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Master thesis presentation slides September 2011

  • Qubit Pharmaceuticals
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Spatial Averaging : a new Monte Carlo approach
for sampling rare-event problems
Florent Hedin
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Team of Prof. M. Meuwly
University of Basel, Switzerland
March 2011 August 2011
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
1Monte Carlo Simulations
Goal of MC methods
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
2Spatial Averaging
Application to Molecular systems
3Lennard-Jones clusters
4Implementation in CHARMM
MC module
Adding Spatial Averaging
5Conformational study of Alanine dipeptide
Spatial Averaging
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
The idea of using stochastic processes for solving problems is not
new :
1733 : “Buffon’s needle problem” for estimating πusing
1946 : Stanislas Ulam suggested to use stochastic methods
for integrals evaluation.
1949 : “The Monte Carlo Method” by S. Ulam, J. von
Neumann and N. Metropolis [1].
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Goal of MC methods
Monte Carlo method : any stochastic algorithm approximating
solutions of quantitative problems by using statistical sampling.
Example : estimating π
Consider a circle inscribed in a square of length 1.
Generate randomly a point Pof coordinates (x,y)with
0x1 and 0 y1.
Check if this point is in the circle, i.e. if (x2+y2)1, and
increment a variable iif it is the case.
Repeat ntimes this experiment.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Goal of MC methods
Monte Carlo method : any stochastic algorithm approximating
solutions of quantitative problems by using statistical sampling.
Example : estimating π
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
1953 : Nicholas Metropolis,Arianna & Marshall
Rosenbluth and Augusta & Edward Teller, for Boltzmann
distributions [2].
1970 : W. Keith Hastings extended it to the general case
Given a configuration A of energy EA, generate a new
configuration B via some MC move and estimate EB.
If EB<EAthe state B is accepted.
Else, check if α < e(EBEA)
kBT, where αis in [0;1]; if it is the
case, the state B is accepted.
Else, state B is rejected.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Spatial Averaging Goal
Goal : increase the sampling of rare-events problems by modifying
the probability density function (pdf).
The modified pdf has to have two specific properties:
The integral of the modified pdf over the whole space is
identical to that of the parent distribution
The modified pdf is easier to sample than the original one: if
not, there are no benefits for using this modified pdf.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Spatial Averaging Theory
“A spatial averaging approach to rare-event sampling” [4], by
N. Plattner, J. D. Doll and M. Meuwly, 2009 .
For simplicity, a single dimension system is used, but results are
correctly generalisable to multi-dimensions systems.
We consider an uni-dimensional particle of potential V: the
probability for this particle of being at a point xwith a potential
ρ(x,0) = exp(βV(x))
With β=1
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Spatial Averaging Theory
The modified pdf is defined as :
ρ(x, ) = ZP(y)exp(βV(x+y))dy
Where P(y)is a Gaussian distribution of standard deviation .
This Gaussian configuration is centred around ρ(x,0)so we have:
Zρ(x,0) = Zρ(x, )
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Spatial Averaging Application to Molecular systems
N. Plattner, J. D. Doll and M. Meuwly [5], 2010.
Consider a trial configuration ~
For moving atoms in ~
x0, generate a Gaussian distribution for
Msets of Nconfigurations, of standard deviation Wand
centred on ~
Apply the chosen MC move to all of the MN
old,Boltz =eβE(m,n)
new,Boltz =eβE(m,n)
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Spatial Averaging Application to Molecular systems
For each Mset, evaluate:
old =
old,Boltz and S m
new =
And then:
δm=ln Sm
old !
Then we defined:
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Spatial Averaging Application to Molecular systems
2will replace the Eof the Metropolis Criterion.
α < exp(β(δ+σ2
Characterised by a triplet [W,M,N]
Classical Metropolis-Hastings simulation : [0.0,1,1]
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Lennard-Jones clusters - Goal
Objective : try Spatial Averaging MC on systems of many
possible configurations, well studied [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], and see if
our method allows to localise global minima.
Lennard-Jones clusters (LJN) : ensemble of N non-reactive
atoms in vacuum , interacting only through the Lennard-Jones
potential :
VLJ =4ε
Reduced units are used, i.e. ε=r0=1, energy will be noted
as a multiple of ε.
Number of atoms 4 7 13 19 33
Number of minima 1 4 366 210641014
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Lennard-Jones clusters - LJ7
4 minima system, the best one is icosahedral ; parameters : 100
runs of 5000 steps with [0.5;10;10]
LJ7First minima Second minima Third minima Fourth minima
E Theoretic/ε-16.505 -15.935 -15.593 -15.533
E SP-AV MC/ε-16.505 -15.935 -15.593 -15.533
Frequency (%) 32 7 15 46
The 4 minima are easily sampled with Spatial Averaging ; with
classical MC, frequencies of appearance of the minima were
respectively 4%;4%;2%;2%.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Lennard-Jones clusters - LJ55
System of 55 atoms : number of minima unknown but incredibly
high, the best one is icosahedral.
Parameters : 100 runs of 10000 steps with [2.0;30;30]
E Th/ε-279.248
E SP-AV MC/ε-279.132
Frequency(%) 2
With this many-minima system, Spatial Averaging proves its
efficiency, as classical Metropolis method is not able to find the
global minima.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Lennard-Jones clusters - LJ38
System of 38 atoms with a non-icosahedral minimum really close
in energy to the others.
Parameters : 250 runs of 10000 steps with [2.0;40;40]
E Th/ε-173.928
E SP-AV MC/ε-173.915
Frequency(%) 0.4
The best minima is found once for 250 runs ; classical Metropolis
was not able to sample it.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
CHARMM MC module
MC module : mainly written by A. Dinner,J. Hu and A.Ma.
User defines an ensemble of moves for a given molecular
At each step of the loop, one instance chosen in the allowed
MC TEMPerature 300.00 NSTEps 10000 IECHeck 100 IACC 0 PICK 0 -
ISEED 1314790643 IUNCrd 2 NSAVc 10
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
CHARMM adding Spatial Averaging
2009–2010, N. Plattner : implementation for RTRN moves,
interesting and promising results published.
Goal : A new implementation for RTRN, RROT, and dihedral
angles torsions (TORS).
Existing subroutines of MC module reused as much as
possible for compatibility.
Nevertheless, several advanced features can not be enabled
when using Spatial Averaging.
4 parameters added to the line launching the MC simulation :
MC TEMPerature 300.00 NSTEps 10000 IECHeck 100 IACC 0 PICK 0 -
ISEED 1314790643 IUNCrd 2 NSAVc 10 -
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Alanine dipeptide
Test system for theoretical studies of backbone conformational
equilibria [11, 12, 13].
Characterised by two (φ, ψ)dihedral angles.
We proposed to apply Spatial Averaging alanine dipeptide, to see if
we can easily sample the different configurations and localise the
transition paths between them.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Alanine dipeptide Configurations
Possible conformations are :
β, also called C5, for (φ, ψ)(140,150)
C7eq for (φ, ψ)(90,80)
αR(Right-handed αhelix) for (φ, ψ)(80,60)
αL(Left-handed αhelix) for (φ, ψ)(60,60)
C7ax for (φ, ψ)(60,60)
In the case of a vacuum study, only the states β,C7eq and C7ax are
observed, as the αones are favoured by water.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Alanine dipeptide Spatial Averaging
Methodology : simulations of 10000 steps, with three possible
RTRN of a maximal distance DMAX =0.15 Å restricted to
heavy atoms.
RROT of DMAX =25restricted to heavy atoms.
TORS of DMAX =35for the two dihedral angles (φ, ψ).
The starting point is always (180,180) and moves are WEIGHted
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Alanine dipeptide Spatial Averaging
First, classical MC simulation (bottom left picture) : the
system does not quit the zones of βand C7eq , the most stable
Then, [1.0;10;10] (bottom right) : more configurations are
sampled in the zones of βand C7eq.
Content Monte Carlo Simulations Spatial Averaging Lennard-Jones clusters Implementation in CHARMM Ala dipeptide
Alanine dipeptide Spatial Averaging
For [1.0;25;25] (bottom left) : the C7ax is sampled by a great
number of points, and we can clearly see a path C7eq C7ax .
For [2.0;10;10] (bottom right) : results are similar to
[1.0;25;25], with only 10*10 configurations, which is much
more faster than 25*25.
Conclusion Acknowledgements Bibliography Questions ?
Conclusion and outlook
Spatial Averaging seems to be efficient for sampling really rare
configurations, as we saw with LJ clusters.
Implementation for RTRN, RROT and TORS in CHARMM.
The method can easily and quickly sample the different
configurations of Alanine dipeptide in vacuum, and find a
transition path between them.
Work is in progress for an implicit solvation model, which may
allow to use this method with big systems in solution :
cyclic-di-GMP, insulin dimer ...
Conclusion Acknowledgements Bibliography Questions ?
I want to thanks Professor Markus Meuwly, who welcomed me in
his team for those six months of work, and all the members of the
team, who considered me as a full member : Lixian Zhang, Dr.
Pierre-André Cazade, Franziska Hofmann, Maksym Soloviov,
Juvenal Yosa Reyes, Dr. Stephan Lutz, Prashant Gupta, Dr. Jing
Huang, Dr. Myung Won Lee, Dr. Yonggang Yang, Dr. Jaroslaw
Szymczak, Manuella Utzinger, and Andi Meier.
Conclusion Acknowledgements Bibliography Questions ?
[1] Nicholas Metropolis and S. Ulam. The monte carlo method. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 44(247):335–341, 1949. ArticleType:
research-article / Full publication date: Sep., 1949 / Copyright Âľ 1949
American Statistical Association.
[2] Nicholas Metropolis, Arianna W. Rosenbluth, Marshall N. Rosenbluth,
Augusta H. Teller, and Edward Teller. Equation of state calculations by fast
computing machines. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 21(6):1087, 1953.
[3] W. K. HASTINGS. Monte carlo sampling methods using markov chains and their
applications. Biometrika, 57(1):97 –109, April 1970.
[4] JD Doll, JE Gubernatis, N Plattner, M Meuwly, P Dupuis, and H Wang. A
spatial averaging approach to rare-event sampling. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL
PHYSICS, 131(10), September 2009.
[5] N Plattner, JD Doll, and M Meuwly. Spatial averaging for small molecule
diffusion in condensed phase environments. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL
PHYSICS, 133(4), July 2010.
[6] David J. Wales and Jonathan P. K. Doye. Global optimization by Basin-Hopping
and the lowest energy structures of Lennard-Jones clusters containing up to 110
atoms. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 101(28):5111–5116, July 1997.
[7] Sigurd Schelstraete and Henri Verschelde. Finding Minimum-Energy
configurations of Lennard-Jones clusters using an effective potential. The Journal
of Physical Chemistry A, 101(3):310–315, January 1997.
Conclusion Acknowledgements Bibliography Questions ?
[8] JPK Doye, MA Miller, and DJ Wales. The double-funnel energy landscape of the
38-atom Lennard-Jones cluster. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,
110(14):6896–6906, April 1999.
[9] JPK Doye, MA Miller, and DJ Wales. Evolution of the potential energy surface
with size for Lennard-Jones clusters. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,
111(18):8417–8428, November 1999.
[10] Xiang, Cheng, Cai, and Shao. Structural distribution of Lennard-Jones clusters
containing 562 to 1000 atoms. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A,
108(44):9516–9520, November 2004.
[11] Douglas J. Tobias and Charles L. Brooks. Conformational equilibrium in the
alanine dipeptide in the gas phase and aqueous solution: a comparison of
theoretical results. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 96(9):3864–3870, April
[12] Dmitriy S. Chekmarev, Tateki Ishida, and Ronald M. Levy. Long-Time
conformational transitions of alanine dipeptide in aqueous solution:âĂĽ
continuous and Discrete-State kinetic models. The Journal of Physical Chemistry
B, 108(50):19487–19495, December 2004.
[13] Ao Ma and Aaron R. Dinner. Automatic method for identifying reaction
coordinates in complex systemsâĂă. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B,
109(14):6769–6779, April 2005.
Conclusion Acknowledgements Bibliography Questions ?
Questions ?
Thank you for your attention.
Any questions ?
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We study the multiple minima problem for Lennard-Jones clusters using an effective potential which is a function of the mean position x̄ and fluctuation σ at finite temperature. It is shown that this method smooths the potential energy hypersurface and facilitates the search for the global minimum. The method is applied to small Lennard-Jones clusters from 2 to 19 atoms and is shown to give accurate results.
On the basis of the icosahedral and decahedral lattices, the lowest energies of the Lennard-Jones (LJ) clusters containing 562-1000 atoms with the two motifs are obtained by using a greedy search method (GSM). Energy comparison between the decahedra and icosahedra shows that icosahedral structures are predominant. However, most of the icosahedral structures with the central vacancy are more stable than that without the central vacancy. On the other hand, in the range of 562-1000 atoms, there are 41 LJ clusters with the decahedral motif. The number of decahedra increases remarkably compared with the smaller LJ clusters. Consequently, the magic numbers and growth characters of decahedral clusters are also studied, and the results show that the magic numbers of intermediate decahedral clusters occur at 654, 755, 807, 843, 879, 915, and 935.
We describe a method for treating the sparse or rare-event sampling problem. Our approach is based on the introduction of a family of modified importance functions, functions that are related to but easier to sample than the original statistical distribution. We quantify the performance of the approach for a series of example problems using an asymptotic convergence analysis based on transition matrix methods.
On the basis of the icosahedral and decahedral lattices, the lowest energies of the Lennard-Jones (LJ) clusters containing 562−1000 atoms with the two motifs are obtained by using a greedy search method (GSM). Energy comparison between the decahedra and icosahedra shows that icosahedral structures are predominant. However, most of the icosahedral structures with the central vacancy are more stable than that without the central vacancy. On the other hand, in the range of 562−1000 atoms, there are 41 LJ clusters with the decahedral motif. The number of decahedra increases remarkably compared with the smaller LJ clusters. Consequently, the magic numbers and growth characters of decahedral clusters are also studied, and the results show that the magic numbers of intermediate decahedral clusters occur at 654, 755, 807, 843, 879, 915, and 935.
The acetyl and methyl amide blocked alanine amino acid, commonly referred to as the alanine dipeptide, has often been used as a model in theoretical studies of backbone conformational equilibria in proteins. In order to evaluate the solvent effects on the conformational equilibrium of the dipeptide, we have used molecular dynamics simulations with holonomic backbone dihedral angle constraints and thermodynamic perturbation theory to calculate free energy profiles along paths connecting four important conformations of the dipeptide in the gas phase and in water. We found that the extended beta-conformation is the most stable both in the gas phase and in water. The C7ax conformation (seven-membered ring closed by a hydrogen bond with axial methyl group) is less stable than the beta-conformation by 2.4 kcal/mol in the gas phase and 3.6 kcal/mol in water. The right- and left-handed alpha-helical conformations, alpha(R) and alpha(L), are less stable than the beta-conformation by 9.1 and 11.6 kcal/mol, respectively, in the gas phase. However, in aqueous solution the alpha(R) and alpha(L) conformations are less stable than the beta-conformation by only 0.2 and 4.1 kcal/mol, respectively. Thus, we found, as others have previously, that there is a marked solvent effect on the backbone conformational equilibrium. We have determined the energetic and entropic contributions to the free energies to explain the relative stabilities of the dipeptide conformations in terms of differences in peptide-peptide and peptide-solvent interactions. Finally, we have compared our results to the results of several previous theoretical studies of the alanine dipeptide.
We present an analysis of the thermodynamics, conformational dynamics, and kinetics of the solvated alanine dipeptide molecule. Solvation was treated in the framework of the OPLS/analytic generalized born with nonpolar interactions effective potential model. The effective free energy map was generated in a series of multiwindow umbrella sampling all-atom simulations using the weighted histogram analysis method. A Brownian dynamics approach was used to examine the room-temperature dynamics of the dipeptide. To emulate the realistic dynamics of conformational interconversions of the alanine dipeptide in water, the parameters that govern the time evolution of the reduced model were chosen to mimic the intermediate-time dynamics of a model which treats both the solute and the solvent explicitly. The characteristic time (mean first passage time) for the "fast" C7 eq f R R transition was found to be around 249 ps in good agreement with the results of previously reported studies. From an ensemble of microsecond Brownian dynamics trajectories we were able to numerically estimate with high statistical precision the mean transition time for the "slow" transition R R f C7 ax , which was found to be approximately 11 ns. Conformational kinetics of the dipeptide was further analyzed by introducing a discrete-state kinetic model consisting of four states (R R , /C5/C7 eq , R L , and C7 ax) and 12 rate constants, which reproduces the long-time behavior of the Brownian dynamics simulations. The simulations described here complement and help to motivate single-molecule spectroscopic studies of alanine dipeptide and other peptides in aqueous solution. The close correspondence established between the continuous dynamics and a discrete-state kinetic model provides a possible route for studying the long-time kinetic behavior of larger polypeptides using detailed all-atom effective potentials.
Spatial averaging is a new approach for sampling rare-event problems. The approach modifies the importance function which improves the sampling efficiency while keeping a defined relation to the original statistical distribution. In this work, spatial averaging is applied to multidimensional systems for typical problems arising in physical chemistry. They include (I) a CO molecule diffusing on an amorphous ice surface, (II) a hydrogen molecule probing favorable positions in amorphous ice, and (III) CO migration in myoglobin. The systems encompass a wide range of energy barriers and for all of them spatial averaging is found to outperform conventional Metropolis Monte Carlo. It is also found that optimal simulation parameters are surprisingly similar for the different systems studied, in particular, the radius of the point cloud over which the potential energy function is averaged. For H(2) diffusing in amorphous ice it is found that facile migration is possible which is in agreement with previous suggestions from experiment. The free energy barriers involved are typically lower than 1 kcal/mol. Spatial averaging simulations for CO in myoglobin are able to locate all currently characterized metastable states. Overall, it is found that spatial averaging considerably improves the sampling of configurational space.
SUMMARY A generalization of the sampling method introduced by Metropolis et al. (1953) is presented along with an exposition of the relevant theory, techniques of application and methods and difficulties of assessing the error in Monte Carlo estimates. Examples of the methods, including the generation of random orthogonal matrices and potential applications of the methods to numerical problems arising in statistics, are discussed.
To interpret simulations of a complex system to determine the physical mechanism of a dynamical process, it is necessary to identify the small number of coordinates that distinguish the stable states from the transition states. We develop an automatic method for identifying these degrees of freedom from a database of candidate physical variables. In the method neural networks are used to determine the functional dependence of the probability of committing to a stable state (committor) on a set of coordinates, and a genetic algorithm selects the combination of inputs that yields the best fit. The method enables us to obtain the first set of coordinates that is demonstrably sufficient to specify the transition state of the C(7eq)--> alpha(R) isomerization of the alanine dipeptide in the presence of explicit water molecules. It is revealed that the solute-solvent coupling can be described by a solvent-derived electrostatic torque around one of the main-chain bonds, and the collective, long-ranged nature of this interaction accounts for previous failures to characterize this reaction.

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