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Under normal conditions, reactive oxygen species
(ROS) of radical (О2
•–, NO•, RO•, and others) and non
radical (H2O2, ONOOH, ROOH) nature constitute an
important part of cell regulators, but very often they
become toxic and destructive, especially during patholog
ical processes, and, as a result, oxidative stress develops
[1]. A multilevel system of antioxidants of enzymatic
(superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase,
etc.) and nonenzymatic (glutathione and other SHcon
taining compounds, phenols, ascorbate) nature exists in
cells to maintain a low level of ROS. For a long time, the
antioxidant effect of phenols was considered from the
point of view of their antiradical action and their ability to
act as chelators of metals of variable valency, thus inter
rupting oxidation reactions occurring via the free radical
chain mechanism [2]. Recently, mechanisms of indirect
protective effect of phenols were identified and thorough
ly studied, in particular their ability to activate the system
of antioxidantresponsive element, Keap1/Nrf2/ARE,
and induce autophagy [35]. Such effect of phenolic
compounds is important for protection against oxidative
and carbonyl stress [69], motivating us to analyze possi
ble mechanisms of the effect of natural phenols on the
Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling system and autophagy.
ISSN 00062979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2016, Vol. 81, No. 4, pp. 297314. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016.
Original Russian Text © N. K. Zenkov, A. V. Chechushkov, P. M. Kozhin, N. V. Kandalintseva, G. G. Martinovich, E. B. Menshchikova, 2016, published in Biokhimiya, 2016,
Vol. 81, No. 4, pp. 429447.
Abbreviations: Akt, protein kinase B (or PKB); AMPK, AMPactivated protein kinase; ARE, antioxidant respons(iv)e element;
Atg, AuTophaGyrelated genes; BAX, Bcl2associated X protein; Bcl2, Bcell lymphoma 2; BNIP3, Bcl2/adenovirus E1B nine
teen kDa interacting protein 3; Cu,ZnSOD, copper and zinccontaining superoxide dismutase; eIF4EBP1, eukaryotic initiation
factor 4E binding protein 1; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; ERK1/2, extracellular signalregulated protein kinase 1/2; FOXO1, fork
head box protein O1; GABARAP, gammaaminobutyric acid receptorassociated protein; HIF1α, hypoxiainducible factor 1α;
HMGB1, high mobility group box 1; IRE1, inositol requiring kinase 1; JAK, Janus kinase; JNK, cJun Nterminal kinases; Keap1,
Kelchlike ECHassociating protein 1; LC3, microtubuleassociated protein 1A/1Blight chain 3; LDL, lowdensity lipoproteins;
MAPK, mitogenactivated protein kinases; MnSOD, manganesedependent superoxide dismutase; mTOR, mammalian target of
rapamycin (serine/threonine protein kinase); mTORC1/2, mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1/2; Nrf2, NFE2related fac
tor 2; p62/SQSTM1, ubiquitinbinding protein p62, or sequestosome 1; p70S6K, p70S6 kinase (serine/threonine protein kinase);
PERK, protein kinaselike endoplasmic reticulum kinase; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3kinase; Ras, rat sarcoma protein; ROS,
reactive oxygen species; SIRT1, sirtuin 1; TSC2, tuberous sclerosis complex 2; ULK1/ULK2, Unc51like kinase 1/2 (serine/thre
onine protein kinase); Vps34, vacuolar protein sortingassociated protein 34 (PI3K class III); Wnt, wingless/integration signaling
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Plant Phenols and Autophagy
N. K. Zenkov1, A. V. Chechushkov1, P. M. Kozhin1, N. V. Kandalintseva2,
G. G. Martinovich3, and E. B. Menshchikova1*
1Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Novosibirsk 630117,
Russia; fax: +7 (383) 3336456; Email:
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, 630126 Novosibirsk, Russia; fax: +7 (383) 2441161; Email:
3Belarusian State University, 220030 Minsk, Belarus; fax: +7 (375) 172095267; Email:
Received October 23, 2015
Revision received November 19, 2015
Abstract—Many plant phenols (stilbenes, curcumins, catechins, flavonoids, etc.) are effective antioxidants and protect cells
during oxidative stress. Extensive clinical studies on the potential of phenolic compounds for treatment of cardiovascular,
neurodegenerative, oncological, and inflammatory diseases are now being conducted. In addition to direct antioxidant
effect, plant phenols may provide a protective effect via activation of the Keap1/Nrf2/ARE redoxsensitive signaling system
and regulation of autophagy. In this review, mechanisms of effects of the most common plant phenols on autophagy are pre
DOI: 10.1134/S0006297916040015
Key words: phenolic antioxidants, autophagy, Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling system, regulation
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More than 20 redoxsensitive transcription factors are
now recognized, with the Nrf2 (nuclear E2related factor 2
that regulates expression of genes containing ARE (antiox
idant respons(iv)e element, 5′A/GTGAC/TnnnGCA/G3′)
in the promoters) occupying a special place among them.
Nrf2 in cells is under constant control of the Keap1
(Kelchlike ECH associating protein 1) repressor protein,
which in turn is a sort of molecular “sensor” of intracel
lular redox balance. Intimate association of these molec
ular structures allows combining them into a unified
redoxsensitive system Keap1/Nrf2/ARE with the main
function of maintaining internal homeostasis under
apoptosisinducing, carcinogenic, and stresscausing
conditions. ARE controls expression of more than 500
genes. Two major groups of antioxidant enzymes can be
identified among them: the first group includes heme
oxygenase 1, glutathione peroxidase 2, glutamate cysteine
ligase, glutathione reductase, thioredoxin reductase, and
others, and the second one – enzymes of the second
phase of xenobiotic detoxification (glutathione Strans
ferases A, M, and P, NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase
1, NRH:quinone oxidoreductase 2, UDPglucuronosyl
transferases A and B, and others) [10, 11]. The biological
importance of the Keap1/Nrf2/ARE system that regu
lates intracellular redox balance lies in the fact that it
controls activity of a number of redoxsensitive transcrip
tion factors as well as metabolic processes involving phos
phatases and kinases.
The term “autophagy” (from Greek “αυ
′ς” – self,
and “ϕαγει
~ν” – to eat) was introduced in 1963 by the
Nobel Prizewinning Belgian cytologist and biochemist
Christian de Duve to describe the process of production
of nutrients as a result of lysosomal catabolism of intra
cellular compartments [12]. Several types of autophagy
have been identified: macroautophagy (formation of a
phagophore with double isolation membrane sequester
ing intracellular structures for fusion with lysosomes),
microautophagy (engulfment of cytoplasmic content by
lysosomal membrane invagination), and chaperonemedi
ated autophagy (damaged molecules are delivered to lyso
somes by chaperone proteins). Macroautophagy is the
main type of autophagy, which is a fairly selective process:
it can be directed at the degradation of protein aggregates
(aggrephagy), damaged mitochondria (mitophagy), per
oxisomes (pexophagy), secretory granules (crinophagy),
lipid vacuoles (lipophagy), as well as intracellular
pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses (xenophagy) [13].
Autophagy is now considered as an important protection
factor during oxidative and carbonyl stress because dam
aged mitochondria and peroxisomes, which are major
sources of ROS in cells, are removed with its help as well
as protein and lipid aggregates whose formation is the a
main sign of cytotoxicity of carbonyl compounds [7, 14].
Moreover, induction of autophagy activates the
Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling system and enhances antiox
idative cell protection [15, 16].
The intensity of autophagy depends on availability
and strength of inducers, which include either internal
factors (deficit of nutrients, presence of damaged
organelles, denatured proteins and their aggregates,
oxidative and toxic stress) or external factors such as bac
teria or viruses, interferon γ, and vitamin D3. The induc
tion of autophagy occurs within 1 h following exposure to
strong stimuli; however, the process slows after 24 h. The
serine/threonine protein kinase mTOR (mammalian tar
get of rapamycin) with molecular mass 289 kDa consist
ing of 2549 a.a. is the main intracellular tool to switch off
autophagy [17]. In cells mTOR operates in the composi
tion of the protein complexes mTORC1 (mammalian tar
get of rapamycin complex 1) and mTORC2. mTORC1
controls autophagy, and at the same time is itself under
control of a number of kinase signaling cascades, prima
rily AMPK/ERK/TSC2/mTOR (inhibits mTORC1 and
activates autophagy) and JAK/PI3K/Akt/mTOR (main
tains mTORC1 activity and inhibits autophagy). As a
result, a balance between anabolic and catabolic process
es is achieved. More than 30 proteins are involved in the
activation of autophagy, and its overall picture is extreme
ly complicated and not fully understood. Studies of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells revealed 35 genes required
for autophagy, which were combined into a group referred
to as Atg (autophagyrelated genes). Furthermore, many
analogs of the Atg yeast proteins have been found in
The autophagy process can be broken down into
stages of initiation, elongation ending with formation of
the autophagosome with isolating double membrane, fus
ing of phagophore with lysosome resulting in formation of
autophagolysosome, and degradation of the phagophore
content (Fig. 1). Initiation of autophagosome formation
is achieved by the ULK1/2 complex with its activity neg
atively controlled by mTORC1 and stimulated by AMPK
[18]. This complex is tailanchored into the ER mem
brane where it in turn activates a kinase complex consist
ing of Beclin 1 (Atg6 in yeast) and Vps34 kinase [19] and
is required for recruiting other proteins for forming the
autophagosome [20, 21]. Among them are proteins
Atg12, Atg5, and Atg16L1, which form a complex that
inhibits ubiquitinlike proteins LC3 (isoforms A, B, and
C are present in mammalian cells) and GABARAP with
phosphatidylethanolamine [22]. Both proteins are
required for membrane elongation of the forming
autophagosome as well as for sequestration of cytoplas
mic material degraded in autophagosomes [23].
Cytoplasmic material (protein aggregates, damaged
organelles, and even pathogens), which has been first
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
marked with one or several receptor types (p62/
SQSTM1, NIX/BNIP3L, etc.), is subjected to packing
into autophagosomes. Following completion of the pack
ing of degraded material, the autophagosome membrane
closes and further can fuse with late endosomes and lyso
somes [18]. Disruption at any stage of autophagy can lead
to fatal consequences for either developing embryos or
mature organisms. Many neurodegenerative diseases are
associated with mutations in the autophagy genes partic
ipating in its realization at different stages [24].
Curcumin (Fig. 2) – the principle curcuminoid in
Curcuma longa L. roots is a yellow pigment that is some
times called Indian saffron or yellow ginger; it has been
used since ancient times in Indian and Southeast Asian
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of autophagy: a) initiation; b) elongation; c) autophagosome formation; d) degradation of phagophore con
tent. PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; Ub, ubiquitin (explanations of all other abbreviations are presented in the list of abbreviations and des
a b
d c
Beclin 1Vps/34
protein aggregate damaged organelle pathogen
LC3II (LC3/PE complex) lysosomal enzymes
300 ZENKOV et al.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
medicine, as well as a foodgrade coloring (E100). The
curcuminoid composition of C. longa roots includes in
addition to curcumin (80%) also demethoxycurcumin
(17%) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (3%). Curcumin
exhibits a wide range of biological effects: it activates or
inhibits more than 30 transcription factors, multiple
kinases, and other enzymes, and demonstrates pro
nounced antiinflammatory, immunomodulating, and
anticarcinogenic effects [25]. Moreover, curcumin is
nontoxic even at large doses (12 g per day). Curcumin is a
rather potent antioxidant and is capable of inhibiting
superoxide anion radical (О2
•–), hydroxyl radical (OH•),
singlet oxygen (1O2), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric
oxide (NO•), peroxynitrite (ONOOH), and peroxyl rad
icals (RO•, RO2
•) [26].
Many biological effects of curcumin are related to its
ability to activate the system of antioxidantresponsive
element Keap1/Nrf2/ARE and to induce the expression
of antioxidant genes [27]. The electrophilic group of cur
cumin with α,βunsaturated carbonyl bonds, which
interacts with cysteine residues of Keap1 as a Michael
acceptor, is essential for activation of the Keap1/Nrf2/
ARE system [28]. This indicates that the phenol OH
groups are not important for the activation effect and
removal of hydroxyl and methoxyl groups from the aro
matic structure do not significantly affect the functions of
curcumin analogs. At the same time, nordihydroguaiaret
ic acid (Fig. 2) that does not have conjugated unsaturated
bonds, but has catechol phenol structure, is an effective
activator of Nrf2 [29]. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid is found
in significant quantities (up to 7%) in the leaves of the
desert plant Larrea divaricata (creosote bush). Through
the use of two catechol structures, nordihydroguaiaretic
acid is able to inhibit either radical (О2
•–, OH•, NO•) or
nonradical (1O2, H2O2, ONOOH) ROS species [30].
Curcumin induces autophagy very efficiently.
Analysis of the effect of curcumin analogs B19 and
MHMD revealed that the phenol OH groups are also not
essential for induction of autophagy [31, 32], which is
confirmed by the lack of induction effect by nordihy
droguaiaretic acid. On the other hand, tetrahydrocur
cumin (a major metabolite of curcumin in cells) [33] and
bisdemethoxycurcumin [34] are effective stimulators of
autophagy, hence the role of conjugated double bonds
and carbonyl groups remains unclear. Mechanisms of ini
tiation of autophagy by curcumin are quite diverse
(table). In a number of publications, the ability of cur
cumin to activate intracellular generation of ROS was
reported; antioxidant Nacetylcysteine decreased and
hydrogen peroxide increased autophagy in the process
[35, 36]. It is suggested that curcumin depolarizes the
mitochondrial membrane, which triggers generation of
ROS and initiation of apoptosis. The role of curcumin in
this process is twofold: on one hand, it stimulates genera
tion of ROS, and on the other hand it scavenges them,
being an antioxidant [26, 37, 38]. Curcumin can activate
or inhibit multiple transcription factors including those
(NFκB, Nrf2, AP1, HIF1) that directly participate in
induction and progress of autophagy [9, 39]. It was shown
in both in vitro and in vivo studies that curcumin
enhanced expression of Beclin 1, which is an inducer of
autophagy [40].
Curcumin is now available in the form of tablets and
capsules and introduced into the composition of drinks,
creams, and various cosmetic products [103]. The major
problem of medicinal application of curcumin is its low
bioavailability: curcumin is unstable at physiological pH 7
and is absorbed poorly in the gastrointestinal tract. It was
possible to increase absorption 30fold by creating phyto
somes (complex of curcumin with phosphatidylcholine
from soya beans) [104]. The Meriva preparation (Italy)
was developed on the basis of phytosomes. Meriva
decreased pain and level of inflammation markers in the
blood serum of patients with chronic osteoarthritis [105].
A fourweek course of Meriva (1 g per day) reduced
swelling in diabetic patients and increased microcircula
tion [106]. Large scale clinical trials were begun and fin
ished in recent years (more than 60 according to the web
site of the National Institutes of Health, USA) that stud
ied tolerance, pharmacokinetics, prophylactic, and treat
ment efficiency of various formulations of curcumin
(purified preparation, liposomal and microgranular
forms, watersoluble form CR011L, as well as in combi
nation with extracts of Ginkgo Biloba and green tea). The
development and investigation of curcumin complexes
with cyclodextrins and nanoparticles that allow improv
ing its stability and solubility are underway.
Stilbenes attracted attention of researchers during
investigation of the “French paradox”, in particular of
relatively low mortality from cardiovascular diseases with
moderate consumption of red grape wines. Multiple stud
ies of this phenomenon resulted in the conclusion that
one of major acting ingredients of grape wines is a
polyphenolic phytoalexin – resveratrol – found in grape
skin and seeds (Fig. 2) [107]. In addition to grapes and
red wine, resveratrol has been found in grains, berries,
nuts, and many other plantderived products. In plants,
stilbenes perform an important protective role: they func
tion as antibacterial and antifungal agents as well as pro
tect from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and ozone as
antioxidants [108].
In animal experiments, resveratrol showed cardio
and neuroprotective effects as well as exhibited strong
protective function in streptozotocininduced type I dia
betes [107, 109]. Despite the fact that resveratrol demon
strates a wide range of biological effects (inhibits tran
scription factors NFκB, AP1, p53, activates kinases
MAPK, Akt, AMPK, PI3K, as well as SIRT1 [107, 108]),
many of its functions are related to the ability to scavenge
radicals and activate the Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling sys
tem [108, 110]. For direct antioxidant action, the 4′OH
group is important [111]. The mechanism of resveratrol
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
Fig. 2. Structures of plant phenols.
Nordihydroguaiaretic acid
(trans3,5,4’trihydroxystilbene) Pterostilbene (4(trans2
(3,3’,4’,5,7pentahydroxyflavone) Genistein
(5,6,7trihydroxyflavone) Fisetin
(5,3’,4’,7tetrahydroxyflavone) (–)Epigallocatechin3gallate
Gallic acid
paraCoumaric acid
2propenoic acid)
Ferulic acid
3methoxyphenyl)prop2enoic acid)
302 ZENKOV et al.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
1040 μM
540 μM
50 and 100 μM
1050 μM
2 μM
1090 μM
540 μM
1100 μM
140 μM
150 μM
180 μM
30 μM
25100 μM
100 μM
10 μM
1050 μM
50200 μM
12.5100 μM
1050 μM
200 μM
Effect of plant phenols on autophagy
Effect on
Cell lines
glioblastoma cells
U87MG, U373MG
A375, G361
H9c2 under ischemia/
HeLa, 293T
HCT116, HeLa
Molt4, Jurkat, CEM
C115, CEMC714
Mechanism of action
activation of ROS production, kinases ERK1/2 and p38
MAPK do not participate
increase of Beclin 1 and p62 concentration
enhancement of AMPK phosphorylation
enhancement of LC3 expression and induction
of autophagosome formation
inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway
inhibition of Akt/mTOR signaling pathway; activation
of ERK1/2
decreased Bcl2 expression; increase of Beclin 1
and LC3II levels; apoptosis induction
depolarization of mitochondria membranes and enhance
ment of ROS production
activation of ROS production, which is inhibited by N
enhancement of FOXO1 acetylation and its binding with
Atg7; inhibition of P13K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway;
induction of Beclin 1 dissociation from Bcl2; decrease of
H2O2induced apoptosis
induction of Bcl2 expression and inhibition of Bax
expression; increase of expression of Beclin 1, BNIP3,
and SIRT1; suppression of apoptosis
enhancement of Beclin 1 expression; induction of apop
inhibition of mTOR via activation of SIRT1 or AMPK
activation of SIRT1
increase of cAMP level; activation of AMPK and SIRT1
activation of AMPK/SIRT1 signaling pathway; protection
from toxic effects of oxidized LDL
induction of Ca2+ ions release; activation of AMPK and
inhibition of mTOR
increase of LC3B II formation
enhancement of AMPKdependent mTOR inhibition;
activation of JNK and p62 expression
inhibition of Akt/mTOR phosphorylation and activation
of p38 MAPK
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
250 μM
60300 mg/kg
per day; 25 μM
30 and 100 μM
25100 μM
1040 μM
25150 μM
25100 μM
12.5100 μM
20500 μM
1664 μM
1080 μM
1040 μM
1100 μM
50100 μM
10100 μM
1550 μM
0.51 μM
1040 μM
40 μM
0.15 μM
1030 μM
Table (Contd.)
activation of p38 MAPK; decrease of H2O2induced
increase of FOXO1 transcriptional activity via activation
of SIRT1
activation of class III PI3K
increase of STIM1 expression and induction of ER stress
inhibition of Wnt/bcatenin signaling pathway
increase of intracellular ROS production
enhancement of ceramide production and inhibition
of Akt/mTOR signaling pathway
decrease of p70 S6 kinase activity
activation of p38 and ERK1/2 kinases, induction does not
depend on PI3K
inhibition of Akt/PKB/mTOR signaling pathway inde
pendent on Beclin 1
activation of cAMPPRKAAMPKSIRT1 signaling
inhibition of Akt, p38, ERK1/2 kinases and activation
of JNK1/2
decrease of ROS production; increase of autophagosome
inhibition of phosphorylation of PI3K/AKT and JNK
kinases; activation of ERK
inhibition of mTOR
increase of H2O2production; induction of intracellular
sterol accumulation
increase of intracellular Ca2+ content, activation of
AMPKα1 and inhibition of mTOR
inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway
induction ER stress and release of Ca2+ ions; increase
of Beclin 1 content
increase of Beclin 1 content and decrease of p62, but not
depend on AMPK
enhancement of synthesis and accumulation of sphin
golipids in cells
U87, U251, U138
PC3, DU145
SUM159, MCF7
HT29, COLO 201
HEK293, HeLa,
U2OS, HEK293T,
304 ZENKOV et al.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
10360 μM
220 μM
50500 μM
15240 μM
20 μM
1040 μM
10160 μM
1050 μM
3090 μM
12.5100 μM
100 μM
100 μM
40 μM
50 and 100 μM
12.5100 μM
20, 40 μM
25200 μM
40120 μM
520 μM
Table (Contd.)
activation of Ca2+ ion release from ER; activation of
induction of HMGB1 (amphoterin) aggregation
suppression of NO•production
enhancement of ROS production; disruption of lysosome
membrane permeability
decrease of ROS production and acetylation of FOXO1
enhancement of AMPK phosphorylation and increase of
its activity, activation of fusion with lysosomes
inhibition of Akt/mTOR and activation of HIF1α
process depends on expression of Ras oncogenic protein
inhibition of proteasomes, increase of protein aggregate
content; inhibition of mTOR/eIF4EBP1; activation of
increase of Beclin 1 expression; inhibition of S6K1 kinase
decrease of MnSOD, Cu,ZnSOD, and thioredoxin
content; increase of BAX/Bcl2 protein ratio
decrease of Bcl2 content; increase of Beclin 1 content;
induction of apoptosis
inhibition of Akt/mTOR
inhibition of Akt
inhibition of Akt/mTOR
inhibition of mTOR/Raptor; activation of AMPK
induction of ER stress and release of Ca2+ ions
inhibition of mTORC1 activity and decrease of Raptor
and Rictor content and of Akt activity
inhibition of Akt/mTOR signaling pathway
HepG2, MEF
Huh7, HepG2
A2780, CaOV3, ES2
PC3, DU145, MDA
SMMC7721, Bel7402
PC3, DU145, LNCaP
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
effect in activation of the Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling sys
tem remains unclear: it either activates Nrf2 expression
and inhibits Keap1 expression, or activates kinases
AMPK, Akt B, and ERK1/2, or affects nuclear transcrip
tion factors [108110, 112]. Investigation of a series of
resveratrol analogs showed that the 3,4dihydroxystilbene
with catechol structure demonstrated the highest Nrf2
inducing activity [111]. It is interesting to note that very
little attention was paid to the dimeric form of resvera
trol – εviniferin – during investigation of the “French
paradox”, while its content in some wine varieties is high
er than that of the resveratrol, and which exhibits higher
Nrf2inducing activity probably due to activation of ERK
and p38 MAPK kinases [113].
The effect of resveratrol on autophagy can be real
ized via multiple mechanisms similar to curcumin (table).
Furthermore, the resveratrol effect depends on the type of
cell culture and used concentrations; resveratrol usually
exhibits cytotoxic effect at concentrations above 100 μM
[114]. The ability of resveratrol to activate sirtuin 1
(SIRT1) [4951], which induces autophagy by deacety
lating Atg proteins (Atg5, Atg7, Atg8), transcription fac
tors FOXO1, FOXO3, p53, NFκB, and activating
AMPK [115, 116] was shown in multiple studies. The in
vitro studies show that twofold enhancement of the
deacetylating activity of SIRT1 is observed at 11 μM con
centration of resveratrol, and saturation is achieved at
100200 μM of resveratrol [117]. Resveratrol is not a spe
cific sirtuin activator, many plant phenols demonstrate
such ability; moreover, a direct relationship is observed
between deacetylation of cellular proteins and activation
of autophagy [115, 118]. Activation of kinases (AMPK,
JNK, p38 MAPK) by the increase of intracellular con
centrations of Ca2+ and cAMP is an important mecha
nism of resveratrol action [51, 53, 108]. At the same time,
resveratrol can change activity of kinases as a result of
60 μM
Gallic acid
150 μM
50200 μM
Ferulic acid
0.25 mM
40100 μM
25 mg/kg daily
Table (Contd.)
induction of ER stress; increase of Beclin 1 and Atg5 expres
sion; induction of apoptosis
activation of AMPK and SIRT1 kinases
destabilization of mitochondria membranes; enhance
ment of ROS production
inhibition of mTOR and phosphorylation of S6 kinase
enhancement of ROS production; increase of p62 con
tent, activation of MAPK; induction of apoptosis
decrease of expression of Atg7, Beclin 1, LC3B, level of
A375, 451Lu
murine hepatocytes, HeLa
PC3, DU145
rat skeletal muscles
Notes: Cell lines: glioma (U138, U251, U373, U373MG), lymphocytic leukemia (CEMC115, CEMC714, IM9, Jurkat, Molt4), melanoma
(451Lu, A375, B16, G361), myelogenous leukemia (HL60, K562, RAW264.7), neuroblastoma (N2a), squamous cell oral carcinoma (U87,
U87MG, YD10B), breast cancer (MCF7, MDAMD231, SUM159), gingival cancer (OECM1), stomach cancer (AGS, MKN28), lung
cancer (A549), pleural mesothelioma cancer (ACCMESO1), bladder cancer (T24), osteosarcoma (U2OS), liver cancer (Bel7402,
HepG2, Huh7, SMMC7721), pancreatic cancer (MIA PaCa2), prostate cancer (DU145, LNCaP, PC3), colon cancer (CacoH2, COLO
201, HCT116, HT29), cervical cancer (HeLa), tongue cancer (SAS), ovarian cancer (A2780, CaOV3, ES2, OVCAR3); cardiomyoblasts
(H9c2), embryonic kidney cells (293T, HEK293, HEK293T), preadipocytes (hASCs), murine fibroblasts (MEF), embryonic fibroblasts
(NIH/3T3), aortic endothelial cells (BAEC), umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC).
1Rapamycin and starvationinduced autophagy.
2Glucoseinduced autophagy.
3In combination with indole3carbinol.
4Physical exerciseinduced autophagy.
306 ZENKOV et al.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
direct interaction: for example, in vitro investigation of
more than 100 kinases identified 14 that demonstrated
more than twofold drop in activity when resveratrol was
added at a concentration of 20 μM [64]. In some studies,
induction of autophagy by resveratrol was related to ROS
production; furthermore, the antioxidant Nacetylcys
teine cancelled the effect [62]. The increased transloca
tion of transcription factors Nrf2, FOXO1, FOXO3A, and
FOXO4 that can enhance autophagy into the nucleus was
also shown [108, 119].
Another widespread phytoalexin – pterostilbene –
demonstrates more pronounced antitumor and Nrf2
inducing activity in comparison with resveratrol, which
can be related to its higher lipophilicity and metabolic
stability [73, 120]. Pterostilbene is an important bioac
tive component of grapes and blueberries, but it is almost
absent in grape wines as it degrades rapidly under light in
the presence of oxygen. Clinical studies established that
consumption of pterostilbene at a dose of 250 mg/day for
68 weeks is safe [121]. It was also shown that astrin
genin (3,3′,4′,5tetrahydroxystilbene) inhibited ROS
generation, activation of spleen tyrosine kinase and
MAPK8, as well as autophagy in murine macrophages
and the RAW264.7 macrophage cell line under the
action of oxidized LDL [122]. Yet another stilbene –
pinosylvin (3,5dioxystilbene) – at rather high concen
tration (100 μmol/liter) induced apoptosis and
autophagy in bovine aortic endotheliocytes via activa
tion of caspase3 and AMPK [123]. The synthetic ana
log (3,4,4′trihydroxystilbene) demonstrated higher
antioxidant and protective activity in comparison with
resveratrol in multiple experimental systems [124], and
it also induced autophagy in the A549 lung cancer cell
line via enhancement of ROS generation and inhibition
of mTOR [125].
Flavonoids are the largest group of natural polyphe
nolic compounds. Two aromatic rings A and B linked by
a threecarbon bridge forming pyran and pyrone cycle,
i.e. heterocycle (a C6–C3–C6sequence) comprise its
structural elements. More than 10,000 flavonoids have
been isolated from plants and characterized, and it is like
ly that their number is significantly higher because
flavonoid composition of many plant species is still
unknown. The majority of flavonoids can also be consid
ered as derivatives of chromane and flavan. Depending on
the flavonoid skeleton structure, flavonols, flavones, cat
echins, anthocyanidins, isoflavones, leucoanthocyani
dins, dihydroflavonols, chalcones, and aurones can be
distinguished [2]. Trivial names are common for
flavonoids that are predominantly connected to the first
isolation of the compound. For example, bark of the
Quercus velutina L. oak is the source of quercetin (Fig. 2),
wood of the Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) – source
of taxifolin (dihydroquercetin), and the Baikal skullcap
(Scutellariae baicalensis) – source of baicalein. Quercetin
occurs widely in plants (apples, onion) and is produced in
a form of tablets, capsules, and aqueous solutions, while
not being registered as a medication for treatment of any
disease in humans. Genistein (Fig. 2) is a principle
flavonoid in soya beans and soyabased products, and
because of structural similarity with 17βestradiol it
exhibits estrogenic activity and is capable of binding
estrogen receptors ERαand ERβ.
Numerous studies have shown that in many experi
mental and biological systems flavonoids exhibit anti
radical and antioxidant actions, and they are very active
with respect to radicals emerging either in lipid or aque
ous phases and inhibit processes of lipid peroxidation
both during the initiation stage interacting with ROS
•–, OH•, 1O2, HOCl, H2O2) and during the chain
propagation stage acting as hydrogen atom donors for
lipid radicals [2]. Structural analysis and experimental
data indicate a direct relationship between the antioxi
dant efficiency of flavonoids and the number of phenol
OH groups in their molecules. Experimental studies in
aqueous systems revealed the following structural ele
ments of flavonoid molecules that are most important
for antiradical activity: (i) availability of catechol struc
ture in the B ring; (ii) double bond between carbon
atoms 2 and 3 preferably together with a carbonyl group
in the position C4, and (iii) OH group in the position C5
together with C4 carbonyl group [2]. The ability of
flavonoids to induce the Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling sys
tem and, therefore, protect cells under oxidative stress
conditions, was shown in the majority of studies [126].
Due to the large number and diversity of flavonoids,
many of them have not been investigated with respect to
autophagy initiation. The autophagy initiation by
quercetin was shown to be dosedependent and reached
its maximum in HeLa cells at a flavonoid concentration
of 50 μM [87], and in gastric cancer cells MKN28 it
increased linearly up to concentration 160 μM [84]. The
ability of quercetin to accumulate in mitochondria was
shown, which was accompanied by membrane depolar
ization and enhanced production of ROS [38]. The
induction of ER stress by flavonoids results in the release
of Ca2+ and activation of a series of kinases inducing
autophagy [94, 97].
Catechins are important components of the popular
drink – tea, which is produced from the leaves of the
shrub Camellia sinensis. Phenolic compounds constitute
up to ∼3040% of the dry weight of nonfermented green
tea with catechin derivatives (catechin, epicatechin, epi
gallocatechin, epicatechin3gallate, and epigallocate
chin3gallate) being the major ones. The ester of epigal
locatechin and gallic acid – epigallocatechin3gallate
(Fig. 2) – is the principle catechin (more than 50%) of
green tea, which is very popular in China and Japan, and
it is present in lesser amounts in red tea (oolong variety)
and in yellow tea, and even in lesser amounts in black tea,
which is favored by Europeans and Americans [2]. Tea is
very popular among the nations of all continents, and
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
numerous facts establishing its antitumor, cardioprotec
tive, antiviral, and antibacterial properties have accumu
Analysis of inhibition of DPPH radicals and super
oxide anion radical by the teaderived polyphenolic com
pounds revealed a direct relationship between the number
of OH groups and antiradical activity: epigallocatechin
3gallate >epicatechin3gallate >epigallocatechin >
epicatechin >catechin [2]. Despite the fact that in major
ity of experimental systems catechins inhibit radicals less
effectively in comparison with flavonols and flavones
because they do not contain conjugated double bonds in
the C3structure, formation of esters with gallic acid
enhances their antioxidant activity significantly.
Hormesis of action of catechins, especially the action of
epigallocatechin3gallate, was noted for different exper
imental systems, as it is easily oxidized with generation of
ROS as well as reducing iron ions [127]. Epigallocat
echin3gallate is an effective inducer of Nrf2; it operates
through direct interaction with the Keap1 cysteine
residues or through enhancement of ROS production,
which activates kinases and inhibits Keap1 [128].
Epigallocatechin3gallate at low concentrations (10
20 μM) induced and enhanced endotoxinstimulated
autophagy, while at high concentrations (2001000 μM) it
activated caspases and initiated apoptosis [79]. In addi
tion to antioxidant action, epigallocatechin3gallate
affects the activity of multiple transcription factors: it
inhibits NFκB, AP1, STAT1, STAT3, FOXO1, and
activates Nrf2 [129]. Many epigallocatechin gallates
increase the calcium ion concentration in cytosol, which
results in activation of AMPK and enhancement of the
production of NO•by calmodulindependent NOsyn
thases [129].
Vitamin E is a fatsoluble factor required for repro
duction in rats that can be found at high concentrations in
wheat germ oils and salad seeds. It was discovered in 1922
by American scientists Herbert McLean Evans and
Katharine Scott Bishop. In experiments, this factor pre
vented development of infertility in rats that were fed only
by a mixture of casein, lard, milk fat, salt, and yeast. It
was possible to restore reproductive function by supple
menting their food ration with salad leaves or wheat germ
oil, while the addition of fish oil or flour did not result in
any improvement. The compounds related to vitamin E
comprise a group of chroman6ol derivatives (6hydrox
ychroman) – tocopherols different in the degree of
methylation and position of methyl groups in the chro
man nucleus. Tocopherols and tocotrienols are the most
important compounds that differ in position of methyl
substituents in the chroman nucleus and the number of
double bonds in the side chain (Fig. 3).
Antiradical activity is demonstrated by all toco
pherols and tocotrienols in different in vitro experimental
systems [2], while these compounds do not exhibit pro
nounced inducing activity with respect to the
Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling system [11]. On the other
hand, α, γ, and δtocotrienols activated the Keap1/
Nrf2/ARE system and induced expression of the ARE
regulated genes in estrogenreceptor negative breast can
cer cell line MDAMB231 [130]. Tocotrienols and α
tocopherol succinate demonstrated pronounced
autophagyinducing ability [74, 131]. Unlike αtoco
pherol, which did affect viability of rat pancreatic cells up
Fig. 3. Structures of major vitamin E homologs.
Tocopherols αanalog
308 ZENKOV et al.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
to a concentration of 800 μM, low concentrations of the
palm oil tocotrienols (1020 μM) induced apoptosis and
autophagy [132]. This suggested that the main target of
tocotrienol action in cells were mitochondria, damage to
which resulted in the release of Beclin 1, cytochrome c,
and enhancement of ROS production initiating apoptosis
and autophagy [133]. Subsequent studies revealed other
mechanisms of tocotrienol action. For example, γ
tocotrienol triggered ER stress in breast cancer cells,
which activated PERK and IRE1 kinases [75]. The possi
bility of inhibition of a number of kinases (PI3K, p38
MAPK, Akt) was also shown [74, 131].
Phenolic acids are abundant in plants: simple acids
(hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, vanillic, and others)
can be found almost everywhere, among the hydroxycin
namic acids (series C6C3) the four most abundant ones
(oxycinnamic, caffeic, ferulic, and sinapic) (Fig. 2) are
biogenetic precursors for the majority of other phenolic
compounds [2]. Hydroxycinnamic acids are in the com
position of complex compounds (lignins, lignans,
hydrolyzable tannins, etc.), and, hence, can be formed
during their degradation in an organism. The compounds
of this group can also be formed in animal tissues during
metabolism of polyphenols such as flavonoids [2].
Investigation of the action of ferulic acid (Fig. 2) indi
cates that while its antioxidant activity shows up at low
concentrations (1200 μM), the ability to induce
autophagy appears only at concentrations above 1 mM
Hydroxytyrosol is an important component of olives
and olive oil comprising 7080% of the total phenolic
fraction. Hydroxytyrosol is readily oxidized to the
quinone form (Fig. 4) due to the availability of the cate
chol structure, which makes it an effective antioxidant
capable of inhibition of the radical forms of ROS and for
mation of complexes with metals of variable valency. The
ability of hydroxytyrosol to induce the expression of
Nrf2regulated genes was shown for different cell types;
moreover, the catechol structure was also found impor
tant for activation of the Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling sys
tem [134]. It is likely that due to unique redox and antiox
idant properties of hydroxytyrosol its effect on autophagy
is ambiguous: it induces formation of autophagosomes,
but inhibits their degradation by lysosomes [101].
The natural polyphenols are now suggested as an
effective treatment for a broad spectrum of diseases: car
diovascular [117, 135, 136], neurodegenerative [7, 127,
137], oncological [8, 138], inflammatory diseases [139],
diabetes, metabolic disorders, obesity [98, 109, 119, 140,
141], and many others. Moreover, autophagy is an impor
tant target of plant polyphenol action. Despite the variety
of mechanisms of the action of phenols, several principle
mechanisms can be identified.
1) Change of intracellular redox balance due to
mitochondrial membrane depolarization or selfoxida
tion of phenols, which results in enhancement of ROS
production [38]. Many autophagy proteins contain cys
teine residues that are prone to oxidation, with some of
them being already identified as in mTOR (C2460 and
C2467), Atg4 (C81), and PARKIN protein (C59, C95,
C182) [6]. Similar cysteine residues were found in tumor
suppressor p53 (C173, C235, C239), transcription factors
NFκB (p50) (C62), AP1 (C154, C269), and HIF1α
(C800), and in a series of protein kinases participating in
the autophagy induction [142]. That is why autophagy
enhancement observed under the action of phenols can
probably be a reaction to the development of intracellular
oxidative stress [143].
2) mTOR is an important target of the action of plant
phenols; it can be inactivated either directly or indirectly
via AMPK and PI3K/Akt [17, 144]. In particular, cur
cumin at low concentrations (2.520 μM) causes dissoci
ation of Raptor and mTOR in the mTORC1 complex,
which results in its inactivation [145]. Resveratrol
enhances an inhibiting effect of another component of
the complex – DEPTOR – on mTOR [146].
3) Change of cell energy balance occurs with ser
ine/threonine AMPK being its principle sensor [147,
148]. From the structural point of view, AMPK comprise
threeprotein complexes consisting of a catalytic αsub
unit (1αor 2α), regulatory βsubunit (1βor 2β), and
AMPbinding subunit (γ1, γ2, or γ3) [148]. AMP and
ADP are classical AMPK activators; Ca2+ and H2O2also
activate the kinase [147]. AMPK activation inhibits
mTORC1 through phosphorylation of both the Raptor
protein in composition of the mTORC1 complex as well
as the TSC2 protein, which reduces its stabilizing effect
on mTORC1; furthermore, many natural phenols acti
vate AMPK [41, 49, 51, 129, 140].
4) Among the seven sirtuins identified in mammals
(SIRT1SIRT7, histone deacetylases that transfer acetyl
groups to histones and thus regulate DNA transcription
activity), SIRT1 directly participates in autophagy induc
tion [149]. The activated SIRT1 deacetylates AMPK and
enhances its activity as well as activates the FOXO3 tran
scription factor that controls transcription of genes of the
Atg proteins, catalase, and MnSOD [9, 115]. Although
many plant polyphenols can activate SIRT1, it has been
shown in multiple studies that resveratrol has the highest
activity [115].
5) Many transcription factors are targets of the
action of phenolic compounds. The most direct relation
Fig. 4. Redox transformations of hydroxytyrosol.
BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 81 No. 4 2016
ships with autophagy were revealed for the factors of the
NFE2 Nrf1 [150] and Nrf2 [6, 16] subfamily. The Nrf1
transcription factor is controlled directly by the mTORC1
complex, and the Keap1 repressor of the Nrf2 factor
binds the Atg8/LC3 complex through the p62 protein,
which is quite reasonable because all these structures play
an important protective role during oxidative stress.
The majority of current studies have been conducted
with cell cultures, since investigation of autophagy in vivo
is quite difficult. That is why much work lies ahead before
researchers can provide any practical recommendations
on the possibility to regulate autophagy by plant phenols.
This work was financially supported by the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 1400
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