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Abnormal resting state functional connectivity of the periaqueductal grey in patients with fibromyalgia


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: Emerging evidence associates chronic pain syndrome, such as fibromyalgia, with endogenous pain modulatory system dysfunction, leading to an impaired descending pain inhibition. In this study, using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we aimed at seeking possible functional connectivity changes of the periaqueductal gray (PAG), a brainstem area that belongs to the endogenous pain modulatory system, in patients with fibromyalgia. Methods: In 20 patients with fibromyalgia and 15 healthy subjects, we investigated PAG functional connectivity using resting-state fMRI. We also analysed the correlation between clinical variables, such as pain severity, disease duration, and depressive personality traits with PAG functional connectivity. Results: Compared with control subjects, we identified that patients with fibromyalgia had an increased PAG connectivity with insula, anterior cingulate cortex, and anterior prefrontal cortex. The functional connectivity between PAG and the rostral ventral medulla, however, was not concordantly increased. PAG functional connectivity correlated with pain severity, disease duration, and the depressive personality trait rating. Conclusions: Our fMRI study showing abnormal resting state functional connectivity of the PAG suggests that patients with fibromyalgia have an endogenous pain modulatory system dysfunction, possibly causing an impaired descending pain inhibition. This abnormal PAG functioning might underlay the chronic pain these patients suffer from.
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1Department of Neurology and Psychiatry,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy;
2Rheumatology Unit, Department of
Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy;
3Rheumatology Unit, Luigi Sacco
University Hospital, Milan, Italy;
4Athinoula A. Martinos Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, MA, and
Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Andrea Truini, MD*
Emanuele Tinelli, MD*
Maria Chiara Gerardi, MD
Valentina Calistri, MD
Cristina Iannuccelli, MD
Silvia La Cesa, MD
Lorenzo Tarsitani, MD
Caterina Mainero, MD
Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini, MD
Giorgio Cruccu, MD
Francesca Caramia, MD
Manuela Di Franco, MD
*These authors equally contributed
to the study.
Please address correspondence to:
Maria Chiara Gerardi, MD,
Rheumatology Unit,
Luigi Sacco University Hospital,
Via G.B. Grassi,
20157 Milan, Italy.
Received on February 13, 2016; accepted
in revised form on March 24, 2016.
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2016; 34 (Suppl. 96):
© Copyright CLINICAL AND
Key words: bromyalgia,
magnetic resonance imaging,
periaqueductal grey, endogenous
pain modulatory system
Competing interests: none declared.
Objective. Emerging evidence associ-
ates chronic pain syndrome, such as
bromyalgia, with endogenous pain
modulatory system dysfunction, lead-
ing to an impaired descending pain
inhibition. In this study, using resting-
state functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), we aimed at seeking
possible functional connectivity chang-
es of the periaqueductal gray (PAG), a
brainstem area that belongs to the en-
dogenous pain modulatory system, in
patients with bromyalgia.
Methods. In 20 patients with bromy-
algia and 15 healthy subjects, we in-
vestigated PAG functional connectivity
using resting-state fMRI. We also ana-
lysed the correlation between clinical
variables, such as pain severity, disease
duration, and depressive personality
traits with PAG functional connectivity.
Results. Compared with control sub-
jects, we identied that patients with
bromyalgia had an increased PAG
connectivity with insula, anterior cin-
gulate cortex, and anterior prefrontal
cortex. The functional connectivity be-
tween PAG and the rostral ventral me-
dulla, however, was not concordantly
increased. PAG functional connectivity
correlated with pain severity, disease
duration, and the depressive personal-
ity trait rating.
Conclusion. Our fMRI study show-
ing abnormal resting state functional
connectivity of the PAG suggests that
patients with bromyalgia have an en-
dogenous pain modulatory system dys-
function, possibly causing an impaired
descending pain inhibition. This abnor-
mal PAG functioning might underlay the
chronic pain these patients suffer from.
The pathophysiology of bromyal-
gia (FM) is still unclear (1, 2). Many
studies showing that as well as caus-
ing widespread pain and fatigue FM
causes sleep disturbances, mood disor-
ders, and neurocognitive impairment,
led some to postulate a central nervous
system dysfunction including pain ma-
trix hyperexcitability and endogenous
pain modulatory system abnormalities,
leading to an impaired descending pain
inhibition (3-9).
In a recent neurophysiological study,
we have showed that patients with FM
have signs of pain matrices hyperexcit-
ability (9), probably contributing to the
different symptoms patients with this
condition experience. However, in this
study we did not provide any informa-
tion on how FM pathophysiology in-
volves descending modulatory system
structures, such as the periaqueductal
gray (PAG). The PAG receives projec-
tions from the anterior cingulate cortex
and modulates pain perception through
brain stem structures, such as the Ros-
tral Ventral Medulla (RVM), which
directly sends inhibitory projections to
the nociceptive dorsal horn neurons of
the spinal cord (10). Given that PAG
modulates pain perception, an abnor-
mal PAG activity might underlie pain in
patients with FM (11, 12). Having more
information on the descending modula-
tory system function might be relevant
to the pharmacological treatment of
pain in this disease, lending a rational
support to the use of antidepressants.
Continuing our research activity into
the mechanisms underlying FM (9)
and the endogenous pain modulatory
system (11) in this clinical and neuro-
imaging study we sought possible PAG
abnormalities in patients with FM. To
do so, using functional magnetic reso-
nance imaging (fMRI), we have inves-
tigated the resting state functional con-
nectivity of PAG in 20 patients with
FM and in 15 healthy controls.
Abnormal resting state functional connectivity of the
periaqueductal grey in patients with bromyalgia
A. Truini1, E. Tinelli1, M.C. Gerardi2, V. Calistri1, C. Iannuccelli2, S. La Cesa1,
L. Tarsitani1, C. Mainero4, P. Sarzi-Puttini3, G. Cruccu1, F. Caramia1, M. Di Franco2
bnormal resting state in patients with bromyalgia   ruini et al
We pro sp ec ti ve ly en ro ll ed 20 con se cu -
tive patients (19 F, 1 M; aged 28-67
years) referred to the Fibromyalgia
Clinic at the Rheumatology Unit, De-
partment of Internal Medicine and Med-
ical Specialties, Sapienza University of
Rome, and 15 healthy, matched subjects
(F 13, 2 M; aged 26-65 years). Inclu-
sion criteria for patients were: patients
aged >18 years; a medically conrmed
diagnosis of FM according both 1990
and 2010 American College of Rheu-
matology criteria (13-15) and willing-
ness to participate in the experimental
procedures. Exclusion criteria included
all autoimmune and rheumatic diseases,
other and additional pain sources (in-
cluding pain due to osteoarthritis) and
neurological and psychiatric diseases,
including major depression. None of the
participants was taking pain medication
potentially affecting the PAG connec-
tivity, such as antidepressants, opioids
or antiepileptics. Pregnancy was also
an exclusion criterion for both patients
and controls. The local Institutional Re-
view Board approved the study and all
patients and healthy volunteers gave in-
formed consent.
All patients underwent clinical exami-
nation at the Rheumatology Unit. The
Manual Tender Point Survey was used
to rate the severity of pain elicited by
palpating the 18 tender points dened
by the American College of Rheuma-
tology (16). We also collected the Zung
Self-Rating Depression (ZSDS) and
Anxiety Scales (ZSAS) (17, 18). We
used a visual analogue scale (VAS) for
assessing pain severity, at the time of
After the rheumatologic examination,
all the patients underwent MRI acqui-
sition at the Department of Neurol-
ogy and Psychiatry. They were asked
to avoid occasional (rescue) analgesic
drugs 72 hours prior to fMRI.
MRI acquisition and statistical
All subjects underwent anatomical and
functional scanning on a 3 Tesla Sie-
mens-Verio scanner in a single session
equipped with a 12 channel head-coil.
rs-fMRI data of bromyalgia patients
were compared to those of 15 aged
matched healthy controls. During the
resting-state, subjects were instructed
to keep their eyes closed and to remain
motionless and to not think of anything
in particular. To minimise motion arte-
facts, subjects lay supine with pillows
under the head, foam wedges at the
sides and a retaining strap. For each
subject images were obtained using
a interleaved double-echoTurbo Spin
Echo sequence proton density and T2-
weighted images (repetition time: 3320
ms, echo time: 10/103 ms, matrix: 384
× 384, eld of view: 220 mm, slice
thickness: 4 mm, gap: 1.2 mm, 50 axial
slices) and 3D T1-weighted MPRAGE
(repetition time: 2300 ms, echo time:
2.98 ms, inversion time: 900 ms, ip
angle: 9°, eld of view: 256 mm, 208
slices in the sagittal plane, 1 mm iso-
metric voxel). rs-fMRI study was per-
formed with single-shot EPI images
(repetition time: 3000 ms, echo time:
30 ms, ip angle: 90°, eld of view: 240
mm, 46 axial slices, thickness: 3 mm,
140 volumes).
A seed analysis approach was per-
formed to identify those voxels show-
ing functional signal time-courses
correlated with the PAG. Seeds were
manually selected in standard space
based on the anatomy; the right and left
PAG were selected as regions of inter-
est (peak MNI coordinates: left PAG=
-2; -28; -6; right PAG= 4; -28; -6, with
3 mm radius).
Functional data were processed us-
ing FSL as described previously (19),
including motion correction, spatial
smoothing with 5mm full width half
maximal Gaussian kernel, and a tem-
poral high-pass lter. MELODIC In-
dependent Component Analysis (ICA)
was performed in order to identify
and remove noisy components due to
scanner-related and physiological arte-
facts from the 4D fMRI data. Nonlinear
registration using FMRIB’s Nonlinear
Image Registration Tool (FNIRT) was
applied between the subject’s structural
and the standard space (the Montreal
Neurological Institute 2mm brain) (20).
Average time courses were extracted
from seeds using FSL’s feat query func-
tion. The pre-processed time series
were then tted with a linear model
consisting of a regressor representing
the extracted time courses. The spa-
tially normalised effect size and stand-
ard error volumes served as input to a
mixed effects group analysis in FSL
FEAT. The modeled group effect size
and standard error were then divided to
produce a volume whose voxels were
t scores, subsequently transformed to
Z scores. Within and between groups
comparisons of correlation effect size
were performed using one sample t-
test in each group and unpaired t-test
in patients versus controls. Images and
were thresholded using clusters deter-
mined by Z>3 (within group) and Z>2
(between group) and a corrected cluster
signicance threshold of p<0.05, in-
cluding at least 20 contiguous voxels.
We did not detect laterality differences
between the two seed used.
In both healthy subjects and patients,
PAG showed positive functional con-
nectivity with brain structures related
to the endogenous pain modulatory
system and the pain matrices, such as
prefrontal cortex, insula, anterior cin-
gulate cortex (ACC) and RVM (Fig. 1;
Table I, II). Compared to the healthy
subjects, patients with FM had a PAG
increased connectivity with the ACC,
amygdala and insula but not with RVM
(Fig. 2; Table III).
Clinical-MRI correlation showed that
the disease duration correlated with the
connectivity between PAG and insula
and bilateral temporal poles (Z> 2.3,
corrected clusters p<0.05). The sever-
ity of pain elicited by pressing the ten-
der points correlated with the connec-
tivity between PAG and inferior frontal
gyrus, precuneus, insula and opercu-
lar cortex (Z> 2.3, corrected clusters
p<0.05). More specically, the longer
the duration and the higher the pain
scores, the higher the PAG functional
Depression as assessed with the ZSDS
correlated with the connectivity be-
tween PAG and opercular cortex, su-
perior frontal gyrus and supramar-
ginal gyrus (Z> 2.3, corrected clusters
p<0.05). More specically the higher
the depression rating scores, the lower
the PAG functional connectivity.
bnormal resting state in patients with bromyalgia   ruini et al
Our clinical and neuroimaging study
in patients with FM showed an abnor-
mal PAG resting state functional con-
nectivity: while the PAG connectivity
with ACC is enhanced, that with RVM
is not concordantly increased. This un-
balanced PAG functional connectivity
might entail an impaired descending
pain inhibition, possibly underlying
pain in patients with FM.
To investigate mechanisms underlying
FM, a challenging task, we concentrat-
ed on PAG, being a converging brain
area for pain modulation and playing a
key role in the endogenous pain modu-
latory system (21). Several observa-
tions suggest that the descending pain
modulatory system dysfunction con-
tributes to the development of chronic
pain conditions such as headache and
low back pain (10, 22). To seek infor-
mation on PAG function in patients
with FM we have used resting-state
fMRI. This technique measures uc-
tuations in the blood oxygenation level
in the brain, thought to be representa-
tive of neuronal activity. Functional
connectivity measures the degree to
which two brain regions have synchro-
nous uctuations in activity over time;
regions with similar uctuations are
referred to as highly functionally con-
nected. Hence, the resting state fMRI
showing the PAG functional connectiv-
ity provides reliable information on the
endogenous pain modulatory system
and the brain areas functionally con-
nected with the PAG.
We found that patients with FM have
an increased PAG functional connec-
tivity with several pain-related brain
areas, such as the anterior cingulate
cortex, insula, and amygdala. We hy-
pothesise that the increased functional
connectivity between PAG and these
areas, including the ACC, presumably
reects the chronic pain these patients
were suffering from. This hypothesis
Fig. 1. Statistical maps of positive functional resting state connectivity with the PAG in (A) 20 bromyalgia patients and in (B) 15 age and gender matched
healthy controls. Statistical threshold corresponded to Z>3 and a correct cluster signicance of p<0.05.
Table I. Functional connectivity of PAG during resting state in 15 control subjects demon-
strating positive correlations between brain areas and PAG.
x y z Z max
PAG and surrounding areas (midbrain, hypotalamus, 4 -28 -6 5.2
striatum, globus palludum, thalamus)
Paracingulate BA 8 4 32 40 5
R - Superior frontal gyrus BA 8 4 28 50 4.8
L - Cerebellum -10 -70 -28 4.8
R - Insula 36 20 -4 4.7
R - Cerebellum 20 -70 -38 4
L - Insula -40 0 -10 3.8
ACC 6 36 8 3.8
RVM 2 -38 -52 3.1
bnormal resting state in patients with bromyalgia   ruini et al
is in line with human studies showing
that the PAG activity increases during
pain (23), and this activation correlates
with the severity of pain (11). Our nd-
ings on an increased PAG functional
connectivity clash with two previous
fMRI resting state studies (8, 24) that
showed an overall reduction of rest-
ing state functional connectivity, and
more specically a hypo-connectivity
between PAG and insula and amyg-
dala. The contrasting results probably
reect the different sample sizes and
methodological approaches. One study
included only nine subjects and both
investigated the functional resting state
connectivity of multiple brain regions.
Conversely, in our study we included
twenty patients and selected a priori
the PAG as the region of interest in the
functional resting state analysis. Most
important our patients were not taking
any pain medication such as antide-
pressant, drug potentially affecting the
PAG connectivity.
Unexpectedly, the increased functional
connectivity between PAG and ACC
was not paralleled by a similar increase
of functional connectivity between PAG
and RVM. In normal conditions the in-
creased functional connectivity between
PA G a n d A CC i s f o ll ow e d b y a c o he r-
ent increased connectivity with RVM,
according to a top-down modulation
mechanism (25). This unbalanced PAG
functional connectivity might imply a
descending modulatory system decit.
This decit prevents the activation of
inhibitory projections to the nociceptive
dorsal horn neurons of the spinal cord.
When we analysed the clinical-fMRI
correlations we found that the resting
state functional connectivity between
PAG and the pain-related brain areas,
such as the insula, correlated with the
duration of disease and the pain se-
verity. This nding agrees with pre-
vious observations (26) and supports
the hypothesis that FM-related pain is
directly associated with altered brain
function, more specically the more
severe the disease in terms of duration
and pain severity, the more the resting
state abnormalities. We also found that
the functional connectivity between
PAG and opercular cortex, superior
frontal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus
inversely correlated with depression,
as assessed with the ZSDS. This nd-
ing is in line with a previous study (24)
and might indicate that in patients with
FM the depressive trait directly affects
pain related brain areas. This hypoth-
esis supports the common knowledge
that pain and psychiatric disturbances
are closely related (24-26).
Our study has some limitations. Admit-
tedly, the abnormalities of PAG func-
tional connectivity might merely rep-
resent the consequence, rather than the
cause, of the chronic nociceptive input.
We consider this interpretation unlikely,
however, given that we found a pecu-
liar abnormality such as an unbalanced
PAG functional connectivity, namely a
relative reduction of functional connec-
tivity between the PAG and the RVM.
Hence, we hypothesise that the PAG
functional connectivity we describe in
Table II. Functional connectivity of PAG during resting state in 20 bromyalgia patients
demonstrating positive correlations between brain areas and PAG.
x y z Z max
PAG and surrounding areas (midbrain, hypotalamus, -2 -28 -6 5.4
striatum, globus palludum, thalamus)
Precuneous -2 52 52 4.5
L - Amygdala -28 0 -20 4.2
PCC 2 -42 38 4.1
R - Superior parietal lobule BA7 32 -44 42 4
ACC 2 20 20 4
R- Cerebellum 30 -52 -39 4
R - Frontal pole BA 10 36 46 24 4
L - Insula -38 6 -2 3.9
R - Insula 40 0 -8 3.9
L - Amygdala -20 -2 -20 3.9
L -Central opercolar cortex -62 -20 10 3.9
L - Cerebellum -12 -66 -28 3.8
L - Frontal pole BA 10 -38 40 26 3.8
L -Superior parietal lobule BA7 -30 -48 48 3.6
RVM 4 -34 -50 3.6
Fig. 2. Statistical maps of brain regions of increased functional resting state connectivity with the
PAG in 20 bromyalgia patients compared to 15 age and gender matched healthy controls. Statistical
threshold corresponded to Z>2 and a correct cluster signicance of p<0.05.
bnormal resting state in patients with bromyalgia   ruini et al
patients with bromyalgia probably
plays a direct pathophysiological role in
this disease. Another limitation is that
insofar as our study focuses only on
PAG functional connectivity, we cannot
provide information whether bromy-
algia also involves peripheral nocicep-
tive nerve bres. A recent study using
pain-related evoked potentials and skin
biopsy demonstrated distally distrib-
uted peripheral nervous system dam-
age, selectively involving nociceptive
Aδ- and C-bres (30). Although the pe-
ripheral nerve damage in patients with
bromyalgia still deserves conrma-
tory studies, we hypothesise that bro-
myalgia might be associated with mul-
tiple abnormalities involving both the
central and peripheral nervous system
(31). Further studies investigating both
peripheral and central nervous systems
should therefore verify whether distally
distributed peripheral nervous system
damage and central nervous system ab-
normalities coexist in the same patient.
Our study showing an abnormally un-
balanced PAG functional connectivity
might indicate that in patients with FM
pain is provoked by an impaired de-
scending pain inhibition. The abnormal
PAG functional connectivity correlates
with clinical variables, including the
depressive trait. These ndings lend
strong support to the use of antidepres-
sants in patients with FM, given that an-
tidepressants balance descending mod-
ulatory system and improve depression.
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Table III. Brain areas with increased connectivity with the PAG during resting state in 20
bromyalgia patients compared to 15 control subjects.
x y z Z max
Caudate -4 12 2 2.6
R - Insula 44 10 -4 2.5
L - Insula -42 4 -4 2.5
R - Frontal pole BA 10 36 48 28 2.4
L - Amygdala -24 0 -26 2.3
L - Central opercolar cortex -54 -12 10 2.3
ACC 2 10 32 2.2
L - Frontal pole BA 10 -36 48 24 2.2
R - Amygdala 16 -2 -18 2.2
... Using rsfMRI, researchers have investigated the functional connectivity (FC) patterns associated with the PAG in both healthy individuals and those with chronic pain disorders, such as fibromyalgia, migraine, and chronic low back pain. [11][12][13][14][15][16] However, to our knowledge, no study has assessed the FC of PAG in patients with chronic SCI. ...
... Right pallidum also demonstrated a reduction in FC with PAG in SCI + NP as compared to HCs. Prior literature indicates increased FC between the PAG and the hippocampus and right pallidum in chronic pain disorders otherthan SCI + NP, resulting in a contradiction between our findings and previous studies.14,44,68,69 ...
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Background and Purpose Neuropathic pain (NP) is a debilitating condition following spinal cord injury (SCI). The role of periaqueductal gray (PAG) in NP development following SCI remains underexplored. Using resting‐state functional MRI (rsfMRI), our study aimed to demonstrate the alterations in functional connectivity (FC) of PAG in NP following SCI. Methods Ten SCI patients (SCI + NP, n = 7, and SCI − NP, n = 3), alongside 10 healthy controls (HCs), were enrolled. rsfMRI was conducted followed by seed‐to‐voxel analysis using PAG as the seed region and then group‐based analysis comprising three groups (SCI + NP, SCI − NP, and HC). Age and gender were considered as confounding variables. Results Compared to HCs, SCI + NP demonstrated decreased FC between PAG and right insula, right frontal orbital cortex, right pallidum, dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), red nuclei (RN), substantia nigra (SN), and ventral posterolateral (VPL) thalamic nuclei. Compared to SCI − NP, SCI + NP demonstrated increased FC between PAG and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), hippocampus, cerebellar vermis lobules IV and V, and thalamic structures (posterior and lateral pulvinar, the mediodorsal nuclei, and the ventral lateral nuclei). Additionally, decreased FC between the PAG and VPL, geniculate bodies, intralaminar nuclei of thalamus, DRN, RN, SN, and prefrontal cortex was observed in this comparison. Conclusions Altered FC between PAG and right anterior insula, VPL, DRN, RN, SN, cerebellar vermis lobules IV and V, frontal cortex, and PCC was associated with NP sequelae of SCI. Additionally, SCI was independently associated with decreased FC between PAG and right posterior insula, cerebellar lobules IV and V, and cerebellar vermis lobules III, IV, and V.
... The insular cortex and secondary somatosensory cortex receives sensory signals from the spinothalamic tracts 24,25 . The descending pain modulatory system, including the PAG in the brainstem, controls the threshold for sensory input 26 . It is unclear whether these changes are the results or causes of intense pain sensation 17 . ...
... Other areas of interest are the brainstem, including the PAG, as these regions relay the descending pain modulation system that suppresses nociceptive transmission in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Previous research has reported an increased FC of the PAG with the insular cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and anterior prefrontal cortex in patients with fibromyalgia 26 . The present study sheds light on the essential role of the attention networks in the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia. ...
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Fibromyalgia is a heterogenous chronic pain disorder diagnosed by symptom-based criteria. The aim of this study was to clarify different pathophysiological characteristics between subgroups of patients with fibromyalgia. We identified subgroups with distinct pain thresholds: those with a low pressure pain threshold (PL; 16 patients) and those with a normal pressure pain threshold (PN; 15 patients). Both groups experienced severe pain. We performed resting-state functional MRI analysis and detected 11 functional connectivity pairs among all 164 ROIs with distinct difference between the two groups (p < 0.001). The most distinctive one was that the PN group had significantly higher functional connectivity between the secondary somatosensory area and the dorsal attention network (p < 0.0001). Then, we investigated the transmission pathway of pain stimuli. Functional connectivity of the thalamus to the insular cortex was significantly higher in the PL group (p < 0.01 – 0.05). These results suggest that endogenous pain driven by top-down signals via the dorsal attention network may contribute to pain sensation in a subgroup of fibromyalgia patients with a normal pain threshold. Besides, external pain driven by bottom-up signals via the spinothalamic tract may contribute to pain sensations in another group of patients with a low pain threshold. Trial registration: UMIN000037712.
... For example, increased PAG-insula connectivity strength was found to be associated with more efficient conditioned pain modulation (CPM) in both fibromyalgia patients and controls (Harper et al., 2018). Abnormal functional connectivity between the insula and PAG has been found in different groups of chronic pain patients (Truini et al., 2016;Xu et al., 2022). Interestingly, pre-stimulus functional connectivity between the insula and PAG was found to differ between physically identical trials that were rated as painful and trials perceived as non-painful . ...
... Patients with bromyalgia have also shown to have increased connectivity between anterior cingulate cortex, basal ganglia and sensorimotor cortex (69). These results were also seen in other studies that identi ed an increase in connectivity between the midline regions of the DMN (including posterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex) and pain related regions of the brain (e.g., insula and thalamus) (70,71). Interestingly Ichesco et al (2014), found that patients with bromyalgia that displayed greater connectivity between the insular cortex and Cingulate cortex was associated with decreased pressure-pain thresholds (72). ...
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Background Functional seizures (FS) manifest as episodic events, bearing superficial similarities to epileptic seizures and represent a major component of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). FS frequently present with the co-morbidity of chronic pain and the pronounced clinical and epidemiological associations between these conditions suggest potential shared pathomechanisms. Although conventional neuroimaging and neurophysiological assessments do not detect abnormalities in either condition, advanced biophysical signal analyses offer potential biomarkers. Method We undertook comprehensive literature review encompassing studies employing EEG, MEG, functional MRI, PET, and SPECT in FS and chronic pain. Due to the heterogenous nature of the collected data, the results of data extraction and analysis are presented in the form of a narrative synthesis. Results Despite some limitations, altered neural network dynamics are evident in both FS and chronic pain, revealing intriguing common mechanisms. Both conditions exhibit overactivation in sensorimotor networks and alterations in the Default Mode Network (DMN), impacting self-awareness and pain perception. Emotional processing regions, like the anterior cingulate cortex and insula, were affected in both conditions. Furthermore, Thalamocortical dysrhythmia(TCD) offers an intriguing link, influencing pain perception and seizure-like activities. Finally, suppressed alpha oscillations, linked to sensory perception, are prevalent in both conditions. Conclusion We identified shared neural mechanisms and a possible novel explanation (TCD) for co-occurrence of FS and chronic pain. These necessitate further exploration in subsequent studies incorporating patients exhibiting both disorders concurrently. Such research direction holds the potential to introduce novel therapies for not only managing FS or chronic pain, but also managing FND.
... These areas comprise the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) and the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM), which connect with dorsal horn neurons of the SC (87). Because our understanding of pain modulatory processes, particularly in the brainstem and spinal cord, was mostly derived from animal studies (88,89), we examined the pain modulation of chronic pain patients using functional magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord. Our studies (participants n = 59) showed that FM patients not only failed to activate some regions of the descending pain modulatory system but also demonstrated lower connectivity to other pain modulatory areas including the amygdala, hippocampus, and brainstem (80, 90). ...
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Widespread pain and hyperalgesia are characteristics of chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions, including fibromyalgia syndrome (FM). Despite mixed evidence, there is increasing consensus that these characteristics depend on abnormal pain augmentation and dysfunctional pain inhibition. Our recent investigations of pain modulation with individually adjusted nociceptive stimuli have confirmed the mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia of FM patients but failed to detect abnormalities of pain summation or descending pain inhibition. Furthermore, our functional magnetic resonance imaging evaluations of spinal and brainstem pain processing during application of sensitivity-adjusted heat stimuli demonstrated similar temporal patterns of spinal cord activation in FM and HC participants. However, detailed modeling of brainstem activation showed that BOLD activity during “pain summation” was increased in FM subjects, suggesting differences in brain stem modulation of nociceptive stimuli compared to HC. Whereas these differences in brain stem activation are likely related to the hypersensitivity of FM patients, the overall central pain modulation of FM showed no significant abnormalities. These findings suggest that FM patients are hyperalgesic but modulate nociceptive input as effectively as HC.
... The periaqueductal gray (PAG) is a brainstem region with multiple pivotal functions for the human organism including the coordination of cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, and pain modulatory reactions to stress. 1 Various pathological conditions present with changes in PAG function. For instance, altered PAG functional connectivity has been observed in neurodegenerative diseases, 2,3 migraine, 4,5 headache, 6 fibromyalgia, [7][8][9] neuropathic pain, 10 and chronic low back pain. 11 A more complete understanding of PAG function in health and disease can be gained by examining the PAG's neurochemical properties. 1 H-MRS offers a non-invasive method to obtain in vivo neurochemical information about human brain tissue. ...
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Purpose Functional understanding of the periaqueductal gray (PAG), a clinically relevant brainstem region, can be advanced using ¹H‐MRS. However, the PAG's small size and high levels of physiological noise are methodologically challenging. This study aimed to (1) improve ¹H‐MRS quality in the PAG using spectral registration for frequency and phase error correction; (2) investigate whether spectral registration is particularly useful in cases of greater head motion; and (3) examine metabolite quantification using literature‐based or individual‐based water relaxation times. Methods Spectra were acquired in 33 healthy volunteers (50.1 years, SD = 17.19, 18 females) on a 3 T Philipps MR system using a point‐resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence optimized with very selective saturation pulses (OVERPRESS) and voxel‐based flip angle calibration (effective volume of interest size: 8.8 × 10.2 × 12.2 mm³). Spectra were fitted using LCModel and SNR, NAA peak linewidths and Cramér‐Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) were measured after spectral registration and after minimal frequency alignment. Results Spectral registration improved SNR by 5% (p = 0.026, median value post‐correction: 18.0) and spectral linewidth by 23% (p < 0.001, 4.3 Hz), and reduced the metabolites' CRLBs by 1% to 15% (p < 0.026). Correlational analyses revealed smaller SNR improvements with greater head motion (p = 0.010) recorded using a markerless motion tracking system. Higher metabolite concentrations were detected using individual‐based compared to literature‐based water relaxation times (p < 0.001). Conclusion This study demonstrates high‐quality ¹H‐MRS acquisition in the PAG using spectral registration. This shows promise for future ¹H‐MRS studies in the PAG and possibly other clinically relevant brain regions with similar methodological challenges.
... Studies comparing noxious stimuli responses using fMRI demonstrate that, when an equalpain-intensity stimulus is applied, FM patients display similar but more extensive patterns of brain activation than HC, particularly observed in the posterior insula and secondary somatosensory cortex [32,33]. Furthermore, fMRI studies of descending inhibitory pathways have identified modified PAG connectivity in FM patients, possibly associated with decreased activation of the anti-nociceptive system [20,34]. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that a deficit in pain inhibition systems is specifically involved in chronic pain development in FM syndrome. ...
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Fibromyalgia is a complex and heterogeneous clinical syndrome, mainly characterized by the presence of widespread pain, possibly associated with a variety of other symptoms. Fibromyalgia can have an extremely negative impact on the psychological, physical and social lives of people affected, sometimes causing patients to experience dramatically impaired quality of life. Nowadays, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is still clinical, thus favoring diagnostic uncertainties and making its clear identification challenging to establish, especially in primary care centers. These difficulties lead patients to undergo innumerable clinical visits, investigations and specialist consultations, thus increasing their stress, frustration and even dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, research over the last 25 years regarding a specific biomarker for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia has been fruitless. The discovery of a reliable biomarker for fibromyalgia syndrome would be a critical step towards the early identification of this condition, not only reducing patient healthcare utilization and diagnostic test execution but also providing early intervention with guideline-based treatments. This narrative article reviews different metabolite alterations proposed as possible biomarkers for fibromyalgia, focusing on their associations with clinical evidence of pain, and highlights some new, promising areas of research in this context. Nevertheless, none of the analyzed metabolites emerge as sufficiently reliable to be validated as a diagnostic biomarker. Given the complexity of this syndrome, in the future, a panel of biomarkers, including subtype-specific biomarkers, could be considered as an interesting alternative research area.
... *P <0.05, **P <0.01, ***P <0.001. which found altered rsFC, [145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152] altered effective rsFC (effFC) 153 and altered task rsFC (during observation of harmful activities) 154 in the amygdala-mPFC-PAG circuit in chronic pain patients compared to pain-free controls. Altered supratentorial input to the PAG might be associated with dysregulated PAG metabolites and PAG-driven descending inhibition, such as the decreased Glx/GABA and the lacking association between Glx/GABA and experimental pressure pain sensitivity in CLBP patients observed in the present study. ...
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Mechanisms underlying chronic pain are insufficiently understood. Preclinical evidence suggests a potential contribution of excitatory glutamatergic and inhibitory GABAergic imbalances in pain-relevant brain areas, such as a lower excitatory/inhibitory tone in the brainstem periaqueductal grey (PAG). This cross-sectional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) study investigated whether a lower excitatory/inhibitory tone is also observed in the PAG of patients with non-specific chronic low back pain (CLBP) and whether this would relate to altered psychophysical measures of descending pain modulation and experimental pressure pain sensitivity. Specifically, the ratio between pooled glutamate and glutamine and GABA levels (Glx/GABA), Glx and GABA in the PAG were compared between CLBP patients and pain-free controls. Further, associations of Glx/GABA with conditioned pain modulation (CPM) effects and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were assessed. MRS was acquired on a 3T Philipps MR system using a point-resolved spectroscopy sequence optimized with very selective saturation pulses (OVERPRESS) and voxel-based flip angle calibration in a 1.1 mL volume of interest. Data from 41 CLBP patients (median [interquartile range]: 54 years [41 - 65], 22 females) and 29 age- and sex-matched controls (47 years [34 - 67], 17 females) fulfilled MRS quality criteria. CPM and PPTs were assessed at the lower back as most painful area and the non-dominant hand as pain-free control area. The CPM paradigm consisted of PPTs applied before, during (parallel CPM effect) and after a cold water bath and an ambient temperature water bath as control paradigm to identify 'true' CPM effects. In the PAG of CLBP patients, a lower Glx/GABA ratio, i.e. a lower excitatory/inhibitory tone, was observed (P = 0.002, partial η2 = 0.14) driven by decreased Glx (P = 0.012, partial η2 = 0.11) and increased GABA (P = 0.038, d = 0.46). CLBP patients showed disrupted associations between Glx/GABA and PPTs compared to controls in both areas (lower back: P = 0.004, partial η2 = 0.12; hand: P = 0.002, partial η2 = 0.16). In controls, lower Glx/GABA was associated with lower PPTs (lower back: r = 0.48, P = 0.009, hand: r = 0.53, P = 0.003), but this link was missing in CLBP patients (r's > -0.23, P's > 0.150). Additionally, CLBP patients with more severe clinical pain showed smaller CPM effects at the hand (rho = 0.54, P = 0.003). These findings suggest a dysfunction of the PAG in patients with CLBP and might indicate altered descending inhibition of deep tissue afferents.
Research into the neurobiological and psychosocial mechanisms involved in fibromyalgia has progressed remarkably in recent years. Despite this, current accounts of fibromyalgia fail to capture the complex, dynamic, and mutual crosstalk between neurophysiological and psychosocial domains. We conducted a comprehensive review of the existing literature in order to: a) synthesize current knowledge on fibromyalgia; b) explore and highlight multi-level links and pathways between different systems; and c) build bridges connecting disparate perspectives. An extensive panel of international experts in neurophysiological and psychosocial aspects of fibromyalgia discussed the collected evidence and progressively refined and conceptualized its interpretation. This work constitutes an essential step towards the development of a model capable of integrating the main factors implicated in fibromyalgia into a single, unified construct which appears indispensable to foster the understanding, assessment, and intervention for fibromyalgia.
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Objectives: To assess the discriminative power of several symptoms and domains that may assist in the diagnosis of subjects with Fibromyalgia (FM). Methods: 79 individuals with FM and 66 healthy controls participated in the study. The potential domains proposed by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria were considered (Wolfe et al., 1990). Binary logistic regression and area under a ROC curve (AUC) were used to rank the importance of the variables in distinguishing patients from pain-free controls. Z values were then calculated to compare the AUC values obtained for each variable with that which yielded the highest AUC (reference standard). For each measure, the cut-offs that maximise sensitivity and specificity were also calculated. Results: The mean pressure pain threshold (PPT) yielded the highest discriminative power (AUC, 0.991) and was therefore chosen as the reference standard; considering an optimal cut- off ≤3.97, it correctly classified 95% of patients and 97% of controls. The discriminative powers of tender point count (cut-off ≥9), health-related quality of life (cut-off ≤63.27) and vitality (cut-off ≤46.97) were as good as that of the reference standard. Finally, items related to physical role and function, body pain, fatigue and memory loss showed adequate discriminative power, although slightly lower than that of the reference. Conclusions: In addition to pain, health-related quality of life and fatigue/vitality were confirmed as the best predictors of individuals with FM. The study findings indicate that tender point count and especially pressure pain threshold (measured with an algometer) continue to be key issues in the clinical assessment of subjects with FM relative to pain-free controls.
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Fatigue and generalised pain are debilitating symptoms that negatively impact the quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). Chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue are the clinical hallmarks of fibromyalgia (FM), a clinical entity which can be associated to connective tissue disease. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of FM syndrome, fatigue and widespread pain in SLE and pSS patients and to evaluate the contribution of inflammatory disease and FM on those constitutional symptoms. Fifty SLE and 50 pSS patients were enrolled in the study. Patients rated fatigue, pain, and disease activity using a 100-mm visual analogue scale and completed the Health Assessment Questionnaire and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire. Zung depression and anxiety scales were used to quantify mood disorders. Tender points were evaluated using an algometer. Disease activity score as evaluated for each SLE and pSS patient. Fibromyalgia has been diagnosed in a significantly higher percentage of SLE patients than pSS patients (32% vs. 18%, p=0.022) even if the percentage of patients reporting fatigue and pain was higher among pSS patients. No correlation with disease activity was observed in either group of patients. FM seems to contribute to constitutional symptoms more in SLE than in pSS, suggesting a different underlying cause of fatigue and widespread pain in these two different connective tissue diseases.
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The etiopathogenesis of the algo-dysfunctional syndromes, which include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome, is still debated, but it is widely accepted that it is best described by a multifactorial model that include genes, environmental factors such as external infections, inflammation, dietary habits, impaired endogenous cortisol production, the aberrant activation of some areas of the central nervous system, and small peripheral nervous fibre damage. This complexity suggests that they should be managed by means of a multidisciplinary approach involving the use of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. The aim of this review is to discuss the most recent scientific acquisitions concerning these syndromes and their treatment.
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Emerging evidence associates fibromyalgia (FM) with pain system dysfunction. In this study, using laser evoked potentials (LEPs) and paired laser stimuli, we tested excitability in the pain matrices and sought possible changes in patients with FM. In 20 patients with FM and 15 healthy subjects, after recording control nociceptive system-mediated Aδ- and C-fibre-related LEPs, we measured excitability in the pain matrices by testing the Aδ-LEP conditioned by a preceding C-LEP. No difference was found in control LEP amplitudes for Aδ- or C-fibres between patients and healthy subjects. Conversely, the Aδ-LEP amplitude, conditioned by a preceding C-LEP, was significantly higher in patients than in healthy subjects (p<0.001). Objective evidence from increased conditioned Aδ-LEP amplitudes reflecting hyperexcitability in the pain matrices in FM, provides diagnostically useful information and might help in developing new therapeutic approaches.
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Here, we discuss the significance of a recent study by Yu et al. (Neuroimage: Clinical 6: 100-108, 2014). The authors examined functional connectivity of a key node of the descending pain modulation pathway, the periaqueductal gray (PAG), in chronic back pain patients. Altered PAG connectivity to pain-related regions was found; we place results within the context of recent literature and emphasize the importance of understanding the descending component of pain in pain research.
Chronic pain is an important public health problem, and there is a need to understand the mechanisms that lead to pain chronification. From a neurobiological perspective, the mechanisms contributing to the transition from acute to subacute and chronic pain are heterogeneous and are thought to take place at various levels of the peripheral and central nervous system. In the past decade, brain imaging studies have shed light on neural correlates of pain perception and pain modulation, but they have also begun to disentangle neural mechanisms that underlie chronic pain. This review summarizes important and recent findings in pain research using magnetic resonance tomography. Especially new developments in functional, structural and neurochemical imaging such as resting-state connectivity and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) spectroscopy, which have advanced our understanding of chronic pain and which can potentially be integrated in clinical practice, will be discussed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome characterised by chronic musculoskeletal pain, hyperalgesia on specific areas of tenderness (tender points) and by an autonomic nervous system dysfunction consistent with sympathetic overactivity. It is not known whether there is any relationship between the amount of cardiovascular sympathetic activity and the magnitude of pain. Our objective was to assess this potential relationship in patients with FM. Electrocardiogram, finger blood pressure, respiration and post-ganglionic sympathetic discharge activity (muscle sympathetic nerve activity, MSNA) were continuously recorded at rest in 25 patients with primary FMS. The autonomic profile was assessed by MSNA and spectral indices of cardiac sympathetic (LFRR) and vagal (HFRR) modulation and of sympathetic vasomotor control (LF-SAP) computed by spectrum analysis of RR and systolic arterial pressure (SAP) variability. Cardiac baroreflex function was evaluated by the index α (αLF). Baroreceptor modulation of the sympathetic vasomotor control (sBRS) was assessed by the MSNA/diastolic pressure relationship. Pain intensity was linearly correlated with LFRR/HFRR (r2=0.21; p=0.03), LFSAP (r2=0.26; p=0.02) and MSNA (burst rate) (r2=0.45; p=0.003). Pain intensity was inversely correlated with the αLF index (r2=0.24; p=0.02) and the sBRS (r2=0.28; p=0.03). Thus, the higher the sympathetic drive to the heart and vessels, the higher the magnitude of chronic pain. Also, the gains of both the cardiac and MSNA baroreceptor control were inversely related to the pain intensity. These findings raise the theoretical possibility that in FM patients the use of anti-adrenergic agents might lessen chronic pain intensity by reducing the underlying excessive sympathetic activity.
OBJECTIVES: To characterise the anthropometric and body composition profile of a sample of fibromyalgia women and men from southern Spain and compare them with non-fibromyalgia controls. METHODS: The cross-sectional study comprised 566 (51.9±8.3 years) fibromyalgia women vs. 249 (49.3±9.9 years) control women; and 24 (47.0±8.4 years) fibromyalgia men vs. 56 (49.7±11.5 years) control men. Body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness were assessed by means of a bioelectric impedanciometer and the 6-minute walk test, respectively. RESULTS: All body composition para-meters (except muscle mass) differed between fibromyalgia and control women (all, p<0.01) even after controlling for several key variables (all, p<0.05). The effect sizes observed were small-medium. When cardiorespiratory fitness was included as covariate, body composition was no longer different between the women study groups. No differences in body composition were observed between fibromyalgia and control men (all, p>0.05). Weight status differed between women groups, with 11% lower normal-weight and 17% higher obesity prevalence for the fibromyalgia women group (p<0.001), but not between men groups (p=0.711). Seventy-two percent of the fibromyalgia women and 79% of the fibromyalgia men were overweight-obese. Sixty-one percent of the control women and 83% of the control men were overweight-obese. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity is a greater common condition among fibromyalgia women compared to their counterparts from southern Spain, which might be explained by lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness in fibromyalgia. However, fibromyalgia and control men do not differ on either body composition or weight status, in spite of the lower cardiorespiratory fitness found in the fibromyalgia men group.