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Integrating User eXperience Practices into Software Development Processes:
The Implication of Subjectivity and Emergent Nature of UX
Pariya Kashfi1, Agneta Nilsson2, Robert Feldt3
User eXperience (UX) is a key factor in the success of software systems. Many software companies face
challenges in their work with UX and how to integrate UX practices into existing development processes.
A better understanding of these challenges, based on empirical data, can help researchers and practitioners
better address them in the future. Existing research does not analyse UX practices and challenges in relation
to other software quality characteristics or, in particular, in relation to usability. In this empirical study, we
have interviewed 17 practitioners with different backgrounds and occupations from eight software develop-
ment companies. Their responses are coded, and analysed with thematic analysis. We report 11 challenges
that practitioners face in their work with UX. Some of these challenges partly overlap with those reported
in existing literature about usability or software quality characteristics. In contrast to these overlaps, the
participants of our study either view many of the challenges unique to UX, or more severe than for usabil-
ity or other quality characteristics. Although at a superficial level challenges with UX and other quality
characteristics overlap, we differentiate these challenges at a deeper level through two main aspects of UX:
subjectivity and emergent nature. In particular, we identify at least five issues that are essential to the very
nature of UX, and add at least seven extra difficulties to the work of practitioners. These difficulties can
explain why practitioners perceive the challenges to be more severe than for other quality characteristics.
Our findings can be useful for researchers in identifying new and industrially relevant research areas and
for practitioners to learn from empirically investigated challenges in UX work, and base their improvement
efforts on such knowledge. Investigating the overlaps can help finding research areas not only for enhanc-
ing practice of UX but also software quality in general. It also makes it easier for practitioners to spot,
better understand as well as find mitigation strategies for UX, through learning from past experiences and
developments in the area of software quality.
Keywords: software quality, user experience, usability, quality requirements
1. Introduction
As the software industry has matured, the demands that society puts on the quality of software systems
has increased. It is no longer enough to focus only on the many functions that a piece of software should
supply. To deliver a system that is consistent and of high quality there are a large number of characteristics
that need to be considered [1]. Some, such as testability, are internal or relate to the development process
and mainly concern developers, while others such as performance and usability, are critical for users [2]. At
Email addresses: (Pariya Kashfi), (Agneta Nilsson), (Robert Feldt)
1(Corresponding author) Ph.Lic, PhD candidate, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University
of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University, Gothen-
burg, Sweden
3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
an even broader level, the actual experience of the end users as they interact with the software needs to be
taken into account.
Recently this widening scope of software quality characteristics has led to the introduction and study
of the concept of user experience (UX). Even though different definitions of UX exist they share the same
essence: UX is a user’s holistic perception of functionalities and quality characteristics of a piece of soft-
ware [3, 4, 5]. In general, UX literature emphasizes that assuring efficiency and effectiveness during use of
the software, i.e high usability, does not guarantee that the end users will have a positive experience [6]. A
good UX typically means that the software has high usability, but the latter does not automatically lead to
the former.
All software systems deliver some UX, positive or not, whether the UX has explicitly been taken into
account during development or not. Research has shown that certain practices can increase the likelihood
of delivering a positive UX [6] (hereafter, UX practices). But simply applying these practices in isolation is
not enough [7, 8, 9]. Like methods and practices used to support other software quality characteristics [1],
they need to be integrated into development processes and considered throughout projects.
Despite the recognized importance of integrating UX practices into software development processes,
practitioners still lack enough support to enable this integration [7, 10]. As a result, UX practices are
often neglected in software projects [11]. The same goes for software quality characteristics [12, 13, 14].
Therefore, there have been calls for more empirical research on the practice of UX [7] in line with similar
calls concerning other software quality characteristics [13].
One way to improve state-of-practice is to gain a better understanding of current challenges that software
engineers face in their everyday work. Some researchers therefore have reported challenges concerning the
practice of software quality characteristics in general [12, 14, 15], and usability in particular [16, 17, 18, 19,
20]. There have also been a few studies that directly or indirectly report on challenges practitioners face
when applying UX practices (hereafter, UX challenges ).
We identified three types of these studies. First, studies that focus on only some aspect of UX work,
i.e., measurability of UX (e.g., [21, 22]), UX evaluation (e.g., [23, 24]), or practitioners’ understanding of
the concept of UX (e.g. [25]) These studies, however essential in providing a better understanding of UX
state of practice, do not cover all aspects of UX [26] and thus cannot fully consider the interplay between
multiple aspects. Secondly, there are studies that investigate UX practices in the context of agile projects
(e.g. [10, 27, 28]). These studies often concern various aspects of UX work, but specifically investigate how
the setup in one particular type of software project (agile) facilitates or inhibits the practices. Thirdly,
we found studies that claim to investigate UX state of practice, but tend not to differentiate usability
and UX and how similarities and differences between these two concepts affect the practice (either in agile
development processes [9, 29], or in software development in general [30, 31, 32]). The findings of such
studies therefore do not necessarily provide sufficient understanding of UX challenges, since UX practices go
beyond usability practices [7, 11]. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, none of the current studies on
UX challenges have analyzed the implications of similarities and differences between UX and other software
quality characteristics. Since both practitioners and researchers have more experience working with other
quality characteristics, practice can be better improved if UX challenges are related to existing knowledge
rather than primarily portrayed as wholly new and/or different.
Thus, although there have been calls for more empirical research on UX practices, and some studies have
investigated UX challenges, a more complete picture and understanding of UX challenges in different types
of software development processes and in relation to other software quality characteristics is missing. This
motivates our study in which eight software organizations with different levels of maturity regarding UX
and different development processes participated. Here we report our findings and answer the following re-
search questions: what challenges do practitioners face in integrating UX practices into software development
processes?, and how do these challenges relate to challenges in practice of software quality characteristics,
in particular usability? Although we focused on UX challenges, the insights that can be gained from our
findings may also shed light on the practice of software quality characteristics in general. Most importantly,
we have discussed these challenges in relation to the subjectivity and emergent nature of UX, and have ana-
lyzed the related existing approaches and open problems for future research. The subjectivity and emergent
nature of UX resembles two known aspects of software quality characteristics respectively: subjectivity and
their often cross-cutting nature. We therefore specifically discuss the differences and similarities between
these aspects in the case of UX compared to other quality characteristics.
The structure of this paper is as follows: The second section explores background and summarizes the
related literature. The third section describes our research methodology and presents the different research
sites. The fourth section presents the results from our study, the identified challenges. The fifth section
discusses our findings, connects these with the related literature, and the research questions. In the last
section, we conclude our study and suggest future research.
2. Background and Related Work
There are a large number of software quality characteristics that practitioners are recommended to take
into account in development [1]. One such quality characteristic of critical importance for the end users is
usability [2]. ISO/IEC 9241-11 [33] defines usability as “the extent to which a product can be used by specified
users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use.” In
this definition, ‘user satisfaction’ refers to the effectiveness and the efficiency of the user’s interaction with
the software, and focuses on how the user perceives the outcome of this interaction concerning achievement
of a goal. However, more recent research highlights that the users’ overall judgment of software is not
merely influenced by how they perceive achievement of their goals. The judgment is also influenced by how
users perceive satisfaction of their personal needs such as ‘being stimulated’, ‘gaining pleasure’, or ‘feeling
connected to their loved ones’ [4]. Therefore, to improve our understanding of users’ perception of products
and services, researchers have introduced the concept of User eXperience (UX) [3, 5].
Even though different definitions of the concept of UX exist, they share the same essence: UX is users’
holistic perception of functionalities and quality characteristics of a piece of software [3, 5]. The different
definitions reflect a difference in how researchers approach the modeling of UX. These approaches mainly
differ in their view on how various underlying elements and processes contribute in forming the end user’s
experience [34]. At least four main approaches to the modeling of UX can be found:
•The experiential: Models in this approach (e.g. [4, 35]) emphasize the ‘holistic nature’ of UX. They
highlight that any experience is a unique combination of complexly interrelated, inseparable elements,
e.g., users’ expectations and properties of the product. They also focus on situatedness and temporality
of experience [34].
•Beyond task-related aspects of software use (aka. beyond instrumental): Models in this approach
(e.g. [3, 5]) emphasize breaking down UX into a number of underlying elements. They argue that
although UX is not fully predictable, it is to some extent shapeable through the control of these un-
derlying elements. In this approach, a positive UX is argued to be facilitated through satisficing4
the end users’ non-task-related (aka. non-instrumental or hedonic) needs, as well as their task-related
(aka. instrumental or pragmatic) needs. For instance, Hassenzahl [3] views underlying UX as prag-
matic (concerning performing tasks) and hedonic (concerning psychological well-being of the users)
attributes. According to Hassenzahl, the user’s perception of these attributes leads to some con-
sequences: a judgment about the product’s appeal (e.g., “It is good/bad”), emotional consequences
(e.g., pleasure, satisfaction) and behavioral consequences (e.g., increased time spent with the prod-
uct). He further emphasizes that these consequences (i.e., satisfaction, pleasure, appeal) are outcomes
of experience.
•Emotion, mood and affect: Models in this approach (e.g. [36, 37]) emphasize human emotions, and
aim to understand the role of affect “as an antecedent, a consequence and a mediator of technology
use” as Hassenzahl, and Tractinsky highlight [34]. In this approach, a positive UX is argued to be
facilitated through controlling and evoking positive emotions in users.
4as opposed to satisfying functional requirements [1]
•Integrated experience: Models in this approach (e.g. [38, 39]) combine the two latter approaches,
through integrating task-related and non-task-related aspects of experience, as well as emotional user
reactions, to achieve an integrated user experience perspective. One example is the work of Thüring
and Mahlke’s [39] in which UX is divided into three main components of instrumental (concerning
usability and usefulness), non-instrumental (concerning look and feel) and emotional reactions. They
emphasize that perception of users from the instrumental and non-instrumental qualities of a piece
of software can lead to episodes of subjective feelings (i.e., emotions). These repeatedly occurring
episodes at the end shape the user’s emotional experience.
Hassenzahl [6] describes experience as “both unique but at the same time emerging from distinct elements
and processes which are open to study and deliberate manipulation in an act of design.” Such an experience
is, as emphasized by Hassenzahl, unique to the situation - time and context: “Experience emerges from the
integration of action, perception, motivation, and emotion, however, all being in a dialog with the world
at a particular place and time.” Thus, whether we approach it holistically or not, UX is an emergent
phenomenon [34]. UX of a piece of software, among other things, emerges from underlying functionalities
and quality characteristics, and the user’s perception of them, in each certain situation. Concrete quality
characteristics, therefore, can contribute to satisficing certain abstract quality characteristics that designers
find relevant to the software, e.g. in order to be trustworthy (abstract) the system provides a good overview
of the functions available (concrete) [40].
The emergent nature of UX also highlights its temporality meaning that the experience of a user with
a piece of software can change over time. As McCarthy and Wright [4] emphasize: “We are continuously
connected emotionally into situations. Anticipation and expectation connect past experience to present and
future experience.” This means that the overall experience is influenced by not only the interaction of a user
with software, but also what they anticipate for this interaction, or remember from the interaction [33]. Re-
searchers therefore recommend taking the whole spectrum of interaction into account when studying the UX
of a piece of software, in particular when evaluating it [41]. This means studying the user’s experience before,
during and after the user’s interaction: (i) anticipated experience, what the user expects to experience [4],
(ii) momentary experience, what the user is experiencing during or immediately after interaction [39], and
(iii) lasting experience,what the user remembers of the experience [3].
All in all, as Hassenzahl [6] emphasizes, UX “may not be fully explainable and predictable from single un-
derlying elements” or ‘entirely reducible’ to these elements; but it is still shapeable and controllable through
them [6]. UX therefore can be manipulated through an act of design, i.e., designers’ choices [6]. Considering
the emergent nature of UX, current UX-related requirements work emphasizes identifying and refining ab-
stract quality characteristics into functionalities and concrete quality characteristics in close collaboration
with the end users’ representatives [40]. In addition, current approaches to UX evaluation focus on both the
end users’ often narrative opinion of the system and gathering statistically significant amount of data on
users’ reactions and perceptions in order to measure UX. We should however note that researchers or practi-
tioners still have not achieved a consensus about these UX measures, and their applicability in practice [21].
Temporality and context dependency of UX also plays an important role in the evaluation approaches. For
instance, these approaches separate a user’s perception of short-term and lasting experience. An overview
of various approaches to UX evaluation and measurement can be found in the work of Law et al. [21] or
Mahlke [42].
Current UX models have all been developed outside the field of software development, i.e., not in com-
puter science or Software Engineering (SE) literature, and can be argued to have had only a moderate effect
on both. Within these fields, researchers have responded to the growing importance of UX by advocating
that ISO/IEC standards on software quality models need to be extended to incorporate UX [43]. This has to
some extent been achieved in ISO/IEC 25010 [2] through introducing the Quality in Use (QiU) model. This
standard defines QiU as: “the degree to which a product or system can be used by specific users to meet their
needs to achieve specific goals with effectiveness, efficiency, freedom from risk and satisfaction in specific
contexts of use.” QiU is similar to UX in that it also emphasizes users’ personal (aka. non-task-related)
needs and emotional reactions. This model includes ’pleasure’ (i.e., an emotional consequence of interacting
with a piece of software) as a quality characteristic and defines it as: “degree to which a user obtains pleasure
from fulfilling their personal needs”.
Developing more clear definitions and models of UX, however, is not by itself sufficient to facilitate its
integration into software development processes. Practitioners also need access to suitable tools, methods
and techniques, and learn how to integrate them into the current development processes [11]. Broadly
speaking, the software community has adopted two approaches to address this need of practitioners.
The first approach has focused on developing and proposing new UX practices. For instance, Doerr et
al. [44] propose a systematic guideline for measuring user satisfaction in early development phases. They
aim to assist practitioners in prioritizing requirements based on how these requirements contribute to a
better UX in the software. Kerkow [45] and Nass [46] propose an elicitation approach that facilitates finding
a balance between the task-related and non-task-related requirements of software for a better UX. Nass
et al. [46] argue for finding a balance between business and user goals, and present an integrated software
development approach to address the challenges practitioners face in finding the right balance between the
task-related and non-task-related aspects of software use. Thew and Sutcliffe [47] present a technique that
helps practitioners elicit emotions, values, and motivations; what they refer to as ‘soft requirements’.
The second approach directly or indirectly describes current challenges in UX integration, i.e., what are
problems that practitioners face when doing UX work. As mentioned earlier, studies in this approach can be
divided into three categories, that we detail in the following sections. None of these studies have analyzed the
implications of similarities and differences between UX and other software quality characteristics, particularly
usability. Our study aims to complement the studies in the this approach by investigating UX challenges in
a variety of software organizations with different development processes. Also, in our analysis we pay certain
attention to how identified challenges relate to the practice of software quality characteristics in general,
and usability in particular.
UX challenges - specific aspects of UX work:
The first group of studies that report UX challenges have focused on only some aspects of UX work:
Measurability of UX (e.g. [21, 22]), UX evaluation (e.g. [23, 24]), or understanding of UX (e.g. [25])
For instance, Lallemand et al. [25] investigated practitioners’ understanding about the concept of UX,
including their opinion on a number of UX definitions. This was achieved through an international survey
study with 758 participants including practitioners and researchers with both UX and non-UX-related
backgrounds. They provide an overview of how practitioners currently perceive the concept of UX and its
importance in the practice of software development. They also discuss one main challenge in UX work:
the low impact of UX research on industry. They stress that various research findings about UX (e.g., its
relation to usability) is not still well received in practice. They therefore emphasize to better integrate UX
theories in industry, and educate students on UX research.
Law et al. [21] explore the basic question of whether UX constructs are measurable. Their data is based
on semi-structured interviews with 11 UX professionals as well as 170 survey responses from the Human
Computer Interaction (HCI) community. Their paper also reports the results of a systematic review of
58 different papers from 2005 to 2012 on UX measures and provides an overview of attempts to make
UX measurable [21]. Law et al. describe how their interviewees expressed skepticism and ambivalence
towards specific UX measures even if attitudes were more positive overall. Respondents considered most
UX constructs to be measurable. Nevertheless, Law et al. note that practitioners show opposing views on
whether UX can or should be divided into composing elements, or whether it needs to be considered or
measured as a whole. Results from their interviews show three categories of challenges when it comes to the
interplay between UX evaluation and software development: (i) theoretical (measuring UX holistically or
in elements, and conceptualizing long-lasting versus momentary experience), (ii) methodological (differing
preferences for quantitative versus qualitative data by design- and engineering-oriented stakeholders), and
(iii) practical (lack of knowledge and competence for interpreting measurement outcomes).
The survey by Law et al. is duplicated in the context of the Latin American software development
industry [22] through 40 (out of 112 sent out) survey responses. According to the survey results, practical
aspects such as cost and time play a more important role in whether or not practitioners measure UX in
Latin America. Gerea et al. [22] discuss this result as being quite different from the original survey in
which these two issues are not included as formal practical issues. Other challenges reported by Gerea et
al. include: limited access to the end users and lack of knowledge and experience in UX measurement.
Through 97 survey responses by software development practitioners with different backgrounds, Alves
et al. [23] investigated how UX evaluation is performed in practice (i.e., by whom, in what phases of
software development, and using what tools and methods). They report a number of challenges concerning
UX evaluation. For instance they highlight the challenge of low involvement of users. According to their
data, in around 50% of the cases UX evaluation is performed without involving the end users, and often
evaluators ‘assume’ what the perception of users will be, rather than actually involving them. This challenge
is attributed to the generic issue of limited resources (time, effort, and competence). Another challenges
concerns low involvement of UX experts. Alves et al. report that sometimes evaluations are performed by
software developers that do not necessarily have the required competence. Another challenge according to
them concerns tools and methods, and that often selection of tools and methods is motivated by cost rather
than suitability for the project. In their study, Alves el al. used a list of evaluation tools and methods that are
mainly usability specific (e.g., cognitive walk through, task analysis), or generic (e.g., observation, interview,
think aloud). The list lacks tools and methods that are proposed for evaluating other aspects of experience
for instance the non-task-related aspect or user emotional reactions (e.g., Attrakdiff questionnaire [48]5).
This can introduce a risk to the data because practitioners might have preferred the use of a generic method
such as a questionnaire for evaluating UX, without necessarily acknowledging that such generic methods
may purely produce usability-related data if not used with specific attention to UX-related concepts, such
as the non-tasks-related aspect of use [26].
Similarly, Vermeeren et al. [24] performed a combination of empirical research methods (including an
online survey) to investigate the current state of UX evaluation, and identify what evaluation methods are
more often used by practitioners. They identified 96 methods and provide a good overview of such methods
and their use in practice. They also report a number of challenges practitioners face when applying these
methods and argue that some still need to be further improved and developed for better use in practice.
These challenges include: lack of suitable methods for evaluating UX in earlier phases,lack of methods that
explicitly study the experiences of groups of individuals,lack of methods for evaluating UX in the period
before actual use (i.e., anticipated use), limited practicality of some current methods: e.g., because they
need special competences, are time consuming, or analyzing their results is difficult.
UX challenges - UX work in agile projects:
The second group of studies that report UX challenges have focused on UX work in agile projects. For
instance, through document analysis and interviews with seven practitioners in one case company, Isumursu
et al. [10] report that there are still uncertainties about organizing UX-related roles and responsibilities in agile
projects. This in turn can lead to communication problems between UX and non-UX practitioners involved
in the project, and also difficulties in integrating UX practices with other agile design and development
activities. Isumursu et al. also report that visibility of UX targets (set to drive UX-related decisions)
decreases throughout projects.
Another study on UX work in agile projects is performed by Larusdottir et al. [27]. They investigated
integrating UX related activities into Scrum projects through two in-depth interviews with two UX experts.
They report that these experts’ biggest challenge in Scrum projects concerns losing the big picture of UX
To investigate strengths and weaknesses of Kanban and Scrum concerning UX work, Law et al. [28] per-
formed a conceptual analysis of these approaches, followed by interviews with 10 practitioners and 73 survey
responses from software development practitioners. The authors conclude that practitioners find it very
challenging to fully integrate UX work with these two approaches. Law et al. relate this to the fundamental
differences between the philosophies, methodologies, and practices of these two approaches compared to UX
work and that Kanban and Scrum are developer- and customer-oriented, not user-oriented.
5see for more UX specific tools and methods
UX challenges - mixed with usability:
The third group of publications on UX challenges have studied both UX and usability without dif-
ferentiating between them (e.g., in agile development processes [29, 9, 49], or in software development in
general [30, 31, 32]). For instance, Ardito et al. [31] investigated the current practice of UX and usability
through a four stage empirical study including an online survey (with 36 participants from Italy, and 39
participants from Denmark), interviews with four practitioners from four different companies, a focus group,
and an exploratory study. Although the authors emphasize both concepts of UX and usability, their survey
includes only questions about usability evaluation. Similarly, their interview study focuses on practitioners’
understanding and experience of usability evaluation. The results of their survey show that still several
software development companies do not perform any usability evaluation. Practitioners often relate this to
that such evaluations are highly resource demanding,access to the end users is limited, and there is a lack of
suitable tools and methods to support performing evaluations. One other explanation for limited usability
evaluations in the participating companies according to Ardito et al. is that UX and usability requirements
often are not included in the requirements documents.
The study of Ardito et al. [31] is complemented by Lanzilotti et al. [32] through 54 survey responses
by software development practitioners, and the analysis of 44 requirements documents. Lanzilotti et al.
aimed to understand the current state of UX, and usability requirements in particular, in call for proposals.
According to their findings, such requirements are either not included in these documents, or are included
vaguely. Similar to Ardito et al. [31], Lanzilotti et al. conclude that a lack of formal requirements for UX
and usability is one main reason why UX and usability practices are ignored in projects, or lack assigned
resources. The authors do not however differentiate between UX and usability requirements, and seem to
use the terms interchangeably, as also goes for the study of Ardito et al. [31].
Ovad and Larsen [9] performed two interview studies in 2013 and 2015 in order to investigate the maturity
of UX practices in agile development environments over time in eight participating companies. This study
reports a number of challenges practitioners faced in their work in 2013 and discusses how these challenges
were addressed over a two-year period. These challenges include lack of practitioners’ knowledge on UX,
ignoring UX in development projects (e.g., because of low management support or that UX practices are not
considered elements of the process), lack of a defined UX process,failing to assign the responsibility of UX,
and assigning limited resources to UX work. The authors discuss how, except for the last challenge, other
challenges were at least to some extent addressed in those companies by 2015.
Cajander et al. [29] interviewed 21 practitioners regarding challenges they face in integrating user per-
spective in Scrum projects (which can influence both usability and UX). They conclude that there is no clear
picture of the responsibility for usability, and that usability goals are often unclear in projects. According to
their data, user involvement and design feedback is often ad-hoc and usability and UX practitioners often
lack suitable methods to support their work in Scrum projects.
Kuusinen [49] investigated the task allocation between UX professionals and other team members in
agile projects. Although they use the term UX they express that they have merely focused on usability
and functionality since that is how industry currently approaches UX. Through a longitudinal multiple case
study, Kuusinen shows that often UX collaborations focus on Graphical User Interface (GUI) design and
other aspects of UX work are downplayed.
3. Methods
We have conducted an explorative, qualitative study [50] to investigate the challenges involved in in-
tegrating UX practices into software development processes. Below, we detail our research approach by
describing the different companies where we conducted interviews, how the data was collected, and our
approach to data analysis.
3.1. Research Sites
We selected a variety of companies with different characteristics for our study in order to improve the
generalizability of our findings [51]. Table 1 shows an overview of these companies and their main charac-
teristics and labels them (A-H) for easier reference later in the paper. The companies span various domains
Company Type Number of
(A) IT services, consul-
tancy & outsourcing
>130,000 UX designer
(B) Defense & security ˜
14,000 Technical pro ject manager, Technical project manager, Product manager, Technical
project manager, Technical project manager, Developer
(C) Wireless solutions &
network testing
1,800 Interaction designer
(D) Systems & software de-
velopment company
120 Developer
(E) User Experience con-
sultancy & training
50 UX designer
(F) IT & management con-
> 1,300 Art director, Interaction designer, Developer, Project manager, Art director
(G) User Experience & Us-
ability consultancy
34 UX designer
(H) Telecommunication ˜
114,000 UX designer, UX designer
Table 1: Overview of the companies and interviewees that participated in the study
(company type) and vary in size (number of employees). The table also details the roles of the interviewees
at each company. The first two companies are active only in Sweden, and the rest are internationally active.
We approached both consultancy and product development companies in order to cover both perspectives.
Both A and E are well-known consultancy companies in Sweden, while B, C, D, and H are well-known
product development companies in Sweden. Throughout the study, we were introduced to other companies
by our interviewees, from which we also included a number of interviewees (F and G). Only one of the
companies (E) was previously known to the authors based on previous research collaborations.
3.2. Data Collection
At each company we asked for interviewees with specific roles such as practitioners with technical or
design backgrounds. The aim of the interviews was presented to our main contacts in each company to
make sure that the selected interviewees were suitable for our research. We had the option to ask for more
interviewees, but since the study was explorative, after 17 interviews we were confident that we had covered
the major challenges from a sufficiently broad range of perspectives. The selected practitioners (See Table 1)
represent technical (e.g., developers), design (e.g., interaction designers), and management roles.
We conducted semi-structured interviews [52] to collect more of the interviewees’ viewpoints, which was
important to the explorative nature of our study. We prepared an interview guide with a set of pre-designed
questions based on the knowledge gained from literature (Appendix A). In each interview, questions were
rephrased, added, or skipped based on the interviewee’s background and responses. Each interview covered
all phases of software development processes, the activities performed in each phase, and the tools and
methods applied. Ample time was spent exploring and discovering current approaches to UX and challenges
that were not known beforehand. Thirteen of the interviews were conducted face-to-face, and four via video
or telephone conference. Each interview lasted between 30-60 minutes, and was recorded and transcribed.
The interviews were all performed in the spring of 2012.
3.3. Data Analysis
We analyzed the data by applying a combination of inductive and deductive approaches, generally known
as thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is defined as “a method for identifying, analyzing and reporting
patterns (themes) within data.” [50]. In order to do so, we segmented the interview transcriptions into
meaningful paragraphs or sentences in a way that each of these segments presented one concept; we then
coded these segments [50]. In the coding process, the ‘key points’ of each segment were first noted, then
codes that were most suitable to these key points were identified. Based on a pilot coding, we gradually
and iteratively generated an improved coding guide for the rest of the coding and analysis process. The
initial main codes that were used in this study include definition, challenges, solutions, tools and methods,
evaluations, requirements, UX versus usability, and activities. These codes reflect a broader scope than
merely challenges because we were interested to learn the identified challenges in context. Therefore, when
applicable, during the interviews, follow-up questions were asked regarding the mentioned challenges. These
questions aimed to gather more data on attempted solutions, or previous experiences with usability or other
quality characteristics. We then further analyzed the segments that were coded as ‘challenges’ in more detail.
The initial list of codes were generated based on our knowledge and experience in the field and after we
became more familiarized with the interview data [50]. When the interviewees used different terminologies,
or had limited knowledge concerning UX or usability, we mapped their statements to the relevant concepts
based on the definitions of the concepts in literature.
To make our analysis process concrete, we give an example of how we performed coding and identified
challenges. The interview segment: “There is a bit of confusion in the field and in the company as well,
what’s the difference? design is design” (A-1) resulted in identifying key points: (definition of UX is not
clear, practitioners do not know what UX exactly means), and was coded with ‘challenge’, and ‘definition’.
This segment was further analyzed because it was coded as ‘challenge’. Together with other segments that
related to understanding and definition of UX, this segment then resulted in creating the challenge ‘lack of
consensus on definition and construct of UX’.
Our analysis resulted in 11 challenges. In reporting these challenges, we have not separated issues such as
lack of resources, or low management support that are too generic to provide new insights to the community.
We instead have discussed these issues in the context of other challenges where applicable. There is a clear
multifaceted relation between the identified challenges. Some, for instance, could be seen as causes or at
least underlying factors in relation to other challenges. Some are more fundamental and concern the view,
attitude and knowledge of stakeholders while some are more tactical and/or practical. Still, in this paper,
the challenges are presented as one linear list rather than as an interconnected ‘web’ of challenges. This
is mainly because our data does not provide sufficient evidence to support the relations between identified
challenges. Future work should consider studying connections between challenges in more detail.
3.4. Threats to Validity
Threats to validity are outlined and discussed based on the classification by Runeson and Höst [51]:
•Selection process of subjects for interviews can cause a threat to construct validity. Selection bias
is always present when sub jects are not fully randomly sampled. However, here the sub jects were
selected based on their role, experience and availability so there is little more we could do to alleviate
this threat. The presence of a researcher may influence the behavior and response of the subjects.
This threat was alleviated somewhat by the guarantee of confidentiality of the data but is an inherent
aspect of the research method used.
•In any empirical study, incorrect data is a threat to internal validity. In case of the interviews, taking
records in form of audio, which was then transcribed, mitigated this threat. The authors also analyzed
the material in several rounds of independent as well as joint sessions to gradually reach consensus
on the intended meaning of the respondents. We also shared the results of our analysis with the
interviewees to validate and confirm the findings.
•External validity concerns the ability to generalize the results beyond the actual study. Since the
interviews are just a sample from a potentially very large population, they should be interpreted with
some caution. Still we sampled a number of different organizations in different industrial domains to
decrease the effect of this threat. However, qualitative studies rarely attempt to generalize beyond the
actual setting and are more concerned with explaining and understanding the phenomena under study.
Another concern is that our data gathering was performed in the spring of 2012. Therefore, our data
may not reflect today’s UX state-of-practice in these organizations. However, the data still is valid
when interpreted in its own time frame. Also, to minimize the effect of time span on our analysis, we
have included recent studies published since 2012 when analyzing the data and discussing the results.
•Another threat concerns reliability, to what extent the data and analysis are dependent on the specific
researchers. In order to minimize this threat in analysis, the three authors individually and indepen-
dently conducted a pilot coding of these segments using an initial coding guide as explained above.
The identified challenges
C1. Lack of consensus on definition and construct of UX
C2 Lack of consensus on the value of UX
C3. Low industrial impact of UX models, tools, and methods
C4. More focus on objectively measurable aspects
C5. Difficulties in engineering UX-related requirements
C6. More focus on testing functionalities and usability than UX evaluation
C7. Lack of consensus on UX-related competences and responsibilities
C8. Late focus on UX in projects
C9. Communication and collaboration gap between UX and non-UX practitioners
C10. Customers resistance to the cost of UX practices
C11. Low user involvement
Table 2: We identified 11 challenges through interviewees with 17 practitioners in eight different software development companies
The outcomes of the pilot coding were discussed in several sessions with all three authors, and the
differences in coding were analyzed and resolved. Also, we had carefully designed the interviews before
running them, and the coding process before analyzing the data.
4. Results
This section presents the challenges discovered during the analysis of the interview data. As mentioned
earlier, there is clearly a multifaceted and complex set of relations between these challenges. Some for
instance could be seen as symptoms (e.g., C4 and C8) and some as explanations to other challenges (e.g.,
C1 and C3 ). Some are more fundamental and concern the views, attitude and knowledge of stakeholders
(e.g., C1, and C10.) while some are more tactical (e.g., C5, and C6.). However, we do not have enough
evidence in our data to support these detailed classifications and relations because our aim was a broad
exploration of challenges, not to validate specific relations and connections. Thus we have decided to report
these challenges in a list here. Section 4.2) then discusses a number of possible interrelation among these
challenges to the extent observable in our data.
4.1. The Identified Challenges
We have structured our interview results in a list of 11 challenges, summarized in Table 2. These
challenges are presented in the following in more details, and supported by interviewees quotations.
C1. Lack of consensus on definition and construct of UX
Our data shows that practitioners’ understandings of the concept of UX differ and is, in some cases, even
inconsistent and contradictory. According to the respondents, UX is a new concept and there is still a lack
of general agreement on its meaning in the field in general, and among practitioners within organizations in
particular (A-1). In some practitioners’ view, UX is the same as, or is seen as, usability or Interaction design
(IxD). This is while these two concepts only concern details of the interaction, and/or the Graphical User
Interface (GUI) design as the UX practitioners stressed. They also emphasized the reason for focusing more
on usability and IxD is their relative simplicity: “I think discussions at large when it comes to UX design at
common ground is still about IxD and usability. Usability is easy to talk about and everybody understands
it.” (A-1).
One of the interviewees referred to UX as ‘just another buzz word’ (E-1). In her view, UX contains the
same concepts that have been around for a long time under other names such as usability and ‘emotional
design’. On the other hand, some practitioners explicitly differentiated between UX from Usability (e.g.
H-1) or IxD (e.g. F-1). One of the participants emphasized that usability is ‘a minor subset of UX’ and
added: “I’ve never, never called myself a usability expert, and I would never do that.” (H-1). Some of
the participants emphasized that UX goes beyond ‘cognitive aspects of design’ (e.g. E-1), the main focus
of usability. Similarly, another practitioner stressed that UX is not about ‘IxD’ and has a much broader
perspective: “[IxD] is just the end results, we do not call ourselves interaction designers, because that is only
10% of our work but that is an important element because that is the most visual part of our work .” (F-
1). Similarly, another practitioner referred to UX as: “a wholeness with the emotional, social, economical,
functional, and technical parts.” (A-4). Another practitioner described UX as: “pretty much everything
that affects a user’s interaction with a product.” (H-2). He further emphasized UX is ‘the whole package’
and usability is only one part of it. Some practitioners’ related UX to the ‘why’ behind the functional
requirements and the software in general. For instance, one practitioner described this through three main
questions of ‘what’ to build, ‘how’ to build it, and ‘why’ to build it (A-4). Some practitioners related UX
to the graphical user interface (GUI) by stating that it is about “the cool things, the new things, the flashy
things.” (A-3). In their view, UX is mainly about emotions and aesthetics therefore not applicable to all
types of applications, for instance ‘productivity applications’.
In general, the practitioners with more technical backgrounds and roles showed less knowledge about
UX. Their knowledge was often limited to cognitive aspects of design, i.e., usability. For instance, one of the
technical managers stated: “ [our customers] talk about increased workload. That is a negative thing. I don’t
know if that qualifies as UX.” (B-2) A number of practitioners stated that UX is a ‘broad’ and ‘holistic’
concept covering not only the user perspective, but also the business perspective (e.g. H-1). While the
latter looks into how the design contributes to achieving business goals, the former assures supporting the
end users’ goals. The user perspective includes aspects such as ‘emotions’, ‘values’ and ‘preferences’.
The participants also discussed that customers’ limited knowledge about UX is a challenge. For in-
stance, they stated that customers who have heard about UX can be too ambitious regarding emotional and
non-task-related user needs. Customers’ limited knowledge also means that they often specify the related
requirements vaguely and using inconsistent and subjective terminology. They often indicate a need for
quality characteristics such as ‘cool’, ‘fun’, or ‘high-tech’ mostly because they are affected by such ‘buzz
words’. They often neither have knowledge about what these terms actually mean, nor find them specifi-
cally relevant for their products. Therefore, practitioners emphasized that to prevent misunderstandings,
these UX-related requirements should, early on, be refined to more ‘concrete’ requirements, and specified
in a measurable way (e.g. B-3). Regarding this one of the interviewees said: “usually they say ‘we want
something like that app’, ‘we want it to be cool and high tech’. Then you have to initiate a dialog to find out
what they mean for this particular customer.” (A-1)
C2. Lack of consensus on the value of UX
Generally speaking, our data shows that various stakeholders still have different views on whether UX
is important or not. Nevertheless, according to several of the interviewees, an important motivation behind
UX is the growing general importance of software in recent decades. Interactions users had with earlier
software were limited to command-line interactions in software built to support existing manual work. This
has now transformed into a multitude of interaction styles (mouse, touch, etc.) and applications. Software
is now a large part of all aspects of most human life, and users are exposed to a huge variety of it. This
exposure to various software systems affects the experience and expectations of users. Regarding this, one
practitioner said: “Users are meeting a lot of good things, and they are expecting good things all the time.”
According to practitioners, various businesses are learning from successful products in the market. This
has inspired not only market-driven but also business-to-business software projects. This is evidenced by
one of the interviewees saying: “A lot of business-to-business applications are being informed by business-
to-consumer web apps, software apps.” (G-1). In particular, in cases where a product has competitors, the
motivation to improve UX increases. One of the practitioners argued that UX is nowadays a ‘differentiator’:
“Today I think that many companies do usable products, in order to distinguish a brand or a product we
need to add an extra level to the product so that is really what I call UX. We need to take more things into
account, emotions, and it needs to look great, and it is not only about being usable.” (A-2). In market-
driven products, branding, emotional concerns, and relations with end users are important. Therefore, these
business are often more concerned about UX. Another interviewee argued that in market-driven software,
in particular game development, UX is ‘part of the common practice’ (A-1) while this is not the case in
business-to-business software. He emphasized this approach of market-driven projects should be ‘transferred
to other projects’ as well.
Some of the practitioners emphasized that UX is an important software quality characteristic that needs
to be taken into account more in projects. But in some functionality-focused organizations UX is still
considered something ‘on the side’ and not a core concept or value. According to these practitioners, when a
product is more ‘technical’, the business units often focus on functionality, and UX becomes less important.
As one of the interviewees emphasized, in this case the business unit is not ‘that concerned with the look and
feel’ (A-4). The practitioners were generally positive that more and more organizations even the technology-
focused ones are learning about UX and the importance of taking it into account in their products (e.g.
H-2). For instance, one practitioner said that in their company, business units are nowadays showing less
resistance towards UX and the importance of UX ‘starts to be visible’ (H-2) to these units.
In practitioners’ view, often customers are less aware of UX and its value, and in particular how it differs
from usability and IxD. In addition, they emphasized that preferences, values, and motivations of upper
management involved in strategic decision making is, according to some practitioners, another reason why
some organizations might undervalue UX, and show a less positive attitude towards it. Regarding this, one
practitioner stated: “I think it’s sometimes just the reason people go into business in the first place. . . . the
people who are in it because they think that their product or service solves a real problem, they generally
care about it more.” (G-1). He further discussed how individuals, in particular higher management, play
an important role in whether UX is a priority in an organization or not. Regarding low support from other
stakeholders, and in particular managers, one of the interviewees stated that the inputs from their UX group
in ‘research and development’ is ignored by business units because some of the ideas are ahead of their time:
“business units are occupied with their very close, near time results so they look at what can they sell now.”
(H-2). He further highlighted that some of these previously rejected UX ideas are now being incorporated in
the products and are getting support from management because competitors are now implementing similar
Overall there is a very varied view, and a general lack of consensus, on the value of UX both between and
within the investigated organizations. In addition, practitioners stated that customers also differ in their
levels of awareness and how they value UX. The common pattern is that customers often down-prioritize
UX and are either not, or less willing to pay for it.
C3. Low industrial impact of UX models, tools and methods
While C1 concerned the lack of consensus on the definition and construct of UX itself, here in C3 we
report on difficulties in how this understanding is gained or put into practice. This challenge is also in direct
relation to C5 and C6 where our findings regarding testing or requirements activities are presented in more
detail. The reason for separating this challenge from C5 and C6 is that we did not want to duplicate these
difficulties in two different sections. In addition, by using a separate section we put more emphasis on the
important roles of models, tools and methods in the practice of UX, as our data reveals.
We observed that often practitioners’ knowledge regarding UX is more based on experience and work
with similar concepts, not on any specific UX models or theories. This knowledge is sometimes shaped
through their education on ‘usability’ and IxD, and has changed over the years to be focused more towards
UX. For instance, one of the practitioners stated: “When I first started in 90s, there was no such thing as
UX or IxD, actually. [. . . then] it has been IxD and then sort of merged into experience, UX design.” (H-1).
Very few of the interviewees were familiar with currently influential approaches to UX and corresponding
models, even those interviewees that demonstrated a relatively good understanding of UX. For instance some
interviewees said the way they look into users’ emotions, values etc. is not ‘in an academic way’ (e.g. A-
4) or ‘by the book’ (e.g. A-2) but based on experience. Still, practitioners generally showed a positive
attitude towards applying new models, tools, methods and techniques to their work: “we are lacking this,
so this would be really nice to have more research results that we could apply.” (A-2). Still, according to the
practitioners we spoke to, some organizations resist introducing new models, tools, methods, or techniques.
This means that in these organizations, practitioners can only rely on traditional interview and observation
techniques when performing UX practices (A-2). C5 and C6 further detail more issues concerning limited
access to tools, methods, and techniques for supporting UX requirements and their evaluation.
The interviewees referred to two models they use in their UX work: ‘emotional design’ by Donald
Norman [37] and Maslow’s hierarchy [53] (F-1). The latter is used as an inspiration when eliciting user
needs. The interviewees mentioned such models can help to create a methodology to work with UX and
‘build the right things in the right order’ (F-1). But respondents with this type of experience were a clear
C4. More focus on objectively measurable aspects
A group of practitioners emphasized that the software development and engineering community has
traditionally had much greater focus on software functionality than quality characteristics. We can explain
the identified challenges concerning UX-related requirements (C5) and testing (C6) through this lopsided
emphasis on functionalities and actual quality characteristics. Since C4 relates to both requirement and
evaluation, it is presented in a separate section to prevent duplicating the issues in two places.
In their view, functionalities of a piece of software are important in achieving a good UX but too much
focus on them can often lead to ignoring UX (e.g. H-2). One practitioner stressed the relation between
functionality and UX as follows: “The quality of experience is really depending to some extent on how the
functional requirements are met, but also actually on what the functional requirements are, also just the
amount of them.” (H-1). The interviewees emphasized that satisfying functional requirements does not
necessarily mean that the correct or valuable functionality is included in the software. This is evidenced
by one interviewee saying: “what do you know when you have signed [the technical specification]? Do you
know that it is a good solution? No! you only know that it meets the functional requirements and to me it
is silly!” (E-1).
In addition, according to the participants, the software community still often focuses more on ‘actual’
qualities of software than its‘perceived’ qualities. While the former concerns objectively measurable quality
characteristics, the latter concerns how users subjectively perceive these qualities. For instance, users may
perceive a five milliseconds response time (i.e., actual performance) as fast or slow (i.e., perceived perfor-
mance). Regarding the role of perceived qualities in experience of users an interviewee stated: “sometimes
the perception of time is more important than the actual time, and these are the things you should pinpoint
[to the stakeholders]” (E-1).
C5. Difficulties in engineering UX-related requirements
According to the practitioners, in many cases, the non-task-related needs of users or their emotions are
still either neglected or treated only informally. In one organization, emotional design goals are often only
documented and communicated in the form of a ‘post-it note on the wall’, as a reminder. The practitioners
highlighted that it is still an open problem as to how to map these types of needs to measurable requirements.
For instance, one of the interviewees stated: “I would say the emotional part of this is very very rarely formally
put into words.” (A-1). Practitioners argued that these needs are hard to elicit, define, communicate, and
agree upon. Stakeholders in general have less knowledge about this type of needs, organizations still lack
the related competencies and have only limited access to tools, methods and techniques to deal with it (e.g.
Emphasizing the challenges concerning UX-related requirements, one interviewee stated: “Functional
requirements are easy to create, to merge into a design; more emotional things are more difficult.” (F-1).
Similarly, one interviewee stated that features are ‘easier to define’ (H-1). Besides lack of knowledge and
understanding, practitioners related these problems to a lack of competence in dealing with UX-related
requirements within their organizations (e.g. A-3). Regarding this, one practitioner highlighted: “features
are what most project managers, most managers can understand. You can count them, you can map them
to customers, customer dialog for instance, and so forth, and you can compare your amount of features with
the competitors.” (H-1). Similarly, another practitioner stated: “I think it is largely a competence thing.
Doing emotional aspects of design is quite a new concept, I have only heard about it in the last year, or last
two years maybe, so I do not think that knowledge has really reached the industry yet.” (A-3). In particular,
when the software product is more innovative these problems are compounded. This is evidenced by an
interviewee saying: “This is a kind of project where nobody really can tell how this should be, what it should
be like, nobody has done it before, there are no standards to refer to . . . who can specify those [UX-related]
requirements? You need to have a certain quality but what is the level of that quality? We haven’t really
found what that level is.” (B-3).
Some practitioners highlighted the challenge of finding a balance between UX-related needs, business
goals, and technological constraints. Regarding the importance of finding a balance between emotional and
business needs, one of the interviewees stated: “you can spend a lot of time, thinking about people’s emotions
and so on, but if you are going to succeed you have to look at [business perspective].” (E-1).
In general, UX practitioners argued that UX-related requirements should be elicited before refining
functional requirements. For instance, one interviewee stated: “First you have to define the business require-
ments, the user requirements, [where] you have the IxD; and then you can define the FRs.” (E-1). Another
practitioner said: “I think that the functional requirements should come as a result of a dialog between dif-
ferent types of domains such as user experience, business, and technology.” (H-1). Nevertheless, according
to these practitioners, such an approach is not common in practice. This is expected since more technical
roles emphasized that the requirement process should start by eliciting and refining functional requirements
then quality requirements.
A practitioner stated that they use ‘persona’ to ‘informally’ document UX-related requirements: “We’d
specify this more in the persona descriptions; for example that this persona needs to, or wants to experience
some kind of things. In the wireframes, we might specify an animation for example that it should feel smooth
or something like that.” (A-2). They,however, further emphasized that this approach is not optimal and
there is a need for more formal approaches to deal with such requirements: “it should be good if we could
formalize it a little bit more I think.” (A-2).
The practitioners generally agreed that to communicate UX-related requirements, they require forms of
requirements other than textual (e.g., sketches, wireframes). They emphasized ‘concrete and tangible’ form
of requirements facilitate communicating the ‘fluffy’ requirements. Regarding this an interviewee told us:
“we create ‘mood boards’ where you take an image-driven approach to the look and feel, and we use references
of course, like ‘that app has a good flow in it’, and ‘that app has a good feeling to it’.” (A-1). More technical
practitioners also seemed to have a similar approach to UX-related requirements: “If the customer said that
they want it to ‘look nice’, then you have to make the graphical design first and then they can say that ‘hey!
this looks nice’ and then you have taken care of that requirement.” (A-3).
Nevertheless, only in one organization were these non-textual UX-related requirements (e.g., wireframes)
traceable to business requirements (F-1). Regarding this a practitioner stated: “requirement list is not im-
portant for the business at the end, they wanna see the wireframes. So at the end we show the wireframes with
all kinds of numbers and those numbers are linked to the excel sheets of the requirements, their descriptions
and how they are linked with the CPR and business case.” (F-1).
Problems with engineering UX-related requirements can be one main explanation for difficulties in eval-
uating UX (C6).
C6. More focus on testing functionalities and usability than UX evaluation
Our data shows that in general, the main focus of our selected organizations is on testing functionality. We
observed that practitioners with technical backgrounds are often less familiar with how their organizations
handle UX or even usability testing. They also showed limited knowledge as to why such evaluations can
be useful to the success of the software (e.g., B-2, B-4).
We observed that, generally speaking, the practice of UX evaluation is still immature in many organi-
zations. In projects with limited time or budget, UX evaluation is either non-existent or rare compared to
other testing activities: “we have done much functional testing of course, system tests etc., but end user
testing we have not performed much I’d say.” (A-2). In some organizations UX evaluation is basically
replaced by usability testing. Regarding this, one interviewee stated: “I think user tests tends to be more
focused on pure usability. I guess it’s when you’re releasing the product into the wild, that’s when you start
to get maybe the most valuable feedback or the most truthful ones.” (A-4). According to these practitioners,
usability testing is not enough to evaluate the whole UX of the software. Regarding this, a UX practitioner
stated: “when you evaluate usability, it’s when you go into the nitty gritty details, and try to look at more
efficiency within the user interface. My personal view is that that is not that relevant. I mean it’s relevant,
but not in what we do [i.e., UX].” (H-2). To compensate limited formal UX evaluations, some organizations
gather informal qualitative user feedback after release, for instance through comments in the App Store or
on social media (e.g. A-2). Some organizations perform user surveys that are not necessarily designed for
evaluating UX (e.g. A-1).
According to the practitioners we spoke with, UX evaluation is limited because it is more difficult
compared to evaluating usability or other quality characteristics. Practitioners gave various explanations
for this difficulty.
Some practitioners related this difficulty to the fact that UX involves emotions, and non-task-related
user needs, and that limited tools and methods exists to support these aspects. In their view, emotion can
be even impossible to measure using current quantitative approaches. One of the practitioners stated: “it
is rather difficult to measure emotions and more softer issues I think. . . . really getting the correct feeling
that the user has. Because they will try to explain it but it perhaps is not the real emotion that we catch
at the end. It would be nice to have some methods or approaches to extract this kind of information from
the users.” (A-2). Similarly, one interviewee said: “some goals are more difficult to measure than others,
e.g., if this is a feeling thing: ‘I should be very well informed’, but mostly you can measure [them] in the
usage test through observations and interviews” (E-1). This practitioner further emphasized that although
they can specify quantitative measures for UX-related requirements (e.g., “10 out of 10 users should succeed,
and they should be content”), they still need to observe users in order to gain better understanding of the
experience: “can the users perform the tasks? how do they perform the tasks? how do they feel afterwards?
are they content?” (E-1).
Some practitioners related the difficulty in UX evaluation to the holistic nature of UX. Discussing cases
where practitioners take a holistic approach to UX, one interviewee stated: “how would you measure that sort
of holistic experience throughout the process of designing it? Because, of course you cannot [implement or
design] everything at the same time, and you know there are so many dependencies. How do you straighten
those out and how do you understand what you’re measuring and not measuring?” (H-1). This interviewee
further emphasized that the broader scope of UX negatively impacts evaluation: “That’s a problem, of
course, because UX is much broader in scope, and if you have a wider scope on it, then you have a much
more difficult task to actually frame it in an evaluation phase.” (H-1).
Some practitioners related the difficulty in UX evaluation to the fact that users’ expectations and their
perception of a product change over time and are affected by various factors; e.g., introduction of new
technologies or appearance of a competitor’s product. In this regard, one of the interviewees highlighted:
“It’s like when you try on new clothes. The shirt you were wearing going into the dressing room and looked
fine, looks shabby when you’ve tried out the new shirt.” (H-1). The interviewee used this analogy to explain
the subjective and dynamic nature of expectations, and that for each individual a new experience can affect
the user’s perception of other products.
The interviewees stated that there are still a number of open problem concerning UX evaluation. One
problem in evaluation concerns the temporality of UX and difficulties in relating the result of laboratory
evaluations to the real experience of users (e.g. H-1). Another problem concerns the relation between first
impression of users (initial UX) and overall UX or UX after using the software for a while (e.g. A-2).
C7. Lack of consensus on UX-related competences and responsibilities
Our data shows that to facilitate developing software with better UX, organizations need to have access
to a variety of competences including brand management, visual design, usability engineering, interaction
design, and emotional and pleasurable design. The interviewees highlighted that their organizations still lack
practitioners with competences for eliciting, refining, and specifying non-task-related or emotional needs of
users. This can explain the identified challenges concerning requirements work (C5) and evaluation (C6).
Also, it is still not clear how organizations should manage this set of often quite differing competences.
The interviewees showed two main perspectives concerning this. One group believes such a set of competences
is hard to find in individual practitioners and all of the team members (with different competences) should
take a joint responsibility towards UX. Regarding this, one of the practitioners said: “I’m not sure if that
should be a specific role. [. . . ] so everybody should have a UX focus now. I’m not sure if we can have some
sort of UX guy [who takes the final decisions].” (A-4). He further argued that achieving a better UX requires
a ‘UX-mindset’ in projects that even the most technical roles in the projects (e.g., programmers) should have.
The other group believes there is a need for specific individual practitioners with these multidisciplinary
competences (i.e., defining specific UX-related roles). Although in this case, often such practitioners find
it difficult to ‘be a little bit of everything’, and ‘juggle’ their various competences (e.g. H-1). Regarding
the importance of individuals with diverse set of competences, another practitioner stated: “I, as an art
director, have to have somewhat deep knowledge about UX, and also IxD .. . you can’t separate them.” (A-4).
The participants also discussed the responsibilities UX practitioners may have in projects, and tasks they
should perform. Our data shows that there is a direct relation between the extent of access to practitioners
with various competences and responsibilities they take in projects. Depending on the organizations studied,
the UX practitioners had various responsibilities including performing user research, concept development,
designing GUIs, testing usability of the software, requirements gathering (including both business and end
user needs), creating design principles and guidelines, and performing market research. As some UX practi-
tioners expressed, they have varying responsibilities in and contributions to different projects; this depends
on factors such as management support, available resources, and timing. We also observed that the more
technical practitioners are less informed about the responsibilities related to UX.
In general, our data shows that the responsibilities of UX practitioners are very diverse, and depend
on various factors such as resources available, or the maturity of the company in relation to UX practices.
For instance, in one organization (C), the UX team is responsible for handling requirements and feeding
them to the development teams. One UX practitioners described her responsibility as: “that can loosely be
described as discovery, research, overall strategy, and then high-level design.” (G-1). However, in another
organization (H), the UX group is part of R&D where the group mainly focuses on future products, and long
term vision of the company. As a parallel responsibility, the group gives feedback and support regarding
UX to the development teams involved with current products. In some organizations, since the number of
practitioners with UX knowledge is low, none of these practitioners are part of any particular project teams,
and are instead shared resources among them (e.g. H-1). UX practitioners are also often responsible for
spreading knowledge and awareness about UX in the organization. Regarding this, a practitioner expressed:
“I think on a very high level, our responsibilities are to inform, influence and inspire.” (H-1). He further
stated: “we contribute to the process by running workshops, by providing provocative questions, or providing
examples, engaging in discussions in which people from other domains dig down really deep into their own
layers of knowledge, and we can ask really simple questions to poke them with our perspective.” (H-1).
Being able to gain an overall view of UX design was one of the concerns highlighted in the interviews.
According to practitioners, this is often a difficult yet important prerequisite for creating a coherent UX.
As the interviewees stated, to deal with the complexity of today’s systems, the common approach in the
software community is to break down the whole system into various sub-systems and work independently
on them. Such an approach can harm the UX of the software since often in these cases UX practitioners
lose the overall view on the UX design, how these different sub-systems fit together as a whole, and how
they individually and in combination contribute to the experience of the end users. Regarding this, one
interviewee emphasized: “you have to tear it down, yeah! but what happens to the whole? who is going to
define the whole?” (E-1). The interviewees also highlighted that in agile processes, the decision-making
process is more spread out both over time as well as among the team members. This further complicates
the process of creating a unified and coherent UX design (e.g H-1). Further, agile processes enforce a focus
on a few piece(s) of the design at each iteration. Regarding this, one interviewee said: “you need to deliver
wireframes for parts of the application [features] but you still do not know how it all will fit together at the
end.” (A-2).
C8. Late focus on UX in projects
This challenge directly relates to competences and responsibilities (C7) but concerns ‘when and to what
extent’ these competences are put into practice, or how UX practitioners are involved in projects.
The interviewees generally agreed that early and continuously involving UX practitioners in projects is
essential for achieving a better UX (e.g. A-4) and stated at least three benefits of that. First, UX practition-
ers get first-hand information about the customer and end users. Regarding this one UX practitioner stated:
“The worst case is when someone has met a client and talked a lot about the software, then I meet this guy
who has met the client . . . then it’s secondhand information and everything gets distorted.” (A-4). Secondly,
it is less likely that UX practitioners’ input to the project is ignored. Thirdly, different stakeholders get to
discuss the trade-offs concerning UX design, for instance business versus user goals, or feasibility of design
concepts considering the technical constraints.
The practitioners however highlighted that involving UX practitioners in earlier phases is not a substitute
for involving technical practitioners. In particular, the interviewees highlighted that early negotiation of
trade-offs is of high importance for the success of the product in general, and UX in particular. For instance,
if required, the design concept can then be updated based on the developers’ feedback.
Still, practitioners from 6 out of 8 companies stated they often come into projects only in later stages,
and that this negatively affects their work. The interviewees highlighted that still there is a common
misconception among various stakeholders concerning UX- that it can be improved with just minor GUI
changes in later stages of development. While it is often impossible or difficult to make effective changes to
the UX design in later stages. One reason is that there is already a developed version of the software, or
that and it is hard for developers to ‘kill their darlings’ (H-1). Also, the whole design concept might have
been unsuitable, but a radical change at later stages may not be feasible due to time or effort constraints
(e.g. H-2). One of the practitioners highlighted that this is similar to how previously usability was treated
in many organizations, as a ‘detection’ and ‘fixing’ step late in software development processes, and after
the implementation was already done (e.g. H-1).
The group of UX practitioners highlighted that agile processes focus less on strategic decisions such as the
overall UX of the software. This means that often these strategic decisions, including decisions concerning
UX, are either ‘skipped’ or postponed. Some practitioners related it to that agile methodologies tend to
prioritize immediate and current problem solving: “agile is a lot about problem solving and that’s what sort
of gets priority.” (H-1).
According to the interviewees, even in cases when UX practitioners are involved in early phases, they
may lose their connection to the project in later phases. For instance some proposed design ideas maybe
be changed by non-UX practitioners in later phases without consulting the UX practitioners (e.g. G-1). A
UX practitioner told us how the status of UX design is continuously checked during a project: “we try to
have always at least one person who was part of the original dialog present during the weekly checkups, and
basically just going by the desks and checking, informally.” (A-1).
C9. Communication and collaboration gap between UX and non-UX practitioners6
According to the interviewees, for various reasons UX practitioners face ‘power struggles’ in relation to
non-UX practitioners. These include wide range of UX responsibilities (see C7), and that UX should be
taken into account from start to the end of a pro ject (see C8).
As mentioned above, respondents argued that UX practices should start early in projects and that they
impact all development phases, and different decisions in the projects. This can be difficult for other pro ject
members to accept: “sometime it can be perceived as we’re trying to take control of the situation.” (H-1).
According to the practitioners, this often means that working with UX is more difficult than usability: “I
think the reason why it was easier to work with usability to some extent was that you didn’t take up any
space. It was like being a woman in the early 20th century. You were there, but you didn’t vote, you didn’t
do anything.” (H-1) Regarding the power struggle another practitioner stated: “There are a lot of strong
stakeholders that are really interested in doing those kind of things, programmers for instance, who like to be
in control.” (A-2). He related this challenge to different motivations of these practitioners (e.g a developer
wanting to develop more efficient code vs. a designer wanting to create a better design). Similarly, another
interviewee stated: “In most companies if you have a go-ahead on a project or a research activity for instance,
everyone wants to start with their own domain, as soon as possible, from day one. Then, of course, you
6Here, we use the terms ‘UX practitioner’ and ‘non-UX practitioners’ to respectively refer to practitioners who have UX-
related roles and responsibilities in the organizations and those who do not.
have the problem of ownership of the direction, where to go and what to do and why. That’s something that
we struggle with quite a bit.” (E-1).
In practitioners’ views, one way to overcome this struggle is by informing other stakeholders about UX-
related responsibilities (the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of UX activities), especially in relation to the overall
goals of the organization. This shows that there is a clear relation between this challenge and C1 and C2
where increased knowledge and awareness about UX and its value can contribute to addressing the power
struggle between practitioners, at least to some extent.
According to practitioners, for a better UX practice, there is a need for regular communication and
collaboration among UX and non UX practitioners. These two groups of practitioners often have different
responsibilities, education, motivation, and constraints in their work. Regarding the importance of commu-
nicating with developers, one UX designer stated: “honestly the further we are away from the people that
actually build the stuff, we run the real risk of becoming hand waving idiots.” (G-1). In his view, being
disconnected from more technical roles, e.g., developers, runs the risk of not being aware of technological
constraints when choosing and developing a design concept. Another interviewee said: “we really try to
make this taking and giving. [. .. ] we have constant communication, and I will say that we get always input
from developers that we need to consider.” (A-2). Similarly a developer said: “I think we need to be working
tighter with the design department to help them know what can be done.” (D-1).
Regarding the importance of communication one practitioner highlighted: “ The thing is that as human
beings and organizations, the only place where just throwing something over the fence works really well is
the military because you ‘have to’ do it. Other than that, you have to build relationships. It is a social thing.
If you ignore that aspect of the construction of anything, you’re going to run into problems.” (G-1). She
further emphasized: “So be a responsible human being! Talk to the people that are eventually going to carry
your work forward ’cause otherwise you’re not going to be successful.” (G-1). Similarly another practitioner
stated: “I realized quite early in my career that I have to communicate with these guys who program or
develop something, and I have to understand what they’re saying.” (A-4).
The practitioners however emphasized that overcoming this communication gap should be a two-way
effort: “I’m not saying that we should be the only ones with this kind of multidisciplinary approach. I think
the other ones should also have that, [but] that’s a big challenge, I would say.” (H-1). Similarly, another UX
practitioner said: “So I have to have some sort of knowledge about the technology because I have to know
what my limitations are .. . . I have to have some sort of technical know-how so I can communicate with
developers. I expect the same from them. So they realize that the aesthetic choice has to be made and it can
take time.” (A-4).
According to practitioners, in order to facilitate a better communication, UX practitioners need to acquire
basic knowledge about various technical topics., e.g., programming, testing, architecture etc. As emphasized
by one respondent: “You have to be like knowledgeable in many areas. . . . you have to be very holistic in the
way you think about things, cause you have to speak with programmers in the language of programmers, to
some extent, . . . . You also have to understand business.” (H-1). Similarly, another practitioner stated: “you
have to speak in engineer language. That’s a real challenge for UX, because you always have to translate it
to terms that makes sense to an engineer or economist.” (A-1).
Respondents, however, emphasized that communication between UX and non-UX practitioners can be
challenging for various reasons including lack of trust in UX practitioners. Regarding this, one interviewee
emphasized: “we have had problems with some of the developers sometimes. It has been a bit of conflicts. I
think we have some work to do to really to get a ‘we-feeling’ that we, together, are developing an awesome
product.” (C-1). One practitioner related ‘lack of trust’ to how the field of UX is a relatively new field and
less established compared to more technical fields, e.g., SE. This also means that UX practitioners can be
often younger than non-UX practitioners. “most UX practitioners are quite young still, I do not think they
have been that long in the market for development of their competencies yet.” (A-3). One UX practitioner
emphasized that they can gain more trust over time and as they accomplish more in their work: “[over
time] we are adding on the pile of what we would call successful things we have done, and of course that
gives us a bit more ‘trust’ I could say.” (H-2).
C10. Customers resistance to the cost of UX practices
One of the challenges in UX work that repeatedly came up in the interviews was that customers often
resist taking on the costs of performing UX work (e.g. A-4). Often customers believe UX is an add-on rather
than a core concept that will help them improve their businesses. This shows a clear relation between this
challenge and C1 (concerning knowledge) and C2 (concerning how UX is valued).
Regarding difficulties in convincing customers, a practitioner said: “It can be hard. . . . If you have to
have three weeks extra to make the graphics work in a certain way, they might think it’s unnecessary because
[software] will do fine. And maybe it’s going to work fine, but if they made these extra efforts or put in
this extra amount of money, they would have actually gone much, much further maybe.” (A-4). Similarly, a
number of practitioners from a technology-focused organization emphasized that their customers are often
too technology-oriented to care about UX (e.g. B-6). On the other hand, it was not surprising to see that
practitioners from the two UX consultancy companies found their customers more positive and open towards
UX: “Most people who invest in IT they want to succeed, and those who are hiring us they know that you
have to know the users.” (E-1).
As a way to convince customers to agree to the cost of UX practices, some practitioners use examples
of successful products in the market (e.g., Apple) that are known for their good UX (e.g. A-4). As another
solution, one case company uses fixed prices for their projects so that practitioners can freely spend part of
this money on UX practices (e.g. F-1). Similarly, some practitioners emphasized that they talk about UX
‘indirectly’. They connect UX to business goals, and argue for UX from the point of view of the business
success, and not the end users. An interviewee motivated this by saying: “if you start babbling about usability
and strange kind of things, they will say ‘oh! I don’t want to pay for this’.” (E-1).
According to some practitioners, UX practices should be sold to the customer as part of the contract to
assure covering the associated costs. This requires showing how such practices will add value to the software
and have a return on investment (ROI) for the customer. Nevertheless, often presenting a ROI is difficult.
This is evidenced by a UX practitioner who said: “I don’t think you can put ROI into a proposal necessarily.
I think that’s irresponsible, frankly. Because 95% of the time, we don’t understand the true and false nature
of an issue when we’re writing a proposal. It’s only after working with a client for a little bit of time that
we begin to see the nuance there. That usually undercuts any kind of understanding that’s used to generate
proposed improvements in ROI, for example.” (G-1).
C11. Low user involvement
The interviewees highlighted that limited involvement of the end users in projects is another challenges
to better UX work. In their view, while customers should be involved to assure alignment of the projects to
business perspectives, the end users should be involved to assure alignment to UX-related needs (e.g. B-3).
This challenge can negatively influence requirements work (C5) and evaluation of UX (C6).
We observed some inconsistencies in practitioners’ views concerning user involvement. While they all
agreed on the importance of involving the end users, the view of more technical people regarding this matter
was divided. In favor of involving users an interviewee stated: “maybe you want to have the end user
involved also with the developers so that developers understand what they are doing, instead of just following
the specifications. I think that would be very very valuable.” (A-3). On the other hand, a project manager
stated that involving users in requirements discussions increases pro ject costs. Therefore, it is better to
negotiate requirements and sign a contract without involving the users. Regarding this an interviewee
stated: “[they] think they can say anything during [requirement] workshop and then get it. It is not the
case. It is impossible for us to have this sort of infinity. So it leads to lots of long long long discussions
afterwards.” (B-2). As another example: “it usually leads to features that you take on more than what you
agreed from the beginning. So it’s possible that the customer gets a better system but they still don’t pay you
more money for this.” (B-1).
One developer stated that they often have less access to end users, which can be problematic for their work
mainly because this means developers do not often understand the rationale for requirements: “developers
they do not get that interaction [with the end users] cause they get their specification from the marketing
people, and they get their specification from the interaction designers, but you don’t get the motivation behind
the requirements, because that gets lost during the way. So, the market people say that we must have this
requirement, and interaction designer says we must do it this way, so you have the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ but
you never get the ‘why’.” (A-3). Some practitioners emphasized relying too much on the end users’ opinions
might lead to less creativity in the design work: “we have a quote sitting on the wall here, it’s from Henry
Ford [that says] ‘If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse’.” (H-2).
4.2. Challenges Related to Each Other and Literature
Here we relate the challenges to existing literature and clarify their connections. Even though, in our
interviews, we did not focus on the connection between challenges, some were clearly stated. However, future
work is needed to detail and validate these connections.
A limited or lack of knowledge of UX (C1) can explain why it is not valued by individual practitioners
or in organizations (C2). For example, some practitioners with more technical roles viewed UX simply as
concerned with superficial changes to the GUI, not as a core concept. On the other hand, practitioners
with a deeper knowledge of UX and how it differs from usability also thought it was more important and
could provide a competitive edge. This type of connection has been seen also in studies of other software
quality characteristics. For example, Berntsson Svensson et al. [14] found if practitioners lack understanding
and knowledge about software quality characteristics, they tend to undervalue, and ignore them during
Similarly, a limited knowledge of UX (C1) is likely also connected with the low impact of UX models in
industry (C3). Several practitioners emphasized they do not work with UX by the book, or in an academic
way. They seem to mostly gain their knowledge about UX from individual experiences rather than from
existing UX theories and research. This lack of a common reference and knowledge base can lead to that the
concepts of UX and UX practices mean different things to different people, i.e., a language gap. This gap
may contribute to communication problems within software development organizations. Communication
problems, as empirical studies show, may lead to failure to meet the customers’ expectations and quality
matters [54].
UX models can help overcoming the language gap by providing a shared understanding, and definition
of UX. However, UX models for industry use are still rare as our interviewees stated (C3) and previous
research emphasizes as well [55]. We find at least four explanations for low industrial impact of the current
UX models: (i) they are not standardized yet or included in main software development and engineering
textbooks, (ii) they do not represent the relation between UX and other more established software quality
models (e.g., ISO/IEC 25010 [2]), (iii) they are developed outside the field of software development and
therefore often use terminologies less known to researchers and practitioners in this field, (iv) they are not
supported by guidelines on how to apply them in practice, especially in combination with existing software
quality characteristics models.
Another connection between challenges concerns software companies’ lopsided focus on functionalities
and objectively measurable quality characteristics (C4) and problems with requirements work (C5) and
testing (C6). Our findings show that practitioners focus more on functionalities or other software quality
characteristics, and often perform UX-related requirements work and testing either informally, or abandon
them in time and budget pressure. In addition, even if companies intend to focus more on UX (C4),
they do not always have the capability to turn this intention into action. For instance, they still lack
required competences (Ch7) or tools and methods (C3). This type of connection has been discussed also
in previous studies. For example, Ardito et al. [31] argue that if practitioners fail to include UX and
usability in requirements documents, these requirements might be ignored in testing. Chung et al. [12] stress
that researchers and practitioners traditionally have focused more on functionalities therefore developed
requirements models or specification languages that do not sufficiently support quality characteristics.
Challenges in requirements work (C5) and testing (C6) are also connected with challenges in involving UX
practitioners in projects. It is more difficult to identify, refine, document, and test UX-related requirements
and companies still lack required competences (Ch7). Even if UX practitioners with the right competence
are present in a company, they often face power struggle, and lack of trust therefore fail to effectively
communicate and collaborate with non-UX practitioners (Ch9). Isomursu et al. [10] also show that there is
a lack of effective communication and collaboration between UX and non-UX practitioners in agile projects.
They further emphasize that this lack leads to difficulties in integrating UX practices with other development
Difficulties in requirements work (C5) and testing (C6) were frequently expressed in the interviews.
Similarly, literature on software quality characteristics reports that practitioners find it more difficult to
perform requirements and testing activities for these characteristics than for functionalities [12, 13, 14].
Researchers have long emphasized addressing such difficulties, and argued that failing to do so can lead to
undervaluing, or abandoning these characteristics in software projects, and consequently failing to deliver
quality software [1, 13]. Considering the similarities between UX and other software quality characteristic, it
is reasonable to assume that the same consequences can be observed if challenges in UX-related requirements
work and testing are not addressed.
5. Discussion and Analysis
Based on 17 interviews in industry, we identified 11 challenges that practitioners face when trying to
integrate UX in their software companies. Some of these challenges have been mentioned in previous studies
on UX. However, our study is broader: we consider more contexts and find a larger set of challenges. Similar
challenges to those expressed by our interviewees are in fact reported in literature on usability [16, 17, 18,
19, 20] and/or other software quality characteristics [1, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Nevertheless, the participants of
our study either view many of the challenges unique to UX, or more severe than for usability or other
quality characteristics. For example, practitioners find it challenging to document measurable usability
requirement [20, 29], the same goes for other quality requirements [14, 15]. Nevertheless, the interviewees
emphasized they experience extra difficulties in documenting UX-related requirements.
Similar to our interviewees, current UX studies seem to present challenges as unique or more difficult for
UX as well. Often, researchers that study the practice of UX, and explicitly differentiate it from usability [25,
27, 28, 32] do not compare and contrast UX challenges to similar ones reported for other software quality
characteristics or even usability. Although one reason might be the study scope, this can also indicate that
these researchers, if not deliberately, accidentally report these challenges as unique to or extra difficult for
UX. However, there are exceptions: Vermeeren et al. [24] compare challenges in evaluating usability and
UX, and discuss extra difficulties practitioners face in UX work, e.g how to evaluate UX in earlier phases
when no functional software exists to interact with. Similarly, Isomursu et al. [10] discuss that lack of tools
and methods to objectively measure UX adds extra difficulties to the practice of UX compared to usability.
Still, these exceptions provide few details or explanation for these extra difficulties. Current studies often
associate the challenges to the gaps (e.g cultural, educational and terminology gaps) between the two fields
of HCI and SE because the concepts of UX and usability originated in the field of HCI and outside SE [56].
Nonetheless, similar challenges to the ones reported in those studies are even experienced inside the field
of SE and for other quality characteristics local to SE (e.g reliability, and security). One example is how
too much focus on functionalities can lead to challenges in usability work. While often usability studies
assign this to different cultures of developers versus usability professionals [56], similar pattern is seen for
other quality characteristics as well. For instance, Berntsson Svensson et al. [14] empirically show that
too much focus on functionalities can lead to abandonment of quality characteristic in projects. Therefore,
we conclude that the gaps between the fields can partially explain the presence of challenges but not the
We acknowledge the observed overlaps but still trust our data that shows practitioners often face extra
difficulties in working with UX. Therefore, we propose that despite similarities at a superficial level, we
can differentiate the challenges at a deeper level, through two unique aspects of UX: its subjectivity and
emergent nature. Experience is a holistic, temporal phenomenon emerging from its underlying, intertwined
elements (i.e., subjective human perception, action, motivation, emotion, and cognition) [6]. For instance,
one user may perceive particular features of the software as simple, novel, and admirable while another one
may perceive the same features as complicated and old. In addition, a user’s perception, or emotion is likely
to change over time and as the user interacts more with a piece of software. For example, over time, the user
may find the same novel features as old, or a complex feature as simple. Today, we do not still have much
understanding of how users’ perceptions change over time [3]. In contrast to UX, other quality characteristics
are less dependent on user perception or time. For instance, performance or security measurements will have
the same results even when repeated over time, providing that the software, and the test context (e.g., CPU
load) have not changed. A user, however, might for instance perceive the same software as secure in the first
test but insecure in the second, because she has heard a similar software has been recently hacked. Also, UX
is formed through a complex interrelation between its underlying elements. This resembles the cross-cutting
nature of other quality characteristics. In both cases, more than one functionality is affected by the related
requirements. For instance, a designer can select a group of specific functionalities in order to increase the
likelihood of evoking a particular emotion in the end users. However, in case of UX, this interrelation is
more complex compared to other quality characteristics. Hassenzahl [34] emphasizes that UX is an emergent
phenomenon that is not totally predictable, or reducible to its underlying elements. Therefore, there is no
guarantee that a designer can assure creating a certain experience through a set of design choices [6].
In relation to being subjective and emergent, we see at least five issues that are essential to the very
nature of UX (i.e., essential issues)7. Essential issues can only be addressed partially and will therefore
likely continue to impact the practice of UX by adding various extra difficulties to the work of practitioners.
These issues can explain why practitioners perceive UX challenges to be compounded. In total we identified
seven such difficulties in relation to the essential issues, summarized in Table 3 and discussed below. Clearly,
our study did not focus on identifying these issues or difficulties, and we require further research to provide
a more comprehensive understanding of them, and their interconnections.
One issue is that practitioners often need to involve statistically significant number of heterogeneous users
to guarantee reliable results when measuring UX [21]. UX relies on perception and emotion of users, and
currently, the most efficient and feasible approach to measure them is to directly gather users’ opinions,
and let the users express themselves [21]. This is often performed through questionnaires or scales (e.g.,
AttrakDiff, Self-Assessment Manikin, Affect Gird [38]). However, to gain reliable results, practitioners
need to gather responses from statistically significant number of heterogeneous users [21]. Nevertheless,
practitioners have long struggled with limited access to users [16] as our findings confirm as well. This
limited access can negatively impact UX measurement for example practitioners may gather their peers’
opinions rather than users’ [27]. Clearly, in such cases, the measurement results do not necessarily reflect
users’ perception. In contrast to UX, practitioners can test other software quality characteristics even
without involving users (i.e., automatically).
Another issue is that for measuring UX, practitioners often need to use sophisticated prototypes to be
able to gather authentic experiences and perceptions of users [21, 24, 38]. For example, practitioners in Law
et al.’s study [21] emphasized they need to use variety of media (e.g., video, TV, social media) to develop
the required prototypes for measuring UX and that they often even need more than one such prototypes
to gather enough input for design. However, often practitioners do not have access to such prototypes
especially in earlier phases of software development; which can lead to ignoring UX measurement in these
phases [24]. One solution is to develop methods that do not require such prototypes but can for instance
rely on practitioners’ imagination of how users may perceive the design [24]. This is however still an open
research topic. In contrast to UX, practitioners can test other software quality characteristics even without
necessarily using a sophisticated prototype of the software. For example, usability can be tested on simple
paper prototypes, or performance problems can be avoided via early modeling of the architecture [58].
Another issue is that UX measures are essentially prone to fading and fabrication [21] mainly because
users’ memory of their experience can easily change. This also means that UX measures are highly sensitive
to timing and nature of tasks [21]. Based on length and complexity of a task, practitioners can decide to
measure emotions during or after it is completed, because a user may feel differently in different stages of
performing the task. In addition, what a user remembers about her emotions may not reflect the reality.
As one of our interviewees stated ‘they will try to explain it but it perhaps is not the real emotion that
we catch at the end.’ Therefore, practitioners need to decide when and how to measure the overall UX, or
its underlying elements (e.g., emotions). This is difficult mainly because the community still lacks enough
7The terms essential and accidental in analysing underlying causes were originally used by Aristotle, and later adopted in
the context of software development by Brooks [57] in his classification of complexities in software engineering.
understanding of the relation between UX, time and memory, and suitable UX metrics and measures that
can sufficiently support this relation [21]. For example, empirical data shows that practitioners still have
no means to measure the exact emotion of users at each moment [21]. This agrees with our data, our
interviewees also stated that ‘it is a feeling thing’ or that although ‘it is difficult to measure emotions’.
Another issue is that UX is not totally reducible to its complexly intertwined underlying elements [6].
This is even acknowledged by those researchers that model UX through a composition of elements (e.g., task-
related and non-task-related [3]). These researchers emphasize that however practitioners may ‘manipulate’
UX of a product through these elements, they cannot ‘guarantee’ a certain overall UX by doing so [4, 6].
Consequently, practitioners and researchers have different views on how UX should be measured and whether
they can predict the overall UX of a piece of software by merely measuring these elements [21]. For example,
Law [59] argues that often there are two groups of practitioners and researchers with different attitudes
towards UX measurement: those who are strongly convinced that it is “necessary, plausible and feasible” to
measure UX through its finest underlying elements, and those who are doubtful about the “necessity and
utility” of measuring the elements. This is compounded by the fact that the community still lacks a clear
understanding of how UX underlying elements interact and influence each other [34]. For example, empirical
data shows that users perceive a piece of software to be more usable when it is more beautiful [6]. In addition,
practitioners do not still have enough guidelines on how to choose suitable UX measures and metrics for
UX underlying elements, and interpret their findings to improve the overall UX [21]. Further, it is not still
clear how practitioners should pick underlying elements to increase the likelihood of delivering a certain
overall UX, and there is a general lack of guidelines, tools and methods for that purpose. For example, our
interviewees stated that it is hard to ‘merge these requirements into design’. They also stressed that UX and
non-UX practitioners still disagree on whether they should identify and refine UX abstract requirements in
parallel, before or after other functional and quality requirements.
Researchers highlight that since quality characteristics are hard to measure, practitioners tend to judge
them based on their personal opinion [13, 1]; thus they are generally known to be subjective. This is similar to
our observations about UX that practitioners also face difficulties in measuring UX. Therefore, it is expected
to see that they use their own subjective perception rather than users’ perception to judge the level of UX of
the software. Naturally, practitioners can have different views on whether the requirements are satisficed or
not. That can therefore lead to disagreements among the stakeholders. Thus, to overcome subjectivity and
such disagreements, practitioners are recommended to document requirements related to these characteristics
in a measurable manner [1]. For that purpose, practitioners need to have access to suitable, and agreed
upon metrics and measures. However, this is more difficult in case of UX mainly because as we have seen,
we still lack enough knowledge and consensus regarding these measures and metrics. While UX metrics and
measures are not agreed upon or standardized yet, for other quality characteristics practitioners have access
to standards, e.g., ISO/IEC 9126-4 [60]. Thus, compared to other quality characteristics, subjectivity of UX
is harder to tackle.
In summary, some of the challenges we identified overlap with those reported in existing literature about
usability or software quality characteristics. However, through five essential issues that relate to the subjective
and emergent nature of UX, we explained the extra difficulties practitioners face in UX work compared to
other software quality characteristics. These issue also differentiate subjectivity and emergent nature of UX
from subjectivity of software quality characteristics and their often cross-cutting nature. Although these
issues are essential to the very nature of UX, and cannot be totally overcome, researchers and practitioners
should take them into consideration in particular when developing tools, methods and guidelines to overcome
the challenges. Our findings can be useful for researchers in identifying new and industrially relevant research
areas, and for practitioners who want to learn from empirically investigated challenges in UX work, and base
their improvement efforts on such knowledge. By highlighting the identified overlaps between UX challenges
and previously known challenges in literature on software quality characteristics we can help finding research
areas useful not only in improving the practice of UX but also software quality in general. They can also
make it easier for practitioners to spot, better understand, as well as find mitigation strategies for UX,
through learning from past experiences and developments in the area of software quality.
UX is subjective &emergent Essential Issues Extra difficulties
•UX relies on human subjective percep-
•UX is temporal
•UX emerges from complexly inter-
twined underlying elements
•UX measures are sensitive to timing
and nature of tasks
•UX measures are prone to fabrication
and fading (i.e., impact of memory)
•UX measures require statistically sig-
nificant num of users
•UX measures require sophisticated
•overall UX is not totally predictable or
reducible to its underlying elements
•a deeper understanding of the rela-
tionship between UX and time is miss-
•a deeper understanding of the rela-
tionship between UX and memory is
•practitioners do not always have ac-
cess to enough users
•practitioners do not always have ac-
cess to sophisticated prototypes in ear-
lier phases
•practitioners do not often know how
to measure the whole UX in relation
to its underlying elements
•practitioners do not always have ac-
cess to standardized and agreed upon
set of UX measures and metrics
•abstract quality characteristics (e.g.,
non-task-related or emotional ones)
are difficult to refine and translate into
more concrete ones
Table 3: We identified five issues essential to the very nature of UX (in particular its subjective and emergent nature). These
issues can explain the extra difficulties that practitioners face in their work with UX compared to other quality characteristics
6. Conclusion
Our work answers calls for more empirically based studies on the practice of UX in particular, and
software quality characteristics in general. We provide an increased understanding of UX challenges in
the software industry, that can help the community to identify ways to systematically improve the current
practice of UX. We show that software development practitioners have a large number of challenges in inte-
grating UX practices into their development processes and organizations; in total we identified 11 challenges
as mentioned in 17 interviews in eight software organizations.
Our findings and analyses enhance previous empirical studies on challenges by both corroborating pre-
viously found empirical evidence and by providing a deeper explanation and understanding of the nature
of these challenges. We also realized that subjectivity and emergent nature of UX can explain the extra
difficulties practitioners face in the practice of UX compared to other software quality characteristics and
in particular usability. Despite the similarities these aspects have to subjectivity of other quality charac-
teristics or their cross-cutting nature, we realized that at least five essential issues differentiate UX from
other characteristics: UX measures are prone to fading and fabrication and sensitive to timing and nature of
tasks, they require statistically significant number of users and sophisticated prototypes, UX is not totally
reducible to its underlying elements.
In conclusion, to make future progress in integrating UX practices into software development processes,
the community needs to take these essential issues into account when developing guidelines, tools and
methods to address related challenges. More importantly, our findings can shed light on how practitioners
should integrate less mature and new knowledge areas such as software quality characteristics and UX into
software development processes.
The authors would like to thank all the organizations and in particular practitioners who participated
in this study.
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Appendix A: Interview guide
General Questions
•What is your education and work background?
•What is your role in this company?
•How many years have you had this role?
•Do you know any of these terms (see Appendix C)? if yes, how do you apply them in your work?
•How do you define UX?
•How do you define Usability?
Questions Related to Requirements
•How is the overall requirements process in your company?
•How do you approach functional requirements?
•How do you approach non-functional/quality requirements?
•How do you approach requirements related to UX?
•What challenges do you face in your work regarding requirements related to UX?
Questions Related to Design
•How is the overall design process in your company?
•How is ‘design’ related to ‘requirements’ in your work?
•What challenges do you face in your work regarding design, in particular in relation to UX?
Questions Related to Evaluation or Testing
•How is the overall evaluation/testing process in your company?
•How do you test functional requirements?
•How do you test non-functional requirements?
•How do you test UX?
•What challenges do you face in testing UX, or requirements related to UX?
Appendix B: Coding guide
•Every segment can have any number of applicable codes
•The codes should be selected from the list below. If a new concept appears in data the possibility of
adding a new code should be discussed among the authors.
•Any uncertainty in coding a segment should be discussed among the authors
List of Codes
1. Challenges
2. Solutions
3. UX
4. Usability
5. UX vs Usability
6. Motives
7. Definition
8. Organization
9. Project
10. Software
11. Process
12. Individuals
13. Tools and methods
14. Roles
15. Responsibilities
16. Collaboration
17. Communication
18. Requirements
Appendix C: Terminology Table
The interviewees were asked to specify each and every term they know and whether they apply it in their
work. They were also asked to add any relevant term that is missing from the list.
•User Experience
•Quality in Use (QiU)
•Emotional design
•Pleasurable design
•Aesthetics of design
•Affective computing
•Affective design
•Usability requirements
•UX requirements
•Affective requirements
•Emotional requirements
•User values
•User emotions
•User motivations
•ISO/IEC 9126
•ISO/IEC 25010
•Hedonic and pragmatic
•Instrumental and non-instrumental