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A Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Performance



Offered here is a conceptual model that comprehensively describes essential aspects of corporate social performance (CSP). The three dimensional model address major questions of concern: (1) What is included in the definition of CSR? (2) What are the social/stakeholder issues the firm must address? and (3) What is the organization's strategy/mode/philosophy of social responsiveness. The first dimension is the source of the original four-part definition of CSR originated: economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary (later termed philanthropic). It was later presented at the CSR Pyramid (1991).
... Corporate social performance in its simplest form is corporations" broader responsibility towards society. Researchers and practitioners strongly believe that corporations should not be judged just on their economic success (Carroll, 1979, Jamali et al., 2008, Shahin and Zairi, 2007 as they are " no longer expected to be mere contributors to the global economy, but rather to reconcile and skill-fully balance multiple bottom lines and manage the interests of multiple stakeholders. Drucker (2001) is of the opinion that companies should work on eliminating or at least minimize their impacts on environment, while maintaining the underlying activity itself. ...
... Studies show the influence of the theory of organizational resources, stakeholder theory, management theory or organizational theory by authors such as Windsor (2006), McWilliams et al. (2002) or Carroll (1986) on the development of the doctrine of social responsibility, expressed in its different definitions. The issue of complementing the definition of sustainable development is explained by the term generational goal, which Höjer and Wangel (2015) understand as the general or main goal of the environmental security policy. ...
... It is reasonable that corporate responsibility has many different definitions and is thought to take many different forms. Corporate social responsibility is a concept that assumes that businesses have obligations that require them to take acts beyond their immediate financial interests and the legally mandated regulations, according to the literature on the subject (Carroll, 1979;McWilliams et al., 2006;Windsor, 2006). In addition to this general idea, there are several interpretations. ...
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Purpose: Over the years, small businesses have been the backbone of economic growth in many low-middle-income settings. Thus, small firms/small businesses have attempted to develop codes of conduct, which can be used to guide managers when making decisions. This study, therefore, explored business ethics, repurchase and corporate social responsibility within Wa Township. Design/Methodology/ Approach: The study employed the case study approach of both qualitative and quantitative methods. A total of 358 smallholder shop owners were randomly selected to participate in face-to-face interviews. The data were keyed into a Microsoft Excel sheet and cleaned. The data set was then imported into SPSS and analysed using frequencies, proportions and chi-square test of independence. Findings: The results have shown a strong statistical relationship between business ethics and purchase (p=0.000), business ethics and repurchase (p=0.000), business ethics and corporate social responsibility (p=0.000). Practical implications: Small shop owners recognise the central place of ethical behaviours and repurchase and corporate social responsibility on business growth through increased sales. This study therefore recommends investment in growing smallholder business owners’ knowledge about the necessity of business ethics and customer satisfaction.
This study attempts to investigate the relationship between Internal corporate social responsibility ICSR practices and Employees Engagement (EE) based on stakeholder theory (ST). Specifically, we studied some dimensions of ICSR. Eight dimensions were taken of ICSR practices and their impact on (EE): (namely: training and career development, health and safety, employee rights, employee well-being, leave entitlement, social work environment, diversity at workplace and support for people with disabilities). The proposed model was tested on a sample of 375 employees working in national commercial banks in Saudi Arabia. Exploratory factor analysis, reliability assessment, and regression were applied to analyze the data. The results of this study indicate that ICSR positively influenced (EE). Specifically, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between (training and career development, health and safety, social work environment, employee rights, employee well-being and diversity at the workplace) and (EE). The results also showed that there were no statistically significant positive relationships between (leave entitlement and support for the disabled) and (EE). The Study is economic legal, and ethical responses benefit employees directly while discretionary responsibility benefits them indirectly.
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Dieser Beitrag schafft einen Überblick über den Stand der Forschung zur Rolle etablierter Unternehmen (Incumbents) emissionsintensiver Wirtschaftsbereiche (Energiever-sorgung, Transport, Lebensmittelversorgung und verarbeitende Industrie) in nachhaltigen Transformationsprozessen. Anhand eines systematischen Reviews von 175 Fallstudien aus der nachhaltigen Transitionsforschung (Sustainability-Transitions) leistet er drei konzeptionelle Beiträge: Erstens bietet er eine (Neu-)Definition des Begriffs Incumbent, die auf die Transitionsforschung zugeschnitten ist und bisherigen begrifflichen Unschärfen begegnet. Zweitens formuliert er sieben Idealtypen von etablierten Unternehmen in nachhaltigen Transformationsprozessen, die über dichotome Rollenzuschreibungen hinausgehen und der Ambiguität und temporalen Dynamik der Aktivitäten von Incumbents gerecht werden. Drittens arbeitet er zehn Einflussfaktoren heraus, die den heterogenen Umgang von etablierten Unternehmen mit nachhaltigkeitsbezogenen Herausforderungen erklären können. Aus den Ergebnissen werden Perspektiven für die zukünftige Forschung über etablierte Unternehmen in nachhaltigen Transformationsprozessen abgeleitet.
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar a contribuição dos movimentos étnico-culturais de Ijuí e do Rio Grande do Sul [Brasil], no campo da responsabilidade social, inclusão e socialização de jovens cidadãos. O estudo, de natureza qualitativa descritiva, utilizou entrevistas com dirigentes, líderes e membros dos grupos étnicos da União das Etnias [UETI], para compreender como a entidade atua como agente transformador da sociedade, apoiando indivíduos de diferentes idades e classes sociais. A pesquisa explora a evolução do conceito de responsabilidade social nas casas ‘típicas’ ligadas à UETI, discutindo sua aplicação no contexto das organizações culturais. Os resultados mostram que a participação de jovens nos grupos étnicos impacta positivamente suas vidas pessoais e profissionais, mostrando a relevância do movimento na formação, socialização e inclusão desses cidadãos. Conclui-se que a UETI se destaca por promover uma sociedade mais cultural, inclusiva e cidadã, com a participação de diferentes atores sociais.
The possible link between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial performance (FP) has been a debate that lingers in CSR discourse. Nevertheless, implementation of economic responsibilities (ER) by companies in Nigeria is crucial to sustainability of business. Thus, the study’s main objective was to examine the effect of economic corporate social responsibility on performance of quoted consumer goods companies in Nigeria. The specific objective was to: determine the degree of correlation that exists among ER of quoted Consumer Goods companies in Nigeria and ROE, ROA and ROI. The study employed a non-survey design. Secondary data were extracted from the NSE fact books from 2014-2023. Partial correlation and panel multiple regression techniques were used to analyse data. The major finding of the study revealed there was a strong, high and positive relationship among ER and ROE (0.8656), ROA (0.8751) and ROI (0.8117), respectively at p<0.05. The study concluded that economic responsibilities of quoted consumer goods companies in Nigeria have significant effect on financial performance. The study recommends that it is desirous that quoted consumer goods companies should sustain and strengthen their CSR capacity, through implementation of ER so as to meet the expectations of stakeholders.
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У цьому посібнику висвітлено основи управління соціальними проєктами. Розглянуто процеси ідентифікації потреб, планування, реалізації та оцінки соціальних проєктів, а також використання ресурсів. Зокрема, обговорюються питання залучення фінансування та взаємодії з донорами і спонсорами. Окремо приділено увагу специфіці управління проєктами у територіальних громадах, що стає все більш актуальним в умовах децентралізації. Навчальний посібник стане у нагоді здобувачам вищої освіти, викладачам у навчальному процесі за спеціальностями «соціальна робота», «соціальна педагогіка», «управління соціальними закладами», «менеджмент та управління у соціальній роботі»; фахівцям соціальної сфери, які надають соціальні послуги вразливим категоріям сімей, дітей та молоді; представникам громадських організацій, що забезпечують соціальний захист і соціальну підтримку вразливим категоріям населення.
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The socio-political contexts within which firms operate have become increasingly complex. This paper reviews the growing literature on business-socio-political stakeholder relations with a focus on CPA and CSR. The dynamic interrelatedness of socio-political issues and the diversification and higher demands of stakeholders have altered these settings. This increasing complexity is where our concept of Corporate Socio-Political Engagement comes in. And also beyond more common non-market approaches, CSPE offers a comprehensive framework to study the complex relations that enterprises have with actors from the socio-political environment. Using a two-dimensional model, we identify the interaction to which each study pertains (by socio-political actor or problem-political, social, or hybrid) relative to study with respect to interaction. Such an approach sheds light on the symbiotic partnership between business strategy and stakeholder expectations. Lastly, we had recommended CSPE continue to explore the strategic implications of having flexible companies that can adapt to rapidly changing socio-political climates.
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