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Validation of a software for age estimation bone through the cervical vertebrae

  • Associação Brasileira de Odontologia - Seccional Campinas - SP

Abstract and Figures

Currently, to establish a diagnosis and determine a treatment plan based on the skeletal maturation, lateral radiograph of the head can be used, where it is observed the morphological changes of the cervical vertebrae C2, C3 and C4. The aim of this study is to validate a software (Easy Age) to assess skeletal maturation by cervical vertebrae, demonstrating its applicability and reproducibility. For this, the sample consisted of 500 lateral radiographs of patients of both genders, from 7 to 15 years of age, who were examined by three evaluators, twice for the visual method and twice with the software. To evaluate the inter- and intra-examiner agreement, it was applied the test of Kappa, which showed a substantial level of agreement for visual assessment of the cervical vertebrae, while for the evaluation of the cervical vertebrae through the software, showed a level almost perfect agreement for all evaluators. Friedman's test was applied to compare the ratings between 1st and 2nd visual examination and between 1st and 2nd examination using the software, and there were no significant differences. To validate the software it was performed a comparison between results obtained by visual method and by software, with the Spearman correlation test. Results showed a strong correlation, statistically significant, between the measurements of visual examination and of the software evaluation. It is concluded that the software is valid and improved applicability and reproducibility of the method of estimating skeletal age.
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The identification of the skeletal maturation stage of the cervical vertebrae has proven an important reference for orthodontic diagnosis. The aim of the present study was to determine the association between the skeletal maturation stage of the cervical vertebrae and types of malocclusion according to the age and gender of participants. A total of 361 individuals (168 males and 193 females) between 8 and 14 years of age were selected from a convenience sample. Malocclusions were diagnosed through study models using the Angle classification. Maturation stages of the cervical vertebrae were determined using the method proposed by Hassel and Farman. Statistical analysis involved the chi-square test (p £ 0.05) and multiple logistic regression (forward stepwise procedure). Significant differences were observed between the stage of skeletal maturation of the cervical vertebrae and gender at ages 11, 12 and 14 years. Males with Class II malocclusion were twice as likely to be in Stage 1 or 2 of cervical vertebra maturation than individuals with Class I malocclusion (OR = 2.1 [CI 95%, 1.33-3.18]). There were no differences between individuals with Class I and Class III malocclusions. The association between skeletal maturation of the cervical vertebrae and type of malocclusion was significant, suggesting a skeletal component in the determination of Class II malocclusions.
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Evaluation of skeletal maturity in human individuals is an important aspect in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics because, growth guidance and fundamental structural changes are essential for treatment of skeletal discrepancies in all the three planes. Among various growth assessment methods, cervical vertebra maturation stages and hand wrist have been correlated with the individual growth changes during puberty. The purpose of this study is to determine correlation of the CVM index with the modified median phalanx index (MP3) as described by Rajagopal and Kansal. 200 subjects (100 males and 100 females) of Nellore, Indian origin boys aged between 10 to 19 years and girls of 8 to 16 years were selected for the study. The subjects are selected randomly from patients visiting the Departments of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Pediatric dentistry and Oral medicine and Radiology at Narayana Dental College and Hospital. Nellore. Radiographs of left hand MP3 and lateral cephalogram were taken. Cohen's kappa statistic was used to assess the agreement between the two measurements based on categorical variables. There was a good concordance between 6 stages of CVMI (Hassel and Farman) and the 6 stages of MP3 (Rajagopal and Kansal). Physiological maturity was earlier in females than in males when compared to the individuals of opposite sex of same chronological age. Chronological age was not a valid predictor of assessing the skeletal maturity because of significant variations in the distribution of CVMI and MP3 stages with respect to individual chronological age distribution.
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The aim of this study was to assess effective doses of a lateral cephalogram radiograph with and without thyroid shield and compare the differences with the radiation dose of a hand-wrist radiograph. Thermoluminescent dosimeters were placed at 19 different sites in the head and neck of a tissue-equivalent human skull (RANDO phantom). Analogue lateral cephalograms with and without thyroid shield (67kV, 250 mA, 10 mAs) and hand-wrist radiographs (40kV, 250 mA, 10 mAs) were obtained. The effective doses were calculated using the 2007 International Commission on Radiological Protection recommendations. The effective dose for conventional lateral cephalogram without a thyroid shield was 5.03 microsieverts (µSv). By applying a thyroid shield to the RANDO phantom, a remarkable dose reduction of 1.73 µSv could be achieved. The effective dose of a conventional hand-wrist radiograph was calculated to be 0.16 µSv. Adding the effective dose of the hand-wrist radiograph to the effective dose of the lateral cephalogram with thyroid shield resulted in a cumulative effective dose of 3.46 µSv. Without thyroid shield, the effective dose of a lateral cephalogram was approximately 1.5-fold increased than the cumulative effective dose of a hand-wrist radiograph and a lateral cephalogram with thyroid shield. Thyroid is an organ that is very sensitive to radiation exposure. Its shielding will significantly reduce the effective dose. An additional hand-wrist radiograph, involving no vulnerable tissues, however, causes very little radiation risk. In accordance with the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle, if an evaluation of skeletal age is indicated, an additional hand-wrist radiograph seems much more justifiable than removing the thyroid shield.
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The identification of the skeletal maturation stage of the cervical vertebrae has proven an important reference for orthodontic diagnosis. The aim of the present study was to determine the association between the skeletal maturation stage of the cervical vertebrae and types of malocclusion according to the age and gender of participants. A total of 361 individuals (168 males and 193 females) between 8 and 14 years of age were selected from a convenience sample. Malocclusions were diagnosed through study models using the Angle classification. Maturation stages of the cervical vertebrae were determined using the method proposed by Hassel and Farman. Statistical analysis involved the chi-square test (p £ 0.05) and multiple logistic regression (forward stepwise procedure). Significant differences were observed between the stage of skeletal maturation of the cervical vertebrae and gender at ages 11, 12 and 14 years. Males with Class II malocclusion were twice as likely to be in Stage 1 or 2 of cervical vertebra maturation than individuals with Class I malocclusion (OR = 2.1 [CI 95%, 1.33-3.18]). There were no differences between individuals with Class I and Class III malocclusions. The association between skeletal maturation of the cervical vertebrae and type of malocclusion was significant, suggesting a skeletal component in the determination of Class II malocclusions.
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To propose a semi-automated method for pattern classification to predict individuals' stage of growth based on morphologic characteristics that are described in the modified cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method of Baccetti et al. A total of 188 lateral cephalograms were collected, digitized, evaluated manually, and grouped into cervical stages by two expert examiners. Landmarks were located on each image and measured. Three pattern classifiers based on the Naïve Bayes algorithm were built and assessed using a software program. The classifier with the greatest accuracy according to the weighted kappa test was considered best. The classifier showed a weighted kappa coefficient of 0.861 ± 0.020. If an adjacent estimated pre-stage or poststage value was taken to be acceptable, the classifier would show a weighted kappa coefficient of 0.992 ± 0.019. Results from this study show that the proposed semi-automated pattern classification method can help orthodontists identify the stage of CVM. However, additional studies are needed before this semi-automated classification method for CVM assessment can be implemented in clinical practice.
The knowledge of facial growth and development is fundamental to determine the optimal timing for different treatment procedures in the growing patient. To analyze the reproducibility of three methods in assessing individual skeletal maturity, and to evaluate any degree of concordance among them. In all, 100 growing subjects were enrolled to test three methods: the hand-wrist, cervical vertebral maturation (CVM), and medial phalanges of the third finger method (MP3). Four operators determined the skeletal maturity of the subjects to evaluate the reproducibility of each method. After 30 days the operators repeated the analysis to assess the repeatability of each method. Finally, one operator examined all subjects' radiographs to detect any concordance among the three methods. The weighted kappa values for inter-operator variability were 0.94, 0.91, and 0.90, for the WRI, CVM, and MP3 methods, respectively. The weighted kappa values for intra-operator variability were 0.92, 0.91, and 0.92, for the WRI, CVM, and MP3 methods, respectively. The three methods revealed a high degree of repeatability and reproducibility. Complete agreement among the three methods was observed in 70% of the analyzed samples. The CVM method has the advantage of not necessitating an additional radiograph. The MP3 method is a simple and practical alternative as it requires only a standard dental x-ray device.
Introduction: Effectiveness of different numerical techniques for use in semi-automatic assessment of cervical vertebral maturation stages (CVM) using radiograph images was investigated. Methods: Lateral cephalographs of 211 patients were recorded and stored in a digital form. Using the specially developed software application, orthodontic experts marked and measured several characteristic cephalometric parameters for every patient. The results of these measurements were used to automatically determine the cervical vertebral maturation stage using numerical techniques, including the K-means clustering and the Fuzzy C-means clustering. These results were compared with the assessment made manually by the trained orthodontists.Results: The best results were achieved using the modified Fuzzy-C means clustering. Identification of the correct CVM stage was around 70%, while the assessment including the adjacent classes [+/- 1 developmental stage] was over 99%. Conclusions: Experimental results show that it may be possible to develop a fully automated system to assess CVM stages, although there are still minor issues that need to be addressed before the method's implementation in the clinical practice.
The present study introduces a further modified version of the Cervical Vertebral Maturation (CVM) method for the detection of the peak in mandibular growth, based on the analysis of the second through fourth cervical vertebrae in a single cephalogram. The morphology of the bodies of the second (C2 -odontoid process), third (C3), and fourth (C4) cervical vertebrae were analyzed in 6 consecutive cephalometric observations (T1 through T6) of 30 orthodontically untreated subjects. Observations for each subject consisted of two consecutive cephalograms comprising the interval of maximum mandibular growth (as assessed by means of the maximum increment in total mandibular length, Condylion -Gnathion: Co-Gn), together with two earlier consecutive cephalograms and two later consecutive cephalograms. The analysis consisted of both visual and cephalometric appraisals of morphological characteristics of the three cervical vertebrae. The construction of this new modified version of the CVM method was based on the results of both ANOVA for repeated measures with post hoc Scheffés test (P < 0.05) and discriminant analysis. The new clinically improved CVM method is comprised of six maturational stages (cervical stage 1 through cervical stage 6, ie, CS1 through CS6). CS1 and CS2 are prepeak stages; the peak in mandibular growth occurs between CS3 and CS4. CS6 is recorded at least 2 years after the peak. The use of the CVM method enables the clinician to identify optimal timing for the treatment of a series of dentoskeletal disharmonies in all three planes of space.
To investigate (1) the relationships between the stages of mandibular second molar calcification and skeletal maturity; and (2) whether second molar calcification stages can be used as a reliable diagnostic tool to determine skeletal maturity. Samples were derived from panoramic radiographs and lateral cephalograms of 300 subjects (137 males and 163 females) with ages ranging from 9 to 18 years, and estimates of dental maturity (Demirjian Index [DI]) and skeletal maturity (cervical vertebrae maturation indicators [CVMI]) were made. A highly significant association (C*  =  0.854 for males and 0.866 for females) was found between DI and CVMI. DI stage E corresponded to stage 2 of CVMI (pre-peak of pubertal growth spurt) and DI stages F and G corresponded to stages 3 and 4 of CVMI (peak of pubertal growth spurt). DI stage H was associated with stages 5 and 6 of CVMI (end of pubertal growth spurt). A highly significant association exists between DI and CVMI. Mandibular second molar DI stages are reliable indicators of skeletal maturity.