้ประโยชน์ที่แตกต่างกัน ในมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ วิทยาเขตกำแพงแสน 3 พื้นที่ ได้แก่ บริเวณเคหสถาน พื้นที่รกร้าง และสวนมะม่วง ระหว่างเดือน มกราคมถึงมีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558 เก็บข้อมูลมดจากกับดักหลุมโดยใช้เหยื่อล่อคือน้ำผึ้งและทูน่า พบความหลากชนิดของมดในพื้นที่ 20 สกุล 28 ชนิด และ 4 วงศ์ย่อย คือ Dolichoderinae (11%), Formicinae (29%), Myrmicinae (46%) และ Ponerinae (14%) มดที่สามารถปรับตัว อาศัยได้ทุกพื้นที่คือ Diacamma rugosum Le Guillou (Ponerinae), Monomorium pharaonis Linnaeus (Myrmicinae) และ Paratrechina longicornis Latreille (Formicinae) มดที่มีความจำเพาะเจาะจงต่อพื้นที่รกร้าง คือ Polyrhachis laevissima F. Smith (Formicinae) และ Pheidole sp.2 (Myrmicinae) บริเวณเคหสถานคือ Meranoplus bicolor Guérin-Méneville (Myrmicinae) ดัชนีความหลากหลาย (Shanon - Wiener Index) ดัชนีความสม่ำเสมอ (Pielou’s evenness) ความคล้ายคลึงกัน (ANOSIM) ในพื้นที่ศึกษามีค่าต่ำสุดบริเวณเคหสถานความคล้ายคลึงระหว่างชนิดของมดในพื้นที่รกร้าง และสวนมะม่วงมีค่าสูงแสดงให้เห็นว่าความหลากชนิดและองค์ประกอบของชนิดมดแตกต่างกันขึ้นกับการใช้ประโยชน์ของพื้นที่ที่แตกต่างกัน ABSTRACT: An experiment was carried out to determine species diversity in three different land use types: urban area, abandoned area and mango orchard at Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus from January to March 2015. Ants were collected using tuna and honey as bait in pitfall traps. The species richness of ants was 28 identified species, belonging to 20 genera in four subfamilies: Dolichoderinae (11%), Formicinae (29%), Myrmicinae (46%), and Ponerinae (14%). Diacamma rugosum Le Guillou (Ponerinae), Monomorium pharaonis Linnaeus (Myrmicinae) and Paratrechina longicornis Latreille (Formicinae) were generalist species found in all three land use types. Three endemic species: Polyrhachis laevissima F. Smith (Formicinae) and Pheidole sp.2 (Myrmicinae) were found in the abandoned area, Meranoplus bicolor Guérin-Méneville (Myrmicinae) was found in urban area. The diversity as given by the Shannon index, Pielou's evenness and analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) were lowest in the urban area among the three land use types. The study showed that both ant species diversity and community composition were distinctly varied relative to the different land use types.
Nous avons étudié la colonisation végétale de sols de friches industrielles pollués par des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques et des métaux lourds. Différentes approches ont été choisies dans le but de caractériser les premières étapes de la dynamique successionnelle végétale mais aussi de cerner les mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans le phénomène de tolérance des plantes aux polluants. Des expérimentations en parcelles utilisant le sol de l ancienne cokerie de Neuves- Maisons ont permis de mettre en évidence l importance des banques de graines des sols et des pluies de graines dans l établissement d une communauté pionnière sur sol pollué. Le suivi de la flore des parcelles a permis d établir que la communauté pionnière, constituée de plantes annuelles et bisannuelles lors de la première année, est progressivement colonisée par les plantes pérennes et clonales dominant majoritairement lors de la seconde année. Par ailleurs, la comparaison de communautés se développant sur des sols témoin et pollué suggère une phytotoxicité du sol industriel conduisant à des pertes de richesse et diversité spécifiques. Néanmoins, ces différences semblent s estomper au fur et à mesure du processus de colonisation. Chez les plantes qui parviennent à survivre et croître sur sol pollué, les réponses anti-oxydantes sont sollicitées, confortant l hypothèse de leur rôle crucial dans le succès colonisateur des espèces étudiées. Toutefois, nous avons montré également que le succès de la colonisation pouvait résider également dans une production de graines plus tolérantes vis-àvis de la contamination.Par ailleurs, l analyse de transects au sein même de la friche industrielle d Homécourt, site d une ancienne cokerie, a apporté des éléments de réponse supplémentaires. Les résultats font apparaître une relation entre les descripteurs des communautés (richesse spécifique et indice de diversité de Shannon-Weaver) et les concentrations en Cd et Hg du sol. Par ailleurs, chez les espèces présentes le long des transects (Arrhenaterum elatius, Euphorbia cyparissias ou Tanacetum vulgare), les mesures des défenses antioxydantes et des teneurs en phytochélatines attestent d un stress lié à l exposition métallique. Toutefois, l abondance de ces espèces ne s est pas révélée être liée aux niveaux de contamination du sol. Il en résulte de des perspectives intéressantes en ce qui concerne les applications environnementales de ces résultats
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The total number of bonny fish species, Osteochthyes in Al-Huwaza marsh 20 species that belonging to 16 genus and representing 8 families,the family Cyprinidae showed the highest number of species ,it included 10 species. a ratio of 50% from the total of species, four periods were selected for studying the nature of fish gathering, reviving the marshes with water for the period 2004 – 2008.the study of Husseian et al.,(2008) ,Mohammed,et al.,(2008) ,Yonius,et al.,(2008) and Yonius, et al.,(2011), 10 species appeared in all peroids of study 1 species Gara rufa appeared in first period species while Cyprinion microstomum appeared in the second period ,the two species ,Gambusia holbrooki & Aphanius dispar in the first and third periods, while Native Sensitive ,Tolerant and Alien species (11,4,5) species in five studies . Keywords: Osteochthyes, Al-Hwaza marsh, the periods of time. Cyprinid
The total number of bonny fish species, Osteochthyes in Al-Huwaza marsh 20 species that belonging to 16 genus and representing 8 families,the family Cyprinidae showed the highest number of species ,it included 10 species. a ratio of 50% from the total of species, four periods were selected for studying the nature of fish gathering, reviving the marshes with water for the period 2004 – 2008.the study of Husseian et al.,(2008) ,Mohammed,et al.,(2008) ,Yonius,et al.,(2008) and Yonius, et al.,(2011), 10 species appeared in all peroids of study 1 species Gara rufa appeared in first period species while Cyprinion microstomum appeared in the second period ,the two species ,Gambusia holbrooki & Aphanius dispar in the first and third periods, while Native Sensitive ,Tolerant and Alien species (11,4,5) species in five studies
Zostera bed has the function of forming a rich ecosystem, and various kinds of organisms inhabit. This Zostera bed has been reduced in number due to landfill construction done during the period of high economic growth, and now the NPO corporation and municipalities are developing activities. It is general to evaluate soundness based on seaweed bed area and stock density, but it is thought that it is necessary to evaluate soundness based on the diversity of biological communities in consideration of the function of Zostera bed. This research, the final objective is to evaluate from the viewpoint of biodiversity for the Zostera bed created, this paper we will present the results of the biological survey of Leaf creature and bentos performed on the native Zostera bed, It is aimed to evaluate by various methods of evaluating existing biodiversity and to verify the difference of trends by those indices.
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12.05.2016 г. Проведен анализ функционального разнообразия паразитарного населения особей ротана, осно-ванный на классификации паразитов по способам заражения рыб. Установлено, что у особей рота-на в приобретенной части ареала формируются в основном экологически редуцированные вариан-ты паразитарных населений.
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