
Not in my backyard: Effectiveness of outdoor residual spraying from hand-held sprayers against the mosquito Aedes albopictus in Rome, Italy

Pest Management Science
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Background: WHO guidelines state that adulticide interventions are recommended only in case of disease outbreak. However, peridomestic sprayings are carried out routinely to reduce Aedes albopictus (Skuse) nuisance, at least in Italy. Failing in keeping low adult abundance overtime triggers the need for further applications. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of a common control strategy routinely performed by citizens in highly infested urban sites inside the metropolitan city of Rome using a freely purchasable pyrethroid and a hand-held sprayer. Moreover, the effectiveness evaluated in three field experiments was compared to the one achieved by blending the pyrethroid with a new carbon-based liquid additive. Results: 86% post-treatment reduction in Ae. albopictus abundance was observed in gravid and host-seeking females, while the population recovery time was 10 days. Blending the insecticide with the additive lengthened mosquito recovery time over 14 days. Conclusion: Peridomestic sprayings largely reduce mosquito population immediately after treatment but fail to keep low mosquito abundance on a longer period, partially explaining the uncontrolled repetitions of treatments. An optimal control application could benefit from research in the field of additive to improve the mosquito abatement and the overtime performances of pyrethroids.
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... We assumed the interventions to be performed within a given radius from the residence of a notified case and after a given time delay from his/her symptom onset date. Insecticides are estimated to kill about 86% of existing mosquitoes in the sprayed area, and the mosquito population is assumed to recover to preintervention abundance after 2 weeks [23]. We tested the effectiveness of intervention protocols with different values of the radius of spraying, the intervention delay, and the date of outbreak detection; baseline values for these three parameters were 200 m, 6 days, and September 7, respectively, to reproduce the actually implemented interventions. ...
... The buffer distance adopted for insecticide spraying to eliminate mosquitoes was 200 m. Our study estimates that 62% of cases were transmitted to residents living at distances larger than 200 m; therefore, the majority of cases that are transmitted before interventions (or despite them, given that a proportion of mosquitoes survives insecticide treatment [23]) will have a chance to ignite further spread in untreated areas, making control of an outbreak significantly more difficult. Indeed, human mobility can contribute to seed a relevant number of new foci of transmission over several kilometers. ...
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Background: The spatial spread of many mosquito-borne diseases occurs by focal spread at the scale of a few hundred meters and over longer distances due to human mobility. The relative contributions of different spatial scales for transmission of chikungunya virus require definition to improve outbreak vector control recommendations. Methods: We analyzed data from a large chikungunya outbreak mediated by the mosquito Aedes albopictus in the Lazio region, Italy, consisting of 414 reported human cases between June and November 2017. Using dates of symptom onset, geographic coordinates of residence, and information from epidemiological questionnaires, we reconstructed transmission chains related to that outbreak. Results: Focal spread (within 1 km) accounted for 54.9% of all cases, 15.8% were transmitted at a local scale (1-15 km) and the remaining 29.3% were exported from the main areas of chikungunya circulation in Lazio to longer distances such as Rome and other geographical areas. Seventy percent of focal infections (corresponding to 38% of the total 414 cases) were transmitted within a distance of 200 m (the buffer distance adopted by the national guidelines for insecticide spraying). Two main epidemic clusters were identified, with a radius expanding at a rate of 300-600 m per month. The majority of exported cases resulted in either sporadic or no further transmission in the region. Conclusions: Evidence suggest that human mobility contributes to seeding a relevant number of secondary cases and new foci of transmission over several kilometers. Reactive vector control based on current guidelines might allow a significant number of secondary clusters in untreated areas, especially if the outbreak is not detected early. Existing policies and guidelines for control during outbreaks should recommend the prioritization of preventive measures in neighboring territories with known mobility flows to the main areas of transmission.
... aegypti abundance and blood feeding was found. 59 One study 56 showed a short-term statistically significant reduction in adult Ae. albopictus abundance using commercially available space sprays based on pyrethroids available to individual households. However, mosquito populations recovered to pre-treatment abundance 10 days posttreatment. ...
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Background: Because the evidence for the role of structural housing and combinations of interventions (domestic or peri-domestic) against Aedes mosquitoes or dengue is still lacking, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to analyse and synthesize research focusing on the household as the unit of allocation. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, LILACS, and Web of Science databases until February 2023 using three general keyword categories: (1) "Aedes" or "dengue"; (2) structural housing interventions including "house", "water", or "drainage"; and (3) vector control interventions of potential relevance and their combinations. We performed a qualitative content analysis and a meta-analysis for 13 entries on dengue seroconversion data. Findings: 14,272 articles were screened by titles, 615 by abstracts, 79 by full-text. 61 were selected. Satisfactory data quality allowed for detailed content analysis. Interventions at the household level against the immature mosquito stages (21 studies, 34%) showed positive or mixed results in entomological and epidemiological outcomes (86% and 75% respectively). Combined interventions against immature and adult stages (11 studies, 18%) performed similarly (91% and 67%) while those against the adult mosquitoes (29 studies, 48%) performed less well (79%, 22%). A meta-analysis on seroconversion outcomes showed a not-statistically significant reduction for interventions (log odds-ratio: -0.18 [-0.51, 0.14 95% CI]). Interpretation: No basic research on housing structure or modification was eligible for this systematic review but many interventions with clear impact on vector indices and, to a lesser extent, on dengue were described. The small and not-statistically significant effect size of the meta-analysis highlights the difficulty of proving effectiveness against this highly-clustered disease and of overcoming practical implementation obstacles (e.g. efficacy loss, compliance). The long-term success of interventions depends on suitability, community commitment and official support and promotion. The choice of a specific vector control package needs to take all these context-specific aspects into consideration. Funding: This work was funded by a grant from the World Health Organization (2021/1121668-0, PO 202678425, NTD/VVE).
... In addition to the recommended use of personal protective measures which include the use of topical mosquito repellent, bednets and insecticidetreated clothing [41][42][43], effort must be taken to detect those with an asymptomatic infection, especially among households and this can be done by widespread testing of the affected population. Other vector control methods such as residual spray and thermal fogging that require the involvement of pest control specialists or public health departments are among the options to consider in managing the CHIKV outbreak [44,45]. ...
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Introduction: Chikungunya fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease that usually presents with prominent arthralgia. An outbreak of chikungunya fever was reported in Tanjung Sepat, Malaysia in 2019. The outbreak was limited in size with a low number of cases being reported. The present study sought to determine the possible variables that could have affected the transmission of the infection. Methodology: A cross-sectional study involving 149 healthy adult volunteers from Tanjung Sepat was performed soon after the outbreak had subsided. All the participants donated blood samples and completed the questionnaires. Laboratory detection of anti-CHIKV IgM and IgG antibodies was performed using enzyme-linked immunoassays (ELISA). Risk factors associated with chikungunya seropositivity were determined using logistic regression. Results: The majority (72.5%, n = 108) of the study participants tested positive for CHIKV antibodies. Only 8.3% (n = 9) of the participants out of all the seropositive volunteers had an asymptomatic infection. Participants who resided with a febrile (p < 0.05, Exp(B) = 2.2, confidence interval [CI] 1.3-3.6) or a CHIKV-diagnosed person (p < 0.05, Exp(B) = 2.1, CI 1.2-3.6) in the same household were found likely to be tested positive for CHIKV antibodies. Conclusions: Findings from the study support that asymptomatic CHIKV infections and indoor transmission occurred during the outbreak. Hence, widespread community testing and indoor use of mosquito repellent are among the possible measures that can be implemented to reduce CHIKV transmission during an outbreak.
... Due to their longstanding and widespread use, resistance to pyrethroids (PyR) in mosquito vector populations has become a great concern, particularly with regard to species producing the highest public health impact, such as main Afrotropical malaria vectors and the most efficient tropical arbovirus vector, Aedes aegypti [16][17][18]. In temperate countries, although pyrethroids are recommended only to control/interrupt outbreaks of exotic arboviruses, they are also widely employed to reduce mosquito density and nuisance [19][20][21]. ...
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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based genotyping of mutations in the voltage-sensitive sodium channel (vssc) associated with resistance to pyrethroid insecticides is widely used and represents a potential early warning and monitoring system for insecticide resistance arising in mosquito populations, which are vectors of different human pathogens. In the secondary vector Aedes albopictus—an Asian species that has invaded and colonized the whole world, including temperate regions—sequencing of domain II of the vssc gene is still needed to detect the V1016G mutation associated with pyrethroid resistance. In this study we developed and tested a novel allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) assay to genotype the V1016G mutation in this species and applied it to the analysis of wild populations from Italy. The results confirm the high accuracy of the novel AS-PCR and highlight frequencies of the V1016G allele as >5% in most sampling sites, with peaks of 20–45% in coastal touristic sites where pyrethroid treatments are extensively implemented, mostly for mosquito nuisance reduction. The high frequency of this mutation observed in Italian Ae. albopictus populations should serve as a warning bell, advocating for increased monitoring and management of a phenomenon which risks neutralizing the only weapon today available to counteract (risks of) arbovirus outbreaks.
... An estimated 1.38 million suspected cases of chikungunya have been recorded around the world within the last decade (World Health Organization 2017b), and during the 2016 worldwide dengue outbreak the Americas alone reported more than 2.38 million cases (World Health Organization 2017c). Targeting adult mosquito vector populations is still a key process to reduce arbovirus transmission (Manica et al. 2016). ...
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Journal of the Florida Mosquito Control Association, Vol. 66, 2019 published 11 research articles and submitted abstracts of the 90th annual meeting.
... The efficacy of pyrethroid and natural pyrethrum insecticides in controlling population density of adult mosquitoes and how these insecticides impact nontarget insects remain poorly studied in the field (but see Manica et al. 2017). Here, we found that Microsin (the synthetic pyrethroid insecticide) was more effective than Piretrum Micro (the natural pyrethrum insecticide) in reducing mosquito abundance. ...
The tiger mosquito is a key vector of several human diseases and is considered a public health concern worldwide. The implementation of strategies aimed at maximizing mosquito control without affecting non-target insect groups is of major importance. In a field trial, we tested the efficiency of a natural pyrethrum-based vs. a synthetic pyrethroid-based insecticide in reducing tiger mosquito population and how they affect the diversity of non-target flower-visiting insects in green urban areas. Only the pyrethroid insecticide was effective in reducing mosquito abundance, although its effects disappeared nine days after application. The two adulticides did not significantly affect the diversity of flower-visiting insects, probably because of their large body size and the difference in flying and foraging activity. To effectively control mosquito populations while preventing intoxication of non-target flower-visiting insects, adulticide applications should be applied early in the morning and only on bushes and trees. Results from our small-scale applications cannot be extrapolate when larger areas are treated.
... 37,38 In fact, populations in temperate regions have been subjected in the past to selective pressure due to the patchy and uncontrolled, yet not neglectable, use of insecticide-based space spraying by private citizens and public administrations to achieve immediate and tangible, even though short-term, effects on mosquito nuisance. [59][60][61][62] The present study aimed to extend previous reports of phenotypic resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in Ae. albopictus from Europe/Mediterranean areas, 38 to identify its possible genetic basis and to monitor the geographical distribution of resistant genotypes in populations across Italy, Albania and Greece. In particular, we focused on sites experiencing the 2017 chikungunya outbreak, where extensive pyrethroid spraying was implemented. ...
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BACKGROUND The highly invasive mosquito species Aedes albopictus has become a major health concern in temperate areas due to its role as vector of exotic arboviruses. Pyrethroid insecticides represent the main tools for limiting the circulation of such mosquito‐borne viruses. The present work aim to extend previous reports on phenotypic pyrethroid‐resistance in European Ae. albopictus, to identify its genetic basis and to monitor the geographical distribution of resistant genotypes, with a particular focus on sites experiencing the 2017 chikungunya outbreak in Italy. RESULTS Bioassays, performed according to World Health Organization protocols, showed full susceptibility to deltamethrin (concentration = 0.05%) and varying levels of resistance to permethrin (0.75%) and/or α‐cypermethrin (0.05%) across Italy, with highest levels in the core of the 2017 chikungunya outbreak. Partial genotyping of the VSSC gene revealed widespread distribution of V1016G mutation and confirmed its association with pyrethroid resistance. CONCLUSION The results obtained show that the condition for the spread of pyrethroid resistance in Ae. albopictus in Europe exists under strong selective pressure due to intensive insecticide spraying to control exotic arbovirus outbreak or high levels of nuisance. The results draw attention to the need for an evidence‐based implementation of mosquito nuisance control, taking insecticide resistance management into consideration. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry
... It has been speculated that the origin of Ae. albopictus is south-east Asia, and that its distribution area spreads across Asia and into Europe via various imported items, such as used tyres and plant pods [24,25]. After the first chikungunya endemic in 2007 [26], pyrethroids have been frequently used for controlling adult Aedes mosquitoes in Italy [27]. It is possible that a very small number of mosquitoes with the V1016G allele were included in the initial population(s) of Italy and were gradually selected by pyrethroids, such that the allele frequency finally reached a level to which it could confer resistance. ...
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IntroductionAedes albopictus (Skuse) is an important vector of arboviral diseases, including dengue, chikungunya and Zika virus disease. Monitoring insecticide resistance and mechanisms by which the mosquito develops resistance is crucial to minimise disease transmission.AimTo determine insecticide resistance status and mechanisms in Ae. albopictus from different geographical regions.Methods We sampled 33 populations of Ae. albopictus from Asia, Europe and South America, and tested these for susceptibility to permethrin, a pyrethroid insecticide. In resistant populations, the target site for pyrethroids, a voltage-sensitive sodium channel (Vssc) was genotyped. Three resistant sub-strains, each harbouring a resistance allele homozygously, were established and susceptibilities to three different pyrethroids (with and without a cytochrome P450 inhibitor) were assayed.ResultsMost populations of Ae. albopictus tested were highly susceptible to permethrin but a few from Italy and Vietnam (4/33), exhibited high-level resistance. Genotyping studies detected a knockdown resistance (kdr) allele V1016G in Vssc for the first time in Ae. albopictus. Two previously reported kdr alleles, F1534C and F1534S, were also detected. The bioassays indicated that the strain homozygous for the V1016G allele showed much greater levels of pyrethroid resistance than other strains harbouring F1534C or F1534S.Conclusion The V1016G allele was detected in bothAsian and Italian Ae. albopictus populations, thus a spread of this allele beyond Italy in Europe cannot be ruled out. This study emphasises the necessity to frequently and regularly monitor the V1016G allele in Ae. albopictus, particularly where this mosquito species is the main vector of arboviruses.
... Adulticide interventions instead, are recommended only when infected human travellers coming from endemic countries are detected, in order to prevent autochthonous disease transmission, or in the case of extremely intense nuisance. Nevertheless, private citizens and some public administrations implement adulticidal control measures in order to achieve immediate and tangible, even though short-termed, effects on mosquito nuisance (25)(26)(27). ...
Background: Aedes albopictus has spread during the last decades all over the world. This has increased significantly the risk of exotic arbovirus transmission (e.g. Chikungunya, Dengue, and Zika) also in temperate areas, as testified by the Chikungunya 2007- and 2017-outbreaks in north-east and central Italy. Insecticides represent a main tool for limiting the circulation of these mosquito-borne viruses. The aim of the present study is to start filling the current gap of knowledge on pyrethroid insecticide resistance of European Ae. albopictus populations focusing on populations from Italy, Albania and Greece. Results: Bioassays for resistance to permethrin (0.75%), α-cypermethrin (0.05%) or deltamethrin (0.05%) were performed according to WHO protocols and showed reduced susceptibility (<90% mortality) of some Italian populations to permethrin and α-cypermethrin, but not to deltamethrin. Conclusion: This study reports the first evidence of resistance to pyrethroids in adult Italian Ae. albopictus populations. Results refer to the season preceding the Chikungunya 2017-outbreak in central Italy and highlight the need to increase efforts to monitor insecticide resistance spreading and the need to develop strategies limiting the spread of insecticide resistance, particularly in areas where extensive treatments have been carried out to contain disease outbreaks.
... On the one hand, this is because mosquito-borne diseases are not considered a risk, but on the other hand because of limited faith in public pest control operators and a refusal to allow the spraying of adulticides (26). In fact, mosquito adulticide spraying usually has a limited effect, as populations quickly recover (27). ...
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The mosquito species Anopheles plumbeus is an aggressive biter and a potential vector of malaria parasites and West Nile virus. It occurs naturally at low population densities, as its larval development is adapted to the specific water qualities found in tree holes. However, probably owing to environmental changes, it has recently been observed in several European countries to use increasingly often artificial breeding habitats that may lead to mass development and severe annoyance to humans living close by. The perception of mosquito nuisance, however, is very subjective, and breeding habitats are not always known, thus impeding targeted surveillance and control. To relate nuisance by An. plumbeus to specific environmental conditions, a questionnaire survey was carried out addressing persons who had submitted specimens of this particular mosquito species to the German citizen science project “Mueckenatlas”, an instrument of passive mosquito surveillance. The questionnaire was intended to find out whether a nuisance situation linked to An. plumbeus had existed, whether mosquito breeding habitats could be identified and whether control measures had been conducted. Despite some efforts, the participants who claimed to suffer from an An. plumbeus nuisance problem had rarely identified the source of the mosquitoes. Once control measures had been performed on abandoned manure pits, however, the nuisance problem disappeared or mosquito abundance was at least significantly reduced. Nevertheless, no significant effect of abandoned manure pits on the probability of an An. plumbeus nuisance could be demonstrated in a multivariate logistic regression model testing various variables. Instead, a significant positive effect of a disused farm nearby was found. The reason is probably that manure pits as the most frequent source of An. plumbeus mass development are often located on disused farms, without most people’s knowledge about their existence. Disused farms are therefore appropriate candidates to consider when it comes to public health issues connected to An. plumbeus such as surveillance of mass development and implementation of control measures.
... The rising of insecticide resistance constitutes a serious problem, as has been evidenced with a related species, Ae. aegypti (L.), in several control campaigns (Macoris et al. 2014). Indiscriminate routine use of adulticides, with poorly executed application methods and use by the general public, may promote resistant populations (Manica et al. 2016). ...
The invasive mosquito, Aedes albopictus, found in Spain since 2004, is a competent vector of yellow fever, Zika, dengue, and chikungunya viruses among other diseases. Although controversial, the use of adulticiding is a relevant tool for vector control and could be crucial for the management of any possible outbreak of imported diseases. We present the 1st study in Spain on the susceptibility of field populations from Barcelona, Peñíscola, Castellón, and Mallorca of Ae. albopictus to several pyrethroids using either bioassays under the World Health Organization methodology and biochemical tests. In the bioassays, the discriminating concentrations were calculated using a local, susceptible laboratory strain. Different susceptibility levels were found for some combinations of populations and products. The biochemical tests carried out by enzymatic analysis supported these results, showing an overexpression of glutathione S-transferase activity in 1 population.
Among the few mosquito larvicides available in the market, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) and B. sphaericus (Bs) represent the most environmentally safe alternatives. The combination of the 2 products is known to overcome their specific limitations by producing a synergistic effect. The aim of the study was to assess the effect and persistence of a single treatment with a granular Bti + Bs formulation on highly vegetated ditches in northeastern Italy that represents the primary rural larval sites for Culex pipiens, the primary vector of the West Nile virus in Europe. The analysis takes into account the nonlinear temporal effects on the population dynamics of larvae and pupae. The results showed a dramatic reduction in mosquito larval abundance 24 h posttreatment (93%) and was effective against larvae up to 22 days (100%). The residual effect after 28 days was 99.5%, and a limited residual effect was observed after 39 days (31.2%). A reduction in pupal density was observed after 4 days (70%) and was >98% from days 14 to 28 posttreatment, persisting for up to 39 days (84% after 39 days). The results demonstrate the effective use of the Bti + Bs formulation against Cx. pipiens in vegetated ditches in rural areas. Our modeling framework provides a flexible statistical approach to predict the residual effect of the product over time, in order to plan a seasonal intervention scheme.
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Vector-borne diseases have appeared or re-emerged in many Southern Europe countries making the transmission of infectious diseases by mosquitoes (vectors) one of the greatest worldwide health threats. Larvicides have been used extensively for the control of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1895) (Diptera: Culicidae) and Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758 (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes in urban and semi-urban environments, causing the increasing resistance of mosquitoes to commercial insecticides. In this study, 27 curcuminoids and monocarbonyl curcumin derivatives were synthesised and evaluated as potential larvicidal agents against Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus. Most of the compounds were more effective against larvae of both mosquito species. Four of the tested compounds, curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, curcumin-BF2 complex and a monocarbonyl tetramethoxy curcumin derivative exhibited high activity against both species. In Cx. pipiens the recorded LC50 values were 6.0, 9.4, 5.0 and 32.5 ppm, respectively, whereas in Ae. albopictus they exhibited LC50 values of 9.2, 36.0, 5.5 and 23.6 ppm, respectively. No conclusive structure activity relationship was evident from the results and the variety of descriptors values generated in silico provided some insight to this end.
Surveillance programs are needed to guide mosquito-control operations to reduce both nuisance and the spread of mosquito-borne diseases. Understanding the thresholds for action to reduce both nuisance and the risk of arbovirus transmission is becoming critical. To date, mosquito surveillance is mainly implemented to inform about pathogen transmission risks rather than to reduce mosquito nuisance even though lots of control efforts are aimed at the latter. Passive surveillance, such as digital monitoring (validated by entomological trapping), is a powerful tool to record biting rates in real time. High-quality data are essential to model the risk of arbovirus diseases. For invasive pathogens, efforts are needed to predict the arrival of infected hosts linked to the small-scale vector to host contact ratio, while for endemic pathogens efforts are needed to set up region-wide highly-structured surveillance measures to understand seasonal re-activation and pathogen transmission in order to carry out effective control operations.
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After its first introduction in the 1980’s the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), has spread throughout Southern Europe. Ae. albopictus is considered an epidemiologically important vector for the transmission of many viral pathogens such as the yellow fever virus, dengue fever and Chikungunya fever, as well as several filarial nematodes such as Dirofilaria immitis or D. repens. It is therefore crucial to develop measures to reduce the risks of disease transmission by controlling the vector populations. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of two application techniques (mist vs. stretcher sprayer) and two insecticides (Etox based on the nonester pyrethroid Etofenprox vs. Microsin based on the pyrethroid type II Cypermetrin) in controlling adult tiger mosquito populations in highly populated areas. To test the effect of the two treatments pre- and post-treatment human landing rate counts were conducted for two years. After one day from the treatment we observed a 100% population decrease in mosquito abundance with both application methods and both insecticides. However, seven and 14 days after the application the stretcher sprayer showed larger population reductions than the mist sprayer. No effect of insecticide type after one day and 14 days was found, while Etox caused slightly higher population reduction than Microsin after seven days. Emergency measures to locally reduce the vector populations should adopt adulticide treatments using stretcher sprayers. However, more research is still needed to evaluate the potential negative effects of adulticide applications on non-target organisms.
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) sources improve the efficacy of mosquito traps. However, traditional CO2 sources (dry ice or compressed gas) may be difficult to acquire for vector surveillance during military contingency operations. For this reason, a new and convenient source of CO2 is required. Two novel CO2 generators were evaluated in order to address this capability gap: 1) an electrolyzer that converts solid oxalic acid into CO2 gas, and 2) CO2 produced by yeast as it metabolizes sugar. The flow rate and CO2 concentration produced by each generator were measured, and each generator's ability to attract mosquitoes to BG-Sentinel™ traps during day surveillance and to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention light traps with incandescent bulbs during night surveillance was compared to dry ice and compressed gas in Jacksonville, FL. The electrolyzed oxalic acid only slightly increased the number of mosquitoes captured compared to unbaited traps. Based on the modest increase in mosquito collection for traps paired with the oxalic acid, it is not a suitable stand-in for either of the 2 traditional CO2 sources. Conversely, the yeast-generated CO2 resulted in collections with mosquito abundance and species richness more closely resembling those of the traditional CO2 sources, despite achieving a lower CO2 flow rate. Therefore, if dry ice or compressed gas cannot be acquired for vector surveillance, yeast-generated CO2 can significantly improve trap capability.
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Mosquito species that utilize peridomestic containers for immature development are commonly aggressive human biters, and because they often reach high abundance, create significant nuisance. One of these species, the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus, is an important vector of emerging infectious diseases, such as dengue, chikungunya, and Zika fevers. Integrated mosquito management (IMM) of Ae. albopictus is particularly difficult because it requires access to private yards in urban and suburban residences. It has become apparent that in the event of a public health concern due to this species, homeowners will have to be active participants in the control process by reducing mosquito habitats in their properties, an activity known as source reduction. However, limited attempts at quantifying the effect of source reduction by homeowners have had mixed results. Of note, many mosquito control programs in the US have some form of education outreach, however the primary approach is often passive focusing on the distribution of education materials as flyers. In 2010, we evaluated the use of active community peer education in a source reduction program, using AmeriCorps volunteers. The volunteers were mobilized over a 4-week period, in two areas with approximately 1,000 residences each in urban Mercer and suburban Monmouth counties in New Jersey, USA. The volunteers were first provided training on peridomestic mosquitoes and on basic approaches to reducing the number of container habitats for mosquito larvae in backyards. Within the two treatment areas the volunteers successfully engaged 758 separate homes. Repeated measures analysis of variance showed a significant reduction in container habitats in the sites where the volunteers actively engaged the community compared to untreated control areas in both counties. Our results suggest that active education using community peer educators can be an effective means of source reduction, and a critical tool in the arsenal against peridomestic mosquitoes.
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West Nile virus infection is a growing concern in Europe. Vector management is often the primary option to prevent and control outbreaks of the disease. Its implementation is, however, complex and needs to be supported by integrated multidisciplinary surveillance systems and to be organized within the framework of predefined response plans. The impact of the vector control measures depends on multiple factors and the identification of the best combination of vector control methods is therefore not always straightforward. Therefore, this contribution aims at critically reviewing the existing vector control methods to prevent and control outbreaks of West Nile virus infection and to present the challenges for Europe. Most West Nile virus vector control experiences have been recently developed in the US, where ecological conditions are different from the EU and vector control is organized under a different regulatory frame. The extrapolation of information produced in North America to Europe might be limited because of the seemingly different epidemiology in the European region. Therefore, there is an urgent need to analyse the European experiences of the prevention and control of outbreaks of West Nile virus infection and to perform robust cost-benefit analysis that can guide the implementation of the appropriate control measures. Furthermore, to be effective, vector control programs require a strong organisational backbone relying on a previously defined plan, skilled technicians and operators, appropriate equipment, and sufficient financial resources. A decision making guide scheme is proposed which may assist in the process of implementation of vector control measures tailored on specific areas and considering the available information and possible scenarios.
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Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is an invasive mosquito that has become an important vector of chikungunya and dengue viruses. Immature Ae. albopictus thrive in backyard household containers that require treatment with larvicides and when adult populations reach pest levels or disease transmission is ongoing, adulticiding is often required. To assess the feasibility of control of USA populations, we tested the susceptibility of Ae. albopictus to chemicals representing the main insecticide classes with different modes of action: organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, insect growth regulators (IGR), naturalytes, and biolarvicides. We characterized a susceptible reference strain of Ae. albopictus, ATM95, and tested the susceptibility of eight USA populations to five adulticides and six larvicides. We found that USA populations are broadly susceptible to currently available larvicides and adulticides. Unexpectedly, however, we found significant resistance to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in two Florida populations and in a New Jersey population. We also found resistance to malathion, an organophosphate, in Florida and New Jersey and reduced susceptibility to the IGRs pyriproxyfen and methoprene. All populations tested were fully susceptible to pyrethroids. Biochemical assays revealed a significant up-regulation of GSTs in DDT-resistant populations in both larval and adult stages. Also, β-esterases were up-regulated in the populations with suspected resistance to malathion. Of note, we identified a previously unknown amino acid polymorphism (Phe → Leu) in domain III of the VGSC, in a location known to be associated with pyrethroid resistance in another container-inhabiting mosquito, Aedes aegypti L. The observed DDT resistance in populations from Florida may indicate multiple introductions of this species into the USA, possibly from tropical populations. In addition, the mechanisms underlying DDT resistance often result in pyrethroid resistance, which would undermine a remaining tool for the control of Ae. albopictus. Continued monitoring of the insecticide resistance status of this species is imperative.
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Background Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) and mosquito control programs (MCPs) diverge in settings and countries, and lead control specialists need to be aware of the most effective control strategies. Integrated Vector Management (IVM) strategies, once implemented in MCPs, aim to reduce cost and optimize protection of the populations against VBDs. This study presents a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis to compare IVM strategies used by MCPs in Saint Johns County, Florida and Guayas, Ecuador. This research evaluates MCPs strategies to improve vector control activities. Methods Methods included descriptive findings of the MCP operations. Information was obtained from vector control specialists, directors, and residents through field trips, surveys, and questionnaires. Evaluations of the strategies and assets of the control programs where obtained through SWOT analysis and within an IVM approach. Results Organizationally, the Floridian MCP is a tax-based District able to make decisions independently from county government officials, with the oversight of an elected board of commissioners. The Guayas program is directed by the country government and assessed by non-governmental organizations like the World health Organization. Operationally, the Floridian MCP conducts entomological surveillance and the Ecuadorian MCP focuses on epidemiological monitoring of human disease cases. Strengths of both MCPs were their community participation and educational programs. Weaknesses for both MCPs included limitations in budgets and technical capabilities. Opportunities, for both MCPs, are additional funding and partnerships with private, non-governmental, and governmental organizations. Threats experienced by both MCPs included political constraints and changes in the social and ecological environment that affect mosquito densities and control efforts. IVM pillars for policy making were used to compare the information among the programs. Differences included how the Ecuadorian MCP relies heavily on the community for vector control while the American MCP relies on technologies and research. Conclusion IVM based recommendations direct health policy leaders toward improving surveillance systems both entomologically and epidemiologically, improving community risk perceptions by integrating components of community participation, maximizing resources though the use of applied research, and protecting the environment by selecting low-risk pesticides. Outcomes of the research revealed that inter-sectorial and multidisciplinary interventions are critical to improve public health.
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The recent expansion of Aedes albopictus, a day-biting mosquito, to densely inhabited areas in the northeastern Atlantic states of the USA has dramatically increased the problem that mosquitoes create for urban and suburban residents. We quantified the impact of mosquitoes on residents' quality of life within the context of a comprehensive area-wide integrated pest management program to control Ae. albopictus in two counties (Mercer and Monmouth) in New Jersey. We interviewed residents of 121 randomly selected households in both counties between October and November 2010. We asked residents about their experience with mosquitoes in their neighborhood and the importance of the ability to relax outdoors without mosquitoes compared to other neighborhood characteristics (1 = not important, 5 = extremely important). We rated residents' utility based on paired comparisons to known states from the EuroQol health description system. The majority (54.6%) of respondents considered mosquitoes to be a problem. Respondents reported an average of 7.1 mosquito bites in a typical week during that summer. Mosquitoes prevented 59.5% of residents from enjoying their outdoor activities at least to some extent. Residents rated the mosquito acceptability (mean ± standard deviation) during that summer on a scale of 0 (mosquito invasion) to 100 (no mosquitoes) at 56.7±28.7, and their overall utility at 0.87±0.03. This is comparable to living with up to two risk factors for diabetes (i.e., abdominal obesity, body mass index of 28 or more, reported cholesterol problems, diagnosis of hypertension, or history of cardiovascular disease) or women experiencing menstrual disorders. Respondents rated the importance of enjoying outdoor activities without mosquitoes (4.69±0.80) comparable to that of neighborhood safety (4.74±0.80) and higher than that of a clean neighborhood (4.59±0.94). In conclusion, New Jersey residents reported that mosquitoes decreased their utility by 0.13, comparable to the loss from worrisome health risk factors, underscoring the importance of controlling this problem.
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The tiger mosquito is a competent vector of dengue and chikungunya in Europe. Therefore, evaluating control strategies is a priority. In this work we aimed to determine the key factors affecting Aedes albopictus production, the preferred larval habitats, and we explored the involvement of the citizens in Sant Cugat, Spain. A source-reduction campaign including door-to-door visits and interviews to local inhabitants (2008-2010) and larval surveys (2010) was carried out. Civil workers inspected 3720 premises and interviewed 820 local inhabitants. Larval habitats, detected in 7.2% of the premises (n=266), were negatively associated with primary residence OR=0.4 (95% CI 0.3-0.6); and positively associated with schools OR=2.4 (95% CI 1.1-5.0), solid waste OR=5.1 (95% CI 3.0-8.9), scuppers OR=5.0 (95% CI 3.5-7.3) among other variables. Preventive measures were taken by 83.2% of householders (n=682). In 2010, 10.3% more citizens claimed to avoid having stagnant water compared with 2008. Simultaneously another 10.3% stopped using insecticides. Solid waste, scuppers and vegetable gardens were found to be important factors characterizing premises with larval habitats. People claimed to know about this insect and they considered it to be an important issue that diminished their quality of life.
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The efficacy of a new water-based formulation containing 30% permethrin and 30% piperonyl butoxide against laboratory and field populations of Aedes albopictus was evaluated in the laboratory, in semifield experiments, and in residential communities in St. Augustine, FL. In laboratory bottle bioassay, 3 doses (3.18 g/ml, 2.26 g/ml, and 1.59 g/ml) of the permethrin product resulted in 100% mortality of adult mosquitoes in 1 h. In semifield experiments, the insecticide sprayed by the water-based thermal fogger at 381.5 ml/min application rate caused 99% mortality of caged mosquitoes. At 24 h posttreatment in the residential communities, there was 79% and 83% reduction of the natural population (numbers) of adult Ae. albopictus and all adult mosquito species collected in BioGent (BG) sentinel traps baited with a BG lure in the 3 test sites, respectively. There was also a 79% reduction in the number of Ae. albopictus eggs collected in ovitrap used in the treated sites. The reductions were significant for adult Ae. albopictus and all mosquito species at 1 wk posttreatment, but no significant reduction was observed at 2-3 wk posttreatment. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the new water-based permethrin product against Ae. albopictus populations in residential communities.
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Background Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) is an important disease vector and biting nuisance. During the 2009 active season, six approximate to 1000-parcel sites were studied, three in urban and three in suburban areas of New Jersey, United States, to examine the efficacy of standard integrated urban mosquito control strategies applied area wide. Active source reduction, larviciding, adulticiding and public education (source reduction through education) were implemented in one site in each county, an education-only approach was developed in a second site and a third site was used as an untreated experimental control. Populations were surveyed weekly with BG-Sentinel traps and ovitraps. ResultsA substantial reduction in Ae. albopictus populations was achieved in urban sites, but only modest reductions in suburban sites. Education alone achieved significant reductions in urban adult Ae. albopictus. Egg catches echoed adult catches only in suburban sites. Conclusions There are significant socioeconomic and climatic differences between urban and suburban sites that impact upon Ae. albopictus populations and the efficacy of the control methods tested. An integrated pest management approach can affect abundances, but labor-intensive, costly source reduction was not enough to maintain Ae. albopictus counts below a nuisance threshold. Nighttime adult population suppression using truck-mounted adulticides can be effective. Area-wide cost-effective strategies are necessary. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA
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Duet was field evaluated against caged Aedes albopictus, with the use of a truck-mounted ultra-low volume (ULV) cold aerosol sprayer at the rate of 90.6 ml/ha. Cages were placed in 3 rows stationed 30.5, 61.0, and 91.5 m downwind of the spray vehicle. Initial knockdown was >99% with mortality ranging between 95.8% and 98.0% across the distances. Volume median diameter (VMD) and droplet density were slightly reduced (16.4% and 18.6%, respectively) by distance. Reduction in VMD and droplet density, however, did not reduce mortality. The ULV application of Duet is an effective adulticide against Ae. albopictus and may be a useful tool for use in mosquito abatement programs.
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Background: More sensitive and scalable entomological surveillance tools are required to monitor low levels of transmission that are increasingly common across the tropics, particularly where vector control has been successful. A large-scale larviciding programme in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is supported by a community-based (CB) system for trapping adult mosquito densities to monitor programme performance. Methodology: An intensive and extensive CB system for routine, longitudinal, programmatic surveillance of malaria vectors and other mosquitoes using the Ifakara Tent Trap (ITT-C) was developed in Urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and validated by comparison with quality assurance (QA) surveys using either ITT-C or human landing catches (HLC), as well as a cross-sectional survey of malaria parasite prevalence in the same housing compounds. Results: Community-based ITT-C had much lower sensitivity per person-night of sampling than HLC (Relative Rate (RR) [95% Confidence Interval (CI)] = 0.079 [0.051, 0.121], P < 0.001 for Anopheles gambiae s.l. and 0.153 [0.137, 0.171], P < 0.001 for Culicines) but only moderately differed from QA surveys with the same trap (0.536 [0.406,0.617], P = 0.001 and 0.747 [0.677,0.824], P < 0.001, for An. gambiae or Culex respectively). Despite the poor sensitivity of the ITT per night of sampling, when CB-ITT was compared with QA-HLC, it proved at least comparably sensitive in absolute terms (171 versus 169 primary vectors caught) and cost-effective (153USversus187US versus 187US per An. gambiae caught) because it allowed more spatially extensive and temporally intensive sampling (4284 versus 335 trap nights distributed over 615 versus 240 locations with a mean number of samples per year of 143 versus 141). Despite the very low vectors densities (Annual estimate of about 170 An gambiae s.l bites per person per year), CB-ITT was the only entomological predictor of parasite infection risk (Odds Ratio [95% CI] = 4.43[3.027,7. 454] per An. gambiae or Anopheles funestus caught per night, P =0.0373). Discussion and conclusion: CB trapping approaches could be improved with more sensitive traps, but already offer a practical, safe and affordable system for routine programmatic mosquito surveillance and clusters could be distributed across entire countries by adapting the sample submission and quality assurance procedures accordingly.
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How should ecologists and evolutionary biologists analyze nonnormal data that involve random effects? Nonnormal data such as counts or proportions often defy classical statistical procedures. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) provide a more flexible approach for analyzing nonnormal data when random effects are present. The explosion of research on GLMMs in the last decade has generated considerable uncertainty for practitioners in ecology and evolution. Despite the availability of accurate techniques for estimating GLMM parameters in simple cases, complex GLMMs are challenging to fit and statistical inference such as hypothesis testing remains difficult. We review the use (and misuse) of GLMMs in ecology and evolution, discuss estimation and inference and summarize 'best-practice' data analysis procedures for scientists facing this challenge.
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There has been growing interest in Europe in recent years in the establishment and spread of invasive mosquitoes, notably the incursion of Aedes albopictus through the international trade in used tires and lucky bamboo, with onward spread within Europe through ground transport. More recently, five other non-European aedine mosquito species have been found in Europe, and in some cases populations have established locally and are spreading. Concerns have been raised about the involvement of these mosquito species in transmission cycles of pathogens of public health importance, and these concerns were borne out following the outbreak of chikungunya fever in Italy in 2007, and subsequent autochthonous cases of dengue fever in France and Croatia in 2010. This article reviews current understanding of all exotic (five introduced invasive and one intercepted) aedine species in Europe, highlighting the known import pathways, biotic and abiotic constraints for establishment, control strategies, and public health significance, and encourages Europe-wide surveillance for invasive mosquitoes.
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The dramatic global expansion of Aedes albopictus in the last three decades has increased public health concern because it is a potential vector of numerous arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses), including the most prevalent arboviral pathogen of humans, dengue virus (DENV). Ae. aegypti is considered the primary DENV vector and has repeatedly been incriminated as a driving force in dengue's worldwide emergence. What remains unresolved is the extent to which Ae. albopictus contributes to DENV transmission and whether an improved understanding of its vector status would enhance dengue surveillance and prevention. To assess the relative public health importance of Ae. albopictus for dengue, we carried out two complementary analyses. We reviewed its role in past dengue epidemics and compared its DENV vector competence with that of Ae. aegypti. Observations from "natural experiments" indicate that, despite seemingly favorable conditions, places where Ae. albopictus predominates over Ae. aegypti have never experienced a typical explosive dengue epidemic with severe cases of the disease. Results from a meta-analysis of experimental laboratory studies reveal that although Ae. albopictus is overall more susceptible to DENV midgut infection, rates of virus dissemination from the midgut to other tissues are significantly lower in Ae. albopictus than in Ae. aegypti. For both indices of vector competence, a few generations of mosquito colonization appear to result in a relative increase of Ae. albopictus susceptibility, which may have been a confounding factor in the literature. Our results lead to the conclusion that Ae. albopictus plays a relatively minor role compared to Ae. aegypti in DENV transmission, at least in part due to differences in host preferences and reduced vector competence. Recent examples of rapid arboviral adaptation to alternative mosquito vectors, however, call for cautious extrapolation of our conclusion. Vector status is a dynamic process that in the future could change in epidemiologically important ways.
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Numerous spray machines are used to apply pesticides for the control of human disease vectors, such as mosquitoes and flies, and the selection and setup of these machines significantly affects the level of control achieved during an application. The droplet spectra produced by 9 different ultra-low-volume sprayers with oil- and water-based spray solutions were evaluated along with 2 thermal foggers with the use of diesel-based spray solutions. The droplet spectra from the sprayers were measured with the use of laser diffraction droplet sizing equipment. The volume median diameter from the sprayers ranged from 14.8 to 61.9 microm for the oil-based spray solutions and 15.5 to 87.5 microm for the water-based spray solutions. The 2 thermal foggers generated sprays with a volume median diameter of 3.5 microm. The data presented will allow spray applicators to select the spray solution and sprayer that generate the droplet-size spectra that meet the desired specific spray application scenarios.
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Backpack sprayer applications of permethrin, d-phenothrin, and resmethrin to vegetation and plants at Anastasia Island, St. Augustine, FL, were evaluated for duration of residual efficacy against adult mosquitoes. All treatments produced 100% mortality (24 h) of mosquitoes in test cages placed within the vegetation. At 48 h and 1 wk posttreatment, insecticide treatments resulted in 70-100% reduction of adult mosquitoes caught by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention traps baited with 1-octen-3-ol. Insecticide residues in excised leaves from both treated and control areas of the study sites were evaluated against adult female Culex quinquefasciatus by laboratory bioassay. Permethrin produced 90% mortality up to 1 wk postapplication. Both d-phenothrin and resmethrin produced nearly this level of mortality for a much shorter duration of <48 h postapplication, with residual effects dropping significantly thereafter. Average insecticide concentrations in leaves were quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy, and some correlation was observed between chemical and biological results.
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Pesticides have a role in public health as part of sustainable integrated mosquito management. Other components of such management include surveillance, source reduction or prevention, biological control, repellents, traps, and pesticide-resistance management. We assess the future use of mosquito control pesticides in view of niche markets, incentives for new product development, Environmental Protection Agency registration, the Food Quality Protection Act, and improved pest management strategies for mosquito control.
Nel presente lavoro vengono riportate le informazioni essenziali su tassonomia e biologia nonché sugli aspetti ecologici degli adulti dei Culicidi italiani. Attualmente la fauna culicidica italiana comprende 64 specie appartenenti a 2 sottofamiglie e 8 generi. Alla sottofamiglia Anophelinae appartiene soltanto il genere Anopheles, presente con 16 specie raggruppate in due sottogeneri. Alla sottofamiglia Culicinae appartengono i rimanenti 7 generi: Aedes con 6 specie raggruppate in 3 sottogeneri, Coquillettidia con 2 specie, Ochlerotatus con 20 specie raggruppate in 3 sottogeneri, Culex con 12 specie raggruppate in 4 sottogeneri, Culiseta con 6 specie raggruppate in 3 sottogeneri, Orthopodomyia e Uranotaenia con una specie ognuna. In questo contesto vengono fornite le chiavi di identificazione specifica per le zanzare adulte, in italiano e in inglese. Le chiavi sono corredate da un’ampia iconografia (figure 1-75). Alle chiavi fa seguito la diagnosi morfologica dell’adulto di ogni specie con note sulla relativa biologia e distribuzione. Per ulteriori approfondimenti viene riportata la bibliografia completa sulle zanzare della fauna italiana dal 1960 ed i precedenti lavori più autorevoli.
After its first introduction in the 1980’s the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), has spread throughout Southern Europe. Ae. albopictus is considered an epidemiologically important vector for the transmission of many viral pathogens such as the yellow fever virus, dengue fever and Chikungunya fever, as well as several filarial nematodes such as Dirofilaria immitis or D. repens. It is therefore crucial to develop measures to reduce the risks of disease transmission by controlling the vector populations. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of two application techniques (mist vs. stretcher sprayer) and two insecticides (Etox based on the nonester pyrethroid Etofenprox vs. Microsin based on the pyrethroid type II Cypermetrin) in controlling adult tiger mosquito populations in highly populated areas. To test the effect of the two treatments pre- and post-treatment human landing rate counts were conducted for two years. After one day from the treatment we observed a 100% population decrease in mosquito abundance with both application methods and both insecticides. However, seven and 14 days after the application the stretcher sprayer showed larger population reductions than the mist sprayer. No effect of insecticide type after one day and 14 days was found, while Etox caused slightly higher population reduction than Microsin after seven days. Emergency measures to locally reduce the vector populations should adopt adulticide treatments using stretcher sprayers. However, more research is still needed to evaluate the potential negative effects of adulticide applications on non-target organisms.
Hennig’s (1966) concept of hierarchies of monophyletic taxons based on common ancestors (with plesiomorphies or retained primitive, ancestral characters) and shared synapomorphies (homologous shared characters inferred to have been present in the nearest common ancestor but not in earlier ancestors nor in the taxa outside this group), has provided the theoretical basis for taxa formation. During the first decades following its proposal, it resulted in the establishment of cladistic trees where recency of common ancestry is the sole criterion for grouping of the taxa. The problem of ranking taxa and tree formation in a Darwinian evolutionary context was the next scientific step (Eldridge and Cracraft 1980). Opinions about what different nodes represent, how to deal with branch lengths, and how to rank monophyletic entities, have become part of a scientific field of its own (Britton et al. 2007). Applying both morphologic and genetic taxonomic methods, and working with different groups of characters to reveal evolutionary relationships between insect orders or families as monophyletic groups, is now becoming standard. In the new millennium this work has resulted in several new hypotheses of phylogenetic trees of Insecta. Wheeler et al. (2001) established the relationship between Diptera and Strepsiptera. Grimaldi and Engel (2005) in their comprehensive work on extinct and extant Insecta, summarized different hypotheses for Diptera. They accepted five suborders of Lower Diptera (Nematocera): Tipulomorpha, Psychodomorpha, Culicomorpha, Blephariceromorpha and Bibionomorpha. They placed Anisopodidae as a sistergroup to Brachycera (all higher Diptera) and discarded Nematocera as a paraphyletic group (including a most recent common ancestor and some, but not all, of it descendants). This view has been strongly advocated by Amorim et al. (2006). They recognised seven suborders/infraorders instead of Nematocera and added Brachycera as the eighth suborder/infraorder for the rest of the Diptera.
Five species of invasive Aedes mosquitoes have recently become established in Europe: Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti, Aedes japonicus japonicus, Aedes koreicus and Aedes atropalpus. These mosquitoes are a serious nuisance for people and are also competent vectors for several exotic pathogens such as dengue and chikungunya viruses. As they are a growing public health concern, methods to control these mosquitoes need to be implemented to reduce their biting and their potential for disease transmission. There is a crucial need to evaluate methods as part of an integrated invasive mosquito species control strategy in different European countries, taking into account local Aedes infestations and European regulations. This review presents the control methods available or in development against invasive Aedes mosquitoes with a particular focus on those which can be implemented in Europe. These control methods are divided into five categories: environmental (source reduction), mechanical (trapping), biological (e.g. copepods, Bti, Wolbachia), chemical (insect growth regulators, pyrethroids) and genetic (sterile insect technique and genetically modified mosquitoes). We discuss the effectiveness, ecological impact, sustainability and stage of development of each control method. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Mosquitoes and Their Control presents a wealth of information on the bionomics, systematics, ecology, research techniques and control of both nuisance and disease vector mosquitoes in an easily readable style, providing practical guidelines and important information for professionals and laymen alike. Ninety-two European species and more than 100 globally important vector and nuisance species are included in the book. Most of them, including all European species, are described in the fully illustrated identification keys, followed by a detailed description of the morphology, biology, distribution and medical importance of each species, including over 700 detailed drawings. Mosquitoes and Their Control includes: Systematics and biology medical significance research techniques illustrated identification keys for larval and adult mosquito genera morphology, ecology, and distribution of the species identified in the keys biological, chemical, physical and genetic control of mosquitoes Mosquitoes and Their Control is a valuable tool for vector ecologists, entomologists, and all those involved with mosquito control, biology, ecology, and systematics world-wide. It will especially benefit those professionals, scientists and students dealing with mosquitoes and their control on a day-to-day basis. Society as a whole stands to gain from improved, environmentally responsible mosquito management programs designed on the basis of a broader understanding of mosquitoes and their control, as provided in this enlightening book. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003, 2010. All rights reserved.
Various noninformative prior distributions have been suggested for scale parameters in hierarchical models. We construct a new folded-noncentral-t family of conditionally conjugate priors for hierarchical standard deviation parameters, and then consider noninformative and weakly informative priors in this family. We use an example to illustrate serious problems with the inverse-gamma family of "noninformative" prior distributions. We suggest instead to use a uniform prior on the hierarchical standard deviation, using the half-t family when the number of groups is small and in other settings where a weakly informative prior is desired. We also illustrate the use of the half-t family for hierarchical modeling of multiple variance parameters such as arise in the analysis of variance.
Vector-borne disease is one of the greatest contributors to human mortality and morbidity throughout the tropics. Mosquito-transmitted diseases such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever and filariasis are the main contributors to this burden. Although insecticides have historically been used to try to control vector populations, over the past 15 years, substantial progress has been made in developing alternative vector control strategies ranging from biocontrol methods through to genetic modification of wild insect populations. Here, we review recent advances concerning these strategies and consider the potential impediments to their deployment, including the challenges of obtaining regulatory approval and community acceptance.
Based on their extensive experience with teaching R and statistics to applied scientists, the authors provide a beginner's guide to R. To avoid the difficulty of teaching R and statistics at the same time, statistical methods are kept to a minimum. The text covers how to download and install R, import and manage data, elementary plotting, an introduction to functions, advanced plotting, and common beginner mistakes. This book contains everything you need to know to get started with R. Its biggest advantage is that it aims only to teach R...It organizes R commands very efficiently, with much teaching guidance included. I would describe this book as being handy--its the kind of book that you want to keep in your jacket pocket or backpack all the time, ready for use, like a Swiss Army knife. (Loveday Conquest, University of Washington) Whilst several books focus on learning statistics in R..., the authors of this book fill a gap in the market by focusing on learning R whilst almost completely avoiding any statistical jargon...The fact that the authors have very extensive experience of teaching R to absolute beginners shines throughout. (Mark Mainwaring, Lancaster University) Exactly what is needed...This is great, nice work. I love the ecological/biological examples; they will be an enormous help. (Andrew J. Tyne, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
An exposition on the use of O'Sullivan penalized splines in contemporary semiparametric regression, including mixed model and Bayesian formulations, is presented. O'Sullivan penalized splines are similar to P-splines, but have the advantage of being a direct generalization of smoothing splines. Exact expressions for the O'Sullivan penalty matrix are obtained. Comparisons between the two types of splines reveal that O'Sullivan penalized splines more closely mimic the natural boundary behaviour of smoothing splines. Implementation in modern computing environments such as Matlab, r and bugs is discussed.
1. While teaching statistics to ecologists, the lead authors of this paper have noticed common statistical problems. If a random sample of their work (including scientific papers) produced before doing these courses were selected, half would probably contain violations of the underlying assumptions of the statistical techniques employed. 2. Some violations have little impact on the results or ecological conclusions; yet others increase type I or type II errors, potentially resulting in wrong ecological conclusions. Most of these violations can be avoided by applying better data exploration. These problems are especially troublesome in applied ecology, where management and policy decisions are often at stake. 3. Here, we provide a protocol for data exploration; discuss current tools to detect outliers, heterogeneity of variance, collinearity, dependence of observations, problems with interactions, double zeros in multivariate analysis, zero inflation in generalized linear modelling, and the correct type of relationships between dependent and independent variables; and provide advice on how to address these problems when they arise. We also address misconceptions about normality, and provide advice on data transformations. 4. Data exploration avoids type I and type II errors, among other problems, thereby reducing the chance of making wrong ecological conclusions and poor recommendations. It is therefore essential for good quality management and policy based on statistical analyses.
Abstract Public health programs that control mosquitoes and other disease vectors have the added benefit of reducing residents' exposure to pest insects. We surveyed homeowners in Madison, Wisconsin, and used an economic valuation method, stated-choice experiments, to measure willingness to pay (WTP) for control of West Nile virus (WNV)-transmitting and nuisance mosquitoes under current and increased levels of WNV risk. Under current WNV risk levels (approximately 1 in 250,000), the average Madison survey respondent was not willing to pay for programs that targeted West Nile-transmitting mosquitoes only (WTP=-21,9521, 95% [CI -63, 20]),whileWTPforareductioninnuisancemosquitoeswassubstantial(WTP=20]), while WTP for a reduction in nuisance mosquitoes was substantial (WTP=147, 95% [CI 109, 186]). As the risk of WNV was increased, WTP for control of disease-carrying mosquitoes also increased (WTP=158;95158; 95% CI [111, 206]atthehighestrisklevel),butWTPfornuisancecontrolremainedhigh(WTP=206] at the highest risk level), but WTP for nuisance control remained high (WTP=108; 95% CI [78, 138]). Among homeowners in our sample, the "nuisance factor" was more important than the "disease factor" in terms of respondents' demand for mosquito control.
Preventing mosquitoes from transmitting the malaria parasite is a crucial piece of the eradication puzzle.
In the past 15 years, there has been a dramatic resurgence of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever worldwide, with increased frequency of epidemics and geographic expansion of both the mosquito vectors and the viruses. The reasons for this resurgence are not well understood, but include uncontrolled and unplanned urbanization, increased movement of people and viruses by airplane and lack of effective control of Aedes aegypti, the principal mosquito vector of dengue viruses. The recommended method for Ae. aegypti control during the past 20 years has been ultra-low volume (ULV) application of insecticides, a method which targets the adult mosquito. Lack of efficacy of the ULV approach led to a reevaluation of recommended strategies for prevention and control of epidemic dengue and ultimately, resulted in development and widespread use of community-based, integrated approaches to Ae. aegypti control. This chapter reviews the use of community participation for controlling Ae. aegypti via larval source reduction and critically discusses programs in four countries from the standpoint of effectiveness and sustainability. It is concluded that a combination of vertically structured centralized and community-based approaches should provide short-term success as well as long-term sustainability.
The availability of tools to control mosquito (Diptera:Culicidae) vectors that transmit disease is often limited by a variety of economic, environmental and social issues. In emergency conditions (epidemics, hurricanes, floods etc.), the application of pesticides as space sprays (either by ground or air) is the common method of choice in order to rapidly limit adult local mosquito production in the affected area. Space spray application now employs ultra-low-volume technology for the control of adult mosquitoes. However, the use of space sprays often raises social and environmental concerns by the general public that is served. This review will define and illustrate modern ultra-low-volume technology for the purpose of application as a space spray, as well as describing the engineering controls that have been developed to minimize the environmental impact. The primary social concern is validity and efficacy of application. To address this point, the review will attempt to synthesize the global literature to address the effectiveness of space sprays to significantly impact mosquito vectors in relation to human disease.
This review of research on ultralow-volume (ULV) aerial sprays for mosquito control is a component of an Aerial SPray EXpert system (ASPEX). Topics include application volume, adulticiding, larviciding, droplet size, and meteorology. The review discusses the efficacy of ULV aerial sprays against many important pest and vector species of mosquitoes in a wide range of locations and habitats in the USA and in some countries of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Nine conclusions were drawn from this review. 1) ULV applications are as effective for mosquito control as highly-diluted, water-based sprays. 2) More acres can be sprayed per aircraft load with the ULV method than with dilute sprays. 3) High-altitude ULV sprays using wide or stacked swaths could be used in emergencies if wind speed and direction data at appropriate altitudes are available to accurately place the spray. 4) Successful adult mosquito control can be achieved in dense foliage or open housing with ULV aerial sprays, but doses of insecticide must be increased. 5) ULV aerial application of mosquito larvicides can be used successfully in large areas. 6) The optimum droplet size for adult mosquito control is 5-25 microns volume median diameter (VMD). 7) For mosquito adulticiding, near optimum atomization of ULV sprays is achieved with flat-fan nozzles oriented straight down or slightly forward for high-speed aircraft (> or = 150 mph) or rotary atomizers on slow-speed aircraft (< 150 mph). 8) Optimum atomization minimizes paint spotting. 9) Maximum adult mosquito control is achieved just after sunrise and just before sunset with 2-10-mph crosswinds.
Pyrethroid resistance can be considered the main threat to the continued control of many mosquito vectors of disease. Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) has been used as a synergist to help increase the efficacy of certain insecticides. This enhancement stems from its ability to inhibit two major metabolic enzyme systems, P450s and non-specific esterases, and to enhance cuticular penetration of the insecticide. To compare the mortality of a characterized resistant Aedes aegypti strain, Nha Trang, from Vietnam and the susceptible laboratory strain Bora Bora on netting with the pyrethroid deltamethrin (DM) alone and in combination with PBO. Resistance mechanisms were characterized using molecular and bioassay techniques; standard PCR was used to test for the kdr target site mutation. Potential genes conferring metabolic resistance to DM were identified with microarray analysis using the Ae. aegypti 'detox chip'. These data were analysed alongside results from WHO susceptibility tests. P450, CYP9J32, was significantly overexpressed in the DM-resistant strain compared with the susceptible Bora Bora strain. Another five genes involved with oxidative stress responses in mosquitoes were also significantly overexpressed. The Nha Trang strain was homozygous for two kdr mutations. WHO cone bioassays were used to investigate mortality with incorporated DM-treated nets with and without PBO. PBO used in combination with DM resulted in higher mortality than DM alone. Synergists may have an important role to play in the future design of vector control products in an era when alternatives to pyrethroids are scarce.
The asian citrus psyllid [Diaphorina citri (Sternorrhyncha: Psyllidae)] is a detrimental pest to citrus (Citrus spp.) crops when it serves as a vector of the pathogen that causes greening (huanglongbing). Transmission of this disease causes mottling, chlorosis, dieback, and reductions in fruit size and quality. Citrus producers have found that many pesticides, when applied properly, are very effective at suppressing or eliminating asian citrus psyllids in groves. Due to the threat of greening, several pesticides have been granted Special Local Needs registration for use in the state of Florida if the product is sprayed with a volume median diameter of 90 µm or greater. A number of studies involving numerous citrus sprayers and a.i. were conducted to determine the droplet sizes generated by different sprayers operating under user-established settings and the adjustments required to those settings for the sprayers to meet the 90-µm requirement. In the sprayer tests, it was found that reductions in engine speed or increases in flow rate were required to increase droplet sizes to meet the product label-required droplet size. As the equipment tested here represent the most typical application equipment used in Florida for asian citrus psyllid control, these results will provide applicators, growers, and extension agents with general guidelines to ensure that spray systems are operated in a manner that complies with label restrictions.
We report the results of three mark-release-recapture experiments carried out in an urban area in Rome, Italy, to study the active dispersal of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). The 4.3% recapture rate obtained supports the use of sticky traps in MRR experiments to study the dispersal of Ae. albopictus females. Most fluorescent dust-marked females were recaptured at the gravid stage at 50-200 m from the release sites during the first 9 days after release. The average of daily-MDTs (Mean Distance Traveled) was 119 m and the maximum observed distance travelled ranged from 199 m to 290 m in the three replicates. These data provide the first information about the dispersal of Ae. albopictus in a temperate European area and appear to be consistent with the few data available on this subject from other urban areas, where dispersal was constrained by physical barriers. Although caution should be taken in generalizing these results, they should be considered when planning control activities in urban areas in Italy, as well as in other European countries. This is particularly relevant if control is intended to interrupt pathogen transmission in cases of possible arbovirus epidemics, such as the Chikungunya outbreak that occurred in Ravenna, Italy in 2007.
To review the evidence on effectiveness of peridomestic space spraying of insecticides in reducing wild Aedes populations and interrupting dengue transmission. Comprehensive literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, Web of Science, WHOLIS, MedCarib and CENTRAL, and a manual search of reference lists from identified studies. Duplicates were removed and abstracts assessed for selection. All field evaluations of peridomestic space spraying targeting wild adult Aedes vectors in dengue endemic countries were included. Data were extracted, and the methodological quality of the studies was assessed independently by two reviewers. Fifteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Outcome measures were heterogeneous, foregoing the possibility of meta-analysis. Thirteen studies showed reductions in immature entomological indices that were not sustained for long periods. The remainder showed space spray interventions to be ineffective at reducing adult and/or immature entomological indices. Only one study measured human disease indicators, but its outcomes could not be directly attributed to space sprays alone. Although peridomestic space spraying is commonly applied by national dengue control programmes, there are very few studies evaluating the effectiveness of this intervention. There is no clear evidence for recommending peridomestic space spraying as a single, effective control intervention. Thus, peridomestic space spraying is more likely best applied as part of an integrated vector management strategy. The effectiveness of this intervention should be measured in terms of impact on both adult and immature mosquito populations, as well as on disease transmission.
Droplet size spectra from different sprayers used to generate insecticide-laden fogs for controlling flying insects were measured by a laser diffraction instrument and Teflon-coated slides. The objectives of this work were to present not only information on spray-system droplet size generated by different sprayers, but to compare methodologies by which other similar systems can be evaluated and give applicators sprayer-system performance data. Data from 45 replicated spray tests, comprising 11 sprayers and 5 pesticides, showed a wide range in the droplet size spectra produced. The volume median diameter measurements ranged from 2.6 to 75.5 microm for diesel-diluted sprays and from 27.9 to 59.9 microm for water-diluted sprays. Similarly, the percent volume <20 microm ranged between 12.0-100% and 8.5-30.7%, for diesel- and water-diluted sprays, respectively. The droplet sizes measured by the swinging slide and laser diffraction methods were not consistent. The information presented aids users in sprayer selection and operation to produce the specific droplet size spectra required for a particular application.
Penalized splines can be viewed as BLUPs in a mixed model framework, which allows the use of mixed model software for smoothing. Thus, software originally developed for Bayesian analysis of mixed models can be used for penalized spline regression. Bayesian inference for nonparametric models enjoys the flexibility of nonparametric models and the exact inference provided by the Bayesian inferential machinery. This paper provides a simple, yet comprehensive, set of programs for the implementation of nonparametric Bayesian analysis in WinBUGS. Good mixing properties of the MCMC chains are obtained by using low-rank thin-plate splines, while simulation times per iteration are reduced employing WinBUGS specific computational tricks.
With nuisance mosquito species, the goal of integrated pest management is to keep mosquito density below a tolerance level that is often set by economic, ecological, and political factors. This study compares actual human annoyance, as measured by a phone survey, with several measures of mosquito abundance, in order to determine a threshold that is both relevant and practical. The efficiency of CO2-baited traps, container index (CI), and oviposition traps for monitoring Aedes albopictus, and CO2-baited traps for monitoring Aedes caspius, was evaluated. CO2-baited traps were confirmed to be of low efficiency in Ae. albopictus collection, while correlation matrices showed a good relationship between CI and the number of eggs collected (R = 0.91), and between number of eggs and phone-survey nuisance level estimates (R = 0.88). Correlation between CI and phone-survey nuisance levels was slightly lower (R = 0.78). We found a close relationship between the nuisance level declared by residents and mosquito captures obtained with CO2-baited traps (Ae. caspius) and ovitraps (Ae. albopictus). An equation is presented to estimate annoyance according to dwelling characteristics and to the presence of children in the family.
Aedes albopictus (Skuse), the important Asian vector mosquito recently introduced in United States and Brazil, is reported from Genoa, North Italy. The infestation was discovered in a kindergarten pre-school center in September 1990 just after the summer holidays. Many discarded tires, well known to provide excellent breeding places for Ae albopictus, had been left in the school playground to be used as toys by the children. After sampling a few biting mosquito specimens for identification, the local health service carried out on September 18 an extensive indoor/outdoor treatment with pyrethroid insecticide. The extent of the infestation in the city of Genoa and in other areas of the Ligurian region has not been evaluated since the identification of the species was available in October, at the end of Ae albopictus reproductive period. A general survey in various Italian regions is being planned for the 1991 spring-summer period. The present record, together with the previous report of Ae albopictus in Albania, clearly supports the hypothesis of a spreading of the species in the Mediterranean area.
Eight years after the 1st record in Italy, scattered foci of Aedes albopictus are reported in 9 regions and 107 municipalities belonging to 22 provinces, mainly located in the northeastern part of the country (Veneto region). In almost all infested areas the species is well controlled and at low levels of density, through source reduction and antilarval treatments. Aedes atropalpus, 1st recorded in 1996, remains limited to the original focus in the province of Treviso. Surveillance and control of both species are carried out by local health agencies within a national program coordinated by Istituto Superiore di Sanità (national Institute of Public Health).
The mosquito Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), originally indigenous to South-east Asia, islands of the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean, has spread during recent decades to Africa, the mid-east, Europe and the Americas (north and south) after extending its range eastwards across Pacific islands during the early 20th century. The majority of introductions are apparently due to transportation of dormant eggs in tyres. Among public health authorities in the newly infested countries and those threatened with the introduction, there has been much concern that Ae. albopictus would lead to serious outbreaks of arbovirus diseases (Ae. albopictus is a competent vector for at least 22 arboviruses), notably dengue (all four serotypes) more commonly transmitted by Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.). Results of many laboratory studies have shown that many arboviruses are readily transmitted by Ae. albopictus to laboratory animals and birds, and have frequently been isolated from wild-caught mosquitoes of this species, particularly in the Americas. As Ae. albopictus continues to spread, displacing Ae. aegypti in some areas, and is anthropophilic throughout its range, it is important to review the literature and attempt to predict whether the medical risks are as great as have been expressed in scientific journals and the popular press. Examination of the extensive literature indicates that Ae. albopictus probably serves as a maintenance vector of dengue in rural areas of dengue-endemic countries of South-east Asia and Pacific islands. Also Ae. albopictus transmits dog heartworm Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy) (Spirurida: Onchocercidae) in South-east Asia, south-eastern U.S.A. and both D. immitis and Dirofilaria repens (Raillet & Henry) in Italy. Despite the frequent isolation of dengue viruses from wild-caught mosquitoes, there is no evidence that Ae. albopictus is an important urban vector of dengue, except in a limited number of countries where Ae. aegypti is absent, i.e. parts of China, the Seychelles, historically in Japan and most recently in Hawaii. Further research is needed on the dynamics of the interaction between Ae. albopictus and other Stegomyia species. Surveillance must also be maintained on the vectorial role of Ae. albopictus in countries endemic for dengue and other arboviruses (e.g. Chikungunya, EEE, Ross River, WNV, LaCrosse and other California group viruses), for which it would be competent and ecologically suited to serve as a bridge vector.
A new, convenient method was developed to supply CO2 for mosquito sampling by using yeast, which converts sugar into CO2 and ethyl alcohol. The system could, at average, generate 32.4 ml/min of CO2 for at least 27 h. The total weight of the CO2 generated was estimated to be 94 g. The efficacy of yeast-generated CO2 as attractant for mosquitoes was significant, and the following 6 mosquito species were collected using yeast-generated CO2 traps from July to September 2003 in a residential area of southern and northern Yokohama City, Japan: Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett), Culex halifaxii Theobald, Cx. pipiens pallens Coquillett, Ochlerotatus japonicus (Theobald), and Tripteroides bambusa (Yamada). Besides mosquitoes, various other insects were collected in the trap. Species compositions of insects collected in yeast-generated CO2 traps and dry-ice-baited traps were compared.