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Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities


Abstract and Figures

We present work in progress on an intelligent embodied conversation agent in the basic care and healthcare domain. In contrast to most of the existing agents, the presented agent is aimed to have linguistic cultural, social and emotional competence needed to interact with elderly and migrants. It is composed of an ontology-based and reasoning-driven dialogue manager, multimodal communication analysis and generation modules and a search engine for the retrieval of multimedia background content from the web needed for conducting a conversation on a given topic.
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Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social
Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities
Leo Wanner, Josep Blat,
Stamatia Dasiopoulou,
Mónica Domínguez,
Gerard Llorach, Simon
Mille, Federico Sukno
ICREA / Pompeu Fabra U,
Barcelona, Spain
Eleni Kamateri,
Ioannis Kompatsiaris,
Stefanos Vrochidis
Centre for Research and
Technology, Thessaloniki,
Elisabeth André,
Florian Lingenfelser
Gregor Mehlmann
U of Augsburg, Germany
Andries Stam,
Ludo Stellingwerff
Almende, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Lori Lamel,
Bianca Vieru
Vocapia Research, Paris,
Wolfgang Minker, Louisa
Pragst, Stefan Ultes∗∗
U of Ulm, Germany
∗∗U of Cambridge
We present work in progress on an intelligent embodied con-
versation agent in the basic care and healthcare domain. In
contrast to most of the existing agents, the presented agent
is aimed to have linguistic cultural, social and emotional
competence needed to interact with elderly and migrants.
It is composed of an ontology-based and reasoning-driven
dialogue manager, multimodal communication analysis and
generation modules and a search engine for the retrieval of
multimedia background content from the web needed for
conducting a conversation on a given topic.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous;
H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User
Interfaces—multimodal ; I.2.7 [Artificial Intelligence]: Em-
bodied Agents—dialogue, social and emotional competence
embodied agent, dialogue, multimodal communication, re-
The amount of research on intelligent agents is on the
rise; see, e.g., [41, 7, 46], also because of the increasingly
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MARMI, in conjunction with ICMR, 2016 New York City, New York, USA
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high demand for intelligent agents. Intelligent agents are
omnipresent, be it in manufactoring, network surveillance,
trade, home assistance, or social interaction. Of particular
relevance are social companion agents. An increasingly high
number of elderly need help to carry out their daily life rou-
tines and lack social warmth and sympathy [47]; an increas-
ingly high number of people abandon their ancestral cultural
and social environments to move to countries with differ-
ent language and culture and need support to get around
and integrate; and so on. This calls for culturally sensitive
versatile multilingual conversation agents. However, most
of the current proposals in the field do not rise up to the
challenge. Thus, they usually follow a predefined dialogue
strategy (which cannot be assumed when interacting with,
e.g., elderly); they do not take into account cultural idiosyn-
crasies of the addressee when planning their actions; they
are not multilingual to be able to intermediate between a
migrant and a native from the host country; etc. In our
work, we set out to address this challenge. We develop an
embodied multilingual conversation agent with social and
cultural skills that serves for migrants with language and
cultural barriers in the host country as a trusted informa-
tion provision party and mediator in questions related to
basic care and healthcare. The agent is targeted to possess
the following characteristics: (i) be able to retrieve multi-
media background content from the web in order to show
itself informed and knowledgeable about themes relevant to
the user (only then will the user trust the agent);1(ii) un-
derstand and interpret the concerns of the user expressed
by a combination of facial, gestural and multilingual verbal
signals, embedded into a specific cultural, social and emo-
tional context; (iii) plan the dialogue using ontology-based
reasoning techniques in order to be flexible enough and react
1For instance, Pfeifer et al. [33] show that the capacity of
the agent to play games known by the user, or, in other
words, to share skills and knowledge with the user, helps
establish a trustful attitude of the user towards the agent.
appropriately to unexpected turns of the user; (iv) commu-
nicate with the user using verbal and non-verbal (facial and
gestural) signals in accordance with the given linguistic, cul-
tural, social and emotional context; (v) communicate with
the user using verbal and non-verbal (facial and gestural)
signals in accordance with the given linguistic, cultural, so-
cial and emotional context.
In what follows, we present the global design of our agent
(henceforth referred to as KRISTINA) and sketch the dif-
ferent modules of which it is composed.
Figure 1 shows the global design of the KRISTINA agent.
The agent is composed of a collection of modules that ensure
informed multimodal expressive conversation with a human
user. The communication analysis modules are controlled by
the state-of-the-art Social Signal Interpretation (SSI) frame-
work [48], which furthermore carries out event-driven fu-
sion of the data from different modi. The dialogue-oriented
modules are embedded in the Visual Scene Maker (VSM)
framework [14]. A dedicated search engine acquires back-
ground multimodal information from the web and relevant
curated information sources. The integrated representation
of acquired and user-transmitted multimodal information is
stored in the Knowledge Base (KB) in terms of ontologies,
which facilitates the realization of flexible reasoning-based
dialogue strategies.
Figure 1: Architecture of the KRISTINA agent
A dedicated fission and discourse planning module shall
ensure an adequate assignment of the content elements that
are chosen for communication to the user to the individual
modi and their coherent and coordinated presentation. The
language generation module feeds its intermediate and final
outcome also to the facial expression and gesture generation
modules in order to ensure, e.g., accurate lip synchronization
and beat gestures of the virtual character.
To ensure that the agent is “knowledgeable” about the
topic of the conversation in order to be able to interpret
the multimodal input (question, comment, request, etc.) of
the user and come up with the appropriate reaction, the
knowledge representation in the agent must be theoretically
sound and scalable. Furthermore, the knowledge reposito-
ries must be dynamically extendable, i.e., the agent must
be able “to learn” from both the input of the user and the
external world.
3.1 Multimodal Knowledge Representation
Our multimodal knowledge representation framework in
the Knowledge Base (KB) includes a number of ontologies
designed to support the dialogue with the user and to rep-
resent the relevant basic care and healthcare background
information from the web. The ontologies cover: (i) models
for the representation, integration and interpretation of ver-
bal and non-verbal aspects of user communication [34]; (ii)
domain models that capture the various types of background
knowledge, including user profile ontologies [17]; ontologies
for modeling routines, habits and behavioural aspects [29],
and ontologies for healthcare and medical information [36].
To provide knowledge-driven interpretation schemata for
the determination of the appropriate reaction to the in-
put of the user, the framework combines, integrates and
interprets the user’s input in the context of background
knowledge, coupling the interpretation with intelligent and
context-aware decision making and reasoning mechanisms.
The realization of the interpretation framework capitalizes
on the association of contextual concepts with inference rules
that, based on the recognized context of the conversation,
perform additional inferences and either update the KB or
generate a response to be sent back to Dialogue Manage-
ment. So far, rules relevant to biographical information and
user behaviour are realized. Conversations are supported in
which the user informs or asks for biographical information,
as, e.g., the age, or basic daily routines (e.g., daily water
intake or hygiene).
3.2 Multimedia retrieval from the web
This module extracts content from web resources (includ-
ing social media) to enhance the background knowledge of
KRISTINA. The available types of web resources that con-
tain basic care- and healthcare-related information vary sig-
nificantly. They include web pages with information or in-
structions as well as blogs and online discussion areas such as
forums and social networking sites, where interested parties
can discuss and share opinions and experiences. In addi-
tion, web resources may encode their information in multi-
ple languages and in various modalities such as text, images,
videos, audio recordings, and slideshows. Therefore, versa-
tile mechanisms are needed to ensure high quality informa-
tion search and extraction.
The module includes the following submodules: (i) crawl-
ing and scraping to extract relevant content from web re-
sources, for which we use Apache Nutch2and boilerpipe3,
and social media; (ii) content extraction that distills con-
tent elements from web resources and social media (using
MetaMap,4Babelfy,5and Unitex6); (iii) social media topic
detection that detects health-related topics based on cluster-
ing; (iv) indexing, search, and retrieval of multimodal infor-
mation from web [42]; (v) domain-specific query formulation
6 unitex/
for querying the indexed repository and triggering the ontol-
ogy population mechanism; and (vi) user interaction query
formulation that copes with the derivation of knowledge-
driven interpretations from users’ input in order to compile
the appropriate reactions.
The multimodal interaction of the KRISTINA agent in-
volves dialogue management and multimodal communica-
tion analysis and generation.
4.1 Knowledge-based Dialogue Management
Any flexible informed multimodal interaction requires a
reasoning-driven dialogue management (DM) module—in par-
ticular, if it takes into account the social and cultural id-
iosyncrasies of the user.
4.1.1 Culture-Aware and Emotion-Sensitive Dialogue
DM in a socially and culturally aware intelligent conver-
sation agent differs from generic DM in that, on the one
hand, the agent must be able to react to social and cultural
input and generate culturally appropriate emotional output,
and, on the other hand, the domain of the conversation is
huge [35].
In most of the state-of-the-art DM models, maintenance
of the dialogue state and selection of the next system action
are the two main tasks of the dialogue manager [44]. To
be able to cope with the large domain of conversation, we
differentiate between two parts of the dialogue state: (i) a
part that models the current state of the conversation with
respect to the domain information (the domain state), which
is transferred to the KB; (ii) a part that models other in-
teraction phenomena or the user state, which is maintained
by the dialogue manager. Consequently, new user input is
not only used by the dialogue manager, but also processed
by the KB to produce an updated domain state. Based on
this state, the dialogue manager makes its decision on how
to carry on the conversation.
In order to make the DM socially and culturally aware,
we need to also take into account the emotional state of
the user, combined with information about their cultural
background. Thus, KRISTINA must be aware of cultural
interaction idiosyncrasies and produce appropriate and emo-
tional reactions. To handle emotions, emotion states must
be related to plain system actions. That is, the DM is not
only responsible for what the agent says, but also how it says
it. For the realization of such a flexible DM, we use as basis
OwlSpeak [44], which has already been used to integrate the
user state [43].
4.1.2 Regulating Turn-Taking and Idle Behavior
Besides the maintainance of the dialogue state and selec-
tion of the next system action, the control of the agent’s
turn-taking behavior and the control of a variety of non-
verbal idle behavior patterns are essential aspects to be dealt
with during the dialogue [24]. To manage these two tasks, we
use the Visual SceneMaker (VSM) [14, 23], which has been
designed to control the interactive behavior of virtual char-
acters. VSM determines the agent’s participant role changes
during the dialogue, based on the observed user input and
the agent’s own contributions planned by the DM. The turn-
taking decisions are made on the basis of a policy which de-
termines whether the agent is allowed to interrupt the user’s
utterance and how it reacts to the user’s attempts to barge
in its own turn. VSM is also responsible for planning ap-
propriate and vivid non-verbal behavior patterns while the
agent is listening to the user or whenever the speaker and
listener roles are not yet clearly negotiated. In this latter
case, the agent fulfills the role of a bystander by displaying
an idle behavior that is supposed to create an impression of
engagement and attentiveness while waiting for the user’s
next dialogue move or before actively starting a contribu-
tion itself, for example, mimicking the user’s affective state
by mirroring their facial expressions, gestures or body pos-
tures or displaying different eye gazes [25].
4.2 Multimodal communication analysis
The objective of the multimodal communication analysis
is to convert the verbal and non-verbal input of the user into
abstract representations that are projected onto ontologies.
4.2.1 Analysis of verbal communication
The analysis of verbal communication is viewed as a cas-
cade of three stages: (i) speech recognition, (ii) prosody
recognition, and (iii) language analysis.
Speech recognition. For speech recognition, we use Vo-
capia’s ASR7, which use statistical speech models [20] for
both acoustic and language modeling. Unfortunately, so
far no large speech corpora in the basic and healthcare do-
mains are available to train the models. Some studies cover
selected aspects of the medical domain8, others have very
limited amounts of data (less than 1000 sentences from 27
speakers for Japanese, English, and Chinese [38, 30]). But
such corpora are needed for optimal performance of ASR
since it is well known that spoken language differs from writ-
ten language (such that written language corpora cannot be
used for the task). Written language (usually) has a cor-
rect grammatical structure. In contrast, when we speak, we
frequently make hesitations, false-starts, repairs or ungram-
matical constructions. Both disfluencies and ungrammati-
cal structures are known to influence the performance of the
speech recognition technologies [1], as do the speaker’s ac-
cent, acoustic conditions, speaking style, topic, interactivity,
limited system vocabulary, etc. Due to the lack of speech
corpora in our domain, we trained our language models so
far on large quantities of written data of which only a small
portion corresponds to transcribed speech. Measures are
taken to increase the share of spoken data, and the exper-
iments show that already a minor increment of the share
of spoken data let the performance improve by 10–30% for
German, Spanish and Turkish,compared to the baseline that
uses written data only.
Speech prosody. Accurate detection of prosody in the
speech of the user is essential for an agent with social and
emotional competence. For this purpose, we investigate the
correlation between prosodic elements and the Information
Structure [9], the prediction capability achieved when com-
bining word level acoustic features and several linguistic fea-
tures [10], and the analysis of the most consistent prosodic
cues in longer speech passages [13].
Language analysis. The language analysis consists in
itself of four substages: (i) surface-syntactic parsing, (ii)
8E.g., the MedSLTproject ( tiede-
man/) covers only headache, chest pain and abdominal pain
deep-syntactic parsing, (iii) frame-semantics parsing, and
(iv) projection to ontological representations. For surface-
syntactic parsing, we adapt Ballesteros et al.’s [6] LSTM
parser to spoken material, combining written language tree-
banks [27] with targeted dialogue recordings. Currently, the
parser shows an improvement of over 4 points of the La-
beled Attachment Score (from 69,57% to 73,86%) on spo-
ken material. In order to abstract from syntactic idiosyn-
cracies and get closer to a semantics-oriented structure, we
map surface-syntactic structures onto deep-syntactic struc-
tures (DSyntSs) in the sense of [26]; cf. [4] for more details.
To obtain syntax-agnostic representations and to general-
ize the meaning to a certain extent, DSyntSs are mapped
onto FrameNet-based structures (FNSs).9To complete the
analysis pipeline, the FNSs are projected to an ontological
representation. However, FrameNet has not been created
with ontological considerations in mind such that this pro-
jection is not straightforward. Our preliminary methodology
projects FNSs to a DOLCE+DnS UltraLite (DUL) compli-
ant representation, where Frames and Frame Elements are
mapped to respective DUL constructs based on their type.
4.2.2 Analysis of facial and gestural communication
Facial expressions and gestures communicate semantic and/
or affective information. Until now, we focused on the anal-
ysis of the affective states of users, which is also central in
state-of-the-art research [31, 45].
Through the application of sensor technologies, signal pro-
cessing and recognition techniques, multi-modal cues that
point to certain affective states can be measured and rec-
ognized. The cues can be used for automatic classification
of human emotions communicated via different modi [50].
The face is one of these modi. Gestures constitute another,
even if less prominent, and audio another one. So far, we
addressed mainly affective face analysis. Traditionally, af-
fective face analysis was done in terms of the recognition
of diverse sets of (static) facial expressions [11, 39]. How-
ever, nowadays there is a consensus about the need for a
dynamic analysis of expressions and the use of action units
(AUs) from the Facial Action Coding System [12] as a stan-
dardized representation [40]. Currently, we address the esti-
mation of facial AUs in a fully automatic manner by firstly
extracting SIFT-based features from sets of automatically
detected facial landmarks and then applying a set of inde-
pendent linear classifiers to associate a probability to each
of the targeted AUs. These classifiers are trained follow-
ing [37], which allows training AU classifiers using datasets
with a reduced amount of ground truth (only prototypical
facial expressions are needed, which is more efficient than
annotation of AUs).
Meaningful cues extracted from available affective modi
are combined through fusion strategies in order to gener-
ate a final prediction. Present studies have shown varying
degrees of success or even failure of multimodal fusion [50,
21]. KRISTINA aims at recognizing natural and sponta-
neous affective states in realtime, which requires sophisti-
cated fusion schemes. Our work on fusion draws on Lingen-
felser’s [22] “event-driven” fusion, whose algorithm is based
on [15]. The algorithm does not force decisions through-
out considered modalities for every time frame, but instead
9At this stage, it is still unclear whether FNS, PropBank or
VerbNet structures are best suited as intermediate represen-
tations between DSyntSs and ontologies.
asynchronously fuses time-sensitive events from any given
number of modi. This has the advantage of incorporating
temporal alignments between modi and being very flexible
with respect to the type and mode of used events. In [22],
this algorithm was used to combine the recognition of short-
timed laugh (audio) and smile (video) events for a contin-
uous assessment of a user’s level of positive valence. We
are extending it to cover the whole valence arousal space,
spanned by positive and negative valence and arousal axes.
4.3 Multimodal communication generation
4.3.1 Verbal communication generation
Verbal communication in our agent starts from ontological
representations, following the inverse cascade of processing
stages presented in Section 4.2.1: (i) pro jection of ontologi-
cal representations to FNSs; (ii) generation of DSyntSs from
FNSs, (iii) generation of linearized and inflected SSyntSs;
(iv) speech synthesis.
The projection from FN to DSyntS involves the intro-
duction of the lexical units of the desired output language,
and the establishment of the syntactic structure of the sen-
tence. For this task, we use multilingual rule-based graph-
transduction grammars and dictionaries, as proposed in [49].
To map DSyntSs onto surface, we use a state-of-the-art
statistical graph transduction model [5], which is further
adapted to the idiosyncrasies of spoken language.
In parallel to the cascaded proposition realization model,
a hierarchical prosodic model is deployed, which captures
prosodic events as a complex interaction of acoustic fea-
tures occuring at different phonological levels in the utter-
ance (i.e., prosodic phrases, prosodic words and syllables)
[9]. Such a prosody module makes use of linguistic features
from the previous text generation stages (departing from
the content level) to predict the location of prosodic labels
in terms of prominence and phrasing events which are rel-
evant for communication purposes. Finally, these prosodic
events are realized as a combination of acoustic features,
based upon training using domain specific voice samples.
4.3.2 Non-verbal communication generation
The conversational agent is realized as an embodied con-
versational agent (ECA), which enables us to use verbal and
non-verbal modi for communication. The embodiment of the
agent is realized through a credible virtual character. The
research on social embodiment still faces many challenges
[3]. Just ensuring credibility (as opposed to realism) implies
the believability of the rendering of the agent, avoidance of
the trap of the uncanny valley [28], and animation through
facial expressions and gestures, when appropriate. Gestures
and facial expressions must be generated according to the
semantics of the message that is to be communicated. Since
the generation of facial expressions using tags (smile, sur-
prise, etc.) would limit the possible facial expressions and
require a manual design of all possible expressions for each
character, we use the increasingly popular valence-arousal
representation of emotions [16] for this purpose; cf., also
[18, 19]. Our model can generate and animate facial expres-
sions in the continuous 2D valence-arousal space by linearly
interpolating only five extreme facial poses. Because of its
parametric nature, the valence-arousal space can be easily
applied to a variety of faces. Using the semantics and other
features, gestures are generated, keeping in mind the cul-
tural context of the conversation.
In addition, we deal with web-based 3D rendering of ECAs
and speech–lip synchronization. Interactive 3D graphics on
the web has advanced considerably in recent years, to the
extent that fully featured 3D scene editors [2] permit the
creation of advanced interfaces capable of supporting ECAs,
although still some challenges with respect to the limitations
of bandwith for data transfer must be resolved. The work
on speech–lip synchronization is based on [8] and [32]. To
increase its efficiency and quality, a reduced set of features
is used to compute the model. The model is based on the
use of vowels as key points, and consonants and silences as
transitions between them. A neural network trained model
generates transitions, where prosodic features and emotional
state are considered to define the duration, the peak posi-
tion, the attack and decay time and slope of the transitions.
We presented work in progress on KRISTINA, an embod-
ied intelligent agent. Its communication modules are de-
signed to facilitate the conduct of socially competent emo-
tive multilingual conversations with individuals in need of
advice and support in the context of basic care and health-
care. The technologies that we develop will be validated in
prolonged trials of each prototype that marks the termina-
tion of a software development cycle, with a representative
number of migrants recruited as users from the migration
circles in two European countries: elderly Turkish migrants
and their relatives and short term Polish care giving person-
nel in Germany and North African migrants in Spain.
The presented work is funded by the European Commis-
sion under the contract number H2020–645012–RIA.
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... The partial power control reduces the flow loss of the pump and improves the utilization rate of the hydraulic system. However, the maximum power of the single power pump is generally set to 50% of the engine power, and the engine power cannot be fully utilized [18]. ...
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Conventional hydraulic transmission device has the problem of serious under-voltage consumption, which is not suitable for the transmission of high load equipment. In order to solve the problem of high load condition, this paper introduced a novel PID control with multimedia interaction that based on the improved genetic algorithm. First, the mathematical model of hydraulic transmission is built based on PID controller with multimedia interaction, and the control of hydraulic based on the interacting of a multimedia interactive cylinder pump is analyzed. Then, the PID control with multimedia interaction that based on improved genetic algorithm is used to optimize hydraulic system, compress hydraulic system, and overturning hydraulic system. Last, the multimedia interaction system of PID control based on improved genetic algorithm in hydraulic transmission is realized. The multimedia interaction system that constructed for experiments of PID control for hydraulic transmission showed that the transmission loss rate of the proposed PID control hydraulic system is 14.24% lower than that of the conventional hydraulic transmission system, and is suitable for the transmission of different loads.
... Converness capitalises on well-established Semantic Web technologies, standards, ontologies, and formal logic frameworks, and it can be easily reused and adapted in different contexts, due to its knowledge-driven nature that fosters reusability. We demonstrate in Section 6 the integration of Converness in the KRISTINA dialogue-based agent (Wanner, Blat, Dasiopoulou, et al., 2016), which has been used to assist elderly in smart homes. It also follows a knowledge-driven approach for modelling domain topics and their dependencies on different modalities based on a formal knowledge representation formalism (OWL 2 ontologies). ...
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Dialogue-based systems often consist of several components, such as communication analysis, dialogue management, domain reasoning, and language generation. In this paper, we present Converness, an ontology-driven, rule-based framework to facilitate domain reasoning for conversational awareness in multimodal dialogue-based agents. Converness uses Web Ontology Language 2 (OWL 2) ontologies to capture and combine the conversational modalities of the domain, for example, deictic gestures and spoken utterances, fuelling conversational topic understanding, and interpretation using description logics and rules. At the same time, defeasible rules are used to couple domain and user-centred knowledge to further assist the interaction with end users, facilitating advanced conflict resolution and personalised context disambiguation. We illustrate the capabilities of the framework through its integration into a multimodal dialogue-based agent that serves as an intelligent interface between users (elderly, caregivers, and health experts) and an ambient assistive living platform in real home settings.
... Our approaches to the automatic generation of CS are developed as part of the KRISTINA Project (Wanner et al., 2016; Meditskos et al., 2016). At the core of the aspired system, a DM component decides on the next system action. ...
... We describe the simulated evaluation of our framework that is part of the KRISTINA agent [10] (Fig. 1) and involves interaction with users at a home in order to acquire information about their condition and suggest treatments for frequent problems. In one of the evaluation scenarios, the user informs the agent about feeling pain ( " I feel pain " ). ...
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In this paper we present a framework for conversational awareness and conflict resolution in spoken dialogue systems for home care assistance. Conversational awareness is supported through OWL ontologies for capturing conversational modalities, while interpretation and incremental context enrichment is facilitated through Description Logics reasoning. Conflict resolution further assists the interaction with end users, facilitating exception handling and context prioritisation by coupling defeasible logics with medical and profile information.
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Intonation is traditionally considered to be the most important prosodic feature, whereupon an important research effort has been devoted to automatic segmentation and labeling of speech samples to grasp intonation cues. A number of studies also show that when duration or intensity are incorporated, automatic prosody labeling is further improved. However, the combination of word level acoustic features still attains poor results when machine learning techniques are applied on annotated corpora to derive intonation for speech synthesis applications. To address this problem, we present an experimental set-up for the development of a hierarchical prosodic structure model which combines linguistic features, including information structure, and three acoustic elements (intensity, pitch and duration). We show empirically that this combination leads to a considerably more accurate representation of prosody and, consequently, a more reliable automatic labeling of speech corpora for machine learning.
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State-of-the-art prosody modelling in content-to-speech (CTS) applications still uses the same methodology to predict intonation cues as text-to-speech (TTS) applications, namely the analysis of the generated surface sentences with respect to part of speech, syntactic dependency relations and word order. On the other side, several theoretical studies argue that morphology, syntax, and information (or communicative) structure that organizes a given content (semantic or deep-syntactic structure) with respect to the intention of the speaker show a strong correlation with intonation. However, little empirical work based on sufficiently large corpora has been carried out so far to buttress this argumentation. We present empirical evidence for the Information Structure–Prosody correlation using the Wall Street Journal Penn Treebank corpus recorded by native American English speakers. Our experiments reach a prosody prediction accuracy of 80% using the hierarchical information structure from the Meaning-Text Theory, compared to 59% of the baseline.
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Intonation is traditionally considered to be the most important prosodic feature, whereupon an important research effort has been devoted to automatic segmentation and labeling of speech samples to grasp intonation cues. A number of studies also show that when duration or intensity are incorporated, automatic prosody labeling is further improved. However, the combination of word level acoustic features still attains poor results when machine learning techniques are applied on annotated corpora to derive intonation for speech synthesis applications. To address this problem, we present an experimental setup for the development of a hierarchical prosodic structure model which combines linguistic features, including information structure, and three acoustic elements (intensity, pitch and duration). We show empirically that this combination leads to a considerably more accurate representation of prosody and, consequently, a more reliable automatic labeling of speech corpora for machine learning.
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Current research in the area of social signal processing focuses on offline analysis of previously recorded human social cues. Approaches to exploit social signal processing techniques in naturalistic environments where agents socially interact with humans are rare and typically focus on isolated aspects, such as the creation of appropriate head nods or gaze behaviors. This position paper aims to identify challenges and research objectives for the area of social signal processing in order to encourage applications with more advanced forms of social embodiment in interactive settings.
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Speech synthesis has improved in both expressiveness and voice quality in recent years. However, obtaining full expres-siveness when dealing with large multi-sentential synthesized discourse is still a challenge, since speech synthesizers do not take into account the prosodic differences that have been observed in discourse units such as paragraphs. The current study validates and extends previous work by analyzing the prosody of paragraph units in a large and diverse corpus of TED Talks using automatically extracted F0, intensity and timing features. In addition, a series of classification experiments was performed in order to identify which features are consistently used to distinguish paragraph breaks. The results show significant differences in prosody related to paragraph position. Moreover, the classification experiments show that boundary features such as pause duration and differences in F0 and intensity levels are the most consistent cues in marking paragraph boundaries. This suggests that these features should be taken into account when generating spoken discourse in order to improve naturalness and expressiveness.
Conference Paper
Enabling effective multimedia information processing, analysis, and access applications in online social multimedia settings requires data representation models that capture a broad range of the characteristics of such environments and ensure interoperability. We propose a flexible model for describing Socially Interconnected MultiMedia-enriched Objects (SIMMO) that integrates in a unified manner the representation of multimedia and social features in online environments. Its specification is based on a set of identified requirements and its expressive power is illustrated using several diverse examples. Finally, a comparison of SIMMO with existing approaches demonstrates its unique features.
Conference Paper
Research indicates that the facial expressions of animated characters and agents can influence people's perceptions and interactions with these entities. We designed an experiment to examine how an interactive animated avatar's facial expressiveness influences dyadic conversations between adults and the avatar. We animated the avatar in realtime using the tracked facial motion of a confederate. To adjust facial expressiveness, we damped and exaggerated the avatar's facial motion. We found that ratings of the avatar's extroversion were positively related to its expressiveness. However, impressions of the avatar's realism and naturalness worsened with increased expressiveness. We also found that the confederate was more influential when she appeared as the damped or exaggerated avatar. Adjusting the expressiveness of interactive animated avatars may be a simple way to influence people's social judgments and willingness to collaborate with animated avatars. These results have implications for using avatar facial expressiveness to improve the effectiveness of avatars in various contexts. Adjusting the expressiveness of interactive animated avatars may be a simple way to influence people's social judgments and willingness to collaborate with animated avatars.