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Towards Guidelines for Preventing Critical Requirements Engineering Problems



Abstract—[Context] Problems in Requirements Engineering (RE) can lead to serious consequences during the software development lifecycle. [Goal] The goal of this paper is to propose empirically-based guidelines that can be used by different types of organisations according to their size (small, medium or large) and process model (agile or plan-driven) to help them in preventing such problems. [Method] We analysed data from a survey on RE problems answered by 228 organisations in 10 different countries. [Results] We identified the most critical RE problems, their causes and mitigation actions, organizing this information by clusters of size and process model. Finally, we analysed the causes and mitigation actions of the critical problems of each cluster to get further insights into how to prevent them. [Conclusions] Based on our results, we suggest preliminary guidelines for preventing critical RE problems in response to context characteristics of the companies.
Towards Guidelines for Preventing Critical
Requirements Engineering Problems
Priscilla Mafra
Marcos Kalinowski
Computing Institute
Fluminense Federal University
Niterói, Brazil
Daniel Méndez Fernández
Software and Systems
Technical University of
Munich, Germany
Michael Felderer
Institute of Computer Science
University of Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Austria
Stefan Wagner
Institute for Software
University of Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
Abstract—[Context] Problems in Requirements Engineering
(RE) can lead to serious consequences during the software
development lifecycle. [Goal] The goal of this paper is to propose
empirically-based guidelines that can be used by different types
of organisations according to their size (small, medium or large)
and process model (agile or plan-driven) to help them in
preventing such problems. [Method] We analysed data from a
survey on RE problems answered by 228 organisations in 10
different countries. [Results] We identified the most critical RE
problems, their causes and mitigation actions, organizing this
information by clusters of size and process model. Finally, we
analysed the causes and mitigation actions of the critical
problems of each cluster to get further insights into how to
prevent them. [Conclusions] Based on our results, we suggest
preliminary guidelines for preventing critical RE problems in
response to context characteristics of the companies.
Keywords—guidelines; problem prevention; defect prevention;
requirements engineering
I. I
Requirements Engineering (RE) is highly volatile and
inherently complex by nature [1]. Given this complexity,
organisations may face several problems during the RE
process, leading to severe implications, including project
failure [2][3]. Furthermore, the cost for correcting RE-related
problems increases throughout the software development life
cycle [4], which reinforces the importance of introducing
means to preventing problems right from the beginning of
project. However, there are no specific guidelines that could be
used by different types of organisations to help them in
preventing critical RE problems.
In order to better understand the status quo on RE practice
and its critical problems, a project named NaPiRE (Naming the
Pain in Requirements Engineering) was launched in 2012
involving researchers from different countries [1]. The NaPiRE
project comprises the design of a family of surveys on RE and
its goal is to lay an empirical foundation about practical
problems and needs of RE to allow directing future research in
a problem-driven manner [1]. The last survey round (2014-
2015) was answered by in total 228 organisations from 10
different countries around the globe, including organisations of
different sizes and following different process models.
The goal of this paper is to use the data obtained from the
NaPiRE initiative and to propose empirically-based guidelines
that can be used by different types of organisations to support
them in the prevention of critical RE problems. To this end, we
identified the most critical RE problems, their causes and
mitigation actions, grouping the organisations into clusters
according to their size and process model. For each cluster, we
selected the problems that were cited by the respondents as
critical and leading to project failure. After selecting the most
critical problems per cluster, we analysed their causes and
mitigation actions to propose the guidelines to prevent them.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the background and related work. Section 3
describes the analysis of the NaPiRE data used to build the
guidelines. Section 4 presents the resulting guidelines. Finally,
Section 5 presents the concluding remarks and future work.
To lay the foundations for this paper, we discuss work
related to survey research on RE problems and introduce the
NaPiRE initiative and its previously published material.
A. Survey Research on Requirements Engineering Problems
A well-known survey on causes for project failure is the
Chaos Report of the Standish Group on cross-company root
causes for project failures. While most of these causes are
related to RE, the survey has serious design aws and the
validity of its results is questionable [5]. Moreover,
unfortunately it does not directly support the investigation of
RE problems in industry.
Some surveys have been focusing specifically on RE
problems in industry. These surveys include the one conducted
by Hall et al. [6] in 12 software organisations. Their findings,
among others, suggest that most RE problems are mainly
organisational rather than technical. Some researchers
conducted country-specific investigations on RE problems.
Solemon et al. [7] conducted a survey about RE problems in
small organisations in Malaysia. Liu et al. [1] also conducted a
study about RE problems in Chinese organisations.
However, each of those studies focused on specific aspects
in RE and they mainly reported problems identified for their
investigation scenario, without an in-depth discussion on their
2016 42th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications
2376-9505/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/SEAA.2016.50
prevention. Additionally, the studies are completely
independent and their results are isolated and not generalizable.
To address these issues, the NaPiRE project
was launched [1].
B. The NaPiRE Project
The NaPiRE project started as a reaction to the lack of a
general empirical basis for requirements engineering research
[3]. This survey is currently being replicated in several
countries around the globe
. The survey questionnaire contains
35 questions gathering the following type of data from the
responding organisations: (a) general information, (b) RE
status quo, (c) RE improvement status quo, (d) RE problems
faced in practice, and (e) RE problem manifestation (e.g.,
causes, impact, and mitigation actions).
Some NaPiRE related research was already conducted. In
[9] data from 74 Brazilian organisations was used to identify
critical RE problems and their main causes. The most critical
RE problems, according to those organisations, are related to
communication and to incomplete/hidden or underspecified
requirements. Furthermore, we provided probabilistic cause-
effect diagrams [10][11] to organise knowledge on common
causes of the five most critical identified RE problems.
In [12], an analysis of the similarities and the differences in
the problems experienced in Brazil and Germany was made. In
this paper it was possible to observe that the dominating factors
are related to human interactions (e.g., based on the size and
process model) rather than country. Again incomplete/hidden
requirements and poor communication were among the most
critical reported RE problems. Finally, in [13], we took a first
step into RE problem prevention by further analysing the
reported common causes and mitigation actions for the specific
problem of incomplete/hidden requirements based on the
Austrian and Brazilian data.
In this paper we significantly extend the effort done in [13]
based on the findings in [12], by looking at the complete data
set, identifying and analysing critical problems, causes and
mitigation actions, independently of the country. Therefrom we
aim at deriving guidelines for organisations to help them in
preventing the problems.
In this section we describe the research method used to
move from the NaPiRE data towards guidelines for preventing
critical RE problems.
A. Study Population
In total, 354 organisations agreed to answer the NaPiRE
survey. Out of these, 228 (63%) completed the survey by going
through all of its questions and successfully reaching its end.
We decided to use only data of the 228 organisations that
fully answered the questions. As we decided to build the
guidelines focusing on the organisations by cluster of size
(small, medium and large organisations) and process model
(agile and plan-driven) some treatment had to be done on the
data collected from the questionnaire. As in [12], we grouped
the organisations by their number of employees. Organisations
NaPiRE project web site
that have up to 50 employees were considered as small-sized;
from 51 to 250 were considered medium-sized, and with more
than 251 employees were considered large-sized. Out of the
228 organisations, 216 provided their number of employees.
Regarding the process models used, respondents answered
a multiple-choice question with the following options: RUP,
Scrum, V-Model XT, Waterfall, XP, and Other (informed
textually) [3]. For our analysis, we grouped these process
models into agile (Scrum and XP) and plan-driven (RUP, V-
Model XT and Waterfall). Out of the 228 organisations, 196
selected one of the five predefined options as their process
model. Out of these, 58 used mixed process models, i.e.
reported their process fitting into options of both groups. We
decided to exclude the mixed ones from our analysis to remove
a potential confounding factor, as in these cases we had no
information on the extent to which each process model is
applied in the organisation.
B. Data Analysis
We first used the information concerning size and process
model of the responding organisations and crossed them to
explore potential RE problem patterns within each cluster, as
also done in [3]. The result of this crossing is shown in Table I.
136 organisations reported to use agile or plan-driven process
models and also informed their size (2 of the 138 agile and
plan-driven organisations did not inform their size).
Process Model Size Total
Agile Small 30
Agile Medium 22
Agile Large 39
Plan-driven Small 11
Plan-driven Medium 4
Plan-driven Large 20
Total 136
Our goal on crossing those characteristics was to be more
precise about the type of organisations, facilitating their use of
the resulting guidelines, given that the types of problems faced
by these organisations could be slightly different, as observed
in [12]. After crossing the clusters, the next step was to analyse
the most critical problems within each cluster.
The NaPiRE questionnaire presents respondents with a list
of problems that, based on previously conducted studies [1],
practitioners are meant to typically encounter in practice.
Respondents were asked to report on the relevance of the
presented problems for their project setting and then to list the
five most critical ones. They were also asked to inform, for
each of the critical problems, whether the problem leads to
project failure or not.
Based on this information, we compiled, within each
cluster, the total number of citations of each problem as a
critical one and how often the problem was reported to lead to
project failure. To keep the focus of the guidelines on the main
problems, we decided that the guidelines should address the 5
most frequently cited problems within each cluster. Finally,
unlike paper [3], we analysed the causes and mitigation actions
reported by the respondents of each cluster for its most critical
problems to build the guidelines.
C. Top RE Problems, Causes, and Mitigation Actions
We compiled the 5 most critical RE problems within each
cluster. The result is shown in Table II. It is noteworthy that
medium and large-sized plan-driven organisations have 6
critical problems listed. This occurred because the same
number respondents cited the last two listed problems.
Agile Plan-driven
Incomplete and / or hidden
Communication flaws between us
and the customer
Underspecified requirements
Communication flaws within the
project team
Time boxing
Incomplete and / or hidden
Communication flaws within the
project team
Moving targets
Time boxing / Not enough time in
Underspecified requirements
Communication flaws between us
and the customer
Incomplete and / or hidden
Communication flaws within the
project team
Stakeholders with difficulties in
separating requirements from
previously known solution designs
Weak access to customer needs
and / or (internal) business
Communication flaws between us
and the customer
Incomplete and / or hidden
Moving targets
Gold plating
Underspecified requirements Weak
access to customer needs and / or
(internal) business information
Incomplete and / or hidden
Moving targets
Communication flaws between us
and the customer
Time boxing
Underspecified requirements
Incomplete and / or hidden
Communication flaws between us
and the customer
Underspecified requirements
Communication flaws within the
project team
Moving targets
Stakeholders with difficulties in
separating requirements from
reviously known solution designs
For the purpose of this paper, extending the previous
effort, we analysed the causes and mitigation actions for each
of the 9 problems that appear as top 5 problems in the
different clusters. When analysing the causes and mitigation
actions for a problem in a given cluster, we only considered
the answers on causes and mitigation actions provided by
respondents within this same cluster. This decision was taken
because we considered that the causes and mitigation actions
could be considerably different for organisations in the
different clusters.
Both, the causes and mitigation actions, were informed by
the respondents in plain text as answers to open questions.
Therefore, to analyse the answers given to the open question
on causes and mitigation actions, we applied textual coding
techniques as recommended by Grounded Theory [14],
generating and peer-reviewing codes (representing key
characteristics) for each of the open text answers. Due to
space constraints, we present the codes for causes and
mitigation actions reported for only one specific cluster. We
chose agile and large-sized organisations, which was the
cluster with most respondents. The codes for the causes and
mitigation actions of the other clusters and their top 5
problems are available online
. Table III shows the causes and
mitigation actions for agile and large-sized organisations. The
Causes, mitigation actions and guidelines for the top 5 problems
within each cluster:
coded causes and mitigation actions are shown together with
the number of times each code was cited by the respondents.
Causes Mitigation Actions
Incomplete and / or hidden requirements
Communication flaws between
team and customer (1)
Insufficient analysis at the
beginning of the project (1)
Insufficient resources (1)
Lack of a well-defined RE
process (1)
Missing IT project experience
at customer side (1)
Missing knowledge about
development framework (1)
Missing of a global view of the
system (1)
Missing requirements
specification template (1)
Poor requirements elicitation
techniques (1)
Requirements remain too
abstract (1)
Unavailability of requirements
engineer (1)
Unclear business needs (1)
Unclear roles and
responsibilities at customer
side (2)
Create a Definition of Readiness (1)
Creation of requirements
specification template (1)
Greater customer commitment (1)
Implementation of change
management process (1)
Integrate Testing and RE (1)
Introduction and use of check lists
for monitoring requirements along
their life cycles (1)
Introduction of an early feedback
loop with customer (1)
More analysis before commitment
Planning and execution of regular
communication events/ meetings (1)
Planning and execution of training
(in order to improve skill and
performance) (1)
Moving targets
Changing business needs (3)
Complexity of domain (1)
Customer does not know what
he wants (2)
Insufficient information (1)
Insufficient resources (1)
Missing completeness check
of requirements (1)
Missing concentration on
business needs (1)
Poor project management (1)
Poor requirements elicitation
techniques (1)
Unclear business needs (1)
Volatile industry segment that
leads to changes (1)
Weak management at
customer side (1)
Better support from project
management (1)
Customer orientation (1)
Explain impact of changes to
customers. (1)
Have an agile project management
Implementation of change
management process (1)
Increase awareness to focus on
business processes (1)
Introduction and use of check lists
for monitoring requirements along
their life cycles (1)
Planning and execution of training
(in order to improve skill and
performance) (1)
Work with open scope (1)
Communication flaws with the
Communication flaws between
team and customer (1)
Complexity of domain (1)
Conflicting stakeholder
viewpoints (1)
Insufficient agility (1)
Insufficient resources (1)
Language barriers (2)
Missing customer involvement
Missing direct communication
to customer (2)
Subjective interpretations (1)
Too high team distribution (1)
Definition of a common structure to
describe and explain requirements
Greater customer commitment (4)
Introduction of an agile
methodology (1)
Introduction of an early feedback
loop with customer (3)
Planning and execution of regular
communication events/ meetings (2)
Planning and execution of training
(in order to improve skill and
performance) (1)
Prototyping (1)
Use of moc
-ups (1)
Time boxing
Complexity of RE (1)
High workload (1)
Insufficient resources (1)
Lack of time (2)
Policy restrictions (1)
Poor project management (1)
Solution orientation (1)
Strict time schedule by
customer (3)
Unfeasible goals (1)
Have an agile project management
Introduction and use of check lists
for monitoring requirements along
their life cycles (1)
Introduction of an agile
methodology (1)
More communication with
customers (1)
Prioritization of activities / goals (1)
Smaller project with defined time
and goal (1)
Causes Mitigation Actions
Underspecified requirements
Customer does not know what
he wants (1)
Insufficient information (1)
Insufficient resources (1)
Language barriers (1)
Missing knowledge about
development framework (1)
Missing requirements
specification template (1)
Requirements remain too
abstract (1)
Unavailability of requirements
engineer (1)
Creation of requirements
specification template (3)
Definition of a common structure to
describe and explain requirements
The next step was to analyse the causes and mitigation
actions to gather further insights into the prevention of the RE
problems, assembling the results into candidate guidelines.
The outcome of this analysis will be presented in the next
The candidate guidelines within each cluster were obtained
through analysis and discussions conducted by the team
involved in the paper. These analysis and discussions were
based on the organised information on causes and mitigation
actions for RE problems within each cluster (cf. Table III) and
focused on how to prevent the problems.
During the discussions, when facing large lists of causes we
organised them into Ishikawa diagrams [15] using the cause
categories suggested in guidelines for defect causal analysis
[16]. An exemplary diagram for the causes cited in agile and
large organisations for the RE problem Incomplete and/or
hidden requirements is shown in Figure 1. The suggested
mitigation actions aligned with the proposed process model, on
the other hand, were used as a starting point for the discussion
on how to address the causes and prevent the problem.
Fig. 1. Ishikawa diagram with causes of Incomplete and/or hidden
requirements as reported by agile and large organisations.
For the problem depicted in Figure 1., we decided to
include the advice in the guidelines to conduct regular
meetings with the customer, to introduce an early feedback
loop with the customer and to provide training (if needed) on
the development framework and on the overall system scope.
This shall address the causes in the People category, which
were mainly related to communication flaws and missing
knowledge on the development framework and of the overall
For causes of category Organization, we inferred the
advice to explicitly allocate a requirements engineer to the
project. For causes of category Tools, the suggestion is to use a
requirements specification template. We are aware that it may
be difficult to address the causes in the Input category, as
addressing these causes is related to introducing changes at the
customer side. Therefore, no specific advice was included for
those causes.
Finally, as for the causes in the Method category, the causes
insufficient analysis at the beginning of the project and
requirements remain to abstract are addressed by an advice
that follows one of the suggested mitigation actions, to create a
DoR (Definition of Readiness). Such DoR is commonly used in
agile projects to avoid the beginning of work on features that
do not comply with clearly defined completion criteria, which
usually translates into costly rework. Additionally, also
following mitigation actions listed by the respondents, we
included advice to spend more effort in requirements analysis
and validation. For the cause poor requirements elicitation
techniques and lack of a well-defined RE process, besides the
advice already provided, we included the suggestion to
implement a change management process. Nevertheless, it is
noteworthy to mention that explicitly defining a rigorous RE
process is not well aligned to the chosen agile development
The preliminary guidelines compiled for the critical RE
problems faced by agile and large organisations can be seen in
Table IV. The tables with the guidelines for the other clusters
are available online
Critical Problems Guidelines (Advice) for Agile and Large-sized
Incomplete and /
or hidden
Allocate a requirements engineer to the project (with
high degree of experience and expertise)
Conduct regular meetings with the customer
Create a DoR (Definition of Readiness)
Create a requirements specification template
Implement a change management process
Introduce an early feedback loop with customer
Provide training (if needed) to improve team skills on
the development framework
Provide training (if needed) on the business domain
and overall system scope
Spend more effort in elicitation and analysis
Spend more effort in requirements validation
Moving targets
Allocate a project manager with high degree of
experience and expertise
Allocate a requirements engineer to the project (with
high degree of experience and expertise)
Conduct regular meetings with the customer
Explain customers the impact of changes
Focus on business needs
Implement a change management process
Provide training (if needed) on the business domain
and overall system scope
Spend more effort in elicitation and analysis
Use iterative development with several increments (or
flaws between us
and the customer
Allocate a project manager with high degree of
experience and expertise (in particular, related to risk
Allocate a requirements engineer to the project (with
high degree of experience and expertise)
Conduct regular meetings with the customer
Explain customers the importance of their contribution
Introduce an early feedback loop with customer
Raise the level of abstraction with the custome
Critical Problems Guidelines (Advice) for Agile and Large-sized
Spend more effort in elicitation and analysis Spend
more effort in requirements specification
Use prototyping
Time boxing / Not
enough time in
Allocate a project manager with high degree of
experience and expertise (in particular, related to risk
Allocate the team members to work no more than 40
hours a week to maintain the productivity
Conduct daily stand-up meetings with the project team
Conduct regular meetings with the customer
Implement a change management process
Manage task priority
Provide training (if needed) to improve team skills
requirements that
are too abstract
and allow for
Allocate a requirements engineer to the project (with
high degree of experience and expertise)
Allocate a project manager with high degree of
experience and expertise
Conduct regular meetings with the customer
Create a requirements specification template
Use prototyping
Provide training (if needed) to improve team skills
Spend more effort in requirements specification
Spend more effort in requirements validation
The presented guidelines require additional review by
experts from industry to evaluate their adequacy to address
specific RE problems in specific contexts. Also, the guidelines
need further refinement by observing their application in
controlled experiments and industrial case studies so that they
fit the particularities of industrial context and the practices used
Finally, there are also threats to validity of the presented
guidelines, which we mitigated by specific measures. The
major threat to validity arises from the actual coding process of
causes and mitigation actions to derive the guidelines. Coding
is essentially a creative task with subjective facets of coders
like experience, expertise and expectations, which we
controlled by peer-reviewing the coding process. Another
threat to validity comprises the misunderstanding/bias of the
survey participants and the fact that, on the survey, the size of
the organisations does not represent the size of the projects.
The threat concerning to the size of the projects will be
adjusted for the next execution of the survey. The underlying
survey itself went through several validation cycles to reduce
threats to validity [1]: the survey was built on the basis of a
theory induced from available studies, internally and externally
reviewed a few times, and piloted in an industrial context.
V. C
In this paper, we used data from the NaPiRE initiative to
analyse the most critical RE problems for several types of
organisations, as well as their common causes and mitigation
actions suggested by the respondents. We organised the
information by clusters of size and process model and, based
on this data, suggested preliminary guidelines for preventing
critical RE problems within each cluster.
The rationality and the process for the production of these
resulting guidelines, allowed us to conclude that they can be
useful for the organisations to avoid critical RE problems in
practice due to the fact that the guidelines were produced based
on the source of each problem, analysing their causes and the
mitigation actions suggested by the respondents. However,
despite the potential practical impact, we are aware that the
guidelines need further evaluation. Future work therefore
includes additional expert reviews of the proposed guidelines
and empirical evaluations through experiments and case studies
to increase their accuracy to which we cordially invite
researchers and practitioners to strengthen our body of
knowledge in preventing common problems in RE.
The authors would like to thank the NaPiRE community for
their support. Thanks also to the Brazilian Research Council
(CNPq, process number 460627/2014-7) for financial support.
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... A Engenharia de Requisitos (ER) tem sido objeto de discussão e estudo na Engenharia de Software, e sua importânciaé reconhecida desde meados da década de oitenta do século passado [Brooks 1987] [Berry 2004] [Mafra et al. 2016]. Segundo o IEEE, a EŔ e uma fase interdisciplinar que faz a mediação entre os domínios do usuário e desenvolvedor para estabelecer e manter os requisitos a serem atendidos pelo sistema, software ou serviço [ISO 2011]. ...
... Entre os problemas encontrados na ER, os relacionadosà documentação de requisitos, que muitas vezesé realizada de forma incompleta e de difícil compreensão pelos envolvidos no projeto, continuam como desafios a serem superados [Hall et al. 2002] [Mafra et al. 2016]. As principais causas de problemas relacionadosà documentação de requisitos em um projeto de software são falhas de comunicação entre equipe de desenvolvimento e o cliente; utilização ineficiente de um processo bem definido para realizar ER; utilização de técnicas de elicitação de requisitos deficientes; utilização deficiente ou não utilização de um modelo para documentação dos requisitos e a falta de especialistas em requisitos envolvidos no projeto [Fernández et al. 2015] [Mafra et al. 2016]. ...
... Entre os problemas encontrados na ER, os relacionadosà documentação de requisitos, que muitas vezesé realizada de forma incompleta e de difícil compreensão pelos envolvidos no projeto, continuam como desafios a serem superados [Hall et al. 2002] [Mafra et al. 2016]. As principais causas de problemas relacionadosà documentação de requisitos em um projeto de software são falhas de comunicação entre equipe de desenvolvimento e o cliente; utilização ineficiente de um processo bem definido para realizar ER; utilização de técnicas de elicitação de requisitos deficientes; utilização deficiente ou não utilização de um modelo para documentação dos requisitos e a falta de especialistas em requisitos envolvidos no projeto [Fernández et al. 2015] [Mafra et al. 2016]. ...
A Engenharia de Requisitos se destaca como uma fase fundamental na Engenharia de Software por instituir uma visão estrita e comum entre o cliente e a equipe do projeto sobre os requisitos do software a ser desenvolvido. Este estudo foi realizado utilizando a metodologia de pesquisa-ação em uma instituição pública, com objetivo de propor e aplicar um processo para elicitação e documentação de requisitos em nível de usuário. No processo, um modelo foi usado para documentar os requisitos usando a SysML (Systems Modeling Language). No estudo foi realizada uma avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa para avaliar a eficácia do processo. Os resultados sugerem que a intervenção alcançou resultados positivos, incluindo evidências de melhorias na elicitação e documentação dos requisitos do usuário.
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Requirement engineering (RE) is the process of discovering stakeholders’ requirements and needs and documenting them in such a way that they can serve as the basis for all other system development activities. Despite recent advances in RE practices and tools, requirements engineers are still experiencing fundamental problems. Therefore, the identification and characterization of such challenges would help RE practitioners manage and overcome such difficulties allowing them to meet expected quality objectives. The main objective of this paper is to identify and compare RE challenges reported in the literature and in practice. To this aim, we have conducted a systematic mapping study to collect and analyze RE challenges in the literature. Furthermore, we have also conducted a questionnaire-based empirical investigation to collect and analyze RE challenges faced by IT practitioners working for 15 companies located in four different countries. Results show that the top challenges are the same in the literature and in practice. However, overall, our comparative study revealed a weak positive correlation between RE challenges in the literature and in practice (Spearman coefficient = 0.3061). This weak positive relationship indicates that some of the challenges found in the literature are not perceived by the participant to have a great impact on the practice. This may be due to the fact that solutions to (or guidelines to avoid) some of the identified challenges have been provided by the surveyed corporations.
Context: Requirements engineering in agile software development is a relatively recent software engineering topic and it is not completely explored and understood. The understanding of how this process works on agile world needs a deeper analysis. Objective: The goal of this paper is to map the subject area of requirements engineering in agile context to identify the main topics that have been researched and to identify gaps to develop future researches. It is also intended to identify the obstacles that practitioners face when using agile requirements engineering. Method: A systematic mapping study was conducted and as a result 2171 papers were initially identified and further narrowed to 104 by applying exclusion criteria and analysis. Conclusion: After completing the classification and the analysis of the selected studies it was possible to identify 15 areas (13 based on SWEBOK) where researches were developed. Five of such areas points to the need of future researches, among them are requirements elicitation, change management, measuring requirements, software requirements tools and comparative studies between traditional and agile requirements. In this research, some obstacles that practitioners face dealing with requirements engineering in agile context were also identified. They are related to environment, people and resources.
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Background: The sensitivity of Requirements Engineering (RE) to the context makes it difficult to efficiently control problems therein, thus, hampering an effective risk management devoted to allow for early corrective or even preventive measures. Problem: There is still little empirical knowledge about context-specific RE phenomena which would be necessary for an effective context-sensitive risk management in RE. Goal: We propose and validate an evidence-based approach to assess risks in RE using cross-company data about problems, causes and effects. Research Method: We use survey data from 228 companies and build a probabilistic network that supports the forecast of context-specific RE phenomena. We implement this approach using spreadsheets to support a light-weight risk assessment. Results: Our results from an initial validation in 6 companies strengthen our confidence that the approach increases the awareness for individual risk factors in RE, and the feedback further allows for disseminating our approach into practice.
The effective communication of the requirements influences the success of software development projects. Achieving effective communication of the requirements is difficult due to the involvement of several persons with different roles, skills, knowledge and responsibilities. Although many studies analyze the communication between clients and system analysts, they do not focus on the communication within the development team. In this research, we propose the creation of a set of artifacts and models to support the communication of requirements. We will base our proposal on the different perspectives of the team members according to their experience in the artifacts and models adopted in the development process within their organization. We will follow a methodology based on Design Science Research guidelines, which will guide us through the creation and evaluation of the artifacts and models to solve problems with the communication of requirements. Our goal is to improve the communication of requirements between the members of a development team, reducing the loss of requirements information during the execution of the software project
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Requirements Engineering (RE) has received much attention in research and practice due to its importance to software project success. Its inter-disciplinary nature, the dependency to the customer, and its inherent uncertainty still render the discipline dicult to investigate. This results in a lack of empirical data. These are necessary, however, to demonstrate which practically relevant RE problems exist and to what extent they matter. Motivated by this situation, we initiated the Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering (NaPiRE) initiative which constitutes a globally distributed, bi-yearly replicated family of surveys on the status quo and problems in practical RE. In this article, we report on the qualitative analysis of data obtained from 228 companies working in 10 countries in various domains and we reveal which contemporary problems practitioners encounter. To this end, we analyse 21 problems derived from the literature with respect to their relevance and criticality in dependency to their context, and we complement this picture with a cause-e↵ect analysis showing the causes and e↵ects surrounding the most critical problems. Our results give us a better understanding of which problems exist and how they manifest themselves in practical environments. Thus, we provide a first step to ground contributions to RE on empirical observations which, until now, were dominated by conventional wisdom only.
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As part of the Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering (NaPiRE) initiative, researchers compared problems that companies in Brazil and Germany encountered during requirements engineering (RE). The key takeaway was that in RE, human interaction is necessary for eliciting and specifying high-quality requirements, regardless of country, project type, or company size.
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[Context] Many software projects fail due to problems in Requirements Engineering (RE). [Objective] The goal of this paper is to gather information on relevant RE problems and to represent knowledge on their most common causes. [Method] We replicated a global family of RE surveys in Brazil and used the data to identify critical RE problems and to build probabilistic cause-effect diagrams to represent knowledge on their common causes. [Results] The survey was answered by 74 different organizations, including small, medium and very large sized companies, conducting both, plan-driven and agile development. The most critical RE problems, according to those organizations, are related to communication and to incomplete or underspecified requirements. We provide the full probabilistic cause-effect diagrams with knowledge on common causes of the most critical identified RE problems online. [Conclusion] We believe that the knowledge presented in the diagrams can be helpful to support organizations in conducting causal analysis sessions by providing an initial understanding on what usually causes critical RE problems.
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Default causal analysis (DCA) or defect prevention is required by higher-maturity-level software development processes such as the Brazilian Software Process Improvement Reference Model and Capability Maturity Model Integration. The authors ask and answer questions about implementing it in lower-maturity organizations. In the related web extra entitled “Evidence-Based Guidelines on Defect Causal Analysis,” authors Marcos Kalinowski, David N. Card, and Guilherme H. Travassos discuss the basics of research protocol.
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[Context] Many software projects fail due to problems in requirements engineering (RE). [Goal] The goal of this paper is analyzing a specific and relevant RE problem in detail: incomplete/hidden requirements. [Method] We replicated a global family of RE surveys with representatives of software organizations in Austria and Brazil. We used the data to (a) characterize the criticality of the selected RE problem, and to (b) analyze the reported main causes and mitigation actions. Based on the analysis, we discuss how to prevent the problem. [Results] The survey includes 14 different organizations in Austria and 74 in Brazil, including small, medium and large sized companies, conducting both, plan-driven and agile development processes. Respondents from both countries cited the incomplete/hidden requirements problem as one of the most critical RE problems. We identified and graphically represented the main causes and documented solution options to address these causes. Further, we compiled a list of reported mitigation actions. [Conclusions] From a practical point of view, this paper provides further insights into common causes of incomplete/hidden requirements and on how to prevent this problem.
Context For many years, we have observed industry struggling in defining a high quality requirements engineering (RE) and researchers trying to understand industrial expectations and problems. Although we are investigating the discipline with a plethora of empirical studies, they still do not allow for empirical generalisations. Objective To lay an empirical and externally valid foundation about the state of the practice in RE, we aim at a series of open and reproducible surveys that allow us to steer future research in a problem-driven manner. Method We designed a globally distributed family of surveys in joint collaborations with different researchers and completed the first run in Germany. The instrument is based on a theory in the form of a set of hypotheses inferred from our experiences and available studies. We test each hypothesis in our theory and identify further candidates to extend the theory by correlation and Grounded Theory analysis. Results In this article, we report on the design of the family of surveys, its underlying theory, and the full results obtained from Germany with participants from 58 companies. The results reveal, for example, a tendency to improve RE via internally defined qualitative methods rather than relying on normative approaches like CMMI. We also discovered various RE problems that are statistically significant in practice. For instance, we could corroborate communication flaws or moving targets as problems in practice. Our results are not yet fully representative but already give first insights into current practices and problems in RE, and they allow us to draw lessons learnt for future replications. Conclusion Our results obtained from this first run in Germany make us confident that the survey design and instrument are well-suited to be replicated and, thereby, to create a generalisable empirical basis of RE in practice.
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This paper presents about a study conducted to investigate the current state of Requirements Engineering (RE) problems and practices amongst the software development companies in Malaysia. The main objective of the study is to determine areas in RE process that should be addressed in future research in order to improve the process. Information required for the study was obtained through a survey, questionnaires distributed to project managers and software developers who are working at various software development companies in the country. Results show that software companies in this study are still facing great challenges in getting their requirements right due to organizational and technical factors. Also, we found out that high-maturity ratings do not generally correlate better performance and do not indicate effective, high-maturity practices especially to the RE practices. The findings imply that we must consider both human and technical problems, with extra care should be given to the technical issues and all the RE practices in our future research which is to re-build a specialized RE process improvement model.